THE BRITISH ADVANCE. Bullet Captures Bergenald After Severe Hand-to=Hand=Fighting. .A despatch fin, I. n.l >n. nays: The War Office e>,- ' peice "ill lie Mit.ililuihed in a few week-, although tb*r ia an increase in guerilla warfare In the Orange Kiv.-r ( . lony, with the reappearance of Gen. De Wet at Ileil- broo. Boer commandoes are gathering at Benekal and !)<; h:>-hpiu. ral Buller'n capture of Uergen- ' dal \va* followed hy tw.i daya of severe fiKhiing. 'I he Uoers <leterminedly held their ground. Two hundred Hand po- lice occupiad a amall rocky k ].j<- . n I It ie<iuned Iniml) irilitient with lyd- di'e and later a <-lHin by the Ilifle Brigade to compl them t i .< .te Their eumnuindant, named Mooathu- Uen, waa taken primmer. The Boers continue to hold positions south of the railway at Belfast. On Monday two heavy guna thelled the Btituth, compelling their transport to ret i ra. General French ia advancing slowly iloriK the north parallel with General Buller, while General H . .-.ail- ing developments in (he centre. LOHD ROBKItrs DISI'Alill Lord Roberta reports from li - fabt. aa followa: "Our tnovement-i ars alow on ac- count of (h extent and nature of the country. To-dajr we made a satisfactory advance, nnd niei i'h decided am-ceiui Th" work fe 1 eii- thelv to Bui er s ! op , n l re.. I . i in i he capture of || Tgemlal, a trong posit. an two nvle.1 noith- west of Dnlm Him h i "I mei II , lei ,, U-igeii-lal ah Iy after it was ie,, U el by our i i,...p. I am Rlad to find ths occupation cont las than was feared, on aoi ..un' of the appro-tab lie ng no ost an op MI la. is for .',(100 or J000yrda aii'l i he deteim nnil stand of th" en*m>. The luiiixkiilniKS anl S.-I-MII i HI |. n.j rf ade f'. i inn I th ai (a k nx pai tjr I hn latter suffered most "I hope the casualties do not x- eed fifty or aixty One officer waa killed and two were wounded. A goo I many Boers were kill-d, and a pom-pom, quick-firing gun, waa captured. J irin h aihaiiccil on (he left to Swart/kopjes on i b Lyilenbuitf road and prepared th- way for (hit in A--. merit of Pote-t'areu'i ilniai-'ii to- morrow. n-1'owrll i,.|iirts tint he oo- CUIHM! NyUtruuui without opposition. Aa the. c riiiiLry wbnre he, ;tn.l Paget a.r* <>i>-raiiriK it druse bash and veldt it U not ditsiriblf at the present to <! further n/.rlh, and their ln~ip~ are ri turning to I'retnrii." A despatch fiinii l.ornion says : The ;|.t..l lli.ti^h riivplopinir move- ment at Muli I'lodorp hat inpirently not Nurceedrd. Gen. Hut ha has gone north with the Lydenburg road open. i i.-nch is nearest to him, with better Timtirits than he h IM had luth- >>''i in the cainpniirn, and (here may be an exciting pursuit. The country i-. iliffirnlt, and fever is follow inn the rains. ''n. Botha claims to have 15.0UO men, of whom 5.000 will fi^ht until death. President Kru^'el is lepoit.-d to be .11 Watervalonder sticking to the rail- way. V ItOHKItl - HI SPATCH. ''Iliiller'/i aitviri<-e mrupiril Mscha- dinloi p ihi< afternoon. The. enemy in i'lr n very (nor stand and retired noiihwird. followed hy nundnnnld's n. Mini i *. I tn.i|.s w |,i, could not pro- bead lieynnd Helvetia on account of the difficult nature of the country and the enrmy ts Icing up a position too strong to be <l.<|od?>-d by the ini'iinted troops. It appears that llul- ler's oasualtiea were very few . I ii-ni h nnol the innvemrnt far as Kl'inilnfontein front h.< li hr tiiTiie<l the rniniy out with IMI <liffirully. The latter retired very i i|> <ll\ leaving cookeil food behind. tal. llnllpr'n casualtiea Aug- ii"t 'JH were- Killed, one officer and 13 men ; wounded, seven officers and 57 men." MARKETS OF THE WORLD Filers o Cattle, Cheese. Grain. &c In the Leading Market*. liiltONTO STHKKT MAKKKT. Torontu ~f|it. 4. On the Mlreet to- il i> there w.-i t- -old two hundred bush- els of white wheat at l 1-J to 7Uc INT Inn ln-l *IL of red wheat at 70c IT Irti.shi-l. 200 at new oats at :>! to 3(lc per liuiihel, aucl 10U Im-hels of old oats at 31c jer huahel ; tweiily-fivfe loads of hay sold at from $11 lu 012.50 IM-I- lou, and one load of .sti.nv sold fur fid fill. Wheat white, straight $<n-:! 8070 \VI,,Mi, Wheat, goose Win- ii, pring. (in-, old. . . ' Oats, spring. . 0.70 Him n I'd Harley 0.43 1)4^ 1-2 II iy . old, per ton .. H . new, per ton. St raw, prr ton. Dressed hogs. Unit. -i, ,11 lb. rolls. KKKS, new laid. . , Chickens, |M-I pair. Turkeys, per lb. i Ducks, each. I 'ot. -i toes, per bush. Iti-.-f. hindquarters. Jteef. foret|uarters. Heef, carcase. Mutton. . . i. ami., spring, per lb. ti U IIIDKS. SKINS AXI> Wi)HL. 029 i. i"i 0.43 11. 00 , ll.MI H.I/0 7.75 IM 0.13 0.50 0.11 0.30 O.J5 7.00 4. (W 5.00 .YOU II 711 . in;- i-j .71 0.34 o.aa 1-2 12. .'ill U n 10.50 H.OO 0.19 0.14 O.HO 0.11 040 0.30 5.50 7 n 700 0.12 1-2 1500 CHINESE WERE SLAIN. Another Fierce Battle at Tchchou in Which Allie 5 Were Successful. A despatch from London, says-' the allies won a yictory at Tchchou Tli.- filing Knag correspondent of the ' and (hat I'rinee Tirin w is killed in D.iily Telegraph says thit .lipan (he Kittle. The Chinese luas >' .1 I h- .1*1 li i>.-.| Hitliatl :. '' Am'>y with th-- pin ; A Japanese cruiser quickly !m.|-.| men .il Kulang-ten and Aiuoy, <! i.m- 5(Mt rnen. The Japanese drove th- re in innli-r of the enemy into Chili. It ie reported that Li-Hung-Ohang. finding the allia obduriu- )ii-i sent ing ili. 1 1 i he .1 Mibjects i h-ie, i to the Dowager EmpreM a ru'-iu : i required |o,.i,.- ,n. These subjects to be delivered whenever she ia found, Miial . I uses, I jinking her to appoint l'i ince I'hiiix- li" "id register in ' Lunp-Yu. Chan-Chi-Tung. and I in '-.i in Jipuieae. . Vicei o>- Nnkwang joint peuct-ni iker.i It ,o r.-(i.>i led from "^ m. M. u I ii it in treat with the power*. 1,769 wh'-- '"I l.ftnx .-.loured. The NAMELESS ATROCITIES. aulea were 790 at HI 3-1. I h- sales- me. ar. ,"... ala,me<l owing to ^^ of the ReUef Qf peklD the hot we.,.l,,-r Arriving mtKssKi, BOOi aJTO HmvisioNS. A despltch from I/(n , lon ^ y , : _ Ao . Provisions .ictive and f.rui Lard count* from 1'eikin describe (he wild scarce. Sui -k.- 1 meats In lighi supply en(.hu.-iiam wh ch mirke'l (he in- here in some linen Dresse-l ho^s firm, l^tween the beaieged foreigners and At farmers' waggons choice will bung their reliever*. The men and women $7 Ml t.. |rt. arcurding to quality, for cheered and shook hands with the offi- bulchera' uae. cere, aoldiera. cimp followers in fact Quotations fnr provi>ions are as foi- anybody who aocompunlnd the allies. IOWK Dry salted shoulders, 7to 7 l-'2c.; The. foodsupply hid not failed, thouxh lon < IKIC..II, car lot, Sl-2o; ton th* iieople in the Legations had to IL.i.. market U, ,.!. l.ui siemly. i,, ta , R 3.4,. CM , ,. s- .,,..,, ,,, lltp ork. eat The Tsung-li-Yamen ,.._ Calfskins are still weak, and not a|n,>0 to 119- DMuch doing, and lambskins steady and < m ,, ked .,, , ._ ., (M .. IVV 12r . fairly actire, with offeringa better. ; mvvliuinj 13o . , i(fhli ,..j,.. hreakf.-i Tallow is steady. The market for W.MI I u , ,._, ,., , ,. v . p ( , nu . h . lma 10( .. ia slow and featureless. Offerings free, ro |, uao ,, nt 10 i.-j to llc; s, nl ,k.,| Iwicks, but exporters are cautious buyers. ,,,. AM .^..t, out of pu kle Ic le*a tha.n Hile-Loi.l dealers quote green ((ri( .,, (IJ ,, UN , for BIIl , jkert n.- cows, 7 1-Jc; arl st,*ra. 80; cured. 8.-. L ird-Tiercer 81-lIc: tubs, 8S-4 I ^ Ounlry huleM lire quote, I it 1-., , . .,,,1, 9 to 9 l-4c Sheepskina-Dealera quote fn-m u u f( a |.i. .-vpt . l.-Spring wheat-No. !.::. to |1 III Sptin* limbs- 1> 1 i s . .,,... ,,u. H7 7--c Winter era are pii) in* r, to Mo. wheat-Red, 7.V aaked, w bite and mix- CalfAkiaa Unchanged at Kc for S -4 r .\ ^^ i_ 2 to 74 S-ic Onta Kiriu, No. J I. and 7o ftr N J while Stir; X. S. J.V; No. 1 white, 24c; to , p|y them witn food , ^ ^ faw ^^ ^^ fuf ffesh meat> the Chinese <|f . ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ u theref<>re% inl . ALMOST ANOTHER DISASTER Close Call Near Scene of Wreck of Scotsman. A denpatt-.h flolU St. John's N'fld., aayji: Dr. Lirwi/eil. sup-iinti-ndem i-f the ll-ep S...I Mis-,..n to Labrador Fiabnl liknn, h> airivnl here to-day i|'rtn i hit iirgt. four-m ist i-l traiin- \tl intii- puMMtnger '. nm-r narrowly v-< ip.-J Idroniinn a tolnl w n-ok la a fog in the SiruMof H.-.h- lole. within a few milnt .f h-i point where, Ihn Urnnh Hteamxi -, .t,iimi waa wnukad .September J.I I isi THE PURSUIT HOPELESS. .avalry Which Followed the Empress Has Kfi in in- 1. A dmpatch fnmi It'.mo aays M u - (life Sulvago H.-tgKi. >hi- ll Min Ister to Ch na. teli-^i ,i|ih.i frum I'e- k n to the Muiistvi of 1 ..i.-irfii Affuira Hi i 1 KiiAfiiun uud Jnimnene ry who were sent m pursuit of the fimung l.iii|>iivvi l)'>w;igr have re- turned In the ropil.ll. recognixing 4 hat H. wun iinpoaaibde to capture her. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. $t- Petersburg Despatch Says They Have Been Begun. A de*n*i|i h fi.iin I mid HI ..iv* -The fjfnly TeU-girnph prints , <i f.t.-i.s- binn .l.iiiirh thit the Cli.n- eiut l.,4/.ni.<i i-l i ins i.> hiv i, \i-d n. w.^ that p>-uc. negifi nit nini hue loiiiiiinnord, anil tin! i imtion o| the II, ed fiuv- will Imve I', kin |,n i he mnn lo di-stim I'MiupU-iel) i he of Itoxers who h.ite t:--.l 'here. M AH ON '3 LONG MARCH. Took for a 12 Prisoners a Day Whole Month. A l.-spitrli fmm 1'ieioria. mys: The f oiiw of <;< M It nil n-l',iwell nnd Mi< k man's Mounleil Infaui iy im Ivlil- nik.- Uarm UII!L<. IXI llule.s n<u l h of PI i ' ->i ia. li.-n I in ll million in. t (Nil. Mihon have arrived here with h.-.i ;i i>< Col. M ih>m hnd only t" d.-ijra' rest l.ixt month. Ile mole niuiy long IUUK lies and took IJ pi i.tnni>r< a day on an average. In an at-dnn yeaterHay near Ma- nhsdi>ilorp llm Bera liMl heavily Many of ih, n dead wern lefi on the One uom-pnm waa <|>'ured. DEMAND REDRESS. German Papers Furious Over Expul- sions From south Africa. A 'l.s-pitch from lire men, my*: I he iis-iit ei|Hilsi,*i ,,f il.-rmin* from xHith Afiir.i niik.-.s the privw furious. U-iMinl.s f.w KI.I.-UU .Minister von lluelow 's prutet-tiuii and invest ut it ion made otx all Kiili-s |h- Hanover (' nii.-r .-) that if l-Jrwl in. I .-111- ru>t f u i m h \vid-nre thit the MIS- ! "- leidintf to the expiilsinn of tin--.- (li-iniuirs W.IH well f..un l.-.l .she fJi"ilH U- in 1. 1.- in t.iku I he colL'equi'li^ I h- \\ ,.-.,., Xeittmg , n .| K In l-< 'In- /4-illUm the .sin,.- |t^il|,,n. foiKeltiliK tint li.-iiiniiy is .ilinoot e.-klv expolliiiH Aaifrioan oitiiena w-ilh liilU ui u i v , I, | ,.,,,, It i* by no iihviu.s nii|, issih!'-, how - e-er, id u Ci-iin.iny ill ileuiaml an expl ni iti .n from lOntilaiHl. OI-KM.VN.s WILL KMKU IMtnif.sT. A ilfsp.iirh fnnii Merlin xaya : The l-'oii-i.-n (Iff, ... confirm* the news to the effect thst a Oerman dr|Mitnt ion from he IranHvaal will be received and li-i.-n.-.l to. It wasilnlnd yrt.-r- I H Hi It the I "lll|.l llllt, ,,f )),,. ,!,.,,. '" " ll! " ve ' '! tnl attention arid HIM-- i i t - it ion LONG GUERILLA WARFARE. Premier of Cape Colony Unable to Predict Early Peace A drspiirh from l':i|ie Town says: Sn .l.'hii i, -.1,1 .n Spnur I'leiinn of I'ipe i'<il"iiy sii.l m I'.u |, inienl y e s- ti-i.liv that he ti-li 'iinlili- to pieilu-l . .--^ution of h.isiiln i,-s lietwern Kngl.'trnl mil h li.insiiial for .some time to loin,- ||,. (,. a red that the ir'i.-i Hi wnrfan- ,| r .ig iloiiK for a COIIsnlel ahle pel lo'l sindl the run ditions in Sonlli Uiin are whollvun- liki- I hose of l-!u M >| i. 41-.' t.. 43-4o, W.,'U- Kl.-.. - dalr are offeiiug, \,, til Dicing 5loSl-4r. -.3 1. \, J.I 3-V to _:.- No. Smixed. CWn-St I..IIIT: No. iyellow,45 ,,ff.-i.Kl here, ,,. 45 l-4< N | . Ilow; 45 l-4c; No. 2 h..|<le.m in country a-kin*? J I" 3<- . - n. 44 !Mc. llarley- oar lots; pulled, ,-xtia. Jil U (>hi,,. , ,1, ,nn. Hy ilc; and cupe.1 s. \n :,, THK FKI'U M \KKKT. Titronto. Snp I I ',. finndisbly. Placards were posted h '-;li ut th c t> die rum thit the. foreigners must be extriminated in five days. It was only the cowardice of tow Chinese, who feared to meet the foreigners In a hind-to-band fight, which proventei their wucoeaa. The. bxxly of Biroo ron Ketteli-r. the. in MLuLiter, was found in a aitivo coffin, under a heap of sand clone, to lh .spot where ha was mur- dered, showing thit the Tsung-li- Nominal- ly. .VH-. Klour-guiet. hut steady. I Yanve-u's tory that it had been, care- Milwaukee. Sept. higher; f u || y depoatted in a houae wa, fils,-. No. 1 Noit h.-m. re; No. 2 Northern.! O n of the worat things was the whole- ile -74 1-4 to 74 1-Jc. Kye Kirw ; ; hockim deaecration of the foreign w is .sin--Ahai -lull to-l iy. ^"' L '-'' Hal ley --!', i im-i ; N-'- '2, brisk movement in 1 51c ; sample, 3rt to SOc. * ! , il.-i-iiiied a liiile Iluluth. Sept. 4. Wh,.-it Xo. Ihir.l, oomotery outside the west wall. The de tail* ars too revolt iiv* for publica- tion. Kvwry day details of The c,>n>ensus ,,f ,,pin- i,, u u, that th- liuiwiial city and l he palace dest royed. i, f ,- .i FIGHTING AT BRANDWATER. Gen. Rundle Takes Some Prisoners and 70" Head ol Cattle. A despati-h f i oin |,i. n, I, MI nays: Lord Roberta cablea the War Office, as followa; "Oeneral Itundle irportn he nvnle a reconn.iuwnnr in the HIM nil- water basin on August L'li. in, I suffer- ed aoiiiv c isirilt H. , On,, it.,., , s kill- ed an.! 17 wetf t- i pi in ei| He also M-- oured TUll Ui'a I of cattle.'* niunknt lh"r- | |*.it-hi-s, an-1 in ,..ii-.v|ii.-,,,-,- yiiot n.oiis rnik.-.- c.ish. 79 5-Sc; DecemlKT, 79 7-(V; No 1 ,,t r. -il iea accumulate, show i IV g that n, f..|l.,s:-l',virs, .'0 to 40o p-r I.,. K li.-rn. .-:ish, 77 - -.-, .'ember, 77 )>Illv , hB ^verest punishment that kt ; linritoeM. 1(1 to 15o per bisket; '>''<: Hi-ceiuber, 77 7-fc; No. 2 North- ii| i^, f e (| j,y the wh>le oole will, 111 to 15c i-i ln-ket; ap- ern, 7,'. I-',-. Aprinx. 71 3-4c. Corn-'40 be. .ifL-quit*. plet, M to .'On p-r l>isk.-i. .ppl.-s. K-v Oat*. L"S 3-4c. rh- in-, per kirrel. $1 to $1 ."itl; Kreen IV-lio,t. .-v.j.i |._Whest Cl<ed corn, 3 lu > p.\r lo/,-n, p,,,,io-s .Ti No 1 w bite, . ush, 76t-. >'. '.' r..,l. cash. 77 Chiiirae are likely to interpret the to S5o p.,r bush, C.iiit.liin p.-i.h-s, 3-lc: S,.,.N.IH|I.T. TV 1-fc. forbearance of tbe allies as w eakness. 25 to 4ic pi )>isl(,.|; choice p-ii-|ies. Si Louis. Sept. 4. Wheat r>.h, ' 60 to 7J- p%r buki'l; Lawton beriies, 71 S-4c; Deremlier. 74 7-J-c. 6 to 8c |,M bisket; plum*, il to ftic; T. ledn. Sept. 4. Wheat Aupruat li to _'lc p-r biski-t, .'H'l September, 77 1-lc; Ortt>ber, 7Sc; 35 to jOn |. c.-l'-ry. ;i to I>iN--mT, TH l-4e. Orrn No. 2 cash, 4(K; pr il->/.-ii. luii-.klflx-ri ies, 7a to 9tk> I- I-N-. Septeinlier, i'J l-4c Rye^No. I*-.! lusk't; S. mi hern graptw, $150 to -<'asb, 51 l-'.'c. Cloverseed 1**!8, fl.7;, | Mr crat.-. (Vinadiin champiims, prime. |l); IHW, Sli'.'J 1-J; October, TRY TO SACK CANTON In l.'i to JIH-: Monrei'N early, SO to j.o; ami Unnnas, II..TI to )2 pe.r bunt-li. No. 2 |5.85. TWO SMALL "MISHAPS." 52 of the Klmberley Corps and 14 Seaforths Captured. A despatch from Is'iidon. says: The I'HODUCK. - lln< ! m-iii-.s ti>-ili\ w, it- free, anl the mi rice t easy st \i to 13o for rli. ( No J h"i weather PKtts .s,.|| it !> i,, ID,-. ii.. ,1,-is here, nm Iniyiiuf c4i<>ioe egs at He, de- li veretl. l',.l.iloert The market ia easy, and hln^-l offi-rinKS very liberal. Market is well mippl-iod mil lower prices are pre\io U s uietititin of fighting in this liA.ked for. are buying here n*i|(h>>ourho(>d ),.,,) \*^ n ma,| ( ., though HI alMiul 2. r - Boxers Only Succeeded Wrecking Four Houses. A depntoh from Londum says: A de.*ptoh to the l>utnil News froiu H'ig Koug, .tiled Tuesdiy, 3.S5, stat< that ou that morninit an abor- tive attempt was matin to sack thi oily eectiou of Canton. It hi. I bweo pUnned evidently to make. 'he. attack a big affair, but it faihxl at t-be- moment through I h* rioters' 1 iok of co-operation. A handful of A harhlful of suldiers sufficed casualty lists Just pu',l,--.he,l show . hit , ,,,,, ,, list mlu nee. M ,ny tbe lloera capint.-,l >J pi I.SOIUT- at pi is.>ue,r were taken. Kour h.-u-.-i Klerks,lo-ip on July 25, principally of in all weire wrc-.kel. Hat rod of the th- Kiinboiley M'lint.-,) tv.i.s N,, '< in the. explnnation gives , ,. ... fir the- outbreak. linnhfl and sell out ! it is known tht Klerkstlorp was REBELS' LENIENT SENTENCt of store at |MHU 30 to 3. r n- per bus|,,.|. ,.\M mie-l aUnii a fortnight ago. H,-.iii. fh. -ii-.- hand-picked beiina are l'i%.sibly the men wore snapped up i Carttp ' s Ridgre Burghers Allowed tC w.iith $1 7nol 7 . hj af.i,-,- ,1,-i.u -h.-d by De Wet f rorn ! 00 With Fines. Honey (MX,,) him. y ts with Heit/lnu g. on the oth-t nide of the! A <^*"P"tch from Kimberley aays- .i<-iive sui... IK-alnra are, paying ti l|Vttl, Where tie w. is camped c<n the day | The trial i.f the Carter's Itidge re- 7.-. ifiitKide. tiuote fr.m 8 of tli- niisln|i. | lie Is. whu were, caught fighling, took f.<r lb, for S, III. or li(l-lb tins, j The lit also Oiow tint there wusa l''co yewtej-day. (' honey m-ll.s h,-r at ||.5U to $1.75 fijiht at liietfimtein. pr.ibuhly near The two U-,i,l,,r of the band wera pei .lo/.Mi .s,s-tron.s. 1'ieloria. last Thursday, in which 14 fm,-d fliivirh. while the other pris- llalail hay ,n,l j..-ller apart "f the Seaforth Uigblan.U'Ut were cap- j oners wen- meiely detained until tht in their and very little is sell- ing. Njx 1 timothy will bring IH.T.i to ll-iled hay far lots are .(iioleil u $r, In $;i.. r tl, on l I.L k ll,.|s It it h.-i .s , , S.-II at alMiiii III lo Hi- foi, 'We. II VI It "I M \lllvl-: IS. HiHInr I'hu.i-e dairy butter in a I 1 1 Ie fcan-f i ml v ilin-.s firm. The de- liveries nf UK-olid i|ii.ilily urn m,, i,. fiis- tli an <U-alers like. t'reamery l>iilli>t iisacti lo i etiiili-i > tt. l>, ali-i.s were l oil iy as follows. IXiiry, liil>s, 18 lo UK- for choice; 15 to ll., foi M'cond qiLility, sin ill daily lb prints, I'J to 'M-, 1-ie.nuery, tnt>s , n . I l,,,x,- _'!( to iL'c; Ills, tl |o THK 1'IIKKSK MAUKKTS. Woodwork. Onl.. Sep. 4. -Al the r,- Hiilai met- i i UK "f lilt- local flo-.-.s,. i: i,l. held ht-n-. there wrre l!l f u toiien otfeiiMl 3,677 boxea of . hees,-, turrd. MURDERED A PRISONER. Shockln; Work of Boers Near Krugendorp. A dnsputch from Krugersdorp says; A piiti-ol of five while .scouting, were firetl u|Hin fruui a siupposrd neutril farm, (be inhabitants of whirh had t :iken the oath. One wns wounded and oapturod by the Boers who then iiuir- ih'ied IIMII lii-iiin k . his In mis nut and riddling his body wtih bulleta. V punitive force of SOO men, with nne gun, under Pol. Carr. surprised the farm, took two prisoners, ami burned the h"Utf>, bringing '" ' ' " men nnd children here \tins anil un nninit oui wen- fnun-l. i-onc.- a |,-,| ,. n t he I u m 1' is hoix-il that an ex.unpli- rioiu4i of the c-onn. ConaidnraUf fi-eling h i.s l)eeu arima* ed by the leniency of the sciitenre In IhiM affair foliuiel S,,.ii linnet fell and a niimK-r of th- Kuulii-i ley gnrrioon were ki.l-xl and wnumli-d. PRISONERS*RELEASED. They Are Now Matching to Join Lord Roberts. A dmputc.h fiom l^.ii Ion siiys: A dtv~|M|i..,h fl.Mll l.ol, 11 /.o Mllijlles xtalett that all th- Urn sti pi is -n. -is will be iui'ie "'" mitii taken. at NctiilKtvliH-.ui have U>i-n 'el, by the. l)>nrs, au.1 are mirching to \Valt\ivilU.vnn to join (irner il Itoli e.ri.s. l'r.-si-le.n( KIUK,T and all thf I , IH-V i-ffic its n- in- A a: \ | spruit. Ii is uini uti-l Kruner's gramt- s'-n. l-ii.iff. his arrive.) at [jurnnzo M.U que% bringing 15 oasea of sp- HINTS FOR THE FARMER. i-oi 1.1 1: 1 . KOTU VentLUte weJi me roosiing houaes for poultry during hot weather. Poultry would be healthier if not con- finexl Ln any building to roost in at night, for mun huuae* for this pnr- pone are eotorely too close. Fowls ahould be well supplied with clean freah water during summer. Be Tery careful about the drinking ree- aela to keep them well cleined. for thia ia where most diseases start, and from where H apreada. Better to have large vessels than am ill ones. but puxe running water U beat ot all. Feed \hr jiHing, giowmg chick.t re- g-uJju-Iy, for they cannot p.<k up a good living and develop into good birdo without it. Th O..I.T fowls m-iy get aluog, but th pulleta will well repay you n-xt fall and winter by giv- ing them gi oil attention nuw. Sep- arate Lb cockerels from the pullets aa auon as possible*, especially the Bm.ii! breeda. Oull out the old flocks lo give room fur the growing chicks. It would be much belief if the old fowls were kept entirely oeparated from the young ones, and u will pay lo have yaoda ao arranged to separate the flocks, or any pan of them at any time dvetred. Matured fowls will give better rwulia any time if yard- ed properly and attended lo lhan if running at large. If fowle are constantly kept in one place fun- yars they are sure to have consumed the necessary supply of gxil in a great many ii-.mtie. and they ahould be<l with grit and shell matter. Lime abimld be constantly within their reach. Lime and sand mixed, auch aa ia used for plaatertng. ia excellent. It pay* to ke*-p them supplied with oyster shells, too. A trough of bran kept n the dry but whore the ch.cks c.iu have access to it at all tioteo will be found of ex- cellent effect in preventing bowel trouUee. If the bran becomes wet it i.l soon sour and w ,11 men become a source of dJfcsise. Whatever shelter ia proviued for it UILLM' b- built u,th a vit-w ot perfectly protrctiug from duiu|>neaa. ll is well to kvp the fact in mind (hut pure air and sunshine are the beat of diamfectiiiiis. They dis- count everything in keeping the nursery coops LU condition. theoc coopa oveir frequently so when the boos aud the^r bruuja are out on the runge the sun may oil them all day If rhiA ia rtsgularly attended l<> .iivd their location changed ao aa to occupy a fr<ii spot of ground once a week, you can relieve your m.nd of any fisir of foulutsu which will be tiijiirioas to (he chick*. This kihd of disinfecting rusts nothing BQ (be way of labor, aud ia one of the che.ip tbioig.H which IB thorougly THK HONtl MAKKKS. can endure dry cold, but not tank HUT rounded with water at a] ,re of 100 degrees F. or over, and mrted. When the maac | hiia become thoroughly melted the a akimmed, leaving the. bvitejr fat at the bottom. It in now removed to an- other vat similar in construction tu th- f.rst. where the miss ai this stage of the has a very b^d odor. the next step ia to remove tbi.s dis- he Home I UK WOMAN' WITH THli BROoM land lo/ht, and the lining _-r-en silk or cotton, and 1* re- . it fades to a paler tint." INDIGESTION qu>te eommoa "The Mm nh Hot" !et other* sinpr, And to him ready tribute bring; Tell of hid labor and unrest, agreeable and digu(ing sm-ll. TUaljfcl if (ne wrong (bar rives bii is done by pumping (he fat .p in a I br P i ,* t>y nje.1 ins of a rc>tary pump anc discharging it into the vat again j j , broken spiTit wrapt in gloom- through a strainer wh.h diows ii to I sing "The Woman with the Broom. n:o small streams. The exjK*- , miUug wi[nin her dour 8ne aunds, ure ol the fat to the air for eome time n^r busy bruoin in willing hand*; remove* the odur. Afiei 111- fat ha been aufficient j aerated in this manner it LS ready for the next tep. Thus is the add inn "f make* th h u-eh- ., ! wheels go Anl buut one-fourth aa mu<:h akiiu milk ^ a there Ui fat. A ,-rfec-t rnula.ufi Th of the fat and nklm iai,k i m.nle L>> \ n .i ajar, with scarce a sound. , ne b i[ lea are a |way-i c.ear. u'. IUK ' i' u a breath of ci. aweeps aw iy the .iu>- < f g.oom th>! Br "" ia - works she >;ng* a song. the same pumping operation, except While ill !,fe j,.ys together throng, _ _ ,_j Thj nniri a <-a,l from roof to dome the .tra,n,r la .'"&<"* . I h- ^ ..^^ emuJaion u* th-n run into Sweet H m. ' >- water, where it i quu-k f, ie . /i-,,,, a ue.itles 'muml her door, the granular form and io- k- Whxre fi,>ert of fund affection inz lie butter it \A Bailed . And bow their rainbow heads before worked. U i now salted and worked Th( . radian[ w .,man wub the Broom, and pr.nted ..r packed in tubs r. .idy for ^h, n....k.t. Q *"'3J; 1 *' *"** *' ^'^^ TO OBTAIN THb~-T ***" >nv -" 6Utj J* < ' t wjlk This U uir'iig fovvl. Even (he most skillful poultry rauter ui li-ibl* (o get it in hn flock by some liule n*gUct on part of (hx help. It is not 0001.1,. hut. ne.venhe'esa. h.ilf of wmie i io ' h f-.t ,1 t< ui-h I' - are sici '. and it ia often called .such, ia a wide d iff e rents WLi e un: ... - not con( agiou.s. cUo v'. -. whi.e in- digealion i ilow in r - Mfk. < I ia quick Ch 'era doea it deadly v.,rk in a few u^ars. biU indigeation may last a week or more- 1'he beL syuipiom of thU dbeaae ia lh* u.iiare. of (he droppings, which are u-u ' : t'i often. Tne corno (u fowl ea(s hut little. pale an.: It acta aa if it uut. It mpea .ibi,ut, gradually gedmg we.iker and eating leas, until it dies or is cured. Hell.- 'hi' ire f I' .111 I li.1-'- range get tbia diaeane qu bu( before il ia ovar they will I* ptsir. There are . ie tar (I p.'easant ways; noymg dUeus* lien- (hat are too f ru.e.- pr-i.e.-t her right, ' ancl are o^-er-fed will get it readily. Uather your seed for the next plan'- tn., .y her aw eetness, strength and of -xe ^r. at cause and ing when your corn ia in the dough. ^^ JJIZ* Ua t she's called to rest unproper f.-nl or too much of tbe same Bef re getting hard strip the ahu ,. H(M ,. mW ' r en riae'a-id call her bleat: ' kind ot food ie also the cause of a great buck, hang it up and let it dry until i . ir aa j tQt . tujn b, cold weather, then house for winter and you will have the atroegeat and beat aeed ywu ever pl.iu'e.1 - faithful Woman with the Broom. THE BVBY'.S DAILY AIRING v iiia Wheeler, cont.nuing her of (ilk* a'-out the welfare of deal of it. Lack ..f grit cauM it, aUo lack of good, pure w . The firat preventive ia not to ;illow any of the eanaae K>" ; the fowls eiercisiug. feeii a va i plenty of grit and water, and do not feed too much, and you will not the disease in y '.' , U) . U ^ a ^ a cid rori.THY HOI-.-K If you use tarred paper in order to have your poultry h usv w irm. place the Twentieth Century 1'aby, it on the outbid- of the houae .ir.d (h following course in arranging for paint it. Any kia4 of water-pri f (he 1 abe's daily airing, her insirur- paper will anew. : . , ">,1 t.ns (o the eh:M under one w ^^ ^ ^ ^ e , f> , u wi " k "" ' h ''' ""' '"" v " r . Sh VT\ Itisedia^iaiBywClMk. out. If u>e<l on the inside it cond. n.-e. L,ive the oaby all , h- fre.b atr _, a . ,.,., f , nil lbe c luo * an d remove th.- I -nd ca,,.s,..s the house t,, he can get and every hour of the i( ^ f|>r<i o( tjw birdj , get be .l.i inp. Wall a titling frame no twenty-four if-po-si',|. : (" do thia f . u.i'.l- neetl be uaed at a!l if (he heavy ' d" not th.nk it necessary to turn him three-ply paper r- but it out of doors day and i ,. k 'ht. run or mu*; t- .1.! m tied that the btrd shine, no matter what the weather fHE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. otcrestlnj; Iteoib About Our Own Country, Uremt Britain, the United Slates, and Ah Parts of the Globe, Con Jc.iseJ and Assorted for Euy Reading. CANADA. The Saa Joee arale has appeared ia London. Ont. The Canadian Electric Aaaoci i- ...o ia in MMioa at Kingston. O Klotx has left Ottawa to locate iiver. long.tiidinally. W. H. 0. Soxyihe. a well-known . vUle ei-tuen. ia dead. Ov-r S^OOOfHHl ha h-en expended .a a,-* in Winnipeg thi> year. The-r^ n. : ne of ateam- ara between Ottawa and Kingston next yea.r. 1) rectors of tin- Hamilton Art School h . v.- engaged Ireland for tare* years. rge Irv tig for roinv yarn pay- T. R.. ia dead at M u aged 78. I ix>> b&rtender. h i ilisap- ! fi m K ngktoo. leaving a wife and a baby a week old. On Deiviuber lt the Merrhanta' Bank l Halrfax will .i.-wum*- its nevr mm-!, the Royal Rank of Canada. \Vionipen Bii ' i '!-- riu-tiv fire of anfffMfd incendnrv "rvin. I e th-y have the firebug. th-xikia Lixtte. a youth of Moose Creek. Ont i run over by a train at GnrnH.i.l. A le bad to be ampo- -., . ! Fire caused 9 .'> -Liin-iife to the feoma of U. C. C'huub-i an, acroant- ant of thn Uoune of Common*, at Ot- wol be of good advaniage with ihe paper. -II I. IIK1 I Kit. Debirned cattle sell better than hcrne,! c.inlv for all purp.-.-a. be. IfthM. done, the ( ,or wiU come to grief sooner -,r later. l).s- easesnf the nose lftn.1 The beat cure we b^ive ever tried waa a te i m i.le from wbiite oak bark. Is a iiM.lieine th-it many of fur BIO>t sk ' llful I">'i-' ** ln<1 '' * lo are almost sure to result from th's overindulgence. The aby's n for the birds. Make a stroug and pal bi.f ' 1 gallon of the is a dispute oetweeo members of rh syndUMte at FTimilton which owns thin r & Mvn !e. The builiff baa aeiaed thi> yacht. Employee of the Himilton qairry hive arruck b*c iuae the new time- keeper is not a member of (he Civic ,h..uU be a, carefully looked after as dr ' n "ing water. I that ef.-iie.l b> -bippers, slaughters , or *" > ' ' k h * u " r '*"*''' ,|,. nrnd o better, sell beui-r and k II b -tier. h - f"od. his bath, or any part of ' V ' d m i n that tawda horned cattle * 1. o{ , h( . r .-I ot (h* si i i if th-y will not drink it. J tai ,e W puonful teJ pou ,e,l down them . . ' I" early spring and late fall the ''""I" 1 8 P ' r ' child -h,,,hl l,e t.ken out between the A M>riOX TO THK INTENDING buurs of ten and four. ,s , the spring j TRAVELLER there is ,lw,,,s ,,, d.,,u,,aeaa aria- ,. (j , ( R ^^ g J p> ^ ., i<f|f<? ,. tions w 'hough ini:-ni|ed pimiui- m the i. ill liom the leaves on t he There are no Lijy brva. yueen- lesa bea build m mi.- . i-mb. lle.u doeo nol dauxigv honey, but IrJi'L- to ripv>u and Luiprove it. l)ini|i ueo* and do nol a^tis- \\.\h it. II- no.v remain* in t he > omli ^n.. time afte.r be. UK (oitsl i.- always the Ivai a.rlicl wbeu extracted. In very ci.4d wMih-T bei-.^ ofieu die. and. fallimg, will clog the entrance. They mum be removed or the bees will nor. During the winiea' can- be tukuig in rtsuiiviiiK' ! i-i l-i-.-. so as not lo disturb the hive and ai them iulo activity. Il i n >i .HO mn.-h LII niKleii siauding the theory of beekeep.n^ th.u brings ruceeass as in the capacity for locking iftur the details. if there w loo mm li drone comb in (he hive r ui"ve it and replace u nith worke. comb. In (hi* way the lupply f d unee is easily rpgula >-,i By having ui.l keeping (be entt uue to the hiva uud vicinity i-ltsin and :ouveii.vnl fun I he !*( lo gel in .md mil many bev." may be saved in winter. When twee receive but lude atien- tiou and are a!U>wHl to build ill of Ihe.r own comb they always have a Urge amount of drone comb, and thj reaults in an over-production of irooea. HOW I'UIK'KSS |!l IlKIl IS MAL'K This pi<xluc.( is a comparatively new compi-titi>i of cuMinery Uitioi and it ie country butter of various degrees of lam-ulneiu and color, that i. ao rank in taste, smell ami .ip- pisimK-e a.i to tie unsalable for dir- aat coniiro4>i ion ia thrown into a i on : "Who are> you f" "l''ll .lo^." "\\he-re -ire yiHi f rom f "From I'iinl i-<>." "\\ h master 1" " l'h- I" ' "Whit liii-ii^bt you here! II i.l c->uipiny " He was an Knull-h si atlinK. and i ownl by ;birb-r \ - , ling can ' K ri>uud In winter, hen the sun sets be. tiuvht t.- sp-,.k. ml t- speak "" '>', S o'clock is I , ,. , ,,,.,.,-h lor t h.- ( well. too. This on- hi 1 been taught ^aby to be out. .Nor should the babe t.. .as-ve.r .-ertain que.sti.ins: so that ' ' " ut "> >" k.nds of weather. Avoid ' .f- like this c'Uld be -arried 'days when ibere is m,uch dampness in the air, when luere is a f"ir. and days when the snmv is melt ug and theie is no sun. There is no object ion ! to semliug the child out ou days w hen flt h of ' the in does not shine, provided n l " v ' i.s not raw or damp. When the winds .ne lnb, ihe a r .- lull of the dust and filth ot the street, which is Idiiwu in the drill's moil' li mil no-.- Iy (or ih, .. - .ml are peri i u- flil to tho-e who ti.-uvel :it home A abaci v r o:is follow: "P-T*ons hn are nxeling on a and limited sum ol money aa far as poaa^olt kno \ what ibtir exp- pi i.'.Mbly be aud as uiu- ii i 1 usi on- siau. A s mpl-- w .y i .s oalculai.oa is n- . b piojccied trip and find the actual coal of t nmspoi luiioti. \\ h 11 'h nil i g'li has bwu sub: racked from i be 0114111 a 1 sum and af ei w ird, th t rans- charge of atiFmoted murder giins-t J'un M.inn. <>f it4 Rua de LIUXI. by hi* wifn, has been ill-UJI.e-l It H'l 1. WU . ht oing CIUA.X! thj deal ruction of three buroa, with season's crop* and a numbnr of c^:-.-. property of W. ' - . -vjrt, near Sarma. Lici. ii. th Kontfbvilo murderer, hi- be.Ti rsnu>v<*d frm Aylmer to Ike M II- 'i ' J i:l li - . -tied MU- H inunlen-tl tin vife auJ aa ui i n. N ii c .me to puss on,": the- st-irling e~< i|>el from his .- <n au.1 fle-w away t > enj-<y his liberty. The barbr wa.s in despiir. .If w is ''le for the ch.l 1 t,. nd then .Irawn into the ch.l.l's " When the w K.I: her is no( - .tut. or he I (ho lifo of the shop, miiiy- a oiistomer fc r< " f '" ""'.v * -'hort time, see (hat ,-iine alti-i.-te.) by the f :. m" t>f the h'' his | _- m , |,e h -use. His bint, and the. birh-i saw his re.-eipis U- oia.v be put on, I he windows filling off Th.-n. LSI. b- love.1 i h.- "I"' 1 " : !l - "> h- "l ft binl. which hid prove I s.. ., pi ., p:ipil -> Ltmsi.leta'ile ainnunt of fresh i.r Hut ill effort* (,i full Ih- stray bird in vi in Meant itn... .l.>e had U.-HM en joy ing life, on, his own ici-mini. A few .(.iy< v.-ry pleasantly, and th-n. ills! he- fell into the snare of the fowler. liltsr illy. \ nun livel a few m '. - f m the barber's h'>itt' mile the snaring ..f IMI Is his lnisiii ->s he stuff-<l Hi-! Scm nf ' h i- M >l I. 01 h : .in li'i. we i- .- s -l | . . ho!l< n MI- I y (> Is- -n ve I xi p in ile 1. 1- lie I i.l In Is t,> fas- ti li -us guets. Much to his sur- pii^e. Jv fouul hiiu-.-lf oaie diy in th^ f,wl'r's net. in c.mpmy with a 1 11 ff numl>-r of bir-ls as frighmnetl himself. The f.ler .It iw ing out tb> bu Is. on- if',-i anoth-r. and wii'igiug their neoks. J>? sow ih it his turn wus coming, and smn. thiug mix^t be. <L>ne. It was clear that (he. fwl--r coul.l not .v>k ques- tions, ao .lo. piped out: "I'm Jo '." "Hey! What's that/" cried the f,.\\ ler. ' I'm Joe," repeated the bird. 'You are.'" naid the .isi.ini^h-.-il "Wba( bring" yiu h i.l c.-iupiny," said Joe, pnnnp'ly U n*rdle8 to a,iy Joe's -k w is not wiunjr. anl that h- w i rtsMored (o his rejou-ing m.iater, th* barber. a generous supply us of coars,. cut i .n , I ' h be in.i'le to fit the window's top Hid ''Uttum: they .-K-I as a filler I.T the air th.r i-nier> t 'i.- nmiu. >t the hi it o( keeping the chili) housed i n. I in overheiteil. poor- ly, or in>t .it ll 1 \- one i.innot -pi-ak too <>t lonely. It is w rom:. crue', w.i-ket, >oii are stunl- iug the natural !>- I,,;MIII-III of your : ; you are in i ^ 114 his Hid seiisine- ne. in fact, taking un- w.u nmla'ile rh.ince.s with the little life. air is almolutely necea- - uy to the uoruial development ot the luugs not only, 'lit of (he entire body. It is especially necessary in all caaea of pniluionary weakness. 1 Uecause i( has lieen uiendonetl that an airiug may !>e taken in the house, do not think this method , n be sul'si uuie.l for the fresh air out of doors. It certainly cannot, aud is only to l)e practiced when the weath- er proves unsuitable outside. " \Vben out of doom never let the sun shine in his eyes, the wind blow ilue.-ily in his face, or allow him (o lie on his ii.ii-k. with (be si rung light nitt ible one, snd calculated to poi i* 0:1 M,. id Ii- IM.II' o I ys to .o know win! i.s :- it foi i daily allowance. Th.s sounds Ilk'- i-l.'Uien- :-n \ .it h:n ' : - un- der ihl' Ill'" f'll 01 ! '.- Ml Tery _ n-l every eidu im.,rd COIlVi iiienci- .s wo: h uhile. Ih m r 1 1 1 aiijf uii-ni of muui-y m 11- lu-lp. oae knows ex:iclly whit io e\ a:i 1 ,nu"l- the unple iMDtness rf a suddt-n I | m|s w II n.i. ln'1,1 out. V - w hn-ll h guide ,],, - 1,0 h- p .4 ' h- H tempi to sh i ie 01 . Ii re pe' - are ti-i\i-'>ng tog- l>er. A.I excel plan w h i-h w s.,v ,-,t us much '.im 1 and tempei i.t the- use of a common put-"-, which was hi- in th- 11 -i"d sp, m in of . It-' pit ;> I arh oi u- put uito n p.;: si- in equii amouui calculai- dining ' h.- 'I iy. 01 ,-xcur- SIIMI. in. I I > i.l il w ha i-ver waa left wh.-ri one of ' bf piny left us. Foreat fires ; n California have al- ready covered feu square miles. Over 3UI.OOU peraona saw (he Grand Army earjuiptnen( naval vetprana parade at Chi. SD K; i . . a population if .. ail IV -; n jt'O.s' ^. according to 'be recent I' .-. census. MISB Etta H- rrter. with an uncon- trollable riavintf f.-r muoiaiil. at Klort. Ind, if'ei eil,iin a p.ut if it. The I'.i in i - i h .s- (!ud i purled yes-erday from New Y rk. Ile wa.s in 'he ii 't to kill Pre- .; -nt I Or \\Vitght is .ie-i'i fmm her wtrunda .1 \\ - , \ i- il .w.-.i her arrest for m i'pr.i.-: -p,- nt . III. Wai How. n Cbineee girl, who cam* all (he way from I'anion to marry ;h.-r luver. now m i,irni< his death at "in KIJM- Til- l'nite.1 Siate* t: inspoti Cnlifor- irry.nn *.TMI t, i,s ,,( si ,,., f nr P nes, is report - ng overdue. Th -in. huilt hy the Cr.iuap,,, ,, pi,, aileiphi.i. w ex- in ike ;7 K . .., UQ her trial. Cl u lie and C > d.- W I on t A in, . i ; and boy. _ ni'iiMi*. are ile.n. u Bow |in_ .. ' . (||l , fl from the s;. me ,- m^ or H h-.'ii w- w - > in .ke up out in- dividual urcounts. losivad of dis pa ing e>irh time whose (um n lo pay for tickets, or trying (o divide l f<-- of foul ren.v among five p.-i- . w :<a all done f i om li-n'uiinon fund and entered as a sum loial for l h ' il iy '< expenses*." This iuVa of n comiuon purse, w h-re IAO or three or mor- traveling together aud each pay n>c his or h'-r own expi-nsi's seem* an rtd- reflecting from the sky full in bis v-xi-iou worry ovt-r ,\| face. Tbesv strong Imbis are harm- | uul de ails in trying <o "settle up.' fill to the eyes The carriage should And to divide h i ~ponsil)ilii ies of <feitn..r ->mi<rhill, always have a parasol to protect the fioui the direct rays u( the SUB le.ulvi-.hip by each carrying b" perse IMI ali-raate days ut a good idea alia. Herr Hoch.'ll. th.-. Cerman battle painter. In- u-.n.. to fh n i Henry K M \ -,,.,,nt \| garrett. LS dead at l.nndon There i* still a good rainfall ip but cht,l--i i si, II prevnU in many .1 s-ricts. Hi.' Ht-itMh il-llore off fkate.l v thout -ei UMIS .!aini^ H \ .-upptned accomplice of in the tss issina i ion of t h- of Austria is under a rrest at Ku.hi|<e*t. A large 1 1 in s \ , m..|- . | report etl to have nairnwlv escaped ' t being wrecki^l in the MK in the straits of I'-- in ' i ' '. - -lie of I he !. Scotsman ttsaster. l.m h.-in