Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1900, p. 3

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Al'GVfcT -2, 1900 THE FLEHHERTON ADVANCE ; n , ffM ,;, lfffe ^^ d Co. **Ni&* j t ijrJffm cf Co. NTOKK NOTE THESE CLEARING LINE5 AND OBSERVE PRICES f.v.s rnrm*LACM /-A7>o/M ii ATS .piality. very nuwe-t Hty'.-*, il.-.-p silk lnn.1 and nilk lioun.l. \\'e have tin in in all iz-. They ire worth M.") c.-nts, take you pick for only .'{He. Mt I'AlliS L. a si (i/. ~2)i and .'! ) TlifM! ai 1 .! extra fine itoods in laced <>r button, ii'ul |M.I.I I i i ur> is'i.il opji irtiuiity *n sv.-ur u:ill !/.. I sh.ic at ii siimll ni/.otl (irii 1 ;-. I 'mr :t^ won ,-IH you cm, ta!<e yuiir uli-'icu at exactly . . . . HAI.K I'llli 'K 90 wf.'.v.s h. N f. i.isii sr.iu: i s i ITS. All M/, . M-ll f.iri-.l !'i sliuiililur. faniifi-ii -. itin iinnl. tli.irmi^lily .'! 111.1 Ir ,n I ;.. f ( tittiiij-. Tlu -e -uii.i hu l'-ii ii'.nly m.'lU.pi ill $7, l>ut tin- laUiie.' (-M suits nil tu!il) iiiii^t In' suld ilmii".- A'i,'il,t i,d ,-it tli.s prii-,- ................................................................................. W.CO ?s Ml \S I H I.Kit SI ITS. I 1 1 -:/ in ;r-li liiu-, liut all Mi*'H rfpii's nt.'il. Tln-ne inclu ! ih In' i ., of lin,-, tli it .Id at ." id I, *i 01) an I ^7 >'!. It y 'U \vin' i r.-.|n-.'i.ili|t HUH .tn<l mm tint will i{ivo j'.ni .>.>.M| wi' tr, t ik n:i -..f th.-u- nnw. You'll HMuvly feel the jirico, >-. -li only ................................................................. :(.7"> LA 1) I EX S II I It T II . I /.S TS Tlii- i' r t'.mt hs coiiio jnur way in yuarM. All aliirt waists that w-ru ellinj' at 75, 85, '.:"', 1.00 nn- in.* -lvarinif at only .................................. .................................. :;M,-. All >.!iirt :iit Mm .':if M-lliiiK t 45, 5<>, IKX; re now clearing at only ____ .......................... I.'.", " .Wf.'.V.S SlllKTS Al>ut tm >i n "f tlii'-i-. til..', hravy fiwt cn'i.rt'.l, (ho Ix-st you can for lirvi-sf wo:ir. N.i ..ihi-r .tm-,- will (five you lK;tt. r for 5<K; *.iu rli.ir^.' m..re. Our price rncli ....................................... ;W In these wo iuten.l to iii.-i.ki- ;. hurrir.l mil "i-in i .1 ! ..n up. This is the uholt> story briefly told. Hundruda of yar.U whito ami eoloivd inu 4ms norih 1,">, -'', -">, tlMMfag at .-, yanlM wliitu ami O'loivi inu ..unit worm u, -', -', i-irainu > .> s<T-, __ -h -. T. MILL &, c. - M: ARK DALE: N. 1'. Ni-v ami .-\.-liisivt ii'.x .-.: .1 i in Mi|[iin.-ry In m ; udd.-d to ill i\-ji jtim-nt I'.-iili wo.-k. *- tfWWWWVWWMW WKKaLY AT TH OffU'r, > >1.L IM.Woolt srKKISr, KLKillEBIdN, ONT., BV W. H. THI HHTOS. (I per aiiiiiiui Ntrlrtl) In ailvnnrr Adveititintf Kates: Coluuin. 1 vesr. W. half ool . 1 yer. *< quarter col., on year, IS. Trnili]t ail viirtiMiunnt charRwl at tn rat* coU|>-T Itnetor ftut lnrtloii n 1 S cent The closing of the 18th century has certainly been fraught with -H-a . \. nil, and much is yet possible .lur- ing the retraining few months. The Chincae .jin n .u lian just loouic 1 t<> the for. 1 , and the Circassian rd a arc face to face with the Monognlian mon- ster, which in. iy nn :in the gn ,ii. ' nh. ililm- uf bluod thin world has . v. r witnesaed. AH the affair looki now, tlie Chirjpsfl have apparently munler- td every white pei son iu Pi-kin and havcor.k'ii '1 a wholesiile hntchery of foreigiiers throughout that vast em- pire, as wcU aa rqery native who has professed Christianity. Such a horror is sufficient to thrill western hiiinuinty from item to core and demand the eye for an rye nnd tooth for a tooth. If the Chinese have not inurtlcred the miuisten of foreign powers they havo at least imprisoned them and hold them aa hostages while their mohe d< the bloody work of their maulers upon deft-nseleja wouiun and d ' i'.-n, aut we can only look ou aud .uiug our hands iu iinpotunc) while tin- govern menu are preparing the sword whicl will surely fall uuou this pig'aile< Shagpat of inhuman inslmcts. Undo the ciicumBlanc'eH the proper thing f3 our vaiiou* governun uU to do woul. La to detain every Chinese, ministci uow at the various cpiLo's until sue!, time as China has mudo full rP' tion for tho ci inifS they aro MOW per- i,.!trtiu({. Not one of tlu-ni should In- allowed to em':ii until tlie men now claim.d to be living arc produced and full satisfaction given for tl.c dcbtruc- linii i!. i-yo 1, Our clii'ulreii who are li:io.ini^ this vystvin l vill him to mod- ify it or I. tun unotlier before their wriimi. will be acceptable to busings men. There are oilier reasons why il should be discarded, bat thesf nnugh in all coiiticiciiCK. In oi'L-i i till further fortify these opinions we uote the following taken from the ast issnu uf Toronto Satuuluy Night : "A vUitinx Line I'l-nist fr..in Siilncy. S'.-w S'-uth NV.il.'S, |.i'iiinini.-i-> verticnl riling ik full l i. :. liiiH inn ii- i ui .- ii'l li. n di- iiil.-d in lii* |it of iho ..i!. I A p. TKOII u.Hing \riti. J \viit ii'4 IJUK! in >t n,... heHai.1, g.-t H |.oKili,,n ,, ,,. . , tl ., ^ MU ,- ph , h , ,,;, i tho civic Sfrvirv of the colnny. Th - iiiiic.4 to that 'late uf ft.'. The women tnd children are stated Io b? in the ISnti.sh .igatiou. Thi.s is cheering but does not signify in any seusu t'mt the btseigt-d Europeuns are .-.ife out of the ordeal. The Chinese My thry will boslii,'littn..l if an advance i" in.i.lu by the powers ou Fekin. ROAD NOTICE. TOWNSHIP~OF"ARTEnESIA y iil*Hii tliat the Municipal I of the Towosblu of A.I.MH. i. in tlie i.i....i. otliu'i, l>l, afti.r fuu. wvokn from tliu .'li.^li.ii I f in tin. Fl. li. rl..ii Ail l''i|.-i. tli. .lull- of Ant |Mibll.'aUon , I'.in, tin l.'lli lav nf J.il A li. t |irK*t*e.l - not s.i pnsnx, and th<- only ipn-<t ion is inw lo|l|{ Mich i fri ilk systelll of | ll'n ill Inpmill be lo'cr.it.-d in I'nt.tio The writing of inott yoiinysteis whom the 'Wst MtMola are LOW grinding through !i. i n. ill IH alroeiuiiN, and tin of it H that n<> one who is taught the veitical HJ Ktt-lll -V.-r Nfl-IIIS to iinpnive. Tllfle ar thi'iiiaiidi "f in ii m Tm nio who niiterc<l the pell beneath the black! mid it the log who..! h'.use, oi fr nn thu oppi-r |d.t.' Iliotti'.--, of tin- old t.l-hliilli d o|iy IJI...K.S, anil who had muhiy f< ii.M. i .1, Amu. MI ut r Una to a plan an. in tli *i.l towni.bl)>. .1. i-ii|.ln,n mat., II..I.. i l \le|itiwll. KIMI . I'.L.S. an.l f K., unl linn Ion l>lni! .1 crfli.t Mlow, ls : . on rni. I;, inu ftt n |Milut 111 tb mulli-i>-ti-i ! . Ilium In. > of lot Vi. m Hi,, i.,, -in. I cm i HOI ih ,i-t uf I!M. r.io.i ... a. ill s\deiihftin Ui I. t ili- tmn.e wmtxrly o' (uurtmn chain* tn hi k*. nioru or li'M.froin tin. H<Hill>-,HtrK annti- .I Hal. I Kit : tin In, ii. mil f .lixi.."-.. .-' 'i i hittii* U"i links thnce nrth .V7 da M tiiiiiillus. 7 fhftiiiH wi-st. tli'-nrt- noith r> . - ..... nut, - .-t. t>.ii n. u. i* north 90 i thirty Iliikr, Au uiliiutM went .1111 .veulv Inikr thvnco nurih -.. flfty n.li nt. pant, i. inn cliain- iinii, nvu .i.ikn. Hi. in. r. utii d .It-tire^* - i. mint. .M-t rtftr,.ii chaiiiH. tht'.ico north 11 . '.u inluiitefi went tltti'tin tt i.-rlil i toiy ItwHoim ill the ait fioin , how, ,,1,1 now IH, considered ^^S^^ .->s ; but thesii foHNils of an linlii., tli. in i nniili 1:1 ileti. .-. i niiiiutr I. Mir i UaiiiH. thfllicf* ii.n th .'<*. .1..-I . ei. jn tni-mtn* cat t, n rli on flfty Ink., tlii'iir north 21 il.-un-ci.. 'JO inllnit.iH ri>l. two rhalus thirty ntik^. tin n, .. north tun .Ii-K'.'i'^ 4.1 niiniit.'K .ti'Ht fitihl i-liaina flfti links, tli.nico n... tli L'J flD nblVtSS east twoellain* forty link-.. II. in- IU> Illlkii. ti.i-n,'.. inu til .> rivirees MIIIIIIS eat twelve cliam* foiiv llusii. i'.' M. ..Hi nitonu ilbtfi>f.irtv liilniit<ieat i n i.i link*, thc.iri north M nniinteR ..itnt. fourt.*n chai.m, thence nortn i In k . 40 . 'Jn inlnutiw west tin n.-i. nortli nitn. I etiain tun minutvs ctntliK dihty link*. th.Mir,. ninth 17 .VI iimnittf* w.*t niiiii etiains W link* tin-in: ..... rth HilKre.- 10 nilmlt.. .mat itl x uwll cliain*. t'lijltt) link*, thoruui nortli UH . Inn tli 08 il t :n- i > li'ii 11 lok.-il lui-k on a.s pri' lu^toi ir, t-iii MI lie nil srnnd tin. suiurt yuni( |i,".|il, oi to-day who are well up in tin "'i.louii- . Ii 1 ' 1 lintu to niattttir the fun il'iiiii'iiinl i'ui.-.. K'it. Vertical writing HIIK HU|i|niM.il ( i I'li'vi'iil a coitnii' pliysiv al iiialfonnaiioii, to which thu Hlopinu My ,t,'ill .i> .i<-i-llH>-il of plciliH|HiH ir; thu pupil. Tint it I i- had miy I-. n. Ii. i il Btf.ii of this kinil hnn yitt to In' proved. MIMIIW nil.', II in producing tile or-l uen oralii.n of |.unini-n sine., piinntivt* man ly,';, 1 ';. 1 '. 1 ;, 1 ,' 1 ,:','.;.!., "'" N01> *"' 1(1 * 5 '" "'" first scnttidifd unsln>i>ely ehi.riic't'r 1 * nn Vjl > ' m-,. ln.r ( .liy roiuei. I 'o takuuotlrc aiMlgorern il -. u - i.-.- ...liug'y, tliu uyUUfam r.'l-- I'uliliu achool pup st ."ultt chains (U links, tli'.t ce utmw 40 mluutcs rant five flialil*. ,:i rii:lr. .lex'*.i Ir. IIUIII.LI.> H. '. I-' ^Hilli;ik ,lli,.iiri' north M I. - ^',t i'ii t nlti rhai.is 43 Iftik". llu.ni.-i. n.i.tli IlllU.lU't Wl.st XI iluollH -Jll llllkH thru. . ii n l Ii u. tin link-, t .111,11 ninth .' <li.kii.ni 4* lt** W*M sll , iniii- thriice north 01 il- i- iniiiiii,., ,v,t fj ci.sius Bfty link*, t The wi.tin' of in OnUttio m s cliaranterless and iiioii.iionnuH IIH that of a typewriter, and iesx lovely than thu in icriptuiii Ifft ' ) ii li 'ii -f fly on a window MM.* I'sluJ llo i -<> '( .liih, A. li. 1,. W. J. HltLLAM 1 Towulilk> Clerk. Iu a comniuiiu-.iti'.'n tlscwhere -H ta"d' alt) with tho verticnl writtiiK uuisauce, ati-1 wi- indoino I. is oon.-liH- ious uutiro. Thu systcta has failed totally iu the claims made for it. U* failures may be summed up iu sh >i t It takes up more spaco than tho olJ ysteut. 3, It is a slower moth. 1 :'. Ii is not as noat, and only by au ex wnUr baa it be made pleasing to "Uneasy lith lh lirad that \svara a crown,' '1! ri. !.-r (if li ll\ oil V mill)' ailllH ,1 to the l.ii'x ii.- 1 i Miii'is wlio have to ti.o ii-. .i--in's hand. TIIK IJKXT \\.\11.\1II.K The uu.lerilKi.o.1 IH -i.'lii,; tin. bsl Farm 8.al,. tl.at can I',' imiuir. I 1. 11 tin. market. limn i kll ""> a* thu Kan l> Trurk m-alc. I als>< ke|i ' Wllklliaoo and Kluuri i.|.i.oii lian.l. alm> \Vlmt id tli. 'ie in .1. pun. ,1 liiuiii.n n.i In an. I oftiiihi< t..r .luf, n nt inai-hiiii.n . ^ln.*'iiiK .Inn., n. i tin. int.-t a||.|\*..l principles, aa I hsvn w>rk>*<l tin U.r tbv vi-tvri- nar) iiirKuinis in Hie I'M Couotiy. M.IUI.I \ r.ii > vllle. JulT 0. : <'. I'H-e timt win is tin. iippi-iiu- to kill and lestroy tliose of a snpurior nl.it ion in lifu t In tin MMI ' v.'ir worthy and muoli loved ml. i IM < been destroyed npl) I'l > nice. I to hold a Hual wco i , and uoblo im- luie. il .. '.Tlmlr cln ibtiiui world will 1'ox* l-.| 1 1C. 117. Con. a N. T. anil 8. B , 100 aore .'<! n.'ii'H iK.arvil, balance b:ir.twuu.l. flood frsintj house aud barn, 1| uiil from Klttshur AlHi35avr<is with gtuxl frame barn. IH acres ni.ilvr c.iltlvittUin. 10 acres hsnlwood bush aud Ualanue ruiiKli and wull watervd W. A. AUM8THONO. Pleshsrton Jan. 1.% looa oonJonf lii.j the crime. A in(- f ii!i lias buon received from ij.r '..ml. 1 Mac.iUimld which prOTOB tinii the members of the legations in I'ukiu were safe on July 81, with o*su Bull for Service A.U- lnil D'liliaui lull! With for nrli:u on lut IKL lud W. T. A S. K . .- niioia. I'm ins 1, tor sluiile, reduction for thru* or luum, H LAWHENCK fro)!. M. Richardson & Co. Flesherton Opp ort unit ies.' The month of A.i-ust usually atWils tlie cniv fill l.uyt'i- unusual i.pjjMilunitirs In pun-!:a.v season - a!il'' ^unils at i-ril'.ic.'d prici .. tli;-. August is no t/\ c.-ption ami t's" .-OIT fairly hri-il>'~ with lini-s in i-vrry I (fpartp.u'iit. . \ntiri nut in". a rerj heavy l.ii.-inr tl- : - i'all. pu: -l!,:scs have IK-CII con'' :-ponliii},'ly larp' and \v. nc.-d all o!ir availa'"lc iptee, IO even - r lii* 1 - odd l>'>r_ r tli shi.'-r end lir.>ki-:i aH8ortmenl 'd.' si/ h.-'s !.'">n irdnci'il ill price ;ind will l>;-i leared on* without if, ! iir.-t cit otar Bargain Ubtaftin l i i o Y M. if 1 ' L i~ t * III-**. Ladies' Dongola Oxfords All si/. > jil.iin. patent or elf-tipju-l coin or o'lerat-ics reeularly sold 'Vmn *S !.-"> to *1.7-~> ^S-IV -*-fc clearing at 8*80. Infants Dongola Shoes Sixes 1 id 7 I.;uv ' i.?! .; or .>\i->nl stirt' or s i!'i soles IJe^ular [ rice 4.V. to !!.")( d. -;iniip; ;it 25 Men's Harvest Boots All sixes lii^'h c!:. 1 11 >".- tongue, pencil cx- t- nsion -sol'- a MTV Mrvioeable gMMnl puri .'.'t $1.OO Ladies' Parasols F.i M< -v I (.milt. < > Haiidl'^ tiiu- Mack tuiil n.\. r- diiral'Ie and s.-rviealile Ue^ular I'ricv ">.">c ferSTJ Cheap Wash Goods A ;,'.i->d assortment of Fancy Muslins, Crcjxms. Sateens, tiivnadines, l'ii|iK's and Points in a pmdraiiU'' of colors. Ue^ularly s r I tV>:n \'1\ t<> -JOt yard, loo. Cheap Dress Goods An assortment of Fancy Suiuincr Suitings in fashionalilo colors and jwitterns all double \\idth some all wool others \\uol mixtures Regularly sold from i.~> to 4-V yard l.">c. Ladies Belts A wide choice in Black. 'Colored and Patent Leather with plain or fancy buckles. Some pretty liiu-s in Fancy Sequin and Pique Holts. All prices 40, :'>.''. _'.">, l"> and .">, Summer Snaps I widies' Kerchief Ties L'.V. Ladies' Sailors I'.V. Ladies' Linen C'ollurs lOc. Ladies' Summer ( 'orsets .J7c. Ladies' ruder vests ."i 1 . Men's FLinnelette Shirts 2.">c. Men's Derby Ties UK: Washing Ties '2 for f>c. Men's Cotton Hose 4 pairs for 'J.">c. Hardware Depart. To mukr nmtu lor new ^nods we ;;"c srllin;.* SOUK' Toilot iin.l Dinner Setta al rxc-t-ptioinl i-rii-i-s. TOIL!'.'!' Sl-'/l'TS 10 pii-ct-s, new sh;ip"s, Imnd- iome oolorinffs, hearilj gilt. Regular pritv. ^.">.00, Si-'.ii:^ IIT $3.5O. DINNKK SKTTS '..7 pirccs, nt-w shapes, ar- tihtio designs and ooloringa Qood value at #7. ">(>, s,. [ing fin- $5.OO. HA VF. YOU BOUGHT YOUR TWINF Yi v -.\ i-i-il lir.uuls to choose from, but re- menili ! the I'hiuouth. I'lyniouth Twine is Hest anil (I ies l''.n-thest. HA UN' !::-' -T T()( 1 .S. BINDING (1LOVKS MACHINE OIL. . Richardson & Co. THE VLEsHERTON ADVANCE \l'(;r.ST 2, 1900 OWEN SOLND. ONT. .? opens fcr &atl "Cerm ..-pt. 31 <i, Icto 4 _ Yonnrj men and womvn wLo wi-li to bo 9ticce;f>fu! should cull or write for i::iracu!ar* and be ready to start on Opening Day. C. A. Fleming. Principal, .\v : - - x I, Vicinity Chips of l!' for Wi-4-k i'.in-rully th. Kr . i l:ui" uU.v* on hand. J. H. Dr.i-l>i-M', Eugenia. n ,! l t . . l . mi S.i;u:iLiy next. Xi'1.1'-'* lil.ic.Miii'li h.-pin 3 : ' r i : ..ii M-iiid'iy. Thf flre WIIH >at <>ut aftur alx.u Tli *n. Tlu' -.iwui'f Dinli'in is .< 8ii|>|>Jy'.n!< tin- world's R-,htiiu Tlio Orangemen of EUigenia convened at tha hoOM of tha U'e Mr. Wallace >ng on Mondny last and cut about -ii Keren of grain, and hay, and got niox.1 of it h'.iiH^d. Mrs. Armtn>ii'4 called on the Advanctj on Tu.-lay requuatint; U-. Io ii.ink t!io Urin.iinoii for their extreuio kindne.-8. Ai the same time hu deKtn-a m to thitnk all those who have so xpon- tAiKouitly ex[>rend their syntpathy in a practical uriiinir HII.CO her liushnnd'l deaih. ThiT<; was more than the refill' ...n siuount i f riii-wo.;d Innn.d :ir l'...t.-n :i > Sunday .itti..ri.oo*i. In .11.11 no:- the liiinl.v. iU .n til.- vi.-i'iity </f A'ri'jht'n !>riek It in c.oi.ht lirr. .ir i in.'- witl.MtHii.li:!,' til.- ! "i. -r 'int tin* n ! f.irn>-ii . ut .-n hloo sir! ; t.i- and HOO f mt .1 inniWr ||iu ditin**M Wrre pu! I'.H. li.-at w> ill un.so. >'in lay t. .1 IA filing >.| vi.-e wervdiiiiwniMid viith. Mr. Wri.hi ' 1.--.S will be h>avy. i "in i.. i lui^ mi ti..,. Dun-!iilk-Fl. -lier to. i Ucroxse nut. Ii lia *L-.-k .it Dundalk H.-rnld aays : ' Tli.- Fl-'ilu-it i are n yfi<: Iriiianly iot ol fellown siul t.ik.- defeat in i{"<> 1 N ' > | r tan.- w.inl w.i.s In aid .iiinn^ 'lie jjaiiic. \Vl.ile tin- ,i..M \- .1 N h-iier t!n our .1 licit of ounhii .atioti play pre- v. n;ol ib -in from i.g a reiy : riiliant aitli nu-' .inu i ith the i H armv in S n li Afii.-ii, Fn-l Hunter in China in. I Frank Irwin in tin- ! . ,;..f ,. t ,y Phill . i i M^W t .n l>'i'."jy and tirtit clatw Cleve'.ati-.l ' i-hea;i and .'. *asy terms. Apj.ly tn T. J. Shi.pjuinl, n 4J ptr ceiit. private in -.nt-y loam-d on easy ii-rma of r. II:I)'M<-- ' ' ">.' K itl.er- foril. "ii^lliurn... Ex;.-n*e low. I'oni- muni, arions receive p'oinpt attention. For the halt year endii.g July 15. 1 "i i '-. liell'tniy ri"4i-*t**rt-d -TJ lurilw, 14 deaths mnd 14 nrirruixe* for rho town!u|' of Artime^i... Teacher Wantl f.r v s No. H. Art meftut, ho'ding 1st or 2nd cl.i-< c. rtli- cte, duti>** to coininence August 20th. Kipernsnced male preferred. Apply, with tfstiuinialn up to August 4th Io T. H. McKenzie, Porilaw. A Harden party will l>e held under the niupices of the Prenl>yU>risn C. E. Shifty on the ev>*i.iii|{ of August 10th at Mr. James Mi-Mullen's. Kins will be pr \ "I *1 for rlioe ileiKn< 'o attend Ptncee-ls in aid of the Famine Relief Fund. Ad- III1MM. 11 I ") ..lid 10 IVlltH. M.irried At the Mu'.h..JI-t parfonai;.., Flohrrton, i-n M.-ndiy. July 30, V>y the Rev J one- pit Ward, Join. Richaiilwn of Holland township, to ^!i^ Mary Jane Clock of the Meaford U-jul, Ar'viii.-iiik. Mi. T. J. Sheppard ha*> taken tho agency for M.ick's Improved Saisiparilla with L'.-lery, a ituaranteed cure for rheu- ni.ttimn uad c-at^rrh. This is cliiinie.1 to l>e the nie:est blo.>d purifier extant and no curt- no p.iy. Gt uur Kuaiiiutvu. f 1 '"" pa\rlicn!a'8 ill be niven in advertiKe- nients Liter on. Osprey voters' liat will be in the ha:vla of the clerk thi. work and Artemeain i ulso nearly coinpleutl and will be in the clerk's hands liefoi* another iaaue of thm paper. Hotli Hhoiild he eviniiivd hy the ratepayers of their respective lownhi|) to e that name are properly entered. W. Bitrnhoute it in direct communica- tion with th lnrge>i fruit growers in the Niagara dia'rict and geta regular oonnitfn- Mifiits of all the fruit 111 m>M<>n. Orders elicited f. r currants, peiicheo, tom.it"**, l>ur, plum*, Kiapea, etc. Can deliver anywhere "Utide, v l'je aui> day of ar- rival whet) ordrr* are boo\i-<l. We notice that Willie '.f on- villagers are al.oiMi.g (|uxutilieti of Inn. looks and other noxious woids to urtj* on fheii lo'a Without an nttenip'. t.. k i |i "i duwn, t-. the delniu. tit of .'!) " si ( proi-.-ity and in -. v.ui o of in ^ i. n, I'lio Nox- Tuckc-r XY;S x r ' < - t l the :>. .Mitclieil iii-i H. n.i. -i "u i .-.(11.1 nances were in iy *nh the i*l.on>y sute of the Mr. Lfctvid M.niill h.i.l a ]-'-u!i.-ir run.-i way . . vni l.i.t week . While dn>uiK his lively t.-am out !.y Cl.irk's corner ..n the luck line ho dro.i- i cow lymii oath" road. This up*t;t li-gy and iluinjit-.i I>.i\*>'r n the KIIIMO, where he <:t pr.-arhinc r<> the re- triatio-j horteti an they fust uitappMSMtl toward the north. The tiafny fortnnat.-- ly righted i'a-lf and sfter the temii had run about three in.lcs the) u-rn cnplure*! ^^. Januti L;ver. Neither li TTS nor "Oj. gy were dnin^d. Tlie ci>w ha,s not informed u an to the extent of ht-r in- The Chataworth Rinner lament* thus "The Dominion Day celebration t Fl.'iM. .it. in paid all expense* and cleared ^.Tli.SO. Gee whiz! If we had . nly Irul lirntioii here.' 1 On.- of our village minlaters raceii'ly ... i r.r I .1 young? couple wh"<) united a^e* <kiii' .iiiitt-d tn l^l> years. When tin' pivai-her usked of the groom the moinen t..iw .pii'-tiou, " Wilt thou uki! thi woman for thy lawfully" -- -tho grin. in cut in I.ere u,h theansver, "Ay, what a' c-.omd for," aliowmx c ively that he had been throu.'li the grind IM I. re *nd knew tlie f. rinula. Mr. Th'imp* n Wilson s si-h door fac- toiy at l-iuguuia had nn ex :<< Jingly .mr- row eacape from total d.-iiii.-tu om- .1 >\ r. .-.-lit:)-. While Mr. \Vilwm was.it work in i he turning di-partiudiil h snielled smoke, .'ind stepping to th. .l.ior wiia Con- fronted by a pillar of dame coining up thionyli tho d.x>r from the lower story. He tus' ed be-low, g. t a pml of watevind danlied it about tho ceiling above the dame. Tliis had the effect of stayiog it pi -vrcsn. The second pail dulled U'e ri.'r percepiibly aud .ithurs after tlie l.-l following gatheied U'rctedisl in completely .oiuiifhing tlie live. Two minutis more of hund-iay and Mr. Wil-ti.u's fine fuct'.ry wou'd hiive been a to'.ai lts. As it was, about $75 wou'. I cover the damage d-.no t.. U, I'm..-, pulleys, Mooring, etc. The ti^e unJoiil't- etlly wai cnnsol by I'riciioii. Flesherton poopld ere tn-i; d topi 'e an exhibition of lacri^s.-o^ .\:.inday.when Dii:nl ilk sent over !i it they calli'd cluoof junio to pi ly t'lo | Fit-nil, rt' 11 b.iys friciidly K'"- Am. n^ the juni.-ia were sucli mon as 'I'.lfy W.I..-H n .1 N'. r- in in l.'alh..ii:i oi '\r-.!,.i i:c Ic-atJ.lo ti'.iin, ious W.ids Ac 1 , sec. 'J, provide* that ' ainl sluiii^^r named Jexsop. Au.-ther " It shall lit) the duty of every tnxu;>.tnt man from tho Slieili inn nil of land, or il the l.ind IHJ nn i-oii[iie.l it brought along Vul Kl.-shoiton 'liounht shall I e tlu- duty of the owner-., to cut this wan too much ot the v'ood tiling nd 1 don or <:eHtruy all th Ci.nad ..n th stl,*, he was diseardr '. The (*hmo wiis a fast ox-eye d.iisy. wilJ ots, ranwied and bur- ' one and one of the beat seen here for d<i-k ,: ..nu on his land, .nl all other j some tune. The olfici:.! no re >:. o.l 7 to noxioti.s wee.U iwin m hin lands to 5 in favor of Dundalk. Mr. R. WiUon which th aet may be exi.-mle.l liy bylaw of tho Shtjlburnotea.nl referecd tho ga-i.e of the mui-icipality, s o:t, M m each year to the uatisf^ution of all concerned, .ind ev. i year a* in sufh'. iei t to prevent Und. r the circuniKtunce* tho Floherton the ri|M*ni..{ of lhe ; r sc. d, provided that ', boys put up a plen.lid fight and defeat such cutting oi destruction do*/s n t in- ' at the hands of tho men whose names re volve the destruction of the growing given above waa no disgrace, wl.ilr I'-in grain. .-lion pruvideofor the pont^lty dalk is welcome to all the honor they -..in on all oilo.iid.T against iho Act, V\T. : command over the victory gain d for that uic'n con Met ion, uff.,n<l, rs shall 1 e thm by league players from outside liable to a fine of not lew than Id (the ' club* We do not like to censure our dollars) uor not more than $20 (twenty own lads, but the language used by a dollars) for every such i-ffeDox." ' couple of tl'eiu was a disgrace to th' t w.-. If thotui youiitt men have no respect f"r tln-nim.lv. thry nhould leKpect the feel ings of cpuctator* wh" latroniee them and who do ii t .-an- to IIK'KII t . BillingH- uate. Th Dnn-Ulk t-.iy conducted tln-in- l-Ues in markrii contrast to the couple of instancrK referred t.., and if they dil not i-ing in picked ( layers frnni outnide towns they at le.iKt condiicled iheilbtelveM like goiltUmeii. They took homo nitli them the name of victors, and as we sml f-iiL- ar.- w,-lc me to ail the hniiDr actrru- r g mid. -r the circi.iiistan.-es. Theci>;>t nn of the I 1 , 'eam idiowed nitliur to<i much tif.rii in Ins |.|r t y and 1.1 Inn ac- limn, aucoriimi! I . m-n. ..pii.i.-n. tni! tli<> majoiity of . ur p!ay.Ti nui.-uan- mii.imly foigivc him and trn.>t h will 0'>nie to his nciiwe.s hitcr mi. Cow L m' -liiey cow, mdking, fr in >, Itt.i n.. An in. -1 i. ;ll)i ut .lu'y 17. Inf. rinu ion as to ii.-r wliereaboutN will bo rhaiikfully reci-ivel l>y John Uriiniff, Kii'juiiia I' ' > Personals Mast.-r* AI. Hurd uid A. < ' niiky win ,-U-d '.1 1 1 from I', i ir l.wt week and were the ii'i. -t- ; M. W I' L'l -ssley fur a few days. !' i v Him. .tun. who li.u working in .Menl'or.1, lut-s n-tiuiie-l l|. .1 f aoinewli.it under the wea'h.-r. Mr. lieo. Keefer left on Tuesday to vj.it with in. mis at Ayr. The following T ut.. _ . -- . n..w at the Muimlu* hi.use. Eu^rma : M : -.. A iy ui.d two childn-n und mud. .Mr>. T. Nisun, and Mr. Thou iiifiit .-tin i Mr-. .1 tnd ,laut(llter. t'onlter (n :a L(3ard), are tht- tnestk of frii-ndi In r MI-H. J. H. K'l.U f 'I'.irontu Juncti n is vi-itin-.; friends in llns nc;mfy. Mrs. W. H. Tlnir.toii .ind nuci-, MISH Howo, t. <>k in an excursion from (>A.-II Sound to PenetanguisheiiH on \V,.'m. - day. Miss Home will rnuriin HIT to visit fiienJs in Uweu - nul T!i .rn bury previous D retiirtnn / to her h tin- on I,.H]^ I-lal|il. Mr. Stanl.-y 0rw returne.1 li-t w.-.-k from a two- weeks' camping experience on the shore* of Lake Scu^og. where a very eiiji'Vililo IMIH- was spent capturing big iiiuitciiluiig". liiack bass, etc. The I .t imue he cauicht weii;liPil t wenty pnundh. No tish are now allowed to ! suld from Lake Scuifog. .md IM '.<h y irn are pos- Mr iJerow lirou.bt i cmip.e of 'l-ii. undent home *,t'< him whioli havo since graced i he uMes of the Mtmsha* ind Mr. W C ''i ley respuo- t ,,f ,-n 'In- . > il n 1". v. J .<. V.'rd .;' J- 1 -slie-' i . i l-d ..n Mr. ami Mr- It. I 1 mar n i M n.orn'.i..ry II i < . M.loo'.tii ..f -le S-ntf..rl I'-.^h 1 st .tf. wiis a . !ier . lii < l!"' ' d.i> !at *oek while on hu way tn visit the homos-olid at H inks. CoUinsjWuod ownithip. You Make A Mistake If you hava Pale* Crsanlsh, or Sallow Complexion, Cold Haiids and Feat, Loss of Ap- petite. Dyspepsia, Lack of Energy or Stomach Troubles-. You Make A Mistake When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerv Pills to counter- act these conditions. Why? Be- cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system. The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves. All food is acted on by tht stomach aud pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. Ws*Ts Pills it )nst the pro- pa help to a Urtd -intern, and dif- fuM a glow ot healib through th wbols hnmam trsme. You f youratif getting wall when you take Dr. Ward 1 * Blood and Her** Mil* 1 Set the best for your Jffoney. We have now a well selected sHiorrmt-nt of Shorn, Slipper* and Boots, in K"l, Donm>la and heavier grade* of footwear for Ls.lien, Oenta, Children. NEW GOO DS -^^^ Cheap and up tn date in Style. Inipect them, compare the pnoes) and XIV.J us a chanci* to nmke your feet eomfortblc in arm weaihur. Custom Work and Stapairiny as uauat *t Clayton's Wm. Clayton, Flesherton \Lfi-nt fur Dominion M..II.-V i inter Expr>- \t. ii \i \*/ FLESHERTON $ Great Clearing * Sale of to to to * to to it to to to to to to to to to to Ml Summer Goods S \\'.- will >tart Wedensdav -July i'.")th wit a ringttkofftHmauMTgoo.il we ,u-e ix.und to ^ d.-ar oi ir -ro< k and have reduced rlie price in all lj\ liu.-s of ir U. This is a genuine salt 1 and rhe prices q\ mi .-\. TV line in the shop -hall Iw cut t<i cost and ^ navy line- uill nin nmcli I.elow that. We have not Jfi sjKice to mention one quarter of the many but below \ V e will quote you a few : yards Cti..n. :> yard- to a wh, special at 9c a yd., we will e'ear 1 hale t.t per yanl 'OO ynr.lh i.'otton. r' yiilur lUo. rp:il per yard ."d 10 yards 1' wauliiug uniits. reu. 12Jc now.. 1<I \ ^r.! ,'o. ,1 wml..ihle print, reu. 7c, now '2 |iiecef white jnn'ir. rey. 22, now 1 |ii.-eu white |ii.(U... rx- 15. now/ 4 p i-oes strip Or- -> Muslin^, retf 10. now _' jn.'.vs rt,.*i red Drtsit Mulin. r.-i; Io. now :> pi ova \\ ' - with .l.'irk t<.t and am-hnr. f-r chili- wear, rvi;. 1-. now 1 only lady ' VuUet cape, well line-l. fen. $4.50, row. 2 only Indie*' Volvct Cap^. nicely I'nwd. reir $3.^5, now oniy ladien' Ci:ih Skirt-s, rei{. |l.'-'5and tl :!o. now . T.i.rv ; H il u. \\ ' U'K'k SkiiK. -. .;. fl 1". nw .-) . niy ladi.V '.Vhre I'IMU.. sk.rt*; n^. $1.:J5. now " to Flesherton, Ont. I). .McTuvish 1 ON HAND REPAIRS... I K r MASH .y-Hnrri.<. Noxon, Fletirv nnd Wilkius.n fntn. ini.l.n,. loury aii-i Verity plows on liand nil tin- tiitia aUo all km .!s .. t.-un ' Fr the I..IH. \V nianuf' c'ni \\ .11*. Busies, Cutteis, >i, -.. hs, Honn-shooin,, vroniptly atu-nded to. Special ateiiu..n to-.n.ier , 1 focf. ^,0 -Kin.;" and Plow Ci.uinn cimatantly on ha;. ' ota. s*r boa. 1 box** (M n ". tat. or ea WUUaw * O*. Twwl-*, 0W MELOTTE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have no n|ual. It uko ^ lam p..wr than any other. Doe more work in Iraw timn. Separate* mr efficiently. All g-aring prt.tx.cttd. Perfect lur.rioaU...i No Un tops Milk mid crwm pas over thickly enaun. !!ed urfuow. but aluminum, which nevar ruatt ind is easily clej:*a. Alw> aguut for the Alexander Cream 8|Hrators

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