Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1900, p. 4

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W 19 \ WAR IS ALMOST ENDED! Boers Destroy Their Guns and FIee--Only a Few Marauding Bands Now Oppose the British. A ili-.-i'iicb (ruin London aays: The Wur Office has received the follow- ing from J,ord Kolit-ri.s. dati-d Nel- pruit, " Out of 3,000 of th enemy w bo re- treated toward Komatipoort as we advanced frnui Macbududorp. TUIli.'..- cro-ased int.. Portuguese territory. Others have dr-aerted in various di- rections. The balance cro><l the Ko. mnti river, ure occupying the Lebom- bo mountain, south of the railway Iv- lv..>-n Portuguese territory and the bridge. " A general tumult occurred when the em-ray real i-. I the hopelessness of their caua. Lung Toms and M-VI i i! field guns, including aorrv raptured from tb British, wre destroyed. "Nothing U left of the Boer army but, it few marauding band*. One of i h- baa taken up a position in the Doornburg, north-east of Winbur/. and is being watched by Kelly-Kenny "Hundle attacked the enemy on Sep- tember IH (rum Hi onkhor.-tfontein, ami captured one gun and 30 waggon- Knox overtook the rear guard at Kloiiipjesdoorn-;. H:B only casualty was on .oundrd. Hut i< moving .success- fully against another bund near PotchefMtroom. Hildyard baa arrived at Creotvlei, lli miles south-east of I'trecht, and hn- taken three prisoners without opposition. ' l'i. liriti.s|i officers who were cap- tured at Cypher-gat recently were re- ft .n September II. and reached j HH ml"' ii -.MI on the 16th." THE POWERS ARE DECIDED I48SAOE1 BY RUSSIANS, FULL RETRIBUTION IS TO EXACTED. BE 5,000 Chinese Clubbed or Shot Death. Thr f>*rr WrolUlcn- LI MUII(-< bans 4 l*rlnrr 4 hli. K Slavr Krrtt <rrr|.|. <l MI - A dejwi lob from London The Graphic Lwtrna, probnbly fr.on a Oovwnm.-ntal nource. that the p<iur- pnrler. bntwee-n the powers regarding the prci >m i Ji.i i is of the p<- ice negotia- tlo-n-s with Chiiui have in nowise suf- lered for the difference re.sp.-ci ing li,- < vacuat iun of I'ekin. The curdiul- ily of thu concert has not beeo dis- turbed. The following points have beea Hgretxl upon; Kirat I.i-Ilung-C'hiing will be ac- c-j>!id a* a nittciliator by all the pow- ers). It i. proUtble^xiu' I' 1 "v-f^Talv> be accpli>d, but the accept- are oooditioual upon tho produo* of iidequaU- credentials by both. S, cond A central Government suiifactory to the powers must be ealablUbed. Third The fullest ret r.bu; i m is to IN ,-iic:ed for tho attack* on the lioni-i and the muaaucre of for- tigni-r On tins la ter point ilUMia has shown herself to be as earnvs: ua Hull" .il.' to !> roil lu>'ic I .H no\\ be- Inf -li cusNi-<l. ND i ouiiiiuniciitions re- garding iinl -iiunlies have >-et paati.-d between ib power* ^-- LORD ROBERTS 'EXPLAINS. The Field Marshal's Report on the Johannesburg Plot A despatch from London says; The War Office ha.t issued a lengthy re- port from loi I Itolx'ri.-. un i h<- tulijcot of tlr '>ii i g pint to u>er- llnow the g.ii'ri-,011 an I iiiui.|er the lliiti-h oifioer.i, an<l of I h.- ile|iri,i- tlon of foreigners. After r.iirrit Iii4r the known faou of t b< plot, the i . -li c!iiinunlpr-in-fhi.'f in South Africa says; "Consuls of Americi, Ui*rm n.y. I i i nc.-, un 1 S>ve..len. hUlij T.ts of wb'rh nation.^ were arr.'SU-l, inet au<l fully <li-cuite>l the case with the Iliiiith offic il- 1'he interview was in..-: satiafactory. Th" Con.iuln ent i. l> eonciurri with ih Hi .1 i-li in I ion, and pioiui,..| every assistance." I.. M| I'I.IMII-. ol.l-, thai li. fi.ith with ordered the de|M>rtalion of all i -i gners arn-iir'l in conned ion w ith th* plirt for whi)- lH'h..,iiiir ilieir rrxp-'i-tiva Consuls could n >t vom-h Otherwise very few foreigners were deported, eicept employ HA of the Netherlands railroad, who refused to work for the Iliitish, and actively participated in the wnr. Xn! .. I..- |i .1 4f<i- Inlli. nllr A. r.iuul. ! I mhilu 1 mill It rliir 4 rluir. A despatch fruiu London aays: "Authentic accounts b.ive been re- ceived here," saya the Moscow corres- pondent at the Standard, "of a hor- rible iiiaaaacre at Blagorestcbvn.sk, . which was undoubtedly carried out : under direct onluis from tb Huasmn authorities, and which then let loose. { the tide of slaugbienbrougb. / Amoor. " The entire Chinese population of < 6,000 souls was retorted out of town , to a spot five inilea up the Ainoor, and then, being led in batches of a few hundreds to the liver bank, w aa order- ed to i i mi"i 1 1 'h rb ! "n r side. No boats were ptov.de. I. and the rivr, i ia a mile wide. The Chinese were flung ' alive tnlo the streitin, aod were stall- bed or ahot at the least resistance, 1 while Russian volunteers, who lined ! toe bank, clubbed or ibot any who ! altemjut-d to land. No one escaped alive. The river bank for miles was strewn with corpses." MI ill K MASWrUKS. u of the ft Iliai ii k.- tl< u .> Ill igovi .tcbpii.ik are in auolhvr foiin the ordrr uf the .lit with the )< u HI i n tt.Mim \\h'i .lie ovei I iiniiiiik' Miin-hu , Mi. ii- .-Ml. -i i em i n. i ., fi , in i!eu. tiioilki-v, wbxi uiu>t have bikini nuthoi t\ I he r.iri>'.|-<>!i.|nt iidds Mi I i hi- Ciar 1.1 d<iu!itl',ii i^nurunt of the. nidi-rs that have been i-.su.-il. ||,, fuilh-i -.i>> tb. n bis inform. nit has .i ies i>( ti-l.-ni .mis from thr of- lii'i'i i mm unlink .11 \l ui, hut i. . , , i v mil- of rthiuh cont un. I he uonU, "| (..-.erli t,. h ,..i i,, ^| ,, ,. , .idle ill I/. ll>. ' II..-, |. -s^m.lrnt ,. on . I rMtl i hi- :i.-|i .n . ..f ih.. KIISM.II,^ ,i, atoeJ . i i,,,,,, ,,, (> ,,[ Admiral Alexieff, \\ !, . .~ .n t ing in cun- rerl v\ilh ihe pmi-i-. .111. 1 sll^rfVsl* 'h"l Hi- . .ng a duuble , MI,- difieivtil oriU-r.s iu I'rchili .,n,| Ifannburia. 0531-J or, i 135ii 1100 775 O'-'S IB 070 013 075 04") 100 BO'J 550 575 009 900 KOMATIPOORT OCCUPIED. The Bridge Reported to Hava Been Destroyed Found Intact. A ilespili-h finiii London s.i^; A dc-piiih frum 1. 01 en/.. M iii|in>i alaten lh.it ihe Itritinh h.m- .. ..,)., r<! KOIII.II ip.-i.i i Ibe )>i ntge there, which waa reported to I,,-,,- U..-M de- Itroyed, as found tn U- intact. FEEDING RI:I : UQEES. Lorenzo Marques Authorities lake Action, A iles-jMicb from l.i.n-n/.. M,iM|ues. saya 'Ihe I'liilugiu-T authoriliea have appoinltwl H (xnuinit lee to re- recnivi- and feed refuged' from I lie Trnnaiviial. They have- notified the foreign (V-avMil* here that they "ill be eapecled lo lank after Ibe suh- jacta uf their (io-vsmueBta. BURNED Obr HIS EYES Then Drove a Red Hot staff Thi-oiifrh His Back. A ilc.-p.itdi fumi U'.i^liiiigiiin. , An official i utiin.in cat :on. 'i Ihi'.ii^li iliplniii.il ii- i h.inu.-l-, \\as 'i "-'h' lo i ) iilteiil.on of Ihe SI, ili- ll.-p.ii in, mi i..-,|a>, >.'HiiiK ni- fiii mil ion ,i, u, i I,.- i .unlit ions in the Yung-Lse-KiaiiK valley, and also gi v . ing detailt-d inn! f u ||j autheni u-ated in-tancea of aho III.-N in the I'lminc,- of linn. i n against t'hrisiisii ini.s.siun. aiir.s. Tim account i-, given by on, ,,f Christian in,sm.,n,u n-n who <-Ncapi<il. an-t hi makes l be re|mi l ibioiiKh ; the nfficiald of Ib,- Co,,-, r ,ni,-ni now fin u. i riling it to Washington. In one case it is si iie,| , inissiun- ' ary had his eytw burned out, then H poilinn ,,f bis iMHly as ,-, off, . llu | finally a re+luM M ,ff W1I9 driven through bis back. In another case given in the report, miiis,,,n, l> . Wl.lpped III c. .11, .11. l|,,. ,-,,|t<,M was soaked in oil. and the mass set on fire. The minaiunary waa buiiieil to .1. nl, 500 BObR RhFUGEES. Follow Kruger and Flee the Country. A despatch from Ix>renso Marques, aays; Five hundred U.ier refugee* an ived here (bis evening. Twenty are wmiixled. MARKETS OF THE WORLD Fiices o Cattle. Cheese. Grain, -be In the Leading Marked. 11 IK sin KM MARKET. Toronto, Si- pi. J3 Following were the ales and prices of grain on the .treet to-day ; Three hundred busb- . It of white wheat at 71o per bushel, 100 bushels of goose at G9c per bushel; 10. i liuih.-ls of rye at 54c per bushel; 400 buhel5 of barley at from 46 1-- o 47 1-Jc p.-r bushel; 100 bushels of new oat* at J9c per bushel; Ten loads of hay were sold at from 91.1,50 to 113.50 per ton. Wheat, wbt-, biraigbt |07U n71 Wheat, red 069 1-2 U"(i 1-^ Wheat, goose II 14) li9 Wheat, spring 070 071 Oats, new 0-9 02'Jl-- i:..ley .1 0461-^(1471-2 Uye 053 '-- _ ... OuO Hay. per ton "... 1- ') Straw, per ton ' 000 DrMMd horfs 750 liutter, U Ib. rolls -'2 . new lall 015 Chickens, pe r P> l ' r -> Turkeys, per Ib. ... 11 1 1... ;-. ,-ach 000 Potatoes, per buah. ... 040 Apple*, per bbl - 040 It ef, hind quarters ... 700 Heef, forequarters 400 Beef, carcase 550 Mutton '''I' ' Lamb, spring, per Ib. Out Veil carcnse f 00 DAIRY MARKETS. Butter J'lenty roming in to meet all demand-, and values r.-rni n un- changed. Good choice dairy Ls not plentiful. Commission houses sell to (be trade as f.:iows; Dairy, tuba and I- i Is, choice ,18 to 19o; an second j quality, at 14 to 16c, dairy prints, cho'.ce, 19 to iOc; creamery. boiu*, 21 and pounds, 22 to Be. ^jieeae Full creamery, July and August .iB^kaa. sell at 11 1-2 to 12. UKK--;: > H'l'JS AN!> T'ROVISH - The light delivery of dressed ' ^ and the short supply of ! ug clear nn thin market ha.s caused prices to jump ^v -u - '.*r fric.iion i;-dajr, and still higher values are looked for. her linea of pork products are strong Dreosed bogs, 9775 to 98, on the Mreet. Quotation.* fur pruvis.uns are us fol- lows, Dry suited shoulder.. He; long clear bacun, oar lots, '.' l-4o; ton lots, U l-'Jc, case Iota, 8 1-ic; abort out pork, 919.50 to 9^0; heavy me-tui. 917.- M to fig. . . .. . . .. in.. I urn, 13c, light, 13 1-Jc; breakfast IMC. -n ,1- 1-2 to 13c. p.cuio ham-, lu, ; roll Uicoo, lie; smoked backs, 13c All me.ua out of p.cklo Ic lets tbau prices u.ui'.cd for .smokoil moats. l^ird Tiercis, 9 1-1 to J> l-::c; tuba, y 1-J to 98-lc. p-iiK 93-4, to lOc. I'KOUUCK. Kggn Good ateady run and the market fairly active and firm. Choice fre.-h sold at li to 14 1-Jc; second* at Hto 100. Potato-Bit Plenty coming in and market easy in tone. Dealers are buying ear lots, on track here, at SO to 33c per bag ; mid ceil, out of store, at 40 to 45e per bug. l'u-1 I produce etc. Lota of stock coming in, market though ia steady. Turuips sell, out of st.re, at 25 to SOc I* i- bag; onions Mil, out of store, at lo per Ib.; ipples, r* r bbl., sell, out of .stiii*-, at 6Uc to $1. Brans New U-ans are looked for on the market -soon, ('iioioe band-picked beans are minted at fl.55 to 91.80. Honey Dealers quote from 9 to 10c per IK, for 5, 10, or 60-lbs tins. Comb hnnry, sells at -fj to 9^.J5 per dozen sections. Baled hay Steady. No. 1 timothy, car lots, on track here, fl>.75 to 910; two-ton lots, delivered, sell at 91050. Baled straw Car lota of good oat are quoted at 5 > to 95.50, on track. Hop* New, J'jOO crop, is now quoted at 13 to 15o. Old sell at IS toHo lor Canada, '!-9 ', fur choice. LIVK STtX'K MAKKKTS Toronto, Sept. 25. Th. receipts to- day were -15 carload* of lire stock, in- cluding 1,65(1 hogs, 700 cattle, -SOOsbeep an illimlm, and a few calves Business wns quiet, and practically unchanged, as far as prices were con- cerned, and very little doing. We had scarcely any movement in shipping rattle, and prioea were weak. The Ix-st shipping cattle is quote*! at 95 per cwt., but the best pric.-sN paid here to-day was 9400. Only a few small deals were effected. Only good to choice butcher rattle appears to bu wanted, and thia will sell at from 94 to 94.50, per cwt. Trad, in medium and inferior cattle is dull, and values ahow a downward tend- ency. Ktockers and feeders both in light supply with a f.in demand ; price, unchanged. Cood miloh oows are wanted. Noth- ing at lira ttenirad kind kera to- day. DESTROYED_THE CITY. And* Killed 500 Boxers Who Hatf Sought Refuge There, A despatch from P! :n, via Taku, ind Shanghai, says: Twot thouvtnd Herman troops and Bengal Lancera attacked I.iangshaiang on the morn- ing of September 11. The city was entered a/ter the gat* had been blown up with dynamite. There were several thousand Boxers in the place, and 500 of th*m were killed. The city was completely destroyed. One Ger- man wus killed. The forcea that have returned to Pe- kin say that there are many thousand Boxers and Imperial troopa at Cho- Ch'nv, and that they have excluded civilians from the city. Tb/ Americans are planning an ex- pedition to go west of Pekin to reacu* native Christiaoa. Then.' i.s a fair demand for bulls. both for shipping and for the byra, at >u-.l> but unchanged pricea. .-li-.-p ami l.mibs, are steady at the pric-eu quoted below. The enquiry ui good. II ./ are steady and unchanged. LORD ROBERTS' REPORT. Another Big Capture of Locomo- tives ,e ported. A de.sjiatch frmn London, says: The \\.ii Off c>- has received the fi,!!n\-. ing itob fi> -ni l/'nl Koberls: Pole-Care w and llenrj's Mounted Infantry arr.ved at Kaapuiuiden yea- ie.li.. uiniii.ng. The Guards follow- ed iu thi- afteiii'ou. Po c-t'areu re- iri i ,ie country is practically u .ih ut in.nlo. The iroopti had to cut through junglea iutersecti d l:y luvines. At the railway station I were nineteen engines of which e lo i cm were damaged aud eight buin- sd, 3H trucks of flour, J7 of coal, 1 of , t ut machineiy, attl b of sta- MUEDER NEAR HAMILTON, GIRL SHOT DFAD WHILE DRIVING WITH A YOUNG MAN. Altogthier there were 114 iiuck'. V griut deal of flour and hid been destroyed. The K ' ip rm-r Bridge b;i> I Ji'.l, Imt u cm easily be iej>!ao.-d. The oiHi-r uaiiia k . t ifn. railway i- Ix-ing l^i i.lualiy r-paired. I tv pe 11,.. t r i will reach llecior spruit to- 1 -} n. in. I i : II million ia one much 1 .1- hind iht- liuarda. . riir ' I'.'le-Latviv captured five waggons loaded with rifles aud ammunition. a 'J <""<*<-' i* nrf I 1 "'*"' "'' at 'Kelly-K.-Miiy i,-,..rls th.it t be " c " ''"''"' rl '" ' ' ' """" ""' <;'- Uuer cun. cut rat .on at Doornberk in ' broken. Tl.ere. is n- .-. no orfc-.inizerl "'<ler t,. intero.- t I V. mn, ,lci ,-r- I o- ,0.1 ia th. -uui li.-iii pirt of the UMvrrow Ur. MrCr-gor .-. I. hoi 1 >n - >! a Pus.lnz BIS Ml *.rl*ii. f ! ...l.,.. ibr li.-iim Thr M.I.-.I- . .-i 'III at Lri-. A despatch fi in Uamilton, says;- A shocking tr.ig-.ly is reported (n in Waterdown, about seven miles frum thia city. Geo. Arthur Poarson, ho works for Latupmau, the butcher, corner Queen and Uuku streets, tbi. city, went dr.. ug ' {Ms a; witb Miss tiriffm. of UuinUa. I'liej drove to tVirljle. 15 miles from here. While on their way hmne. unl when almoet a mile and u half from Wau-r- ii 11, they met a rig, which, ac> ing to Pearaun a story, hod no sooii- ssnd them t ban two shots were fired from it. Miss Griffin fell out of the vehicle, and Pearson, jumping to her anc.. was hurrified to find thai -In- had be-uu struck, osie bullet entering the bead. Be carried her iui" the hoaxe of a f iim.-r namod Sbpi and hurried to Wnterdowii for Ur. MrlJregi-r. When the latter an d the girl wus de-id. IL wj- i ud n ne u'clofk when the crime w i.- ted, and Lv*r.i is aim.ia' p..siti\e 1)1.1 ' hi> H.IW two men ia the straa^e Itivt-r Oolon/. t .N T inqn I'- |.- horn* o. i .1 I ws *,. wounded at \\ >, . , il,,,, u ..| while nuking thi- tounds. thmngb not bear- senny, or Ihe s-rury n.>t hear- iiiK his i,-| lh>- \\.ii Office has also in >!,,.,( >h- - in.^ n.-p<itch from Kuril K(il>- ei is. -.-d Itr.iish priaoners report that IX-Iin-y has imprisoned hun- dii-ds of II -rs who ii-fusi-.l in ln.-.ik allies bombard.-. I i br I'eitann forla an- ll "'" I i: . n.-e and fight til noon y-*terday. The riuu.-ae did the l.iiitn ii'l.ii-h-' I. it was m.i|>|-.! ut Cbttsins' hotel, on York St., i h.s city. ALLIES BLOWN UP. Fifty Germans and Kusaians Kil.ea by a Concealed Mine. A dvepatch from Taku a-iys: 1 be i Of tlwaie in the field the jr- fighting ... m pui- si.'ii I!' ei woiii..|i i lainniiii'd for the shunting of th Hniish prm.ui, is.' MhrHuiSTcAPTURrJ. not reply afii-r 10 o'i.-lt-k, and all 111- vest igation hou-il i hat the fni h nl desert eil I'.i-l .'t.lKHI i'n i.-.e es- I in broad daylight. Thi- a li.-s found tin- bodies of fmii ' uiK-n Thv forls wwre liailly dam- aged. Tn.- iillii-s had i dree k lift nnd He Completely Flouts a Boer Convoy. \ dt-.-puoh from London s.iys; \ i- l l lo I hf Wa I I Ifl*-. iinuiic,--. .bit iieiier.il M,- hi. en h.is cmiipleiely roui.-l a HIK-I c.omny and n-l i I i i-ni l.-r whU-h \\.is it I'olcii.sii. Ceni'i il .M,.| hun 'iii-l r^.n HI c i, lit-. 4.0UI -hi- -p. and -O.tKKI rouni, , minium .on (-111- .iil Mills ud lia> i.i-cu^i-d Vryh.-id, i n 1 is i iirn.ii/ U. -ii. ill tVii - Till ha'- s( IOIIK |m.s.l .on "t'lc.ir-, has cii-|>. iinnl a llnllaiiili-i - \ m, : c ui belong. ug Lo , ii. . who confirms ihe reports of :h." fift> wounded In t h<- . vp of i he ALLIES CAPTURE PEITANG. Great Losses Reported on Both Sides. \ despatch from Berliu, says; The Loknl Anzoiger'a Shanghai ooires- pondent c.il-li-t that the allies to- day capture-.! the I'eitang and Lui- Tni forts wab great losses. The ri.-n-T.sin exu lespou lent of the Ltuily Mail, referring to the attauJc on the I'eLtang and Lu- Tai forts, already o.-iplured by the allies, after heavy Iossp8, aocording to advices received ut Berlin, -says; "The surrender of the forts was <le- mn-'e<l witit the threat of immediate attaak by the Garmana and Ruiwiana in the event of refusal." The news that Sir Claude Maodon- ald's removal from Pekin to Tokio was arranged last April is comment- ed upon by mime London papers aa Indicating that the Home authorities were dissatisfied with his conduct of affalra. mint*. Knur thousand HliAsiaiis. 3.IHHI (,,i. in ins |,IKHI I'K-I.I bin. n and a di iiii-nl of Ans' i . i .i.s pal I icipatt-d in he attack. Th.- lliio-sh am! Italiaua did not arrive in tune. The railw.u line m Tiku is cruwd- ed w it h i- nf >:' -nii-uta. I i- cniuiii in.U-i of the Aiutriai Isqu.idruu cal'l<- as follows: "Lieut. .-I'lin-itfi schn/., ith u de- li* linn-lit "f uoops from I' -n I -innno a -u. nil fi in I'aku i iimpri-iing ont nff.cer. three cadet-, a,il furl \ -five men, i <x-upn-l I In- -si'Ulh foil of IVi- t-i'i on Sept 'M. in oon iu in i .on with Germ in ml ltu-si.ui I roo|m. Oui flirf Mas hoisted siinuli'iii. i-. '. vMib (ii'im.ui) 's over t h princtpil gule. " lb<- Itu^-- ui- sul M ijuenl 1> captur- ed t u > guns and a mint- lion. V di-l.ii -hint-ui of remlon ciiifiits, adei overtaking the first tierniiu \(M.iin- Hi/'inent, stumbled UJMIII four contact nun.-s. Ih* casualties among the Au.strians v\ere a naval cailet kill- t-.l and a n.i>,i. iiruienaiH and cadet ulighlly .. united, aud twvlve in, 11 .si- -,1-1 ely woundod." GAVE UP THfclR ARMS. Commandant Plenner and 1500 Bui-- Siu reader to Portuguese. A despatch from London tuiys;- Telrgrams from l/orenzo Manjuex as- sert thut L.'iOO Hiteis, includiiin I n, Uiundanl I'iennet .in.l i Imt. -en Ii-Hilili| itffici-iK, surrendered with their HIIHI-I and aiuiuuiiilioJi to the Port uguioe 1 1. il.i > AU u-f them were placed ia gaoi. A SWEET VOICI. -i Klml Tear I- a 4. eil liar-* ami Due* Wcnii-m In n H.IOIP. It is said that there is nothing ao lifficult to acquire at a kind tone. One .-ust start iu y.uih and 'be un the *atoh night and day, while at work and, while at play, to get aud keep a voice which shall apeak at all times Lh*> thuught of a kind heart. But tins U the time when a sb.u|> voice ii more a pi to be acquired. *i >u often hear boys a in I girl.-) say \\oi.la at play with a quick, sharp tone, al- most like t be snap of i whip. If any of ihein get vexed. y:iu hear i which sounds as if it were m nle up ONE TASTE OF CEYLON (ittEEN TEA will captivate the taste of nay Japan tea drinker. FLASHES OF FUN. Com-pemnation. CLevwrton T find ai wadayt Ihut if a man wants t<< Diarry a girl he has lo work till b her. Dudhaway Out if it's the of a snarl, a whine, and a burk Surh 'right girl he doesn't have to work ifl- a voice often speaks uorse than tho wards. heart feels. It shows more ill-will in i H-a Reason. Co.i igan C:is -y h'>zn t tone loan in wiints. It m often in drank a dhrip sinoe he tooic out the mirth that one gets a voice or a tone accident^ pu'uc> . i'i-- >1> \Vb>y; which, is sharp, and which sti.-k.s to tv,>t igan He/ *rz lie'* noticed t Inn it's tvin through life aud alirs up ill-will always si>ler men Ibot gits hur'i-l. and grief, and falls like a dr >p of gall I ,,i| pi>-* you h;ve l^-en a good liny, on the listener. Some people !n%e a ' ,.i,. i ht- y Juagater's uncle. \Ve'l, waa abari/i hume voice for ua and keep jib.- answer. I haven't had to be a. their best voice for those whom they !g l)0 d as usual. You s*e, .- only have meet elsewhere. The advice to all 'one circus a nuaimer nowadays. boys and girls is, I se \ our beat voice I Jime-s She' a fin-e looking woman; at home." Watch it by day as apearl and th*-n such a splendid carriage she of great price, for it will be worth Ui- Sinit h Spli-mlid uairagef Cu-^Ma more to you in the days to cuiue than iheie's some miatake. Never knew the best pearl hid in the sea. A k iui kne* twr to rid-a in anything but i be voice is a lark's sung to heart and ti.'. ey car-J. IN IIKIl HOVOR. Many kn v bo ,>, ^ood a li-cturer Mis Mary Kingsly waa and her l-c- : m-s were iilusiri.ed l>v lantern slida. One a. id.- slined in njinf n ',-iit ure of some of the worst insect of the count >.v. .-be bad pre- sented natural IHSI irv sj)<-ciinens 10 t Iw, savants it .-vjin b Kenaiuifton, who fniliid -nine of l lif >, and in- tei i- -I .ni(. - ,i her n-n-pi loll by t lii's,- ill-lit , i-iii -n M -s Kin tin ley 'said: "Tliey er- very civil .unl MH| many kind thing-; uni'' p nt ing toa ; fci ciuu--iook.Ill{ '-reitill-- "I -.up- lpiiM llu-y ineaiH it as a i-ninplim.-nt ; li HM naiu-i-d t Iui I'e , UK-! ' tk rue. It is to the heart hat light la to the eye. TREATMENT FOR SPRAINS. i,. wiiirk m i is.. i. ui>- rain NUT What are )i>u buying all those tra-pa Ikiotor's onler.t. H- t.-ils me 1 need a little recreation and in.-isis 'hit I 'li ,i|l. I go durk-buut.ntf with him. Huh ! Seems tu me that's n sort of quack remedy. Obliging. Kir-t Trawler Can we have beds here to-night I Obliging A little common-sen.,e treatment is >'-O. X". r. first Travler- aft, all lh.it U needed wheu the ' 'u-.r-.ny-H, -in ,-, -, s in.his .tram ia at anJde or wrist ,n-l with- U " U '* * O1>li in S Uo,. ess-No. a,r Hut aut compiicationo. It will swell very alarmingly at first an-l gradu- ally develop a frightful biu.se. but from th- first it have complete r--.it, and a treatment f hot and .-old douches ihe hot be- ing u-sivl at first .vti-n t h swelling la painful and ihe cold later on as a i One of t ha most danger- I out and repulsive forma of I Kidney Diu4M is DROPSY for which DoJd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Drpsy the Kid- neys are actually dummtd tip, and the water, whi. h ifmuid be expelled In the form of urine, flows back ^nd lodges in the calls of the flesh and puff* out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up tiie drain. Restore the Kidneyi to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine DODD'S <IDNEY PILLS = v\u Th juice uf th apple a.i a bever- a' uuiitH Iwen ThllMH look'-l ii|Hin Who !>>' III! lort of tonic to the relaxed me Fh hot must be very hot and thu c-old rery cold a* the te|>il iter d.ien harm rather than good. l-'or tlie fir.s-t .lay of a strain. h>-n ill th-i ivrem-ht-l cu : .1 irf,--. and mu.-- l.-.s are ai-.huvg. greit r--l nf is found to a poulticn of gg and anil. To -e it, beat the vvh.te of an rgit lirhi. >iit not si rr 'tii n ,fri- .- i ia get yuu som-e ! Tli.-ii you irgri-l '*ing an old maid I i -. I do. I Hugh live Iweu > 1 *" downtrodden by a hubiind and six w ''- n children of my own - h,.. l,e, k 'l"""*{h fear from taking it mav >> by the r.-siilis of the in- ns of ' wo Krench rueli- M M l.i i -..in in I I' ui i n. who, referriug to it among other the man whx> km-pr) irregular hours, -jas'-oua bevengw* which they reeoin- And having ub-i-i v.-.| 'be nocturnal U1H " ' f '" ''" lf '''' habit -. of the oat, I am led irresistibly "'i"'i. M^k inn hiirWy nf cinler. to the I-IMK-IUSIUU tlii -i l] ii-s' out all I' 1 s-iine fui ins >.f lyspapsLi they d.- nighi is highly conducive of longevity, cbre it to be verv denirable. esiieci- in ! call of the husbands and children r-'"sm.--l of all my *itrs and intimate friends. v-s'Mtatic Uu you believe in the saying that* l-1 - mi-n. ii has uiue lives -f Te., sir, answered N Did they have fr-e-sh vegetall- every - 1 ".* x * nHn ' *" I>r"'a of here you board-ad this summer* to rapid and f.>< -^ _'H '" inn if -neel.-d, In ,_.!,. ., ike icing; ripre.a I this on a , ,...^ () ( niii-lii^-- in -|>1 u>e ('<v.-i all nth nil- i-ilk or a thick bath towel to pi the sbeeta, since the egg Uak-s out ontinually. After tbid has r.-ln-v- ad-Iooking iVi/eu. the faiuier we visited bough* everything at the croM road.s grocery store. Tb-re'.-t only one thing worse than a green goods mm ind that's a canned man. m't throw my sd the sorencAH beKin w.ih hot water fomentation and wear a light firm bandage except at night. SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE member with what accurata and ef. LeUer From a Lady Who$v Husband Was Dissipated. How She Cured Him With a Secre Remedy. "I had for yeiiripntiontly borne the dis- grace, nnYrlnr, iiiiti.-ry nna privations due to my husband drinking hahirs. Hrr Ing of your ninrveloini n.>iiidy forthe eun. of drunkenn.-ns, which I could give my husband secretly, 1 decided to try it. J pnx-urod a package and mixed It In hi* food aud coffee, and, as the rvinedy w.-i odorless amd tastflewi, he did nut know what It wus that so quickly relieved hi era\;n f r lii|iior II.- soon ln-gan toplck up Id ..H, his appetite fur solid fo.nl return- Ml. he stuck to his work rrKularly, ami we now have a happy home. After ho was ooinplvtcly curt-d I told him what 1 bad done, when he acknowledgwd that It had been hm *iiViu-<, ad hn had not th. re- .liition to bruak off -f his own acrard I heartily a*lvise all women afflicted a 1 irus lo ive your remedy a> trial ' .MCST KKKB TO A 1.1. - A, s-araple p-ackag* f lantolcaa t^amaria Hrwwrlptlon SBS1 rnKl with full partlculnra In plain soalei] nvvlo-pe. All Utter* considered naore-d conideatial. Addreaa Th |y Rci He "T! I -",' Ul OM.N VLI'KK.NVTIVK. "Marv," ho cried, la deaper mh.il! wiiit n-> longer. K. h.-i \ mi muwt cvnEW-nt to b-.^c-ime iny wif.-. or -and Uh farce. Your repeated de. iy ire killing me." .!. Hul)ert,' ihe aii-ur- <~l c.inJy. "If you uiko .h... u*-nn,l ihi-i>- i.-* but ooe alternative for . I she l.pe.w off lh^ >li uumd ring which Kpurki-- I <>u her finger, anil Inn.'- to him. II-- t.Mik it ii. lly. and bitleily .-n cl liiiu-.l; 'Oh. f il'te, cruel girl, l*> t bus careli-!*ly trample upon a heart wh-.irse every throb is for you alom-. Kcr tlu^ Ixiubie I hive tui further u-iv Let il p--.-ri-.ih. is I h p^ may also i he love of wh.ch it wi Mi- .>ml>lem." Ili^ hanrl waa raiae-d i > throw the ring int,> the grite, l>ut *l\ ^i i -i- I it quickly. "1 mi- 1- 1 y wir-thed to siy. lliil>ert, ih n I w -ii. I lbk you to h i v the Id ivr-i aig jusi a t rifle ih iu l h s." of ih. - 't i* r coiiim-ii'l--! i- ' -.- i.ve of the uric diathesis. Nay F.v.r Very -r.al.nt. Thousand* now snffi from Fever .Science Mow kno-s that :t is t gri m dmase destroy the g j rm and you d-Mtruy the disease. Otni- oaxntn cannot do this. n<ther can douches or powders snuffed up. There remedy that will cure Huy e.sl ur lungs. It is u gi-rui k lleT'-P-? healing agent li cures Hay Kevr. Asihmu. Bronchitis, and Catarrh. i' i- 1 1 t ii'>Z"ii"> s i KuamuKie to cure: your money back it you ar nut benefited. Drug (i-sl* sell it every- where. We will "end a regular _r cent trial SIZK to any address in i'm- ad-a or U.S.. nn receipt uf 10 cent.-*, or the full trMtme.t, poet paid, for |1.00. N.C. Polwifi * t'o.. Mfg.. Ch.-m- isls k hkingaton, Ont. 1 1 KM. I lli ' '. Br,,,_~.,,,, N Kno.igh cannot Iw said of full, deep lu.-a t hmg. I' is nn hubliy or wild no- t on Inii if vo i pn>-. it- ben.-fi'.s, p a . tic- i' daily, and yim will increase t h.- circulation, purify l be bl.od. and send it rich and hui i nd iiin to l In" f.-i-i. inake ruby lips i nd plint rones on the che-ks. It will air >our dittiii"ii, uid give y.ni a <-liin. swi-ei I" prouioti- sleep, quiet the nervous -\s iu sii.-iiK'hcn ibe iliioa and v.n il organs and ncii-ime the , hem i-iiv. li will :ils>i> cure i.-' liiu i. ca- tarrh and briincliil is and pieve-nl lung Uouhle. II you hv ! any timt iprrlan<-e(l anv llrB.-n 'r m fet'trt .n every way V.MI inajr overcome MUM .1 OIK a fiv a tea that tnlti : nnr LUDELLA o( eommmit amu How long will it look fresh ? ua.itr wbi. h Q'-V-T THJ>IC- til-come i < t In La-mil -raakvtt U, 30, 40, M mm* Ms. That's one question you should itsk when you buy paint. It will 1 pay to buy good paint paint that has been tested for years. RAMSAY'S PAINTS retain their gloaty niwn*M. an4 look fresh and bright, longar than any others, because the) are made right. They are pur paints. They are the beet. A. RAMSAY & SON, - MONTREAL, Paint Maker. ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP Comforts Crying Children Largestjale in tfie World. verjrwfy ere . 25S V I'l \-IKIt- l-:\ It wa.s in Kdinburg. and she was , pretty in. KH.-ei .mil p -fi .c. uid be was. yountf an I mi-H-hie vms. They were -in ing out on the veriada in tile m, -"i-uitfbi . ojid Khe grew n h-i - . I "Oh. h I luvc t.t - uui h-ie in I the av->n!iv(bi ." he DOOM] "'" '* f-'n- ' ne I l>y t.he l.inrfU'ir >us perfuini-'-i of the i-o.-w'. an/I to i>.- kis-"'l by the aoft aif from he MH h !" I'hea he ki-**<l her tuid she grew in- nt. r! >. -Lira you f" ihe iilmoot 406- be.1 \\'hy Tui .1 f>1' li-ir from I h uutli," he replied, i-uni ritely. She .lixla't my nuything when he ^ her ag-io. A < -. ft in :i : 'he r^a.l r and M.iA "f i- - .1 l A is i{uit unknown ti> h in. \Vliai 'a > >u' n i. 'i Ifr 1 1. MII Add ..r r u it. buy. i ,iiii, >n < mi" .i M expected reply. Ev- ire-1 in.l ev-n ;ie m i~ tr relax >>/ frmn h* ' in >iifi. Cufiy ai * i-i r b>ch appeared in CORRESr-ONDKV the " C - Thf I* more CsUrrh ) can seoaoa ef ^ontry than ail olh.r rfla put. U>^'O". id ,n II the 1-Mt fsw rr w-M.-appo.** ' M BTCVI.I; (atarrb to b. . oou.Ut-ullon* id tbrfor rqalr oooi ItutiowU un* on Uia market. It ti t-aU.j lu .lo-''roni lu dropi ui a ian*T dim- UT on Ihe bl.-oi na ir.^autf Me in Tbcr uifr oui buna "witfll.- 11 f " ta "" * ur * **"* told bf Urontra. 76& HaU'i TaJmilr Itlb are U>* b-atti >K \T>:N \ . ..Aren't men funin ' ! i ,- i T i 'h. \ 11 ; aupprme a lot of i.iii-ii should rig up in fantaatic nostume. and parade. EXl'KNSIVK ntll l.KS Speaking uf handkerchief^. it ia .4.1 i I t h.-i i i h.- inoti In-. 1 111 fill tlnriir of this kin I ill all ill- Kiii'ip.-.in rmirts belongs to tjiieen M-irgheiii i of Italy. This signature n on vry tx> ol th {nalne Laxative Broipo-Quinine Toiet. W r*mdy that ee eW ID vm *ai U. A n) i' vi. Loan 1 tbmk I'll In- in in ie. I on ny birth- day, s roiniii<>. \\ ll.lt ' -\. i r t \l X.M I-' rucks, hold- ing tip hT Illllil- 111 . iHIKl .-I II- 1 ; mil, and los- in.- ent re sii'i ol piesenH." y" '' * I be tea hi-v "\ r I III!/'. I I IAS I mi.-, <i Aotuewb it r a beat gr-i.ie .1 ip.m. V a K)I- luien of : t>f in ' h- u-i impoei-iilil-K to improve on il If (Vylon plair.-rs w il inly le ci ful to sh p iii<-'-iis up '" 'bin ,1 ird f -\c-ilencp, the , -apt 'ii" Altl'T ' 111 HI'' Cin.ldBMI Ill.ilketS rlaiu and a-*ii-i-.l ^.urs lailhfiill.v Sigued. v K. STKKKT." ^ f ii from I. it ' on- ! .- (' i . i crop of lilt"' . '' c i n.ie- ll.l s i| p.. i i M.I. Them are '^5 !' ' hem. each) it h t h- . b.ii -ic- 4 . ui.i f i nn 1,-h, r i i --r -MI! nr^'irw.j.. . i \\ r < MM.; CALVERTS Carbolic Dllnfot*nte. >, Olnt m*nt. Tooth Powder*. t.. rwv* bew awarded 1OU meditli *nd dlplomM for prn icll*nc. T'l.-ir rujjular u prT taraoM om* dlsea. A/IK your da!r to obcala lopply L.ii>u uinle.1 :r*o ju >|ipllotloa>. P. C. CALVERT A CO., IMOLAMD. FOk OVEK PIPTV YEAR* MM. WIN-SLOWS ooTHtNa MTRUP k t TI.- < Balmorl," Fred But M* b-/ niolH..r. lo, Uleir ehil.ln-n i.h,u. Il -Jno .1. Ib* oklM. wtlM-l in. |iim>. lljr nl, o. >-knil U ibl b*-M r.l.-.lj Tor lli r n-a*. TSM bf -t-i drattMu Lhn>u-jhoul Ui world. mt Mk fw " 1-li-IwiM.ow . iiuoUi,ii< Sjnf." h ioJ MolllU Ooll<* Ai.... l'n..iF HOMI ntm tl M ami it :it ' li- s.uut* tiin- i h.- Co.. JonUa atrert, Toronaav j (|arins ^ n ^ n ro-'ly. )>eiiiK viliml ill $3U.INMJ. In in. iking thi* marvt>l three artists woiked conxlantly for uior.- than i \\.-nty years. It Ui so fine thai were the even closed ami ill.- h.imUcer- chi"f pi i >.- i I.HI;-S ihi-hiihi i p.-ison of the moit acute sensilxlil ie woul -I find it ini|>oH-<.;>l.. to feel any thing- .The queen keel* it religiously in i tiny jewel one of gol<l in t hi* form and juat the sixe of an ordinary IK-.III pod. The Queen of Kn^lm-l own-* it drees which almost eqibils thia. It was a w Adding gift from India, and Is so fine arul light that the >iholi- dretts o.i n he placed in i small fan box. On this nine persona worked Ol.li I- KSllliiNKK. I SMI- H:n np.iws. ' cus in. i n. :is iiLiirn-il the nth^r 'li. Th.ii "as soini'ihing nf i come <lon f n him. Thingumhoh Wh.v so f M.'.ligg-r-Th.' wi-'Ming was nothing but a one ring perform imv. \\ Kl.l. iM-H'tl.MMKMtKI). M - -<>; Vi'ii vi \ \u ne wall re- M . ,|. ln.li>>>,! m i 'til, I have thi I.V-II.IIM .-\ dlelll lef.-M-n.-.-B. Mis'i,-.s. Vnd hi.w li Tin itive you n <l- I - vicef M.I .'I !>> vej.ru. ni. nn. Brass Band ln.l'umrH. Oru-a*. I nlri. BU Every Town oan have a Bant) Mt prio.. t m^Md fta. U.liM MS S-ta* m ioi;J li Wtitawrorwftklns I* Muale or Mimloal In.trum-ant*. Wha ey Royo Niw 4b--rp , .1 \ Hof r-imn --it'-'.bi. o. I-MCK. BLACEwCLLaCOi, Tor-Mi.. LAW MILLS, MILLS A HALES, Htmiler?, -Ho. Ken>.>-"4loWMlf Kickil.si w . POULTRY, BUTTER. ECC8, APPLES, tod otb-M I'KULUX'R. to en-nir* bl iulu oyoi.fi U Th. Oawson Commtision Co., Litr-jited, or WMl-MarHM A Ooimnw St., TvrwCa, OTO.tNORAVING FNG

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