Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1900, p. 4

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THE MYSTERIOUS CRIME ON THE S.S. NEPTUNE CHAPTEK VI. Continued. " Kiilctly," an wured Templeton ; "I ee you've caught my idea ; now I can't take up this case, and though I'll hwve tc |lut it into tha bands of the au- thor. ties they are srure to make a Bass oi it, so if you want to unravel th. ni>siery, you must find out tbe murderer or murderers of L.onel Ven- Liu \oirself." " I tee," said Ronald, 'pulling his mint irhe. " yun want me to find out tli'- d.vorce case The Captain no.l.led triumphantly. ' ll'it McGregor is such a common name," o-i-i-tel llouald; "there may lie dien> of co-respordenls called "V.-i.v I k.-ly. I. nt what nl>aut the IK* co-ii" p pinieiit you look for imut lie wmnin called Ki*i M.ir- -r. ' "Ye-.' cned ltin,ild. quirkly, " iind thnn I II find out Vcntin's reai name." "Of ntiir.se," answered thn Captain, " and niii-e you find out hi* real uanu- you'll .ion find toe wife." And then?" Templet un "brugged bin shoulder*. "Oh, then you'll have to prove the truth of bin story to >ou." " Hut if I find "lit all a! nut her, the Mil. -i to will have to lie put in evidence.'' "Of course, ' answered Templetnn ; " and that yon run ,i>t from the au- .boiitiet at (iitr.ill.ir, in wh<"<e h.mds I 1 1 .ced it.' " I have a letter of introduction to Hi* *>ti 'if in old 'riend of my fat her,' 1 mid Konuld ; " be is h.trrister of the M .1, v Temple." " Oh youiirf t" A *Jt thirty." "Thf \v\\ inin" replied Templeliin, ruting, " go and nee him nnd trll him til a' out .1 . p. h a i) nous 10 uiuke a mark in the world" Jj " \\ li . h lie I. isn't done ytt,' mter- Knuald. ' IT- I! go in for this r,me ; frad, I w --h I could tin lolo it myself ; 1 ounht t> Irive l>eMi a private detective-.' 1 ' \Vi-lliu ' -:i 'I Ronald, as they went out on to thn 'Ink. "I name fora pit isure trip, liut it looks as if Isball have to work all the time .'* " Yes, liut ill nk of ! h time you will have of it putting thi*) pui/ln togrth- r,'" replied Tetupleton. " it will be ii.i.-i I'.ittiv; lip^iiles. if >ou bring this crime hune you'll get your re- ward; if ! -i on earth, at le .! in In- iven.'* ' I cl rather have it on rartli," said Ion a III, th.nkintr of Cnrmelu. en \i'ii:it vii. There in no snider word in the KIIK- tih hnirii.ige I Mn " Farewell." llnw many quiveimg |ip have s u.l it \\ith breaking hearts and ic.tliliiiK leu- the wilder ronrrhing away with fly- Ing banners and martial music the emigrant silting "" dei-k. seeing the Miw h IN of the land "f his birth fading away HI the sb:idi-.vn f 'he night -i h<- .\omirJ man going forth in to the woi II, and turn-iitf once more tn ii- lliiiniKli ii-ai il'iniiied eye* t hi old house whore he was liorn, and the lovers parting never to meet again. Yes, it is a sad word, and has caused more tears and beart-aches than any we use. Now that the voyage ws coming to an end, i hn*- who had l>een in close companionship for nearly six weeks, knew that they must separ- ate in a short time, and, that the memory of the plea-ant company on i ,ir 1 the " Neptune" would soon be only a dream oi the paat. No won- der then, that as the slr.amer glided up the Thamei, everyone was a litlln melancholy. The voyage from C.'ir iltar had been p].. i-ii,i They had seen the fanm Ti:ifal).'ur Hay, where Nelson won bis "\Valerlim pnssed Cupe St. Vincent in the night caught a glimpse of thn nvuth of th Tatxui in the early morn- ing, nnd steamed safely through the Bay rf |li>f.:iy, which did not act up to the reputation gained for it )iy the wmg, l<ut was calm as a mill-pond. On arriving at Plymouth, some of thn passengers had K<ne to London by raJI, in preference to facing the chance of a cull:- ion iu th" KnglUh Channel. It \va> K<iniild's first glimpxe of England, and Chester, who was very patriotic, a>keil him what be thought of it f "It's the lies! groomed country I've seen," said Hon:ild, with a snul, and, indeed, though the epithet was odd, it was very appropriate, for after all the I'aibiinr coloring they had ^.-en at Ouloml'O the arid rocks of Malta, and tiiliraltar. and the sandy shorn of Tort Suid, this wonderCully, vivid- ly gieeu Uud with field-i .ind w -II- kept hedge* cultivated d<iwn to I h water's ii^.i,-. . looked as the Austra- lian said, " well groomed." I !>> anchored for al.out two hour* at l'lyrrtpit h, i-ut there w.is no tune to go on shore, MI they gazed long- ingly at the qua int tu\vn so famou* in Knulnh History. The Hoe the l/uwling green where Sir Francis Di..ke pla.vd lniwli when the Arma- da was dear r its) "nl ret rhni|t out like a cre'cenl" anil Mount EdgMUHb*, w h <".|i t he o 'mm <ndei "f the Kreit fleet ilesi^iit-il for bis iiulefifit when KnK- land was l-onquered. , Konuld siin.,i silent, looking at .ill this lieauty, hen a rninark at Pat's made h in After thjs Chester conchi/dd to leav Pat alone. It was night when they sailed up tbe Chauiiiil. and they oould see in tbe diutance, the twinkling lights of Tolkeatone, Ikiver, Margate, and all the other well known places, and as it was the last night on board, there was a general jubilation in the smok- ing-room after tbe ladle* had retir- ed. SUIIR* were sung, toasts were pro- posed, speeches were made, and whn tbe eletcric liht wan (ftit out, can- dles were ^roil-Oiced, and th concert kept up far into the night, or rath- er morning. One gentleman nald he could play musical glances, and broke fifteen tuknlder.i in demonstrating his ability to do so then they had more liquor, gang "God s.ive the Queen," and went i*r to lied one by one. and everything waa quiet. And what a curious appearance the dJc preheated next m >rning-every- ou Ln his biu no more fluinel Mulls an,| straw hits, but accur.u fn.cvk coiitn an I lull hita, whil". the I li- - < un- <MII in dresses of thi' new- est f.iKblnis. K-i.jin nf f>-.,|t! were, tilki.i4; t.^otJvr-giving addressea, m-ikiim .ip|>.,iiitroe.ni, an-l pr.mi to write, until it w is <ju.-cr (.. hear tb janjwn. Kki' this: "You won't foj-get the Albuiibra yuu know beet shop in London I ire v. il, ciape.r th:in - addrew will al- wuys fjjvl um 1'icc.idilly Circus, ..11 - che.ip b .t.-l, jn,t off-Mjirgate'd thp jp/llieot Oh! tbe devil tike thfl nicest girl you ever -wt foot on s)>--rs." .111,1 M , OM until Itonill who at.Kxl by Oir.-n-lp. c-.,:il I no' h l;> liu^h'-nK. Th' M. ,h ., . |. ,,king afte.r hi- ow n, Ihing^", an. I as on- ^'11 hid hw lu^gagM ia p>-,rfe.-t order. II bp<l Uiriii I i all to h in-. If "- tW U th* Miiiu-H," he s.i.1. |l.-kiiux .n th-- .lull. l-ide:i Mieiin. flowing Ivtwer.n the <linny bulk-. "Mr- Ih IIK-.S ot coiuin MC. not of P"''ry." ishj.' r<irre>Me<l, ^milinjf, "yuu riiuxt c.m <lnn to Mi rlow and m t.h rwul river." 'Miy ir lvmk-.l. eauerly, think- latf h detected an invitation in her " I ay," said I'al, nundful of t\il- omlio and Aden, to t'he.Me.r, who was quite inflated with patriotic pride. " will i he pei|de here come off and dive fur |M>nni.st" Chester glared at bun viciously, and then stalkivl iv, loo mdiKnant to l"-.'k. while all u.Mui'l roared at the qiierine-s of tile lejlittrk." "Well, I th..ti,:bt they might,' ex- pl i ue I Pat to hit grinniug auditors; ' i lie natives did it all at tha other places." " There are no native* here, non- found you I" said ('benter, who had I rl limed. "Oh, indade!' replied Put, intm- gently, "thin Kngland'H inbnl>ild >y "Of rovnwt y,m miy," nh> answrr- ed, e.trv|.i,<|y. "I di't control youi mvem-ait/." "Not .it ! . til. but yi.u mltfht." he. iv|llivl, hurriedly. The-re wa an awkwar I juiuv, luck- ily liiJt--.ii by I'at, -Abo caim in h. nit nl. -im with li-" a u 1 iiupnluoMty. "Ah, ML 1 ** C-ton -r, an' ii thit | youf" , ,ii p., i, ,|.l fully; "lb* beM >f fii.-nl.s inui.t |>, r i. n,nd w , miy nlver nv-ot again." ' \V.- might," an.swetel Carmela. i'h i I u -h "th" w.., I I is amall." "lleg.id. I wi^h in-- hiMprt was," said H> 'ii, aadly : "It's larx<n enough to hold all in-, girli oa bo.ird you in- cluded." ' Miu-h olili^ed," retortnd the young li<ly. iib a b.w, not in thi l-.i-t of- Intense Heat and Many Deaths. Dreadful Sufferings Among the Poor and the Weak Low Vitality Unable to Hold Out Against High Temperature Safety in the Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food (Pills), the Great Blood and Nerve Builder. ,The very ld. the very young, nnd nwnv in middle life, wli.ivi health waa nl p l>.w eiili iuel n nut unely druth in the hot wava whu h in-enlly awept i< i i In* < itiit incnt. la Hii not an rinitb ttir wainiag acainal allowing lh" >>! in to leu me lua ii'-.ii in ill* .'iinpiipei t in-- f N'PII ay: "I feel 1*0 wek uml tiu-d," ' I h-ive l'i all energy and Hinbit i<m," I don't nl.-'-ii well mid i innol dine.'! my food pi'>p,'rly," "I am losing fle--h mil J^uve headai-he*." 'I h fart m yiAi JIB itrviwtvid ami datnliUted by the -HIM Dwr be. it, vitality IA running li, inl you Hi*'! WPiuei h i. if Iu lull you up lo aniirhyour i..<. ..t. <nul t<> put new life nd vigur into "" body. YOU nannnt uffonl lo nelr.t I li<-.e Aangei aignala, which tell o<aiiyilem bieuking down You cannot afford lo run i lie riak f l<erxuniug a vialun of n*ivi>ui prtMilralion, paralyaia, IP. i t f.niurn or inaanity, whiu a few beiaa of l)i Chaoea Nerre Kood (pi I la) will lh<nougbly leatore you. By IU wonderfully invigorating, trenojtbening and life ualaiii.n ef t '. Dr Chaae'n Nerve Kood (pill) ta)kea life worth livinc even in, ihe MIIIIIMI (-me. It unfirn the body ilh ure, healthy blotMl ad new nei\e |mo M t ovarcorine diAeaw ami it a ajmyUioia, and fortlfj the . uimt the ilel>iiitting effecta . of fioeesivr In it. M 1C M. I. HiKhli'i, 9> I'.iil-.iiiinnt atnvet, Toronto, ol plei; "My <lnuuh- I tetr W.IM pp|', wrik luixui-l and very IVM voiu. 1,1-1 .)., ii- w.i.s p -in ami i h piiue<ilil", -h o ul I rourely drag h".i>rlf .ibryut Ihe In u-e, :* I her n,%rvej were o npl I e I y iinMiu-ig, slin r. nil not .--1 -p fin MI lam hilt un h Mir at a lnu> with ml st.uting up unl oryi'm iut in -\niemont. "As he. waa growl -IK w-.iki'r and \M-.lV--l I ! ' UK .III III -I .till H<-' bin of Dr. Chase.'* Nnrva Koixl *he ii-pi.l tlii< 1 1. it u-nt for houin weeka. Hnd fjxtin t.h>t firat we ivp>ti,-.-d a de- I rl.lerf iiiipiv>i-iiient. He.r upp-liln I heraini l>etter, ab K.I I fie I ID ni t -lil, t bo ritlnr ret ui nnl to her face, and ehe ! i ..IK..IU I.-. ..me utrnim and well I oaanot .-> p T too murh In favon of thia woivlerful t rp.itiu*>iit, cinrn it li | proven -ii li a broking to my tejr." 1'be. annrnwiM an Is of Dr. Nrve f...l (pillt) i I.-..1 1 ita Ity. People evarywhure are lokl la p:.iUof thia Hreat reatoratlv*. Inilia- toif <lo not dare tu reproduce thepor- tr.ilt iirul ni^nature <-f Dr. A W, i' whioh art on avery boi of <h< K-nnlne Fifty renla a >l. at .l-.l in. or Klia>u>u. BatM A Toiooto. I Itoii/ill, no their mum il oenoe of lone- ' IJniitw drew Uiiui yet oloer together. "Whittle ape you g.iinrf to stop?" i.-ikiwl Pat, linking his arm lit Ibit ft ih Aiwtraliin. "The Tavist<k." replied BomM. "the Australl-ui cricketers gnnerally stop there, ao it will feel home-like." "I'll go thftne too," ilJ Ryan, pixuiptly, "wr-'ll g,, to th-e Alhim- Iti i ..r :h< ICmpire to-ni^ht, and to- morrow o.ill at the Langhnm." . f<r Pat wui i li ,MIV..| j..,ter; ''but I'M nit uonn<wit to be one of many." "Ye'd nyther hive one honnat h.Mrt I" ask I I'.it, looking keenly at h*r. T Sh turn -.1 hit remirk off with a I niKh "l)e|>en<lA U|-n the owner of the heart." -hp< ivpli-sl. giily. "Ah. ! id. thia I'm <ut of it." ^ai.l IM, an.1 i an off. Icarinff I h"-m in ex- ic l> the Kiu>- awkward eit u.it ina as h- f-'iitkl i h -in. "\\bit 111 A yi>M truirm to do h :i y/u reiirh Lomlon ,'" a--'*ed I'anu.-li. afte.r a piu*\ <luiiiis u hn-h Ilonal.l k.-pi hit cyeo ...i IIT face. M i \ i liinn-.' h-- iiw<-i^l. calm- ly; "fli-.t I ,1111 (c.iii to m-4 to work I finl out IM kill- 1 niy fii,yi>l \ ' In." "I'm -ui.s I h -|>. \,. u w II lie ful." .the. rt-|iji.'l. h" irt.lv. ''but why in I, -11.11-11 -i I, , . lN is c iiiiiniii.-il n Miltuf ^. Init th- niplive. for I hit criine will, I lhin.k. U> f..un I in U.mloii." " I h.-y .v,y , WOIIMII k II ! h.ui." I I blink >. but it u pu:.-ly ih-Mire- 'i .1." "I dar -y; for what iix.liTe i-onld iiy -tnin hive for mvh a rrimeJ" I) > .Mil I lii k .1 woiii.'in always rr*- t <|ulive a in.-! ivc I" She I -ik..| at him in mtrpriMi. "IVilaii.lj llo; the.re . PH be no .- .u-*v w it h mt an effect " fn ~ouu* ciuwa yea," b* npli I tri.iW'ly; 'in thit cvioe I believe Ihn ui -man h-il ao motive in commuting th o.riine." "Iheo why did aha do It r i*ed t'.ii im I i, I "-riling ,it bim. "That in whit 1 bavn to find out," ii i n.t .!. I. and no Ihe conversation "Oh, a I ft of pis-tempera are going A- WOMAN'S FACE PLAINLY INDICATES THE CONDITION OF HER HtALTH. aVaanr Uappran M mrm Ihr Ores are Bill, IkeHkU Kiillcw, and Ike Wrinkle* *< flm I* 4pprr HJW Onr WeaMB * eallh an<l < umrlli Almoit every woman at the head of a home meets daaly with innumer- able little wurrien in her houtsehold ' M..|> th-.iv; Mi., Lester MMctkl a " aini - The ' ma y ^ * to uil Pat, with a slight It W<IB <i^ oVIiM^k whe.u i/<.t Into St. K.itliii lie's l-ilir and n tihe h>i->e oroiwln of people were ; i"- l< in- -I thoir f i i-vi I < No VMS hwevr, enin* to meal Pat and 'Oh. Pat, your bflnrt ia lo* there," i.-'l Il-:i li. smiling. "\itl \\lnt al.ul your own andth- Ki'l frrn Milia f" aakwi Pat, where- < M i-t-.r lu.fi.-iU also Idusli-d. and the two fr.ends went l<low, to Kel th ir i-t.-A :t-l> ti. look af t -r th-ir t<ev Auwmc tli.-* who hid com- 01 boarvl wa-t a till e4-lexly Kenlleman, vwry alrji^ht anl aevere-l<x>kinK, - >i|.iil u^ly ,lr<a-'d. itfa Kold-rim- nitl pi ct.icl.- -, aci-<.nipuni-'d by a pretty, viv <-. HI-| oknuj burnette, ' who w in .-I i.'iri({ to bis arm. "I d.>n't .-- hiir, Bell," uid th- gen- tlrtmut, looJcia^ inquiringly muni. "IVili , - below, p.ipi," siil the y..umt li-iy. 'Oh!" ith al.it I x-.rMin. "th-re dhe U there she is I'n tiu-la !" and ith un- rjiculiil >he ran forwar>l to Miai CX>tuner was standing t:ilkin# to Vi---.ill.,. 1 My dear B II." saU Carmeli, kirn- iii4C he-r, "h . >1 of you to come *nl IU>MI me ; hjw do you do. Sir Mark f" aai ib- gave her hand to the elderly geutle.iu.in. h-> now adv.. n. - d. ' I .mi pliused to aee you looking so well, ra y <leir CirmeU," he iaiH, in rd I, 1.1. ,-u .-.1 toncu, and th^in turn- r.1 MI inquniU({ glin,:i- on Vaiaii 'My cousin." oaid CarmnJ.-i, intro- hiru, "thia U hit firat viait to in-1." .-i; Mark anil tbn Mu h-e both li'u-l nut murmured souictbing, In- ili-:iik lly. "\V. ire atopjiing at tb" Lanfthim, faun 1 1." .iil H e ||, l.rip/U ly, locking U|> in Miss Cotoner'a fa,-.-; "p>ipa I'-.-ii't tike cmr town hou*e you kn,., and we'i>- g<-ing to stay a fort - in town I Isn't it j"lly f" IIIIV reproved her f.ith-r, "do ii> it.- -I in*. I heg of you." ' I e in'l li l.i it.' -*,, I th- viviaci <u,i K<-11. "it w i* b>rn with me, and Oh UP y !" with .u>.h'i little acre.ini, '"hat a jt"<l-l"< > J'inv loyl w lu> i* !.. I" Ibe i|ii i r t.-tte I in ne I ih-ir heads uitl saw rlunjl'l. I MvUiug hand-ome. ini-1 hub-brvd in bit fro-.k coat and I i ill hat, udvuiuung, e-viilently uh ' 1 li ilr. i >f saying Kood-by. "Ifa Mr. Montelth." aaid Carm U, jvpliiig n little at the thought that -Ij iiii.-h not nee him igain. "You are going awayf" sba asked, aloud, li. I ling out her hand. ^eft," h" an/twered, gravely. Mi liyan ia with m*\ an<l I ain going to ex ^1 >ie t h' 1 wll.1.1 of Lon Ion." "l.-i in- nit :..|u-.> you," Nii-l f.ir- liiali, <le.N|iii the Illicit 1 Mk of Vas- i-.-ili; "^i-. Mirk l'rev.r, Mr M.PIL- teith; MUM It.-vor, Mr. Mouteith." Ihe Au->tialitu U>\ved iu hn u-ual i.-iave minner, and then auid g^ 'i- liy tr Cn iu I .. ' I li .11 MX- you, I plenum-, in I. -n don t" h oaid, lingering a little. To lie Continued. notice an hour after wr<l but it nevertbele as these constant little worriea thnt make ao many woman look prematurely old. Their effect may be noticed in ick or nervoun hfudachea, fickle appetite, a feeling << oouAtant wc"iin?M, puins iu the back an. i . i 'in. or in A twtllow completion, and the coming of -rink.s, which every woman win dejsirea oomelinesa dreada. To t-hune thus afflicted I>r. Williama' Pink Prlla offer a speedy color to th ch&eka, brightness to the and certain cute ; a reatorationl of - - .1 healthy aj-jii ute, and a onuse of freedom from v.v.innnM. Among the thouoanda of Canadian ' wvrneu whu hav fuuud new health and nw aitcu^h tbivugh th ua of Ui. Williauia Pink 1MU is alia, tran- cia Puiriur, of V'alleyfield, Qua. ICra. I'ciiwri \vaau iuf trier for upwards of *eveii years, iie h.ui takeu liatiunt fioui acveral docUiia, ud had u-*U a uuiuiAii ..'i udvei ti>.l uieditiuej, but with oo guod iauiui. Mrs. Poaier fc*ya; ' Oa.y v\..iu, u win. oaffei as i did c<tn uudvraUind the nusery I *n>- iured tar year*. Ao time went oa and the ducU/ra Icunau.ted, and the mdiciuea 1 used did n^t heip me, I uf evej ri-ga.ii.ug health* were very few days tlut 1 did lux suffv'iei from viuleai JkeaiiJchoa, ami th icaai exertion v.ou-d ui .k- my Jkearl palpitate vun-ntly. My atuul. .tcb *eeuied disomered, and 1 almost 1 I. IT II K. nOIIS' During hi> r.ipnl m.inh from Kiet- fi'iileni, to Illoejiifonlf in. ].,. nl Ho>i- lls lint, i r.| (he <llfferilli:t of the Ipul- ko ks, as they toiled along with the ti .nis|4prt wa^'i'iis, i li- r ark* seam- ed with li . t|i,' li<h >" the Kaffir drivers. When he army moved on ,11/1.11 fmiii llUieiiiioiiie u. the corn. iii.iii.lei-in rliief issued a written i r del lh.it mi K.ifi'ir \v.n to ;. aUow'cd to Hog I h oxen; they mrght ur^n them on with the pistol-shot reports of their long whip*, >>ut no flogging. ANIMALS WITHOUT KOOD. A horse willl live 25 days without solid food, merely drinking water. A ix-u will go for sii months while .1 viper ran exist 10 inumtht without A nei|>ent In confinement has Uiii-wn to refuse food for 21 luonthx wKi.it, Din UK I;KT IT? M M k I saw that little boy of youra to-day. HivriMitfha Dkl you! Think he's Like iii-l Ma i k Very much ltd longhe IV> you reallyf Mark- Yee, he aaked me fur SI.IIIP mooy. eat, 1 wa.t very pale aud frequently uiy l.ui ts would swell ao ntuch that I feared tliai ui> lruu..lo was de- velop, ng into dropsy. 1 had almost couslaul pains ui the back ana loins. It was wb.le i w< iu this sud cwn- d.liou that 1 read iu La Presae of the uurti oi a wouiau whose symp- tom* were much like mine through tbe UM) <. Hi W.Hi.iun Pink i'nls. 1 tultt uiy h|i.s iaiiU, uu 1 b* urgod ins lo try them, anil at unjce goi me three ioie.-,. li(ore 1 had used them all 1 fell 1 1 .ei , and 1 gvt another , supply oi ttu- p.iis. At ifl end uf tin* uioiilh 1 "an strung euuagh to : d'i my household work, and oefore an- othei uitintb had passed I had en- tiiely rei-uveieil uiy health. 1 am sor- ry that 1 d.d not learn uf Ur. W I 1 HIM Piuk IMls sooner, for 1 knuw that they would tiave .<aved me *- eial years oi s^-kuesa and misery, and 1 teel that I cannot too strongly urge other sick women tu use them." 1 ho condition indicated in Mrs. Tuner's case shuw-t that the i'lood aud nerves ueetleil alleulmu, and for th.s purpose Hi \\ilUauia Pink 1'illa ai >\<nuu> -eat irieud. i'bey are particularly adapted Iu cure the ail- ments liom lii-u so many women ituffar in stleiice. Through the uan of lbe.se pills tb. lilmi.l is uriohed, the nerve.1 initde strong, and the r.cb glow uf health 'nought back lo pale aud sail tw cheeks. There would be less suileriug Tf women would give these i- its a fair trial. Sold oy all dealers or sent post paid ul 5U cents A IHJX or sit, boxeu for fj.,">0 by ad- dieatung tbe IM W.lhams Medicin* I'o., lliiK-kv.lle. Out. e> WllVf How weary the world is growing of re e.l mis, mkirder. slaughter, aasasa- iii 1 1 iun. and all t bis h->i ri tie outbreak among peopltv- c led. ted with the pos- 'ii ol soiils. t/ not with inielli- genrr - \\liii itoH it all mean .' \V by in the u ijnr >, Jj.iuiu.ty must tins t-p iU-in o of ungovernable passions cou- t.uue t <> i.l-lN 1 I.K HINT. Th bAtximl s.Hiirly You ought to ..v '.* Iviti-i JIP- lo urte muuey. I In- \\.fe. !<<: I) l'vrhoa 1 t-viuld .i'ii if 1 b.i.l a lul.> more to prao- (-.- with. ONK WAY. HucUtntl 1 don't know how much <tf an allonaiKVit tu give you next year. Wifei You know know miu-h you cm affoird, il.-n't youf HuilMml Why. yee. Wife. l'hu give tua as much an you can l.i I w.ini aonw> anrt of a prwnt foi a youitg l.uly. tJWMt heart or ..i>ler t Kr t by she hasn't said win. h she will be yet. THE FKUfi SERI INDIANS LIVE ON T1BURON ISLASO IN THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA. 1'>-l I ,i: .IPII-. . ll ->fc aid Unit I'rluillTc iHhitbllaniU ul ittr ..il urmi. The Seri Indiana, of Tiburon Island, in tbe I'i-ulf of Cihfi.rnia have liecome f unous by reason of thftir extraordin- ary ferocity and aUo because they ire the most primitive aavagea in Xr'h America, having not yet advanced be- yond the civilization of the Age. One of tbe most remark i <le th ngs *:iut the .Seri, is that they seem to keep on grow.ii K all their lives. Whe- ther thit be in truth the rase or not, they continue tu increase in stature until after they ara forty years old, c-ertsunly la sir i age phenomenon, frum a phyatOLOgicut point of view. They have king ben reputed f and far thia id.u there ia some ground inoMBuah *a the me-n average six f- ' in height, and the women nearly, if not quite, five feet nine inches. For this reuaon all of the younger men and women ap[>ear to full below thia in- ui, while all tbe older onea are above It. i'hrtre are no fat pei>ple among the and in respect, to phyairul vigor they ace extra- rd nir\. Of ererl yet auay carriage, great breadth and -l-pt h of cheat, very slender of limb and pcooesa.ng unusually large f-et and ban la. they exhibit a bodily ui-tivity ouch aa can hardly be equalled by any other people on tfle lace of the earth. The ftkin of their f-et and lower legs ia ao hard and calloused aa to resem- ble the hide uf a hiirxe of camel, so that they air* able, to run through cactus thicketa *> thorny as to stop hursea and dogv or /pver i>-.l- .pf at tie j so sharp that the very coyote void* the trail. One of the atrarvgeat things about the.-v aav.igea ia that they seem to have no knife aeiuie. *s .me ui.ght call i'. la c'thea ward*, they never think of using -.ml under my "ir- oumat.inoea. If tliey e apt are m ani- mal O.IK! k II it they MO not cut it piece*, but ppreter to tsar it tu fragments wnth their handa and teeth, breaking the larger bone*. |>-rliipe, with a stone. They ire known to adopt this method with a horse, throw- ing the brute ao aa to brenk its neck, and then setting upon the carcass lit- erally with tooth and nail. A leg of a c.w will furnicth .1 family, with fund f -i ctuaie duya. and to ben anybody h-iplH-n-s to be buuigry he takee a chew ' iit. tearing off the fleah, just us any wild animal might -I . The Seri have nlway* kept tbeui- elve* aloof Crom other tribes ; they have an hrrel i ny hate and h M i >r of aliens. Kruui their viewpoint tbe ihtxliliug of alien blood ia the most virtuous of act.too.-v while the Uark- eat crime they know ia the tra-nnmis- aivfl of their own blood into alien They consider it aa much a of course to kill a atraoiger an thv white uiuu doe* to destroy a mvike.. laulated to an extent unp.tr- allel.-il. they .ire hopiueleaa wandeier*. i -v :ig from place to place and sleep- ing uhwnpver rih.niMnxi overtakea them. Carrying thrur entire utii'k of paraiipa.il belongings with tlieau us well as food and water, they are perpetual SO.nETHl.NQ QUITE NEW- CEYLON OREEN TEA aaM ttavor as Japan, ealy iner* delicious. They regard the neighbouring ter- theic own tliwiin. ami there they have be-en in conflict for lu-iny years with i in limeu. \Vb*u they surround md capture h.u(va pjr ktne they never tit nk of mounting the boaais. even when pureued. or uf uamg ropeo. l>ut immediately break the neck and knock out the bpra.au of the aniui-u per- ch.ince to ten the writhing Unit into quarters and flee for their lit. is with the reeking flesh still quivering on their he.ul.s and brawny Ahi<n Scme.s f v.iijuei im 1^1 n lie tion. wholly itu-re<liMf if it -ie ."i\\<- *1 by fe.ei wilue--.- - '-\en when ao butdeiied the roltber Seri skim the aan of the .1 ni;>re rapidly than iwngiug horsi-meii f >llow them Th:' S':-. U.iya go out after laott is in thres uul fours anil catch them by imtrunniug them. U h, u a i p .|pil is stalled i lie;. one following it Muwlt while i lie et off obliqiu-ly in siuh a m-inne-r as to head It off and keep it in n* .^ course until it tirea. Then in. and fm.illv grali the auiiuil l>> hand li ei|ii<-ni l> Ni.iip; ng il in alive to prove that it i- t p tU . mglii for among thea aboiiginea it is deemed di.sciedit.it.lf to like game animals without giving them a chance fur es- cape Off nWfence I hev r l(.t \. i . also by r\inniiig. scattering at .nht of the quarry, gradually aurround.iiK it, bwwihleiing il by cuofrunting it at all point/i, and at length claaing: in nnd aeixing it with tht-ii band*. Don Manuel Encinaa, aon of the owner of a ranch, was endevoring on one occasion, to induce a Seri man. who was) a famoua hunter, to do some work for him. There was peace f <r'-he tim being, and i band of the aavagea was sojourning temporarily near the rancb. It w is i act after- noon, and the felluw begge<l release fr in hi ' i.sk. saying that the spirit of catching a deer h i.i taken h > him. He was excuaed ua condition that the deer be bruugtol enure to the ranch, and two hour* later he was 1 *en driving in a full grown buck. On 1 approaching the (dwelling quarters ! the terrified anunal turned this way and tha: in wild effoi Is to avoid the human habitation ; yet the hunter 1 kept it under cp>ntr.>,. 1. a. ling it off I at every turn and gradually working ' nearer until at a sudden turn be was able to rush upon it and catch it. Throwing it over hut shoulders, he ran into Uke ranch houoe, with the ueaat still itruggl.ng .tud kicking. In another inetancc a Sori caught a horae in a still more expeditious fa-hioo. The -lULiaal. wbkh U-loagvd to the ranch, was allfied the band n ondilion that a aingie one of the Iiitl.ana ahould catcb it within a fix- ed distance, about two hundred yards, frum the gateway of the corral. The offer wu0 promptly accepted. an<i tu nvike the teat f f; t -et ues a f j r oae a vaquero wo* called .n to fr. k - the horov and atari h.ui to running aruund the inier. >r p>( the corral, while a boy stood by to drop the bars at the prcper moment. When ih-- PII.- aial had ga,ined ita bet speed the bar* were dropped and it bolted for the open plains. But before the two hun- dred yard limit was readied tbe hunt- er hnd overtaken it. leaped upou its withers, caught it by th jaw in ooe hund and the f.m- - k .u -he other, and 'hareby thrown it in, ouch a miinnwr aa to break ita nock. K irly pane moru.ng ?>-uor Muc.u.is aud some actend.inia lett tbe ranch for the town at Hertmsillo. leaving urn nd. amoag nthf!>. i aeri mitron with sick child nearly a year old. In the evening the chud ^p>t w^ir^e. .md the w L<m.LU. being a!*rui-*d about ita rendition, took the trail of the abKen- te* ulMHil dusk tii the iuipe of K''L- ting mc-dicine from the Seuor. v dawn next moruing Abte woa at Ml- mo leJ Kuciaaa. for.y-five inue away, with h*r chiUi and a pel. f- fer.ug in th foi PU of a >i k rabbit, h,vL she had run dowu iud caught iji the course of her journey. n-pi!le,l c ,1111. l>i. . They nevor cook their food, apparently ' though they have been known t I boxl the boot of a horse, after the- leg had be*n wrenched off at the h>-k ant il it w.i sufficiently sof n n.-.l <>> be knocked off w.,h a stoae. I lieu half . .' / r mill von* and mi d-MU gather pis. ul '.u tfllait the geiatiu.Piis t if pj' inwstiiktf the ' cof fin line." they pis-sa but a single tool ; Licalty aul apply it to > w i.le varu-ty of puriHxoea. It ws merely a wave n > n pehble and w-ith U they crush bones, sevei ifiid-ius gt.iipt s,. t >,ls. iuL face IP.I in and bruiae woody tissue to aid in breviking *i u-lts for houax (tolee or uu^squite runts for harpoona. bothbe- ftetv-i-.l (ili.-h.Ml lit firing Ihe pebbU> .-s ili\i i ile<l when sharp edges nrv prixtiifi d l>y use or fracture. I'heir a aire m-re tempoi irt shelters. i u. I i 'i ant ;' p>|s- s.-ns.. they are of stoues pile<l up and i.-ofel with i huge turtle shell. MERRY MOMENTS. An Inf all h!e Jt-. je -Uhit to do to obtain white bauds. Nothing. Her Mother Don't ypjii f ; nd Jck Wheeler raiber rough 1'nsc'lla ! ' Prisi.-iila Yes, rnamoii. Ana yet be says he shaves evtjr.' ujy. ' You'.i* kissed that young man good-Eight and lei bim go, Liven t JPJU, .-tella f said a weary voice at the top of the stairway There >was an awful silence for a moment, and then, in i t.mM. hesit- ating voice, the young man in tbe darkened ball ^mded : s tna'an), but I th.nk .-^he's go- ing to. ' When,' 1 -houted the pjrj'p.r "when ome that bles.m;! j,y .then every niiu *hrll get all 1 ' 'It'll come along about the time." ,ick-.<a-wered the man in the crowd, who was there fur that yur- pose " when every man earns all he gets I" A LOl'D-VOiCrlD BIRD. A story runs thoit i_ oartaL^ day two meo, uoe of them very deaf, were walking by the. railway. Soddealy in. expu'tai train nbe>l by, and> aa it piimul the engine emitted a shriek tihrit tnrmrtt to read the very .iky The hearing nwa'a ears were we 1 nigh split, bat the deaf maa atruak aa ecstatic attitude. Then, turninit to bi< suffering friond. h siil with a rlraoan'' omile: "That's the first robin I'VB heart th*> spring!" API'K VL TO rHE I. VW Mrs. O'Avnoo, at front window. Oooatablto! !' iceruan Y"e. ma'am What'a wrong, ma'amf M -. D'Avn-KX Nothiag'a wrong: but I i,-' . kitch-n ml tell 'h- p^k 't->t t.i hum tb- meat, aa one did list night. I'm afraid to. of tae nnwt trail obtaianbl* (loraaMed > the m<Mt part tea <)nakif~> DISEASE i* a -vi:ipi l >m of Kidney Di.Henv;. A well-known dtx-tor ha* said, " I never yet madea pot-mortem x- ammat ion in a caae o I death troin Heart Diea*e with- out flndinr the kidneys wereatfcuit." The Kidney mediciiu. which w HrM on the market, moat MICC***- ful for Heart I\n and all Kidney Trouble*, and tnciit widely imitated ii Dodd's Kidney PUls IV)SI1.\ ri.tH'K Vni->ii({ t.hep exhibit* in the IV'it I' 1 1 iii <le.< lle.iux Art at Ihe I'. in* K- h.l>iiii>n is a hitt* uiitbl' clivk for whioh all offer of $.'5<l.iH.l h.i~ ju.it N-eii ini-le. l'he v -. rk i- hy Ki|. anl i^ iIU|KKMl f -..! I net !. .if tbiev uytui'li' ^i.m Im*. ,in<l U rail- til Ibe "I'l vk of tht Three 111 . are c >n,necti*l I. H t .f tl x, Mirn.uiu-.limi .1 (>r.'lon flut- e-l pillir. whu-l' I00M '- '-"e <*t .1 Mv-'-h 111 K.vl v:l~- .), -.-.-: lied Mllh IK ppf ovik l.-aven. Thi* in the WOT k-> uf i h-- clock, to ill'-, lid ->f wh-t 'i PII-- ( ' he lyiui'h'* i- (fiiiMiirf with he.r finder The o ne.r of the clock i* (.'ointy KIIO <le I'liu-'i !-. PM,| in ..ffepi of 9J50.UOU waa iu-id- through M .1 u-ijue* Seliym inn. ;ht ,<r~it d-il n r it euri<*itiei. \a h- cl fk i HH><IW 'h' nbj"0is .v hip'h CVvute <le l'iniiiii<l<p in'eiipN IIP to tbn l.uvre on his death, th' offer was ALKKAIIV fill N n:i) Old Merc ha at Before I answer your r*iUt-i for my ii <uirbter'i bin I. permit nie to ask wlut ii your \-iily .:us sir ( Yiuux D/f;t >r -A'i I- 11. it amounts to **>!). 01,1 il*i<\huit H'm: T.> th.it .u!d b ail .led aft at 4 per ce-ut. on tbo sum of jt.'U.mHJ thit I iuieti.l to giw uiy il.iU)ibtr fot li-r duwry. YounLt; Off ^r -Well, th* fact i-. I havw taken ihe liberty of iiu-lulmrf thit in ih> i-.ilcul tttoii jusi >ut>mit- ted. " A TMng of Bcuuty It Joy. liiir' is .1 j,.\ i|..- \,i rein- rdy In. th- vs -i 1 ,quii- \ -ur.il- j i i al-. . in I m iv - tiij piinps are. o.n i !> , - tk>iV N-v - ure. RKVSDN \ltl.K Tb* 1 Father Look here, my Ixiy you u wvuld nx>d only $r>Uil for lie leiui i.no*\ n PW- you want f'.IMI n I Ue -"n ll'ii :li4 is fttr the things I d.'ii i ueed. LUDELLA In LMU l>iijts 25. M, , M ana I Too Are Astonished- If you have norired thp'fif a bairding that iu'e<li'l j'aint- injr an.l after it hail revived a coat of paint, you've been . astonished . RAMSAY'S PAINTS. Paint iloes more to increase the value of a iirnpi.-rtv than any other oue thin^. M it ! 0"k lui-lit aii'i handsome w<-ars well and pr - - it a* only pure juiint ran. A. RAMSAY & SCH, - -* MONTREAL, Paint Maker*. LOW v\.i.r.vi i<>\ He A peony f.- v.>ur he It's a bargnin. but I'm afraid you will not get full v.ilu- for your money. H W. ' here's the penny. N HE, what wre you 'hioking ( I - iUM->K DI\\I-:RS. A Chinese dinne-r is p.-isan: only a a neuuruBiv r For lavish -Jia- pliy, abaodano* of floral decora orig m 1 uuep . a Chineoa dinneir baa no terpurt. . THK YKVR 1900 -ter resolution can be made than -it buying any of t:. tuti .-fft-ie-i .1 - jii^t a ^<ip .1" aa ji com cure I'u; n.iu. -> Corn i It n.- give sa' . -<ub- t it utee. AV I'P OlfUV'.K. i Lady How dun you a-*k any tar money I You're fu 1 of liquor ' W HMO CALVERTS --"; Oi.nrec<an(a . - -. . went. Tooth Powder*. tc.. aav tw*r*let li* madsls and di^.uuia* for nperter zoeilsnra. 1 .-ir rr^n:*r UK prtrvot llfrf oa* discus*. A* roar i.rr to obuta a sopplf LUU mji.ej fr OB app.u auoa. F. C. CALVERT A. CO., NOLAMO. > . r fJOR SAI I i H"!' E rtKH.4. BKfCB Co** 1 OM Wnw for pvuouitn Jm*t H. ttwt ffjnaarilnt Out LAW MILLS. MILLS A MALES, Bvruhw. . R- "4 lo W -i. r BiuMaofc H.^kuiu d l W ToruMa. Brass Band l<rial. DruBi Lmituim* It*. Every Town can have a Banf] Whaly Royc* A Co., ^..f*er t know it. (**, I o>uie o' gooil people, a a* beggin' ocvna* oo h.irxl ter iu I potter '.ike a couple, o' bruoers 'fore I kia do it ! FOK OVCK FIFTY VEAR MRS. WrXSLOWS 40XTHINO 8T' P kM bMB Ml 'iUktii.nfociJi.ir .n .ara uiln... |IU*M IM .-*iR W/UM OM (UIM. *..&r> rwa. am wn>4 MUa. >ad Ulk> 1M r>mlf for iivrkoft. Haute, laid bf mil Jriii* tamulioui ih world. ( mn Md Mk fir " MnxWuMiuw iVuUuo Catholic Prayer ^!~SZ Plcton^ .-l *: .ry to. I OiuixH Orv*i Worca. M*il or4*n r*o*iv* proiapi B. a j. IAULIIR * CO.. Itontnal. POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLES, UH! jit>.T fUoDl'l'R. to <MV> itax noaMii un M The 0wioq CummiMion Co , Lin\itt4 Oer Owl- Market a CoikorM it., TarwU, ^VOOD A PHOTO ENGRAVING > J.L.JONES ENC C? 6 8 10 ADfLAIOLVW TORONTO" Ql IK I' A Dlr'KKKKNT Vii-ur's wife \Ve.i. M:s. IUu|(g. I'm to heir \oiir hiiA>Mn<i li u< | ui' -IT nkiUjj. T h<>oe he's all the bet- ter for it. Mrs. Blogfta Oh. yes'm. th.it he be. Why eversinoe e tik the pledge he's btvn in ir.' like a friend than a hus- Isind ^^_^__^jitirrm*i Norn. tiMOTOOT.^^^^^ TlM " Balmoral," Fraa Bus ^i AVENUE HOUSt-y^ -t.X^'i? 1 3 Dyeing ! Cleaning 1 For lh 99TJ b*4tiMi.l f- .ir v<irk t lb " BRITISH AMERICAN DVEINC C*." Look fur kgmi i* yt.ui UJVB, or ad tilraM. Montreal, Toronto, Otuwa, Kl I. I.IKKM'-- Artist -Hre i the portrait of your , M -nuin Ah! It 'very liie her! ! V- i- >h< er h in he .1 ilu t piy [ ^he. anUl you'd pi 'bit. M K., -Inn in. Ah - like | hart Th*r I* mor* Catarrh IB tbU Mciloa of lb eoanlrr tbaa ail other dlseaM* vut toi;*ife*r, ua via-ii ih*iifewr***<iui'po**itob* !ncr*6J*. *r * K ra*t many THAT* doctor* pr*. *ooav*l II !'>cftl dlw we. *d icwarlhed local rwnvdM*. aad b/ coixtaouy f.tliing to .-u wttfe loeal tram*nu prooouDcod tt marbp*. Sot mce h prcvcn currh to be a oon>tuailonJ lii^uu. nd thercfara rejuiro* oonmilvkiuo*.' irvaimwt. lUll'n C'atArrh Cum, muuf*otred by K. J. Ob*D*r k Cy, Toledo. Ohio. U tb* - Bl o. B.-4itn;ioni ure PWI lh*uirkeu U Is taken iBtro*ily iu ilonet from IP) drop* to * teai>poB Sil. U *ot dire, tly oo the bl">t and macoai iwface* at Hi* yfcm. Tbej otfvr on* huad- r*i do lr (or ar o*.M It tlU to our*. tor circular* n.i te*tlmonlal. ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP Largest Sale IN THE WORLD. ROOFING * na "'< itHTTj - ' B.H.riNa sun.i. . 5?*.! r r ?n- .*" OLACKMAXOt lW B .Tonalo) KooOBaBviyx; ) TIt.1 il . OUT 3l Tr. tu Sold Uall' by Uruggit. 7 Jo. 'i Kwni i'i.i r the bel t;oi IIKN i M: i - - tBNG ni The. (t<-l len eijil- hn great rf'b. It :ifi - s ,.ff w it h ea.se .1 w - poanALt. THE NIMMO and HARRISON BUSINESS .nu rn| . -pr SHORTHAND tULLtUt I. 0. 0. F lulldlig, Toronto. mwi thorough p.-our* of iodlvij-i| .-n is all u*in*M mnH Mvll t*n>i** l. MMrlhand, Typmtrlllnc, *' i aasurpo*d. op* *itlr>- jtu. lift otl The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. OFFICE- Cno Permanent ' TORONTO. BHAN' M P TIP f- Wlnnip(, Man.. VarnxuDW, I ft J*n, <t . Capital Paid Up, $6,000,000 Reserve Fund, 1,500,000 Pr-Ju; Cterge Coodarham. IM Vp.-r Proi.ltai t.J t. Herbert Maaon. tud V ,-.PrU < W H. Matty. i^n*r*J Mknafi altar 8 t*e. Money to Loan. lVpo->i Allowed Debenture* Nued in Sterling and Cur- rency.

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