-** 7, 1900 THE F L E S If E R T O N ADVANCE Card; ll'CUI.I.of.ill * YOUNO A ltnl..-re, Maradale Do guneiel banking butlaea*. Uoney loaneo i.t a reasonable rate. C*ll on " Co Ore, U S HENDKU80N. Kleeb.rtoo T CHl81 '"Lrton Station w .:r-u"bUcJll~^. Cbarg. . " Compa,,, . * call .elicited . AO U W meet. vory But and thlr. Monday in .-.-li m.intu. In -n'.lr lode rooin. 'liritoo' block. Klo.liortou, at It p u ft." M* M loon, Recorder ; W l"l.llm...t....nc.;r. Vl.iltuK brethrwi lifted PKINrB AKTHTH LODOE, No. S. A. \ [ uievt lu the Mawniehall. Strain i blocl "very rrU*yoor Mart the f.ni mooo. J * Uoyd W M ; > Uellauiy, bwrt-tary. COUIIT KI.KMiniTOX. I. O. F. meeti In j; un i the lat Frlda) eveulni! n ea.-li mun . \ -iiin,' Koreetera h.artil v welcome. O.K. H. H. Dy*on ; K.H. r. \an. Duteu P MAKSHM.!. i> a, l- DB ouo> lira l'i*i'- I 'iiiiinto t.'nUunity andKoyal of Lluiital Vlnlttln- M.-Cnlla n-m^a. Dumla'k rery f,i.U ' ,iib(, aj ot Fl herton f\R. u C. MURRAY, 1.. I). ., dental unrgton: U )i norurali.ii' : T .n.i-to t'lllvurmlly anl Koval Colli .::eoi.a of Ontaii' Otll . ' .1 ' I III k. I 1. .ilfll'lll Will vint Ku.iTiliain rlr. lat W.i I . ofi-aih ninriti., nil Duiidalk 1 anil 3 Tliurmlny In ai-li uiuutli. I \S KHiiST. I. I.. l. Har.'litai. Huliultor Conveyancer, eie omoe -Nut t.i |>otoBJce. Sproule'a block V IU mini, -vi-i . Tbanda aod court da;* N K ii*. ii s.i 111 I .'-In.'. I'roat" bloek Voulatt iti-tMt eatt. LUCAS, WBHillT * ltarrl>tr< Holl'-ilora C.iuvuvaiMeri, rt OfBces Ovii S'Hin i. mil andUarkdaltiOnt. W 11 Wiiiniir, i \ HAI.-I-' I H LrcAi N K -Klenhertou office, klllchell i Haak ery Haturday. TUCKKIt A I'ATTKIISIIN liarrii-t.'i-. Siillclt'iri, to Uulaou a Hank. Owen Hound h \KIIY O TUlKKIt (il II VT PATTKK.-JON HACK AY * SAAtl'SON. liarrleten. *o 1| IIKKK 'I : "wen Si mid, Mrolint' bank l..... k, N ! 1'itt T.,U lluuae. l.nmlalk. alaln Siiuot.evnry Hklurday. A.a.MnCK\v.M v, UK K.\iiri*ox,i..i.i' Cru*u Alt-, n - I ' Hi"). M, M c r * 8 OD. Prlcl!l* me* n.'it limn i It '' "tore; ronldmce DDoalte at tun ni-l I" 1 *' "file*. rl<lnoeo( lale X ll.-own. oltloaJay*-l'ue.Uay*auaatui- aya. Plealiini "i " " Muuehuw * ont Phynlrlan. Hiii*een. *te . laiu 1 * bl>ck. KontdeDoe- JOHS A Hcol' I". ^^ II M.-IIII...I 1 .illi;e I'liynlc. * Kurgeonn Matarlo (Ira m.ii l" Mi-li'i'i o Tiironlo Umvel.itv. K. ll..w*lii|i lli|ilma, Pout (irailil aU M.ilieal hi-lio.il . I ll..r|ntal. irliloa DlM-a.ni "( eye, ear. ime an. I tbroat ipaolally tre.t..i Id -M. i ce,Maiwell,Tl*U*Kfer*liain Thuradyaa 1 -il JP Oi Vdl'irniary Surijcon Gra.1nat of Imlarlo Vlorlnarj Ueatilai < ii - i-. i I U'lor nulli wl ou Muv ulrMl. TliU .liiet rum Prasb/U-naii I'lnnrli OW. MA<'K I I Vvtorliiai v S n,;, MI mil Denllit. Mai- well arainitti n: Out i>i.i Vntarlnary Cellmr- urnilaleil with Tnruiito I'mynralty. Vteltn hni|iiU W' iilniiii l fi nin II a m. to 1 |> in , and Per'iriliaiii 'riiuiH.litv Inini 8 lo A |i. ai. Tenders Wanted For ill" erm-tl'in nf nt-Mii' l> .<-i<iiinl,anJ ven- eeilu nf We-l 'i I.Miaf.'iil lloiil, until Ma> in. l'i" i|" . in. i.i"iim in liu >een at tlie ruaiilenoi^ .if Win on t OIMII Tcitileri aooi'pt eil for whole I'lm loweal pr any ii-nilf-i . '' C^Diinlitt-e \4lli I l liiai.-il, Viu. A. [^^^^i^B^^^AI^^HlA^t^^lA^Ki^JC MlUKJ I TblLlidlngSpeclillstsol America 20 Years Ii Detroit. 250,000 Col IWECURESTRICTUREl Thotuand* of younc and nlddle-aced I men are troubled with thi* dieeaee many I I uneonjokmaly. They may hare a imart- 1 Inf teneation, imall, twitting treani. r lharp euttlnf paini at time*, illf ht din- chart*, difficulty In eommendnf. weak organi, emlMloni, and all th* lymntnm* of nervooJ debility they have 8TKIC- TI'KE. Don't let doctor* experiment on you, by outtlnf . itretchiof, or tearing you. TM will notoorejou. at It will re- turn. Or NEW METHOD TKKAT- 11KNT aU.rbe the tricture tiara*; heneer*oiOT**theitrletare permanently. It can never return. No pain, no lufler- I Inf, DO detention from buiineai by our method. Theein*loraiiiarejtri.nith- ened. Th* nerret are lnvlorated. and | I the bliai of manhood return*. ,<*> WE CURE GLEET I (9 Thousand* of younf and middle afed I 1 men are havinf their aexual vif'ir and vitalilyeontinually tapped by tbii di- ****. They are frequently unoon*ciuui oftheoaoatof the** lymptomt. General Weeknea*. Unnatural l>i*charfe. Fail- lot Manhood. NenrnufneM, I'oor Mem- ory. Irritability, at timei .Smarting Hen- miiiin, Sunk.-n Ky**,with dark circle*. Weak Back, General Uepreailon. Lack of Ambition. Vaiioooele. Shrunken Parti, etc. GLEET and 8TBICTURB 1 may both* oaoN. Don't conralt family doctor*, a* they hate DO X{ieri*Dce in the** special dlnajee don't allow (Juaekl to experiment on you. Coniult Specialists, wn* hare made a lif * rtady of blMamolMen and Women. OurNKW MHTHUU TKKATMKNT will poii tlrely our* yon. One thousand dollan I for a ea*e w* accept for treatment and I cannotcore. Tenni moderate for a cure. I CURES GUARANTEED I 1 We treat and *nr: EMISSIONS. VAKICOCKLB. SYPHILIS. OLEKT, HTKICTl'RK, fllPOTBSC'Y. SKCRBT DRAINS. liNNATt'RAL DISCHARl 1 K-, K 1 HNKY and 1ILA FiDKU 1'imM CONSULTATION PKKR. 1IOOK.S PKKK If unable tn call, write for I KSTIOJf BLANK for BOMB TKBATMBKT. KENNEDYlKERGAN Ccr Michigan An, and Shilbj St. DETROIT, MICH. K&K Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery are dmu- in fii-il-claaa^alylu and at lowett raten. birecial Httontion ffivon to ro|ivmu. B*bie*' photo*, a gfrecialty. I'ictnrea f mined. MRS. BULHER m I ' 'roprietor 4 Having |tuijii.iH,'i| the trim.irml Im-i in 1 *- lii-iii Sir I. ' (.. nl I witdi t" announce tliHt tin- liiiMiii'f, will In- t-mitiiiutil in the old |in-iiiis<-K. \\u IIHVC I n.l a city enprrieiicr nnrl Ix-lirvi' we crm |i.-i'i.-t ,:it isf.n t in], iii our line. Ilitvi* tnkrn HUT the i^ency fur Rolwl ( m -a-ANIJ ZPorkei ' s - Dye And all nnlern left nil Ii us will receive |'li> I. |'l .'III rll'l-tlll attention Flesherlon Shaving Pallors A. \Vilsori . . Prop. FARM FOR SALE Flint Mt farm, lot 4, con. 3, ()*prov, i'i acren riaii'ii. ihri'ii mill, i lonn Maxwellauil i-iKht fr<iiii Kl .lii-it, n UI>,H| frame lioiinc, hank barn KIHII! roeag orabara, t.om wn)l vntxrnl and Komi NCI) \\-iMliriiit to K<HM| ti'tini,' if not *'l.l A. McM'.CHME. Maxwell, May SB, IWO. j\'e\v AT TUB Protfctor/ No more ft nik! tin- tail ..I the liin'< in fly M . i . iM'ti it, A full I. n. of sweat | ads, duter* wbii , collais, kxln Ki'i', hoof ointment, curry oomim, trunk*, vali*o, etc. See Ihe Sanitary Draco for gxntltunnii'i wear- only Id. per pair. W. MOORED IIAl MUMAKKK FLIHHRRTOV , ONTARIO In Memory of tbe Late J. W. M cnde son. On Sunday, My 27, tl.c Shfrlx>urn itreet churuh, Toron'o, huld a memorial -ivicu for the ini'iiilM-rs deoea r.l during huyoar pn.st, when Tru<iee H. H. Fud- ;er p*id the following tribute to the memory uf the late J. W. Henderson : I am aaked to refer apecially to my old 'riend Brother J. W. Henderson, ln> for many yean waa oiie of ihe mot>t active umber* of our Church, and was known throughout the pr ivincM* a loyal, m.-r i-tii- MulhodiHt, and tiue to hm chnrue. lie w 11 known long by the offk-iitl [HM- tii'ii whicb he held in relation to our Quiiiterly IJoaiil. Truitoo Bnaid, anr! a!<o M reprunentatlve of "the Toronto Cuiifer- em-e aiid General Conference, aawell a<to '1 ri-l.it i"iis bin influence wa* f--! 1 , and h s ability recognized. Ii had the faculty of vetting quickly at the pith of any matter under di-cusnion, an 1 alio hnd the force of quick decif>ion. ITntil linger- ing disease r-iiilim-d liim to Ins homu hu w 1.1 an ac'ive figure in our innlv, un I in church wink, and we can hardly rea'ize tint' he ba8 KIHIJ from us. Tin- nn-ininTs of the loi onto conference who come ions us next week will miss him, nnd Hniongxt them he ha* many warm friend*. We iiiniiot help but think of Brother Henderson aa still cln- ishin^ his love for tho cl IHH met ting, uinl hn keen in- tore*t *ith tin in- whom In- mi't and a* * sted on tho upward liill of Xmn. Just an some auccemful man, who l*-ttun lifu in low ability, and looks bncli wirli inli i i si to tho hi. me of hi* early day*, to m\ we imagine Brother Hundernon in the { Class, an it wa* more to him than any i mher *crvice. It was iut a I!HHH leader i Brother Henderson was Vwiit known, and will Iw long remembrri '1. We hiive I. .n l 1, -ii-.| nitli good leaden in thn cnuicll. Mr. H. -i. iin WHI'K rliiMi< onrn. il on I y a faithful, earnesr suc-oei.i r. Drotlier 11 ml^rson'* leadership WM unique. He ! I way* of hi* own, am! it wa* M-iy il'lli nit to describe to thone who had not ilu- piivelige of nRii<ciat- ing with him, just what his niechods wi'ie. For example, he "ften condm-tt-.l hi* clam s if he was taking evidence from vurioiis witnesaeii *< to the Vi-lm- of Chrihl unity Hin Hiiu|>K- rroed ns ttukt flu Rii.u.ity helped men to hulp one all- oilier. Iii ;iikii,': for their ilrri-i.ii he would put i|iiiiliiin to "lieni. Fur in- tance-. Dr, do you find ri-lL'i.ni li--lp* yon in your piactico ? Student* how dn you tind it i i your wmk? Itro'litr, dm-s pi.ij er help a nmn to l.iy I ricks t ' Can a Imnki r ti II nf Chiialianity t and H.I on throughout 'he inei'tn . To do sum tlnii'.' wn* his i X|iectation. If I'r.tli r Ilendereon >txl amongst UH, nnd our names were i>n tins Mtmmiil Roll this eve. ing Ini mUiiv tm us would be- to take up thu burden of life, and we can I . s' honor Ins menn'rv dv i > loing. \Ve luilievi' In- exerted j;ri'al int)ui-ni'>' f"r L'nil on the lues of many, uspecially youiiii in. -n and wmin'ii, who Ii m- uone mil from his class all over I hi* country of our*. We are m^i-tini; bere and recal! his w.rk amulet us, brt in thu nature of tbiiik's, no. pt to tho e of tho iiiiinediiite household, will IIM name stand vivid. Those whom Hrotln-r llcuil. linn has lii.l]i.-il lo s'.in.l up for thr truth ackiiowledije with thanks to U >d their indebtednean to his words and work*. At popular prices, $40, $50, $00 Have you M-I-II i In- c<Mt*ler nnd hiako 1 Sav on? third the pedalling, W. II Heard, agent. In Stock at nedioil Hall Kola, C'-lery and Pepsin '.Vine, a pow urful iiivu"ii 'i Turnip Seed- aeveral kinds. (i. Men Millet. Japanvsv and Silver Hull Buckwheat. Lime Fruit Juice To use Inalead of lumons. J Wealth of hair is wealth i ndc e d, especial- 1 y t o a v/ o m a n . very her physical attraction is secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your hur is too h i The Markets. i'arcfuliv Corrrrtrd Erb Wrrk Wheat, uliit Wheat, red Pea* Barley Butter Hug* frt-.h Pork I'o'atue* bat' Wool Chickens DucU Tuikej:! per Ih B*J *r per Ib Klinir Hide*.. 00 26 tin 30 14 Jl 00 10 16 26 00 tn to to tn to l, ".o to 'M to to lo I t to to 05 r,:, f. 14 11 (X> 40 46 n ft 13 40 ? Of Growth becomes vigorous and all dan- uruff h removed. It dways restores color to gray or faded iisir. Retain your yourh; don't look old before your time. {1. 03* bottle. /.:i drutelat*. I hai o. 1 T-<ur Hair Vigor rim for all-lit --1 j.r and I hire loii-.-.l I' iplpuilid ami tatisfwuiry In rirjr jr. I Ii-Here 1 hare i...-.>M.i'"'mV.( tl'.U Hair Vltjor to I n i Irt-.li- nf i-iy frirninl, and they i i I I'.ia \-h'" orr. If aay- l.l : . uii.n th- t<t kih.lofa Hair \ . -<-r I ^ull rertam'y r'M-oramend I. i'i a jnt J "troncly at 1 . t th'-y get a bottle of Ayer' II.. ir Viirr." JlT". N. E. II* MI I. TOW, Ro. S3, Jifc Norwich, V. Y. CPALi-DTEKDKRBaddmacd to tho un>br- ( u igni-<i >n. I . 'i lonod "Tender for Moafonl Harbour Work-. " will Iw n-ceiTed at thi* ofllcr until Wu.:n *lai. Mtli .tiiux. IQiX). for ui.. < iiMruction <> 1 1 >e |>lliwork. an cten~lo:i to tli breakwater. rb>cval of ol i |>ir an I t. at Ifwafenl , Comity of OMJ, Ontario, ".c. n unit ib a i.Uu and |.cciOrtuni | ba >ID at tbt. otLcr ofH V tira- , I .. i't tiiaiKf hmlimir WAtt. Ouiii<i, r jnfcfJorall'W Life BulldlMg.Te* onto; ,> |.|,]; t tfcKi K. tl- I "in. -'.. f Vleafont auj at the IXri-nrtniaot .!> 11- Work*, Ottawa. Trader! will not be coniktered uul*e uta Ir on the lurii. > autl bigned with Hi* actual lgi,tur, uf trnderer*. An accepted bank cheque, payable to the I o..lrr of iSeMlaietrrof Public XVork*. foreeren uriand -loll.m tVTJOOOuui, uiuei accoui|>au% i railiti-u.il i 'I he cheque will L fuifjilod if ti .. i-aiti dn I, in- thro. iiti ct or fall U> complete 1 thj work contractc.l for. aud WYM b* returned in uaae of noli -acceptance of Umdar. The rV|"rtiii"ht doei uol bind iuelf to ' accept IL* loct or any h-uder. lly orde . J<KR. BOY. Acting Secretary. Department of Public Wrrk* tiawa, May yotli, 1'JUU New*|<*|i*T* i.,-nti.iit tui advertiMBMBt > itliout euUioritt from the Dopartuient will ut'l be *w.( f.ir it. If von .'.n't obtain all th* n*u ou cetlio from the we of the Vt^or. tu tho [Xictor o.iul It. A-ldrcu, DB. J. C. AYF.R, Lowell, Maae. Farms fox* Sale Ixit 1M-1I7. Coii. -3 S. T. anfl S. R.. 100 acre* '' aero* ckmnd, balance hrdr<>, I Uood IIOU.B au.J barn. 1) wile* from Fl -*hr Also 15 acre* with good frame ban-. 1* acr nii.lar i-uliivati'ni IU '-reH hanlwvxxl bush antl i; r I ::! ri 5 " Options in Handle-Bars May .oem a minor jMiint t> emphaize- but with the thouaand and -one !( to cater to there'* pot to be a variety. It the Cleveland Handle-Dan y.-u H tind every donign a graceful tine. X.lLF. KKPK>K!TAT|VB Cn., I.IMITKH. TOKONTO. CAMAUA. f>>1 CaUlogue 't a S I). McTavish FLKSHKKTOM KhEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... K>r Mauey-Harria, Noun*. Floury and Wilkiuaoti fmm iro, foments Slenry nnd Verity plows on hand all the time '"o all kilidn o repair* Fr the samo. \V manufacture Wagon*, Buggie*. CutteiR. Sleigh*, etc., llorvih"i-iii.' i>rmiipily attetnlt-d to. Special attention to tender ciu- r-\-'i'd foet. ..o",'iiii; and PI"* Chains constantly on hand. 3095 9* 9E 4 A.OKNT H. MELOTTE - CREAM SEPARATORS Which have no equal. It take* \ leas power than any i.tkor. Hi - more woik in les* tun.'. S t >rntt* morn ptricienlly. All jjesring (irotected. Perfect lubric*ion. No tin top* Mijk and orenni pais over llnckly vitainclM nurfacw*. No tin |>Uti *, but aluiniiiiini, which never rust* ana i* eaaily cleaned. Alio giit for the Alexander Cream Separator* JlesJttrtmi TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED SOT MEN." VOL. IH, NO 994 Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday. June 14, 1OOO W. H THURSTON, EDITOB * PBOPBIKTOB V^&&&0&^^ Mcrirland 4 Rkhards M.Parland, Grey A Southgate tl_NO\L: CKEV COl^TVS BlflOEST STORE TORONTO & To. ox MarkJal* | discover if poamible the secret in connee- tii m with the appearance of this laniinoo* ittfmtdent. J "Rook, and to he braiely followed in the match of the wake of the 8 ho<t| y itor, which eri- here ..n Fnday d ntly muit he become annoyed at the .l.it.me rival., iz * ^^Vfe* " l ' he 1Q - 1 It wa* ihe ve tl t " r - 't suddenly turned and I i....i .., i made a be* line for him. Then there A SAVING IN PRIBTi 12,0 for C !>riiiU conii uJid now i/ri / 'price*. TliH In . .. i ason's u . M are iu : r for iliis iso^i why w. turn '.-%: I'nuts 'J . lien- are the particuiars. full jafl *\''.-- .ui.l ..., .-ill atriti ' - ' . x ! i '- lJt' :: i> r < : n' wir. The 1. .went pnctr* >lo i* 1'K: (K-r yd V^.i .-an choune frmu thew at ..................................................... *H A>k or wri-.ht f^r jf Jfosisry tSna/f H !' o bargain uut likely to It ir.iit.t .1 liy uny one .-L<e or ro- pvatetl liy iiunelrtr* for *om time U10. z. Ladiea' C- tu.n Hosiery, eaiiiletM- i. . r. full fiialii- n. .1. .] ..|iiti-ly fa*t black ct'lur, sie ;, Hi. . '.'V [*r 15 Joz. Lwlu-* 9umntr VU rir'- bed- no alcuve color ecni.wt.-H wi.ith He -.tc!i clearing t ..... j n^ie-s' Hi ..-k Silk Kibbua l:tmy whiU; uieUl bucklt-ft. (tho buckle U worth wh.it we auk f..r tb* entire Iwlt) reg pnco 25c, wlile they last encb ......... 1O i5 dot. IWlt Pins in t.l.ick. ..!<! or ail'T aome pr-truy (!. nr.it<l in hard enamel Theoe have aold at lOc tau.h. yntir choke of thtee 3o each > r two for ........... 5 j( tpienditl assortment of Another Hhipinent 5 do*. and we've It than any thi- |)Ttfciatt! the i MM theae. pnnia, mu bl<>u*en him the makers, tolj are prettier itaun' You'll ap- t valueit mice you y ci>nu- in pretty and pvixoleit. All have the U'wt *tyW. oulkn and have very pretty inKortioii down fn. nt, price 50, Toe, fl. !.:>:> and .1.85 Beautiful MillineryDainty ^X Rlnmr Silks Although the staff of trimmers ha been suhotantially incruaaej -in. e tho first of the neaaon we find that we are cungeatcd with onler* at the ei.d of .-ai-ii week nd 41 tkin is our bu*y oionth we would suggwt that our pAtroiin leave their order* early m the week a* wo do no' wUh to duut|>{H>iut any on* 1 . $i Sailor Hats 25Cts. 75C Blouse Silks 4oc yard McFarlana d Co McFarland d Co FUS1EITII HII1TIU Merchants Bank Of CANADA Capita! paid up S6,ooo,otio tint wita [>' U-t Ijttwet-n the flhdburne and M faoteat gatnt of lacn n*e ever playtrtl in , rliiN di.-trict, totb ream* playiui; a good .It-ail Lttuie Tliero wan IIM uiii.fcessary r u^hi;. -- nil n.i< frum what 1 heard tht -I.- !.. '.i.uriie club have DO reamn t-i murmur at their n ..; 'mil in our t.-wn. Tli i the home club'* favr. I nn.lit here thnw nut 111'. ' future. I betteve that we l. h. < well aa uur wn it p!y if made by them, awl we u.u-' i in. l that the Shel- I urnc clun U a u":d tii- *M! .. In ihe : ' < in ileatb. Tl:i~ tti"i "i.t ha* >lftm V*vn veritird in "ii r ii. Ui*. '-\ ^ . wh. in I n.eu- tiixied liii-t a....-k aa \n.\r.u .. ha* ince bvn cailrd <<> try ibe roalitiiM . f aiii.tlu-r world. H wa* attain -..-n aith p%mly- ruday e- eninx la*t, and mi Kruliv ii -'.- at 11 ''l.tk his -.uint t." ;t .- erlaatinn ri'ght. >Vi!hc was -i vij{titcu months 14-1, and the hiime life WM a lu| [i% -i -. A In uht l:tt)e i.y came tu help bri^htrii the hniueabimt *:x m.'n'h- nij i'iilicart'1 \ pfoperoii* ami htpiir fir jri . I ,it man prupute* aud <!">! <1 ;)'>***, inn! thin the C""l l.ave hae been br ken ai.J their furure t'ru-trated May the ureat i'i>na<. lle.irts comfurt and cheer the m- .. friendt. A ery Ury coucuur-- lyuipAthiscr* accompanieil the rein. .i.-r rcs'.nj [.',.w in tl.e , - -n-i-i. ry. R-v t{n:itrr "rii'-ia* V\ iliiain 15. > > and William ami : . >f Kno 1 r .ttHiulrtl the funeral i-f tbe late > hue. X H Stephen, wife and dnuxhter. aad , Mri* W. U - uanJ *un . f M-<- ii-rd. w**x |{uetiti> at llie U< 1.1 ! U. L. ' Stephen hi evk. Kv. J.ihn Hunter, paitn- uf the Pn*- hyt.-nan cUwrcri, left fur Halifax on M.-nday tn attend the (ieoeral Aacemrily , I. B. LUCM, W. Dunda*. 8. J Halbert inl J. W. Whitl.y attended tho C 'i; ra- tivu cinnvntioa in Durham aa a >1- . li"ii from uur t-.wn on Saturday the Uth iu*t. Died In MarkdnV. June lit!.. C r Inn <5re'iry. *'ii <>f Mr. and Jkfr*. Cha*. Grmfory. <fd 1 year and 8 mouth*. _Wrv William J.tckson, jr., day (Tuenday) tn visit her l>r< 'her, Jaaneaaud S,-ti,.ul Uaiuiitvn, "f V nke- U"i. A/icli.. and also her hrotht-r A ft" \N'aler!-'. Ii dt.inn*. Jfin* .1 ni.-t Win. law acd>iii[aie her. We wi*h them h.in vi vane. The Tnwn council h*Te t.-irtt*il men to wi.rk on thettreet Viulrv* \V|ker is huy cruaiiin^ NT the viiiii-. It will hr a grai.d imj r \ uitiit In uur main Htrvct: wa* a change in the program. For a few ' uiiu . mi; man fairly dew ..cr the ground and we prenumc, if the stury i* true, that he ha* had enough of spook hui.'iii.' to last him rhe r--t of hi* liM. ugh it may be rather late tn mer.- i"ii it, I t like to atate. that ur villa. .1 the fall of Pruti rt:i iu right i A numlier ..f oians tt. the. Con-irvati il i held IB Durhitui U.-r - -i John M I \ h-il amoO|{ the auceeaafol cmuJxir,- u th* Uv I ronto I'mi-vrMty examinations. Well J. 5IcD'iwell ie buiily en^a^- hi* riue . Durham street. LI. I'nmpbeil i *h- contrai H Jiih McRae left for Harrutton laat Saturday to attend the funeral of i rela- tive who had been killed at a barn occil* Sunday oughtful and help- Tired Eyes w slaughter nf Fleaherton pied the Methodist pulpit hutt and preached a very though ful sermon. Rev r,..i\-ia it Hamilton conducted Sensations exist for our guidance. They are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest Eyes that tire easily call f :r help. Properly adjusted glasses arTord tne only assistance possible. make a specialty of relieving tired eyes and guarantee satisfac- tion. W. A. Armstrong, CR AND OPTICIAN. FLESHCRTON. neaday iaat, wa* attended by a rery Urjte number of people. ' ur teachers. M Sine and Mine Auatio. were very . Mia* Austin made a very tine at St. Columba church laat Sun- ! wreath aud placed it on the coffin of her day in ahtrnce of the paator. wh-> i* at little pupil. The whooi children were MMOt in Halifax iundmt{ 'he (leneraJ a!l given a half huhday, and, headed by JLaveaably of the Prt-sbyterian church. ' their teacror. marcheti fruo the aehool llev. J. S. Humphrrysvrcached in .>oe to the hnuae where funeral icrvice* were of the leading Owen Sound churcbe* laat ' conducted by Rev*. Th'-m and Plunkctt. SoNoUr The children aang *everal favmite piece* We are sorry to learn that Mr*. R. of the deceaavd. The remain* were 111- - .juite terioualy ill, but tru.tt t rrod in Salem bunal ground, where rhe *he will iin regain her wanted health children each dropped a bunch f flower* an.l -truniitb. 'he grave. It waa a very touching < 'ur village waa greatly shocked lant *cene a* tbe sad little face* turned away week wn.-ii ihe new* |irvad that Mia* from the open grave. Much ympa:ny Iterthn -I lines had RUtfered a *evr re- ' expraeaed for die parcntt an the d*- Utpae. However, w* are very glad to ctjaaed wa* a very briybt little boy *ix tate that ar preamt she ha* taken a year* of age. May they fee! that their for tbe better. KM* i* hi* gain. . . We are pleaaed Ui tee home t4(iun Mr. Daniel Me Mullen, but sorry for tbe acci- dent to hw eye. He ha* gone lo Torocto to have it treated by a <peciali>t. CAD or THA.IKII Mr. and Mr*. Pur- Mr, and Mra. BUkely of Corbettoo , u W1 , hi through The Advanc*. to in- * nj I cvrely thank the teachern, Mr. Sine nod Mis* Auitin for great k'rdnen* to their dear boy in hi* sick nea* and at hi* fun- eral. They will never f.>njet the care i d trmpathy exprvfwe<l f<T their much Invrd Ed^ar while un his l> 1:1-.' couch, and for the esteem and reepect manifested by them and the many pupilx under their aswrU fruin Mr .ir t'.<-n i\r<; N'iw 'h.it the huy time* i over >\ e liven doing - On W,.!iii>s<l:>> , t |a*t wavk M \ '. I-.- ' Miilnuir ami Mi- !.. ui I rs. Lmley. Mr. nn.l Mm. Geo. Harr^. n f L'-rbet- 'iit*-l her sinter. Mr. F. Heron. ' U.^t -Sun.lay. Mis* Jnme Hudaxn ni'l Mr. George ' Mi rshani s|vn: Sunday at' Mr W. H r.uy'a. Mr ih-nii^y. implement .i^i-nt, hail a: me one day Ltat week. t W h'i!e '.tiling at a farm house hv left bis li-'rv tiiil out at the fence. The iniuiiil halter. ^ ' !.>!H- and ran | Tom in the hade. The ' was badly broken hut the horse , I emote i If sife. SiiiK'i"-i> "hi uld mve*t in i chain hal'er lo tie this *tiiiiml. Mi liik-kin^hnm's barn mi*ini{ wnn well irti'iiiUi! Lv>t Fnday night and I rythiin{ went together in tiir claaa , - carpenter ' t'mme .e I.< rushiniz the hiu:iliiiK< U|' !!i - iiiniiiK-r. ^! '.- W.LH and pleasicf in the fun- U th in t!ieh- u^e. on rhe D rhe CVIIK-: T>. and at the Krave. renienil>r-u..'o ! tli-.-ir kindtie**as o with u tu the end nt life .t j- ur- W e alan wiah to extend ur heart- lanks to the wh> Ii* community ' r tbe kindness and tymuatny shuwn u* in ir ~ad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. li-.l ir t P: N'anJeleur. care, and iu the pn'ininent way on which they r.*ik oral XI - ney. ~"^_ ml T ~l -- rnc M-JNTIIK M, \\ II,. ..,!'. ,!.!> iMM 1 SEASONABLE GOODS Jo'i j'V""*'.' Pa\ II, Ktq In n'.l Iii. iK-.rce Haiiue. Tko* yah*, . GF. Hib-K-n. - i'i "*^' ~l r !V' "~l"^l^ Mll\- l r i i\ , 1 1 l_ ( -\IV Ont H,-i:l, w :'e.Cu Hbawviilo - - He fa- tow a.tJ SSeJrocm Suites rin* wreel. BUIen. me, l^ue . "*! ' ; * ~ jCe>NKjs. <S<tJo-33oaids. Gxten ' Hainiltou l . ' 111 O t si'on and Centre "Gables. Chairs, ParkdaU Out, ..(J, . 111!,', !'- ty/indjii 1 tS/iades and Curtain ,tn, l'n>*tn!i Mt-.'Il 111 \ Wiim.|.<- \* t .|..ii. Brandon. Pol:!. !Pi?ture4, Caa7*s, tfe. '. l AlU <.D. a QeneraJ !<' aiDem T'n<a.-t. ' "iVh'ch -A.- offer Hi lutet rr enl t*alca, Kart. { "1. PariDer* i-lliH-teHl. Lowest Prices JBnuiwvl r** , ^ _ . i n. i n ' \V A. ITRU.tWS Mmag.r i '.rUikina in .-ill i's (luarsnte, d W H. BUNT, BOAR for Tamworth Bow I II >MI HItfN DAN Jjr OITIC at Fort CtriUHcate can bMi- by api'l;:"*; ! ow jl O. I HI ' u 1 Sl'N >^ .-in, I wwh th i.' i n .1 !' ; _;. M \ ! . ill. V Mi. \'> I ' ' ', I ^ ill frieil-i v M '* Tlii'ttna ""I 1 ! iluil Ii. i. i \' v ' , \ with inicumniiM. ^ .f lior r.-o.vi'rj. I nn'l Mr. ;'.i il A!- * I ' ^ ! .\;.- It. -J. t' ri ;.--. iiu / .;NIII./. i. f. ' : < - nrc ti.i, '. ir f .IK - t'ii-iiii ir i- th.in tl.At i't ill" l.llll' UN ll*U-'tfll !WI ^-luiily infimii- liy ', . lli.ir .1 woird, ineii^'r like bull f tin- inti-rvals in tl'.- Hiul IM k|b Vur ho*>d aid after iii.i'nii u' < o-imidi i il ic circuit n ili>- ly M'i-rii - Imve bei-ii .-n'.i.i'u' .1 i t.' tho CHUM" KI tlrs Mceinin^'v ii'.imtural iihfDiMiitffMiii, but no .U-tiin'' 1 i'oiictui"ii li*s bcctl hrrn.vl at. lf LI ui^e M-veial lu.licr.'tis *iuiu-* Imvc >f<,ii out "f Hi'i |>evuliar i|i|H'ar anci'. Hire n I'lio, Itir il-i nut \"uch for thi- uci'i.n.i ut- f the inci<U nt. A joui": -iTinineil uno 0*0.111; In ! V \ > hili- 1 M . M ~ \-. n I -fiiia Mi x ilk- -Uhl M p. ni Civ . few day* I- -.> r K Mr ui.i '-' r*. S Lady Mink - M ME '"reeaure - 1 r ir 1 Ltti- IIH.T ire ... . ie*l wn!i .Mr .I.'.' -i Kii.-l..-:i : ' roJ . the - il iiii.ii working ' on i i aud i ' .1 ' - i-in Mr \ v ' addition to hn h.- M - II . We l.|i|u- ^"I'll '' - ' '.> ' iili.i' -I "I U i v . <.c'.Mi. K. 'I'. 'irr hi r iliu>iit frier M ~ . .'iter !ia\.' I . vi-it .'.I-.IM'.S nenr Ottawa. i'.. > N! t-i attend .i-f-.-riM-o ill 'i'"I-. n'n. :iii.iinii>n vrvice WM hold the : '\tirni!i cbuicli I'll Sunday nn-l w.i ,-. i,. 1 . .1 .1 i-r-il of XV. Eiltfnr. MO of Mr. <i-l Mt . U N.-it l l ur\i. i n Mr- \ - :ig at her ii i ' Hutch. jr- .e frame ' han. on Th-inwUy Cast. K. Bo uul :ind K. I'i .. inl > : i ! .. The In i i - cie 'hi i ;. i unl o^ for tho '.Voul.l do Y.I -III, day evetrli.gs. Mr. Ho'i .la fr.'in In* - \ !! 'fa , i i in Juitt : " Tbe any tin s._- rH.->cni4i : l| % is di.uuxtitiK. Hi ii' i> an inotace. An l>ub.;n Ki.- O'lt \>> st seiitiy :ii - i'il altatl'- ni. H wa <ui>ieil bound, in i ; bead first iut" I,. ,e, wlurv he * ti ui.il an h 'iir or two after*' nU 'I I..- nt> l'iul rnten part of >.ne s!i. ulder .unl had tart. eil on In* fin-e. 1'u . .'>r ':! ^ !ew U'>UIK aflir.