Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1900, p. 1

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MAY 3, 1900 THE FLE8HEKTON ADVANCE Card* YOUNO ^ H..,k.r. M.th.1.1. D* (.u. r*,) bkDkluc bunl*M. M r**oo%bl* rl#. C.ll on ui AS VANDU8EN. J P CUrk Mb LMT foart. C* Or*>7 a*r a( Mkrrltf* 1.irB>< OomT*yucM Mo.r T Publla Aucll.>li.. Mon.y tO lot* M *| i-t mot. Clitrifn r<xlr.t rLBIBBBTOM ' U DBUTi COI>LBCTBI< Tb aDd*nt <l*rtkk(boll*aMorj <H *,)) ki.d. of d.bu Ui buofbl, KccoaaU caUccWd, !. H H BBNDBHBON. r...Lrt CHI8LKTT riMbcrtOB Btloa i!ii..tr. (:.>:uml*iou*r la B C J, Conf !><wd.. nortfM**, l..n i.rt wllit Mui) to l.n J kt 5J per cul il up> D*b(* ll*ctl RJ 8PBOUL.B P<MtniM4r, ri*h.rloB O*uiaiiaa<r In H.C.J.. AaeUooMr. COB , tl Bad In.iir.nc. >(! Aw ! Bo-t will* eBr*fully drBwo u .u I rtlijBtioo* uixl* ou fhorttt notlea. lT>u.> to l*a Bl low*t rktM of lnt.r.t Col kMti.iM Ltoull to with prnmptBMi Ob.ri** low. Af*Bl (or Ocn DemlaloD BtMDuliip CompBOir. A !! BollelUi. AO U W tuMUtnrj Out M Iblr* Uond*} lu BC|I luiintli. in .a iir l<xl rooaj, Chrlt'..i black. Flwhurtoo, Blip m. AN L*t*r-l. M .V \ M (ii ..o.i. H<-orilr. W. ftUINUR AllTHTK LOOOB. No. in, A. * A U. UIMU ia th j Mawxilc bill Htraln't Mock. FlMurwn. *rrj Kril no or b*for k. lull uiooo. J A Hoyd W M; W 1 noL'HT KLKHHUBTON. I O. r. niMl. ID V Cbritto*'* Uloek lh lacl FrUM rnin a Meh mootb. vmtiuf KnrMUrt heartily loom*. C. K . 11. B. 07*on ; K. I.. T. V.. Jt UAUHHALl, M 1)8, DDH, LDB ooor (IrB'luBtx Turouto L'uiTeriitt tud hoyal Collude uf Di'iital Hun|ea. VulU tbe UoCulla HOUM. Dnndalk avary v Bl'uraooD, iait*ad ef Kljhrlo f\H. I! C MURRAY. I.. D. B..dnUl areon. V honor gradual* of Torout" I'nlvi>rilly and Ko\l l ullcKn "I l)Biitl s.iriivn'11 of Ontario. Dm.-.. -rlByton ' block. Klulxrton. Will vii.it FevertliBiu tlio l>t Wdne*dayi of each mouth, aud Duudalk I and I Tbunuay In trh luonlb. J. W. KH08T. L L. II. llini<t*r. Solicitor Conveyancer, eto OiBre-N'cM to iHintoOef. rtprooU't block rivuliinoii. every TlmmU aud. court davi N H -<)*eii Hound offlee, FriMt* blok I'oulott ttreet eait. LUCAS. WUKIHT * T.ATSON luinti.r Hollciton Conr*)ancer, "I O81c Oeu HouDd.Unt aud Markitale Out. WH Waiaur. C A HueoN I II Lfi it M H -Kleeuertou ofllce, Mitchell's Bank ver/ Satu'dey. TUCKKK A I'ATTKBHON Hkii Inturi, HollclUm. etc Moltou l Dank. Owen Ronad RAUUY TUCKKh OP.O W FATTUIUON IIACKAV * 5AMPSON RarrliUrn, *o. jJl IJKKII:KH :--<>w*n Hruud. Mercbanfi 4Unk iii-i k. N il fatUrioa 11. HIM. Lautlalk, Main riliMjt. every Btturday. A U U.^CKAY, MA, II s: 8AUF8ON. L.L.D., Oio.n Attorney for Urey. T\l HUTTOX ax itUOaf, UCF*8 Out, rile.- U*)o* neit door to Brown'* nor* r**li|*uc* 0,10.^1 al the old fo.t oii.c.. r**ld*no* ol lat* AIM lirown. Offlo*dayi fu*adayt audSatur- iajaV Dlt fAHTKU M C ! * H Ont, f h. .IriBu, Kiirgeon, *t* rimhcrtuu oiflce Atraln'ii block. Bwldeac* aaaawe .1 t.i JOHN A KCOTT, M II Member College I'by.l*. * Surgenue Ontario u, i.,i,., in Medlcln* of Toruntu Unl.r.it, yellnweblp Uifiloiua, Pott (iradn- at* Molioal Hvbool and Hoepltal, Cblc*o Dteawek of eye, ear. no** and throat ipeclally troaMd. HeildeLO* .Maiwell . vl>lt> P*v*r>baui Tbaridyai 11 J P ui II \\K1.I. w Veterinary Kirgcon 6radiiata of Ontario Vetoiiuary College. U**id*iic* ecoud door loutn we.t on Mary itraet. Tbli .treet rani loath B*fWkftMie> l . f\ XV. M \< KIK ' Veteribar* Hur . Veteribar* Hurgeon and Dentltt, il. < woll.grkiukt.i a( Outanu Veterinary CelloK. utflliau"! with Toruutu lJnivi>ri>ity. Vitil I>ug4.il w,liie.iny from II a. m. to I p. ui. a 4 r*r*rdhaui li..ul.i fiom to I p. MI. Tenders Wanted Ver th* jrecti.iii ol lUuio l.aMiutut.aa I v*n- eeriug ul W*>l*y uhurur. Muloid K..I.I until MBV 10, ItUI ^|M,. lllcktl.llll t<l lie Bvcil at IL,' reeUeaw* w IVIBV Meebauan. Ten4*n Meant <l lor elu'l* ..i in part. Tb* low*t ur any leuiur ncl ii,reiaarlly a. ci>|it*4 C*inuiltte* - \\m. meteaaei J 1. (uaiiam, \\ u i, A. Jtiiauucu, K&r K K* K K & I NERVOUS, WEAK, I DISEASED MEN. INO CURE-NO PAY TH K S k ,\ ..I in IIO.Ii TURATMBNT. I lertliaal "Kb IT.. K. A K.. will mat- 1 I uv*l7 curt fortver PUT form ( Hlood or I Irt. i u.l 4u*BM. It U Ik* rent 1 ! ( |r -an' eiixrieae* la Ik* tr*al*)t ef | WECURE SYPHILIS 1 Thu urrll,. KlooJ Touira, tie terror I I *f Dian.laH. )'.> readilr I* or NEW I I TUX ATM lltS T, fleware ( Bfefeery.l I fvt a.k. l. Tber utar i kin yur .fit***. I I If jou l.aic r . ia tb* Btouth or toni-ne, ' I paioi ) Ib* .'"I'd :. '.r throat hair or lereUnwi f.lH.f eut. pinpUior btotobet, ic-w.W 4rrurtD*Dt. tun v*i. beaaV I aebei. *W . rou n.ir* tb< Meeadarjr etae* of Ok Uel r-oUon. W* fBlMttE I IBMt nbMioat* eaa**, and aaU*aw* the world lora r. we BM1 (or trf.lm.nl I ee4 r. n< t ear*, Br o*r tnataieat t b. I ejlren Leal, la* hair *rw .f ai". aetef I AiaaMMar, ih. ..in bfttmm kealthr. Me I aarria*. 1. v- inbl. Bad af. CURES GUARANTEED ..* kat e tbrir vl.n>r and i ilalll v eapfed I I br *jlr abuMt. later eiMBMe. Ul | Sorry, tie. N* matter the ekuea. *w lletkr> 1 Tmtmenl U the nfuc*. JWECUREIMPOTENCYI Ly A*d neter. all i irl t.i a v nc*l roaec- 1 Pltvve. Aat'iitieo. IMe aad eMrnr are re- 1 i l ew*d. ar.l m* i*W MflMU a BBB I |U >** BMB. Kvery >* fitnaled iBdi- 1 H videaUr DO cure**- BM** ear wiete* I [rut *a*M*k Nil amfUr what ail* Fee. I leonenlt u rntit*****llv. We eaa fr- 1 JBiih b*nk *ad to iMua^U*tl [rliib whkiw.M^. 250,000 CURED W* lirrhtcri ur:. IJIPOIKSCY. 1 J'KAINK I SNAl'l'HAL I I-rHARU HM*ft?grt ff^ian ^^"iiv-S'oiSi I . IJ-t KERGAN OETRO. . MICH. K&K K f 1 3 Photos TAKEN AT THE a Flesherton Photograph Gallery I >> J are done in finl-claai ityle and at f loweat ratet. Special attention I given to i-iyyine. Babiei' photoi. a specialty. Pictures framed. 1IPWWIIF MRS. BULHER W. Barnhouse Ui draw ilio attention of the bublic io tin- following : Flour in bag* of all aiiei fruni both FORD'S & PLEWIS 1 HILLS 1 and aa cheap a* the clieapcat, al*<> ,... FEED OF ' ' ALL KINDS ' | l' at all tiiuo*, >ucb aa bran, ili'irtM, (' 1 ' chop and chopitml oom, oaU bar- < ' I ' Irjr pea* and wheat. I ' [ lo Fruit* .ml Confectionery.Gro < [ i'i-ria ami prnviaiona. Dug and '! Coon Mitli., ItnoU and SI,,,,.,,,,. n .l B t | on ihortett nolie*. ' ' ! Flour 93.40 lo 4 so ( [ OS AT TaW JVorsa "Gait toll* No inure K''' ing the tail ot*r the line* in llv Boa*' n See it. A full Km' f swi'itt padH, (hialern, whipa, onllara, axle x r "" NI> , Innif niii'.iiii'nt, curry UIIIIOH, trunk., ralia>n, eto. S. i- (he Sanitary Brace fur gontlunien'^ wear only 40c pr pair. W. MOORE mHBBTOX f ( TABIO N*w FUh KcculatUn. The Ontario OoTeruioent't bill ra*p*ct ing the fiaherira of the pruflnee haa been made public. It coneulidalee (be act to * large ettent but alao provide* aogee Dew rulea which are ..f rr*t iavportanoe. The Lieutenant Governor ia Council may make regulation* and may an..nd rgulationa for the pvrpoae uf carryui into effect the pro* mioni cf the act. The coiiiiniaaioncr nay at the requeat of leaaeee uf fiahery leaaet appoint guard' ian. whuee doty it will b* to prvvcot poaching. All nela thall bear the name of the owner upon them and nete without the name may be coofiecated. Fiah oompanifa and Beh dealer* pnr chaaiov fnh direct frorn Ihe leeaere, heen- et or huldera of permit* (hell keep a rrcorJ of the different kindt and tiee of hh tecured by thcai. Th Comniiaeioner of I'lahmn have the pnwer tv net apart aNy provincial waieta for tbe cultivation am) propagation of frovt and to eaake regokt- tiuna with refereuee to the c|>tu** there- of. No upeckled trovt, lavn or maekinouge taken or caught in provincial waiere ball be expoaed for *aJe in or iported from the proviDce before July 1, 1908. Sturgeon 11 removed from the coexgacr- cial clan to tbe apurting claa* and n . >uch Hah ahull he caught witboct a lieenae and none between April 15 and June 15. The anglere' limit ia Ised aa follow*: In one day 12 baae, M pickerel aud SO niaakinonKe; 16 U*. a|>eckld or brook trout, or 60; no'tpeckled trott betweeu Kept. 1 and May 1. The fish to be caught are to be not lee* than: baas 10 iuchee; epeek!ed front 6 niche*, niaakiuoiiKe 24 inchee. Totiahat* are limited In 10 lake trout. Tbe limit uf aalaaon trout or white 6*h ia 2 Ibe. or If Ih* dreesed. The depart met. t mill give half of the hnretoth* infonitant. There ha* recently come to light an apron probably the o*mt eaquiaite ex- ample of needlwurk extant that buaied the tiiirr of the hi>leea Mary, yueen of So'tn, iluriiiK her lonx in>prMnninent. and aerved to divert hrr minu from her impeudinK doom at the block. The fall- u ruivereun all hope none eenlred her interevt upon it dunng the latter part of her long confinement, and created tbe maMerpvice of needlework. Juat before her execution ahe aecreted her prized apron under th* lining of r>ne of her robe* which kept h*r treature aafe until the garment was ripped apart. It* hiatory ha* aince been fnlly authenticated through letter* written by the Ml-Btarrrd' ijiii-rii to a friendly ml>i.M-iif. r a'. Paiia, who aniU)(||led the material out of which it waa wrought into her dunxeoii. IVy H'ranye chance the apron uttme into the pti*e*Hion <if an American, who hat re- futed 960,000 'or it, and ha* aUo declin- ed 6000 for tbe priveledge of unravell- ing a *ingle Mitch lo learn its necrot, which i* a mystery to all the experta. Ita owner ha.i connentrd, however, to it* rrpmpuction in larue aix in the June I . : a 1 1 .1.. .1.. MI n., I Thu ( "I'll- of Windfor, in Canada, op- po*ite Detroit, are anxry In-cauae Fhila- delphin Hchoolboy* nent a UMt**af(e of nyni|thy to Preident Krutter, and they |iro|K>*e io retaliate by lending a meeaatie of aympathy t" Aguinaliln on May 24, Queen Victoria'd biridduy. Tbi*decuion .< reached laa' evening in a meetiii)i of the IkMrd of Kiliicnti.ii of Windaor. Ar- lanKeuient* were made to aolioit *ub*erip- lion* to defray the exiM>nnea of twu dele- gate* Aleiandc r Black, aerretary of the Hoard of Education, aaid to-day thnt they would "chow the Yankee* that two countries can play th* aym- pathy gaino." He added that they "would throw lance into the eagle in return for I'hiladelpbia'* haip<Nining "f the lion." The revolution* to be deliver- ed to Aguinaldo, if he can be found, will expreMi "admiration for the brave aland the Filipino* have lake.i a^nintt the un- jiint war waged a|(ain*t them by the American*." Uu >. Got am of W*t Luther, bad an enoountrr with a boar Km Friday, which gave him M much r leitrment aa many of our ioldier* in South Africa icet with the typical It. 'ir After making a reoun nauaance in foror of the put pon he de- cided to dittlodge the enemy and drire him from hi* powltlon. Aimed with a (tout club he luadu a flank move*oot, bat the enemy auddenly ohxrved, driving Mr. Coraiu from hi* |>o*riioti, inflicting a cut about four inche* long and about one and a half inchee deep on the left thigh of Mr. Corani. Thi the enemy accooip- liihiMl with ono of his lanee-like tu*k*. It took aeveral atitchr* to lit ing the mow- clei and flnh together. The militia order* gatetled the follow- ing change* in the *tnff of the 31et Bat- talion: Capt. A D. O^lbiaith, of Com- pany No, 4, Durham, reliren, and U tuc- I'fi I, il in ooniiiiand by Second Lieut. U. N. Snider; Second Lieul. J. McD. Tel ford Hiioceeiln I'api U .Mi-Knit(ht, re tired, in comnniiin of Company No. 3, Owen Sound; and (1. K McKarland i* gaxolt. d a* lieutenant of Companv No. 0, Flt'khfi ii.n, vice Kit IhtnUi'ii promoted to captain O 8. Tinice. for .Hale ii 111 liiiu-lii"! ai " . M In gool itate of cultivation. good mild i.-ik Ooiika. good cut IniilJInin. oioliard, will watoioil. two inll* fiitin rJii*hi'i ten. Ko- .intluir rar|. ular. l.rnii, eto ;>. I to .Wk , ''.% UV). IHAAUBlNCLAIH LANGUID Maty the school* tirl to Mid to be lary tod thirties* he she BCtn'l dMerve . _. kttf bit of if. She CM't tnidy, easily tils .sleep, is nervous cad tired all ih time. And what cm you ex- pect? Her tola is beiaf fed with impure blood *n J her whole tystem k tufferiaf from poisoning, Such cfrls are we*dr- and artxufy ft! i t. Mundreda of thousaada ef schoolgirls have taken It during the paat 50 yean. Many of rhea firla now htve hsmei ef their ova. They remember vim cured the, nd now they five (he time medi- cine to theirowa child reo. You can afford 10 trust a Sn:parllla thu his been tested for half s century. If ?cn.r towel* ire consti- ptted tike Arer'i Pilli. You cn't htv- rood heilih unlei roa htv dairy action ef th< vc'is. U a. wi UIM< '-<i ( A ., Bth. 8. T. If reti k*. BBV eeakelal.it kater*r id *alfe ike *et m^L-.i ae>tc* yo the doctee <-ae finejtilr fr**iT. To* 1 17 ettaee* P*T7. f3. ATB. In t w.ller oltB tdtr ot John O*brn l.f. of IB* > IM.gr <x PtethcrtoB Towmblp f \TUmt*im ! th* Couut> ol lir*> I <rm r O*ttmnt. N,.ti > I* bby K'""'. puntiftiit to the Hn tow! Btalnte* of Oolarlc, 1W7 < 1 \;iirr in, that U ert-ditun and othon Imvitiu elalioi aiiain>t th* ut* of tb* Mia John Csburn.who difrt OD or a'lout tbo *econ.l .U\ nf| February 1'jou. arr rrqiuriHl, on or bcfnr tha Unt day of Mn l'i. to tend by pout pr.p.lil or deMv*rtn w. J. lUllaoiy, en* of th Hocutor* of tba tat* of tb* uid de*BM<l, tli. u ;trriiitAn> and luruatnen, adrtriwKnf au 1 de>crl|>tlin. the full partici.lnri ol thrlr rlaini*. tb<i t*tf>riieDt of tbelr ai'founu and th* nature of the Hieurill**, If auy beld^bir tbeni. Aud further take notice that after inch lau mentioned <Ut tb* ex*cut- on will proceed to dUtrlbntu tho artrts of tb* lUroaieii among th* partie* n-tiil. -1 thereto. baviiiK regard oaly to tbe cUlrut of which li.i ball then have notlcr, am! that tbe said .!- uiinl>t*ra4or will not IIB I al>lo lor tb* *ald a> t* or any part thereof to Bar penon or p*r on. of who** clalui notice nhtll not '.IBTO been received by him at tb* time < f noch dlatribut. IOD. D*Ud tin . Srt day of April 1900. W. J. BELLAMY. 5 .ir,tl tfot gkle To Heot-At ru*out!'i price, oiufort- kl* dweninit lau-l) ououplr.l *y Ur. W. K. Fleeher. Alto f<v *) oh^ap an i on < y tru ooe good bilok dwelllug. ilen one goo.1 fr.in. ilwelUng ID riwUertou Applr to K J. Bproul", Pl*brrton BULL FOR Piu* Orad* Durham Bull fur ervte* oo II. pr*inlie> ef tb* underdgnetl. Teruit 7S tentt JACOB The Markets. C'arrfyllv < orrrrtrd When, whit* Wheat, rc.i OU I'.M Barlr Bulter BVg* f n-.li , Pork Pot.t,.,,. UK Wool,. Chiclem Dock* Turkey* perlb Ge* per Ib. ........ Klour rnrh 00 to 6(1 to 38 to ta to 30 to 12 >o /O ... 600 to 30 -x> 16 to 26 to M lo to & to I 7 00 to r. 0* M 3* 19 10 7 00 4.1 19 40 800 fox* , Co.. . T. mad R. B, IM rw). hl.no b.rrtw.nyl aixf bwa, l|Di)M Iraw witli (nod fr., bvii. 18 raoo. m MTM turiwooj tni^i ml ru(b Mid wU w.ioi r < .., . W. A. AJtUSTRO5W. : Iwhcrlon JM. li, lauo. J. B. Sloan &. Son rar- KT YOUR -*, Sash, Doors, flooring, Sheeting, Revel Posts, Balnstm, Hand I^ailing, Corner Ulocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Wir "Now run of Rtone* for Chopping. Satmfiction in 11 eur line* gun> W>1 Hating ji'ir :, ise.l the trnaorial - neit* from Mr G*r<l I wiah to annouiKV that the IHIMII.-SI will l>e continued hi the old priMiiisrH. We hare had.a Urgo city experience ai.d beliere we caB gi* perfect latixfaction in oar line. Have taken over the agency for Rolstori Laundry AND - And all ordtra left with us will receive prompt and cnn-ful attention. Fte-srlm \\m\ Parlors A. \Vilson . . Froi>. BOAR (or .SERVICE Th* r*lkt*t*d Tmworlk Bov I'oUT LAW DAN lor Mrvto* at Port Law Certi&l. .an b* ***D U; appltiuc toe s*-/ krimt JUtfrattix -TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - " PRINCIPI.Eb NOT MEN." VOL. XIX, NO 9.1 Ont., Tliiusclay, May 1C, 1OOO W. H THURSTON, ^ M D1'\::\I.H n .> n ST<H;K , Grav " > *j TORONTO ncFARLAND & CO. Markdale, Ontario HOUSE CLEANING TIME ;!,. \i-ii- v ^ liorae owtier gives extn thought to the \K>-< Hu\v t<i make -.:; 1 i.in! It i;i;i\ ! that new I-MI-* iia- iir !' |iiiiv.l. nr fiv-h |>apr:-- mi the ;;);> tr tli lli i > \\h . '-\ T it ui.i\ !> diis .rtora i& *u yoor service with the ami : n:' lf..;ni' Neeils ii In : "'ir |>ir;i-m-.- t.i -li..\\ . I'rirnl t' suit all elasses of iiuyers wht-th- -i cutta^r DP tin- finest iv.-iilciKr. i n Knl In H'n'1 rttf.fr: 111 il.i t;;i>iin>U wil'i nrctf. r. --nit tltlw fat* tx dr<><i Trnr kitrbM, reg. j>r i- .1 .ID.! 1'iinl ' ! (lltniim-r titil! ri>rr i * ^ (i|*r. i>t' Me 1"? ny r<Kim ID the *, .' pn-ttv rrilir.^t nml t'rilrr- to iiutt-ch. Mijlc ri.H ........ IWiKr per yd. ........ H) t l;nlls Hfti, r isiiiK line tiilt ami Emi-.-wU pitperi m ulu .>f splemli.1 h.vy nt..k in tin- u.'WW srr..|l. fl.,n' ;m-l stn^ .l.-Mijn-.. pretty .,-ihiiK and bcmitiful 2-lnnd unA IS m.'h bur.l-ni Theno r our lwt | *mi at f hea- 1 iriee %re a low an are Ul by ny ti>r in Caivuta, !. -..n^le r..ll o, i, 7. , !. 1<), 11, nl .......... Dmnty Art MliB-80<) yda. tine art muslm-i for be<inx..n eurnns araperiei, nrw ;.rinK )>;ttt*rn, an imniIMn Mmn-tment. pT yd. 5 cent* to ................................................. Handsome Cr*U>nn s : piece* new c.-etonnuK. Kwutiful .1- - .nil newest a>l'inn<H, upoen'ly wUptid fr eov^nngm for snfan, luungus, etv.-., K t> ......................................... Beautiful Art S*t^n -.'JO piece* new rt satU-eru. 3<t piecen new wteen*. d.-lightfiil refrrhiB({ priiut | ttern in lilit. BftlBMM "r eoloni. xuiuklc for draperies, cnalutfu* and cuitainii. etc., per yd. 15 t ........................................ IVtty Art Denim's- In new rrver.il.le dmigiu and i.ew per yd. 15 anil L'Oc u- dark -1V- 20 piece* Hemp Carpet pattemn suit tble for ilmm in th.; spring r<x.>ms o.- be<l newest stri)*- and rl-T.-il M I."" |>Ii'i-.-< WIM>1 ::il'l 'IMl-'l' iliv I'M. in in til,' . .-i-s En^lu'li T.ijK-stry OH:H-IS in h^li'. m.-<liura irilul> -li.nl. ^. all de for irlr <>r Uilri<i<iu. pi r .y;.- \iun r.i/./ ;. i\ i / t><n; >./i. r/.o;//s j .-s tliN.r .MI cliiilis in pn ity rinntl. dunk anil >-<.in : .niHin>ii .lesigna in all widthH friu t y>l. ulc to 4 uis m.|. j :- vaul 1 yl U yiU. wule, J . 7 ' 4 yd*, wiiif, Jl.. HK.ii' rn i l. /,.!<;. r/ /;: i/\> New N.iiiiii-li.iin 1. . In pix-t!\ .li'^ivtns, 'Ji ,ind :< yds. loni<. [mir. _'.">. .">^ .in ! . >>,.,v N .rr ,1 .|i.i,,| I,!,.. ( ''irMIMi. .'.\ \fi.~ |un^. ."H t.i tf<t inchttH Wlili-. ViTV pl'rttv l:ii il~ I'l.lll Mi' 1 Wllll h :ind sp!i*n>lni wanhui^ .|iialitia;., |u-r |).ui 1 ."Ml _' il s Finest Nottingham, Sui^s ni.l I 1 ..!. . nut CurUiun- Thf nifmt beniltiful tiling we've i-ver shown. '.\\ yi^ .. ii^.."><' im-lirs wu.o wli . aaitab e for ilrnwii.g r<mi, or jutrlor. |-r jwir #.'!.. "HJ and $ 4 5U Cl'KTAIN 1'i'LKs -"" nr'.ii:! j , lununliojjany.ash or walnut stAin, with w.i.wl or braHn end.s. ."> lee'. !on_', <.-<nuplu> with | ins. |-r set. 25c i i /; !/;/ nr\-KK n.K.isK RKUEMHKU \Ve cut and uuiU'li carputM frae of charge. \W do M. ' inc.'in thnt we will li.' rrspunmblu for any waste ir. the cuttinys lint that we iln the work for not IMMK : also pleaae fMBember the aUive pn<: are /w low * believe M any house in Canada anywhure, and that cash liny, ,. ,,Irnn taj{e of 5 per cent, diitcount in all Dr> ' . ^'i.ws. i 'l.jjiinj,- ,m,l huu.su- furnishings, MOST sri'l./s/l Mll.LI.\KK\~ Ther i one reavn why our millinery parlon are so popular with fashion- able wi.men who Jeiirn n -t only ij->od styles but SI ITAHLE iylo -vhon irdi-rina 'heir n^ hat. \W make the h.-U tci uit you mttrad of trymu t" piTiii-tilf yu t.i adapt ynu-M)!f to the liaf. All tht' new and blight from the fiwhioli ci'iitren of the world are dKpli\eiJ I; -r with clever tinkers n-nily to copy adopt or oriviiiatu wlmtever be. t suits vou. Mist Perdue in in Toronto tins week atteiidniK the miinni>r" millinery opiunn; and itf tlm ha* bicn a particularly Ki^ <-eat>on will l,mig Ut.-j( many noveltiev and uvw ilei to be set-n only here. McFarland & Co. McFarland *5c Co. HcFarland & Co. wxwwsw^^ D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS. FLLIEITII flUITOIt W AKEROOMS : We arectrryin; iioet>t style uf SEASONABLE GOODS In a!l lint** of Merchants Bank Of CANADA . . $6,OOO,OOO ... 2,600,000 M.NTIIKAL, F)r M...PT HarriH. Ifoxnn, Fl*vr* and WilkinivD flm, i nl l -n ienl ?leury ami Verity plow* o I, ami. I, tbe tim. ^ w , M kind , tf ^ in Jr the*am. We manufacture W.g,,n., H'j Kg , W) Cutter*. Sleigh*. et k lloneihi.einf ->romptly attended lo. 5 pe cil ti,,tu,n to tmd.r vsted feet, w - V nn and Pl.,w Chain* ei.iutai.tly on hand. Capital paid up Rest....*. HUAII Orrtc* |ti)AlW Of DIKKCTOK8 ANDBCW ALLAN. Ktq.Pretldent Dr. i"i MACBX.SZIK.. l-m|. Vico-I .evident J..IIM.I.II llo<l|!iuio. Keq Jainen P Uarl* K| JohnCaotle. fc.H| Robeit MBCIB.V. Bu| H Monugii Alleu. Ktq 1 bor LOIIII, Kq Oeoro rlegn. - (Uimral Manaavr The* I>N. Joint Den. Muar C K. UeMen. Supt o(Biucbee IIIIASI >ir.l !< UNT4IUO AM \ ii-t"ii. iii.t. Leaminuton, Coiiaiating of and Jiadroom <Suit<ts HtllovllU. Herliu hrampton i'ii ,1.'\. I'lintlialii, evnnville, (Lilt 3055 5. IJK^RD, LB81}B!1801] 4* A O. If N'T VOK ^f MELOTfE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have no equal. It UL, s ) ICB pi.wr-r limn any v her. IX-e* more wtu. u> l w Uie Se ( iarmteM nii.rr . rlicit-i.tly. All gearuiR prote.u-d. Peif.c, lubrication. Ho Tin top* Milk and cream pa*, over ih'.-kly enam. lied Kurfac*. Ho Tin plati-a, but alummiiui, wbich never ruat* ana i* eaeily cleaned. AUo agon! f,ir tbe Aluntiider (.'icam S,irator tion and Ctn/rf Tjabltt. Chairs, Window Skadet and Curtain IPo tc s, Picture^. Carols, fie. Which we oflVr >t Lowest Prices picture Praminj and Qnrl Repairing . Ci, 1 -rtrxkin; in all il &ihcticw ,Satl*factk Uuaranterd H. BUNT, Hanover Hamilton HMpeier, Ibeeraoll, Kinkardlnr, K .I.K-t.'ll. I .MI. l. MI. [Unt Markdale. .lontrua). M.'i Heal No iUOU StCatba- rinc Street. Mitchell. Napanro Ottawa Oaaville.Ont owvit Houiul, I'ark.lale I'mnitt rientoii.Out MBwee, li.'Illl'W Shut brook o,Qu Hhawvillo Stratford St Jolin'*. n* SUrroiue, (jae st ni.'iii*" Tilbiu y Oi, t I'l.rulito. Walkerton . \\ ..n.lM'r. Out, Watford, UK AM llth I* Winiiip.'K Neepawa. Hrandoo, Houria. Purtane I. a r.-ain* KUinoutun. Alta Mediciuo Hat, Alu. A General Hanking Buainoaii T'tnuu-ted. Interval on Ucnoelmat I'uir nut haU-, Fannvrt' NoteMDi|*vuurttd. Kai inert ' Nutva i. ullwted. f'rom Out Otrn Seeding i< wi-ii uiuli-r way but will very likely occupy tbu baiaiii'c' uf tins ruooth f. T it* ci'iuple>|i>n. Tin- annual I.IIMIR-UI meet ing of tli- KpwKitli League wa* bvlil in the ulti j acliDol IIIIIHH* on Tliurmlay evening, when tile fulliiwiiig nftioerii wore elecleii fur lln- ci.niiMK year: PreMdcut, Midtt Hell H,-u- t' , Int viru pri'inl. nt. MM* Fli'iwir S' "lie ; 2nd Vice 1'rrni.l, nt Mine Neitn- t>!"i.u; tsccivtary, Mr. J. J. Lun". TroAkurer, Nnnii.in Kktuher. Our Sanliaili Nclinnl npenrd for tbu siiniinor nionilm on Sunday l.-t.-t. itli J J. Lynes*, Su; i-nntriul. nt Mr. Caiuplwll, 1*. S. I, vlaited our k-lini'l list wi'.'li, found every tiling O.K. ; tid graiitiil tlio pupils a half hululay. | Mrs. Mcl'hattrr of ( >WITI Sound hjwnt . i fi-w ili\s vihifinu' 'M friend* vnd tum'i- bora in tliia viciiniv. \Vo aro laU io rf port tliat MIH. Wm. | I'Htt.'i -I.M m reoovri ing funn tier revut at-ver* illnem. Friday, lust waa itrlxir ilay in our school, the work done in thu jr.-ii.nlH tbroui(li the day buini; iutpecttd in the evening ' Bonittbody M [fit*. rut. out. \\u ho|H! to .M.-i- him around again ' S.'l'll Tlie flit-lids of Mr. Jamr*. Hepburu, a y.-tiiii; u. an well known m 'In* neighbor- hlHIii. ri'.IIVHl I 111- riul Illtl'l iHI'lli'i' llf hl.H do* tli at Little Current .<n the 14th "i Apri-. 'Hie nows wa* norn - ( | ,.n I'hurs- Uy ,iu4. llrvai synii.-ithy m felt fur lu tyi-il in.'ihi'i .iini itc:s. Jim brother ban <>iio 'o m-e after thf ^ maius. Dour nioiimera dry Hiote wteping ye ; I'.y fuiili i. uk u;. ui .1 s.f Y"tir bt'iiluT Rafi- in Jt'sun iirinn He KHUN lo Wflconiu (liee. Mr. Klij.ih Paul in. 'i with a Hevern *c- cid-nt rt-ccntly. While chopping wood he cu< hisf....t vnry severvl^. Dr. Car- ter i.ttt-i.tii'il to the nouud and he | now .'i ' >nx ''trtter. Mr. Jin. Mni'L'e "f Saloin hiul a valu- able hone die the luwt week. Ki-liinn in now th order uf the day but "ii account of thu rrcei.t cld Kpell the Hpeckled beaut. in are ulber shy. Ceylon. (>RO*>KIETUK FL5MERT*N \V A. BURUOWS Manager loin 4 Sci'vic'e Th* ArUm. |Te ou applicatiou From Our Ou-n CorrefX>tKlrnt Mul her Earth I. MM auain limnuil her print; ^itruii nts .nut IN moiling in her | 1 nmii'i'l ol grt'i-n. Arti-iiii-Kiu cnuiicil iiu I at Kucvtiia mi ! Saturday laat. A yn-nt many of the rate payer* tame nut In aeu tlirin, an it waa I wuiit-thii'ij unuaual ii*r Kn^nia to l>* 1 hoiiorrd hy thi-ii- vicr. d uio Hi-Hi leiiii-n ; mine Imut Munahaw can One tboroucb'ired Heriiblr* txmr ii." lor Bnrvlc* on lot l:vi. T. and t. K. ila Term. 1 at llinu uf rMc*. P*>- lertl%m you tii(bt MyaJly. WM PAYS Prop Mr. Thomait Oiowe i* very tick al prv^ Our C'irii (VrM|M.w<Ve>i(. Mr.. Mcl'liaUvj "i Owen Sound. ho hiw been spei dini; afi-K ilayc with frielid* lien-, iitiiniid li. ni>> M..n,liy. Mi A. L)I- > n :inU diniuliter ol Clevu- laml. <tln. , up, n- u few .lay* nt Mr. T. OhisU-tfi A:>BH M. '.'hmleit of Owt-n Sotii d opent Sui'.l.iy \ .tli I. IT p.'iieiitx here. Mia. Egun of H.-iiniltiin vmil<d with her bnitlui, Mr. J. H. Kgan. \Vc ur* I'lriimtl in 1 am that Mr. Wm. W I gilt. li. < ||;IH Inn wriotmly ill, IN >..>!> reci.v.iniK, | M Mrs. G.o. Hawkt* Kudy .'IH A'lh'i n;iy at our <chool, and a t rveult the m.hiHil grouuda pre' Hi nl, ;l ' ilv :ipp.-*i:iii. , kit J. \\ ilwm of f ruoiore returned to hia fuc-torv \ . W* believe Mr. Question of Spex Do your eyes lire cosily ? If so. You need Glasses. Do your eye burn ? If so. You need Glasses. Does the type become Hurre<l in reai'.i.ig - If so, You need Glasses. j Do you suffer from frontal headache ? If so, Glasses will Help You. i Do you kr. ..ive perfei". - If not, v.e can Inform You. IT WILL COST YOt MOTHINO. W. A. Armstrong. i EWELFB AND OPTIC ^LESHERTON. \\tlio 1 -M !il .'licini; !M tins The many friend* "f Mr. Jiis. Plnllipr. fonii'-rly ' t t'.i.s pUce, but now of T .1 lem witn riniret of her MI. <l"ath, wliuh "ccuirt-il Ht hrr hunie "ii H.MIIIL' Is., necks ano. Mi's. I'hil.ipx was a kind neighbor xnil * M>I>I| f'li-iul. The ilec-aM:il Wa 1^1 t.r .1 M - Edward 1 1 in ley < I ' i^prey MarkJale < 'ii "ini i ',,ri <Mp<m./i nl. H..rn To Mr. and Mn. F J Hit on M.i\ iiiti. a Bon. The .-iti/.i'iis of .nir town are instinu :n their iiijte-i lor the relief of the "' ajul Hull siirji'n-rs. They wntforti IOTH liuit week ;unl til.' xuimtffhtlon list is sti 1 cipon for signature*. Mr. I'erkiiiH is siiceeNsor to Mr. .1 - Trelford in tlie estitnishnu-nt of .1. K. Trrlford. hard ware mer;hant of this I'l.ni'. unl we extei.d to him the nu'i' ham! of , iti/ensliip. Mr Svhuniaker. proprietor of the Marl, diile House. IIHM Iwen in Torunto at th>- hop.tJ. Hv has luui an operation |H" furinrd .tml luis so far ri'C"Vcn il that In- wan able to return home on Sntard.-iv evening. Mensrs. Chn>. Ryan and M. K. Beaton hmv a (pum of men hero Imuling WJ-KII. t;inlT I'li-y tind onie ditticulty in ^. cars, which it i|U'te a drawback. town is making fjreat prrparaiions for a riL'lit royal celeliration on the I of i In.t month Then- will be all klmU of iithlelii- s|.'i>rt.s, a laerimite mulch IP- \\ . nre sorry to relate that Mrt. I'un ninghiiiii. widow of the lat<- Wilhain Cm: iiin.'hiiin. ' t the suliurl h ia in a very crit leal stati' of h'M.t li at the time of wntirn Shu IIIM lieen itlflitteil with cancer tar . number of ynu'tt, iind thut coupled ith recent ct inplicjttious and being well up in years is taut hasten. ng her final which is hsikid for every day. Mrs. 1' MI-I ullouf(h guca to town for a prolonged vmit, while Mr . i!<H.'s "li a Knro|>ean tour. He pur; tnkii'g in the I'.-uis cipnuition and al.su to viHit KOIIIK. We wish him bnn-vi'\ age, and a safe rctiirn Miiu A. M. Huakin ii home n a viit from litielph. Thi C<>|I'OUH ihi'Wen thpt w are hav UK at ihis tune of Wrilinu (Tuucday) is briUKinjt on t e^i'tatMui very lapiUlv Mr. Ralph WiitMoii left tin* nionnnti to taku a iitimtion in Hiuti.igii. \V>* wish Ralph every miccem BH he it .1 very steady boy and a K <od worker. Willie Jones, of Jone' Falls, brother t~ Privito Noble Joiiek, now in South Africa, haa beaten the ai>ldleriii thtt mat ter of siist:iiiiinu a bullet wound. < "n Friday lint he wax cleaninic a tevuhui when tin- weapon diNclianteti and a built t dgtHl m his left hanrl, and \ii not yet) eii extracted. He natuia.lv Mitfeis M Hood dml of pain, lut'he bullet m mi- bedded; in the lame and an operation has not yet been deuuled upon.- Sun. Trirtt -At tb rl<1*n>:i- ot Mr Khl. H*t.1iin>n.l. liBr (D'.mif K. t y th Kv -i..-. UM i. on W.'.lui'xUt in, iu-i , kr. M Hiiauof Maine to MIDI Lucy. 4auKhtr at Mr aad Mn. Houry lUcbardM>n.Plnburk>n SMITH RLOAM At th* istliloticw of Mr Hobrrt Ayn, Kltn VBjlry. Mnitol>. .\i<i\\ istli. by H*. Mr. HI>MI(. Mr Win Nnuili "I I- 'n. VBllvy. Manituba. Ui HIM Ahc< A, rl. i w daughter of Mm. Lucy . Sloau, Meafuru. Bora LI-I>IXW- At Port HIII .MI. Mirb., on April ft '%> Mr. and Mn. J. U Lu u U, a .. ' if"

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