Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1901, p. 4

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THE WHITE ROSE. JCTC -ir jrjcjr JC-JTJPJ M e I cannot sea any one, Dolores," bo you have erer been. Hush wait! I aid; and even th.-n the v.<ry utter- lve IMor.-s. I have loved her since a-noe of the belovfsl nauif seemeed to the first moment I saw her a child l*rbten his sorrow. "Doloresl" he re- you renifinber. and she came rlimcin^ peated. dwelling tenderly on the into the room with little blue shoe* ^,, r ,l on. I have loved her all her life. I But the visitor would take no o>nia| ; would sacrifice much to make her my he had followed the. servant to the wife. I love h.vr ai no young man I'.m mg^iKiiii oould ever lovo her. She, .sihall be the ' I miuit oome in, Cliefden." he said, happie.st wom.-in in the Land. One mo- 'I U1U.--.1 see you." ni-nt more. I lay my fortune, my ti- It is Lord Kfcyflworth," said Dol- He, my heart, my very life at her ores, unclasping her arms, with a lit- , feet, .-.he shall live in luxury and tU flush on her face. ' magnificence. She shall never know The visitor entered* tall, arUto- one w ' s >> ungratified, one longing un- ontic- looking man, rattier above indulged. Sh shall have all that this middle-age, but not old enough to be! wwrld can give her. all that love can cilled elderly. He was not hand.-ioiiie compais for li.-r, if be will iniriy but Iiu. foe tvus that of a noble, gen- lut> " I' 1 - lused for a few moments, eroun man. u '' Ir ""> want of words, but bfcmx- " You luust forgive me, .Squire," he ' erovtion was so great. 'Hush," be Mid. "I oould not help coming to nee ""I agam-'y vu must not give me any you. T.s the iwws I hear true? Una 'answer yet I I oould not bear it. Let tlie company failed!" . me <T ruw calm. Wait until 1 recover "Yen; and 1 am a ruined man myself." ,-uin<xt, penniless eftiall soon l>e hoine- f II \l'l Kit II le.te. I. the I \H of the Clicfden*. in uiy old JK' - . JiaiVt die a pviuper!" r lhe Squire's voice sank into u uiiir- Biur, an I In* head fell upon his I. I. n. I r(J.jr\vur<h luinnl to the girl, li"" far* had grown rulorless with em. t ion. I i it quite tru<*. MI.-.M <'liefden I" he , k-l. Quite, true, my lord," bu answ.-r- ad. ' I ain very aorry," .said Lord Itliy.s- They formed a striking groufi the ild .-ijtrre, willi his (Ti.iy lie. id raised in wonde.r, hi-* fane full of pain, sur- |n'-v. and I'lr-.i - m -. all slriving for in i i."v. ill- yMUi Rirl ly Ins Mde. faultlesa faoa had grown per- i .>li>rl-.-s, .. iiu>.- ii, uuls worth. The- words >im|-l>-. lut they hul tfta ring of sincerity and tiuih. "I am more .sorry Hun if tli' sine minfortune had haiipened to my- ^If." he continued. "Is ihiT* any way ut of it r N"." answered the Squire, sadly. "I muM leav White Cliffe :md find r.-fujf- in a win Jilnimi or alnishnuM-. aii'l Itiiloraa f>h, Dolores, my il.irl'mjr ' will have to work. I nm the In' ol th' Cli.-f I -m. and su-h is my d. Kate !n.i been more Ihnn cruel to me I" Again the soft arms stole round Ir- neck, and a wAt vnion \vhi.sp<Td to Hiin- " F'aps, whnl some men fall fsle <>Hi- rs call Providenra ; and I*roviden<-* can nnver be cruel." Hut the Squire would not lili-n. feci ly more, closely to her father's ni-i-k; md i'.se Viuger, tinUlr-lookiriK man. Twice the Squire had ejwayed to s|>-.:!i. l>ul e.uch time his ruice li.nl died :nv.iy ; the only sound tint Ind come li.)iii Ins lips bad been t h'- uluspiTrd name of " Dolores "' Twice he had l-ik'il up with an eager excited ges- IM would fiin In- ture, a-i i-irupt. but the fira and pas.sion in i lie oilier fac had trn keu linn I uml>. I/.T I Khysworth l*nt over linn ' \ mi nii.sl uit t In nit." he said, "lh:it I i-ike un unfn ic a<h.ut ane. I i--ik ilini|illy WAV; bill I lie .li>-<-t of my ia< le'n t Im drc.uii of my 'iff I hilly y-.ii of age liefore I look- H with ndiin.-iii^ eye-t .1 1 my om.ui's i>Ni;.iud then I -> l>-ilres sin- vv is -lily a rluld, lil, oil, li"w 1 loved her. nl how I have loved Iwr e<ver .since. I -lie was only a ouild, liu.1 I vowed then ii ii, whi-ii >li" griiw into woiiianhiMMl Ive snd no otlu-r should be. my wife. "I am an old man." he murmured; I >"> watched ln-r fioni y.iir to year. * my eye* am dim. md my luir is gray. 1 -un un old m in. and ii i Ii ird to eat jiauper'a (tread and die lik<- a pauper." Then 1/ord Itliy.xworth went up to him, mid. Inyintr Ins hnnd ufmn In- ahoulder, said gently ' Will you Iwten to in, -x|iiirfi f I ean' find you a wny out of your trou- ble n way by which you uny live nt .White Cliffe, by wliioli ynu m-ay enj<iy a good income, wifh every romr.ni and (ui-ury untjl y<iur d.-iih. if you will listen to me." There was a .111- hesitation, in his manner, i IM!- lor on Jius face, snd a tremor in his vo<oe. "Ixrt me marry your daughter DoloTivt." h went on. "and you shall be a rioh man for life." Hu.sh ilo not (peak do not re/use I llecir wbiit I have to aay first a rich man for life, Squire I I will buy back White Cliffe. for you. I will settle an annuity on you. You shall IM a rU-.bor ntuii Him ami have loved hr with i (|IT|MM md dw|>er lve as time went on Kolores," he c,rll, turnintr suddenly l<> (be bfau- I fill "h-ivo you neV- xr (riifs,f<| li'i\v much 1 loved you T 1 " N." she answered faintly. "1 wonder st that," for lils are [ quick enough in such matters. There iii\- (i'ii limi-.s when I hava gonn amMy Ivilf mad from you, and havn lfl vMi l*cau.se I could no longer i- m: ml my love. Dolores, have you n'-v.T fancied it f" ' I have never even thought of it." ' she answered. My beautiful love, you are frnsh ' and fan- iu> lh#> morning 1 , your eyes II.-IIM witji lJu 1 cl"ir lufht of youth :m I iniM>oenc, your liun have the In inhi umlle of happy i-.liildlmo.l ' Ii wait h.irdly likely y>u would Hunk of it. Still I liiiv.- loved you so! I nm ! not young, Uolortvi ; but many a man of half my ynant has a heart twioe When Discouraged Turn to Dr. Chase Be turet Ertry Case or Piles Thoroughly nd Well Without tha Danger. Expense and Pain of an Operation. It ia surprising hal a largs numlier . ( P'l' foi ih last twenty yc-ura, is old. My eyes hri sought no fir avn yoQLrs, my heart no love but yours -you have filled my lifa. I hav. wanted to tell you I hi* for month- i..t, but I hava backed courage,. It if . mr father^ trouble that forces i r from me now. I oome of a ruce thai known no fear; but I tremble for the word which haa to fall from your lips, and which will iiie-iu ithr life or death for me I" Onoe more he, puu.sfd, unable to l--.-ik. Tlif hquire. looked up at tin- beautiful ookirlfss face. " What do you aay. Dolores T" I asked. " I do no* know Wliat to say, papa. I am l-Mlld-n-.l, ' she answered. " I have been ' *> abrupt I" c.rie<l l/ir.t 1Ui>.ioil)i "DoloifiN, I w.-li I oould pray to you; my prayer.s shoul.l bo so flo<|ueiit that you could never refwte iln-m I will make you HO hap- py, ami will live unly for you. No younger man oould give you I lie love, the care, the tendernSH, the devo- tion that I nli ill l ivi.-ti on you. Dol- ores, you will be truly happy with me. I am .-mr. if you will but ri.sk the trial." " You arr very good," she answer- ed. Hut he saw that her lips were pile, in I that Ihe words cuii- with diffi- culty. " I ineitnt to be kind,' 1 lie, said regret- fully; "but I fear I have been cruel I hivf I. -n 1*1 al>ru|it Ikdores, you must ili. nk the matter uver. I will take no answer yet neither 'Yes,' nor ' No.' Think over it. Squire, will you do the c mi- f And, t h-n. after a few dayn, you will writ* to me, Dolores. I do not wish tu |.te.ss my suit unduly, my dear ; but always remember that your wordM wiU bring ma either life or death." " \Vlia1fVfr I. ij !"">, Lord Rhy.s- worth," oitswrved tlie .-squire, "I shall never forget yiir go<M)n,\ss tu in- ' ' Sever forget uiy love for your daughter." was the repjy. " T.se your inriuxnne for inn. Squire, an 1 you jtball IM the ha||iiest mail in the world. Ikulore*, if your heart .says one wonl in my favur, listen In it. 1 must K n i .\ ; anl when you have an .III-W>T fur me i-ihn>s >o, i will write f " Yes," uhe rnturned, faintly, " I will " 11^ i.ik her white cold hand in his, raised it to bis lip*, and kissed it with |i a<ion ilf If inlei ii.-ss. Then he whis- l'r'l a few wur.ls to the Squire and retirfd. Kal her and daughter sat for ttoine few ininiiifi after his <le|Kirture na though they ueni liun I to .stone. Tlifii. drawing liar to Him gently, the oil man said 'Unit <lw you think of his Lord- ship's pro|x>siil Dolores T Is it a favor trirui lleav.-n T' " I cannot tell," ahe replied. " H ui Vfry fc M>'1, very noble ; and. oh, child, froin my heart I dread IHIV- erty and i In- worklwu<is I He is R-II- ffroun and weult.hy. I In iid I should be n ricli man. What will you <lo, l>o|ore.s? fan yuu give me some id.- i. muuething to rest my heart U|>uii. wiinething to think of and ho|>f for f" "1 will coli-i Vr the |IC>|HI-I|, ( .i- pa," she sii.sncred. "I rum it decide at oin'e. I iiiii-t have time." " Y.-II wiiiiM ! inL-ct re-i.s) of l>f'- mrf llui^t i pUce the like of which i-> not in Knxhnl l.i|> Uhyswori h of lpe|>- mg Iiu: ; and I should IM a rich man You love me, do you not, llol- KI .<,'" In- a-ik-.l. ivil h almost childish She ki.sse<l hi.s forehfnd tenderly. " 1 love yo|i so well I," she replied. "tli, I I noiili) ive my life for yi.il. if liis youth, for he murmured contin- ually the one name tbataeemad to be iiirr.ivd ii|"in his heart. "Dolores;" .*lnl bis dan.^1.' r went to her room knowing that sbe held the issue of their l.v.-s in bar han.l-t. Mi" had pro- iuiid to tiiink of Ixu.l Ithy.s-wui t !, i : ro|Kniil, to n-* what stie could do; liul her reasoning |<iwers seemed <o havn l-f< hi-r all at once, and she could n<i1 coll^'t her thoughts. >inc<- y<-nl-rdy what ii change had in-- over her life I Ye.-terday .sin little run-re, than a child, her ?irii-h heart full of a beautiful love-tire. mi into which no sorrow, pain or care e-aine only yewterday; and now n.he wns a womm, it-it b a woman's doom 'if |'iti-nt eit<luranoe and self-sacri- f.- * hanKing over her. Before .she oould decide the ques- tion which troubled her, .sho must sit down unit 1hink over the ev.-n'.s of her life. Tru) it had all been passed at \Vhrte Cliffe; but it was not M <l*v 'id of interest ad one might ei- l-.-ct. tshe rem-iubered no other home indnetl tji had no othw; but --he rncalled aonv> long, brigttt, hippy years, when her fair, K*ntlfl mather had taught her herself, l>erause .-the loved h' too well to intrust her to any vne ebw calm, quiet years that had not a ripple on their surface. Her home tiad been a tranquil, well-order- ed one ; life had been .smooth is a silent rirer on a aummer day. Kut there were .s uue scenes whu-h were v> viv.dly impressed on bar memory that they would never die aw.iy ; they came to her now. She remembered a fair summer d.i v; when she with her mother, waa ait- liiikf vii the lawn, and the Squrirn came to tli*in full of fairer interest in some news he had just beard. Wynchcombe Uall bad been puicbi*id by a Kn-nrh lady, u widow, M nl mi- de K-ria-, who had been exiled from France (or i>- litical reasons. She h-id purohased the Wynchcombe property, and hadnim- exl ijif Hall "B-aulieu." It wj.s re- |x>rle*.l that she had one daughter and wa.s (Kisaenaed of ample means. " Th <i will be very* nlca for Dol- O' us." Mi ,. I'lii- fdf n hnd *aid. '1 h ive often wished that ahe had a play- mat a I" and the gentle l.idy was high- ly delighted with the prospect. IMoi e.s could remember how, as her |kiii-ni-> I|I.M-II>S.-.| lii" nciv-comers. she vtuii'lered in her childish mind what this playmate would be like, nev-r lie uuing i hat n that day a new ele- ment ttduld be brought into her life winch would inn m.l blight it. Sbe recalled one day when they went togf lhr Dm Siuir., her moth- er. and herself lo vwit Mudam>> de Kerraa. Dularen rciueiiiberad the stately handwiux mil run with her oourlly ivli.she.l manner, and the. startling vivid beiuty of her daugh- ter l.li. lleiure her ila-ky beauty, the couiplexioas of KiiKliAh girls look- ed |>al> a n. I d0uc.it . f.>r l/oli de Ker- ra was giftiiil with unusu.il loveliness. She as three years older than Dol- oirns ; and there wa.s every reason to believe, that they would be graat friend-. Madame do t'erraa was ,|.-- liillitf.l tt.'h h<-r visitors, she mi.lf tnendn at once with fair aud gen- tle Mi.i. f li.-i.i -n. it u< m sst gentle lo the S<iuire, who i. full of aduiirs- tkin for her, ami charmed with Dol- ora>. To be Continued. until after they have awa^lo-vnd aso- vill<l appetiser. Many people in- dulge in the habit before lunch aa well as before dinner, and needless to my the number of those who are not intent with a single drinh to legion. The consumption of aperitifs in 1'ar- is, after inc.reaaing for n\aay yeara at t Im rate of 10 000 hRctolilrea a year. It nt of I.itf, gon uu by leaps and l>uji<U. and the annuil incrsana ia now 20,000 hectolitrea. ' 1'iiej-f are no two opinions aa to l h fact that ttvewwi aperitifs among which atnintjie U no worse than the many vaxitias of bitters, represent the very dire.st f-irm of alcoholic [ioison- ing. The healthiest persona cannot swallow l hes<- lutbal dtscoctions with immunity ; they are a sure cause of nervou* dineaKe and physntl degener- ation. The ravugea they are caus- ing in France are universally recog- n z-d. A MeriouH effort to grapple with the evil is ansuredly imperative; unhappily, the vote in the Chamber uf not s*r jou.-i." Heapt Palpitatiofl, A QUEBEC LADY RELEASED FROM GREAT SUFFERING. tl men and women suffer from the tii 't.hed u ne.LA iii^ss <nt l,iliuing )( li.ng of p ls Y n may lie uiiiing f the surgeon'* Luif.-. have hcen pra- rrnled fn>m *t\> il.nij in y.nii phTH- Ic-un for a can.' Y'iu hum liie.l the hundred iii-l .'Hi- l h ni/4 tint ti |ia*r i milieu I.. I. and have br .-. me |tiw i.ilf ineil. -Y. u say, JH many ;. . , 'ring .hat l.m- bot Ii li.-re and lo l)i l>- -e. it to h,- t lie li*^t rrnie.lv ob- lainauln f >i III-, il. :i,i an. I pi .a Hiding I ti i -iirfl v i .- 'imi' ml Hi . I'h.i.v't O. nun ', it t iiiothfis 01 in- deed In a.ny p- -i <>n suffering from II in. IPU I !< .-w..j, . ".. > , , ., ,, Mid I.eloia vou that Mie.e ,., no oiie that, drea torment -piles. , ,, rH Mi (in-i*. UioiiiuAoa. a leading Nw ia the lime f.u >ou lo lum nt nwnlunt ..f Illenheiiu. ()nt., ..tales. I), Chase, tt hos famous ni m.-nt is ' t n.iiM.sd .with it,-1n n< M mrii Iu nt -"I was rr.^n./ed Ihe w.irld over as I he only I"' 1 '" ( " r fif'*' yea's, and at niuna actual cure for every fniui of piles. b ' "re oo b-id I c^ild nc.an-elv Thr real substantial value of l>r Oiaas's Ointment has gtv-n it a un qiin pnmt on un n< mnriinnca It ie used in nearly every neigbborhnod nn this continent, and lias become known by M-ii'Tnf uioul U fiom fi i, ad ti> frirnd and nmghhor Iu. neighbor Aak your friends about it, aak yaur I a*l. dmcguit, aak your iUtor. Other* | You can obtain hava lisrn dieoui <ed. and after yeaia rm i*t (ur 61) of misery hava I .en ure.l by llr. Chase's Oiatment. Here la neie. Mrs. .la m'S Brown. U ntoahorf, near Ot' tana, writes: -'I hatn been a 1011- taal Offerar Hum uraily every teua walk. I tnl a nieiil many reniedi- , htK n*vr found anythinu Uki- l>i t'hase'i t>j>tin*nt. After the third "l-P' -'all..!! I oliium .1 iMirf. and was ooinplolely cured l>y u.-.ug onr bin." A-k "<ur n^ighlMirs l>out lr. f base's O.^imnt, I fan only annulute ours for Dr. Chime's Oiayt- a bot from any dealer. If you prefer, ntwloae thia ajsx>tia( to theae crffU-r* and th rem- edy will bn .-o-ni, p<al(iiiid, to your KdtaMaj.>nk UaUa A do., " And you will weili liis hinlslnp's offer ( 1 .shall try to ! - iiisfied ith Ih.i-e Mur.ls, iKiliiies. 1 feel lii-lle: now. lint in,- n liittln of the (in u nly tilth Hie yellow aval tlu>rc n cumuli to last unlU I am .1 iicli mm mid > on are l.nl, I! hyswoi I h Tlif.ii 1 it-ill tfu to nlei-|. \lt Ki mi is tired; iciie., ti u Ii tiTtiMe misgivings. soim ! in.- s, tvlifii I was a yountf man. INl.ssfd the almshausii it lleepillg. I .should not like, lo live there. |)ol- ore-s. ^<l n- I nut Ifl (.he lasi of the Cliff. len.i K ' there." "I it ill think ii. -it ttli 1 1 . lia.l U'ltel do," .shf saiil ; III,), th.ilL^ll his eyf.s followed her wistfully, she Molll.l sny ng more. She l.ioiifrlil the UittUi of Buiifiin.lt m.l K-ive jnm a glass of it. Tears .-..mm to the old man's ey<v. "I should not iit-ri long without my wine, Doloren," he said ; "it gives me frenh life." She brought a pillow and low Ihe blinds, uinking him comfort ilil. is only wurh IOVMIK hinds could, m.l I hen left him It wan IMI-MI.S 10 -v-.- hott iild mi A. .m In.s face .-4-enn- I |<> i;row \ lif w:m ! ft .iloue. llrt lfjt ; and in liis slf|i ha wnnjt baoJk to tho dreams ATTACK ON PARIS APPETITES. i i- . -iii-. Vine i I ..H.i.l the Kair .r i.- -luiii,- .in I h i Killers. The I, m. Ion Pall M i(! Cnigotta'a Pur- ls CT>rres|on.leut writes: 'A uioment- oin .lei-.i.sion in appearance has been I aken liy the t'hamber in a casual kind of way. The manufacture and sale of ali^mt hn and the ot her decoctions tlnat K' ' o> the name of ^pp,.tis.-rs are to be f< liiddnn in b'ranott Such, at any rate, is the purport of an .HIM- udmeut tuck- nd on to the Drink lull Ihat has jimt UH-II vutud. The tlovej-nment are in- ritoil lo Issue a deiri ec lalmoiug ill dunk of whu-Ji the consumption, in Ih* opinion of the Academy "f Medi- cine. Is a daivger lo the public health. " 11i rcalniiion of this revoluliou- ary measure., of tvhic.h Ihe. uillior was ve.ry fittingly, a Socialist, is, of course impracticable. The liuve-riinie nt will ijuiel ly ignore the iimlaliuu they have received anil the fli.imlwr will have .sufficient sense to forget its liootlnss vole. Sol, indeed, that there n not mm Ii to lie said for I lie measure in it.self, l>ut to .suppress the - lice of drinking aperitifs by astrokr f the pen is ns leasible as ,t i,m! I Iki to alKi'i-,ti smokiug by royil . .,ni ii ion. liuiing the past twenty .-ears t h hi- iiiuneil iu ,i|pallim( i i o- . I I KMI III ' 'i men ll i i i . ill e.l ih- t ill Tun i line *iin liiW.iMU |ie.r- som consider it U imposaible to dine the < Trle^ Maar N4lclari *!!* Avail. ! lliaanlor rn.i a i r rur..fk Ikr l. f r WllllaBM* Plalr PUK K-w bodily afflictiona are more ter- rible than disease at the heart. Da live in constant dread and exnecta- I .>n of death, sudden and with last farewella un.spuken, ia for most peo- ple more awful to contemplate than the m *t serious lingering illne.saj. The alighteal x<-it.-ment bringa suf- fering and danger to *uch po p e. for aeveral years Mra Gravel, wif of P. U. A. Uravl, foreman in Barry'a tigar factory. St. John'* aubarb, Uu-li.-<-, was such a sufferer, but Hi ink* to Ur. Will .ams 1 I'.nk 1'iiU ahe is again in the enjoyment at * - i ti nth. Mis. Gravel aya: My general b-iUn v.a.s bd for aver;il years. ui> ipp-tite was poor, an 1 1 AI; ,.4, i :ir,>l, but. it a the fi.--| ..-n. shirp pa. as anl nulent p<l|> tatiua uf my heart Ik. h caused m' i h' 1 ni-fjtftt .iiai'iu. 1 ir.<- 1 many nv t.,-tiii. .md was treated by sever- al d.x-i -rj, l>.t in vain. Finally 1 tv.iuv- cw pucly thit 1 wai not in i to do my household work, and a a frequently i-unf.ned to my bed. Y.I i h ^uggivition of ouf of my frtunda 1 de>td<*d ti 'ry Ur. Wil. urns' I'.nk IMIs. After taking a fowl buxea I bvgm t.i ui.u u-., strength and figur. Ih" puni in my h'-ari wcra i- -v, i'n-i|iifiit and less severe, and .n iv. -iy w.iv my Uv'tith waa improv- ing. 1 luniiuik vl using the pillt until 1 luid tak -a eight l> nm. wheat I had n ini.l"iely nx-uvered my br.iUh. 1 have gtiaifd ill (leah, my appiMtte M g d, aiud 1 am Ue to do all my ' ii":d nuik wmbuut feeling the awful fatigue I waj befure aubjmt ti>. 1 i in vt i iiniskful to IJr. WU- Punk 1'illa, tVir tJwy have truly -'I ii!" friu iii':< A suffering, and I M' pe i nil others iit,iy be iudaeed to try thj- \v.,:nierful modw-ioe." Ur. WullUias' Pink l'ill cure by go- Log to thu root ni i IK- dtsaw. 1'hny n-ne-w aikd build up tU blood, and ittr.iiijji HAH the nerves, ibua driving dLi ease friun th<- system. Avoid mil laii.tv* by utmsun^ that every boi y ,u pui'-U-i.se LS enclosed in a wrap- |>ei- Usirin^ ihe full trade mark. Or William*' I'nik IM Is for Pale People If y- m dalfi <lc.s not keep teem they will be ae>nt u<tpaid at 60 cein.s a box, or six hox,<s fur $J Mi, by jddrtx-s.rnjf h. Hi Ui.Uama' Medi- c:ii.- LV>., llroi-kvblle. Out. I AHliKR. NOT SM.V1.I.KH. Ah, .i.il thf syni|M!li > inaia, I re ynu have coi' i.icti-d a cold. N aiiNWereil in man who sjriveai i im- icciiraie. eve^i umd suffering. I h.iv<- oxp.iiMlcd it. Whit d.i you think of Jig. ley marrying lltit rfiil who .stir -n l'i 'nicuui'inli M '- i" u k She cer- tainly \%u'l l>> itile lo tiul-l ilk him McJiggt-j- Xonsens.' ' They say she's .Ivi 1-1 in n ! .lu-,1 iiimmi- how fnitlii fully lona; it will iakf tier to give IIMII a pit ..... in h' i mind. Mr. tluMi Ntiiis-ii,,> ! I do no why I .slioul .1 i ik'- i>iy notice of I he e.pitli<-t In- .-iiU'lu'd I i me It itu-ini oothiiw. Mr IVnu-Whatf Why the roan c i ! I" I ^-MI i l>| \ h M. |.|i n 'I , H:iM' K\n-il\; ind there LS n > Ii w.ii.l in l In- l-:ii_-!is|i l.m^ni^H asl>l,;!i- erin. Wli.-it would v<ni do if you ^u I. If lily fall heir l i a (oiliinn/ isk.'d .M- muctii.st. I'h it m an aUsiud quest inn if|>lie I the other I i:n .. N|K,I l-.sighle.il :i you beli-vc. I "" ,..-! ,nd in rli- ill- i-l sure iliii I c.nildr't |is- sibly l' ill hei< t.i i foiiiMe teeforu ( lurned anaroh^Jt. A NUISANCE_ABATED. Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks on Three Great Evils. A despatch trcna Washington Bays; crimee, against which he htiih uiter- R-v. Dr. Ta Image preachrd fr.imlhe ered more bitter curses than "lie ah i II bt' bum- 1 foJlowing text; "He eJill b- witk thr burial of an tan." J.T. ni. 19. J*hxnkim eat for ten years on a I ern cities, which knew In-tter. throne. Plenty of ^.-Id-plenty of aycophants-pienty of charL.ts. When he rode, I think he rode with four horaes; and when he wore diamond!, I think be wore th<-in as big as a wal- nut. If there hri.l been a railroad so early in the hiritory of the world !) wouIJ haw stolen it. He wall.>we<l In Bin until a -uM-n ohange in pul- lic uffjira, an I then he da.-d in shumi , ad WHM kicked out of puMic o<* tempt; "Buricvi with the bwrnl of an aaa." I address young m,-n to-nigh* up n tV romance of crim-, .n 1 I want t> how th-m that though crim.- may any otbar, th fate of Sod am, and mjah Gomorrah will be found to have been morn tolerable than tint of our mod- hut showed disposition to do worse. Ill Next, I apeak of the romance of assassination. God gives life, and he only baa a right to t ike it away ; and that man who a-jsunn-H this divine pre- rogative baa touched the last depth of crime. (society is alert for certain forma of murder. If a ri' -n, on his way home at night, is wuylaid and -lain by a robber, we are all anx- ious for hit arraignment and execu- tion. Koi garruting. or the britin? out of life with a club, or axe, or slung-ahot, the law has i quick spring and a heary stroke. Bui. let a man come to wealth or social b*ure i-b. I have aeen the rag*. Lk, all ye people of Gndl Out of all I'hr wjidiw.s of heaven let the angel* watci! A prodigal returning! ]>t un go out and meet him. Wel- d/me back again to thy long-forsaken and to thy !otig-forkon God. Th.- dead is slive again! found! The 1 is .... .1 and ruminating, tV end i. tn<1 then , u , to , b*re .ad damnation h-reaiter. b, milmi I- i u the romance of fraud. heart , f tc , > this country are fast lhare ar , fc)mpathieg arou sed ; and tb-e who ha,e most the lawy<>rs p , el<1 . th( , ,., st. f " tr t - fttn ' l -" weep, and the jurie. are bribed, and atocks, and moneyed matittt- . Our yotuxg men are daled "!' J u<1 " hal ^ ' "" tr " " riln <- uick <racoea. " "* an<1 tb " as " " P st P ned for witn !l Th. t ting kill in hankt tjOILS. by the quick aucoeaa, and say, 'That hi tht- ray to do it. Ole waa a conn- try ! !.ll.-r a few years ago, now see * gurgvouH turn-out !" He ateals a veait from a eecond- hnnd cKrthaag^tor* gets a rid- in tie city van without an opportunity f """kiner out of the window, but he swallows a mooeyad institution J the Park with his equip- wrongs . piatol lt , head or . nother> tDd imme diat.ly teea that never come ; and tr a number of months in prison, the door U opened and the murderer ia out. I call this the romance of as- assai nation. If capital punishment he right, then th life of the polished murderer Le>t there bf no par- of hemp, no aristocracy of the tK..,,b r. i rallowa. W are, io our cities, on the 1 ** u a uou wn**n fortunes thus P*.iue-trti B k. Tml" 1 "* bariam, where every man is judge. l Jr V4r A Nvno \j J UTy an<1 eeeutire officer* state of Il:k.toha W hembo t o P .ec M in W h " >C " t7 '" Which thlt man "" th ' wreck that they can n, ver MairTbe 8U ': r " m " c ' * h " n " th *'?"* knif "' (.Mtheooio and an insuff- ral>le etcncK w ik. i w~ My a<lvtce to all young men is to sell >iuia, en tnnt naanat vouna men . uy tak* wnrnmg r '***'* * ng| t;lk " the knife oat If God shouJd put suddenly rnto IRRESISTIBLE RUSSIA. i KII. Ivu llllH.i, ,- Hi,- On I .,i ilr in trr t Wurl<l f frstrr. dentiny a>-frn,i to bv to sail on witi n-lentlnaa indi/fer.-n -e to .ill I tut rost of th world, l.ke ilui v.i-t dark sUr which, aatronomcr^ tell ua. travels thri;nnh spice eternally in a a atraight line, says th-a t-'ortnighlly Review. Look whrreyou like, i men aluep, the mtufhty ltu.-si.in web ia bfinn -p.in-pii.mt bff^re the gala but at. 11 h-.llinrfon. The extension of lUwsiri ia the moat not. i t.i ujstori: f.ict of th.- U<t thro- ci-ntor.e.s, and now, un lr otir very eyes, sue ^ add- ing region after re^i.wi to h-r domin- ion. with thf Kmptri* of Chin.-i pri<--i rally at her feet. Also what we in f.ul !) gnap Ls not only the extracr.tiiury material progrean 'f:l'i- . n >u.-ii, ,n I in Manchuria but the incalculablrt benefits ih will derive from those inexhaustible n.>t .ilon- aa an outlet for the ppulition at her Icsa favor ibly en.ijed lands of forest and at.-ppe. but as a cuuntry in -hich armiea can be ratted by the minion, while leav- ing her own p-ople in rh-ir peace- ful occupntjons. A conxprh.-nalv.; or bird's eye view THE S. S^LESSON. INTERN ATION A L~rESSON, JAN. 20 "Crcrk. rekln s Jr.u,.- J.hi. H. In L: ...!,! -M frxl. J..I,,, | < tl. PR.ACriCAL NOT hiS. Versr CO. tVrta.n (Jr'-eks. Not Jews ~p>'.ik;ng Greek, who are called Hel- "iir---i.-in.i." but Hellt-nea, "tirvrk-V ' lj- |:iuguiige if n it also by '' .vht; reverence I thi- <.-i of (.hf .It A -. Juat b/<* far .ihfir n- I tf.i.mu culture hit g.>u.- we m e-1 not gtkwa. Ih'.v Acre iujt fully prooe- lytea. AH Lr. CViinp-r ilray ays, " lh--y may h.-i- b-ea ea-sytfouig Gn- f nivi-l<r.t who vrere itccuatLvneii to w<>r.ibvp Lhn ^o La of ih' placi- ,n- h tlw-y e:im', aa th- manner of in our day is to do at Home 1.1 lU.iru- does witbou* considering ^h tin r .i- n-it Itotrw iloe-< r^fht." We any with<it mm-h ri.<t*. however. r> - rf.ir'l thivx- iwa ia *v> r.u p rs 'rf i hr one Gl r.-v.-u.^l in the Old I meat, Lke lh<- devout lireek.-* m-n- tLuueil m AI-LI 17. 4. "Phi- feat i h" icuiu.il f'a<t of th<- pas -vr, the tjr-at.-.-r . f ., llrbrnw T''l.g <<u cMre- .in I .n thitt HI> il year it m.id of pi iiu Importance to the wurl 1 by tb>- diuih at Je.toK Christ. -1 1 h' aunK* ouni'' therefore to Ph. lip. 1'ht- nume.1 of Philip and An- <lrew are buth Greek, though the man (Mr will, boa* fhat taaj hoJd nt by deapttu." Chr .-,1 :itly bad a thoioughiy human clinging to lifa, which is ks tatural aa agnfenait and siei-p. ,,u.i not sjure ain- fut than eithei. t\ ;, ,;,.,,, i ^ r J<ua rixxj|{nued thai ht- ji to > tbe pattern of all good men u i-ratiooa. -ttuw a-nal; u.- trouble I rai.he,r. a.t,e nil hour. iA better mi-an.iig * luadi- iiy pulluig a qu,-i>', i,.ii tu.:a. ,. i ih e I .s.y i - cam- I untoi thnt ir-.ur. " 1'h.- OUUMK M uie IHII-P...S. iriu.t-rate.d by in,- , , Ml m _ ent.poii:ag tu- , _, ., n ,, lM)rk , , t life." ^ 2-". tat he i. j...i ,; v in., n.,, 1Jt . i 1 h.lle lutm aeli-surr.-i, heard by th - glorifif.i it, m.l will tue and biuoded were H-brewn. A Grrek full- n.ini. Of woolJ be a revela- money, or it4 ropresenUtive. the A . Tt l..r ,.. _ , er. anoo t. and rnnrt- = * '" ** k ' J ' their own atuut arm for man who doen not feel himself aafe without deadly wfi|<m a in the wrong kind of asaoci it i-n and companionship, and you had bet- ter g*t out of it; for the probabil- " ul '" to return to its rightful own- there m not a bank or i sif, t y that wo-jj.l n.>t have its aides wn out; n 1 pirchments w.ni.l !>. and gH,| won rend. get hor*- a . ,, n I " to tbje alruihoune. How much d:e- ^Tr,! y f.h n "t mi " tin * "* inV " IEJKKvn->TmsAsrKK .***:.: '^^"--'>-- o' 'he two; for no murderer bath Mil s r* ls - an<t m terni " iife: ' BBd in the *' f ountoinvrs of rival hou.-e. and in falje Kun|ile 3 , and in the mak- 'nan.| broking of contracts: Hun- alreda of young mn are being in<! trinan-d in the idea that money miwt P had quickly, and fhu ih larg.-r the scale on hch t h 'y take it. the mure admirable th- .simrlnese au.l there La no romanc of tion. Oil voung tion to ninety-nine. Englishini-n ait of a hundred who hav no conception of the vast colony of Siberia into whrh th elibnrate.1 eerfs have I, covftriixg its fa.ce -ih the golden glory of grain and explor- ing its ant. uc he. I uiim-M of K' Id, sil- ver, coppt-r. roul jn.1 oil. On nil crown lands th- settler has no4h.Ug tO psiy lot tw.-lll V year.s. He can practically grow corn f.ir merepri.- oflibur lu.s ,>wn an 1 thi! of hw sona. He is exempt fr..m MILII'.VRV s|-;KV'IfH '<ir ten y.virs. which leaves him am- >! ttm>' to fount bis h.>m and es- -h biinaelf on the eoil. H- pays no tax-- i., ,1 or imp. rial. Hia chil- I ore ixruritc.l l>y thf sti'e f. r tit- stit,-; an I hi* affairs ar err 'n led by intelligent K"v. -mm/cm off. , ml are not th- .ort. of urban or rural district councils. When h. irr:vea in hs colony hf can procure -v.-rythinK n-ces.siry t.i iu.ike a start ' fri;iu jron-rnm nt stores im- pjfinents. h u0 --l>u 1 lin ^ mit.-ri 1 aaeidu. .m.l, n .i.ldit; n. h, eun eccurf a loan on f.isy te-ruirt. al> from th- VOTvriiin.'iii. M. n. ,-tr.vinu th-ir utnvo.st to d'wl p tl: country, with may reud.Jy hav attracti^l theGifk viaitora. Of BBthiiiLt >f ill :,.- I'hc reotdeoce ot Philip was also the r-si- deajaja of Andrew. We would aee J.-eus. Th.- f.mr words are a mnrvel- si.sly fit starting point fur u hrart- ti^hrart talk w:th th. .ugbtful, d-vnut. armpathft .r o-fd.-i any aumeajtams h-re -'2. Pb-ilip cmanirth aiul telletb Aiv- 1-atUer n ! j, ; ,., u-m< . ^ u f h . n , ,.f, an .j at ., ... . j(hu in hi* m, lflt . r mt U<1 hivtf no more dominion o .,-, u m when ha be exalted ab,,,, - ,, heau-u hi* glory ,,u we al , tllr e . r , h . i" I" i Uut it run >. thf -, ,wd , ' ' "-' " n .-.I ool tne ,.. , and niajtuuM, and habits oX what i*. r.agly called "high life ' for your Aa.mple. 1>> not tihimk io ia le.ss to Thr pubJU- mini i utterly p, i-.n .1 diseased on th- subject of monry- and no wtindfr that Cod Pikf to all the citiee ot the world. ing, "Loi* out how you (rot your money. By the hinl at d.mth or Judgment ;t s hilt b>> w-r.-n-li-l fr in TWT ra.spi If y ,Hi tc-t , ., , I. T traud, you will leave them, in the hill be a fool." II. Next, I apik of th- romance of I libertinism, -V-j.|y his severest re- ' tribution for the impurity thit lurka hai<l because R ia epaultsted aud .ul.'iu^d. Ite brownsston,- front can no more knp Uick ihe judgment* >.f liisl ;Jwm can the* cellar door. B,- h M how God blowa up the m.igiu- tu i-u. wick- *lntv*s i>/ hijrh places! There nuiy be muna here who hue veoiurfd uiLo sinful courses wh,, would like 10 reilurn. V uu ca-iu.- in feel Af- ha : HJ'-.I. nut but lit tl n , ... | i daux-U.i.r who 1 ot sm. about the c.-llar.s , ,i I all ys ,f the ty. It cri8 out a-gainst it. I hurl- the iod w nit, n ,rf the law s. It. But soviet y b.v .m.-s more leni- ent as impurity ri*ea toward afflu- ence and hijrh wwinl ptsition. unti fin liy, it i siU-nt, or .lisp...d t. palliate. Where .M thf j'l Igu. . r t he iwriff, or the p. lire f ho ,|. irf . r . rti vu Nm utu'<-<->ncy t rw- >n-.i|,hy vil l-irnf May h* not walk the streets, and ride the pirks, and sail the rteamers, flaunting hin vices in t eyfl of trv- puref l)oe not the v hug of uiK-lMun<\.s look out from tapestried window and wilk richest earpet, and ru.it I finest s Ik. imdrull hi most munptu-us carriage* IHII wlhere in the l.tw to take these brazen wret<-he.s of "hUh life" .m.l put their & in the iron fraru- of the State Prieon ivinihitv I At what tiuui tb' bord Ood will hi ni'i to pur>f.< mil iiii-st I know not. or whether it .shill bv by flrod, or by fne, or hy hurmcie: but I do not K-lw the hjly l! >l will stand it Ml'fll 1.0SCKK. 1 think that the KnumU-r l>lts of h . rulignatiun ait- Ins-inn hot nnlthit he rifle* up tv acuuigt! tbi-.se ter many m 'Ulhe of reaolved .MI, ,, kll , ^., , y,,. , o hfr ui ht-r'a house. It tt.is after m, u . ui(fhl wh,* ht- arriv-d at the I, She upp.ed that thf door would U Us-k.-d. l>u:, pun.ng h^r huul on the lutch. the dix>r i>|H-ued si, ,. .^ke, her u*., ln-r why it wa.s that the duo .u M m.diug>bi, a.- uul,-k.Ml. Sail thf ui-Jther, 'that d,,u h,.^ , U.-.-JI Lvk-d since you wen; awaj. giv.m orders that, liy duv am , it should be unfasieucd, for was aure Uhal y,-u ..u ,| come back amd whvn y.nj mm,. I J 14 i not wa nt you to U- h.nd"ii-<i i 'iii:.ir,..- hav* u> tell you th.it the door of nwrcy id ever u/Blucked. Hy day ,u,d by might it etinds otx>n for your txou-ng. Though your iua were a th*y shall be as white as s-nnw; though they were red like rnu- -u, they shall be as wool. ThmiKh you awy bf polluled with nil crim.-.. md nuiiit.tfu of all leprosies, and fired by tihv iu,t d -piiv.-d passioua, and lave n>t be,nd the Uoeipel invitation tw>fiy yea ix, you may have sel your brow, hot with infam .u >ractice amd brswcated with e\h , ive iiiiliilgtvn'N-A, the flushm. f i Si i vumr'tt foruiviflk-.s.s. jji.uiks I huuw liis at.-iM. Meibinks has interests. th,it of a fr th- aps?t,-icle is pxple r-.-timg in se- cunty. ai. | undtslurlk'd by the cl.umA f pj tiv-il or p.irli.mi.-nt iry ex f-< 'J In Ku-vii.1 tli,. ,-, |,, M i.. of tln-.se l.irvU m coiis,.|. red a vital iu.ii.- HO than /.ny dreams .if c-oiiqi-jit. whi'tb-T in Indtti or i-l.sf- wh-re. I h. t MU- ^w;nx of the |>'n- 'iiluiii .if thf Kuvsiini Kmp.ie is f.illoAing thv lunf. .)f l-ust r-sistance. l'bj>- dt4iy uf nitioiu f illow natural li.f, and the east, th- far east, is the ilinvtioii in iv hi --Ik iiu^i in effort co n b tr *t Urc I*-t us fninhly sinn Kinp'ie. ti h- difw. Omemltiaaj in has the frUsnd and aa>riatt- at his boy- h.Mid. Ajidr.w add I'bJip tell JeMiia. What wo> thf cauae of the d-!ay aa bringing tb- (jrwkn u> Jesunf l'-r hap- ' r>d it LO *uo- I.i r.l peutcd r.icit-nu-Jnit that he was ~.<nt Uy to tilii- lost shf*-t> of the hjuae i ia-l. I'M- l.-a u' ;(ul u4d U-^iml ul It- uunufinirers of Abg-irus :h, u^n jih i if basis, cm h n l . Vf rUik -d un the atudy af this lesson. Accord n u to l In.- tr id:, ion ir leu-tut h-Lt g><wl Ueulile ki.ng. on hea-inw r !,-...- I by his c^niii- i r>"nv-tx ev-nn amJussad rs to li.m ti hiui to In.- home. ' tir.'ks it-r- Uiote amUiasadors. Phe r.-p.t irf vers- Jii'.sjl'l fit su<-h am-e>- agf a \l;ii'i> is kim-tn to have sent; in 1 in in* ' inf. -i r.-. I ih. JeeUS rec-i.-d ir-.-e t; . -ks. i'l rtii- h >ur - > in . that tl man should be ^loiifiwd. L'utii >.i be h.i t s.i .'. 'It is com nil." "Uid he man that h was glirrifinl m tin- \ these Grei-K m ' v. but be foresaw thf t.m after bis resurrection and ax en -. ..i M h.-n Or." k- m I .: nt :l-a fr ui UI nations should Si.-i.eve in bis i Verily, verily. A cll irf atti-u- tu the exceptional importance of -,t luii 'if ! :' ..|.i-t Kx- -,-1 i i-orn of . a>e *e D , - Ot* v er . piiy.,.,-,1 .a.! .denUfie,! th,. vo.ce An angf, upm,. u , n -m, SO. t'ompuro Jotui n 4j. 31. Nww thv ju.ig ln eot of - now shull in .at out. thi* of - h.a for lh , t Cur the I-, >r- I fr.im tk.a who an, I -!... there called "the prawr ot thai world." John U. ; n 11.. (hi- tourp r of God's right. Erea, He iioa.. reU-il..^ pr ,i e . I -I h-an trum heav.-n shall now no mure prnv.i I ,, n earth, UUe 10. 18. . 53. .l.li,, 3. 14. 15; 8. 28. Tne ft ng up fixn tia,. earth has refer- i to th' orucif.x : on an. I the i'-n which was to follow it. I'he wurd m.m .-. -nipplnxl by the " ! h-ngit," "forws," wiagl do aa w>ll or b<ter. Every -iifem-y ind government, the ingen- uity, thrift, nobility .if human na- tur>Mih-nres. tha industry uf man ind tho wrath ct 111.111 ii.k'. are drawn into the king- item of god. * A STAFF COLLEGE IN INDIA. o to t d - ui.-,i .. sh will, woo-w mil x rat *i 111,1 rrii-d lo the grau.Maughter of our i> n HI"M - (in. I i|Ui-fn. and say nen who iriu ! Its coun- is VM.I.' .-noinfh fi-r wii' elK. Tb.' un b-t'i. nn I wr .-,.iiiin-rci il inter- ests nv| nut clash." l'h<- d '.ser n n I more m-rb.nutly thia "n of ,m \n.:' -liu-s.ui friend- ship is tujli.sl. th- in r- i-l-irly .!.-< - u I ,'^it . - the !} isil>Ie guar- ant-- of tli- p>- iv-c ' tbv w.-il I. ii-i; f u IP 1 h- ifTiniii.i an<l die. t alndetb alimc Tli ; s is true of every grain at ti.-it , ex i' ' -.hrivels an. I ooneo tu its end. the i .nn tu iia berfinn nti mi K-I..U I'll.- In.,-' - - .- . f t tie o/ our Ln.l and !. hulj <oni-i{u Kr.MO'1-.K I, !', Th' KILS~ i ?i | ] ways lje>n .iwin- o-t thf uew- f<l ness of theiT C<s:ick IK>I liery in qu- litll'-lks CV-II II Forty ytMM ago tbnw -.l I s,-ldiers nf thv stc.pp.-B \vvri- sent to <jucli the ! .... M in I '..I, m I. |'li- Iv rii l>|f b.it.-.lw-ry w-hch hid -ii-u-1 n \\ ' rv-nv and irtl>.-r Poliwh t.i\vu,s formr< one of thv biickivit [ki^es in h- btstory of Rntssiii. Only etfh- (< n Tivntfks go the Cossacks l.-t l.n>-' hi t.hr- strf.o.taof St. Peters- r^ to r-.ston- Ivr among t hf dw- . i. I .-iifclfiit.s of tht uni-vf rsity. .rf >ii light into th- Uind.s of :its t h- O-*sicks lishvl riuht ml I -ft \\jth thfir long cru--l P.- UN 'v.l Ih |.-i't. an.) i h -indents *<-re l.t-T.illy ilriven into aubiui-ion. -> - Mart, Hi. its': ui. ij; I.uk 17. 33. 'X. It -my mun wrve in-. U-t h.n- f-ollow in-, ts'oiit- . . hi.o- r.-,.|t miclii U- :ii.-ial ly traji>lii<d. "If am -n m r. a .! l> in-. II on- md in iii.st'-rs an- s.-rt:mt,s. f i h i rrhea n ' clmu-ii m"inberi> i - ^. . i . n ^ In ' Ii .- - - are all deaci -us. The Master's Heit.mts ar- ! f..,|..vi be i on a journey. Uy the ili-rny pa 'll .J h.M -its. Huff-.riiiK. i n- 1 I' : ' : ory ui.l cmi.si.int l\ hi.s set -vi:i - : - i. iti- h liun \. 1 .1111. (here stuill al.si> m.t .s.-it 1:1' bi-. This U a pntmise of hr.iveri h- V.n .t in. Iu l-s nui'-h in " \s rf his [.KUSSIUII druw n-.ii L..rd rep,.. tied his assni 1-1 v abiding pi n i I.UK and future re- i>'ptuui ad. bin wrvtiirt'ts to sb-.ire his vioi^ry, to live a.iul reiirn with him ^7. N,>w ic my soul ttuuM ,1. II Edrenaw fhu griiuf and a.iigu<sh of (*oul whif.h sh'iili| shiirili emu., up. i b^ru in the. Garden of G- -t li-eimm.- Oupare Luke 22. 42. t>;. 81. .\njru.stitif oiiiipxxH'd tli:- prayer; ' O I id. ..1,1 M-d..itor. C.. ,' il> *tf UA, ynt for us made uinn. I i.-lci.i itl.^Ur*' thy mercy: for mi th..' ihinb, who art <i ({rent yt-t in th\ low to tn.ui wut willingly troiklil ,| hi w imitiy nii-mlvis irf thy ln.,lt uroutok-d in t-Uelr own injinnin Tfc.-ir I.: n r I I ml \r,,t*. The Doer war ianpressed the Rritnh Vrmj authoriii-s with the nen- f.r l-irir*-ly in. r-asin* the nunahrr nt -tii-lriii* .it toe h-.iu.- staff coilejre I'.imhvrl -y. nin>* the valiw of the ib-tnu-t in tin-re triven was proven . t bey n I nil ouvil. \1- ijutuvii in ' -|>n-iiou8 e .* s m .-n hiv- -tli- front as nt.i:tary < rs without the staff college ri'.n.iirf I ih-y would Still haw been t h" tt-tt.-r for it. n<l are them.-. w l!mg to fonftwK t. Moreover. - !i u h < p i n (i m m.i n ng i i . th'-ir pn-fer- -ucf for .l.ff iMilfgt- men. !h- .ii' - -In- h -me colli-tre n.-l .i<lvin' i^ p <-.'il.>fy meet all t hf ilfin . n-ls. . \ intt <' u lii'li i. \ritinr I' rp in. I d:ii-j n \- iuni.nd.-r-. lia v- r-c- n.iii'-iiilfd tin ere it mi of number -t iff i_ D I] Miuch ', |-i t h- : era f .un l|.| : t ,k th I 'I 10 ir in -. in : !i ,.n- .litU'n.s (rf -.v.irfire in Int. in .iif- i lit r -; n .- m n. , H . f f -.11 n In -1.1 Km 1 M .1. : nr- ng. I I' f\MI. '! :\\ You'-. - L" Patient la it n hit > .-n v i, a hiifb I p., i \\ - !, , i ,. : r . i- ' i ti, - . ,, ikffc M tha fa*, W<M ,ai i sn;.VU FROM M vN > ~i Sn- r s p. ..(.. n--' Mi i, g ill- and li-l . lull 'i. .. > . of tn a z . fin', irt of ni i z -. f Mm. - i .| !a ind frtjiu I he d lie ( 11^ i

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