DECEMHEK '27, 1900 THE F L E S If K K T O N ADVANCE ' ganls ,J UUL.1, JUOH * A MrMa4< Dot general banking l>intniam. Mooey loeeou M ruanouable rate <:.)> ou *. A H vAN^LiKN, i r i Kb l>iv Court. Co Orojr inr of Mairlaa* l.lrii(, CoDYeyaucei Notary. Public Auctioneer. Mooey to lou M it per oeut Charge* moderate. FLE8HKKTON * DBHTrf COLLBCTEb The urxtenigue'l l< ineimred to tia tho collection ol all klrni* <rt AutUt ote UoitKbt. Mcounte col ettod et rt M IIKSliKllWl.N. rirahertou TCHIXl'KTT Plmhvrtoii Station rVittawter ,Co.uiniMioiiir In H (.' J, Conrey too.r l>e.te. uiortat(e. Inairt ami willi rawn. MIX/-N t-i Irn.l at ty per cnut and up- ear U Oubu cullm:tii. CbarK* unxlerate RJ -.i-U >: l.i: i'<Miriiutr. Kleetiertoti (jiniiiUsio iff in H.C.J.. Auctioneer- Con ry.i.--r. \ t vral*er Mini Money lender Hml t!t*l*t air! Iinurauco A|r">t I>i-<l I-. irl;inea. Ira** H wllli carefully ilrawn up an I valuation! mxlo on diort- H: m cli-r Mw'lu) t > l'/*ii at lni"tt rutim of Interos*. Col kjli.m atteu Ix) to with |)rouiytcn 11 . "n l.i*. Agent for (Icuan Dominion Company. A oeJI OUetted. AO 11 W rreotierery nut and third MouJaj in each uiuutli, in .u 'ir loilge room. CbrUtuB'a l>look. Flemuerton. at 8pm. W. Shtrp. W. M ; A M Olbaon, Recorder; M.llaujy.Kliiaiiclr. VuMUDK k^othrao Incited PUINCK ARTHTB LODUK. N<5. !. A. A U. menu in the Ua>onlchal>. Htrm Mock. Kimtrartoa. every KrHay oo or befoie full IBOOU. J A Itoyd W U ; W J >. *cretarr. KI.K8HEBTON, I. O. P. BioeU In Cbrteftoe'e Blaa* tbe leM rrldaj evvniDi; u eaeh moatb. Vltittog Poreitere hvartlh elooue. C. B.. H. K. Dyaon ; B. 8 , F. Tao. Duten. Ucuti^tty n E C. MU8HAV. L. D. 8.. deutal eiirgeoii: V honor raua>o Toronto Uulrereity and Hoyal Col loft* of Deotal Harcmm of Ontario UfBr- Ovpoelta ArinitrouB't Jewellery rHor Will Tialt Kvrertbaru tbe lait WMMMBf ( eacu uionth, and Dundulk I and * Tburaday > tuODth. j. w. ruoHT. 1. 1. . llrrtter. Kollcilor Cuoeyanoer. to KiHce-Sent to i-oetorflce, Jrproule'e block Meth.itou. every Tliurada anrt conri da> ., it own Hound oClce, rruet* block Couletl atroet eait. Ll-iAx. WKII1HT ft UeAKUM liarriaten Mullcitora Couveyancera, et OUc.M -Dwjii Hnuii'l.Out aiulUarkdaleOnt. WH \VMIKHI-. < A MaT*ii I B !.' % II -Klxaliertun ufflce, Mltcbell'l Rank jvui) Saturday. >fllKr.K A , r.u.i.i.tri. Solicitor!, etc Uolnou'a Hank, Owen Hur>a TUCKKk ttKO W PATTBBflON MAKlV * SAMPSON. Harrl.ten.. *c nKKICKS : -OWiMI HclM. Merchant Hank InV'k. N >f PatKraoti Home. Luasdalk \Uni Street, every Hatunlay. Afl.tlACKAV.M.A. H K HAMPSON . L.UD.. frown Attorney for Urey. glrdicnl D M C P A 8 Ont. Phyaielan, KiintMii. etc rieihertnn onlce-Sttaln'B block. Koaideote lluulhaw'a Hotel JJHS A 8<^OTT. M M Maiubor C.ollei;e I'tivaie A hurceou" J-itt.i.i <Ir.liit.' i" Mt-.liclne ii Toronto U iler. l> r.-Hu*lii|i l)i|.l<iina,I'oit (irailn >t. Ue.lical Hcbonlanrl HoenlUI, Chioap |)i>cai of eyr, ear. mine an.l tnruat ayeMall] tr.i..|. Hi<|ilui.ce,Maiwell,*iiit>Ke**nliAio rhuridyaa I f t P OI'TKWKI.L J Veterinary Burgeon ^raluate of Ontario Veterinary Collr llMiilence econrt door loath weet <.n ktarr atrret. Ttilt atreat mut aooll r.l!i|liTiaii t'llinrll " Vterii,ar Huru-on and Dentiel. Wai oil ra'liiat* o O.itai 10 Veterinary Ollcce .n'i.1,-1 with lhiivrltv. Viail* Kunia Weaiien.Uv trinii 11 a in to 3 p i .:, I r ...ri.liaiiiThiir.ilav from t lo p. m. BOAR for SERVICE ramworth Boar aoi vice ai I'... i Law <f ".(living to owner. j"0. THOMPSON niUT I,\V HAN lor IVrlidoate can lieieuu i Scales THK IIKST A\. \ll.Alll.K Tlie unileniifi.eJ n aellinc thn l>eil Faun h^-aUii that CAM lit i': iJnrn.i on th. i market .. .wn aa th llan.lyTmck eeale. I aleo keeii and Kliturv rni%lra nn hand, aleo , an I eeotiom for nlfferent inariilner*. MurM ehueina ilone ou the moit ai.i.rorr |>rlul|>lee. I hate wurked uu<li (be Teteri ehueina ilone ou the >lee. I hate wurked uu ary lurReooa to tbe OM Com on T J. B. Sloan & son Proprietor GET YOUR -^1 Sash, Doors, Flooring, Storing, Newel Posts, Baluster? Hand li.ntiriL'. Corner Blocks the host of Spruce I^ith.No. 1 and ^Shin^l<;H \Yrun.hi and Kitting, Sidings, etc. Turning of all Hinds Done to Order run of .Stone* for C Hut indtciion in all our IIIH-M 1 Photos TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery ;r done in lirst-rlim itylu and nt l-.went rates. Special attention given to copying. Babies' photo*, a specialty. Picture* framed. MRS. BULHER Having pur;lmited the trnioriul bun! nwt from Mr. LeOtrd I wmh to aDrHiunce that (In ImmurM will K.- continued in the olii |ireini.HrM. We hure had * l*tgo city cijMTirntr and belivre we can ^ive perfect a.tmfaction in our line. Have taken over the uunoy for I^olston Laiintlry - AMD - And all orders left with us will recoivv prompt and careful nttriitioii. FleshertoB laying Parlors A. \Vilson . . Prop. Jsiew -AT TUK lcslicrton Protector/ tail No more ing the the in fly -.-..< i! s. , it. A full linn of sweat pad*, ilnatcra, whipa, collars, xle :-n-.i .-. ln>of oinlment, curry combs, triinkii, raluea, vie. Sec the Sanitary llrace for gpntli weur only 40c per pair. W. 1VIOO R E UARNyiMAK;R , M,EHEKT,N IINT4KM $900 VEARLY i " ( ' ni ''">"" niHiior to look aftir inn growing busiue*n in thin ftnd Hiljoiuinjj ( '..iinti, - ; to act is MiiHi>nr uiul C'orr>N|..indoiit; can l>o cli)iu> at youi h ,mo. Knclnae t\ if nddiu>.od, uiu|H-d ui.vulopti for particularHto H A. SlieniiHii, Cfiu-Ml Mantiui-r, Corcorun ISuild- 1117, o|i|josito Ci:itud StnUiH Treas- nry, \\'(xsliii', I). C. rrtj JMe. lu'j t, IKS Wm. HcCalmon, Importer ef and Dealer In SWEEDiSB, SCOTCI i UltDltl Craiiti and lartli Ink OF ALL KIND Monuments 4SD Inacriptiuni Out un Shurteat Notice. Big Fire at Hanover. Haiiovrr h.ul a terribly diaastroiiH tiro ' on TliuiHil..y i v^niiix UNI, I l:c brilMant ' r. Il.Ttion i.f whicli WM teen a* far uaHt aa i Eugenia, a diaiance >>f thirty-two mile*. The tire started in Knechlvl'* hi; furni- ture factory, which was entirety conauin- ed, together <vuh a Ixrijo nainbor of bam- IM-B >il.ioe. Tho !< to the wwkinR men i gitint, many of whom bailt fine hoinea for I h. ni aelvea, expectiirK to pay for them with ill.- iii'in. y i-iirnwil in the factory. The li8 to the businvM men in very larce. Tho fire coniini; M it did rive day* kwfore < 'hrintina* has aliinmt ruinail the larue trade they cx|>ected <t Ihi* texiiun of flic )i-;r. It in nut known whether tbe firm ill tebutld IT nut If th.-y do nut it will be a Iwd tiling for Hanuvvr. If they do the town will tind by them and do all in tlirir p<rwer to aid them lit koniiKHa, r KifU. Hre aru ih lir^rs, wi'h icf, as fr at o>uld l>e obtained : TUe Knr.-hti I Furniture Company, Ion on liuildinx, machinery arxi Mock, 9150,- 000, iiiHurMiice 980,000, dutribubid .nn .1 K the fulli>wii'g insurance CILMII- : Naii. ruvl, Aetna. Mercnntilfi Kin-, .Millers' Mfg., Britieli Amei-ioa AiKuntnc-e Co., Uiiicanhir.', llartfo'il Koynl, Gore DUtricjt Munml Fire, \Vntvrloo Mutual, cal. vN'ttllinffton, Alliance Fire, Phuonn. Groff A We|r|.>lCT dry v<K>dii and grncuiH-n, loan $5,000 : iimur ancc, 98,600. B. F. Ahreni, hardware, luaa, 94,000 , iiiauranre, 93,600. Thus. Poehlraan A Co., &>*r, feed and grocer- n s, loa. 92,000; inaurance 9800. ('hue. Dispel, RtnrehnuHe, household L'ouda and >t. ,-k of prncerie*, flnur and feed. laa, $_' 7(Ni ; iii-.iir.inw, 91-&00. Oi*utzner Furniture Co., r. til> r. KMOI, 93,500 ; in- Hurance not known. K H (Sruetznnr, undi-rtaher, lir>, 91.000 ; iiinuraiice not known. 11. Ureutzner, eleetrican, lorn, 9tKH), .imurance not known. H .Maur ier, blackaniith ahop and wag^un abup ami iihow nx ma, !.. 92,000 . inaurance, 91.1)01) R. U. \ III i IV'. u. \rlltt.r. IIM cliii.e in. .1 for manufacturing a |mU-ut Ijei) {>nng. tie iicnt ten ur httevn )ear in coinplettDg it, Hfid it in a total loeH ; luMR 9500 ; no ii.urance. The following place* are <Umg*-<l: ~F.F<vrater,reidunco and furniture, l<ia, 9300, ii.Hnrancv, fH-'M* , J. MrytTf . IOM on fnriuture 9*JOO, iniurancr not known ; Mr*. Heller, loss on fur n 1 1 iirc, 9^00, insured ; Pmbyier- i. n church, loan <m buildinu and slu-il. prohalily 9200, iiwured; Duney A Doulin, chair factory, window* baxlly damaged, ami many other building* acurched ami window* broken. borne will fix it up and open a tore. Mr. F. T. Carr h* gone tn uend ChriatmH* holiday* with her daughter, Mn. Huwnell cf Ton>nto. Born In ArUmeeia, on Hot- W, to Mr. aod Mr. T. ) bliuion, a eon. The Light* oTttie World. or Our .Sa v iou r in Art. A Disgrace to Proton who On Friday ,.iornini( Patrick Rya waH committed aa a vaerant by authontiea, di< d at the Owen Sourd jnil The Ktatutory jury wat eupanelletl by t! cor..nrr, l)r Allen Camt-ron, and an in- ipioHt was held. Dr. Middlebor-, the gHol Murguoti, gave evidence that di-cenH- ed OIVM niitfetiiii: from }>aralyHii, i. >u,tn._' from fnlliin> a fence in I'ritnn town- hi|i. He mi. I that tlieru could have l.i-i n no liopo for the rei\ vi-ry "f tho <le- i-t-oe<l from tho firt. Thr* juiy after >oino ill hi. elation IT.. tight in tl.e follow- haflMMlbaMa Viriliit. "We tint! tliv iltalli :is caused by |traly>iM HriauiK from nn accident to hm Lnck, ami that we a* n jury, tliii.k it proper thf we ccniuru the l'.*imliui of I'niion fur not having citred for and given u. ., -rii. nt to th,- ile.eaxeil. And in our opinion it Mhould bv the duty of e;u h toHnsliiji t . rare for Un ajid ai.d intinii reiJeiiiM in nccordance wilhaeCtior 'AIM, St.vura Cnonnal I^tw, aa reviaed. " The riMised t-ction of ihe btatutes above refeired to make* it unlawful to remove a | nit;, -lit. who Ins lirrii n nxiduit 'if the county for more than two yuir*, from In* hc-d to ill- eoiinty jail. Piitrick Hyaii dan lirm a resident of the county twunty- fire year*. The remains were buried ..n S.itimUv and was the first p.-rson who div<l in tin- jail lo be iuterrwd in the Kc. m. ni Catliidic cemetery. At the j nl 'In- unfoiiniitir niiiii received every kind IU-HI an I thr.. Helmut hia illnem waa r-.n dtintly atteiuli- 1 t.y a couple of the iiiinoiir. Hnwaaiii n poifectly help- leHa ci.nditioii fi.-m hia neck downward Tho verdict of the jury i* not too exprt-H sivi-. mid it is lo be hoped that the min- is not t'ar dixtamt when these ii.tinn aiul Hgnt de| emlaots on public charity will have a home (.rovided that will lie uncoil! .1 vvith n atmiMphere rendi-ruJ diatfraueful hy the prt-aencv of criininaln, cell doors and barred wimlms O. 8. Tune'. Eiicrnia From Our Oicn Corretpontlritt A happy New Year to you, Mr. and ill yi.ur aa.siM.inN. The niHiiy friend* of Mr. Ge irge Camp- bell 1'aikn arc pl< aned to Hee him home nfter loiiu a'iM. nit; in Mnuitoli:i. Mis Surili P-dlnrof Toronto and Mr. Luther Pedliir of Xw York are welcome vi-itors t ihuir |. HI-HI il Itumu fur the Christ max holidayri. Tho PnnbTteruins have creuteil a v.-ry h.-iiiilsonn- iri.t . nr .uiul tlit-if church and lot. If the youn)> Imlii who rvpfHti-dly throw ti.'in-s t i In- wiii'ltmii of tin* church du not atup thiy will meet wi'h a mir|iria<* some of theie daya, HM they ure well known. A word to the wine ou^ht to I* Mlth'cient. liorn-()n Dec. 11, to Mr nd Mra Jimrph \Villi>tnii. a HOII. Miaa Maggie Fleming, who han 1.. i-n vuiting fm mis here for tome time, haa returned to her home in Philadelphia. The many friend* nhe haa made hen- ere mirry lo witntsw her d< partmu. Tlir late Mr. Purdy'a atur* ai>l rr-i dtute ha again uhanxe.1 haitde, Mr. 8. O*boru btlBa; the ^rchaMi Ur. U* Coxt nearly f (00,000 to produce. CuD- (IHH nearly 1(X) full-paw*' enKrariirffK of our SHTiuur and H'.* Mnther by the worid'a gratf>4 puinter*. To copi*aof the tri-atust MHKU-I p- ici-^ in the ait gnl- laricK of Europe. Every pi.-fur.- m Iwnutiful an a uiir>u o- , r :li- I 'lltopa Containa dvncri|iU<>ii8 of the |.nitiii2-. ln.>V'iJ|.l.>' of tin- pnintcn. il.i- nainfi and location f the Kllerie8 in Eii'opt: where the oii|(iiiHl nitty he oeen. Alan nmtntna a Child's Oepai tun-lit. irr-lnHin^ a Child'** Story of the Chriat and Hia Mother, U-iutifully wntteo, to fit ench picture. Thw Wonderful liovk, nii'rl.lem. in its purity and beauty,* to eier> mother H heart, and hi rrrry Chrit an home where are cl: l>ln-i, thu hrmk *IU itnelf. Chriatun men and women are makinc luoney lapidly ttk-n^ orilen A Chrintian in in or wonun ran in r hix coomtunity no. n make $1,IMJO taking nrilerH for Chrmtinait i>n-:-.T.t Mr. Waitc, our a./cnt in M.-i'i-acliuteits, lm Hold in er Sk^OUO nn-t h if tin- rejnk* in vrry thoit time. Mr* Scket', "ur agent in New Yotk. hut) *)td evjr e*l 500 worth of bonk* tn a rrry rliort t m-. The hook m printed mi a Tclvet-tjuiNhed pnper, heauiifutly Ixiulid in U. d nn<l Kold, and ad'. rued with X"l''en i> nes MX! kll". It is, without )miht, (he most btautiful IkH.k nf this o-nuiry \\ nt.- for tennn (|i-ickiy and gut the inHnavement of that tcrritfry. Yini '-an ork on injury or niiiin.ii urn. .IIK[ wit. n JUM pi 'iv.- V"iir MI. t iw we will promo*- y--n to tin- posi- tion of Manager and (.' n< *| iiJont. at s pennant n' aalary, to rifVoteynur i tin.- to alien. line; to HgrfttN and tin- corTe*p..n~ dence. Wanted *'!*> a State Miinai>vr to have charge of ofHce in LcwiinK City of the State .Mnl linn WH all thi* I , f St4ie. Send for term*. Addrnw The British- American Company Cerceraa BelMlng. OMXMlte U. S.TreaMrv. \v.ilgin D.C. Mun The father? Gone for the doctor. The mother? Alone with her suffer- ing child. Will the doc- tor never come ? When there is croup in . the house - you can't get the doc- tor quick enough. It's too dangerous to wait. Don't make tuch a mis- take a^aln; it may cost a li.c. Always k-eep on hand a dollar bonie of Cotton Soot I aooerwfally aarilmontUy by '.OOOLadlee Sat*, effectual. Ladle* aaV .'roar rtraggut for Caek't CoMN Beat Cea> MB*. Take no other. Mall Uixiare*. pll)B and rBiltMioniaredanienoa. Frtee.No. 1,11 pt N,i- Ke. , 10 dfiieti troBfer,!* per box. No I or J, ataJVed on receipt of price and two *-een( The Oe*k Oeaafwmy Wtadaor. Out 1 aa t **M aa4 reeonaMad** bv al* No. 1 and No. S I* told in Kleabe'on by W K Kibari1*on aod W. *. Cbrtetae, DrufWiil* The Markets. t'arerallr i'crrrrtrd K Wheat, white Wheat, rt,d OaM.. . rh Barley Dutier ..... Kngn fresh Pork Potato?* |) Cliukrii* ............ Ducks .............. Tuikejs per Ih ...... <ene t,er Ib ......... Kkiur ............... Hide... (M co I'S to L'.'i '., rlO to :U) lo 18 to J8 -o 6 50 to it; t,, 25 to 40 ><, 9 to r > n >;i 'i M 2! : is '. T' I W 7 00 t.. 8 OC Remember that you cannot possibly bo happy or successful unless you sleep soundly, cat heartily, and digest what you eat. Remember It cures the croup at once. Then when any one in the family comes down with a hard cold or cough a few doses of the Pectoral will cut short the attack at once. A 25 cent bottle will cure a miserable cold; the 50c. size is better for cold that has been hangingon. Ke*e Ike MUr UM eo tea*. ''About 15 years ago 1 rame near dyioc tilth eonrar.iptluD, but wa* eureu with aver lu-rrr Pectoral, iim whlrh Uue I bar* krj>t Ayer'l Ksliclnre in tbe houi*0 ana rccom- BM'utl tbem to all my frino> " C. l>. M ATM KWHOU Jan. 1, 1S90. Krietol.Tt Write the I>ortor. If 700 bae any compulnt whatevvr and ^ealre the aeetjBedleal advice, write tM doctor UnrelLMaaa. freely. AJilr*-* ) In J that if your nervous lystem needs toning you will be miser- able yourself and make those you come in contact with mit* erable. Agents, Why Don't You Send for a Free Prospectus of CANAI>*'H Sons < Korji AND VKIIIT ) It i the latest hook ..o. An a|(vnt jimt report* 51 ulea in H day.i. and another 26 in 4 day*). I'-.; Buok, eurujituoDNly illustrated, ami in t t heap it sell* on aight. S*nd fur a FREE PROHPKC'TVrs bofore you alecp, and niak* money eauy and. <|uick. THE BRADLBY-UARRETSON Cu.. Limited M.-..H.-I. 1 1. ix pnper. BK IXTI'OKi*. >T. RESIEITII (OIIITIIE WA.REROOMS ! We nre carrying; iieweat s\vl" & SEASONABLE GOODS In all line* of FURNITURE Consisting o/ 3**rtor and SBectroom SuittJ \.ounyas SiJa-3}oat<ti. Cxt? < lion gut/ Ctnfra Ijab/tf. C/tai s. Window SkmJtl anJ Cmrttim Potts, ff*i'eturt9, ajf/s. te Which we offer at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and GneraJ Repairing I'ndvftitkini in all its Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, Remember that m Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pilli you have a remedy that has never yet tailed to cure any disease caused by im- poverished blood, Mich as Pa'e Greenish or Sollovr Complexion, Nervous Prostration, Weakness. Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression of Spirits, Lack of Energy, Puffiness and Dark Circles under the Eyes, Pain >:* the Back, Kidney and Liver Disorders, and Catarrh. Mala per bov Ore botr for SI All drnfflM*. M (Uui tt'sUUDis et tXx, Torwuo. Oa*