Ar<;rsT T H K F L K H H E K T O N ADVA N C E THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE AV<,rsT 30. wwtitW: . /o ^ 60. Jfow We 77/aJce ffiuainess SSrisk in 7?fidsummer Values hkt> theHi- aiu Nure Ui crvito tlenmnd no matter whit the HeftHon. And coining now at a time when unit wain.. I lhuop|Hit unity >>f liuyiuu it in* .si tfiii|ttinj( This \ the wuy in which we keep trade rushinp lit all st-aRous uf the yi'-tr, and evun though somubi.dy limes inoin-y <>n must all of these linen it matters nut ao long as you urif the 25 I'.' . . 10 doz. 25 Can you Deal; Afford to Miss These Mercerized Salt-rn Skirts, Knuit ifuily made mid fiiHHlud ih correct tiling for hard enr. Ordinarily them- KO<)H would Hell at 81.25, but Ordinary value* nre no better than the uthei fellows i,ive. T.ikc your pick now ax soon at you can at each ..... The cvlvlirteil "Text" Corset, all size* from 19 up. The-sc uo .-In are niiulu (if riiieM cou'ide jean, 2 side stoeU, lace trimmed, and are thorough- ly warranted l>y us. In other t-.wns they are sold at 75 ct and aro con- sidered ood value. Havmj{ bought ourt at "a clearing out piicV we (ball wll thvtu while they last, each ..... Ladies Shirt WaisU We have reason to think our Male of these good* during the pi eaent Heaaon has bttrn the Ur^n-t enjoyed by any rutail store ncrealxmU. Does that ound unreasonable oonsidrriiitf the value* we have given! To wind up the aeaan in these goods and make a thor- ough clearance of all lines of Ladies' Shirt Waists in itock we inaku the price, each ...... Hens' Union Sox, medium grey color, white heels and toes, and ribbed top. These are excellent wearing goods are sold everywhere at 12J cento pair, but to clean out the lot in a hurry we make the price special 9 CtS, 48 CtS. '25 CtS. 25 cts. Ladies Linen and Pique Shirts only 26 all told. thee is neccftsary. The price* were 1.00, 1.25 and a Not much comment on few were f 1 76. To cleKr we put one price on all, each ...... ^g ,.j ^ Every day now make* aome preparatioos for our Fall Business. We want you to help us and at the name tune help yourself by taking aome of thee goods out of our way and thu make room for our fall purchases. F. T. HILL Ac Co MARKPALE li^WAMMMWMWNMW^^ Advance >CBUIIID WEEKLY AT THK OFFICE, COLL IN<,WOODSTET, rLMBBBToN, "M . T W. H. ill' l.-t-v 1 IMI annum MI i. ii\ In advance Advertising Kates : 0* Column. I >ear, *j, half col., 1 '. * quarter col., one year, $15. Tran il.ut advertisement cbarg*d ai the rate 4 culO>r line for Aril Insertion ao 1 * cent each luwrtiun, Tlic game in Chios is now st s standstill. TLo legations) have b i n the empress and (inperor llol nnil there JJ no uuvcrnmi lit in China Pekiu is in tin- limuls cf ilit ulliul f no -. who arc now 'iw:iit- i'iK liu: jiul^tiit nt 1 1 ho pronounced by the European poweis. If tho powers can u^'feu all will be amicably settled iu a short time. If Hiiisia insists ou territorial ucquisilion, us it is tli'juglit hlic will, then: may be very serious troub'u ahead. Tho Kiitt'.isli prcus is agui.i talking war with i'luucc. Altogether this ct-iilui) is closing with grim and widespread death and distinction throughout the world. Already this luxt year of the century lias seen war iu Nicaragua, the (iold Coast, Bouth Africa, the I'ljillipiin-ri and China, and Russia has gobbled up defencolefs /'inland. Truly this has been a year of " warn and i iiinois of wars." POLITICAL For some time ti.. impression has prevailed that the federal elections would take place tliid fall, bat later 4'1 vices stale that there 13 a probabil- ity that lliey will not take place until next spriug. This, however, will not prevent buth parties from going ahead with preparations in order to steal a inarch ou the other fellow. Bboulil Dr.! be the nominee of tin- Reform party for South (hey on Mon- day Hi-it he will find that ho has run up the hardest, opposition I r has ever had to contend with. Mr. Uicliardsou is surprising his friend* by the energetic luaniier iu which he has i iitutul iuto the preliminary work and by the strength he is developing, an! they believe hid prospects arc brightening every day. Speaking ol South Grey, tUe Empire of /Vida> last has tin- following to say : In Buth (Jrey Dr. Landerkin in n > m , hard to inJuw the |H>'>ple to mint upon his running K*III. He has promised to get out of tho .1 v and give somebody lav a chsiu.-. but uf eourau if the lotrx are bound to have him hd will yield to their wishes. There i.n't aa much en thu.-iuin over him aa he wuld like, but he Kill probably succeed in capturinij the nomination. He .-, howtttr, much weaker ninou^ tlm votcrH than he used to be. One reason for this is that South Grey cherihed the anilution of heii'K repienenteil by a Minister nf tin- t'r ,n, Hiid in IMIMI the doctor tin in that if tin- Liberals won their wish- es in thu icMpect Would Itv gratified. He fell d.iH'n li.inl on tliat |ir<>[M>Hition, and ilu- .i.iiiiiiiiiniv (hereby ao|iiired the idnn that he was a back ininibcr. On thu ntliiT I, .in. I, Mr. Mu'ilirw of KU'slitirtoll, the ( 'miHcrv.itivo noniiiu-r. i- u man nl ..IM! HtaiiduiK I.IH! well 111.. .1 M'- wm in the count y council fur yearn, i~ IL W WQ Notice I* ber.b> given that mj wife has left iiiv 1,-Hl au-l board, and from thu dale I will ,,,,t be held rpon.lble for any ird.l.twl- II*M lucurrtxl by her The pobUo will tharef ar. guide tbomiolvM acoor,ln,.1, Kill tlivrcture JAM"feH JOHNSON. and know him. the rnp t -ct and uatviin of all Fall Fairs K,IK| l.n-y. Kli-Nlii-itoii, Oct. 2 and ,'J. Kxhihition, Toronto, Aug. .'7 i St-| -t. H. H. J. Hill. -i in Kaii, t,, i:., .1. A,.li.n, Out., Sept. House & Lot For Sale. Blotk F.No. IS Id. Kle.berton. good fr.m ion. and lrg> rtaUe. K-K! gwd..n. and fruit treet. noe<l well, kino I'eja lit, block S lot 4 '"f'miiliiKl n. i. - W *' Wlck< ""- '''" . or W. II. Voters List, iPOO Municipality of the Township of ArtemeAia in the County of (Jrey N..II.'.- i- IHT..I.V (.ivru -liat tranmnlt- tedurdellverad t,. tha |>xr>nt nirntlone<i in - .-i ami r, ..... \ .,..,, l-iut Ao , ,,,,, Oni Soiin.l, Sept. 11 to 13. J. ti. MacKay. rent XorlliLvn, Ci.lhmjw. >...!, S t .|,t. 1 t.i '_'!. < '. nti-ial A k '. S...u-ty, Wntteis Kidlit, Si-pi -J.'i : i. .'*;, H. .1. Unls..n. Sullivan, l'.->ln.i-.i, Svpt. L*7 t-i "S, Win Smith St. Vinci-ill, Mn.f.iid, So| i. -J7 i.. >*. llnll.iiid, ( li.itswurth, Oct. - In.'J, John Mel).. n. J. I. Kuphrnhin, U(H.klyn, Oct. 5. Mr. . I.. lin Franklin, i.fthiH town, .is UK yi'jtrn nnd '.I nionlhs old today, sayn the lialt U, i oitor, and the in in IH Mill eiiinpirulively vignroUM. Hi- Mas l...rn on the lt of November, I7''4, on St. Oeor^e'H Channel. Helivd in the old country until the year 1!0, travelling lhroui<h In Ian. I and visiting every county in the KnieraM Isle nitfniiwliile, and then emigrated to Canada. He has lived here ever since, with thu exception of a short lime in the Tinted States. At tho time of the McKonziu rebellion Mr. Kranklin wax a intMiiber of the 5th Kig- inient, Htatiuned at Cornwall, and w.i . culled to H^hi for the upholding of tin- Kainily Compact and tho Hynt em of gov- ernmuiu that accompanied it. Mr. Fiaiik- lin is probably tho ol.lext man in Canada. H.i lays that the great iUnjaniin Frank- |in was his uncle. .Something new in tho way of parti es - ,,, ie.|inril by said seetlont to te no tran iiNtt...l.,r iK-liveri-.l f tlie li-t . I.. |,ir.imi,t to said As. of all penons apMariDf b] tin- L.M revineil Awrninvnt n I! of in.. si,| uniinclpal Ity to On eatltled to TO** in the i I IIUKM. . !"r liiulnlinnoll mi. I t Munii-iiul KU-vtio:.., n.l that ml.UUt waiflret |...te.l \j|. at my ..Hie. at KlmherUiD ob tho IWIi tlay of Aucust !!> ti'Mi. f.>. luipeel i !. t...1,ln:n.. f Hit. and If ail) <.nn M..I.H or any other ti. rouml therein to lake ImnMOUU proceed- havu the id erran c irr.'tti I c( to law. lHU'<lat Klenhertvn thin I4tli .Ui ..f W .1 HKI.IAMY. Clerk of the naid Uunicl|*llt\ , Wm. HcCalmon, Importer ol and Dc.lrrln sraise, scone 4 muiu Granite .ad Marble Work OF ALL KIND Monuments Repaired AMI Iiuciiptions Cut un ShortcU Notice. Sydenhuui st , Flesht-i t . ,11 place in town the pum week, nothing lessthana M hooping cough party. The sense of holding surh a gatluring might on first thought be quutioned, but that it ia all tight is curtain on full en- '(iiiiy. Tin- 1 1, mil, n comprising tin- party were nil afflicted with Iho nongh; no othurs were asked and you may dupund nt> tithoiii wished t4> go Tho In 1 f>lkm kttendance had as good a time as their affliction would permit, and no one was any the worse. Ml. Foiodt Hep. Bernit> Oalbraith, second HUD of Mr. J hn <ialbrsilh of ChsUworth, was thrown from a bicycle at Walkerton, where he was in the u-npluy of the (1. T. R., and received injuries from whicli he died a few liouis aft- i the accident. Fanners' Healcs THK HKST A\ MLABLE The undcri IK..M] in railing th bent Farm Sralu. that can ba |>ro,liu-ml on the market. known u h* Hand j Tract ncale. I also ke|i Kuardi and (ectluim f>r rtlBorunl machinery. Inme >luielne dans <MI tha approved principles, ai I ba*. workud und.r the Tterl- nary surceous In thu Old Cuuutiy I'ric.Tille, July , 1900. 11 ICII.I \ f arm a fox* 6a,le Lot 146 - 147, Cou. 9 N. T. and a K., 100 acre. SO aorwi cleared, baUnru hardwood. t,>oj frsiiie bouse and baru, It inllei from Fluvher Alw SS acre* with good frame barn, Is acre. un.lui cultivation. 10 >-.... hardwood bunh ami balance rough ami \\M watered iMhsrloD Jan. 13, igrjo. W. A. ABMBTHONd. M. Richardson & Co. Only a few days left of August I We shall continue our .special sulu of seasonable goods daring th0 few remaining ilays of August. Sweeping reductions have Keen made in all depart- ments in order to secure the necessary space for our fall purchases which are daily arriving in increasing quantities. jfugust Prices for Ladies' Sailors Ladies' Underwear Ladies Belts Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Whitewear. Ladies' Footwear Shirt Waists Fancy Neckwear Fancy Ribbons Fancy Shirts Men's Straw Hats Men's caps Men's Footwear Men's Underwear Fancy Prints Fancy Muslins White Piques Table Linens Linen Towels * All these Seasonable Lines if prominently displayed + and marked in Plain T Figures for your inspec- * " V M V * tion. $ | .............. , . i Hardware Depart. Specials in Lemonade Setts Handsome pattern, gilt and facy designs on plain and colored glass. Large I'iteher, 4 Tumblers and pretty, fancy white metal tray ........... $1.L'."> pecal in Sranite V > Best Quality Gray Granite- ware. Four sizes at Reduced Pric es 25cts. SOcts. 50cts. GOobs. $ars for All sizes in stock Axle Grease Special Diamond Light Axle ( reuse. Full sixed Boxes 5 for Scents. Bull fo^Service 8 ^ RichardsOH cSc Co. Thor, ngiibin.l Dm bam bull with pedluree for .rvice ou lot 146, ted W. T. A H. k., Art. uie.ia. TVIIIK t\, fur .IngU, reductlou foJ three or uiurc. N LAWHB.NCE 1'ruj. OWL.s' SOUND, OiNT. opaits for J>a(i "Ucrm Sept. 3rd, Ipoo Tonrtff ram &nd wuiuen nho m^li lo be succtrtbl'ul sliould call or vnite for panicnlars and be ready to til Dpcnm Day. C. A. Fleming:, Principal, < I\.V! N Vicinity Chips C:iur;n-tcrisjii-. ; of the Week ':irr:llj Culled fr the l'uriu< TuWirshi|> Council will met a Satur- day iMxr. Freh limfl itlvsy* on hand. J. H. Ducked ', Kugrnia. A few second-hand bicycles from $6 up > |30 at J. U Sir Gfcarltw Tup ( >r will s|.,-.ik iu C..U- ii the evMiini; u fur accidunts and barn bunting su*> *nceville ami K'onu's enrrcspoodvooe. Born In Flvshertim, 01. Tuesduy, Aug. 2, iu Mr. aiMl Mrs. E. Tbi>mjan, a da*i{htur. The R^-f.inn ciiTentiuB to chuoso a candidate f< r South (irey will l> held in Durham un Munday next. For Sale One general purpose mart-, 7 jrr. old, in foal; one cov-red bu^vy, <nroad cart. \V. W. Trimble. Or. E. A. Little, demur, will be at The Munihaw, Flesl.taimi. tli :<rtl Saturday iu each mouth fr.m 8 to 11. 30. . ru. Mines A.liu and Annie Jy rendered R very sweet duet in the Methodiat church Sunday evening hich wan highly nj'jirv ciated by 'he audience. >s|>ri-j |iri/-i.- list i^ now iu the lianU of the secretary, Mr. \V. .J. Kernahan, Fe- verehani, fnun h(nu copies can IK- ed. The f^ir'iikca pUce "b Oct. 4 and 5. Dundalk IH II.IMII^ a h t time with their teaching staff and Hchool board. Mil- n' the lat'er and onw of the tt-.ichers have nuigncil ai.d t|i- end is not vi-v KARMS K(R SALK - Frnn of f r ,) m "V) to 2.")<) acres si'nited iu Dtilfor.-n.iiiry and SIIHCO. I'riei-s from $700.00 up to $7000.110, tern * oav-. K. .r pHtticiiLirH riti' <;, -. Kn'nerford. ! x r,7, Sh,.' huri.e. (>i r. Should our KuliM'i I'crH not rect-ivi- (heir papi-nt next w.-ek until .1 d..y or t.. Iritur ill in usual IM uouasincH* ud U' felt, as the eilitor i;i i>e alw.t ;uul things will go slow,-r i:sul. TUe band boys who attended the I. O t'. L'r.ii.d litl^o in Oneii S.niiid la>t wt-t k i-'uniHil home '[uitu . '.tied . - sj ill .1 usil. Tl-c onler Ki-.uitwi them :i dunik tion of fevonly five dollars and their rx- i-nvs for the two d:iys' work. Mr. F. T. Cnrr of Kiiwiii:i ill-sires <is to orfei in bin n.-i'i.u ,-i snltniial reuaid for infunnation that wi:l leiid to 'he con- viction of pitrt.i, - who placed mils .icross ijii.- ronil i:i-nr tlie M'Tx-y corner recently in onJer to iujuru hicyclisls. Mr. Ihnii-.n Marshal), proprietor of tha Thornbury Stuidanl, has purchitwd tho Clarksbuig Ketlector and will amnl- miniate the two papers under the nnine of Sundard-Ketlector. Mr. MarHhn!) is making a good pupcr out of the Standard Hiid The Advance wuhos him pnmperit^. Thu services of our band are becoming widely sought after. The laUst offer* uf .ugag 'meiirs are from Toronto for Labor Day, and MVaford and t'olIiiiKwood ex- hibitions. The bund U in good thape under Prof. Tucker and is deserving of its popularity. Whi'e some little Iwys were playing to- gether on Friday last one of them, little WilUe Wilson, threw a stick which acci- dentally s'nick his cousin, Jimniie \\ :K,.n of Tonintu, cutting a gaah uuder the ejc and bursting the eyeball. Tim little suf ferer was taken home to Toronto on 8at unlay and an eye specialist consulted, who does not think the eyesight cim liu sjivixl. The injured child was only four yean of age. The SUyner Sun nays, "\ new nnd protiiable industry is said to have sprung up around the hanks of poinK and siimll lakes. Tho common cat tail, which grows in profuaioo in the waters' edge, lia* become a valuable arti.le of com- wrce, and sells for a wnt a pound. The ca> tails h:r. largely supercedud w<<ol, r'lltoii ii..i l.:ur for itiai Irenes and up- holntery w!nl>- they cos: far lesn than the mateiisli mentiorud. The demand far u\.-i;i-i's the Hupply and is increaning." R, \ . J U'.u-J. MIN (^linti.n and MIH. W. II. Thu is', on attended *! executive metHiiig of the Owen SIMIIK! District League at last Snturday. The neetii.i; ;v is >:.,!lo.l to ret'eite l!ie report of Mr. \V. S Daniel'*, Campaigner, and Iu make, arrangements for the dintrict oovention to be hold early in < >otolT. Rev. Ward and W. H Bunt at- ended the Ow en Sound district niei-'ii.K held at ChaUvoitli last. week. Not much of pulilic interest trni spired, tinancial Unt ;H.rtMiuiuK to the d>stri titking up most f the time. There, U only one imsHiou on thw distiict, that is Brok- holm, and in effort is bein^ made to obliterate t Imt point ;i a un.Hbn.n. Dis- cusilou took pliico ru thu undei taking of a genertl rerival campaign J urin^ the coiniO!; full Meimr'. W. P. O*.Wy and A. Wil ion diuve over to Meafordva Monday to see a bnneball nwtch Ix'tweem the "15oi tun BlooBier" lady team and the Meatord team. W. P. says the mrU put p an A. 1 ga,ne itd defeatwi the hye easily. Th girlt are louring the coMitry, of course under male management, but the ladies do all the playin.' and take all the honor and good salaries. They are a drawing aggregation. A short time njo tlie report wa pub- lislied that the plum crop is almost oUl fniluie iu fins district, hut to offset that i here has scldoui bven a better crop in thi whole Nin.'sni district. A writer ays plum tree*, but more c*[>ecially peach trees, IP large numbers, broke do4ii with the weight of fruit. A large fruit griwcr from Griumby staled t<> him ihat tin- peach crop exceeds anything ever net-n there, while plums are as | lei.uful. Lacrosse Match hail the pluauuruof witness iinx i very lino liicioHse ^<iui' u Monday when tlie Clarkshuig team cuiiie over .-iii-i hud a friendly bout. T*<e teauiH were HIM'.- i n y matched SH ID >izo. The urouii'l x*i wet after a heavy shower of run and a lot of skating and M milling was the tesult. CUrkabur.' t , -..|,-,! rirst goal in seven minute*, FK-shcrion the next m live, and afrur that goaU were made in juick succesaion, svasffiMg up at tlm i-i.d :!iirteen to five in fnvor of Flesh- citon. according to ollici^il count. Art. 11 of Thornbury rrfureed tho game i inner highly .icce|i'-iiil" to lo'li i*!ie Cliirksliii'-^ i-oyj aro a i.i inly lot of jnuiiii in-ii ind took their dt-fviit in g.K>d pirt, Ini- -oiii,- o ih' "n iiniii li.-ive K"t .-.'inn".\ 'i it c mfu^ed ey left town The Advance i-onlil iiiitin^iiixh m tiif |.l.intive strH.ns >:-uwoll ong, "(Jooil-l.y i!lf." It was only n l^pse of Th"> cuueiitly have "! irkdale mi the ll.'llilU I'I'l-M I ' ' J ' i with that club. However, O' d wa.s a feature of tho game 'hroiigli out aii'i everything went, off very cl--.,.-. -u/'y Among the FlesV-rti.u piayers xvhn ilistiiinuishod them>elves by su|>eri' r [diiji 1 '.,' we ini^lit mention UCMW, Slu-p- I'iinl. [lie two Alton*, AIIIIMIOII; and Twolicy, tho latter in goal doin^ soim- work. Low of the Ciarfcshuirs \\,m i-i' t nly a distinct feat-ure of team. He i-- i fat boy but got there with Ixith lure. The ladies were immensely K with his shape. Good nature it a distinguishing feature in connection with ol.esity snd goo-1-uaturetl c' .Irin^ did not rile the fv boy. We will ,ill be glad '<> KOU Clarksburg once more. Personals Re*. T. Legate uf Slayner and forme. ly of Maxwell, called on the Advance one dy hst week. The rev. gentleman bad been visiting friends up in this section of country for a few days lie snjs ho i.s ptospering on the Stayner circuit. Mm Ida Gjerdrum left on Thursday lust to accept a position with her unclu st Noritoud. Idu is a very bright yniing woman arid it was with sorrow that the young folks of Flesheit n saw hcrdepiut. Mr. R. Pedlar of Thorubury made a short call here lust week. Di. k accom- panied the band to Owen Sound. Messrs. Martin snd Fred Good of Buff- alo |,ii\e been visiting friends here dur- ing tho past week. K is f> n or tif le ii \ears iu<-e the fatni'y removed from Flt--.!i<:itoi. am! the young men we.e sai.ill linys then. Mr. Frank VanDuHen attended the funeral of the young u.un Galbraith, who n ihro.ui from a bicyle at W.ilkerti n .d killel, on Thursday hut. Ye editor and Mr. Percy Lawrence ai away this week on a wheeling; tiip up Muskokn way. Mr. Parslow ,.f Sninton Park is tl.e guest of hi* daughter. Mrs. Pefty Law- rence. Mr. Arthur Farewell, late of the Thornlmry Standard, waa a caller on Monday. FAI the |mst few weeks Art. hit* been looking after the literary do partmeut of the Clarksburg Reflector. Mint Annie Bunt cf Woodbridgo is the guest of her brother, W. H. Mi > Kr.inkrt Moore of Inistioge is vis- iting with Mrs. W. J. Armstrong. Mr. T. V. Armstrong has severed bin connection with Mr R. .1. Sproule and left Tuesday evening to accept a lucrative poaition in Toronto Mrs. H. V. Gaudiu returned from Owen Sound luat Wednesday, where she had spent a week with friend*. Mr. John Km ;M<-II returned to hi* homo here on Tuesday from Toronto, where be lion been in hospital for the paat six w.-eks aunViini! from typhoid. Tnc financial Condition of Grey In rvply to aifueHtiou Ky tho Toronto Globe rc.ative t-i the ri.i .nci l e iinlition .f this county, Rogiitrv McKnight of )rn Sound say* : Whether thu aggregate amount of mortgai( indebtedrivsa in this division in grrater or leas than it was ten or five yean ago would require a (rood deal of remtarch to determine. I am free to my, however, that the aggregate rn'irt^aue in- iMiti-dneM aa compared with aggr^ate uiirkut value of real property in turn county IH )>eu(>ruing much less year by year. The debt in uol inrr>HHiiii> to any appreciable extent, while the market value of farm lands it iiicreaHinu. There are few new debts bttiiiK incur- red . When such in thu CUBU it is al- uiuat luvariubly t exiL-nil the boundaries of farms, ot prjvde incrvared accoinruo- dalion by new or enlarged building.. The new relative position of the debtor H compared with ten yeara ago ia im- proved, .mil his condition now as com- pared willi live years <<> is much bvttvr. Tli.-rf li.- In-eu a ntvaily decreaw) in the PIK-H of inoi.ey <if laii- vfsw. While the m irkct viii'H- of fnrm litndu iluring tho last f >ur or tu- yean 11 better than it him l;on 11111:11 the ".Mimtoba Vioom. ' T!i' II-MI-..WC:. ti><>, is in > dennuitl. He !MH no 1 .ni/cr ru apprnicli the lender, hut in 1. Hid. M lieu tliu security it itatisfac- loiy h" is HI n- i .if'.-. ;,nd bin patron. i^'- keenly cmiiprtfU fur, on letins iiiori- t-iv ' to liim than any tun.- in thu pant. You Make A Mistake If you have Pale, Cresnish, or Sallow Complexion, Ccid Hands and Feet, Loo* of Ap- petite, Dyspepsia, Lack of Energy or Stomach Troubles, You Make A Mistake When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act these conditions. Why ? Be- cause they contain ail the natural elements necessary to build up the human system. The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves. All food is acted on by the stomach and pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. WaCTi Pills giv* just UM pro- per help to a tired intern, and dif- fuse a glow ot health through the who!, human frame. You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve PMIa. n oU. per box, IT* bosw for ItOH All drn fists, or 8*in Williams k Co., Toronto. Onk Set the best for your Tffoney. viv * I.V / * * it >*. * I.V laV u/ \iv Of \4/ 14V :> ./ I- iiv j, * **' u v< Shoes, Slippers -in 1 footwear for L.iJu -.. We have now a well selected assortment of BootK, in Kid, Donijoln and heavier grades of Gents, Childrun. NEW OOOOS ^B.^ Cheap nd up In ilar,) in Style. Iiupect them, compare the prices and give UN a cbairce to make your feet comfortable in warm weaijior. Custom tlJork and !fetpairiny as naua/ at Clayton's Wm. Clayton. - - Flesherton for Dominion Money Order I .1 FLESHERTON GREAT CLEARING SALE Finding ourselves a little too heavily stocked for this time of the year and wanting room for our large fall stock which is already arriving every day, we have decided to hold a great clearing sale for the mouth uf September. CATCH ON T To the best opportunity of a life time for buying cheap without any fuss or funny business, without anv noise or nonsense. We are going to put a ma;,' nincent line ot si-asonable goods on the market at |>rirr> that will make them jump. It is a quick turn on very close margins to satisfy a lively demand. Tht'iv is no money in it for ourselves but a grrnt dfiil in it for you. CATCH ON To the fact that choice new goods can now )M? lionghr at pritvs nr\vr before named for values in an\ way approaching thrM- \ve now place at the dis- pn.sil OKWMM awake and disrriminating judges of ;'<>< <! DfJrgssilU wlio will not lose a minute in taking a<lvant- ;ILT<' of this GREAT LOW PRICE SALE OF THE SEASON and si vn re their [tick of desirable new ^nods at lo\v prices. CATCH ON To the tiirt that our eiiiire slock is made up of I )ry ( iools. < iciit > l'"itn!i>hiiivrs. Iveady Mal'- Cloih- iii^ r . .Millinery. Boots and Shoe*, Crockery and (iro ceries all of which we have i heavy StOOK of, bought at old prices, and you can get them ,;way below that again. Call early and see the bargain.-. The prices we are gi\ing are only tor casli and trade. TJ Flesherton, Ont. OWEN SOUND Collegiate - Institute KI ur; MM, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH. =rr=i <*j^JK.f=J, 1). McTavish B S M B KTO X ON HAND REPAIRS. F-r Massey-Harris, N..x<.n. Klcuiy and Wilkinson fm in un, lemcn -loury and Verity plows on hand ah the tint* alo all kinds o lepai ,n, Kr tho .un. W manufacture Wagons, Buggiei., Cutters, Sleighs, ^ic|f Tm|illy attc>uded to. Spec-is! attention to tendiir ecu [ ri'Vi-d fuct. Lo-xioK and Plow Chains constantly on hand. The Own So m I < ollmiist* InHtlttita will r* n|>nii I." Hi-- Kul. ' ! .n on Tnrxlnv. IVtptUli 1900 for t.'fl iinliii.-ii r KM-! ulAMAifloaijou of lHi|nU < larv> roriini 1 '"' 'l rra<ls ( Ci-rti- loM*s aayl for MHII i. .1 i< >n IMM and bonorl into tho llnlrliv I MhooM of Vitc'lrtl S (, I,W, Mr. IK MM', Dnllii^Lry, l*h:lll.' \ All , il . . The A n ii^l A.I i . .. . ^.uifiit HI bn ul on t<lirrtiloD. and -,i >r >iniii>n rrvniiliutt tarun boai'linii lUui, .10,, inny oo ii*.I from W.II loiikin. U. R. I'll i'i;.l, *,,., AOKXT VOK MELOTTE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have no uiual. It taken i lo power thn any other. Does more woik in le tim. Separates tnoiv etncicutly. prot .-i ti-d. Herfi-ct lubrication. No tin top* nnd ci-eai pass over thickly enanitllod snrfaces. platon, but aluminum, which never TUHM ana Is easily cleaned. Also aueut for the Alexander Cream Separator*