Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1901, p. 2

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Rm, isof the Queen Removed From Osborne. Britain iirro,,..d. Her Rural l>4 With liK > tepleudor MaKnific-vnl Naval >-|.r.t.l. lli> Albvrla. Baal ln ( Iho IIIU4|D of tli> ljut.fi*. !* llir.iuith a, I 4111- tunuwd uf iiiral \Trhlp Mooui of < ~unan mmd Kunvrll Ulr(>. tn, in Oibonielo Hpllln-Htf. I...A.S Me of Wight. Feb. 1. The 'in. ii .1 ; i,, r. -i. .n <iurtetl from Om- t ..-. i.e ,.i I 4ii ; m l'r.-\ oik to the removal of the (j iii-en a remains tho Umhop of Unn- . -ei held a service m th* Chapella ArJ.-c' I he cuflm reached the Albert* at i; U.'i '.rr.ii silent i-i-nv. ils wiincssed t ..f th* p*oi-t-*niii lo the p-er l ., A;li,-it.i with the late yueen \.itnris's I" I. nurd. Hturted f m lowes ut -.fi." p.m. After iiie boiU imd been embarked on thf All.iTta King Kdwurd liuurded i . H..\ul \iii-ht \u-toria and Albert tn a launch, and th* prursHion tart- rd. Ill- Naval Ouplar. Cowes. red 1. With grand, yet snout nful. display of naval pouip nd power, the t,ody of Qt.-en \icturia was bi'i ne thin afltrnoon from ite quiet renting place in Hsborro House 'to Pun -ino.ith. iho henrt. uf Eng- land* nu\y. N"' ln li"<t<>ry " MI i It. UK bren seen which In tragic , . d,,r ni'p roaches the naval apec- t. 10 t.iiljN. Over th still water wn the roll of the siK-pounders cauie u of tin. pin's and hoven's funeral marches. The crrws. scciislniiied to che*r with the heartiness which t.eh>n({s only to .l..c!.iei. stood silently along the which usually Dual denantl\ in ih* breeze, drooped ball w.,.\ down the Imls urtU. The - |,nwi-riiil feet l-ti^l'iud could sal , r on shnrt notice lay in ri mid silent. Have for the mourn- ful strum* oi tho bands, and the bal. Wars, i'rince (rorgu and Ma- jestic. Minute guns were tired by all the liil't in the Solent and at ('owes, coinuiitiii ing when the Alheriu left th* pier J iu'h ship n-u.-'-d tiring imnimliat.-U after the tail uf tho pro- . li.i. I p.iuU her. Uter tho procession had passed the watihed the Ntrange sight with lo-, nl humility and grief M Invt the p;er was reached and the fii.lv V.MS i .vereiitly placed on l.o.iril the llo.Val yacht Alberta |.\ T.iinc-n of the Koya 1 yachts. A fuw moments later the torprd, dot I la wae in motion and slowh the forts and .s),i|'s in ' iii left the Medina for th Solent 'His I'oi tsuiouth hnrhor coiiimeni i d firing ininuto guof* and ci-nt iniieil tiring un- til the Ml.eita ' alongside the w inii-r NI, siunilaidi, wore ilisplaycd and ensigns and Union Jacks were tit hands played Kuneral March. AH thn Alberta passed abeam of th* Alexandra the greal vessel fired the first gun of the salute. which Wim taken up h> the l.odney and the of r warships I lorn tho island to the mainland the Lands floated the sad strains of funeral marches. half-n.ast. Th* (minis played tho funerul marches of Chopin and Dee- " I 1 hp T""" wer . e """" and from t ri M r a nHea rl* . /wl # !-, *,.* rt *. t -* : r ..I Hi. iven only No natiomil anthem I'layed On the approach of the procession the shipa were manned and the guards and the bands were paraded. lie ollicers wore full dreSH and the men in "No. 1 rig" and straw huts. Tlie guards prcM-nted arms as the Alliertii pasted rach ship and then d un their nrms reversed until Die procession hud gone by. *. l*oir<* ol.l flua-*l'fp. A detiii-hinent of mnnnes and the Admiral's hand wore on hoard Nel- Hon's. old flagship, the Victory, in PortHinouth harbor. All th* sea front and dockyards were manned by marines nnd sailors, while Oar- THE DISEMBARKATION. RM*|B of th Ou*n Transferred] Frem the Albert* to tu Trala Rala Fell In T< rrvuts. Portsmouth. Fob. 2. Refore O'clock this ni.irniiKf the remains ol ! the Quoen were taken from the Hoyal i yacht Alberta to a special carriage and con-. ..ved to the King's train, which started for London at 8.!>3 a. I m., amidst the booun of the guns 'from the forts. The ene was pa- thetic, and imposing The King, ac- row Island was manned by boys ! C< ""l 1 *" lod v u sn Alexandra and from the training ship sit Vincent ! ioul1 ' ******* 'no passed the and men from the gunnery ship Ex- rvllfDt. ui.ena M..rd tor the Nl(kt. Wh*n the M:rstii- had been left aktm trie Alberta was moored for the ninht To-inujfrow the body will he takon ashore at Portsmouth and thence r,.nvr.\t-d to London and Wind- sor for the last tribute* to the great Uucn. Th land ceremoDy. consisting in night un hoard the Koyal yacht Vic- toria anu Albert, proceeded to th* Koyal yarht Alberta in a steum launch King E<l"urd boarded th* yacht at 8.40. five minutes after l.m- peror William had steamed alongside the Alberta (mm the Ilohenzollern. Th* guard of honor on the jetty con- istrd of several hundred marine* and bluejackets The commanders of th* warships which took part in yesterday's pug*- brlnglng the coilln from Osborna | , , md alreadv assembled under the House to the pier at C owe.. WHS covc red way leading from the yacht less Intel -sling than the ' lo th , rai i roa d station Theie w mivul function At noon the gor- a , hort Mrvic . on lne yacht be(or . rapping! i.f th* Chspelle ] tn , bonv waa removed, the Duke of mte were disturbed. Over the , Connaught. the Crown Prince of coilm was thrown the coronation Germany. Prince Arthur of Con- rob* worn by thegirl Queen. On this Da ught. Prince llenrv of Prussia, the waa placed the floyal regalia. the i, llke of fc a xe-'oburg nnd tJolha. and wand. Ua sceptr* and the crown princess H-nr> of Uat'.-nberg being Which wej scarcely vei used h> the present Th* onlv mourning garb Qucon In her lifetime, as she prefer- visible was in the druses of th* red thu dummy ie^a!m. which will be burlrd with her at Froginore Sailor* (arrlnd tl.o ( ,,ffln. At 1.4S p.m sailor* from the Vlc- 1'rmcesses till,.,:.- i. MII> Mkikrd IK Pi The firing of the minute guns nmrk- rd the passage of the c., n to the ti.MR and Albeit r.i >-<l the precioiin draped railroad station in which it Imrden and horn il from the huune 'I Ins duty v.us to have f.illi-n to the 1 1 L l n. i. i i i" .,; . , i .. ie-,.- U rsal H was d.-, Id.-d that the sailors lion d !-e H.I h.'i'ui-d Outside the I!, mil re.Klenc* the t:renudier i.n.irrls v. en, ill, inn up in a brilliant linr With a siiarp click they piesented uriiii for the last time in huiior of th Ir il.-iiil Qiirwn Tlie pijiers lesd the procession, the wo. ids I-IISK with a weird was borne shoulder high by petty o'tlccrs of the Koyal yachts. pre- c.-.l.d by a rlorgvniiui Immediately hnh.nd ih* cotl.n were carried th* rrown. the orb the Htandnrd und a few choice wreaths Kmn l-Mwurd, . i or William, the Itnke of Con- naught and the Crown I'rince fol- lowed thn remains, and then came the ladies of thu Koyal family and the Admirals. The silence of this mournful pro- the greynow r>f the linornlng seemed more apologetically to tip-toe lo their allotted stations, as though their presence retVcted on the so- lemnity dominating everything. .Nev- er did a concourse of people so littlo need either civil or military guiU- iiii'-.- Nu m.'U stun.llli),' Ii. nn inuth- f r s Iner ever needed admonition less than did ii,. -, hundreds of thousandx of men and women gathered from all parts of the kingdom on the fun- eral route of their mother tho Queen U <tniit *>utmiinbiri.l Mea. The st rankest part of all was the fact that the women seemed to out- number the men White-ribboned nur.sea imirWed almost every yard alon the r-uie I roops tliure were to he sure, thousands upon thous- ands, asscinM.ng spectre-like out of the morning mists, their blue-black overcoat a and bear skins deepening the ni.tu of mourning pervading ev- erything. In the great green spaces of Hyde Park, st .lames and others these long black lines stood silhoun-.-d SKiim-t tl,. morning sky. solemn, sil- ent and pr turesque. staunchly stem- ming the onrush of that endless flood of people pouring In from every street and sv*nue. Purple was thn tone of thn Ro\ al imiurning, and l HIM nee tned almost a rel.ef contrast- ed with th.-se silent masses of black- garbed crowds. U was the true nute. after all, of the day's ceremon- ial, for no one among England's heart-utrl. ki-n people could look up- on the nish.-d life of their Queen with feelings of entire gloom. The troops began to move less ly than on 1'roclomalion Day '1'1,-t was the day of the official unnonnce- ment of tl-f authority of the King, and theitlreK'- l.,s.sl as if by magic, and with a toue of aulnuntv that am not innrit mis mornings scenes Ilui-kinghdin Palace, the great ho- tels about the Victoria Mation, the princely homes in Park l.ane, and every shop und house thence to Pad- dmgton bore ample evidence of the national gn-f. and, together with purple and white festoons, wreaths of bay and laurel were hanging from every lam|i-pKt. while flags at half- mast bordered with crape told in a dittnified. simple manner the story of the nation's loss. THK i.lir % I PROCr*SION. oe'ul sinii-d of ruin that hrtuki-n- ril nelih"i- | e.i. .- ii.,r nr but death I'.ist ihvse and past t be lloh.-n-.d lern. I hit huge tl muh cumlierh.ime j t tie Kodm- nnd the | U. nbo , un tbioiii'li Hi' 1 lire ol i it.li bnitleshipH-- sin on till Japan's I Hutsuw. the : > at tlrship in il the (..' rm. in llnilen W.is be. i in to \ \ ne A.linii.il Sn- llHiry HnliU- \\inth l:a-A^ons spl.-iidiil flaKihip. the Muesli., of the Ciiniitu-l sip.ml- rt-n.'i, n, tni fanersJ proeaaatoe Huw- 1 -.. ,n,i .1 Mi. . .1 " ,-i .- eight .!- si in -era. nnd Keldom have S| ced.v craft ilrnwn their Imig I. hick hulls so slugKiMhly thrni. ^h III* wa- l vi Til* < k<-l .in III* IUrrlM i oiniiiK nlow ly after tlieiit "us tlio Itn.Mil }in i, i \, . i Ui llulf scieui. ! b> lli awning on the pimp \\ n K..\al loii.n. placed un a >rui.~..ii th. .uii.iiii.s in v\i,iili were t1i-iin b. k ,ii..l lieil lo ihf four poles, lrn\ n In. to v ie\\ Ilie i.iug- uin.eni ciihket nnd the rnl'es >.,u.c tlliies l..-.iin. s. .m. -i in,, s une. H I. .ts the I'rmii.v IUI'I.SB >uihi ii,ii.-. ".iiihuif; tlie eo-iint-, while m UiO wake of thu Allieiui mine i In, Kovui v-MXht Vici.uia und \li.-.i. nah King I'.iH-.iii.l nml Qu..-,. Al, '.i nl A nil the 1 n Kouil t.i. , ' . ,'..t lUoal \adit ui'iurno, will ..'her Koyulliea. tlui Imperial vudit llnheii- (illlern, Ullll li'npelor \VllllUlll. 'he )'.*. and Ilie |iu,i,,-s uf < onnniiglit ami otli.'iM. I h,- Admiralty \,n.,i l.n- i hn n iid rt I i inn. > lions* MI tit , un oi ei.ils on In, ui. I i In 1 iiivlii Ni4.imlr.in uf hui i lr-,ni|>* anil .rinsfiiH w.i.s niooi.-.! i,.<> anil a half cable* apart, in mi.- In \ ti-n.ling from i u^.--- l LI Npithead. The channel Heel iindri tho comiuaml of \iliiui.il - n- lliur.v lluliiKi.i t h Mtiwson, (o, 1,1. il the e..st.-iii p.ntion. and thu It, .1. .! i Item Ail- inlinl Mr I. ei n id Henry Noel. fotnitl tliv i-.e-ttei-ii |,. ui i. ,n 'I lie toreigii i -.."iHiv.est of il.e British ships in tin- .ml,'i i>f th.-H arrnul nnd alim^.snlv uf ih.m i\ . i u i.KHii.-il ei^lit liiH,-sb unnl.iinl H, tin; Aiii.-bi|'e. the i.l.-.ui-i. Hie ^kl| - Jae'i, th* I , i1 ih.. ,..i M i. nakf . the Alert Hi* ( n i e. nnd UIH s-pecnw*ll. A I.KUO nl l> -! I - <. After IfaviiiK TnniU Pn-i il- Al- burla. with ht-r alien. in nt sseart, t...iin<.il .il.Hik' Hi" deep ch.iiiiiul be>- ii Hie t.iii-l of the Isle of Might and il,e*lii^><! line nf Im l I li-si, ps m.il riui.si-ia 'Ihe in. un line \\ai > fol- lowk, beginning ui ( in\ .-H Alensutti .1 i .iinp.-i di> -A n, Kednev . 11, nhoiv ( nllinj;. ' ".d I .iliisKllH, Sana 1'aii'il, Vile, HOVMV M.-LiinpiiB, ev- ern, Oslaiea, Belluns I'aotolua. Pel- orus. riiaim, (iiinmeior. Arn>H*nt. Minerva. Niolm. Hniu. Hood. I i a- falgur, Kesolutlon, Jupitvi, lluuiu- r. frniti. Hcliind Mi-'in . .ime the Hoy- cvusion was broken by the nrlni; of al family. At the nate the military : the guns. Mm strains of the funeral portion of tlie parrde stood rrnd.\. a riii'li nml the sound of the \\md- iiieilli>y of iini-'nrinH Down driven rain which WBS then fulling sum H!O\V|\ \\oiind Its in torrents. The coffin was [dared on the dais, and Admiral Sir Nnw-ll Salmon i Admiral nf the fleet since . KIIIK l-'.ilwurd. Queen Alex- andra. I'lniieror William and the liill t' Wa\ n, the folliiwini; Mi. nut. .1 i' rin illlw. U. A. A. U., southern district. I'eiitiliinent of llaMipsliire rrbl- rs The I li-utentini c., \ernor of the lle of Wn;lit nnd st,,(T <,f the HOutli- eli. ilistrfet The M ,ff i.f lie i oiniiinnder in-4'hlel at Portsmouth The Central coninnimlmg the south- ern .li-tru-t Hi N;. \1 riiiiiiiinii.l,.r In-Chief. ^' .il l.ninl-1 ..ml driiins o( tho Itoy- a, Mm- ne Aii.|l.r\ and of the l:.ixl Marine 1 inht Itifsntry. 1 ho ciiiMinenceil play- Ing a fun. r.. I iimrch as soon at i|i* p,ss >ut of the Q 111*1, H (rate The Quoeti s Highlandpre. I he Uu-ii n - I 1 , p. The gun cnrrisi;r. drawn h> eight Iri ,-- and |,i,.,...i and fullow- od h\ her IHI. M .- I > > equerries and ai.les de- c.iiiii-, e-.Ti-i, -I li-. iho ii ui-.-n ^ i iuii|-an\ of CreiuidiiT (inaril*. with the 'in Kin Kdv, .ml Kniperni Uilliam The I like nf l'ii!niiiiight. Tho Cruv n 1'rlncf ..f 'M-rimmy. I'rinre Henry of I'ruv I'lllH* I'hristiui, other members of the Koyal family tuok their seats and the train mov- ed ofT. Britain's Grief Expressed With Stately Grandeur. Mortal Km, .in. of Kltrlli'i(lrMI>t Qo*B Horn* lu solunm Hump I hroufh the Mrri. of Ib* I |>na. Th Urtiot fra- I...-M.II ll, Mil Hurt HIM.I-, 1 h lll.i.li ,,,, Ii. xl -Til* llnlvi ol th* I l .,,..,..,, I-.., ,,i,l ,.| ihr I n k r^nt rt The Puke of Snxeluhurn and (iotha. I'nn-e \i-i|,nr of l ,,nniiiic;ht. I'rim-e Chm-'ei of li.nmnrk. I'rim IIIIK ,,f I'.til tenl.erg <<u,, !, \i, \.inrlrn Tim Dm h-s in > ork. Th |)uch<>si of Sa\e-<'oliurg and i.utlm Princes 1 liii-iil,,n of Schlej" ig-llol- I'eln Prn, ess Louise (Hiu-hess of Ar- K-ll) Princess I'e.nrne (Prii't-ess Henry ol i'., 1 1,, ill M I III! I Ml. lie? 8 of t .Itlllilllirht. 'I he IIIII-IICIIK of \ll.aiiv l'i in, , s Vu tuna of Wales l > rliii-c-s < harles oi fiemnnrh. Her Lite Maesn's laili.-M m ait Ing. Her late Mnjosty's household. 'I I . linus-i huld of the King I ! hii'iMh.drt of the. Quean. Tie hoi-Hpl'idd ,.( ln,|,ei,,r William The linns. -h.. Id 1,1 Ihv Uoxal fumilv 'Ih* Hiiyal sn-vaniH and tenant* Th* nuiilwav from the gate to th* pier WUH lined nh troops In clone order The tr.mpx reiiiainvd In posi- tion until th* minute gnus from the lie. I commenced to Hre. Ihousanile atood bareheaded and I on. Ion. let.. Ii, \t.\l a. m. Th* grej davMi of a 1 omlon inoiiuiig with the ky draped \\ith He. cy clouds. proi laimvd id. ,il conditions for thu funui.il du\ ,.f Knjjland a vjuecii I li culm serenity of the at- D:oHpheie wa r*Cei led by the clouds which st (!ayli)(ht br^an lo assem- ble at every point of vantage aloiiK the route of Hit- Ko.Nal obve<|Ui*s So ."chl.-KWig-IIol- i li " Ui l'e.eiul .mil must-less was th* plOfjre.ss of Ihe mi;, tlhering hosts Hint the i-ov.'.iui ! \ svveliii'K throngs 1 and the rhyi hmu- tread of the asxein- blniK troops seemed lo accentual* ill.: solemn kiillii<--t The surij scenes were unlikv those of many Npedacular da\s which Lon- don has \\ilnesse.l in Ihe past year. The crowds which so early gathered in the si reel N HUM morn ing evinced an enlire lack of fevrii-li unrest and exciicmviit I h* great masses of po- M MII noRo ri;n uli uli anvcuibltMl vh.iniom like In A Milliard u I SavBl H,.pU, of Hol.n* Hi>(nitlr*oc*. I ondon, Keh. 3. With every cir- nn<e of splendid pomp belHting the obsequies of so miRhtt and well- beloved a monarch, all that is nior- i of W MSJB \ ictona wan borne through the streets of the capital lo- in its progress towards the ;in- ciant fortress-palacti of the Sover- eigns of I -11141. .ml Ihe solemn mag- nificence of yesterday's oueti.m; plmsu nt these last rites was main- tained fully I'erhups the stately grandeur of to-day's sorrowful putfe- aiit through the swarming sti,-ets of London, niih ImmlriilH of tho'.isunds of mourners forming a black border to the route. ill n.-ver be surpass- ed. There was in \ictorm' funeral procession nn nhs.-nce of that Muck ceremonial generally connected with the final progress to th* grave To- dav the cottin was drawn by cream- colored horses The pall wad white nnd the uniforms of the troops and the gold trappings of the foreign SovereiRns. Princes and represent .- IIM-S lonniMH a Klilteriug; medley, (Tn.ve brilliant coloring to I liv scene. Tlie chief mourner himself, with hi* Kield Marshal's uniform even though this was partially hid.lrn l.y his overcoat surrounded bv his corps, helped to liven the symbols of iiiouriiiiiK inarkinit tho route Never In IliiRlisli history has a Sovereign l e.-n borne to the grav,. nt- tendert h- so ninny di ,t nimi lined mourners Th Kailiering of crooned li.-iuls far stir|-us*ed tlios who rode in Iho luliilee procession, and all the grent officers of state participated I.. Mllitar> . Upl.n . Ihe tlisplit.v of the naval* and uuli- forces reached the great total of . 'ii The in m,; of unnutu guns and the tolling of I , -lift at 11.15 announced to Uie countless mulliludcs who I id been crowd. ng London s muddy Streels Mii.-r da>lii;ht (hat the funer- al pr. n es in. i h.iil t>eK"u Us passage through the capital I I.e peii|>le fought for hours for a nlnui'sc of the i i' in ml the Km^s ami others following it 'I he> SHW H KMIB; pro- cek.sioii of sol, hers, a passiiiR slmw of d/./.ling rejK'alia, with a bundled Ko.\ allies crowding .-ilu-r and then iUs|i.-rsed. while all Ihe chinch ill ru. -n nf the city were rinning and mu tiled dirges were plnyed I urope has sem grander Ki.\al funeralu than the Queen s. and had a more gorge.. us specl.ule in the cele- bration of her sixty .sears of teiun. but no episode in the Victorian vra will live so deeply iiiipiesheil on Ihe mommies of those \vhu wit IIUSMI d it or part n ipnteil in th cvreinomes The day was sombre. \\el and chil- ly, as are most of I i, niton's winter days. The cloudy sky added lo lh* gloom of the whole city. 'Ihe ic. n.. at Victoria Station from early morning was most brilliant and impressive. For to-day's cere- mony the station was transformed into on Immense reception hull. All trains were stopped hcfo e 11. nnd the long platforms were covered with purple cloth. On another platform facing that at which the Queen's tram was to arrive guards of honor, composed of blue-jackets and (irena- dier Cuards, were drawn up. The broad roadway separating the two w-n swept clenn and sanded, and a number of little purple-covered pht- foriu* from which members of ti,o Tftoyal family were expected to mount their horses were placed at Interval! at the aide and csitre. !>: Inu ,l>hd <,mr>. At 10 o'clock an army of grooms with the horses arrived, and thence- forward distinguished British naval and military officers and foruifi Royalties in daz?ling uniforms cam* in quick succession. The Lord Cham- berlain and his officials, bareheaded, with then -. late, wands of omce, re- ceived iho most distinguished per* S',na|$cs and conducted them to a little pavilion erersil ..., ih plat* form. The whole station hy thi.t time re- seniMpd the s.-ene at a leve*. Th Coni'iiander-iiM hief of the Forces, F'iel.1 Marshal I'.-rl Robe ts, on s beautiful, spirited brown mare, car< rying his Field -Marshal s baton, at this juncture trotted into tb* sta- tion and l,ecair the centre of interent lie was soon followed by the Karl Marshal (the Duke of Norfolk) aid many of the uioat distlrguisln-il l'.rit,h officers. Then can > - for the Quwn and tin- Princesses They were the State carriages used ort th* occasion of th lato Queen's jubilee, wllh beautiful fri.ld-nio'inied harnesses and trap- |,iii - The horses were rlddn by postilions in scarlet jackets, with only a narrow band of crape on their arms us a mark of th* great .h.inge. The carriages were closed Tk lll.i-itrliiui I>4. Following the carriages and pre- c<-rl, d hy an ol'. er came an object .it which every o lu.-r in the animated throng instinctively came to the sa'ute and ev. rs hi>id was bared. It I was the Lttle khaki-colored gun car- riage which wus to carry Queen N'ictona's botly from Victoria to Paddington Station The eight Hin- | overlan cream-culored horses which | diew the late Queen on th occasion i of the .iiibilce were used to-day The gold harnesses, the scarlet-coated postillions nnd tlui scarlet and gold CD \ered grooms who held each of the horse* by the bridle were all the Same <>nl\ the little gun carriage in plHi-e of thu *1 tiering gla*-anU- gold couch marked th* chauir*. The place for the co'lin to rest w over the actual (run liuhber tires wr on the wheels, l,ut this was th* only alteration It was then n ly 11 o'cl'xk, an4 amid cries of Tlie King of Portu- gal's 1 h' r I lirand Duke ol Hesso's horsi*." and HO on, the Prin-c mounted j minute uhcud o< the time the trein steamed Into the Stall [l Ml lie.-id* were uncovered an th* sa- loon rarrli 1 |,e^rlni{ tho Queen's re- maiu.s stopped e>aclly oppoaile the gun carriage, anil King Edward, in. -en Mp-andru. Kmperor William ami others alighted. Then th* bear- er IMI-IV .iilv.iin-i'.l to the saloon cur- Wnh hi- hand at thu salute and standing a liltli in advance of I, .- 1,1 i - ,-. ' I lw.ir-1 .itched the pnlnfiilly slow remuval of t ' i to thu K"n ,-..Miine. It was nccont- pl.s -,i .m.i the pnll and the r.-galia of i h" Un il. ci.,wn were placed on the i-iiilm 'Ihe Kmu and the others with him then uionnleil and the procession - ii.-.-rs. krj Tar Ordtr uf ih* PrucMiloa. The piiH'Milun IL.IXSI In the fulluwlng ordrr OITicci-s of He.i.|QUrter Staff. llin.l "f Hi n I-.-M..M .'.ivalrr. Vnl.i Hr- firm M. Wr. >>nwinrj. Tbe <'oloiil:il Corps, a dun. inn.-ni f.irmee) iin-ler Ibr inti-r ur ttte i\>lonliil Office, suit so uffleer .- .iiuaikiin< tht- pr itiieii-il bum Lin at siionicl.ire. sHUIU. Third Bi' i',n. i. wd..u HUbli.n.1. n. Tbhd Hntlrt.i.ii. !:,>-] WeUb ni>4Mera> Koiirih llt' i>m N'.-rM.Iki Thf [(..a^r-.tik. Artll)rjr. l.\r\NTRV. I deltrhnii-nt ,,r t, Arm/ VcUitnar ll.-l . :., ' Army 1'ay Corps. Acniv i ti:i,l inj* I p.trl ntrllt. Homl Ai ., > M.',l . al I'lirpn, Anm Sei-vli-e C'-rps. Heprfnt stir.-s of lh In't);.-, ^rmy, select- . l t>\ ic hi.llan ii i INH'AN-lln HI-' Till-; LINK. fourth I 1 . 1,1 m, ttlflr Brigade. Itornl l.l-h Kuslllern. Seeond listt.ill.in. Hi^nlan.l I-ln'il Infnntry. Fourth Batinlhni. K IU'K It-jtl KlRps <>>rpa. It. .Mi I'li^i'ler".. ,.!l Iteyttl KIM IT IJCAIt C,I(I< r,-:iru riirp- ,.f i;,.\a' i:'i^m^r. If K..VI.; K-.'ImrLt nf Ar'Hl.iy. CAVA/ <<\ iK Till- I.INhi. / L'll I.:ine, *h 7ih fl -!. 'I I.' l '.[sir i, Hi- i; lures K.1V.M N \\ V. Royal Jlarln.- I ! ulil Infr-nlrr. . ".'-In- \ri|!:.-n. The Ku.Tnl Nnrt. lit, rs H n/r f iht Arm? M--I.I M^r h , s BaiHl ..f |(,I>H| Msrlnr l.lgli' Infantrr. ' ' Ki-nM Royal Brsr I.A r-' uml Knral Artlllr B in* 'Ih.- i:,ir! Marshnl. riillni <M. I xv , \Vh|tu StTM. Cnn IMTTUI. ,t|.|) by l.cnrer party "f H'" mill ^ otie.l eTIc^rn of Ouisirlt of tho were the ri|iicrri*s end nif-mbom f ihf (.>!,< , n's h-nisi-h'. 1 !! Innimllati-ly behind the gun oarrl4e conii> : The Klnf rlillns. f>S aU l.ft tlir link* ,.f Cimnsnch'. riding. On h < rlfh- Wrnpn-, \vni.., m rl.llBi. th,., e., me the Knval FamllT, iTl rtji-r^a.ntatlYe, ,11,1 Maater of tbe Hort, . and tb* eort fn tht nil i* Kln .,< Hi.|i,im Portiiful and tb* nn>. probablr rMtn. el.,<i|,i ( the wr six carrlfi>B, th* Pr1nrM Vlolorla iVl" I DvBSMTk. and ih lian fharl*. of -n Vie- rt u i of the I *(,. i Th* srocpHBion, apart from the >run- earriajre bearing the coffin, and the Ro'.al fiiiinl-. and otTicial mourn- * about it, was not noieworthy. Par- lini i-nt. ilia .luiiiciary and the com- mercial horl-.vs were not represented. Royalty, th.j uniiy and the navy mo- nopolized the) pageant. Three thous- and soldiers and sailors, picked com- panies representing all branches of th* servict? cavalry. artillery. in- fantry, yeomanry, militia, volunteers and colonials- fm ni<1 the advunco escort They march >"i slowly ;iml without mimic Most of the nni- unif.iruis were covered with dark overcoats, and the standards \\.-r.i dt . led with black, t.,.- oil-cers wear- im- t>an<1s of cral'e .m t.heir .sleuviis. The infantry marched in columiia of lour with rii 1 I 'i>\v were h.'li nu hour in p,isHinK Then cnme h' d Marshal Karl lloherls and Ins slat, and after tl-.-in four inuaaad bands plnyinsr funeral mar hun.ired musicians .uinoiii.. ed the comma; of the body of thu Queen Tliera wu~ i loi:.; <<.' " court otti ci.ils under t Ii* i. ..dersliip oi i lie Duke of Norfolk i the Kail Marshal), all attired ipmintly ..rid bnll'.inily. bearing niace.s or v. it ds Most of the-n were elderly men. who for \.>;IIH had served the Que.-n Mont of the sp. .->.)... i -.1 an imposing cntafali|iie. nnd the cof- fin was alinoHt IMS' befora ihe\ re- cii!>iii/i-d its preseii.-e hy renn>viiii tl eir hut.s It .is r 'ii-. .red b.-n.-aili a rich pall of whii,- s,.tin. ,,n the cor- ner of Which Iflfil tiled srnm Across 'h,- ..!! Uu Ho: ul standard was di-u[..-i'. und a cr.wn of Ko'd encrust I'd with jewels resiod at the h.-ml of t:- which was at the .-nil of the ir'in car- rlaiAD i |lsl over the irmi "n t lio font Of the Coffln were Iw . > smaller crowns with a (fold Dwelled nceptr* l\n tween them The eight hors.s which drew the gun carriage were almost cone. M led bei-i'ith th.-ir rich hain.--.-s \ larg* bow of purple attafln-d 'o tile cofBn was th'i only symbol of mourning. DIAGRAM OF THE START OF THE QUEEN'S FUNERAL. The to Portsmouth, a made up of torpedo boats and destiny ITS 3W;%, V7& 1 !*.. -a^Ht Vs* t rtoy*l PLAN OF THE GREAT NAVAL DISPLAY FOR THE QUEEN I h< . I.I-I !...,. n.r Immediately after throw Koyal m-nirnor ...lenhreusl KIIIK l-'irward VII. wat i he cen'ral figure of Ih* thr.-e. but. no less .steulH'.mis per- miuge wn* seen in the pro blnck .-h.ii-'Mii. "ith .1 pliiine .if while feathers, was on hi "d u. long black cloak wu butti;ned around him. and hun dov. n o\.-r Hi.- big blnck -borse which he was riding T hu King's fsca seemeil grave and care- Worn He looked straight ahead, ap- parently at. the gun carriage. He gave no sigrn of seeing thn long runks of soKliiTK hedging back the popu- lace nhnut him. the windows rro-Ad- *d with hlack-bnnnte<l women. til* multiluiles of iincovenil h.'it'lu. ' he purple draperies. and the gri^n Wreaths everywhere Me l .msed like a imin uli me. Ucsido King Edward rode ICmBer- or William, looking -vei \ Inek . dier. Ho glanced rutlit. .md loit m he rode and his hnn.J trni|U.mt.lv wns rased to th* red aud white fi.-uihors hnnning; over IIIM hat aa h* respond- . saluted Kinperor William wore a black clonk over his new U' M.-H Marshal's uniform, and i he Kpiandld \vhitfi clinrK'er bene.ith him prs.iced up and down, causing His Mtije^ty to display ftne horseni.inship. Un the Kind's left rode his .-rolh- *r, the Iuke of Cnnnaught. u man o soldierly appearance. lmont un- aoticed and unrecoKmzed by the po- pl, I >.., H.iur, la l--.lll The funeraj procsion occupied two hours in passing from Victoria Sta- tion to V'addlngton. a distance. of three miles. The decorations uverywhore wero Impressive, but not elaborwte Pur- ple driperies hung ih g r n wreuths pri;doniinnte.l l-'lage wer* on most of til* buildings Thu really inipruasivu eihibition of mourning WHM the blink clothing worn b.\ principally aJl the people. Which a streets, Windows, stands and roofs everywhere were covered With spectators, gave the wliol* c*ne a sombr* hu. Lively Tim* at Jm' Park. St. .Iain**' Vark \va packed with a crowd of about BO.OOO patapla, vim over-ran th* t1o\v.-r I eds, ,io,..i n the fenceH and swarmed in i he troes, fought \Mth policemen, simished lints, and chafted the prouniiiiino vendors until the bells bORan tolling 'H'"" the demeanor of the crowd* ahanged, ami while tho pn.u-ii.sion WHS pas*- ing their attituiJe was i-ne of Hie m.i.st itnprOHsive fi-atui-i!H of the day. It was prwisely 11 -" I 1 when the guards lininn the | jt.f.irni PaddinRton station canni t.i :i sh.n|i "attention." ami with -oleum the head of th.- procession entered the building Kor half an hour nil was hUHhed save the clatter of horse hoofs and the rumble of i be heiivv gun carriage The pull w,is r.-niov-d from tb 1 ftn and thi> cn.sk-t win d.-|.osn ed m the sal i >oii cnrriiiK-v Which Queen had so often occupied during her liietiin* King rOdward. Q" ''" M-Mipib,, nnd the I'uke of CoBaaUfkl itoofl groin'. 'I togethar ns the .'H'n n borne in. and then they all took t( , ft ts. and th* tr.iin start.J for Wtndaar. cent sight, and divid. d att-nlion with tin) oil'.cials and ''"i >'' ' " >T " rtlds, gor^eoii.s in ijuaiut n.. miles.- la- 's' and HiMKiiia. and '.ii.: i .edia.- vul looking \eonien ol the < c.irr.Mnu tlieir Imltisrdi .it slopu rt I'ld excilei aroused in the .1 when i hu i..,-eieiit.:rs tnim i hu |,,vec of I ondon iirnv.-.i .m'l ni.'r- ed the fiiHtle 'I ' lht '"' guy court uniforms the i ife wiib tboir tliiw.inf pltim-s thu strueis. \V...n ... l-rll in- ...I. One well-dressed wonuni fell down in thu street nml : -U 1 de.nl. ei lemon t her Ihe funeral ser 1 . i.-e .n ^t ' i Impel was one of the most m.i ;,. s *iuhts of ''"' """ '"' BUM ie. It laj-i.-n fioiu :; -" '" * but for three hours pre\ ious { ^ ,. ,,, i; r . .,-. r.i taJu and Ininnil wiuti-d imtieiitK for ' hu ar- r v.,l of the funeral prmession llieir v n 1 was fully rewarded. Such an mru.v of royalty . and such a mass of ng colors WHS nuver bofore ga- il within so small .- \rchhisl-.oi- i>t i .ini.-rliury, the iiishop of York. Iho LJisn.jp .u , ester and the Dean of Windsor .ted. The serMces were r.-imtrkable their grandeur anil choral bi-.< I he chapel ch.dr. the Archbishop, the hiHhops and oih-r clergy me i at the west door. Krom ,rnan but. niida.> 'f the nave und the chancel, came Hie strains of Men.lelssohn's man h from Without Words." in K n ns of the orRan 'li.-d auay and the choir coiniii.-ii.--d ,i-e,mR softl I The sol- cortege proceeded up Ihe nave. M throne.e.1 with the highest .,,! ii.-bieM won, en ..f England. ' | ,,,-,! -H,,,., II.,-. Heen nur Kenine." I,,, I .. Ii. , ne's sei nut?. Wai nest -<'ini{ by the choir which had not taken its piiu-o In the t.ransept to t.l.e riRht of . li.ar. Th.- eotlin ret.>d upon a catafalque ,1 at the steps of the aluir oroaa over thi coinmnnion table c.-i.-rcd with white flower*, ami i r-r.ilos behind was almost concealed w,i,h sprays of fern doitl with I les. srTi- a.t th ChiI. The Bishop of Winchester rend tho from the K-th Corint.h .nis. that is born of Woman." chanted by the choir to Wesl.:> IHUMIC, followed by "Thou knowust. 1 ,,ril. thu secrets of our hearts. The IHn of Windsor ruad. 1 heart a voice," and the choir sang the I onl's Prayer to the music com; enpeolally for the dead Queen by i;,,unod Hn.e more the strains of t h choir welled up through Hi" ancient chapel with the singing of How m.-ss-d Ar* they That Died." Tohaikowsky. The Archbishop of CaatarVW] n-H th Collect and with .juavering v pronounced the benediction wan a solemn pause while nil head* bov-ed A few sobs were henr.l tho choir then nroku the oppressive stillness with the sweet harmony of the ' -Dresden Amen Then the loud tones of the Norroy king of \rui-. William Henry \\.-l don proclaimed the .lend Monarch's , it i,. the Spobr \tilhem. ' Blessed ed uud Ihe 9>rN , ..n, -luded b> t hu ploying MARKETS OF THE WOULD ri:c*. o Cattle. <~heen. Grill, ir. the Leading * - CHIEF OF THE SOVEREIGNS ilozen secuimn. ' Baled hay-Steady. Choaoe timothy, Lord Roseuery Speaks of Our LaU j on track, $10.L'5; two-ton lots, deliver- Queen S Unts dozen secliuUH. .on of *lraw A de.sputcb fi-om London I.onl llu.se U-ry presided oil Weduos- KTC. Tor<lo, bVU 5. -Wheat Ontario vvh.-.it held ul>.it Mteudy i -day. Guoae wh-at an<l Man.to'Ki haixi.s W.TO principally \vanUwl. Cju>t.iti us are winter, 6Uc; white. ti6.-, nii.ldle freihU; spring wheat, 08o. go>s<-, til'-, low freight to New York; Manitoba N<>. 1 batl. old, g.i-t., l-.c; No. 2. at 91 1-.V; N-- 1 li.iru. u Hay, 7 l-.c; ninl No. 2. hard. J.t !->.. liillf-l -5urce and firni. Too lotyn, ill the. mill door, sell us folio**, -Uran, |13 to ai:t..'iU; m-1 no--ris, *t $::,, west. m^-Uull. No. 1 American. yl- I, w. :::. N - 3 yellow, 46o; No. - ;cl- I ,w, tlr. inKirm nnd in i- - " '" J - N % J *.ld, ini-ldlo fre.ignU, al 0.1 1-Jc. east at 6to. and in ta'iter de- N -. ., i i-i. n i -" '"' '"'' die freiglita, 40 1-Jc; N* 8 extra, 40 1-Jc. ouat; au.l 3 l-2c. middle . 'its. a y , steiuly. Car Urta, 47c. west, ami 4dc, e.iat. Hiu-lcw lie^i I/ Oeinuii^i iigut. U>ts, west, ate quoted st 4c, and estt at OOo. OjtH A sha/le easier to-day. N" 1 Ii ie, east. L8 1-^ I" ^c; N<>. 2 wllite. north n nd w.wt, :T \-i '> -*' i y. Dealer** a.-*k w for htraitfhl rollers, un Iwiyers' b.igs, .,|e freughla. uud exixwl ageuu ed, $11 U> 11. 4 J3 St r a w 1 .^i i- * l iy - C**! Ion tr:u:k bi-re, fti-50. -norning W ni.-eiinn ! DUKSSKI) tlOtiS ANU PEOVI8IOM8. (h hugs are scarce, ami about ,lv. Cue ear sold at 7.J5. track , v Ih,- s ;l .n- nu.d Pi.d for more. On tbe street pricea wero easier at fV.r.n ! fri visions continue aelivu nnd f'"u . gum moim f'r provisions ar .d in I. .HI. ton i.iir ition. erill- iiioua ex- l-'c; -orrow Ul the d-.illi "1 ',' Viu-tm.a, and of " " u,.. , . i-;.i.id vu. I n,. re was i orow.i-d k< .ndaiice. ihal h- , l.nhlly ov.-r ibe >..-: u- hiu.ry part of tli- ' ' , . h at lln- I'rivy li.ul in- ii n I- I*. AH , . uul ' | roi ,m U, d meats. Lard-: - ..ubOOl. lMc: , ' - 10 1-4 M 1.. l-> l. lriim--int,' to lOc; roll illu-ili'iou* I !MU i h . Lord Rubbery ih.-u dwelt in !>- ,,, ;, i'l 'I'' "' " f tun l iu tbe wln.le history of mank.ud uu ii.-h-d uch i " -- ' .a |, taaVI '" 'hu enure world. I here nvIllY MAHKK1 ui .iit-lli-.:' in imiividuil Mutier-l'riC'-s and conditions ire in t i,,. ,-iviliz-d world but w i r .-p.y iliu-h in^d. Qunla :(>i"i i - "* fl>| - mined II- wondered if hi-r HI i...v.s .Dniry. tub acd PH:|, choice, 17 ,,. ; r ,.,[i/.e.l how much they n.id .".it 1-i to 18 l-'-c; mdiura. IU to- U U* ia4 wh.it *n eno.moo* .:igUt the ,,r,,, W t" IV; .l...ry pnnts. choioe, If Qu-e.. b:..l ,n I.e , uum ,l of llie I i,, I'l l-Jc- l.ue rolls, guo.l to 1 I ,s :i..t ' UUax II .:-uiu wh, 17 lo IHc c.i- me r .-*. b,,xe. .,,,!, u,, pi, m "g she rf , ve 2r- and pounds, tt to 2'h: Qn " "y In r .uud <. , . I'uli ci eini. July an<l Aunat mike, sells t IO 1-2 to He. t ,f Mecthovni's funeral ni.neh by ^ir Waiter rnrri.tl, Ofgaalal of i;,-i>igi.'s Chapel, and private organ- ist of tlie lain U' P. AT WINDSOR. Hi, ITunrl On. of th of l l*u Windsor. Feb. 2. By noon many no! a! -Hi lien in full uniform had ar- rived and the streets were j*uimd 01 Ueorge'B flmpel was a magnlfl- DE WET MOVING SOUTH- He Crossed Bloemfonteln Line Wednesday Nisrht. A dcnptitch froou Iiidon, Ftiaayi ,_i;,.ne..il Kitchener's clwinic- litMlly curt admission ih:H ' :< '"- eriil IX- Wet ha eluded General Uruce ton increaaea the fears lhat t-b HJIT le-i'lur him entered, or ia atxrtit to tnte.r, the Cape Colony. A telegram from Cape Town Hays that unofficial oorroborution of yeater- day'a report that he ia now in the colony ba been received, and es- timates bis foroe at 1,500 men, with two guna. The news i regarded here ns dia- oouruglng, kf no worse. "It Is not a pleaaunt opening to I he sownt.-enth, i,i,.iil h Of the war," says th - Morn n I- ,.i, w hle i.lh-r pipers which per- si.sl tn tp'ii ni( m . > trB y a o** uin * U1 - .. ,.,g. e'elx 6.-Whe4it waa a. lull market to-day. . -lo*i.i 3-Hc lower u.u-ler the influence ot liberal receipts, ,jox>d weather, and no outside cup- poct. Corn clo> I ".in- bunged, o ,,0.1 1 loiwer. and proii^ins ^ 1-i o 7 1-J t" 1'lc .li-pri-ased. Minneupu-U. Kel>. 6.- Wheat -Cash, 75i-sc; Xy. 7.--1-*: ' Iul y- 7r " J - 7r,78c; mu traok. No. 1 h.ird, 77 l-8c; | No. 1 Nortlfc-ru, T., l-8c; No. 2 Sorth- iern, 715-8 Lu 72 5-8c. K lour -fi rat 'patents, l.uV! to |l.li> ! cnta, 3.5 to 4, f.rst clears ' 93; wcomxl clears, 9- - -'<' , _! bulk, ll.ia to $11- ' Uulutb, Kcb. S.-Wheul-No. 1 hard 7-, !-< May. 78 5-8c; N- 1 Northern. ,M. 7:) 1-Hc; May, 70 :,-Xr; .h.ly. 77 J.H,.. N,,. -' N, -. I hem, 3 1-8 lo G9 l-8c; Ni.. : -I'i"K. "'' 7 - 8 * 01 7 ' 8 ' Corn-36 l-4c. OiiLs-20 l-l to 2ti.-. MilwaulKve, Feb. 5.-\Vheal-Uull; N . 1 V,rthe,rn, 75 1-2 to 7tic; N . 1 do.. 71 1-2 to 7. l-2r.. Kare-.Ki.n.. No. 1, 52 to 52 I-*'.. UarUy Steady; \ . 1, rH lo tiOc; sampli!. *& lo 50 l-2o. TlfOUUCB. E B g*~The supply <.r freh -KKS ' quite au.l!.-. UM i" 1 ' '"'' s " 1 "' 11 ar slow :i"d >': l '" r ' lS "' " Wlnwej-Men 1- ''- ^ "' 'M** friv "'' gathered. 17. : e..ld -ili-ied, 10c; luned. 11 1-i to 15i-. Poullry-R>-< 'Pis me lihl. and choice brvghl MdK'.k in readily picked up al full pr,,,.-. I'."- I'" '' ll ttt stock are an folloH;-Tu. k.-v. H He- geese, :il 8 to 8 i-2c; ch.cke,,,, at 30 to -10o; and 'lucks, at M to 70c. Cold , lured i in key* and geeee ^11 at alx>ut 1 l-to * Vuuud l.-ss. Potut-oc-s-Kasy al 28c for car , uack heie, aud X:. ^ ^ One cur sold at :. |.,,.|.l pioducc, etc. --luinip^, "Ut uf Hlure, 30c p. 1 " ba^; onions, 7Uc ur bag, carrots. 36c P.T bug. apple*, per bbl, $l 'o *-: H "' >1 '' i H " :llotJS ' p " r bbl, *-'.'>". Dried apples-Dried apples s ;J !_2 to Ic; >nd evaporated at 8 to 5 l-2c. Uenna-Oi-dinary whllo bean bring 9120 to $l--r>, choice hand-picked be*IM aru quirted at ! 10 (' l.- Il.mey-Kinu Ue'.lers quote from J 1-i to !'' |>er Ib for 5, 10 or 00-lb tins, accoidiug to to sie of order. for IK. u-e. fremlom, and good gov.-rn- tu- lit. I. which was unequalled by any . ,iu;il historian. 1' wtts " i -.m, 'in of other kmg to S H aht> I ll.ef "f ' II' 1 Kil-'M"- 1 -" ToronlD, Feb. 6,-At the western ^ UV) . r ( ., K(IM in ,, lu , r influence in the ealtl. } ..ls to-day ,- hud a total tf ( . (MUli .; U of , . ,, , w ,| ,vs used :a cailoausot live stock, including W) , il.- Oil sheep uud lambs. MO hogs, and 30 calves. \\vhaiUn over-supply of inferior ^ Canadiaii hUh Comniuwiuuei i cutllo; businens wus br.sk for choioe , , ,;,,,,,.n. sluff, bill prioea wi-re we.ker and tra.U slow for all infcrmr cattle, either buiciitT <>r export ni.uff. M.wl of Lh export csltle nere sold ii r-.im i 1 '! 4 :-<. >viii> * f w 'i- B "' p, me stuff nt 5c; there was a fur trade, bu' t"o much pitli> of on .iii.l-i r-- quaiity. sin li< on i nnd Mount Hoyal the :e.solu A BRILLIANT COURT. lilnx i.ilaril Mill u..i ^i*ll llnls i.rn i la<-H"- v des|i-,-.-i| from London, says: ,- ,j,. .. ,j M nii-is of K:n^ ICdward's suite tell v.^-.. butcher i.ilUi' wo also selling ,,.(, f r:1 . nA ls th.it Hi* M.ijehiy appears f ,e.-ly il frnrn 3 3-4 10 4 l-4e |>r p und. .- i w h. nn.-d by the 8*noe of the for secondary :ind nf-r-or cattle l he ,,.,[,.,,, ii,ih-i.-s of Kin^sb.p \Vb. PMB ini ket was a poor ''Hi 1 . an<l pr ;r|1 " foim.rly lie was genial, but exncling wen- off. ia we Imd un over-supply . iui ,irtil>le regarding uifi. i.il mat- There were no change in stockers fc.-ileiH. or bulls. \ I. d > l>ut<!h>-r cattle, nmrraKe l.uSi Ib-... ivuM at 3 I- 'c p.T [ -utiil. b .,|i \vi.r.. u f-haiii: lower. l>ul l.unb- w.-r-- Hl.'.uly ;in.i un. li.ui^ed. No change in -nilkers or Attires i:.-. .,IM cows .md eho ce wals are M. -i lite. I. ll.i^s are unchang-il <-ilay. II , t., f.-t.-h th 1 top price I.M.S, h. ln.s Ix-ci-me proi. unili.v unve, i,m' exceedinnl.v couaiuui i> to I ln*e about him >n small aa well as in impor- t-mi m.ai. il "i wiked many limi .-,. ia. ly since Ibe CJuccu's death, ,|,-|,,..s.in; ol iwu or three weeks ., r- lie r of public bumne-a which sbe n i i uoi !, n .III ioata-n.1 t .^.nely expects I lia i hl.iig Kdwaid Vll will make ^t. Jaujea llie most biillia'ui t'ourl uf Kun-p.i i hold night u-f prim-' quality, and neiile nl he- j|| U n^-roum . n-.i.a.l of thn l.<w Kill n n- ntMivt- O.I lb. K<>lll''ill(t i-s ' lie l"l I liums ; C it lie. -slriM'.'i's, p. -r i-'Vt lluichvr, ch-.Jii--- it" Hill i h.-r, c ,n i > K<-i>d Hill i h- i. in:--i i i ' ^,is, p-r ewt Uxp ri iHliU, per <" Sln-ep mid l.i $ t fht :t7r ' - \1 [U.-ts und ! -ll, cioh H-'rfs. > li.lis, p-r owt... s ,.\ s ^no 3- r )0 -. .0 HO lillll :,50 :} ;.o JOII , ,li..ll lllelllOOU fUllCliilll.H of quotn- ti, .j, , S | uu.nler ol a ceniuiy. indpio- \ide i.-fr.-.shmeiii.s, inlo,id of leaving the Kiiesl.s- to cii .^aii.lw icln-s in llieir $, r iOO ,.,,, , k ,,.. H Ull .ier the eju-* of the crowd. ,'-j| i 10 hue l>i-n preciiie<l t Kit, Wui-.-i. \ii-iiiiia will b- em n, e, i M i ten. i Kiin I-.IA ud's drawing-rooms .ft M su: iu.it m>! th'-ir ll.im. .s to tin) i rh,.ujlH-rlatu. It in Imped Ihe K ng will revive ths cu.siiiin of the m ui. licit viHiling 1 1m easll.-: ol the nui.il.tv. .lid also i<-\ \ .- th.- hul.ling of di iw :iin-i 'loins at Holy- ' t-i,0i! l'-il-ice. Win-tiler he wili adopt tli.- pr i n^' ii -\-- in" k. SHI UK the die. kc 4SO .in*" 111 00 i COST THEM $500. f>7ft of lh. iidi-'S pi-eseined, followed t>y 5 ' r ' ti,, \ c.'io.s in India -mil Ireland, in ' Dili of tlie luuic* ol MJcu-ly KOsaip. *- ATTACK ON MALMESBURY. I TNn-r Horr .niiiiiin.i.., aV|inri.-il i He Users of Seditious Language Were " ' p| nfl( j A .1 sp;ii.h fi om l ipr Pown ays; A d-spiitoh lromC-.pe. Town , ; ,vs - v l *rll>aquJpta4 Hoe. - -souieotthe rcaidcntsof Mii,i : ,ysl,u, m.ni.b.. ll ia U* ,i.-i K h , I,,, ,,l ,,l i ,,| n , ;,i, th,, .Her- Lambort' Ui> \\h-ie n believed have been ftnod flUW, Wl0 ' .uiveof-ix numlliV imp, isoumeiit -I" 1 t* Boata ..k-.n, n for us,,,* lh,-,'l.-.,inK d -,,.,l,t i.,..* ""l - -""' """ ' ^ rlt ' .,nuige Tlie .,enten<- were ,m- J <-.ru, lMJ s.-.l In 11 military couit The com- j Three IW. comimimloes ,n ,e|.,,, ed to be eoiiilnnin,.' wnli l lie Illtelltiol ,,i.iml;inl has warned tho public their future ooad'iot. < altaekuig AUIuM.-s.bury.

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