Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1900, p. 1

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DECEMBER fl, 1900 THE FLESHEUTON ADVANCE 11 1 ' * YOUNO Haukari. H.I k I.I. !>> a Knertl bar.kiQK bunlneM. Uoatf loauert %( > r..oiil,li, ,tn Call u 91. 8 VANUUbBN. J P iTPfk Mb Ulr Court. Oo Ory i-r i>l Mkrria< I.lceoae*. Confeyancet taiy. I'uiilic Anctlonier. Money to lokn t per cnt. ClntrgM tuoderai*. FLRHHRRTON P DKHT8 COLLBCTEli Che unilentgned li prepared lo ui !.irtk the colloi-tmn ot all klud> ot ilebtu ole tioaijht, aocouou colleeted ete. H N in -.!: iisi IN Plnhertou TCH18LETT Plehrton Rtatlon t'o.tmntpr ,ComtDiiouer la H C J, Con aacer. liiwln, mort^ktie*. teaeei and ' twi. MI>II\ to land at 5) per cent and up- w*r U Uubti collected. Obargee tuoderat*. Drey willn RJ SPBOfI.E PcMtuiaatar, Pleiherton <*n ii-nlxlonnr in H 0. J.. Auctioneer. Con r. |>i>rtl>er and Money LenJr Il<kl Kuv.u and I.imiranca Agent. Ueedi rrort^aKen, li*aea an-1 willn carufully drawn op ant vMti,un made on rhorteHt n'ti-i' M ri"> :u |i>4n at liiwcut raten uf luterot. Col i tttxudeJ to with |iriimptnn'H i low. Agont for Ocean Dominion . . Mbl|> Company. A call nolicited. AO U W mi-, t every fii it and third Uonday la Mkch moiitb, in .uilr ln.lRe room. Chrntoei li'o-k. FlBuhorton, at 8pm. W "birp, W. M. ; A U (liuon. Recorder VltitlDg brethrD PKINCK AKTHTK I-ODUE. No. SM.A. A M. uiwti in the Maunilc ball. Strain's lil.. -k. Klotiarton, every Kriilaj on or bvtorn tbd full moon. J A UoyJ W U ; W J /VH'kf KLK8HFKTON. I. O. F. meeU in 'J l.'hriitoee Block the lt Kriilaj ev-ninn o -ch month. VliitlnK Foretr heartily WBl-ime. C K. H. B. Dymuu ; K.H., F. Van. DR. B C. MURRAY L. D. 8.. <UnUl surKean: honor ifriduate of Torouto UulTeriltjr ami Ko.nl riotlsg* Of OMstM H.irueons of Ontario. OB! ' O|ipult ArinitroiiK'x Jewellery Hturu. Will vn.it Kavpmliaiu Uie lat Wedunmlay of r i.'li iii.tntl . and Dundalk 1 aoil 9 Tliur.I*y lo vacb im, ntli J. W. I?I08T. L U H. '( irriiter, Hollcitor Conveyaueer, eto r>:n<- Next to |>otolBce. Sprotile's block V i -non, every Tliurxla anil, court day* S i -Owen Hound oHic Poulutt itreet anil, Frost* block LL-i'AS. WHUiHT A UcARDLK lUrrlitcn Hollcitors Conreyaneers. et Ortlcon -On Houml.Ont and Markdale Out. W II \VllHIHT, C A IUTSOM I H l.i > N I! -I Innhnrton office, Mlluhell's tlakk erei . Hatur.Uy. TU';KKH * PATTKR80N Hwrlitr, Hollcltom, eto MoUon'i Hank. Owen Hound RAKltY O TUUKKk QKO W PATTKh.HON IIAKVY ft SAMPSON, llnrrliiteM, *n \1 OKfU'KS : IIWBII Srund, Msnbant'S i , "lnk.N if PuttJMon House. l^oinUlk, MM Street, evury HkturiUy. A.O. MU'K\Y. M A, II K AMrHON,I..I.l>. Orowu Attoruoy for Orey. Klaati MUMS \HTKK M C P A H Out. I'liralrian. 8ltr(m>n. etc rtou .)lfle Strain's block. II. i i.-m i .11 i II .i.-l JOHN V Hi'OTT. M II Meinlxir ColUfte 1'iiv.ic ft KurRuonn Oiltari > l)rmlua>t In Mi-.lirino o Tnronto U nv-i . t\. !''-llnwalilp Ilipliiiiia, 1'nat llrxlu- i . I I. il s. h. M.I ami Iliiipiti.!. '|H.-HCIV l)t H v ' . ->f HVH. ar . noan anil thmnt r,.... . 1! v tr.-t- I ItHhlilui. ca.Maiwall.Tlsita Fevoralmm I'lu... l>-n 1 i JI' OITKWKI.I. \ . ri.rtliarjr Suuttmn (Jriwl mt i n( Oiitailn Vtrln*rf ll.tnl.li" r enon'l ilnnr aoilth Wfint on I'.. ntrvet. This utreol runa noutti l'i*li,ii'iiaii Cln.ri-h. \V. M A -5 C K \ --IMI l..ar v Hiirn.ion ami Pentiat. MAI- ll. ^. ^ lniit.' .1 Ontario N'i'ti'rinary OH^ffo, I with rin.mli I'nlvrr-ltv Vlrlta i. .i/.. i Wuilneuilav from II a in tn I i in., ami K'. .'ham Thnrhrtay from U to A p.m. BOAR (or SERVICE Tin famworth Boar (OUT LAW DAN f,,r a,| os ., |.,, rl I'm kin* a' .- .'an I in n'tun hv 'i.|.i s i . ( - i,, ,,*.,. lj"O. I II Mil M..S ,.. ., J. B. 5loan & son ^V Prnprlrtnr fy GET YOUR -^J Sash, Doors, Hooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters ITantl liuilii)(4, Conirr lilocks tli(j}>est (if Spruce l-ith,\o.l and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fitting, etc. Tin nh j of all Kinds Done to Order Tin: UI:ST AVAILAUI-I: un l.r'liii.0'1 IH -rlllnij tin, benl farm f<rala lliatoaii Im pnilii nil thi. market known as ths Rsii-h Truck aml. i lt | M ., k, M ,' WmUB*nn il KlnnrT n'ijair un hand alu'i ^iirfta an I N-.-II-. . fur .ilfrn.ont i' llnm ahiMlu ili HIM mi Ui nuiat prlal|<iM, M I ham Wirlinrt umluf l|r uriifoiis lu tin, Old c.iiii I'll, -o'llla, 4\j 0,1000. Mf T. M.RILHT. ,i,,,,, v roTM ,....,, run of Stout* for Chopping. Hatiitfaction in all our linoH guaranteed Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at (west rates. Special attention .JIM-II to copying. l!.itiies' photos. a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULflER Jsfew Proprietor 4 Having pin :lmNed the trin.nri.il bu Iiesafroiii Mr Li I ;,rd I wish riuinnouiici. that the biuinem will be continued in tho old promises. \\ . have had a larg. city experience ai.d believe we can give perfect satisfaction in our line. lluve taken over the agency for I^olstou Laundry ANIJ - Par*,r' f - Vy, . And all orders left with un will receive prompt and careful attention. Fleshertofl Shaving Paflors A. Wilson . . Prop. New Cfood$ AT TI1R Jffote ftotn Protector/ No inure .",' tho tail 'cr thu lines in ny Hi'uM. n. See it. A full line of Hweat |iiul, iliiHlel-N, cnllurs, axle ure.ise, hi.of oinlinent ciHiiliH, triinka, vn'ineH, etc. Hr<> the Simitary l?rce for L ntlein. n', wenr - only 40u |ier |mir. 1V. MOORE HAIINKSSMAKKR Kl.l.Mi I K r. ,s nNTAKIIl curry VKAKI.Y toCliriHti.il, man . i WDHI;UI < > li,<>k iiwin rf |,,,, ,,,,, j,, n^ Ui>iiiiiii-a ; to iu.t as M;.niKor and C'ornH|.niU'iil; work cm. ! .(one t your hi.ino. Enclnso Keif jiililiaitHeil, fllHlnped ei.vcliij.e f"i- |'iitioiilrto H A. SliuiniKii, (ieno:.il Manatur, (,'orci.ran lluilil- ili'.'. i'| 1'i.nite l'i iteil Stiitog nry, Washington, D. (.'. Wni. ncCalmon, 'in. ..i i i nf end Dealer In SIEEKSH, StOTCB 4 UIUIU Granite and Marble Work Ol- ALL KIND Mc>HUIlUMlts Farmer*' Institutes Mr. 0. C. Creelman, Supetliitendent of KnriniTH 1 In.-tituti s, has juat cuinplet ed unannemenUt for the holding nf uvur 7IHI meetings durinji the t< lining month* of I)i rcml.ci, January and Kuhruftry. into Midland harbor on Friday, and on Tuesday the Miuitaj/a hi ought tier home to Tliornbury. The niily damage doi> lo Mr. Hooey's staunch little vtul, "Tin: I. K |.cmi>,;r Ki, Muriv, " WHH the loss of the >*ils and the breaking of the rudder. The I,..}-, had an exciting experience aiid gft JZfio* w^ ^t y*** t*sja. Tak, Oook'i Cotton Soot Compoail Is iincossvfallf asrd monlhir br orr ar draiwlM for tattsw ***&>- Tier, as all Mixtures, pills and agerons. r ri*s. Mo. I , II DM- rees etrnnffer.il per bin. Mo. , All the delegated who have been appoint- r < tifcongritulated f</r inanaving thtir .1 ^ _jj_ lltmlMpliOl.it Cut nil SluifUlst Ni, licit Sydenl ,1111 :,t , -- Kltwhortoti to addreni> 'In- various Innlitutc meet- ings aru practical men !. have Mm lied i-hiselj tl.e nulijt'ctn tliuy aiu adu:nimd to distuH*. l!i iidci the re :uUr topics thorn are throe H[nTi,il hubjucta lli it will icccu i- a' - tciitinn this winter and the following in- stiuctiuiiK have I.een issued to Hie !<..- bj the Snjiermtendent ; " 1. 1-1 winter, .it ll . rcqucftt of the I*ro. Minister of Agriculture, the "Ba- con II w wan di-riis-nl in ill ot our mm t- in. M. The minim uf this c i, ins.- in .il icii.iy niniiilc-ting itvclf. A belter t-lit-M, nt hogH are bring offend tur Mile thia fall than ever before. The Kugixtrar irf Live Si, ck for the I'inviiice Mute* iliai fur the lust time the bacon t i. <-<ls lead in the nunilierN i>f thomuxhlircoii reximcred ainl wo are r. cuivim; enquiries from all |. u t - of thu I'rovmcf in rtluicuce lotlie bivt-d- ii L', fei dinx >tnd finishing of thUclam ! aiiiiiutlH. It in likely, therefore, that this siiije. t will come up t..i di CU.-M m aju n t many uf uur inuctiiiKS tins inter. Our duly dm H iKit lie ah-ng the line of advimni{ fnimcr* to Uku up hou ruining as it biuim-Hit, but rather to asswt tliowe who are already pork producers ID rai-e mil put on the maiket letter article i Inn they have done herctofoiu. N\'c have not a home imtiket now I. i iln k f.i' pork and we cannot succowful) cmu- petu with the Americana in their min kvl so lout; an thoy huve cheap coin to f ei d tin ir hogs. Baron, therefore, mut bo our |>iii'cip.tl pork product and tl.c kind- ly recrpiion which our Canadian " Wilt- shire Buli'H " have bei-n nccoidtd on the British market is sufficient to justify im in recnmiiu'iidm<; the funnels to breod to the (menu type. Much tins already U-i n done by our progrewive swino breeders to inipinvv the bacon clasoes and it wan a noticeable feature at our fall f.m - this year that in all cliiB-scfl of ht>igH tl.cre were longer individual iinimals and the judges kiava ihehighint premiums to tinme ani- mal* tint sliowed the leant indication of carrying Mj|.crfluous fat The Hubjec' of Culd SiorHj;e for fartn products will >>e dwcututed tin. iint.T at i.ur meeting*. You must In.' prepared to ducuss this ijueation. New lawn have her n |Miswd in Ontario relating to this subject .mil tlu-iie you -I. mild familiarize yourself with. I have already seiit \mi the latest nubluhed infornmii n mi the mibjei t and you will plcaoe i-tuily the | principlyfjiivoli-ml and the method ami | cott of construction of such a plant a*! wnulil be practicable f.>r the avers^c r.in.-idi ni farmer. When we awmhlu in Cuc-lph t the time nf the Kjq eriiiienial Union 'nut the Provincial Winter Fair, it in oxpuctfl^ that an expert will ! tiu-iv to aildrrs* ymi 1.^1 thin topic and we hope a'ao to have a OoUstonfcyn plant theie at that time for |irnctunl duiiioiiKtrtiiin. Another industry that wdewrv ins; IIH in- attention tlian it receive*, and which the Hun. Minister of Agriculture IK ai.xioiiH to promote, in that of Poultry Raising and Falti-iung for the In me and Foreign in.irki i,-. I am arraiiL'ini! fcr a series of spri'i.il poultry nieetingn inconiicctioii with regular and Hiippletneiitary inei-nii^s, liut the number of fnrnn-rs who will attend the iliitnct iiieetii gs innsi of ne. es-ity le liinitnl and I ri ntu-itt ibat you aoi|uaiiil y. iirsclf H.ili h.ii lias been done nd in Iking done in this country to promote tliiM indtmtry. Siiecial inntiuftinii on |Kiultry matteiK will alo be futni-hed nt the Winter Kan mid you will there nli tain iiraciirnl hinta and inforniatinii thf ill-mid bo n-i fnl to you in your winter inuvliiigi. " A Thrilling Experience Tho Cliuksluig Reflector says: ^ Mesurs Heib Honey. |)ve liuler and Kred 'llmin hid HII exciting ai.d ilangur- OIIH experience in thu Niorni mi \\. ilm - day nf lat m-k. They weru adout u mile IMS! of Meafi.nl mid about one uiul 11 luilf miles off ihe clny 1 mikft when the U>>1 struck tin ni. They wm ciinyiug ur suiN, and as they naw the storm ap- proach they took m the jib, they then tried to lower the until, Hail, but Ihe ropes ni wit and refuted lo work in tiie Hiks. The wind struck tho boat and i' went over. Tluir.mnlllio.it Hunted nnd -..m.. lumber mi the dirk HUH also curried awity, Iliey then l.t the 111:1111^.11! gn nnd it WHH torn lulu iiblxin-i. It >-, iib.mt mi.. n when the yulo cumi) mi I'lul lor Homo two hours they lay in the trough of tht. s, . There being m. help in sight, nnd Ihe storm allowing no signs of abnt- iiiiC.thtiy lioniled 'ho I,. ..it lor the Omnium lands, pa-sing through tho g;ip, m.i ling on to I'eiiutang lay. AH thuy arrd the h;iy they hooted a sail, but it was torn to sin edit They went out lo Nail It- lilt point Hll.l il;n|i|ied Hlli-lli. r The michnr WHS uraggod itlxiut J of a mile Ulld tliti bo:it wit* luwched on Ihu ninth CHt end of Siihke M.iinl. It .ix ,iUnil two o clock ttlluli they left till) |.l. iii- iili. ie the iptle struck them, a Oil tlu-y "ero iiliclnin d foit\ (.lireo milrH fio:n hero lit ti.IiO p. ni , (I,,- |....ii being driv- en with iint.hing but barn poles i.p. 'Hi, \ rtM.min.d at tho end of the islmid all lit, having uoiiu aslinri) nnd tied Mir t'. In the illuming Moauni. II ,. \ and Id, i, i. Il rowed over to Mid ami, nit threo Hides aay, in tho MUM!! boat, md got the tn,' H.nie., but lie tt^k. oi in ,' thu IHI.U It' thu beach w*is too iiuch for tl.i.- tug, so they hail 10 K ,,i the 114 Miiiitagi in C'.ine lo tin- rcM'ne, ai>d lie, after breaking a four inch rop, h. <1 o WHit until Friday morning u> ^, i [In vrsnol I! ii. n ..{jaii,. The boat wr* low- . in such terrific nix) getting wife to land again. Clubbing List Nearly all the i In aper class of city iiewsjij.f:H liuvo r;t -cd the pi ice of their nl,. ripiion very mm. i ;illy this fall. Thiais owing to tuocau.v -lhe imposition of pOKtitge and mi-reuse m ow-t nf white paper. Following in a list uf the various clulil)in_' prici MI far ,w we have emu plel-'d i': The Ail V.-IMC.C and Mail and Empire ?1>0 (Bulai.ce of thin y. ;tr free) Weekly (ili-be... 1 80 Daily News Daily Star 2.56 Weekly 8uu l.SO There is noth- ing so bad for a cough as cough- ing. It tears the tendermembrane of the throat and lungs, and the wounds thus made attract the germs of con- sumption. Stop your cough by using the family remedy that has [been curing coughs and colds 5 >";>' of every kind for over sixty years. You can't cfford to be with- out it. " '-',>' bnr;*fo. , '0 degrees stronger, Is per box 1 or I, mallei on receipt of pile* ami two s-scnl stamps. 1 U* Cook Company Windsor. Ont. Hf~Ni>8. 1 ai.il J sold aod recommended by sUi rMixmsUbl* iJruggisu 10 Canada. No. 1 aoii No. 8 I* Bold In Kt.iiheion by W f. Itiuhardsou and VV. M. Chrisux, Drugs'istn. The Markets. farrfnlly t'vrrrrtrd Krh Wheat. Wheat. Oats Peas wliiie. rtd.. fiutier Ktfgl f rcah . IVatuua barf. . \V,,,,! ......... Clii.keus ..... Ducks Tuikeya |i. rlK. (!eiH. % pt'r Ib. . . Flour Hides.. 15 to IT. to Cl) to 30 to 17 to 17 -,o 6 00 to ">0 Ml 16 to tO to 8 to to (id <*> :5 17 17 So 30 50 6 00 *3 40 ti\ 8 tu loosens the grasp cf your cough. The congestion of the throat nnd lungs is removed; all inflamma- tion is subdued; aod the cough drops away. Three sizes: the one dollar size is the cheap- est to keep on hand; the 50c. size for coughs you have had for some time; the 25c. size for an ordinary cold. " Por 19 years I hail a Terr rod roufb. Th doctor* nod e \eiylwdy elM thoni;ht 1 had true CAM ot rnnsunntiun. Then 1 tried Ayn't I'mrry Prrtont and It ouly took a bottl* and a half to ran OIP " T. MABIOX MM i IB. Oct. 28, IN*. Camden, XT. Writ* tha fftoctor. If yon hare any onmplalnt whatever and dealre the bl mv.ll.-Kl adTtee, write the Doctor freely. Addreia 1m J. C. i Y EK. Lowell. SUM. fgillTDEE WAREROOR1S S We are carry in* newvHt style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines uf FURNITURE Consisting of ^Par/or and J3ccJrocm Suites \ .oungoj . <Stdo-$oaids. tf'on and Centra Tjabtas, ItJindow Shades and Curtaim y*ols, Zricttireo, Caaels, tte Which we offer at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing I'luiei-t din..' in all its Brunches Satisfaction Uuaranterd W H. BUNT, M-KOPKIKTOR FLF5MEBTON Farm for Sale ICO-acre frn. Mily ?amo If ol<1 t , n.-.- - scran . 'i.r.-.l un I in ,|, ,;! tat. nf . T uiva- tion, *0 *l'ii.ii. rlearo nnd M>r>Uwl for riin t !, well wHti't.'.l an. I fem-t-il. Good frame brn. stable unitel- . fiania ilwt-Lini;. splmnllil orch- ard, 2 n. il.- 1 1. HI. '..,.! '2^ miles fnnn Klftuher- in'i Moderate payment ituwn, buKiice rally ifrma. <\|HO M iininber of other K'MK! fmrnis for t,. |i, J. 8'Ki I'l.K, T atul Rsal l:>.tAt.i \,;ntt Flcalierton. Camwortb Boar The nnilMrnlfneil lia < fjr "i-rvle -liro.i lirr.i rionn.irtti llour *>n Lit . i oon. 10 <> 1-1 Tariu* l.'iicsikh. Nov. I V. L. F'.avms fox* Sa.le I.nt H6-I47. Con. S. T. an, I S. K.. 100 nrn-s V) ai-ri'K clonreil, lutUnc* li/ii IO.M..I i; ... i (mine tuni ami bam, I) uiilu> from Klnahnr ton. Aim. is acre-* nitli unoil fiamr barn. IH acnis tinilor cnltivfttlon. Hi acrni tiar.lwuoit himh aiul balanoo ron^ti AIM! well watered W A. AlJhl9Ti(ONti. Klwlierton Jan. t\ ItWI. You Make A Mistake If you hv Pale, Crocnlsh, or Sallow Comptaxlcn, Cold Hands and Foot. Loss of Ap- petite, Dyspepsia, Laok of inorgy or Stomach Troublas. You Make ^ ; A Mistake Whca you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood aud Nerve Pills to counter- act these conditions. Why ? Be- cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system. The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the b'.ood and nerves. All fooU is acted on by the stomach aud pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. W-sri't Pills KIT* just the pro- per help to a tired system, sad dif- fuse a glow ot health through the whoisi human frame. You feel yourself getting wall when you take Dr. Ward's BlooU and Nerve Pills. i ,-t-. per box. flro bnea for tlOX All itro> a-. iv or Sam W .Hiatus et Co., Tor onto, OnU Agents, Why Don't You Send for a Free Prospecius of CANAIU'S Soss os KUPJR AJIU VELJIT I It i< the lt.-it ln.'k nut. HK'e'it jtwt r<<|>i-rm 61 siiltw in 8 ilnyx. hi.il another 20 in 4 dayu. l!.iuk, MIIII|'| uini-ly i linirilnl, and in NO cheap it sell* . m t<:ght. SwnU (or a FKKK PKOSl'Ki'Tl'S b.-fore y.m aKup, aiul tiuiki' iiimicy .-HSV .in.) i(niek. THE BRADLEY -UARRETSON CO.. Limited M.-,,ti,,n U.IM paper. HKAKTFOki), OM. An Uii< TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. ' " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN." VOL. U, NO 10U Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, Dccernb>r 13, 1OOO W. H THURSTON, EDITOR ft PHOPB1ETOR Mc?arland & Richards MtParland, Grey & Southgate It NO At k OREV COUNTY'S BIGGEST STORE TORONTO McFnrland & Co. MARKDALE Qarments , Fir^ selection in Fur* btlsrsrfl I'est. The best tune to selei-t furs i" eitrly HI the "pring when list *e*Miti' "t'\ke" h cured ami put on the market. Later on, when London snd New Ym k hue declared the styl s they are ordered to he made up. That'* the wny WE huy furs No store i'nn have us ty!i-l' furs as we have unle.si their order w IM plued e:ir!y. Thin year the atvl are particuUrly fetclnnt;. S<nne in livers h-ivi been prone to HI eure comfort ftlone. \\'e have found mm who cotnliine* artii-tic tato with ideas of comfort, the result i.t.mir lur de- Ki|{nH ure lie-iiitifiil to look up>n and conifortahltf t..> -vear. For Iiistan.'e - t M r.i. II.MI JarkrtN < ;i| rni;^ anil Kiill A-*rachan Jcketn made nf (Exclusiv.' Styles. , Capeiines- \\.' bet German dynl kinn, specially ,| low ;kll l m , )8 t iiiiliinittd aiwort- , 1-- t.-d. iari;e curl (or clnms even ,, lL ., lt O f Uperinea in Aslrachnn. RUck Opjxiguni. Persian Lnin's Thibet, Alaska Sl>le, Electric !*fl. Grey LHIH\ nd nls<> pretty ctiui- hiiuitions oi ihi-ne furs. The**' ;t'e nude up lieautifuilv in the newest .md l>et styles. A full description of tin-e KHriiieulM would h uu |iosil>li' in the space at ourdixpomtl. \\ c unite' vou to come snd see for curl, if preferred ) good atortn collar, lined with beat qual'ty Italian or pure xatin, quilted, every inn. lent id fully gutranter-il Lengths '.'4, '^5, 30. 34, 36 inches Sr/.es .'54 in 44. Price* lange from ->-' fii) all the way up t f40.IX> I ii - v Priced a|>e, I,id:i ' ',t|i, M iua<le of J tiKioese 'ne.ir, toinfortahle -<t..nii cuflar nf lil.tijk i 1 1] n -si i in, soft I'H.iliic skinx, '" i'.icheN U-nn and extra wide swoep, fully guaranteed a nap net f 7 Ladies' ' .'iipiM.nuulenf good quality AN'iachitn, beautifully made and thoroughly lined, uoud Hturui culUr, 1'K) inch sweep, two prices $12.30 aud tlo 30 Attractive Fall Goods at Special Prices The suite is filled to overtt' 'win;.' with new good* t- r fall md winter, all for easy leeing and huyint{. >t\ e and l>citiity -^n >-t the flhitr Wool Itl.inkets 50 |~'iirs ll wDul blaukets. lar^e size and heavy weight, pink or blue borders, sptii.il $2.l>5 y"ure:t'. no such dinplay nutide nf City sti-rwi. Prices rtn^e fr. .m 4.50. all the sy up to gl.YiM) Rufls Our allowing of Rutfa is al- iii. .-t, if nut i(uit-e :IH eJtcnwve as of Caperine*, our stocks rcprexent all that is new anrl i;oiid in Uutfs and are just what fashion ban decreed ahull be worn. Prices rane from 75c to . . .912 ) visitor mi every side ; eleg-tnce and richen at every turn. liiNxl. honent wi-rth .-md merit in every article, no matter how small the price, and representing the best efforts we have ever nut le. Flannelette* K\m h.-iiiy .[ii.i.iry Km; t>h KIMX|M, 32 inches wide. 1'iu ran^e of clnm to flio . .-e f .1,111, suecial lOc Men's wool So\ 10 do/.. [Kiirs \Ien's wiH-l.m, ribli- rd tops, white t.icK and hei !s. pc<'ial 15c pr., '2 pr '-.V I'h- St Te in full of >uch Viilue*. while o'her s'ores ure forever nl.uutiiiK nl> 'Ut '\heapnesi, " we're c< nil'inii I;IHI ijinlitv with low prit-es, and in- that yoi! *hall never buy an unwoithy dollars' worth hen-. YI ur <s .irj inir intero-tH thertfuro the bu-inei-n >{rows and t-row" contin- ually. ti ji e IT t^' XIL >. I niiiiin Hat nN, pLiin '.'7 unties wide, worth IHc McFurlana d Co McFarland d Co ffinncunotrnviit / La > Fruin Onr Ou'H Correspondent hells are nnumj has returned home for the winter. He in lookinK hale and heitrty. MIHS Waning f Vandeleur IH vmitmu her brother, Mr. Geo. Warling. Mina Ki hinMm has returned to her Mr. Hickliug ha been confined to hin i, mlle f ler an onendrd visit here. lied for three weeks. We hope he wilt si on be nr.iuiid again. Dr. Carter ha* been in attendance. Mr. H:ckhn:j'i sons hav suci'^eiied in replacing their hurnt saw mill by a much lar^r .structure, xolidly put up They are to Im cm gratulated on thu r Hurcrssful wiHxl craft, killing handi helping. Ihey will s. on be in ohpe for turning out shingluM anil lumber Freds aiiut'eur and h'nit effort is not perfect, but a d.-c,d .-t --nxeiiH, IH-II.JJ a nuw illnsirttion "f the s.iyiug, inhere there's i will there's a way. rn.ii.ii Sia n Ffnm "iir Uii-it <'rre<p<>ndnit It 11 with deep regret we note that M i -.. Hunter., our esteemed nclim 1 teach- er I. a* resigned her school. Mrs. Hunter will be -.'really missed in the Saiibath school as well .ut ihe iUy school. Mr. t'hrmiie .lnhnton, jr , and Mi-s 1 Mtud Ji.hniiton '.v.-ii- the ^u.-sts of Mr. t Howell 1,11 Sunday. Mi-s Lizzie Little has n turned from it 1 visit to Owen Sound. !>>ii t forget the public school t-nt.-r- ' taiinnent at thm plitcw on \\.il . t>ec. 19. ! Free lui mission. Come one, come all, , -no nret, cmue sm.il,'. Mr. U-ttiil StuiHoii tin* !> uyh' the reiidt'tice f'o u Mr. :ntei djt moiin^ n.to Please Ring The Belle" O Mrs. .). Speers L.is been vmiting with her friend. Mrs. Bemroee, for the lat few d\s Miss Arnie Harnaon of Corbet ton IM sUyii'g ith her aunt, Mrs. \V. Brown- n;ig-, for the vinter. \v c are aorry to hear .hat Mii Lavin.a Rjnjrs, Diamonds. Rubies, Pearls lownrul^ ,. very ,,,! j at tun, of, 5 ap phires. Emeralds. writin-j, but In p.- to hear uf her im , pr.'Venienr. And nil manner of prrr.i.HH .nil si-n:: M s, Liaiio S'erlmg has been laid up preeiouH stones are here nlmwii in ex- with iinrt.niiin itum of the eye, but we tire giad to In ar it in getting better Dr. Sci.tt hai be.-n attending Mr. M. Hnllips tw.i viiun^ent l.oys fur scxrle' fever and diphtheria, and we are plenseu in hear 'hat he has broii'.iht them around So every belle say*, in her tieirt. uuhe absent Iwau, on looking on our uuuchies* collection i.f beautiful 't uuain im! i- hop.- th:tt n .nil not spread any further. Mr. Clias. Kenwick m home from Bnumyi ne, wbere he has Iwen runnmii tlie cheese :.ictury. i|IHMte C"llee|il|oli. .set- nus is very .ttrikinu, ui.il the pricr* inako tho lovely pii'-.-s 1.1 the timre at- tnii'tive -for we have n.iirkeil 'In- _ at only a Very reasonable ;irotit. If you tn ihlnklnf of RUirlfif the Belle, vlait our >iore tor TOUT pmiii and her* The Road Question * I ii"atlv hu li DfiCk .Inlin Lyons ani town this wit- k U i. were gliid ti see our ol.l frieini. Mi il.'o Allen of \Vn, \i--r. lt w. ek ijhul to hear that Mrs. X. d McLean IN n.-eoverirc,'. Mr H. M Carlyle p.ti.l a flying visit to Proton l.i.t w ek. M.< Uuby Trelford hi's been v. ry .md we ate L'lail Ui h.-ar that she \ the way to recovery. ill Rathe Edttor.j The DKAXMK. -I have read with great in- U-re.si the coniiiiuniiutioii . ( Cnuiicillor Boyd. It certainly pl.iceu him buyond the ordinary ability of an nrdmsry coun- ci lor. He gut** the iiii-a of no ordinary I reader, \\lio h. sul, s, in the towi.ship, ' would have token notice of Fres.ili-ni V.-K.nley's remark r thu action of the lirrtn.tnx in trm-binti;; rhs) report f ' Ik-ad Instinct .r I'ainpl'i'll ' It ahoulii ] lure ci>rre*p<>i.dinx weiclit with ihe in 1 habitants i I Alt in- .1. It Wllllld !l.l>e li on tin r mghly complete h.id we u wi rd from the liovernnr (ieneral of Ouwda. But as this Mr Citm;jbcll is expect, d thnmaiio wnt "it ; lit I ** W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTiCiAN. FLESHERTON. AH i instrumental music. Th. ;irtii-tic VH,|IB pUvmi; o( Mn. llnjh MeRiranil Arrhl- ,.i..i \l -I . r i. i ftcconi|mied ; 'v M IH inn Juie on the orgini. deserTea *p. -ml \ v . :iif just rect't \ing our import stock of Fancy Goods, Bibles, Etc. v our fiistoinors will find richer ami inoro him t'vi-r hftbiv shown, in fact 1 may s.iy tho Luucuiu Our OHIH CorreiponJrnl Tlie pri spec's are msxl for Euyenia to In i. m the onnmifc! summer. The veneer f n t.H-y in ioiu< lo s'.nt a^itin w t i i a:-^ force of hnnds. Mr. Curr m laying in his null yar I a Uruur s -.ck than formerly. Mr. VViIsini is il.iing a ru-hnitf bn-m.-ss at hi.- factory lie has aliMi purchnstsj the store and rtsi : i cc o| i!n- ' i-e Mr Puidy ai.d is ifoing to tix it up into a tii - dwell nj I.IIUHI-. Mr. Sloan :i al-o putiin..' in two new wter wheels and ther im \>r- veinvnU intj his pl.tmn.- mill. S,. the pi'ospecis for a busy summer's wnrk itt Kim* nut .-i ncicr lio:t r ; l.in .it prH< nt. Mr. Jac llMtti'ti I. as ritu:nnl fr. in Mulniur. wiu-r.- he -pctH -hi- -ii-nmer. Mr-. Thoini sun md lur bi-ntht't. ^!l. R. Thistel, nf Mulinur. | .1,1 .1 Hs>t t' tru-nds m St. Viiiei-nt lasi \v. . k Mess: 1 ". H. Wi'l.ains and <>i'.i. (nir-lmi havt their h..nna. IIIL- no* i. < d.-tn-ns tin i-!n i and tind tl em . ,,-j .tml , n.n i -\lr. K I'un ' h.ii also li.ul si vei-tl ivw imprin em, lit- .uii'.'-il to binliuu**), m it very c sy for t e cold went* er Th- re iia< in c', more bu..oi. y dmie till- | a.^t s n. inter in thin locality than cvtr iiefni e. Mr. DMkwM 1 .:.- biiined emlit Kiitu nf luoi' with iiver !><<' hu-li. in each. Tint' vtr pr. KIIJ; M.I l>i-a:n<eni -n have dieted the following officers for thx eiimniiii ' \V M. k. rVUs ; l M. I'.. W, i , i . Ti-. }i. f.u n:s ; Chap . K. T Carr . Soc., ('. Meldri:iii ; Kcc S,c., .Ja<. Of s n ; I Jake \\illiai, s: D of C . U. IVd.ir ; 1st Coin . A. Can tit hers. H. M. li. er- HUM, K. Otmpbfll, R. Mc.M'ilii'ii ..i: 1 I* MuiishaH. here before thin will appear in pr mill await hm commit. The c.'cdesci n- sinii of Cotuicillor I4ojd tn atiide ly the Itctsii n of the electorate m magnanimous and would be lino if lie were elect. -n But that wi'l ili'i'enii veiy much upon Ins p. tut record. S.-ir.- people art: nlwaya M- H'lgh MvRse left for D mot-it !( \\i-iliiendaT to net op tin' mprinnrry .,. Mr. I'. L.wrence's new aaw tri I Mr. MrRa* wih I kely remain with Mr. Ijiwri-ncr :ur ins; tne winter sii bend *airTr \V ir ex'reroely sorrv to lose him .11 'ie was oa of r-ici-v I ,- nmt citixcns. Mot .inly wiu he an cin-r flic bnsmrss mD. hut slso in -n- iker in every good oanse. H mi MI] m tnsi E. L. snu the the too premature, > u ./ - Stock " ver - Shown Tn flny Store In Cbis County. t n in tho Markets and select ft 1 them n .-(leak with confidence. The ..tock is Ever Before Offered A't Maxwell !,.() L has elected th in ' otfii'L'rs f"r tin- ei.Miiin^; yt'r M. j K. Kilmer ; l>. M..\V. T \\njir | J.is. Iiuckiii^liain ; Sec. \\ . H Km. S c.. L. Scutt ; Treos., I.. 1 I,..- . llm. Ki -i,u.<iiii ; 1) uf f , . M , Chslp. <!tiv . Kcr'on : M-u.slmli w. AM to hm *Uttite laKir scheme. H is not an bd, and it ili-< unMi'ii is to IK' hud it OMintiiutes n-.i an n.fir'i.r fac'.'r ai.d is *or:hy nf . ' ii-nleraiion Here in another 'cheiae to the trout Statute labor to be com- muted at 7<~> ceuts per diom. All r a.l iiiMM ms tii i-fuiain ai- they .uf. The farm- eis in |y their everl sums by drawing stnin tioni tilcir (arms at so mu li per "isc r -. rd, nml 'o be plan d .11 a S|M.I Milecte.) by the nverst-er. Th ,-\ to meaduic and retuin accuuntH tn the council. The township t buy a -team > oi.e crusher, t" hi; pi. id f r in a leim ot years and to lie opvlitfi'd by i'.e t-.ii- shi|i. iiinini^ i' tn in place to pine tn tin piles 'ilaie i -tone ami 'In 1.1. Th, 1 .i.-ne .so broken to lie dritun whete nteueil by ihe ou-i 1011 f m-i M-I r i i- c- iiin;i>sii ntr. Th- jib nf diaw- li"^ ~m li s: le tn in- lol to the lowi s; bd.li-r, r ( .nv.i!i a t.. ny [ i I'M n Mitlnii tin .1 MSIOII or illusions wher s; m- :.- iii|ii!i.d i'hc iv'inle dii'y ot tinsliini; 'li- stone 'iinl ,;iakin^' ihe road *o rest Hitli the cntiiicil. Ity the abnvi -. lu-n.i it will be m t iced t! at the farmer has an idvalltHXM if n iiinvii .^ >t ne trim I'ls 'ann, whch ieii.li is ;o him a di i;l..e ben ti'. a cleared faun and ij I'nler my s.heniv, hon-v-t fo.-A.'tiil liinveiiii n'. an imiiH diturc mu-t iako plii.e, .n,.l it IK- thi.r n;:hly i j und' iibtfdiy mult rst, od ih.it :Iie villiigf- I wl.lcll IIAVU cminniitcil .'ill. i -.I'll m : u- ur < on the i|iieslion. Lt-t t he t.m i, sliip decide for it'l'. It may be too, that if tbe t'.nshi;> di < lid to move out nf 'he <! I in: tli.l- iiee-l In I. ut a siinjjlv. ch.-iniff UN f.-ir as .--t-i'iitc lilnr is im iii-d It would IH; nic-icly cbin;in^ th.' r.liiMiy iia.l work to liiaw ;n^ K than^c ensily actviied to. Mnpni:? may hi. 1 many mole to v;iv; tlu-n Hen s, I HIII > oltrs. AXiTHKU UATKI'AYf'l. church choir ..f which he effii'irnt loaiicr W are pleaMtl to w* the jolly snj pietf. ,uit . unii-uooci- o{ Mr. Alex imerr n in I oui mul-i aiinia. Alex, hua hf. u v m the vicinity of Urnupttn .lurin;: ths) summer. Mr UichiiH Parsln.v P f Sirmton Park tprot few .iavH f last week wilh bis sca- in-iHW, Mr V j Hlakeslon. .I:u-k Frost msy nnw mgn iiipn-m* tr. la-t i.nn p .u the O D H was *t-iv ("< pit- led a VMM* i^l'i ..ut \liiDiiay. A w>'t-L .ater that woulil i u* been s guncr A IO x |'2 ami It, snnrna llm vlcagi t nf ail who piociir-J tho high prices ps..l lur peal laat week at Plvativrt.in St ilicn. Honor K.IN Hep. It of S. S. >.i. I. Art. mid K for NI. vi in . 01 IMS V Sr -Mary Brai.ilF. Clasi V. Jr. -Ella Brsvn.lf. V \:ma Humliorstm-e. i Brndhnry, J O'Brien. I'la-is ill. Sr \-rtiH tlnrley. L'.SH 111. .Jr.-H. Thorn pm ". S. UniU- huiy. ' Smith. Class 11 Sr. S. Smith, A. McClung. CI.-INS II. Jr. Lisle Smith. Pint 11 t'. i a \t irt n. Tail ! -Kii'lie Smi.li. I-I.-n ; \I, I'lnny. A. Hinn, T. 1 1 llep. rt , f S. S. < Ni-viii,l)er. Cl.,s, IV. Th..!i ';'*" Cl'asi 111. r -Hsaolil Hc,;rv, ' '- Tbompsoi . Eddin \\.HM-U. Cis.s III. Jr Mal.cl Clunl, I No. H, A:" . ! e:.t w C!ird, K Ilcrbij- ,t wi.l Fihhi r, !> k.i I'edlar, Clttta 1 1 Sr I \Varlu . Millie Ki.-h. r. Ualkui, Elbert Cotafii d T.iylor. Hn! man. Violet Mal.,-1 l:!,krly. ^i.sl-T. Hutiy M .. -^ ' i t'lasi 1't. Sr. Alice Hn'ni.in. Eildio "haul, Lena Walk r. X rtlinr t'h.-in 1 . I'-. II. .li v .l' i V ! i' .i- - ii n, .M 1 1 (!.! -spie. tVll.t IVillir, Sitii' Uool -. \ venire :.'!i niiaii. i UT .). A. !ti T' n:- ' ' In-i. . . CU Richardson , * i MUM- son ; dun , Ur ... Ltile, K ullcv, ;\V'ailnK, M, Donald. P.m. i;,.|i!.i, \\ . M of Kuvui.shani lud^e, cor. !nc n| t' eb ct ion in Mich .t manner as a a et.'i'r in linns ,t Several \ i>itnrs n L'I u J)l'ti- cnt. Aftcranl a hiucliU"ii w ut pur- tjtkvii of, pnn nlfd "V Mr-. Un;. and M'M, V\l'i_h', winch was highly appic iilii'l. NVe ui dert-unl that. Mr. Smu TinliC I will an nil c .i.tet the reevesl-ip. MIKS Kihe rinlli|)s M home from TO- I n n' '. wheru she h,u> becu ciijja^ed m thu Inolatlun hospital. Mr. ThiM rWiniom-, who has beuu I home for ihe p.i-' :" months, has IK- tui-ucd in his ponitinn in DoiUrvill*. ||" ( will be very much missed by the yuiiu^ pvople of this town. Mr. '<eo. !., wh i has Ix-en out ^ oat -in>.e last spring, lias murned houie. t'ai-t \V.H. |.t-iiip,M> nf the ateanur Pittahurg of the Wiuvisor IK] Frier ville Owr Oiru On W.-Jurt'-il.ty '.f laDt wek the RT. t'. \V. Vark-y, M A., pustnr nf the .Meibuuist cl.urcli uf this plujc.wa* unite I m umri i*i;e in Mvs M .1. Mc.MiHinr iif garni*. Mr r.ua Mie. Vnrly rnvd h.-ui" !t Friilny sn.t il. the eveahu: a vc rv ,... .^,.1. ,i., i lately n'liU.lcd iciitli.ii was In-ld lu tin uurdonag. Jul befnre tin ^niit-u .i.-j urt1 Mr.Vrly was preiteuUd with a HUM! and aa address ot good wishes nJ martyiir! Cfll.lti U) OUT .'.-111111 Lliu: y . Un Tuesday v t unm, tho 4tb ir.it., ihe C. li. o' til* t'tesb.v tei inn ahuich luvileu the mcuibers ul th< K I., to >ptu<i a, s>.cia! <?. n- nig wilh them Although ' wewthcr was j uafxvuiali!* a lutfr uuiiiber uf lewguna n. - I d to ths fc i ii>'iou iu*ilaliu u.U a les*nl time WM tbe n suit. After ; i*i UA.-roisn a spluinliii supper was by Un Udis! aud this was lollowsd >.9ilsL pro|raa \ n. n. .;>l\i'it\sinu mr>.!-f t llnllili 'H i f 'I e 'n\' II I't- HUM- !,e n.nis in i hiny to !nii din it It may ' e Mat l.e i; to of ihe I'li-itu-** t' at ci tni'M 'M '..wi.. MI-' a> t hi- nld drol c ft* hmiev ihe in e- ;,r i't' in. i! ;ii\ ciii-i ,- H Im b ir'{i [v n| CnC'.ltlV t'l tr:u!e. I e i f i;,,' i- . the the TV Ortat _ -, Sold and r*or.imrndp<l t>? sjl ramtsti tn Oaosds. Only rcll- ahl- niMlletne dlacoerd ou now tlrsi<aiis! lo cure all forms o!3e*aat akn.-**, ail effects nf nhnsw or ezeevs, Nentsi Worry. Rieesstm one at TO- bMoo. Opium or Stimulants'. Mailed on twlp*. ofBHos>.oSMpMksMll.sta. M. Out icu'I ;^aJS. stewtftovn. rsaphtew lrsj sy s<Mr^ J. Woo In Pho.phoJln Is sold m t - and W EXPOSED FOR DARK AREAS

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