Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1900, p. 2

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THE BRITISH ADVANCING They Are Now Sixty Miles North of Bloemfontein. A deetwtcb from London Bays: The 'Our disunities. I War Office thin evening issued the meru * 18 -, hop*, are not nm- , "Hamilton was in action yesterday Mlow.ng from Lord Robert*, dated am , HUCce<1( j ed in preven ting a juuc- Brundfi>rt, Friday: tion of two Boer forces by a well- " The mounted infantry have gone executed movement by some of the en to tl,. Vet river. The rest of the """aehold Cavalry, the Twelfth Un- ferce will march there to-iAVrrow. The ^"'rged*' fallway ban, been repaired. flirted serious'losa. " liuuter reports very satisfactory "Tba enemy fled, leaving their ew, that the passage of the Vual a *<* on th ''ld ! 'h*'r wounded b been carried at Windaorton with- lo ., b " l'de.l by .mr d.x tors. at opposition." ' "I* 1 ' dona Id's Highland Id igade dis- Under dale of Brandfort, May S. lo ''*ed ihe enemy <m the right flank Notes o Proceedings In the Nation- al Legislature. 100,000 FOR FIRE SUFFERERS. tiir Wilfrid Laurier announced that, in view of the terrible calamity which bud rendered i,lU families homeless, the lioverome.nt had decided to ask Parliament to grant an appropriation of 1100,000 for the relief of the suf- ferers. Sir Charles Tupper said be bad great pleasuie in supporting this vote of 9100,001) to meet an emergency of an unparalleled character. Occurring at FOUGHT SEVEN DAYS. Arduous Operations of the Forces North of Kimberley. A despatch, from Lonitnn, Friday, There are rumours in Dloemfontein ays: (Operation* involving' the Brit- ish in (en days hard work, seven being occupied in fight infr. have cul- minated in what Gen. Huberts de- scribee a* "considerable success " Gen. Konerts' forcea nave rie.ire<l the nou'h- tbat they are evacuating that dia- tnc.t entirely, and concentrating their whole strength in the north. Nothing authentic ia known of the Boer losaea in the rex-ant operation*. A report from K.mberley states that there are considerable Boer move- Lord Roberta cabled : " We occupied Brandfort under cover uf the naval guns, in to-day which operation the Black \\atohills- tmhout much' opposition and without, tiuguished tbeniselvuv and sie very 1 hope, many caaualtlea. The first -wilfully led. brigade of mounted Infantry covered "Hamilton was advancing Ihixiuorn- tbe left flank of ihe fourteenth bri- ' '"" '" " difficult drift over ih Klein- ede, of the seventh division, and the <' river, fight flank w.is supported by the fif- lluniei reports, tint Barton* bri- teenth brigade I'ole-Carew H division edvanced directly on Braudfort. The Boer army, which was under command ef Itelarey, retired In a north-eaMerly direction." A despatch from London, euys: The W:ir Office has published tbn follow. Ing dKs|Kiieh from Lord Roberta, dated Vel River. Saturday. May 6th, 7 15 s nx: "1 m >r- hed here to-day with Pole- Crew's division. Headquarters and guile WIIH heavily engage.) ibis inorn- iug two mile* north of l<oidsn The enemy* poeition was o,uitS fuur miles long and atrongly held. "He states tti.it uur men marched uiignificenily and carried ridge after ridge, in grand Htyle. "('acuities in this (nice, in llamil- ton'a nml Hut ton's, will be reported as BIIOU. IIH iiumiililp. "('apt. Miller, who waa taken priaoner near Thaim Ncuu. b*s been aent to Ruixlle's cump by l be enemy, with a Revere wound m i he ili.lomen " Brabant report* th:il one Wavell's brigade of the seventh divl- , and three men were captured on M;iy . 2 wh.le on patrol nHii, mie of llmm iu are two miles in the rear. Mix 1 ' 1 1 1 1 , wh<> had been brutally ill-treated and well'a brigade, of the same division, it left for dead by the Hoers. w is fouud the saruo distance to our right. 'b* following day. "Tbe enemy . in considerable . .'I, 1 -""" 1 - l -^- "Victoria Moumerl Klllee, reported niif>ing was found at , ,. .. . . .. .- l^yvrltc-l III I r>- i lip W.I* 1UI1I1.I ' strength on the opposite bank of the B ran.lforl deiige.., u sl, wounded. ,nd river. Uur gunii engaged tbeira for haa been mom carefully attended in <iue three houra without our being ' '" Netherlands ambulance ' Telegraphing f runi iirandfort OB Fri- day evening. Lord Ruberli auid : the seat of government in Canada, the ' c mparatiTely trifling- cost in lives. sufferers by the fire bad more than , n<l a faera! advance northward ordinary claims on the country, and I * ffla * to '' imminent. men's ai Fourteen Streams and other corner of the free State at j p mts acroaa the Vaal river. Little is known regarding them, but it i believed that the Boers are moving north'weet. It thie ia so, it ia pro- bably witbl the view of opposing Gen. Hunter's advance in the direction el Mafeking. There Is no news of sny movement in Natal. The Britiah have not ad- There is little to indicate where Ike Boers will make their next stand. It in reportedi that they are prepared to make a stubborn opposition on an en- trenche.l hill southeast ..f Kruonstad. j quitting t he" passes fn "the "Biggersberg inch town they will pn.biibly xb.in- ninge on account of the cold, and he was satisfied that the liovernment hud correctly interpreted the opinions of members on both -ii It- Mr. Fielding explained that the ee- i.m.iic.i U-sidtj, containing a vote of flUMNJU for ihe relief of Ibe sufferers, 4 I II. 'U Ml* .Mil alao provided for the restoration of u f t ^ f \. f{ Ihe Dominion public works which were f,,-., , : injured. The additional sums asked strength in the Ladybraad district laagte. for were f Jr.tiOU to rebuild the Hull i heir stoies are north camping at the foot of the rang", their river Another unknown principal laager being at Hlutiknfm the situation is their mountain. 10 miles north of Klande- poelofH.se. and ai,OUO to restore the , hf ut( , r j^ojo Both contract.- eon- Dominion bndgea at the L'baudiere. { tained a clause prohibiting swe-.ting. The Premier explained thai Ibe liov- eminent, after carefully considering I the matter, deemed it adviaable to pay the relief vole into the hands o( ibe Hje'iise irf7he"norses* o"f "the T 1 " ii [..ii 'in Executive Committee. Ue.ir. hear. contingents on the way to South Afri. Xl'KNs.h.-s OK TUK COMTNliE.N TS. ca 411 tons of bay, 11,813 unahela of lu reply io Mr. foster. Mr. Fielding u u . and l13 tona of brun said that the coal of euroiuieul, in- I THK tXANAUS KKl-.l) FOR H"k-K- iir. Clarke waa alao informed l>y Dr. there were purchase I for eluding pay up iu the (ration, of Canadian no. Africa, include.! iu capital of couceu- - xl ' Hergeron asked whether ibe WELCOMED THE BRITISH. Detail! of the Occupation e* Brandfort A despatch from London, Honda,, Bays: Several correspondents send ad- ditional details of the occupation efl Hi ui.lfort, where, they say, the tish were welcomed by the inhabitant* in a manner similar to thsir retept io .p ioi South Suul n a'e and Beauharnois canals of Bloamlontein They declare that the uld he boih ope,, during t be pre- | fnf Sll4ter . are wholly ured / the The C^,,a "S, ^r%\tt^ e,p~l- ' ^ ^^^ t ^^^ the II. I Iir e,p~l- April il, UM>. was J4.i0 ; ed thai both would DC. o|n. the idea | able tn for-e a piisiiage of the river. , . . i i . * . . *>w^K.-*ti4SB}, */<! aw wi \.m SBMI IM . M. nlv before dusk, however, " Ian Hamilton advanced to-day to Nnsl-welkot. IS unl"- couth of \\ ,-\ of the behaviour of liro.ul- B ,ij lner infantry under Gen HuU ton turned Ibu enemy's right, and '""*' "' W1H engaged i broua-hotit , Ihe march He apeaks In term* of In a very dashing ui.uiu.-i pushed frH j Ha serous the river under heavy ' " and musketry fire. "We are now bivouacking- for the night wilhiu three miles of the Vet elver. shell wood's cavalry and the. mounted in- fantry." Ibti War Offine ha* isaued a list of cusualtiea at Jncoliarust on April M anil M.'iy 1. 'I w" nw-n \\i-rc killed were wnunded. and 12 aie. oiissln{r II .ranauorlelioo, 3>,.i7l . rsiuipuieui, iiig advances up lo lb liiue u( arrival in .<souih Alrn-a, $1JJ,3'.-J, uakiug a tola) of lnUn.lTJ.JU, none of bivU was , included lu the consolidated ( ounl. TUK >MAUJ'U\ Mr Fiahur, in repl> io L'ol. Prior, s large uiuuuui of use the Re luharnois larger the Sotilanget CANADIAN In Ihe House this t be smaller vessels should and the afternoon Mr. I leldiriif introduced .1 bill respecting if 'ai. i.i. in the I'nit- e.l Kingdom raal Boere, being virtually prieoner* Tbe Britiah accounts represent 'as. Boers as being completely surprised at Brandfort. It is stated that they near- ly lost their convoy of guns in i be compulsory baste of their rsireat. n>- p*<'ially unexpected was the arrival ef a strong mounted force of Auairal- was Tlus is a measure of inns. I'anadiaus and New Zealaaders te which h.- nr.de mention in bn budget tn * eastward uf ihe town Several speech. Tbe puSKinir << it is a step "'nail kuyjea, from which their advanee -mallpo* lu Itauubiii r.f '""" r ' l< '"' placing of OMnidian I;.IT- ight have been resisted, were uuoe- eriiMien' n.in.ls in the liitt of ses-uri- ''upted by the Boers, apparently be- Kntr'-ind >uus they did not SUH*"'' that the Hi iish were near The idvance wee further aided by two of Uen Hole i'e- > a^-vs ' v v * LU^S, II i U i U ' 'I Urilisb L'oluuibia, and lhai ph>n i.ina "ere examining all per.soua , uunng 'in., brili.b folumi.i... He was aware . t "" < '" "birb trust fuiuN in c.i n he invested. MAfllfFTQ (IF TUP JDAHAI!llO Ur InJ!] that a good uiallpox, ui.illpox, ensls iu While ihe deal of a mild lype. of T1CKKT-OK-UU.VB MEN. Prices of Grain, Cattle. Cheese, fco . in the Leading Marketi. I- i- in to May 8. Trade here to-day wan sleudy .unl unchanged, and this about sutnmariies the condition of the market all round. Forty-six oar- leads of live stock cauls in, but only Ibe hext cattle aold. There was a better feeling and a better demand for eiport cattle to- day, though i/rices in the United Kingdom do not advance. The best tuff here to-day sold up lo ft hi aud i-> par cwt. Hood bulchei caltle waa firm, at from :iS i to 4 1-4. but puor stuff was not wanted al Ihe prices atked Some uyers claimed that butcher cattle was higher, but it was bard (o diw- rovei anything more than a tendency ih..t way. Morkcra continue weak and in light v.i. m. i nt iha prices of last 1'ueaday. l <i"in and light bulls, feeders, and ilk rows are not quolalily changed. l.u>ers' bigs, middle fr.ighis. >!3per j '" iuarantiue oifm bbl bid, and I.'MI anke.), Hiieciai brsnda r " UJU Kruus lh> were lak. '""'' and iu wood. |J.9U to g3.0U. .'"?_ P .!" C " U " UI1 .''. V". lo ..'n parliculur Millfeed ll--m in.i falling i grasa fodder for live sl.H-k -|-|.i. Bran, III i,. |I4 JO. snd hborts, in. .4). west. Corn Quiet. No. t American, yel- low. 41 Id l :-, on track here, and INSI'rUMION M'T mixed at 4oc. I 'c. i.- Will el Car we.st. til.-, and east lota, north it 6-'c. tiiilkerH aud choice veal calvea ars wauled. .sliei-ji and yearlings were in short upply, and sold oul early at ateady unc hanged price*. A few apriug lambs are wauled at from f I io 90 e>00 . About 1,1110 bouH wem iiK-.uived by Barley Dull. No. 2. >, ueat, and 4.1c east; and No. I dull, an. I quoted si 43r west, and 44c east. Hye Unchanged, at &Jc wmt, aud 69i- eaat. Oata-guiei. While oat* nortt, and weat, J7i , aud eaat, .'H Buckwheat Quoted al Me weat and 51c east. Buffalo, May Spring wlM-al Un- uiiged. No. 1 hard, npiit, 74 n-Ko \ o 1, Northern, TJ l-8o, .No. 2 Northern pot, TOUJc Winter wheat-No, of- fering*. Corn -Slroug. No. J yellow 445-4c. No S yellow. 44 1-i; No. iioin 44c. No. S corn, 43 1-ic, t|nx>ugh lull ed Uals Weak, deiuaint light, N.. ' 5 white, 1-c" No S mixed :IH ' of guarded daily. Finding then that their position was untenable, ihe Boers re- linquished their defence of the spruit, which allowed the pasaige of the wholi British force without opposition Another correspondent says that the riiiuliiri uf the Irish brigade in, firing did iu.it he ,. .1 pul in the Ueneral Uoapital, JU d ".'US fl,,ui, tut' sun, ih.ig, ,1 and Manitolw "u, l vteis 'o be nuil Oiilaiu, made on ihe first of the British troops to en. unity of ter the town ia keenly reenid by the com- inli ilni.int s, wb, > regard their action H-. i wanton attempt to imperil their safety." Ihe Mi i u .iuiruil Ibe l.fu.-ral In- mw'-tiou Act so us lo pnni.l.. i grade a . fi fUi-4-e.l was read u thud tune and IMS-,I ) Henri Joiy eAplaiueil that bill w i.x ren.leie-l necessary be- while, a>l-4, No. t u, <k,, i. tbrirugh blllt-d. Kye-Nuuiinally, in store, for choice. .Klaur Qulst Chicago. May 8 Wheat Influenced by corn and easier cables, closed easy July, S-P cent lower, t'orn The mar- ket wan inactivu and weak, under the influence of lower cables for July was lo under yesterday. Oats 1-H to l-4o down; and provisions were sleadv . , . ... II .. . J ._a_ . _ : . i_ - _ - - . ' in Minii.-niiolis, Mny 8.- Wheat -In store No. 1 Noi I hern. May 04 S-lc- ~^*^" ^r eawMra wrun ir^'ViTDU uw ' . _ ^^e F~^W | Mi llairu. Trade is good nU prices fjjjjj ,. Vt'... S .r l> .!*?'! > * r ;, " .*"* On 1 1^' eay, rom 'i l-ic higher in lard, to 7 1-2 dow n n pork. I out that bis .lep..ii luelll ^.i 'JU*e ihe inmluctioD of fUxseed in juiis.lmion only on ihe bouudaiy Imr Minitobu b-id assumed su. Ii piopor- I st-HpoK,. lb publK- beallh inland llon ^ '""' "'andnrd grade had be- beiuj, u,,j. r ln . CJ , r . uf , h tioveroiuatiu. Mi'SK\ I OK Xur suj.pl, ,,,il toni.uuiug ihe. ie- f appioprmiiou for lue Ottawa ,,i,.| I Huffeieis waa iuiiodut-e.1 nut pul linnigD all its stages. M i Koeter, in commit tee ou ihe uie.i UHANTS OK I.A.NU The bill in 1 1 oilu.'e.l hy Mi Su' her- HAMILTON ADVANCING TOO. Canadian Mounted Men N earing Wynburg to the Last. A ile-i.au h from Loudou, Saturday, \3 War news is acaiity, it being \ i ii ucally confined to General Keb- has sure, k.ii.l ., an ure oji :n i ive ser- vii.- in ihe Moitd-Wesi w .n read a Ibird tune aud pul ibrmigb conianitee lie. thought nttoul an auielioyuliuii sujjgestiou lo h.u, uu "'i-r of I .111.1 were mad he in- M i i farce who in.ik I 1 ul in the Muiipres-i.-n -Wel lelwlhon A few of n, > couameuced his advance to- d.s I'leturia, snki by last night it low i ril hie destination. Brandfort . l! ,*,.""", io" '" '" "'"" i hem i.i , r ., u ., ,, i u , , 0dll lo . w.. ihu.U .,f ,b ,.,, , tn . .r.,.k, No. 1 ha.d. -. 1-4,; No. 1 North^ I Aiding .No iu, i c7, \7 ^ -u r ^ eru fti >-4o: No H N.,iii,,.,,, MI i_i. , for 1 1... /; r .. ... 'u.irge.1 ataniiaid bairel in place. aie packed shall )> ^(i 1' > preaumed that Ceneral Hainik- bogii, srling fruiu mi to' eru . ft "' *- 4 ; No * Northern, rti Mo. | 'or I I. ' t . .. f \t M _ O \ t 1. 1 .t -I in h,-,s lie'ueen the lie. ids. inside tuu . including the Canadian Wi lh the tup pinr is II l-4v, light liou >in- bunging 51-J. pel lb Following is the range of quota- tlons: .... Caltle. Hiip|>ei's, per i-wl . .f 4.2ft Bull hr, choice, do .. , S.60 Uni.l,.- until to good. 826 fcVii I,, i inferior. . . ".W Mockers, per owt. . . 2.7ft > r i,.-i-j. and I. .111,1, - M.. , i per cwt 3.&0 Veailmgs, tier cwl. . . 4.&0 Rnng l .mil- .- .. I, . . 2.60 e4ts, per cwt. . . 2.60 Milkers and iVIvea. I'ows, each : "' Helves, each, . . . 2110 Hogs. Choice bogs, per cwt. Light hogs, per cwt. fleavy hugs, per i wt it. (iUU 5.tW SjUO S.IIO 424 J.BJ 1-:! 800 190 4fiO 060 ..-i 8.00 4&OII 10.110 ii :;. 560 fi&0 M *' o - Wh< " 1 -No. I white -2o; No. i red, cash, n K'c; >*en as w. pnid uie.iiine Thai ibe head .liaoietei inf-mlry, bae been advancing since thesame rate e( llUreet U be "'"" b< '-' 7 - ""'*""' ""' ll " > " "" ''' XVt '' ll "'f: l ' i y in 'ke dinM-tiou of Jacob*. Jllj> 1 ' 8c ' '"" !**' After lo unlliviu dot- years, ihe xiiH-ie.1 I8I-J iiii- also, that when runl - He may by now have reached pi-ais. quinces, in p.>i:.i,*u ire p.. k ' h<1 v *' river, where he will Iw a &* September 68 i-4c; No. 1 North- P>aible to that -o.>, nr|iiriniiei. no -tc; no. 1 North- i"">"i io assist deserving ut-rsoi ern, caeb, 7, May. 97; July, 67 7-8; lu rebuild subatainial booea and work w "* tt " lh Kepteniber. 87 8-4; No. 2 Northern - revoluilon iu the devanlaled dis- '!""'" 1^1. pounds 65c; No. S spriitg, rij, 1-8! to 28c Corn JWi'. Oat a tt A DEADLY VOLLEY. Garrison at Mafelclng Watted for the Boers Attack. A despatch from Mufeking, describ- trict polHlues are sold Iiy equivalent of H liaiiel The barrel IMO- Uululh, May 8 -Wheat-No. 1 haul, ' "rinwpal to be paid In lei ? ed in I. m els. uch barrels shall be of "i.-li frotn ihe main column. Tfcw cash. 8HS-4c; May. 68 S-4o; July. r instalments In ihisway u uouldlw ""' ''"'' lh!in ""'"' dimension,. ,1 h .if ford great mutual support. ARi: LEAVING^AFEKINQ^ Laiva Part of the Investing Fore Reported Withdrawn. A -i. -I-, I, from London. Thurs- day says: A correspondent at I.-.- euio M.u.iues. cables Tuesday ih.it a the grain | >IU V* l' a|i ' of I OM iuvtiing force at Ihe liovei niunnt could" no'i d'o vidrd ''"' iu ' nis '"" IH seven .|ii:iits the I'arliauentary Urant in nv """'"f 'han the |ne,e.ut si.nidint l>ltei wuy. ' barrel , 1 rt h *,. l lrrfi" > fL. < !?'^. i: h _* t; '"-'"""ent IN-1'KCTIOX OK GRAIN Sir Henri July reading of i lie bil sje. ii.ni of foreign gmln He . ..... K Ui Toronto, May H Wheat - Uuainess eenliuues <iuiet. Ontario wbeata still keep ab.ive an export basia, and ex- terters are therefore doing nothing in hem, tme.pl In odd oars ef goose 5 heat. The latter is getting scarce. notations are as follows: Ontario fed aad while. 65 to 65 l-2c, north and west; M to tW l-2c, eaat; goose wheat, 7|c, east, and 71c, west; spring, east, Rl-eo; Manitoba No 1 hard, 77 l-ia, -routu and weat, and THc , g.i.t., lake end rail. Flour - Dull. etratfht roller. In ing il,.- Boers' attack of April 11, says: "The 1','nil, u.liii.'iit of the ('reusols was Ihe hottest uf the siege. Many _ the mi, MH, th<iroughly , hd deeided lo hand Ihe money over to the committee. :.i l,. , s tn> . Ihought best He bel>e\rd i| M i n,,, H ' H discuBMioun iu i', 1 .i,,,,, would be ls ' " ""' h "> beneficial, should be but n.' >-'med - >iy ju.lgnieni at Montreal In issue u cer- 'iis|i,',-i ion on fi>rci|fii ui MM to sh >w that it AHH no4 ,- ,,,.,,1,,,,, in in> w iy iiiii-rfHi-e. with M.'inreiil. uhileat the M. , HU f ;ll . ti , )n t( ule ,,f time il people The bill then MKAT FOR THOOI'S. Mr l'oell was iufoimud by Dr. llor- on ihe other side. . den that there i no contract for HUH. shell, entered the hoepil.l and wo- I plying ,ueut to th. fan.di.n garrison mu' laager. Under cover of the artil- ' at Halifai. It is supplied by the name LIST OF a large force, commanded hy (irl " *" Wlled it for the liupfiial troops, ami at the prices fixed Iiy the Imperial wiitraet. 2.823 Killed. 9.889 Wounded. 4,096 DKi'Ain.MKM ro.MHAfis. j Missing-, 2,092 Deid From Disease JS^^X'fttS^^^I 1 - 1 n ' Ma ' 4 -^'" '-ft us, lery Cronje, the younger, including the German corps, advanced close to Kort Abrams. "Tbe garrison lay low until the CASUAITIF* ' w ^^ r~m a... i i t^^F. Boer forces were at oloss range, when they fired a volley, killing five and wounding many, and the attack was repulied. The bombardment then censed. The Boers, under a Ked Cross flag, were permitted later to recover taelr dead/ mnt, no contiHcls hnl been enred c ^ u * llle '" of Africa 1>S I II It and 2..VS2 men have been into since June SOIh, I8JW. As to the 271 Milim l)ei>aitmeni, the contracts with killed. 601 officer* and , men the Saufor.l Manufacturing <'ompiny wounded, and 171 officers and .Hfcift and Mark Workman hul lienn conlinu- 1 ui>n missing Sixty-four officers men Ml Hince ihe date mentioned the for- Br firm bad been piil-l |li:<noe and and .'.I'^H men Uava diseases. titn various afek'iig bud lieeu withdrawn. lieuernl Bullei ,-onunutv. quieX The Hoers asse.il thai i hey are delaying in in i, k. upon him in ihe hope th.tt all i hi- hot-M's of lh Mmisli will .tie Of holM- s kill".-! AecordiiiK lo i on i espondent of the !' i\ 'li-i.-gi apli with Lord Roberte, I're-sideni Kruger is >ig.tm asking |-e '> terms. MARCH WILL BE RAPID. Au- Little Resistance to Roberts' vance Anticipated. A deapalcb from Cap Town. - The generiil feeling he.n-, in hi. b officiul circles partici|Mtte. ia that Lord Hobeiis advaur,- tow.irds l're> toriu will be rapid. Tbe Br prim i- ei - .In not anticipate that > in <-f f ,., i ,, 'resistance will be snei>untered. HOUSEHOLD. cloth, preaa out ill the jufee, tbea measure; there should be three quart- er cupful; U not. idd sufficient water lo makve op the deficiency, add six tableapttoofuls sugur, ihe yelks of four eggs: plaae ihu* in u small double boiler over the fire ind, stir till the conienia thicken; remove from fire, md, when cold, add half cupful crush- ed strawberries and blf pint whipped cream and one tenspoonfol vanilla, alao a little blush coloring; pour ibis into a UK-ion form; cover the form; first with a piece of white paper, then put> on the cover, or put ou the coyer Hi KM. O.l bless the .>T?*V%ih<) learn to rook. eTrom teacher, magazine or book; We love thoee lesaona, lines .ind pages. But in. i lie experiment il stages W think 'heir products should be aent To some f ir-disi.int continent. Where dread dynpepsui never rages i and P* al P"*' e "f buttered paper A.nd all the men are saints or sages . around lh* edge ,;f cover; pack the form in rock salt and fine shaved or cncfced ice for four houra. Strawberry Pudding. Pick over. wash and mash wiih a silver fork <me quirt strawberries; place one ounce of gelatine in a small sau>-e|mii in one cupful cold wiicr. when soft, stir over the fire till gel.ttine. ia dissolved, add the gelatire. and, when it begin* lo thicken, bent ibe white* of six <-ifgs -.tiff froth, add slowly t V straw- berry preparation while beating con- T into a form and wt on ire. In the meiniiuie prepare the auce. Place the six yelks wnh three cupful* milk and three table, poonfule ug.i over the fin* in a double boilei , sur until/ nearly boiling, remove at u uld one teaspoonful vanilla, and ervej wheoi u-e-culd with tht> pudding. CHILDRI To treat summer complaint in chil- dren Ihe "Medical Rrcurd" says the first point is to discontinue all kinds at food which ware given at the time at the attack; for example, if milk ua-a been gtven, it in-uat be discon- tinued, and a food more easily assimi- lated substituted, as for example bar- ley water, rice water, farina water, sago water, cornatarch water These t Bl , nt |y ; aimple preparations are usually made by adding a talneapuonful of barley, rice or farina to a pint of water, boil- im the same, straining it and warm- Ing It immediately before feeding. It should be given in the same quantities aa ibe child haa been in the habit of taking prior to this attack, I ut at longer intervals, thus allowing t b stomaoh much more tune, for the <li- tfnaiion and absorption of a lighter article ai food and giving it a little more real. For example, if a child MM been fed on four ounces of cow's milk and two ounces pf burley water, and Ihe feeding waa continued every three hours, then it is a good plan during an attack of summer euin- p, u' to stop the milk aad give only barley waier, sis uuncea, and feed every four hours. During the ictor- val. if the child ia very Ibirsty, it ia a good plan to give boiled water plain, ur boiled water to which the whits of a raw egg. albumen water, and some salt are added, and. if the child la old enough, an orniMi.iu.il few drops of the expressed jun e of meat, made by bn.inf t steak over u fire md ex- pressing the ju c in H l.-ui.iu -|uee/- er or mea> vie,-. When the infant's not mal con Ii ion is again restored ,n,| all disease <i> iiipii.in.-t have passed way. i lion ". i in K' : i 'u illy u'luio o nature's remedy milk feeding. Every m' her knows how ditfu-u.t it Is lo keep milk flesh ind pure dui- tu*T hoi we.ilher nod iherefoie ^n-.t. er c.-ire mu, > i ik.-n thoroughly to je-. rov -my md --.-% | ...ttiblc source ol coDtamiuatiou nuii.-ly. >."''"'~ ,.f all kinds. Iiy . -.IIIHIIH the milk in a i/er at legist forty-five minutes When milk is u> !<* k-i ' on it fm i sbi>rt liuw, pasteui i^aliou can lie r- oried to. l'.i,i>-uii -ed m Ik in really milk that is sterilised at a lower tem- perature, hut for all pn.rril pur- pxweH the cotnmou milk steamer \till answer Nothing is so pleasing to m in- f'ini :is (he re>nu>vitl of all unnecessary slothes, and hence U is our duty to Uake i best) suffering rlnldi-ii < in- form ble. The first p. 4ut after properly rooi- lug the body with bathing, sponging, and using either nlcuhol and water or some perfumed 'oilel water, is to beek prewpiiKii.'ii. To do thia eff.-e lively we m,uat keep the child in a large, well-ventilated riHxui. the leiu- paraiure o< w (noli should be. uiaiu- lainud at ah, ui 1-8 to 7- degrees K if at all possible. The room should be unnefrHsary u,- s.-s darkened, ui-l and irritations are to be strictly voided. Children seem, ii> lie ..mioi i .itily in hammoi'ks, and aa ihe.,.- I-MIUII plnnty ,rf air to surround Ibe patient they be avoided, is it is uncalled for and frequently promotes gastric dis- turbance, eiiiling in vrinting. KTKAWBKRRY RhXMPKS Si r ii w be i i ie* an- both w il.l md oulti- i i ted The name of th fruil waa probably derived from ihe strawlike sreins of the plmt or from the berry lying si rew n on the ground The everal species belong io the genus Kragaria, they are steaiileits. peren- nial herbs with ciiiniHiuMil leaves. . h-\ UMilliply by runners, nhieh ire lung. Shirt-waist of shirred lawa bands inatuig with lace stripes. Stock Iir anil sleevMi made to match. Mt'.-rial requirud, JU incbee wide, i y ante. IX3MKSTIC Ill-fl 1 ~ Confection Cake. Cie.it m two oupe of sugar with two-third cup of butter: add a cup of ~wi-vi milk, two and i brilf cup* of flour, -o rxundiiig spoonfuls of baking powder, th" 1 wl-i'-, "t six egge beaten vei-y -.tiff HI 4 half tea,p.oinful of flavoring ex Hake in four layers. Itoil : wo eufw of eognr with half a '-up ->f w ii-i till like thick honey, pnur xn.! Ota the stiffly '.eaten white* of the r.wi* Ktfs. beat till oold In hnlf of it put nanxUed cberrien. figs and rais- ins i bopped fine, with few hickoiy- nut in i almond n. --h-ipped. snd flavor Spread between the lay- ers. I,.- ibe other h-iif of 'he icing to cuter the lop of i he cuke I -i i delii i'Mis cake *hoi t shell THE PALM OF VICTORY TO THIS VETERAN PHYSICIAN Whose Famous Recipe Book and Great Family Rem- edies have made him Loved and Admired to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. A Record of Marvellous Cures. DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD THE CHEAT ILOOD BUILDER Mrs. D.W Cronsberry, 168 Richmond St. Toronto, Ont,, states : " My daughter, who sews in a white goods factory, got completely run down by the steady confinement and close EXHAUSTED attention required at her work. Her nerve* uc p yce. were so exhausted and she was so weak and ' ' debilitated that she had to give up work entirely tor some weeks. " She then be^an to use Dr. Chase's nerve food and found it excellent in restoring her to health and strength. She is now greatly improved and at work again. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food also helped her through a very severe attack, al la grippe. I can recommend it as an excellent remedy." DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS OHE PILL A DOSE, 25o A BOX Mr. Alex. Marshall. 59 Essex St., Toronto, Ont., ays . " Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills .ire a splendid medicine and certainly do all that is claimed tor them. Koth myself and wile have been greatly benefited by their use. I h.iJ kidney disease anil pains in the buck tor over two \ears mJ ;i: tinitrs tii p.iins were so acute that I wras totally unfit for work. Amon^' the remedies I tried were English pills -upposeil to be good, but ' h ey did not tit my cas<?. " I heard Dr. Chase s Kidney-Liver Piils highly praised, and used them. I now feel like a new man. The p.-"- md aches have entirely disappeared and I can now \vrrk with comfort My wile is much improved in health and we both endorse Dr. Ch.ise'-. Kidney-Liver Pills most heartily." KIDNEY DISEASE DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT MAS MfcVER FAILED TO CURE PILES Mr O. P. St. John, the Dominion inspector of steam- boats, residing at n<-> Shaw Street, Toionlo. in the following voluntary letter tells of his efforts to rul hnnselt of the tr of Itching Piles and ol his final success H\ uxin^ PILES. Dr. Chase's Ointment : " I surt'cred for nine ve.itt trom itching piles, at times being un.ible lo sleep on account of the annovua caused bv them. After trynij almost all remedies in vain, I bec : *n the use ol Dr. Ch-i-i" Oiiutnent, which entirely cured me. I cannot ^piMk toe high- ly of it. I have recomineiikied it to several ol my triends, all of whom have been cured by its use Dr. Ch.i.c' *".itarrh cure, wondfrfnlly |>r<xnpl .tnd --ffeetive as cure lor cold in Ihe head and catarrh. l>r. Ovi-e' Syrup >l Linsi-rd ud Turpen me li.- '\ tar th' leri^est -ale af any remedy lo< coughs, coiUs, c.oup, broiithilis and asihina. Each, *sc., al all dealers, or Edrnanson. liatee, A Co.. r.iioino. s roots in-l ((UIVCIK. and by decay of the hr:in<b lie- cornea an indeptindeut. plant. N--w vrtrwties are pi i,ihi<-ti fiouu seed, from flowers carefully cross-ferlili/e.l The seedling coinew uc in four ,-i si\ weeks and if priiiecteil during winii-i .ml i.r .DKplante.l the n-M ^|>ung will be<tr fruit the fullowing y. < < Trw stritwlierry 11. i.ne of oui IIKWI .(,!.. I. >u> fruil.s. ,n,l hi|(hly esl-en,.,! by every ..ne Strmbeiru-M ni.iy lie. procured ui a variety of ways uf -\ln, h we give a IPW i--c.-i|,i^ Strnwherry ( i.-m i-- I'l . n-if m ounie of gel iiine in half M >ii|iful cold water inl a (Hiiall howl: when -,ift. set ttve howl in 'i pan oX but water on the atove: stir until ili.ssolved. M ush one i-iat of well-cl<ine,l nl rnwheri lea wild n silver fork, i.t-l h.-tIC a <-u|>ful sug.ir. the K.-I.H in- and 11 few drops of l.lu.sh coloring, set in i cool place Stirling of ton when it tit-gins to thicken, i.ld In I' pint whipped cream. pie crusi ui I b.tke in i l>-,.|, Hull in,t wish >\ nn-iiis uf berries, cmer with l eup- of grnnuUited sug-n n i iliglu l> n, i-ii When re^i.ly to -erv fill the shell wi tl "" i h berries, cover with i ineiingnt' in 1. 1 of t llree -'ift'l> I ten ten whi'ea of eggs, with three I sblnapuonf ul f ; " sugar aud half a I eas|im>nful of van- ill. Iti-'Wn l.'lic*! ely in il iin'ileri'e .. ,'ii Wnnh keeping for ! i iwlierry ! Ill' 1 1'ieiil.int 4'hiiilolte Peel the pie- |.lnii. cut in inch Icniiths. pi -ie>- n -h \vilh tie nlv .l.nilil,' its UN in- iiin.ed leiiiiMi INH-I unl uiiiKHi.r.Hil. ;ind Iwke t,ll tender !',>! i quiri of 'n" i\ i -tii.il be, 1 1 - -in. sny* i wi 'AT. ihM>- I- >|-.i- e fur Mily i ilile inJ chairs, but I cun air ui,l then durk- it . nl ii \."k^ . i i i. liv.t. Ii is il'ffii-iili in l.-.-|. lie bable invit HIM in ippeHfiiK-e '.< n m.. be *. .iwi - I ki'rhen . not ..n.l lie r< W'h-n Mit h s the case, il in f ! .-- f I ,1111 ,ll|xt l "-" ell 1 to lltM .1111 114 u, 'in is nn ; bul tie h.ii witer. i.l-l the juire ,-f i .111- ,n, si r.iin into th-- liak<l IHI-I.IIIII nni pour inin i in.il'l When coiil ~.'i\ wiih lii|in-i ie. . MI Iti.-e Vie. Put two oiiin-i of , li.,le,l iii-.- in:., l'i-iii. wnh one i>nn, .- of butter i w<> Ivird ixnleil ea HeMiln-- ' --, f.'tilll jelkllltf off the u.-l "WIMIIIK ha:'"Hi ||M|WI| stir > few minuies. then pour into a form aad w>t on ice: seive either plulo or with wbiplH-il eru,, in. Str.iv/foerry Mouss.- l''.n --Ins.. one ejnart freeka strawberries in < heeae- ehoppHd into i>|i , - i potted hum t deswrt spoonful uf MI n - ) . sail . |H'pptr. unl , lyeiine X nil otft'llier wi h i ,|ii,M,-i uf of iiieltel Iniiiei Miu.-e. Hir'.-i pie <llsh, sprinkle with hre-irl cninilw. 00 Which put n few fhike- .if Illlt'.M nn,l hnk until nicely In owned in i not oven. DININI! KOOM. U n riiiiintr room i to be hid then aaeke one corner of the kitchen less " kitchsny," :ind n -ie)n may he il s r. off Ihe view of the kettles ml ,i>i- lei- Thi" is Dot hor.l I.i do. A rt'tiiiiK 11*411 nee. I no; be l-irge. 1 u.-e foi .t .lining room wbNt wtefor- int.'i K \i 1 1>. i am Ihe IMIIM. whuh i> \e i > il-un<lint n ^ouihein Km ' I" 1 in, I the lliiili.iiy Sllle^, -, .-.l-.'ll Iiy i he l llh.'l till I II I -. ill. I - s.H-l ti tie ..M\ rfl -oil Iiy i i\- i-i'.i- who III* e I isl'-.l 'In-ill The (iul- i.u 11 I.eet U- of Vfn-i < en Iiy the n.l I ii .'-. i II i lie l lsi said ' - lie vei y (KMIil Ihe L-eni i.--ii .n >bo lo.lgeo in your hou-so seems v"i\ ,Ment;v,- p n \u ' N e-.. ill, I I'.e exell |lii|lllse,l to lli.iilv linn ; 1'iit titill I . ui'i h.-l|> doubling' if he really !,>v,-> rn ! O. I h , ' t iliMinl' Why sii.ni 1 ,! lie wiini in msr- l\ \ -ll if lie ,lo,--n i 'uv,. y MI O. ,V>U .e.- he owes iii.iniin.i iliei.|> ^ r>\enl > -f-ve ,liillll> I ', I li.lskt't- h.,11 froc'-k f \\ Iiy '.In ,. ihe -I,- -tor sin) >->u -re not t.i pl.iy b:iHket -bull my more. \\ell in.-irv n,.-. Uirry! 1 liiv '" hiv >u>. thing fit to v-'ii whon I "' tn look on OITI'OSI- |M)NT -Ml TB. TfmSjis on nui|io.xl inly do noi - i ' ui thru eHfOrWCe, .>i noi i. e tb.Mii. i l I llrriletl In th* I urd The IIK,>I I'eiiiiirkabU' deed ex-r (Ira iiiuy be seen ou tin- private -- tale uf a resilient of Won't-ster iu M:i> sai-liust-its. It Is ebiseli'l mi a ru.-k on what la known as Kattlf-Hiiiik.- hill, siniaie.i near the boundary line be- tween Worrester nn.l Leicester. Old Soloniou l v -i:--oiis, wlio was wi, I.- ly Wuuvvn In Won-erter eonoty as au eccentric <-liararier. and particularly as H erank on the. sul.Jeet of religi.-n. liaiil William r. Hall fl-T. for a pun -I of laol. aud dhvcied Hull to ,-,nney ii l>y dcetl to the \liiiiKhl.v In nriler that the greMlesi posNil'le piililu-il \ i tuijjht l> given to IIIH ilisposltiou o^\the property I 'arsons lin-l (he dee.l of transfer cut lulu the rock verhailm et Illeraiiin. iniring Ills llfcliuiH Plirmms Is sin.l to lin\e made se\..|-iil atteniuis to have the d.'.'.l reeonled. but the register of .1. .'> who WH> aware of IIIH .-..-. -en tn.'iij. each time put him off with ihe explauatlou that uo ottifial n-enril a . rei|iiirU iu tbv , usu of a transfer uf ul --state to tb.i AliniKbty. r.'iisiuis .li.-d inlesiute several v ago. and the administrator in, IH.II.I the piii.-fl of laud oil Kuttleonakt- hill In Hit' Inventory uf the old KenileinnnK esiato whu-h be tiled in the pr.iliiiie court. A \vu( of a lawyer rnlsctl t ho quenlioii of title. Inn tin- indue df.-iil.-d In the favor of the New York Joninal. Mud unit Urn Dr. Paidmi of iiiiin rla, HIM that he tins illm-ovensl thai the l>ei uu-ilind ,if ttvating olisimai.' iiioiiitna is to inaKe bis patleUtS luiilHte n.- .||. \\-y lux). dings of a tired man while silling iu a chair. Kvery .ui* who lias ever w.-iii-lied a sleepy uiau In a train has |n,iiuil>ly heeu aiiiu.sed by tile lie. k di:-l<irl|ug nods which Uiral.l the Hpin-m.-h of sleep. If the O|IM-I'\I-I has ^iv-'ii .i,iy thought lu the Mithje. t nl till, he hae prol'iilily ileeide.l ihnt ihe .-.niiui i mas are due to the sleep, is mi- ..n- HHIH ,-f- forts to preserM.- Ins i<nlan- .-. I'r I'ur- dim says that the l-alaii.-e has n<iihiiii{ to do with it. lie ilecliiii-s 1'iai nod- ding Is put hul< '!; thai II is nature's OWII lilt-Ill, id of inducing sleep This, If properly curried out. IH-IIKS lliv brad of the patient alumsi npun Ins right shoulder. The body Is then to be iu. 'lined to the left and i lie liea.1 llowe.1 to roll In that direct i.m. still III!' -ullt lolled I>V lllp Illllnrles. \- souk as tilt- head has r.-iteh-tl tliv left slieiil- der iniisciilnr control Is to !)> resumed and the head rsls.-d slowly until It is n the same posituni as nt the l>. citning of the exerclw. Then the whole meth- od Is to bo re|)euied as luni; as nee.lfnL An urchin in a conutry i>ari->h la DcHlrre ID charraal In Havnna ere eeid never to have yellow r.-ver. while In lay ctrclpn It Is advised nlwnyi t-i have It about ilnrinit Ir^ pri'valenn', because of Its adsorlilng propertleM, II hi nrem iL druiiilsirator gcotland, having l>.-en tidd l-.\ his |>ai-- ents io feud ii ncws|niper nlond to - them, IX-KIIII to <lo so ill the usual drawling tuanner of the parish school lie had not in-i.-.-ded f.'ll wheu Ills ! mother slopped him short, exel.iimliie;: "You rascal! I loo ilsi ye r.-.-td a 1 o.-wspiiiier wl' the B'ble twmg?"

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