Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1900, p. 2

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THE MYSTERIOUS CRIME ON THE S.S. NEPTUNE glittering waUrs sweeplng- While thus engaged be fait CHAPTER L i It wa* a calm southern night, with a ailver moon shining serenely in a cloudless sky. and over the glitter- Ing expanse of ooeen steamed the P. uud O.'a (vesseJ " Neptuae," on her w*y from Bruvduii to Malt*. Every re- volution at her powerful engine* sent hi i plunging thn>ugh the blus wa- i-i with tbe twaves breaking in tumbling ma/i*e* of wlute fi.uu from bei towering side*. The passengers, numbering about three hundred, were til in high spirK*. having had a m*t Ughtful voyage from Australia, and were looking forward, with plea- sure, to their arrival at Valletta on 'li- morrcnv. r*u there b* anything in the world moire pUasent Jaan sea llfs on Bt-.un.-ili i p with Jolly people! Anyone\ wfeo is a good sailor, wiii ti twer " No," though perbapa Ulysses, who travelled over th i .* STUB wsisrs. xinhrt not agree, but wh-n 'be wn- lering Greek had not a 1*. and O. steamer at his command On thieoha-rmmg night a danoe wa* B progress on the hurricane deck, and Lbe immnn** area had been draped rich orilhamtly colored flags, thus turning it into an admirable ball- room Mis* Kate Le*t*r. ibe belle of thvu nhip-a pusition she knew the oc- cupied. a*d. by the way., took full ad- i of all benefits to bs derived B was the piani*t, and wa* laying the " Venotia VaUe." to which a number uf young pwple were dano- hng Tha white drntana of the ladies, UM darker oo*tuiaaa of the men, and ; tb- vivrd tints of the flags, all seen under th powerful radiance of Ibe e.1- nt no light*, made up * very pretty pwflure. Rtmald MonteiLb tboight so, at sll veuts-and Mr Montsi h was a veryf good judge of beauty. su<-rially if it I were frminine. He leaned luily I against the bulwarks and surveyed th- fesllve *one with a smile on his ha.ndAi.rn- t*oe, but Joseph like. ' took no nut ice of tbe many glancmt p-e received from bright eyes. Tall and sinewy, with fair hair and mustache*, blue eyas, and a skin bronied by ex- posure to t Ju- hot southern sun. Vfont 1th wa* decidedly good-looking, and by no m- m-. undervalued his personal ppnaranut. His father was a weal thy Australian squatter, who owned large uu.irui in tb Rlverina District, .nd. bring, a liberal-minded ind lib-< eraj-ih.indd man. had sent bin son; forth to see the world Master Korwild, nothintr loath, departed witb a good- ly nupply f money, several letters of lntrn<liiolii>n. m-l a huge oapaolty of e-iij >vui.-nt ; *o, as oan easily be seen, tin* lucky young man's linn* were oast In pleasant pla/oes. There were lots of, pretty girl* on board who would have laknd t<> marry him, neven bnlnss, his highness threw hu hsndkerchisf t none of them, yet flirted wrth all. He was not a clever man by any mnarutj but hnn.ulil rid, shoot snd swim, and I, -i In perfection, all of which athle- tic arr>>m,pli*liiimnls, found furor in, th*i ryt* of womnn , he was. moreover. n I, .n .r able gwntleman. with a kind AA he stood there In a out In itivi- ttilmle, wnndniing if be nonld sum op sufficient courage to dance with the thermometer at sumawbe.rn about eighty, a young fellow, who re- joiced iu the name of Patrick Ryan, came up and took htm by the arm. " Come and hav* a drink, me boy," aid Mr. Hyan. with a sligbl touch of the brogue. "I'm half dead with danc- tii , nut to mention tha \tuy I've to talk to the girls, and t*i' >nr enough lies to make me recordin' angel take to ahnrtha-nd." " Then why th deuce don't you stop tt t" retorted Ronald, u be accepted this bacchanalian invitation and they went down to the bar. Oh. begad, think how the girl* tear their hair, and mine, too, If I didnV look after them ." replied J'at; "it's purely ornamental ye are, but 'tis better to be good than beau- tiful and mig-hty poor consolation. touh on hU arm, and, oa turning round, aaw man he knew standing near htm. " Hullo, Ventin." aaid Ronald, re- moving hu beloved pipe fo\r a mo- mw>t. " way airen'^ you dancing r" " iteoau-vi I ite da,ocing," reUfrted Mr. Ventin, irritably ; " I'm aick of the perpetual jangle of that d d piano, of MiM Jyester'a flirtaliona. and of Mother Pellypop'a virtue* I'm aiok piat | of a wocnan'a light tonea from a voioe, or u. the deeper the of tbe whole thing, and I wuh voyage were over." ' I don V replied Ronald, taking a eevt on one of the deck , luura ; " if very jolly. I think." 11 Yea, 1 Oareaay," aaid "Vewtin. gloomily ; " you are young and rich, Then Ventin began .o pn+t in slow, measured tone*, quits different from hia former vehement style "I was nernr a good young man," he said, cynically; "but I don't think I wa* worn th*n tha generality of fellows. f5iv> a boy money and place him amid tb* t-ui|/r itions of Lonilon. and, in nine caflM out of ten, he'll go to the devil, or, if he doesn't go, it STOMACH TROUBLE MAKES TUB LI V hii OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE MISERABLE. Mr.. J ,hn u... I., i. ,, i r ..i.... r. *. I., ci.r. M. r Kasterlrnee fer ibe ef fttasllar s)*>r-Br. risk HIM. i yrr ,i a., Artar 1'at Ryan was certainly not beauti- ful, biug short and dark, but hi* lack of guod looki was more tham made up by Lb poisessioa of a clever tongue, which wa.s generally going from m .ruing till nighjt, and as be could aiiig. play, write ver** and flatter a woman to perfection, he was s great favorite on board. Well. I'm off to ih., halls of dax- xling ligM." he observed when they hsd finished their drinks and wera unue mure on deck. Oome along, ye laxy ujvil. and I'll get you a parl- ner." " I'm too hot," ubjnoted Ronald, putting his bands in hU picket*. ' 'On. > heax him." suid Pat in dis- gust, " Way, I've *een ys ajl day u\ til-* .saddki under a burnin' sun. and divil a grc.wl from ye. and ywt when I offer ye s pretty girl to danon with. ye refute ; and. as for th) girl, begad, hr beaurty would Uni>t .St. Aathony and anvill blamn to him." s she 1 " aaked the Austra- lian, wrtii s.ioi,. ahow of interest." " 1 thought you wre sweet thers yourself, Pst." " I'm HW-.VT on all the glrU, me boy -^thwre's safety in numbers, and I be- lieve in quantity as well as quality.' " You're gwUing too deep for me." aaid Romild. pulling a very black pipe fi"iii hii pocket, "HO I'll go aind have a nmki." " A pipe, too !" r4)ud Pat. "faith it's wo man's greatest enemy " " And man's grna-test frinnd. retort- ed Mi.nu-it.il. i* be stnOJnd off. Pat. laughing weal away to arrsnge i.i'.li-i .Liu.-... and to this end asked Mi I'.-liip-.p. tall. ntajeatac, and sg- virtuoiis. was the mother- in-law of a bishop, and was on her way homo to pay hex daughter s vis- it, an even* regarded by the worthy (relate with anything but unmixed joy She had an eye-glan* very effective to , Misli prediinung pnople a chilling and very *tr<>iig tppmion* about her own pm'tion , in short she was a ype of all that was virtuous and dis- with all the world before you. J. oo the contrary, am old." RubbuQ) t" ' If IKK in year*, at leaat in exper- 1 hiave !<* all my alluaiooa. and have diaoovered tbe gold of fancy to be only the tinaelf of reality. You atand on the threshold of a happy ca- reer . I can only look back on a ruin- ed life." rVmald kicked at bun ciirloualy aa he apoke. A handymmn faoe certain- ly. but witb innumerable wrinkles and hollow cheek* ; dark, piercing eyea ; blaok, smooth hair, touched with white .i the tampjas and a tbin-up- prd mxutJi, witb a heavy, dark mus- tache. Yea. Lionel Ventin wa hand- "m. but one whom a woman would rather fear than admire. For the rest, a ftleoder figara, hb-brnd manner. and in general a e>iol. nonohalaot, de- MI.--I.II.-, which but ill accorded witb the restlms gUnoea of his eyea on Ibis particular naghjt. Hrinald bad been introduced to him in Melbourne a yetr previously, and then kt sight of him, nvar ripect- ing. to set yaa oa him again But the firt per, mi he m.t on board the ujie" was Vnvtin. and a friendship noon sprung up be- tween them, which aeined qu.ia uuaco<nintabla. coniiidering tbe difference of their dispositions. Hut the fact was Ventin liked Ronald's pleasant manner, and. on ut bnciium s<>m lucky accident pre- vents him. I'erb.ipH he hn a man- of-the-wurld friend who ad vises him or he lunmi his rnoney, and his tc ! i ve i hi- primrose path, <>r, he may marry a good worn in, and hr influ- ence may sure him from hut worst nf my. him-telf. Ah: if w only knew th value of a good woman's love- how ab cjri ba our guardian angel, and keep us pure and honorable in the midst of temptation! Hut we never find out tba v.ilue of su;vh treasures till it's too late but there" witb a weary sigh-'l am seotimxn- P'rt. Montauth felt for the otherth.it strong admiration which a young OKin alwaya h.n fox one who U older and knows more about the world than himself. Ventin hid been every- and sean everything. He bad in the Rrky Mnun- elephants in Afru-a. taliiiog again ! Let me go on witb my atury. "I lost both parent* at the age of twenty, and I went to tandon with plenty of money and no ezperien<-e whatever. UnJu< kily. I had no one to play tbx purl of Mentor to my Tele- niuchus. ao I had to gain wisdom by experience, and pretty dearly 1 paid for it. 1 becum** a bard, oynical man of tbe world, for a thirteen yaarsf residence in London waa a liberal edu- cation to me in tbe nil admirari phil- osophy of to-day, and then well my money lasted longer than my hejltb. and 1 became am-Hnialy ill so bad in- deed that my doctors ordered me to Malt* to be cured. Oh, heavens! how ironical is Kate it was mwrely a case of out of i h.. trying-pun into tbe fir* From the Watchman. Charlottstowo, Air* John Holland, of Tarantum, P.K.I., i* wail known aud highly r*> spected In tbe community where sh resides For some year* her life waa one of misery and suffering, having been an acute sufferer from that com- mon foe of humanity, dyafepai*. 4 reporter hearing of her restoration jto health through the agency of that wonderful remedy. Dr Williams' Pin* Pills for Pal* People, called upon 'Mrs Holland to obtain particular*, which wr cheerfully giv*n as fol- lows: "About four yemrs agu 1 be- came very ill. I was attacked wit* distressing pain in my stomach, lujconipanied by /laches of heat antf cold These attacks were generally] preceded by a sleepiness and stupor ! which required constant exertion t*> kp awake. 1 had little m no appe. I tile and food lay as a atone on my stomach. A* time pu*sed, 1 wa* growing WOTJM, vomiting of food set in. witb sudden change* of heat and cold in my feet 1 WAS su ieduoe4 in strength a to not lie- able to walk i any distance- without resting. To I work I -Ure not attempt. I began ahot big gttin tains, huntmJ nd tignrs in India, knw Paris, an<l Vienna thoroughly, and. Wh*>n he rh,.v. to etert himnelf could b i m>Mtt delightful companion. To- night, however, he aeernad ra.r and ill at en.*-, whirh rather surpris- ed Ronald, accustomed, aa he was, to the cool, careless manner of bin friend. "I don't know why thedruce Inhould trust you." said Vntin, Hitting down near Ronald and eyeing him keenly. "we are only fellnw-lrsvrllnrs. aod I for iny pirt I prefer the. fryiog-pan. It waa true the balmy air and bright akies of Malta cured me of one diseaee. but unfoituuately I contracted an- other not so eaaily dealt with-thit of luve. "I became acquainted with two charrniDgly pretty girls of the, ages of twenty-three *nd nineteen, and for- giv* my apparent eg^rtinm both fe I in love with me. It waa the choice of Hrculea over again, but unluckily I cbuse tbe wruug kidy, ami married the elder. 'Hell ho>s DO fury like a woman scorned,' so tb younger soon hated me lik pouon, od left Malta for Eng-- Uod. 1 rntrried the womau uf iny choice aod thn uiy puui -hineut cum- iuocd. She WIM a perfect devil. with nothing but her uwiuty to reouin. her. Uer father bou^ted they had Arab bloud in thoir , and my While th dancing was thus going tn, Ronald, having lighlnd hia pint* <*tri.lld up and down the long dnck for a fw minutes, ih.-n leaned medi- ilively ,vr the side and watched tha am not usually givan to . but woisionally it does a man H,I, P ,| to open his h.irt to someone." "Kire away, old boy." said Honald. puffing nut < IN* cloud of smoke, and ""tiling hniMHf comfort u l>ly in bin Triumphs of Dr. Chase Over the Most Obstinate Diseases That Torture Human Kind Remedies That Bring Health and Happiness to Cana- dian Homes. i'hc marvelli>u.t xuoressni of Dr. f'h iw't great family rrmmlins prove to all t li>- vv'H Id i h i" no dMea.se in ' ver- nr of t...i lung Ht ui<luit( tu vn-l. to tbeas great pie* nptions. I lien worth to the ai<-k and nufferinjj can neVi-l IM et iiriat*!. PILLS FOR 23 YEARS. M; \V T. Wigle, "irnilrt Mike," ^Ln(f.villc. Out., .ttates : "I "i ilmnt 1(8 yein I wa.s troubled with i- I- i. wbn'h it times w.nild O'lUHo most ni- trw. ikil i e>.t liy HI hirm, and would nl ,.ii'. i M I Id -i-d. I was 1 1 nl ml hy sx-ver.il |>li \ - - i i IK, an<l tried every reoMvly I oould heur of, but could lint no morn than nlight tnmporary i lief. A traveller, Mr. (folding of Tomato, reornmendeid Dr. ('base's Ointment, whii'h I at i>nc ptirchiis- ed from our dealer and obtained re- 1 .-f after tke third application. Dr. CX:iise'n Ointment roinpietnly cured nw That wa* two years ago, and I barn never *4n<ve hid n lourh >f i> !. It has slooe oured nriny to whom I t iv.- i~v..inm.Mi.l.- i ji .. 'iu.) I . am Dcieus to hnv<a every sufferer kii--- W its PALE AND WEAK. Mm Stephen Ueiupiey, Albury P K Ootinty. Out, wiit.;_"My little granddaughter, nine years i>ld, was rery |nl ml w.mk, and had no appe- tite. She had a linxl, wornout appuar- ajice, and was d..|ir.,^( and sickly I got *>m nf l)i (ba-n.'H NeiVH K I for her, and it hia b.-l|>il h;r very mur.h She is KIIIHUH ,',MMI,|,>! , t,l y ,,, weight and looks r.M I h-ili hy." CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. Mr. GHO. H. .liner, Wi.irttin, Ont. write*; "I d.Mi't likx In hiv,. my n ,, in- put in public print, but I feel ii H duty to my fllow-men to recommend Dr Chiise's Kidney-Liver Pills Kr tbont four years I was troubled with rhmnir. (mnstipsition snd weakness of tho kid- neys. My oondition was serious when 1 began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver PilU, and I verily believe tint they have saved my life I am now well and feel like a new man." Dr. Chase's portrait and signature is >n every Un nf tho genuine reme,ilii Imitators dare nut rnproilu,-.- th-m All dealers. i>r Kdruaniiori, Ilites A Oo.. Toronto. 'bin; "ymi Inok like a man with n history." "Happy th nation that has no his- tory," quoted Ventin. cynic illy. "1 luppoee tb same remark applies to a nun's life. My history begins in thai ai-curawl Malta, for it waa tln-i- 1 met li.-r.' "Oh ! a u .mi., u f "Of course . most men's histories commence and end with a wnmin i hit is why confidence* ara so Unono- IOIKIUH. Wll," turning rtlejily in MLS ,u, "I may as well nay Ve.ntin is not my rvil name. No it ut_ r || | 1 ' ol tll you my real nnma. as it i.-. quite uuiiwary. I didn't do much credit to it whn I hid it. and I d n.-ay my prewwnt n.iuie is not quite bl.uu.tl.-rw. Itih! Why do letiti- m. ut ,li/.. r Forty years of lifauughi to have. kn.K'kwl all that out of u w ." "You're not forty!" said Kninld, looking cunuualy at him. "Why I" attked Ventin, quickly turn- ing hwhaKgird face towanl the \u, 1 1 ilian; "do ynu think thus,, wnukle.s du to ago or dissipation I To U.ih, Till afraid, thnugh 1 auipm-t I h- Ut- ter had had rn-.re to do with Ihcui than the. fonn,,r. find made man in HU own iriMne. He can't be very d.ilirfhivd when I!.- seeti how bird we rttuv.- t,i inn ||u handiwork." I h it- w H mleiici- fur a few mmuies, and ih.- tu iih-n could he.ir the regu-i I it I. iting irf Iht i-n-rt-i. the fitful Htiuiwl nf belief is that the ancestor of the family must have been t'blis himself. Oftii and oftn shr threatened to kill in* for sm petty thiug, and I b** lievr Abe would hod not some instinct of danger r*t rained her. If l luok^j *t another woman, ih.-re was a ttorm of reproach-if 1 weie away for a day, bar jealous tnmd oonjured up a hundred infide Uiea in short. our married life was a hell upon e-ii tb! At lajt, aft*r a year of this cat-and- dog existence, 1 determined to leas* hex. and to tha.i ooura abut aaeiitd. after a good uWI of persuasion. A nVaed of sepHration was drawn up, by which 1 altuwad her a haml^me , n . ut an condition that nbu resided in VIMU. .sfa* agreed to ihw and. after a stormy parting. I went to KngUoii. nJ lived !ber a moody, dut- contentvd outn." !' be Cuntinued. * to feel that I could not live vry in my present condition. I wa* r *Z duoad in weigh! to 115, pounds. Dwo years agu I began using Dr Williamr Pink Pills. Hefore this 1 had tne4 various advertised nieduinc*. but without any benfit resulting. I wa* using the second box of th pills be- fore I felt *ny benefit, but from thut my recovery wa-s rapid. 1 used in all five boxes of th pills, and have never felt better in my life than I do at the present moment. All the disagree- able seasatwjiis that accompany dy*. pepaia have vanished , I can enjoy my mals with relish, and my weight ha* : increased from 115 to 139 pounds. It j is now more than a year since I dis- , continued tbe use of the pills, and a* I have uot bad tbe slightest touch of Lh trouble in that time I feel saf* n saying Lh*t my oure LS permanent, I would wrongly advtee olhora suf- ! ering from otomaoh I rouuj-na to give i Dr. Williams' 1'ink Pill* a fair trial." Ur. Wiilumi* 1'ink I'i'ls <sure by goug to the root of th di.seue. They rww and build up th blood and trngtheu the nerve*, thus driving, diaeaee frotn the system. Avoid imi- tations by insisting ih.it every box you purchase ii enclosed in a wrapper bearing ti. full trade mark Ur. Wil, lianw' Pink Pills tar Pale People If your deafer down not k--i> them they will be aeiit postpaid at 50 cents a box. ur six boz* for |2.&0, by addressing th Dr. William*' Medicine Oo.. Urock- ville Out. AN KKKKIT OF CANNONADING. A Orm..!! scientist has been nuk- ing some olMrvatiuns in South Afrl-a in the mii>>., t of the influence of re- J>'it.>d detonations on the ear. He luumed the ears of nmety-.<i x ,!. di..ra lf,, re lin< i A { tflT and NEW EXPLOSIVE. An Italian miliUry offio*r has pro- diu-ed a nw vxpknive. lio makeM us* of the eipiusive propertiua of water el- | eotrically dec<n|HMed ; he molusea this i in a box or other stuej receptacle her- UMrtioaJly amiled It explodes wioh a force more thin 5U tauina greater than gunpowdeir. and nearly 30 time great- er than dynamite. He m adaui ing this to rifle cartridge*, and the Ital- ian Oovgnmt<ni i making teats in Turin It ia called found narked rhingi in no fewer then forty-four, or nearly 50 per r eipeiiiiM-ntBrs, however, hive not found ,1 effective in the case of phyl- 'rii III.-MMIM c i.see he found small li-!ii..tih.nf.-.>. in ths ears, in one caae 1 UK- Needing, while tha firing MM. -I th. e lg,. ,,f the ear di uui to I e ome r.-,l ;n Ihirt y-*-ren dies TIIK SUN'S RAYS Th earth revives not more than m-ll.i.-,l by distance, in I the ay liuhte.r nf i h e dancers. 'I he vnicMS of the ivhi.il pi lyer.H, dis- puting over knm point , (i,,. ir ,{,,,. .- i MI-- from tbe .inn, kinn-inoin ,,) ; ill- *Miii-<l ilkne.ss rilending alnn,{ thdck could be heard thn-ofl note* on thntMand millii)nth part of the t"til radiation of tho sun's ray., lf any wnnKlor.ible portion of thU bent wis r4,n&entr,itl upon the earth it would not only becornn uninhabitable, bit sp-i-dily be omiunnxl CARDBOARD. The Norwegians are exporting as- phalted oanlboard, which oan ba used for wHlls n.d (Veilings and many ntb- or piirpoB*. It is TWmpo*i>d of sv- r 1 1 layers .if comprrtssod paper coated Hi isphalt. U is chnapM- than wood, but jiwt as strong, au I will r*ot rut or craok. USKS FOR CHIMNEY SOOT. ipnnruitrit.s in France hive, shown that ihimaey soot is valuable, both as a manure and as an insectioide. Its fertilising properties are pirtuularly noted in gardens and meadows. M. Dasaerre, a winegrower iu aouthersi France, arr* that 'chimney stiot kilU the phylloxori with lh" rapidity |>| i .sirukf of lightuing, aud JL ^ the .* mi- timd i-n IOAS thi* vine^ with ex- traorduuiry energy of growth." Oth- er expttniuf-nter.-, however, have not) found it ffevtive. in the case of phyl- loxera, although it kill.-* many kiuds of larvae. J A NEW TABLE. A new table, for ua* by invalids oon- foned to bed. w made so that it can be raised or lowered, and oeji be increaa- e<l or de-ra.-HiiI ia duimeier, to over- Up th aide of the bd. By presswig a knob it oan be ounveirted into a read- trkg deak, and spring clips are pr.>vld- ed for holding th- reading matter in position. Th* m.-. h un.sui of this tab!* to *o wisily wurki-.d lhat an invalid oan |.-if .im the neonnsary oexiiai iona williout ajMi BOERS CAPTURE BRITISH Entire Squadron of Scots Greys and 90 Lincolnshires With 2 Guns, Captured. A V<spa*eh from London says : The War Office has received the following AwH-<-t<-h from Gn. Roberts : " I'retmrla July 12. The enemy hav- Icvg failed in an attempt to get round cur right and in our rear, made a de- termined attack on our right flank yesterday. I regrat to say they suc- In capturing Nit rat's nek. gar- by a iiquadron of the Scots Grey*, two guns uf tbe Royal Uorse Artillery, and five, companies uf the Linrxdn&hure Regiment. The enemy, in superior number, attacked at dawn, nd selling the bills which command- ed the nek, bought a heavy con- verging fire upon tbe small garrison. Mitral'a nek is about 18 miles from ere. near where the road crosses the Crocodile river. It was held by us in order to maintain road and tflegrapb- k communication with Rusteuburg. The fighting lasted more or less throughout the day. " Immediately ao receiving m for- mat las. early in the morning of the Vnmy' strength I despatched rein- forcements from here under Col. God- trey. Before they reached -the >!>"!. however, the garriton was overpow- ered. "Thj two guns and tbe greater por- tion of th* Soots Greys were captured, owing to i heir burses being ahot, and also sbout 94 of i he LloicolOHhires. "A liot of the casualties has not y*t been received, but I (ear they were heavy. "Simultaneously a* attack waa maee on our nut putts near Derds- eorp. northward of the town, in whu-ib the 7th Draguea Guards were engaged. The regiment, which waa bundled witb considerable skill by Lieut. -Col. Lowe, kept the enemy in rorck until be retired oa hut supports. We would probably have suffered slight IUMB had n/ot one troop mistaken seme Boers in the bushes for ours. "Sauth-Dorrien had a BUcoeMaful engagement with the enemy yesterday afternoon near Krugrsdorp, inflict- ing heavy loss. "Buller reports that tbe Boers who ere destroying the railway near Paarde Kraal were driven off yester- day after a short action. Hurt reports from Heidelberg thit tbe surrendering of arms and tunuu- Bil i'U continues in that district." FOUGHT TO THE DEATH. Details of the Engagement at Nltral's Nek. London, July 13 Detaiis are nuw at 'and regarding the dwanier lo i he Lmco4nskire R*jimenl on Wedntn- -y Twe> ci'difauMS of 'hm Lmcoln- . a squadrun at 'he tireys wre at the fOwt of the pas-s when the attack began. They fought all day. and lriaied thrnutelves at ibt. SUHPRISED BY HKAVY F1HE. It appears that flv cvmpanase were rdred Tuesday to proceed and bold e p.iss through Magalesfcurg. In tb<- neigUbnurbood of Daspoort fort. Th--> arrived in t he alternooni at tbe pass. v>h"re three companies with two gun* took up a ponii .on, and oainp-d for 1 h- night, leaving 'w,, oxxnpaniea on a plain sxwth of the pass. I hf ast- erni hill wns> rugged^ rocky, und inao- censlble, but further east apparent- ly approachable fnom. the) main ndgr. A< diyureak Wednesdny the Boera appeared on th ea*tem kopje and . ned a heavy fire. Confusion en- .-d. The colonel ordered the man to take up a poeilion on a kopie weal of ibe gap. From ibia point a hob fire w-s kepi up during the enters day. Two guns under the eecmri of, ibe Scots lireys, placd un advance oi > b mam body, we,r* cap. ured alter a stout reni.st- aince. Nearly e'very man was killed or oundrd A Maz.m gun wa* toruaighit unto aotuni eavrly in the day. The fire w* too hot and the me.a were forced to retire. BRAVELY SAVKD THE GUN. A sergeant, afdd by seven volun- teer*, Mved the gun. fiber* a* a continuous fir* all along the line, the Luico-ln.shirt Regiment men vigorously replying. GALLANT' BK1 1 ISH L'HAHGK. Abouil throe o'closk in the after- uooo Lhe Uonr appeared lo the left of uhe pomtiun occupied by the Bri- Uah. An officer and fifteen men at- tempted lo charge them, and four- teen men were killed or wuunde* AS the rwMill. 1'bree companies wsr* practically mir rounded, but tJicy kept up a steady fire, unwaveringly, until towards nightfall whu their ammu- nr. nn gave out. WAITING WITH UXliU BAYONETS The Uteat arrival (rum tbe scene stales thut at tbe time uf bis asuape tbe ujen were 'aking a g'Md position under cover *ad with fixed bayonet* wr a watting Ube approach uf the Boers. 11 m inudvirstood upon good author- ity that the Boers have employed arm- ed nalivee. Two of the natives leap- ed from cover when a. small party f i "iu tbe Lincolnshire Regiment step- pr-l u| and demanded their aurrsnder. A soldier stepped forward and ahot both of tbe natives diwd. One officer who succeeded in making bis escape had an encounter with an armed na- tive. HKIl I-H l.OSSKS HEAVY. Jit is fea.red that the losses of the British wr uumerouo. About thirty uf tbe British soldiers straggled back to camp to-doy. According to al! ac- oouu-ts a great force Is being as- sembled to prevent further progress of tb Boers. Conimandaat Grobler, wba cum- uianaVd th* fe'edorals at Nilral's nek, had fou,r giuia. Th S^ve.Dtb Dragoon Guards at Pyramid bjIK north of Pretoria, were imuK.nouly attacked. Tbe British lum was lusignifioant. MARKETS OF THE WOELE Prlees ef Cattle, Cheese. Grain. *c ., In the Leading Marke:*. Toronto, July 17. Tne market to- day was a dull and uninteresting one. Chok'4 viport cattle sold at frum 9 : > to 95.25 per cwt.; light stuff at from |4.00 to $4.80 per cwt. The demand was easy. There was DO quotable cbunga in the price of good to pi ime butcher tuff ; lh bent grades s .Id well, but if ih supply bad been large medium and cumiaou caiile would prubably buv bn>ku budly. SiiK-ker-* uumiinue easy. Buli.1, (.- Lit.-., milcb cows, etc., are Thr \\ita no change in Umbs and Choices veul calves will sell. Several loud* at uallle ware unsold ail liMt clusw. for prime hogs, s<ahiig frum 160 to 20U lus., the toy price Jt ti l-4o , thick Ui hg, 5 3-Kc , and light bog.i, 5 l-4 per Ib. Following IA <Lb rauge uf quuia- >OU 4.50 3.75 I-. 3.50 400 400 SOU 4500 HOD HORRIBLE DOUBLE TRAGEDY. an ef I* lr*r> kMIU Hi. Wife, I hn, Hlrw U o- -. Mr., i tti A despatch from Cayuga. Unt., says; The peeple f thia comuiuaity were tattled on Saturday morning when they heard ef the horrible death of Jamee Swick and his wife, an old cou- ple about 70 years of age. The old as) first killed his wife and then put an end tu hi.i o D 'existence. The novae ef the tragedy is at a farm fcouse in Kast Seneca, about four miles frum tbe village of L'aufield and ten Bile* from Cayuga. OLD MAN HAD ACIKD STRANGELY The eld man bad acted strangely for feme time pa*t, but the family thought little about it. On Friday at Bi'fn tbeir aun tlarvey went to tbe firla 1 to out wheat, leaving tbe old | cuup4e alone in the bouse. NV'ben be returned at night i dreadful apectiicl* was presented to him. Tbe muther was lying dead with her bead hor- ribly bruised, apparently by a ham- nei aad tha father was lying with his head almost shot off, by means of a nhot gun in hia own handt*. Death snunt have come almost instantly t* him. Thefe were signs of a struggle be- tween the old man and woman, as her throat showed finger prints, he evl- eatly trying to strangle her first, tu. - lumplsting his work by IH.-.MU of a hammer, as her head was badly buttered. The hammer was found bidden under the house where tbe old man bad put it after doing bis tar- rible work. lb-n he completed bin own destruction as already described. AN INQLKSr HKI.D. Dr. Ki'ir coroner, accompanied bv Mr. C. W. Coulter, crown attorney of Haldiniand, went to the arena of tbe tragedy and held an iuqutwt, but no new developments were brought out Suicidal tendencies are in tbe fam- ily, as one of bis brothers killed him- self several >ears ago. They are well- lu-do farmers, ami have a family grown up. There was a double fun- eral on Sunday afternoon, when i h.- old couple were laid away Two coffin* were taken to tbe -ad home from iht* undertaker's here this afternoon. Ca-ttle. Shippers, per cwt $. .Iu j Butcher, choice, do. ... 4.UU KuicJicr. med. to good. 3.JO ! Butcher, ulterior 3.UU istockers, per cwt a. 00 Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, per cwt. . . 3i5 'Spring lamb*, each. . -UO j But kv per cwt. . 'J M Milkers and Calve*. Cows, each. . Calves, each. flogs. Choice hoga, pen owt. . 660 6 -5 Light bogs, per cwt. . 500 .'> Jj tl-avy h-Jgs, pr vwt. J U 1-J .") U7 1-J Sows 800 3-5 btags 200 :M Toronto, July 17. Wheat Chicago prices declined about ^c to-day, and ' local prices were lower. Manitoba No. 1 bard, g.i.t.. sold at 95c, aurne, To- ronto 'and weait, at 9Zc; and at upper lake ports, at 89c. Ontario* are quiet t 70 to Tie, outside. Millfeed Dull. Bran $1J tu 113.50; *nd abort*, f 14 to |14 JO, we*t. Corn About steady. No. 1 Ameri- can yellow. 4S l-'Jc, on track here; and mixed at 48 l-2c. Peas Quiet. Car lot* are quoted nominally at tiOc, north and, west; and 61c east. Barley Steady. No. 2. 40n, went ; and tic ea*>t; No. S, 4J to 43c. Hye Quiet. Car lot*, west, 54c ; an.l ')." v.i. Hi. Osts Dull. White oats, north and west, J7.-, and east, J"c. b'l'iur Buniuew) quiet. Ninety per cent, patent, in buyers' bags, middle freights, ia quoted at $.' 5 to fJ.90; aod ia wood at 93.15 to i:t :u. Detroit, July 17 Wheat Clooed. No. 1 white, cash, 83c; No. i ml, i-a-h. 8*-, July. 83c; August , *) I .. Seu- temtwr, S4 It.. Ch.cago, July 17- Wheat - Dropped t l-8c for th* aepixmber option to- day. ltr|>i ie.1 improvement to the spring crop throughout the North- West and unrponsive cables gave the bear* tbeir innings. Corn and outs ruled istrong and i-losed practi- cally unchanged. Pvnvisinns wre lifeless and weak. Pork closed at a decline of IU to U 1-Jr. Lard loat Sc, and ribs Sc. The Pnc Current eittirnated the wbeat crop at 550.UOU.- OUO buh. Chicago receipts were 60 cars, six of contract grade. Minneo- pulia and Duluih got 158 carloads, compared with 475 for the name day last year. Western primary receipts were light, 49J.UIH) bii.nh. against M84,- OU4I bush, last year. Minneapoli*. July 17. Wheat July. 79 l-2o. September. TU 5-8 >o 79. V4< ; Decsmlwr H> ., Ho, No.< 1 uud. 8- 1-Jc. No. 1 Northern. l-2cv No. 2 North- ern, 79c. Mllwtiukfe. July 17. Wh**! Lower No. 1 Noil hern. W to, ft! l-2c. No. - Northern. 90 l-.c. Rye Steady. No. I, fee. B.. i. .>--. eady; No. 1. 6Jc. 1. 6J< . H.ri.-v i-ady; No. i. 47 to 4H- Maniple, 40 tn 44. pit, 40 to- 16 Dulutn, July 17. Whet No. 1 hard, c..h. S3 S-4o; Augu.oi, 83 3-8c. S- p ..HIM.., 63 3-8c, December, 883-4c. No. 1 Noi 'h.-in. caaji, 81 S-lc. Augns 81 3-tc. Sepieiuber, 81 3-lc. No. - Northern, 79c; No. 2 spring, 763-4c. Corn 43 7-8c. Oats ^7 to 27 l-2c. SHOT THEIR JWN WOMEN. Legationists Use Revolvers to 5ave Their Loved Ones From a Worse Fate Than Death. A despatch from London, says: The Shanghai correspondent uf The Ki- preas, on the alleged authority of couriers who brought the story in re- gard to Pekin nives a very bensatiun- al account. H says: "Maddened i\itb hunger, after hav- ing been without food for m.inv days, the iiieiuiiui ^ of the legations and the j" > i Ms made a sortie on the night of June .Wan I kil el JtMl Chinese in au u<v expected attack. Uen. i'uug Kuh .-nu, enraged over tbe 'uits uf so many men, bmugbt up heavy guns and Prince Tu in gave urdur* that every foreigner must be destroyed. Hi uordH wer: 'Destroy every foreign veatige and 01. ike Tamil .1 sealed book lu all went-] ern poitars.' I-TIIKU ON CHINU'S THOOPS. "Prince lu.in had pi'uviuusly discov. ered that Prince I'li.im as supplying the foreigners .lecretly with annuuai- lion. He tberefure ordered tieu. Tung Fub Man tu fire on Prince L'bing's troups, .111 1 it is reported ihat Chmg was kil'.ed or seriously wjuodad. "In tbe final attempt to out tbeir way through, the legationers forma. I a t ;UUB v r h the women and children in the centre When the Boxert realised that they were being attacked they became like wild beasts and siixt each other in tbe darkness. r'OHKICNKRS KILLED THE1K OWN " Tlie. foreigunrs went nud and kiil- (d> all their wumwni and oii.ldn-n with revolvers. Heavy guns bombarded all iiig-h' until ib* buildings were deni'i lisbed and in (lames. Many foreigners were roxsiud u, the ruins. Tfir Buxprs rualied upon 'hem and li ..'Hi-d and t**;lj.Ml bt'tb dead and wounded, outtiag off tluMr litwds .md carrying Heae thiuugh 'be strnetH oa their rifles, shunting, fiercely. They 'ben attacked the native Chrmua* quarters. manaucriHi a>l hu refused iu join ti>-m. outiagcdi 'he omn ana brained te. obndren. Huuili-dl o( mission buildiuga WPTH buiui-d.' ALL CHINA ArLAMK. Th" coire.ipoudent addrc "AH Chins is u, v aflnme with revolt aga.ast (uirignecs. Only in 'to* ei- reme west is tlisr* quiet, fcro-iy purl, evo Shanghai :m manuoed Iu *e P - viaor of Hupe .mt Han^n ibou.->*nus of native Cbrieliuna bare bwu mas- sacrai and turtured, the nomrnlirst bting outraged a aid then in* --'- A, 1 ALL FOREIGNERS WERE KILLED. prpn r SB rial Trleiram Press Ike tjovrmer f skaelant. A dmputoh film Sli.nitfh .1 says: An uffio'iil teisgraim wai< received Sunday niglyt from Una (>ov<*rnor of Sban.tong. stating that a bivach wan made in tfce wail, a/tvr a gallant ,! fence and aJI >>" ammuuul.on had out. All fi-iv.igueia were kill 40,000 RUSSIAN TROOPS. Despatched Overland From Russia Within I en Days. A d<-|M I'-h frum London, K'ridiv suya : \ dvp>ii<b to tbe Standard from O.lfoaa say* that more than 40,- 000 tiuopo hivu beuu despatched dur- ing tbe past 10 days from Moacow overland tu Khabarovsk. It IN addi-d that it ut niieiid.iil to raise Iba ai my ia the A tun i Government, Central ASM. to 2011,008 uw-u. FOUGHT ALL DAY SASURDAY Stratheona Horse Driven In Tempor- arily by the Boers. A deaputcb from London says : A report from Platkup says that the British engaged the Been all dsy long un Saturday. Scouts and mounted infantry arriv- ) ing north located the Boeit 1000 strong, occupying the ridge, from which ilit-v wnre driven yesterday. Col. Thornycliff's im-a held the i idge facing them. Members uf the Slraihoona Uum>- . wre driven in temporarily on ibe I right by the heavy muakelry fire. Af- ter a stubborn resistance, tbe, Boris forced tho British to bring tbe howit- zers into action. The iu I i li' iv deployed (or a general advance under Ciery'a direction. The Boers opened fire in all direc- tions, shelling nb tbn guns ponied oil the Urn nil light. The Mount iid Infantry, in the face of a severe fire, attacked the Bitein. A gun polled on in ein lynched kop- je four miles iu the east loroed tbe Boer* frum a uumbur uf i idges, de- tached purlins retiring in the centre, while a gun on the right was with- drawn thiougb a ravine towards an en : "in- lied lull. River Colony, says . Un. Kundle'i npid advuuce ban, it In said, forced ibe Boers into an oirv;ou*>y bd cor> n-r. r'iNiident St.-rn ut reported to U n '-n up all bnpm siiwe the loss of Belblebem. and would have surr>- nl- rred. but Gen. De\\i threatened lo Nbool bint and it 11 believed he wa* in pi is ned in DIM own laager. i I" OruMXill nf L) -. uis. who v.-i/t alone to ^unngkianti to vi*w 'tis Boer pnnitions. was surprised ( breakfast by four Uuer sotiuta. U picke.1 up his rifle mil CHUIIIIM ruled lu-ui to .surrender or he would vhnot Ihe fnur suriwinter eJ ilthough Uris. coil wn* ten mile* away fiom "ta in ii body uf the scouts and close to large Boer force. A VICTORY FOR HUTTOW. D* feats Erasmus' Commando Witt Considerable Loss A despatch ficmu Pietoria. says: G-nei ,I|.M Uu'tuii imi .Malian had tour days' fighung MMitb-ntat o( 1'r.- mia, itwulting in :h* ileifeat ul Ki ,-uiiis' cumin. iudo i ti i nu-.iuer.iuin 10 s. GEN. DEWET'5 THREAT Said Ha Would Shoot Steyn If H* Surrendered to the British. A despatch frum Sennkal, Orange FROM THK NORTH. 30,000 Russian Troops Advancing on Pen in. A depa'rh I i mm Shanghai. kS.VK It is T' MHI fiom i-|.. r trustworiby sourore. th.it 'M.MIU Hus- sfin troops are ad^auu.ng uu Pekin fiusn 'V north. BETHLEHEM CAPTURED. Fight Lasted Two Days and at Noon the Town Was British. A despatch from London, *ays: Lord Robert* bus sent the following depuu-h tu tbe War Office: "Pretoria. Sal urdsy ClemeritV and forces entered Bet hie. b-m un Siit unlay. The former, on nearing the town, *ent in a flag nf truce demanding its nurrendr, which iwfuand by Dewet, when Paget, making a wide turning moveuieni, succeeded in gelling bold of the eneiny'i mngt important position cov- ering the town. This was carried before lark by the Munster Fusiliers md Yorkshire Light Infantry The follow, ug morning the attack wa.s continued and by nnou tbe town was in our pos- session and tbe enemy in full retreat. "Our caualiiee were 4 officer* and 32 own of the Munatera woundvd; 1 mi*siug; Captains Macuheraon and and Lieut. Couway severely, Liul. Boyd-Rochefert, Scottish Kifles, slightly wounded; 7 men of tbe York h res wounded: I killed; 2 wound- ed of the impei i.: \eumanry. "Paget reports tbnt but for th* accurate pr.iolice of the Thirty-eighth Hyal Artillery and the Fourth City Imperial Datteriet Ih:- casualties \nui i have been many more. "B.idMi'Po'well reached Hul.enber( dunng <hf evening <? Sunday with- out oiipoBition. lie found all i|u>t h- i > nnd publit- o -n(,di-ucr entirely snt isfai-tory. thanks lo too piompt and build graap of. the situation taken by Major Honbury Iiai-<-y. " Th- dm'rn-t weal tit 'his is frnf uhii unsettled owiug t-o tbe -rn I force h'Ch ai lacked HuaU'ifburg being ntill in : be neigbbm hood. M.-.L. ' MJI.^ are being t.tkea to iii'-ui ibia "l-'utilier inform itinn regarding tb* c.ip'uiv al Bi-' u -lii-iii U < now ueen received from C'>-ments. He stat** th'it the count t y i her* ia broken and diff.cull. (.VI101 quently hi" md Pigei's cavalry \tru una.'jl" lo make any wide tuxniug ui">.-ui n - Clo- meuts attacked irtie PUMHOII hrle Pa- get attacked another. "The position assailed by Clement* H IH gallamly capiii'd by the Koyal Yeomaniy. who cap' tired a gun at Ihe Sfventy-ven'h, loet at Sloim- bftg. The lie! ol ousualliea bus nut I.I.-H issued hu Cu-rnenls *t :iie they are few cun*id<-i UK he Mrengih of th'' pi*it.Mi ix.iailed. "lluntci ^ oivairy nndei Urnadwood rKiched Bi- h i-h.-rn un Sund.iv llun- tet. \MI|I bin iu 1 1 n. dace, wa.^ uiibia nine roilte uf the io n whn Clement* d.r-|i 'ibid his

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