Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jul 1900, p. 3

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JULY 26, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Ft E 8 H E R T \ ADVANCE JULY &, 1900 Every day Bargains No imtti-r iii what <lrp*rt nil-ill i>f our lnru<- -.tun- you do-tiro In maku 11 purchaxt you will invarmMy fiml <*ur im. i-> l.ivtor tli.-iu that of nthcr nitrclmnu HIM! in no instance will ymi lin'l niiyilnni? ' marked at higher price*. t may l>e that wi- pay It-tut for our uo..d-. than nthi-iK or thnt wo nrv itHtisfii"! wall n Nmaller pn.iii, certain it U we ha\t- (lie IK-SI kiml of luiHiiifss ii'icl tin- licst cliin of ciulmuerH that oouH poum'lily Im ili-iir.- I and which we hitll niiil.-.iv.ir n reUm if price* like the following coiuit for anything m.tl thfy iihoulil. MfUyyUMM^^ Jfat d Co. & & jem & Co. I "Gattf* <Drost Soodf ."."i I'li'.'tM this HritH-iiiit newest tin-** iii.iicii.ils lUch :- pUni unl rigurod luitri'H ( Blm-k ) twee-Is, Cash- inrivs, Seizes, Fancies, lli'l',, i^r ytc. i-'u. Tin c- U'Kxls li.v Ix-i'n Helling all HUII.HOII nt 25c, Us< . .'("<, J'i'-M'-, ;10c, .'<7i, 4'lc. .-iini art- vo ''I values at thiuie pri <- but for r.-n il i)i Hulling or until .ill HIC none the price will Iw, Your choice pr yard ................ 20ct*. Your choice of our Iwst Shirt Waists those that were 8.x', k, 5c, $1.00 91 25 for only ....... *icU. Your choice of our cheJiper Shirt Wauls tlnwe that wer 60c. W>e, 75c, for only .................. :<K,'i>,. Tln.v are almolutfly new H.H.U made nut of thin HeatoLK uiuMt fashionable fabrics. Positively the best Table Linen value* y.u or we have eer heard of. Extra heavy half bleached pure all linen good* full 72 inch width. Regular 75c. PIT yard, only .................................. 48ct N"tltllM:ill'llllg til.t! I !' pn-M-Ilt -M.5HH.lllh HellMIl" ill tlieM' '.;.,. I, IM . !).> i th In^yirst re'vc evi-rdi'iie. we yet have utlin.-iit i>u 1. mil to .MM- lale tiuyer* a g< <1 choice ami the pii,- ,'s \\- all !u mint* y. .in- way I'.n i Hols at '-'""i-. iinl 3J.illiiiii| all iiurriiifilmt'j prices are siiltjet'l to tin- nir dii*:<>uiit i'.'i [ off i-ai-h. VJJon and 9ioi/s Straw Jfatt AllhiMijIi the sr.-isoii is now fairly wt-11 advaiuwl, Nurficent li.it weather niny lie uxpocted to mike ei> .| straw hit deairuulc, uirticuUrly st> when prios are in ula an object Off any straw Imt in our store you will receive dincouui of .') . It/iltiniry All kinds of trimmed and untrimmed uiilliui-i > . and millinery rupjuitc* are IK-IIII; cleared out at sue- rilice prices. \Ve are prepared to give you the very kind of values during July and August. f. T. HILL *Sc C . ... N. Ii. New and exclusive novelties in Millinery living added to the department each week _ ^M ?! 8, i^/ ^ WKKKI.V AT THE OfFICI, DILL INi.Wooli STHEKT, ri.KlHEKToN, ONT., BY W. H. TUURNTOX. i per .HI n M in Mlrlrtly In advanre Advortismg Rates: i -ulii.uii. 1 jrmr, tit . half eol.. 1 fmr. 2B quarter col., ou year, 1J Tr*Dsient adv*rtlMiuDt ebargcd at the rat* I ooti per lloe for nrit liiMrtlou c 1 J cent each mbeequent Insertion. Tlie total death rate of Canadians iu Africa up to date is int. The African war drags along with sonic recent success for the Boers, who are bound to keep it up to the bitter ud. Three weeks of suspense, and still the world docs not know what has i. ij IU in .1 at 1'ekin. Chinese authori- ties assert that the European miuis- ters are safe and have not been mas- bacred, but there is a general tendency tu disbelieve these assertions. No Communications of recent dute have been received from lira ministers at 1'. km. with the exception oi one pur uortiug to be from Conger of the UuiUkl States, but which is considered by all the powers to be a belated dis -u of earlier ditn. Daring the last few years we liave i in tliia county heard mi'cli <>n the sub- ject of good roa'ls, and we believe tlie . campaign is slowly beaiiug good fruit, i as evidenced by the more substantial woi k done by the township com miss iuuers and others. In this connection it is interesting to read an article in a recent number uf the Scientific Amer- oan dealing with the experience of the tale of Maryland. The state Depart- ment of Agriculture Laa made some careful experiments, and tlit-eie are jiiitL as applicable and as valuable to Ontario as they are to Maryland. The rticle referred to sayi that ; "As a result of a careful estimate made by he Burvey.it is shown that the far- mers of the State of Maryland expend tt.OOO.OOO a year more on their baili- ng over the present poorly built high- ways than would be necessary if the jauling was do.ie on first-class roads. These figures are to be compared with the information collected by the De- partment of Agriculture in 1895, when as a result of data received from over over twelve hundred coiiulie*. in var- ious parts of the United Slates, it was ROAD NOTICE. TOWNSHIP OK ARTEHESIA Nntlca'ii lieruby given that the Munifi|<>l Council of thn Townhlii of ArtenimU, In tlie I'liunty of Gray, will, fi. r four wk> trow the flrt puliltcatlnn tit-roof In Hi" KUsli.u .n At) vn.-i' iirw|'|>r. ithe data of iirml publication being the litli dav of Julv. All, rjn prucmxl in |>> a Ily-Liw U mtabliih the umluruieii - tii'iu- 1 'It-vifttinii of roexl .1. tbe >i I towii"tii|i. ftcconlnif; to |,le.n MII.I ilt'itcri|itlun in.i i by Itobvrt McDowell. KHI , 1' 1. s tail C.K.. eald dpvle Ion belni; I!M crib^.l an follow*, vis : ('i.iiiiiifiit mt: >t e I'l.lnt in tbc toutb-uterly boundary of lot IM, in tbe eecoDd coucaetiioii noitbeaet nf ta Turoolo and Hjrdenbani lii..l. t adiitauct, westerly ol fourteen chin tea links, niorr or teen, from tbe southeasterly nnU> of >*lil lot : theuce north 40 ( |vgre. wrat tlitrtfrn chaloi ten links thence neitlt .It- i e*:iO minutes. Tcbslne west, Uieact) north aw li-UT.-,"' M mlnul weet. ten chtlns thirty loikf. ,lince north o da*;rc* Ml inluutei west uurteon chains seveuty links, theacu north blngrmM fifty minute* east, clue chain* tlniu flre links, thence north -JU .1,-nrr-. SOnimutpii Mt fifteen ebalun. theuce north U leit'ees. tini uilDutn w..t fifteen cbalnn elihty inks, thence uorth in deitrees SO minutes east 'our chains, thertct, north 6ft der*es 'JO ruinufe* eait ten chain* fifty lluks. tbenon tn-rtli M leurvvit. 21) rnlnntmi eaet, two chains thirty ink*, tlionoe north ton decree* 4O mlniHM weitelifbt ehalnt alty links, thence north W !"> t. ... >i mlniilee east two chains forty link-. thence north 4n aogrece ten mlautee east ten I. mn thnnce nonh XI rlotrrtwi 10 mlnuUte cut Ii chains slity II " SO minutes et twelT* chain*, forty links. minutes woet ) chains SO link* tlirnce north Cl decree*. IS u<luul* east, seven chain* ten link*, theno* north 90 doifritos . weet >li chalna, tlirnce north de- It has been asserted by those high tu oQice that the /'ranch Canadians iu Quebec aio truly loyul to Great Drit i in. but those who have travellec through tho lower provinces tell us that over two-thirds of the /Yenchmcu are pro- Boor and gloat over every re verse to tue Bntiali urins. In strong cunliatt to this comes a note from Africa which is the ialisiu.ni of every true Catiaiian who has gone to seivo i.-. mother country. It n ..u.l that ul 1 ' t.u ili In 1 > a young Canadian etoldiur said to Inn cuuirade, "Cliecr up, you'll soou bo ilcud," Thu reply was one which iLotilil never be losi hight of. It wits thin: "IT I du;, 'twill help llic maple Iml to live," and pointed to the emblem on Im breaat. The wii'.ei who Ii IU of thu incident MuyH : "It, is tin: puli iot's veiHiun of the watchwou' ul tha cms.-! of Christianity. 'He ditd iiiat you un.) Ii /e.' Were there cvi-r words spoken ? Were theie thrum uorth fifteen dt%raes forty miout**ee*t 14 rhslns u link*, thence north 3* drtrr-xx #> uiinutm ct. f.mrtrii chains, theno* north IS .l*vrr< Uu minutes west eight chain* fill* link*, ili*nr, north nine degree* tn minutes twit :t7 chains tight? link*, tbeuce north IT pass '*) inlniit** veil ulno sbsin* 30 link*, tlimicn r iMth H l.trr, . 10 minute* east ilxUn-n clishis. riiihty link*, tlirnru north > d<H.-r*M*a JO iiiinii*.-. east eight chain* 66 Irak*. thence north i..' .1,-k'i...-* to minutes rut fl*s cliiim. ** north night ilrs IN mluutos ws*t. Ii ascertained that the average cost Of ieiisiii-.wiitnk-..ihnt north sdiwroMrigiitom niluutn w,-.t nft\ chains 43 llok*. thence north hauhbg one ton for one mile over ' country roads was twenty-five cents ; which is just three times as much as the average cost of hauling over the- improved macadam roads of six Euro- pean countiies. If this large sum of IK. un y represents the Ions to the State of Maryland for poor roads, it i easy lo say that the total Iocs throughout tho whole United States represents a tixure so great that it must have an important bearing upon the prospt rty of the country at large, and particularly upon the farming interests as such " , uree* u jiiinuif* ea*t tT chain* flnv link*, to the bouniUry between lota No*. SI and m In the I Mh cou-e*lon All pursou* Interetted are hereby ret|ul-ed to take notice and Kofern themirl-eii acconliusl). . I.M, day of July, A. 1). I \V. J. KKI.UMY. Towoahlp Clerk. Fanners' Scales THK IIUST AVAII.AItl.K The undenlni.ed tlee tlMI can l- ill.' u-t Farm on the market , -------- kiniwn as the II. ml, Truck scalr. I alno kt<ep XMlkluatm and Klenry rtraalr* on hand, a'so SMMB and *oetions for different machlurry. hi>elii( done on the m.i t approved eit. an I har worked timlwr the veteri- llonte *hi>elii prlnclpl nary siUBjeuuii In the nlil Countiy ever wurdjt that moro truly expi as ilic fee ling of Canadian hoaita '/ In this OA.-.O ihojr ware the iK alb IOUR of a yunn;; and ardeut life/' Vurticnl liaiulwrUiii*( it to l- abaiitlon od in the Public ncluols of Now York, and a return matte to the slnntinu, Spon- coriitn system. The ru.iHon niveii for the ivliini IH tht tho Vertical ->-!. M.KILKY. I 1 . ..-.- ill,-. July A, 1900. \ fox* Sa,le U .l 146-147. Con. 9 N. T. and H. K, 100 acre. i-kMiditil IIMH fa I and that the stylo i.tnot* ";" <-lrd balanea hardwood. Good I frsine IHIIIIU and barn, I) miles from Flasher liked by IIIIHIIIOOS houses, an that tho 1 , ton. . . - .11.11 i i i j ii. ' Alo III acres with gooO frsiue l.srn. 18 acr. Htrholaiv from the I'ulilie HC|UMI|M had thu under cultlratlon. Iu acre* hardwootl busli mi t.-'learn if tlu-y fiiti.r,d C'liuniercial liff. Sup.-rint Jiidunt .liisper, of New Yolk, i-. mulii my for tin- ntnte- ' nit-lit that thu vuitiiitl MyHlt-in i*. in l: " ' l-is * I I un ivly a holiliy, for liu-li corlaiu *chool | *-' Ul ' piinci|mU, who are uluays Inn Inn.' ni-wl . b Unc " "'"" '"' w " r-|*liiti,n Jan. I.\ iikU. AKM8TKONO. t'l i I" l " ' >l Tn,is ttirtw or i i-.i > i, and certain text lunik pulilishers, -,,1,,"',." who are in^enioUH pin teyorn of ixliu in ion- si .i. \, Iti.i. me rvitpoiittiblv. Thm ii mi- tloiihtcdly true. It it to Iw ho|>ed, now the if.it lion has aet in, that the nlmnim- till- fad will ntMin IM a thh>g of the (nutt, f \. liiilttl from our sx'htMils and ao.in to be irham hull ilh nn!it;rrr II. .'nl W. T. A H. It., M lor slURle, rmlticllou fur N. LAWKKNfK. l'n,|i Farm for Sale f .1 ....-ii'ii Bariie Ailvaiic. H"' Flnt elaes him, lot 4, on. ft, Otftn,tmt lnifli'iix.l Him inline Iroiu MIWA||, unit tilulit was ,,.. n-M.I,.rton, , I dam. h,, IIH . nk ban (Jailiu Nil. ni, ihu \ouni! . Ii ! !>y Ott-."tit Hunter al (>ranKe\ill Oil (oo>l TOIIOH nrohsrd, terui well wourt-tl ml July 2. o-nt.nue* lo improve and it is $ >%l>ttl<l ""' t0 *i McKKCHMl. 1 i bought thai idle i.l ruouttr. M.V..II. M. Richardson & Co. yiesherton '- 'Dundalk Hot Weathe? Attractions Read this Column- Something in it to interest you Mon's Brown Featherweight"! Ved lo Straws, ventilated crown. in' ivy c.u-dfd rilthons, calf leath- er sweat ham Is cool, light and I comfortable. All sixes. I New pat terns and colors in fancy \ SPEtHLSIH 1>()n|(l ' V(1 silk '<'*. J st the tiling V L'lT 1 ' f < r hot weather wear, well made ll8rCll3I IlBS and finished, your choice for. gilk Novel jwittcrns and colorings in silk front shirts, superior miality. Hue white cotton IxMlies, wash well, all sixes ........ 85c. Special /n Crash Suiting A special line 36' inch 1'ure Linen Crash Suiting, tine even thread, smooth finish the correct thing for outing and camping suits or skirts manufac- turer's price all we ask for it per van I. I5c JTJen f s JCosiery Specials. Men's Cotton Hone, fancy colors, white \ 4 pairs heels and toes full size well shaped ) for 2oc. Men's Hlack Cashmere Hose, snliced heels i ."> pair and toes sizes 10, 10 and 11. Keg- ; for ular iiic. line. Very special ) $ 1 5hirt Waists and ready to wear Skirts at Clearance Prices. Make your choice now Selling fast! Prints, Piques and Muslins at Reduced Prices. Hardware Depart. It Pajs in B.) Tkt lest Is celebrated tor its great lengths, evenness, freedom from weighting sul>- 1 stances, such as (Jelatine Si/e, Trench .('lay, etc. Always absolutely reliable, lit assures the user against trouble, ojHvrntesas smoothly with the OLD as the N K\V Hinder, gives the farmers the greatest value for its cost, and there is no other tv.ine made that will give such satisfaction, or which, in practical use will be found so economical. as Seed ' ' as ^Plymouth Piyaiouth is Cheapest because it 30?; f ..thest. ^ No OTIIKU TWIM: is "Just -Sold Uv , Richardson & Co. FLESHERTON V- * Business - Books 5 Are 'lie pri <luct of a B<vl bu-i- 4ti>io>il. Tile * | j * i OWEN S<H.>O, ONT H l".' i >:< l T-v . ' .- i \*?e<vinljn '.t nt aMBod .'...-. taacbeni c'i ruo : si: b - . *n<Mil I . tc Tor . C. A. Fleming, Prin. k w Vicinity Chips < :ir-iully nllr-l for Fresh liiBrt '.iy on hi ail. J. H. Duckctt'*, Fug-nU. U*t,t ;nule Machine Oil *X: i...-r sl'>n r the Foundry, Cey'on. Coat fimrul. about a mo-ith a.-n. near Curries, Artr-.ueii t. Apply t<> WBI. J. XX lUon, Ittv.thtille. Raspberries* are fxceetlingly plentiful thin year. Thus far th price h been iiuuntniDed .-' 5c per Ib. (ood new Mp buirgy and fiist cln Cleveland bicycle for sale cheap and on -a*y terms. Apply t T. J. Sheppanl. FlenberU'n. 4^ per cent, pri ~te money loaned on easy terms of repayment by to Ruther- f,,rJ, Shelburne. Expensea low. Com mumcationi receive prompt attention. Mf. M. K. Beaten made a purchase re- cently at Klack bank, Muluier township. of 16,000 feet of elm. Mr. Beaton says thin is the largest single purchas ever made, m this port of the country. A lawn pocial will be held on the parounage grounds at Priceville on Friday evening, July 27th, under the auspices of the league and Sunday reboot. Admiss ifi 15 and lOc. See bills for further jiarticlar*. A number <>f ynung men went down to Dundalk on Tuesday and had a friendly came of lacrosse witn the Dundalk team The- score stood 4 to in favor of Dun tUlk, but our bys claim that DainUlk played tluiten men. The game an Maul to b* a very good mie. The Methotlist Sabbath schoolchildren >4. Markdale took pussewion of cur village t>u Thursday a/tornoon last and picnicked in the village p-irk . Several of our own young people were invited to join the iiMtors and a moot pleasant afternoon waa apeut. The young people will be welc->nie sh-'Uld they decide to vUil us Kast Grey fall fair prixe liars are now in the hands of Secretary R. J. Spnmle and any one desiring a copy can get one by addressing that gentleman. Eig' t hundred copies have been issued and lu.iny of tht.se will be d'vtributed this wk to 'hnae entitled thereto Tlie J.ito of the fair is Tuesday and Wediietday. (Kt Sand S. The political wcnbe f the Omngeville Adveinsergoen in't> rotacios of delight ova- the sylvan bevities of a ten foot watcifall near that tuwn. We fain wtiuld invite him up to *c our Eugenia fills hut f** r tn *t ' '" ravishing beauM<s of nature in connection therewith uiight prove t'ti.ii. restrains u*. An excursion will be imn from Oiien S..UMU .n XX'etlneMdiy nd Thursday next, Aug. 1 Mid 2, to Toronto ami Nia<m Kails. umUr the auspice* 9f tha *. 0. F. The fare, front r1es!icrtn station will be: To Toronto or Niaxf Kail*. $2.1. '>. Tram loavet nt 8.40. A 8|>ec!al train will I'M;. : eicursioiitsi's homo the same veiling *'. 11 p ni., but tickets aie good f T two (1 .ys nd those wh desire to d o iimy remain . . er. A eiii/.eii of 'hi* vilUg* received let- ter thu week from Frank Irwin. gou of Mr. W. Ii-in. .f the Dur!-aiu Chronicle. Frank, ivlw n> well known here, is on the itlaiul of Cvbu in the 1'hilipine tfrvup, in I'ncle Som's s.-rvice, l'J;h infuntiy. He profeoMi M to be eiijoying himsrlf but si>s lu- i.s trying to get bis dist'iarve so that he may go to South Africa. The excite- ment stein to l>o over in the Phil'ipinea liitd things ro rather slow f. Fiank. He cxiuld ;ct someth'iu livelier ui Africa or China, but if he cms an) thing tbnut a wliiU longer will remain A uuniU;r of |.iur young >*> tha Mr. ForeNt-Markda'e UcfoMie match : at th Infer place < Friday. They re- 1 p"rt.i r>Mii.h ~aon with a <coie -if rtru to { its in Uv, r <f Mariiiiak. j Ticli-r Waated for S. S. S. 8. Art- calf, dun ex tu coiuiKcncH AiiK*ut 2 El|KTieuce<i mile prefrir^i. -* with ttwtiiinniiaU up to Au."nt 4th to T. R. M.-Kn.e. Sc TJT-.S., r.-r; Lnw. <>nf. I'.P.liA. liave elrt'.i. . . : tiiitt oihce.-K fur the en- \\ M., l; T Wl.ttten ; D II.. K Bv-: . [\-t .M.-t.r. \V. |Uck- ip , T. \VhiKcn ; KJH. .-.. , W A. AiiiMirui:.' . \V J M.,r.- 1 ~ i ' -;. ii ; Sr. M of C., Ed I- jr. M. .f < . M ' Mark! im. \ x Ki. '.! : I.t-t.. \\ - , i.th. r an IJ. ' i ii it ii. ten that a turkey d-ck t-ikrx ' !ut .i.n,'. Imt ~>iu<- wceki aju a " gub-j ; lf ....i. .to Mr-. XV 1.1. Blair. Ar- totncbit, Jn<vc a hen fr.mi a -tim^ of turkey <*.gn ai-cl N,k |^x.^ua <J the rn-, kerpmi; tlic V^H w.irm mnfil the young l.mim cn<uc cut, ami suioa then then- ' nor a.s | nmil a mother or in^re pioiectur of roua< Ui;ui thi iinarper. It i* extietnely Comical loi,-o'hw nia'e bird strat about the barny.irl, ami parri cularly in gathering hi< brood under his wing.*. -Standard. Mr. John Jan>e< Whit*, who wai well knvn in thut vicinity, die I at the huuie f.i'her, back line went, Arteroma. ni.. Proton Station, oo Wedoday morning la-nt nf'er a lingering illnem. at tiu .; nt 27 ye u-t. Tli luituM wu pro- n.iunc.il a* coiuuinptioi), but there wan a c mp'.i -.-\tion of diwaiHi. Tha young mn'<.lfrh waaetpeo-ml for *'ine weeks. Decrae4 waa popular among las many friend* and the funeral to Fliuhertnn cemetery on Friday af ernoon waa very I ir^-ly attended. Deceased leaves a y"U.i_' widow u> mouin hi* untimely eod, cut oil i* he waa in the early prime of rattih 1. The cue ii a aad one and much lympathy is felt fur the young widow and paren'a. The funeral termon waa }Tt achetl on Sund.iy rvenuig by Rer. A VV Tiioin before a very large congre gai i.in froiu RereUtion* 14-15 : "Blessed are the dv*d which die in the Lord from henceforth ; yea, taith the Spirit, that they luay ret from their labor* ; and their works do follow them." Police Villages Fur the bvaetit of resident t of the ril- li{v and interval of other* we ipperul the following appertaining to (lulioe villages. This include* the law M revived up to 4ate by live Legislature. It would be well for our citizens >o dincoas the vaiioua privilrgea and decide whether it wouki not be well to institute aume of the re- forms now made p<ble. Acoording to the law as it now itanda a police tillage may 1. Appoint a pound an<l ponndkeeper. 2. May restrain amiii.t'i from running at Urge and i*roide for imp-iundin^ them and p(irai*e damage* to be paid by their owner. 3 May cutnpel penoiw to remove all >iiow ,iod ice from the roof* if bouavs i i liki-ttiM auow from sidewalks, and provide for removing the ame it Dot re- moved within twenty-four hours at the expense of the owner. 4. May psuu by-law* for regulating any eihibition* of waiworka, circus riding r other tuch like shows ; fr regulating and .i.vii-mg roller skating rinks or ulher pl.K-e of like amusement. 5. Also for regulating any premise* having billiaxd or bagatelle tables. 6. Also for licenting and regulating the owner* and keepers of shop* <>r stores other than tavenis, where tobacco, cigars or cigireitea are sold. 7 For restraining and remitting the runi.mg at largo cf dugs an<l for sviz n^ anJ ini|iunding J. gt running at I irge ; f r ellii4 dogsso impouiidetl, for killing them, ind iini <Mtiig .1 MX on ' ( uwiibis, vmr and harboiers of do^K. S. M.iy provUle that the nt>imiiHtu>n fr Truslees shall Ue held at 7.30 t> clock in the evening it>-*t -.ul of m^-n. Trustet* uuy appoint a nllagj cou- sUble. AU t'nese are in addition ;o orher du- - dl undert-itnl. Recent letter* from Rolwrt ai.d H.irry Young, two Tt>n-nto b.>y in the fir^t on- t. repot ; trmjio iiuiilent. Tho tw . Inother* have alw*\ fouicU sid \j mile. In a rwvnt eu:ni{eiiint a soldit r g, it between them in the line, lut m be- I inn asked t change place* by one of I the brotheis he did so. A moment later A bullet came whining alunir, and th man with whom one of the brothers had ' changed poiti. m wa* killed. Personals Mr. and Mr*. R. Y Burke of were in torn un Saturday on their way o visit friend*) it* Scarhoro for a few weeks. It u about fifteen years since Mr. Burke took a holiday and he had certainly earned one. But what wili tbe bi*4 vegetable i;:trdeii do during hia alsence. Mr. R..I.I. Wn-ht of the Hagariville .1, ind IT ile, ar quests at Mr. latent* here. The wedding MM tiee appears elsewhere in tl'in uwue. Th* Adr:iuu tender* hearty cmiKTaru'ations. >ti. Mi.-Wliini.cy of tJ Wnlkciti n l.yh schiK'l, in company with a frteiid. paid :h Advaace a short vi-it oi.e day last ek Mr. McWhinmv i-> in rhis wi-tiou wurkmg in the inter*-*'* of tbe new \\.ilxi-rtoii hinder twine factory in'onns us thit the un 'ertak n-< la nuw injured. Dearly sutficie t stock Lann Set the best for your 7/foncy. >!i.s Nettie Bri wn uf Durham is the of Miss rlmc Kichardaon. Tlie following pany of y.rm |si-ple left tliU week to go into camp *r Bell'* Uko for a fortnight : MUau* Alice Jy and Clara Strain, Ffathrtou : May Daiuuile. Toronto : Katie )Iire, Owen S^uud ; Mias Lam n and Miss Blacklock, Dim- dalk ; Miss Lottie Lucas and Misi Gil- lespte, Markilale ; Mm. Skinner, Great Falls, Mont. Meaan. Frank VanDuien and Fred Strain, Fleshert.<n . Dr Lrtle, Bert McKay, Jaa. Struthen and James Chrmtie, Owen Sound ; Mr. Anderson and T. Blacklock. DuiuUlk Mrs. XV m. S'rain and daughter. Mr*. Skinner of Great Falls. Mvnt.. t -.k an enjoyahlu trip down the St. Lawreuce during the pot wer-k. retumirur 'JU Wed- uesday of 'his week. Miss Edith Rncanison is spending a week or *<_ with her sitter, Mr*. I. B. Lucas, Markdale. Mr*. John Xixou of < hing*cuusy and Mrs R.JSS of Toronto are the gueir* of Mn. A. Stewart, b ick line west. Mr. XV HichanLu'ii, wife and youn^ert daughter, s.ul,,| for England on Satunlay per s s. Dominion. Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ardson will return in three or fur months, but Miss J>uuie will remain with friends m England for a year or so. Mr*. K j in of Hamilton U making a visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. Run- (ladle r. Mis* Ivy Mote of Orangeville a guest at Mr. J. Sullivan*. Miss Mable Munshaw i* iruking a visit to friends in Orangeville. Mi Maguire and Mis* Martin, daughtrr of Council'o. Martin of QueSec re the guests of thnr aunt, Mrs. Kuig- *t<in Mrs M. K. D- a f ' n retuimH n MOD day fpiru a i* t wi'h friend* in Ton'i to. Mr. S. Damude of Toron'o was a Caller on Tue*Uy. Mias Eth-1 I'-oas'ey g-.iv.; a Itirthdav party to a Ur.-e number of younx friends ore evening la&t week, and a thoroughly enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and Mn. R..bt. Fc.-tt of Heath- cote have been guests of friends in town duiing the past eek. Mim Linie Armstrong of Toronto n the guest of her c >us n. Mi*s Ad. Ann- si ron.;. Mr. Hubert XVard. who has ben at teml'iiif Albeit Collegf, Belleville, ha* returned h'-me for h-'litlays. Mrs. Geo. Stibbn if the American Sult. i* spending a ci>u|'le "f week* wi'h Mrs. W. P. Mr*. (Rev.) W. K,lmu id i* the K lest of her sis', r, Mrs. XV. Trimble Mr. K. A. Spence of Tornn'.o ]ienl n few days with hi* .si.s-er-in law, Vr Spenc*. this week. Mi< A. M. (IibtM-n visited last week at tlie in. iii-c in Pnn.Ulk. Mrs V! tJiui'in is visitiug friends at Heaihot't'v Mr. John English of the gravel road e<vt rttutned ls' wti-k from a i e\tendnl tiip thn>ugh the0.i"a*l ^in Northwt-st and MinneH it . The trip iv 'e.i-ly i.h Mr I'.ti^l'-li. Vood 1 .! Sold and i-Mommratl-H] by an dnj4tf ist* In Canada. Onir rvri- ftbl** inMl.dn* diticoT^rvd. *9iz 'BSiisail outrMiieta to cor* til . xoaf Wrai-Maa, all rffccts of ahoj* __ Mental Wrry . KasMSlT* nee of To- *.Opiuni or sunolaa**. MsJlrd on r*wlpt ofprtes^oiip*>9aati*li.al>.*. ~ U SSjtf Ctirr raskSiMtt* fr-M *t ^^ r5A t>"frt*. i v>' ' .11 l'., -u-l M . l.i. i >. '.... I w s i'hj-1- su. We have now a well selected assortment of Shi**, Slipi* Boot*, in Kid, Dringola and heier gndvf of footwear for Ladies, Gents, CIiildrHii. NEW GOODS^.^^ Chnap and up to date in Style. Inspect them, c-iopar-j tlie pri.-cs rd give UK a chance tu make your feet cc mfortble in warm *< Custom Work and 3ttpairi*j 9* usual mt Ctmytan 's Wm. Clayton, Flesherton Ajfent for D<.ti>.nt. n Money OrUer Exprew. \ti Or FLESH ERTON i* i* *v it * Great Clearing Sale of Summer Goods Wo will start We<lensdav July '25th wit a great clearing ^ile of all summer gtxnls we ;in? bounl t-> clear mir <tx.'k ;inl have re<lucel the price in all lines of goods. This is a genuine sale and the prir--> on every line in the shop shall be cut to cost an-1 navy lines will run much below that. We have not space to mention one quartar of the many bargains, but below we will ijuote yon a few : IiV * * * * * * * * 14V IiV <c 1000 yards Cotton. 30 yard* to a web, sp-fetal a* 9c a yd , w will clear 1 bsJ at per yard 5QO yards Cotton, regular 6*0, rpecisU per yard 5c 500 rards Crums, best washing pnnts. r*i|. IS^c DOW 100 yards good washable print, rex. 7c. aow. . 3 piece* white pique, reg. 23. now 1 piece white pique, re. 15, now 4 p-eces strip OTWIS Muslins, ren 10, now " 2 pieces flowered Dress Minims, ref . 15, now * I0o 5 pieces Whit* Duck with dark * ad anchor, for children * wear. ref. 12, now 1 unly lady s Velvet cap*, well hn*d, ren. |4.50, BOW. . $3 5 2 nly ladies' Velvet Capes, mcely lined, rec. 93.25. now. G oniy ladies' Crssh Skirt*, reg. $1.26 and 1 36, now . 1.00 7 only'ladie*' White Duck Skirt*, *tg. fl.U. now c 5. 'Dly ladies' Whi-ePiMue Skirts; re-j. fl.35, now 1.00 Flesherton, Ont. ; * D. McTavish FLESHEKTOX KhEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... K r M.nsey- Harris, Xoxon. Fleury and Wilkinson fmm im. lenim'* kury ami Verity plow* on liand all tbe time also all kind*, o t| s.r. r> th *am... W, manufacture Wagon*, Buggies, Cutters, Sleigh*, e'c., II. -ri?sh. eiiii/ nronit'tly attended to. Special atteutiun U tenU-r |Tt r..--.l feet. ., Mini* and Pl-w Chains c->OsUntly on hand. BLESIJERSOI) -AtiKXT KOK- MELOTTE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have ... t^-ial. It takes j Vcss Jr-wer than any other. Does nrore woik in l*s tim. Separates ru'-r.- t trieieiiUjr. AU ^rirr-j vruttfcted. Perf-ct lul-rtcntton. So tin t'.ps. M nj crram pas* over thickly nam, llrd surface*. platiM., it -.luniiiiuin. which n:*er rusts anu is viil/ demid. Also s^ent fof the AUaantU r Crwaui Sepant.T*

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