Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1900, p. 3

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Home ',1 - - -<>MK (iOOI) UKCIPKS. Cream of Celery. T.I ke one poun at oeUry, cut into small piece*, top ami aU. und liil ,n salt wat-r ti.i tender. Hail one and a half pint oiilk, to which has l*>en added one teasiwonful and a half of cm n .-.tai vl. 3r flour if preferred. to make i vr<*am. Add une tea ,,..initil of Iwt- .*T. Drain the celery .in. I stir iiii tii c.i e.uu ami serve. Hiked Trout. -t'ovnr the bottom of 4 bin. ill uvil j.aper form, with a few vwy th:n nlic.e.- of f.n Uu-on. rut down the back -:me meely-u u.-;i.-.| ..mill trout, ami having removed the Ix.n.-s. l.iy t lif lih 0,4-n flat iipun tin- In- con; Kprinkie wilil cli., p|>ed parsley. tapper, > ' ;i a liitla i. i t .> c.mes finely . ,,uiid"d. b.ik- 81 inin- UlB in u quick ovi 11. Veal Cut leu. II li a piece of but- tu? in the Iry.nif INIII ; pui in I he cut - ivitli .-all, (it-pper in.) sonic .-pice; inuv fin in ab^ut in the luiiier for five Ulinules, have re i |y some Illix- 1 he i Us an.l inii-lii ;ni- elm, p,.,l (ine- ly; sprinkle lull over ..a -id,- of the. CUllelH, and, when fnej enough, turn an.l prinkl them wiih I !i- oili- er lialT; finish frying ind ulil the, ju.c of a leiuon ; fl them round t he K-di with 'ue seuioiiiiiin in Hi" rent i r. 1(u ' -' H| i. I'll *, draw .mil tru-*, them. ke-pin^ -MI the f,-ei. Chop ffie liver with sonj.. | nsley. anil crumbs uf trvuil, ipp,-r ,. u i ,,,,| r I >u i ler , inn t!i, , -i ulfm* HIM,!,-. Mil ou of the l.'^r-i. a.ud .tl.u the oilier Ihruuvii it, -kewer 111 m.i-i them h.ilf au houi , luMe them well with butter. .-vi-v wmi brown gravy in ,i li. 1 1 an.l hiead sauce. Oeaiued Stteci I -Select one di j n lai k '-. -m.ni.ii >WMt . Uike uniii j.i-i d.in.-: nit i hole, In each lnjn enough to ailiuit ihe handle u.: .1 i, .,,|,,KIII ; tlii<iu,'li this |*i lure relieve the inside, whipwilli k . II i hUI 1>U' Irr. s.li. ,,nd little t ieppvr , return u skin. put back in oven i.ii^f eiitni^li to li.-.it HIM iitfh. .>-rve. v > i I i* ,|u , , .\ :.'h - .,! tender I.M.I ln-.-f. -net. run Mils. . u llK-ll haV" |neviou-dy pared an.l cored. wilhhalf lllf.r weliflll 01 Mill .sutftr. "ne Olllli-u Of 1 V\\ de, t-,1 c. iina m.Mi ill i'ij I i 1 1 1 u in- tlty 01 candied III nine ind iemull pvi-l, and ciimii, a little salt, and 1U InioTi.N tilaiuhwl in. I grale ( |. L'li.ip the III. Ml .Uld the >u,-l | .i-li and pick I lie ru> : .... | |i,i it -iiirt and rliti). i lieua willi ill.- pei-l; and h.iViUK in in .-.| ,11 the u. Bills very (in,.. mi\ L hein :< i h.-r, ilding a nutmeg Kruit Cake. One pound uf flour, "in- odiu>l 11 . L ii.-.- ([i i r t,-r <i f l>ui ti-r, two of r .I..IU.S, two uf currants, one of cit- ron, a luilf au ounce of mare anil a HUH- gliisa u( brandy, one of wine, eitflit em{ts Mir th.i UK 11 and but- ter to a cxe.iin, uld i !i,- flour k'l-idual- ly, then the wine, tpinriily, in, I add the fruit just buforu it U put in the peim. It I. ikes over two hour-t if the. louve* aj ,- Mn.-k. Hi. in*!" I.-' I'r.'.iin. Onequiirl i-.i-uii tlnei- i(U. 11 t ,!! ul i ("Mind of -.HKII, ju , e ot five, oiainc's, rinii of one uninge. Put li.nf of i-.re.nn in dmilile boiler; a<ld su^ir ,nd .stu till t-,1 . i. Id ii'in iindi-r of ure, mi. ami wlu-n uuul .1.1 I juu-ii i. ml i nidi of 1 in n into I re. 11 and fruexi! ECONOMY IN K' At this Bea.soii of the year, HfK* are xr.urr, it 14 u--ll to rein, m- bir tli.it , -\ icily the same rr-illl can bu oblulued by dividing < >fX^ "id u.s- i UK i hi; yolk only in ciiitard.s and d Mprt.s, and sal id ilreH-.inxs deiuaiiding a thickening of I-KK-. Tin- whites uf the etfgH are then left for sweet IK-M and oibor dishes vi here, the ;m.- oi' the e^fg U Hi wilt 1,1 1 | .lit lu-i <1, d. It should If li-llii-liii".-red lli.it the yolk of l.lie. IVK !V,-.s iicli, di-licate cunsiMtency. to a Uikod or boil,- I laid. .Uld tillv Ull'le \\llll II .llun.- , uut M> liable to runlfle a.s on,- m . with the white ul.so. ruinpkin pi>-s. like oocvanui .Hi' 1 !cm, in pie.->, an., jn-l ,i~ \\nhout tin- whites of the <-nu- In th case of nuxianul and h-iiion |. , th whiles sjiuuld l>- used for a in-i- \ll Japan tens are colored. CliYLON QKEEN TEA is pure and uncolored. ake from it. A sweet cake made of the whiles of I'iZg* i-lll on is rendered tough and unfit for food l>y loo lilieral use of eggM as a r.ake can ! made heavy anil greasy l>y !<> lil'- r:il u ,e nf liutter. Where e^'^s an- Used in a rake like -<)mtf" cake.w hich ha.- MI letter ill It to I .-'I l-i 1 U ' -11 tier, the juic.' ot u lemon should IM- L The yolkn of c-^gs do not in.!;- i nice icinn. imparliiirf in >-t!i!v v.-iv disa^ r ri-eat>li- to most people \\hit,-s ,{ .-im^ sh mid aiuue In- used. Hl\ IX If you want your window* to be rlei" .in.! blight id, I a 1 i I I le a iiimo ni.i l. the waier ind wish t liiirnn^hly. ...I Ml'p l> [I V , ,-.'S tile i.'! Iss of a milky <->lor. You caniioi oKt iin sat- i.if.iclory results by wiping them off with a wash rlolh. Th^y inn-t l>e -d with pleniy of walei, dried with cl-an ronon .'loiliH and jiolish- 1*1 with chamois or soft pupiir. A i e\,'elleni ill. it, -rial for arlulhc lii!" m the iinlinarv telegraph \\ire nirh is nti'.v s.ild for thai i iirpo-*- in lianlw are slm .. It will oullisl i .tt i-n heui|M-n line. \Vli.-n it is pro- pill up l>y a strong man, it dues not sag like the oilier hues, il 1 >eak. and it \t n-,: iiu.sigiil ly lie- ciu- .1 i.s *i fine i h 1 1 it is hardly a , lire nf i he y ird. Try thin -lics of |<irk ot| t h,. I,,,- ,si of fowl wht'ii it is l! i . not laMwax-iry to l>isi, f i ,\ I or poultry wbn thi.-> i.-> . Sliced IXM-IS m ike i lov.-ly ,:iuk >l- orii.g inn i i -r for any trtielt "f f'iod i l.ii i,f , ,ff |-oi] n ill | roiln, i y yellow that is, harmle.i.i. <pin- ' in k ' l I and I tit! '. V.-K''" if |iil ill IM!.| wner half an hour IH;- fore u-ing will l- l'i.-sh.-i|,-,l up M ,11- derfully. lo nut murk at I i k i- -non is taken from tli.-oven. If n i liulit- l.v t i i."i ! l i ih ,. in , |.,n to |l in, I 1 hen turn it <m a -i,-\ , , ' he nr to eir.-iil li II vt.ll II ..- i.,y .,f . , ;. , ,,,. hiii\ever. allow th . . rrin iin in .ins till qi:it,. ,-.,i.l In .,,. p., i,, .r, Ot course. U4|..| u:igl .-a,e.|. ..if, tlu^ rod .ind nin-h wre lluiirish- I, with sia.ll ti.-, i nuin.iiiou and leas iicfly; .in I if in. i Lii.ir.s of little priiuxM had 1,-iv.- l., ivh.p them freely, il|l|,-lll UX--S UlUll 1 IU>1 i-lp.'CI i.' COIUK .if tu. l.^htly ,il a ma.st.-.r's bund. M-I.I--I.KVKI.INI; SHIP CH MR. W ih I h,- idea of eliminating, to.soma xt,-n(, at least, d isa,;rec:ilile afflic- tiou of Heasi, kn ss, two l-.nu'l slnii'-n have devised a self-lev, -lin< ehair. The .-hair i UB|i!-ndcd fi.nu IA.I i n::s .vorking in a framework at riht ilini .s t,i i-ach other, and il . i a.m d 111.- chair \vill rciua.n level in the rouuh t sea. The idea is also .. tt> burl ha. If You Want a Really Good TEA, then Uie LUDELLA arloam. !. It h * flan w -a for il inaojr in.Ml-. u >.|OD for inn > nil >t, i. KI!I. .1 <x>mbiiiUoo Lead I'nckrU. 15, jo. 40. go. 6uc. Poultry, Butter. Eggs and other Produce 1 1 you have any correspond with in. A' want IOO CARLOADS to supply our lr ..a. The Dawson Commission Co , Limited, Toronto. V -M MIT HOY. First Boy I. -i your failier HS gnoil ::s uid RIIV. Uetter. li- o''-n Ihreatens to whip me ami then for- il. BACK- ACHE If you have Backache von ?I.IT Kidney Di-r.ise. If you n. i Backache it will develop mo c.inctinng' worse Bright s Dis- ease or Diuhcies. There is no use nibbing and doctoring your back. Cure the kidneys. Tlu-rej ii only one kidney medicine but it cures Backache even Mine Dodd's Kidney Pills IN I UK Airr. My grai-iiaiH. -lames, wha ar,- y,,n here f,rf . 1 the kindly Klnrri- i:-r on a tour uf th.< station h rmg. llurglary. replied .Timiny I>t-rit. aoolty. Oh! yr>u dou'l romuai iif Well, I am snrpi i Kit! wuz I. 01 I would a f lie Acre. ON THE FIRiNC LIHt. : 01 I' in.ida : ^ide !) .side MtKid I'.i.nad-i'ii nolile -JIM- with the !>-! liriwn "I r \ ,..| and India in the i, . -m un . h, l,i one nii- miier." ami mi one !orn"i the watch- word. \oii, ;.idis of IVinii'ia, harn the [Aivver 10 wajji! a relentless w.ir- "n Ihe , into your homes from China and J - i ml at t hi -am- i . in .-a-ist yui l)iothr coUiiiisi.i who protluc-p Ihe ]iur C'eylun and In .1 lean. If \ ,,i .1 .li.an lea. try -ilada. Miiiloon o- Ulue li:l.ho:i pack ( -t of l.Vjrlon m,t I ii, In Green t , a.s. Colonut. \ SI.MI'I.Kil IMIIH'KSS. \ I undeiTi an I it, said .1 gentle- man, iilttun i i if irine l^ made ill tie. f fiit. ^1lUaM "MiiloiiliU'illjr liithl.said his . aion 1 -Imul.l thinictli.it t he muiiif.iciur- ! I male" if "I u'ti.lt fat. Why! U.-ciusv the ^oat , u,'untl but UKflDKDI.Y IIANDICAI'I'ICU. AuiK Nancy-Think of ^tudvin' to br a duct or, eJif Don't you, du U. Yi.tiiH: Man Why no(, auniy* Aim; N.niry Y<i rjtn't g"ll no prao- !!< till y- git married, nn' y can't (Tit married nil ye git pru.-tic*, that's why. HIS IMl'HI'SSION. The w id t r.-nd i-onveys the idea of tend -in v d M-.-n't itT Weil, m m^ it conveys Ui ide-a thnt th m.:n who nwow ir i* tryintr to put "II III &TS. w p t: lo.vj CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT, For all skin ailments. J. 0. Calwcrt A Co., Manoh.tr, England Music Teachers Wanted T mtm ttr MIT OomoKI* 0>l. ID u* at I. u ic and WHALEY, RJYCE&O*. T*r*m. Out. lnrt Nt-w .ITJ"*!.,,.. rtt* . .I A ,. . r. .u 1 1 .< t ' , n .. ,? n,..i , .... I' AUK. MLAi K-> l.l.L* l U . MILLS. MILLS A HALiS Rftrr. 1*1' l. II. in i !.. . "..l.dlnafc K: Ou. -l * . Tot ! APPRENTICE AND MASTER. in. lr I! I i -..ii. IH t ratio- Dnrlnu Hit- III! I. e III ami I Mr,, mill t . Hlurl,-.. \|lp- inotitut mi in !' i mi ,- in 'h'thirt-, h |j -ind I nut mil centuries, and \\ as rvffulitf.l \\iili the u e. ail w II I, -V-.-H liy th-' following ,, c -:inl of 'An 1 II -r in Old ! ran , f My I h<- ml s of the lx>.>k the master u.i h 1 I gr it ly i i,- for bis appi, ntii-,-; and under a A i -.- and ki:i 'ly r . , learning Ui ! a un si. i- uoikmin and a ruler lull-- wnill mi :hl |, id a hippy an I pi,. l [l lid- Iif Often In- ditl .- '. Uld when Ihe i|;iv I tl.it h m hi >! i nn hi fn cd.iin, he 1'h.tnc iii reiiiiin 111,- piid s.-rvant, - fiiiil ind f II. iw worker , if t!ii- in i- i -r w h i li i.i . Ii. n .'n..,, .in.l Ian a t t t lit r I h - n i . i In hut Im-.ikii-i e iktts or muffin eggs are an eli-iuent t ii it ofti-n lough- en;! I lie Iwead will: Mil adding my d. MiabU' quality. IKi uol u-,.- inure than two OKK", -!- s " rul, to a pi'il of null, in wbalen cak.-s. Unu 11 XI-HCI ally entKigh. Ihe l|iiaiility of >-nf< to U- used in CHII-III,M| oake, fanes with the lar-ti>, a.t this iiie.il is -<i granular thii W on danger uf making n tough During Hi- y.-.ir^ of his nppi.., i h-- pit iu. or m i -t t , i.. to I t ti ,n I hh -Her h in. li> tli.- lif.iiK ly win-. till.: . :,r' - nil.:, i! Il . n/of, ut his L>, .1 r,l, a nd ' . t h." it WH.S Mrid.y , lh' in i -ii -r i.i i i ,. h , i ],.,i . ' .a^ h .-t tiw n Nt.ii, ' mi 1 ,n s..i,,,. i he W.IN Ki l-l -n i.i r.-ni'Miib-r t h.i l Ins i IK M I'.lily did not ml ,,n I h-- Ihre.sb-'l. of t h,- H -i ksboj), tint ih i n i -I. in i I.s" ,.f Hit- |!i i|t- .si ran- | ' hit 1 , m , 'ii !i. , soli, itud<-. In a diiy w lien th .si re, -Is >d' Pnril nil \,-iy ni e for ., n.\ h,.,!y, .and wvrv inire or lts-,s d.inx' i -u-t .ifti-r l.irk fiu- .inyi .i.\ . l n.- ,,,., t*T Wl d \a b.- ixireful on \\li.it ei- i.ind -b' d'-p M h -d t h,- y, ilns'si.-t ; , n I the pttr.v-<'Joks, \\ h H- .ipprenl ices were oft. -II .sein !,> cry c.ikri .,11 i>.Mi ill- public: ways, I ,ul i.inlly \\.ained to pivvent the I i In frxiiu falling ainontf i^vil < n, piny. It .-< ins certain th.it, lyi far as l h,. M Idle AK''-- are concerned, the nile ... in- , pi - and .admonil iom were in l . n4y fnunud with u r 1Jlt - (Jxl scn.se ul care. but. were very rigidly > n I n|>>n all iiiiit.-is ,\ IM had n 11 I latl.s in thoir .-nipliiy i ni I iw, in th- Miciclj of I twit \ II. Ol.'OI - M'-: \SrilKS. K'ir a iuiirf !'ine MI- ta\.niie fin m ,>f make 1, ii, \,- ,ii i\ le I- ul !i .i i Ii u .>f ({"' '"'' '" - ' ' '' '' ''"' u .t I>| id--. Ill i ! Il: lif d im. i)(!. 1.1 ry ai-le, u t h,) -iriin-t unit: idiiiK in u .11. . . .til im.iK'ti:a''y hridegrooBl. A h. i in Ii -r .- ,,1,-d ,d U, i :d- 1'i.ih, d,m t you know thai \ :i. n ynu ute.i married you will h.iv.i to, .ii.-J I ), ule awakening and i lie . r d. N li.:i|{ afterward sJie a.-k tJle i|.lt,-i ,-nc,- i*),u ..... i \l.-.-> and I . m k.- h-i-elf clear lii-r \\ . i i , . if row up and IK li... , . ..: i in ui shnul I ask inn i r> I, I .1 i .1 ,1 ., i. a nil In i n ml. FUR AULO LAHC SYNE. I of Can.. 1 i "Miould old acquaintance l>e for- I gat t" 1'lie aiisuei CHIII--S m-.iiMiical- sln-i N M i.tinld ne>\ a. quaint i m , ' I.I'KI,| K, -111,111- I-,-! ' ha! .in I hit hlno.ly fields .11 li \lMca.-.inii In ive ..ildiei- hoy . \\i-i - "n I lie In 1 ^ line, (laiik.-d liy l"> II. - tisll rtnljecls I I- IIII l'e> 1(111 and 1 111 I he i n id si ,if li.inni-r. la .1 m if friend- slii|is wete form -d. a. id yon. n idles of I i, have it in jtui IJOWIM t t IIIIIM- lon-l-. I of >u and India ij.-peal to \ou f.rcm M'lit iineiil . IK U'.;n^ them y.iii .-nly aid your l>ri>! ,,ei co|nni-ls, i . . . I lie lie^l .n MII ii" irink t'ireen .i ine i it you in ik" t he chaii;; Blue H , ami Mtmi-ooii pa.-kels may U- hadlt",n \our K r<lt ' ei ' C"loni.st . SDMI-; rmv: i-u:;tiiM i >-:N si UK. \. I I .a le. ler fr.-m M-ilay a:,.l 1 .11 .|n lire th.-ra IV Kit HPTY VI MHM HI'. -i 'tu s .u<J - Cor "Mra WUie LAW TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL ','.. .,. Cathoi o Pray3r I f <e tates .- sll.i.l , h.-.iv ; K k . "d ' I 11. \ -,- : ' put pe ..... nn th* ! hai^ain i .e,, ,-r , . ll f. A . . . .- , ,, P.L CURE *'"* p '"*" * Ont r " ^^^^^ ^ --B ^ B . I'.IH ' , I 1 ' 9 Wl.l in MU (fM M . IW , U ,tK^-l|.| uf IWO v Vbl KlU11> - > t <r .., tit Aua.rM, rilK HUKIIi.SLi M' im I K ->ut Mu .1.1... L ..' Th utribt Nuutti -.-. Metallic Ce ; !ings I- 1 "':* O" fur . u.l. Gents' Suits Cleaned V\ ti--n h s 11 tie a* un il t h I.--.* l ret . i . l lie pcr- lit 1 - of thl! " . ' ' if> , ullon , BniT :;ii AMXRIUAM DYMINQ . O'T, .n.. T. r. . to. Ouw* A ^IMlMO. Thl* lntan> I* ou vrjr hoi of Uw TvaalM Laxative nna ShMt ,, 4I . k _ M f-i ic ^ Itrrt.-rli ~n I I'll-" U, , r..,n, i ... , f suTii.t: i- -i^ii*. i . t - i' r- * I ffW ...... rr PI *! . UUTHIt i uH,MH.iu* & . Jnwrtt*., TcranW FOR r POUNP C j, U I \ I ' \ N .- I \ K \ S 1 I \Vhi ci.il slrngs!" wf> niiicli ti,,,r* I . , i i 'v <-, . 115 MI i ".ir-.'lf and partly keep. .114; Ciller p.-nple out. l h. P I n rid 'Ion of th nn l t ' ' r. , hll n , % . wm In 'i In, nrntili-. Pm-nitr-it inniit >, in dorlor* pt . . prr-mli. ,1 ! 1 i ng-o it.ewlih | ,. T. I It II Durable, i prevrn ' '.IM-l'i 'O l< A , nil t'MH 111,1* ilt"6;>.. ..'..1'h. > r<- ISUKiilUt ,M,II rtii,f!M. Hi,l'- ''.' .ii-i, i n , n i ml .1. r ti.e , s ii i thn nir i, t , . market. Il ! ta n ntn i, "P t"> '> ; /,,| - i r.n '* hi. o ^''d mil 'i- . - in T ,,-t oir^i ,ma linn ! >! no iis,. -.li,l fni i II A,,,|,. KNKYfcCCVTnlisie, Hall'* Fa, i, .hebMt. WAX THB <JCBJN OITT OIL CO ..iuiiL.4, "uurl R,r, PrMt. Turvnto \ i , ! I " I ell HID I',. ||,-_-Wh.i; makes y-ll I II ''k -n.' N,.|| Why. tiMCI '. ii t i I ipt. ,.\\D "ould hardly c.iM her ihe pink ,-1 piopney! Of ciFinse mil! I'ilik is ,,! n ,i her oolor! From Small Beginnings . . . s om, p,, -ii \. count* weie hrgnn in a modest way. By adding small sums at ir^uiai inirrv*iN, ami nv Ihe acciiniiilation oi ni!crcl, thuy have growl till they now show haiidMme balance*. It i* not neceisai y to wait till you have a . ,-n- d.-iVilc .tiiiiMini In make n , u.Miiirnce- mcm. We accept small snm ,>n deposit and allu v inierfsi ,.r 3. p.ir Oant. pejr annum, payable hulf-yearly. The Canada Permanent AND WESTERN CANADA MLRTCACt CORPuRATIQN Toronto Straat, ToMiito. THE MOST NUlitlTIOUb. EPPS'S GRATEFUL Oi'MFORTINQ. COCOA MtftAKFAAT-

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