Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1900, p. 2

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' FAREWELL TO CANADIANS. Lord Roberts 5-ays Their Conduct Will Never be I'oi gotten by Country or Queen. A <ie|'itrn fit. in I'rotori-i, says: Gen. lloU-il-, in the pnsi-uce of I,,i.lv l rt tn I ins .1 iiitfliii-r*. in*: liz romp.iiin - of tin- t'.ii ii-(ji- nv-iit, v, ho U.MI- .in thi-ir way hmne after a yi-nr'n MTV ice in South Africa. Cio.\d- w.-ie pi,-. ..Hi, an, I the men, xo'ilrnt li.-ilth. mikiiitrs : ! i|.| 1 1 -nice, t he s. t-ne u a- a In illi.ini tun-. Aft.) tie in. i rli \>i-i. (it'n. Itiili.-itN atl.liessed the troops. U said: "I cannot nllo.\ \..u to ileptrt with- out ripn-s*infi my thanks for au.l apptec.. it mil of inur loyal Men ices and eio-llent woik ly t 1'aardo- ber, on February -*l. I am *ure the peoplo of Can. i.la will be please. I to hi'.-ir ho\v gallantly and how splendidly you have all beh.i\ set ion. "Deeply I regret the loss** you h-ive, Hiiffi-red. I .should have been i. H P ''' if jou bail M' turned in your full .streiiKHi The regiment hail h nl irtlk.lli'd 01 \\oiin.lfd; but no one coill.l expect you to pans through BO .u. In. MI a c imp tii-' ii without " >. "I a/u i-orry that some of ynu ar ohli^f.l to i. (ITII foom-r than IK.- re, I of the ri'i,':in"iit, but I recognize ihe uijfi'iicy of private affairs I am confident' that t Ii.- (Juri n and Bliti-h people will never forget your services. If U -hnuld ever be my good fortune to vi-:t l'. mi. la, I hope to meet jou all agii.n." After I hi- t iiioj.. ha. I jriven i for the yii.cn n n I the l-'ifid M.n-h.il. Ih- lalli-i .-Ii uk hinds with the C-iri.-i- ilian officers and pr<wented them one by oue to Lady Uoln-rt. WORN-OUT ARMY HORSES.' Lord Roberts Forbids Their Sale in South Alnc.i. A de|atch from ftp. li.wn ^ly!^; A fortnight ago th t ., .nift .iu-w Slteutiou to ih- r-L- in liN ai.-i:u ""t of ihu sale of aruxy boisit con a. i mi. -.1 as unfit for fun her *. i v .. In th' field. Once out of the cou- tiol of the nervico off.. -rs t h.- nags were bought for u mere t.on; by Liwk.i.-, ciiii:ii. 1 into trucks, hur- ried I.. t'a[M I .m a. en. I n i iu . 1 1 1 |.-~i and Inhuman tivatiu.nl un I h- ro.nl, and then resold. It was t h.- inifii- twiii ..f ih- trui-.jn.il uff c, r< that the .in iitil- sh.nil I ! nil's-. I .1111 I. I hack . i . i I of this a system of gross cruelly sprung Into existence, so thnt the dealers might plofil. On li-ainiug Ihe facts state'l by the (.'ijiv limes, L>iid lloU-i's Ins is- sued an order forbid. Uiin the sale of si my boi.-t-s In my jurt of Inn col- ctiT'-s. For this kiii.lly <!..- I h. .ved the gratitixls of ll hu tsrians. A .l..|..i.i, fi un l.oii.luii. says: (ill-. ' III. I nil h.- S. HI , II. .1C III I I,,- Ilntcli l ,..,.-! inn. nl . aiioi.liiiK lo a <U s|. .' . Ii II..IM \ 111 si. i (Iii in t" t he Daily Mall v In. I. .olilallls n uilllllliir I Iml if Mi K i tiger is allouod to cm i> liul- lion oi SI, tin nichiviw on l.o. iid lite Tin l ill > .i-h,|. In. h K 10 luiiiti him It. I ni.i|i... It will ! I e){. i I tied ass l.ir .< Ii ..f lieu' i a hi * on Ihe |. 1 1 I i.f the llclhi-rUnds, BRITAIN'S RtPLY. She Declines to Agree to the terms ol the liar-man Note A .le-jialeh fion. L>mtloD, kays: Tbe llnti-li I'leinitir's decision to refuse to atjief to I ILB tenn~ of tlie tierman note wt couiiDunicalod verbally lo the (j<- 1 ma u Auibauiailor here, Count ton Ual/.fe!dl-\\ i.ileiihurg, during a long interview tin- afteiuoon. Only, a few officials sr togm/.ant f hal Unrd Salisbury said to Count roil Iliil'feldt-Wildeuhurg in regard ID the latent development in the Chin- se queatiou. Official circles here were inclined to believe that his Lord- ship would agree with liermauy. In- ktt nl of doing so he used almost ex- art,* the terms in which Wnnbmgton's refunal u,i eoucbod, and this, said s high official to a reprenentstivs of the Aenociated 1'ress, "is all the, more lui pruiing, considering that l b- Wash* ingtoii officials hud not the slightest inkling of what Knifland'a sttituds would be." B01-.R5 SUFH:R HtAVILY. Mine Was Exploded In Their ,.;m t. Kiilinif Many. A tle.|>. ih f i ..in l."lidoil, says, I ' -II -e|,: JH I. oi .1 H i. repot - i ii .1 i he it. .-i .s Bllffelf.l in H ii at I . 1. 1 .n ii in lu- had pievioiisly Ihuiitfln. II. I . i l..i I I he |io,l \\ as He i U I) ll< M ' h- i i.|\ in.e.l l>.,l.ll> i. u.ili- ii, .nil j.i i ,|> ,,f ,,ui ad va need l i ,-n i,, ^ L. ' it. j . . me i i . u lne of l\\>. HIM i, ul , n > ..ii Ihe explosion of Ii in. lie of III. > x Mcn.e nf t\hnl, W.I. >'!,ul III! k I. <l '. 1 el al "I'ole-t ,lle\\ ri-p.il I- I hal Ile , I I " |.- I l\. Ill It IplM.I I III I. .'II Kill of Ihe Ix.litf "f I', u I UK. is I.. i Ih iiuy. Ih. m. ,1 pif.fiiie.1 .1 ins 'o ill. I'ol I UK lleSe I I IK l . .1 Roberta ul.l> i h.n he tele gi iphml t .!,(. i 1 1 It Is I ..Hi I" KIIIM (411 l< I from ij, Mi nsli jinn TO TRAVEL WITHOUT COLD. Otherwise Dutch W.u.shlps Will Not Save REACH HALIFAX OCT. 24, CANADIANS tXHtXTED TO SAIL DIRECT 10 CANADA. "..'. fill 1. 1 Ml I un,lll!slii.j Ii.l. Olli-r I il, . I nm Ii. l.nliwri. ami rtr. < .iiiii.l,. II l, >, li.,,, ||.,i .urr.l A tles|i .in h fi ..iu ( it law a. !t,t\; I i- i 1 >..;.,/ message fnun l.t>rd K..I i ; - d. 1 1 e.l Pretoria, u .- ro- crive.l ill li.. \l ,- ia Hep u I infill. "1JH llli.k.i With fll*l pnlll.ill llf t'.in i.|..iii Ki> iii.'iii sliiMi i| i II i. I .v .ilHut (> toiler i4th. I e.l. ' ItHIIKIt 'I line if i n,, i Itli.k'i in the If . . in. vy la.t . ..i t br r.'ifisi ry .,f .ml lli|.pllnf It is j .hi 1 I, .1 I hi- rail!., i. ... i l . the | '.. in. -i Mali.., I. HHI i. n-. i .- . i,>r.iiL' to I Ile \\,Nt,n I. in of Hull In,. .1,1., .ii,,. ft. Ill lyi>ld H.I. I is Ill.-sKtKe ,.s | hat tin lll.ll l.o .11.. I elm IIHIK Will i m.- .lil . r' li> II j x \ , ; I . | , ,.,!,. |1| ( .- atine iio-i-ited .11 l h. IfUUil Kep al I- 1,.1-nl. S. 1'. I>I>IM>IH. of the li l .11 I.. i\ho bas M'l V UK rt, III I III- SIM 011.1 Ult ta- il.!, ill S,,|,. h ,\fl li a ll.ts I. . n - JlSt l.ulr 1'le. K. II f..iiipU-!l. ,.f t ,'. - llal l.il.oli, hti jometl fn.lll NI-ISIIII. .1 lieui. nan, > m 111. Duke 1-1 t..lll\\.tls I. .({lit Ulf.lll- MAflKETS OFJHE WORLD, Prices 01 Caltte, neese. Grain, &c in the Leading Market) T1IK STKKKf MAUKET. , Or 1. i. Following were ihe l>ric grain wu Selliug at on the itreol to-day : Five hundred LiiukeU >l wli.le wheat at 08 l-2o to Olte per huaht-1, 700 biiaucls otf red at faH l-2c IHT bushel. 5.UUU bushels irf barley at i:i u. 4hl-.'r IKT bushel, UUU buahrls of goose ul (Its to M 1-Jr. l*r bushel, u<i hushela i.f oats at from 2$ 1-2 to .. l-u,li..|. Twenty loacU of hay wer? sold ul from 811 to 913 per ton. Ur<>Mtd hogs sold fur from |Xiu \\ nr n, u ;..i.-, iraigbt.9U.08 l- ".' O.UU O.ii- 1-i 0. 0.6S 1-2 <'.71 0.71 i-2 U J- 1-- (1.43 0.181-2 0.54 0.54 13.00 11.00 " J ' U .n O.J5 "-'5 ^ li 0.70 0.13 0.75 CAPTURED A LAAGER. Over 10,000 Head of Stock Seized by Generals Paget and Barton. \\ heal, ll .1 . \\ lie at, ^ \\ ,.. it, i.j.1 ing. Ulll 8. 11} e. A despatch from Pretoria, says; ii. si I'ufet, by making af,.ir,-.| uvirch f L'ti miles east i>f llunman's ! kraal, rap! nrc.l the laiiK>-r of Com- iii.-iiiilant (iinltler, seiziiiK J.illi! Ii.- id 'of rail!.- anil ."i.OIIII sli,.,.|i. Twenty mt-n ht> h id been left in ch.-irge ^re mail.- i . t n,;nandant (is.,1^ ; ler was alxient with his tr.|)S at tbf | engaged in making an attack '>n the railway, (ill. I'lumt-r in id- a fi ink march for the l'ur| f co-npi-i >' iin; with tii.-n. I'lgel in the event of Commandant Urobler de- I 11, j. 1,. tOO. . . . .Mi.n>, i-i I. Hi. . . . Dr< ; l.'v-. . HulU-r, in lb. rolls. . . ,,. IT UUU us. iwr pair. . , .r Ib. . . JJiirk.-. < i.'h. . . . l'otulof, j-i Lag. . . ApplfH. MT libl. . . . l.-..f, li.n.l quarters. . l^-.-f, for. quarters. . . II.. f, iarcae. . . . .M.illun ........ l.:nul>, cpring, i>er Ib. V-al, carcase. . . . O.UU II. IK) 0.00 O.iO 0.11 O.riO 0.30 0.40 7.00 4.10 5.50 .< 0.08 8.00 1.00 tf.OO 5.00 7.7.. H.OO O.Ofl tf.OO UVIKY MAKKI. llutlr A lot of poor uixl iii.-r.uin quality ooiaing in, .in I ou'.si.le offer- ings fif'. t;<i..l stock is scarce and , i . 'iiiiiUnloii houa.a si-11 to l hi- tra<k- :is folloAS , lJ dry, tubs and |miN, choice, 18 to 19u; and second quality. t 14 to Iflc ; lairy print-, ohu'.cc, 19 to -Oi; ; oreauiery, boxen, 21 U> J-O , dli-l lIU!lls, ^- 10 Jt riivi-oe full creamery. July and Auguv iniki-s. clls at 11 1-J lo 1-c. DESTROYED IHb LONG TOMS All the Big Cannon of the Boers Blown Up A de.spulch ft< un I. ..n. Ion, says; | Ih. War Office his received the fol- luuinti ! pt.nh fnun I..M.1 ItolMTlS, I I..I..I I'letoria, S|>1. Jl ; "l'..|. -I'.tiew i.|.i - that be found III K. II. . I .p.. Ill I t.l.e 1.I.IIK I. Mil, 08- I.uinlei, ami oun (.'reusul, which had been destroyel, 30,1 nfls, 'M boxus of MII. II aim .niiuuiiiiujn, 4D l^mx loin h. Us, etc. "lln mil has captureil 7JH trek ox- en, 9Jt) c. title, and l.oOtl sli.-ep. ' MANY MtJKIl (iUS.S I-'OUNI) A deapiitoh from Cape Town nays; A Itirfe number of gnus, momly ,lam- aije.l, have lieen found ulourf tbe I'm codil- river near llestorspruit. l'i icllr ally thu whole of the lte|>ul>- IM iu 1. 1. 1 way tttuckn have bean uap- niieil on th Seine line. There an- ei^'bt ml... of v.-hiolea, tbe nnji.iiiy tug in not*! ooinli lion. SUPPLIED THEM WITH ARMS How the Boers Sectii-ed Their Mar- tini-Henri .it lies. A despatch from Pretoria says: Man) cf the liners, it is known, were alined illl M ll I. Ill Ill-Ill, lllle- I is quite (Hieiiible that they have b.. ,. .11111,1 fur some, lime wit.i linn weap- on, bul, at the same lime, information has , inn- to hand from tiuotwi.it In soiircea that on the evacuation of ,Y inst, on Au|{iist 8 a laie nnir U-i c< Mai inn lleiu i rifles anil nm mnnition were, owing to oareleseness on the part of the commissioners or whoe.Vi-1 wan tc.spnnaitilf foi them, left I. ii n I in tbe La n. M rout s office, where they had been stored. TROUBLE IN C.'il-LI. Missionaries Are Ihreatsned With Attack. A despatch fnun ParM says: The Temps this eTening publishes s de- spatch from Shanghai which says the missionaries in Chi-Li are threatened European troops having been sent against th Boxers, Prince Thing, it is asserted has protested that tbe \ amen alone is qualified to carry oul their extermination, ordered by it. 1)U1>SKD 110US AND IMIOVLS1OXS. llitrher market, goo-1 deinaud, and locks Uglit. Loug clear bucou ia U(> to 10o, an<l dealer* will sell nothing uu.l.-i Ihl- pr.ee. l..r i. too, is up. ami vi-ry firm. Urosed hogs firmer, nl oell at |* to l-l.Jj per owl, In f i rni. r.-.' wagons. QuutatiiuiB foi provisions are ss follow*. -Uiy saltel shoul.lfrs, t*. IUIIK c|.-ar Uicitu, car lots, lOo; ton luts, 10c, casu lols, lOo; short out pork, $19 Ni to $-0, buavy mwts, f 17.60 l.i |1H. .-.iu..k.-<l meatn-llams, heavy, l.'c, ,uu, l'-'e, Lght. 131-:c; bri-ak- r,- inc. 111. 1- 1-- to I*-., H.IMI.O him-v lOc. loll bsiciin, lie ; Kiunkisl lin-Ws. 13i-. All iii'-aii 'ii' of p.cklH lo lss than price* quo'.wl for smoke. 1 in.- . - -. ,, 3-4e, lubrt, lOo; I01-4c. 1'KODOCE. Kggs Hecvipts dropping off lit- tle, but tbv quality of arrivals is much iiujuJ^ml. I'hoiw fresh sold at 14 to i-oiHls at 8 to lOc. 1'ut ito.-3 I'lenty coining in Dealers ..i.. bu)iiig cur lots, on track here, at MI in 33e pri L. i*:, and Mil, outof store, at 10 to i per bag. 1 i.-l.l pio.luev, etc. Active, market. 1 in nips sell, out of store, at Ui to30c IIP i bul, onions sell, uul of store, Ic per Ib: ->pp e->, per bbl, si-ll, out o( store, .it .Or to |1. K.. ,,,- N.-.4 slock is being offered. I'lio.i-i- haiul-pii kftl beann are quoted at |l..x'i to 91.IJO for old stock. Honey l)<viler.i quote, from t' to lOc per Ib. for .>. 10, or 00 Ib. tins. Coinb honey sells at 92 to S-'.Jj per dozen sect ions. Baled h-ty Steady. N<>. 1 timothy, iits, on liai-k herv, f:>7"> to 910; I u-ioii lots, delivered, sell ut 910 4). Bali-. I straw Cur lots of good oat are quoted at ? to 9&.50, on track. llnpit New 11.00 crop is now quoted at 13 to lie. Old sell at IS to Uc for Canada, 'UU's, for choice. I in mi i u, Oct. ..The receipts of livs stork at the \Vtistern cattle mar- ket 111.?' mm 11.11,1 was only 40 carloads, cluilniK 1 .1-1 .\neii 1,100 ..n.l l.L'OO >li.-op ml I mill-, Ski lio,M, nt-arly jKI cattle, I..A m. ii-ii i-iiw-i and calves. 1 In- niuk.ii u.ii as .la, I and 1111- evunlful as any oue we have had this season. I lirre ia practically no inovt-inent ,i. , xpiirl cattle, pi -ires ne nominal- ly iinctiuuged. Kn. pi for Ihe bust butcher cat- tle tin-la is little movemxnt, and we have sc.uroe.ly any stuff that is more iii i. in ,i u in coining in. Uood to PI in. l.iiit-liei cattle sells at from 3 1-1 to 4 3-8c, per Ib. extra choice may fetch 4 1-Ji ri.iii for ordinary cattle are un- steady, with a decided downward tendency. Feeders and aUx-kers are in fair de- mand at steady prices; aiookere It anything were inclined to sell a shads lower. Kiporl bulls were rather easj to- ft-iuling the laager. Oen. Cunniiifc'hjm's bri^.t.lp, ron st- ing of the A.'gyle H.,..l m.l. i < the Uerkshirc l{.-.;imeut. and theSri.-i.~h Dorderer^, h is rt-turned here frum th east. Since .Inly 27 the briifids matched 70U miles. When the British occupied Kmniti- P'xirt the HIKMI, who b.id been occupy- iriK that p!ace, SK)ltel across the fron- tier into IVrtiiKuese territory. They l.ii-u- up ih.-.s guna and destroyed their arms before evacuating tbi to.vn. day at from 3 l-l to 4 Me per Ib. Gcud m.:. h cows are wanted up to S"iU each. Si t-ep and lambs are not qnnlahly charged, but lambs ara a shade more ess; on large supplies. H >gs are steady and unchanged at the price* quoted below. Tbe prime bogs are selling at 6 1-4* per Jb. Sows are worth 3 1-^c per Ib, as* stags 'ie per Ib. For fat and light hogs the outsid* ; was 5 1-Jc per Ib. Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality, and scale not be- low 160 nor above .'UU Iba. A NUW BoTk LEADER. Calls Himself Chler of the Govern- ment and will Continue the War. \ de--t..tcn from Pretoria, says: Nrw bus lire n received from the north t-i tin- effect that Barend Vor^t.-r. h) us a member uf the 1-ite Trin- vaal Volkis ii.l, and Mho is ut /niii- j. .n^lwrif, hi< i.ilistuurd hiin-.e'f . I. . f ..I .:. !>.! I .... "i liln.-U' . .Ul. I is diifi-l nid |....n> f.'i ' h . usit inn in.-.' iif the *t i u *.. It is not thought th.il bin "ill IK- sriious Hhi-i h .tt.ick his forces. His follouel-. ..I.- nut fin lniv.i'lir. and his supply of inuiulions of uar is scanty. Ui.-i. Ii i.i-.'U a li;ht skinni-h 1101 th of I'tenaar'* n\>- 1 l mil in. I .lit i:iaiii'i< is honour- abl> obM-iMiit; Hw aiiin-itice aiee.| on a fe da> > It i.s i.|..ni..i th.it t..'ii ll.'t.ii nith J,(IIXI men is a.ham-mg by uay of Le.l>.loi|t to join Vorsur at 1'ieteis- buig. BRIDE Emm MYSTERIOUS SUICIDE OF ALlCF MILLS IN WINNIPEG. l.irn.rr Tragedies In llnu.r Hur-lrr. Ml- rltif*. anil .i.M. n U..HM- Ha>. I'rr l.iM.li U.-rurr. il Wllhlu II- Hull.. A il*>|iaii-h fiiii \V'.nni|ier n-n A v.iv irijf.' 1 fvent occurred in ihe 'ii. "rid i-inl ., 'ii-, cii>. .>n -.it us. lay n._hi , l:ru A 1 1.-.- MilN, u li-> v> is inar- i .! .>u rimr>.lay laat, committed Ie by I ikniK a larrf d. ul bolic acid, .-he had U-en livin with h-r mili.: M ' - l'..n-...n. on Kuclid avenue, sun-.- the .-d.ling. <ln - i ut- .l.i> rveiiiHK f-he uent .|.n to |iur- flii^. MI|,|.|,..I ft>r the wed. llllK lire ik- la -i AIIUMIK ol h*ir llnUKX -<h- pro- I cnie.l an .Mm.-., uf rarbolic ' hich she m\ all.tued ill t he w oiMl-shed, after kismK her husband. Her scrranui alarin.-d the family, and her in. I .irnv.'.l .-nly to catch h r uj sh fell. Sh<- .s.i .1 he had Jn^t i.ik'-n i.l. in. I n.i....ly would know win It > in'i "ii account of her hu-'li'inil, wh.'iu .-h*. L.v^.l dearly. lhe> hi>u*e in -li i'h i hi tratfe.ly oc- curred was .HI.- .if the very first built in t hiH cit\. Ii has t ht> reputation ol IH .'lie murder, r we miici. lf, twt u>ld'ii ile. tills, and on sh'x't.ru h.m> occurred there since itl I Ul 1 IOU. "BOBS" APPOINFtD ot Gazetted i_omtnander-ln-Chter the British Army. A deitpalch fi.-in IH. n<|. m, .siyi The \V.u Office announced ih.ti i be yiiet-n lilts appi o\ ed ihe i| |> .III Illflll of l.tilll It .l.i,s is C..MIIH imlei- n-chiff nf thr f. I ces, 1 ,. sin .',.. d I- ' .1 U y 's five-yeir tfini rx- pile. I nil 11. i. 1. Tli i. I* m i.le un the .i-tiy of Lord Hoberte' I I . . I . .: ,1 . I . '1 .., Ihe \\.ir Off fe i^ now in cuinmuni- .-,1 WU h I." l 1 Kolh'l Is : . .-111111 of a liitfe, iMiriion of ihe south \fiictti aimy. I h.' .mi it. M ,\ ,11 OMIIII -lice al I n- 1 ..'! ll i few ^^. It U now Mitel iliti I, .. id Wo'si-lcv ' will officiite at 'lie Wai Ofii e unlil N..\ . WOLSELEY MAY BE AN EARL Kumor That He Kay b Sent to Ire land as viceroy. Uu .-n now h > i loin; IIST of u i me; euhmitted to hT as th'isi. of peroni w... liy i.f honors f -., M h Afiifa. ilfiitity it iho.se \\ho figure in hi- lii i, .ihe i ly Cslllsinn ke-n s|'cul . i, m in army cir. l.-s Tlie -h .'! ..f f It '. f..:it|Kin:>in^ ol th- Ilith, f. M '. '-. fomp.inion of -. 1 and St. tu'oi-K'e. ,.i.-., will rw i: . - I. ir ed. Il Ls rumoured tint l.i U |.-j wi'l .- mil.' i -i .- u I, and he a[>|>>. n t\ Viceroy of Irelind, ii .^m ceed K i rl Cadi ...ii seem* im- i'k r \\ b 1 1 l.n.l l!n-rts will II i.-mains secret, but Lord KiifhclHT, ll is iil, if h.< rein mis M' h \ l ' . * will l>.- k'ufn the I.. cil lank i>f full geiifial. sn :!ia' ha can N- IH-I-OII I in. t-oium t n I to ti.-i llnll-i after l/ord Hobe.rts lea . 200 MORE REFUGEES. Burghers Continue to Flock Into Lorenzo Marques. A despatch ft PHI I. .-ml. .11 says; A despalrti frulU Imrpn/.i .Miitiuf. s "'Hi* ti.-iiiiin stHinship Ueriug nuilctl (i>t Diiiiipn l.'-ilty ll,'i |..is- seiigttrs were chiefU ltll in.turs. lier- ni mi, anil l!'eia. She curried u large quantity i>f bur guld; L'lesul.ul Kinder leiii.-niis .u l lie tiovernin.m lltlllS-' " I luiiitli e.l in. .if ll.s-is arrived lien- to-iliy. I'liey stute that all the guns which they left .it Ki>iu.ili|> <ii u ii it-pai tbly damaged or buiie.l The burght-rit, w hi> are still in the field buvu enough .<iiiiiiniiitu.il tn laM to tli en. I of the year, and they are determined ti> icsisi till it gives out. "tiovernor-Utvneral Marhado, of I'm t iigiifst* K.mi Africa, is at ais uit'.n end as to how to piovide for the pen- niless and starving refugees from the Transvaal." Delgetty's colonial* und Drlisle's new force are oo-operaling with the \ .. w to rounding up General He Wet, who is reported to be south-west of Kopjes station, with VOU men am) three guns. Refugees from I'wtrhefstroom state that the Boers are badly equipped so tar *s ammunition is conuernr*). EDICT FROM IHE DOWAGHR War Against the Powers to Bi Continued. A tlfapntch (rum London, W,- in.* day, says: A desputi-b to the Stin- tl.iril fu'in Sb:tii|{bai su>s tb.it Cbines officials th<-ri report tliti l'i nii-e Tuar has issuctl s secret edict in the nanu of Ihe l>uw:tr,-r Euiprese, informing tbt' authorities thioughuut tin- EIII|HII that the court has decided lu i-<iutinut the war against the powers at eiT ci-.st The edict threatens thai sny official w hu tlea not euppurt t li MaucuUit will IM- U-lie i.leil as a traitor bin fanuly ilivttroyetl, aud the toiub) Of his :ii|. .-.,: ,11 s iltro>etl A .le-spatt-h In ill.- D.ulv News fr.'ii. Pkin, st\n a is persistentlj maio- taiued thai the Kiupuor has led the Dowager Kminess, .111. 1 is now st Tit hung, i.'m miles wost uf 1't-kin. MRS. KRUGER'S ILLNESS. Cannot Leave Pretoria to Join Her Husband. A .les|..itrh from I "inli.ii, *.H\*. A lles|.alrli f i nm I'l el, .I m s.tya I but, il the opinion of lu-i ph> sit-ian, Mr* Kiurei i* ttx. fiM-lilK to (ravel t( Ix>renzo Minim's i.. ;.. n |, t -i liuslian.l Sin- \\ill Ue obliged u> iriu.tiu u l'i ei oi ia. THEY FEAST TURTLES. . i-.:.-.! > "" ...... ' lf.M-eiitly iwiue intei-enting 1ata hv rwii nub I <li-l i--ir.irilnii< Hi" ' '"<- j,,, i at ion of tr.K.i's, horses and ,..,,:,, -, South Africa. bused on of- ; >rt. m.-n. 1 **" l-ft EtiKl.iiul for war. carry, n on board W ""' tf.Mi- Moreover, ,, 1,-un.s, .md lO.tMHI were by the colonial troop*, finally. ..-ni' . ., niii!^ were shipped from U,,.-, I, Italy. India imlM""' ui i k, 1 1 iz J t'>l.ii "t l.'>it,u(Ml Hi- t.^r.tge puce , . was $77 for L..I- .md $o7 f 111* coat of ir insiiornng 'he t r , -i . $7n,i ". tH). for tin- hospital servu-.e ihen- - ' ,.( ^7 field hiwp.L.lls, Iw-i-les IK U t l, -I eiMi.p "l ' '"'' '"" uel oi 471) nulitar) sin ^.-..us, *W f.vil . :,:in M ' IM!J ' " f ' '"' b.>vp,i.d cor|, "><H) vidunleorn. I,- 1 "' m , M . .. ,|..ii.i Amlmlaiice > and KM) men of ih. I l 1 .. n - r n.illy, two hospii al ' ""- 1 eu.l f'tit hospii il u,ip> " "'t' 1 oul ii.iu Knuland. Itetweeil tk-t. 5 and April JH. 7!rJ sbipt. f a total toni .^re cb.i"eietl for ear- rymn amiiiuii.M.'ii mid supplies, and sboui laO.IMMI tuns of im-n. coal. ft>it- dT, .-tr. were sll.|.|wd f|..lll KI and 1 -M ports. Kir tin- I'ost il >.TVU ers ami H,.")(HI [ i' s ouire.l ft'f the enormou- m \i . , t*i f.r example, nn one .MV. ' - t nd 131,- 50tJ n-w, paper pi,-kaen. Kin.illy, up to l h- end of " ;l(l iu. I ii,:u- - I i ml men ^BW Is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid l.-t't in the blood by d'i-i,M,i.-r.-.l kklm-v* UxlK'"- al^"(f tlie "' rvo which brain-lies from tlm ycovertlif t'oreluvid, and ac.o-.* the cheek to the side of the now. The cause is the same a* in nil Rli.'uruat'nm - di-ordor.'d Kidn.-vv The theaine Dodd's Kidney PUls r kill One -ul4l H Ih. l.ttil'i Oil'-- Oeslli i In- It's never too lite to U-arn the icood points of USEFUL WHALE OIL. II l .,',.!. at., and liliiniiii.il'. "* '" a 4.nll... 'Whale oil." waul a di-V.-r in oils, " ia t*> Mome I'Xleni. u.<el is a lu>>ri- ,' Oil, out not to a very laitfe e\t-nt ; when used for lulu .t-al inK piirpo-** il m more often . -.impound- ed with mineral .|U. ivlneh art- che.-ip- ei . \Vh.ile t>il is used for i.-ui|H-rin ,i in it ill u.ifd in a lim.: .-'I iv mi' i-ople u an ilium n.iiniK oil. \\ , IIVM! for imikniK wli.ile iiw-l for killing woruin on . ... - At a place ''on. on I.'I-IMII-.II I. ' . itivea l- . , |i-il H eat or d. "'"" would mi- an .U-i'li 10 lht UiHy "ii- .iitinu Hi- family. f.-i.sh men, t>f wln.-h l h'-ie aiepleniv d.t-lai-4' 'hat ''"> W1 '"' I,, se-i f.Mliin-'. In ' h" ii'Uht his M wax I Ur<i>WII UV "U ' : 1 <- ''--aeh elnpl\ Thre days afterward a ' un : c:inif .ID plae.e, iv i 111 I llf man on in buck ilivei and well I hat lime th.-v hive nev-r ll t : .,v,..l one of that (pecii-s. . t liou^U they enjoy other sj If t.ni- hapi'i'i^ now '.i In- w iniied ashtnv t b -"' ' '"" l ' ""' ; " t hi> I .>w n "'-ii :ind start sm^imr ami liei'intf sucks; next a small p:et- of whue clot h. color must b wlutf. i plai-ed on t ho turtle's buck; fiKi.l is then tnd i>l,i.--d ..n the. .-I.H U. -"'" plant, linn ric and palm "il '. t lu-n, am;. I a lot m.iru sinniiit?, danciiu? m.' auiiim <>C i h-- ti-' -'' !"' 'i'" 1 . '' '* ''"'" r:nil li-ifls nit I.!MI -f md il s w i . i-jim-inn ('ui-ioiii it in that it is only one ,,f |... , liiai etnctl\ ill,, I-UM -in .>r l>ei .-I. md ih.it village is U|)|nmiiil to Iw the one ll'.un w hn-li I he man I 'itf and \v iM l>r'>ui(lit l..i.-k by tue 1 1. IV 9 never ni IMKV .' ^^^^ >fao4 U-.* r.-il) 19. . i ^ t . Good Paint Shines- It ^ives 5 I "[, O ll 1 fl QS s . the House a newness of appear- * ance which ia pleasing- ... AMSAY'S PAINTS not only shine but wear. You will like the way they go i on. ;inJ the way '.hey siay on. Thev ire reasonable in pric. Ask \otir dealer. Kl.ul'KM PEAT IS A POPULAR FUEL. oil \Jt Ml, u^-d "ll ,,ii. I ni ill , i oil u lik4y to u.s..t f..r a line l-iln inacliiiii-i y. large. in- 'ii ' Ivi I',TIII ml- It i i ' I'll.- N'ew Tea, f.-yloil and R r.-a, U ni>. lly urowim? in . h .l.ip.i-i :k.-r<, "" - JioiMh It to I ' ' '"' .I.IMM tea. it is infinitely .lei;c:ou,s md far miir- lie . 1 !i- ful in ile. It i li-in* iul ro nice I l.y nlMiiy in h-it .-ll km. ;.-,il' .j 10 li.s|n ,,Lsl is '- .la la ' L l placed ill in h.-l l>l ick || . ;. r,i|>e la. I. If -,i ... I, ..,;v h.-r fit:- IPI >\v. ,, , \\.lll W U iiniii me." \Vh.i- '" In- i'ii- i ll "" you falter at th- U-*' ini'in'-in ' -i.-ak. Miriam. \Vhut is il k.-.-i*. y<m btiok I" Hi.- yoiuitf girl buried her fn-r in hail Is. *orrv, .fulin," sh si. , n,ii.. in my HM4 CALVERTS The lleullbti-r al l'- . , . hi ..i>en firepl.n-.-s A h-i- - i .-i ick- L . . .', . i .. - "'' bug b.ork-J hive uwnis not to I" ; . ihv -'"' 1'"' ch.-ip- li.-a, ti'.-i md give tam ii'- bie. lh,s ,|.*s not un-aii that >* can bin i.p yout ' "' lurow '* k > ,,!, scuttle and I" l-u ' U nteri-iiair . The Km Lam mil ">" I- h \\ , i..- . ...il k iu- '" si ill goni > h ,,. duuiuiou ov*r ii- '"'> las* iw peat may materially lessen th* O.IH.HH -Milter - .--Ml mils. I n,..i : uu.ileh. i h- p.. ii n.i. n-li.inls Ii i - !."!. l>|,p,i| Klli'v Hife 'l'' enol "'-'Us de- p,.,,,.. M l.l.llm-. ..s,,eeiall> HI 'he north and in Ireland, deposits that ouiv ml di"i* ""' 'li'.v>* lo Ui.kf .he fines! fuel U.U they mu.s! b.- dll* ami dried HI the eall> suinllier. Autumn is -ili-ady here, mi'l ' extra niM-liea hive i n I"--, P.MI me fiii.tinit 'h.-iuselviss flo..de.l v, it u or- . wh.ch Iliey will <~i ii" 1 know U.,\\ Ii. exi-tui". v. , MI . "ii-" nit of peal ' ,; iy Mimed in I. HI. Ion. SSS> In i In- ^est Knd. re.'l'l' 1 after tn In . in. I or -i- ll-ind. te'l '<> Uif ft.-h. i-artlu -ui'-'l ..t ihe Im m . ,.! lii.- Q ii" -ei-iue supplies. (i,,,,,,. ,|. fiid nf oi del HIH H iu ,. ill] 'H ' '> ' '"' Ol pat -ills wll IH" -sin i-s- fu,. tnrl] in th- 1 iii'>Miuitf "' ' '"' ' '""* 4 l 1, j,: l.> M i intfiMK half ' bl.sks. ami then (Jj ii .1 w ill ki-T 'mi in"* <"' .II ll'Mlt S til C.llll. . ; s ii nil ni, ami ii * in s... ne f\t..nt for lami* in m- h,ii-..-s. I,-, in-.- nj liability , ,>riu i in. l .! i higher ,|.-iii. .rf heat than mn-ii "'N. It is iitwd as a signal otl .m -,;'..<''. for laiiipi. uul l.ia'.-iiis, and for l.glr "ii . in : UK ,HI I- i.l thee pur|N>M uiint'inl oils uul lubriciMiig tni|>ou.l.s liavi- more or U supplant. e.l n U'.Miihf i*' their ^ '..-:ii>- IMSV, lull S|>,.J III >*1 is I1.-V.-I , ll.-H'S.s in ,. in llli-le art! SOUie 1.1 li-r uses for w liale ml and for S|M-IIII O.I. nilicll ,llf -I III s"ld lo laltfel HI. I sin t i lei users liy i lie b ui-l ->i i : , ...n. \\ lialv u. I lirmtf.s I w hviv aUxil .">ll . .Hon ami s|H'.rm oil i4i ' ' -. i n. i lll. di-Mi-:ilile unaliiiea. |.n ...in.- u-^-s. 'I I ll^s,. o.^s, ollri* >.' comillillll.N Used, make. i Illllke' I'M i ll" c..in|. i i ii ively >ini I. ui.l .1 .mni.si'iiig i|n.ini ities, of lf them 10\V IliMltrlll I'l -a!... even Bl a i- lnli.'i than lllH.- lit Hi'- ".I.S ''ill ll.iV.' ^o .-olll- uini> sii|.|.l i n'.-.l i h.'in. ,wr.lHl 1UU medals and diplomiu. for xoeilcnce. T>i. ir renlr ue prevent SUM. AK your de,ier to nbtals wjplj tSts nialU frs. OB KppllcaUom. f. C. CALVERT t CO., FEATHER DYEING Aiifi. ThM . :-.-! yUo*u BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO. ' '""" '" "" soak. onM i, ,k - Catholic Prayer !> SC>PI< . "r'^^tSsS?- _ ill i i\ T t* I* I ni*n. l I If lusistinsisil Wi ... Mfcil "i l *' r ' rT ?*7 _.__ I I .1 L l I'l ! i .'I '"" '" l,,r to look for . I'll- If ..-. Ill oil |,|. i.lil. -ed f I Home 4 ' li li.-ail "f i lie hale l hai hi iiiu.il In .1- cmiily thin en liei vvtlilv oil or ^Ifllll oil. ll Pll Ml s |ll) a tt illiill. I'h.s ia watch ml, in. I U may Iw bought al tlt-ilfii. In watch np|ii.i'. I U.N| !'.' oilniK nch,..s and iN.i I'.M .whim the arliors, or juiirna In. ol wh-.-ls ..f itirt.-i- 1-lock.s. 1' is no ly a fine lulu i.-ani . bui n w 1 1 hsi ui,l col. I leinarkalily well, not fie. /. ng .-\- ,' \. i finely low Ifin. fin w h.. k foi iur u us.- ut cold in. I .- \ -d a, i . \v M.KIM: i-oit v \v v., u ilm.a K"! " 1VI " f ' JUI1UI..1 st, h is. f"i ' '"'' iroini Olir:- .11 . ih.-r flio.l 0. -Afiien. i i;.-riiniiy , l-t of I 1 '' lay, iu I l- II Jin '"lll I firm i-i I off- r t., A.irk. for h-r UM, I ill I ll '!-'- UU l>'' |,|.| - tril-l . |d | - - Hay Favor Victims. lirr"'s i p .i'i .-i I n >oii. Il is mil h.iy li . IV 1 !' 'Il i iriurn.s. , .1 u. ii kill it. I .till 0111 !. 'I |S|\\ lei s. I llese f.'l .-.J'l cannot no wlieie ihe m.fiolie t iiai i h.j/.ont. will s ii if t-.ii rmd by i In- ur \oii I,' in I .v lin.-vf r in u .f- i' ' i u. ' /.OHM I.M help Iml go. t h it .n in-- 'hat il (joes to I ll.' ul.'Si 111 i . aifn in 1 h bea-l oi tin.. : i ho- /.ine u;.. - ' 'I ''"I ''S . Mlt-ly in lwnl> -foui lion i - - ni..n.-> 'ii'^k if you i" M" i i I lit I I-U- .. or e WL.I send it lo you n Cunuda or t i >! -i Itss, l'si iml s. l\ II^SL.Il ' III HONTMAL HOT1L Tb " Balmor.!? Fr But ,V AVENUE M -st sp lfc'.s. turn in l'in>S! II\M;I-:IIII - Ii- |i'-s.-s-.l 'I' Pl- Brass Band ,n.ifum*nt>. l>ru. t.mtorss*. Bit Every Town can have a Banl Hutln or Muslwl Instrumsnt*. Whaiey Royo A Co., %^ U , 1 U.' -th. -|. ...! \. t . I' \ f. K. fiibl. (will* - 8t* uiailonkl LAW MILLS, MILLS A HALEI, ..I.) Ilia! 1 nl. W . T..r..nlo, POULTRY, BUTTER, ECC8, APPLES, . Tereeis, ; l l-:f IHIf \1 ,v u. I ,- i'- his Ivi-ii f.irm-.t i 1 i't h- SwWMt- Market A Ool WOOD A PHOTO. tNCRAV IMG ^J.L. JONES ENC.C9JI t 8 10 ADtLAIDLMW. JOROtrt Kr.itii.Q S l-.ii..t,- n4 Hlffc ( TolTM.t BO nu snat Metal K ..,,-,>, I si.ATl.ia X ^ \ II' l ' I" I II ' - ''' ' * r > * " M'lllU' - ; ' .'lilj . .L '' ill I K I it-nit u \ n Al " ' .-^IKIII rolls to sm ill itsl "n- "" "-ii f..| Mulk UU 'll' I sllf I. <. CUt- l.l .. oil. .. A.;im iW f| < ftl. "* * > ""* DIMNT UK' (Cbpy j' -. ! it the Otj on ' " LU,, . uiio, Vut? l.'i. "" I ; I l ' > i iii. vt i ' ' , M) i f" "-;!"" i: V11KN H> f TKKTH ll l I,.- leelh in- to K"' ''in tin.,.. - in-iiiK diintm 'h,. .'iv j,,, | , ; a- ,.: ' II* l I he l.esl ti ^i>.' I' 10 t ll M. I' "'I,- .11" eight lion I-M dui PIM sl,.t-)> I h H i b-- .,,1^ .,,,. n i, -I lV, ill. I an I starchy I.H..IS that in iy l- eJ U-i^ecii and noun. I ill- if. -ill are bathed iu salivi. > |.n<itl I, under*" I.T.uiipt'sii lOB, . Inch a, -I mo i. oi l.-.s> U ..n Ihe I. ...i ll - 'I "'if lime of foi mat ion. The salivary glands n.., lieum ad ie .luriiiK' .Olds are not limited, is .IIIMII4J day i fi.e flt.w of saliva prevents l" i if ..... dvrfier the ileU'lel . -n^ elf ..... s ,! . thll- foi m fd 'I'lie leel Ii HU I Hums should In- fully l.iu-ll-tl aftvi each meal with uied uni soft bi u.sb. using i- i w i>i oil damp brush, alcoh .-I, imww n lilt,- 1 i ne. e.iual parta. IIKKI: All is noi IHVI Mi . -mall Will hi- mm her "H" iftei-noon. ^ lift ,:.,pp.. i to | rs a n.fk -utf " \\ h\ .Ion', lie U'i ll.Ulie. III., mill I '" ,-k- l \'- i 1 Hi., IHM.I III ill >1 is no home," -lie I I hen." .-..n lllle 1 ill- 1 I tie fellow. |M i-'lt' 1 ll" *-'" ! " ' '' ' " III t I HI i "' . IN -II than , ' n -. in- .va .\l-| .MM k. ul t he weak. v . IS S 1 ,ho ,.s iu:i a, .m li-. MI t promi in-lit nn- lim-s hi- \viil be some .1 \ -p.iK.ifr e an ' l'i '> ' '' v.iMiu uille.-w .sin- lUS . I .u I ilk i- rat her rhe i|i, Inn -. of peo- pli- h.ivt i m in. i f " ' i M'lrf ' " m"H"- \Vn.-n >''" *' ' "U'it Aoman m.ik.nn a lusf "M'i a witlowvi - ,,,,.,, , -,,(ii HIM il sh,. d.vsn-t I .,.,, M ,,,, ... i rilit lo cone.-' 'lu-tu il won't lit- In-' i-iult. Cindeis lit'in tin- I M I"'" "" l-a|- I'. si w.'Ji- fairied b> the nid ,, fir is H'^sl on, i .|.*i m.- of al- u,,^i fift> mil. fallnirf I" ih' streets ,.! in the w iN-rs "i the harbor ill , .11^ I. -i lllle .show el- ^ S. fork floi.sl say* t ha' I lie ~..n...i-, .' p should not lx> pUoed itt ihe BMMlt k rrl.uul 'hr n. kink i . . ' "" w "" MB*! w. ' "'" ! H ' lir " Ue 11 .-it , 1 Invi- i n ef .i, . I'XUUI . . ion ' n I- . ' iliK'ht and I n I .; - is i ited. lii- , cou i! a hesi rf- i ii- .1 \ | pt .!, ,1 .. I'! : BUM mpass un. u r (ul ' '"* v . ! eel i ..n iii" \ Hill s I ,-, . .-I lli.li'l'. HIM I OK OVbK ' ICTY VBARb WINSLOWS StioTHINO STBUP kM tM n.oU.rr Tor ih.it >i.l,.rrn Mlhlnf. It w. ft. . wuntl. It* xxlo. iiJ li'-lie " MH wkrw"Mi"" MM l'- HIM HI .> 'I'll . i ,,.ijn i n limp kn<> n i" clia " '"' '-' "" .in 1* hi-iir-. Us w -ii.iroln' . oiniiiis iiHMi- t hin I.IHIU -u s. VMM; HIM i " Did vim ki -i'i lionfi'- h >blli 1 1 - e.l IK.II Ifs ' I used in i link 1 inns. llaM- I -. 'I" -'f sll .1 III I III- hl'll^' 10 I I III' HIS! I- of bill III , ...11.-.. i l|np|H-ll pi. . ." of po- I , . in. K ' I, Inii -UK-hell* 111. lie!- THE NIMMO and HARRISON BUSINESS .n AHI i rpr SHORTHAND OULLtUt I. 0. 0. F BuilUI ig, Toronto. Cll> im>-l tbor"tih e.,ur" '( .ntltvnliml liKimoiion .n ll Butn anil Civil rio unJMM. ihar'haii*. T>pwiilnK, I* Kiner' iiiorit'iioea touchers. mnl|imnl nnd d.,ot*- nnsiirpHed. pn .-mtlr.- TOUT. BABIES LIKE IT. Doctor Hammond- Hall's English Toth- IDH Syrup, Comforts rry>ni( ChiUlreii. Out stupifv'l'ft ^' ti.ir^nilCH, Al o o h o I) prnloious s " M r syrup, oi any hurtful drugs. A stnln English romsttv. < pro<lbytngilPllOoi;- itors. Pries 25 ou., ^t BRITISH CHEMISTS CUMP*NY, TORONTO. CAN. Ask for Engfish TsstWng SvTtip, and Take Mo Suttslltuts. (K m) C**vr e Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. Csorgs Cooderhom. . , 4 ... J. Hsrtoert Mason. W. H. Beattv. . \\ HHH ,|*r W.\itr S Lee. Head .11 . I ..,.,,, i., SHAH Wlnnlptg. Man., VAiicouvcr. S. . St John. N S Savin us Department. > -MI DEBENTURES . ASSETS - $23,01)0,000 EXPOSED FOR DARK AREAS

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