Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1900, p. 5

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THE MYSTERIOUS ON >' CKIME rue s.s. NEPTUNE CM U'l'KR XVIII. Continued. "So I hv to pay the penalty of my iater's crime," said Carmela to IUM- elf, oa veiling this letter. "In order to aave her, I have to sacrifice my- tte.f ! Oh, it is cruel, cruel I and yet whii can 1 <lof If she is innocent, I am fie lu murry i In; man I love; bull it she IB guilty, Uod ueip me. I 1 5an tin nothing but sacrifice myself to , eve her 1'' "lluuald Munteitb to Caruiela Coto- Her. "la it trwef I aak you, ia it true, this ruinur which I bear, that you are ngaged tu your cousiu, Vasaallaf Oil, tarturla, why have you Irif led witb me Jin Uus way ? You must have seen how ,1 luveJ. you, how I worshipped the ,Try ground you trod on , and uow you 'coldly throw me on ou aide, and ac- 'oepf the hu ml nl i mail w hoin > ou do .nut ;iu<l cannot oare about. Think of Ikuw yuu are ruining two lives youia awl mm.' before yuu lake this fatui Up, uncts dou, it canuot be recalled. I un.nt yuur auvwer, and Ilkope yuu may be able to jdeny this crue, life. RONALD." ....... i l "Pour Ronald," mused Caruie.a, "1 am cruel, but only to be kind, lie can never marry into a family like ours, aii'K the grati'..st kindueaa 1 call <l<> fa.m LH to r( ose h.ni. CJod known, 1 love him well uuugh, but he could nvtr trust me, once In- knows thu aec- rt of Leopold Yerschoym * death, aud t bat he .Ijei Iciraw it 1 am convinced. II may bume me now, but he will blr^a ui in the future ; ao 1 bud bet- ter ,write .uid ie,l huii tbat it is u ue, though uiy heart may break whiUt I pen i he word*." "CarraelM Ci juer to Honald Mon- te. Ib. "It IB tru*; 1 am the fool uf for- tune, .111.1 lu..-, uialcb is not uf uiv own in.ik UK. ti-rt;el thai you have ever rn uie, ami jour life a huppim-aa will be Hit; constant pruyur uf 'My life'* happuieaa I" auid Honuld, With a nub. "<joJ I .>U breaks inv hoarl, rums my life, aud laika about praying fur uiy happm ao like a Vum.iii I ' ril.U'TEK XIX. Matleo Vaasalla waa in hi* sitting- room, walking to aud fru wiih liui haiHt.H in his puckwta. Tbe Maltese temleiiian u as very well aalisfii <i i li hnu.-*-lf, ,u ail hi* plan* seemed l.ki>ly tu turn out as he wished. Curuieia bad prooi.iMtd Lu niarry him, anil, a* ah OU'I, i>.nly of money, this wan very auliaf acloi y ^o line unptH niuoua uuble- ui.ui. >lh-. did nut love him, it \vas true, but then he agreed \\ith Roche- foucauld, I but it ia best to begin mar- riage witb a Lit tie aversion. \nd i lu-u b bad the pleasure uf taking the prize from under the very nose of hia rival ; Hi. i no bad been a li.ng unt', and the !!/ had been awarded, nut to the twiftest, but to the mi <liil<m i tic. Fate had played into M.itteus bunds, l n.l secure in the certainty of hut n" l "l lortune, h strolled gaily up and dn\\u HI,- room, bumming to hiiUHelf. Th*> only thing th.it troubled him was the COILUMK interview with Mrs. r<>rnchoyle, for be knew that lady Dved him. and if ah found out that Carinvla waa engaged to him, would do mj tUiug tu atop the marriage. She would fling moiiwy, charartr, even life itaelf, to attain her en<l, such was br purjiouat temper, -ind Vaaaalla knew abe waa a dangerous adversary. I'll.- uuly chance .if Koltiug the bcttxr of her was to keep cool, aa nhe in- variably loat her head, and gave her ad\<<i\sury time to espy the weak points in her aruior, so the IMarcheae felt tuli'iably certain irf wiuniiij{ th game; but still he hud a bad quarter uf an hour U-l'niv h.ui, ,md dul not rol.sh the prospect. "-H uviliclion on theee uui-n, ' lie said, slopping in front of i h- mirror, aud admiring hmisrlf ; "why can't they accept the inevitable, and O\MI thcuuielvna beaten Y But no, thi* jade of ai U.auci will tight tu the lant. I rathur ud'nure oucb teuac-ity of imi- poiM myaelf, that ia when I am not the opponent in the ffaine." li weut tu hia travelling writing- <ik. wb.ah .i.i lying on a aide table, and, having ualuckd it, took out I'.n- mrla'a laat letter, wbicb he read fully, thu result of bia rca.liug being anything but ^. ca.-4.ua to him. "\Vants UMJ to roleaae her," he mut- tered, throwing down, the letter and renumint{ hi* walk, "not I give up the quarry uft.iv it lias beon run to earth f My 'dear Carmeia, you uiu.^t think me a foul ; witbuut your toriuiw* yuu'd be a pretty .prize, but with it, uiy faith, it's killing two birxia with one atone cum* in I ' ua a knock came to the dour. "Mra. \Vrechuylf!" annnounce.l the waiter, bowing in th.il ,a.l>, and clotted it lie .Itmr after him, leaving ihe the tw.i .uiwisarma LM-.V to face with will.: tbd feuug of bimie in the air. Mia. Verachuyle. .ut a he called h> i- wiJ, though ahe h.ul nu claim 10 the naiiit-, buiug divuroed, wa very like L'.n iii.-l i. only, nut quite o ii-iii-ixini,., hil<- ber eipruiHiii \va raibei re- pellent, and her towering eyubrowa and (irmly cam.. I uimiMi wanwil i. VaaMlla that aiw> bad OOUMI wnb hualiLe inttMitiuiut. M.utuu wa tba futt tu apeak, aud ufleiuu Ui* viaitor a a chair. "You will be mated, my cuuaiu f" he oaked, ptrhtely, 'WhiMi 1 chuoae," *he auid, hurah- ly. V.i.sAiilIm ahrugtfud Inn ahuuiiicis aaid produtx-d a aiivec, cigarette cae. "A you plaae," be auid, careleaaiy vpeuiutf it; "you i.l tuuoke I" No!" "Drin-kl thrre ia excellent wine here." 'Nu! I tell yim," aha retorted viciously, "we can diapenae with all th.-ae foiiUMiLitiea, Marcheae." "l-.bl' with a -mililoii iliui,} i>fh ->briiM, 'why so prmtiae, my couain." i< i !-, \"ii .ire a villain !" re- torted Mra. VeriM^hnyle, bringing her fin'* down mi l In- table. ^!" aaid Malteo, witb a lauttli, "peihapa you will give in** \<>ur reaoiici for calling me such a name f" "The bent of ail puaaible reason*, >ou deserve it I" "Indeed the world is mrt of your opinion." "Dub I the world does not know you." . vti ' so you are going to lie M i 1.1 1 1 it- Aamodeufi, and unroof my house for the benefit of my neigh- bor* f" And Vaaaalla. having lighted a cigarette, sat down and pn-pnred to Listen, tin 'li.nl not lotitf to wait, for Mm. Vexscboyle burat out into a per- fect volley of iuiprei-Ht ions in Italian, The Home Treatment For Coughs and Golds. Few indeed are the famiily circle* from w hie nee '.here ban nol been taken *ome member aa bbe result of neglected oougiba and colds. Mm pin. kut UKitihor i* constancy on guard leet her Kittlo ones full pr-y to KOIII>, brcnichilia, or colds. Sh knous thnt if c..ls are promplly rur- xl there in certain protection against ounBiimption, i>n union. .1 and oilier ,u 11 If i nnllil. t. Musis of mothers have leurned to trust implicitly to Or. Chnnc's Syrup f l.ji.'ni-.l and Turpentine tu promptly loosen the t hi dies' rounlis. In illay tbv Imflnmrnntiioo, to rlear the air pnsaagwn ami I horough> y cure Ihe rold. Thiir oowfidence in thin grand prt'M-.r.pt ion of l)r. ITiii.^e haw never X'e.n vli.ikeu, btx'auwe iit ban never fauied to prove banef ici.-il. It \it of inch unusiin.1 HUM- It aa to have attained to by fur the Largest sale of any i. nu 1 11 preparation. to which VasnalU lialened very quiel- "You're. not improving," tale aaid, coolly, when nlic ..loppixl for want ot lu.-ath; "but all this ia talk. 1 want to know tbk- reason of your visit. 1 ' MIJ>. Verse hoy Ie took off her gloves, ""ii in a chair, and dragging ii up, to the table, placed ber elbows :. mil IMKUU lo talk rapidly. "You M;i,t.-ft dog I" shie biased be- u her teeth; "I know all yes, all <lid I not nn-ei Signer Clement at thi la Cnaloforn, uid did U" not toil ui" i hat you were a the shadow of mv si.siei Carmela, .uid that you wanted to In-come In-; husband t Speak, you traitor is it not trueT" "Hefore 1 answer that question." aaid Vass-illa, calmly, knocking the ash off his cigarette, "first lull me wl> LS Ibis sig-nor t' inenl, that kuowH su much uf my affairs f" "He came lioui kiugiand." "Wl. ".-horiiy After your ship arrived in I/undon. ' "Did be stop at the .-igr.ui a Uriffa af" "Yea." ".Vim asked iiueatxina f" "He asked uie none, but, ah! with a gesture of impotent rage, "that Dexter, she tj-ive him all tbu liea of me, \ I oju certain." "Exactly I aud he told you that 1 waa making love to Carmela, and >d- , rifted, yuu lu come tu England." "How. did you know ( ' aeked M - V.-i . U . ;, looking at him with fiery uyea. "Uecajse 1 have my .suspicions that It*.-. Clement LS a spy." "\ |>} t'oi wh,i; -on w hum r' "Kur ujur.U-i .<n you." Mrs. Ver.-u-huyie grew deathly pule, ahv clenched her bauds, and her two black c.e.s glared like burning ooala i ujuaia. "Uuhl" she aaid, at length, making a aualc.h at one of her gloves ; "this is a child'* atury." "No, 'upon, my honor, it's nut I dun I know for c-erl.uu, but 1 con d wear th.s mau ia a spy. \Vh> should be go out lo V i.er.u. lodge at the houac is you, and loll you this ilmiit me t lie* i use he wauled yuu to to Kngland becuuue be is ,nn by in Vuslrul.au devil called Miiic>il tuj iiu ui you down, and aix-u-s. you of Ih i murder of your husband, Leupuid Vcl M -ho\ ,.-. ' \ isealla aroae to his feet \\lnle .S|H-akiu [, and went user to the wo- in. i: , who cu we re, I in in i . n.i.i uke.i aatuge beast, aublued far i lie moin- .in by a muster's eye. "lt' a li u lie I" she hissed, teat- ing her glove viciously ; "who can prove 1 WIN on buurd f" i "Caraiclit f" she bounded to her feet, liei face woiking with fury . "she would nut dare I" ";shei has dune so, ami told Mon- telttl." "My tJod I my God !" cried Mr. Ver- eohov . nig up and down the room; 'oh, U.U m.. finger* weio round her throat I She. h.i.s i iki-n my ion-rs from uie, a,ud now shed take m> 9.1". Itub!" wiiii.i .ssjudun chuni(e. 'lhe> can't pruvu anylliing. Yuu can save me." "Y.^s, but will If" Mt -i. Vcrschoyle stole round the table, and laid bur arm varusaingly roii ml bis neck. ">-.. yuu will, my Matteo. I'limk of the lo\o I have lor you. .You will . ;ioint tills bloodhound, when be trunk--, but K.UU ii re, and you will marry in. \\'.i will go back to our hv.-iulifu. MII in.l there, be happy." lli.s wuman wooed with all Ihe c,u- easing fiiceiiea of the South; tier hai.sb vow. sank tua liquid inuiniur, and her wondorful eyes lust tln-ir avage gleam, ami l>ecaine melliug and lender. " > ou will murry me," she whispered o- t'hi p latni w4i k Jl I l<ei.poH V.-r o'biy \ ,-\ .ii.ii. e ,n p.i.um to ' v ii. H> :u-k---l in.- if you weje on (ward tili.i i 1 Hiiid 'S.' 1 dtrownd yowr >ut>r. He u.*ked Car- ittel' | She .vt : I 'Ye*.'" f.'j<l!" "I m ..t. ii r write a Letter denying I. Slii" w.l k--p silent fi,r ymr -;ik. \o one liui I ...-in prove it. I will keep on outkUi i ui Hi. U 1 marry .II-.--IHM I me. aiul yuu w:J iu>t refuaw ymr oouweiu." "I w il. "\ i.u w J mot." "l>ig, jiil me go!" "N.-i t LI yoti ivonaent. ' \ .-- . !i K-le.ised her, and went lo r of ht-t room. "1 w 1 )* b:ick Ji a few momenta." tie sa d. c ..illy. "If yuu consent, and prome mot to troulu* me. I will save you; if not, you uiuvt Lake th* ron- --<|u. n. . ' ma lie went :nto hia bed- room, -in t -inn the door Mrs V.-i-. * - recovered herself by . .strong e.ffort, aud n<> "X to live; nil. pour, d oui ha.f a ^lasa of brandy, w li ch .she drunk off. Ibis nwmed to do her giKid. for she pin ber bom. t, niiiooi tu- 1 her hair, a-nd pr. due UK another pair of glove* fi -in lier pociu-t, put them on. Chen ahe weut round the nioui :ook n it bhiogK until h- earn- (> the t.iblp. whereon lay Vassalla's [xirit lo .-lie auw t'.ume.a's l.lie-r. aiul f rsl glnnc- d l he door to mali aurn she ' waa safe, anauitivd u up, and devour- ed .%.-i\ word uf it- Thro throwing AH. she, rauaark'd the p> i w t!i i; in'i" fingera, evuleutly to aee if there were ui'-ro. "It in lier."! ii is herel" she mutter- ed, glaiir.UK rap.dly over the papers. "Ah!" ujtd >:to a cry f d .cln n.- pi-ke.1 up i :..uer and slipped it in- to ber pi i, k--t. Just as ahu d.d this she heard Van- Mi la'' foot, ind kn.-.w hv waa relurn- :Ag. I'ush , n,' i I the* papers. bac*k, she ran n- lo the m . rroi. i-nnu; ill- |>i.|tf. i ui th" Kline diMinler aa abe hid f ml waa arranging b*tr l>nii . A IM-II dre- nut, nniured Uie room, put t Ilk! < .. " N 'in .1 :i -.\if i. Mia i p.y. M V-i . i i..-.i li.m willi ,i Mii.in.in; li." "I am U-ain. Y." He .. . k d .it her auspiciously. "You m. in "On . :..- \-MI mop tlx- bloodhound." "Agreed; and now :l us go out." "Where ia I sbu askud, aa b h .! thu duor upon. "At Mail. w. w i ii Sir Mark Treror. !>.> you wajit tx> nee. hel f ' "No. ili.H n, uoi at uxraeiit," ahe Bant-fresl, K" "K down the - "\\here dom t tie li oodliound liv4" "Why do you uauii lu knowf" tiv "t >u i.. .. 1 uie unlesa \ u vi. d Mr*. Ve.rsx-iii\'yle, haugb li- ly; "I only ukd from dl rur.osiiy." "I l-..eve be is UK.,. mug ai the koak U :, .1 i. n. "Dili r.uijiv,sly. na I hey stepped out to the iiet, "th.-> >s my cub. I'.ill I t:ik-- you II1VW I I e< ".No. i h.uik you, vi i M.iti.-o, h.-.p- .HK Her in. ' -y it present. I'll aee you .tg.-i.n tooii. "1 hope .o," K-p.e.l .Mr* Verschoyln, .nut M.I: ... wuUded away as t u cab drove uff. .Mia. Veraohoyle lay buck, and "Oh, why did I err a<art trynn to f nt out the murdoreaa of Leop.i d VersohioyLef" groannd Ronald, laying JJB bead on tile table. "Rather, why did you faU in I.'W- w.iti Oarmela Ootonert" aaid Foster, not unkiudly. "We'U KiJk no more oi this," sawi d, haotily riaing lo his ft. "till we aee Roper, and hear what he haj to say." To be Continued. A HACKING COUGH Mr. W. A. Wylia, 57 Sea too Street, Toronto. tte;-"My little grmid- thil'l had iMiffdred with n n.i.st y. hacJc- og cough for about eight wwfel when pn pruouroil a butt Ie of Dr. 1'h.ine'a Byrup of LLnaeed nnd Turpentioe. i'fter th* first dcuw she allied it 'honey" and was .vixr for medicine iinvu to coma a>roiuid. I c.i., ,-ini|>ly *tate thnt part of one bottle cured Bnr aind Hlw> is now well nnd as bright BRONCHITIS. Hr. Win. DiividAon. St. Andrews, QIKV. nlntas ; "Br. Phil's Kyrup of LuiAeod and 'Cuijieni me bus cured mo of liniiK-hiiin. I lkivs without smv oaas, I : i >.l iu,i.ny loiueilira for the past ix yir.i. 1.1*1 winter when I had n nvore attaok and WHS tumble to n boltle of Ur. iiMMMl and Turpen- m mi. I .nu hippy to stnte that the Mm .I bottle made me n well man." worik I procm-wl Cha.v^'a S\ i up .f Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed .uu Turpentine, Mi>lhen''s fiiTorite remedy for Croup, Brunehitis, Aathxna, Cwnrhs nnd Golils, 26 o*u'a a boitle; family sizn ooiit.-iinitnr :ili.-in tli"-- t imes > ajuah, OUeUi At aJi dealers, or Jfidmu>nnon, ll:i' 4 I'o , luionto. \ .ualla sneered \a himself, then riH- iiiK suddenly, removed her arm* from ai. MI. id bis nock. |in|n.-Mt..< , a.j suul. coldly; "1 am Mra. VentribMy' spraaig lurk, her eyA bla/'uiM wiiitih nivtei ami d.-i>lied of bar g^ove ini li > "liigr.-iii-! l'rii>'.ir: SooniKlr. i : \ i. u xhvill suffer fi>r lih's.' 1 "Not ut ynur li.unlx," .th a soft luugh. "Yeal at my hjuKln. I have your let- ters, writti-.ii wlie.ii you truly Loved me. When you mtM you would kill" "SUeoce, deviJ!" and Matteo. ln- f ii" act and stern, oaught her arm. "I will nut be Mi lent!" wrtsiintwl Mrs. VenHhoy&e, atrnggUng <> get free. "You nbali ii-.. i marry Carmela." "I ahiiU; rt ia the price uf your aafnty." "My safety?" amd *e suddenly grew < tail m. "> , OirmivLA winil<l hnve married uhe Autr,!sin. I hat<*d him. and w.uitvd ibr. lie hoa been search iog "You iih UK you luve won," she uiurmurud, glancing al thu at' leu i, "but l:.-ie ;ir ,il\\ay two to u.. my .l.u M.itiMo! Yon for- got ill. ill' t'HAl'TKU N\ Julxill H |N I . ;il rl 111. II. . h.i<l i-i'iii.< i" I. ','idiui ,n ih s-une IHMI .i.- Ml.s. V.-l -H, i.e. ;i ill. ide PI "I y .nil. i in- iiM - angwr. Ou ih" uiorn- illH ultur li.a 11 in i h- \tvui ,. h'uMor's c'liiubers, .u order to make li - i. p. ii, .ui-l thk-re found n,- i ui- I.. >!, Una ild MontiMt li, in inyilniiK bill a joyflli It line of ni.Ji.l. I'oul Hon. iid was very nun 11 I-.IM down b> t li umvn of Cxrinola'N entfagemeiil to t h, M 1 1 i-li :, ili.'iii;li l-'.istei ti.ed to oonaole hdm Lo th beat of bis ability. "She, w acting undr coinpu -, u my dear boy,'' .tii.d Oei^id. "Viisaalla ban lMfli teJukg ber thai Mr*. Ver- .schoyle ut i be aasasam oi hur liiislwni. and hua d<-iuuid<-d Ivur band as the price uf has silence." "Uow does ho know limit Mrs. Ver- sohoyle ia gutltyf" aafcud llonuld. fiwroelar. "We .brave proved unllnn>: She may be aa innomuit aa you or I for -ill w knowl" "My dear Lad," aaid Koatar, aiirug- gimg hia abmiJdars, "wo cxui only g.> by cirrumatajiiial evklence in this ... and yuu mu.si ackn. u ,li-. i h.ng.s oN> bouk *ary I4.ick agaiii.^i M is VennhuyM" MALARIAL FEVEB. AFTER EFFECTS LEAVE THE VI& Tltt WEAK AND DEPRESSED. lM Inutia llu>kliion, a Capiala ! ik< -Mi .ll.H timi. r. I. llu.. -hr r CBlMftt Mr illll Ihr Ilih i b<- I -r ,.f II r Mllll.m. rink fill*. Kr"in tb*- Sun. Oraneeville, Out. Among tli*- oldest and most highly reapected reflidenta of Orangeville > Mi- John liitikiiUHjii, w boae daugh- ter, Emma, baa for a number of years been an acute sufferer fmin the after effects of malarial fever. A re- porter of the .Sun hearing of the won- il-rful effects wibjofa Ur \V Jlimu's Pink I'illH have hud un M.sa lluskin- uu, called at her borne tu enquire iu to the truth uf the rumor. After Hinting tUe reamin of hia visit, be w.i-. kindly received by Mi. lluakiu- xun, whu gave him the following 1 facia of Ihe cure: "Some years ago," Mrs. Uoskiuaou, "my daughter l.niui i, .iho ij now captain of the N >. maikei n pc> of tJ*e S.i. v.i i. on Aiiuy, was attacked by malarial ft vex. She waa ou .are fora long lime and although she re* coveio-l sufficiently to go about, th* olfei La ci . . . <ery w ..,> .. d tur d.d uol seem alue i/j put ajy Ijfe laio'bni She hud firqiianl heudachoa, waa very pa, ami t.ue leajtt exert ou would i K'.- i.er. \Ve thought a uhaivg. ui B -hi clo her tfood and cun- MI|IIVUI.) ti.e want .in i v.ait u Tor- uiuu. . ,,-ie -lie W.IB advised to try Ur. \\.i.uu,,' 1'n.i IMU and at uuoe purohubeil a supp.y. llefore she ^d l . ie neound box she noted a mark d ohuitge fur the belter; ber inpi .i\d, lier . I .11 n-iurn- d, Ihe fw..iu- of exli.ui-sl.ou had dia- .il'pau-d, .u, d by ilie Uuie she had l.ik'ii ba.l ,1 .lozen tNJxeet aue was eu- j.-y i*g the IMM of hwa.ih, aud all her :!-!. mi- M;iir had returned. M- i noiigh h, i uoik in the .Sai\atiun Aiiuy * hurd and ,-xp.>ne her 10 a.l k :idn uf she baa since been ab.e in ilu ;t waiioul the le.isl incon- v- n i n. e '>Soim> time after my dauxliter'a cur 1 wa aiywlf c .mi'lei n) run iluWiU, and tu idd. ui my lioubU* \\ ..H amzed wuh .1 avere at tank uf rheu- iri the benefit my dautbtor h.ul |-fcued fl.iiu Ur. \\ll- liuii- I'i ik 1'ills, 1 duciddd to use . U ia, ana before 1 ii >d i.,.-n hi If a lIuMlU bo\.-, i I. I. fill .j ux-o,-|.-.l :!id ufler elfei l.- uf i 111- fi-ver ict her very M .c-v M, . ,, .ill ailing us to )r. \V. ilu in.-, I'lnii IMU fur 1'ale EWpto." Ur. Williams 1'uik 1'ilU have re- Bioi.l more weak and ..iIniK women and girla Ui robiLsi h tilth i li.ui any <n Ilu inc. Heine ever discovered, whii'h in )>irt ,i nun.-* (in i h n popularity throughout ih-. w.nll. 1'hiMX) pi I la *re sol. I liv .11 .Ie iK-i-.i oi iu.iy be liad by anil .it M c..viln .1 box, or six IxiXff fin SS....U. h> aildreaajng the 1)1. \\allallld' Mudlcuie Uo., linnk- villfs Out. NO ROOM I'OH K\ I H V\ ' Th pay of ,. ^odier in- .t I Hal lie niiiRl lie mi even moro eciiiiom c i. pei -on in.ui th N '> /,, i Mini )IIMIIII.-III. w li i was able 10 lu-<- oi <J.' iii l year, on \\lmh he k pi a burse and entertumed. Tbe GhiiMSe private at Sl'.'iitl p er annum ! ex< reme.x :iie\|n nsix e coinpured w:th the Knirlisliinan at J38.'), the Hiissiaji at $-411 and fahv Italian the , f.ii of Knropnu'U soldiers at f-05. On tins , s ,i day Ihere is liltle fnar of burst* of dissipation, in.inb ili.' . n i i \ in. MI baa ui extra $2 |<iT mnutih for b.n horse, out of winch be repuii us the uiimal if it be k:Jvd. VN.NI'AL PHOIJI L'llON OF RUB- Illllt. It ba be-ji iwiiiu.it e,l that l lie ap- proxiiuutv tui.u in n. luc i ion nf rub- ber a n n u. i ly . ;.7.. mil tuns. Hi amount, Jl.oiltl tons are taken l>y the I u t.'il K.iidn"in, il.iMHI Ity tine I'ml- .1 States luid OanadH; and i:>,5UU by the ie-*t of Kiirope. Uw AIIUI/DII -I - irci produce* J. r >.Htlt) :..ue, an, I I- I.M uid U't Afr.rn 'J4.000 Ions; parts >f South Arn-ica other tbiui the Amaiuo dwtrict, S.5UO i- . '

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