Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1900, p. 3

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SEPTEMBEK 27, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE T HE FLESHERTON' ADVA N C E SEPTEMBER 27, 1000 . \ Zf'ti ^f X* Jfttt <Sc Co. *9*> O. S* Co. Dress Millinerv Nf\v Mantles DRESS MAKt\fl DEPARTMENT New Silks and Trimmings New Furs New Carpets New Staples FALL 1000 For the pi-oriit Season's business \\ e have made special efforts in procuring for your inspection and approval the! biggrst and liest collection of all kinds of Worthy goods to be found under any one roof in (!ivy County. \Ve have paid Si'oT CASH for every dollar's \\ort li that has entered our doors, which en- ables us to give our customer- the very best values obtainable any where. Our unusually lai^e staff of siilesju-opl.- will be pleased with an opportunity of serv in;,' yon faithfully and intelligently. If not already a regular customer we cor- dially invite you to become acquainted with our store and methods, believing that results will be mutually profitable. - - \EW - - TAILORING 1>EPARTMK\T New Ready lade ( 'lotliin; New Haberdashery Sew I loot- tV: Shoes New .Men's Furnishings New Nev\ C' rock en- (lias, ware F. T. H I i- L & Co. - M A R K D7*. LE. JMMrWM^WW^ Advance n BI.IsllEI) WEEKLT AT THf OFFICE, <'! l.lSi.Wiinli .STKEKT, rLEKHKKToN, OM., V W. H. THfRKTON. tl prr annum strictly In advaurr Advertising Kates: n Column. I yr, M ; lull <:<.!.. 1 vt.*Zi quarter col., one year. * IS. njvsr Tlio South African war JH practic- mile? 1 ;iml tlic I'orr ton-.* liave bee.} .well rouudcdod up nml *<;iiU red by I.oi;' liolitrlx, wln> will uow In in a position Iv come home and rat bia Itirkej. Tlio CliiiicHo etnbro^io of to-day is a direct repetition of liiht.>>-y. In 1869 ( hina treacherously cutrapi ! some fntvinii cmuaeRadora a'. IVkin au<l held i)iiu |irisouer. Tue allioil pow- era sent a force against I'okin and se- cured their ri-lcaiM. Thu emperor lltd as hf> ha.i in the present rase and lift tlie ('Inn. si' capital m tin.- liands of the allied forceH. Thou tlio question wan, an it is to-dny, what to do in the M'iuni!. Tint allicti liad ('nina ou tluir hands bill no ^uvcrniin .'it to dual witli, aini tlm Britni. prees pub- lislu-d articles at that time .vliich wonld In- <|nito approprnco if <vitteu for the prupuut occasio ,. 1'i, ouly Iill'i rciico lu-tUy is that Jim-* UM! cir- CUUlHtlllirr* \\n\- -i i-!..i . ,| Ui it the Cornier miliuiou does nut in any de- gree assist in solviti;; tho pieat-nt problem. Reform Convention The Itoform <xiiivt>ni i in huld in the town liall mi Monday. .IK, we ' lieve, the Inrci-st i-vurlirl-l li: H.-h(Mti.ii, !,,,. lirtni; I l.t .I. I. vi'i-i. >' illiiik'ifn i int 21, Thnrnl.ury (i, Kiipl.i.vM. :', H.-f.ua 14, M.il;iii' I In Hi 1). (s],r.-y H, l\ >, 4, Hhullmrnn 2, St. Vincent an.i r<'.ttidall( !l. Mr. Fr...l S.lk ,,, Slu'llmriix .* rupiril tl olmir. &(r. 1 1 .ulii.:in irrti niiMiinto-l tint. nil rlu, lint liy Alf. ra'nTs,.ii i.f Kuplinwiji ti,,l ne,-. niii'jil li) (It-.-, ll.-iil.-y. ('oiuitly CHUM illni fi.r tlic c.'inily i.t huil, IMI ( ) IKT noiu- ni^tioiiN win-, Alf INt'ermui, J li. Mfir- Han, Jin Cleland, I' McdiUmi};*! Mr. McTamjnrt and Diinoin Marsha',1, |irn priutor i.f tli.i ClnrliNhiirg Uoflnvtcr, all of whom i.--u.i| in Mr. ll:trtmnn'a favor. Mr. ManliKU W;IM ix w.trri.ir lm|<t ii.-hliiiL' a^ini' both lint-. nd Tor log in Uiu Ut i-luotinii, but hii.s toon the arror f ln wayi Hinco oominx to Thornbary \**\ pring, nnd on Uim oou**iun gtro rixl hot Reform spivch which WM greeted with much p[>luu9<>. Mr. Jme Cleland of Mcaforil WB the tii.-.t speaker. He Haiti if (lie II.". .li U-^atoH precnt u<>ro iin)iiu>J will* <li-ti-riniiition they could elect their citiuliiUte. II..- did not belirvi- iln-ie wus a ihadnw r.f a dnulit that Laurid wmiM In- i.-iuin>.| to PI-WIT. H.- win! I>r. Sproii'.- ilnl nut live in tlio riding .uid nt- HlioiiM not elect n innn '.n'Mil. tin- riding. The Iti-fmni Prty in K-IM Cn-y ^ve tht-ir citndi<la(i> in. C:i-r imli ili-'tn II..MV ||i- wan helit ti) vote fur lgagthB i i Mfl n il-.llars n ton 11 H nlK,' hnped nr>n see .-in i-lei-tric railway tp|nne the -urv'ian lUy clmrn the vulley. These things he mentioned to allow ilia' he ha I U-en iiiii-i-.-start in the welfare of the riil- iii-'. liut did not hint t (f<iveriiiiii>iit a- taiii-e. lie touched cm ll-or le lion ami <le|in-<Mti-il the loyalty cry '(Inch had ilmiL- much to injure the nxintiy. and ch.-iri;i-4 l>r. S|ir..iile with .Ui.,i the I.OJ-H who hail umie to Smith .Atnei, iiliiit; up lit- aililr-s l.y piv.lu-tini; .1 eepi!|.j virt.iiy for Lmrier in N -.-tM, i^iieln-c. inJ H -,MIII of ten or twelve KL"|M in Out trio. Dr. lj\nileikiii. who was also present, ijave OIK- of Ins paiisuiL' uil.lte-is, -. winch ""''' li-rr li.i'l .. .,!'!< to will this wiis bt-i -ins,- id, \ li ;l ,l ^..ntrol of the KOV- jiiniiniinirioii for hi> -nn ,-\, n tr.nii s.. . mil-lit in.u'liiiu-ry, what lln-y nt-vur had |'riiiu- n thiiii! iw u ilry KIK|N nilvcrtis- U'fi.rc, mid Hiis utiarantoed a |ini.' i-ln i- n. Mr .1. I>. M'ii-,'iin, Dr. .T.iinii>Hi>ii'H up. in tin- \:u,< Ontario elei'tion, alno in- to th.. :i.hmitai{n lu'crnini- f n m rontrol ,.f tin irnvortinii.Kt muchiin-ry, and wiul that Lnurier atocxl for civil nd i.-li M.. us lil,erty. He criargnl Sir Clmrli-h with tolling one atory in Quehm! and tn , in Ontario. "With an etf.irl," said I Mr. Morgan, wu ciin elocl a mnn t-.i. |.t. a.-nt iu in EaM Ory not mi.trnprf< M Dr. SpMllIc (li>B. Mr. IV McCulloiigh was a litth nm.i" Mild dirUn-d that It wou 1-1 r- ti.-inendi'iis v.-ork to icdt-om thcrici- li -. -itli.yl Dr. Kproule nrd o..n- that he wi "no good." Mr. John Roland r\id this WM tin. firt timo he had addressed a i.imttinx hero linco he was, as hU Tory friend* any, "offered an n IIMHI; ^,^'rili.i-" In IrtHi. II.- ili.niftht hii candidatnn- Ih.-ii was nothing .0 Ii.. a:niini-d <,f. Oix'ani/jition was the chief thing to bo cotuidi<r-d in this .-' I)i. llami-Mll i.f Meaford WK a fighter and worker but <iid not protenu U> be a j.ul.Kc Hpeakor, and nfltr a f ( .\? pi..-roiial p'llitictl reminiscence took hi^ :wat. Mr. Duncan Mimhall was enthuatutic and gave hl rejiwii* for p - rt ing tho government. Fie ran ovor . rhe following ofiicers were ii-i ru-s,,le.,r Mr. F. II Silk. Slu-llinnie. ; Vta P.- --lent. M.. A. C. Patterson, Kuphraiia ; SearMnry-TreMtrer, Mr. J. i - '-wart. Meaford. Phwjfoodiat, TV Ormt Knrtlufi Herinly. Sold nd MMMMMM by all drnggUM InOansda. Only rrll- able mdletn discovered. Sit urantnd to ran all , all eflecU of abase 'VoolPllo|.lin,lici'ii, I ,M in KI...IH.,' u.,- BU.I W. K. Blohardon, . House & Lot For Sale. l.lotk I-' , No 18 1, n.'ulnrton. ijood f.miu- , < . ell. *ln<> rrn .. I it. hi.. - ni|> 4 ..- ' i . A. Wlckuii*. riesbsrtou, or \V. II HIOKU, ' Wm. ilcCalaion, Inporttr <-( und , scora & uiuui draniig and Karlile Work cntie* railway Monuments AMI - luacriptions Cut on Shortest Hydenham ht , - Flenhurtou thu Dniininoiul d.'al itnd docricd j .ibsiilii-8 In ^onerai which he thought a curw to the country; fhc Crow's Nmt paw coal niattai*, the Nati.msl dt-bl, tho |i.*.tn|licf ill-part mont, ho inr-rLVwiiii the "nest of imltora," and doolre<Vthat th*r<> wuro "Ion thousand otlu-r thlueshc mli;ht say." Tho guntle- man hah certainly enough reason* for the |Mitiou he ocRupie. Mr. Hartmau'i np^ech WM iiucoesarlly if |M'ri>onal na>urnnd he did not attempt . . t " ~i " " - T W\I"mi Wl llsktltt, KIHI1 into p,.luul matte on thin 8,'" lr '" "! wtionn f,. r (liffermt -nan llfirnt- nnolnff ilon.< mi th* n,n M k ,,..... OF ALL KIND THE BFST The nnileiiliii.Ml U nalllnii tho boot Kurm h.. prodiod nu o.. i-.aik.-t Vffij Ion. He had been Induced to come out by a large roquiMtion, and believed he was ure to win with proper <o-oprv iii.ii. II- hinted at the possibility of smelting works being erected at olthe' Meaford or Thornbury, -nd said Olorgne >f St. Marie had promised to put |21K),00() into nitch an Industry In thw riding. There were hundreds of arren of Iron slag In the Reavrr valley which of Itself WM ir ho*lna lion,, on thVouMl''^! |>l*ii. a I haTn workPd under U.i t. tul- ID (lit. rrlcovllla, Jnljd SC. U11.L- V. Ioll-UT. Con. N. T.aortH. ., 100 aoren .H olMrad, l.alno hardwood. Oou.l M ftf , woo. ou. frnie bouio aud barn, It miles from Kloahvr ton Alio 39 acres wllh good frame barn. If) cro ii.ler culHvntlou. 10 cro hardwood buth and . Dalauo* ri.UKli and well M. Richardson & Co. A Special Exhibition Fall Millinerx, I 'all Mantles. Fa!! COB- tiinies. Fall 1 >ITSS (loods aii-1 !''".rs. Fair Days, Tues. and Wed. October = 2 - and - 3, Visitors to the Fast (J.vy Aijn.-iilfnp:! S- i ety*8 Exhibition are apeoiaDy inrited to inspect our display of Seas'inalilf ( looils ( >:u ^(<H k is lull and complete in all lines Itou^ht at ri^iit prices at the liest solII'Ci s I c tore the tllll etli i t of ad\;Mleed v dues was felt- and marki-d to sell a* <-ld-i- m..rj;uis. Fall Millinery Opening, Monday and Tuesday October 8th and 9th Our display of Triiniiii-d Kail Milliners and Millinery Novelties promises t l>e >pt--ially attract- ive this season and we cordially invite the jiu-s.-me of Ladies interested in Stylish and Artistic Millinery on the occasion of our Regular Fall ( >peninj,', Octo- l>er s t l \\"c are pleased to announce that Mi Kan kin <>f Pa me will auain lake charge of this hepart- incni lor the coiiiin:: season, and any advance orders entrusted to her will receive special attention. Special Showing Immense Range Special Prices ! Black Cashmeres from >c to s.V. P.lack Soliels from (Htc. Hlack Satin Cluths from ''-'. to 7'- 1 Jiitck Poplins from :>0c to si. in. P,l.i,-k P.nches from :>0c to 81 no. p.i.-. ; -k Henriettas from 'J:>c ti I; Scr-r,., {,., ;; (tt . ['.l^k Twills from ;{->c. Black French Ki^ures fi-oin <>0c toSjcjnn Hardware Depart. You're Sure of Satisfaction When You I'ny An Oxford Range ) 'I lie aliuve ,-.ho\v> ill-- \Kfonl Kival We ree W <1 it <iy <1 highly sati-t -ictnry Kitchen (.'tmk w iii" in design an"- up td (Into in OVIM \ i-'^ii.-et. ^ It i;ui he relied on as quick working, eeoiioniieal ainl easy to manage - Its Itu-ge coi; MUKlious tui'ii hakes to perfec'tion with .1 minimum ({njuitity of fuel. It is quite rvasonahle iu Pli0&fv(MD6sU)d see it. M. Richardson & Co. WILL YOU BE riL'SV . . . *| THIS WINTER? TIP M, . tlU c- W In I ill it practical education wii.uli . < : , , , r Ijfu Law, Arl- MI;. \Vo I, a' thamoft roiupli ti- Shur' for CtJoKui to C V I- J Vicinity Chips < i:ir;irt-rislirs of th' Pmsl M-k < urffull) bulled for tli.- 'uriun - It h/ bet-n re] iirtt-l ihat w.- intei..l ru tuciiij 'lie pri- i- : ''IB cumin-.' .urer. This ;.; incurrect. Wu will r- -jaire a Ur','u i|uantity and pri^eH will be <v high an ever for all i!"i>d \<if*- M, HI;- - .a!- Mills. Fresh 1: in always ou hand. J. DuckettV, Knztuii l'*ir uf Mares f >r s:ilo, ^'o<>d NMshsWW turin toaiii. Ai'i-ly t" .-In' H. Heard, Tlirv.-: U me service* will be held in St. Mary's church. Maxwell, next Sunday at 11 nd 7 o'clock. \\ lteri F*Ils and Durham ha.l (>ink of weather for their fairs thU May the &**\ thins; continue next week. Dr. E. V. Little, dentist, will be at the Munshaw House, FUaherton, the 1rd Saturday iu each month frorn 8 to 11. 30. a. in. Hay f >r sale About thirty tons o! rirst siasa beaver hay for sale imrn<lia. ly. Apply t" v >' F. <'rr. lot a con. 2, Clayton'* have just received twenty- six cases of Boots, Shoes aud Rubbers unable f.T fall wear, and sre offering thni at remarkably low prices. Artemesm township Snhbath . nli.-n will be ' '. ' i:.i : "iia on H... lo. There wdl be two session*, 2.30 and 7 p. m. House .tn.l I- ' OB li/jiU Fleeherton, to b.i Wl cheap, contains we- rooms aud hall, bri;k veneered. Apply to M^ry Hradbury, Fleshcrt.'ii. The M*.rkdle exhibition last week was about on a (tr with former Tears, al- though tht u'.Hidr i xhibit w-ta s rj As a BUick show it was very good. . ab!> fully up to uny former year. Kull t.K-k of fall millinery. "U f- est styles in n-aay-to-weur felts. Pre- pared for rush of orders on f.iir days, at Mrs. Trtml'K'x niill'Dtrx will be 1. -8 and 0. FARMS FOR SALE FM-.IM of 2BO .-urr-'s situated in Ihiflerin. Grey kin i Simcow. - Prices from 87' "0 up '' 7000.00, t*ric^i end;-. t\-r write Geo. Rutherford, DOT 67, She! but at a smelter was worjh nix or / Pleth.rion Jan. is, 1900. W. A. AHM8TUONO. The Ad\rice was .'ikvored with a call mi Monday t.om Mt-wrs. 'ieen. ^ llulbur^ a"l Miwhal!, i Tliornbiiry. Bro. Marnhal! II[':( > <MH- cd the StauJ.ird ,nd Clark-!...-. l>\-flw tor at the Reform c> nve;. Con h.iiri-i^ ia the, popjlrx: p:i- with the town sports now. Sever tl nights have been put in at this kind of fun .. no cooi-s li ve been Isilleu. As we remarked before, it i tho I > anting 01 Mit- killing, that IH i<cpulfir. Will " Young Ireland ' of Enui>ciak-ijU- ly surid his pn<por name IM iiiin otfice. when his c<>runiuiiioatioti willanpuar nexc week. The name is u<>t wan'.vd t' >r pub- lication, but we must know w,. ro.ipoiide.iit!* are. Thia is a citi ir- M i u><- in every well-resjnlafed news,*; -e; 1 olfiot. Mr. (Rov.) Hiucks of Toronto addree- n-d the Epwui'h League "ii MouJiy i u nig iu an entertaining address on a trip frmii Nnplvi Ml London i Taris. Mm 11 nicks in a ji)cti*ing S[koir anil hvM the attention of hor *>idivnce f..r about .-ui hour itnd H h.-xlf. A sL'ver coIUx'tii'ii WM taken up on behalf of the League. MOVING Mr. R. T. WhitUn wiU take poMwemon of Mr. Strain'* r. ili-m-u for the winter. Mr. Jo. Clinton will in <vi- into the cottage bei<le th Methodist church, and Mr. Percy Liwrcnce expects toriHuovt to l>ornock in a couple of weeks, whore he ha purchased % timber lot and * ill put in a mill. , "A jimruiliHt," wtid the reat Nnpu- leon, "1.1 a uruiiililer, a ceiiijurur, a giver of advice, a recent of s>vureigns, a tutor of nations. Four h<tile newspapers ara more in lie feared tlun a thousand hay- onetfl." The com i-xercisc-s of Fleah- ert^n p'lliiic s.- ; ii.i.l will IHJ held in the Tnvrn fiill i. n FrKlny evening nf tin* week. A spleml'd pn>|{ram has Ixs-.-n pre|ired by the yoiu.^ folks and ev.-r) b. .el y .sliuiiM innku it ,i point to :itu-ii<I ThiMLiliiiiosiou i pW'-il .-it niily 10 and The pn^Tim will begin at . Those ho attended the Coliim-* fair l't wi-i-k o'nnpi;un that the manage- ment was exceedingly p"or, ;un1 stock wa* most '.'DiMpiou'ins l>y its iihst-nce r w.-re tho m;t,-.de -itti.-i -iio'i* "f much account. Tliu IIICI-H thai iliil come If wen- mtri r"i 11- ii wit'i Uy p<i,[ile driv- ing "ii tli course, anl in one ins' f hi.< cau.s.-il an .^ -. hicli n. ly ri-~u,t fiitiilly, ujocky from :..-r U-irrie litjinij r.-inirrci! uiicniiM-'i;, I r Imurs. The in- side exhibit was very fur, the in.jrchants tltii:- and exhibiting iheir wares quite hivinhly and artistically. Have you il<.i-iiliMl T, .i.ini. ,mr ;,u,l ! the d-ty with us mi Wednesday of next W.I-'K. ih .y ( if East Grey full fair ' Thu fm- is now becoming i:iTe j o;m!ar year by year, and we feel tint Wi an- within tin- murk when we ay there 1.1 no beru-r --nn'v xhibiticn in the cnuiitirs nf l!rt-y. I'.ru>: m- Suucoe. It h:. the reputation if supplying i day of pleasure an.) paying all prizi-s in full. The concert in tho evenipg this year : .; .t lutle better than usual, tli" mana^eini -ir li.ivin-.- i-ngagod Eddie Piggot, a renowned fun producer who comes very highly recommended by thu general press of Ontario. Entries have beeii coming in stc.tdily and the directors expect this yeur, providing we are favored by good 4Mhr, thir r exhibition will far outstrip any of its pre- decewr-t both in the matter of attend- ance at.il exhibits. You cannot afford to stay at borne. Persci Mrs. Alfred Thicclewtii.- left f!iis week to visit her daughter, Mrs. H;ickini(. in Mr. Smith "f tho SholLurne Econo- mise attended the Kef >i-n convention here ou Monday. -. and Mrs. Newton C.imrirld nd thrao un with relatives here Mr. Him Sir-- S . ; ^ guests of Mr. and Mrs .dtlt-r ftr a coiii' 1 TT: > ^ -eBR- ii:t call ir- n Tuenlay. Mr. Win Strain , day fu-r Ann A.-L.-r, Michigan., nave titken, a residence and will re- main for the ;n-,. Mr. Strain ;>-nd a few weeks with frier. i--. T! ! r.-- i | - - E-i ward, who n Mrs. Skii- kin ol Great F-illj U-fr. - i i in- forn-- . c-! th.it it is just 60 \ lince ho t k up hi-. Th-- ren; I r\ry. M Clubbing List wan largely attended, the remains being fulliiweil to Pine Hill cemetery by nearly titty vehicle* filled with sympathizing friends uf the bereaved fiinnly. The city council, ;*t iW adjoui oed meeting Thurs- day evening, passed ruAolutions of sym- pathy fur the maishal in his beruHveii>uut and attended the funeral in a body. The deceased, Matilda M. Clark, was Ixirn in Oi.tarioand came to Cheboygxn with her husband tiftei-n y--;inn!o. Three vive her, Mrs. Jimeph Carr, of iy ami the other two residing in i .Seven children mourn the loss of a lovi^ mother, six daughters and -i. She was a member <.f the Priiilnnt Patricians of Pompeii, carrying $000 life insurance in that order fur the "f her luved oiteH. She had sutf- ereil for four months from valvular itfection "f the heart." W'edded in New Jersey A corresponded sends UK the follow- ing account of a wedding which will in turest in.-niy of -iur ~i- iders "A vi-ry pretty weldiui{ to'ik place at 7- Th</m.-is st, Blotuiifield, New Jersey, at the r.-siil,-'ice of the bride < br ther-m- law, D. E Wright,, at which Mr. HnWiird \"an T.-usol .>f Lloomlield, and Miss (iert rude Keefer, late , i Fli-shcrrnn. were made nun and wife. The bride .i- utii-inl in a lieautiful tnvclling suit of pay broadcloth tnnimed with white !tiii c-.verc-d with l<l braid ami re- naisKHii-,- l.i.-c. She waa attainted by Mitw Anna Van T.uisel. sister of the groom, and prese:ite<l at the altar by her brother, Rev. R. Keefer of \\'.tsliuit,,ii. ( int.. while tiie ^roora was itupprtwl by Mr. J. T. WilUm of Jersey City. The cure- money was performed by Rov. Dr. John- ston, pastor of Park Avenue Mthdmt EpiK-op&l church, Bloorutield, assisted by Rev. R. Keefer. The house was beautifully decorated for UM o<UMio, the bridal [wrty itindiiig within a large upright tloral horseshoe wliiln the cere- mony was pi-rformed. After the recep- tion, which va* held from to 8 p. ni., the happy c-.. U pl.- !,;tt f. ir -i trip to Phila- dell'! , A-lamic City. When they return t!u-y will take up their residence in BUmr y. The bride earn . . ..... .,,,i.,i r-<- : '^ipaid i bouon- : ''' Tlie ...ii'i.n^ presents incl'ided a cheijiu ir in he bnilgroom's employers of 111" :uul i-tlni- c; '.L- amount nt *,s:.. aa well M some fl!00 worth <>f stt>'.iing silverware. . a "i city licir inbacripiion > this fuil. Ihisjis owr - .!_ \vhite lie various ' > com- The Advance ai I ul ninl K.i:; .. ; ! H .is year Ir' We^-t: ..180 1 l.HO , Death ot Mrs. DaviJ Clark. We ii"f. i-i, Mich., Trihuno. 11- >'-.!I:H: , M i-fthe deaih of Mrs. David Olvk.wiiV of the Marshall of tiiat town. Mrs. Ciark waa the sister of Mrs Sa'inie! lir. ->f ihe 8th eon., ( 's; i ; -s. Klwlu J.inloy of Maxwell. Tne Tribune iy: "Lat week the Tribune mot . tinned the death of Mc. David Clark, wife of our erticient city marshal. The funeral took place Satur- day afternoon from St. James church and Dali" i -entury ago a man thought . now h,- ha t.i iKe .1 r fhe y years tgo m . an ':ii rritdlc day iu and day .:\ for ,t in . . i ' haa to u' 'i * nnhi "ion -- i .-line) ;ho wor'.il. A tew de)- osriean;: ' ' - : pedcordwood in the liuali fi-'-m Christmue t>< Raster; to- day !i ''fa lii i m. u I . s.ive his life. t'nrdwell S-.ntiucl. A - '3ay atret-f. *i -IIK>U, wh;i iiinnei Sloyi-s Mr. ohii M . tho un- :--.'nate v.irkrr < \\ \\* . inaterivl fi V.lna, . ,:i,i ' f the niaC'.'ni,! , .x.imiiiati< ... was cnii^ht 'rawn i:i c' lilily torn. wiuh tho h.-n.d ' : tKow i ' S. Sun dock's Cc U roceesr.fnlly asl monthly by ov, 00 Ladle*. Safs.effeotual. Ladlmuk ir drugKlHt tor Cotk'a Cortee tut Casr- no other, iw all Mixtures, pill* and Won* era danKeroim. Frloe, M. 1, f 1 prr KJx:KOk,10il.|rra.|<itrO!!ircr.$ per box. K '. or 1. malld on reoelDl of prtc* nd two - tampe. The Cok Company Wlndnor.Oi>. Tos. 1 and 1 sold and Koommaadtd Or s. ' very Ruhhers. Trunk FLESHERTON MILLINERY OPENING! .1. * It. ilr i.V .; / * * * isV * Or \4V * It ^ 01 !i/ * i of the many attrsctionu for IUT t'air days and especially '., the lad if s will be our Millinery Opening, which will take place thtf first day . i : he show and following daya, .ind we u-ild invitj every lady in the town and iurr><inilin .' couo r ry to call^nd aee th vyies which we ire nh-jwins;. Then we have something extra for the men. also the yonog rnoii md buys in the way of Fine Suits We have juM received a .hipment in the way uf Men's and B.-T^ Su.ts and ' >ti-rroa'n, which far sut; asses anything >v.. ,.vcr sh'.wn w,i" think is nothing in this country to wjual A- tf .ire also prepared to give anybody Tannin; a bill of goods tome spnsial iii i-* 1 anyone wanting same to call and .nee hat we can do fur them b>>fore Buying, ui we ore well filled with i h,"f\ of all lines at very spc.iiu |.nci- We nil bargatiM wli -h it w mid be well for everybody to neo iml wa will be <:d at nnytinie to h.. them. \Vo ahould in- ,lx3Ut i >h<*, as we hnvo such a ..nl we thitiL we can savi yii when Ij'' We are prepared to pay the "-Mich- est Price for all kinds of Farm Produce 9 * 1 * i <f m ft * ^ t # i* # *' ' It \.. T.I Flesherttjn, Ont. JM M M JL * * * * f * f f *n /H 'I i-^ II ,.- - \ . K .;. and .uii'in t'.-irm implftiit i i .n..V.-n:> p.- .ii i| )e Min--, i!s.. till kinds of repairs for tli ...uie. \\ jius. Cutters, Sleigh-. -'loi'ing priniptly attend. i to -oiider coutractol Let. Lnfffeg Ma Plow Olmius c< .imtantly on li i -:<>hrou i r hi. dan Court of Revision HottM tl h*T*br I0VWQ that a oouri <rlll be heM. vriru:it to <\if Outarij Votp- Mil Ai-t. I.V liin ':onor :h Jii'lti ot :h.- Coni.ty C'mirt of the ("rtiintv of <irf>v. at ten o clr*ck . m.. on Tnenday. Uiaasooa I K> .if .'tolur, A. D, liWO, In tlv N*n l.Ai:. KUft! 1 -.:-!: ro boar anil .!- teruiu e thu evri VIUI:>.MH uf arrnn and OBtaatoaa in th Vor'LKl of t!i luuniclpBl ity <>f .Vrttumla for 1*K. All parnoDi hatina i>mi"---. kt tlin Ccnrtare rMalrail to atUn.l t tbi- : 1 time an.) i>lao. Onto! al riMbertou. tint litii day of i-u.. i A, D , 1900. W.J DBLLAMT, Clark. t , KLESIJBK.SOIJ < A>.>K.N r 1 -! _|^ MBLOTTE CREAM - SEPARATORS Which h.ive no ei,ual. It takes i lum power than anv ether. M.ir. Hork in lesH time. Separates more elh'oiently. All gearing protected. Perfect luhricatimi No tin tps Milk and cream pass over thickly enain- 'led surface*. No tin platox, but alumituini, which never nmta and is easily cleanml. Also agnt for the Alexander Cream Separators .

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