Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1900, p. 3

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DlCBttfeKK 6, 1900 THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE THE L S H E H T O N ADVANCE T>F/'EMBER 0, 1900 9 <& Co. NABKUALE'H tiKKATKST sunn Co. " ' V- :. ..' ,. :: . .--...-. Tin- following lines indicate our every-day values and our system of profit-sharing with our customers. No matter how small the price at which goods come our way they it re passed over to the buying public at the smallest possible advance on cost. And that is one of many reasons why trade is increasing so rapidly and why our values are scarcely ever equalled and never surpassed, LADIKS CLOTH and HOMESPt'NS - 5<)inclu i ( wulu in colors, brown, fawn, myiilr, navy, Ac., elegant, ricli, heavy *- "* .;.MU r.-gHUr price, ,.V-. special CoKSETS-The celebrated sal in eolora of drub and blue, pin 4H LADIES' MA.NTI.KS All the now cloihi mid weaves, made up in thu iicet ityle I Ii.--.,- are part of a inanufac:urer's stock we iMiught nt wur o* n price. I .-I v stylish uox d at 3.!I5 lo .... Somo .490 otherwise |-rfectly Toe., special s TIM Finest all .ilk, all tho Hew colors, also plaid, a Very pretty as- a '! I mei 1 1 . I'ach 26 HANDKKHCHIEFS Ladies' hem- stiti-ln-d while lawn handkerchiefs, inedi- um size, specia'. 'i for GREY FLANNEL Splendid heavy gixxU. plain or twilled, light or dark Colors, regular 15c. yard, special 1'-'$ an.l lace 1 1 un in. -d and finished, regular | j^,,. y|ir j _ ; ; / 2 4 ' I MKN'8 OUEKSSKYS Finest Fleece ' underwear, assorted sizes. An excptiou- *lly large purchane makea this the best uo.l.-i*. ir value we hafe ever .-IM-O. Regular price per suit $2.00. Extra pocial per sit 1.30 winter suit 6.!Kj MEN'S OVERCOATS -l-'ino I- rlmhs in nuvy ami lilack, - gleordoT . briMHtnl, thour--ug!ily II triinmc.l iin.l perfticl ftltii.n, alnr-.'aih i ,.ch 6.00 MEN'S CAl'S -25 .102- n of the vory TAP.LK UNKN Fine, heavy, all-linen UixMs, 6ti inches wide, regular 36, special I U e Wef t makes, the tc sc .issurtment ami \alu.-n wr've ever liiven, etch SJ6, ' and. fU BOYS' SUITS -Scores of them mad. f new pattern* twee.U, jnii placed in alock this week at f2, 2.45, 2.65 2 86 JAPAN TEA C pounds <>f good quality Japan Tea for 1.00 TOILET SOAP The 5ct. cake, 7 for 25 TOILET SETS- 6 piece toilet set, white tone China, rog. 1 60, extra special. . .98 MEN'S 8TITS- Special line of men's newett pattern, all wool tweed suit*, double breasted, sack Coat, elegantly trimmed and perfect tilting an exci-llent GOOD NEWS ABOUT OUR TAILORING DEPARTHENT \VV have secured the services of Mr, Mallard, who comes to us direct from Toronto, where he liad charge of the cult ing department in the establishment of tlobberlin Bros.. King street. He is adept in the cutting of both Ladies' and Oi'iitU-aion's garments and all work performed by him will proclaim the wearer an individual of fashion. From now nuiil January 1st we will give extra special prices on all line* of ordered clothing F. X. HILL &, Co MARKDALE. mill-Ill. I- VYEBKLY AT THE 0riCB, COl- UNllWuoDXTaEBT, PLKMBBKTOM, I'M , f . H. TMi H-Tl.V |l per Minium Htrirtly In advance Advertising Rates: Column, 1 rear, S.V) . half col., 1 *r. > 'luartar eol , ona year. SIS. T i .lverlloinut rbarR<l at the rat* i na fur f) i t inmrtion an I cnt -ul)Kiuut loiwrtlon. tWbrwtk into nB ruci-ption by aome pun.-i tttoiiiptinn hm tore. Mr. T. hu wnB ruci-pti Kwitiling. but uiii> < tliii>K Utl the nuciurn- al viMiior ur viiiiturt tv humdly deciilu that IIIISIII.-HI K iiryent elavwhere. '.vote a considerable amount of i IM tliia week to a diecuBsion of th .'I work question. Much inter- e' I, |>. ui.-t to have been aiousfd in tin in*; LIT and good will come out of it uin thcr a cliatif-c is made or not. Tin IT uppers to be a fear oil tin- |mrt of -<iin* fanners that Plcsherton will act ad urbiler and forct; the chaiij;<' nji in tin in. This ftir is grouudlpRs, as vil'd-,"- latepayurs will not be fill n tlir 1'iiviii'ijj of voling. The qncsiinn will l lift until cly with tlioso who are in i <1 The Mii:i;r already has a comiinr iM 'ii of its statute lahor HIM! nrr t,nis [ilaccd in a |x>8ition of iifini..lity and could not in ju-.tuv \ in t. >f nm'acr. In addition in til i " | .ili!i.-ln il this week win i ir later anil Mr. Cik ji.i i iS|>tctm, will aildiviiS tin IB .- hiiniiiiiicc'd elBi-wlii-rr Ti > i'l not Us for Want o th i -i in if the electorate is i i IMVI an intelligent VU 1 ' !'. e< Kuchanan and Berth* Fadden (equal), (irnhani. CU I. Sr Villroy Summer*, J.ihnny y anil Olive Huminere (e{ual). Eddi CUiu LECTION NOTICE ! I. Jr. -Ella Warlnu!. KH.IID Johnny Irwin, (ieurge Hixlup. je .iit,-i..l.iii.'.- 31. /rom (htr (Hrn Ctirrttpondnil. L. C. HAWKEN. Teacher. Thiwe who have lu'en proplu-Kyinx a ml.) winter were otnehat j.t.uil.il tiro w.'.-kii Hgn, liut were pltaM'd to se thu now ilisippeur aa h>iily aH it cumu We lieln-ve Minn MrC|..cklin IIHH runi 1 her |xititl-ili i*'* lenrlier of Victorm HI..I ncci-pteil n more liK-ratiie poai- um elsewhere. Her niiinv fiu-nda .n m-tii. i;.- Mill lie fi.il) to -'< In r ^o. Mr*. Urmjl.' I- 11 " [i-iurii>-d to her home ifi. r -pi-n.i.iii; :i while with her |mrentM, Mr. ami Mrx. StephenH. Mr. W. Tillx.t IIHH h. en nick liut we .re plr.i-.i-il to know he m recovering. MJHM M. Hutchison is upending a few \M-t-ki. nith her aint.-r nl Midlan.1 Mr. W. Taylor, ia Ir in.- from lliiti-.li I '..lillnln t >.|i H >l-li Mi> Sns .- of M'.. /i. ni \ i-it. .1 nt Mr. .l.il.n Johiipon's un SunOny. Mr. in I Mrt. C. .l.iiinii.n t Mll( ml vantage f (lie K.MM! sli ithni" week liefore I it in *\ nit Kiiplii.'n>m fiii'iidx. While llu-y were wy the tlmw intilt-d Hlul they uinl it nee.'txiiiy in r.-uirii on lin !. The hinne of Mr uinl Mm I!..' I, A. In mm i- cLnlili i..-.l l-v the itirivul nf HII- otlu-r little (laughter H f.-w wet'ka H)(". Mr M.-tl i--..li of liiiinhilk . i.inliu i.-il nil int. restuiK and helpful Heiviee ill tliia eliuicli l.mt milldny. < >..r of our voiiii : Indi.-a m tlnnkn g of - in.. Milk- ii.-iirri Fh-sheriiiii Hiiiieliine in Tu thr Eltctn,; ) hivirian JVo. fi, in Mr til-- 1. 1 HI futuie. Kloclion of I'oiintv CVtincillort of the Fifth County Council UlvUlon of tl Couuty of Qrvy. Public imtlcr lilicrby given to tbe Muni olptl KliMton of tlia Kifth Couuty Council Uivieioii i if th. i run nl v of (lry. that a uieethifz of -i I Klvetori will !> held m Viotoria 1UII . in Hi. Tlllan* of I lun.ialk u Monday the >4th day of December A IV 1000. betwran the hour* of one ml two o'clock lu the aftvrnooD for the pur|>one i'f iifuiinatiiiit I ni.ih ml. fur the office* of twe Cminiv ( uiutrill. ri for Mid fifth UivUiun of the County uf Orey Ana If at thr ilav and time above uainwl or aft. r thr Upae l-f the linn- Ill In.-li caii.<|.Ulr uiay with Iraw fioui nuiniuatlou tliere are a Krvkt.-r ii'iiiiln-i ol raii'liilaum noi.ilnaUxl than are . -i m.- i to IM* --lr.'t.-l. an election will 1 e taken Ht cnrh of thu Mnnu:i|ml ruliini* pi...'.--. in -Ml ( ountv I'.iiinril HIM- i. MI oil Mcintlay the 7tli il\ ut Jiti'iiar, A. D. 19C1 fn-ni the hoiii 1 of V o'clock in the :orr.i. >'ii tu 5 u'vloc-k In the afur- noon uf tain.* da) . \V .1 \V A l- I I I I . Nouiinatiuft Of&cvi of the&f. jfCouuty Conocll I)Ui|. n Dateil at Dui.dalk, D.-c 3rd 1BUO notice to Electors. I'ort Law 7>,,n. i 'i< Hi. ,, C i / "! 1 ', S.I .,!,, \ .. _'l i| n i 'ii i w. n \" Mi 1 r.:i ^ A . . i \l i Urry M A i. ii bui-i- li V i '' MI > i ..f !!, i .ni . ' i <.', 1 1,., ii<| .ni ? V '1 -i H..1 VnH Waul uf I- i .-'.if lemU I. i m ur III. Inn). (i.- ^!ll. l ll till-. i '|ii->iior IM rr.-<|i'iii- I' ... M. I inii>!t Mi'hi'iii 'in, ( V.i ) V.I.M >. '.t i.i I. OII'H lleiul. II ' ' . v i . '.i| ('IK .liiin.'H mil at i- i i >|i Mi- re I'.il will rttinn in tl 'ii'.irr I ir I. H |i|'ii:-|(i-etiv lieller hulf -.1 ,ny f.il ill-lilt |HIM- llirili|m K|i||. il'l HiU-.l Illlld. I \< I ll-ll tin i niil'l ily lant wr.-k, anil rill n.l.-il in ll'illHlllg ill hulk of llii-i. ' in-, j.i," li'it -Mime ruinaio in the li'-I.K yet and itlmi K -me (. vi .' H whieh w II likely Im siTiirr.l ^.iiin-'i iu> in \i .'.'iitiiry Th 1 1 ii- t"i' f nnr ill nl have xlmwii tlieir Hppruciation of ntir t'-. ht-r, Mr. .1 A. Hulfhi iMo", in a prac'iual way by re tnxa.'int! him fur titu e. iiiing y<wii at an advance in a.ilnry. At an .niily hiir on S nu.il.iy mornli la t Mr. '5o. H'lurapaoq wan ana no tilmlMTlr) f'umi Our Oicu ('<irrrfinn-li nt In npite nf ,iil>'i-i- . n.-ioii-niii.. i our I in.!. -i in mill j.-mii.^ Itifore \\inter ia m . r we i ipett ih.it twn new li..iiNe will !. lininhtil. Mr Melvin llarrin IIAH hia no in in U r.inipleU'd ilia! he ii now hvini; in it, wlnlu S.jiiiii- Siunrt IniH iln- -Hi- for I i- in liniiae ct.-ike.l mil unit ciniinn-nc.-.l ill-- l"..ii:nl.ilioii Tin- i-ipnrn hH rented his faun L. Mr ./nlin Uiinklu and in < ininn to lire leiin-.l in . ur villauu The hniii ot Mr. J. U Statfonl haa Ii m nl.i.nl.-ni'.l liy tin- iirnval of a little I.Ar>HTl> (iRNTLmiFN t I hare been aollclt i.l by a I.IK.- iiuuihrrof rate|iayoriof the laid vi'i.'nto .iIT.'i ni\M-',f a- a ran.lidati- for tin- eiuniiiini.iunviiihi|i. 1 have eonaeu toil t^> aceui.t the nomination ami If electc.1 n.v nmtto will tin tu hew to the line, raxardleae uf .-n-. .1, poll- tlca or nat i- 'iii.li! v Vuur vutu m.l iuflut-m.' rcnuectlully aolicilnl. I am your lluinble eeivAiit, PrlcoTille, Dec. 1, 1900. JOHN McABTHL'K. New Tailor Shop I brg to an ni.nnn- tu III |-i|.|.- at Flculiorton and vicinity Ibat I have o|H*ud up a new talk) r ln>l> In ClaytOK'n block | lain (10111*1 OffllMI I. III.M. Work i Ur. klnrnts alifaclorily in all Clothes Cleaning and Repairlnf;. 1 .. lint and aiitlcijiatj a fair ahara r>( >our Uff ot M.-,- l.illiin (ii'U'il h.-tN i> .in- to Mark- d.ilf, whor.* M!U' inii-iidi aponding thu v. imor 4 inr Denial miller, Mr J. MC(}IIMHII, | I'stioumo liail n MHit from hm Innthor fioin Price- |_| 41 C V A VI P\ C F> i,...ia.i.-i-k. n, ALcAAlMUcK Tli.i i-m|M'iiteiH and lilitekninith<i aru ijuite hithy l-inlding kleixl.H fur thu coin- Xinl-er. Tln-y Imie uti-oni; funh llial I lii-if will lie A winter, jnd^ii g from their | ..III pit <lf xllMgll*. - Mr H 1> (jHrrulhuii Rent n %>\ ship j n.. n: i.f hug* t" Ceylon for trHiiipciria- t n ni r -eeiitly. Mr. Aili. Klli-i IH nuking n new f.-n-i- iii n -ill -.I I. is lot un Kii.nl Mruot. THREE PAPERS IN ONE llunur llnllH Vandu'eiir nvhool fnr Nnveinlier. I'.ii't I. KutiH Daii., Maiy I'ntclianl. Cl.i-H IV \\ilired t ulliH, (iiacij iii.tiniin, Uitsi. (iiihert. < 'lika HI. Sr. Kiei Jiihnau.i, !).. u.l (iriiliain. < 'I...M III. Jr. Anniu Hialnp, E.bol 'A ul.i t Kvn OillH'rl, Mina Wehor. C.aai II >r M.L-.-I.- Davii H, II Bu- li .Mm. Mary Wj-vi.le, Sam Huohanail. i 'l-k^n II Jr - Mahel Fadden, blewart Ili-l .(., Chul. i I'.ii, lunau. (ieurga Sum "CAM Pt. II. Frank Davia, RobbU and |mk{e.s of Hiiininarix.-d newR. ii (iHgeN of practical ni;ri- rnltural nnd livu st,.rk artiulm. K.i,''il |.a,'i-H of inti-rt f .iin,r fiction and m/ine fua- turcR. HI) liil mi J Sections 14 pages $1.00 PER YEAR lUlanoe o' 1'JOO freo with aubacrip ion for I'.KW. M. Richardson & Co, - *DundalJc millinery Specials This Week $1.00 5oc Indies' Knockabout Hats in all the new shapes and correct colors. Regular prices JjU.OO, $1.7f> and .fU.;>0. Selling now for Ladies' Felt Sailor and Walking Hats, variety of late styles and colors. Keg. prices" .$1. '23 Bad $1.00, selling now tor Misses' and Children's Felt Hats, different styles and colors. llegular prices $1.00 and 7;~>c. Selling now for - Special 77f anile Offer // This week we place on sale a special range of Indies' Mantles, in Heavers, Frie/es and Curl Cloths, coK)i-s black, brown, fawn, myrtle and navy all si/es well cut stylish and up-to-date in every particular. Regular selling prices *7..~>0and $6.50, and good value .it that. Selling this week at neckwear This season we eclipse any previous season in variety and excellence of our assortment of the lat- est styles and patterns in (ients 1 Neckwear. Handsome neckwear makes a most acceptable and appropriate Xmas gift* Silk or Satin Knots, 1'utVs. Derbys, Tecks, Hows, Flowing Knds new colors new patterns new Chapes. Special values dents' Silk or Satin MutHers. warm, eom- fortal.le and handsome, new reversible patterns, sl.oo. 7.V au<l 25C and 50C + Kmas Presents.* \\ e've made special prepara lions tor the holiday trade and eati promise ym a lij,' assortment of en- tirely New (Joods all very suitable for V mas Pre- sents. Prices in all lines just ri^lit ! HANDSO.Mh I'AKVriKS (!,-niiin S!-.i l!ild ^mids, in fancy cae, Priei-R fr.'in Tie ' W 00 t!io n-.-tt. NKW SIl.VKIt'V \lll-: AlMf KniMs. K.-r!..-.. Te^ Si**.,,*, Berry SIKMMI, S.in S ( K. m. Silver I'latud Ch llren's VIIIJH fr...n ---- 25c JAI'ANEKE W \KK A S|.eoil lui|oi-t.d Lin eiy I -an 'some and artintiu Km it Di-h- . Te>|Hiti. Itixouiu J.in* an.l lli.xrd. Japan, s.- f> O'vln-k Ten S.-tt.,. 91. M ml ............... 81.75 EMHOSSKD HI d I'AISTED I'll ISA-N-rel patternjTithl lovoly color- ings Kunt l> she. Pla'e, Toilet* Trays, etc., etc. Hand I'ninleil Toil, t Setta ............................ fl-75 NKW <:l,\SS\V\:;K Hyacinth Olne, Vw, Fl.mer H..idr. rtc. Lc . ..ni.l,-S.-tln ...................................... $1 26 Kai > y (!1 is* Oiniuont.s fr.nn ........................ fxjlr 1 . FANCY OPAL W.XHK -Han.ls(.-.ne eiuU.wied and i-ilt vn nnr p .f.-niM, I. in. I p i ni, .1 ................... ltd-, 15c, 26c, aiid 3"c emmi Fin.ey Cups iiu.l Kttue.irH from Miiii-tmh OnpH Ivuin ShHvi'ii.' MiiL't fr-'in Fniu-y Te i riat.-H I'oi ri.lt S.'Hs I'M. in ?\- >> I'lr.na Vi^iiren fi-iin iittc In . i pieces From f :> 7;> Ui$15.00 15c lOc 91 2nd--*. ?1 50 W 00 p.iir Cca Setts IVntur $ctts CcMet $n$ 44 piei'iH FroorJ.75tof7.00 NKW LAMPS-- HantiiHi, Tahle or Lihriiry Hmvlwune and artistic new M \ lei np. mil p'i.-1-n nl tbe way from $1.00 to $5.00. I'l.-U) ]'rv)entfl for K\eryl>ody' Xiiina. 1(1 pi-.vt Kr-m *1 ".. :. ^7.50 . Richardson & Co. Can you $i>dr H fw montb* " Th : H wiuU-r in which f-. improve your edu -*'i'in Thusu few mnnlh* Hp-.-i.r a* th. , '' OWEN SOUND ONT. Would enal>le yo.i to <!<> buainea* in a natiflfiut^ry inaiiiier. The luiowirdgw you would in i-f >iitr-s. cheqin.ii and all ki: ils c,f ci.iiH: .-rcwl puper w uld, pi-r- hnpii. aic you hundruls of iloliiirn in the Pture. Wiif(ht fur cataUi^xie. which c.i- MIIIS full inforriat'i-.n, lo C. A. Fleming. Principal OWFN Sol'NIi. ('NT. Wii.trr turn N^inN.'ii Jan. 2, 1901. Vicinity Chips fiarartcrlsltrs of th PM ffrrk < :ir.-;,illv Culled for the n r inns Fresh lime a'way* nn hand. -T. H. Duckelt'H, Kugenia. Mr M. K Beat, n paid a l.une.s \ it to St. J.wit ph Llanil Uvt - k. Leave your ord.-rs immedinUtly with F. A. Bunt for XIIIA plum pudiiiuys, ruady cookml in can.. R-.-nii-mber 'he fo.<l >upp.-r .it Maxwell >n Dec 11 and the church opeuiiik; .ind *tu|>pvr at Vandelenr, Dtc. 9 and 10. Pnv.ite or cotnimny fund-i >o I >an at fr' .in 4i to i per ri-i-t. Kx|>ciine low. Apply t'-'Ji-o. Rutherford, 8 belburn*. House and lot f.ir laic in Eu.'rnia fran: houie, orchard, acre lot, gnaA tOable. Apply to T. S. Su.-ur.t, Kuzenia. Dr. E..\. Little, dentut. will b* at the M'lM.haw Hoiiar, Kles!n-ri..n. tho 3nl S.itiuday in each mouth fr-.tii 8 to 11. :i. a. ru. Vrime coal oil only 39 ct. a 1 i* 5 gals, tor 'JOcts. Also i!-..'K-e -..i! -t -..ap only lo a cake,' at Sproule, Cinss!<;y & Cot.. Fleahrrton. Rev. .Mr. Tli ..... :md Mr A. M. (iiK-jon Jttteiule.l in .iruiiversay entertniument in Dundalk on M.'i.iliiy evLMiimj and report a very enjoyable time. For saleeln-ip, 3 k-.nvl tieating *tuvea, 1 k{ood family Hewing niachin-- and 1 aini^le cutter, almost now. Apply to R. J. Sproult>, Fleslu-i:.'!!. Tenchor wanti-d fo S S N".. 0. Art- *mcia m.ile r feni k'e. Apr') "I 1 t" Dec. in 1!X)0 siuting aUry, to (>eorg M. 'liiiin, Euk'en a I*. O. The Prt-siiytd ian Sabbath tho..l will liol 1 a iegui.il- old tuu<.- ain.iver-*ry on *Jhri.-<tnia8 evening, for which the scholars are n.i hv;si y prt'pai-iiiii. MartT Eddie E'de-, aon ..f tlie late Win KIder, wa in tnwn <-n Saiurliy. E<l.lu- is Uiarni:-i; the <irug hu-ii:H-i with of (>i-n S,,unil (i-ioil smart boy wiiii'i-l t.i le irn print- ing. Yor tiio ri>ht kind rf a boy there is A f*vofS.bi4 pwBiug at thi* ofB.'ti ('ne whoctn Inwrd at hcnu- pnferreil. Mr. .lam. > I" :' -Ii. wh > has K-en out in Miiiiiesntft ior the pa.^t idvi-n yea'n, retiiriit-ii h> :ii.- on M.. inlay t.> spend the winter with his |u-eir.s, .Mr. and Mr. John Kn:l sh NoTiri To piirtiex wh.'iiavc not paid th- ir t..xeii: TheBc ituixt he paid bet"-. re the oth Jay of dccein'i. r and aave cowts. J. K. Sloan, collector Knt.-iu.i divition Dir. 4. Just received at Spr >u.e, ('ro*e!cv A tVs, Flettlierton, an tlior shipment, of that celeiiritted V;initol'.-\ f.-iiiuly Hour, slaou s-.'Ck r.f H'lorts and bran always ou han.l mid nulling at lowest priceM. For .Sale at very rea -liable pi-io.-a. Abt-r leon Angua 1'ollc I Hull calf or 1- year-olil Bull. Also choicuof two h-ifer valves or two 2 year-old heifers. All regiatered. Apply to 0. H. 'A'.jlter, KiuiUi! -\ FAUMS FOR SAI.K Karma of from M t-i ^5d aer'- nituaieil in Duffenn, 'irey and S;nicoc. i'i-ic.-s from 87HO.OO up to $7000 (JO, ter.rs ei-i;-. For p.trtieulars writ*- tii-n. l!iithi-lJ'i>lil, HoX 67, Shel- tinn.e, Oit. Thu Advance li.nl a ploasant ia'1 one lay laKt n-evk from Councillor (iuy -if Muxwell, acconipHinc 1 by Mr. Thoma* tttffnnwv of Di'll-millu Mi.h , who h*> <K'"ii vinitinK Ospivy frieinU the |la8^ inou'li or so Any partiea wanting a KIM! 100-acre fariu in npl.-i.did ctmditiou find g'>d LnildnikiN and orchard, cloae t Fleah r- tun and only $3^00.00, agr.|f i ( uick to R. ,1. Spn.ule, reaj twhate agent auUc.mvey- *ncr, >lla>:ih.-i t on . For aale ch.-ap anil on eaxy tmuii, 1 neat and comfortaMii brick dwal!ni)t and brick oftictt oir Front trc. t, Klralimton , ftl) 2 com'irtAt.l frnine dwellintfi. Ap- ply to R. ./ Sj,r .,.. r.-l e-,;re g,-nt nd c..Qn-)iti.. rr, Flesliert.il' Mra. W. C. Cr.aley mui wi'.h a v^ry p.inful aixid.-iit on Monday, by ^citing a no-die run int.. thu palm ..f |i.-r hand while ncru'ilin^. The needl., p. netrar. I to Lhebon-i and lir.kn oil. Dr. Car', r had lo Unm Hi>r lianii in i.i.l.-r extract thu piece. Provin.-i'i! Koad InitTO<;t..r \V A Campbell will a/idreai the ,-:.- tors ot Arfcrii ti i t.. A .-.ship, in tt.c Town Ha. 1, on Tuesua\ eieting. Dec lit , .' < :V) o'clock, r.ii U..: <jn,tuin of 4icod K.>H.: and othui m.k'tum. A* ti is is an eicel- lent opportunity for gelt n liif-irma-.ion l_-t t'lere In; a Uru turnout. Misa Annie Richarda -n, elcuti..niMt, baa lately returned frnrn a pli-a-ant three nini.thn' visit aruoirn friends 411 Br.Hiktyn and New Y .rk. While away M;ss Ri>'h- ard.ton availed herself of .-very .ipp-.rt unity within her reach to improve herwlf and refreah her repertniie VVe are pluaned to learn tlut Mias Richardaon ia likely to pay a vit tu Flwlierton during the Xnmn I'oiidaya, ami for a ihurt time will be available for entertain menta in the vicinity at very reanunaUu terma. Special ier vices will be held in the Prefbyterian church fur three wueki dur- ing the m -nth uf January uxxt, beuinn- ing the aecond week. Rev. Mr Mathe- aon uf Pnceville will be-^m tbia aerie* of meetink!s un Mondity, Jan. 7, and c.*daci them f. r a eck R. < Mr. Bell of Laurul will nJKciate during the aecond week nf the meetings, and it ia expected that tbe Hev. Mr. Little of Chamwoith will take up the work f--r tho third and laat week. Communion vrvtce will IH! will U; h. 1.1 in thin church on Sabbath next and al.to 'in Jan. 6. The Advance ho* decided to ttive a pre- mium this \i-.r to every paid in-advance aulwcriber. You have y ur choice of oue of the haiulwiinest calender* ever- made, or .'DH of three different bonk* "The Days ..f Mahomet" ly Anna il*y Wilson of Cha'sworth, "The Wreatler of Phillippi." or "Titus: A Comrade of thu Crot*. The calendars cannot be lent by mail. It will be neceatary for dwta nt nulmenburs to s'nt.- whieh oa uf (he l*ooks they desire, Th.' caleiulan arc in five different ileni/iu, and are beautiful works of art, xuitaUe for the i/arlor. Unly four hundred nf theae prcnuun.s will In- xiven out. and the first who come will be tiret served. Friday evening last wan a gala niuht fur Prince Aithur Lii-lge. A.F. nd A M., when the member* rert-tvrd a viaii frum D. D. G. M. Orton ..f Br:.dforil. There w.is a lar-^e atrei>dance nf meinbem and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was ant-nt. A.ii"ii ^ the v isifors pre.-enl were Br. s. Kev Newell of Markdale, Rev. M >1 i* .,f Ceylon, Emus of Markdale, R Blackburn and U. Slaughter of Wyoming, Hurru-r of Fv-r- s'lam and McRau of Frieeville. After ruutino I n-m-'ss and 8|>vechi>8 by the \ iM.foni an a Ijournment wa.s made 'o the dining rmnn, where the lauiea hail pre- |iared a .1 nnty repiutt, which wai very hik^Iily ap[in-i-iaied indeed, and many tliHiiku wtre ixpreaaed to tlu- Imlus who had ni.uk. ii.-:i ample prepuratiun fur the exeinpline.fi. -n of the fourth deureo. The D D. U. M. expremed hin antiefaclion with tho Condi-ion of this lodge, which i* hi, hi} prosperous. TheChristmas numb.'r of Th Christian (iuirdi.ui, which will be iKintl ..n IV i-'-uit.-r I-.-wilI olf.-r many lit nry mid -irtisiic features. Ann'iv its iii-kny cnn ttibuton are Mr. W. E. H. Mawy, the manager of the Massey Hairm (.' inpany. who, fp'tn Ins ifrent buines< . \ p.-n. n. .-. writw of the " DHHKVM \\ liu-h UI-M-I Y-iUtiK Men;' Mrs Jeau Itlewett, one of the most ji.-pnlar of our la-iy writers, wh . tells "Th.- Girl in Lov " sour.' tin tigs sin- oiiiiht t.. kiKiw. and MH.S Maud IViti;, a popular vt ry writer, who i-onlnlnite* a beautiful story entitled, " In thu F;uv ..f ^ Child. " Tliemj with a sc TO of o'h.-r articles, p-ie-iis and stories, appropriate -o i he S.MMIII of iho y'-r. will niiik tho Clirmt!na Christian (I'laidian a lerv rvsd.-kbie number. Tin- il us't-ntums will also In' numerous and aftn.-t \e In fact tbis pa|H.*r has liem nuti-J for the artistic c ivi-r* of it< s|wcil imni!!rM, ttu- Thankst'iiint; issue being o . of ihe mo.st itrra.-iu> pi- res uf M.-rk done in Cana.la This high water mirk will, however, be | surpassed l>y th.' Chrisnn.m number, win Ii will rep-iWuce Ilernard l'l.-k hurHt'a beautiful cone.-ytioii of "The AnieU and the>>!pbor<jH '' Piockhorst, U-.- iiLsi- of the eliamc'er irf 4iis pjiintnujs, hr ba>i b.-i-n raltei the twin lu-.ither of tho famous (Min'or, Heinrich Hoffmann. Thn Christian Gu*rdin m one uf the lies all-round family journaln in Canada an I !' ii th cheapest. A thnre nt'-ntlw uul>- <cripii..n ooU only twenty bv ci-nts, whi* the remaining iaauea uf tbifl year, ILJ 1 jj ux tii CktiHtiiM-i lum'wr *N!I k> entfret-> any on* -jndin ( 001 dollar, i tie uh:ri.>tioi inr 1901 . Publisher, Tnr.inl'.. I* n * Carson f Durham got -baking up recently. Wm. a i in- son Coiiruos live in dif f-r-- ,t houso* --B th* same farm in the town-Shi;, "f N . trm^nby, and they have .at.-i- h d a iiti.trrel ..Ixiut the ownership ' r finu chaueU. IMI week Mr. HI . s. , induceil Bniliff Carson of I '.irlmni, 'o .-..ini- t,.. th.- far.u and endeav- or n> iS|>..-s< n the s..n of the goods in dis- pu On T iirlay Mr. Caroo visited the plac- H. .1 put il--k on 'he granary, . >l r-nir in .tn Fridy proceeded, it U rla.uvd withmi! ,ny legal authority, t.i -ject Mr. Cam. rnn. jr , .lt.ethrr Thin m a .<>> in which the bailiff WHS i-'l '"-in.- a:tackiid by the y .mi h a cluli. The Durham man sust un '1 s '.,-.,- "i-u.seji and i* also ' I-- liavu had a rib broken. Pea.-.- i. said t have lt.-e., finally rest.tr 4 ) the |i <-i.rn o- of Mr Cameron, r., with * nun. Mr. Cnr>n ha* chanted Mi.-) .11.. g m MI -viih av>HU t with intenr to .ID LrtevotiH i>dily I a. m and at the heamg'.i. M . >n.iy ..f laat week the de- fendant wan uixnimtied fur trial. The iMip.lalk Hera!. I raya : "Archi- bald Mclntyre H. em< to l., th.- hoodon of the surrounding mimiciprtlir ns. Tw.. ynars ago he <1iov mm a .infective spor in the road n--nr Flesher'uii and was in- jured. He received c.'inpei.a.kUnn, gett- ing ju-lttement for 9201) against the town bill ot . \rteiiiuma. On Monday McKay and Samiaon, acting for hnik, wrwd not- ice .if action for jamaiteH on the township of Melaacthon. It appear*, ihat nn th-: evening of Oct. 27th he was driving home fr..m Duniialk, and at 200 S K on Con. 5. near the Union Church, he was thrown from his riu and has been continwi to hia bed ever iKrco The road at ihi* place ia cnroirny ami it h.ix been the CUK'OIII to iriv to the N-de nf the logi. The wheel of hi* conveyance struck the Ions, throw- ing hiiu into the duch ami cauuug severe in junes ' Seasonable Goods at the Hedical Hall, Flesherton. Hone medicines Such an Mandrake, Bloodrnoi, Dandelion. Antimony, Diifit alii, SaltpetTf, Anise Seed, rt.-i.in, (itn kfcr. Iron. K.i:iiujri-ek. Loln-lia, and the elegant preparati'.n. Herbageuia. Xmai (;.Midn, suit.itilf for presen-.. VV.-rk Boxe, Albums, and thnne rhat "Santa Clauae" always dispenteii. Also Toy Bxiksand Chrtsim.is C.ird*. Toilets Suc'h as T"oth and Fiice Pow- ders, Toilet Siwips, and PerfuuirN, with a i>i. -.- susortii'eiit .if C, .iijlm. Pitia- .ni.l Brushe*. l.'oufeciioi.rry. 111 -...ii supply, wi:h that " (ju.tker MolaMK-s C'.iudy exceptionally good. A nice aH^irtwent of Vi. lins, with Bows, Mouth Orgai-s. A very large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubl^rs, Trunks, Valises, and every- thing in our line worth sellirr cheap an<l Prescription for H'.rse or Person onre- fnlly compounded. Hunry ' Ilun-y ! Hoi-i-y ! In 1 U>. , at the M'-d;.-d I! . X - M A - S Groceries A fj'.l line of the h.-nt ^"ixl" j i-t c.l. inrluilimc I'rann^s I.-IKOIIH. i8inlii"<, f in.'y hisi'iiits, IM cuirantH, ra.Hlns. | !-. nan- etc. PI. I'M ready In adJitiiui we k^e;' .-i full line "f ordinary Kri eeritf, >ucli as Mi-^ir, tea-, oap* and f.-nn-yi. siMni-ih mi ..n.-. cannvtl in owl*, r'ml piekrN, Th<- I'lne t lin- of !iritinas audit--, in Town. < aJI and ff them. Oon't pwss IK by f. i DUN int u WRIGHTS OLD STAND * * * FLESHERTON * * I* r. * V* J ust Opened (Jut This Week. Some Snaps in Dress Goods We cle;in.'il out ;i lot of the newest and most up- to-date dress jjoods in Toronto la-st week at less than half price. They arc mostly ladies' costume cloth, cheviots and twrrd. the proper thing for tailor-made suits, and while they last, we will sell them at 7.V.. which i.s les.s than half price. They are 54 inches wide itnd extra choice colorings. FURS^^ Remenirier you will make a mistake if you luy a lad\'s ur ireiit s iu.it lie fore inspecting ours. In tur> \\. an- tin- undisputed leaders in price anil <|iiality. F.verv mat iruaranteed. We have been having a l>ig sale this fall for our furs. lut we have a nice >tmk left yet and we haven fresh lot coming in this week. Visit Our flillinery Department It is now pretty generally admitted that this store is an authority "M anything pertaining to ladies' lieadgear. As a matter of fact we improve ,i> we gi > along >o that the display, which ever, read- er of this paper is invited i< see, will he the be>t the MUM- has ever made. CLOTHING SUPREMACY The barometer tells very clearly that the men s trade of town and country is travelling toward- this T. Sheppard'a quality, T. Sheppard'- prces tell with' the shrewdest men lir.ytT- and we ha\e at pivM-nt an exrrapMid stiH'k ot'all kinds nt punls tor the men. such a> n-ad\ to wear -nits. o\cn.>at~. umlerwear. all kind* of tweeds and ttcr-r.-iU to l>e ni.nl'' iiji with tailors : heavy rulilers and \ Hiirliest prices paid for all kinds of J Flesherton, Ont. 1X80X8X1^^ " ;s On . wfw K *"'"' '' s x ' " m; i ni faun I'lipl-inen's, Fl. .1. . . * - .. the alsoall kin.N "I if.mr-4 ; ' ' ' inaniifxeiur. fa, Cutter, Sl.-iuh*. el ,' . -i . Sp..-.:iill Vie iti.ni t,, ;,.,, i,-|- o.'-i .1^ :ind P: . .-> i.-on-t.in r ly n hand. S^^^ceKB^ace^oooovNx^o^oo^ MARKS DC*IGNS COPTWIOMTS Ac. Anyone wndlng a ktrh and dencrn-n.-n -imy qnlHily Mcrtaln our oplnitm free wnttliftr an invtinilnn ! probably paMotaol*. CoBunonle*. ti..i.iti.iiT~-nn.iBntii. BaadbookonPauMi nt trta. OMaat aa-encr for iwurinu |.i-i i. Pmtantj tafcaa I nn>uh Munn A Co. rclva ^irtil .i<ie, without char**. In lira Scicntinc flmericaiu A handm*lT UrMtraUd wMtly. l.amM Or- rnlatlon ot mnf aeMaliao Jtiurnal. Taran, 19 a four Bootha, L SoM bf all mwxHtatora. .. N MELOTT-t - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which huve MH \y t (\C It taken \ It-aa |iwer than aiT i<h>-r. l>.ieK in.ire uork m U tint-. S,.|.irv, in- ri> r(bo itij All K"riin! protected. 1'eif -et lubrication No tin tip M'tV mid cretin HH ovnr thickly nani-!l.d nrfa. .-. N fcin platoH. lint aluininnm. which never ruxtn Had la WMlf I'MSkul. t fur tho Alexander Crrn-n ,Srmliira

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