Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1900, p. 3

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SURROUNDED THE QVALRY. Narrow Escape of General French's Forces From Capture. CONSTANT FIGHTING. Garrison at Tlen-Tsln Kept busy, Says Our Admiral. A despatch trum London sajs: The Admiralty ha_i received the fol- lowing dttfpa&ch from liear-Admiral A despatch from Pretoria, says: On Tuesday tnst tbera was very tur.l fighting on botb flanlu of the Boer poniuon, aa.l tbir centra waa almost Imyreajnable. Gen French went to tb left, and entered a aectiua uf the country that wa unsuitable (or <-av- ] airy manoeuvre). H.a force was sur- rounded, and sustained a he i y ero.-s- fire. They made a splendid fight.: however, and the Boers retreated just as the artillery ammunition waa ex- haunted. Hamilton's division advanced on the right, and Gen Bruad woods' brigade became involved rather st-noua y While advancing bet A pen high k p J t- againat tb \)t-r in their fruut (hey were aurprised by a close cro.ss-fue from aoipera in a mcalie field, and on urroundiog kopjes. Tb number of Boers increased rapid y. and their rifle fire caused much damage among thai artillery horse. The Boera advanced over a rise in toe ground for 600 or 600 yards, but wen- che<-ki-d by ari:lry fire Thn the 12th Lincert on I he right iu>d'--> frontal charge, while the Household Cuvalry went to the right and clear- ed 'he inf. i lie field. It in in thia fight that -the Earl of Airhe waa killed. After it waa over he waa found wi'h a bullet through his bean. Col. Egerton Green waa wounded in he tb'gh. ind taken pris- oner. He has been heard of since as doing well. Then- were vary fw casualties among ibe British con- sidering i he short range at huh ho fighting took place. No Transvaalers took part in the n- gligejnent. The entire (orre thai op- posed the British was made up of Hol- landers who have sec tied In the Tiaus- vaal. coloai.il le'el-i, and foreign m-r- reiianes. During ih engagemen. two of the British guns were firing to- wardj ib* front and two others to- ward* 'he rear. " Taku via Lhefoo, Thur-iiay. No communication from couiui.uider-iu- cbief in seven days, and from IVn- Fain in five days. Iiie allies bold th I'aku fi>rut aud luug-Ku. securely and they will advance lo tile relief of liri.-lftiu when ID auffii-ient strength. Troupn are expaoied from lluug Kong lo-moriuw. and 3110 frum \\ei-llai- ' Wea the followiuif da >. It is believed that figbtiii^ u> ouualaull} proceeding j around lieu-i'sia. Our garruiun there should be auout three tboua.iud UI>-M. ' Ibe following piwiaina mil "> agreed tu uhu oiurumg. to be uui'd furtiwiib : *' ' lue aJuiirala aud beoiiir naval officers of the aiutU uuwei* in China diviiK to mike known to all Viceroys ajid authorities aloug ibe co.uia and rivei * aud in liieciiios and proviuvi of Cnmu ill.il iliey mlend lo U.H.- ar 11- , ed foice ouiy a^:imt Lue Uuxeia and i people thai oppuM iheill uii their match lo 1'ekiti for the rescue of tbni- ALLIED FORCES_DEFEATED. Americans and Russians Sent to Relieve Tien-Tsin Driven Back. . BULLER JOINS ROBERTS. The Former's Cavalry Have Taken Standerton Without Opposition. The dale that Ihe above despatch vto.* aot i>fl (rum L.ik.i is Dul given. A despatch fr< m London, says : The following cable from Lord Roberts waa received to-day ; Pretoria. Juno -2 Ian Hamilton 'a column reacht-d ' h" Springs ywterdiy, en roiste to Ueidelburg. where they will join handt with Boiler's troop*, who reached l':i.irdek"t> ye*trrdaj, and will be at Standnrton to-morrow, thus i>peouig up communiction be- IHI-H.O 1'retoria and Natal, and pre- venting any Joint action between the Tratu-va.ilers and t h- people of the Orange River Colony. " Baden-Powell reports from Ruo- trjiburg that he found the leading Buer* very pacific and cordial on his return journey hence. Comm.mdin Steyu and two actively hoatile fn-ld cornets had been captured during hid absence. " Lord Edward Cecil, the adminis- trator of the Ruitenburg district, has to-date collected 3.UUO rifles. " I he commissioner at Kroonstad reports that 341 riflivi hive been handed in at \Volmaran*! ad." BUULEK'S CAVALRV At' STAN- DKR1ON. Gen. Dundoald. with the, Third Cavalry brigade, occupied Standnricm in-d.ij without oi'[>u-i> inn. Ibe burg- hrr-< left yesterday, after having blown up the railroad bridge ajid do- ing other damage. The infantry rnin-h-l J'J milea to- d iy and c.imp.'d at Ki it^bocli spruit to-night. ORDERED TO JuLN BOXERS Responsibility of Chinese Govern- ment lor the Trouble Proven. A de>puii'h from Her in s:iy "The renponaibility of the Chinese Govern- ment for recent eveuia. said a high ollicial of 'hv Foreign Office on Wed- nesday, "is now clearly proved- 1 b'Sbeen asier un-'d that In OuO Ch'U'^e i loopo who deoerted 10 th>* Uoxerii did so under ih* direct orders oi h" C'bineoe Govrrnmeni. The pioui > iu to hr highest position* of uotouous- :y ami-Kuropeao oftu-ialn also points in the same direction. This ia the war of Cbin.i . :iineu all foieigners. in- cluding liermans. and the pumt now I la lo go ahead vigoiousiy, o.ui> i> and resolutely uo mailer whil the tniil outcome ma/ be.'' The Berliner T.igeblatt says: 'A puvits) de-pat h f.oui^i Fe'i-raburg jiitseris . h.n Ru-sii Las innaed 'J.UUJ men. w ho . i i n pine ih>m-rLvea under the coiuui>ud oi A nu i * j mour, bul wi.i .K". iudri-utli!Utly.' A despatch from London, says: The Ctntr. V ins received the follow. ing de-pa u-h . "T.iku. Friday, 3.30 p.m.. by despatch bout to Cueefoo, Saturday, I p, m., Yealrday uOO ttussiauH and Americana attempted to rau*e the surge of Tien- Tain. U' i Kiel of Cbiu-s blocked the road. TUB C'h iwv>e aml.ery \vaa well placed, and it waa impossible to drive tlwiu out. The allied force* retired m g-Hxi oracr. "An aiiuourod tram with a recon- noitring parly was derailed last night. "Aii j: tempt to relieve lieu-Ism with a larger force will be made on Saturday uight." A uer-puicu from .-baugha. of Fri- day's dale says tli B..vers bave burn- ed nearly all of the foreign COUOUIM sions at lieu-Tain. A de-p.iuu from Sb.iugha. saysih-it thr Urui.-b A iiiu.|> Alacrity hid sailed in ib direction of rrht.i-T.iu for the purpose of rescuing the foreign mis- atouuries. A despatch frjiu Shanghai of to- day's date says that the l'h>uee troop* who are attjckiug IVu-Tsin are commanded in person by Prinrs Twin, the ne>v head of the Taung>-u- Yamen. It la also reported that they have a great number of rapid-fir* guua. An .--oaten from the Amer- ii 'IM Consul at Tien-Tain cunfi:uia -M report of the hurniug of the fore. go concessions. The despatch adds: "The oasuaUies were heavy and ammunition wati running short. The Chinese t ruupa axe bomoardmg the city with fifia guns. Eho Chines* number L5.UOO outside the oily, and their emutsaiie* crowd the foreign quarters, and are constantly netting fire lo buildings. Tbe Chinese h.ve heavy guns, wttu.li are being worked '.e.idilytrom the walls of ine nativ* city. "All the Consulates) have beea d- strayed, and the foreigners are i on- giegated at the Tow u ball. "Tbe Chinese troop* poea*a thai bent camion and riflts. but 'ho rab- ble have improvised weapons, trust- ing lo tbeir num:-"!- liV SUM.-I :i aie now intreni-hvd at the rail > ay u. and are resisting tax advance of the en.-my wuu aj cuming up" in overwhelming nutii Tie foreign Oouui.i to-day adtirxas- ed a note to the Obiuowe Admiral here asking him TO remove his : Twui of inn rfhipn b.ive sailed, and rest will sail shirt 'Iv. HEIDELBERG IS TAKEN Lord Roberts Also Reports Two Other Skirmishes. A desput<vh from I. mi. I on Monday, says: The War Offn-.- ha tlie foilowiiiif cable from Lord Hub- ert* in the followng meosage to the Wir Office:- " rreluriii. Sunday. 1 1 3l> a.m.. Bul- ler reached St.iridertm June 22 lie fc und a (f.1.1 deal of rolling -unit All the L>ti . h residents had left the Uwn. " Ihe IJi i i'h p. .-~nfi' citpiured since our occ .ip.it ion of 1 'return ii-ive MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices o. Cattle, cheese. Grain. Ac., in the Leading- Markeu. Toronto. June 26. Onlj 42 loads name in to-day, including 700 catllu, 7011 hoga. 250 >he*p aud yp.uluigs, over 100 spung lambs, 6U calves, and a few ulkers. There wa..i a (air trade in eipurl tattle, bul the tendency is down- ward. Good bulc-ber-ca;tle sold well, si ill- fed cattle being a demand a! steady i>. ICM. bu.. ui ijrdiuai) .--i.it tue market was uusellled, and piospix.18 arc (or lower prices. Feeders are unchanged. Sheep we're plentiful and weaker ; yearling!) are unchanged Spring lambs ware a good sale at (rum $-.jU 10 94.50 each. Good veal calves are wanted. Com- mon rough c. lives sell slowly. A few good uii.iii cowa are wauled at au-iind 9~iO each; pooi cows are a slow sale at from $22 upwards. Hug declined (roiu 1-6 U l-4o per pound. Fi>r pi iiuc hogs c-c.ili.ig from 100 to 200 Ib*., Ihe lop price is l3-4c, heavy hogs. Be , and ngUl !> gs, J 3- ic pi-i Ib. Following 11 the range of o.uoto~ Quttl*. t-bipper, per cwi. . 4 40 $ i 26 tutch*r. cl .'ice do 3.7) 150 Bulcher, uifdiuiu to good. 340 Butcher, inferior. . . 3 HO 3 IW tLooker, |>er owl. t i.-n .0 Sbvp aud Lainli.' >li-<'i. per c w i . . . 3 TjO 400 \tvurlmgs, per cwi. . 450 526 Spring lamb.i, each. . 250 40 Bucks, per owt. . . 300 a 2o Milkers aud Calves. Cows, each 2500 1500 Clvy, icb . . . . 200 1000 Hoga. Choice hogs, per owt. .650 075 Light hogs, per cwt. . 550 o 75 Ht'.ivy bog-*, pri owl. . 575 tiOO Sows 300 825 Stag* 225 2 JO Toronto. June. J6. -Wheat The Chi- cago wheat market closed higher again to-day. July wheat advanced to 84J-*. and closed at 82 5-ito, a net advaaoe (or the day of 1 l-4o.. Mam- tobas were very strong here. Early IJB the day N'... 1 h.trd, g.i.t., told at 94c. Later in th.- dy it sold at 95c, and at the islOHo 96c was -i.iked. Local trudv '. activn. One firm alone has sold 36 cars to miller* in the past three days. Ontario* were firmer. Ked and white, west, sold at 70c. Quotations were as follows: Out nio. red and white, 70u, north and west, east, 71c; spring, east. 71 to 7Jc, Minitob.i. No. 1 bard. 9.V, Toronto and west; 95c, g.i.t.; and 90o. Owen S.und. Millfe.-.l Hull Bran. $13 to 913.50; and shorts, $14 to $11.50, west. Corn About steady locally. No. 2 American, yellow, 47c. on track here, aud mixed at 40 1-Jc. rVas Steady. Car lots are quol- ed nominally at tiOr. north and w.-st. and 61c east. H.I riey Dull. No. 2, 40c west, and 41c east; No. .', 42 to 43o. Kye Firmer. Car lots, west. 54c; and 55c mist. 6its Steady. White oats, north and wesi. 27 l-2c; and east, 2" 1-Jo Buckwjietit Quoted at 05c. west, and >1 east. Flour In more active enquiry. Ou iid* mills generally biive light stocks of w|ieit. and in view of the ezci'ed wh--r market are inclined to go slow selling ahead. Export agents bid $J*J.75 for sirnxh: roller, in buv- ers bugs, middle fieighi.s. and bold et . ask 8J.UO. Bufta.o. June 2ti. Spring wh- a No. 1. Northern, spot, carloads, * 3- o No. 1 Northern, spot round lots, 87 (-,. V inter w h*-at Un.setlled. noui u i Iv wbi , 84c. Corn K.iy. No 2 ye.lo.s it) l-.ii'. No. 9 yellow. 46 1-lc, No. 2 corn 46c, No S corn, IS 3 4c. Oils Weak. No. 2 whjie. 29 *-4i-. No. 3 ^^h.t 1-lc. No - unved, 27c; No. 3 mixed, 2ti l-2c. l\yt Uight r, No. 1, spul, nom- inally IL>.'. Mo.it ie.il. June 26. Ii ruin Tbe m u- ke: is si longer and more active. In oats sales were made at 9J l-2u aud pe.is mi TU 1 2c af out. lii.-h figures show .111 advance of l-2o per l>uhul. >,.in- 400> to :>,UO> : u-h-.i uf No. 1 builey i u.ingvtl bands a ;K.C and No. 2 r in,- wbich u Ic P<M kushel h.^her Rye was quiel, with holders ofii-iing il Hi 660, bul buyers were scarce at this figure. e> Ciliaeoa of Dawaou City have sub- scribed 98.678 tu tbi- Hull Oi taw* re- lief fund. The i'r -a.-1'.it Indefatinal'1 . T i- unr. l's\cle, and Quail, X tin- North AnieiT.in -.|iiuli >u, will shortly v '.. M i' i SHORT OF Ai' Foreign Troops at Tlen-Tsln Fought Hard ior Three Days. A despatch fr--m Merlin says; The cumiuiuider of th- IJ-Mii-in -ijuadron at Taku ban w i ed a' follu -s to (be " A French officer. wb-> b.n here fi.-iu 1'ien- l'-in. whit-li he left June M. report* that for three days siu'r. .:: -; T^ri s ;:: foreign detachment, were nbori of aininuuitiou. " The tie i HUM cruiser lieue has ar- rived here mill Jin marines, who. wi'ti 38U Kngliah uid l.rtin KII.SI.IIIS, proceeded to lu-n-l'-m The railway is working from Taku lo within !."> kil- ometres Of 1 .ell- I. "II." *' ISM H 'Uj-l uii t- upi -I H -id- Iberg i i 1 ho eiu-ui> fled pursued by our moiinttxl limn tix or Aeven miles. ' | in- 1. 1 \|..ii- d.iy Broudwood's OATalry had i kirmub wiib the .-ne- in. di-|'i-i.,i|g In-ill tvimpletrh .unl i|n iirmg six. " liuiiii-r'o nlv m.-.- ti .--bed J hi me bu. g tow nd He eb g J ne "The enemv attacked our punt at irf pruit. and b*fre rrmforr-e menu arrived fr -in Kroonmad they had burned three culver' . Thaaw ha4 all b**n repaired bv -lua aftrrmxin. ' A Reu'.er deJ|i i < n ('in i'iji.- Iowa datixi yesnrdir -.ir- . -" Ih- Hi i isb camaltiiM at 11 .i.n^ tpruit were 375 killed and wovn In a iiisp.i'' h l.it'-d StaadertoOi June J4, (Jen Butler confirms the re- port that 161 men of the Thirteenth Yeomunry and ISO Highlander* wera ixptured with .1 cuuviiy Dear lleiU brn. 1 ury p.isaed through .St a rider- ton on June 18. A few of ib-m. 11- cluding Lord Loudfurd. were severe* ly wounded. 1 hem- were left at Keitz. Ihe drsp.itt-b ^iviut the u.iiues i lier sick troops found at Stan- d.-ri.iii. and ad-i* thu ih# bulk of the pr .-v.ueiv m.-.ii.i.ux L >rd L-ntiiui and L.Td Knniatuure. were well. AWFUL RAILWAY HORROR. PASSENGER TRAIN COMPLETELY WRECKED IS GtORGIA. 18 KILLED, 69 WOUWDED. Heavy Russian Lossess in the Taku Bombardment. A .ieopalch fr<'iu ^t Petersburg says : Vice-Admiral Aleiejvft. from Port Arthur, report ing the capture of the Taku furta. says Ihe bombarding fleel wad commanded by th.- Kn.iNi.in. r. iut.ua Uobrowol.-'ki. as en'oi officer present. Tbe Kuasian I SJII-.H ere two lieutenant* killod. one ev.n-ly, uid one vligbtly wouuded. and IB men kill- ed and 6~ wuuoik-d. Tile _unh.'. jak wax seriously d.uu.iged by .1 shell below the water line. .iu<l mu^t I* do-kfil for repiiirs. The gun boa' k - rej-/. w -i- iii.ulf to leak in >ix I i n. I b.id ber cabin destroyed. Tbe gunboui Uobr v>* utid.im .iged sidf the above, Admiral Ale\ -jeff - i . > the Krencb warship Lion, the Uritlih Algeriiits. tnd ih- vieimin gunboat lltris p.irticipaled in the en- gligi'IQIMlt. A COMMANDO SURRENDtRS. De Vlllier's 220 Uen Give Themselves Up to Gen Warren V d>-p.itch fM m I^ondon, Mond <\ . .,,., ; _'| here i" little nwi from S.uth Vfrici iK-yond thu emu lim-d in thi- .iffici.il il.i.spati'bi'i. N-' furth- er iiM|> ii nit in iv.-m.-ni i< reiMited. \ i . . i in i r ni C'ipf I'uwn i' th t |>, \ . iiiiu.uido. nuinlvr JM in ii \vith J8() burst's, 18 w-ijj- . nili'.i. > ml Id.tWO rounds of > Miiiriiin n'li, hu- -.iirrendereil to lii-n \\ . i i.. n it Hhltf Mit.'i'i. Coin in M i. nit U. Viiln-r hini-i-lf did UDI auireodor. eai IN. Trnl.1 f'-rUlK-.l K\rrf. Ittr roll- A dpi>p.ii<'h frum V'i.in'i 0*. av: A p.i*wiitr<-r tiiin "ii ' h- M "ii brunch of th> Southern rntwn into a washoiii .MI.- iml a ri . ' north <>f Mi Donougb. <: i.. <>n - d:iy muht i -i.l IN rornplc'iely wr-. fe- ed. The wreck CIII.MI' fn-. m .nine 11 uii. with i hi- -n of tin- sleeper, >s i - .I.--.I I .\ i-.| Fiery P.-IIOU on the ti.iin -x.-eiH the m-cu- p.inti* of the I'ullin.iii ir |>i-i -h. i N.it ,i lui'inlH-r of the * i;s-,l. I'hiriy-five ix-cple in all were killed. A cloud-burni l>t"k" over \hi tn-ii of tile .-ouiiii* ibimt 6 o'clock S, ivirduy night, and pi.--.um.ibly ^h.'itly ifter dirk .nln-d iu'v n ( t r n-k nearly UNI feet in length. Into t h,.H i h- -tftly inov- inn t r .in piunn-d. THK WKl'X'lv AHLVyji Thnstoim was still rax"i|l. 1 "' 1 ' ' the i-.il nuli)! were c tmt-d The ). . .fflgels. SI-. UII- IS ' he> thought, and jthelteii-d i-r'Uifo-riably from the iin emeu; went her. ueui to their de.ith without -in m.it ant :i n II K - The wreck o.uight fire a feu mmntna af'er the fail, aiul all th'' ct a. h.'.s were huintxl except the Pulim.ni car There w. i.-t no escape, as the heavy Full- m i n car weighted down the oihera, i ud the few alive in the sleepei w ere un.ible to render aaaiiii.incv to their |elluw*imiseiig<MS. Kor a brief HI-' (here WHS silence. Then the occup- ants Of 'he Pullman in rvioverl from their hewildei IIH-IH . and nfter hard work man.itfe/d '" g' <l "" f i hen c.u und found t heimelvesi on he track in the pouring i.nu. AN AWKL i Sl'KMv The extent of ihe cat aM i .-pin- wafl .(iiirkly apparent. K.ames were al> . .vcn coming from hat part ol the wreckage not covered by tbti wa- ter. As t-he wreck began to go t piecua, under tile Uo; ruclive workol both fl.im and flootl. human bodies) floated out from the m-i. and wen cat i n-d d'-Aii nie.ini by th swift ourrniit Ihe storm did not abutn is) fuiy bl.i.>he of li-b ning addini i<> t b ste..i|> ,,'iotv of tile binning tiain. and lii up the seen* with fearful dust inct- iii- -- A wr.ck train was smarted -ut from Atlanta ai midnight, bul owing to tba burning wrcckige. u -lii.ng could be dune until morning. A ^pi-cial traia) at 6 . ' l>m -u .d-i> took doctors, mm* -. aud be.in-ra tu the 'ii-u bul ni'thiiig could be d- in '!>- i K ei.:n-i .,|> 'lie bodies. S in i eie terribly burn- ed, u ...... i .i.-lli'd Of- -lid ruco^ni ion. O:il> Uiree Moiue'i were ::- t ; nil two. 1 i us pie- Miiui-d the oih'-i |'i-ii.-Ued, but the b<ly ban nui bvn (ound. A m- Im-v 1 h I gA'lg of e tfll II rf IK-.1 00- oupifd -i-.i. ' ri a- -V-. coach. lbv\ were mi 'hi-i: w n in n-p.iir a w I'li-'ut on the (Jed ,. i M.di.uiil aud Gulf i '.id. Not oil.- I-M -.i|ied w bun the car we in d"Aii SIX KIL-i.KU IN THIS. V i-'-p. u iiniu liiven Buy, \V'iS, says:- A northbound pas.-nger train on ; In- rti igo and >oi ib Weotern road, :o,idetl > itli . iii'Kiiu.'li nouud for the Saengerfe->t in this city, oliid. ed at i0.1"> -I'clock Sund.iy morning vt Ii a ftvi|ibt truii at m-iH-ie, 50 south of here >i\ ^-^soiin wi-re killed, one in aliasing, and -W were in- jured. The UN- i! i Hovel nineni will . in-- ol Hi ihotin.iiul b-.ivi-i* in Al- Koni|nin 1'ivk '" iik a n.-w park winch >' liei'ijf iwiahlkihed by lb Minn.". ;a \

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