Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1900, p. 4

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GREAT NATION IN ARMS. Voluntary Training Throughout the British Empire. A probable re-sult of the war would IJSBIS OMBE WORLD Fiices o Cattle, Cheiu. Qratti. in Uu e i tin ; A despatch fr-in Johannesburg says: T! < : :i Sicii-ly gave, a ban- quet in h< nor of St. Andrew's day. There wus a brilliant gatluriug, in- rlu<l.ng ie|irenetitutive8 of the Army and the Ailmiiiistratii.n. tiovrrnor Mo- Kei.sio mude uu im,>oii mi .|>,-ecli. He uod iad. . hn race would ETC. Toronto, D,. ll.-\Vh--it demand for red ami white rontinuua at 61o, rai'ldle freight and 05c cast. Gooae wheat waa be that the principle of a nation in rith '' r Better at 6-'c. middle freights. arms as against a atandintf ui my Manitoba* nr* atendy. No. 1 bar I is would be accepted throughout the Kmpire. lie believed that tbe lit-ne- fi ill i raining, , .i.v i-il di.vi I piin-ut, wire*. Quotations are as fi-llows; Hod winter, 4c; and white, 61c, fre:^hts; goose wh- it, 6 <., said ih n be w>. uld fullutv the custom l-,ervd in uiauy of the colonies of the Ministers uinking a l..ri c i-a of the wi h .in 'iit's |licy at the Uunquets great given uu t-t. Andrew'* day. lie de- cl.ned that the de.i-.iii a had been tak- uul inin f<Ti- wiih uiid iuduxt.ii.il its sa. G, rtuuny, iptioii, was miking a industrial advance. The plan li, iiH-u i ..iii-d was ul i'ou>ci iption, but voluntary training. Uuv- rrmr nn ill- f : S.i. 1 spring wh ,t . I'liiiiuieroUl *** r>r>; " Manitoba, No. 1 hard, o|J, g.i.'., 9'k; an I No. 2 at 880. M llfi-cd Scarce, Ton lots, at the nn that all British subjects of suit- . M< KI uzie. '.hanked tue society for tbe references made to tbe Admit . lion, and said he wus doin,' l.i- i* -I of JobuLneaburg on returning to the to continue the liovm niuent until able ttge nbould iu tlio future bear arini. He ex|oted that the citlseas district wvuld make a force of 2-;,''UO neu, which would be namud the K uid Rifles. Thin force would be able to defend thr district against any pos- iD.e h..-ule foro-J in -ou; h Africa- Th a was in tbe interest of thu people, who would thus be enabled to recommence industry without fear of iuierrup- tion. the civil authorities were replaced. Mes-srs. II'. skins, Dunn, and others mill loor, B..-I1 as follows; llr in. |1-' to si .M; .ia I sb>rt s, SU to |U.5<>. west. l-r --1 i y. No. 1 Araerl- an y I- low, 47c, on track: here; an I mix-d, 40-: ( ni!i:in corn, here, 45c. IVaa Kids have declined, and of- are light. There wou.ll lie goo! buying of No. - on n basis of G a, bitch freights, aud Gl l--o cast, but h. I '<-rs want more m >ney. II irl.-y Qriet, and about nteady. condi. ions prevailing in So.uh Africa, ,; xpl , rlpr , st ill buyers, equally of due to tbo Uoers naving ; h< , iTy ,,. , bur ,,. y No , past _ 41 ,., diverged fn.m their peaceful progress an( , ^j,,,,. freight8 , 40 l-_'c; No. of fifty years ago. WANTS THE WAR TO END. The British Cabinet ;s Anxious ih.it it Be in sue. i A denpatcb from London says: east; and S9o, mi<l>ll< New rye, 4o west; and FIR1 D ON I HE AMBULANCE Driver Killed and the Assistant Wounded. A ((''ftputch from I'rrtoria says ; Um liuinlred Ne-w /eilinder.s who WITI- in Cen. Knox'i fi r l I lth>-ii<>-,- U-r k..,> | tl ,l nil th ir '"I 'hasten bis plan f,.r the pacification Lih whitioat and mixed oats. .1 .,r wounded. Ih y and f e( | prat i.,n of >>uth Afrioa. Kore- WB , t . 24c. fought with <lvs<-dr u >g f<.r sev,-u- m . al Bmol , 8 those wuo are applying Kl-Jur Irregular. Ex|rt buyers say extra. 40o fr<>ight. Hy> Ea 47r OJBt. Rue kwhcit- \bottt teady but qui-l. C.ir lots, vrvnt, are quot. 49-. an I east at 50c. Oats Quiet and abut steady. Choice Strung pre8ure is being brought to new - white .mts, mi-MIe freights, arc bear on Cecil Uhodus to induce him to qu ,,ted at 2fic ; and eait at 26 l-2c. li-.n rn..\ in,:. this pre.-vsure are ,v>.uo of her Mujes- there ar fair offering! at $2.60 ami \,. 11. i.vnt .jf tlu^ fi/ht d-M-rve ty's Ministers. AltL,,ugh they ars^hey V nunn.-r ( ,f th- .'evenili I Ijica w.,iinl.-|, .nth. flu -lii,-h slop.-! oA-irl Hi working quietly and Ibrouah unolfi- are. l.uyiiiif under that lif Holders ask 2.0 for 90 per cfnt. cial chaiuiel.s, tb*y are now .-onviiu-eil , (.tentg, i D buyers' bat;-., uii.l.lle K-r that tbe solution of the question lies freights ; and exporters bul .!...:> - - in putting forward such terms ua will c ial brands sell locally from 10 to SOc i- "n DIK- of tu> llritiNh miri'< i- remove him. but th- .-r eila ble tiroat Britain to maintain its 1 above these figures. rtf| ' " ' ' f li: "' dignity and yet clear the troops out Duluth. IJec. ll.-Whest-No. 1 burd, ' ' -f ^>uili Africa with as Itttle <ll.iy C a-h. 78 l-4o ; No. 1 Northern. 71 I I I'd.. ,| .. .,, cr-pt lurk '.vi-r I un ITM I 11- :< ml/Ill III' I ii ill- oky-liim th . -, u :.t i .li UNI "f last few days, urging that he throw ' > . i Is. 111.- imlnil.incr himself unr kii|-.| mil .in.ih.-r .i.ssist the conciliation movement. It i ant "" ' ; Hi I' H' 'I and the- that if la- .In-, ,o t :t . will Iw I h- ' "' " i'-ni.iii un.it- greatest man in the Kinpire, mul r.in N... 'J.do, ft! vo f>7o; No. I spring, 53 to mi. I l.r u :lit up a Hed CrniH nmliu- a* |..-.-ible. th- II ,-r- would -fhev mlao think tna , Mr Ubo , lea u f(K ,. to >r( . iTe _ No t , llr<1 73 Lg... Vll "'"' ' '" '' "i'y man equal to tbe deiu.m.U |. December, 71 l-8c ; May 75 1-4 t.. >f the hour. Several cablegrams tuive 7:, | gc. Corn Not qunie.1. Oatk JS IU--I- <-, n- been despatched to hiui during the 1-2 to 'JS l-4e. Duffal >, Dec. II. Spring wheat (In- THE CHASE AFTER DE WET. Belief in London That the Great Raider's Capture is Near. A despatch from London nays: The, Militiry men were convinced Situr- fx rhise has gone on in the worst day night thit Uen.-r ,1 Kit.-lien-r had K; weather, with drenching not neglect-d to send a strong col- rains and uo] n , i,,., s . De W. t, um n to Werner from Dewei having fnlel in i . ,. mpt to and if this had beon done they could force i In- p mage ,,f the Orange river, not ,e-o.;iv how the gn-it raider uith Knoxs troops in hot puisuit. He could escape. totaled u, k M h . ,, , ,., K .. ag Uisabnn'lonm.pnt of horse* an-lcarti * not o.ertuken at Rouxville, and they oonhideri-d a sign that he was waa appareiuly heading K.I \\rixne.r ha rrie 1 nearly to death, and they c >n- the roaJ t^keu by Olivier in his fideiitly predicted news of his cap- retreat ftom Aliwal .Nonh a.' SIT n^. ture any hour. The Bnt. h mounted forces are rid- iug a-s never before during a c i m- |Mi!i (! of their remirk- able mobility is explained by miln ,ry I'm i here \\..s n , h nice that h might ' turn aljout on a fresh ng-ang iod si i ike for llersrhel, on th<- way to link ey Kast. Ih ;ox was still running h n Gen. man as the action of Boer t Kiu-heners luTl-tin wass-m <u on Th.i British ooluiuns are movin. Siturday morning, but was haul- and hav ... i unts. caught. ou all miJea, and Tlie iicconiiti of their won.it-rful man 1 I, up revived iuter.it lu the campaign. Cattle. Shippers, per cwt f 4 ' Batcher, choice do. ..... 4< i her, medium to g o.l. JJ&O liuicber, inferior ...... ... juj Stoi kei's, per cwt iio Export bulls, per owl j^j S-h-ep and l.auibs. Sheep, per cwt. J 75 Lauib*, per cwt. .... _ 4^o Ltuika. per cwt. 2 50 Miikera and Calve*. .'ows, ea-b -OHO Calves, eath ._. iiH) Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt. bogs, per cwt. 460 ; u 4UO 36J uu I ' 4UO su 500: 800 575 0t EIG;IT DROWNED. l Heavy hogs, per cwt , sows .. ... .. Stags . in j76 67 In .r .n I ' Ur 1,1. A di-spsitch from Erie, Pa., says: In th- iii.dat of one of the most bitter .a tha even swept Lake Kr.e. the iron or a Charlea Foster, in tow of the Irun Duke, went to the bottom t 4 o'clock tha morning, 10 m>l<s off Krie, and eu/ht, persons were drowned as follows: Ciptam John Iti id.-.-, of "i Cleveland: f.rst mate, unknown; n it a iiiii u , a, jui M it., , rt . U i , a u K-lly, of Port Aoetin, w. Mia. May, of Lktruit, two 4K) uuknown d.ck l.aii'ia. TRAVEL INTERRUPTED. , . . ^servedly into the van of ch ,, ll{Otl . Wllltfr wheat-No, t red. In- l -. a- one of the fleet of ." >' rngan, of Cleveland, and for ( two uiuuths hal b..-en running from iDuluti), to tliio with iron ore. Her Bridges Washed Away Between Pre- , a * .\ ut I.MO tons of to.i.l and Jo ha tints burg 1 . .a -.n u AsliU-y, of the Iron Duke. A <le ; itch from Pretoria ays: " a iim- iu safety, la an intrrtiew t was Lope<l that diri^-t railway com- -' '!:- iiuiu.'ntion with Johauue.sburg.which >N n. .1 we ruraed f >r tbe har!>->-ir* beeti uiti-rrui i- I owing to the de- j * muc-al heavier thm any i.sli-r rx- iruction of a bridge at Irene, would J-rii-nced s.rock us. I r*n t . the * re^tortd in a day, au.l lint the use stern. Just a* I g >t thfre tbe Fcstsr f a deviation from the regular line plunged in an awful ssa and ! re i-uul.l not be necessary. Owios to thr d w n ioe firsi. There wis n.il a cry ..ev. r. it h .. been iin- Ii- ui a soul of the orew of eijc^ beld at 7tV. white, 75 l-2c ; mixed, Tti |ux.-.il>le to repair the break caused 1 RELEAStD PRISONERS. De Wet Has Also Abandoned Krupp iltin. take ulnn.st any poHition he wnnt. A to 70 1-ic. Corn !iady, No. 2, yel- low, 13 1-:.- ; No. S yellow, I.V ; No. 4 42c: No. 2 corn, 1- 34-; No. S home Iiuin the Transvaal, stilus that No 41 ,. Jo tha UrilMi Army in S,, u lli Africa has 3 wu i, e . ^ c ; N ... a been thiiteen in -nt Us without ti-nts, ., 7c . N<1- / mixed. Finn; X.>. 2 white, 28 1-^ lo ^ .'-c , No. whlt ,, M to and on hulf rations; their clothea are A despatch from Aliwal North says: '" '** un<l a " lh ' l> '''' ma ' the urmy Wednesday night a Biiiish pjitiol Ul """n>ds in Ihe cry to be allowed i-aiue inio riuitai-i wiih De Wet's out- *** * oou>e - l''p'e may taik of the l.ne to the place wheie his main auf ' pr '"K-> -f Hie Hoers, but the suf- was laagered. They Imilt one ' er ' n * 8 * our own ooldieri are wore piiMinei, who sialed that Ue Wet wua Bev * re - Noliody ran stir without be- ng from coiuiiiuil t ei.knnr, '" B * not " l > un l tne shooter iuvuri- II I li.nl iliin.iii.-ied , Krupp KUII near *'*'* 1 ' < ' e ' < "way before, anything can the south bank of tho Caledon liver l>e dune againat him. Added to these Hi- pu-piier aln assttrted (hat all nrilo,h pnsuners uapiured at Itewets- doip had been liberated, with in ri- Ille ullicem. Ihingn, there 1s tho certain pr*pert of famine in the "conquered dis- tricts,'* l-lo; No. S mixed, 23c. U.n ley Ext ra, 64 to (ioo ; eho.i-e to fanry, li-J to i>:io ; fair to good, 57 to OOc ; low gr ulef. 54 to Otic. Rye X..iiiin.ill> 5..,' Detroit, IJro. J..iet, steidy. 11. - Wheat No, 1 - u.i-hnui, and it is now rejort- 11 \. is so hnavy that 1 could of BUiilEU IN A MINE. i: .|.TI* Hnlilr for l.lfr hv llil.u 1,. ,. MWNi A de*|wtch from Scranton, Pa^ says; Imprisoned one thousand feet in a coal mine at Duumore, near here, ;u mm had a desperate hattln for life on Wednesday, aa tbe result of a mine oave-in, nod only aucoended in gain- ing thuir lilwrty by OIUKHIH their way out. Th- cave-in was at the mine of Hi Nay aug Goal Company. Five DE WET'S NEMESIS. (iuerllla Leader A^aln Treks, With Knox at Ills Heels. A iltspatnh from Ixumlim, Lord KiuJiisner force f i ' m ays; the War Of- il is lep .1 li il lll.it II,. \\ ,.|H ha* g<one eaat aiul north-east (Meiii<l.i.il. Un. Knox in fol- !*> t he des|Mirh from of Into tbe Aliwal Noirth, thut a Krupp nniniiini- mioe were far in the interior. thal '" lhl> ""' ish l )ris "" rit tak '' while, cash, 77o ; No. 2 red, cash, 7,i . Dei-ember, 77c ; May 7W 7-(- ( -. ChU-iiiro, Dec. 11. Wheat waa weak to-day, on lower cubles and a poor hipping demand ; January, cloeing 7-8 Iv Ic lower. Corn cloned a shade to l-8o higher, and outs 1-gc lower. Pro- visions at tha close were t 1-2 to 7 l-2c improved. Min.neap.iiis, L)oc. II. Wheat Cash. 72 1-Je; l),cnnl>.-r, 7J !-.-; May, 74 1-4-, on track, No. 1 bard, 74 1-Jc; No. 1 Northern, 7i l-2e, No. i, do, 70 Mo. UVE SHK'K. Toronto, l).c. 11. We, had a total here ti.-d.iy of '> ..irloa.lt uf live stork, compi i.siug l.liuU uogs, 1,1)00 cat- tle, 700 sheep aud^ lambs, two> doxen calves, and a few milkers. We had no export busiuc*w to-iliy In other respects the uiurket wus steady, and nui.laUy unchanged. oca ed id it anotticr bridge his I- put al.mi lo hunt for n- n-. milking a further de-'Thn have bean a particle vi.ilion ne,'.-> iry, in the line b-tween , >t un anyhow, because k: those tre- here an<l the Cape. Heavy supplies are merul w svis no one could have l.ved now U-inif sent here to gu-ird .itf linst ' even if the- water had n t any nhurtage that might be caused ien .. y c ! Had there been aery by further breaks. It is {irobable that a town guard i risked uy .. of Briti^h residents will b,' e tai li^hcd { t-> uiaie port iA ssv here similar to the one at Johannes- burg. bXPENSES OF TWO WARS. ' ' help I would ti.4ve turnud and What the South African and Chinese Wars Cost. A despatch from Ix>ndon says: The second -u |. i-iii, ntary estimate of the war in .-outli Africa, and the ex|*di- tion to China for the finunriil \e>r ending March 31st next. is |. r -- 0. The expenses of the war in South Africa and C'hini up to Au^u-t It was all I ,-. ',:J.| do myself. There had not been a stogie signat of dis- Lreaa from tho foster up to the time she sank. There is fr-n 80O to. 1.000 feet of water where the wreck ocrurn- I . l there is li -, ii p.. of ever being able lo locate the place. The, Foxier waf valued at lUl.lMKI. but there was :. io surajioe, as it elapsed December 1 The crg. was not insured The life- saving crew uiuk a Irip out' to-daj but Ciild find no Trace* of wreckage OFF last were 93... .0-5.0W). H. A ch LOST OVER 100 Boers suffered Heavliy In Their At- K _, , D ^, Kn X P nl * Ing Cape Colony. A despatch from I.undoa, General Ki.ciiener reports from South Africa that the mounted troops of Ut>u ral Kuo were engaged all day lll " ou Sundny with part ot General 1 * Wet ' 8 (L>rew '^ ' Bethulie. tack on to.WO.V. A despatch from 1'reto.ia says: Iti. is stated that tha Uoers auffex. d lbe * r "' he add *' wer * >*< off. h-ivily in the attack on the British I f "''red in a north-easterly direc- 'A- in, n, who Those on the outside formed ibem- ' I., s inin rescuing parties, nnd, while feeling that the mm could not be Dewelnd'urp, wiith the exception of the officers, hive IH rn relruscil I. mil Kit-JiiMir ntHtes that while reached In time, worked with a will, l' 1 "' lll ' ilUh - at "> reqmvtt nf n M in.v l,,l the imprisoned in-n were not idle. With their sbovela in. I pioke they began working at a point where the fall had blocked tho main gangway at a point whe.ro it ltd to a roadway through which an exit could be made.. After in- hard oik ih > iiioteedud In clearing away sufficient of the fall to get througU before the rescuing party reached them. None of the men were n ui d AT BRONKPORTS SPRUIT. 2.600 Boers Surrounded and 80 Have Been Killed. A Pretoria despatch says that fighting bis b..-ii gnlng on for four days at Hronkport'a spruit, Com- umdiinU \'llj-n and Krusmua, with 1,600 floors, are surrounded, and so far 80 lloem have been killed. field r.. i IK- l, were handing over MsM wiiiiu-n in ill,- liners linear Hel- f.isi, under n fl.nr of burghers vigorously infan: ry held out until reli.tvod. true*, the attacked n |>oM, whi'-h CHINA'S PARTITION. Peace In China Impossible, Say Pekln Advices. A despatoh from London lays : Thr I'nkin oorre|>ndent of the Morning Post, in a despatch dated Thursday, lays the impression is growing am- ong all the nationalities there thai peace is Impossible. It Is believed that a reou nipt ion of the oumimign in tin spring is 11, .-MI ,1,1,. The partition ol tbe empire U regarded u the onlr solution of tb* trouble. tion. the prices for the o-sl luff ranging ' i'i from I'M- A despatch from Cupe Town reports from 4 to 4 l-c, per poaud-i. Mm. cattle ot good quality was here to-day than has been the case tor some time, lu regard lo medium and inferior cat- tie, there was nu change, sale* Mure alow and prices wore weak. Stackers, feeders, and export bulls are iiii.'lian^.'d, and slow of snle; bulls wen- a MM. id weaker. Little was d ,iu> in milkers, as few woro up to tha requisTT^ mark; good COWM are enquirud for, and will sell up to 950 rank. l'nl\e ars steady mid in ' iir de- mand; gooil calvea tire \t<,r.-d Nn change oecnrre.l In -b i-p b tiH , i I,, l!n-t-'ii> ir u are estimate! at 100 lh i Ih y there were indications ,,i w, akuess, in i KS rungo from $;i to per cwt. Lambs are fiiui, ib>UK>i for extra Choice Iambi a nah In in - thin ihe figures quoted below in b.- p.iid. Uogs are firm and m.rli , , -..,| Hugs tu tstob the tup pnco must lie of pi une quality and icale not be- low 101) nor above 20U Ihs. Following is the range of qaota- tions:- s II ins II.-, hi has been raiding near rcre* also Standerton, capturing cattle and frustrated ,u U ,,pi to obtain S ^7 ^ Th " l ! rit ' sh 8ont ou t "force lu h drove the Boers off and reoap- iMud.es. _ tured the loot. BOERS BURNED CONVOY. They Score Another Success Near Rustenburg. A despatch from London *y;- mako a defence, but the Boers burned (Jen. Kitchener, who is now comniin- hulf of the convoy. der-in-chief of tlu< llritisb forc*i In neinfor^mcnts for the British i S..uth Afuca, has cabled to the War rive I, aud tbe Doors wvro then di Office from m.n '"" lack ' ' l poort, ilia. ' to Hi llloer that 600 lr-d. 10 the coniin uid,. ,,f Th.- H; ,h | ,,t 13 killed, in in ule a determined at- inn Men' Hik-r, and 2S wounded. ut Baff.'ls- I'D'' H"Ts suffen-d consider iM- proceeding fr.un 1're- '" ss - >: 'i ' "f them being killo.1 with -burg. at C*l yards, tiuns and us- troop* in charge of the con- Sl ' ut trom Kustenl u - hastily too. up apoi,i,n to Ul^ST** " "' ^ ^' COLORS ARE GATHERING The Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks of the Christian Character. A despatch from Wa.shLngton says; white; the sixth, nr.liu* red and Rev. Dr. Talnvige preached fr /*u fi ry ; the seventh, chia oi;e . the followimsj text; "There was rainbow round about the thron-. ' Diirimg the. last snow-storm a bu-d ; the eU'hth.beryl a blu:h 'h- ninth, toyaz a pal- ^r<-en mixed I yellow ; the t 'nth. rbrysopr^sun a preached to you from the text un Job, . ' n bluish tint; the 11 jacin'h "Consider the treasures of the snow." fi' ry as Ihe sunset; the twelfth, ime- Thijs morning when I look 1 out ..f 'hvt. But th'S^ precious <t >nea ore the wjnduw and saw the M ..rai -h- rain and the in w oommmiflinz a light thread ajd a dark thr ail i a rh '"!>' th foundation of the wall of h av^n the most inferior part of it. (i " th r "P of this fouiidat.on there robe of the storm I thought I w- uid ri - s "* a mighty wall ol f bnl- prearh to you from the passage. "As. '"' > ;1 'id gorgeous crimson, the rain conwth dowa, and the- ^now *' contrast of colour! Tbione from heaven, and r"urn.ith not of pi-ndour and sablimitt ! You s -e thither, but watereth the earth, so llm !h " beautiful colours which are ball my word be that gueth forth out I tn " r ' ;bl!a o* glory to earth :n-e to be of my mouth." But in a litlte while i ' or " Ter P"esrved in > his wail of hea- Lhe storm began to abate, and the v '' n Our "kie* of blue, which aome- light came Into the sky. and the sun- ' t ' m "- s eim almost to drop .\ h r .-li- r ,m. and n '*" af colo ''. shall be gloriiied and preach to i eterl >'d in the deep everlasting blue of that fiery stone whU-h forms the second foundation of ih- b-avenly The green that sleeps on the beams streamed into my then ( concluded I would you about the breaking away of' the storms of life, and tbe "rainbow round about the throne." I notice that none but the people l J k '' bank ' nd rid Who were in the ark saw the ram ' bow. It cast its shadow clear dowr> the ' ant li:l '"' '"" '' ' -n^e.| into the water where the people were ' """ " n r 1J t! wt f"a th- foirth ' tta man at the gate of the hearenljr tem- ple, asking for alms i no grinding of the screw-driver on coffin-lid. They Inok up at the rainbow, and read, in lines of yeilo.v and red, an I green, in.l blue, and orange ind indigo, and vio- let, ' 'They shall hnnsrer no nwr-.ne.' ti- er thirst any ai,re ; neither shall the tun light <m them, nor any heat; for the Lamb which ; a in the midst of tw throne, shall fee.i th-rn, anri them onto l.Ting fountains of waters, and Gud shall wipe away all tears f rvtn their eyes." ThanJt l<od for tbe glury ipanniiK the throne 1 Oh, that ..ur wye* tnay ill liok upon i>.yw of pro;oia, liils<t by Christ's :.an-i : W shall trice the separate lines of beauty acro-ia the lirnnuient. In the Une of re<l I *ball see theblood .( my Lord; in tlw bme, the br . that c-.ltiure-i his otio^k: in tbe green, i eshness of his graca ; .n the v o- U-, his humility ; in all that curve >/ beauty, the bend of his rig'ht arm uf lor swun^ over all the rHdeemed. Bu'. mind what I told you at the be- ginning. an-i what I tell yo at the so** that none but Noah's family in tbe ark. iatv the rainbow, and that uoly tho* who are at last in Christ shall tli-cuver it amid the glories of heavrn THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON. DEC. 16 buried, and lighted up the dead facea i wutb a strange radiance. but they could not see it. So only tb>s who ' are at last (jund rn Christ, the Ark, . wJl .see the overspunn.. uc glories of , the throne. Hence you had belter get i lnu> the Ark! As you cull your faun- , ly out at the close ot the show show them the sign in heaven. so I want you all at last to see the grand- er rainbow about ihe ibroue. "Look there!" says Noah to h-* wife, "at | -' " f eirt!l *' that bow in the clouda. and. tfh.-m and ' lh * w ' 1 "' on ' ; IJr ' Japhet. look! look! the green, the jel- nl>JW roun I li drone. low. ihe red aud in* orange!" I. "'" whjt "a"-" 1 ^ "> : h 4j,,! no. wonder if soino of your ' ' f * > alooI W p*"pl- of heaven. o\v u ili.lilron in t-h Good i, n i - after a while cry out lo you, "Lo ,k father. ; ok. mother thsie is a i bow rojud aboui ihe turouv. ' i.u ' ^P* on ' n had Leaer get into the Ai*. .u a. I th * "-'tioos . ill wa.i fry iru.h of the morning, th I of tbe autumn, the i-lv-t- . r , h.mls its f ^ out of in>? thuti the and A : rus burn, aha II be eternised l It seems < if all e-irtb-ly beauty were in one b lowr. to be dt.-a.'d up a^amsr that w-all of niful ' Kxi-ept a man cannot aee ioe k. be born again of he your laiu.Ues, If \OU \\ANI ID U 1 n... ice alxo ittal lbe cti-ci glory Uf UOU COUlAd il.rl llii- 1 ..u. .No &ii "ei, uo r.i.uoo\>. no lioub.e, uo Ui.^u.ueAS 01 cuiuiiau . .iiis-'-.i , i n \oui i-u.iti jks you, i ..i. i, hat mak d iu- iiiiuou.. ( and you aa>, ii IS lh. o .11 l^Ul ttllOOg., li 1 .L.i lh r t i 1 wuuuui ed ho A itie.e be a ijuuoo.t iu ti . a.tu, j n.. ,u.i are uo siuriiu lliuie.; bu^ tiie.u 1 cuu- clud Uiai tuai rainbow uiu->i U. foi ua- ed i>) ill-- sirikui^ oi nea> eu uu>,ghi throo^U Itie la.uug u-ar* uf caiiu.y aurro,. . When we aee a uiui o..i- whcluiod wiln trouble, ana hw lie.i.ih gocd, uud bis properly goes, aud his lueuua go, 1 a>, 'Nuw wo aliall see the glory of liod ui ihis guod tan's deliverance. " .\a al Niagara i ever 'Ih^re Uive been days when, it ritined if it would never stop. You knew, WUT h- i' .11 1. yet no ipp eh-nf.1 n. for you re- II I.V O [ tOUI-iK piiinte I on the cloud in Nuah'.s time. -1 hive bat to look to rch urounl the thron- ..f > h- King to be reassur- I Mi.it the of trill U fjr err pist. Un earth, the 'le.u^e of siu siuunt ii- - I '. an M,>.n- guide, a mi. I i h\- most m. to.ua evilancea of U > I* po >-i. sweir at his mule aa he sliunbl,- 1 in tbe p<us*. Yes. the. delux of sin ovar the top> of th- i in^-.-.s. Revenue. . ri.nk- inn .ss. impiety falsehood, blasphemy, are but different waves of a flood that h.is whelmed nations. New York U droMted in it, London is drowned in it, St. Petersburg is Christmas Gifts. A PRACTICAL GUT. For aChri<im,u or a weeding pres- ent remember thit a c.ike saw that is, a thin, flit knif*. with on-> cut into siw t.wth,-Lt the best knife no u.t to cat a loif of cakie. For a 'f i silver one is often used. and is in appreciated wedding prea- nt. and one to be handed down in h- family. It ia so Onasoal a gift 'tit it i, not lilcjy to be ,iu;>.ioited. 1'lNMNt; BLANKET-; K.)rt li.VBY. first U 11-4 yards in lenu'h. very wide soft flinrn-l V h.m across tbe si lea and bottom 3-4 "f in inch in wil:h, thn a row of f.-hr stitcLLarf i-loae to the hem in y*Jlo w etching Mlk. In 'hecen- -r (>ir. ire four cherub bsils done in white outline stitch. MI h Asiitic oat:i:i embroidery. Tbe top M K'lthnred four tuiKNi ind after being; drawn up :o the right siie i facwl to tnik* it stramg. A TABLE NAPKIN K.WTK\KR. V !. 't in- i ;tpropriate a strip of plash, lin*d with itin, or i li Mt.vn. and wiih a cli.s;. .~ Lab* I*, l-iu !.' II. It. UV'IC.VL Nora* Verse 1. Je^nj -a T.5t in-l passed :.'h .lr:i-o. ThU us the same "eoiniu> . :i 1 "pu.^aag tbr.-. rf>Tred to in vrw li of .ir lat It is fair to asMOM that lived in ilie " Roman city" of Je . -. A u.i a ii' m-! / i :oh<'OB- (' :.- rning h.Tn n-. f. rded oth- er than tbitt we are abuwt to .ttuiy. The chief among the publicaiu wma pre^muaNy a man u( cootpicuuu* mental force. The iowvr grnile of putJicans, tboae who p-rt nily ez- turtel tizm from maistinij r ln ritneo*, were bumm brutn. men of hirl haarttf in>l thor jiv;h.r u/i- dcrupuloiu. Ilu- ti.r ch:ef mu.tt, in .;.! at eocial oatrici^m, have rankel h.rh-r in the cocoinuiity He may have b-eo prubably w:w. jut am but at heart 29 tbcy. bii. h not do hat owu dirty work. i'U* ri^ht 'ect thv tiie* .|\v (ram a prov- Lu>- wu* aol 1 L.;n/- to ilirtta, who emplvj^d natives of varioiu so-ktl writes -.> do tb- .{. /accheus stoo.l midway in rank. He t >ok In* or 1-r* from the rUinun receivr.r-geoer 1 1. in I .n tarn gnve oritr. u> uai-r;.uTs wb' rob>- bed tb^ pab U:. Us th power of Rome wi* b-h.n I the publictos to <-n- foree tbeix <lvntm L. mi .u wiork wii never ;ri:tly su^rv Cbe teuii'tit .n to friul ml . tiua was greit. ra-b. This was botB ca-ae an 1 ;'f"t of his b - m.i'in of esnh end lo catch the napkin after it has been rooted under the rhin. The cli|M m.ir b- hi lil.Ti by a li n* rib- bun r* and th> child's imriiU or its nanv< may be embroi lered on the ba-nd. Falls 1 aaw, one day, u u ru.uuows ilrmnvd in il two great biviuispht-re* apuun.ug the aiu. piuuge of ihu cat- *re dr..A n tuacL, no uvcr the abyas of the Chris- * ' liana triai hover lu i.cb-tiuoa wings of ail the v>i jiu-5- s 1 uulico ibal tu uiuBt beauuiu, thiugs oi lliu> wurld arc lo IKI pi > sd in heaven. When you ate ilia loot colour laile oul lioui liie l j.u on uf sailb, you uetfd not feel sad, for you will seo tuc raiuuow luuna aOoul lUo so about th throne," xee the p4e.|,r,- thit all th-* is *ul'l f r Itnuii for ever. They have comuii'tel their list s in , and combated the4r list temptation s osvi.le leaps into those brixhl waters ; no profunity befouls that pur* air; no vUlun'-i lor^ht sh.-il? fir - teoxpltv; no murderer's hind throu.-. I'hn slarj auoul Hie woiid Hb,|| slnke down t ho*- s .us of Uod buru.ug up lias given uu- uiau.< . pant;. Uui is il uul a ui 'i< ui ..u- ohoiy 'lhou|{hl that rum is lo coiu> Ui>ou lu^ 41 j.i g.ory 01 tUo eanh, in Uj-'b Ihe utouula.ns aie the cli.aiui.il Kulpiui ., aud upon the sky, in li. ii kho liaiwu^uiatiou uf ouui .so and luus. i. is tiung t. alt iu"j , ,u,i tassula ol file. 1'be trees uiosl Iwisi iu lue laal tir^ lUe oa^s, aud it. . and ill-, uiaplos, bul iu hca^eu there shall .U.- in treed i^i 1.1. .u a- if iiti ' river, uud Ihe IMIIU i lh-j cou^aerors siiu. i .IK tli. .r bran.'.i -s. i u. liuddou .ma lbe M. l<io> : 'lu-o, and the Onio hull boil m the List il iiuc, but we shall h i . c ui i . than LI .1 " mty in il. . La- fjuui uudv-i til- i:n"ii.- 1 .. Uiksies, and tli. poituiacas, and the ruses of earUi ui.l witbor m the hoi suocco oi of ih. jU.i^iu.-ui, bul J.iLn teii.s of the gviliuds \\uicch thr glorified shall we. u ; aud there lujsi n. fioi-i.s, m there could be uo K I see the s.iine trulh set forth in the tw.lv i, 'u niial KIUS of \V \L.I. Ol'' 111 \ . 6t. ,1 i tin inn.iun- s tho iwtMie loun- :is of this wall to be, the first, of JaP i velluw and red; the aeoond. of appliir a deep blue ; tho third, a hale dony af varied boauty; thi> fourth, emerald a bright green olour; the fifth, asvrdonyx a bluLsl wrtch'"<jii* 1 tbV BON-UON OR JKWKL BOX. Tb three-cornered bon-bon box or case represented here is of d in it. But the n-,|, em- whl " lin n ' wator color ptiper, or the "riinbo' round birt "' h birk ' To mjk * * wnit lin - eo ; Cut a foundation of cardboard six oblong piece*, two by five, three know that for th-m,tb-, d uf .sJn is asstugJ. for "ihero is a reinbow roun.l iri..ut tbe throne." N the world is covered with :i de- hm of blool. I'hf naiioun aro a I! ' I or viiinr it. ^ -v the earth is covered with the -e of sorrow. Trouble .' The very first utterance wh-n ccnw into the world is a cry. V r le,irn wri'ikls! that niin's of which ire to be covered with linen and three with Chilli nilk of my i>rv- f<vrr*.l shade, pale blue, cream, pale irrv>n or ptuk, being the most deir- sh iles in. I three three-corn- ; r-iiiiture!y uhit- u u Ins fwcf \Vhit hjsll \\ :iat cills ..-ui fait V , . . tr^ublv! I find it iu the cellar 1-ov rty, nudf ir up arn-n^ th he . h . on thw top of the , -s of th- high- est m. -un tains. NO KH'Vl'K 1'UOM 1T > .u fo into the store, and it > 'i it jour countiiiK-de.sk; you K- the stret, and it meet, \> n ,t the c^'rner ; .vnu go into the house, :1 syou it the door. Te\rs of pover- ty! tears of pe : ! tears of be- reavement I a delude u f t.-ir>' liiih- ered t<.'K-tbi'i fru-u all th cvul 1 float, an .irk larger than No all's But t hv ^l^ifie-i. looking up to the Ujw that s^tns lh tlirtme. shall *r that the deluge is rrer. X" shivering no Mind wed piecea five and ore-quuirter in.-h- es) each way, and on just five. sm.ill.Nr piece Ls oovjrea wi:hi si!k for tho Ivtuiu. iu. I j< a ved to the sides 'hey ire j.'i ie ' T| le r,.\ I : be aitea an *iga;h of in ui-h . . i'he> i.jiunu U not covered. i-t an (sxtr.i h'.ivy (M,V- 'f .-ard- boani. .iMi-ply. glued to th bottom. >ll is dun.*, iu interliniiu- "t uid sach..i pwi|.>r U r the i- , n il Bi->! -in the two sections of th* lit .1 siuili in i M" U covered wi h H "i i'i I t In en l.s of . i ^ h < h - 1 i i t b- exael seatie of the. lil and glued u i !<-r side. Krulnni'W 'ho deeisfn with \.sii-i>- fil.. fl <*. a.sinff whi; tor tho flowers '' | i h a d-lioate shide ot The centres have a urn-b of IP I red. ^ V >[< nun fen't tioone surily a soft mark. 3. He sought to J -svu. who he TiM mpJMnin-n the sup>rf-ii! eur i - . h<- ir - .u-t u cent t;.i-< pr -.\-.th l.i rl'"VT i -:f cr th Shih :ti . - .!. t. II- nn bif^re. H i.- - n-'.l jgVN>! , . i of iev before tbe pro- I i-*ti >a r.-aCL 1'b arm w> l up into a njrcam-' An "Ktfv;- trer. wui-ti h.u i i. ox brut' u.^, make h-ai:i-. in i eoflM down, for ''-'I*}- I nMLtt >otle il thy . Ti>; ! - r'-ste I for the teaching i tt.i- kssoa ir>-- : nit Finding I ine ReJU.lt of ~> ere i tbo fir*t, of thr.-.- A h. h are set apart to :ia.it r it failing th Saviour; aaJ in our rv mk- iu-tf. writing, in 1 i-peaking we ir>- ipt to thnik at /.i Mi-. i i i> c.aoMI beeilleae Knner. to :.-u tbe di\ ino alt Msaxpeetedlv M bus to tne.it tl>- narrit.vw; bull tlu< fu.nl tratli <|OM nut exbiujt the '.. h.ti^r--* \tt tbe naaMCe. We must ' reiu-mber that our lrjr-l ni ,-lit al- ri-ly be suid to haw b v'aa bi tri- ujupoal prucwauun. b- way fr"iii l'ioa to Joruti.--m. uiclaJiag tbe n-uiarkible ee-nt* at Jen -ho aol at Helhany. tin- .-iin^ing, o\ ing inuiiitu te< I->1 iiim in tnuui;b. \Ve se alt the events of tuf hit two e'lbunUr lie oluduw of the c: but tbe dutciploeot oar I.i.ri in>i ' tic attendant Poarttevs and S.T be- and i pr.e.ts did not so -K-e tbmn. and to , them UK lie-its ' fixnn iiiKMTtr all tlw o; H "ri- ebo wa.t fiU' of uwm-urf i ui-an M.- that'll.*.* notreul.lv -i>uu- to Uii as < read ^b- story. It curries with it th- krrn-i if : !lit titeuk'lll tb.lt tbe "vn o: ao not to .ave tbe but siaucrs; it mi I tbe truth of th.il other rt-uurkitdv t- utent that b>i i .iail enter the k*ug IMIU oi G nt f i h>' k'.iV'v:; Our I. r r* . to Zao-cheuB aut.l as . if tu* words had been utUTi-t, "You are tbu f.' in in .u ill i . ine." 'i; rebuitv- f tb*> pi. it hypixTUiiMl contvn- ] . in -li aa a *IU ' iuiqai \ 6. lie mad- h.nie, and cam . d him j ... vere the luwte sh>>ws t: - hvid when but of Lh l'l< iruteen a:i.l i have v r (jn; siwl; a seU-imritatk,sa as 11 I i be >.iw in .! was al keart a teekor bv.' re he fovud 7. Whoa tb"> 'hey all mut^ murvd I li i n ,11 < who wuiidvd our l.-.id> praleea onn mumvat and "r-fu-i -(} him then -it. * h or Jered Bart:raeiu to be JeiU and a.'<)"<t :mmeilru- ly said. "&ue, tM /: ifool eemrort^ UM Mi-i r ctttleLb f r . u.-e, ' elpn in U h <w the criomphal soo, IB he that i-vn-.ta Jn. :h nurns at the Lord," was so S" succeeded by . :ry 'Crucify him, crucify him!" Til) a maa is - vr -d hka oan never be resuncdt- the way G-l il nnrmnns) bis favors. H* wan yiej to be gueet \th a man that U a. stnaar. That Zat.b<iL* wa a pubilcmn wad enuutf*. That bruks every law >l p>i r <jUant and ecclusi- asticianv, and it waa a crime in the m.nd >j< uhe arera^ev. Jew eveJ. to a*- ax0s*te wiUi such a man g. Zaccneus) sLuod. Lk>ubties> aa huur or two or three had 1 passed be- tween the eveotd uC ve.r*e T and a, The feist was spread. ach g<. ai Jljcchoiin cjuld couuuaiul had bee* Lbe poor i-ui lUe. a lt s. had yiaced jur Lord Ok the seat 'ji Aunur, cuaTer.<taujn had be- gun. pearls of wistdom had been given by '.he Gi.l**i* Al*i-i l>* that h.-run)U4 crowd. Iben cam* une greatest seawiU'jn of the day, wbn the h t h.mselt aroiw, and wua ravr.y made t-he and pied..; Be.i><rtd, 'it my goodJ I <ie to ttte N -e kn this the profound reverence uward our Loi d. He .uu u lUe rpreol.ative>oi .. .ua ratwnal puwr. s . .jo, Lhut what we *J-e a^t CJ to call gwiKruMiy. i.iioia mucu > 1 b* un merem, juolice. came a tlus <--A-,e bettfe woa-u we r* apt u call j^iii*. Ol cju.r. lita putW.oan 1 * CKK! i have bweo un... m.x 'h--" half ti . a-id bee* . fr-on ^/tb-rs by fai^e * tor it wttf ai duty to all hj d^Lns Iwtuce B y par cent u . jlence! If I have taken any. .- fr. iu any own by f^lx* *ocmr 1 r-iore hun fou- - * w * h the moral ideas f the ancisots, rhi. u. inrinue to say, in many rvgirds were - prevalent in i -uunlri-s ninvleeu hundred years aii-r . ur Ljrif* ta Ifi I -- .'.o-.uan liwob- lUl'i.iM'- ^ ' r * .vhn it ouuld be proved lhat they - >>0 a is a true fvilow^r of Cbr^t woo is n-'t both . . M to this on from the vile doom ;>m- wn h.i - tne i . \ z ilile, the Messiah, on tbe direct rout?, as most v4 lb crod thrurae in Jeru.>ale;a. r<-v-'r-<is |... i. and pronounces the - of th nu'b n h* aliw is n sun of Abfihi:u. l!- n i-l furl hut -.1 by ti: lh.it a spir . , , v , -hU3 it this time the I The incident iu every | art is full if t-oni- fort to all who, out of fivor with their feUwwtuen, Ion* for the f.tvorof 10. Th Sun of iu in Kvervone would - phrase .1 ref-i rel to tiinielf. ' - 'I to save. Th- I < bi love, the s-irinrf 1 . ier Cha' whieh ..u^h'il I which ha b^>en wisely i < th- . the gist and nurrvw oX th* iiu-i.ient l-ut i< th whole career au-i - "f - ..... tl* of I'; * of cur l. !* n-.f.*rt t i S*--'K t save f* . d'vine. Lvrd. IM. \I\ !. 1 IS Boil su^-ar to th> orack, idd a tea- <l>'iiiifu! of I mo i juice in t a few 'Iropa o< ihs I hen . mixture be- ifine . I'.il.ir, t. T a *'ell-> , tau pm, pour out the mixture, au.l ifter it wslU-l :iurk off 11 9-.|ti i r. .iria choppiag k.iufe. p-eAi:i; the Citing it in. I forth. LS th.s wiy to iair-k off all uiil not di iff th- . .uidy i\r'<r.\-iN ! HIS l 1 . OU t> .:: 'T t Btgibeud Itt<" -ice. I hive j:tt <eil t lio li'-st i. n. 'i -1.

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