Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1900, p. 3

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4, 1900 T II E F L E S H E K T O "N AD V A N C K THE F L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE OCTOBER 4, 190 ST 7** *A O. -T / ct 60. MIRRUILK'S * tS'ti _J / . Jctll & Co. NEW FALL MILLINERY We bo,' to announce to the Ladies of Flesherton and vicinity that milllEir OPENING WILL HE HELD i IX FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Oct. 5 and 6, 1900 = s to which we cordially invite yourself and friends. Jj Everything that dame fashion decrees as lioing ^ correct for the present season's wear will be on ~ display on above dates. .Miss Wilcox in charge. ^ I He also will sin some exclusive novelties ID Dress GOODS, JACKETS and Furs = 1 'lease remeiriber tlu-ikitcs- -FI^IOAY and SATURDAY tliis wot-k. F. T. HILL <& Co Advance WEEKLY AT THE OPriUC, ">L- UXOWOOIl HTKEET, rLKhHr.KToN, OST., 1 . U. Tlll'WITOK. tl JUT annum Ktrii-tly In adtaurc Advertising Rates: Do Column. 1 yaar. *JO ; hall col., 1 VOM, #> quarter col., one year. 1S. Trkuilout nlortiniieut cbaried ' the rate couts par line (or first Innortloii au J .1 ceut each subsequent Insertion. The British elections arc on und tLr ^'overumcut ie being Imwlsonit ly aaxtaiued at the polls. Thus far it stands: Conservatives 161, I'nii'i)- isU Ii9, Liberals HO, Nationalist!* 27. Tho date of the cloctiou has not yi-t becu aiiuoiiuccd from Ottawa, but it is generally understood that it will coine off the fore part of in-xt ninntli. The iiews continuing to arrive from t'ln na proves the actual elate of ali.uri then- to have been uioio tor- ril.l. than was at first thought. It . not vet kiuwu Low many and native ckristians throughout tho < tupiro dnring tlu- I a H .-uinmrr, bin ncmt details uiulir OB uiiderHtaud ihut the numb'-r uus ih i iiiuiid aud the murders uio.-tt utro- cioua. From present appcarenccs it wuiil<l seem that oiily a umall 1*1 cuulagu escaped. N| .,111 - S. I I l< Illl III. I ' IIT I II. II ( III I I .-.f/l/lHI' II f : It I iln 'lll.s U all ul.l s.iv. , and w/is uxeiii|...:.,-d on lliin line l,i-.' ,-, k Ii) tin .nt'i-, ,d uf two btu&ui lliruhlnn^; IIIH- - ,,ikiii; will, ill KUIishot of . Ii ii, i. .mil i' i.s expected thai two or time ,,t hem will lit- drought ill beforu lh<- .mix "1. thifl line is Imisli, ,|. It -, , in* strange that HO many IIM, h u ii-|uii i-ii in uiin DWgfaburhuod, hut of , Ml), Illl Ill till II 1,111,') Mr. Win. Fit-teller |>anl a In ief visit to In, inU in t'n-i -inoii last \\. '*. l.i ,. liaik hi* mother, wlm, |,,r the piiil In \.-u-.. IIHS l-eell M.slllllH hi-r lillll I li.. i child) en al dillru-nl puiiils. We aii- nl.m lu M u hei |,iLllig .so , II in I enjuyiii|{ Hood lie.dlh. Ml. TIll'lll.lB I'letellel nf Illxylull Jiillll ,,i ,t to I, latiM.s .mil fiii-iidn her, K-l t-uk. Ml s Millie rlil.lni is a. ,-u on a visit lo roUll.es .tin! tr'i ndi ill (Ins v mill) . Mr Mcl'lifi- of I .!.nik!>Aood spuiii :i 1,-H d.iy.-< Hith Mr. mid Mrs. T M ,, linn, t illiiijj on aiim.) of ilif old fn,-i. . and noi|<!il"ii - In i. .>u,| in I'meiille. Tin- f.innl) of Mi. I Mi V. M, I i li.s lutt-n lucr e.l Ii ri- i> . twin li,i)h, who, apparent^, ii.<eiid lu stay. /Th<j mouibut* of oiu juiiiur lc.guu ie making a very tim- |i.itcliwi>rk ignilt M n Thliks/l\IHi; pUMMit til S'MUf tllHli(lllll- instiiiiliuii in 'I'm, ,1,1 i. AH an cxjn rinn-nl to i-rmlu-ntu wild u*>t<> Mr. T. McArtliur it eitcniv,-ly using the dine harrow mi HtuliMu in lieu uf fill . the lam! in In- plowed ins|ii.n^. iJ llu' rx|nl inn lit jiri'tc su,n-M<ful il will liki-ly IHJ followed \>y utlaTH for I'l llll- H.IIIU- j'lll I A fi-w iliiys ago we iioliciil (Jeorgi- lluycu g.-itlii-riii^ tlie ItiHt uf Ins li:iivi-st in iln> form <>f Inn ly l-urdocki, with which tin- I'iinn U.is,,l l,y him uhuiinils, nii.l whuli In-, liy tin- ami scytln-, i]i|,, irs ili-- ti IM.Illl'll to li/llllsll Itufuri- till- t'X|lll.ltlull uf his lviut>, lU-fi-rtinx to Imrducks n-ininilH me of nn ini-iili-iiT whirli i,,, k I'liir,- I<KS than li.lt a i-i-ntuiy HU, W'M-II Mr. V. \,-iy ililiyi-utly cut liis Imnlorks, tln-n very de- lili.-r.itil) llu, tit, m uu-r the f. in- on (o ilu- liiijIiM.-iy to |iro|Mt{ate. Now ii.-i.-lil.or X. .iwiiiil ik i.-w ~,ln-|.|i which, M..III luck of pasture, .'.-inn il tin ir l.\ ,n I.;, pi, kin;; on I lie public rond. Rttuin nit! li.'iin- inn- IHIIIMU ('In- (hi-i-p, I inraii. Hriuy .iml u\t ria'li n Hitli liui-Jut-kH, Mr. / in i- inn- mtiiis, |y mad, ami in-l, n furioimly out ,,f ilm.iH, gnthcr,d u|i tin- ^inl lilll,l,,,-ks iiiii) just iiH ildibi-i.il. ly till. ill. n> li.u-k hum wliciit-i- tl.i-y i..m Ki-.sult u I, .- nis 1,-s-, t., Mr. '/.. for l> s u.iol and n iluiil.lf ,r..|i uf bur. I, > Us the folluviiij! yMi fur Mr. T. headnears are nut " in it with the b,.y tins time. VV.-ilt.-r Niohol iirnved hmne 1-ist Tiles day af't-r a very pleasant ;it,,l ,At,n u. tour tlir.,u-li tlie lowlands of Scotland. Ho travelled cuiixidorahlu nloiiK the his- t..i it- river, of T,-ed. Tay. Firth i,,,l t'l)de. lie- His., i Uil trd th> t'ariiiexiK'.si. tiori .nn! spent 11 few days in London. 1'unean McKfllar of UuiiibartoiiHlnie, S,.,F|,II,| is Miii,, K htu cousins, MewtrH .IONII .ind Alex. McAithur of this village V ,ur strilie 1^1 the |Hi>si-asor of a i!i-i,ui,,ns hunch ,.f hcjithor us a result. VV. .1. UliikeHton and MIBK t',. Md.e ,d Irii-e li,-i-ii i, . ' ,^,,,1 as toaclu-rs in the public Mchoul lor 1)1 at itu-re-tMud salnrien Win. Meads ,,f the O.D.R. is veneering his houewiih brick. Hector McLean ix the contractor. lii-ur^'i' Sini|is,.ii of Viin.-ouver, H.C., in visiting tli.- |i.ii,'nul h .in,.. Vood's PhopTio41nt, T\g Qrttit Knytuh RrTHftty. Bold and r*cu mm ended I v all druKgtsta In Canada. Onlr rril abl iru'dii-iti,. dlsooTeml. Six lucltaqei f/ntntnlttd to cure all ual WrakiMM, all rfTrrto of atom* orrxcrsa. Mental Worry, EzecwlTe nsofTi> batxio, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on rolpl of price., m |>aka<(e II. sli. fft. 0Mtj||MMIh n. I-aiuphlet* fre to anr addn-M. kliuli.rU-y l-'i , ' '/; Die,, l',,,-rrxf>,,iiili-iit [Km a iT|.ori uf thu wuJJing ,,ur I.K il i uliinin-t, i Ini item In-uii; In i\|.,. b<fura this hudgel itmv.-il. KIL] MI-.S Miuy All. i, r,,iiil,i,i ,,f Tuionto i.s t -it ML- at thu |iiii.-nla! h.iiiii-. < 'in- bl.i, ksimili s biruiii si H <>n tlu, u.. i-ii-si, nullrii h li.is I, ,, in, I ii n,,i-( ^,i\ to |,|ii|.|uy Mi T Mniiiinu lu .is.nt hiin. Thu <llHll.<-ll,i II li.m- Int.'Iy l||i|.ru\ril tli, ,i|>|>, nriinue of I he lot ,roiui,| tln-ir luii; a III-H HIIU fence tlu-i, :,, Mr. W. II. Tliiii.i.ni visitijil our \,l ".k. illi IIH phulo^i-aiil, c i-ntlit, in hfjiii-h ol ,i,,.. H.-I-MI-S mill ,-n , Wi" Mry Kn.'K Im.s i, -tnrni-il limn,' ftci .. .i-,, ... Ii-,' u ,n .nil, 1 at I i-othi'i nn. I u in I IH, n S ,i,n(|. ^ I ' V to I' i o|,l tl.l- IK) ^' I i.\ I rlni , Ir.il H, hii|n, ,1 l:- IH. Mr in.l Mrs. K.,M,.|| ,,f Bolivar. I' i.n , .in- Kin-xU of Air. ainl Mr . M It. II .Mil', ,||.| Wn4 , \\iador, Ont. - Phoaphodlne in sold in KUmhurtoii l>\ VV -. ciimtoe au.l \V. K. Itichaiilsou. Pi House & Lot For Sale. , T . No I, HI. Klioliintoti. piHHl frain ' ,1,1,' K,MI.| car, I. 11. nn Hoed wed . also Park It I,:,., k j oontalnliiH I > \l>l'lt 1,1 V. Wivkuus. FlesUerton, or VV II Sloan, Wustoa. I'rt.-eviUe <*>li 'tun I \u I'r.s^i,,,,/, ,,f. M, S. liliiki'Mtmi of tlui O D.I;. iin.l A.. ',:li)il MC<JIM> of the South l.n,,- i i ni power wiiiiliinllN and chuj - ptis .unibiiiud. Tlmy uviduntl) don't nl, ,nl ti.ivullmg ten iiiilt-x lo get ll.en grain i.' i ,.'. r in i, ., n! Chril.i; HI iffs still continue to bo tho r.igo^ Thoitj who Here not foi - inn.itc uuuugh to obtain one uf tho ai Wm. TkCalmon, Importer ol und liralrln mm, stoKB & uiuiu traoite and Mailile Work OF ALL KIND Monuments, Inscriptions Cut mi Si, m teal Notice. SUenl,.,,,, si , - mi: IIKST vv vii. vr.i.i: I'll,, uu l.-i-k,.,.,l u tiling tho beat Farm Males thai can bo prodaoad on th,, inaikul. kDown w the Haudy Trswk H<-alo. I alsi, ko.'i \\ilkniH,. M uml K[.in\ III,I|I-H on han, I, all Kilm.N mill -,,,-li,>ii S f k , r rllffsTCOl iniu-liini n II. us,. -li,,,,oin ,l,iii,, ,, u ih,, 111,1,1 ii|i|,r,,\.' prlnotpw*. as I hare worked nndu tbe vaturi nar) miri;,-<iim In iliu Ulil Ctiunii v U.KILKY. PrloeTllle, July 0, 1900. fox* Sale Lot H6- 147, '<ni. 8N. T. and 8. R., 100 aoros .V) WICK , Ifuroil, balance hardwood. (I, ml fraiiKili.iimu audbaru, Ii uiitoe from fleuber t ,u Also :iVacren with ffood framo barn, 18 aorofl umler cultlVKilon. 10 aorev hardwood bush anil balauctf ruiigh aud well waturetl W. A. AUMbTUONtl. Jau. \l. 1UJO. ^%^^^A^v^.n:%^ M. Richardson & Co. | Jlcsherton - *Dundalk FALL H1LLENERY OPENING Monday and Tuesday October 8th and gth Our preparations for the season l*ein<; complete \ve sliall le pleased to receive you on the aliove dates in our -parlous millinery show rooms where you will timl a iiio-r complete and handsome displ.iy of the newest and most stylish (-nations in Fall Millinery. Miss Rankin takes charge of this department for the season ami we can confidentlv assure the highest satisfaction with every order entrusted to her capability and artistic execution. In addition to our display of Trimmed Hats \\.* shall show an elegant ran^e of tlie Litest Millinery Novelties, Walking Hats. Knock -about Hats, Child'- rens Tunis, Hoods and Bonnets. Ladies' Tailor Made Costumes Ladies' Fall .Jackets Ladies' Fur Mant!e> Ladies' Fur .Jacket Lu lies' Fur (iauntlets. Everything new seasonable and reasonable, sizes all prices. All We are pleased to announce that Miss Han- kin of Barrie will a^ain take charge of this .Depart- ment for the coming season, and any advance orders entrusted to her will ivcei\e special' attention. Black Dress Goods Special Showing Immense Range Special Prices ! Black Cashmeres from .'c to *.V. Black Solids from \\(\-. Black Satin Cloths from ti.">e to 7.V. Black Poplins from 60c to si.io. Black Broches from ;{e to si .IM. Black Henriettas from 26c to 8ta I '.lack Seizes from :{<c. Black Twills from Black French Figures from >(>c to sfcMM) Hardware Depart. You're Sure of Satisaction Wlit-n Von I'iiy An Oxford Range Tin- alovo show '. vixford Uiv.il \\\- ivc our,;., ml it a.s a lii^lily sitisla. tory Kiti ln-ii Cook hauilsoim- in dt'si^u a;nl tin to dak' in every respect. It can IK* relied on as i|iiick working, economical and easy to manage Its lar-^e commodious oven bakes to perfection with a minimum quantity of fuel. It is quilt* reasonable in Price, ('onie and see it. M. Richardson & Co. WILL YOU BE BUSY . THIS WINTER ? If not ilon'l S|ii'inl your time In l.il, iirss. Attend the Ouren H.mml, Ontario Jib An, I .,'-t a pritctii-nl ndut-atinn which , will In- l'M,-nr v> you all your Ufa iff tin,,'. \V,. t,,iu-li Moiikkuapine, ( oin ^ifc inrri'inl Law. ArUnii'.-i ir. SprtlinR. ^jjf Letter \V:itluu \V,. liav linn tho 41^ the ii'.n^t i-i-inl'lt'ti' Mn.irt liainl uliil iHt tyrfwritincconrw.' in (!ina<1a. Wi ite j|t i toC. A. KleiuiUK. Prill, iff Vicinity Chips Cliar.icteristlcs of the Past Week fari-fully Culled for the 4 urious - Froih lime always on bind. J. II Duckuti'*, Eugenia.. Osprey fall fair at Fe?erhiun to- morrow (Friday >. Thursday. (Vt. IS-.li. will IK- tlio day for xenenU tlmnksuning in Canada. Pair of M ir. < f i sale. good r,iulU:r or 'arm tun. Apply to Jhn II. Heard, Flesherton. Artemesia fall fair at Priceville il aud Ii. The bilN svy this IM "the l*bt und best '"air ..f the ci ntury." Dt. E. K. Muir.-y him purchased tlie residence mid U t recently occupied Hid owned Mrs. Cjerdrum. A handsome monument wan placed in Fleuhcrt. a ,-em,u-ry iliitt week in incm- ory of the late .) W. Henderson. Mrs. Trimlile's fall millinery u takes pUv Mon.Uy, Tuoaduy and aemlny !' next, week. Good frame house, staMe nd two )<>U for sale m tho vilUi;e. iJ"d well in woodshed. Apply t> W. H. Hoard. Mr. Alex. Smith ..f Tlu>rnbury i-nt in a handnonie in-nunieut in the Mi here to the memory of the late .J"hn ( Mbonie. Dr. E. A, Little, dentist, will be at the Munshaw HOUHW, Klehert.>n, the 3rd Saturday in i-ach month frmu 8 to ll. :). H. m. We learn that Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Ku-liard.-.'ii sailnl lust w.-t-U '' '" Enii Una for liMin. . 'flu-y will rt-turu by way ,jf New Y'irk. ll.y for salo Al).-ut thirty tun* of tintt cluMu beavur hay fur t*ale imin.'di.iti- l y . Apply to W. K. O rr , lot U oi.n. '-'. Euphnuia. N\ .-lU-h Lt. lietweon my houw) nd SUmbu.sk I.-'-*. ii''iit two weeks Waltham i''-li Kinder pleaiH- Kiav '' my placr .T Vdv:m.v c.rtii-f. John Holand. We ilraw llu- aci-n'i.in ..f our nful. i- tu the ex, .nit. rs *ili- ..I laudu in K'. advertini'd i-Ncw lu-r.i in thin imiiie. Tin- Imlanceoi the P'.inl- '"'W in the uurket. St...klT >il.' On,, y.sirlinu, ""<> - ycar-oM. mu'onw in i-alf. 1 colt riMiin :. brod by K.-niurky. Al> bla.'kHiiiilh drill and i^'t. U ^. H-well. I'rnt.iii Si . M,. u,.- oid ! t -MI KH/alieth KU-nhert.ni, to lo sold elu-ap. ' nfnn> : .-id hall. ln(k viie.-r.-d. Vi.ply t Mi'-y Bradlmry. Flesherton. Rev. .' !.. Mtlli has U-ii a|p.-i.ite,l by the r.i'h'.i "f H-ir-.n to t.ho trnvillinu mission r-.-toii -mil Artaiuenia. H'' will holii !HH first service in the OrHiie Hall, (V.I' n. i:.-xt Suii'lay <.veniti ( : at 7. The ' lU "f Kiuenia Presli.vter nil ehui !i will aivr i h..r\e.st h.'ii I :uid f,.wl up". i "U \\\ilni-m;y tvt'iiii', ><' 10, fr-'in ' t,. S ,'cl- 'A- and .1 pn-j-rnin ,fi,., t , , ISM. .11 only I.") i:.'!!).-". FAU .'VSAI.K Farm* of fi ..... ' .-^1 t,, j >ituted ill IHirterin, ' J in j Sn i (iWI from 87t)l.'0 u f;iHHI.c Mf. F, write < '4 ii'vrford, M * >'~, buriiu, ' 'i,!. Jude Cie.i--o|- held i Court of K,'viiou on t hi- A i.- . ,-,14 \ot.-is' list iu the town | 1I4 H ,, ,i, v whrii wi' uiidi-is'and that thi'-'y f-'ur name* were added to the l-st. T not .itfoct tho comii'U Unnini " '"it will liolJ K.KK! for the IIL-X !' it-ial elei'tion. Th. i i 'ith Hnnner ailvurt-HixI a wrong date (r the Kist Grey fair and when itaatti-uti.'ii wan drawn to the fact, rufused 10 m,iko tho corruciion. The reason of thin was that Chatsworth fair came on thu same date. H Uie Uannor man keeps on ho will soon b known n the Ishniael of Grey County journalists. t- Prupeuts are bright for a bii{ fair at Keversham U)-morr<iw. Mis.-. Chriiitoe lias l>uen appointed dele- gate to the annual Epworth League i-on- vent, on to hit held in Owen Sound on Thursday uf next week. Clayton's have just received twenty- six easus of ISoniH, Shoes and Rubbers suitable f,.r fall <-ar, and nrc otfunng them at remarkably low pi-ices. The Advance staff was reeled one dty List week with a tine lot of juicy Crapes from th vines of Mr. Wm. Neil, fir whicli tlnir ..'eiitlnnaii will please ai-eepi our tliauki*. (i rapes as a general nil.- .ire not a successful crop in thin township, but Mr. Null has succeeded this year in growing -*uue nice om-s A uonfuHiHl partridge flew through the o| on fanlight of \V. Oarnhouxe s ~ii..p one ily last ivei-k and lit on a nhi-lf at the back. Visions and odors of paitridun >i.-w ev. in ih.- tir and Jfr. liarnl.oiise hastened to shut the open door in order thai n capture ii.ii.-ht be etfoc'ed, but the partrid..!' .le, nled that it had vfot into the wrong box mid made a dash for the win- dow, smanhiii!' a lar^i- pane of yluss and lhun re^uim-d its lilH-rty. What nnuhf have proved a very serious aci-ul-m 1'niet-d oi-L'urri-d in town one ev- ening last week. While coming down stairs with a lighted lamp in her h.-ind .tfiss Mamie Sullivan, aued 12, daughter .if Mr. .l.-unes Sullivan, slipped and fell to the bottom of the stairs, smiu<hing the lamp in its >t. scent. Tlie burning oil i'.-nii.d her clothing. She wns 'lun-kly wrapped in a cloth .mil the names extin- guished, but not before suffering some severe l.un-s alxuit the liiuhi. She is mi;- nicely, but oi.ly presence of mind uvi-d her from all a^)llif,ing death. T!4L- residence "f Mr. Rufus \Vickeii", KimlH.-rli*y, W.IM the scene of a happy event mi Wodiieaday evening, Sept. Urt. The .HX-.-UIOII was the marriage of his d.-iiigliter. Vniiie E , t> Frank J., son of M lohn Weber of Vandeleur. The ceremony wan perforiued by Re. T. R. White ill the pn-Heiioe of a large ronii my of friend-* .uid relatives. The brideBinaid WHS Miss Clara Hurd, while the gnu-m wan supported by Mr. John Wii-kens. The bride's dress niu of white lusti,- -ri us) with lace and blue satin. I'lie hii,ie-inaid\ dress was of gruy lustre ' Minim d wi'U blue silk. The presents were iiiuni-r.-us uid well selejted, sho.\ ing the ubtet'in in which the young iimple .lie held. When the ceremony w-iso\ei the ^ne.-!-. ; .ir'ook of a sumptuous i- prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Wickens. after which all enjoyed themselves till ,i late hour, when the company dispersed to their lioim-s .if'er wishing Mr. i,d Mrs. V, , l>.;r a lona, hnppy and prosperous through life. School Anniversary Tile ('oiMiielireiiielii i-xel- ! I l'"lCHll- orton public school were heM , n Friday evening last in the t.owi hall before a large nnlience. This is the liltle |>eople' evening par excellence and was eii|.-\i,| to the utmost by them as well as by tin so whom they eiiter'ained. Tnisti-o W. .1. r.el'-iiny ".-ciipied thu ohnir. The I-.-I-M i ti"HN Here all i-\ ilei.t uid some .1 tlie ..peenl f.-n'ui-es were really tine. Tin- \ liri^iide with SIIOK shovels .-mil inn t.iiion -,11,-w ic'' -I the s.'i-n,- in in int< nsely c nniiiner. A chorus, "Victon/i i 'm -oil'- n. .1 is tinel\ renden.-d. "Twin- ing ul the Maypole ' was very petty. but owing to a hiteli only half of it wa> _'i\ n. dr>ll !>y twelve gir!.s and a burles.in.- on tin" l.lllK- by f*ei\i.- lii"\s \\-l-i ,.|]O of tin- ':,,,- bhiogl : the kind .- ll.-ne lit en and iv -'is pi-olrithly the fe.it lire ''f the cveni'ig. A 'ibl.-iu. "The I.'-ntisli Km- |uie, at 'In .-lid came in for a gondlMMMl hovever. Dm ing 'he i-veiiinit pi attended by shoit addi-.s-.es, \> er.- h.nide.i t i tin' f. ''lowing pupils by Messrs. I. U. l.n, as nil.', Mr. U.uve "I Mnkii.-ilo, and Mil, -hell, M lliohanUon and A M .1 : Hei-l Itai-nhoiiNe, (J'.adys \\ mi. Ella I'lnMihou-T. Hi-He Rantoii, .John Te.'l.-l. VI, -\ liuisoii, 1.1 i Siil'iviil., St.-in ley Thui-sl MI, Arnold Thurston, Ruby Trimble, T ,ll ,rd lUakeley, Percy K,-l stead and Kthel Trueman. Din- ing tho course of tho evening Miss Gladys U 11 ead a most oxccllont vain- dictury address and I'lincip'il Slaughter in a short .s|Hiech prt-sented the standing of tho acho, I (his year, in whiili ho an- nounced that it was now pluoed ill the seci-nd class, along with Markdale and Dundalk. Tho work d-me during th past year, and 'he success a'taincd, were such that tho ratepayers should be thor- oughly pleased. The financial result of the eiifiTtaiiimoiit WM t-ver twenty dollars. Five dollar bill lo.s> m town on fair day Finder kinilly have al tins otKeo. A credit auction sale of farm stock mid inplementH will be held uu lot 40, eon. 10, Arteim-sia, on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1'JOO. See bill* i'.r particulars. S. M. i Inbourne, proprietor, (Jeo. Cattin*.', aiictioiieur. Persorials Mr. W. Ti-iml'lu left on Saturday for a week's visit in Detmil. Mrs. A. S \ niDusen in spending a fortnight wiih friends in Detroit. Mrs. W. J. Bellamy \ visiting with fiienda in Nott.iw -isaua. Mm. T. A. Strain of Thessahui, who has for some time lieeii tlie gue.st of her mother. .Mrs. Rut ledge, returned to her hoiiiti tins week. Mr. Will Sinel-iir loft last week to re- sunn- his thooio^ioai studies at Victoria univitmitr, I'lLotiiii. Alisg Clark of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Ott.-well. Mr. Thorp VV right, Tormito Jiinetio-i, wan in town for a few days the past wn-k. The Advance was favored with a pleasant call on Wodu.-stlay from Mr-. H Phillips of Thossalon, accompanied by her -.iMi-r. Miss Statfonl of Kimberley. Mrs. ('i-ine unl Muster i !eo. t'rane ol i (\\-eii s, ,!! ,, ro the guests of relative* here. Mrs. (ijonlriiiii left this. W ( sliu-slay, morning, tor her nutr hume at Carle' "ii I'l.u-e. Ur. Carter s|i,-tit several days f the past week in Toronto, n-tuining Tuetnlay. Mr. and Miss Hawm.in of i 'olingwoil are guests of Mr. and Mr*. W. P. i . Mrs. and Miss Blanche Hamilton, who have been visiting friends in Thurnbury for some nin.', n tinn-il liome on Tues- day. Master Harry SteeU-y left Wmlnosday morning to accept a position in a store at French Hiver. ^I ss Her ,ii, who has tn-eii stenograph- er and asMHi.-mt in tho postofHce for a long time, has -everi-.l her conneetion and left \\ , .in.-so.,y morning to accept a position in Heet,, n. How many people know that Ontario could wore .he so minded, produce, her own tig. Tin- disci, very that fins would ripen in t!,e sunny plains of tho Nia_'int district w-is made only two or three io,i. In inn garden of C. llunt.-r. \ .HI on the Inke, -li.'l,- u.- -I\U'-II '.i' in- 'mien with fruit this year. Thus. Vnslow. Ilarnston, and Kdw aid M nvlield. I'nliin rslcn, who pleadul guiltv ' iliii.j ?'_M:n iiionov uid JjliKM) w rih of proiiiiKMjrr imi.-s from V.-.sar K Tuiii ir. MI. I-', Test. al>"' I he I Aiii;u-.t. ind liiirnii.g the notes, were sen- ti-need hv Judu.- .lainn-s m TO two months in jail at hard labor. stock Kill il UTS Trunks, ine worth $38^^ * + * FLESH ERTON MILLINERY OPENING! * * * * i* .i- i. * * * * * * * * * <)-iu of the ninny attractions for our fair days and especially to the ladiusi will ln> our Millinery Opening, win Ii will take place tho tirst ,'ny of tho shmv ;ind follnvMUK days, and we would inviUM-very lady in the town and surroundini; conn- 'ry to rail ind -i-etho stylo* whic-h wo are show UIL;. Then wo havo something extra for ihu lien, :ilso thu yum; men and boys in 'he vay uf Fine Suits ^ Wo have juai received a shipment in T the way "f Men's aud Boys' Suit* md ' Ten-, i-i's, which far -nrpSMn anything we hiive ever shown before and we think ^^ '. iii-re is nothuiL' in ' hii country to is)uai Ifl them. M| We aro alau pn>p\red to nivo anybody M wanting 'nil of gooda some special in- iga dm-, -nil in for thf in., nth, and .vouM id- ;I| vine anyne tvAiitini; name to call and 8M what we r:ui do tui 'hem before buyini:, as we are well tilled with a heavy stuck fflk of all lines it very s|i;ial prices. \Va ^J% havr Kevernl bargains which it would ho < well for everybody to see aud wo will >ie M pleased at iny'iine i" show them. joa We fthonld iiieiiiniii something tlxuit ;Ij our Boots mil Shoes, .IB we Intve su iiir.'H tor), .uid we ilnnk we mil save you twenty per ri'iit when buying. We are prepared to pay the High- JM est I 'nee for all kinds of , Farm Produce t\ In Kii<_i<-ni; i I Kin ni-tr'n t.- 1 liv tl tor '. M Tllllr-liiri in. I '. U H, i, 't the lal,. It. Nil l.,-u'i I'MI'U. i.ased. > on mi R5DAY, Nov. ist. IQOO, Tin. full,, Kilt!; 'iviui-. -i!u.ito in tlin t-iwn i- nn : KMt hull Mi.ii'll. ; I-.,,. OoorlngsoD run , . i .1 - ' ourh. ; ^. :m-lUli .if mi ,-ro. :s ftll.l !!l. Nill' ! ..... Kniith. . I'ur. l',r. 1 ', I...1 i rim i I Carl ' l-nn Nel-tl. I'M. ' '""V ,,.!,.. I'sr.-.l u- 1'ti I ..I M': stru.it i it.',,... i, oailm) i -.,, I'l I.I ' . . , i.-nei'. I . . ' nf Mill ': ;!., 4 . ' . known tini I ' ,nils. I'm,:,, ; I'l, -i',, llivv,!~t i:.,,-, 1. 1 (.t IU',11111 an : ('Rl.triti'i ti-i.is. i-Hi' iiiillr.iMirTea rnu',-1 1:1 -\ I" nit "' mill r.wiwi n. nerlh ,( II H r ver. iljo IK |>ro|ieil> 1 1 t., W K. Flesherton, Ont. ^^33^^^^S3^^^^ D- I'M-; si i ' ' y~ / > Km- '! 1 HUM. N.ixon, Kleury nnd \Vilki .n|ileineiiiN. l-'!e'iiy :iml Verity plows 111 hand all the nun, ;i!.-.o ill knniii 'I n-pairs f,,r the -.nne. W'.> muniilneturc Winjuns. Hinji/iesi, t'titii-i-^. sli-iyhs, otc. EiorMwfaoaing jirnnptly attended to. Spivi.d :iitentioii ',, t.'iider L'unli 'u'leil |.-el. l.'Vuiim .mil 1'low in ly on linn. I. : ** . i-, |iilii.ll> ' in, In. 1,1.1. IC,-I 14 ' I'I Lut 17 Sinn. '.i" HI utreet. Hi'llth, I ... .''! i: \VonthaKlot34. 8liii|*win rt . smith A (nil ,)' -cription uf |niioiii 7. 10, 11, I-J ami 1,1 will l>oi:iv.- applloaMun, Ti'ii srsln writlns tor auy or all m Ml* Bftiil ,,,, ,,! ( ,i ia,i a-e t" in- piivoi-ii in Unhands I of tin' 'in,!' ii|!"."l "ii "i 'I'- '"' '-v.lv,, I noon. Thu s-tajr.tliaftntol Niiv..iiiii,n. i-nin On in, tin. -.tiu >il i-oo('tii, "I i.i l,n is per cent, ut tli, i |,n.i:hH,i, inn-,- iiniHt l->. ]MI-| and tin, iMliiin ui uiie mi nil' tin i.*! 1 ,,! ivilli.nit intiri,tt 'I 'n v."i,.'ii" il.* nut. iiiiil-lrliikn lu '. niri'lsh abstr*o l tltl or iltl deeds i>viilnli.-i* "I 'I*-''' '"''' """ t!'i. III t ..'II I pomui.ii.inii, Thu l'ii;lii-t or ,MI> tnnior not ; BMMMTfll HI '. 1'ti' I, Koriuilhin parUoulam appl v tu tn tiu,lor niKi.iKl, H /.SPROI I ; . Kiwi Kstivt,, \Rnt. Bollttltor tor Vumlo-s. MELOTTE CREAM - SEPARATORS Which hftvo no ei|iial. It takes J li-sg power than :iny other. Does moro work in less tiim*. Separated more i Itiriently. All ttearinx protectl. Perfect lubrication. No tin tops,. Milk nnd crenin |MH uvr tl ickly enaiiu-llud surface*. No tin plntoH, but iliiiir.iiinn, wnich never rusts nm is ivtail Also n^i nt for the Alexiiinler Cream Sepantora 4 EXPOSED FOR DARK AREAS

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