HOUSEHOLD. A il \nt in:ri:ivi:it Is thete any article more of a ne- reesuy to f. -in, nine cuiiif in t t HHII some sort of a convenience as a receptacle fin hair t Every be-ilroum u<-'iipieil by the grnllr arx should be Mi|>|il:r.l \vilh a hair recover. How iniiny girls have l^-iit a night at a fiieml's. and, if in in i k UK the morning loilrt, looked I In ...n tor aomething in which n. de- Corned Kerf Tea.-l'ut lean meat 10 pimit the objectionable little loll of I soak over iujrlil in t.-|ii.l untrr, in the IK.I.II o flour, atir until brown, pour in the uotatow and meat and 1 pt of hot wHUjr, run thoroughly, season with pepper and salt, cover and let immer half an hour. Have a care up- on it. stir, add tvutrr. Irl wiujiiiei, send to t.hle hot. I- irujer's l.urj' beon Salad. Boll un- til lender in suited water, cabbage, turnips, beets, upland cress. ('bop U'cts srpnrately. inn and add 1 pi mincd beef, m-isou with white uti- Ki.'imd iiniM'i 1. .-'iie cold with u uf \mrgai. jH-ppei and sail unit ground fuuilnrd, having first been niorn ing cut in Miiill |.,-.-i<s 01 i-b..p li.i.i i ne wisbe.s to put out of HJghi I KOI hi ng lobe found I Not even H iap { rf (b basket-anot he, useful art,, e u^ua . I ly -onsulered auiH-r luous in bedro ,, , r ^ o , llmri(1 , ri ,, ,, r ,.,.,, crack . . -> """"- cu. r in boid relief on the dressing.' ,,l,| e Corned Beef SiindwK-hen. Chop well To make an inexpensive and pretty cooked turned beef very fine, season NO CHANGES IN WEATHER. I ni(. r ,1 iir*- Mini H-ilnlall a Tile) Were I h .01 ii n U . -I trsr> >. We find the "early" and the "later" rain to-day in Palestine precisely as described 9,500 years ago. "Jordan overflows all its banks" in February to-day exactly us it did in Joshua's lime, . tbirty-Oiree centuries ago. Plants taken from mummy cases in Egypt, which must have ben gaiber- ed more than fi.OUO years since, are [ir. n lically of Ibe eauiu size and have the same appearance as those gmw- IUK to-day. Kecords of vintsges in I r .in e for over 7(NJ years show practlr.. ally the same dates as to-duy. Actual observations of ruinfull for over .'oi years at M . Petersburg show no change, appreciable to us, though, of course, the earliest observations wp re extremely crude and somewhat un- ruffle arouinl the top If red silk is used, sew on < he outside of t be cuff i fu ? r " Lotued Boef -After the a l tin. h of poppies or i>- I roses, and in. 1 1 has- bern well cooked, remove tid Ihe receiver by a red satin bones, lie securely in cloth and press nl'b.n, with a sm.ill bow, at the top, into it basin beneath heavy weights The flowers nnv >.e wilh the uu.l Ii stand 8 or 10 hours, n lor of the lining daises with yel- li.. loses with pink, forget-me-nots with blue. It is always desirable, of outer to have surb things harmonize with the prevailing color of, tbe room. SI I. V Kit CASKS. Cases of canton flannel for silver are desirable properties, .vluku each in ancient tiiuee. Une winter the light wine in France froze. Anotln-r winter ibe river Po froze over so as to bear teams, an unheard of phenomen- on to-day. In this journal for June it is stated that "Parnassus und Serrate, now free from snow, were covered with it in classic anAiquity." Also, "tbe name (ireeuland which strike! us one to hold a dozen forks or spoons. | a " 'ngulrly inappropriate, was not with two lengths of fluin.-l laid one in "PPlii'ule at tbe time it was named. on the other, aud divided into coin- , ' " , ' "f fourteenth century. Il is entirely probable that desrrip- partments by uiachme-stUchinK. | Uouh of lto co } 1 l , n Bni . i( . nl , ||BM ^ ilave tbe piece which forms tbe buck much exaggerated. Parnassus and of tbe case wider the front to Sot rate have snow at times, and in furnish a flup to fold over at tbe 'earlier days, when protection against top, i. frum three to four inches tbe cold and snow was much less than deep. Measure tbe size of each case now, a little snow would go a long by ibn of ihe article it is to hold way. Tbe earlier voyagers from table, dessert, tea, or coffee spoon. Iceland, more than 1,1*0 years ago,' dinner or dessert forks, etc. leaving a land of almost perpetual ice 'ml snow and re.trbiiiK > land in the j summer with its beautiful green rnlor. SI IIOIlL rllll.llltIA .-. MM A US. 'o 'he unar.-unioiued eyes would very .... naturally give the name of Greenland Ibe m.-i.,ke most parents make is , o ;, , , suinill , r llljl( . it j, .,, trying lo proviJe a school iiiiictaeon (ireenland pieseius a most heauiiful shall take tbe pU>:e of a urnm- r *> ne ' the Dmsh sett em nts to day ineil. That is difficult wiihoiit putting up a bulky package, and s terrilile cold ami deep snous of (heir large i|iiautily of oolil foo.l eaten in I'o.vhood days us in ..iii|..i r.ibly |ri...,ier the a,.. 1. 1| of the day iloe 1 . m.i pro- ' b;1 " "">' lhin " " h " '' ll " <>< ' " r ran occur to. l.i). coiniJelely le>sl thnr |.eil> fit the child for afternoon rn-kunins; in the l.,s, in .er h.-n smily. A beany at half past readmit of a ship that h .id sunk in four may break up tbe household New York harlnir by weight of thrii-e routine, bill it is pni'ier lor children ii|*n it; also, (hat Washing had 1 lie biingiy on getting home, if i bin \-f.uii mi-he- of MIOU on .1 level, they i.ike a '-bite of s.,iui-i lung and and tb lowest triiiper.iture ever noted inn out iu pi.iy ' afier tile usual in 'bit cily. A careful study will fa-hum they are not pioprrly liiinniv show no npprwiahle change in the Eton jacket of cadet blue cloth tiim- " six, and. bev.l.-i. sit is too late '' '"'' of HUM earth since the early Dei) ith Htilching. The srol loped f ir < child lo eat lb htai lu-st meal {''""rii- _ t lines. Of course nothing rrvrr- mid ilerii i-nllar are stitched at tli. e.lj-.-s and inlaid with dark bluo ! vrhel Sleeves cut with shaped, pointed ruffs, which are ornamented Don't be with stitching Material required, ' w rnn clcilh, r* i in IH-S wide, I :t 4 yards. of tbe day. A FKW SI'RIVi; re idy lo pul ..n lighter KA KM Klt'S COItSKl) UKKK. An ..III firiiit-i coins beef by this rei ipe: To pn-kle .'lOlbs of beef, put t g.ils cold water in a kettle, add 4 b the first to discard your heavy underwear. Uon't i.ik^ loo inch spring medi- h. i. adduied t i.uches .linritic, , which changes have been establish,.) beyond l|Uestion. KMI'RKSS AS RKI'iMlMKR. While tjie Kmj^ror of Russia has been seeking with noble ambition lo reform tbe warlike habits of Kurop- cine in your baste to beautify your J ran nations thiougli the reduction of complexion. ll.m'i foigel that wind blows Ibs salt I 1-J Ibs sugar ..n.l 1 01 salt- | May as well as in March, and pro- firl( , (>( .t, peter. Let boil 10 minutes, skim well, i d . llo ' !l tan Deckles and hArd. rou K h military and naval outlay. I he \.it\- in press bus also been at work in anot he. >k,n. Uon't be afr.-n.l to rnrry un Pul th pieces of beef in stub brella even when it is Ink* 1 from the fire and net aside until uui- or MII. II iii.Mt cask and cover with hi ue wright (lie in.-. 1 1 under, inter ibe to | ind sei in a cool, dark place. Th* meal "ill keep one year. Tbe best cuts /or coining are the biisket nod pin i-.s sdjaceni to the backbone, though 1.1* ami nit refuse bones can be corned* 1 In- n there's a knack in cookiug. wake i he nnsi.ik- of pulling' it tain cold wafer. The) lke it from tbe Li. ne just ,-l. it, and bring 10 win*, pour cold Muter ovrr it first and keep, il boiling until il fairly fro** I .i.l instead of tender. A bet- ter u it M bethel vrgelnbles H i e cook- ed nub it or not Is to cover with boiling water This will coapulntr the oulside nnd retain the Junes Tbeji swt it ovrr the fur. let it come in, n boil and .siniiii.-r slow ly. An uld rule Don't start your house-cleaning too She liaf. been set - ling ihe example ..I Mii|plicity and forget your rubber shoes on a damp day. O GOOD GOLF PLAYERS. rr.i.i. er wealth? iniii.i.i... ,. i-.i BV -I. in.. l IH SIMM*. Many l imeH during Ihe last twelve in .n li xdverlirteiiientt. for men sei- vanta in London papers have set forlh Ibat applicants must be good y..lf economy in dress at a lunuiious court. Thr F.mperor as a man of pence fiMinil himself sin ii.un. led with sol- diers Mho were guarding Ihe up- (iiwche.s in Ihe pnlHce. lie ilisliked military reviews, and reduced thr number . J battalion*, employed for I.e |\l!|",-e .! plllleclllifr Illlll II was a pranical meihod of letting Ins HUlijects know ih u be look In tie pleasure in the pomp snd gloit nf military ptnver. The F.uipresa. as the daughter ol l lie lute 1. 1. mil l>ukn of llexse, had bern players, thr advertisers in such l l" up ai a quiei l.ermi.n court, w here Iboro were lew great lunc- benig gentlemen living ,u lonely places , iollM ,, wh( ,,. e ,,,.* ., ,.. where they found it hard lo get re- cusioinc.l lo dii-M* |.|.nnl> She be- gularly an) ne.tibl>.>i who could enjoy came ihe crnlial figure .( the I'ouit uf St. I'rtrisbuig. here there were large and magnificent ceremonials. STORIES FROM THE FRONT, CORRESPONDENTS TELL OF DEEDS DONE ON THE BATTLEFIELD "I.. I * Itlil < hi. I -.1- II...HI Ilir INK nib-ran i.. I .M.r. t. rn ti.ii.l iiir Mall oi liiiiin. Twe Irish HiiMIrr* II.... 11-11. K-MI. Writing to a London, England, I '!> i. Mr li-unrt Uurleigh Mends the following criticism pussed on Butler'* mo ti.olN by an uld /.ulu chief won had fought aguinst the British under Cete- wayo: ''U'hit do you think of the fight- ing, Willi.iuif It was at Spearman's, after Spiun Kp, Vail Krantz and the real, William was questioned. The old negro groaned and wearily rolled his head and eves abinil fora minule or u before austvering. 'l.'niph,' said Wil- liam. 'Zulu, when be fight, be give Buer DO rest ; he no wait for thing* ; be go all nigbt, all day. Zulu don't mind what he eat. Zulu give Bwr no time oirtke rr.tdy ; be beat him au<l kill him, every in. in. Your grnrr.-ils frum Kngl.ind, tbry no sense make fight. Thy it du\vn. one day, two dy, three day. Then be fight one day, tuu ii.iy, and then be go away again. Ynur soldiers, I aee thousand* of i Imni every where. They go 'bout, all day doing nothing, no fight. \Vlnle they go 'bout. Burr coine make jlrniy big boleN bark of bill; thrn you can't gei him out. Damned foulness. Oh, yuur generals from England, no sn<e in ike fight, /iiiu, when be eaa't fight bere, there, he go around him Boer indicating wilh his finger-, this way, "way, and gives rascal no rest; and old Willie groaned again in spirit and flesh. The conversation really place, and thia is i>ui an outline of the Xulu Othello's criticism of Hi 1 1 lib uietlioda." TO HK IN THtt Flic >N I The same writer, p-.ikmg of the lnb i-olilirrs oays: "I have had in i in i onversations with men uf the In-h Brigade, and found ' li.-in,M r.tnge as it may sr-m tn their Uorue Kule (nruils. ejtreioely patriotic. ite>ote.lly loyal to the (ju*en, ami intensely re- aentful of my douht of t h- r love and lu>:ilt\ towiird her Majesty. I chanc- eii In hi\e a copy i>f u UiSKracrful rsriuon i*uert by une of tb** Dublin weekly rj;i|)rn, depleting Iri^h soldieis dragged by the ai ruff <'f the neck in- tii battle h) ibelr officers. Thin I carried to the front, and showed to a puny of li sh privates. It would bine nhiK-ked you to hear Ibe curses Auich tui>> neaped on the bead* of nil those h" ere, rei-pxinsiMe for that mrtiK'ii. It is aa good an a tonic 10 get into onnveraiition with the 'Du''".' Dublin Fusiliers. After the battle if I'uirtisu there were only nbout 40U of i liH.r gallant' soldier* left, 'ud i hrse were Kent Imrk to Krere. Uving re- g.inl to their terrible losses, it waa decided that the remnant all that was left of the Dublin Fusiliers abould remain at Frere to open com. inuinrai ion. Wlien tul. I "f this, Uow. ever, parade they tierunie a crowd of madmen, and vowed that i bey must tie in the very front. The run ion waa ao great that they bad to have their way. That's the njiiril in w hi. h the remnant of 'Dubs' went forth .1*1.11 to try conrluaiona with the Boers." KNOTKKI) HIM DOWN. One I. ni\ -n., i li ixirrespondent, after relating many incidents of Bi>er "slin- ness'' in icgnrd tu the mixun* of the unite flag. gives '^e following ex- ample of Horr hiiiiiinr,\ : 'When nur ivali rrcunnaiss.ini-e was puMied furward after the success- ful iiii.ii attack on Uun Hill the HUM- s,ir> got 'ntn.iverv tight place, from \slin-h ihe> ettric.ited IniMiiHHves hy a daub i hat cost many live*, ami some uounded wrre left on the field with rli' 'i .le ill c.imr.ides. Ambulances \\ere sent out for thwn uniler flag of truce. As one Hussar aa Iwing carried on a slreicher a young liner jeered at him, using epithet s that were o ooarss and cowardTy they roused 'Le Ire of a bearded veteran, wbo prob- ably fought against our troop* 10 yeara ago. With one blow be felled the youngster, and thereby gave hum an object leeaon in tfce treatment that in meet for those whe abuse a helple** for. To chivalry of a similar kind dipt. Pale) owed hi* life when wounded after tn>- night attack on Surprise Hill, according to the atory told tjr one who heard it while the wounded officer was being brvught back to I camp nett day. In the oonfuai<-u and darkneita Capt Paley's men <Ld not see him fall directly after the I bad given the order for them to charge. Be wua left there sorely wounded, anil one of tbe many for- eigners now fighting againat us in the enemy's ranks levrUed a rifle at him, but was lu|iped before be could pull the trigger by a blow from t te butt end of a rifle that sent him reel- ing. Again it waa a gr,iy-bear<I-d veteran who had come to the rescue of an Knglishman." FOUGUT WITH FISTS. Here. U an account of a fight witty in a fight, written to his father by a Natal volunteer "There waa a funny incident during the fight at Colensc. The Irish Fusiliers were making their way towarda the Dutchman's 1-ft flank, amid a terrific rifle and bhetl fire, and at one spot they halted for cover and a little time to regiin breath. Here two of the men iju-r- relled, atood up amid the singii>( around ihrm of hundreds of bullets, bad a regular et-to with their fist*, with their comrade* looking on, and, when ,the best insn won, they coolly resumed their inarrh to the riter well autiafied with their lat.e Interlude." TO DRKSS HK( iiMIMJLT. Kveryone known that vertical stri| give length of figure, and horiionta] line* widib. Only tall and slim fig. urea, ihreefore, should were horizon- tal trimmings on their akirta and bodices. Thene are fundamental rulea. hi.-h rvea a novice in the art of djejts knows, and yet bow often w ere them ill*- regarded. Ano tei rule alao frequently dis- regardedis to choose a style of dre-t In harmony with the person and fea- tures of the face '^Vor instance, a atout woman should never drees like a altm girl, or a slim girl like a atout one; a divergence from ibis rule pro- duce* discord .11. d offends the eye. Then, again, a differen. n' of drna ia required for a claaaic profile and a round face. It a by the profile, however, i hit the face must be judged, if your dreos be choaen aa in adjunct to youi personal appearance Anil wh.n tcives the profile its psr- iiiuliri<> I The noae yes. the noee. Therefore, if tbe line of your nose ia long and fure. like a Greoiaa) statue, you ahouli! dies* with severe and noble *im.pli<i>y If, on tbe con- trary, your profile lines are irregu- lar. Riving you a little impertinent air, then your dress may be fanciful, wiib a dasri of originality ia it, not to say caprice. HY WAV OK fHJ-X'AITION. a wise man, be ilenired to take no chances. Of course, you understand, be said by way of prefa *. I have plenty of female relat i*M Certainly, ahe answered, aomewhnt nonplused. 1 Imve four sisters already, he went on, and any uuniber of cnuains. I rrslne all that, she returned, but I fail to see bow It interests me. Oh, only indirectly, be said. Before BAyiiig what I liive to nay I merely deavire to h/ive it undermood that I have my full quota of relatives of i hat description. Do I make mvwlf c)ert I think I grasp yuur nicnning. she annwered. In that case, he announced, I wilt ask you to be my wife. Tbe mayor of Hasting* turned on tbe water inu> tn- first of two new uiultTprmind reservoirs constructed at Fairlight. '">'" Wllu tl "' 1 " Such adiert iseinrnis excite surprise ia lf> minutes for every pound of meat ', , h( . ,,,! O f tn e general public, bul but more time is nece^iwry. When ,,, n.nneciion with minor yuchiing, ' bus Hxtonixheil them l.y the an. I the |(ieat latlies were uiravttd in tbe ctwtliesl Parisian cuHlumes. She i , done set off the fire and lei stand half ln d incases wb-re the ow ueib of sjuall sn liour brfore laklBg p If it is to yachts are eiitbumaitis of limited anil plainness nf bei inn us on siaie- Ij i.'i asions. an.l l,\ l>t lack of in- be aerved cold, pl.icx iiniltT weiitbts means, t he ftauie rule has bren obsei v- teresi in the htlvriotM pleasuies of iind press for four or five hours. Slu-e e<l for yeura, a in HI -ei i am wliocould a rich and |>\iciful court. if convenient snd not only perform his domestic ilir ie- effnienily but "hand, reef and s ..i vei\ (Inn. wrve wiih some Inn snuce. The I mpios I UK. in.-. ben Na- poleon III. \san at the height of his Cruel Beef Omel. t Ml Iliia t 11-.' an well Ix-ing regarded as oinet lung po\\er. ti.ok 11 .lirfeienl line As nns- Ihs remove bone aii.l nbjei ..... >- fcU scraps, mince, add bread crumbs, tu in 2 ejtfrs. semoii with |i''l'l" t and alt. di|1 into a frying pan of hot " f 'I'e'isun And foi jears a- all cinkeieis know a cer- ' t i ess ,.f the luileries. she or.leied I lie fashions of the win Id. and Is It the Kidneys That Are Deranged ? If M uric acid psjlaon I* In your system and your u (Turin aje will bs groat until yeu set I ne kidneys right Dr. CtaM's KMnoy-Llvor PHIS rnako the kldnoy* healthy and cure all urtO aoM troubles. , ,,,_ ,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,1 ,,. ,.,, ri , , hr ,,, , ,,,,,,,,. \, deme and .-stiile are in I hw noiilhof she had * true eye, for coloi and le- Kntrland, ba.s eng.iK''d no imloor male marksble taste in dress, she was well Mil fnti or dripping and allow to fry servant Who was not an able, all- fitle.1 f,,r hei IKIMIIOII is .|ii.en of the five minutes. Do not turn eient for eight persons. Stiffi- round cnckeier, bis very valet liemg n "lice . eleln ale.l .-iiunly bowler II is forn.-d lleef witb 1'otnio t'hop fm mly a very few yeara ago (bat w in I I of fashion. The Princess nf Wales has the le- |. u ' .n mil of l.eiiifc' the liesl -iliessed aquiinuty of beef nnd aeason wul, """ '' ""' k I' 1 ;"/ '"' n "f nohleman'a w,.m,in in Kijgl.ind, bin she bus not . grounds, in which all Ibe eleven on encouraged habits of CM iavaniiice. i 'i prppei iheu mash ,, B i,| r W1MB | leM) , M ,,| M . rv anls four Hei c,..s iimi-s u ,- i .-m ,i k., i.le foi sun- hot |K>tatoes, add milk and butler and of ib.-iu mdooi ones -of the genlle- o well-benlen .. und stir tofrcihfi mini " <iu>-si nm then plsce upon the but lorn of baking I dish a lay.-r ..f potatoes, alteinntiiiK wilh a layer nf the minced beef until the i list I* is filled, cut snull bits of batter upon the suifan-. spunkle over a little p.-pp.'r bake until the top browns This la "rariety" for a "enug little dinner." Corned Reef Hush. This simple but dainty dish, being often cirelrNHly done, warriints the repealing of a r. i|.e though fllKllffll it'll! cooking i generally i hi- secret nf all fiulme The bunf and colil potatoes shtmld be eep irately, add half of a minced onion, melt one Lables|>oiin ''in - lor m the frying p.m. dust in a lea- ill I. vi i. MI i.i s OK 'i i;\its 'I his is a sad w.irlil, people lose all their enthusiasm after That's mil so. look at Cousin (li-orgi- an . \\hil is Hllc ent blisiast n at... II'.' \Vliy. si ii| ill, k>'i'|'ing fnuii knowiiiK she is M). l \KlN(! Ol-' I. \\V> Kits \\hal Hurl of H legal li|rl|l is a pet- tifi.Kk' 1 '' ' asked Illlllllllg uhen.l dis- riiMsimi arose about l.iwyeis and I i \ i-rs. A pel I ifngirer ia H legal light- weight. re| lied pit- elegance, and she i- ,. i s fr ilia- iiiniiils and |eels. The Kmi'iess of Itussia lias no talent foi .ln->s She is like her mother, yu.-cii Vienna's M-i-oml dautihier, a wiinnn of simple ami honifly ti.uis. anil she is trying to sel m example i hi' will be useful in a . women of the upper classes are not- c.l for I heir e\t (.iva -I'HK Slti.N 1 un certain that Sun is engaged to Mr. Dinkey, said Mis- Kntish to Miss r'lrpp. \\lu. she nei-i'i iiiciiluiiis him. I bit i- what cominrrN me She IIM-.I to make all manner of fun of hiiu. 1 lie most painful, the most fatal and coii-cqiicnilv thr mom dreaded diseases ol the human body are caused by the pre- scn. r of uric acid in tbe I'ric acid ii thr name given to Ihe foul, poisonous impurities which ure left in Ihe blood when Ihe kitlnrys are deran^rd and unable to perform ihrir duty of filtering thr hlood. So IOIIK as the kidneys are in perfect hralih the mi. acid ii paused out of Ihe body by way ol thr bladder and the blood is krpt purr au<1 clean. \\hcn there are severe boily pain*, headache, ha. lia. lie or weakncns in thr back; wh.-n the skin brcomes yellow, dry and hard, when Ihe urine contains de- posits, is thick, or irregular; when their is stomach trouble nnd pami about; li. n you Ir.-l wrak, diziy atul become languid ami despondent; you can put the i.i.i-e ilown to UIH acid in Ihe hlood resulting from ilnangetl kuliu-y*. The ...itui r t your ailment will be de- culrd by your constitution. Th- poison Iril in Ihe blood will find lud^mnit in the weakest part and set up -omr dreadful d.-eair, 1 1 may he Brighl's disease, ib. i heirs 01 tbopsy. Il may he Ihe twang- mt; pains ill ihrumalisiiL It ntay be ihronic stomach tr.iiihlrs or bladder oVj mrnls. Whatever thr foi in ol disease tnis poisoned blood may cautr thr cure car only br brought about by setting the kid n-vi right. The experience of tens ol thousands el men and women in Canada and the J States poinli to IV. Oiasr's Kidney-Liver Pills as Ihe most effective means ot setting thr kidnrys rigbt. No other kidney medi- cine- cm prsjoVsM so much irrcliitahlr rviilrnce of its wonderfut ruralive \iitue. \o other kidnry .nedtcine has receive^ such hearty cudorsaiion from physicians. Nor is this to IT woneVred at when it is rrmrmbrrrd that IV Chase in a prince among physicians. Nature has only provided onr mean* of kcrping the blood frer Irom uric acid poisons Ihr kidneys. Nature's most rft.-c live invigorstors of the kidnrvi are , . u taincil in IV Cli.ts-'s Kulney laver I'ills. Purely vegetable in coinpusition. icirnrf- ticalls prepared from the grrat foi mid., ol Dr. A. \V. Chase, ikoioughly letted in thousands of severe canes, wonderfully efficient in all diseases caused by mic ... .) in the blood. Dr. Clusr s Kidney Liver Pills stand alone a* tie world's gieatrtt kidney medicine. TS.-v prevent ami cure disease by ridding pfinonous impnnnes from thr blood. One pill a dose, n. box, at all dralera, or tdnmu-oi, Ua.c. & TflTTOS ABOUT THE WAR ITEMS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU AT THIS TIME. Tb' ?< ih tiririd aad Th Their War I* (he 4 aa- All Urlisln i*i. t<> ii.i. *r K , . , . The proprietors, of the Grand Hoel. A'-Miiano. near, tienoa, wih to place <( IOOOM, free of cost, ao tba dia- I- 1 1 ot wounded Biiiieb officers. A-nong the offirersl at the llhi Bet- i Royal LttocaMter Regiment, iiortly to b emborliedi for service at front, ia Mr. F. .S. J ickaoa^ '(tt ,.-Mn fsme. L'.nt r.nmmn'im. (Governor of Vlueeruifsnd, wbo ia stnyiag in Kng- linl. baa sent two hundredweight of 'o an<l a number uf pipe* to the W.--'ii<(|8nders at the front. i v> 'botuMnd girls (taployed in the ul milU of Meeaira. Clark * Co., Pi iley, Scotland, have agreed to knit i- - for the soldiers. The fiim-uu- [ s the wool for one pair ea.h Mijnr Rimingtmn, of the 6th Innia- killing Drajroo*u.< baa been promoted t he second in cooiiu.ui I of his triri- ni-nt. aa ao acknowledgment i>f he strrices In organizing "Rimington's '. . !." From Ttte If I tin paru.h of HarnkLinda- W'Uin, near Staiinen. which bis a p*>(iulstkon of but :>.non mzteen men h>. gone to tbe front. Vn Army Service Corps mm men- IB a letter that at Paardeberff l.;ere deUberately trained a P HI B-.UI .>n the field huipital.ajHipit.-hed twenty-one shells amucg t he uuur fl- I l' S The Queen hia purchased, iqum'ity t red. white and blue badges, which u- has presented tu all tbe members at 'he royal family, r-.eirly ill ,J a .iu are wearing them on all oc- flv*Japan tta drinkers t SALADA CEYLON GREEN TEA is more healthful than Japan tea. colonels: or. if in th hospit il, they are given to one of thur sisters. Hcimetimae. too, they are tied up in a hadkerchief and kept under their pillow* ao as to avoid all fear of loas. e> ROMANCES OF BANKRUPTCY KNEW SOMKTFIfVr, AHOUT WOMEN My der sir, slid t h>- old gnntleman in bie open-hear' i'\ way, I sh.ill wel- come you as a nou-m-1 v Alaa I returned tbe young man de- 1 ertedly My last hope is gni\f II I had your opposiiion I ui.|[ht hope to w-ii her, but witbuut it tnre is no chance. NELSON NEWS. LIVE ONTARIO VILLAGE WHERE DOOD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE VALUED. Lrty (teorgLana Curauo has received I a 'elepram from I'oli^iel Moggett, mm m.lnnt of the Imperial Yeo- | mmry Hospital, stating that the h> pi' i! WH npejie.l ti> re< etved patients u Siturday. March 17. An Knglvh lady roeident in Dreaden J cuntizes as foolish the accounts given of the "reign of terror" in which Kngluth resident* in that city The so-called insults are only li - tlw work of ,1 "playful ruffmn." The following tribute to General Giiacre comes fn.ui .t private of the LIEBIQ FIT CIRB Will ur IpiUp., Fit*. Vltes D.-c. . n d r . ill ness. t i L OTTLC > BLL C MB.Ot te , severer tonln| res* sue us tkelr **m nu this aaeer. 4sMnasTkt I II BUi CO. Hlnj St.W.. tWeeto. Fifth:" "Newspapers have b-#u tunning faiin down, but all ' h<*y aiv !i n rung I for one. would fol- l.. him to the gates of the other 1 Private Coppard, of tbe Black! \V.tch. wounded at M.igetxfontein. ar- nred home the other .lay at Tun- iiitge Wells. Ai ii few minutes otic* n few ti-adetouein of the town ] organized .1 reception Three band* *nl about 10000 spectators! escort ei b'.m to In.s borne. In the list of pntriolk) villages. Tils- j h-t.l. near Deviieo, high, with tea men. inclwling- a father ml two ons. at the from out of i popu n <jn of 3WI. while IJutiiulun, ne-ir Ayleit- I.. . hss sent se>euteeu of .i ^"t '. tk*> fTMst, L-e-'<le.s U.ivmg nine in InJw. The Bi-uesels Spee.l Line give au un- denirtl to Iherrivri recently in a telegraju from Htus- . < ^i.iting that th slea.mer \ in t i "lecently conveyed several en- titles from Bruosel* to l/ur'bjn hn n. i i.s asserted, :' ujc,i..-.l f'jr Ibe B->ers." Our f the C t.V.' lela'rs th-il he u-i ten others uf the n.rp.s. w. i I l lie I to- the filll.iUS cillloy \\li-ll v.'iunteern were calle.l (<>r to tike ujiuun'tion to the firing line one si', i naif nulfvs away, lie i es|* n.|.-.| b-; hn.l to cri\vl the h.ile i.( ihe w iv amid a hiil of bulleln. "Tbe war corr|>iindiiii will h.>M -i ui ii freer and more ili*iufie.l with the army fimu now on. I r will nol lie ceusoie-l I i i K.ibert8 says thut any cnin isms will u- .- by him with greit' in 1 '- tlo " big enooghi to fel that h n .us miy speak for themselves ' Let tor from iin o-fficer at ihefi >nt The Queen Ls .lelightel ind i.tther I -.. he.11 that all the officers in u Africa have received boxev "f h^i chocolate, -which they prtxe quite w u)U'-h ad t ht> men for wd-.m thry weio alone original!) inteu.lel \- for the men. they t.hi. 1 thru hi^&ly 'hit very ofimi t bey give i heni t .safeljr >to the charge of their ry ef Is* r*rcri. Irlik BtaBkrvjpM. The Cory of th* of the furgut ten hoard .if in bankrupt U as interesting as a romance. In the year of grace 177 an uiifort vminer of Sm.x-k Alley, in linlilin City, was unable to mi hi- i-re.Jir- ors. Hit worldly g.xxls Wei- handed over to an assignee for ilia benefit of ihe creditor-i, but th-y yielded a very meagre dividend. Am.mgit the uni. ih<*l UI>IIPS of ih b-inlcrupt waa a cUim tu a portion of a rent out i-f ^'iia lands in Kintf i ..uity, and the ^.-tsiguee, full of zr>ii fur the cred- itors, cumineuued a suit m I'b.nce.ry 0>r as rec.jvnry, arvi JL sum uf tOoO was paid into court t A.VHI there- suit. L'baocerj suits are, or xvre, of in- terminable length, huokaa life .s short, and the 4*.s)i4fnae died, u.i pauers ^c| lost, and che u.t languiibed n I lip--!. Meanwhile the OUO. which had been invested, waa steadily grow- ing, though there were a i cl.nmints for it, and a century afterward, it had increuseii to l,33.*> Je lu-l. .n.l hiving i[)|>-ir...t m i list .^f dorm. mi fund-, m Ch mcary u caught the eye /f in. of the officials of ih Uink- rupicy Cuurl. .owing up the sl.-u.lHr clue he illy searched through the re- cords, piecing to* vin.MM bits .( deuce together, uniil after m.inia- f lab>mr he g.i..t t . ,f. fu-iil assignee, uot only to ihe funds in court, but alto to the portion of the rant, wbiuh, 'in lk*in^ tol.i, w i U ; u m conn, a tulil nf abom ^.">,iit>i. sufficient to p.iy a aUvideat of *..iu,t liis in t h pouu'l U was nearly * difficult to find the representatives nf i h c:< as ii had baeu tu duttiitr ihe Utddeu treasure; yet ia ih nU m.ay firms, includmar Messrs. Gumuoas i t'o., weio une lo pruduue I.-COUDI.< O\ KK AC'B.NILRX Ul.U, shoAiug whuiiie O'inicrupi had owed lo iheir prdeeesors, an.l will bw en- titled tn shire m this rum iiiticaliy .Ii-.'. \. MM. I fund. Ibe iincl.iiined .lnii-ni|- ui Stnk- rupioy are nienurod by millions, yl there u,. f e A i..,iu.n - un i |m fjbii- lo.i- i .nd In ..'tii'i n ns>. ts, d lima deemed of n.i value, scrip leganle.i . , wasts uapwr, have, b, some iu.l.l.-n turn of fortune's wheel. i<e<-..iiie able, and year attar ).-r liirt fuu.U have grown by the irrn>iiu ,>f m- vtUilst the very memory of the debt has passed from tbe mm. I .if the creditor. A few yeari ago a *t.m ..f iljooo was aw tiling t h claims u f th repte- sentatives of t b creditors. ..f t city merchant who died .. bankrupt a hundred an.l fifty years) a^... S I- lsts to say. little or nua .( U w.ts ever claimed. Some creditors) vho b ve received ; a dividend. ;tn.i struck out th anco as t bad dbi. h i >* beein agree- ably surpri.-.l .u alter wardi being : p.ll.l ill full. V Illelehtnl Wh.>. through mi.if.iriuiiH.4h.ul to call hi- creditors tugei her ind coiiipouad wilh! them for "is ui i !! pnuri.l. .ift.erw w.-ir i.i VineriiM. where fm-'unn iiirn- eU a >niilnii( f iee upon ii in aud he soon found himself a millionaire in . dollacs. \\iib i sense .if honour and ifr.itiinde fir to. i rare, he came back t>i his n nive cily in. I nivn.e.l all his old creditors to a sumptuous .|nin..i On I he rein.ival of t he soup plates each Ktiesi I'. mml l here. mil. ! t >-|ie.|ue for Ibe of li-s a.-ciiiini rh in- terest. .V Yorkshire Illeieli tilt nf Ililfll p.isi- fnleil H.iin.* yeirs li n k n i sum of f.MI IMIII. Ili-l A is ..||lv llile in- ill ihe |. un. I Wilh untiring en- >!>{) he set In wo' k I." teicieve Ills foi t lines, .ml b" iei-.ini|'.lisli...| hisi.ts|c with sin-h snc.'e.sM in i few tears' tun- he call. -il his old oiv.liiors to- gether i^uii but thi< lirn>- it \tas lo pay them ill" reiiiaiinn^ Ills. I h- ei -editors, ileirrinine.l not 1.1 lie oiit- dinie in nenei osit v respond*..) vtnhthe gift of i h i silver il'iTin.'r s.-i- t i.-f l.' the uv-ri'li mt's wife ui.| I|,,H will be i|.i\vn as a family h.-ir- lonm. n. . m. . 4 i>...i t<.i. n.M . mHr r PHI. r*r u Tw stole* a>4 'lib eew Prrreei. S'eleo.i, On:.. May U. Friends of Mrs. R. EVzaimmavs of thia place will lie Ceased to learn that she is about ag i, a. At is well known in this district, Mrs. Kitzsimmons baa been more or lexs of an nvni-i for the greater part of rhe la -t twelve months. -'.- now however, in robust healto and ihanlts Oodd's K .tony Fills for it. Mrs F t /simmons. her friends will remember, waa not at first iwire of the i-ause of her ailment. Kidney Dis- ease attacks ill victims in so many forms ind so gradually that .'s pres- ence goes generally undetected, un'il its ravages have nffwted snmH other vital organ Then the maltily is railed Heart Disease. Rheuto <tUtu. Bladder Corapl tint. Dropsy. \V",.uien's Weak- ness. Paralysis, or vioi-f other one of those/ many forms of .1 s*ase.| kidneys, <u. b D't iJoubt. waa cbs danger in'o which Vfrs (' /si'iim jrn was running when arr-B'rd by Du-l t i K dnef Pills.. She romvliin/.l of i pun in rhe side. She grew so weak, t hi' she was. as aha bsrself states. lmo- unable to walk. She took vir oui medicines, never dreaming, of .our*', 'hit Kidney Dis- ease wi* tbe eame of her trouble. When < be tru'b d..l u.-our to her. she at once had recourse tn [>>x<.r Kidney Pill. The result is ab is now ia per- fect health s> AFRICANi BCItlAryi. In er am parts of Africa it la o<m. sidered a mark nf to bury out of doors at all. Only slaves are treated in iu<-h unceremonious fash- inn Tb* honored deid are buried ander the floor uf tan bouse. Wisdom in buying tea cnigU in buying the LUDELLA A WOMAN' JUDGMENT Is usually a food guide m ihe selec- tion ef colon, and a gooe! coter chart will a*si*t you to select the eaael shade you want. But a wrman wnl Ramsay's Paints, are made tor beauty and durability, te look well and wear well, a little fret- tier than the prettiest and just a shade belter than the best. They beautify and preserve everything they touch. Ask vour dealer Son. MUTUAL. Puini kkm -IIOT.'I.D HE HKVKHSED. Whu tbe denti.t finally took the rubber dam out of hie mouth 'h pe.- tiiMit remarked that as bad only one cooioient to mei- And what ia that f asked tbe den- ust. l'b% name of thsit thing ahould be reversed. ^w V , VEH PIKTY RAH> <H>rms., lYriTr tao i hu lro> lOMbint f i MB* wt>4Ww-<) vx>miS'. *YH r i. KMB MS b* ojoUora lor Jir h.i Iron MOIklna f KM bo iv^uTt^'^sr^'i^s: 11 *""-* 'iToB traai ! \mrou4MM. I*. ortd. B. tun <r-p ' Promotion or General Happi In aer-iiied by N'ervi line the irri> nerve-pun cre The hiiihly pene- 'iitim/ properties of NarvilLne m - U never failing in ill .Men ..f rheam- atuini. neuralgia, cramps. pnin in ihe back and side, lumbago, eve. We he ui ily commen.l Great consternation wi* rauv-l in the Is;!., of \f ui tbw other 'lay by the usjmn-ioii of Dniuiie {si Uankinif Com- pany, Lini; I TO CURE A CORN. Ttmre i no lack of so-calle.l cures for the cnrnmiHi ailment known * corns. Tbe vegetable, and mineral kingdom* have been i <n s u'k I f r urns. I i> a mple ma fer '.i remove cornit wttuutit gmin. for if y.ra will go to nny I ' or midi- iteo'er i n.| huy i bottle of Put- nun's P-i.nless Cum Kx'nictor and ipplv it ita .lirecte-1 'he t huiit is done Put mm '.s." i n.l no uther. STYLKS. Customer ts there any differen.-e I.etueeii thu yeir's tyles of aa.ldle i n. I those of last yrirf Bnycle De.iler-Oh. yes. Last year ther* were thirty-seven styles. Th s year I think there aro only thirty. three. 9100 Reward. ;OJ. Tse reader* of ihis paper will b pleased te o*rn i hat there Is itt leati one draait^d .lle*o that ciooe ban ben ible to euro ID ail Hi .t nt n,l taal Is Catarrh. Haiti Cirrh L'a-a i* the 00)7 pmiuro mr . now k IBWB to '.bomo.ll.-sJ 'raiernitf fuarrh bem s eon. ti'unoMl dlneiun. rw|inre a ooniuluiloaal lre'm*ar. Hall's Catarrh CMO) hi lak n inter nJly. acting; dlraotlj apoa eke b ami *nd nu.-tt t.irfcc< of the <7*iem, thereby de*- irovlni tbe foundanoa "f the !:,-. . a .! giving >'i- patient strongth by bai!.lia ap the ? nititation no. I !! iif naMire IQ loin^ l' w.irit. 1'he proprioio ho to much 'aila ia i! oorttivo powers, thai they olTr roe Hun- ired Pi lion for \nf CB that Ir fi to cure end for Met of tMtimnnial*. i^i Aruvcious DC-K-T. My daughter tells me. sir. 'hit you had the judaoity to propose to her' Whit have you ta say to that f Not hi UK sir. eicept that your daughter had the audacity to accept I le 4 <*. li eir ti Tke Lauttv* Brain* ijulBUM Tblt< All Inia t ls'rf-aa4 the nsnncy if K tall* lo cure. lio. a>. W Qrave's <if aktqre Is m each del Dyeing! Gleaning! 7 or 'be> *rf koMU !) l four .tf t Ui ' 8"ITIM AMIIIICAN BYIIM CO ' Look for ofoBi n f.r tow*, or mm* 4|rol Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa, Qusbeo. Michigan Land for Sale. o> essAoaM ooeo paatsiisio utsst AHWIAC fo<ni'.c i h*0l>. 4 wi.rUiTTj SB) letoiioihlt talon Apolf ' FURS. FURS. Importer and asp*r**r ol Raw rim aud "kins CeOr ignmeBM whclt4. H |- 01 pr-cee paid fer glnnag H. JOHNSON. OM St. r :. ttreet. at. Mica tin SMI 0rm m tM SJarM. P1H AND SOI klU Covering Ppo ( vko> SB** <u. Tmtmtm, Uuir*. mmA T -r.ow Promotion in the Kussian army i oeo*dingly slow. It takes from *'* > D AAC I U C and Hi seven yeiM for a Captain lo be- 1 P' U ; ** c>. .-. m l.iui*oant Cu.uavl, and four f r I. H r-nani Coloael to become a Colonel. IOA MILIR COVIIIINO:CO., Limits*, Th " lalmorai," tr* JM Hotel l r K JJJ I.^ rioly( foil i TU r. t M> OiTr i flroj' M-i <*.IIOM. 0. ii-t for .'t .{ *r | oo a 4*Bmo"'Ctt .T! HOUII* M ,** nuuai ~rii HOUI r*u MM -"UK RKTLIIN. Junes They ought to bang 'hit treasurer. J .un-on Wh 1 1 art you kicking about ' Hi. In ' o give the people a run for their money ? w p r io-:t Loan and Saving;^ Company. I t'.-> : r u U rf The aklest and Largeat Canadian Mori- gago Corparauon. Paid up (.'apual, $^.000,000 Reirrvr Fund - 1. 100,000 Head Office ^Terento M., TanMe. raneti tfr,e* -Wlnnieea;, MM.. vaMemer. SO DBP0.1ITS RtCRJVRD totaraM llarc*. DF.BKNTVRfs ISSI'ED lor I, 1. 1, jr I tib mirM> "iKn CALVERTS IIC nt. omo Oln ""t. Tooth Po.r tc have beee w%r*lei ID" siedsis and dlpioniM for wperlor icellesioe. T*i*Mr rnajaisx use prevoec 'ru diseases. Aik roar ; la ,it: . UiU nall%d free oe >p*'l<>>ti M . r. e. CALVIRT A co., IMOt.AMe. .niMiirar.. Jorrrnaral MJ Municipal SVwda. . Vj tmr ,> pplf n T WA f Olr clr. MO. a. 49H J. MAIN, lu.r aM Trwe. The Canadian Heine Safety ['(] BOILER W, Toronto Tho Oawion Comm iston Co., Limited. *r Mt-Markot A Oolfeorn it . Toronto. USTIOOS Otoet Fin*. ITS uroo. 1 ojlloo from ElBli* " Wolorloo. Oo. Oal . for rl. 0, p.ibli ouotloo ol s)u~o Hotoi. .li *n Apnl . M > o olooo p. F*r porUoulor> opplr u, OAUtLL* HAKBJS. Bo* FOR SALE ! Hall', runilj fillr the VN rVr'Olin N Vt'K MIX f[> Wh.if color II \..ii hive your hou- p.r ir K.I ' !p- -^| ring f I don't dir '" tneiiiiiin colors at home ins: now. h ippears ihn m\ wife's hit't hinuontze with tin, suit, and both "f the:n .ire i shade darker thia her new hosiery. O'KfcEFE ^T ir :;, MALI Inti. ir.le ,| ^'.r.tiMth*nl Ll.oYU W.>..|1 i IBMMALAUUfl \S K\l'l |.l KN f KKVSOV Freddy, what makei \ , u fruu. morning till night / - l U be good comp'ny fer mv- T<i inn H B R >> hl(krla JOHN M-iil.-iiLL. Bat 1C. CollhuwooJ. Out. Nigh Clait Wator Tube Staam Boilers, for All Pr8 turtCl DutlM and Fuel. $KNl POOJ OE5CHIPTIve CAT .I..IOIB /Toroouj Blortrtc Light ,.. I I Th* T Ktn.'o.. l.iBi oil Catholic Prayer *T K .1 ! t'-c* ir. s.*[.,%ry. fta't Cams *>ruftmnU K I'icul .n>l W irki. U v ..r.lor. '.. prompt Mtoa. MO 9. a J. SAOUCI 400., Wentreat. Brass Band llruinl> Dram*. UnlforsM. Etc. Every Town can have a Band - .1. P>r. n R Th. %f lux r-iLiuhlni ,, l.ioili ail of T jcoow. wkor. iKMlor* f -^ 0*00 work l*a. .(.! i0 li LOWMI prWM M 111 .!.! Pi M !; .(.! ntSMIf moilod fro* Write for tarthlof IB Muolo or MuototU Instruments. Whalcy Royot 1 Co., FARM FOR SALE. mth nov buildiiiB >i>4 .kiMiiu tatlltm. 9r.i.i- >IISSI Sise OVUM for Un. -fcookuKl fr,,l f.rm. - . . LAW Mine. Mills * Halve Birnmerr of.. -omnvea' .. . W|T BI.U.. und 3t.W..Tt>r<l. Linen Marker ' Ha, fmt Uf> In B**t i r-ii-aj '>oi ** 36c . h 93 .V) [.4 MS: HiMi . CloUi-* * < Somo. in,i. l.ln >H. k IM 'tli nouo. Ink B.I 'l"! irMf C O. VOl'.NU. I r* J. L.JONL5 tNG ( .' t. M) ADD AIW %' w TORONTO Auer Vapor Lamp Over 60 Candle power of Light for 20 Hours at a oost of .06. Give* a better and more economical light than electric- ity or oil. All coun- try houses, hotels, summer resort^ nd camping parties should have them. MANTEL*. CMIMNfV SHABES, CAS FIXTURES, always in stock. The Toronto Auer Light Co. i. u >onice SI . rrfJIIT6. C. 1 Harp S6.00, ' " **. n>"^