Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1900, p. 2

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DELABEY'S FORCE BEATEN. French Defeats the Boers With Heavy Loss. A d-rpa-nh fr,nn .l,,li.inne*l>nrg, gedaciht a few day* agx aBiy*; (jiv'i Fritiwdi. fit Wednesday I The engag, im-iii t"k plara 10 aiiuck'd a I* -j- force numbering null'- u.i'li-west of Ki -l.np. |J ..... irilh five gnu* Th > . be- More l.h.iiu fort} of Hi- B.vi.>. we lie-ved Lo have been the burghers wli . de/ea-.id thii Bi,tish .u Smut- k Tel ituil th.i r.-in. i nl IT wan , ,), Hir.Ui l.t 14 woi.iul-.l. NINE WAiGOl LUDS. Boers Suffered severely in Their Fljfhi With Clements. A He.-pit.-h from Pretoria suys; Th- Nort hniiilx-i I ,n I l-'u-ili'-rs w he ur-vl liy l lie II i.-r.-t at Nnit- ht tunic i dotrt{.-d il.-fcnc* again>t ^ p r.r niimn.-i s, in I fought on until tli-lr .imiiiiinil inn was .-x- husted. Ih-n, wh-n I h -y saw thit th-y wore irretrievably hemme I in. nd th.it th r vii no hope of assist- ant.- from tb" v.ijli-y below, wh< re ni I Ii s b i n In full di r-<tinn Hi' r.-t iretu 'tit of the Inline* of hi< force, t h -y siirt.-n I. -red. M *' of the pri-^'V rs hive s m-e b.-en re 1' .* lot i p r.nt i-lne |> It.i.iteiiburp The HKT.S lost heavily. They car- rtd inn.- w iK'fc.m lo.id.-t of dead and wtmniiMi off th- field. (JviiTnl (.T-mi'ntV entire force ha.t a narrow e*oap- from capinn-. Thr Boer plins were .pl.-n li-lly hid. II the nvi in British c. I; inn hi, I t.ini--<t s little longer, there woul 1 hive been a complete success for ill* Ui>eis, u ho exposed th.-u.-fl. I v.-s un.l autite.lly, yell iag and waving their arm*. Th- -li nmhrs were only stemmed by srtil lery. Afti-r th" British retrivit. th Borrt h*-ld * prayer meeting. Th.-ir hymn* ..ml I IH- beard by the retiring noldi.-rs. Oil. lx>Kgr exhibited .splendid brav- ery. Ho .shot five Hours with his re- volver- before ho fell with three bul- lets in his body. BOERS LOSl FORTY MEN. Now Carrying off Stock In tlio Ladybrand District A d>",pnrh from Maseru, Basutu- lund, suyi the B wr aru cm i off si.iek in th,! 1.1,1) l)i aiul di-lricl. Onneral l)e Wet's forces arei suppos- ed tu l the raiders. tiiMn-i.il Ue Wet's liMsea in break- ing through the British lines on De- cember 11 weru S.I killed and woundi-d xud 12 men made pi I.-.OII.TS. |. , i il Knox ban been forced lo aband >0 ihe pursuit of li.-n.-ral l)e Wet owing to the situation croaled in Oape Colony by the Boers crossing the Orange river. An sttauk ,n Winburg isj moment- arily expected. CARGO OF MULES. The British Are Now Buying- the Smallest Anlniiils. V dfKp.iti'h from New Orleans, sayK The British Iritisport Mnnle/ainu left !, i Wednesday with a cargo of I, (H inul'-M. A big revival in the flliipm.'iit uf siiH-k to Siuth Afri( i for lb. us.' of the Hiiiinh uriuy has ociui- r. d Nun! vessels have left for l'i|> Ton n ilui.ii< the in, mill, carrying 3,- THIi li,ni,'H in. I ."i.To-i null, x, worth more Hi in fllim.noD Varly all the iini- in I > ,>ir. put. h isi-,1 in Texas iiinl Mis- ouri. The Biiii.li officts liought otigin- il . h largoMt and finest mules in i be mm kit. Th.-y are lining to-day only ' V .snnll.-st uninuN hich would lie t j. ciediiii any plantation, animala nut much lirg. i thin a hurro, and i li v i.|,,.il that these lil I le mules are far hitter adapted to the cliuiat. of An f.i.stHnd the etposnif botlur, and have prupori innately longvr lives I ban larger ones. Th" transput tatinn of the mill, a in s,i p. rfeot hero that the loss in transport is barely 1 per cent., in spile of some oveicrowding of the v as It, 1 1 n. v.it I,.- ui 7, X) i m.l . and veiy bad weat^ar all the vtinler. SH01 HIS OFFICtR DEAD. Sergeant in Kitclioaer's Horse Kills Lieut Buries. A despatch from KrUK^radorp sayi: I, in Itur-rtM, .if Kit.-ln-iiiT's Hoi, was aliot dead by a sergeant of the K:IIM regiment. Tbf l.ittrr was be licvr.i in li iv.- II-I-M .Innkiiirf too much, and on U-mn ordered out of ( h rink- he turnexl round and dt-liborately i-hoi his oifit-er. A M>r|<Kunt of the lloyal l-'ield Ar- tillery uuiniiiiti IK! Miii-i !' on tlm aanir day. Tli i town us rnpidly filling with re- from tliu country, and ri-ry .-. uii..i-'l iii giving tin-in -in-, tr. The military ,mt uoi ii.i- are sending in all |..-..|.|" living un f.uiu> whetuer truitworthy or nut, the for- K, grain, etc., b.-ini{ .lc.li.iy.-. I. Tins action will duubtle-ui pi event tin- >>aiid of m.ir .IMI-I now mlril nig thr luunlry, Iroui obtaining Ui.plie.i, .ml must .soon tend to .nni.niili iheii Ja-li8> ii.i lo.H ia the v.cluily uf to.vns FOUHTEtN FUliNACES LMiPED. ..ll.|i., al I.. -,..l, Iran >...! -,.,i I. i.i. ,.l i. .V .1. -|Mh li fiMiu (il.iiri>w lays t IM- I'- .' ' li . -ti-li h-uu and Ht.-.-l tin ! U th> n>t couipUMe la the kn '> I. .lf.. <>f Hi.' ..l.li-it producnra. Miii> worka will W iTo-.-'.l iiiil.-fiiiil .- ly in KIIUII u.f I ho ordnra now on li m.l Iii i'- b-<:n f:iln,l. l'\>ui ti-cn fAirnucs w II !> ,1.111111 . 1 Jiy llw , ml ,,f thr yi-ar. I l\ ( >lii|il> i I I- i H h iv ..nil-red If-O.OOO 1.. n- ..f jii .it-.-, f i un Hi U nil nl St., i r, adeoting u aariag of ">0 (K> i FIKE Al rlAMOVi-B. ran ku.. i,.r, i , l;i . i ,,,,,, | iur ,. tit I.I. I.I ..U...I A il ; . . i li. ni 11 i-i.ivej-, OnK,, najrs: Thi* town w..i visn.xl by a dumai! .>U4 fin- on inursO-iy iii.-r- U,OU. ll l.l.-illll.J .llHIIlt I .M o'clock wi ;Ji- Kik-i-liii-l fiirini urr fao- Lury, IMKJ of Ih.- .11^ .1 ui tin- DKIIUQ- iun. Ui r.- u - i i . n ,i.ly mi in.- pio- .. -LIU m (li- limn. Aid -waa nurniu 'ii.4l fniin \\...k i .. I'.lm rs- i'.u., .V-u.ii.idi, .ii.i . . , | i,,. In ...il'- ..i i it. .1 in li , , ,; li ..a or so, bu. Hi. , ,, ii.ij ,, i-.l i ! tn. . gio.iuil. li i:uvi-rU aitoul l:> ui n-.s of Liiul. ;.wl niM a wall . . It'll staluliug. Alii.lt trll lUllli.iU |. i-l of liiiiiU-i in ill yard .i.l tlii; <aw in.. I H.-if wtvd. 1'iiM I -( w .H ,itmi. flJU.UOU, and ill,- iik. i. i .ni . Oll.UlMI. Uii^ fin- -.|ir.vi,| i > .uljniiM.,^ 1,1,1. d- iiiKN auti tJte Collowing platva \\.-ir i ii.|. l>. nly i'iMiuiu.l. llio (ireulx- ii''i I'm ii; Mil . t' >iii|iiny .m.l und.-r UkiikK is-i.iL.i liiin-ut. T. 1'ix-lilumn IWI.I n.Ul|KIll>. lloill .111.1 fBMl. II. I . .1.1, luirdw.ue. LIraff and \\.ii |ihr, gfin-ial dry ifuxLt. W. Unluii. I- i "Mi ipher. M. Mi urn blrk- )i and uurnnge works, (.'has. ll H (., I, I I, .ill' 111,1 I I'.'.l. Hi lulil io-vs in lh town is alniiit u quarter uf a nulliou dollar.t. I h,. siiii.iu. n is H t<rioua one, as I li. KM.. Il' -I f.ict .: y, i'lll|.|i.> ,nn ti i iid-. w i -. lb.' in i ii , i , ,.f II inuv.-r, hart a populaiuta of about FOR THt SULDIHR DKAD. Impressive Service Held In Si Paul's. \ .l.-.si>.itrli from IxtndiHi, Maya; lluTi' \v.is .in impr.-.ssivii NIT vice at i I'.iul's on \Vriiii.-Md.iy .iftrrnoon in ni.iniiy of Hi- .s..|!..i.-, w bo Im,. l--n kill.-. I iluruiK Ih.- ll.ier war. The rlniii-h W.IM urowdfd. Ill,- Lord Miyor, the whcriffs, ciiTrcl.iry of W.ir llniilrifk. and vx-t'oiuin i ndor-ill-Chirf \\.d-M-lcy, were amonrf thiwe pri-sent. The aervioea were coiiJuolod by Ue-in MARKETS OF THE WORLD Fiices o* Cattl*. ChB^n. Grata. *8 In the Leading Marsaci. rFs, KTO. Toronto, Dec. tli.-Wheat-Ontario (. it.s i.ilb.-r firmtT. and Borne de- niiii.l fr<;u> vzport.T-i. '-.vtr.il ears nf nvl nn.l wliit,-, iiii'UI f reiuhts, sold Id-. lay al G3 !--<. M.ui;t<lia <! iui<-lLin<Ml. Qivit.ition.i ar<- as f'.l- , -lU-^1 wint.-r, 6:U-Jc; und whit'. liti, hpring h-il. GII-.V. ndl.ll- MARCH OF THE INVADERS. They Numbered Several Thousand and Have Given Battle. A despatch from I/.ndon nays: The Vcnfi-rstai pi i-l iiiriti-m of martial law in the Cape Colony uffirirntly iinli- ^ ?and river an <rff. <:.-! I i port aays th-it 'J (WO HO.TB No. 1 sprinu e.ist, i Hi;; Minilobi, , t. i:, .Muiit.ibi, ? K.i.t.. U. 1-Je; .ni ! N. - at 87: No - l Inr I, N. ii tli Biy, 91o. M m,.,..| .-*'.-irco; ton lota. t mil l or, :! .is follo-vs; Uran. to $1 ..:, I, .nil i,l*irt.s, at >U to $11..)", Wv.st. ratca th.' seri.us view ibr (inn iniu-iit ernes >1 the river, ni ik iirf for i tak' J B of the latest devcln|iment in'l>rr>T South Africa. The W:ir Off,.- b n I'. 1 .i A I'.lniini w.ia il.-s|< it u. .1 i i m .TK, and th* Hoeru i-re diverg- lard old, '*""'' '' nothing more than (i.n-r.l ,-d in th< directmn of Phili|Mtow n, 'Kitchener's official despatch, but of- wh'ch I hey occupied Wednesday. \. n -ws telcgi ipheil fr.nn C.ip.- purl inn of the commando ocu|, .1 . I, -MI f Us in I lie i.utl.n. *. It is learned lion 1 Kra-il station Thursday, cu'ting i ' from th.s- de.sp.itch.-M thit tliu ih lailway. C. n.s ,ie r al i reinf m <-.- iKheiiitttei -invader:) uccupi>'d \i-ni.-r- 'n n 1 -. h iv.- licen il- spiti-ned to I), \ i r id I'll -lay, liul vacated I lie pi u an, I llino\.-r r,.a.|, and ll :.s expected in Ka-sy. No. 1 American, y< 1- l.iw, I.i-, i>:i tru'k U.T.-; and mixed. .1 I . I-. ,. -i... ly. and in fair demand; N . .--.I I, m. Idle freights, at 01 1 - and east at O. BiiU-y I niiildl- fr.-i,'hts. 4l)c; No. Jcxtn. the appi.tirli uf a HiilLh fiuce, and I li H. i .t.iu Mill lie st i| p. -d. in the direction of Ste n-slmr*, H.tb.-rt.>th re h i.s li-en lil tie f . b ing, th , xp.-elt!.! to i - .'in eve.ry m.slance I hey ri'lil'.-d I.efore I lie lt:ltl.sll. At Vi nterstad the Boers took M of the /ui .-"ii | I'h. v auumoued the Uamelfontem Tliursday. lu I h.- p If f i ll th.s, h...>,ier, ,-c ...t inl^LV m.ldl - fr-gat* j" ~ "- "" .. a.s liurgh- - refund. V-w rye. '.- ' 'I' -' "inl.-^, -> f.,,,1,. r({ . Uos- <b.,u. and It, .,, 'ii I.I, ill I N.i.iu-.tpo.f ..llollgly biMirx it. I IK^h l '".!, i : k <: ,h'a t t'-\b,ut .l-ady. OU '' ''.;"' '"" ""- - ha- risen id w,., l .,r,, q u,,tl.t4!K-;.Dd.-a.t -i.-ralHy. , Ib-.r return. I li -v were last re|.rtt>d in the Xuur- in weie een'u i ly Itef.ire l lif> . L cast. 41e; and .' " "" ' : ' " '"''"- 'I "'' the .jij invaders will ntiw have great difficulty garrison to sui i M I r. bui I In 1 item m.l i.-fu-K-d. The Boers then ati.i. ke.l ing lasted ,. LI, ,,ii \iiu..|-..rt if .sii'.ii^ly t - ir li lil, w h le tb.- Uratige river has nwn driven off. An uno I ciai r p rt fr, m C p T...if rooliruis tb.- re|)t t of the rei rinles- it r>0.'. > in of rebellion immediately aoulh- (),t^l>-m..nl active. One lot of "^ '^"g-- ^l^'* Mfyiubarg and wrtll of tbB OruU)iB fiver . l \\i-ntv MM "i ^' 1 w h' la on lne ' M. lui.l. *,li at :7c today. 9*~, J -hit,-. c ;U ,h 77c; N . i r-d; ea.h. T7c; WAiNTS A FRE PARDON iiu.Ul,.- frei.hU, are ,, ,.. ;,t -.i I--:- U ^; U ^, i 77 ^.^^^ l =; closi>d _! _- i ,.sh. Tie; Derember, 70 5-.c; Janu.ry. De Wet's Losses ut Dewetsdorf Very L< k 92 63 for 90 7I 1 - <0 ' M '- v - 7 - *. Heavy, buyers' bags, 1 t-'-nicag ., Dec. Jl. Wheat was easy I A divpulch fr.nu Luti.ln Mys : Uen. IV- \VYt has teuipurar.ly disapp.-at.-d fr. m llw r*-.u.v A prLsutu-r that he M! IH-I ILLS arrived at 1,1- eiuloul f in. 1I-- .-.tit- th.it wh--n tb" Iti.-ri it- l<er cent, patents, in m..ldl fre.ghts and exporters bid eJ55. Special brands aell locally from 10 to ilte alov these figares. early to-day but rallied, later on. bul- i.-!i Argeiutine advioeo, firm Conti- nental markets, and a better cash demand, v ,g l-l t o 3-4o over Egg*Kr-ih eggs scarce. Cold d are pnncipally in demmd and r. .s*llin at Itta. Hru-.ea are as fol Bo.lintf stvck. i. to 28c; cold stored, 18c; lim.l. 15 to 1C*. Poultry KeceipH were large to-d iy . but bolUlay buying net in. .n 1 ' big ti.i.l was done. Prices were firm ill S-uurday. IX.rn closad UIM ban- d to t i. k.-.l l-.'tsdorp i.h<'y h-id 6.0.H) n:,-n l-li: higher. Oats a shade lower and provisions 5 to 17 l-l!c. Mi.w uik~-. H i. Jl. U he u -N l N i h -in. 7J 1 J " I \ . .- Sorth- .rn, O'J i.i 70 1-i-. llye Kirnu No. I. Barley Kiim; N,>. L'. liilc; sam- ple, li to M . linluih. li.-i-. 21. Whe.ii IM-h, \ ... rounl fl^.-.li.i 'htuiu.k.y^br u _bt , ll;ir<J 7J 7 . K N . , N ,. r , hprni ' 7 J ! Hte, arwl bright gee a* high as 7c. guolalion.s are as loilows : Chicki per pair, 25 to -We ; du.-ks, per pair, / 73 ^_ ( to 7Uo; turkeys, per lb. 9 to lOc; geese ( [( per lb. to 7c. Potatoes Firm. Car lots, on track here, sold to-day al S c. .-.il>-s, out of *tuie, are made at 3i to 40c. Field proiluce. etc. Turnips, out of store, 3 to lr bug.; onioos, COo per bug.; carrots, 4c \r bag , apples, per blil., 4Uo to SI ; sweet potatoes, per bbl., f'2,5U. \ . _ N b -' . ' to . -. N I Nor.h -i I 5-Hc; M iy. :l ,-.. Oi*t J4 1-4 \l iiiifiip >uc. lh-c and IH.UtM) h.irst-s. ti--n. I >,- Wet i> > t t ' uiv lol I th- pri^.m.-r, who is .i]>- p i rent I j a civilian, that h.- lost 111014 in k.ll,-.! ut IK-Hi-tsd.irp i In n the ,-n- tire llnti^li . . ||,. i | M1 |i t.-d th.it h>- w.i.-j b-.n..|i, hui s.ii.l hf u i.s i.i.ae.l out to surrender uitlmut honor, lie w-.inttxl a free pard.m lor ..II >u^ foil-in. -rs, miiiy af whom i ro fc { l-.i 24c. l'4.-\VQn! Outh, TJ I-*.-. M iy. 73 3-4o; on trark. H.- ilei-1 red that h.- was ui till Mar, h. Ih- pr^s- li>- r. p -rl thai ti.n. Il s force was I i .*-i'i ,- I. Ue lost ><-\ 1,1 pi ..-. n, rs, u iiiiinb<.|- .if hors s, a i|iiinlity cif iiuiuunil u>u. an. I two tn-.s. RABAIN 5 Who Were ForceU to Retire lor a lime A despatch f rota Cape Town says: Tin- re confirmation of. 111.' nes that the Boera have ig ain invaded I' Ms 1 t'olony. A force reported to be Dru-.l fruit.s Ui U-.1 npple.s, sell at 3 1-2 to 4o; and evaporatml at 5 to 5 I J.'. Beans Ordinary while beans bring |1. .11 to i|l.-5; clui:c> h in l-p.i'k.sl I.'IIM are quoted at 9L*0 t *'- 45 - Honey Kii m, Uealers quote from 9 uiult command of iicriog. cio>.sc.| t he 1-2 lo H.i: 1*r lb, for 5, 10 or 60-lb ! Or.ingv iu.-r near Aliwal Ncrlh on tins, amir.ling to Ihe si of the or- .ler. tVunh honey sells at 92.44) to <i.7S |ei ilox-.-n sect ions. Btled hay I'um Choice timothy, on track, $1U -.> T'w-lou lots, delivei i, 111. tlrow. Scarce, far lot* of straw, on track here, 97. iin-:s.-t:i) HOGM AND PROVISIONS. Ih. as d butts on Ihe street to-day were unchanged ut I7.i!5 to fc7.10. Car lots, track her.', were quoted t 96.U) t( $7. Provisions are active. l.uin- i, i in 'ii, who have been holding off ,xp, cling lower pricea, are placing orders freely. The lumber trade is i P.. i i.-d in first-class condition, and a I > ru<- .U-tiund fur pion-sion-s from this THEIR WIVES QUARREL. Uiiuna Man KintiiH-il i.i ,l>. lu-iir in i t .. ii ... i-.i. from Ott.iw.i ,n . lo Ihe heart with a knife m the h.iii<ln <.,i ti.-is-ry I'ai.sse, a in in irime.1 JuM-pli Lauri-neelle w.i.s mut- here ou Thursday uight. I h.< Siitur.lay and started south. Oo Sun- aii.iir ..unl il.,m in o'.lock. !;> Hi lUint'i oorpa ind the Cape Po- t , f U uli.-i* lived in a shark on ' lie lice who are patiollmg Northern Cape old Hiduu rifle range 1 during Colony, encountered the invading com- the evening a qutirrel ensued be- tween their wu.->. "in- older woinni. who wtu th wife of CarLsse, appe us to have been gelling the wort of it, and her liUAbaud want to her is.-isi- anoe. llo was attacked liy l.uii.'n- celle, and suys he w i.s smsshcd over th head with a cluair. Carisse iiiindo between Odenda.ilstrooui and i:,- Imiie. They beaded the Boers off an. I pursued them, but were forced to fall back. Jler/og's commando ia 700 strong. The object of the invasion ir to incite the C'ape Dutch U rebellion, and to fightiug men to help thom ia drew a knife and slabbed bis , the Ujcr country. All along Mi, dp t'.liny much disaffection axisU. wh.le every drop of blood exu.i^dTro'w en-t, who ran upstairs, fluug himself, on notlhern border of Ul ^ ^ (||ed , n t faw luinute| , t in fijrht Hritish sill i I n u Itouxvilltt. severely in a thirty miles ARMY CORPS DISAPPEAR. Hai BOERS ARE ACTIVE Attacked Kaultontcln But Were Driven Off. A iii.spate-h from I'lfloiii snys; The II "is are exh<n)iting cxm.si lorablr activity between Kaalfontein and /u. i fun!. -in, stations between this city and Johannesburg. Kivit hun- dred of them attacked Kaalfonte-in on Tuesday fternoou, but were beaten off. i*eltl,-,l by lln- B.M-I war i.s the dis.ip l*-.u nice fjinu i lie B.itUh army of TOTAL CASUALTIES 1 26 or This Number 82 Were Killed or Wounded. A despatch from Ixradon say* ; The British loaae* at Nooitgedaohl acoordlog to the nffleial account - were J killed and wounded, with l< mUsinn nnd still unaooouated for. source ia looked, for. , north of Aliwal North. They loat Quotations (or provitiiona arc aa fol- u k.ll.-d, K> wounded, and 48 taken pri- lo*.s, Ury wilted should.-rs, c; Imig aouert. I, u bacon, IOOH.-, in uir lots, lOo ; and n IMS.- lots, 10 1-4 to 10 1-J>. short cut pork, $l.50 to 9^0; heavy mess. 917. oO to- J MII >k' d meats Hams, he-ivy, l^c; ,l ,iin. l:! I-'J to U l-i!c; light. 1H br. ukCii.st bacon, 13 to I.I 1-Jc; ponirb in-, Or 1 b ie n Mi . -ju k d backs, 13, All m alii out of p.ckie le I, as I ban pric-'S iiimted fur smoked ni, nta> Lard Tierces, I0> , tubs. 10 to 10 l-4c; pins, 10 1-4 to 10 l-2c. Biilfalo, Dec. 24.-.-'prmg wh-at No. 1 bard, old, carloads, 89 S-4c ; No. 1 Northern, old, carloads, 80 S-lr. Win- ter wheat No. 2 red, 77c; mixed, 76c; No. 1 white, 75o. Corn CJuiot : No. 2 yellow, U 1-Jv asked; No. 3 yellow, 4!c; No. 4 y. How, 41 l-4c,; Na '2 corn. 41 l-i! to 41 34,-. No. 3 corn, 41 to 41 l-4o; No 4 corn. 40 1-2 to 40 Mo. Oats-No. 2 white, v!Kc; No 3 white, 28 to 28 Me; No. 4 white, J7 to J7 1 U . No. 2 mixed, j't :t-l to :ii, ; No. 3 mixed, 26c. Barley Kxtrs, 61 tu tiac.; choice to fancy, 62 to tiJo; fair to good, 57 to flOc; low grad >2 to oflo. Hye No. I in atorr, 6f!e Kl(ur Dull and w.-ak. Ditroit, Uro. 24. -Wheat closed-Nn. his body. Uuconst-ious uf his i-iirne, went lo the police .station to lay a charge ig linst I.aurencelle, an I wheu lie letiii'iit'd b.ini'- he l.-irned Ihe fatal renults ni the fray. He was inn,,. ,i,_ ately placed under arrest. lu addition lo reiM-iving the bent No Mich Plaue In War as slab ihe dead uiiu'.s no*,, wisbioki-n. Britain NOW Wages. A common jack kiul'o proved the m- A lUwpatc.b ftxjiu London suya: One strunient of death. I'be dead man was of the things that appear to huve been 30 years old, while the on* charged' witli the iaur<lei is neiti ly K,l. I h.. | : ,i. tar claiun be did the d,-e,| ui sell ,| .. the oi-gains uion known as the nrmy fiic. The place whi-ie Un purliei corps. It is .stated uuthonl it iv> : v linxl is a hovel with every evidence of that tlie division is the largest lactic- ilislrens and poverty. The accused i* nl unit that oau be conveniently em- vll ki:v\\ n in ini , ,. , n d h.i> al- ployed in the field. The army corps ways had a good reputation. sent to South Africa went lo pieces inline li.ilely lifter it lauded, and all suUse<paent reinforcements went out is divisions, and L ml Roberts worked EXPLODING AMMUNITION. with the divisional unit throughout. . TefHnC Fxplositlon ii.. ,. .. . . . . . . i . , i . . . W u Ll li iK M ;i f i v Uowever much ths corps oigiimzi- tion may be udaptnd to European war- fare, it has no place in such wars as lire it HIM un usually wagos. With tho of the tinny corps, troops will go, and the divisions will have l hmr own small proportion -C cavalry and artillery. Thn , avalry n.l artillery will tln-ii have Kills ana Wounds Many Boers. A despatch from Pretoria aayt that during (.iuejal Clements' retreat the Boer fire was so heavy that the British were forced to abandon a qo in- tity of ainiuunji inn (took the nature of the ammunition "hd et fire to It. A ter- rific explosion followed, killing n wounding a number of Boars. The Boars '

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