DECKMBKK 13, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE c: jf/tt d Co. 3>. T>. Jff/7/d Co. CHRISTflAS GOODS WWro/ffliWMMM^^ Ladies' I'unian Lamb Mitta. I m. t. iti- n Purxiau Lamb MittH. \ > i.i.-lun Mittr. Kl-ctric Henl Mitts. \- v. ii.'ii Jackeln. A-,1 rirli.-m Capes. Citpurines. (Complete Assortment.) Cents' Blark Curl Coats. Wallaby Coat-. \Vombet Coats. Silk SrarfH. Fancy SuBpundert. S.Ik Hiudkerchiefa. ituavcr Cap*. Electric Soul Caps. Coiioy Caps. Persian Lamb Cap*. Astisoh:iii Caps. Our stock of goods for the ' Xmas trade is now tho roughly complete and con- sists of articles that not only j make acceptable nn(* useful Xmas gifts but are sold at prices which make buying and selling easy. Look over the list of articles in this pace and then make your selections as soon as possible. Kid G) >-s. (Wuiiel'at'.'n.. H!,,,.- Sil| S ik Handkerchief* En,l>ri'iiii:i. d Handkerchiefs. ' Fniiry H milo-rchiL-f.'*. l.i 1 1 n Tulili- i %, i. Lin.-n Till,!.- NH km-. Fancy TaU>- <'<> r I'll , \ ItrllS. Jet Be t8. Belt Buckle*. Silk Ties. FIICV Hair PINS i' 1 in.-i Ciii.u nd Saucers. Th n.i Pitchers. China T. a Si-tv P'titfd Tea Sets Fan,-y Dinner Sets. Fancy Toilet Selg. Fnlli-y I'l.Hf-. Fancy Vanea. Fancy filasw SeU. K ui. y LampH. $ n vw lemon peel 44 orange 44 44 citron 4< f Hew Extras } 44 Spices Icing suaar^ 44 new Currants Raisins Tids ** 44 5 new Demons j 44 Candies 44 Hlmonds Ule kindly request our friends and customers to shop in the forenoon if possible . T. HILL. & Co i WBKKLY AT TIIK OWCE, I'oL- U50WOOl> NTItEKT, fLKHUEKTl-N, OST , . U. TUl'H.ITOM. I per annum atrirtly In advanrr Kates: sColuuiu, 1 yuar, (JO; half col., 1 sar, * quarter ool ,on j year, 913. Trantlunt sdvartluiooot cliargsd si th* rat* suii por line (or Brtt Innortion KB 11 cent sell ub-.equenl luorrtlon. T11K RACE PHANTUM. aud who canuot contain tliemselves with. nit hurling bitUr iiivectircs against tlic iut-ii who beat them in a fair and txjnaio aud honorable contest. They blind themselves to the real f;i?U and refuse to be comforted. No wonder tho writer referred to above is ashamed to sign his name. No Hpjpcr in the county has made the chargts which he has made, and vie ancy that not one of tin in. and f. w f the Review readers aru " bigoted " noiiiili to believe hid rank und reek- ess insertion-, or to do more than uni;li at his (H'ctiliar methods of An anonymous writer in the Dur- Lam Ikvicw lias tut hardihood to IP peat the btateinent that the lace aud religion ciy did duty in tho past cam- paigu in South Uroy. This writer, rtjilying to our article of week before lafcl, inij-H : "The editor oven denii-s thin. D,-i->hr n. .t ki.ow iii i'. in i vi-ry pUtfonn in Arte fiit-Hin the Hh>|(an of IIIH |mrty wan 'I'., it,-. l.v w., the initHter of tin- adininixtrittiiin. Will the editor deny HUH J Will he |ire- :. nd to Kay that lix dues in>t know this ciy inns us f Hi- Will li:trdly l>e so Ijnlii it* Ui d<> this when everybody known that ihiM van critsarfu aj{iiiHt the Cnth olic m 1 1" .11 'y in i In- 1 i nl MI ', it was a rm |mign of Inquiry snd iniolcrnncc, it WSH cry that in> ]Mti-mtic man or nu !> I'.u'y . nlil ever ailopt. S ttniif rnce .i;niiiHt rare and cr, <->l uj; IIMI creed IH never dono liy cither Christians ur |>At II, U Ili-M|ii'lali' llli'l' lol '''K f" r "Ili--. will wiiiii'liini-fi K-IHIJI to dcH|M>rHtP liien* un-H to .i.iii their nhjcct, rt'|{4idlms > the coiiMiMiii.-uces thai must iuevitabl> follow," Did anyuno ever it ad a more quixotic argument? Tarte wag the hli-^uii, according to tins nm.i. auc llicrefoie ln-i % itiiHC Tuitc \v3 it8Bitile( it IHII-L of tuceRity mean that hi race and Im religion was atisuilei tliioiigli liim, unit i-.'M. i i|iii'iuly, thtrt van a ciusnde n^ninst the Catholi UIMIO. i: y in this riding ' Such rot. Wo weit ulwiiy under the impression, IIOWL-V.M-, it wan Lnuiier and hi* brokfii IIIIIIHI.HM llmt foi '.ni'il tin bulk (if iii;;ni.i,-i.i iii llie M,-, iii contest. In liii'Lvent of Mr. Tarlr s name Imving iifvi i- l i n in. i'ii, inn! t!u- Mitiu 1 charge could liavu .still been laid with just ui much jtiatice, bocaiifln of Mr. l.uir j, -i nun, HI. ui) mill ci-i-d. Or wherc- evu, a caniliduto of uthnr than (.'an- H-l in birili V.-.IH an nsiiinint (he same ml., iiloiii ii't;u'in'iit might bo tiled. 1 hi- ,'lui^oH luid by llio Witter ijuoteil H'.I >',- im! a biso ciluiuny, and utter- ly ul.Hi-. Tiit-ro no t>igo 17 or in I )!(-i-,nr.<- shown. Sinoe the elrotion, bo-vrvi-i-, a few In;, ,n i and iutolorauta |j .,- 1-iiiini forward with bitter aud uiij.isi ocuu.iationa, but theac are all Q:I tin- other aide o( the fence men 10 wlum defeat ii gall and 'vormwood the statute labor at SOc pel which w.nil-l ,.nly amount to a trifl- ing thing in lieu .if ih-t work nowYl.ino in i>.-ni-| thr .U'.'liout the town-ihip. PARMIR. Mn. K liniind H. ii^ nf trat biitrii hy n i'..j mid d ihv ELECTION - NOTICE \ V lection of County Councillor* of the Fifth County c.iutK-il Divniou of tbe Conuty of Grey. I'ubllo notice Ubtrby Riven to tho Muni- cipal I Uvtoi of tin- Fifth County L'ouucil UlTliion nf the- Cnuutv of Urey.Vhat a nieetluK of said BlsetSTS will b" li.-l.l in Victoria Hall in Hi-, village of Uundalk on Monday the 24th day of December \ D. 1000. between the noun of one an I -wo o'clock in tho afternoon for the purpoee , f nouilnalinii I'andi ,ate fur the olfl.-tn of tw -.MIII- , Couurill, ra for aald fifth 1'ivi.i ,n ot the County of Orey Ann If at tbe ilav and time above name,! or after tin- lapnu of th.- time in which candidates may wiih.lraw nomination there am a lirealr nutiiher ol randi.latH nominated than are rri|iniu.l to ho elm/tod, an elcllon will b* l.k.-n at .-cb of the Miu,i,-i|,al rnlilni; |,lare* In -.11 '. County Oourril l>iuion on Monday th* 7ih ,!> of jaiiuart A. l>. IV I from tlie hour of R o'clock in tlioiore i on to io'-. L>ck lu ths a(i - in. , of 'ame day. \V. J. \VAKI>KI.L. NoiuinatlnftOmi-vrof tUcflftlfCou-j'.) Council DlM-.ll, II. Dated at DiiLdalk, D. c 3rd ItUO notice to Electors. LAPIEI TII (iKNTi.KHKN :- 1 liaTe been nolirit ed by a lrj> nuiulirrof rat^payrrnof tbe aaid l>ii-in In offoi inyanlfai a pan>lidal for the Conimli.iner>hi|i. 1 bareeoueut<Hl toaccxi't the nomination, an.llf ek-cte.1 in v .not to will lie to llfir to thcllnr, rKardlt<n* of rriml poli- ti.-s or natlnualttv Yur vote ar.l influence ><>)> i-tllllly olltlti-il 1 am your humble teirant, rrleuvtlle, Doc. I, IWft JOHN UoAHTHl'B local election:) in Quebec were n I ii i the | u-on 1 1- recently not- withstanding that the government i;ul two in, ui si ssi, , i, s to run, and the result is that only five Conservatives have been elected out of t>9 members. WitH tliis nn aftermath of the race cry in Quebec ? Just think it out. An Enquiry To the E<lit<,i / The Adftitce : Mr. Editor, ns thu c>,uncil of the Towiuhip of Ariemeni.t haH icsolvrd to tskf a pli-bisite on the m.iiU-r of com- "**! n ' f *rt nf hit i,ion No. '>, in the iniitii'K thontatuto labor in tho township, <'',ify i/ (rrry. nd I ,-.-n-i.|. r wiHi-ly HO, KM I think all iiiiK'ltnnt uueHtioiiN should he HO Mil, miltt-d lo ill,- | < .|,!n for tin ir decimon, I would like to n*k who i-. to vote on this in.ji.ii tun' i|in slum ' Is it the township us n H hole, . t is it tin' tn WIIN)II|I .Hil.ii, I, die villai;!' i.f Klr-liiTi'in ? The villngK IntYing tht-ir HlMttlte lli->r nhv.nly cnu- muted, and that without the tarining c-.iiiinuiiiiy linvii.i; any ray in the matter, should tho 'illume now dictnte to the fiiiniei* \\hnt way they H!I, ,uld do their work I II s,-i-iiis to mi- i hiii siuli would he unfair U> the intollitfrnt of this township. lUtri .ij-i-r-.' litter in your rt'i-riil M-IH * il WA sum,- wire Ii M.I iii il wan tod to L-I-I a crack st iho council on their chai|{i-8 for I n|iriiding tin- money oiiunt",l to them for i-MHil impi, \, inriiis Now I think this n unfair to thu council, as I sin n, C'.ntrmtor and have done a {rritt deal of, work nn li-i the comiiiissioner', 1 lui to aoe where they overchnruwl in any one insinixi for mirvioot n-ndurcd to the towi ship. What we want is n fair dis- i-iissiuii on thu In in-tits ih.ti will he de- ritid liy comiuutin-* tho nt-itiiio ln.l>i,i Uis,-,l on f.i -1-., HO that wo limy lu aide to u > ,,ur fiim liis* in), llijji mly mi ,-1 , t ,.n d:iy. A* fur K wi> urn ,.,n, .-in l ni this i, ul of tin- lowiinliip, thu |.i, , ii \ .'. in ImH pru> nn lo IK) i ilo,-idi-d micci'MS. We hvo nwiU thnt n n , i,-,l,; to u For tliu Ul llfli'i'it y, uis it I ns Ivi-i-ti our 'Ii j . t tn Km), I -,,,-.l i,u I- Wi, Im,- woik- nl .is liu.l ,vs if ur '-u |ixid i, lit' dollar n dny. Now if ihn work m c-.iiiniuU'd at .^K- |I,T day thu ii,a-nthi|i will lio nt a I,,BH of .ill of ih-> work nnw dmit, n,i 'ilmie in ihm toad Sua', hut in HWernl snrroiiinlini; -.-i'", thurefnre we think that if tl.i- council could adopt 1.1111- systen) nf in.-ik- iug pitllnn.i-ii-is peifoim their wmk in Much n iirinii, -i in wouhl ulvti KIKH! vnlue for the niiin'mr of days dllowvd tln-n 8,-piki.i n l>. uls, or charj-i, thu d, ti, irnry to tl e plop. i'ty inti'ri--t'-il, . i the |u\iti, 1 ii' ^1,-otnii, iln-ir duty. I lliink that il lil- t'<i ciuiM lw il,. n that a ucnetU would lie duiir.d :h*u by New Tailor Shop I IM-K to announrc to th people of Flonhcrton ,. .1 > ii n.ii that I Im,,- opened ui>a nrw tailor to m, as thouilh I"." '.' .'V 1 '*'^-' 1 if >l ? ck lU V l , I > r Murra, . .li-iital uffiue V \\orkdoueBativfactorlly tu al ll- W". Clothes Cleaning; and Repairing 1 eollelt and anticipate a fair ibar* of >oui H. ALEXANDER THREE PAPERS IN ONE (Mtivs of i", I i-huwiliud news. Ktht (NkK'' of practical sgri- rnlliiral and live (tack nrtirleo. Eixht pii-;i- of interesting tii-tion and mazin fi-n tures. Mil Iii! nl Eipiri. 3 Sections 24 $1.00 PER YEAR .ir - of 1900 fre* with sttbrcuntion fu ' 1900. M. Richardson & Co. Jlesherton ' 'Dundalk \ millinery Specials This Week Lalies Knoi-Uabout Hats in all the new shapes and correct colors. Regular pricw-s $00, $1 .73 and .$1.30. Selling now for Ladies' Felt .S;ii'ta ;md Walking Hats, variety <>f lat- -tyli-s and colors. Keg. prices' $!.-'.') tad $1.00, selling now for Misses' and Children's Kelt Hats, .litt.-ivnt styles and colors. Regular prices $1.00 and 73c. Selling now for - $1.00 5oc 250 Special Ttfantle Offer // This week we place on side a special range of Ladies' Mantles, in Beavers, Frie/es and Curl Cloths, colors black, brown, fawn, myrtle and navy all sixes \\ell cut stylish and up-to-date in yyt-ry particular. Regular selling prices S7..~><and !|<)..">o. and good value at that. Selling this ^ week at - - - 4>4'5 U * neckwear This season we eclipse any previous season in variety and rxcclleiu of our assortment of the lat- est styles and patterns in dents' Neckwear. Handsome neckwear makes a most acceptable and appropriate Xmas gift. Silk or Satin Knots. Putt's, Derlns, Tecks. 25C Hows, Flowing Knds new colors new and patterns now shapes. Special values SQC (leins Silk or Satin Muttlcrs. warm, com- fortable and handsome, new reversible patterns, *l.i). 7.V and Xtnas Presents., \\Y\v made spwial pr.-piiratiuns for the holiday tnulo ami i-an promise you a big assortment ofen- tiirly New (Joods all very suitable for X mas Pre- sents. Trices in all lines ju>t right ! HANPSOMK CARVKUS Oeiiuiu.- ShemeUl xoods, in fancy cae, CMC.-H fp -in T^K- !- S3 tt) tlit- it. NKW SIlA'KKWAKK-Silvur Ki.ivis. Fi.rku, Tea KpoiH.s. Berry SiMH.n, S)rup S(MI .IIM. Silver I'latvd Children's Mujp from ---- 25c JAFANK-SK \V \!'.K A Sj^vnl Imi-ortrtl Line vi-ry ham!*mi* nud artin'io Fruit hi h-*, Te|Nrs. Uiscuita Ji.r u-1 IN'.H. Jn[mnfSf 6 OVIoek 1V Setts, Jl.jt* u:id ............... 11.73 KMIKXSSED ii-.d TAlNTBD CHINA X-vel |uttvrns Jiml lorely o.,|,, r ing -Finn t>is!ii-x. I'la'M, Tuili'H Tray*, cu-., etc. HHIH! FsiuuM Toilt-t Sotts ............................ fl.75 NEW tiL\SS\V.\UK Hyacinth Slnsi's, Vikaes, KVm.r Hu:der*. .-to. Fancy fSUiMsOiiiiiieiitn fr-'in ........................ FANCY OPAL WARK-Hnndsouio BinU^s^ and tfili vaw-n. n, * pit'eniH, Imiul jn in. .1 ................... lOo, IV, 26o, sud 0."> ppnev KV.u-y Cujw mi I S:m.vrj from , M iiiUi-h" Cii;>! from Si-,,-vnnj Mngx fmm Fnncy Tt- 1'l.if -< PorrKlu;.- Svlt.s from 25c to China F%HNI fr-mi 'JOe to lOc lOc $1 .Zodos. . . . tl SO f> 00 Cta S. us Dinner STS Collet Setts 44 |-uv,-s From *I?.T:> I7.CO Fr-nn |5.76 to $15.0") 10 Fr,.m | NKW KAMI'S -HaniiiiK'. Tshle or Library Handsome and artistic new siylea sivciitl prioes all the way from 91.00 to Pretty }*resenta for Evvryhudy's Xmas. . Richardson & Co. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE DECEMBER Can you spare H few months ~ 1h i *int r n .'..,. , v Jwar c.ln - . w m--ntk. \> ' V. OWEN SOU Ms - nn- li- .,1 , ',. .J., '- . - . tnai ru-r. T .: you <nild jf.iti f .i-.t . cbi >!' fciirfJK'f com .-ic. A. pap** * ll[ -. NUV ' . ftltuie. \Vi-sht f .t ca'a'ivu. n tatuw fnl! in'i. mint .,n, t C. A. Fleming Principal <mts r. XVii t. rterm bv^im-n J*i.. 2. IV 1 Vicinity Chips Fr wtclM, clock* every >i escri^tion, try J P.*t ..j- d SaleOn . r, ,,f rc,*l, iedt>yR.J. of tti'U' poor r ti*l. ha, I. i rhe -) of the of ctrmt- *J Mr bad a ing 'tlay trrc l'h tiU Stt.jiUy Kyrtncr iiUc i:l be. 1 Herts .. th^ and d one. I Eu^n.ia mef with a i** ay. Whi'e d a*- ih ' e j--.t ai> leg w >-ti the iiiu an-1 a n ,mp and t.1 fractal re ^r,ut wo inches) n- . 1* Carter wa ca led v i-r. .it. t.i''h U a had >' rW-t:-. in an .>.-i man and will W lai.i c for < 1 .. t( tuite Slau ;n..-r Pri,-e. U . .11. < liou-^h' 150 Uu.i-- j. * -. fn m 'he niaaufirfurtr sf II-M ihs'i iia-f t:ie eau a.- ci*t * are in a on 1. 1 well them a: s'aughu-red price*. T ---y are everyone tailor avtde jjnsjr-v- sad haid.mely triannm-d New an-i up-to-dsxK, f t-hn-n.iliie gunds, c- njft'tua.; f all th** le*di'-. *had-s aad daugn -McFa.ail & Richitia. Duu- ilaik. JKWflUry of j the financial r*p- rt .-f the ouildmg upr- --** ati >na, sh..ariig receipts of $5757-, and rx peddle ure $491.04, balance on hand f* .68. There was si ill 987 74 of sub- x-nptioiM usipaid. Trut proceeds of the erei.iaf sJMant~i t . $53. It ia juat 31 yearn ou the 13th IBMC. since the chnrch at this place was tirst i*penei fur public worship. A furthur sab-icriptioa was taken up *ha ur fort/ douara extra was re" the . Ten Fresh oyster? '-o haud dim wetk al (tern ho use's. Fresh 1 ni always r-n hand .1 H. Duckrtt's, Eugenia. The linen? townthip cvunril< UI meet u Saturday no-.r. D-.c. IS. to wind p the year'* btine*s. Sir'nij'.e .)!) v irrs<rilN in nUtrr- waiv. etc. 'fry J. F. Vtnl'K^w. Pm.Uc or company fund* ' 1 \n at fr-ru 4i to 5 p-r en t. Exj^i*-.' I . Appiy t" Geo. K-jrh-rt- nl. Stu-!bjrn. Wanted H-l i" in: '. nl man p 1 n-ng uit'l. R. P. L<*aie & Co , Ce)U> L and tpecfaclea, an *ndl,as t ,-, it J. K. VanDuswti's. Waj,'.,l - 15 U.BS of good straw. Will ay $o pr tup on drUrery hire. R P. e A Co., Ceylon. Some ex_-p tonally t.ue .Ui_n 10 rin at J. F. VanDuaen's. Thu Prwbytttian Sabbath M.ho,.l will holtl a rt-^uUr am nersary DO '-'hmtmas s>nia- fur which die caolarb re sy>w tusi y pr(r n^ A. O. I". \V. TU# annual t-lrvtion i>f <>Acvn will lake place on Monday rhe I7th irut. A f ull attei ,l*ij-.f >. rv.,ue*l. ttru. Sbwv, M.W. W*nted--:OO Ibs f fwwl for the Eng'ish market, for which we will piy 'he highest priors. McFar'and A Rich- "Hie The County Court ami Sections opened n Owen S--und on Tuesday. Cofttnoa Cameron, who pumraeled FUiliff Oaroii >f Durham, will liar* his cue to ai thus court. Tb<f Cuanty Council will not attain iwketl t.> ifi.<ri.t>" Mruford'* $o6, wortli f iiol>titurA, th-- tt-wn mid t.. S'it.soii A Co. of Tonmto. aMu"t revriTt-d was 160.900. For Sill* tt rery rv.nablo pri.vs. Abervlfiu Ai gut KM Bull calf or I vear-'M Bjll. Al* choice of tw> h ifcr ca)v or two 2 yer-ot<J h-i'fr- All rvgi>teritl. Aufly ' O. H. '-Vlter. Kiuibvrley. Rov. Mr. FIiHi!i< '>( Mx*^ n excvllt-nt wnun in the P ihuro*' at 'he pr< |rtorv service fii t-'ri day ftnioon last. The aud-euce wan .->uif whs' ox-acre owing to the mcleiuoir. wrather. KARMS ,'it) t<> 250 a ;re situatwl in IXUfcnu, 'irey Hid S. m . .-. Pric- * tront $?0>).(10 up t-> f7iM)l>tXl. t-ru * ra.-. K.T particular!* writo tii-o. Uutherfori, Box t>", She!- liuri.r. Out. Mr. A'f. Tht;wl**aitehaJ a larve wootl- hc in Muiuthaws bu.<h on Thursday last. There wrre aU<ut 25 m.n present, and 40 or 50 cords w*s the proceeii". Mr. ami Mrs. ThKtlewaiiagavet (>*r(y in tlico L-I in to Ur^e nuoiber ' f fneuds sod n en- joyable evening w spent. Eutrraia Mei)<oi!tt S.i> \th AC! <>! will hold :hc<r annual . nterr IHHIK-HI n the Tenu K . f KVid:y, Dec. ilst, when *\- drvw-ea ill be .leiiv.TtJ by RrV*. Thotn. NV^rd i\ti'l UoiisU*. Tr* served from \Wt.i7.30. ST.-J bills for further |r Do.miiK- Ri-ul of llie R4d School. <ec. N". :t, H in'l-. iu'h of this vilUice, will hold Ins xnuiuU ch ><>1 :.. rUiniii-.-n'- M Friday vvenin^ the 21nt mat Thi.-. annuil -vent i becoraing witielv knw<i Mii.1 di<uiitluB this )<'' enter 1 sinmciif ill prive reconl l-r\-ker in |-int of tlfikl:uice if the weather is fmvrihle. Fur Good*. We hue one of th- larx t rti-ck* "f fur north of Tor-'ii'o, n.ade ..f svl ot kius. boimr>t fn'Bi the un.*t rr- inaiiafacturers in Can l>, furs wo - \n\ ilvnc in price ami cnn *ivc you fr- m'$4 t.. f7 on every o>.t. Alo fur nMHjw, s'ightly dnisge<l, |2 rach. McFurUi d A PunJalk. A nieetitij; wa held in the Presbyu-r- taii church "on Tiendny er mm of .st wv>-k 10 oiyaiiiiea bia.wh "f tlie IJ>IM > I>yr Allmiuv, when tlt following olfiers werr>Mt|vin'ed : IVs . \\ . H- mler.ii; Vic Vr., F VnnDum-n ; S.v Trean.. T. J. Slio|i|wr-l ;v.'oinnut-<.f,K J.Spnxi'e, .1. Thomv*'U> nd Cha. Serf. A p*o*l ci-ni'*e to arriBtfe for branch nire'ipg* wan appointd a.t follow* : >Vtlon. C. $tNtt and JAS. of first cl-s raovio k*ve a rtch treit if ti.ey e .- to hear Hit* Tilla Labami .tf *t the Imthh Au^-h annual eoter'au MI^BI in V,ct.*. Uai I*MI i.ilk on New Yean niih- Tlxi-e making up partin ! a-i better secure rer\ed seat* by writing at .cu to L'h.r.f Uuu n, will occupy ibe nnK (.rt "f the pr i<rume so tha'. t )-.- w shiii^ tt iray cloh the B<ith. li.-^d <he almcwt pr^iaw of her sing.Mg in the prosv Rd luitrn^tor Camp'wll addrejssed an nudience ( pr hably 100 fanners, rep rM-Bta ite ueB from all partji <f (he towukhip, in tl> town b*.l n Tueiay e- vnn x Space forlnds a lejgthy report. Mr. Cauipbeli's n-uurk^ were litiid to with deep attend' -a. One gentleman vnicetl the seir.iutei.r of 1 when be said, "Thai: hj'.it-t anything I eer likened to on roml Ui.kki:.^. It U a grvat pity that m re of th r.Urpuytiis could not have availed rh- iuiM>lve of the .^ p-rtun henring llr Cauiporll. The licturtr made the followia^ stateni'i.t ' f the people of tliu t-'Wnahip vote to do aaay with the <atute labor I ill stake my public repuiaiioa tatt they w 11 n-*er re irret it, an-i if they >]<> i t And cunjitious imprut'td I will CAHII- back next fall and ad\i*e .- n.-turn to it." A o n.>i.i-;ee of four ,'ei tl- lurri, comptutlU Mr. BuUnd. D. M.M.IU... Jo*. PedL.r ml M. Ricfa- rdooti was appu.ired by the uiecrin|( to rotilur with ihe council and draft a plan to that the ratepayers ill not be vorin* hr.dly. Mr. John Boland gracefully presided <.>ver the mretuu Killed on the Track A sad accident occurred . n this line of nilwav, about eight u.iles nurth of FlesherUm Station. ,'U WedtMsd^y even- in' nf Ivtt we. k. Mr Thomas Bruwn, who lives on the Tor-nto ami Svteuhmi road, H tades north of MarkiUlo. owns 'v,j >.i b. th ide >( tbe T. A S. R.. aad the C. I*. R. crosses the westein section ul tins l,,t. Mr. Brown, for cunveuience, has private crowing oer the railway, sad oa the altcrn.>--n in question had driven some cattle orer the track t-. u.vturr. and was ivtumtag home wh-n :he accident uccarrvd. It appear* that while crossing the track something at- tracted lui attention aad be stood at the .-tiue of tbe track to examine K. At rhe ut-'inent tin.' afternoon e\pmw l> re J-.wa upi-n h'iu and some part of th envifle struck him uuar the hip, 'fan in;; htm a cx-iMidt-rable distance. The tram wait tnppvJ si d the injur-d mi. who was m-en*.l>Ji, was picked up aud b.-vo-^iit t Markdal-,wh-re medical sid wan procured, i-ut prured unavailing, death en-u n< about au h,,-ir and a half after the ac- cident One arm was broken in two l^aces. the head badly injured and th tody terrible broken snd bruiaed Mr. Bruvru was an "Id mm abvut 60 years of age and somewhat crippled. He leaves a widow, , ne *>!' and too U*ui{htr Dr. Uir.v.i-. coroner -f this place. wa no'i- til. tut did i ot think an int|U<-st neie*- *it) . IVciased waa all uncle of Mr. Fred l>ruan. who lies i.ear Fleaherton. Wesley church Reopened. WciJey Mrthodiat church at tbe Mea- frd Rmd has been underling ntc'.-i><.- r-pnirx during the past summer. A Sno Hwement has been atlded n!id ten ftet aided to ths length of the building iHlur niii'or iniproinenta he al*> bf n wade. Th<sc are Dot a'l completed, but the rcnvatl ImiMing a rxipeoed .n Sinul.ty luu n>". J C. Buchannan of M.trkiUlH prvaelivd two excellent ser iii-'i-s. 111 -iriiin-i and evrniuji. and Mr. Pickell.-f Markdal^addivw-i the S.bKath soh KM in tf.e sfti-n 0-11. The auoienc. were not l^rij,-, owing to the b*'l >ndi- tu.n ,-f the r> a-l. l>n Moiulty uveniiu a fowl up;>ef and choice pn.nP 1 "! wa< >{iv -i, in the church, 'he c! air t-eiug <x- ct'pivd by M. Uich.u.lson. M. I"., and w. pairi>nUe<t by a lir-j; cr,'d ! pt>p c f-.-in far and ner. Klesherton had nine repieart.Uti- c* pr^eni. The l>d:o h id prej.rJ a iucn;Sc>i.t r*(>s ,'f fowl HOI! other deiecasiee to which th* cxwldtd ample justice. An cxwllent pf-gnw of muMC. speeches, recitati,n, c , was rendered, "he fpkors 1* uj the Ke. Ituch mini and K, VMire Ch, ioe. inusic w sufi>iifd by 'he Vndeleurtnn^ land nl the choir. of -he nrhcr specially stood tniny* were a Jaet hy Mer. Birch -f W,<c- h"Ut* :n,l Brtihoux>, Fle*her. m , r^-cifa ti..--> by Master HowaH Holly and >*;< B. r-h F-uWen, nd a s.'o by MISH M){ gie IVavia. Mr. Ue". Shaonvn TW t-<w*lxp of XottawmMfs Iocs on* of us Mo.-t enerfetic,<s, and weli-teoijvctcd farm rs .a the person uf Mr Alezaader S. Baaoerman, who died . t his knsM on lot 19, concession 4. oo Satnrd-iy, Decctu-^r 1st. of cancer of the st nii.:h. DecMued *-t 44 yean of aue. He W4S born in tk t->wBshipof Percy. N.-rthum' -rlj;(d county, awd when he was a MaaJl boy his parcnu moved fr m rkera ro Oaprey, County of Gey, in the year 1*>7 In 1073 ne amed MUH <.'s4ni-n>ii, f Oprey, in which they enir.iged in farming until 1873. when they came t-. Ji-x.'.awaage. then he has operated his fsrro snd ia the ti^uare timber bouusa. He also nuccnwfuily contacted the ei.eer factory at Eugeaia Falls, town- ship of Art^oiesta, for aome yean. Mr. Banaeraun was well likrd by all wh . knew him as he as ta bonorablsi biuinean "a and a kindly citizen. He was s member of the local lodiw of Ancient Order of L" it*i Workm-n A wi.iow aad six children, three b->j s and three girls, are left to ru urn hs loss. The funeral took place to the Sca> eemetrry JB Tuemlay aftert.uon. Stayoer Sun. Dr C. A, Little, dmtut. will be at the Munshaw House. Fleahertoo, th Vd Saturday m each Mouth frvai 8 to 11. 30. a. n. Seasonable Goods at the .ledical Hall, Resherton. Horse medicines Such a* Mandrake, Maodroot, Ditadelioa. Antimony, Dinit- a!i, Sdtpetre. Anise Seed. R in. <;.:.- 'roo. Fwnu^reek, Lobelia, and the okt;aui prepontn D, Hi rhagtoai Xnt lHi>, suitable for prsssne*. W rk Boxes, Albums, and th<se that "Santa Clause always diapenie*. AUo Toy B>oks sod Christ sws Ciri. Toilets Such as T oth and Face Pow- ders. Toilet S.-pri. and Perfumes, with .t nice assortii'cut uf Conibs, Pins and Brushes. C.iifccri-., ery. in that " Quaker exceptionally i < <' supply, with C.iody A nice aasortioent ..f Violin*. Bows. Mouth Organs, e'c. with Pr^ecription for H re or Person care- fully compounded. Honey! Hon-y ! Hooey! In 1 Ib. va'ers, at the Medical Hall. Just received. Caustic BaUam, for ringbone, spavin Xc. : Gall cure, f >r scraurhea. I^>tion for wound*. Try thv Farm olantcd. Wtitad to rs: MM cr or sgors : tabluic Per partMunn vply to riui!U. Dee. 7. im NtIL X - M - A - S Groceries A fu!I li-.e of tlie brt .- "d just rcciv ed, incluUintc .Mrti^mt. lomoiu. tiij, nnJir<. fn -y bi*-ti!f<, tx)nl)D. ctirrsntu, ni'sin*, }<-r!". crsn- rtc. PL I'M In vlJitivii .- k<-v;.< a full Itneof urdinary ifnrios, such a* vugir-, tvev. iusps (ooeain-'m snd fcii.:jrl, Hixtniah > QHMS\ cai.ccil I;WH.'. an.I pickets. rkr Fin*? t liw of < 1 1'andiri r: I'.MVI. t .<-i .ui-l thrni. Uoti't pav* ns by WRIGHTS OLD STAND 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACC M/UHtS Oraion* COT'G T AC. . . eodln a .*<* and est1ptl.>o a taliirr ssesnala or OIHHHMI free wtietbvr an VrevVtV* is frokMjralMaM*. Owejenica. tk<w wnetlT eooSdenUal.HaB.HKw* oe> PateeKs for i e tkfwirt Mmaa a wltaowtefcatwe. la tbs recetV* Sckntlflc Hmcncan. * saeirtsoeiery DlwtOate* weesrj;. KyMet^i falauoa of aai 0, * * iii * V.V * BOOT AND A very large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks, Values, and every- thing in our line worth sellitr cheap and good ! *.* TO OBDEB FLESHERTON Jut-t Opene<l Out Tais Week. Some Snaps in Dress Goods We cleared out a lot of the newest and most up- to-date dress goods in Toronto last week at lej*s than half price. They are mostly ladies' cosrurue cloth, cheviot* and tweed, the proper thing for tailor made suit.-, and while they last, we will sell them at 7~ which is less than half price. They are 54 wide ami extra choice coloring* FURS u. iiV (Air iAii llji ill u/ u* * + i.V \* * Of * U * V.V Rememl>er you will make a mistake it' you huy a lady's or gents coiit before inspecting ours. In turs we are the undispute*! lea<lers iu price and luaJitv. Even coal guaranteed. i * We luivf t>t?en having a lag sale this fall for our furs, hut we have a nice stork left yet and. we have a t-'-'-h lot cKinini: in thi- week. Visit Our Millinery Department It is now pretty generally admitted that this store is an authority on anything pertaining to ladies headgvar. As a matter of tact we improve as we go along so that the display, which every read- er of this paper is invited tt see. will be the best the store has ever made. CLOTHING SUPREMACY The barometer tells very clearly that the men's trade of town and country is travelling towards this store. T. 8heppard s quality. T. Sheppard s prices tell with the shrewdest men buyers anil we have at present an extragood <U>ck ufall kinds ot goods for the men. such as ready-to wear suit*, overcoats, underwear, all kinds of tweeds and worsteds to be made up with tailors ; heavy rubbers and - \ Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. Flesherton. Ont. FLEr^HKKTON F r M *.-> H-irns, Sfoxou, Kleury nd / /--V |v- W Wiikina->n n -,- , j-.i, .ii*-. Flc-urv -n '. \ority plows >n h*nd all the time, also \ll kuidi >' > -* f r t!.-.- u ne. ^e m.viufactiire WagosM, l;,:^t-. i.'j - .: t r. S|. ^H^. Uor-Knli.-cm.- r-upt'y sttcnded to. kl a'teni on "o toiU'-r co<i.rac*d feet. L-HK"'*: *nd Plow Chai ' Mswksn'ly on !..< <> At^ t- -v L K ^ K MELOTTE - CRf-.AV, . SEPARATORS Which ha*<? M.I w|i;l it tki-s N-ss (w-wer !h-n any ctlier. f^ Dwea *v,r>- wo- k >n ICMO tun cy* ui rv rficiently. All a--ri'iit ;ifot-i-ted. Pi'it % -^ <iri..>i No 'in toj>< II-IW an-l CT-HUI t>w .'Vr 'hok v -^iit-llrd KurfaeMS. N" *i" platua, but aluminum, which .., - - r r,it i-,n n sxailv Alan sjt""' f"f *h<- Vl< \ < '-i- r 5^0^; ^.TS^SiiXCC^pff