Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jul 1900, p. 2

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APPALLING BARBARITY. Japanese War Correspondents Make Grave Charges Against Soldiers. Th* Yokohama oorrespondent of the London Daily Mail, who repeats bis statements regarding the jealousy felt among the allies on the subject of a Japanese coinmunder-in-ehief and the general lack of unity nmong them, Bdd:_ "The .Upam.se conrHpondents ehurge the Husaian HoUliiM-, nb ap- pulling barbarity towards the Chinese. They declare that the 1'eih i* full of corpses of woiueu and children, and I li.t the Russians loaded !100 bodies on a junk un.l burned them" Shanghai repot ta that three misuinn tations on Foyung lake have been de- stroyed, but it is believed the rnis.sion- sries escaped. All the missionaries at Arheho, Kenn. md Kuanrhung-Tseu, In Chinese M incburlu, have arrived in safety at Vladivostook. It is rumoursd that Yu.u, the miss- 'ng Viceroy of the Province of Chibli, his committed suicide. \'ery conflicting stories are publish- ed < f the manner of Grn Nieh's death. The Times understands that the chief representatives of Ibe Mobauime. dan clergy in Constantinople have is- sued n strong protest, bused upon the Koran, against palace sympathy wiin the Chinese massacres The Kuasnn Minister of the Interi- or ba insued a notice 'hu th'- Siber- ian railway is closed to private traf- fic Theie is little dou-lit tbit the Kii-sim au'boritii-e were not pr p r . tl for such an organised Ch n- < movi-men' in M'nchuri.i. but th-y bivi- i ;ik< u l'ii-k measures, and they believe that China will soon be too much preoccupied wi'h mili: iryop'-ri- ! lions around P -km to conduct seri- I MM operations in ' l< north. The Dilly Mill's Sbmgbsi corres- "Advici-M from Vlad.vos'ock state thit th'' I'b nene invasion uf K. stern Si I., -ii , hi.- M.uppnd the IluhSiaii ad- vane*- from tb north on Prkin Ib Kuisuins hive burned the Chinese town ot U .' uipo, and are sdopting very vigorous mensuris" General Sir Arthur Powe Palmer, coiumander-in-cbief in India, said in the course of HI interview in Sun i the other diy tbat no more Urn -h troops could be se-nt from Indti to China unless they could be replaced from South Africa. A TERRIBLE SCENE. I.Ur. ll,.n^ skill >l HI, . i ilr 4M. I kill. H r. A ei-ejMtch fron, Knnloi.ps 11 f. en>s : Anotb.-r Indian murder was ci minuted hej-e on 8undty. .Shortly hii'c u'clo.rk in the Indjin Hum. were soen UP l-i. u i ili iivt-oue at a full H.illup They were closely pursued liy in In di.m on borsebark. I li Indian was armed witb u \\incbeMtei ilfle. and when near the uorth-easl corner uf the Kih:l>nii.n K< ouuds hr ovi-i li mled tL. wi.nii n. ruini-d bis rifle, took delit>- :.t Jt inn- of tin i., .n.l filed. 'llu- l.ciil.-i t-ninnxl tb |~n wumina b- i.l 11. ir id.- miMjtb, in. I she, instant- ly dii>|ipcd from her liorAo to Hie slrem I h" murderer after firing miuili. i -hui into her liody. maili- off -i(.t i lie M-oi'ive. wbic-h it just mn- i If n\pr. An Hlarin .i uu iin-rti i!i-ly Kiv.-n und a numl>rr "f In- rti iu iin in I'liiniiit of the iiiunliT- ii In half an bimi ili-j rrturnrd wn.b tb.' munli-iri li.. pmvd in bi u ><>uug I ml un n. i in.. I (ii-iii t<r Si I'. ml I li- vici uu of lu il>Mill> wurk s \ouiiii wife. Wbiski-y und jt-.il- i.n-. on. i hi- i-iiise, of the nwful r.iirn... Hi pi i-imor \v.i iniiiu-.li 1 1 el\ l.-l^i-d in n i.l. and the body of bie ' in i . n 1.1 liordnii's undertiiking fttublisUin ii I Ii.. tr.itf.ily i iik pl.Kn \\itlunihii-e |.i . ki of ill -<i>iii li-i poor I'bil U . k>*i "! inn i di i .-'I l>> III" Indian CsAimer, a little ovor n year ago. RUSSIA DECLARES WAR. Imperial Ukase Calling- on Reservists to Join the Colours. A .li-|i.l(ll fr.iln -I r.-lelntilllK, s.iy< : \n lui|-iiil uki.v, dated Sun .1 ..i.l.i- the Minister of War to iiim it state of war in the inili- i.ny dmtricls of -ili.nn I in k.--i ui, i.lil -.-un li-lcl] i Ii -k ill. I to HIIII1U10II all I hi- H--I-I vi-il.- in ' liusii disi i H-I -< In ji-in I be colors. RUSSIANS LOSE HEAVILY. Very Little Headway Can be Made by Them Ag-alnst the Boxers. A 11<>ng Kong despatch n-purts .1 d . r- ing act of piracy within the bailior there. A score of pii.iir*. aimed with revolvers, eized a launiih unit louk it up Ibn Cnntiin 1 1 > i . i.ipi uring to junk- enii'Uti- Afte> luo inx the i ut . .,].. .il iiidouod them \ dfpatcb fi.iiu \i- ii.ik M> > . Idi'M, is [n.uiiii^ in-ip- mer the northern l'lnnne l>ider, but her f.iiri'*. .ii,- n, .1 ji-i ruin i-n. i iii-d and are niceliug vxjin -, a to the iii IIBSC Uuieis, u bo overrun all \i . h ('Inn. i, s i.\ i Clief.Mi iiil.le tu 1 be \\..rld. It is reported Ih.'it nftrr the allied aiinx M .,,i.iii-a [lie n.ilnr City of 'Tien Tin I isi S,iturday, Ilieii .-In In 'snl fue lu I IIP town. The Chincae. liefme they fled, killed nil tbuir <>"i\ n. ui'ii, it ill repuited, to priivrul ihi-lr falling into Ibe foreigner's bund* N.itivo Chinese report thxt there are in i iid iiruund 1'i-kjn ui It-am .'HIO.IHKI Chinn*i- IKI.II s n I thai th" Ho e a .ie aiun-.l vMib the ties! und moKt modern V. C. FOR BLIND HERO. Her Majesty Overcome When Pre- senting the Coveted Award Ad p <'h'rin L f n'lou sij-s: On>' <>( i LI- mint touching incidents of tin- war in f>i;iiiii Africa occurred this \i-i-k, wbi-n Cupt. Ti>e received the tint Victoria Crosa bestowed by the Queen for vaiuur ia the veldt. Cu|nuin |.,uc eatnitd (be diatioction by at- ii-iapting to carry off Colonnl Down- man, who hud bren wauuded, undur a hail of bullets. He was unable to do u, and laid beside him and kept off ill. |{.-m all nigbt, till bi-lp came. Hy that lime Colonel Ijnwnui m waa d, .nl. Cipl.nu 'J'oi- was blinded in both eye* by a bullet wound. On U'ednus- di> ('.ijM.iiu l'i<c was tuknn to \\.mliwi and led into the Royal pre- fiic.- t>\ hie wife, where he knelt at the ft-el i>f hie SoveireiKQ who was so much ove*'come at the sit(bt of the biiuil huro that her afffl bauds r.outd (jxc. Ij |i.n "ii i hi- iuo.^1 piizttd of :tll Bruitb di corations. I hi- yueen's few wunle of simple praise of hit gallan- try and lliuik-. (or hU devoiioD \\< i c S|M>ken so l<v as to be almost inaudi- ble. <iDil uh-ii Quer.n Victoria wax led out there wan scarcely a dry eye am- ong i he off Kills present. SAYS !HE WAR IS OVER. BOERS WERE REPULSED. Attacked and Surrounded a British Post Near Heidelburg. Opinion of U S Attache Slocum on His Return From Airica. A despatch from Lnodon, says: JL despatch from Lord Roberts to the Wir Of fire d<-criU?s i iletermined attack made on Satunlay bj the Bors. with three gun<* and a pom- pom, upon the British post protect- ing th* head of the nil way, IS miles east of Heidelberg. The prwt was completely surround- ed, but i he g:irri0on, consisting of 200 of the Dublin Fusiliers, 110 Engin- eers, and 10 Yeomanry, repulsed the attack after a nharp engagement be- fore On Hart arrived from Heidel- berg with reinforcements th;it ha<! own r'-iju'wied. The Ut>-ni were seen burying their le.id and currying off their wnunilt-d in ambulances. The British losses are not reported The War Office yesterday receive* tbe following from Lord Roberts: ''Pretoria, July il. Little, tempor- arily commanding the 3rd Brigade, re- ports that on July 19 he came in con- tact near Lindley with De Wet's force/, which broke through Hunter'* cordon. Tb" fighting lasted until* ln-k. whan D- Wnt's force, being re- pulsed, broke into two parties. Lit- tle's c-mUrili ie* were slight. H bur- ied five It >* rs. 'Hiuiilu.n and Mahon continued their e -V A .id march, and should join hinds with Pi.le-Carew to-day, near Kr*ten Fahriken station. ' \ body .-f 'he enemy wrecked a trun carrying .sick between Krugers- dorp and Potcnofstroom. July 19." MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices o Cattle, cheese. Grain, ic., In the Leading- Markeu. Toronto, July 24- Our receipts this morning consisted of loads of fresh A d"-(iiili from London says: arrivals, including 500 cattle, SOU hogs, li i on led to i dn-p brown, afier 600 sheep and lambs, 60 calvsa, und a right monihi of servioe in the field, few inilch oows. . , - i.lu-ii L. U. Slooum. United ' The market was s poor one; sales onto '"'' west > 89c; same, upper laks niili'aiy attaoho with thr Bri- were slow, and prices weak, except for | P urta - I Light bogs, per cwt.. 5.00 6.29 Heavy hogs, per cwt. 5.1J 1-2 5 37 14 Sows .... 3.^5 3.50 Stags 2.00 2.50 Toronto, July 24. Wheat After early weakness the Chicago market advanced, and dotted strong. Local prices are unchanged, but firmer In tone at the close. Quotations aie as follows: Ontario red and white, outside, 69c; spring, outside, S9c, Mani- toba, No. 1 hard, g.ut., 9Jc; same. Tor- lu London from the small qusntily of really good ! Millfn-d >carse and steady. Bran butcher cattle we had in. The* found '- to I 1 --'*- ->nd shorts, |lt to fli.- a ready sals at steady prices. SO. west. In sympathy with the feeling in Lon. | CornAbout steady. No. 1 Amen- don and Liverpool the export trade in c ' n yellow, I7o, on track here, tnd ;-li at n . Sou'h Afiioa yesterday. In an in- terview be ui id: "Tli- war in South Africa is over. Tli Boers' rennta.1.- i- -bed the guerilla singe MX wroks ago. and t bo ' cattle was easy, and prices were dec id- mixed at 46c. 1'ii-hMji inking rinip.t k-'ii cunnot last edly tending downward; the top price Pi* in Quiet. Car lots are quoted much longer. Th-y biv.- rough' i was 5c. and uot much fetched this fig. nominally at 6Uo, north and west; afid good figlit. t*i< l hi odds against t b ID ore The majority of deals were at *>lc, east. from 4 1 .' to 4 S-4o per Ib., and every- thing did not sell Boat space is again scarce. "The Brnsntiounl charges sgainst n. niMi-itMtn n' in the lloyal Atmy 1|.. |i. .1 S iv re hitve little founda- ' lion Lord Kotnrls' nn-d.cal service in Ida ftrld is (;...il .|iuie as good ss : soldii-rs could i-ip -<-." I^EWS FROM HANKOW. The Boxer Movement Is Spreading tn the District A despatch fioin P.irin says. Hid neu.s has benn received from Hankow to the effect tbat the Itoxer move- ment is spritading. The recent dr- Htiuctioii of the miwiuiis .it Nang- Y.intf-Ku and Siang-Y.ing wera owing to a move.me.nt fmm I bo north. There is, however, no local diit urbmr. in II .uk. there U a British cruiser thero, and also a volunteer f.,i,.- ..f .1 bundled mi-n, hu uuuld over the mi- link MI. .ii u! foreigners ou Ihn fruit- er under any cirouiustancns exuitpt an um-xpcctMl attack from the. north. ANXIhTY IN COREA. DlssafTected Chinese in 1 arjre Num- bers Cross in c tha Boundary A . I "!>", eh from Seoul. I'm. tb. ' h GoverniiKMit i*. (.i-mn tig uiie.i.-> I )i.iffi-cti-d Chinese in lai^e nuinU-r sui- orueslng the Y.ilii river, and the Uovvrnmxoi ban ordered - troops there to prevent their entry into the country. An engagement has alirady nccurri d II is ststi-d tint man.- of the foreign eii\oy. ii|y ; . 'hi- fiovei nuie.nl to ip p , < .1 ipan for aid. but fhe ttu- si.ni Minister objects to this being The trade in tatcher cattle was dull at ueaker, but nominally aachanged prices. A few choice lota sold at from 4 to 4 l-'Jc itrr Ib., with medium and B'tley >'n. J, 40c, west; and 41 east; No. 1, 4> to 43o. Hye Car lots, west, 64c; and 55o, east. Oats Dull. Whitl oats, north and west, J7o; and east, 28c. Flour AbfUt steady. Holder* ask inferior selling very much for what $-9'' for ninety pur cent patent, ii they would fetch Several loads of poor buyers' bigs, middle freights, and ex- BOER ATTACKS^ REPULSED. Botha's Forces Defeated in a Hard Battle Near Pretoria. A d.p.iti-h frnm London sny; The War Office ban reoivd I h follow- lnr di-spntrh flora Lord Kitberts: "Prutoriii, Monday .The enemy Diide a determined iittank on the left of Pole Carew's ponition md ilmiK i. in left flink enuiiiiiiidi-d l>> Hut- ton. "The posits held by lb Irish Kusi- liert- n ml the I'.i n tdi.ni Mounted In In nt i y under l,.i ii'i-n ml -('<ilmiel Aldt -ikini. \M-re moel gallantly de- fended. "I he enemy mails repented at- teinpt.- to ii.i.snull the positions, r.nn tng in close range and calling to Ihe Fusiliers to surrender. "Tht unemy suffered severely. "They Iml 1.1 killed und 61) wounded. snd four A fir t liken prisoners. "The. Hi ii. li casualties were seven killed, including the. Cm uli. m li-u leu. nts Burden and llmvli 31 \ .tind- s<l mil -'I missing. "Inu 'lainillon'a c. lumu udvn need to \\ .terral yesterday unopposed and on Tueedity prt>ceede<) to II mini's Kr.i.il. "Fifteen hundiod Bnern, with five guns, tn. i nixed to break thrnugh Ihe cordon (ornuvl by Huntnr's und Hun- rile's divinlonH between Be.1 hlhi>in md l'iek -luiiir. Ihey were unkintr lo- ward.s l.nidley, nlnitely followed by Panel'- i ml Broadwood's Urn; ides." In i iii |tin-h dated on Tumidity, Lord Itidit-rt* pays a tribute tn l.it-u- teiimi- I! <i deii md HIM Ii He nays; "Ihey were killed while K.ill.tnlly lending their mn lo a cniinler ,u- t.-iok on the enemy's flank at a cri- tical juncture of lhir assault on ne position. "flonlen wn twice before liroiiKht to my not ins in despatches for gallant and Intrepid conduct." l.ieoi Burcb, who with Lieut. Borden was killed in the engagement near Pistoris, belonged (o Ih,- . nd UiagcHins, St. Csth.u ineo. II.- went with the second contingent as an at- tached officer for duty 800 RUSSIANS KILLED. Capital of the Amoor District the scene ot a Fearful Battle A dt-i'iuh to ill,- I, nndiMi Duly Mill fimn St. Peiemhurg nays. des|> i . t lit- offin.il dfiu 1 1. it IK cnit.un that Ibe town of III iiri'veMtchensk. cipi- l.il of the Amour diMiiri .- l>ei i i, was o.i|Kured ami h--ld liy tin- Ch until .Inly -1. II--M I'd drove tho enemy u- fi|ihlinr. Ue <-.ip uieti enrhl guns and piisoner.H, bul sustained fe.n-ful I hiiaself. K7U KusHi.ms hiving killed in storming Ibe town stuff are left over. There U no change in inilch cows ; a few prime cows will sell. For stockers there is scarcely any enquiry, an-l pi ices continue weak. Fur export bulls and fesders the demand is eaay and prices sre off. A few good veal cslveo are wanted, but common atnff is no good hers. Sheep M.-re a shade easier, but scarcely quotably i hinged I imbrt i,.ll at from $J to $1.50 esch; only good lambs are wanted. Muck* are worth from $2.50 to f3 per cwt. Thnre ia no change in hugs snd price* are steady. For prime hog*, scaling from 16t) to JOU Ibs., the top price is 8 l-4c ; thick fat hoga, 53-8c ; and light hogs, 5 l-4c per Ib. Following is the range of quota- tion* _ Cattle. Sh I'pxrs. per cwt. . f 1.30 $."-.00 Hn'i-her, choice, do . I .. J ti;> 1-2 Butcher, m.-d to good 3.-5 Un i-li. i ,nfi-i u>r. S 1 k.-i. pel rwt ..... U.no 3.00 Sheep and Lambn. MI--P. |.er cwt ifter eight hottra ;S pr ,ng lunba. each..., Burks, per cwt JOU 3.;>U LM s and Calves. Cows, each S5.00 | Calves, each 00 11, s. Ch.tire hogs. i>-r i-wt 0.00 CURE FOR BUP.ONIC PLAGUE. in l.i. n .ill in IMrlur l:tliH. It Have III*. rnti-rnl nil f tSi-Hi li>- l*r>.|ilii nrllr A de.sp.itch from Sydney. N > W , ..,> I h Macdonitlil, of Adelaide, \\h bus had considerable, experience with liuliiunc plague- claims to have dim-in eie.l i p ajiui- pi ophylaotie, w hi h in equally efficacious when svt allowed as ulien li\ po.lei inic.illr injected. Mniauver. no fever follows the taking uf the mndir.iue internally. Dr. Mac. rionald and his colleagues line siicie.-S- fully experimented on themselves. 3.75 3.50 4.00 4.50 3.00 4500 10 00 porters bid |.!.80. Special br.mdi sell 1. c .liy from 10 to .u.: above thess fi puree. Buffalo. July ^4. Spring wheat No. 1 Northern, spot, carloads, 84 S-8c; No. 1 Northern, spot, round lof. 837-*c. Winter wheat Noth- ing di'iiig. Corn Firmer, but no de- mind; No. J yellow, 433-lo, No. S yel- low, 44 1-ic; No. 2 corn, 44 l-4c; No. Scorn. 44o. Oats Quiet; No. 2 white, J^l-J.-. X L 3 white. i>c, No. 4 white. J7 1-1*1-, X.'. 2 mixed, l!6 l-2c; No. I niixi-d, .'tic. Kye fancy, on track, 65c offered; No. 1, in store. 64 l-.'o Flour steady. Detroit, July '.'4.-Clced Wh*at Xo 1. white, cash, 79 1-^c,' Na 2 red 79 1-Zo. Dulu-h. July, 21.-Wh't Jto. : bird. .- -sh. !*0 l-8c. August, N) 5-8c S.-p cmlior. 80 l-8c, 1'rcember, HO l-lo No. 1 Northern, Dash, 80 l-8c; August 80 5-8c; Sep;mber, 78 l-2c; Decembei 78 l-4c; No. 2 Northern, 70 S-8c; No S spring, 73 l-.'c. Corn 38 3-flc U.ui -J5 1-Jc. Chic.igu. July 24. X-'w-s of the .m- iiwiit in thu Xorth-Weat .u in- flu.nii.il in if-i-uing wheat from iti -lump to-day. S p'-mjlxT clo inx 7-8 t>i lo over ytv*torday. Cor* > - firm, on an excellent cash d i c >-i*iiig S-8c higher. Oatt 'i'd. ..r.il provisidtis i 1--' o 5o lo\\^r. Pnmiry rcc-.p:i i; -(M hu>>hls. compirt'd w. k 918.000 the like day last year. 950,000 CHINESE TROOPS. Great Military Movement on Account of Japanese Troops in China. DESPATCH FROM Reports Progress ot Various Columns Who AIM Ou' recoil .oltring-. A despatch from London, snv: The f,i|l.. nitf uespitch from loid I'olicrts II n tit-en irri-nt-d it t h<- \V 1 1 Of fie,. ; ' l'i i-t.'i i i. .lu'y li'. -Melhtien ix-cu pieil llr.Jtp""! i.id.l), without 0|ip|.i- linn to -i--.k uf I. ui II .in, i,. M ,nd M I i mi' iniit-d 'bin iii'ii-li alitng theo-iunli) nurthuf Di-li^m l., t > T n 1 mi. I Hiiiitei i n i onnoil ring the JHI-I lii>n oi-c-iipn-l liy tht- I'lt-i. <t itt-i^ l^>_ tussti neih'ebein and Kn-kulmrg. 1 * A J --p'Th from I'b.- Foo snys : Piinoi- Tu:in ln^ ru.'liiumd J'StiO-Oin n i iid divid-d ili.-in inu> difl'>-i fili t-oip-%. Tb- luinbt-rn corps his been ordered. | to expel foreigners from Amur The P-'kin my divided into four rorp<, ,4 h- first to operate against Muk- d- n md vcnpy ihe road* belw-tMi P km ind Sli ui Pin Kuan; th.- second 'to cone -nt i il> at Tit-n Tsin and i I. ! thud it P.-kin. fi MU wh->noe i eoiuinu numbering 4.0.000 vsill be sent in \\ - i U i Wei and Tsin Tau, while h- fourth corps will ro-ic n p rne at Nin- kin. Tb ie ,tre now .'3000 J ip inese ;roop<i in Chins. Th- I'buii-te fleet is poncetu i mng in the C'h n-< Sea snd h-wtilities are exprcted. A d ,-pi;ch from Nnnkin announce* in IViiict- Tn in his ordered th.-s K iui..i.iry Di.v.ui HIM, owing to 1 li ' 'pp- ir-incv of the Japan*** in I'hin. Th- Vioeioy ol Nunkin *! K'Ui.iu di ih foreign conswts ' h rt hit h i i n .: oo answerable for . wnt-s m i'ii > n. Ningpu md Chu I'h.iu. Tb r rvigners are fln"iig lo ^li.n^liu Th .1 position is a. arm- ing. Sixttvii foreigners hive arrived N nltiii from Nmgpo h i> ths houses of foivigners hive been burn- ed and mission. u u-s horribly mil- trNited. Tlii- rrlu- lion h.is taken hold of kou ht-rn I'b.ni. Thi- (or.-.g- nn's at Chu Chin and iu Ubau have '..en Kit.icki-d and are fieeiug suickeu. ,. 'The man is abnormally qnkk and acute that we know from the rapid- ity with which be slips from district to district, a,ad the pertinacity which he always employs in filing upon profitable victim He Li brave, too. You remember bow b dashed out when Currie had ringed him in the d-erted- indigo-fAclory that was bis PART I. den for so long f Tore through a Two m*n studied each other In the 'cordon o f policemen like a whirlwind R un rbagh eolie-ctor'a office They sat r.ght and left nhots Currie wmg- fac* tn face, eollarle-ss and perspiring, e j b y the first one on to the wh Us th punk ib ^q,neake.d above thur - trutyi>ctor , n horse the impudence of beads and the glare of a May sun | the raJK . a [ |_ aQ a ao clear away. But filtered through the Venetian*. The ' - lt ,,, not tnat which hu saved, him for bermometer & the fi'e-strewn table twv Tsira We hiv- brave men, and stood at ninety-eight. The room sow It 1,^^ men too. No, it's his informa- of mattiog. it waj close, oven-like, tion . an(J there U something most nd gloomy lit only by the fingers of Qnno | y about its accuracy. Of all the daylight through the shutters and a p| an , w hirh Joacelyn and I made in small window high In the wall, over , tr j c j confiitence here, sir, in my pn- ed. For a few seconds th.y stared ar | mr plans and H.ra .-ingh's actions ' I" it eaxsb otber without a movement. Then frustrate them, sbe flirted bar band with i gesture of salutation, of defiance, of admiration each and all th -shut'-r clapped to, and tbe window wa* dead again. 1 H'm," reflected Mictntyre soberly, b.s Celtic blood a little stirred by the appsrition. 'Delilah, and a. aplendid creature. Who i. Samson Those jewel* were, bought by a long purse. Halfca.ste apparently. Wht is sbe doing in the noisiest, dirtiest quarter of Hamirbaghf There ia an incon- gruity, and it must be considered Hech, but the wits of Lancblin Macintyre have ample work b. f re them !'' Ha gathered bus reins and trotted up the Une. wh.rh a ragged reed-curtain dangl-d from a nail. val> . ..(f^g there was not one for whirh he waj ever unprepared; and no "S.i you're the Collector Sihib !" waa m ltl) . r to whit part o( tbn di.-tnt we Hacintyre'a mental comment as b.s irr; i nge d to go, Hira Singh bad de- to another quarter. H eye* ran aver the fijfure that lolled, can be fouod than \\ hat better spy a woman I Then, arguing on that premise, "hose ofiui rtus has sbe uu.lerm.aedT "If We.l. ws shall see. Hers is he Une." He walked the pony down it. The sun was low behind ths minarets and house-tops ; its raya sUnted over thr ithng crowd and its many colours, and it bathed the tali Highlander, white and cumeiy as a god, in golden pl-n<luur The peuple .icattere<l him; the salesmen stepped chaffering f jr a moment ; and a woman looked from un ur a crizy eave. and puabrd the shutter wide. .-h- stared across the l>alcony, an sad ha i dune a tunas before, with an undisguised ad- miration to which Macintyre, did not The d.ictor threw down hia racquet respond. His stolidity piqued her, Tb bighwallej court wts stifling evidently she was unaccustomed to Th marker, outlined in th* gallery .contempt . her gerturo betokened against an evening sky. had taken ad- ' amazement that the Scotsman could PREVIOUS GREAT SIEGES, :HAT OF GJBSALIAR WAS LONGEST OM RECORD. TUK T*w>. Vriir.l fcr ihr BrliUh. I*- r is al- orossed, before h in. "You look ttaT . forewarned, and nvanwhil three; straight. I wonder what you're like jitricts are the laughlnsj-stock of the to work under f Provinces. I'm nor thin-ski anei like "And you're the Polke-walUh !'' Xrevor and Grig^on I'm not so young criticised the mind of Fiulkner, u tney are . buti Dy Georg* I it's fif- "You'r* the "keen'* nvn I spplied for tffn m0 ntha since I showed my face in the room of poor, s'ow, amiable at headquarters." Joscelyn, to settle Hir.i Singh. You He roa- ^ end th( . interview. Mn:- sre an ancommonly f^io l-look ng SIBCI- j nt y re stood up too. Ue opened tbe men And, dear me ! there's plenty of door 4Qd thr-w bu^t t j,e .shutters, you. Six feet two in your stockings, tnd ., rtts j l O j choking ht swept for a guess," Then he said aloud. lnlcj nij ac ^ "I'm glad you've come. Hamirbagh is "\Vhe-*w! It's hot." he said. Th-n. s poor station from the social point his brows still knitted over the first of view; just we two and my joint- u , ^ .. The Bourca o f information! magi.strmte. Instill, and tbe d'-t or -j^u i s w hit must i traced. I doo t DO Udtea. But there is plenty of ufce wild ^ OOBe c h*aes. There Is a work, and Hira Singh." . ki(|e , ume wbere." "Yest . . . I'm g'.ad t hers are "Well, find it, ' sid Faulkner la. oni- o ladies; they're not in my line. . ^^y g, na j relapsed into his ihalr, . . I should like to know all you can an<1 ^ pen WM Ueady busy with tell ms about Hirs bingh." Bot , iuj signatures. ' i u^ "Not your line!" puzx e I Fau.kner p ii t ^. w aii a b Sahib Maointyre against Ip his mind. "H'm! I should say yon lDe principal ties of evu ! Uood-morn- yeie very muuh in th. ir liue, luy i n g..- young friend, these dark-eyed, .ong- Macintyre walked across the court- tefged fellows turn sll th women's BllUa- compound to where bu horse baada." Aloud: "I wish I could tell ^u,^ i n the ahads of a tree, you Kome-th.tv that might help you to fbt Hamirbagh district offices were Isy bunds upon bim. But all I can ^j^. s i tuat ed, now that the popula- say is that Hira Singh is tbe Prin e uf (joQ j,ad expanded under iinperiil rn e. Darkness. \V .rried old Joscelyn into n,* lime b-ul been when tbe block ku> grave, tb d.sjtor said typhoid, but ( orm<Kl by the courts, the collector's of i pause to call to the treat her attention with indiffc re. n- e players He waved towards tb* com- Macintyre kept hi* gaxe betweeu tbe pounl tbat snrroanded the mnvh ickle pony's ears, but he felt tbe woman court, bath, and billiard-room of Ham rfci^h C'.ub; and tby the lhg ran jver aus be ;*as-d. tad he smelt Husk thr jugb 'ii reek of the bazaar thud Jf hoofs approaching. "At home to-l-iy ' H turned into 1b*re they are, Instill I'' The doc- the kieheri compound and di-mounted. a Norfolk jacket, "leii ibe Inspector ?ab.b I want to bet they i-aunbi we h.ui.' he said to tb- sentry, snd ' room the veranda, cell-like appearance, the same wa.ls. th* same square win.low on ui. r Although by no mnuos the mot Ltao Utsi siege of Gibraltar, when the ruck ** held by a Br...a gaxrtfusi tuiAier General il.oit, against tiM cum&nad efforts of ias and fivxicn fr'>m Juiy t, fiovenxbea- >, 1781, holds toe reourd a me longest jopurtant a.ege of muiiarn tone*, ine laet thai every now nd again in.- <j.rr_on were abls iu add to LUer pro\_ii.jus Dy saocss ful stories kept inein (rom succumb ing to hungejf. bui scurvy claimed HtMLiiy one inouitaud vxtima Fuf week* lugetner over s.x thou* sand sbaiLs wore tbrown unto the town daoiy. A oucious uuini about this that the Governor of Gibral- after having done everything he ijf it bupengtuen tbe for* i i i . n i-^-u : a p.o 1 m ion oal* un Ail* u^ tii? g ii - lauu A uo Had x;u.-ov-s LO ir upose lo .-*.. .ju am as n>e dul nut wisu the R. k i u.. *u-u j> .jiteu.ng out a fe>w ui.nu'.es to a pi.vatu individual it m.gnt be xtved. In nolding ibe fuxLTeos ol Plevna Jiu ug the U,.3S>--iui n.-iii >V 4 r troBS lii-joi 7. 1877. tu Lct:uiui 19, the pick uf tbe itass.aa army iu.ik.4ii gkiiisou. .UJB. Oman PasU*, ALXOMl'UaUUU THE lilPUsoiilLa whit d' you him it Kiuiiuif" parsed on to his office. The L 'k st >m," sid Instill, stooping was next door lo, and a faesimi e f. under the door ot the rcqu-t-cou r t, tbe collector's off ce . it bad th^ same and (emerging into "There's your answer." Indeed, the lunp and dejected atti- the Une side. A bundle of letters lay j tudea of Fainkner and Mac n'yra, as upon the table, and be toeaea them | thy climbed stiffly down from, their over and tare open a sealed elter. poa.es, wiped their faces, and called "Mart.neauf \e, it's the De.h.p-st- for drinks, ha.d no story of success to m*rk. Good man, Martiiwau. What according to boti mi.itary and tell. Thy were white with dust and ne^.sf His eye ran over the letter fatigue, and the ponies had sweated . . . "Your decr.ptiou to a lather. Faulkner took a revolver ,vitn that of a young woman named out of h s povket as be sat don, and Myra Pereira, a typical member of a tonsil it viei.maly on to the f!oor iJe.hi family of lung-eotabiuthe.i dis- pt ^ *uhoui food. let o* They drank their pegs with th basts respectability. I believe even Lfeoemo^- 10. after nav.ug eaten tiieif of thirsty men. her relations have discard- d b-r . grain ot rye. toey sa.Led out and "Ah'." slid ih doctor sypafhetic- no* ; she commated the unforgivjt e p.ackJy tried to cut lasir way ally. "You didn't f" sin, and disappeared uh a hirfh-caste through tbe Ku.-^ians. "No; we didn't. Flown, as usual, native aome one without even the ibo siege, of l'*i is, daring the from '-he *teae of his triumph, and left thirty-second straiu of British engine- Franuo-Gurinau *ar .asicd uauai .s nothinn )>. -h n 1 h -n >ir iv^[y fti^n- driver's blood to brighten h.s coaip.ex- .. ,, mjr, sufljriuj ensd .'Id bann.a. snd that was our in. We don't want her back here, en du-Jed in that tun* than them w is bution thirty hot po.ioemen. Hs ibank you. sbe is too greedy of jewels <j ul D|t jj, whole puiou uf the !< i the old man ambling along and soft raiment; it's not good for ths o f Gibraltar. No less 'ban forty bis money-bags probity of her fneud,-. The -ist JS i^ OU!WU d of thu inhab t jf aud nm only did they ih bee.egmg force *neu it num- uered noarij uiy LU ouo Against them, but IO-T ..v-.l ior i*.ve week* bull, wbo is tbe prop of an Evsngslical rrh-ileaeon, into a rank blasphemer. Tb*rel" Macintyre smiled gravely at tbe wh.in^ioality, und st the petulant ton* in whkh the It. Ue concluded with be reflection were as looks and manner proclaimed him, be should, like tbs man h h was. for a cautious Scot, so enormous- ly favourable estimate. "Htr* Singh seems to be a superior being to the ordinary village-budm.ish- tarneoVburglsr dacoit," he said. ' Ou, ye--, his methods are quit- West. rn You beard of his great coup the robbery of the Bilsi Nwab's jewels r "Tbe bars outline. No particulars." 'Well, lh*y are worth hearing; if snly to sjive you an instance of the mau'-s extraordinary cmartness "Smie months a^po, just after Hirs had looted the properties of some semindAra in the neighbouring dis- trtcU> oh, but Trevor aud Qrigaon were savage I our fat friend at Bilsl became seriously alarm**! for his own belongings. Hs had no wish to be ruobtvi at night by a band of despera. does, h.s women's quarters ransacked, and h.s portly person drubbed till he discovered the uttermost pics. That bad h ippened lo the other o.d gentle- men, you know. So he came to the. office here, and a>ked me if Govern- ment \\ould 1st h 01 lod^e his Ta.u <bl for safe keeping in the treasure un- til Hire Siugh wad caught, or killed. I aw no objection; and after a con- fidential interview, all in the tr<< lest privacy with oloaeJ doors, as you and I ait now, il was setl.e-l that ths things should be concealed inside a jampan, lilter, and convoyed oxer th* fifteen mile- hence from Ui si as f h y were the most precious huiu.ui jewel In hi- zenana. The Nauab Sahib was to put thm mto the j-niipan uith bus wn bauds, and to despatch the nain without kttiug any Lite in u know that ouly a hogu- .a.ly lu ke l behi- d tbe curtains. Tbat, he SMOJC. i faithfully done; aud 1 have tru^t Q S> . upidity. And vel, what bap- pened < Hira Angb and bus uien fell upon tbe cavalcade four miles from tbe city, shot and kuifrd the two re- sisting now .us. and made off into tb- riverside jungle with the contents of tbs litter. If 1 bad posted a public notice of our arrangement on his kacberi, courtbou*e, door they could not haw known more about it. And now. I ask you. what is on* to do with a ruffian lik thit f Mwclii tyre's brows weie \nitteo> ** did not answer. their thatched roofs and veranda* wers cheek by jowl with th city now. Ih" inaidao had dwindled to a slip of sun-baked soil, upon which tb* offices baked, aud tbe cra*y native buildings of the baiaar upon it, their tottering. employer of nil h . rupeea and every stitch of clothing. After tbat be marched to Kandua v 1 age. locked the , policemen aui ilie olileFa thd a yodown, and .spent the heat uf tbe day fed and .-he i* red by their Of narrow spac On three sides theis we still breutbiug-room; but the rear of the official quadrangle had become a lane, bordered by tbe office wall, blank except for a coup e of hiajb reed- curtained windows, and by the shops, with their mysterious dwelling- rooms above. The GoTernment had refu.-ed to buy the spaoti when it w.is unoccupied; and now it paid for its .stupidity. Tb* noise of the city, the 'smell of dust, the r-k of dung-fuel and wood-smok. the endless chatter 'and jingle of ths bargaining natives, remained to the staff as a reminder of their predecessors' folly. Macintyre mounted, and the poiice- nwu turned i-ut as he passed the guard-room aud fi ihe compound to fili with litigiiit- and orderlies He wheeled at tb- entrance and made for | tbe Une. Tbe crowd. Into which an officious 1 pol.ceman hud plunged with an out- cry, w.is i h i-k ind' busy, and the funnel-like, .i\enue wa- n"t easy lo clear. Martin y it* waited for a min- ute, and looked about Ii ui. Tbe .-un beat upou the s- ae. and tbe lrrac->tta petlicmtLs. tti-- \ellow ans, the brown skins, and 'be clink- ing liaugles blen led into t h- picture I hi- vendurs .squ..tted upiui i b. ii h--eN 001 the i pvn thit -b- !- i h- p.is er -y surged up and down before .b- tn Hie ffe<-t v*s da'.ling; and Mtcmtvre ,i,ftd his eyas to tbe balconies for f H i- at e.i-t. was peace. Ihey weie uiix-cupied. and tbe windows were silent, showing a oVcorous e\- te.rioi hi<-h. if rt'inour said true, w.is not altogether in keeping with ths city'.s repuiatii'ti. Only a woman's veil dropping upon s lattice, and a siuir ftuug up-iu I h boards below it, (ti\e a touch of levity. Such w : Mtciutyr^'s first imprevsi ti. n 1 t hen lit p-t^set, js an opened shutter f ung h in t glimpse of life within. A hand bail "penul tbe bl nd, ind it ! wa.s the f 1 ish of diamonds tbat caught tbe pol.ceman'-s eyes. He looked; and they found a woman s face, anil staved there A small. exquisitely p H bead, well set upn a rounded neck, peerei out at him Ib- woman liugh. ed ind pushed the shutter wide, as if the- sight pleased her. Ue saw i hand. onx> taca with he n y lT'\\ m I reek- leas etM; sh le-ineJ o -t with un- aba->hed interest, and her (setb gleam intyret" "If yo-u'll excu.se me," said Mic.:i- lyre, "I am <oiug to run down to kacberi snd look through iny letters. 1 am not at tbe end of my tether vet, and I d^n t feel like resting. Lend me your tat to go down ou, doc. tor will you I Thanks. ' Aod be was "1 would rather not be Hira mgh when Macintyre catcbe* ham," said Faulkner. "Ue' rag ng absolutely framing. Well, DO am 1; but I can th- goddess. ... So Ions;." Macintyre patted the letter an. provingiy. "Tbat a very good. H.ra Singh is a m-in of bigh cadte ; ha is aiso active in e.ju ring other |w>p e t properties Tbrs's the typ-ct'r iu a hui-y. too I" He left the ui'f.oe door open and ran into Ibe courtyard. Tbe inspector, a big, we'l-groomd mmedan. in scar.et turban and ktnk uniform il. 1:1- e.| to mel him with some e.igern-s. To Be Continued. jmc*. Sorry for him; but we havs all ha I -ur turn." He lay back luxurious- ly, cocked hi.s feet on to an a.rm of tbe cbair. ami began to recoup his energ *- by timely' idleness. Tbe thres pairs of eyes saw ths policeman -eitle into the Doctor's sad- dl. with the thoughtful frown wb'h Hira -nighs misdeeds h-td called f-'i'b s'.imp* I deep into his forehead. He trotte.i past the t;in. ground into i.- . veuud uf taoiarusks that led to ;tie beat and haze of : h- city. Ihe sais laboured behind h.ui in the rising dust. "I woujfli ,f Mirtineau's letter has COUM aud what news the inspector has f'-i u- f H busy braiu began to airingu b- b. U|tbi4. "Wild-|oose ai.d iu-d.iy > work pio-es me right Lei s put uiy coujfil alas into working order. II i i Singh h.i- an inforinaul in llam.i u.igb. hi-> kuowkvlge invariab.y coincides with tbu e\U-ut of our plans, li i- soturbiHly wbo is coguiaut. not QMMe.y of ti.i-.iir rum.'Ui. but of tbe cnn.su .atious of tb powers; wbu'b UM?aii-- there is a leakage, and the leakage us being lapped. "lbre is a stranger woman \\ ho in the bazaar for no osKnsib.e n. It ia very fortunate that sbe ^ein.s i" lake a friendly interssi in my .ippe.iiaiu e. it i- in li-ri s-t 'f her, f r .i ,MLU u-ts my dl4itilr<iii. mi it en.ibles tue l know wb--u she is, ml is u i:, ai boiu ; and I fancy the knowledge is worth something. To proceed The lady, b.iviag taken an i pp.t rent fancy to me, ne>i r fails lo ^ out when I pas ml she is in her .t]>ai ' inrut s. Hut she is away -. LUS* i i uies : and her dis.ti.M'e .1 ranees dove-tail betweeu the concept i"ii -t EVERYONE IS PLURAL Mor*'frt X.t 1<dr it, ttl, n,. '''"is rather a creepy piece of news to bear from the scientists that one's body is not. as moat of us th.nk. a but U actually made up ike ten millions of niil- 1 lions of an. uu Is all wvlded together and helping each other to live. Lo other words, our bodies are com- ptvwd of myriad* of little masses of protoplasm^, called cells, each having a distinct ind independent Ufa of its own. Iheae cells ars really very s.m- iltr to the tiny little lunu il.i.-ul m that one finds ia ponda and in every pool of stagnant water. If you gt>t one one ot them under a miaconcope you I will see thit it Is a little masaeof jelly which is continually sending out feelers for food, andi if it meets with .1 particle of anything it engulfs it. But in the hum in body th? massee n' jelly i re each surrounded by a dense nveU>pe, so tbat they hive no power to put out feelers. They are of dif- ferent shipes m the muscles, luntrs. livvr. Lnteetlnett, brim, and elsewhere, and e.icb d.t\s i o : un part of the body's work -that is to suy. th. di vision of labor. 1 he blood brings them ill food, and. curiously, the blood contains a num- ber of the 'in. ni. ticul.it> you find in [it-ii.ls. which furage for h -ni.selve.s. Kvery ono of theme cells is a living -iiiinil. But ihe fat ind bone of the body cootiin none of thiu. for ihe-e ire re i liy lifeless substances. On the i hei hintl. the mu-ncles, nerves, h- 1 1 1. limns, skin, and every living pit -utirely of them. FIRST TELKPHOVK. I he telephone as first prat-ticslly used in Kngl ml in IHTii. when civer 11, " miles uf wi;-e evile,i l>-t -.\ e ->n I n.lon ind V'rwifh. tiut no le.egrapb ei- i-s established until 1879 nd bis hi BI.S loi eleven 01 ,u J jary lo. 1IW4, 10 Jauaaiy .1 inut it wus a .ui- uki u sit g- LI- ut-.ia. u.i-l;u save for a tt>w Gieck DI u-oom.Oki..ia; march. w _Os: u-. w u. man .n tne tuwn. \Vhe4J .Na^oicoai left ?pa,Ii .u idlrtl, leaving bis bruihei Joa-vo in pt.sses- Siuu ol Mi Ind lie stxm-ii jiisiifietl in th.nking Spain was his. "i e.t but a ii . A-a> after Juu^a Buuapaits fount) ihat the tuwu oi >.. .^> >.s. - dtl.e.i Qa i-.-Ui.-h. lb tieiiiii iimy invested it, and un Jaiiux. .^ si.i'wss- fully stormed .no w^hs. 10,-u tb real tigu .u^ oegiu. Every street was oar- ioaued. every hoti^xi a ioitiess. aud the French bad lo fight lh Sp.in . i who we-re but pn^sunls led by peas- ants from street to sued, trom bous* lo house., ttii twenty days ui.s went on . lUe iitlle gari IMJU Surrendered u Feui'uaiy M. afler 3U.UUU oi Ibe m- Uaoi; a,uia bad pea ished. . Oebusiopoi was ues.-ged by the French and hng.jb aim.es for eievec mo i b,.' cciniueuciii^ October 17, 1JH7 tu September 9. 1&>3, bui ibe ii ships wer endared by ibe besie^eis not th bee.egea. wuo h^U nouses L live in and PIJS.N IV Ob' IOUU. Three of the warsi sieges of modern tiines ware of veiy siiort duration wuen oumpaiud with Kimberley s ^ai- lant stand uf four mouiHs. During lb Indian Uulinv. L'avvapure surreu- dered to Nan Ssthib on June -ti 1857, afie.r a stand of only three weeks. Bul tbe suriender was not uuido by tbe British, bat ihe uauve gamsou, and so tho latter were let go free by Sana Sahib, while bul three or four tu.r<->peans managed lo e.scipe tbe butchers of Vina >ah b. although ihu prince bad given hu ward o buuoui that tbe uli .- ^iiiisou should be al- loweJ to depart. Luckii"w during ihe same war tii-.d out fui eighty-six days, from .In 1 - inember -5. when it wj^ . i it-uerai Uavel.s-k. whale ibe French iirison at Budajoz. during ibe I .-n- n.sul.i War. wiihslooil iht; B:u.>ii .u- Wl i.llg U'U iluUI Aiaictl lu. 10 ti. UU. <i I'OIM Smve ISiJ ; be i"i'u ition of Kng- land, Scot.nui and Wiiiw h.i in '. percent. hie Iielmd shmvs t e of nearly ti f*i cent. Ltrn.K ) uv The irei I .1 .ipan s Il7-t5o miles. Th- i re .1 of ;b<> Kusis pi re, 8,1*44. 1 ft" s^uar

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