Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1900, p. 2

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TO HAVE A BIG ABATTOIR, THE DRESSED BEEF AND POULTRY TRADE OF ONTARIO. Am Imtmrmtr AsTalr ! Me. Irr f.ir Ini.l-- null Hi- (Mil < milil IIM. >lr Urjil. H IIIT. .ll .Una Mni.i All Japan teas are colored. Tbrre ii a project <m foot for the eetublinhment in Ontario nf a larK abattoir. Th' Provincial Duvei iiincnt i* iQiiouii to see one- slarlad and will I i. I aul to suoh in --it ildislinu-iii. The M home ut shipmK nicely, mid M luri Iiiotf definite tiny lie l. -k- r 1 1 Hi.' approaching session of I .-I 1 1 urc, which is, in .ill proba- bility, alut nil weeks distant. II .11. i;.oiv \V. llos ha* hail the qut'.stiun in lii.i nun. I far u long lime, II. firmly believes that with a l)ig ub.it t.iijr in t hit province there woiill api iiiK up ii large trail" In beef and p- ill ry bvtAce-u Ontario ml the -.- ilind. tin-at stiooeas has at- iriiiic.l the shipping of poultry ttho old country, and the Premier wants to '. this grow in I include beef and mut tun. Great strides have been made in > II storage. At the lust acs-iim of the l.ctfisl ilore concessions were ni.nU- to t hoic people \\liu WCTI* Miild- iii.' col.l storage -i.iii.-iM. I'll- i-nv- eriunjenl proposes lo assist t lit- eatab- I ^liuwnt of lh-se stations, lu-licving tint t h-y will bo it tfre.it In-nrfil to 1 1.' farmers. Farther II-KIS!. it en may b- passed. i.Mi'itoviNt; rou> sioiiAtii: Jual DOW the fiowrniiicnt is -n i, It-ring how th-*e cold storage ata- ii.ni.s can be farther improve I and tli ir ujM'fulncas extended. 1 lie As- tern of col. t storage uaed in OIIIH.O Is I- ins' i-i I by tin- Dominion. \\b-ll neil.lill^ expel iiueill il -hip- iii- ills of fruit to Manchester thin fill th' i !>>V"rniivenl went to the eipu-e of fitting OIMI of the boat* up in BC- cord.inoc with tli-ir system It was a auroras, anil th" IXmilnion (iovern- nient iiuiiicdl ilcly ,i.|..|>l-.| it. u-nik- It in ill the bouts in whi< h th y ahipped Canadian pi.idu.-e u> tin- i-lil cuuniry. I r.rulilr was expci-icnced in tin- pi-t In k-i-|iiiiK the (ruit after il w.i- Lik- en out of -1 I ^lurii:.'. lln- iriiulilit was that 111- fril.t w ml I sw.-at mil Bt-on mil It-.v, when rxpx.-.l 10 I In- ur. llii'lt-r Hie syiitem nl ipi.-.l i,\ i li- iin- i u . . i in-- Ii IMI i in- nt the ] in,.- is ;,v.-ii plemyof .u, n 1 n oonst-quiMicc il Weep,. much i.-aj.'i ami U in perfect tvon.ln in -\n-ii lu-.u^'lit to ihe nxht n-.i.iy f.-r the in . riMt II. question of u big nh.ittoir la -ii- I thoroughly. II -n. .!< tin 1'iv ten, Miiu.ii-i of VM uiiur.', i- in t hi IK'.I now. ,11" wiiu t.> at t.-n.l a Im? ri.il- sale, hut lie his :inthiT i -n i Ii . i mission is In \i-il Mime Of I II- II I; II . 1 1 it I .1,1 s, W III. Il ill' note. I I h<- WOl'lll i.Vi-l . MII nin DI:\ WILL iNsri i i. Mr liii I- n will m-e the-c lin; iliii- in n and ift nil I h.- i\ ii il,|.- in- fnl IlL.ll Utll. .lli.lt hi>W III' I.OVCIII- m-'iii MI'I asmst in I In- i .' il.ii Inn nt of tli' on propose I IMS n..i lifcii ,ci- 11. -I. Inn -in-' thiog IH --ii mi. they will KIV ail l.i < i |ul ili-.l s w h-> i i n M. iln-ir i) i i.'ii to give to the pi "\ 'l lice :m lllialtoir of III! inolr-t aixe. ll-in Mr. !!.-- Il IH ili-rideil views on th. mihj". t. in I r.an .-e a IHK thing fol I he |rovmo in 111' selleiue n,.vv OH f> .1 <|e mil h- ple.ise.l will) no- lliinjt les.s thin a firm ih.il \\...ili kill in Hie ii.'ik'M'-'i I' I of Idii. nun mini! .1- . v- il III < iilinecl Ii Ml Hitll the abattoir Ibeie nuiil.l h . . 1.1 nl.>rie ens. W.lh lh.' me. it properly i lull.. I il will. I Ii.- tr uisferri'.l toc"ld Utiir.-lgf COJIIpll I Illellls III the K'.-lll lintiH ml eiiri".l lo lint mi. ml In- Ill the Tery lii-st coinliliiiii on irriv- Ini; I hen-. Mi I-'. \V H.i.l-on will tike atrip to I'llic .ltfi>. Milwaukee, -t. I. .-Ills, in fuel fc 1l ill I Ill-oil jll I lie nest ,111.1 look into the MI. i IHI Is of rhillniK i . i for e\|l I an I I lie u ly t I ul , - toirn ilo I h-'ii h;i-ine.ss \\ i: i.i. IAK \ n p o' KIM>- N KSS." Hi IIK!I \Viuiieii - iiiiiuls, like \\inii.r win. I , Miy .lufi ui. I turn nil' .I'llim. To li.ve of S i ^ 1 . 1 I. a iinil fririids They i' ml .till, fur a' that! AH - ' -'i I > ' I) HIM wi' .1 ,t|i.in an' ' that! I ' \ . I . i . , ,1 I, ,,- I 111- !,e<! . Ami u Ii i -i I'liine iliiiii 1 ill HiHtf CEYLON OKI ! N TEA is pure and uncolored. HEROISM AT SEA. II. -n a I h..l- rn . i ,. U- ii -Illp " >- -.,.. .1 liy i - ruin .1. -. The /t-iK'liM, while on iLa way to Iliinlmy, carryinig puwtengers, and packed bei w-t-eii deck.-, witb obolera- atricken l'unjibea, had bc-n ten daya Sb* roll^ gently on tbe ouly swell, with all her aaila se.t to catch th.' slightest aur. None came The wretcln-.d Punjabeea crowded to iloor of tho cuddy whe-ro Ihe pua- a.il. invoking All.-ib to grant a win I w hi h would not unly fill but bhw thm cholera out ol tli- nhip. On the afternoon of t lw> tenth day the crew mutinied. Coming uft th>-y decliired through thejr upokiiiu;in thiit llvey bad mule up Hi .r to take to tin- bout*, "and leave tiue tub aod tbe mtf^e.r.-f to theiu- F'-i it '* t In- i.- i. it..ii.-i 1 1 - lave, I h \ .1 iiU I , 11.11' a' that III. i.- ItiMi .11 mil S il.nl.i, I. in. A .1.1 l.i .. w M . , .i i Imt I v ii -, i , 't wixt t ,i i n' me, .1 i|i in. : In- I i- 1 1. .li .1' at , ) > ,, . I, ' : ' lie III It isll 'I . They li' them wei-l. an' a' lhat! Th uuli some mny pratn o'ilthnr te i-in, an' *' llmt The l.HUHien say ihey'll line I heir way, An drink IV.vl.-n f.ir a' that! Knr H' that, an' u' thai A' -liipan, an' >i' i h it - Thi ! . s they loe' the best \i Mniimii til, ASH, an' u' lli.it' i. .\e MiKKeslion, from a fair I .1 , , . i ->|.,.iii|.-li! ' wll h apuli j.- I. ,:i ii.-l'ully ^ ,1 in. I IIMIIII duti-ly ud -|> .- t I > OdootsU "\Vt-ll, ull I buve lo aiay," replied The tMptain, "ia that I'll put a bul- let thr.'U^b th fir.st as touches lift or tackje." "Mure nor one can play at that gaiua!' excl.ume I I, uu|--ey. "C\ime on, lUlltM!" Ue a.lded tO llM felliW8, and Uie wliolu crowd iu.nl off to the Tbe kipp>-r, lu officers anil the posent(iTs nrnin 1 ih<in-.e|\es w .t h re- voilverH. O'K. liy, chiaf male, went on ' de<'k to look out for teaiiif.rs; Ib- i st iriikiiiie I in the ctvldy, while the crew (jaihi-rod n Ihe foreca.slle head. "llelow Ihcrei!" nu.ld.-niy i:alU-d O'- Kelly through th,: skylight. "Hello!" re.s|.n lo 1 I h.' r>k!pp.-r. '>or, it l,Mik.-> Id ick and threaten- in.' l.i 1 1 .- A. -.it; il'a a brti-xe uf w n >. I'm th.iik \i II* well-. line .ir l.s the j>i.ssen- Kr.i i-.| , i|.i un iii.l runhed tin deck. I'h- I'oiN 1 1. n in nil-; \vi.-r. "A MII l-.-tqu.ill!" ex I iiined I b^^ ca(>- lain. ""Iwill Im ilown tin IU in n> Hint.: M! li.iii.Ls Like in Mil" be io nt. I 111 ill- din-.-tion uf the fore- cast W. "Ik- mart, la ia '." "Slow yer itLaok as well as yer .sails lvc!" rcltilled I, i lii|tey. "\Ve aim i-t-oin' to budget" N > ..ne know.s whi i may have pa*- e> I through tho captain'* mind at Ilia i-ir.lile jin. -tiiie, f.ir every aoil waa tt-i, and a -ti|iull fist bearing down on hi. Hhip -a fn!l-iu^l all. p. d t .1 I ' II lilt- I'UllllrTx.lll--, til I-l I -hi.' II. -d taikle of the il.iy ciiry.n^ i|iiit.- five linn !ie,.l .*.'!! l.s N one kll,.v\s what b" conleinpl il- ed. but at I hi I m in -ill an un..lil ed .-"ininoi i.in w is olmt-iv.ible iiiiinng the llilht.lto i|>ll belli' I'lllljlbei .-. ll-j, I.KI, hid llul.e.-<l the i llille in i IM nky'it a.i|vcl, in, I hid li.-.nd il*e t<h.irt iilterc.ilion lietwecn the rip- ,111 nut L.iiiip t-y. I hey had st-un the I lire iteiiuii; KcHturcsnf I be .11 plllllll.s, .111,1 .(III. nil MM, lei M l 11,1 il.l I W is In- 111,' .sill, h I I K" i .-. |Mirporl. I lien Mi-ores of ili--in. milllttnl\ Miikmtt ff I II II lelhil^y alld I){IUII lilt l 11111,11,- el l.|ll--l I . . M\ > i nit- I \i| t In- p . p 1 i.l.lei s ,11,1 ask t I whit >s th' miller, AV.m a i i,iinii< nl I i I f If mi. w Ii) .Il.l not. the Itlilor.l d i whit hid lieell tn.it.red ( I he only man r., in i - mi >\ilh Pun- II ill llL-,1.1111 Ilistily e\;-l lined Ihe rs.t ii il ion; the i l> in im, 1 -i.nin, Ihe consequent il.illiter lo the ship, , I he I >- nh Hi-, l-l III,- ill i. ill i. Is, an I l he refusal nf I li am i o do I ! ... i Inly. ii. \l .li 1111111-, I ui inn e .Irin-ra lit I, i 1 i\ i - in-. -iled. \\.i v\ ,11 m ik- I h,-lll I" I hey II ,lll- ed, their liloti I l boron 4 lily up. I lia.s Hnt tlw vv ni I I i .hi.-- i . > I he ,i, in I Mi ill we K<I lii a not her ilt.iih liei in,- y, ui iii.-n ire iiiiliue tu tlmir i-ili '" ltefon> l.llt^y i.nil I li st iye.1. M,.ine l\\" hull ll.-il I ',i n i , li- i- iil'l,, d a .,11^ tin mini ,le. k ui.i in lined 111" Ion at. it In. The crew waa ready to re- ceive. l)i-iii. Ilieie on-.il.' I u fi. ice fight; KMVKS vvK'ii: riti:i:i,v IISKII avnini^l thle now Infnn il.-l nitivM, wbti wen emu ,-li un 1 1 ineil, their eiil- li.s<-s In-ill^ ,n i-lle-ils; b-l.irt ilecka. Shr -k- . n I (f r i ins MI iil d t 'i of llw i- <, aud they \>er uUmt ch-ir^inK forward, revolvers in ban I, to qiiiell the tits I urbance, when, nrumber.s hiving* gained Ihe d.y, I hey IKIW the aiilors drivnn along witb kicks and cuffs by the victorious I'IIM- jibm, They H.-IW them asi-erl the nilline.s, f.,||o.\e I by the mw.i i mi of mule 'rivers, win ttiruit-m-d ly gee- tuie- to throw them into the HIM if they did n.it inun .li itely furl nail. The fMsimen, not .liiin/ to dis.b y, worked in feir of their livnrt, and in a few minute.* tin- / u .l/ii floated un- der bare poles. \Viih a low rumMe the .nqu.il I came, on. -in I was in I h air; it filled the eyea, noatrila an I mouths. The. hur- ie struck Ih- *lnp wilh terri- fic force, and awvpi on. leaving them wll-iuxh on th-ir be.mi-i .l.s, but ftufe! The (rua>l pr<ivini{ to be a pre- eur^.r of i ;, ff bin f ivorable bret-ie, mil waa ] lily m-ide on the abip, and in due ouurae th-y bowled .il ..- toward their deotination, thankful for their deliverance from a combin- ation of perilrt that once ne nied to threaten them with annihilation. The next nvxrninK the crew etpre-sa- ed c/omrition for their beh-ivior; the I'unjiLecfl, nt>w fu'.l of renewed .spiiim, cam* aft in a body and in- terceded for their late antagonists; cut* n-l lwuia wnere forgotten, b .th pir; ' nhook hui is in token of aniiiy. ant the nki]>p<T, nothing loath, ac- corded hi/i forgiveness). Only twu iiathat occurred after that terribU-. day, nnd without fur- ther adventure or misadventure, the Zmibia arrived wifely in Bombay harbor. . ,00 uk for. NA.MKI.V K that l offred TO'i. hot no* that) TO tot wh LUDELU LJU YX.cCtf 'f JE1.A.. tba Pfloplan Aral ehoic*. Ii his become o because bait 10 Iw bad. I A., tba pt>opln ttm choice. It hi become - Load FaokeU. ' <> 4< Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce. If you have any correspond with us. V\ want 100 OARLOAO8 to supply our tr ade. The Dawson Commission Co , Limited. Toronto. One of the mmt d.inger- I 0111 and repulsive forms of I Kidney Disease ia DROPSY for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- ne\sare actually dammrti tif>, and the water, wl-nh should be expelled in the form of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of the tli-.il and putts out the skin. Remove the tilth which |'lui;s up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There ia only one Kulnry Medicine DODD'S <IDNEY PILLS y, a a nf work on Ibe subject. The (i.iniiiiii - e ascertained that the parti- cii a rail which broke on Ihe oe- a- .ii d.-si-rilied possessed certain a u.irmal features the prec.se origin >( which reinaina under! ermine, I, but the intimidation led to several dia- rovnra ol scientific ami IT .dual im- IMH an<-". Among th-ae ia rhe HUT- priauiK effect of racks in the up- i, i sjrfajut) of raila. It waa found by . xpi-ruuent iia a rail ii.,-k>'i| with a i-l. s I Id a d.-plh of .iiiHh of an inch brok- und-i a weight of fiOO pounds falling from a In-i^bt of u uhile Ihe .same rail m>l nicked r.sst.-d the lal ..f a lou wei^ut from K height of M feel Mr r 1 1 r un ii . Fair Cnnadiani ; YiAir l.ro h-rs and lovers are re- turning cuvcn-.l with glory. I he wh I.- empire attet.s th- ere, lit of their achievements. In Africa they met their rousnm the llntish t.-i pLmterat alao fiirhting for th i-.iu.s-. Iv- 1 r i. 11 SIMS . \ ,.u <-in aid the com- of your s (l.licr brothers. Try | :i n. I India UKKK.N leu*, if you n-.rt .Irink J a puns. Leave the i -t to your dainty pal.it - .~ilada, Ifoneoca, an. I Hlu Ribbon pickets await jrxnk Cblunist. TKLKGRAMS OF TltAVKLKHS When atrivl-r in t he linn 1 Duchy of Hi.l.-n, (i' rminy. wants to send a .-run while he U in the train be writes the messige on a postal-card with the requcnt that it be wired. puts n a stamp, and drops it into the train letter ^bor. At the neit m the box U cleared and the menage sent out. IHISH AND TEA. fl-1'a.s'. U ia siid, ia the frrat<st t drinking city ia th,- United King- iloin V, |> CAL VERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For sll akin ailments. t. 0. CaUert A Co., Mamjluater, England Ctin" Nw Ouain lihi |ou-l> i n.kl I-.I.M. FAKK. Rt^. KM Kl.L 4 .'O . TariMla. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL ~ lM.ru, U(KU>4*1. rU*l lAOfhl I -r f- Wnt* lr TOO KAItr.V Tomson S.iy, old mnn, you join our clubt .I.mson I've only been miuith*. Couie around a from now. PILI CURE why rlon't if* ni trried nix year or so xua !.- l.NK t-X), Turoula, OM. A uui rx-iiM* i a-i l-urf f T Mr. will b* MB-. In. M Kok,f. M M>k OVRR FIFTY VCARS MM WIN-' HIM) SYKfP I.; tlldntOMISt Iuf-Ml n Music Teachers Wanted T fid for M C mnlttl Ct of k u 10 and .1 Sp*oll rmlM t dlceunt WHALEY, JYCE ACo. i IM Vono It. Twtuiu tut. SkiltM .l..en't does be f "is; he mnkes oTcrybody kou him talk about how laiy that he is. i o THK a i n KM n 1 1 YOUii CVERCOATS I It n< -nl nlr l, lt.il LJ*. urs in )..ur I mi. writ* tUr BRITISH AMERICAN D><INQ CO. M.iVTHKAU He Do you object to the word ' I. \' in (be marriage service f Sh Oh, Mr. Walter, this is so sud- den. OUIC.INAI. What do you think f -a -I Mi^n Kit- tish to MIAS Frock*. Klhel is uiu ill\ going to marry the man she loves Kihel iilwnyH wan an original girl, udded M-ss Krocks. i . - i i u IT t i n K.iir Cumuli ins , The |nl.,-y of yuur newly-elected nil i . is in fiv.it ->f , r.i.le uii hin i lie elll|>ile. \.all |i I I I lot l-lll i,.|-i <>( It. Milt, selling th.il isile, I <l>- l il to yoar ilnniy I i-te nut (i. und mi faith on yi< \ 1.1 I V. It v,.u try n i II I III. I: I 111 M lull III nle IIIIKKN teii-t yiu \\ill miss s.,nieihinK. \\li.ilf Ihe nn|ii it n > ini|iilleil In n ami I Inn i rfreeni by the HI. my MI-: i noil's OK H\SI>- Itol.l.lMi Hunk of this. Mile l:,lil>,ii. MOIIS, on in I ^alnla packets .lie -.11 ^i I-' t'.-l' n. si . \VIIV -I'lil.l, It \I1.S IIUKAK. In I-' an'.el i ill un Ih- (treat Ninth -in Kalvtav in I-H.'MI.I broke Hitu 17 1-11.1. . aisui^ a serious ac- ,-.,| n: A i- lulllillee i.f I lln Ixul.l i)f dale, appi>ii|l>'i( In iln , l n;iite llie ,a n "f I '< ' in ik.ii<c, bait only i e- T.k. L.l.tl . Rr*ra< 0,1.. TMK All -li'iM rr(a>d ik* .,u if >.. (> i dtf*. K W. ,;. KM !<' V* II 00 PKIIIIA. 1 - NOT. I n.-!i Josh. The detrctivea aay I ih"\ II bring >bi< crime) home to the I i nun il I'nclr Silas I reckon they won't I find him at home. tMMI The " Balmoral,' Frw Bus , v AVtNUE HOUSE ^. ft N 10 ADEUtDLM W J10RONIP7 LAW MILLS, MILLS A HALIS B*rnl<T- Krni -tttl to Wi-nl.-y HuinlntCB, Ki-hino d Si. Mo. Ill I-.,..,., H ,.l rU< II M lep-rt, afler four . tho oicha 1 -ia and i-ropa in thai AN 1XTKKVIKNV TO AVOID. It is folly to meet Old Age b 'If way. I think so. 1 wouldn't meet him at all if I knew bow- lo gt< out of it. There I" ntora I'tUrrlt In IbU Metlon of tht pom try tlmn all other dl*eas< nit iu;-:h, r. mnd un II llillfw y*im wup|iod to b In nmtOp. Kor ||riit ninoy yerdortor pio- i. am -.vl i- .omlills)- isc, .mil prrs.-nh. I l,, <n | raiiasli. s.init byix> Ntnil> I lung lo u Kwith local I oAtnient. promMine*-^ II incurable. 8-1- n . hi in. i --II . *trrh to o con-t,i ul lonftl ,-. ,i'.t i h 'rfnrt' rr.nilren ennui ilutional 'nt II . l iit.irrl, Cnr, ninutciured by V. J. I'heney * I'y., Toledo. Ohio. 1^ ihr nlr < n t t'ltioiiftt . inv on lh uiitrket. Itlnt mU'iunlljr i .It Kifnin M<1ro|> to a to.- r ful. ItftOtM.lir . t T in ' h bl-K)l And tnu rarfaeaa ef (ae aysWm. They offer on* rxu .to Ur. for any rn It f II* to our.-. foi .- reu'rn ami iwllm-minls. A,l,lie-s. K.J rnKNKY*CO..T.,Uuo.O s .il h> liriUK'H . "V. Hall's Knmily IM I- -ve Ihs bMt A lllltDLrXS \VOKM) \ I i neli na ui ilial a.sserlstha 1 if Ib.- world ah inl.l b-cmu!- Inrdless man winild nut iiil-aVt' it -ifi'-r niu,' v.-iis' 1,111 . in aii.ti- ui all the sprays and p.. UN l 'a i-> i .1 ' in inn i, -mi .-.I fni the .1. atriK-t inn of nwects. The ina .- l.s a:iil shit-s wniil.l .siinply eal all inn-. Catholic Prayer M . < ! ll^kMU riCt.I'M, STlurv. U.I I It |-|inllnil W(xk>. Mul oM.c. r-s-wx prompt i >. D. A J. SA3LIIR A oa., Mwitrwl. 1 i'lnirok Or QDBWN OITT OIL CO . i.lmited. Sa.ra'1 Rocera. Prest . T.ronto ROOFING nc i nui nu KooKIMi --I ITR, In BU-k. i.i>U' HII( - N, .*,,', 'llu.ia- iniia, Turoiit... J,.5 hy ^>ur flroi) M^t*l - Vil.nf*. ('.-r- na-*. tc. K-tlmatMr 'ni nhe.1 for .,i s .,I.LI i*t* >r for iuftiis]tihii>i> -I f. tt.ty p.rt ! ihi- ,-iinuy Ph.mu M& 9. WTNII ASNt,A4lald* A Wldmrlt., Tront From Small Beginnings . . . Some ot our Best Peposil Accounts were begun in a modest w-iv. By adding sin. ill sums .it re>;ui.ii i itei \.ls, and by the accumulation ol interest, they have growa till they now show handsome balances. Il is n.'t ncceisary to w.iit till you have a considerable amount tu nnUe .1 coninience- inenl. \Ve accept small sum* on ile;i,>sit and allo-v inlerost al 3) par Osrtt. Pr annum, payable half-yearly. ulJtM/*<K><t>w-- * i The Canada Permanent AND WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION. Toronto Streat, Toronto. THE MOST MWTRlTMMM. EPPS'S GRATEFUL OOMFORTINa COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPKK- THE MYSTERIOUS. ON THE S.S. NEPTUNE . after this aerkm-i inti>rvi-w,they 11 went buck to the <i ra w i n fr- roonn, where the, >. r ij-i tiol I by every- one aUiut their pa-^t. " We've bean in the am.kin-room," Mi.' (' rmela, with a smiU, h,-r b-i-w fi el,ii<f lighter th-xn it haul l-en fur many a Hay. "Oh!' in m< i-k horror ; ".'n Milte.se ladies sm.-k ' 'i ii ought to know, Pat," Fetor t- (rt Ronald ; " you sa.w enough of HIK MX in Valett.i. ' .iy kindty h-.-irt,' 1 let rt who w as nevr at a Os . fo. an ;inw ei . I t|dn't I. 'iff to we ti- castin 'ig.ng gl.m. ** ut re|on<liri(f t em." Everyvne but M>s. IVIlyijop Iiugh- eri at this, and she snurted reproving- iy. .1 such viewa. Mr. i; thiit m u<l lady, " I hope you will u- ar marry ". ' \Viiy nit I* .t-lcesl Ryan, glancing U Ivatei "my natural incliu-itmn for matrimony is strong-.' 1 '"I hutw yuur wife will be," said t, with n Lilian; "or she'll nev- f be able t> keep you in order." 'r had e*t.ir.li.-heil himself by Bell, who tlid not appeir to disc ,ur- tge the atlTiiiws of the young bar- rister, thwugb har atlentiun waa umewh.it <iistr in>.l b> Gubblea.who .t next to br. ..... ;i:.- ti, - I'.t who b i<l a fell.,H-ieeling' for loTers, ilr-.-w ha y.<iug man away. " Bubbles," be said, "was it you that sW for thjt Pejr'a soup picture T' "Of course," rtorte.i | s.; "I waa the original infant." Ani inu-*J oe -Ji i n . .-,k unlike the picture, with hi bearUleu* (ace and curly bair " Fiuth." aoid Mr Uym. "it 'a a mighty ->riii)il infant jou are, any- how.- 1 Well, we can't ull be Irish," laid BuUile*. satirically. " Aod a great pit/ it it ye can't," retorted Pat. caltuiy; "the finest na- tion untirr th SUD. Did ye eer h- ir an.\tbiu that UucLrU your heart like Irish music P u :umo, and then we'll ' so id .-sir Mark, suddenly inter- ( K.JYIHII and I-OMar ha I a gl iss of liUkey in.l s-.d i e.cti while Hi irdog- : cart wait being brought round, an i 111 .Ml Weilt ..!!'. i^J!l.ll.l i'T-'.-.i: 'call next . V M.I yi u f. y. u ' -i. < I' u :i -! . - . - v-in^ her har..l ; ".. i i yi.u le.t me know ( i.--vn." -iff in tin ini.onl K "it, in .- ' What a char liintf pitl i-> alias Tre- vor. ' "Oh. hi)!' f:ot:i Moiitit.tti, " *) 've Itjnt i . ' A:i-l V. ii> it- : ." retorted K I ijia onJy ir*ou legfel tu lo'-e V'Ui h.-art." \V i ! , course of true will run t~n . s.^he.! R,nai.l. boy," H.-I, I I-', "tar, "j'.ur.s A ' r -lr Ive got a. presentiment that wd shall bear from \f." * ,ha M guilty f" aaked " Are>n't yr.u hungry, old kei - ,m' tut, i t h i'n*. nothitiK loath, went to the piiin.i. and ang Moore'" exquisite song ".--he is far fr -u i ;m I.tml,'' in such a [.itlirfK- ma i ne r iait h* cast qu t- a K'U u- ,i uver tlie comi-.ni but i nl the. i[mus tone by ilashiog iulu At the conclusion -if Pat's ditties, IbmaKl and footer arose to gt>. in spite pt a chorus tint it waa early. But Mrt.. IVlly pi.-p, on behalf of the cler- ictil ivirtjr said it wua late. ' U.>'-ii, the night's y. ung. and th* liquor's plentiful." aaid Pat. inipu.l- mtly. " I never t.>u,-h spirits," saitl Mn. Pellvp> p, maje>tically. " More'* the pity," retorted Pat ; "it *u! ki-ep the nijjht a.ir out. anyhow." Mrn. Pellypop tleig-ned m> to this flippancy, but sailed out of the rtotn, and shortly afterward d- purtmi with tha Bi.shvy aud bar duu^-hter. '' I iun't know, but whether or no, ahe'il not let ibis oiatriage -he ..in I tup it." " Can t she 1 She kn ws more, per- hnpa, than we think. U .v is it V , - sulU's dagger waa fuuud in tbe dead i -...-' ' Itut y..u don't think * bejran Ron- ald, when Foster interrupted him. " I think n. tliiiiir," he remrte,|,wh p- ping up the h..r, " except that we'll hear from Mm. Ver-. : Events i r. ve-l him a true prophet, for on arrival at the Crown Iloiel there waa a letter waiting for Itoii- al.t. which he ufiened an-1 r, a 1. then tunned it to Fotor. " Di.ln't I teli yvu f" aaid the law- yer, when be re*.. " Yea I lehev the end ia nearer than we think.'' The. letter said that Mra. V'erschjyle w-vjil-l coll on M \i .niflith, at tbe r -vn Hotel, irlow, the next daj at three - . k S.j. Fooler's presentiment wan true after all. I'll \ I' IK : \\IV. v - it ni.,rrnn, when Iton il.l a wok-, he was Yr-ry much ei--n-i-.--<l in but mind a> to the reason of Mrs. Vers- nnl wuii'lera-l what she 'ed tu see hitu a (out. " I wi.ii.ler if she wants me to mar- ry Carmrlai" he tli--ugbt ; "of wurse. if she's in love with VasaalLi, she'll be, only too anxiou-t to g-e-t CarmeUi -ed of. fslie did Tint .oiuniit i he murder r she wnuHti't bo such a fool ,-ome to E:ifl in-.l. ' WheJi ha finishes! dre.s.sin*. Mr. ith went downstair* into the diiiing-nom, a pl.-is.n' ip.ni ->ent that ri>e-ned, by French window*, <m to the quaint ol-l ^irlen, with the red brick walN. H- lighted a .-igirett.' ami w ilkI -1 vlv u;> in-l .town w.iiT- inr for Foster to come to breakfast, was 3|>eetlily joined l>y thit gan- U.unan. It Is a Wonder To Everybody How Speedily and Certainly the Wretch- ed Itching- and Uneasiness of Piles Is Re- lieved and Thoroughly Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment ! It seems won lerful that after all these years of investigulion in I i--- eh the phynicians are sti.l h-lu- to relieve an I ,-ur.- on.- of the common an. I most dintrv sfflirtious to which men an 1 w m n are subject, vi.. iti-inn*. b: ^ 1>.1>'.< In nine r.iara out of ten the or.s still rec'>ium-u.l .1 siirgie.il operation, with its expens-, ex- treme pun and danger, a,s tbo only aure for inl. I'n'j'-iili-'e il'.ne ktM-p t he pbyiiieiins frvm prescribing Ur Ohi-'s Oint- ment in ill o.-isve of pil.-*. 1 ma-! for itself a world-wide repu- tation, and is Hold unter a ii'i\v gTlaranter- to cure my en.' of pies. Bo matter ho v many OJXT it. on have faU-l, and no matter how inU-nse b-s been tbe mifi'^rinx. Thin Ustt.-r ifl but a sample ef sf hoin Ireis of oas-i ui I'auida a!on to which Dr. Chile's OintiueJit h:.i prvvoii a truly uiaifk reinrvly. This latter is quote I bf .- Mi. Duprsu la well known tbiou^-'v ut Out irio as an aarneet miutiter of tbe i:onp>-l, end n who baa t h*irt thu well-being kf f el low-uff ere re. Rv S. \.lm-. ui, Uetho.iMt minis- ter. (Xm.sM-011, Trince Ivl ,\ n.l r umly, Ont.. atil, -"l \\u.i troubK-d wit'b ilchdog au.l bloe<lini( pil-. for yeara. an I they njtiuuit. Iy all. i- el to a very vaulaMt term, JdOirgv liunpn er ab- s forum I, so ib>tt it ,s witb great d.ffi u.i v i th it 1 w is a"l)l t st,.l ,\t severe criiia 1 parchaned . b -x .>f Ur t h.is. s o P neat, bul I h id huie r n faith in ii. as I had 1 1 ied %-ai rem >se. --, :in.li::e h.-w j- -.1 ui.i > i > my Niirprljio i. find th-it ' just tbe ooe box cured me. so that tbe luuius , I - : t lie ' tuil swell fen-rtt man-l -div in. I :ii,i|..| t li Ifvis^ d>ubt that Or rha-,-\ Ouit- meat saved me fr >m a very d:tn)rer- i-iis and pa-.n'iil "i i of suffering. I I-M- . tal pleaaltr and w.i'a a thank- ful hwrt tli.it t (five ih Pi t'lusp's Oii-m.nt h is ,1 :. ^,. MH -li f. t ui-. Y.>u ire a t perfect Liberty i u -e ilns t-Htiinonial aa you see. (it for the benefit of others nim-ilarly affli- > l i in ik* thisj and prove to your own aatiafa." n the aim xst in iir.. il |H>wir of 1'r l'l'i:-*'.s OintineTit. Ask your ii.- who h-i\-- ! what th -y fh. nk -t Dr. t%-ve's Ointment. l'-w> tt when y -it h.iv < (h.- n|-p.irtir and rsmeinber h k' ; is m i. m t> cur* any eis >f tehlar ' i- -dlnn or protru.l i:j- pile- - v it all d- il.i>. r l\> nvi.l fioin Edmaasua). , Uutea & Ou.. tiniMHo. r, ' retui Ronald ; "I w N 'l.t-MII.- ' urn up. ' " Hu ry I ' sai'l F. str, r:u..ing hit. . " an<l he - > i.-i I v.. i . : " l..ve ia tbe lua*t of m -. 1 t c I.- .1 : i .ill in-! i hen '' \ . ' . : . i-r. a ..d lue ''.. . - i ,: ' . . arv- ing. ' " Wfcat til ^ our r, aa " i)n, al.w thr.- I ine,'* naid ll,r. .- a fried s,le, with a t. l won-; 4ler what th* ieu-- . . seel me. abnat r* i a puz .11 rioter. li.'tit!y ; i ui 1 . tlii'ik I m far w.-t:r -i 1 -iy it will t. il.l Unshod. on with his breakfi-'. H- . , . . aa idea u id ei; . i ihat all w ui.i ye! ue well, if a w -re ,..,( :'i| and s.i uifu i ii-- .ous, where wuuUl our pleasure m tbe fu- ture be? They finuihed their bn-akfaat m.l then wrnt (.ui for a wilk; *iw the hi_u- ,,,i which U a tablet ereiH.! v, Clay tun. and intnrvirwml th landlady oi the hotel into whxih a [ortion of the i lace is turned. " Dunt rvtiieiii'.-r ' ni ' - 1 .| the landlady, when they as.kvl poet ; "I think he A . iv < m-." " An.t t h,~ i-s i" r ter w e I-.... ,,'-- . i t . v n ranieuiljer.-.! by naro-; ' iu-1 he 1 t.j ,ioat Horace when lloual.l stop- pl him. ' ha classic. il. ><1.| ii j- . I ut 1- ok at these old |>art;- . The < 1.1 partiea con.sijtfld of two-ild women. wh> mfnrm.| thn ir.-ntl -m.-n that they were each -Urhty y ar*l had never . own. Bo RonnM ptve them . I ling an.l nk-.l iwiy with u " I daresay they arc much I than we are,' 1 b* - " II- ::er tu l n but t-rf:-.- ! en- joy life for a .lay, than a LM ">.^. nrnl uat a huiKlrM year*. ' s;u.l Foo- ter, sapient Iy ; " .i 1 own to \firlow Chureh n IK t Ih.-n t.. iVit t -nibie-.lown /. Fre.1 \V ,:'< , ,. >.-( whieh stru-k Himald v.-rv -tr-ing- " Id-'n't know much ilxiiit pictnrei." aaid the .\ ,, frinkiy, "and I haven't the eye ,.; ut I then* m ' different f--oni t h<> (rnlvm x I lin ' e colon;- Thn they went ie--. - !(*<>, B*W the river full ' . li.i.i a drink at tbe Angler-. II , - ,, ut vv.-r the foiiuiintr waters of the " r, murniurinjr like the humming of beet ami went back to the C';- \\ ;i ll-iu-;. .. , ..,,(_ *-ith tha ul<i littl- n e, her \ er they had .me !iuN-h>-<in. f ,f br.-a.l i n.l eiie,-.s m,| they st in the HiJiifiir-rsnun in a kind . n ,- ^te.ijily, until a waiter mn n-n-i said that li i I .- .i.. " Why, what s the liiue !' asked i-l, sleep. I -iti io his . "Three o> . , returned the wailer. W I.I. "I eay, , U boy, ).. I ,ftwuke and alert at men ; I'm loming whc-t-e is the. la.:. "In the itiiuK-i.n.a u,. talre, sir," re;>lie<l th wa They -went up^i.ura Ui the sitting. r. oiu. ami fouml a , waiting fur them. She arose when they enlernl, ami l-.nk- 1 fiuiu one to tbe oilier in u tluuliiiiil way. "Mr. MuiiteJlbf aba asked. " I have the hot.or to brxr that Dame," replied K n.ii.l. vt.ppmfr for- ward. >.'U are Mi^. Ver^ilun I- f The la.lv bowed, and threw back her I ^cloning a cou.ntuanc HO like ' that It,. n. 1 1.1 was startled' ' i i moment. will \\o-wier what I've coma ! '! - V.-r.si'boyle. r- HH{ tw seat; " ie I may a'a wall tel! .u at onoe it Li to stop :ny sialei J urri.i;i- with t -ilia . t be .sum I -,u_'h " Iv-.- '*" U w he ferrently w.-b ! h could ! . . . . 1 - . aaid _ . : . -i 1 look- ed hi- . . . u. ch irgi! you make, ui.i.l.iin. ' sinl F x'rr, gravely; sivrarg n a fury - ; " of ITU ; you !: '(jok- ing : ' he utm. my word :-.ih !" Foator ' . e unmoved by her vii-lence. "I always presume i minS inno- etvnt ' he said, quietly ; " an that must be my ex- . but are y..u sura Vassalla i-o:n- mitted thi.-i crime.'' "I will tell you a!l about it,- aiid M- V. riohoyle, sitting down i. "when I marr .| Mr Verscb-jyl.-, my ooain Matleo was in lore with mo." - -.our sister, s.i.-i," interposed H- ild, gravely. " Ho s-wure be would kill Leopold e if be got the chance, and he has kept hi* word. I waa on board and saw him." v him commit the crir: " Not so much a,- " l -ii I ii ei. I lin. I met my baml In ValeXtj and went on board I him." ''!(< to in your let- l you th..r t w 11 to aave bra I wrote it. I un the only ould prove hi ami I said I .r 1, so in the - ... beinrf foun ws ul-l not h ive to ai l .1* loinmitieil f asked Ronald. " I s I, but ' . be numlx-r o .M-! :h!i ! ive M . B 1 salla nll.iw .vl h \ . . I where I w I 1 i with biiu." To B Cuntmued. 'Jizziness and Nausea . USED BY OVK. - ,TUDY ANBCLOSH CONFINEMENT. Haw nUr vsi ! Tracker KaTrrr4- in i li .< triinx rr>ud*. 4Jile< '!. f.-lrtf Or Wll. lam ' Pink PltU W. Br.ivr'il I* ra.lh i.ud sirr , - \ . h, suys in^e. ar. :.- of iron. j, I, bovrcver. in it a ... . . trul " .". un li-r con- w where an . I be in that the foot haj b.-,- of iiaeif u orick dry u.p so that after a f-# m,, alh.nc wuh .-ti'-i t h ba I. t:. i U s that i h- wiotf iv much eofter, does nut si. p. .ike s:.-el. ml ti"U>:e tlioi-ti is not so much jjirnnir. * l Hi: n t! .N I In wore c:,. .1 the l ..'. I'ra-s.sn l :i.7iii ,v and girU. 1)1 i.twa--. ~>lj \%er- on.ler '* : - tifv, 4<i,531 beHvren 14 US V1I \ii" neen 16 .md T JI vo-ir.i of ae . - wiwn-n md irirla wen- eiiipi i\-il in- ' !ie l'ruri.. >.i eot- ii'ii in i's. l>ikrinrf the a. mj year, nu !< , j 1,-cn U'trts-en (I in! li yearn were um4>iyed in - i !. Ihv official re- purt staten tlut ill som-- puts ol Sux- .- boya and xu Is f 4 and 5 b.ive ln-.,-n employe. I. Ihe < rr d/ tbe lutertoc has HOM-t LJJor.'llA St<'i MK-ltllSt of these liulr chil- ilivn. i n. I i number of ntaaiuaclur- t> luvf ) Da\NU8D The O I was t inkm' of l-H>k:n ft> ioTx 'Ib. M l< v You better look m. >.>u might git ono wbere you'd bu-ve lo work. the moM thorough sod -r we have ever baA he opinion expressed by rh pe pie of Cai.ua n. N" ,S.. uf 'heir prra* :. school t.u.-ii.-v MJI Cut t no is p sies- sd < ' . md encagih| md uu* been peculiarly HUO li.-r -li . pro/eaaion. At ut h koolu the Poture ol i. md .me obriArv-.nr her goad ar.tl buoyant sp'riu. would nf her witb .-d 1- was. h..wrrver, only last Ue wat altniiat b>i|<>-l"!ii n her work on account if he .-! her court n waa ascnirce of alarm to her fr --.ids "Yea," he s*.d to an Acadian re- ipoA h-r receatlj . rn tha par- -.ila:i of be* rase. I - pp me it is a duty I owe to Dr. Pink Pill*. Lbat I sb .uU udori thay worked ue. but perhaps I wou.d not _-ht uf .1 if you had not call-,: i u see, in ad.ii.ua to my teaoh- my. I had be. i. -if very hard rnj 'D' work. uul th I wa.-. at- tacked w:iii wb .oping ooagh. whicb d.d ii. leave iae for a long lime, and so I became pretty well run down. I waM always considered the sVobodk oveut o( health at home, bui aut-umn I wan really alarmed ,,ver my cundilion. ~om.-i.ina-> in tha srliuolrootii I would i>- / *uk d szineeta, and often I would faint away. I would take vomiting tutni alvj, and hid i : e. 114 of nau-.- and languor ull the lima. I io.st my outer and beraine tii.n and pale, and it seemed as if my binod had turned tj water. "This eundit.ou of things was so different f r. m anything wbicb I had :.ced that I sought - at once. I wa form. ' - suffering from anae.n: i. ni-l I it -.nee : u mysel/ un- 4r n. .--Hi U.i' ..tli ugh I e,| several b.jttle of pre- v- : -. : i be. get- . all the l. n I weut h !ine for iny Christmas vaca- U . v.-r, uiy frmidit axlvmed m<< tu ue -.ing up- . 1 -.n-ii une. felt, but ind tban the cure Ever - i my r and I have in- 1 am b, tu u . nich < tn-u ui - t he ua.ie ihe wxj-k irk o:u.-. \<>u may depvml up> uta i: . i have a frian.lly In \\ .L i:ius I'.^k K >vur dealer dom not keep these pilla ue soot post paid at 30 co&te a boa; ur six fur '. nsaiug the Dr. \\ .!- i. nu - illc. Out. \ 1'K. J.i. ii- -'' >--'ii ever reject fur/ K t] ' ' v '- illiterate. .lane ill -i iief \Vhy. I h n^ht h w i~ a in a or edil^-a K ly WU, h* wan H- didn't ive4j km>w ti- ataj, for when 1 l li m N.. .uid iho.v-nt <ut he i read IK - I UBS. would you believe it. tuu iruiup p,i.ked up i:..l w--.|- MAN VMi What d d A!i<-e wear to the bT iwr-y. U.irryf Sbe had .u a *|>ottr-d silk froek. a kind uf puik vlvai windmill ID tier h.i.i uid (t wb. e laoe casaade ittg d >wn* her baok. Of I FOK II ,; Let us then Ix- up and Kveiyb'sly iliit wn , ^ , n. mill P l'i- n. Lieorsh.-iM unto Lhiu. M \s - -in -, A i . li i-l |.ii>e. A ye t j bleat. A hh;e<l much, Ami so foige fulness. You've got aa iwr-t rumpet. I see. Tb s what I'v twin tellinaj y.nu to do for two yeiiri. i Oh! I <K At what you've bee* tellioag a>0 fox cae loM >rw jear*. Jft J?

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