Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1900, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOKE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. xn, NO icoo Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, August 2, 19OO W. H THURSTON, EDITOR * PKOPBIETOR &XQ&&^^ d & Richards M Fa:lttd. 6rey & Soothgile I ' SDAl.K CTJF.Y COTM-i 'S HIGHEST S f.)R TO7ONTO Mt'Furlaud & < 1 o. . This is a Cool Restful Store These riot Days. :n the ' iv!d:n,j and pluming "f ''is store .1 of time as upeiit i>n ihritetwn very n 1. H..W t.. IIH\ . *W ..u H .t diys, _' Ho* to fcive the most c uvi-iiiriic. ti- our cuM nn.rs. You know ho* i ' Tulie for inatancv uur Biseuu-nt . Lit a d"'l icuriul place u i. You <i almost think y.'u i.i a Urge refriyiTut. r. Then wander up to rirxt U.HT. \Vha- a large airy. C.-.1 |>U.:e, with plenty of l:t" -y clutus with each dcparfimn'. sw easy of access. Thou n' u me n:i<l our batlir''m n.l waiting rooms are *t your disposal. You ...m h- ... *-n if you wuh i.r ait and 'ilk will. yur friends. These. c.>i.v<-Dieiice* are yours, in.uie specially for you. Mak use of ih-in. Beides nil this we cull the mark- 1 1 * "f the world to place before > ur cutoui<-n the beat in eveiy line of ni.Teh.ui.li*>'. We carry a stock not equalled out I'd; our c'tie*. Juat now we are clearing out some l>ucs of summer g.c.d* at these special price.: 3$iy Snap in Siirtj Ooiil, well cut. Every skirt neatly and thoroughly ui.vle. Thee com* in pi-que, trimmed with fancy Duck strapping plain liuen crash with row of brade trimming. I'lun khaki duck. Regular price* have been fl, f 1.60 and ft.' <J wu arc clearing them at .................... 73. *l and ' '. ". jCxd.fJ Pr.nt Wrapper, Our ahowinx of ladies wrappers U alwawa north seeing Jut now you can choose from mime extra "pretty patterns [and pit-main color- ing*. At all times wrappeis arc cheap enough at this afore but now and then you are favored with * bantam snap like this. $1.75 l...li Wrapper* *l ::, 6 doienouly ladio'* Fine Print Wrapper*, trimmed with pretty trinim iuc These come in pretty floral and stripe design in pink, blue, navy, black and white, cardinal, etc., every one beautifully made, and good wanning colon, all sicvs, 33 to 42 bust mcaMre, rg. from fl.75 fo f SSlack Soods 25c 150 yd*, only BUck Dreas (i.<ds inadv of all-wool serge*. strip* erepons, fan.-y figures also plain lustres. Thee have been selling free- ly at 40o to 75c, but an ihesu are an>a!l end* we are willing to let them go at the above price, for ......................................... 25 Chance for Paraso/ s CD** dot. Parasols with fancy bone or plain wood handle*, some have steel rods aod parafton frames made of atlk ami wool, alpaca, etc. While they Ust we sliall dell them like this: 50c Parasols 40c 85e Paranoia. ... fife 1 00 Parasul* 70c $1.25 Paraaola $1 00 91.75 Para.U $1 25 f2.fiO Parasol* $1 90 McFarlana d Co McFarland d Co l&&&&&^^ LDIEITII IIIIITIIE We ae rrym i ; newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS Iii all lines of Consisting of and 3$droom Sut'tft \.ottnjcs Side-Sioatcls, Gxttt- t/n and Csntrv "Uablft, Chat's, Window Aads and Curtaf* fPftfS, tPictuna. Gaafis. tt _ Which wo offer at Lowest Prices Ffctur Framing wid General Repairing I'ndertakini; in all its Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W: H. BUNT, I h.,\e opened out a full liue of new Tabacoos, Cigars, Cnndies, S|ict^, Can ned Goods i f every discretion, sinokc'l fit. an h -i.lilies.si aps. GIVE HE YOUR CUSTOM I LL5MKKTUN Ma\vn-ll 'here he will be sadly misted at the meetings at the s .ciety. On Sunday >h,r <>ir>, ."orr.-p..' . y fe mt , member of r. . >fr (iuy's lam raising was well at- for*n<, n the 1,..!^ met and marched in a where Rer. Tli.mi.r.-i.'he.! the fuller*! - i>w,i -...-! tt.eir inter- r ,, , wh(| were ^j, . w. .r\i i nir. Mr. I! r. n is n>. : t ahead, as h> | nan a lt-. 'mid. He ha- .1 ; he funeral f"Ur -MigllilU. Wem.ee> Mr 1 , r . .in a ife.ind c>, .urn inm.er. Mr <' - bard, wh- Iuni - Ur - R|M > " ' *" J ci.l-i ing his knee. . The wid Vs h>- I . -My way- M-Ii-t\ro. I I ri :r_' at Mel"' \ r - ill aisail. A nuuilx>r..f y.un; from ..ur , , ur ,;, Hl ha-, pn.in:^ still to bless - nt a vtrj ,- tl Hi* w : ! e.in ncvir fail. The Mi- - y iry ml Edna PurM u Toronto are guests > f th. r aunt, Mrs. H M. |i .merman. Mr Fred Pi.-es has gladdened tin 'he homi v rk a wet I ( Thur- Mr. freeman and Mrs.Sewc!! t Mark- dale, accompanied by two fr:>-u>t-.. Mr- Sawyer of \V., dl<am and Mrv Kir>- St. Marys, visited at Mrs. (iuy's Sunday. . , heart* of Eugenu girls by his return from Mr. V'Utn Burk ha* returned to hi* I position in Claca,"i His father m.l mother htve gone with him a* far as Pickering, where they infei .1 visiting iru-'iUs for some time. Mr. Paul h;ts put in a new hinder for W. H. Uuy. FevT*|i(iin's i Xpert ma- TD liuy a ^M>d Wai- rh.iin <>r Klinn \\. fur lirrle nn iii' I have the largest stock of Ladies' and gents' (Jold Filled. Silver and Nickel watches ever shown in this section, which I booxht in lar. i and for cash, thereby savii g fr i: per cent., ind I am nw Diving my cuitoraera the . bttuefit f my cl<e buying. Ic will pay .-vl m.i i-tt i::y prices before [>nr- >-hasing, Witch repairing a i Watchmaker and Jeweller WRIGHTS OLD STORE, opposite Armstrong's jewellery, and will keep in stock everything usually kept in an BP-TI-DITE SPEtlllTIES 11 TKll SEIS01 F. A. BUNT Wright's old Stand, Flesherton Kggs taken same ts cash. BOAR for SERVICE Th Tamworth Boar PORT LA'.V PAN r>. wrvlc* st Port Law Cvrtlfloat* can b si by a; few week* chinist was over assisting the cx|> 'Toronto to set it up.and it i. now thought unnecessary to send to Toronto for ex perts s.. long a* Mr. Sayers rum.tini in Feversham. Maxwell young people held a picnic at Eugenia for the benefit of our many young friends whom we have nm-.rg us vuiting. Evcryoue xeenm to have enjoy- ed themselves, there being .tl'out 50 in attendance. Mr McDimald of Eugenia furnished us with some excellent music in the evening, which we all enjoyed very muoh Ceylon. from Our Ctrw G^rrrspom/.'tU . The annual Sabbath school picnic held in Mr. R. McKenzie's grove on Fri- day last was a decided success. The day was sll that could be desired and both young and old report a moat enjoyable tune. Mrs. I. Ciuikshink of WUrton spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. H. Tucker, last week. Miss Mary Glencmss and Miss McN-illy of /ion, si*nt Sunday t Mr. R. Cook's, also Mr and Mrs. Wtn. Cook. Mrs. >non. Mrs. Ross aou dautf..-.. . of Caledon. are the guest* of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mios Tucker of Dromore is spending her vacation at Mr. H. Tucker's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patron of Proton vis- ited at Mr. N. Lawrence's on Sunday Mrs. Down* of Flesherton is viaiting her daughter. Mrs. T. Chislett. Mr. J. Wilson of Creemore spent a few days with hut aistvr, Mrs. W. McMullen, returning home Monday accompanied by ln< -liter, MiM Mary Wilson. ''r. .-n.-.re. Mrs. Carr i. spe.iding a with friend* at Niagara,. The Eugenia Bouse is full of guests at present, from different par.*. All fin.l Eugfiiia a very pleasant summer resort. : : : n Cotton Boot Compoud Is roc. s fully ojd mnnthly by <mt jaaUdlM. Ss*.*fl*alaal. Lsdiesssk i drar.*i (or CssTs CsMs. .sst Css> *S8**.T*noo&r, M all Mlxttir**. pills sa4 [nation* *r* dantrroo*. rn*. N*. 1 bo .*. a, i'd*.r>i stron-rtr. t* pr sos, fie. Mrs Joseph Pedlar lavuiting her ton | er t. aiallsd a ree*lp of prie* *n.l two -* stamp*. T OMk Com*y windsw/^Osi*. i. 1 D vmmm vomp>7 os. 1 and sold and raoonuBeasM kf aii ,t>i* Drocflsai la Canada. at Th.-rnbury. Mr. George Armstrong of Rockvale | mill* is very sick at present. We hop* j N o l *n4 No. 1 1* sold in n**hro soon to bear of his recovery. I E aicbardsoo and v We are all pleased to ice Mr. English the gravel road home i'*m from his trip to Manitoba. Mr. to Manitoba as Born On July 13, English prefers t place to reside. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilaun, a daughter. Mn. Pleuil)tfil ami little daughter of Buffalo are visiting at Mr. Wm. Purvis'. Mr. and M.-a. Charles Hupps are visit- ing the latter'* parent* at Collimiwood. Fall wheat is all cut in thi* vicinity and ban been a very good crop considering the dry season. Cattle are >uffering from the poor con- dition of pasture, owing to drouth. From Our Orrn CorrttpoKdent Harvesting is in full awing *x>w. Manv fannear are pulling ueaa and tome have oats tit to cut. Mr. Nicholas Aborcrombie, f the Ad- vance, spent Sunday at the home of hi* parents. VI rs 'V K CoftVv of Top>nto Uipend ing the holiday wawui with her ur-C^er, Mr. Albert Myles of Spriiiitbrook K inn. A number of Flesherton young people and their frond* are -ainpiPi; aloi 'g the lleavur on Mr Hurtl's firm. A very im>triicti\e meeting was held in the Hall by Mr. Claim and Mr. Jackson, both of Nashville Bible School. Mr. J. R. Fawci-tt ha* been busy pre- parina timber for a bridge dowu the rallt-y. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hammond re- Mr*. G. Collmnon and two dauxhter turned fruin Bolivar, Pa. Thoy report a ar visiting friends at Aberdeen. Mi Uobertson of Hamilton U the gnost of Mrs D\ Mr. A. Comisky of Toroi.to and his friood, Mr. Hoard, visitetl at Mr. J. Uycc's. Mrn. Egan of Hamilton visited -t Mr. J. B. KKSU'H lajit week. Tl.c Our Oic* <\>rrc>i>nJtnt i-n doa'h from lu-mt failure c iJr. Wnll.ioe Armstrong on Wcdm-i-day time among the American Vertical Writing I read an article in y< ur last issue up- on th's subject witii much pleasure, be- ctiB {K.i-li.t", it fully ivpn-sentod my \wxt on tin- ".ibji -ct. It willl'u rr- iiu-inbero.! that the - t as un- der diM.-uiion in the Tnror.r Hoard hint winter, and although n.-t oiiTied. to throw it overUoanl if plainly Allowed thiit ulti- its destiny. It in ln-,1 :is:t great shook to this community, nut.l) '.'i i! '- as deceased was very much respected, a called the \uiral syst. in of writing, ijo.nl neigJ:' r, a loving husband xnd kind talih'ly so. b-reati<e. 1 venture to say, there father H - it h is a fearful calamity to Us family, '.. hue the sincere syiu- l>iithy of all in their ad bereavement. The remains were conveyed t\ Salem not a vertical le'ter in it rxoe-pl ! cidxnt. Examine t'io K-xt K.ok- cnr.-- fully and you ill lind a slant to the lift in very e*(f. by for paper. As your article states, it is a fad pure and simple, and which by polit- ical influeace undoubtedly was throat on the government and the people, like many other thing* needless to mention. but which the supporters of schools feel to their sorrow. It is a fact that, to a very tireat extent, the fault lies with the u-achen in their too readily introducing these publication, to *u!t a present whi m and then sooner or later to be cat aside far something else, without even consult- in the trustees, who have some powet on thoeelinea. U used and demanded at the proper time. The same powem ex- ercised by the Toronto board of educa- tion are alao, in a limited sense, poea**.- ed by every trustee board, and before) radical changes for any text book takes place, they should be consulted and if need be, the inspector's opinion be had. [ do not now remember, in ei'inmunlca- tion with business nouaw, of receiving a buMnes* letter written in this vertical style. Is it not a sad comment on the> vvstetn, that young men or ladies, to 1> qualified for eon;":?!! purposes mi*t abandon it, and with mucli inconven- ience, learn the old me'.hod. and lor rerj good reasons, the saving of time and ex- pence ? It would be instructive for any one to assign a oogent reason or reasons for the continuation of this vaunted vertical method. BETA. A witty judge out in Topeka the other day was delivering an address on law and lawyer*. He illustrated the law's delays as follows: "If I were to giro you an orsjige," he said. "I would simply say, ' I give you this orange,' but should the transaction be entrusted to a lawyer t. put .i> writing he wuuld a.lopt this form : ' I hereby give, grant and convey to you all iny interest, nht, title and advant- ages therein, with full power t.. l>ito, suck or otherwise eat. :he same, or give. aray with or without the rind, nkm, juice, pulp r !'*. anyihn g hereinbefore ' burying grouu-l on Friday afternoon by a [ grade with g-n.1*. the space occupied is 1-vrg* number of sympathising fruu>ts. ' per ceat. more tor the vertical than ReT. Mr. Thoin conducted servix-e at the I the old, well wstablisjiiid - houw- and at the giavo th^ Orng>inen m.-'hod, for any given aenXence, and took charge of the seivioe, a. deceased therefore necessarily the meth.d must be i a highly extremcxl o)embe( of that slower in exi-cuiion, w.th additional cost or in any other deed r deed's instru ments of any nature r Vuid whatsoever to the contrary LU ny wise notwith- standing.' " A humming bin! enH'red Km'X chnrcV, Harriston, one Sun.'. .> i:'<-rnoon dwrin< the session of the Bible class and f> mained in. the buil.'igg vtiit.l the eveni^f serviev. Becoming hunger 4 it *-nd;e*>- vored to extr.ict In uy froiu 'b b*i!s t ai-tihcial flowers KB. tf;* Wiss' ha* lhrouhout the cng,*g>tiotv,ul '* ** finally captured by % ywwwc carried info the open. ir -QM qat'i.>tx

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