Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1900, p. 1

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tetmi 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb .NOT MEN'." VOL. XX, NO IITO Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, Septernb^r O, 1OOO W. H THCRSTON, EDITOR * PItCPKlETi R #m&f>v&c^^ McFarland & Richards McFarlacd. Grey 4 Southgate t-L'NDALK QBtV COUNTY'S BIGGEST STORE TORONTO & Co. rafi.RKOA.IjS RASE BUYING CHANCES In on:- lii^Ciii-1 Stun-. Such ;i I'Dinfort to find j'l.icf tin >,. i|,i\^ ;iiil it iv:ily is i.-iiiiit'ni-riililv mil here. Our it:\ t i-ilii;ir>. c"!n[ilft- ventilation . "i-l ;iir-ori-;ill-M<!es " situation niak''- rlr's a ileli^ht- iully ( "! >|Mit no mutt IT ii"\\ hiirh tin- iu-n-uiy _ Towels A* half thi-ir uu^l (iric?. This ..ii- of .1 (. , : il pur . ' WIHTK WKAK HAI;I. \i.\s ' til .1 I'tT Nil r.ii, -.'"ii i I UiCl- ,:i ot Although n, itiTKiN ,>t 'ill km.l . ^ri.. uiiK-li hit;! ,or than li n ln-.-u. ur facliitu'4 f r 1, iiyin^ 4 ri' -uc'.i that we are nearly always ahlo to , lewi tlian rvgnlur |,iiri. F, r in- stance > , \\ KEK The pitrtu-- ul.r- -x44 inches unlii, nchod 6 thw* , com rcoviM MMde..r ftn KII. >-\i ui.'.ric, tninnivd with preUy luce nd perfectly cut, ie^- in. lowela, will. - m,l f.inm^l einN, rice even n U!L- aii'l pettVfl- uimdH. w. rth .1 ;il>l<? t!u- in. iit-y. I).!' ulr!.. theyii'f f 'list we aball s.-ll al.ir [in i-s '.'.V, all 1,-uv . ,:II.H. made c _ . - ,| i -. tnirin.-d it!i [ir. tiy .', ;>. r j .-en A t'U'SVlP. We Live \\HirtsKIKlS Tnmm*i - ( lu. juvtiy nnlir. i.lcry. fii.l SIZOT u\ .lo . f t ue -II . .lilli'l f :,;|.i ,'Xln V ! rexular |ii-icc90c.,wli.lc litry l>-t 7"> EARLY FALL DRE5SQOOOS Wo u ih to ciil: -in n t,i iiewly .rri\i-.l I 1 r . > I..-M. We hVe me ..f the 1I..I, ,, ,t I..I K.S that will to ovn nnvwhcH- -. i-. n, and wink' \\,f s!:ii\vii.|{ in iiiitlniii! in vrh.it f wi ' ' -ill' I ^ two alike in thowho'e 1. t :n ,1 th, i :i lit.'],- Li 'ti'i- llirulo thrtll til "1 ' I-., v ,ire sjui Tlies' >; a ho i.-.i'i 1 fr in - - :,,T iln/l II. V"U CM!I c! i . MI them ai enc!i !."> K1LAI) 1>1MII;S A I . ., , iry liii-- ^i -.,: i.l with pretty H.n-iil tleC 'ill tl:<Te :ir.' pluim f..r the |..,-kii the new. s- Antony HUH I.ISTKI* KltlFXF^S i" pretty t .t ll n,- r LS.-cr.lu-U' juu-.-itf kiit or full ^ult T dish.s would be v:| ue :t - KINK i:i;ovln l.nni m . ful nilky tiirshe.l in-tki-. i-oo- 1 xuit- u. i Wv-i<!it in gry, brown, . extra value 75 1! AKUIS FRIh/.K SI ITlXG nia.1 ..f puiest long wo.,1, thoroughly "-. uiieci-l!eti for kitts ,. - .it>. imwc.st Oxfurtl grey, etc, per 1 ') an.'. 1 L'.V each. \VhiU tl.y liuit ynu ,.m cl . ion- ^it!l..r pink or I lue tion at each McFarlana d Co Me Far/and d Co FUSHIH munu NE1AT --H'in ' j v.y / *r*.i nrn. 'i^* ** - sy X-f^ X^* A > -y >-"* if * . { * *^ > I '.: f. e opened out a full line , f beir ro_.i iios in We .rooarry^ n.w, ^ of WRIGHTS OLD STOKE, SEASONABLE GOODS w** A <'*"* i**Mry. ,,,d *,n keep in U>ck wvery thing usually kapt in an In all lines uf OP-TS-DllTtli5!CEiy and Su.ti.-s . BtflllTIB II IIEIB o.i anj Centre "jj Window v/JaVr* anj Curtain fjy t fj* ti **<4S, V^teturtf, Oasoitf *tt \ r \Vliich we, tiffer at Lowest Prices flcture FramJBg adnerit Repairing! VndertaVinv in nil it< Kmncri Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, FLE5MBRTON MCV. s. L'ii-ar*. Cainiie*, Spices. C.m nt-d (i.ii'.lK , f CICTV iliscriptii.ii. Kir-'ki'tl til -in hnddits.si | s. GIVE HE YOUR CUSTOM F. A. BUNT Wright's Old Stand, Flesherton K^s tnken sanio * We are haxinj lovely weather :lu>ugh ine are suffering incovenienm lit-cause ..t .. ir. ity of wnter for their an j unal-i while oth-rn have had thir wells | drilled and have ai.und.tnce of water. Am .|i^t ;iin latter. tr.; M- s-i- .In. B. ~- aii'l 'i-.-o. Hnt..|iiiiMii). Mr. Hutci iu^mi i haa al*.. h:nl i tine wind-in. U e> M.. .uul Mr". Atrlmny i ri '|*ntiini; a few ,_-eks at the h me ol the Utter's parents, Mr. and Mr. E. N the resignation of Messrs. Molntyre ar.d Nu .11. to-day (Monday) .4iid it will nut l>e kini-vii -i 1 t<.-i.i"rrow night (Tuesday; who are the lucky on M trkiUle junior* played n name, of la- here "ii M. ndny with thd home team ami Here defe-ttitl to the lane if 7 ". Dundilk :".if. Dm \\ tut.-. . i,e fame, hiu gone to nsuiii.- in i >w.-n > im.l under the ir nf Mr. G - *u John Milkr for 4 few T" liuy a rhaii' nr F.l-in tor littli- iiinif\ VV'al u.-itch KimlH rley iss iv-i-lia .) -ii i few 't'l Dillldaik fnell :- M -M- M . ; - n and K , y p, s I and attended churcii .Jiiif This \MD[> thu la-st week ..ft!, hdiMtnal Fur, many <>i <>iir i s \j r J,,i ;n .' - , ' . are availing ttKMitvlve* <<f thu opportun- church It- ',' lit,- * niimhcr from hero attended jthespecUN rvicesm D.i-nUlii ari-1 *ei- u 4r: ,. ettini< ar(>uud , M M ,,,e- ^'rs K vii and M:-- > ;.\. I. p'lij .1 .ill. lit Visit ' M. I ,,t week. Mr. A >.!,., Public Sch. .l hi.sje.tur. I hav th largest st.,,-1; ,,( LadieV *nd Cold Filled. KM* ;in 1 Nickel .* t-ier <hi.wn in thin section, which I tx.utht in Ian;- - mt i b, theiv i.-, to 20 per ml I :ILI I . I ,-ust m,-r- benefit of : \itnr. It will pay y..u in c-ii'i i:nl _! n. y pricts before \\- u D r ' ~" n "',7 *"** " ""' ' well aum. Ho [>ur- W, iin^er fi-..in K ert.,n t ur H:,i Ii me tca-nii- illMt. Til- I tee are -paring no 't IMI'I.' i grand siiccew and | been f'Ttmj.i' < in iim the j the oh.. i,- 'church wh" . M I I pltMturc of :i:i i : laat week. Mr. wllniijtnii (tnih.Hii left i. t.i day ' at two . rr ','" M - Durham where he will M s Mr. \V . ,S. Bih<>,> h IN t. iu of hi?* re .noe i-. in it.nelf * gtur ir Icussful en'.ert limn ir V'andeleur. i i" i ' lativea fr ,. -m |n| U . '! K. A her- K.- liu bovn ill l>nt we understand Mr. and Airi. W,,, .', ,.,df nl. .v- ipcndiiiK it wv-> ,' \lr K . Ritl Inviu. of \\atchinaker and Je\-. eller :: :i s Cotton Boot Ccapcuai * ^Tour druMist for C* i Conoa W Tk>- no other, I , u kl M:itur*. Mr.Uw. Put '.. . M [ . Prto*. Ma. 1. tl ftr box; Mo.*. ;odegr*tronKr.ttp*r boz. No. I or I, mailed oa receipt of pru* anJ twj a-wnt Th Cok Comvany Wlndr.OBt. 1 aod t told and ncammuuta 07 .l ' 1( ' . f H. -lit hoofed ,,eli.ls <*"i ' ''< '! '-- th, .r . .v hum: fr-in H . trielnl 1 1 U ilker '.llith *\1 .[< Ill ht .On- Mr. E I. Wai'li.ii; .- _'-. r .Inu i'i the city Ll > Mix* Till ie II. i.'!i. lu.tu M viM'mg triendi at Bollun ond T .i"ii'". Mr. .'ind Mr -I. \V ulin.: i>e'i' > i'ur- day mill Suiidiy -*i'.!i Siuiiiii'U:;. at I i.ri; .in BOAR (or SERVICE Tim i , ti.-U.t< .1 Tamworth Bear fOKT LVW 1>AN /'>r irrviof t I'orl I ,iw Crtlflcl cm be MMII by I.I,K ui^ to c.n, . . j' 6. TH01IPWN Mr . J. t*ph 'i ,, wan .-KU'lt tl'lp i I , v ii i. -.:, "i \ ac<|UHi!iuutCM. v ^ ' i"' 1 '. .11 / t aver. Mr. in. I .Mis.. |;. ii,, . v ,,, jay a i'li .Mr .ui,l Mr< M U H.i,ni Mrs. .1 |; I'.r.idbury in.) ifuoy re- turneil fm:.i \ s tiny fneiio in FIuhi" ii ' \v -toe. Diue. StatiuH * - . .'or, L:nv Heart Humbug It is fvhicaable to-day tj hav: a aew heart scare every 24 h^un. The commonest symptoms cf J;.*s- pepsia or nerve trouble, such as j:l- pitation, v:c.'.ic spells, loss of appe- tite, and poor circulation, are :: Mis. Lottie Ki-c-ein.ir. icturncd t.. t!i- - .n!. "i The hir- Seen gathered ' fieti and distortjrf into serious .; Miu.iUy, after a pleasant v;ic.iti .n at the in an 1 fnrincrt .. . i o heart trouble, with the ob ' il hmiii'. , , . frightening the public into taLa^ \'r- U. N'.-'is u i . ..i,. r . t;..rne yi-ar' hard lati, r. til km-js this or that heart remcciv. If a by way nf -Mount F..rot. Mn. N.M . . i, rv hundredth part ot the heart troubles ' * '!' ! tht-i- ;!n:i ."ID ;vi- c-nt. .-f AM nv^nt^o cr.'p. we hear about were real, the cerue- plac. U .wover. although there is not the abui: teries would be filled in a month. A M in* T.I!.,- U'n.lit ..:i( Mr. \V. i/.-i!-. , ot Durham sj,, - f..r 111.1:1 orli-i - i.,:ih.in< >f t!,n ii fill for s iiall in i : s " : n 1 fondly hi \>v for more. i ' -i nic ai.d Mi. J. C. Wri x '!i- !i s,-t ,.|,t tires n h-i il.i-ii 11 d on Sunday iho tire >{: . d i: field which Wua u^ in - . : i allJ atthtMiiib the MII. :> A i- - *)< ' . . _ .A'rs. .Juius (.', ot:s ... ,-u very t 'iriblu thu ' L-e started :o diaw in th oat*. Thry v.vtl all l-ut ix < r MVcn l!i^;k whi.'h wcri- | ir the h' re. Anyi'iio i . sii wiuh l U) ed mi-Jit to Ue,-[i nut "f i h.vt the iratvr p.,il. f .r s i m -,,d. Mr. M. Iv. I'.. . e.l tun! r m^, w.-i- i , .,', -r l.i-t eel'. Cattl- Iviu-rs h.i -. -tivt! lately wht'ii Fred i;i t! i 1 ^slity pk-kiir.; Mr. wron^ construction a put upon com- mon ailments in order to hurr : the people into the belief that heart disease is prevalent, whereas real heart trouble, which is so sadly and suddenly tatal when it does occur, is a rare disease. Lopsided arguments cannot convince an intelligent people. Iron is the vital element of the blood. Too Mttle iron means weakr:ess, lack of spirit, pallid cheeks, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, nervousness. , M .M-S. V nuc, Wright and Duwdle n of K,i . form- tjok i'i t!io !.i liMtua' Kxhtl. tiou last er' parental home. Mr. K.ij'pH of T.'ioiiibury ''i - : .vnlihiold fri'iils. Mr. and in.t wii'.-. Mi and Mn, Wi-lls, to l'.eccn.ft. Dur!u:u l..st vt> Mr. El. Ma.eonii'l Mi sMu:;. t'.yion. .,i Mrs .1. n I , i -. loss of vital force, ending in general break-down, fhe iron m Dr. War a s .'Ir K.i.jer, s ,i .IM ,,f L!K- V M *' \ . viitol witii Mr. and Mis U. M,.- Master, iaii.illi.n. .irlne cd a \ vry pleaiinij .1 1- Ue\ . .Mr. \\lii:.- [j.i 1 | ,~t T..1 i t Blood and Nerve Pills is in the ble form you need, in combi::-U.on M,., with other curative agents in stch a manner that disease can't resist their action. You feel yourself gef.iug well when you take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills. to tli>- y:n:i 4 nitii on SmiiUv !at m.-k t,. a iiu,iilu t t i. ri.ick I er<. .A. Siuitli ,i;id .l.-m^licr (.icontiii.i. * En. D, v, .1.. t i . INI recoil ly . Mr Ii. . . T:...III; .:. n ,.' Sin, \IH ting r. li:m < horv. iOa. r*r >>ot, T MSU.'- ' for H.I. u * Co.. TOR A 1 nto. UBU v r, ur.i >y. r e-\ c """' '"' MKting r.h:n, short... Sabbath evci.in .^ a- M The meeting* which aie bvii.u h.rld ui Mr. John Ucrr, !i-. U !:u,,Ht fu.ly 1,, i,^ w ,1 , . . n tho Moth.idi.it church .iro apparently rvi--n ml fn'ui I .is r^-^-i ,. jlu _ Vl t , ,., >t ,| ,, , u| - H n f . : uurv tl.iin aal-tnin.'. Mlrt-S Id I Sllli'llolls, Mr. J:inui.< Mrs. M. and Matter ,lolin (ill,-. The sn ii:,' u.a n-. >:t.. n_ tiHlk :i tlip to \'. :i "Ul'ltotl . M .s,- -..lil.-iy to \ M- 1 :s 'iui, i-.iiiriinu n M"i:-l.iy. Kev. Mr. .'.Mio.itl l. n IK! mi i-.tni-.-it rker. The Rev Mr. I'.ii '.i ui.tn and wife left last week on a h..'i lay visit with friends in Pi'lhaiu in tho Niair.n.v 1'i^'n t. Councillor Tl.on.pHun and his .'au|;ht<.rs, ' *! '"' ''<''.' ''' ''-i in. > . d .t l-y Mr. \Vhit.Hy tik i!i.- inorui i^ MM vice Annie and Gertie, ttAk in the ^'umi tbe |tm-fr a -o t u- lu-t inn 1 of p.-n- iml Mr Ahboti the e enii.^ tervict; i> i Ci'y'it big fir lost wcuk. A n.i.ubur in- owd"'- S.tliKith U*t ii. the alwcciic* of Hi< past- | tt-nd gt>in^ this wee. l' m c .l.,s. II C. ili-y ..f Mt. K.'iesr. or. Rdv. Mr. Uiicii.in.iii. Rev. Mr (.Iruushnw. KU.slui'on, at- who ci Mo South Africa, rttuin. .: h.-nii* Thirw w.. DO. ,ir,i.. MOII f,, v v C l M1 ,,l t u.K-,1 , ur union pnyer ine-i'ii.. l.vt la*t ek and received a iai.d rn,|l.. 14 lnwtceutu til the vacuci by^iitUv cve.u. B , hi. t-artu-Kt ..'iocuurtv M 1 - of lit.

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