Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1900, p. 3

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THE r I. E S II K K T O N A I) V AH C I- THE K I. K * ! I K I,' T < ) X A I V A N ( ' K AUGUST i>. i '. ST 7T Zf'tt JT / .MtKkwu.irs A O. Jfltt CC CO. "a : .* T KTOHI, REDUCTIONS : Dress Goods Millinery Blouses Muslins Prints Linens Ladies' Shoes Every line of ^<H|S rcpi-cM-ntcd in this space iim>t lie cli-arcil out 'luring the iHvsmt month. To <lo thi- near ly nil priro. have In-ill cut in hall sonic arc even Ic.-,.s and make the best buying opportunity that h;i.- c-onic your way inn lon^ time. Our only f\< u>e lor price cutting is thi-: \\Vpositivcly will not carry the jjoods over for another season's sell- ing. \N'e would much rather sacrifice them now and ^ r ive eii>ti)iinTs an op- portunity to utili/e them lor the pri- son! si-a.Niui's wearing. Rermiiirits of every coneei\ al>le kind and length. Some hall price, others less. All inn>t I.e .-old during the next few weeks. Your friends have been trading with us for a considerable time. Ask them regarding our assortment, values and the treatment accorded them. Mens' Suits Rain Coats Straw Hats Shirts Bicycle Hose Felt Hats Men's Shoes F. T. HILL <ScCo Ad geant. was courtmartinled and slmt. ( ol ISyiisi.n thinks tlmt llie Canadians will X5C171CC be home early in October. Tlie war is practically OTM ami on iht Dunottar roBLlsHEn WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE, TOLL ; c lle ill which he sailed from Cape T..Vn to l.iverpiH,! were 19 war . rte-|..iiideut-- and all the military attaches. INGWooll STREET, FLBNHEKToN, ONT., BT W. R. TUfRSTON. *i prr annora Klrlrlly In advanrr Advertising Rates: Colnino, 1 year. , , lialfool., 1 ver. 9B quarter col., no* year, *15. Tranilent a4vrrti>*nient charRed attli* rat* conts per line for tint iimurtion an 1 3 cnt acb ulii- jui'ut ln-iTt KIM. Tin- Chinese situation still over- shadows tliat of the Transvaal, wlxTc an in ti riniti ii> dodging fight n kept up by I)e Wet and 3000 bnrgliers. Tho collapse of the Transvaal war is npocU'd every day but still the foi korpr dodging and until lie in holed tli( excitement will bo kept up, though on a much minced scale. Tim iutcrnalional forces, an army HO .000 strong, have born marching on lYkin for the past wi ok, and an duubtlpsfl before its walls ore now, and the legation may even have been rescued. WLeu once tlie forces start- ed to move no time was lost. A couple of lifvy euRaRementR had to be foni/Lt on the way, but tlie inarch WH steady, and ow Thursday of last w*'k the army was only 33 inilus fi-om Pckin. Tlierr i* inncli intf-resting specula tion 88 to whether Dr. Lamlerkiii wil KIIIM bo a sandidat for the House o in South (irey. Some of Mr. Oeo. Herninnn i>f S<mili Est!i..p.- i nl i iili.-r an i-ii inni; half hour one day ly with two of lux m-u>hlNir'x <\%H, which he fiiiinil worrying IIJK tlu-p. Our if Ml. Hl'IIIIKIIII H lhri-|l IU1U1I- linllli- III an uxciUxl nUte and IIIK children inid that lllJJM or Wolvi-H WlTl- Wurlyili; tllrll slli-i-|i n the luiHh Mr. licTiiiunn ut ut ln- (iin and with In - liuud uinn weni to tin- nisli. 111, <l on jllinpillg the feni-u a I'lL' nmtilf Hii from Lrlnud n tree and r nice [lounuod "ii Mi. Ile'iu. inn, who Hunt full charge of Imavy shut into die \i\\f irutc'n < lieht, killing U instmitly. They II. .wed up tile o'lmr one to it* home and afiri w:ml- killed it. Mr llcriiuiiiii '. .On i-p Wii Only nnu uf worried out, tin- tl.sli WK hunijiiii; f i inn its neck ami che-t in -In. U nnd it will not likely live. llowermnn >V /.iiikunu * iroineniM) tan- nery itt S.m'li iiii|>!. n fi-ll H prey to lire recently. Tlie origin of the lire IB a niyi- Ury. Shu IOM is from Sl-.i.ii to 1311,00. There wax a total IIIMII.IIKV of Notice to the Public, Xiilirti l lii-reti; glvmi that iny wlfr lm loft nivb-,1 ami boanl.au. I that from tln> iiatn I ill not t> held rm|>onlbl for any n .1. lit.-.l- i incurred by tier. Tli nutihc will tbn-i -maelvM accord I nglv JAM KM JOHNSON. House d Lot For Sale. Illotk F . No. U n:. Kleibertou. Rood framu huuio. ami laruv taM.i!<Mi.| nr.li.u. and (mil trmn.gndwull, aliu Park lot, block I. lut 4. ntKiuliiK 4 ftcied. Apply to A. Wlcken* KleibcrtOD, or W II Sloan, \VmtoD. Voters List, .900 Municipality of the Township of \ ti'tiu -i;i in the County of Urey Notice U hemby glveo Mint I hare t ntimini t~ toil or 'Irli VITIM! to ill- |>f>rnoni nintiund ID i.ctiou ft anil of the Votor* 1 Ut Aot th* !! {,> i.. i i i.i i,.. (aid Diction* to te >o tran>- mttUMl or il*livprwl of thn hut nift.li. pursuant to !.! Act, o( all IKIHUHI- nl'l'.-anni; I., tllx lant rMriMKi Ai.ini.ot roll ,,t tli rai.l municipal ll\ tu Im entltltxl to vnte In the utd in . |'*Ulv at eli-c-tioii'tor niouilHJn ol tlie Iii|ilaf ! Atm-inl.lv anrt at aliit>li-ip>l Klction>, and that i-nl.l lint w Hrnt p..tl U|i t my offlov tt Kl.'-lirit.in 01. th Intli ilnv d[ Auk'unt, HOC. and ri*niaiui tliro for Iniipoctloii. l.'rciins n it- cnllr.l upob to rxniiiiiiii tlior.ii.l lint. KIK! If any omlMiiun* or auv other arrur> am finoi.t theraln to take Im.utnltalc prooeml- iii|! to have the uld vrrvm rorrvcU"! accoroiuK to law. I'atcil at Flf-livrtiin thin 14th day of Auautt 11M) W. J.HL1.HMY. Clerk of tbtiald Uniilcipallty. t!i- 'iily papers have anonnred that In : MI of politics for good. Every- tli will Ixi made clear on Monday, BrpN ",lM>r 2&, whon the cunvontiou will ' i' Id in Durham, but it is saf to w.i r that the dailies have inistak ei'ii.- nial doctor's late retrospect- s to the ch'olord as n farewell uri-l liiHii the ola war hor^e of Soutii <i pit himself agamst Mr llioh- ai . knowing full well that he lifts a i . riliy of his uteel and li> til. . . would bo 110 disgrace to be br-r i, covering all but only 9tM),000 of this mini ii c<i!leetl>le, thu balance biting on budding* ai.d stock not destroyed. The* lii in intend taking imnHliato stops to rebuild tin- t.iniiery. One hundred bunds are thrown out of employment. A nasty accident happened rucently on thu farm of V. llull'iimn, of the 14th ronccsxion of Normanby. His brother I'lnlip was diiv.n^ tho binder which did n't soom to work satisfactorily. The driver graspol fur the twinu which runs through the needle, and just as he was in the act i.f uLni^' it the horses moved, the in-, din |Hinetrating through his right hand, thereby fastening him 'ill In!,, cum- A doctor dressed the wound, and the patient is doing as well as can be ex- Wm. ricCalmon, Inporttr of and Drilcr In SVEED1SH, SCOTCH & Granite and Marbls Work OF ALL KIND Monuments &f>a -- AWB -- Inaciiptions Cut on Shortest Notice Syleuhnm st., - 1 1 .ii of Tor mi... who li.ii juit i -.mi tlio Sont.li African om- ji.i . ..i .|ioliiiii{ of th two C'anaditnK wl '.-r found (juilty of troamin by fell- ing >."i ' ! tlie uiiumy, nd Kiuitepced to ten yiM penal cerritude ei h. nay* tht they wer led into the inuwi by a regular of the British army, and that the r**l culprit, Farmers' Scales THK I1KST AVAII.AHI.K pooled . Whilo wo do n. ii tik. much stock in tho faith cure, yet cures effected by the layiiiK on of hands are frmuontly met ' Wllamaou and Kle'iry rMalm on tiaod , Vln pinr.la and Mrtionii for dIDercut uiavlilnarv with. If laid on early and often wdlillnrmi (hoeing dnne on tli moat |i|>nm ein-e boys of the cigarette habit. I. uiliei- strop or hickory switch should bo lirmly held in thu hand when making tli.- application. underalgi.eJ U lelllug the bait Faru that can bo |.rn,tm..l ou the markft known a. II,,, Mamly Trnvk tcale I .). I,,,., iinu (tnnti on the moat appri A. I i>i inci|ilui*. M i have worawl uiidor the \i-ti-n gisju n ,,.y Biirneom In tliu Old Coinitu -i irnills, Jill; 0, 19UO M.KILEY. -5E*aP*P*^:**^ M. Richardson & Co. 3*lesherton ~ 'DundalJc MARKDALE. Sp fox* Lot 146-147. Con 2 N. T. and H. U., 100 acroii acroti 1 1. .i. i, I. balance hardwood. (I m.l Mr.|<;. \V. Sine, of Clarksburg, has pur uhased an orange grove in Ontario, Southern California, liu Hill move to . ] frame lioiuu ami baru, 14 nilUn from r'|..hi.r the Sunny isouth this Autumn. South- 1 tun .,m i ,',t ,i ,,i < uf tlui I di'lii/ht i AlaoMacrss with good (raiun barn, 1H leren K"' nii.l.i, , ultivation Ui aore. li.nlw.Mul bush ao.l ful places in the world to live in, and wo I balance romh and well atjr0 W. A. A It AJ M 1 it UN \\ , wish Mr. Sine long life, to enjoy the lui- |Plahrton Jan. is, ] nry of his new Uome. BUindard. Opportunities The month of August usually affords the can- fill liuyer unusual opportunities to pun-hasi- sf-ason- alile ^jooils at re<lu-e<l prin-~ this August i-< no r\ eeption ami tlie store fairly bristles with Jiaiyain lini-s in every |)ep;irtment. f^ Anticipating a yery ht-avy luisiness tliis fal ; our purchases li;t\ i- i>e<-n corre.-.poiHlii ^ly lai%"' and u, nrcil all our av.tilablc span-, >> i-v.-ry .summer lint- odd length -'nort end lir.tkcn assortment odd >!/ !ia- IHTM rnliiccd iu priee and will l.e cleared out without reference to fir-t < >-\ our U.irpiin tables are e\ ideneeof this. Ladies' Dongola Oxfords All si/es plain, patent or .-elf tipped ruin or 'ipcra ti>. - regularly told from $1.25 to *1.7~> at Infants Dongola Shoes Si/.e, 1 tu 7 I,ai-e burtoi. or oxford stiff >; soft soles Iie^iilar price 4.">r. to i;.")e cli.-ariuj; at 25 Men's Harvest Boots All sixes lii-_ r li cut bellows tongue, pe^ed ex- tension iole a very serviceable general bout Ladies' Parasols Fancy Bamboo Handles tine black twill eo\.T- durable and servicable Regular I'ri^e .").> Cheap Wash Goods A -nod assortiut'iit of Fancy Muslins, ( 'ivpons. Satet-:!-. ( !ri-iiadines. l'i|ues and Points in a of c-olors. Regularly s >' I fi\) ui \'2^ to-JOc ard. loo. Cheap Dress Goods An assortment of Fancy Summer Suiting.- in fashionalile colors and jmttt-rn- all double width some all wool - -others wool mixtures Kejjularly sold from 'J.') tt4.")e yard 1.~>c. Ladies Belts A wide choice in l>laek. Colored and 1'atent Leather with plain or fancy Imckles. Some pretty lines in Fancy Sei|iiin and Pique Belts. All prices 40, :?.">, :i.~>. l.~> and .">. Summer Snaps Ladies' Kerchief Ties 'J-'x-. Indies' Sjtilors 'J.V. Ladies' Linen Collars lite. Ladies' Summer Corsets 37c. Indies' Under \ests fir. M-'ii's Flannelette Shirts 2.V. Men's IVrby Ties lite. Washing Ties '2 for .">c. Men's Cotton Hose 4 pairs for L'.V. Hardware Depart. (5Aea*(SAi ^ h ^& Tti make room for nev. good-, \\e arc selling some Toilet and Dinner Setts ,.t exceptional prices. TOILKT SKTTS 10 pieces, new shapes, l:,-ind- some eolorinji's. heavily gilt, liegular price, .t.'i.OO, Selling for $3a5Os D1NNKK SKTTS -97 pieces, new shapes, ar- tistic designs ami colorings. Good value at $7.">0, Selling for $G.OO. HA VE YOU BOUGHT YOUR TWINF We have several brands to choose from, but re- coiiK-nd ihe Plymouth. Plymouth Twine is Best and ( Jo -s Farthest. 1 1 A U V EST TOOLS. P.I M -.INT, (ILOVES MACHINK OIL. The Uiwn<ihi|iH of Miiliinir and Me- laiiclhon Inn i- eni,.n;fil aurveyora to locate the itiwnline. Thin IIM been a nource of roW*f., r year.. Should the two .,. vcvora In*, uimlile to ?> they are to call iiwwla. Terui* !, for nlDgle, mduolon for inor>. in a third. M LAWUKNCB rrop Bull fo L _Service S ^ RJchardsOH & Co. KLESMERTON OWEN 5OUND, ON T. ffic opens for J^a// Ijarm Sept. 3rd, IQOO '' : to be successful should call or write tor particulars an<l be ready to start on Opei/ini,' Day. C. A. Fleming, Principal, _ < Vicinity Chips r.'iarartcrlscirs of thr Pnst Wrrk Currrully Culled far tbr limn always on hand. I. II. Duckett'i, Eii). PitWic Scim.'i will open on ML i.il i} ucit week. Mrs. Gjonlruin ilesirc;" t< aimc unce that h^r ljiiu~. i , ' l..t in NIH ri: fur Ifc Tiidiy (T ; iu-sil.ty)"is ciie holiday in Flwher'i.n. Ali [il.ires .if lui-i?ien will IH; cluntd. rie*lif!T,,:) li.Ti:-e 1,.. yi .ill i'> to Clarkshur^ t..-<l iy t., Imvu a friendly game with tin' OUrksliur^ tr.im. A Urj-e nuinlT uf yune j 0'>ple held a picnic to Bell'n Lake on T> ursilay l.-u-t and re|-.rt a jn!ly time Dr. E. K. Little, denti.t, will bo at the Munsliaw H. .!*, Fleahnrtun, the .'In) Saturday in rich iiiunth from to 11 30. . m. Heifer lo^l Re<] and wbiti-, two ysorM Id. Information as t-> her wimreabouta will be thankfully rtci-ied by Mark WiUon. Klewhertun. Th pulice truttvm have dwided to lay a Concrete crowing from Rii'har.l* .1. Clayton's corner a an ex|>Tiincnt aul hlgMi operation* on Mi.n.'my amnr 4J par cent, private money loaiu'd on fy terras of rv pay incut by Can. Ruth- erford, Sli,.;i,iiriie. Expenses luw. t'om- municationK receive prompt attention. E. B. Lemon i-f SyiK-nham hai a colt two mniitlm old, with only three lejjs, one of the front ones heiny uii-u-m^ fn in birth The colt in aaid to be aa lively in thouzh it had a dozen lega. Mn. Win. Chnrd of the Fn-irth Line mxt with H, serious .u-u.li>t one day re- cently, from win -h "lie n still utnler the doctor's c:ire. For particular* see Port Law comM|xniJ,M>ce. R. J. D-iylo of Sluliii.y L-kd cerai-nt fame, aat down on a sharp til.- the other day, whirh rii into hi hip tw.i or three incheH and produced n Vwnl wuund. Mr. Doyle is now nu^mnj; the puncture at his home ner Owi-n Sound. A little son of Joseph WillUm-.. livin,' just east of the village, got a very bnd cot on the back uf his le > day list w*k by coming in contact with a grain cnulle. The little fellow was brought to I>r. Card r, who iln'snc>d und tewed up the wound, which was a nasty one. Shelbume Economist ;iys "The Aber- deen lacr. >8 club of Markdale have de cideil not t" tight the protests hanging over them and will withdraw. In fact Markdale sympathisers at the recent match in Ormigi.-ville stated th it all they wanted was to win that <(ani<> and then they would i|int. Mr. McCalm.m, marble dealer, who moved from Murk dale to Fletherton re- cen'ly, pl:u-es his advertisement in this iamie. He has been doing a (,-ood trade here, one of bin recent erectimia beii. .1 handnome stone to the memory of the late Mrs. (>oo. Thompson at the Maxwell cemeUry, and another to the late M;irk Cirn, placed in the Flesherton cem- etery. The Flesherton f. P. B A. l..dge eel- ebrated the relief of Derry nn Monday ereninx by s ;>intde headed by the band and ronhalK*l l.y J. W. Field. The lodge turned "Ut eighteen stronx, several mnmbers not beinji present. The boys looked natty in their neat uniform and travelling under their handsome Knnej. After th procession the members and tieir Indies had a luncheon in tlie lodpe room, after which games, etc., were in- dulged in. The result uf tbe Leaving examination* was publ s*ied in iMt Thursday's dailies. Fletherton pawed the following: junior IWrt Btrnhouse, Emewm Rllmy, - MoiriiK.ii. Minnie McDuurni id. Loren.> Norri*. Sam Ranton, Gertie Tryon. Gliviys Ward, H. Wt*.n. Roa, EMI Small, Carrie Rutli M irkd.'.l.- tin- paase* were: ' <'i>ig(iiy, Mea^her, Shute, . Trelford Si-niur Coleinan, Hiintur, frwru, I . : . M.-Intyre. Prin- j'l' out of ten. Tlc'i^f 'l|. .1' 1 ' ...il.ilk M .-I " Ji::iinr-K. B. M^-iulay, K Ml... It* Ariii-i '. Campbell, J 'in - T.. \. I.. Mauaulay. 8. MclUe. i Ki.jshnvr ln"-n put'in.' 1.1 faithful practice dui:n^ the p iHt few i|:iti'iii i-f llieir trip to Owi-n Si.inul. Th.- I. <). F. hiiih <-..urt . the '_'!- n. I 22nd and liy our luiiiil, wh'-i liar, .-Kl-liiional laurels will be adde.l to thu T.,H <.f i.ur young men musimiM. A l:in_'.- -;i!h.riiig and big .'inty town on this ii.-raNH.il. I _> .d deal of ilama-ji? iu thm t. iwn^lup during the |st [irevious to tin; ruins of Satunl.iy -indny . A fire i:tged for some days in the hi swam;> out on tlie South Line, ind two bridges over tho Snugeen and a rt cccumbod to the devouring ele- i nmny> acres of what ia known as Harurave's aaamp on the gravel eaht of the .illage was burned over unill h^d n nan-ow ea- cajie. fAi-iut twenty tfuod stout men iiiill on Saturday with a li'-r . -. nail*, barrels, etc., OH a representative of The Advance passed. The raiiiH of Saturday .ind Sunday, how- vill iimke further damage impossible. Ther- i.s itiil a hope that the Eugenn f.il'- may i,.- uulized home day in the 4i'iii i i'> :i .'f i V.-trn:it y f .r our towns and . y i-i California is just completing M iaktallation ft* conveying eli i-trii- current for a distance of 120 nnl*. say an eich.-ititfc. from the site of the generating water jniwer. The line already "ex- -ui Jmie, which U 110 mi'es from the or-tfiiuti station. The li.-linn.j. traction lin-s and power of that [lace an- supplied by the company, and it i.s expected that the transmission line will be completely in S.m Francisco with- in a month. Aluminum is found to be chMpci- th.m copper in constructing the irtn.iiiiMain line, and it bos been used exclusively for this purpose by the Cali- fornia corrpany. If it pays to transmit [i .wer 120 miles to San Francisco there oijaht to be ginnl lumiey m the power which could be developed from the Eu- genia fall. Q rand Excursion To rlaolai Isl.ml Toronto A grand excursion will be run to H in Un'lLind, Toronto. on Monday, .\uu.2llth d trnin leaving Flenherton at T a.m. and llundalk 7.22. Return fare from both -aii.ing f2 f>5, children half price. Mount Forest, Dundnlk slid Shelburne have pr - claimed civie holidays. Mount Forest and Shelburne Incrnmo clubs will play off the tie for thechampiuiithip of theNorth- es'crn district, on tho Island oval at !!.:U) p. in. Train leaves Toronto on re turn trip at 9 p. 10. See posters for further information regarding other sta- tion*. Personals Those h.iving visitors or knowing of others who have will confer a favor by handing in personals, or dropping a card, tx> this office. Mrs. P. McTavish and two children, Muriel and Charley, and Mrs. Guo. Stewart, left on Wednesday of this week t make an extended visit with friends at Parry Sound. Miss Edith Bellamy, who has been in. Toronto for some time, returned last week. Mr. A. R. Fawcett of the Toronto Junction Leader and Recorder, was in town one day last week. Mr. Joo. H. Strain of Anaconda, Mont., arrived on Saturday to pay a week's visit to Ins parents here. Mrs. Hewitt of I'xbridite is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Tucker, Mr. Wesley Smith, son of Mr. Jos. Smith of this place, arrived home on Monday m.-rnina for a month's visit with friends here. Tlie young man is in the tish business on Lake Winnipeg and is doing well. He likes the Northwest. Mrs. W. .1. Douglas and little son Ross, of Colling wood spent the past week -ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. V.-iiiDuaen. Miss Mattie B<iih of Markdale is the giiet of Miss Mabol Munshaw. Mr. Perc/ Uaniiltot. who ha* been visiting his parents for some time, retwn- d to Meaford last week. .Mi- in. I Mis. &!. Hamilton viaited frieiim ill Th. Illniry last wuek. from near Price- ville i-pi-nr Sunday with Miss H" I S'llh V L ' \ runt rum of Toronto in 'I is s A. Ainisln IIL'. Mi-- KM v i.s visi'ing frieuds i.i Toronto tl>is Mr. S\ in. i 'l.iyton saileu from England lasr -.-.-:; i 'n arrive In.iiit: lay next. Ad.i hnwn of Durham in vimt- in.'wi'li MIH Fl.'i-r.r lii.-liardsi.il. Mr. n-.j nii|>aiiied her. returning home Mrs \V. U. Hunt left .m Monday to .ier father at Wo. .dbinlge, who re- in. -I ivnii .1 \ ,-r> ,i-riiMH accid.-ni, by which he had a leg cut and broken and hip badly injured. He r an old man hut is said tu bi- r M-nng nicely. Miss Jennie Hunt ..f W.iodbridge is tin .u. -i .,i her brother, Mr. W. H Bunt, furni'ure di-iler, Mr". '. Duffy and iw, children and Master James WiK. , u ,,f Toronto ar 4ui--t, ,.t Mr and .Mi--. A. Wilson. Mr. Will Slean and Miwter Edward of u have been tbo guests of friends here for !., Misti Ida Johnston . f Toronto is 'he guest of Miss E1U Wickous. Mr. and Mrs. It. -1.'. Wright left last week for their h .me in Hagersville. Mr. Russ.-l Smirb h,i.s iiecured a posi- tion in the Chronicle Cilice, Durham, taking up hit duties rhero mi Monday Mrs. Alex. Sre*.-irt . .fTeeswattT is the f lier filler, Mr <!,<>. Best. Misi Jeiiiiie Hi. hanUi'U and M Hunter of Toronto have been gues- , f MISB Richardson's perentH here for the past K Th- ia sorry to announce that V, Eii'h fii.-lmr.lw.ii U ipaite ser- iously ill at the parental home here. Mrs. John Runatodtler wan called to Hamilton tlnn x -i-U toaitetil the funeral of an aunt. Misn Rime Runstailtler of Hettpelcr is the guest of her uncle und aunt, Mr. m<i Mrs. J. Ruustodtk-r. Miss Kiu Irwin ..f Durhitm is thu guest <>f little friends in town. Mr. Jo'.n Bellamy took a trip U Parry Sound this week . Miss Vcra Brown of Ihren Sound hta l>een tke (Uest of little friends in tuwn for the past fortnight. Her twenty filth baby, fat and happy, is crowing in the arm* ..f Mrs. Samuel Smartwni'd. -rife of an digiru-ur on the Centers! railroad of New Jeny, I". S. The mother has Keen nisnieU :J9 years. S!,e h i- ' rne 2 sntj of twins. Twenty of o' her twenty liv. cliildrcn aro living. The 1'U.slund !II- : I'L;S in $100 a iinurh and the chililrii ?.<J T!i. ; happy mo her s.i,^ "Vau cnn put m down an agree- 111^ v> 'i'li ' '' r Cl.-virlaiiil that married life is . me -;ri. !. = -e t -ong." (NORDER That the children may not come from school heavy-eyed, languid, and listless. IN ORDER That they may be cheerful, happy, and contented, growing stronger and sturdier day by day. IN ORDER To have strength for pleasure after the duties of the day are accomplished. IN ORDER Not to have the body o tired that the mind cannot b culti- vated. IN ORDER To have the xntibuitiea keen, the wits sharp, perception* clear, and the ability to mako affairs ran smoothly, take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills Systematically, and you will be delighted with the result. Why? Because they will en- able yoo to sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you do eat, thereby keeping rain.] and body in proper condition. Set the best for your Jlfoney. VS'e hav now a well selected assortment of ^ln .-s Slippers and ,. in Kid. Oongolu and heavier gradus of footwear fur Lmln-s. <J < i.'iit.t. Childrun. GOODS, Cheap and up to dale in Style. Inapect them, compare the prices ard give us a chance to make your feet comfortable in warm weather. Custom Work and Ropairiny at usual at Clayton ' Wm. Clayton, - - Flesherton AlftMit for LJ .mini. ,11 Money Order Bxpreaw. FLESHERTON u, .. * U, ilii Oil Oil < * On * \t. * tfc * Oil It, II. I. Great Clearing Sale of Summer Goods \\'i will start Wedcnsdav July 25th wit a di-arii);: sale of all siimniiT ^oods wu are bound to i-lt-.ir our -tuck and have reduced the price in all lin-->. uf _ r nods. This is a genuine salts and the |irici-> mi i-vi-ry line in the shop shall be cut to <-.st and n.i \\ lint-> will nin much below that. We have not .- rn nii-ntion on- i|tiiirt.)r of the many bargains, 1 ifli >w we will quote you a few : HXi yards f.,tion. .H) yardg to a weh. spevial at 9c a yd., wa will clear 1 bale t pr yard .................................. 5)0 yarda Cotton, regular (Uc, rpecial per yard ................. aUOyanU Cruinn, Uwt waHlung print.-*. rei(. l'2fc now ........ 100 yardH good waHhahlu print, re. 7o, now ........ 2 pn-cfn white pnpie, ruij;. 'J'J. now ........................... 1 piece white | Hjne. n-i{. 1">, now ........................... 4 piei.-u atrip Drewi Munliin, reg. 10, now ............ .... '2 pn.-ces fli.wtn-il Dresn Miulin*. rvg. 15. now. ."> piix>e \Vlnic Duck with dark spot and anchor, for children'* wear, reg. 1-, now .................................... 1 i>nly lady's Velvet cape, well lined, ren. $4.50, now ......... 2 .inly l.ulieM Velvet Capes, nicely lined, re. $3.25. now ....... ii oiiiy ladies Cronh Skirts, rg. |1.26 and tl.36, now ......... 7 only la.liei White Duck SkirU, mg. 11.15, now .......... 5 unly ludieM 1 '.Vhi-e Pi<|ue. SkirU; reg. |1.36. now .............. "< 6c 1'"' 7o M 93.M 1.00 rtjc 1.00 V f ff W * * If * * If If If If * * Ja JJa Flesherton, Ont. 1). McTavish FL.ESHEKTON ON HAND REPAIRS.. F-r Miissey-Uiirris, Noxon, Fleury nd Wilkinn n farm Im, lem. i, Bleury and Verity plowa on hand itli the tmin a'no all kind" o repai Frtliasivnn. W'a manufacture Wagon*, Buggie*. Cutters, Squint, etc H'.rehoeingromptly attended to. Special atteutiun to tender tin ri-'.-d feet. Iio'xingAnd Plow Chums i.. nstantly on hand. 1 MELOTTE AOKXT CREAM ]-! SEPARATORS Which have no equal. It. taken \ let* power than *ny oth*. Doea more work in less timt. !i>fparteM mure ffUcienUy. All U.-ariiiu |ir<H^c-tl. Feifect lubrication. Mo tin topa. Milk and cream paaa ,,ver thickly enamelled rfac. Ho ti* plntex, tmt aluminum, which nefer ruU and h eaaily cleaned. AUo aMiit for the Aleiaoder Cre*B Bepantora

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