THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE DECEMBKK 27, DECEMBER 27, THE ADVANCI d Co. MAtfaPALE'8 VKKATENT HTORB . "G. JfMd Co. <> (I ll J i me Olisb our Friends and Customers one and all a Happy and Prosperous DEO) the year which is now closing our business has enjoyed the most gratifying patronage a juitrmiap' which has pfacdl it second to none in (Irey County, For this our > I winks arc due ami hereby tendered our very numerous, and loyal customers. And we also wish to thank you for your patience and forbearance during the rush and crowd** uf UK; [wist month which very materially helped us. r'or our own part we have njNired neither time or money where our customers interests, were concerned in procuring tho very best values it \v;is pi issi bit- to obtain. That we have suc- ceeded is abundantly evidenced by our busi ness, which shows a magnificent growth ami which continues growing.. And regarding the New Year on which we are about to enter our policy and plans are already mapj)e<l out and will untold themselves as the year ad- vances. You will find us at all times faithfully guarding your interests and our own ( which are identical) with that eternal vigilance which in all things is the price of HUCCCSS. P. T. HILL, &. Co MARKDALE. t* HL1MIIKP Wr.EH.LY AT THE OFFICE, OOL- UXUWOul* ITHIBT, FLENHRRTliN, OST., . B. TlifHSTON. i p<-r annum Mrlrtly in advnnrr AdvertiBing Kates: f eColuum. 1 year, (SO . half .<ol , 1 Tear, '* quarter ool., on* year, til. traoiient adrartUaiiKat cliarRu.l ' tho raU out* i- M 1 HIM (or rtni ineartlon *i: 1 crr.t *ab aubaequant Innartlon. \rtemesia Council Tin- Municipal Council of taTovnabip - Artcmeaia met in lh Town Hall,, i>u Saturday. December 15th, imrxuint ID Hiatuti'. l're*t-nt, D. Mi Tavich, Hi-ore; A. Muir, .1. lloyd, T. Ki-lln, <i ..... Thoni|ui<'ii, Couni"..! n. Tim niinutra nf lai-t si'Hsion, Nnv. '.\, I'.tOO, 1 1 -i. I mill rimfirmi-d. OpMMBOIticft- lioM M fo!lM> MM ii'i'l IVt T II"! f ; I*. MtCullorh, IMIII That this council r i-ilit to township of Kup- .'iisn, ri*i;ariliii|{ .r.lmx .1. I. <lrali-un'a rlaim for ri^ht I away IMI lnU 'i'i ivl 'j:{, C'iii':.-Hsi..ii 13. \ (1. Mai-Kay, certificate i.f irtiiin of jnrnr* f r I'.NJl ; Du^aM Mi-Io-aii, ri-^Aril- in* htrei-t <nit of r.-pair in 1'riceville ; T. Mandera, aiiking uii additional ittMNMMI i indigent; Win SmiUi, et l, nnkinit in- a intaii.-ii I.T MIH. Hoi in-f, nil indigent; The Tnwt<i- of SS.S,. No. 4, ii ipji-HtuiK nn advance I !*4:t M account nf i rn>r in nclioul ratu ; T. Ki-lU, repi.rt f work on towi.lme, Artrm. sin nn.l K ijilira. in, including a Mtaten.riit liy tin- Ki-ivenf Knphrai l of i m I. il'.in- nndi-i hill rli u '.'>; iii-o Tlioinps .11, i, | of .voik il ..ii- uii.l'T Ins instrii 'tiou on (.HII M, \iti-niexiit ftinl O.|>rry, in ( n'i< rt.-u.:i i S. I). K.;.l. Kyi, ir|rt of work mi li.i'Hcnlioe lull nuui ; A. Muir. i. port of rf prllilltlilr III IIH iliviiMii. i'.j lw No. ."iS'i to HUH ml liy l\\ ! ^ n IMlpiluriil and ir.ul tin- lT<|(Ufu.l ii'iiiiln-r of linn I mil | .i .-,i'il. Thoiii|iai)n 'I'll a il.i- nnuu-il of IM- rt'iiiiircd to HU|i|ili:inrnt work I ..... u tiiwiilnio in conn -s oil I ,S l> K , to tin' iiinount of twenty ilollnri, nlw) itiii.- lilmr lii the exU-nt of |,'!.50 |n-r i ,M.I.-.| by Mr. SI,, nan. in till *-':! Ml. t'.trr i-'l I. vil Ti OIII|.HOII Tlmt the Clerk . n, I.T nn .i'- ...nut I., tin; x iiioiH innnioi \ .iliiius imli-li'i :l to this corporation for A'irk mi lownlini's. I'liriii'il. <.yd -Thoinp.ti..| Tliul tlie Ulrrk in i.l.y liiiihon/.c.l t.i tak tli neoumary to ^ivo notice of ci-talili-liiiii; ro.-nl . it mil ,it luivi liito .in. i :)U i. If road in u -f^ioii 1. N.H.K. (/nrrieil. KH- Mini Th' the report ..f Mi. I'.'ioinpMiii .if rspn iilituu* of <1M IKI nn in-iilniu A. iiinl II. lit) ii!,rnol ..'i I lilr I. ' 'inie<l. K.'IU Muir T'ist 'h.'Clfik wiitu Mr. 'I I'ullocll r.: .1. I i;...liiiit cUilll for ..lit of way HI l-.t -2\i, -':t, r.iuc;iMiun 1'*. .iml !. tint dm niiiuril i.-. H i'lini wit li- nt prejii'lici to uriki- .1 res niMlil.i i % ' il.'inent in thu niVter. I'urn-'.l. Th .iiipion Mini - Tli .: Mi.- '. ;i.>i'i of Mi. Kuli-< i 'ir tiding lonriilin An. -in .i . . i.| Knplii.o.1-*, IMI ivoj'.ve.l .iii-1 till!. I 1'in-K-d. Ki-IU Th'iiii|>"ii Tii.i 1 i!u: r-| -rt of ,.iiiiii<si..i.i.|- No. I on H.inl ripwiduun IK) room MM I -n nl Ii V I. Crm-n-il. Itoytl - Tli .iii| oi Tint I'IH i-..n .niinioat' n of Mi LfUAU HeliMMI with rcferenin"'. < mlj..iirn,' ml. w ilk in l'i i.-cvilli! In r :f!rr.i<l to Mr. Muir t.i 1-1 iiiiin '(IB pi n>- r f-riv I I :in ! KIT if tin >ute 11 mi r...i I allonanci-, .m.l if MI luvc I D.yd ,.inii. t ni hraiiii for an iti-m of ( i">, charged by thr Uiex.'i.f Knphriima fir l4|MrvWni work oh tin- tnuiduio A. nnd I)., ai this council has paid r- anpei \i*in, - n *ei|uei.tljr thiH amount, t. Aether with .-iiiionnt i.f Mta'uni lalMir, Khali be charged 'o tlm t.>*iih'p ..f Kuphiasia. r-'nrrinl. Ki-llH - Muir That tin- |.i-iiti..n.f Wm and l>r. Chriti>e I"- entertained, and that the llceve is horehy authorised in pr.-i me f.-r Mia. Spend-, an indigent. ti\etorda i.f store wo-id ,-iinl eliai^e the mi. i thia niunieipality. Carned. Muir - -Krlln-Tlint the following ac- i-. mils, gr.ivel supplied aud i niili.-d I.- s. Iw paid, viz. : -Win lilark liurn, &2.K> ; lie". Muoro. $54."); aim that Jiimi-H Findlny be | ~F> cent*, half nut* if removing three trei-x . !i townline Arleiiicaia and Oaprey, ai err tilii-d liy inerm-rr. Can led. lioyd Muil That the lltere, Clerk and \wosor be paid ihn-e d.'llals e.n-h for si-K-. ling jurors Carned. Th .inp.Hi.n- Muir -That thu account of the Munii-i|iil \\'"rld for (.apcr and iipry f5.7f>, IK- |it.l. Carried. K. IS - Muir 'I Ii it the nccount of the ret ikcr i-f hull for cetirts, 92, IK,' |.u d. Carried. Ki-IU- Mmr- That thu following ac- cnlllits lie pin), \l/.. W. H. TllUrHl"ll, Iwlai re printing contract, 910 ; W. M. Thuistmi, Hjieciiil advertising, 9111 ; W. M. I Inn -tun, -.- it n r> . $10 40, ai ei-rlilied by the Clerk. Carried Muir That (leo Lutljow IMJ I IL I [or repjniiiif biidkio ika din-ett-d l.y the Uei-vu, i. no half of same in Ii .-liaise. 1 t'i the lownihip uf IV t..n < 'an led. Hoy. I Thiuni HI.II -That Mr. Muir lie I'.u.l f4 4li, lial.-tiieu if ci.minisM.iii mi Ins u ,]! appropriation. Cairied. Muir Kulla Tlmt Mr. IV.j.l Iw pun) S2.-J5 for ovi-isriinj work in rvpaiiini; ii..i ' l.i 1 rixiil Can led. Muir Thomi sun -That H. Iteinphill's Hi-count of mxty i-i-ufs for repairs lo jgrad- I 1 In- paid, Curried. Thompson -Muir That Thus. Marnier* ,-in indigent, heallonod 9- per month in .i.l. lit n. n to hi* | rn-eiit gnint for the winter month". Curried. I'.oyd Muir Tint (lam go Moore lie piii-l J-l.-IS for gravel anpplird o^eror, II II Oalagher, on towniino. ntxl that .Hi. l.alf of this ainnirit Iw di.i'gdd to Pulton Council. Curried. Muir Thnin|is-.i> Tlmt the report of Mr. Hnyd rn expi-inliluro on lini-Hi-slme hill roM I' ' ad .p'e.l nnd ordi-r imtdo for piymiMit of am. .nut expended. Catried. MUM Thompson -'That Mr. Kullx I e piti.l t.'l fur *upL-rviKing s|K.<cial road work in I in div sion, < pur report, t'arrie 1. II yd--Muir--Tlnit Mr. Tli.inipnoii lie pi..i **. i.vie. in ; iv.nk, viy.. ; Tttn days mi t., A i l,n.- A. and I'/.. f3.00 ; OIK: .iinl a Int'f ili\>..u (ownliiiu A. and <)., (5- ; one d iv 0:1 - "iile, 91. iH) ; niie diy mi 'Vlii.l.- m 1 1, ?l.">0. ('.rriml. Muir Hnyd Thu .l.. v ui M.Aithurlw rofmiiled '-'.'.!, 1. 1 I.-: in his . uieiit for tin- ye it IJNHl. ('iirriml. Tiiuiipi.m K.|M Tluit ( i,-.i. (iniha and John \\-l.iil.,- |irin| live dollur* fur of the nlUgn i.f Markdale of f 2 00 for ligg'ng urve for thi lat Win, not entertained Carried. Kells McTuviah Tliat Win. I', a r. collector div. No. 'J, having rnturned hi.i mil for I'.IOO, bj paid hi* s:.-iry a.s p. i hy.Uw. Cnrilud. TliiitiiiMou B..yd -That A.shi-iratt 1 rufiilidt-d #:i ."(), ln-n.i' am. nut i.f s'atut lal.iir irtiiriiiil KiiiiiNt lut HO, 1 S M. I; . fur iyi), and placed on t'ie e llnti.i '< ri.ll, In- Ii. ulli/ pi-rfi.i invil the wi.rk mi ' A. mi.) O , tin- -:m-.- lieing hinonly rnad t" Ins |.n>, erty, .ia ni-nu in. 'ii, led l.y coiiiiii SHIIHII-I- Nn 4, nncl that in I nt ure Mr. Shi-rr.-itt Iw allowed to |iui- form lii "latuto Indnr nn |..iiline, an-1 thai thr tirwiullip nf Onprey lie iei|iies!..| to Mippl. tin-lit tl.e H.ii.1 wnrk, either in Htatutn lilxir or ni.umy. Carried. Tli!>m|mi>ii Muir Tlmt A. Sherratt he IIHH! 920, citntract mi towiiline A. .ml t) a* per ii-pnrt of commissmner No. 4. Carried. K-llH-Uoyd That D. McTavwh be paid i i-.'lil dnl!:tia for repairing road nn pli-im-i.ts HIU! A'dliHiii KicliariNon In- |i.l 91 '-'' for M iti.'iiery, and M. Kich- .ii.l-n. f>\.'.>\ fur e .,il - ll nnd l.ini|. chiinnii-H tor hull Cinii-.l lloyd Thoiiipann Thatthe et.mmi'ti-' appointed liy the puMu- nu-etint; tw con- fi-i with this council in n-gard to the tatiitu lalM.r .(iie>, I.e |id two do!- lara eaeh and Uideagu fur their service*. Carried. Muir Tlioni|iatiii--That the Kecve, Mr. l>. Mi-ra\ii>h, i hen liy tendered the he. uiy thank* of this I'.niii -il for the able and . ..mi, ..n-. u. ii.n. i in which he haa f u'.li'ile.l IMS duties us Iteev e fur tho year now aliout cli'Miiig, this council believing il.,.' hi- han taken great iiiteu-st in the all. ins uf the towi|hip during hi.s t.-rm nf ill .- And this ...nil. il as n hol ex teiul their thanks t.i the Clerk and Tie i aiirt-r for the way in whieh they have fnllllled their several duties as townnhip 'lii'i i's during tin- ; ear Tin-, nn. 1 1.. n wan put by Mr. Boyd and c.trrieil by a stain'.mg vote of the conn, il Council adjournvU ainu die. Thi* i- t-n v " ' * if tbf Laxative l:r<;.;-.> (>iiii the remedy that rir- n cv>l>l ouo day Note Lost duvialion, ut ,. p n piiini ; br il^-- on lUv lot '24. con. 14. Carried. Mi-Ta-'ish U ).l That O. I. (Jrahnm, lie paid 91.) for I.'MK) feet cedar plank, and .il-. . 915 f ii- work . u valley road. i iniwl. lloyd Mini 1 1 t.ii,.!...l 111 lid hi* aseM uiMit of lut* '.'-', 2M, con 8, hiunrf been chirgeil in wiong dchoul Cairi.-.i ThoinpiMm l!>)d That the aco.unt II partla* an hi notirta.l not to uopoti- at* a nntu ii n III futnr of f'an.l Sn.iti-. ami aimed by |i,.ual.t M. Donald and .lo-|.!i Haw km-, (or tlm ..mill twenty live ilollari, a valuo I. a-, not IH-I u received f -r tlm HAIIW*. DAN'lll. SMITH. ELECTION - NOTICE \ Klection nf CoiiiiiT Conni-illora of Hie Flftli t'nilllly (!<.inii -ll Hivirlun of til* County of limy I'nl.lic nntice irlmrbir Kiven tn tlio Mum ilpal l-:li-,-torn of tin Kittli County v'oillicll Hu !v,..n ot tin- Coniitv .'I (Ivey.that a m.-.-tliit of inul BtatlMn wiM h hi.|.| in Victoria Hail in th^ villas of Diuiilalk an Monday the \\\\ day of December A. D. 1MM. lifin... u III* lioura nf onu an.) two o't-Uick in tin* for the |.urpoa*..f ' lateM for thi- offload of tw r.imit v t'oiinnlll. ra for uid IHth Diviaiou o( tho Counts >! Hi '--. Ann Hat t IIH. lav and time lio> nameil or aftiir "- lapao nf thi Um la which oaurti,latH may with Iraw from m. mutation tln-n- ara a Ki .-iiti i nil-].!. i-r >t noiiiiuateil than are r,-.|inre(1 to tiu lurtwl, an eluctlou will be laMO M M*fe of lt>* Muiiu-.iiial rolling plai-aa r Tint Jn-w-ph \Yillianm rm' m aai.l I ''ounty (\.uiu-il itivi.lou on M..U.UV ih,, ,l ,, u,-.-,iiiiit ,,f in ... j.,1 'th dav of lanuar^ A.I). IUtHr<<iiithe hour of I on ai-cin n Bo . c)och j,, tll , orajcou toSo'tKitk lu the ater- ' ' M. Richardson & Co. 3*lesherton * Useful Presents for Xmas. Fur Gauntlets Ladies' Cupe nines Ladies' Fur Mantles Lined Kid Gloves Fancy Neckwear Silk Handkerchiefs Embroidered Handkerchiefs Fancy Mufflers Fancy Slippers Fancy Waist Silks Fancy Shirt Waists Jin Elegant Range in Every Cine Prices tbe _______ U cry Best! * neckwear This season \vc rrlip><' ;iny piv\ims .season in v.'irii'ty and exivllriu-e of our assortment ot'thf lat- i-st styles and patterns in dents' Neckwear. Hfindsomc neckwear makes a most acceptable and appropriate Xmas gift. Silk or Satin Knots, Putts, Derliys, Toeks, Mows, Flowing Kml new colors new patterns new shape*. Special values (louts' Silk or Satiu Mufflers. warm, com- fortaMe and handsome, uew reversible patterns, $1.00, 7,">c ami 25C and 50C HA.KDW '\F5E DEPART. Presents., We've nun It- special preparations for the holiday t rath* and can promise yon a l>i^ assortment of en- tirely New (itio(l> all very suitable for \inas Pre- sents. Prices in all lines just ri^ht ! IIANDSOMK CAUVKKS t;,>nuiiie Slu-nVld Booda, in fancy ciie, I 'rices from 75c to 93 00 tho Hett. NK\V SILVKRWAKE-Silver Ki.ireH. Forks, Tea Spoons, llerry S|NMIII, Hj rnp S|MI..IIH, Silver I'lateU CIrUlren' Mug from.... 'J.V JAFANKSK WAHE-A Special Im|)rte<l Line viry han.'.sume and iirtiHtic Fruit Ditlint, Tea|Mita. Biscuit* Jan ami Bi*n. Jii|wn-e 5 O'clock Ti* Setts, fl.50 and ................ $1.75 KMHOSSKI) ,,,,,1 I'AINTBD CHINA -Novel patterns ami lovt-ly color- inijs -Fuiit DishcH. Platea, Toilet* Tr;iy, etc., elc. Kami Painted Toilet Sett* ............................ J1.75 NKWCLVSSWAKK Hyacinth CJlwa, VMW, Flower Holder*, etc. I.t- nonade SettB ...................................... $1 .26 Fancy < .......................... FANCY OI'AL WAHK--Hiiii.linn' cmlx.wkxl and uilt vasctt, ur* pa^erns, hand painted .................... 10c, 15c, 25o, and Jt.'c |-';ui.:y Cups :itnl SailceiH from Mi>n*tMlii. ( 'np.H frmn ShatiiiK MUKH frtmi Knncy Tea 1'latc* I'urndije Sells from J!.V- to Figure* fr-im 20c to lOc I5c ... lite II. 25 d. i*. . . . 9150 J'J iHI |,.,.i ca Sens Dinner Sens Collet Setts 44 pieces From 9--!.T5 to 97.00 !'7 pivee* From $." 7.. to $15.00 (0 piece* From 91. 25 I o*7. 30 noou ot aai.iri tla\ vv. J \v.\ K-ni-; i i.. Nominating Officer of theflftl (County Couocil Dirlalnn. lialc-l at PuLJalk, Dae. Jrd I'juo XKNV KAMI'S - Haiivinu, Trtblo or Lahrary Handa.ime and artistic ne sityle*--p-cwl priocaall the way from 91.00 to J.'I.IHI 1'n-ttj- I'IVMM.IS for Everyhody'a Xn,,is. M, Richardson & Co. \ t dm you s*r* H few months " ' Thm winter in which i*> trapreve your "ninie few m .n 'hi s|-n; at the OWEN SOUND ONT. \\.'iild cna'.le you to Hohuaineaa in a Jiti-f*ct..r.v manner. Th ki*iwlede yiiu would ({iin of n.itm. ,:h.iu.-s and idl .indn of commercial paper w. uld, |r- \\<\>*, -w>e you liundr. da of dollars m the fMture. Wright fur ai'alogue. which con- 'I.JIM fnll in.'orinnlion, to C. A. Fleming: Principal OWEN SOIND, ONT. Wii.t.-r term beuirw mi Jan. 2. 1901. Vicinity Chips tr irirrtNtlrs of thr Past . K i ar. inlly fulled for the A happy N'.-w Year. Diviaio'i Court will be In i 1 here < Fri.Uy. Mi * Amu- U chxrd-rtn of Toronto in *t In nil- Jt' t-..' 1... nUjH. lidAvy team fur ida. Apply to J. L'^^M-ltler, Kioslli'rt Kresli lime alwaya .n hanni. J. H " -tt'a, K Mr. Will Sinclair n home fr in Vic- ton i C--J1. i;.-. Thu meeting of the Artnnewia l'i-'r|.-t. I. i i L , will l.e held at Eugenia <.ii Tueiday, Jan. 8, beginnii.K at - p.m. Sline, boot*. rubU-n. renihois no l-tte,- as..rtiiient in town. Where/ At 4'Uyton'n, of ciure. Priv.tta or company funda to loan at in m 4i to ."i p.-r ci-i.t. Kxpenae low. \;ii)ly to Kutlierfi.rd, Shelburne. In the C..liingw..od-lpi-i!y ihvikion fnr r.iunty Councilloni there are 'hree in the Mi-Id VIcColniati. Krr ami Prest..n. Mr rriwfoti i- sfc. Buyrrs wHiil-d for a lot of trunk-, tel- . -c.^ws, valiai-n, !f.'K 1 "S s . mitrn, gloves, filing cheap. Where? At Cluyinn't, f ci .a rue. Horru; Aatray- Strayoil nn the nijsht of I'.-c. -t. a dark luiy heavy team hone, collar uwll LII point of left Hiii.ulder. Any iiifiirniMion .i.s to liw when-abouta thank- hilly rtceiveil by K. T. Carr, Eugenia. In the case of Canon v. Cameron, I '.n I am. tried l i he County court hen- list week, tho defundtnt niadu Mimpeii -iti- n"in ihr sum of fTJniul w;ut diHcharg .-.I i .n hia own nrcoiiin/.-ince to keep the KI the sum of j?-"*) Sun. than Men's la*y ijuiii rubbri-n tU. y havu thick sole*, wear like iron and are r- i uited atvb I.IM..I and every other kind ' p.m.! ek'rt'p* tire, and cheaper Where .' At CUylon'a, any olhrr kind. -i counte. \monu the Cliristman' vUi'or* in towti The Advance had thf pleiuute of ri^-civ- iiu'-ulln from L>r->. T. and R. ll.-i L-IS..H . f Toronto; l)r. F. A Thursinn, Chicauo; Mr. A' D. Thureton, Toronto; ami Mr.S. of the Si. Thumaa Journal edi 1 1. rial Hlatf Mr. W Ptch, who has been in the Toronto general honpitiil for MHIIV weeks. Tv'umvd home on S.itunl.n. \\ .- are estu-n:ely sorry Ui luaru that Sir. I'et.-h IKS i "i improved as much in health, .-n uas fondly hoped, during Ins .sojourn in Among the vinitnra wh' arrived in t v.n for Cliri.siiiiim wute Minnie Mimebaw, Miss Hattie Cole nd Mr. t;.o. Wickeiis T ..... nNi ; lii-o an I Carl- ton Bullamy, I'.ui y Souinl . W. Thomp- oti. Toronto; K Tlniniin. O*eii Sound; lie i. P.iiks. Enieiaon. \ ; lluuert \\ ,ir-l, Belleville ; and E. AruiiUont:, Sound. It has been s -tiled that we will have nn cotum fr county councillor* this M-nr, and fr. in indications up to date there are Po aspiranta for the township I. aid. This wi.uld leave us without an ii.u.'ii and coiiHut|Uenily there would lc nn vote on the toad hvlaw. Incident- ally, it w<iuld be a saving of eighty or nine- ty .(..ILirs to the township, Wan'ed at Sawmill, Flesherton Station, Saw log, ihingle timbei and lien on mum], for which the highest prices will be paid. Custom sawing done on shoiteat notice at reasonable pi ices and raimfau'i..n nitecd. Uraiii clioppini; done Tue tlays .iiiil Kriduys ot .-iieh week. (5. COLLISON, CEYLO.I I'.O. l.o<t, utrayeil or a'olen from the prom- M> ..f the undersii;iiiMl, one bougie bound IMI Dec. '-'.">. blai k on lark, tan ears, speckled leu', half of tail white, answers t i I he name of Hng'e.Has last aeon follow- ini; a gviiileiniin down giavul r.-a-l ppo :'.- the cemetery. Kinder will be smi- al>ly rewnrded by applying to this otticc or to Ix-wis Kisher, Klfshcrton. The eiitertaimnent givt n by tho pupils and other* in Mr. Reid H school IIOUKC on Friday <-v.-i.inv last WAS a ilcidrd auc- ccm. T'ie rccilatioi.a. K..IU.M and dia- logueH wore rnudenxl in a very creditable LI 11. n. i The crowd was HO Inrg.) thnt many could not cain The l.ri.ceedM, whicli will he used in purchaw inx bojl fur the achoul, amounted to 920. County Council nomination wan hld in Dundalk on Monday. Then w a small tuniout of eleclnra and little nrer ent a|.pcr.-il to be taken tberein. Messrs. Wamoii nd McArthur were the only iionnneeA and are ronniKjuently nnw the rrpreNui.UtivcM of No. 6. Tlrv two candi- date* ami Mr. Richardaon, M.P., *ere tlm spea'ifrH. Councillor liojrd Attended from Kleliert.>n. Thomas Yi-llowlees of Toronto, Assi-i ant -ifi.-i-i-tarv of Provincial Sabhath Sch... . I AH,,I, will p ii-ich ai.nivur- aary sermomi in lh Mrthodint church nxt Sunday, Doc. 30, ninniing nnd ev- ening, and will add row the pupiU of all the schools in the viUae at 2.30 p.m. AH Mr. Yellowkitw ia a clever apeaker and clear rwaartner and thoroughly acquaint- ed with Sunday M-h'Hil work, all who IIIIH* this opportunity of hearing him will have something to regret. Tin- eMtertamwrnt and tea meetini; uuder the aunpi0es of the Methodut Sun day here will be held on Tuumlity <!vrmi >t r, .l*<i I, 1901 Tea at 4.30 for children, program at 8 o'clock. Tl.euhil ilren nod otlivre are .1- u..,- their part in prepnriiig for tbe enUTtninment, MUM 1 t.y Air r>ariili..u-f. Miss Chiistue, Mrs. Klackbinn, Dr K. Murray, Mint /ilia Trimble mid tile Dcliolam. Recitations Uy Misn i ' kich:ir,(*Hi and pupils. An a<ldroa by Mr. Ilicliardnoii, M.P, and a dialogue i-nt tlisl " I'hn Connny of the Mcs-iah," l.y elcvon girla, will mako a liri-^rsm which will Iw worthy uf pat rotiiigu. The annual entertainment nf the Kiigema MfhodiHt Ssbluith SchiHil held on t'riday evvning I II,WH an unqualified succeaii. The gmul muds and the plea- sant weather l.r..u ;l.i out a K<MM! crowd. Throutthou he lengthy program the in- terval wan well ftuata'iied. The SIIIKHI.' and reeiiingof the .h Mren wiw splendid. The mldreatm of the miniHtei-H, RevN. Thorn, Ward ami White w<re spicy and appropriate, and the remarks of the chanman, Mr. K. T. Carr, were innpirmg and eloquently delivered. The choir aided materially in tho program The report of thu Sitlilutth Scli.<il for the past year li..wei a li.nrked iniTeaae in attendance. and in inturent taken m that brunch of the church work Thi* .inniul school meeting was hehi in the nchi.i j hi use on Wetluendav fureiiiHiii with Mr. A. S. VanDnaen premdin^. There WBH a plesmnuly larue number of ratepayers present and the nmetin.j pissed If very harmoniously. The reiniii!; titistfe, Mr. (ienrge Mitciiell. WHS re- .1 for another term. A > 'ite of con- tiilenci- in and approval of the tnmt-rs oork wan nn inimoiisly pa- :. .- .t , nlso another acknowledging ill.- f.uiltfii! and fiaiiistaking lalxira of th.- i. >.li> r- lh* jinst \\ e nre glad to not. eudence of enhinceil in .-r- st win, Ii is li--iHi{ taken l.y tho ratepay.-ra in tin.- ^ifa<rnf their public school, It ia u good The Story of a Dog. A genUonian living out near "Wein-d a coin I watchdog until recently, but the dog ii no more. Last nuniiner a ii i. ling cluck tinker called t the hoMe .in 1 'he dug vigorously n-sented his III- trumon, and in fact took a tattto of him fnmi some |xi(ntion IK-HI- the stern. The .i>.^ had never been known to bile any- nu U-fore. but this tfte of the clock man mut have had a very bad effect for he quickly di-tcL-pedanappetituf. r lilond, which could n .it be tolerated, and aa a conse<)Uenci) he WHS dospa'ched to the doi/ii' happy hunting ground. In tho meantime, however, the clock man had it in for 'he dog mid laid a complaint, mak- ing alhilavit aa to its vicioumieMi, and Inst week the cluef countable friim Shelbuine CHiue up with a .'!'J calibre revolver an. I b|. H>d in hi* eyu. He wan joined hare by a local c- nsli-.ble and ti . nether they drove out to the farm where the dog bad I ecu wont to hold high caiuival. Vi-rumy there they found (hut poor Towser ha.l pas-si-d on before then arrival. It is alleged that the farmer put MJI fifty ilol l.ns to cover c-.sts, and the con.sluble saved his Wedding BelU Rang merrily at tbe Station Wednesday of last week when Mr. William Lawn-nee was united in marriage to Miss Delmrah Sprott, both of Ceylon. The cermnny took place at the residence . f the bride'H pan-lit H in presence of a large number df invited quests, .And was performed by Rev. Mr. Mil!*, Anglican past,,]- at the Station. The -..tty Jittle bride wn dresned in a in<>>, becoming costumo -.f pale bin- ciisli'ii.-r.! and white Hilk, and Ml assisl-in;. Miss 1're.slon of (Iran. I Valley, was dressed likewise. Mr. Lnw- rence waa supporte<l by Mr. .1. C. Vollet, teacher. The bride leceived a lot nf beautiful presents. After thu ccrciiiimy the party aat down I..- a rich repast in which fowl hguied largely, and after dm"..; justice to the viands an . nj. yable . ven ing was spent in dancing inu.sic and kiamnn. The young Couple, who are high- ly esteemed, will live on a fa- in at tlio Station owned by Mr. Mctiill. TI I Advance tenders felicitations on this irn poi Ui.t event. Presbyterian Anniversary Tea wi orvd in th baaement and waa a choice spread. The chair *s occupied by the |>aiito:-. Rev. L. W. Thorn. Mr. A. M. (lihsnn, U|>eriiitiident of the school, read a report from which we lttrn that the hchool is in a good working con (litinii, thu library containing a nice selec- tion of 347 books, to whicli some 46 new v olminni have been added during the pat I year, and 30 volumex were donated to the Proton Station school . 144 copies of the ToackeiV Monthly have been supplied, 2400 copira of the MeKHemjer and 1560 copies of King's Owu. The total receipts ware $75 42, and ilisb-ns. mnt< foH.68, leaving on hand $1U. 74, a nice showing. Alias Mattel Thistlewaito recired the m.*t veraoa in the achonl and master Roy Thutlewaite among the b..ys. Thu total veraw) recited w 2,5457. Receipta of the anniveraary auiounted to about, fifty dollar*. Hoiiar Rolls Vandelur s^h... 1 for IVceiiiln-r Part 1 --Kate Dvm, Mary Pritchard. 4th Wilfrod CullU, Grace ttrsham 8r. 3rd Ena Johnston, Howard (Ira ham. Jr. 3rd Ethel Warline. Annie Hislop, Eva (iilbert, Mina Weher. Sr. 2nd Mary \\yville, Maggie Davis. Edwurd Kennedy, Howard Holley. Jr. 2nd Charlie Buchanan, Stewart Hislop, George |)..ii-l:i, Mabel Fadden Part 2- Bertha Kadden, Frank Davia, Willie Buchanan, Ethel Heath. Sr. lt- Villr.y Summers. .1. hn Ken- nedy, Eddie Siiininers, Olive Sniiiiniiis. Jr. la'-Klla Warling, Laura Wyville, Harry Wyville, Sadie Walling. Average attendance for the year .'(4. I.I/./.IK C. UAWKEN, Teacher. ChriatmaH Day paAacd ort quietly in I town, the only event, being the Ptvshy- leiian .-iiiiiiversnry st night. This wa a Inglilv successful atfuiv. The turnout ws Urge and tlm pmgiam a good one, .-nn- siating of. l >-. ilcs the u.siial chi dien a poilK.n, a couple of choicn aolos by Mrs. slu-ppiird. a ilnt-i by Mrs Klnckburn and Mi* Chri-toe, and an eapeen.llv "mvl a 1- Ir.-ss l.y Rov. Buchanan of I>. u ' k. Seasonable Goods at the Hedical Hall, Flesherton. liorae medicines Such aa Mandrako, Blooilrool, Dandelion, Aniiniony, Uiglt- U, S dipetnt. Anise Seed, Rosin, (lin- ger^ lri, K. .-iin.-i-.-i-k, Lobelia, and the olej;aiit prepirati.'ii, fierliageuiii \nias (ioi ids, suit. tide for prenenU, U, ik BoxeH, Albums, and thoae that Sjtuta ClauH't" always ilwpenaes. Also Toy B u>kn and Chriat mits Caiila. Toileta Such as Tooth and Face Pow- ilers, Toilet Soaps, and Perfumes, with a nice axsortii.cni uf Combs, Tins and Confectioi.cry, m ^ood tupply, with that " (Quaker Molaitses Camly eiceptionslly goiMl. A nice asMortment of Violina, with Bows, Mouth Organs. ec. PrcKcriplion for Horse or Person care- fully compounded. Honey: Honey! Honey: -In 1 Ib. seniors, at thu Medical Hall. Juitt received. Caustic Balaam, for nn^bone. spavin <Vc. liall cure, ami cure for sera. dies. Lotion for wounds. Try tllC.II. Just received a new stock of auhoil supplies, new grammars, arithmetic!), copy liooka, t-tc., etc. Annual fleeting: Notice in IM-H.IIV giron that tlm annual iiHifttiit; .it tin. I- i,-. i 01 ij UlHtriet Aurictilliiiii! .Miuiriv ..I hast (imy will lin lull. i in tin. l.iwu Hll. f'lL-liortuu, nil WulLoaiiav, tholtttll n> ..( Jaouar\. A l>. . run, at miu .1 .:.. k. p. 111 (m i. . . HOIK an.l I.HIIIK tlio .Him tun ami au.ll- tura' i-.', >ir* fur tlii- .-nsuinu \.'i. ^1... n-n: .1:1,-. 11 tor tlie \i-i I-.KII .1.1 nucli ummiii. uma umin, bu ciiuin.n.iii.1 in tllu mtcroota of ui.i Houittly. Aa none but inouihim for 1'JOI arc,- to olllcu or bitvu A v.ilu at *ucli ni.'ul int; kin..! v IMIUI! in dollar to tlm MM i HIMI v tmfuro ttiu day uJ iimelniK, ur Mam! mini to him tliat day. anU li... .HI..- a nuui. i.i-i *u<i be in ..p,.i ! t lakit |. mi in lUu ini'i lint;. it. i.S|.roulu. nuc. 'JeorK* Uitcnuo, 1'iKhi.lunt. II. Kiiiiivau, lat \ n-" I'II.H. . Alex. Muir, In-l V ico I'roa. UaUnl ut K:ullurtuu. net JO, 1UUO , Notice Nomination for Tnmte for Uie police viiliei.-f Mnniinrttin. will l) lialii on Mouday, I leriMiilnir thu Jlnt. at 7 o uiook. III Uif eTHUiuif. Kveryouu nhoulil come aa nevurul Umnjs of in- teiu t to Llio villuNu, will lu .liaiMin'i'.l. W. J. IIKU.AMY, KoturmugOllicvr THREE PAPERS IN ONE p.-w(es r.f summarised nnd . lassifiod nuwn. of pMcriral (jri- and lira stuck Eiu'ht I.J fiction tin.- nf and m.>/nnt fee Vail and Empire, 3 Sections 24 Si.oo PER YEAR P..iN"f>- o' J'l.'O fro with anh-.-r f FLESHERTON * * * * * * * Oil * * A Merry Xmas to all 14V * * * tfc * t> * Good Prices for all Kinds Produce this Week. Flesherton, Ont. f i We wish everybody a merry JJj Xmas and a happy New Year and we are going to try and H make it more pleasant to all IJJ who call in to see us this week J as we are well prepared with * a full stock of Xmas goods to suit everybody and anybody J wanting to make an Xmas JJ present can find what they want at our store. D- Jfeops On Jfand For MuKdey Harric, Nmnn, Klcury and k? '*" n. \VilkinHnii farm nn|.li'iiumts, Fh-nry ami Verity plows m hand all thu time, also all kinds of repairs fur the unino. Wo manufacture Waimi, Huj(v{i<<, t'littiTu, Slei|{liH, i-tc. II. r.lii.ruiK pr 'iiiptly att<?ndi-il to, SpH.:tal altenlioii to tender contracted feet. Logxini; nnd I'low Cham* ciinstanliy on hand. * IJ. MELOTTE - CREAM - SEPARATORS Which hnvo MO ifjal. It taken \ low powor than any other. Iti.ea morn woik in !-<* tinii-. Separate* mure efflciently. All ij-arini! protected. Perfect lubrication. No tin t\n Milk and .-r.-Mni paa* over thickly etiaui. llrd aurfaraa. No tin platen, but aluminum, which never rust* >no i* o*ily clenneil. Also agnnt for tho Alexander Cream ^oparatoro