PLOT TO KILL THE CZAR Pipes Used to Carry Off Water From Tunnel Filled With Kxplosives. .Ir.patrh from f-VI>:i*(o|Nil '.I lit n details have, com.- to luthl win. l posse nppioa In- I is tbe son of him. "K " a post !e. p-lald plot (l tbeCv.i ill it was prepuel . month go, and for compl city in which sev- eral p -..M- hive now li en in r. si e.l i- . M - of IUIIII-N "ii Ihe iv I el we. -n l.triov i ..I. t > b ist- ,j...l. tliinuiih winch the t'/.n anil C-/HIIII uoul ! line In p -- w li !' joui nev i UK to Spa la, in th' Ciimci. Id. for lh>- muidei was tbe last tunnel, winch i- 1 ti > \anli p. .in of the Black Sea, '.leet, throw aide liis spade and flPd. lie was i-luised and captured. It win then fiuinil til -ii "f 'he. water long. On the Sv-li is- | " " ie "' ln '' tunnel i IIIMB in a cast-non pipe ut the entrance, whitl. Ifl u 'I " off surface water H>-foi f their Ma- jesties IlfllM-d. II"! I,,, I,! II f'..o|l wel>- I.eiOic ll |l.l ll lOgUT'l pil- :<t\ i lichen long I, i.l lii-en exl : ed. filleil wilh c\pl<ives, and rrlmr- <lay tlu.s mine was explod- ie.1. Hi., next td in a field St>balopol with ter- rific effects, in I l.i- presence "f the IM.I.CI-. K\| -rlM say il would li.ivc <!*( ruynd both the trninand I lie tun- IH -I. Aliwt active si-iircdes in South Hunsia ami M..MI ow for nr> iii,ilie<l in numerous arrests. It ..- . .1 that in the course of (l- fiu|ii ; r> al Home- into the asitax. M- 1 1,, i. .M .-. M.ine p. opl" luiiiK in 'In 1 niiun of Kin^ lliinilN-rt it was found'v ofth-- lUini"! Hi,, iced a Nl ml- tin- iU'eni itional Kroiip lo w liirh em who u now >poken <rt us "K." lirrsri, Kinn IluniU-i t '* I-II-MII, lie- ami who Ix-loiiKi to the University II-IIKM). projsfts4 tin- murder ..f Km- ol M.I-IOW. .i i-v I..T in i lie eaiih perm \Villiaiu uml t h<- ('jar. The to t h" tunnel The.v thought IIH in- I..r fi-bing, but colonel of jrpiida iii" . t-u p c i-.l i hat be wai .-lu'irfi-.l in no innocent oik, ml had hnu watched. \\ ben vigilance ami number of guards pi "- ii-ct.iiK tb- t'iir have, now been in- r.riMM-O. ami 1 he regulations govern- ing adtuiaaions to Livailia. the'r Majcfitn-n are m.j.mrn. ng, are inurl. inure MI indent than ever U-fure. POLICE ' CHABROL HOUSE OF NOTORIOUS GUER1N SEARCHED FOR PAPEKS. Wnl Troof of I xl.imrr of Omnii-rim. A despatch from Paris, Bays: The po!,<-e tu-day unexpectedly raided the notorious "r'ori Cbabrol" in Paris, and alio ihe lev of the mother of us defender. M. Jules Gueriu. A number of pipers were seized in Imth placet. Th object of tbe raid U said to have b.cii to find iioof of tbe existence of tbe so-cal e i 'i. rand Occident ot France," an ant i-Uepub. lean league, whi.M- he.nli|u liters during the Dr-y- fu.- .imitation was at Fort Chabrol. ih" Nationalist organs ask if the Government wishes to "work up uu- olln-r II it<b Court conspiracy trial." QOESTIOB GRAVE AS EVER SETTLEMENT OF CHINESE TROUBLE NOT NEAR AT HAND. MARKETS OF THE WORLD Frices o' Cattle, (rmeje. Grain. *o In the Lead i-i,' Martceti. TUE STREET MARKET. Toronto, Oct. tl. On tbe street to- day 300 l.ii.sht-is Svbite wbeat sold at iiy<-; -2W I.UHbela red wbeat at 69 to 6!) l--r, 70U huahcl/l gOOM In-al at 68c; 0U bushels barley at 44 to 48 1 2c; 800 bunhcia out* at 2!) to 31c; a load of r;e at 53 I -.'<, and a load of burk- \vheat at 47 l-2o. fifteen loaiia of hay old nl f 13 to 914 a ton, and two loads of straw at 912.50 to 913. Dressed bogs were easier at 97-75 to 9>*. Wheat, wbt. straight.! 000 Wheat, red. . . Wh.-at, spring. Wheat, goooe. . I' Kye Huckho:;t. . . II > in per ton. . . -t I .. ', piT Kill. .. Butter, per Ib. rolls. i '!. i kniM, new laid. at 000 000 OJ'J Uarley 044 000 000 000 1300 U 0.-0 oi 040 010 (t(Jli 050 040 700 400 550 SOU 008 800 775 9 069 OIW 1-2 070 068 031 0481-2 05K 0531-2 47 1-2 UOO pair. 020 050 012 U07 080 I'll KESUIE Another Edict Sent to the Mandarnis by Prince Tuan. from London says;- , Peiho U frozn the cold will decimate A despatch, A despatch to IJ.-ilziel's News Agency from -hin>i hai. of yesterday's date, says 1'iiiice Tu.ui has sent a despatch to th-- in in. I u ins and heads of guilds in Shanghai, announcing that tbe court is now safe, and exhorting them to have patience. The despatch says that when tbe the allies, while the falling of the Yang-tse-KianK will only admit of the use of small gunboats. He urgea the arsenals be kept constantly . t work, and every- one be in readiness when the moment arrives for the missicre of all for- eigners. S GENERALS ARE1BTDBIIIB ,1'; l-2c. | - Chicago, Oct. ^2.-Wheat was higb-r CHERMS1DE AND MUTTON SAIL early on cables, but reacted later on | FOR ENGLAND. I.I:, i- l.-ii-.l t* Vain Tliur lulhurlllr. MO I. I I, Hull 01 P. nil-Ill .;: Ill- KIliK <-M'lT> of Ihr In urtf. 1.0, A despatch from Luiidou, Wednes- day, mys.-lhc continued at iml- still in . 'oiinei tion wuh Chinese af- fiiis induci-a thn newspaper corn-s- pun. leu's and others tu lecture states- men on 'the n<-tvl of. initting more . n- Arfry in tli*-ii actions. The St.inl- ards liitn-lHin c--i i -i.n .- ir tile pUllllU III. I it M . >.live Illlsl.lkl- to suppos-- i h.l u solution of tin- in it- trr is within reach. lie, confirms tli- v.ew ilnl Is |>i icti ally general here -liii the promised punt-bin-nt ._. <if Ih.' iruilty officiils w;is di-vinrd "AM KB llDllllIlN LArlllHhD, . ,.1:1,1..% m.l im.. ruivu condition In in .sf.cioiy piii^-i -us towards a Rcltlrimint ii the restoration of the l.i.,|-i [ '. air hoi it j, and the only i if .1 -,.ve ii^iiin, iii i hat can Im us. .1 i. '. i iiiil upon his pin luci ion in I'e- . km w.' a . i un inn.- fiilintf ' li ii.mii- of tlii- kings will be il> in. I -In- I and i ),e \liiiilm dynasty THE MURDERER OF TWO MANITOBA FAiiMK :S. r'rrll. an fur Ilir nrm f III. trrr.i. A ile-.pii,h from Winnipeg *ayi: Ch I of I'lmin. Ill I'. dice KlllOltSII.1 Uetectivn Cox left f..i ih" south to- day upon tempt of u telegriiu. ihe lonu-nis of which they refused iu make public. From other sources it is learned that Walter Gordon,'K- ed to have murder.-d Cbules Daw and Ja. -.ii. Smith at Whitewater, Man, some two months ago, has been ar- reted ><> I'nikerlon detectives em- ployed on tbe case. NotbiiiK definite oottld be learned fi..m ..ff.c .; M.iiices us tu where the nest hail I nn made, but it is not MI ii . .1 t hit Ihe man Gordon ia csp- tuie.l STARVING IHfcM OUT. British Collecting All Cattle In the Bioi.mol District. A ilespiilr.h from Cape Town, says: (i.-n-i .: Set lie us Liking energetic i iiiros to finish the war in the I. ui .f, nln.'h ho baa oc- cupied u ill.., ul opposition. I h-' lioeri l.i- i\lf on hLi appi . Ii Ihe Hntifh have c-i lT.t.l all the entile in Ihe district, f. i vvhi.h r.-, i|.t i II.M- beea n II ..I Hi.- Ix-en dune earlier U would have gratly helped lo starve the Uuura Rllpl'leSSI-ll. Once I he Kll.pcu.r W IS i. -t<n. -I ' h" p .in-dim, -lit of t h.- KU.Iiy would U- e.isy, for KwaiiK-Sil would h.i. i In- .vli..|.' ii. IHM. behind him. Hie Im. i-li ' i. , . p i .lenm al Si. r.'lcisliurg declare that i.puiion there in liecommg inert .ingl> pes- simistic legar.liio.' the pmbibilily of n early settlement of tbe (.'lima tumbles. Turkeys, per Ib. Geese, per Ib . l)iu-.k.i. pur pair. . l'otutot-6, per bug. \M I a, p.-r bbl. ... 411 100 H - f. liind qu-irters. 700 <J0 Hei-f, fore qiuirters. .400 550 ll.-ef, carcoae. . . .550 7UO Mutton 500 600 Lamb, apring. per Ib. OUH 009 Veal, carcase 800 900 I >.. .--..-. : hogs. . . . 775 800 LIU:<SI;I) uo'-.s VND i-novisioxs. Dressed hogs were about J5c a cwt. lower on the street to-day, sales U-.iiK made at 97.75 to |H. Provisions k. ',-p frim and are iu small compass. Quotations for pioviMons are as follows ; Dry salted shoulders, Be; long clear bacon, loose, in car lots, lOc, and in case lots, 101-4 to 10 1-Jc; short cu' tnk, 919.50 to fJO; heavy mess, 917.50 to 918. Smoked meats Hams, heavy, l.'c, m .Mini. U l-J to 13c; light, 131-^c; l.i. ikfaitt bacon, 13 to 13 1-Jc; picnic himfl, Idc, roll bacon, lie; smoked iMiiks. i:fc. All inciits out of p. ki- le less thin prices quoted for smoked meats. Lard Tierces. lOc ; tubs, 10 to 10 l-4c ; paiU, 10 1-t to 10 l-*c. 1'KOIM'CE. Egga Prices and conditions un- changed. Quotations are as follows: Fre*ti 17 1-J to IN-, held lOc. limed 10r, and culls. to lOc. Poultry Heceipta are larger and prices easier. Quotations are us fol- lows: Chickens, per pair, 35 to 45c ; ducks, per pair, 40 to OOc ; turkeys, per Ib. 10 to lie; and geese, per Ib., 6 o 7c. Uveae sold principally at to l-2c.; Potatoes Market steady. Car lots, on txack, are quoted at 28 4* SOc per bag. One oar sold to-day at ittlc. Sales, out of store, are mad at 35 to 40o. r'.cUI. produce, etc. Turnips, out of store, 50o per Ing; onions, tVc i r bag ; apples, per bbl., 50o tu 91- S ->i'*l potatoes, per bbl. 9250. Dried fruits Dried apple*, sell at 8 to 3 l-2c; and evaporated at 4 1-2 to ). U> ana Ordinary run white beans poor support. DsjeasBjbsf closing l-8c, i l/.wer; corn cluaed 1-4 to 3-5c, and : iMi> 1-8 10 1-lc down. Frovieions un- ! _-i-d t 5c depressed. Primary receipts were l.JI 1,000 bushels, cum- pare<l wilh l.Jn.J nuu b.ith-i.s last year M i.m-a|M.!is an.l Duluth reported 377 cars, against 577 last week, and 665 a year ago. Local receipts were 165 cars, three ut contract grade. Esti- mated receipts to-morrow; Wheat, -U cars, com, 550 oars; oats, 270 car->, bogs. 25.000 bead. Match, 91.21 bid. Milwaukee, Oct. 22. Wheat Dull ; No. 1 Nonht-ru. 7-c . No. li Northern. TJ 1-J to 771-Jc Rye Dull ; No. 1 53r. Barley Si eady ; No. J, 57c ; s..ui- ple, 40 to 50:. Mini.eapohs, O t. 17. Wheat <>cto* er, 78 l-*c ; December. 76 -e to 78 l-8o ; May, 791-8 to 78 1-4. ; on Hack. No. 1 hard, 7 J 1-4 ; No. 1 .Northern, 77 l-4o ; No. J do., 7 1-4 to 751-4. Du lib O, t i'2. \\heat close! : No 1 bard, cash, H.'c ; to arrive. SOc ; Oc- Dt-.uUllan Alri-nly H muilil by .srrlllu Mill 1.11.0 l>nr. In Iti-il'rm. A ile-ji.ich fiom London says The Souih A. iic ui \- if h.-i ag tin spread M.U hvvar.l. The hea lest lataiili s of ih- week have been in tbe Orange Hiver Colony, ne u ill! border o. Colony. The oui look ia dismal io r an eaily ie umptiou o. farmi irf au-l u in- ing. Ih ile-nli i .n iltcaiy wroUg-t will take yeais to redress, yet the lliitisn General. are returniag. fheimside and UUMOU, as wcil us Duller, are all on then' way lo Eng- land. A dra^Bl n,r guc: lla Wiir.are thi'- .t ens seriuus Soi lai sequeli .t C.iue Town and Durban. Ih- Tr.m-.vail re- fuee there tu e now peiiui.ess and destitute, and riots are probabl it they are not allowed to return in a few week.-.. 1'hiS is iuipO"--i- ! , S tho plight of those n ihe Iransvaal U even worse. The military position has been ma- tober, Jo , December, 80 1-8. ; May, I 83c ; No. 1 Northern, cash. 78c ; to terially unchanged for a month. Tbe arrive, 78; October, 78c ; December. i! n tih holdall the key positions, but 781-8c ; May, 81c ; No; t Northern. 74c; are no t active enough to prevent the No S -p-in*f, 70u. C'orm 401-4c. Os;s Boers from gathering and awe,.; ing -J31-.: to 23c. Tola lo, O t -J. Wheat No i ci'-h anl October, 77 l-4c; Dccemb r, TJ ; May, 88 Coi n No. J Cash 42 1-1 ; Decemlier, a53-:c Oats No. i m m- down upun weak garr^ona. The lfc>ir arf U( ,w acting OB their individual in- iti.tivc, without a Govenrment or without orders from the coinm.ui.t mt- gi-neral. There ia no reaaou to ex- ed, iic. Rye Cash 54 l-2c. Clover- p,-ct peace for months, yet Sir AJfrcd, seed 1K>8, >6.U 1-2 189.' M.Uner U at Pretoria studying the PLAGUE VESSEL AT FA1.MOUTH Illlrrlnl > inn. n .in-l o... II. ,,l ' ...I, I .it, l.,l I r .111 A Ni.r > ivhiii II rqiii . A '' p' I'll from Fnlm.iut h, lOng., ays Hi. No wivi.i. i,ii.|ii>. Bui. haul, fiom NciHHlle, N. H. i.-t. , Ian. led at this port eight in --ui- fi-iniK fiom I.eii IM-II, ..I.. I ih boily of one in.i n who had died from this diseuBn, all of hi. I he. n k n limn Ihe NnruH^ian haiqne II in.'- wood, which nun spoken l.y t h" lliil- Imni on OctoliiM K. in a water-logged condition, in latitude 4H an. I |..nj{i- tudo -"> weat. Captain Pottnr and ii of the orew of I h.> llomewood re- fused to leave Ih.' vessel. The lloms- .... l will pioceed to Uavre. I In- No.wi'K'ni i.i'i|.' Hi m.'woo.l Ii Bf I,ti6> tons net. Sbn was built , Bt. John, N. B.. in lr<74, and is ows,- d by Johausen, of (.'hi ietlania. BRITISH LOSSES SEVERE. Three Officers and Eight Men Killed, 28 Wounded. A fiom London, s.ys; l,iii.l Koltcrts r,'|mii from Pretoria, uii.lri .lain of (Kit. 15, as follows; "I i.-ncli itarii-l from .M .clia.lodorp luH.ii.N llfnlrllHTK to clear a purl of ih' country not yet visited liy our fi..op<. Mabon, i-i. mm ind, UK* tbe .:..! troops, successfully engage<t <h 1'i.i-iiiy on Dot. 13,* but our losses .!.- severe, three officers and i i. Ill were Revere, three officers and n -1,1 in i. In-. on kill.- 1 m.l three of I anil J. r i men woiin.led. t'lei.cli occupi. i I'.ir.diiii yesicr- ilay, v. n; uung u convoy during his in:, ic h." 1*0 I KoU-ris also reports a i.nin l> i of minor affairs, showing ill Ho. -is are still aolive ovur u wide Ii II. 31 KILLED IN THIS FIGHT. Boers Make a Successful Descent un Jitters ontein A .l.-p.vl. fiom London says; Ixird li.iln ri.i re|nirls from I'reloni Illitli-r ilale nf O,,. H, is follows; "A party of llo.-ra not into .1 It.!.. fin on I he muhl of Mclolmr 1(1, and a finlit CI.MI. I in the MI..IIUIIJ. Oui I > was clt-M-u k.llel. I lie li..ei I M llwir r.t.niin in.ler and I went v k.llcd. K,i!\ K- nnv des|ilctu-.| a minimi uml. -i llu^li.rt II. i lleii, ., ln.ti .shiiiu.l I,M. h .liigviafunteiii tu-ilay.' bung to l.:'j. Choice band-pick- ed beans ure quoted at 1.40 to fl.45. ll><iii-y Tin ie ceems to be a good supply of !tiM.jil h.n.-y on the mark- et, mid b>t prtoe.'.e i M l--c. Sale mostly at 9c, Dealers iju. te 1 1 . in J lo 'J 1-^*' lr Ib for 5, It), or Co- order. Comb howy seUs at $i.2i to . .JO |M>r d..z-n oevtiivus. 1IAIUV ilAHKKlS. Jin 1 1 1 -r There i* no chauge in the js i u.iiii-n. Creameries continue ly. C4n..t. ila:iies sell rea.lilj. Secund quality dairy is in rather full supply and sells slowly. Commis- sion houses soil to the u ..le as fol- lows; Dairy, tubs, and pails, clu-ice. 17 to 18c; and second quality, 14 to 15c; dairy pritiUs, choice, IS' to J'c; creamery, boxes, 20 logic, and pounds, U2 to 23c. Uhwe Kull rream, July and Aug- uftt makes, sells at 11 M to Ho. U. S. MAHKKIS Detroit. Oct. S!*.- Wheat -No. 1 white, cash, 7, r >c; Ni> ^ red,, 77c; O, iiU-r, 77c; IVci-mlier, 7Uc. 91; .5 Ortoler. 7.20; Oil Unchanged. LARGE COMMANDO Barton's Fo.-ces Killed and Scattered a Number of Burghers. A despatch from Pretoria says: Gen. French has occupied Carolina, It is hoped with his force and the col- umn which i:-n Sinitb-Durrien is .'<.n- IV-tuib r 97 iouK'li''. s ' 1'robisMn ol bis life. He knowi n. "ft lkr>i ire under arms than I fortnight ugo, and that the. military district ci'inin. >!!. r:-rs have failed to (ruin the :i|:eguiiwe of the burgher' through their incapacity. ROUTED. DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES. Tht ftiralhrcmTt til >rk Bl< Burr (> I *.f<\ Ultrr. A despatch from Durban, says: cetttrating iu that neighbourhood to ,Stratbcona's II, i-,- have recently bad large number some st.irtling ei|>erienccs in the of Doers. (Selati district, ami they have grratly former PreaUlcnt Steyn, of the /lu-tinguisbud themselves upon every Orange free State, and Commander- occasion. Whi.e patrolling the Sand river, they gaine.l intelligence fiuui a trudtworthy source that there was t liner ci.nvor They immediate!' surround and capture in-Chief Botha are reported to be at Belfast Oen. Barton has had ail engagement with l,r0 Boers at Welvediend. He "tarted ,in pursuit, and by a fou-ee , k.ll.vl five of them and scattered the '-' r ' l > :ll ""t? a Circuitous route uo- commando. Ue aUo captured 1.00V " "' l - 1 "' reaching drift Juat as th, head of stock. c<llivo > r w * 8 W ria to cro "- *> Jen. Clements bat made a great raid l " in on cattle which the Boers were driv- ing along tth>- MiiKalieaburg range. BOERS AT BLOEMFONTEIN Small British Force Compelled to Re- tire With Nine Wounded A iltwpalch 1'tvtoria, says; I KJly-K- miy risxirts CViptain C. O. M -v. Ifiih. Ix>iMlim Irish, ftifle- Bri- gade, undeavoured to surprise a party ,,f lt-i> near Uawiiifontein. but the pniy tn me, I out to be strimtter than was e*|kcie.l, and our little foico hid to r,-l re, lnch it did nn- nvnkstrd .fier thrpe hour*' f :t:lit iii|r. Dm Unm-s . -i i- nine w.-un.led. includ- ll\t! l.ieilt " ' ' . ."'Till tV., liupeiial < Lieut. Tt.. in...'. Cev- 'I .nnii-.l liUiniry, rvported iu.>-^ iiitf, i-s U-U.-ve.l to be lli-nty Mat,'* that thw lUrs suf- fered heavi'y. was, as arranged, supporting them, Si i a the on. i i 1 1 ins,- at tacked the li. . i . 1'iiforiun.iiel.v, the ether patrol did no i ii live ill tune to ht-lp. an.l I lie at- tack failed. Ifa.l I lie support acted as arranged tho whole convoy wou.. I cer- tain! v have U-en raptured. AH it .- II It n-rs WIT.- liii.lly mauled, and escape I wilh .lift, cult v.|iient to this adventure a trooper of St ratlkcona's Horse ami native attached to tbe corpe were kill- ed,, by lions. v BOERS WERE AMUSHED Ucthune's Force Kills 60, ' Wounds 35 and Cap- tures the Rest of the Commando Near Vryhtid. A despatch from London sayi: A ilespitrli to ihe Central News from Durban stale> that Mmi t ed Infantry ami UMC ule-l a 1!. i i .... m..mlo near Vryheid, killing 60. wounding li, and ciipturin the re- in uiilei, niiiiii.criiig 65. IJelhiinc's ma of their own similar disaster dui- uiK' Ceneral H. illers adv .n e n r h word from I. ul v -111111 h CAI'll'IlDD FIPI'Y r.dKRS. A despatch from Cape Town e>ys ih llntish ie -e nt. re. I H o.'inh.i., n. . i K in e. 1 y O tobtM 14. un. ppo d d LORD ROBERTS REPORTS Several Engagements With UuerllU Baads A despatch, from Loudon says ; In a df>p.ncli from Pretoria, Lord KoU-rts SINS lli-unis Mm hi, a bro- I i of ill.' II ier oiiiiimiii.l.-r-in- MU'rc 1 0:1 .-vitur.l .y. Lord lU>l>-rt.s als., giro* thn details of four rec.-nt skirmishes. In one ot i Iw II .i,>h hid Lieut. Alt field ami two m n W.II.-..1, and in another the II. eis I. i.l .-.\ killed. command thereby w;pes out the si lg. captured SO Boera. BURIED GUNS. Creusots and Pom -Poms Unearthed by the British. A ileapatcth Lorenzo Mar- queA, says; 'l'h snarrji {or buried iirmfl twis resulted in the unearthin| at HiM'U'i pi mt of tw\> pom-poms oa< two I'renw.t K'nn*. Hi* rwnvi.inder ol tin- l!V-pi.iiM.|.'i.s and Krupp field k'Utt li : \ . I ' m f.-uud aL-.n^s.di< Uu l ' '. i i vvr. i Abont tbe House, *<< NilS \V(JRriI KNOW1NU. To rl-an carpeta, dissolve one oil- c.. uid a I 1 . II" -if limn in mi. q;i.irt of wnrm wilcr. in-t onu ounce and a hi If of Fuller's einh in an- o'h > r quart of w.irm water. I'm i ll'tle ot e:ich in i Im-ketful of watfir, adding a lutle ox^ill, and rtil'liing in some common brown soap. Then wash t ha carpels little by little with this mixture till nth-r -t, rubbing it well with loth. The nirpet will appear as fresh and turitftit aa new. To clean decanters put the t.-: leaven from the teapot into t :., .le- -.ra overniifhi with a littli- cold . >ir. In th^ morninx shiki- them well until quite cie>tn. I'h.-n iin-e nd polish, .v>oi use sm.ll , of prip^sr cut up and put in the bot- tli- with, some water. -Mil will re- move stains l-ft l.y lime. For blickh^.uls b.ithe the face t night wilh va-y hut w.t-r, .Iryinir It with a soft tow -I. and then rub in very, urenily some cold .-ream, per- fuiiied or not. In t h- morning wash your fuoa well with, hot water and soap, and then give it ti bath in IWTMM. so ihit all the so-iiwuda miy be removed, finishing off i:h cull water. If ih- watr is very hi r. I i i iny bit of sod i, no- iir^-r ?hm i pea, add- ed will maJce the. vegetables cookeil In it tenderer and of belter color. Or- dmiry water does not require such addition. Th.- beat way to wish bedsteads is to thoroughly aponge all pirts of the bedstead with hot water in which a little alum his been dissolrrl. If clothes are aoiked over niffht. one teuapoonful of pure ammonia in each tub of water will materially lessen the labor of washing. A Mimpl.i and 700! .i -it to pour down a siak ia i sin .11 quan- tity of [mind wiMi witer. A sm:ill piece ot chircoal pi ..-ed with boiling r.ibluifn will absorb the disagreeable odor. VALUE Of PUMICE 3TONK It may not be apparent to all fenUMwives, but pumice si one is reil- ly an indisp-nsible renuisite for the kitchen table. There U not hint better to remove burn from griii'i* funs and kettles. Obstinate rust upon steel knives will also vanish if it is vigorously applied. A YK\V PHOTOGRAPHIC FAD. There are fads in photography, juet as in everything elae. When the Tril- by erase was on lot of irresponsible Ctrla insisted upon having their feet photographed. A shapely hand, hoi, I- Ing a flower, also had a certain vogue for awhile. Now women are pominK to have pictures of their eyes taken. I'erhaps this is not so absurd a it seems at first thought, for tbe ye Is usually the mont expressive fea- ture of the human face. The camera Is placed very clone to the sitter, and Is focused so thai the features are much niive prominent t Inn in the or- dinary photograph. When the pic- tures are mounted all but the strip crone the syes is cut away, showing the yee and tine tvidige of the nose, "I can't say thai tine effwt is> very artistic," said a photographer, yes- terday, " but tbe women who have their eyes photographed, all pleased with the result. They claim that their friends when shown the pic- ture, are able, to tell at once whom yes they are. But I frankly confess that, personally, I don't like it." OUTDOOR LIFE FOR TIIK CIIIL- IWK.V. When the little one is aent out for an airing, do not dross him up d.-.m and tbn put him in charge of an old- er person, with the injunction to see that he does not soil his clothes. Don't do it If the little one is a girl.either, Boy or girl, le.t them romp and tum- ble on the grass ; yea, and play in the dirt, too. See that they have some port where, witboiu molesting any- thing, or being molested themselves, they can exercise a child's natural in- tinct lo d : g in i h ground. And, of course., ih'S plea is not aK'iiv for tbe very youn? onr<s, but for the oM*ir ones a \\!l. luve all the children the privilege of happy, in. restricted play on t he. earth and in it. And there is the sand pile, with its ( -. liil-lies in the. way nf amusement and education as woll. " \Vn learn by il.'lng," and the pile of sand where the little workers build and burrow, boost ruo torts and nn< ntains, and The above costume comprises an nine-gored skirt, having Inlet pleats at finished with a broad flat box-pleat, disposed of In gathers. It Is adml narrow-width materials, or for rsssod sgo. Ei.m Jacket, with rolling collar and the foot of each gore. The back Is Where desired the full back may be rably adapted for silk or other elllng silk garments of several seasons Floriculture. RKTOLD. One day the flowers were given names And to tbe aartn came .luwn To bring a bralb of 1'u i t-o, To country uud to tuwu. But o, a little blue-eyed tot, Fared sad by me i.l uid .(.-il, And felt U>-r ui.tiaion !.>ii l>e.' ausa Her uaiiie she cuuld not ' su through iu starlit milky-way All naiueleaa and alone,. She found a paiti ID ll.-.iv-n again, And stood before the i lir./ue. With drooping bead and lear-wet eye. She Itiere her fault, And felt that her .-aviouru love ah* could no more be bleat. "Tear cbiM," he said, su tenderly, . . worse might be my lot ; You may forget the nam I gave. But oh, forget Me not." .!* being disagreeable to worms. iVirbolic acid may b uaed me Add about five iropa of carbolu i cui/ful of A i'-.r and sprmk> <ii the earth in the flower pot. The small whitiah insects which ' . k the life oui of ruae leaves! are ruae- hoppers, vvhach are frequently found .n the lower euil of the leuvue, 1' is waid that if attended to before they ire fully developed they oan be eoeily deotroyed by dual ing the infested planU with insect powder. W...-B fully grown they are very peraiatent, iu.1 several appl r .n.nua hive to bf made in order to kill them, and even then absolute riddance \ doubtful. Apb.dn> [.n.|):i^ i: . mi, ind ID nuuilJerH a-> m.irve.lously great, it ra- tu.reti cluae attention to keep planti :ately fre from them. The sec- ret im to comrueucH at first ii/ri' ol them, or perhaps Ix-foro they n, for there are very few planta that are not 111 irkr.l l>elore theaaou 1 1- vanova very far. I'l.AM' NMTI->. ;>lauts -ire so p.ipn. lar. uy n.rt try r-i.mng In tie difr welts and cave* while engiging tbe faculties in healthful pliy, is an educational factor not to be lightly esteemed. In tbe winter time lei tbe older ones play in tbe dry snow when- ever possible. PLENTY OF VIII. The cellir, like tbe living rooms, ou^h: . if possible, to h . \<- i k '..,i I sup- ply of air, liKh ind <ii!i.t!iin>>, the nag sun beinc prefenhle. .nd all K3 c iiupai ' in i'- ^houl 1 o>> easy of, both from thf outnidn .ind from the It i tr In- u <: uru iv. Hut tbe one thin/ to be remember<*<l, first, list, ind ill tirn-. is thn every pnrt of it most be kept i-U-.n: im ui.'l I. no soured fruits or other spoil- ed victuals. n<> si irfn int water, no- tJung that can possibly create a bad odor or in aaiy w.iy con; Minniie I be air. Even the dust in. I <-.>l>wt-bs oujfht to !> pretty carefully looked af:er. Of coarse there uiuat be no roaches, no mice, and if posibl no fliea; all these pests give leisi trou- ble when thfie is nothing lying around to feed them; but if they do put in an appearance, the beet way is to exterminate as rapidly as pos- sible. VARNISHED WALL TAPER. Varnished wall paper, has miny ad- vantages, and especially in a dirly. smoky town, for it be wished with v>ip and water and be perfect- ly clean witJiout any expense. For halls, bathrooms and ch 1 Iron's rooms varnished paper or painted wills are recomme-nded; the former ia eperi.illy durable-, and if the virnih gets shab- by another coat may be applied. After a case of infectious illness in & houae where expenses have to l>e ronaidered, one fully ippre.'i ites a varniflhmi room. Tbe walls once washed with proper disinfectants, the great expense of repapering ia saved. The first outliy in this treat- ment of the walls is decidedly heavy, but it yields excellent interest. A PRETTY CHAIR Cl'SHlON. To make a dainty chiir rushion, i.ik.- any pretty piece of flannel or bxoailrlo:h, and b.u-k of it put a I iv! nf Hiding and > found i inn ot dmiim or heavy mitslin. (Juilt thene loneiher in .liinuuids i'h any 1-H'ily ill.. ! of embroidery silk, or several colors miy be uaed. Line I h- cushion \Mth Imht -rolnn-d si and pat ruffles of ihi siteen. one over lipping i.h" other, in I i h low- er twice as wide as the upper, be- tween i he fliniii'l and linin/. Stitch three tiiuee around with emhro. silk and till i h any desired im- lei i il. TO W VUM HVHV > MILK. l^foj-e retiring, set a quart cup full ot water on your stove, where it will kvi> hot. Kill a bottle with cold in ilk, leaving a space tor the amount of wa- tr that is to b used. Wh-n needed, fill up tbe bottle with some of the hot water, and stand the bottle, in the real of it. In a minute or two the milk will be warm, and you will i..i have had time tu shiver. When a clove | fire is not handy, a one-burner oil sti>ve kept very clean, will answer t h double purpose at lamp and atove. TRAINING lIY.YCIVriH. Get some stout paper and cut it into squares ul a suitable j . ml then ruil them up into funnels, suuilar in furm to the pointed bags in which grocers put up moist sugar. They should be from six to nine inches long, and as soon as rolled uilo shape paste up tbe edge lu keep them firm; if fur plants in pots the funnel should be large enough to go over the bulb and a portion of the soil ; if f >r glasses, it should fill Ihe outside of the upper rim. The |*MUted end abould be cut, so that when placed ,>vr the plauta the light will come in a,t the top only ; the flower stem will rise up rapidly to reach it and an soon as it is is long as you deaure, take off the f unnal and allow it to bloom. After a little prac- tice with to* method you will be able : Urac " v ^ I( *n.w-a stead- I to grow them of a he^ht which very ll - v ' r ~> uire " n " re-t - " d """ ' and lemon trees from seed f It is inter- esting to watch them growing, and with age they become very ornament- al, their leaves being rich and glossy Cuttings root much more swiftly and surely ii noi i:.o.\nf to wilt be- net. So, if you have t.- ry them any .if mo-, and there is .Linger t i heir wilting, put them m- ' > i i i ia with ' and - on thu top. The inoa- A . i flower i ml ferua may be car- nitl any .ij,i UICH wit:, ig it thim ', - is Spreivi i m.ik-i i very IlivrillMi I'HE LITTLE ONES. Il is wonderful how much know ledge can be imparted to sin ill children by a quick nur*Mni d, who has an inkling of th k n.Wrf u'en -mem. Children re never tired of asking queat.ii->. and if those are intelligently anawer- 1 they pick up all sorts of useful knowledge without any actual te.i.'h- in The irfi.ject of the kindergarten ayatem ia to te.i.-li th 1. tie. ones to ih nk fi>r t h-maelves. and it is worth every mother's and nurse's while to learn something ot it. The custom of talking notwenae to them and dis- torting words cannot be too much con- demned. much enhance- their beauty where a ' irince. I :n..i--- : n very number of them are arranged ia rapidly, lud requirm rs-pottias; quits, o/ten. I'o kcef) it in good he*rt w . .-r thuroughly and spray in- fol.oga ev- orown in sponges, hyacinths will do well either m glosses or potted. !>ut * the best way to fix them is to place a large sponge in a glass or earthen v*ael with ihe bulb id the center; I' MS LK.W - Autumnal lea.vea with their varied he eponge alightly saturated nd mu8t ""Dutiful unus can be pre- w.'U w n-r and let it grow there. The """ed '""* wh.le if Ihia method Iw should be of t ae shape of f"'>"l' Smooth the leave* out. and *** tua wr " n tld SWEKTKN H0\l> VM) HI UK Vl'S. A sachet of long lasting fragrance can be made to imitate the scent of v.-rbenaa by saving thn peels of lem- on.- that come into tbe house hoi- 1 m.l mixing t.beui with cunwiy mwts. Take half in ounce of the puwder- <*1 .-^,"1 in.l li.lf i p.i.i-i-1 .f Mi- j. - dered lemon peel. Ihe peel.uga can b* ground In an ordinary kitchen .'of- fee mill. Mix the two puw lers welt together, and over it all pour a mix- ture of one and a half drachma of oil of lemon peel and three ounces of o.l of bergamot. Thus a dainty powder tor sachets to use in the bureau drawers, linen closets, hat boxes, handkerchief cases, etc. It is called verbena sachet. A rather expensive siiobeu., tut cue that well puys for the making is composed thus ; Oil of patchouli, 1-2 ilriclnu; oil of roe geranium, 1-^ drachm; attar of roses, 1-2 drichm; oil of sandalwood. 1 drachm; oil ot lavender, 1 drachm; oil ot cloves. 1-2 draohm; o>l of bergamot, 9 1-2 draohma; extract of musk, 1-2 drachm; mix well and add tu 2 drachnvt of tb.s compound 1 ounce of powdered 01 ru root, 1 .Incliiii Tonquin beans ml 2 ounces sifted pine sawdust. This is a favorite sachet for veil rolls .in-1 shirt waist boxes. The per- fume cm be renewed by dropping oc- casionally a few drops of ibe seen led uiU on tbe sachets. vessel punch bowl to give the best appear- tn * u pross ance. and after tbe bulb is well start- wuh ** iroD - holding it down f ,r ed grass seed sprinkled over ihe upper f w moments. Any leaves that are surface of the sponge will soon form n<x tlllt nould be soaked in water first. Tbe leaves should be set on blotting paper, and in some casns it is) beet to have) more over tbe leaves, before Ironing. Alter pressing, tbs leaves should be slightly oiled on the if yuu like to use t Ueas a beautiful graeu carpet around the plant. GROWIM; m i n-.. The following article on growing bulbs so useful in brightening up tbe leaves for table decorations, etc., fu h-miw in winter is sent by a Quebec to each leaf a wire, which ahould ex- subscriber. We are always glad to have these bints in our columns from readers who speak from their own ex- perience lid. L. J. Bulbs are the moat satisfactory of tend the whole length and then be wound round the atom. TliK LDVliLV fLd\VKK-i Lovely flowers are the am lea of all plants for winter growing; being God's goodness. WUberforce. easily cultivated and sure blouiners. The hyacinths, tulips, narcissus, and 1'lo.wara are the sweetest things that God ever made and forgot to put a Lilium Uarriaie, or the Bermuda lily, soul into. U. W. Bvecher. and othera too numerous to nieni.on, What a desolate place would be a being among the favorite varieties. Some people grow their bulba in water, but this is not to be recommended, ' a* they do not bloom with such lux- uriance, and the period of flowering will be much shorter than those grown . in soil. The bulbs may be polled any tune during the autumn, the earlier tbe better. Chuoae a rich, sandy soil, ' with a small quantity of leaf-mold, world without flowers ! It would be a faoe without a amile, or a feual without a welcome. Are uot flow era the stars ->f the earth I and, are nol our stars tbe flowers of heaven f Mrs. Balfour. CEMKNT KOK STO.M The OuuiUiuaUon of rod and whits lead wish bu.leJ Inured >U ml li h- and set the bulba just below the sur- 4 ,- Ke mu ki-a A good cement for face of the soil, so thai they will be 3!ul ,es of any aue. U should be used entirely covered, do not press down by dri-sauig a strip of thiu cloth on the oil after potting, but juat cover M oh side uud this be . KT LITERATIM Clerk Those ne\v glov.-s are to sell for a dollar, arrn't they I IV.iier W!; > \\-iuts to know f Mis. Mnk,e\ r O! tube's eoay. Tell her 91.75, Ibuuitb ot course they're only woi th a dollar. Clerk to Mrs. Mnk'ey, i i:i"iii.>nl later They're J1.7T>, nii'nn, ih.'u^h of course they're only worth a dollar. SI 11,1, 1\ Till-; HI'-INISS Wuuu Uy the way, whil luciuie of Spii^Kiiui' You remoiulx'i hi.s great comiiiiMicemrnrt iwsiy on the down- fall of the K. mi i n H.'jHil.l.c. ehf 'IMth^r Ob, yea. Ha is TIOW w titing brigh; ea.<.iyso;i h-> downfill of pi icea fo. ih> K'i'<'.it uiiiver.H il emporium of UIIT, U. nue & Cuils. over loosely. Now water well, and aet away in a cool, dark place to root. After remam- : ing four or six weelu, they oan be ! brought oui for blooming, but tbe lunger lime they have for root ing, the better they will bloom. When brought i out, place in a light, sunny window, keep them cii)l and well watered, and they will bloom for a long time. After tbe flowering m-a.son is ovar let them remain in Uic.r pole for i few weeks, to mature their bulbs, then set them way in a dry place until polling time again, or plant them in the open ground. Many, however, prefer to | throw away the old bulba, and buy a fretth supply each season, but if one bae plenty of room, it ID advisable to keep them and plant them in the garden, and I hey will be all right for winter blooming again. \ M FOE< OK \\l\TKR PL VNT-v Tbe great foe to potted plants is the little white worm that feeds upon the roots and even boria up into the elema of the pl.inls. To get rid of the pet, the simplest plan is to slick matches, heads down, into (he an.l in a abort time the worms will Tbe phosphorous which the puns to be joined. The stone shoul I be w.iruifd, U possible. 1 his ill resist boiling watei to proportions, there is no regular formula. I'o dry qu.ckly, red should lie ust-d in greater prupoi U there is no hurry, whuc leal sji^iuld bo ii-H-il iu excess. I p. the whi u I- i 1 wbeu ample .11 b given for drymg. Equal pans of oil iu.1 1. . may 6t> i> li.u l''oi'iiiula Seven or oirfhi parta of ii--i. ml one of bi-e*A'ix, oieltedl Her, and mixed wilh i iin.ll HU-uniiy of plaster of pans, ia good UDUient lo unite p.e. .* of stotiu. Tile s,,nii. sh -u. i l m.idtt hot enough to iiieli thi- L'.-iiienl. Hid Ihe ,' should be pressed to*(e.:lifr is so as I. tile as 111 iv In- of 'lit- celll--a I.el A.-I-II lllelu. . i ule in cemen :.u, ; : h.iiiior the st i . :,ent , tbe firmer u .Mil hold. 1IIK f VKK F ,>1LVKH. Do no .How miy MUlwi nice .mil iin- Lng i -MI .' v\ ii b silver .1 lie* --ilj-liiii is ute 1 in the manufacture of rubber an-l \\ln-n silver oomrs in contact with -ny amount .rf sulphur. -o milter ho- the work :.s lie,:fici il to the plant little, it larnuthes iuuei:;.iei.r.