Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1900, p. 5

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SEPTEMBER 27, 1000 THE VLESHK ItTO.S ADVANCE M-CUl.LOl-.iM ,v \ H>iikr, MarC<1al Do a K..ncral lialikiuN builn-Hll. Money loaue.1 a rcaxoaablu i.t- Call oo us. A 8 VANUl^KN, J P dlRk MU Dir Court, Co Or u*r of Marrlaft* I-icenn-x. Conrayauoor Notary. Public Aunloneer. Money to loau at it l>r cout. Cbargei moderate. FLKSHEBTOM P DKBTi OOLLECTBb The onJrU-u4 li I'lrpared tu aiid*rtaka tlie collection ot all ktc U ol debw ot* bvutflit ucuuuutH <-<>llectil vie. X N IIKSJ^BJtMON. FlesbsrtoD K'uiliortuu Station .uiU'loiK'r lu H J. Conray- anew. D*d>, uiurtfaae*. IMH> aud will* rwu. MODI o load t ,pr cent and up- rai t< U.MS ooUeoUxl. Cb*rvi luod.rat*. R t.iy.,ii' L- Artlnnr. Con . .-..ij.'-r uud Mouuy tindr *i im 1:1 I ln't-rnc .\tn.t. I)eed( iaortsse, !"' " ! -ill-. crefully drawn up an I Jrl'iv -:i* . * ' (| n -lirter,; notic*.. Mooer tflban *i kiwett itj ol lutVt-U. Col ' attoirl.M to with promptBMi low. Agrat Tor Oocn Douiioloo in' Couii>au. AcaUnoliciUd. AO U W In ChriM i i LUs it nii.t till r I Monday : u .'! room. A. N. )*ou. K. r I. r : \V Dill N i . . .. ' A- f ,o. !u the MaMonicfcill. Strata'* Mock Flcxl. .it>.", i-vr> Kii'laJJ*a or berorr Ibe full .u..,':. .; i i: I W M; W J :->crutry. n .. weloouis. 0..,U.H. -*u io i-'.njsters JariiH U,S, K. Tan- US, OlJt-. M onor i,r i jt<- Toroot > Un.u>iit;*Bl Rojal Ki ul i ' ;". D R. H C. Ml'KRAY. I I h .. Will v.-,- i Of e. ..iul* .tnon. ' u<1 L'UWrlo. .uly !!.< u J 3 ThuriMUy LUCA W'tKillT .1 NKARtJU: Hurri-.i-rn ("ill.'il >n- i om N II Yury h TUCK I UMTM HAUUV X I nk Fall Fairs iv), Kl. .lu'ilon, (Kt. 2 and 3. dm. ml Atf. JSici.-ty, WdlterH KnlU, S,.|it. Jo to 2(i, It. .f. WMIWHI. Sullivan, l).'H:,,,r.i, Sf-j.t 27 to 28, Win Smith. St. VIM, , in. Meaforil, Sept. 27 to I'M. Mollauil. ChaUwi.rth, Oct. 2 to 3, John McDonald'. 1 ..i|.lii i-i.i. Kocklyn, Oct. 6. Onprey at Kcvcrnluni. < 'ft, 4-6. OloiK-lgat MnrkiUle Hupt. 2021. Art.-nium. *t I'rircvill, Oct. 11-12. Protxn, DunJalk, Oct. 010 Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are dono In tint-class Kyle and at ^iwtt rates. hiieoial attention i;iv-M to copying. Babies' photos. .1 .sp. cialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULrtER W W -Jiff W ?!MR ; "Jit" TR'WJR' "SIP THF'RC 1 \ r ew Pi^oprietof Having pur. in MM I the l< nsoii.il Im^i- .ss from Mr. I.ifiard 1 v ihh to iiniiounce tlmt tlm tiiiMiicstf will ) cnntinuoil in thr i 1.1 i.ri'iiiis. , Wi- linve liai a large iTi'-t and I., lit vii we can i;iv6 .>. ti-t f ti. n in our line. -- t V. i OMT Ihii BKviicy fur - AMI) Works And all order* left with as will l'1'impt mill i-krofiil nlti'iitii.n. Flesliertoii Shaving Parlors A. \Vilson . . Prop. r i . ...i..o.v * III 1,11 .:._..., Hank Ii'.-- i . N i* I'atMriieii House. I'.undalll, llnii, HI A(i M ,' Y, M V., li.ri. T.VMi-nui. rr.iw.. - -' .--*, ' Jfoso yfe Protoctorf the tu' .1-1 the linos . ll Inn- of Aea JI.II)K, ilunKis,- whi|<H, m, .\. ! i.: oii,tiii..|,t. L -urry conll.ii, iiiinks, V.-.'IM . .!,- for n'-ntleiin-ii'i w.-ai o ill} HI. per p,-iir. W. MOORF " - -- - rjn HI;TT<_>J M 1) O M. M i: V * tt Ou<. OH. i-i. n ' '" I'f'-'Vii- n-in-; i> ' .AI ir..-i>. oiflia... .. tiid Satur- day* Du c.\n .n, -i-u '.:.!. -ftulu' Muk. 1:. _i , JOHN A Unlv |v,.t, I I riiin.lya' Jl in i - \. I'HwllK'U I I ' Mrv btl'Xlt sl.tlVtl I . j W. M U > wull. vraiiu k.ui-.-'io. H' ,,ln -l^v f.i.i.i II a In to 3 I' :i,. an I K. ,. i Tlic A now \\ ill lie nut r >r NEW 1 have iificiicil mil i. full ]mo of !,< Kroji i n> in riiii^'n j,-1!i-:;v. mid keep in nt.H'k ftrrythini; UBUully k< |.i in an UP-U-D1TE GMT SPECIllTIK II THEIi SEtSOl TalmoonM, Clawa, Caii<lic, Spjut^, Cu II.. I (...0,1, , f rll .-. . lfli HinokCHl tinan h.. l.lirs. nii VOt iC CU5TOM F. A. BUNT WrJjfht'k Olil '.tarn!. I Icsherton :ah. BOAK for SERVICE Ttio i-eiil 5. 5. Convention The sixth itnnual con vent nm of the Orejr Sunday Sch'>'>l AwMOcimioii was huld in the Mefhodixt church in this place on Tuesday and Wednesday of Ust wock, September HfJiand I'Zih. There was a fair rvproseiitation of delogat'-H fiin the different .Siiuday SchuolH und the vsiioUb m-smons wure full of interunt to ttveryone ill attelldlllice. The lirst mission opened st eight o'ckick on Tuu8<lny uveniuif, llth IIIH!., with <le- i on.. mil rxen i-< .-. led by Ruv. L. W. Thorn. Mr. ('. W, Rutledt;e then wel- comed the dflegtitus i a few wull chnnen HOE.IS, and Rev, Tlmm renjionded. Fol- lowintf thii ws an able and pratu.d .el dress hy Mr. Tin*. YellowleM>f Toronto, on the subject of > Kenpunibilitiun" whi, h contained many thoughts %nd truths ih:it were of vital importauou to .Sunday cho<>! workern. On the following morning it tn o'clock the Kecinid Huvsioii was he!d v I'n inn **> tke convention was trannatt- i-d Hud ofhiern elecU-d for the enduing I'resiilent--Hev. J. F Vice-Pn*.- IUv. Mr. Moore. Secretary \V. J. Howes. Tr.-aMirei Mrs. J. Lawaon. Kxecutim ciwiinitteu Minis!, <* cted with the anauciaticn. Tbu |-ip. rH of Thos. Yt'llowef, KSIJ., were o.itpinieil until the aftetniKiii ,~t-^i' n wing ti> lack of lime. Au inlen ^Uiij ii-iiture WH.S n "Uound Tall Talk ' which wiw enteieil inUi heartily \>f 'he il.-i. ti-,. und was inturebtllig as ell an in :Vl'. t>urin the afternoon sesniou the I'n .-i nt-eli-ct w;i.< rondu, teii to the chair, iinl fV'inkert (he ileleijatis for tlie ii.moi nferred upon In in. .Mr I'l ivt-11 s ;.:i| r on "How Io tin ur-) lite r.u'hful Attend ii.ioo of Teileh'-'l -> and I'upiU" w :IS jivi-n and win ili.ciu- Mil ut hoiii'i liii^th Mr. VeJIowlees 1 1. en follow ell il'.A IKJIUT en litleil "T the lnt.-ll.-i.-tn.il >-Aelun^ III our Siililiiiih>i-htMiU ' vernhiiilowiii.j the 6piritu:ili" 1'hi-. paper w,- s drep ni.l conrjneli. nm u,d funitKlii'd much ("."I for i hull til it As Mr. Ycllowlui Has rtturniii^ to Toront" mi tin- iiftcrnoon* train Mr. I'l.-kell, x.-iinid.-.t i'j- Mr. Uoland, t.,-.k the op|xirtutiity to express :!>< I|.|T. i lion ot tin* il-l. I'e" lur the int.-ri-Kt In- Iwill lll'l. ill, .i to 'In- i "h . i 1,1 "M hy I:-. preene.ii and WOIIIM. Hi i. .[. i -VK uli iiiin-h lerling. Thr. \.iin-; vdilri'Mod l.y Hev. .1. r,u.-luii\i;. . f Ilunflalk, on 'hf nl.jeet "The .Mo.lt-i Si; pcril'telidi in ." Tin iid.lresi r. \ ...I; 1 il. pn'mli lllidi r sl.-uid'tiL; it the r-ul.jixl .mil WM uell reeiMViil Mi :i follow, -.1 with .1 impel on ' IL in. 1<, ]>;ii-tni,-i.i )" frci'i oireuinstnnct's tiinl it impossible to nrtuiHl the regular sihool ..r church er\i,-. Uev. \\m. Buchanan took change of ih,. i|Uf.ii..ii ilniwi r .in. I K\e thu vari- u- .piestions a |ir;u-tH.il Hud reavm.ill.' The choir nf the Mi-Uindist clinrrh i^ in [itteliilnnce In th eveniiu<i of the eon M-ntioil .11. .1 Aild.-.i much to the pleaiure of thu iiiei-tiiiun It win decided to i,,.Id .^ Tt fYill- v.ntioii in TliojiiJulyT, t* to In- ' x>(l Ir.nfr hy th- executive. M.irkdale ml. how to Kill I'oult. v U is adnii'lid lint poultry wi.eii hied t-. .leatU i^ alnter th i i alien ;ne|uirvl in 1:1) olhel Ii.alllli I. 'fjjcll llic .|UcM!oll is how tn e-iii-,- I'.em ,y hired to dentil :illll II' t .list:- n:, l|,- u) !, The Toronto Radial Railway system, which was to include Hhellninif us one of the terminal point*, nmy yi-t )> liecume An acfunplinhvd fact. AldunnMi Lamb, of the Queen ci'y, in now eng r.'.- 1 ' in launching the achemr, and with th.it en.l in view ban written a circular letter to all the municipal eouncils within a radiu* of 70 miles of Toronto, J sent them imps of Ihu |_rnpo-e.d ro-i|p7c;iUiiiu their at4eiin.i to the advisability of ouh- stniotir.g a system { riidnil railiray line*, throughout 0. ntral Ontario and them to K" thu matter ihvir ti.ni. The lines of railway shown in the map are only pm.tpwtive, and hav n.rt been penuanenty den.:e 1 or, tn Llmt any ch.-uijje* may be made at .my lime in the future, and tli* niilways carried 'hr u^h all <ucli townx and town. ships .is i -ift in the uudur'jtkinv. An A.-t of In C' rporation m being prepred for a com- my, th Toroi t . .,i. I ('..i.trnl Out aiio, With a capital f ^."I,'I>|I|.IHII), to oj.eratts the Kystiin in <-oi.junetion with the I'itTetelit iiiunicip'tliltM. - V. n lit. The Markets. fan-fully Con <<(<! Earli W>-k Wheat, while , . Wheat, red.. Berley butter Ku^s f n-sh I'ork Potatoes bu ChickeiiH. t il We know of nothing better than coughing to tear the lin- ing of your throat and lungs. It is better than vet fee to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up and you will succeed in reducing your your cp '-eiite, on q r, ca J ON thing: exact'-/ f.'.- the Turkeys jxjr !b. (IKI-HK per Ib Klotir liide-i. . I.:") to ;.) to o 24 tu 57 to 30 to ;: t,. 00 to 7 'W -o Ifi to 25 to :to t<> ! to 5 to :i 7 00 tn -. 24 7 17 1 Ol.t 40 10 3ft 40 40 oc for Lot III lv. T. s I. >, one mil" f .mi h ii- hi-: L.'ii ini a Inn ! ,:.;:. .n. -,! frame to into iu.1 bsrn or ay ti-rni' uml low pri- ll V MVrHKW.SON Flkberton,Adg. 87, 100T.. germs of consurr.ptlor.. Better ki'.l yo before it kills you. kills coughs of kind. . ;. ce nt botrlc ts Just rig^ : fo.- gn ordi- nary cough ; for th.- harder coughs ..f bron- chitis you will r::.d a 50 cent bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. M My pooeh id need mo t<> s msr k*I**oa I trlod many renwui- *, bnt th*j all fallal. Afuir uMnicih* rVrTyT*ct<.. il 1 -"- >-n to Im-- FLES9E8TO!! FIIIIT11E WAREROOMS We re cirrjjnj{ newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all tinea of Consisting of and 53 ed room <SuitaJ \tounyas. <Sidf-38oatds, <5xtt i tt'on and Centre tablet, Chat's, Window 3hadas and Curtain Pole*, {Pictures. aaeis. tc - \V',i,,-h we offer at - Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and Gtrwal Repairing :, -i taking iii nil its llrai.rtw* Satisfaction Ouannte.d W H. BIJNT, MR04-IRIH.T,.- I.K5MERTOH Boiled Down Facts (SB?7*ff'nr>r>y op mil:' tli- hi--ik of the fowl, th. u ilh :\ *hnr|: knifo make .in 'n,- : .,,,,n at the Imek if the i. ..f, wliii !i will ilitiilttihe M-i-t.'lii.i Hill ciuiso immediate .i ,'h. thin nftorw,ir,l-i ll|) the fowl l>s u.Mil tin Undine counts. Next unie the heak oi;t with vim jur mid water. Kowli kdU-il in (hi* w.iy keep longer imJ do not pri-scnt the unsightly external luiirka n.s tKose ktlie.l l'\ i In. ordinary system ol breaking the in- k. When the ertrals ii.- drawn nni.ie.li.it l\ nfier deaXh, anil the fowk,dietM:d sSilFit to keep its shii|.e, It will kvep fri-di much longer. It is A mistaken iJ.-.-i !,, t mm poultry just before to nmku them ipieu lu.ivy :is the food mioii begins to ferment, anil putrefaction MI-IS in, ,i< u n, .!.-,.,! |,y the irunntity ol ^lei'tiish I.M kin fowls tlmt are Ui^pl.-i>eil in our market*. MuiiK-ipitl Cuuncilajotll .1" MI<)| to oh- sitrvt) the fnllowini; ilocisii.n recently ten. ittred in the oaw of Ifulliniin VM. Town ship of BaylMtn, in whK-h tin- I'unin, ; M.^'Xi ihinm.'rs. Thu caxo dual! wiih obktriiotionii on high^syn mill the ' ' ut of A|,[.i lis ,l.-i.<i..n WHS an follnwi: A milkiiiinu liui.t no .-> highway by or ailjoining propeity iiu 1 piojeciiiie the travelled wny ib uvh an obstruction to the hu<hwnj HI to uuin tilulu want of r.-piiir within thu ui>..iniii; of the Muni- cipal Act, and h, i .-..rn H n obeti -uctinn WJB shown to hive rvJitud for three years ami the mii!r J uorpuiatiou hating mil in quKStinii, we it i. moi.'il, ui;ige* for an J. B. Sloan & son ^ h'nprirtnr tJ 1 * OKTVolU -^J Sash, Doors, Flooriog. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Kami liiiil'ii^, ( 'niTu-r I'-l'H-ks tlH> lu"-t ol .''.|-r!ir Lafh.No.l , .:, ' -JSi.i- . : : ' ;.: i ; lorniog of all Kinds DooetoOriier f'NeiN run ,,| Stones for C!inppini{. tioil in ull i ill 1 1 lu , ;lla i.ii. tied Dr. Ward's - - Blood and Nerve Pilrs No remedy ever introduced fa 'ru'.di has rrined o many words ot praise from suiierert all over the couiv- try as thtso thoroughly effective pills. WHY 7 Because they positively cure all di- siscs brought on by impoverished blood, such as heart trouble, nerv- ousness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, cto. ALSO Because they induce sound, healthy sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUR, and VI V AUTY to th body. ALSO because their use enables the system to successfully resist attacks of colds and the inseparable te- sults, viz. , lung and kiduey troubles, a fact of especial importance at this season of 'the year. tVopnu p-r boi. flnbowflMi CANADA'S SONS ON PUBLISHED An Biuhcntle account ,,| th.. Oan.'idian l'ontiui{enls in tin- South African Wai. liy T. (i. M.inps, U.A. Introduction by Very Uev. iincipaK Irani, L.L.I). l?a.s.-d on the official iluspittches <>f Lieu -Col. Otter and other ..minividi.iy ortiivm at the front. Conipiotu in Oue \ olume, 500 ,i K e 8 , n ,|,| v illustrated, ouly fl.fXI. AgcnU Cniuing Money. GET FREE I'l; rKi"n s THE BRADLEY-UARRETSON CO., Limited UKi.\TFOKI,

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