Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1901, p. 4

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THE WHITE ROSE. at J. Out it had huildenly occurred to her tluU, if be rraHy wiabed I* tbis in- tixMluctiun. it mld be uelteJ that -h.- hou1d undertake it. >Stie would - arw tten all that putmed. She turu- 1 to him with a charming Hiitil. "I shall be drliwbbed." abe mid. Nothing will givw me greater plea- sure. I atn not *t r('J tired, und the wa.lk by the river id beautiful." of t*e oldest house* in the county." ' 111 i< bt juM HUB kind of place I like," he imawej-e-d. " One seldom sees anything quiet or old-fashioned in those day. I am often half-undecid- d :i to whether the olden days were not the best." " I am ^ne th*y were not," re- mairkrad- Loia. "I thank every age im- ! |irt.\iew ; and I am q>uite satisfied with .1 (bought Lhajt hfe ljul utvor met lh one in which I live." a more ainuiUe guM. and hui heart! "I am n*y glad to har tt." aaid warmed to tor ; Uuit bin eye* still lin-'tiir Karl, "and yoti. Miaa ClieMen I" v i-l ou the fair d<y.ioate fuc* under tlw tree*. H they caJJ her the 'white- roaet " be aaid, 1 Yen," Lola relied, and 'hen add- ed, quirkly, "and U*e7 call ma ' rod rove.' ' I am very b.ippy." eb re-plied, "and think bo >;" ouuld be better than thti." " My belief." observed tola, "is that the world ia In its infancy. 1 believe the we are only jut beginning to under- 1 stand. We are enieiv'.'ix from d*rk- " All 1 can say ia that 1 am very ne into light; but the light in faint g-lad that 1 did n.t live in the days jet. I nhould like to return to the of t:b* Wart of the Hoses 1 should ' workl when it reaches its middle age not tiav kn-.wn l'U>ur to wear the ' ro what steam, electricity, and rd or the white " all Ihe wonders of science have done. w.Mild 1m v made up your I should like to see the telephone per- in time," ahe said, thdugfctfu'lly. fected. When wiU iU wondrtrs ntopT "Bvory man doi who has a mind b*uWJ like to be en earth when lUvynworth and Dolores gradually gained ground, and Sir Kurl, with Lo- La, waa left at some littls distance, lyoia wan delighted. She believed that foir once Providenrn wn* ftoing to favor be*" with the |eare-t vvi-.li of her heart. Her spirits rone ; she bad said to hej-welf that ho would kep Sir Knrl \ry bur ide, and she did so. Liu could not reniM the witching charm of her drollery, her wit. her sparkling talk. Om trifling circumstance dwe.lt in Sir Karl's mind. As Dolores and he paused some beautiful roses, Lord Rhysworth Btovped and gathered a lovely white one. He placed it proud- ly in hia coat ; and Sir K.irl felt that be wore it an a knight of old wore his lady's co-lora. The utter uncon- aciowness of Miss Cliefdeo struck him. " .She in like a white rose," thought Sir Karl ; " aa innocent and as sweet. I Ik.- ber the better of tho two." Yet something prompted him, he hardy knew what, to gatjber for hlin- rv*r. Often rlnrlng the long warm e/ventaga be had ridde.n onre.r to White Oliffe, avowing that he enjoyed an e-vniiiB with the Squire, and that there wa no pLaoe be likfcd so well BB| the quaint old boune, nod the old- fadhtcmed garden at White C'.iffe. But mure often than not during those ev- eninga, Dplorea would lea,ve them ak>ue together. The pleasure was tob much like pain '> jut as the pain ratembued pleauare ; they were, so aub- tly blnoded that sbe could not sep- arate them, iihe c.mld hardly tell one the other, When she heard the sound of bin voice, her heaxt would RENEWED VIGOR. BROUGHT ABOUT THROUGH THi USE OF DR WILLIAMS PINK PILLS. Hi.. Petr Oasr TIU mm T*e Hit* >lr isrd Nor Krm ' of XMrlla rl- l:irr U.nor. .! Olh. r Mll.-|r. Ml I .I- -I .Am-iutf the brat kno.vn and moat respected resident* of the township of Uainaboro, Lincoln county, Ont., sU two rosebuds, one white, (ha oth- j l*rcei?e that DoCorea's Hhy avoidance d red, and place them together ia hu ** hUn waa wurtb making wi> " " Du yuu think o f At any rate. I am well < ..tru-nt not to ! obliged to make ajiy cbotce Ln f-ict, I rould not. The ' whit rone ' Is irresistible, the above others I abound lik' to know." of the fete. She wart not much given rod rxme'" and htr "rhiirimiig. be bowed low to If I bad been in the pLi<-- uf r.ixui, I ooul<l never have giv- en the apple each style is so pur feet In i( way." " I reaped Pxria." Lola rejoined, quii!y, " H made up hta mi oil at otioe. I Like iciimpt decisions. " " IX) you f" be said. with some sm- ut. "I sixHjld imj that you are whti waa somewhat a minted at her re- marks. " 1 should like to know whether men rill an far overcome ton vliff iculties of atinonphere, time and place, aa to get o the I'laJH'ta-T " N s" ri'tai in d AT Karl, " 1 think we, nhsOl have to be aaUsfu-.d with our awne respects sensible. Uk.-ljr to be gratified. So fax a* I have seen lie wurld, there axe far more qua k and Duty decisions tb*n |low ml wiae oos." Dtrforan bad seen the two from the aaUaaoe, and irneaaadl at once that the tand*)lue young man waiting by Lo- la ' sjtle -was UIK uf h,r I nit of " el bias." 11 inimt be Sir Karl. She knew very one elau. She could not help ng. WSM this the promised kind- or the renu'lt of accident f She SAW that 1/ula wiut all smiles and ami ability, therefore tihe knew that al tnuat be guing we>H. In a few seconds tbny wnrn with her a if I ilir rliJdn-n ran away. L/>la in ttroduoed .Sir Karl, nndi wstcbei! r.lose ry the rcpult. Certainly his ryi-slin gared on tbn "white rose," anil tbsr wtifi no mistaking the admiration in thj.i defit'hs. but be spoke to Dolore In inun-li UK- iwnte faMbina he ha< pniken to her. " I have bad Chi first chaince,' thotiKht l)lii "and I wijl nwkw the mint of it. I will fan no r.liair ui i njr - if' amu>r>'.n that he will be comix-l tu rmugniifl the difforenoa between * wtiite rt*e and a red one." iSiir Karl tajknd for it few inimilen to. Uolnren, Lola Listening with nha enwi ears. Out he, *aid very much the Mum IIH he hid mud to her. II '!.! Doloree trmt he had h DO tinm to e;il| at While Cliffn, bu tvn .sliould do so at owe ; he rc^rret noil liavinir twn .it home when thf Kquirn had oaJled. He liked the dim pk girlish way in whuvh *tm mild: " You will find White Cliffo a v.-r qui>t. uLd-fuHliiiined place. It is ou own world, MUM de Ferras," "Our own," naid Do-lorea. "and (be eautiful world tJiat ia to oomo here- after." In rwirne vague faxhion those few ri'iple words pleased him more than all Lola's a.s|iiratiunt. Ho would have said more ; Iwt at Ui.it moment Lady it oh.er uiarveiowi tbmB are in neral une. And then- is one thing button-bole. Lola smiled when sbe saw them a smile that hud more meaning than words. " It ia all right for the present," she-said to herself ;"but the time come when he nhall darn neither nor wear a white are Mr. and Mra. Peter Reamer. For a long time Mra. Beamer was the vic- tim of a complication of diseases, which made, her life one of almost constant misery, and frum which aba nearly dutpa red of obtaining relief. To a reporter who recently interview- ed her, Mrs. Be-im--r gave the follow- particulars of ber Illness, and ul- >ui') nine years a pain in the and neuralgia, which caused me her very love unspeakable misery. The pain ia for him a love she was afraid bs , - back was so bad that whether should see and perhaps despite, 'silting or lying down, I suffered more It waa a strange destiny that led or lest torture. My appetite left me, these tww gurla, so different in ap- and I suffered from headaches accom- tnd in every- panted by at tacts of dizziness that ame man ; and lef i me at time* too weak to walk. beat violently, her sweet face grow pake as n white roua, her courage fail her. her strength seem to give way. Then, lent he should guees the cau-e of her emotion, ahe would send some \ iLMt and decline to see him. heeling piqued, and not understand- ing what her motive waa, Sir Karl would not tjr long after that. * juma'te" cure :-" For would ride off to lieaulieu. He did not | waa paaxance, in manner, thing else, to love the to |*o vonf luted was Doloj-es with bar own My nervous system wax badly ahit- Dolores rememberexj every Incident tboughti* that ahu did not notice that day by day Lord Rbysworth showed What thst r* ashed Sir Karl, to thinking about love or lovern ; but when she went h-une that eveningshe th-nitfht a great deal about Sir Karl Allan mo re. CHAPTER IV. o that the slightest no me startle ui. and ui> .>!>. ep at I her mure affection. He washer fath- i " n ' ** broken by nheer exhaus- er-s friend ; and sha never thought of I t*- ' was under the care at three, him In any oth*r light. - different doctors at various times, Jjo at cross-purposes the two girls but did not succeed in getting mor and their admirer* played while the than the merest temporary relief. I summer da/s rolled by. That which ; a.lso uited several advertised niedi- had been a paatime tor Lola, became cines, but with no better results. I a. dangerou.sly earnest passion, while i wa finally urtrod to try Dr. Williams' Sir Karl snerued to give no thought to i Pink Pills, and gat half a dossn box- 1.1. n .-.HIM ItV to them, with her a tail. distinguished-h-oking mun, wrione iml;-, kindly face was plaaaant, though not handsome. " Lord Illiytfworth." Lhought Lula, an-1 bnr heart gave a great IxAind. It wan a Htrunge ooincidnnce that she anil her rivul nhuuld inee>t I h two moat eligible mn in the county to- I gnlbor. Watching always, and watching hool-fte. t keenly, MLI* de Ke.rrs saw at once that sbe would buve but little cbunce with ,l/-rd llhyKWorbh. A perfect . d um- came iiivor bin face wJie.n be taikied to Itoloceat ; a light filled his L-ilvd* Perraj war [jriuAirtl. and In f . d LdeH '"" or naarr l f- Lola wa beginning In the cours 1 to wonder when b would, when she af * fd cnslderabl improvement, and should hear him say the words her | " consequence. I gladly continued whole heart longed to hear, cine had U ** Q9e <* tna P* 11 * for ''I certainly gone as fa/ as sfee darsd. mo " a "' wllb tb " refuli t* 1 ** eTI!r 7 U he did not undeimtand her senti- ! symptom of the malady left me, and menta it waft not hex fault, for she, 1 wa * bl * to do mjr housework did ber beet to maJte them clear to without the least trouble. As ssv.-nl him. It was jtwt at this juncture that J"*" bl * K "< ' I have used w came of the Squire's ruin. i th P ills - l feel "' in a >'n* th ' Lord rUiygworth's offer of marriage \ the our * U P r ainent, and the re-ult had taken Dolores by surprise. No from the fir.U hour that he saw Lord Rhyyworth, that all attemptu to cap- tivate him wxilUd be in vaia ; so sha wasfted no more time in the endeavor. Every da(y eiht liked Sir Karl more and more. Khe bail mtde up IIT m-nil thit her fate in life wa seltl.-d ,-,he vviu'i'l bo Lady AILanmar* uf She liked Sir Kurl so we.ll tbat ihe would not have icbajig<ed her iiutici- pabmt lot in lifn to be made a queen. She felt BO oonfulrot an to the m- fluenon of her beauty that no thought of failure ever came to her. Dutarea (liefden, Hitting in the soli- tude of ber own room, oould recall all these event*. Kho remembered tb*i numlbM that had pnaaed nines the the entnrtnin- th.- ilrivxs and walks. Wheth- er Sir Karl liked IKT or not ahe could not say, but nlie cared for him, more than for any one ."he bud ever <<< in all their conversation*, o|>en- ryes, and he eeemed to forget every- uue eLte. "'In..- U M It should he," thought Lola. "Lord Khvsworth for Dolores, the handsome young Baronet for She waa nerfi'Ctly ormtoot. lyird lUiysworth greeted her very kindly ; be said that be remembered having- wie.n her when Abe WM a child and made some ptre.tty ooinplmient-iry ly claimed him. She talked almut him until bhe made horoolf believe all i kit she had wL-Wied ; and !>>IOTII hcirdly avowed, even to heraelf, what ken pain these confidential coinmunim- tions gave her. Yet, dexpitn all I hut Lola told her, there waa oftna n doulit in the girl's; mind as) to whether Sir Koj-1 did low* the beajuti/ul Kreurh girl As for Sir Karl nima*If. he waa n lit- tle bewildered. He had never before spnechM Oh her rcWurn ; but all the ^ mM>n tmj ^^ ^^ Left to himself. time his yesi wej-e fixed upon the face he ^oujj nttTe preferred Dotores her of LV>loj-ea. Then Lady Kieldeu aug- j chaxaeter plouaed him mout. He gwrted that they Hhnuld go to the thought her style of beauty the sweet- andiery ground. But none of the I ,, and f air ,. MI But lx>ta daisied him. quartet cared about moving. It wa %she made herself moat attractive, to vary i>lenail to st md chatting un- | n iui, and exefoiwed all her pt>wer of dir i lie, lime trees. For aom* few min. U.I.M Uiey all kept together; then Lord ' also verifies the claim tbat Ur. utaa. of nudb a thing had ever dawned upon h< r uiind. '.She saw in it the death bf ber owfti lore and the sal- ration of her father. What hould nbn do f As sbe sat fans to face with the great pmMem of ber life, certain solemn truths came home to hex. She realis-td as she had never realized be- fore that she lo-ved .Sir Karl. At the Wi!liam' Pink Pills cure when other medi.-ine fails." The reporter can only add that Mra. Beamer's preaent condition indicate* a state of perfect health, and apcaks louder than mera words can do, the benefit lbee have U-en to her. Or. Williams' Pink I'iU.1 have re- stored more weak and ailing women . sanvs time aU her maidenly pride and mnd irls to rQbuat beaUh than "* modeaty ro^ in rebellion against the l ** rT >*'**" '' discovered, which fat that she loved a man who bad in P" rt ccuunts '<> r tb ir Popularitj never apoken of love to her. She Mid j throughout the world. These pilla ar Id b ' a11 d<? ler or " b ><* b * mmil "* 50 aU ' box> or i * to hea-self that she would not let it interfere with her decision, she would I not let the eleiuont in her life >J ' 5 ' ihs at all ; she would decide and set quite independently of it. Yet hor heart pleaded for herself ; it was her own lif she bad to make or mar; she had but one why should it not Ue a happy onel To U t \mtui tied. To Know La Grippe. The Symptoms and Dangers of the Deadly Epidemic Which Is Driving: so Many to Beds of Sickness Effective Treatment Described. Chill followed by fever, quick puhu, both general and loo*' treatinent.suoh sa< Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to pauirt in th* eyes and fornhead, . i I dull pains in tha joint* and inua- .. n- .lk thi- begnnuinRt of U RIll'IH 1 There ia ul^i hoaraanean. inflamed air paMMgvo nste eoufh, furred tonru-- ili-i n> the stomach, sod ldu>iihod. I in- one, unmistakable fea- ture of la grippe M the depreawed gpir- Iti und wwknMM and debility of the boly (With tha veiy young, and very old, and with persons of low vitality, the dangers gf la grippe, are very great. Pneumonia of a violent and fatal form to s frequent reault. tt Is slso claim- ed tbat very mutxy cases of oonnump- strengthen und lone the system, and Dr. Chase's Kyruv of Linaeed and Tur- pentine to loosen the cough and pro- tect the bronchial tubes and lungs from threatened com plications. Any honest and conscientious doctor will tell you that t hn combined treat* ruent, rerommanded by Dr. Cbaae can- not ba surpassed as a means of reliev- ing and curing la grippe, and restor- ing t he weakened and debilitated Inidy to it* accustomed vigor Dr. Chase's: Kyrup of Unrd and Turpentine Is too well known aa a cure tor bron- obitin and severe cheat tx>:ds to need comment. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food can be directly traoad to la gripp.. , sks out the weak apoj. ,n the^yslem aft.r-.ffe, t, ,,f U grippe ara mo.t , and buUda the up. It re kind Us th. n feit In the nervou* system. Th* vitality of peraon- weakened by dis. OflAII extreme debility fn which thw dise*iie teuvea Us victim is more than moat ervniM systems nan endure paralysis ease, worry, or ovar-eiertion, and can- not poslh!y he equalled as a rsstor- ative and reconstruct ant to hasten re- ^. un vili.it ion follow*. The rost Mu-:eful doctors advise tkei' * ttenti to avoid expoawrn to 9 >14 #. oar-rtio. and recommcad Bale*, * Company, ToronU eovwy from la. gript>e, and to prevent narboue cnnnl itutional complication*. PWr sale t.T ill dealers; or Edmauaoa, f ui^'.inat io when in his oomnany. -She I ul not leave him inn. h time to at- tend to othera. When they were in the same rnom together, he always contrived to engrowi bia whole atten- tion with/out bin pixv>iving or being cotMcioUH of it. r\he directed agninit him the wlmle artillery of her cJvarm.1 She flattered him, yet no adroitly tint b> never perceived the. flattery. 1K>I- urea, *-eing all Him. wondered mu.-h, Hbe lu'li.-vexl that Sir Karl preferred hr, although outwii.rdjy he seemed to |.i.-f- i I.-..I i Kiwi waa too noble to wpeot that it waji Lukt's rl.vnr div ni wliu'h k'|it him always at hr.r side. A the nuiiiin-'i worn on, Dulorns found herself thinking more and more of the youiw* Il.nonei. UnLke Lola. who had no notion II. it i woman's love -li.Milil alvvay* lie mute, UoUireH would have dt'-il a th n-.mil i|e:ithN rather ih in that Sir K.irl ahoald have guesa- <vl her .necret The very citntwaoufKiess ihil .she did care for him, made her shy, cold, and reserved with him, m> inn. h 00 t|ia| at IHIK < he left her to seek reffign and aniiiM'.mont with Lola. Tihey were playing at c.ros.s purpose* truly, and in after yearn more tluni ona life was wrecked l>y it ; bult Iktlnrea wan IMU all to blame. She could remember many tun. when he hnd Moughft her ; and she bud TAKEN AT HER WORD. Smith's) a sharp fellow. I tell you. What'* he bnen doing now? II. bought H fine ring for Miss CI.I.VKH I "rnifagenvnt 1 ring, you know m<- ahe liked the r.ng Un didn't F Sm.th well enough, so she refused i in \ uxual, nh- promised to be a aiste.t to h.iu Then be asked, in a intli.-rlv way, of couroe, if nhe was jHged to any one else, and she tol.l i m sbe waa. Then he asked her, as a sister, to ae.ll his ring to the other tellow. Did she do it t You bet abe did sa his sister, you umU-rstaod. Smith made f&) on the ring nml divided with Uer. H'AlUN'T HBAKJ) OK IT. What did he want I akd the hrnd salesman of the wholeaale groctiry It wae .viii:' fellow thut was drunk, I : ;u -.I.M, replied the new elerk, ru> had answered the telephone call He wanted to know if we had say dry win*. What did you tell him r I told him wo had plenty of dried fraite and vegetable* and fifth, but our wiie waa all in the liquid state. Dr. Williams Mrdicins Co., UruukviUa, Ont. fane**! that tbeire waa so than Hdiniratioii in his man- HIS LOOK. Now, 1 could tell by the look in his eyes, said the Cheerful Idiot, tbat ner- muul waa afraid to cut loo*' from his Uilloon, flow could you tell anything about the look in the. ayest of a mans mile up in t U" ui'T nflk<"l the ahov-clerk bo rder. II faritvtay look, obaervnd the Cheerful Idiot. THE LAST RESORT. Olara Un was heartbroken, des- perate, and ready far anything when I rejijcU-d binn. Mnude Whait did he dot Olara 1U said he waa going ID set you. THE TEST. If.- is nut agvauuw literary ma 5, anl tlrl.m.l tu Hal tot. referring to inne who luude Utr-iarj prelenniuna. lluw do you knowt 11 always uae th wurd extract inr sAead of excerpt. SCK'IAI. UIVALRT. Has yuur wife much social ambiiioot Social amttion! Whn sbe read about lidjr IVrzon < elephant party ludia she said if she knew where she could rent suma whalea sbe'd give a whaU ptii ty. BUYlNli 1111NGS. Kii;iK--im-ntj> never should be long. Ye swains wtvo go to eourt Take h<-'dl The long engagcinant'c w rong It k->e.jw a fellow short Jl'eST SO. AkmsuUi, seeking to nponge some tu <lieal advice IVncioi. everything I eat distresses me terribly. IV U me, what can 1 k"ep i>n any .stouiacb witb- init painintr mi.-t Old LXx-tor Grioun Your haod. AS TO RAISING! THINOS. Wigwag Hello ! Hardiippe. Raining a beard, eh f 11 1 1 .HI i p - \> ; it's vuaier Cbau raie- ing the price oT a shave) every day. A BLOW. I Mi -i you think the decoration* ia 4hU KKO> are very prettjf Vry. Who (flLeoted them tor .vmif WINTER WRINKLES. Old Grouch went to the UM s <iU>Tadi* the other night disjruia'.-'l a bcnr. Did any one recognize him( Nobody but but wife Mm I suffers <H> much with her e>ea, Well, she need n .t complain. She would prohobly suffer a great deal niui'' without them teimu I 1 think ue will b.- more cer- tain to get away without detection if ope on a railway train. Well, aim your fiither to get us a paaa. I am willing to <lo anything. aid the tpplicant for work, All r.(.'lit, aaid Lb<r h ird-hjarti'd m-rcbant. I cii.:i- the door iH-hinu you wh--n you gi> out. The way to get rich is to save money, Tb it's only half; after you li'ive money you hive to reewjt all the p"Ople ho waul to tell you how lo upend it. Would you rather ue Uie or beauti- ful f asked Fate of the Cy Youiitf Miulvn H'HUtifu'., replied the .<<m- sel Ah. you are wise already, com- mented f- ie, as ahe tied uu a pack- age of * A SAT CASE. 'rr t. 4' nkr riare la l.n Mr a in.- In." Thene worda were uttere.! a few wo-lu ago by a p. or fellow a.< he luy on hiis .!< .th-L>l .n i h -t.-l at tlrav- eaburst. A ws'ek U-fore he. ba<l trav- el! .1 u w h. 1 il.iy t.. re.ich the Sana- torium. but ii tne lieal "X.iniin i "n it wan XiMlia.1 that th-- lL-..-a.se, ci.-O- ampti/n, W.LS too far a Hane.-<l to autmit h m. He tri-d to get bimrd in i.rav-nhurat an I finally aft.-r re- peated failure**, secured admia-i n to ooe of tb/' boteU. Ue soon became WOT*- n>l ih' ret-ident phys'rim of the Senatorium waa call--.! in. When U bfcanke knunvn that he had eon- kumptkxi. K waa found impossible to get attendants) to wait on him through fear vt contagion. Toe hoatLr ..f th hotel was asked to help and oo r bi4 refunal be was uffere.1 $1 dsy extra, bat preferred U> gi.v up h..- ii'in rather than xpoae ktenrlf, us b' tbrjught, to th dan- ger of inf.tu>o from 'the pi'i >' 'lb- physician from tb- Smnr i uu bad U> pv-xform the dutuvi of nunte and m-ud as well u his <vvn. \V!. n thi- p>r fellow fou-v-l thn the tn,in- agfiu.-nt of the hotel w -U-- ! 10 gut him out h- rx-gged th- .1 cior for Coil's aakv t-> get him a place to die in. Thf doctt-r looked after him for evmr 'l.iy.s, rvmiLiiing with him < n hiw last rimt utitil >. i>Vlo<-.k in tb'' moiling. Tb*' pr ufferer was found dead next day in hi-> bed in.l beyond th' need at further hi p. Tel -grama bul been dent to bs friends), and ht* sister reached euburst uuly in tiiu> t<> tik- away ti-' <Wd bvidy oi her brother. Variwun ptx-poviU hunt been made to erect buitubie slrurturea l,> com- UK n*-rate ,ui In.- iN'lovetl Queen. When b r ll.lllk'lli Jlllllee W ' > bi.it/--l f.<ur yar*i ago large hospital ttudert.ikiiiK-1 w.-re begun in Ixmdon anl el. wli. re with her .-INTM! bane- Uoo aa tb best expressiuo of the nutkiti'a <x>ngr-itulat .on-*. To makv rt Uii*>xT.il, r-hilling conlriba- Liuaej w*r<- called /or. Tbt 1 National t^uilarlum Asociit- tim baa n >w provile-l a pla.- in U raven burnt fur p.iti-uts who are able to |.iy. and tbia bus prv<d its u-A'fuln'.ss by saving hundre.l-i of lm r.Lu<-e it was i-p-n.-d ihie.- yeirs agot, A fret 1 b-'-p.til for poor pati- tnts who e,inn-.>l yay and who an- im the rally htage.s of the disease ia rnw in prix;wJ of erection near the Sanatorium. \lflOIU.V HOSPITAL FOR CON- (-UMP'llVKS. To rvUnd up th -> work thv Nation- al Sanitariiuau A.-uwx-iati i desire to build an<>lb-'r ik^pital. uvar Toron- to; f-JT im-uraWe consumptive-*. What better memuri.il c<-uld be erecte-l than "\*ictori b-^pital" for such caaeaf All tbc large citkwj, of course, will Ittw tb'ir statue uf the yueen, bot this will nut be a nati-.ioal undor- tukuig. \\ can, bonvovor. have the "Vio- torn Hospital" Un ler thf auspices of un I i h .s liugbt U- built by oonttilm- tiotvt /r<.m nil ovx-r Oinada. liv.Tjr village and town could wnd to it ou->um|> ulM and thus bene- fit by a memorial to th.' Queen, t whcli they hiv>' rontribute<l. llunv*iiity <U-mands that sotm^thng ui -ul I be. dm": self-pro! ct on agitinat the <lng- r of contagion de- mands tb-it ttomething 6> Uoar. but tbn' very doing of tbi< by exciting dread f Mi- d'.ias makes it in i < diff>-ult for iis h>p.'i<'s vie- ti ins to reo<\ive tji attentiKnn nwessary to enable them to die in pp. ice. To* Gd' ewk*), get me a place to die," H cull tbat saould be no Ivng- A pott card with your n.am and addroti will brlnf you fr** airn JIB of ORH3V TEA "Sal.id.i," Toronto. er left unanswered. Your dollar will bf'lp to answer it. Contribute n-s are alrea 'y coming in for thta much-nev.led undertak- ing. Th'W <!: r.Mia of helping mj/ remit tu HON. KIU \V\r Ml- '(KDIfFT. Vice-Pre. Nitianul Sanitarium Asso- ciation. or W. J. OAGEj . r urer. T - ' N-'le. E^litor of thi- pnper will 1-. glad to receive and f.-r.vMrd courr.- Utuooa for thi-, purpose. i i:i-:rii. Teeth haw often been, and to this d.iv Mnu-t.m'M ore. w >rn as amul'-ts. Shirks' t*uh serv this purpune in NOT TO BE CONK A Scotxai -in wa walking along Tra- ' falgar squ.ir- mi <lay,v>hen he Mt tipped | in front of the national galler>. Seeing a numlx'r of people going in. Sot tie walked in loo He waa nm^raed to find be h id nothing to pay, it being a free day. After paAsing the turn- stik'K, bowt-vt-r, be was u-skud to hand ins w ilk:ag stick. N ie fear, be replied. < .ui .uusly. I tliouht there waa som>- i!o i, cheat, when ye got in fr~. I lit- gavu a wink at tb attendant -in I walked out. FOOD FOR FRMT TRKKS. Wood as tie; , iT not. Leached 01 ex- ' in .** wealb T. are gnod, Imt a heavy coa'.ing should be given, not tmn a barrel to the gqnari* rod. Dw.solv d b -iMi-me.il and mur'ita of potaab 11 a'xjut equal proportionn make an excellent manure. An ap- it like rata of 5UII pounds to the acre ui sufficient. Ti>l at-fu-siems are very t,uuA. Deoanae they coma u potash phosphoric arid and mtrn- .' n. an<l also malc/e bnmu>. all uf v hic.h are needful In .til kinds of soils. GET OUT OF THE RUT -Stop using "any old thing" In the line of te*. Insist on having LIMLLl CEYLM TE,I. As a combination of quality, flavour and strength IT HAS NO EQUAL Lead pkg, - 25, 30, 40, 50 & 6oc. A iw people believe a tooth U not eivsiiiv unti u nerve hi.i U-i-n x- Oi th- cmir.iry, tbe dentine, or eii.nn I ..f a tooth, in a v tiv.' h i-ulI *N! t>> !> tb.t the first \ (\\ Itfiiliiim Nan is Agreeably Sarpri%ed \u Old (irudge Paid. Mr rnrnT tf rr .1 rrr.fl f.Turl l art ,.l >ri>nr Kurmr Uml- Itml In ll^ ' hn PHI > ny 4.ihrr. t--'th irt u cbil I inust not be thrown away when they fell out. for if any animal r pby the nzt titAh woul I b- I L" th,it uf tbe ani- mal finding th- i-ld one. Dentirita us'-d tv> speak of one per- svn's teeth beiiiK liir '.--r or softer thin an -ih-r a. It U T> lie red now by \ abl.- pr i el. timers that all human ! Cheltenlum Ont., Feb. 4. (^pe<- il'. tc-th are of nearly d not quae the * fortunate man. indeed, name degree at hirdne.**. There is. Cb.irlea Turner of th:s place, lor howemr. tu-h n th ax a* hard or soft T'->ri- Mr Turn'-r ha* I. 11 -u; decay to a t*,th. '''! k <la4iy dw.-tsv. I' gave him Thi- p-rio-l irf teething being an ' Brest pain, sn-l f^r 1 1; * "r one in chil Ihood, it U - 'Jrei years rheum.it iam has added to important to have . '/ nenv > ' <n ' '-" with. In ih.' w-si f l-ji,'lin-l a n. <-k- inl ht< h ''' seldom kno.vn an h. i: fr in p<-ony root '""n P'' n Not asstoeialing the a placJ iw th- rh.ld's n.-rlc to an- m 'it ism with the old kidney trouble, sut ti. -n. and on-.- of iuU.T "" d.'spainnn of curing the f. beads waa also tliMivfht to b- power- Mr. Turner bought an I u- i l'.,d,|' ( u l K:<ln>y Pills to try and dinpoe i>f the Th-r,- was a tniditkn that fr-in the fkuln-y trouble H . nt*iri', th I 1 off iin<i tht ' P ain '" hui b * ok ""'I 11 ' of the true ,-,,. f,,,,,, OM- 1 * >M an<l le ' "^ fin '"' ""'" a*antin,i>l.'. , h- nu,,,N-r , , ,; n MM I,., unpleosan' ) n:p ..in-, of k..lney uttacfm-n wt.s r-duce,! from lr " u '' 1<! d l'l" '' r "' '" ' *J to. -j:. It fo n-dl<-4 to s.iy, how- "''" *" r ""- l ^ r Turner, he his not H.n-'e IH-' U butheicl "111 rh'-um itiam. 11 ui no grateful f"r the m r n-ul. ui results of ih- treatment thai be hi- l>een i-ur.-,fuM. ti'.l.ii^ his fneii.la and ii. liihbcrs hi \i- i eir .- !' i a Kidney PUfe fesu cured me of n Itmt; ittandina case of k.dii.-y iheu- , mil .-m. and althoogb I tonk the pilla preserved in u tempi- in India, the for th- kidn.-v trouu.' I id surprised wtv>hipv<l the tooth of s wh.le uu e).'ph.int' titb I t shark's tu'th Hervt-d a similar among tb- Malabar islander*! aul i V Cvoga i-l.iuJ.-r.H ri'specti-wly. ly half of these vessels on the river. Tbe feet of tbe Congu Kiee State QuuilxTs twenty-nine veattel3, and Bi'lgian trading companies have nine, tf-n ste.imtM-s. mik.n/ a toial of forty-eight vessels ownexl and con- trolled by Belgian vntt-rpriwui. 1'lie moat : ni|iOi i.m fleet after thai of the U l/:an.s ia the Kren<-b flotilla. In ihe i wo years the French have thirty -u ne boats to Brazzaville, un > Pool, and motit of them have been I luueii.-d. The Dutch traders own ten vessels, the Guimm-i two JIK! -ill and American missionaries suc.< tiejj have lour steamers in tbeir servu-e. It waa a gigantic undertaking to tranapon the tiret fl'v MII-.IUHTS to the ui>p--r river. Tbev h i<l to be i>y piecu ou tliu bucka of Nut a f . of l in- ,-i,.'-r vessels were divided into more than a tbon- B.IU.I m.m .x.i- . my- riad piece* were n . fool mouths wen- required lo i tiletii lo^i'thvr ,ill.i preparu the vessel lor I lunching. So u--i:i. .^titeen yeurs were taken in plie.tig tu.' first fifty aieumljoata ou ilic- ui.p.:r river. A vei v <t.fi chapter :u Con^o biHtur) has written m the i.ui iwo >--;r., fc.net- the op.-uing of tlu- railroad from Mil i-l. :> .-i imy Pool. \\itlnn the uiat twenty-four 01011:114 half i-f the u. v -i CourfO ll<t of f f la have r.i to the Pi.ol. Wb.l a nioiuii wa.i n 1411 red to carry the > u.< i .!. ui uuta.ns ill I .io v u .UIO lilt V.ili--vi il : .- . . u ibe lower t'oii^; ilw Pool, an entire boat is now carried n. Thou the railruad baa luiluii.-.! (...n-iij^ u- is "U i : v.-r , anti now v... K u Hi- i-imuj' ..u Ui in, t-.-unlry. sai.t .Suuiiay &nagK, a man <:.im to f-e -ou while yuu wen- away. Did be leave b.a name r No, papa. \Vhit wirt of a man uaf be f Did be <; a b.'rd f No. h was a oa Id-fared man u F < CAL^/ERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT, For all sh;:. wimants. t. 0. Catwert A Co., HanolMctM-. Ingiand it Will Pay You lot. Mlrn kit jnur Prtxlu to the Oawaon Commission Co. Limited Cor. Colbonu ind WvM Markrl tt , Toronto, tkv ill <M TIMI hlabvt poMlbl* i/nt . iw IBpOrtMlbDA flllMt CBCltafc Hhr> p and AuiiTK-an Hog OlStSBV-HvMfthl* joodt n.bt IHIC. PABK. B^AfKWKLLa fU. TxraMO. BUDS).. Xeraels, **. kiTREET METAL. CORNICES CLEANING LADIES' . . . WALKINfl OR OUTIWOj OITS l'o b loi.e pnfx-tlr by oar Fnaeli Pniiaa Try iL imiHH MEBIOM QYtmO CO. MONTHKAU TOKNTO. OTTAWA, a vjUKBBO 'IK 4 .1 % T>k> Uuulo Brotno vju n.n. TkOMU. 411 -li it"U nfa>4 Uw mnn*t it It luil ' (UN. S, W. ev^-r. th.t in ink n I k u uiliy pro> vided with a full cvcoipl menl of 3J. Ill nkth- re of Hr.-ion w.ll not I. <i.!i rnfint'*' (funifl, l.-t the teeth, : -'k-'d. h h i vi- been wmrsh ped. and In i ire vnt-r.ite I a.-* relics in some rvlir"U ohriiH's. liuMhi's t-otb U V\ n.-ii 1 iv i a yuui ugf I u. v.-r thought of spending aa mueh monev as you <ln Well, air, the -mi; replied. I cannot do more tlnn offer m;, sMnithi-M. It was grandfat br'- Uol HI. ii". FOR OVHR FIFTY YEAR!) MM WIMBIOW- HY,:t p b IMW <u*4 bf oioihnli>r '.h>ir ataililirn urinuc It lb .:d l-i ofw>w UH> firat. a.iy*pam. >r- diarrhoo, Sc FILE CURE Onr. fur Pii wiU b MI'. Inr w in lilr<v ju raoMpt of two oiM *. No k mf, M rr !. AddraH. ru* HUTCHLMU M1CLII' 1>I CO., TurouM, Oic ROOFING anr1 MMt Matal '** Wrl U > '-.. ID ttllC*. 0.1 IIM. t- ' >r 'o* * 9U Music Teachers I Wanted i.;ue I. MHO ! ..Ill WHALEY, RJYGEiCo. IM Vonm It. Toi >ni. Sirt. QUEEN VICTORIA. II. r !.,'. , . . ii M4Mllln IllttUl . S x ^ ItticJi J L. > trto - JUBILEE v m M. ... ... " - to (.mi nut when ibis IX) NT WAIT FOR OPPOR I CMI'Y. Mike it. n.-s l.iiu-.ln made hi- in the I t-' c ibin in the wildernes.H. \faki- it a. Henry M'ilxm madf b during bi ev^-nioga on a farm, when h. read a waa euifd th,.- rlieuni tti.Hui also disHp- 1 have not b. -n nouh>,| s,n Wed in all six lt.-> The fiist t w o - di.l not upp.ar to do me any ^nod, bui I pt 1 1 severed mil Llie n-~u-'- is thai I am now a tn-.iUhy man. ' Uff all .nif KIM* turi> tor "MWilow. Suitor Ye, s:r I :ijure you, I <iuM I*- clad to mairy your danirhter, even if she VV.TH poor i.s :i <'hurch- ui< u.s Mr. Moneybtitta Th-u - v"u I I don t -nt a tool in the f imily. .ll be U l> in ^.inin 100 Mak. fl.M m Imn.lrad. B. 4 J. SMII a 0* .. Montreal. WOOD & PHOTO.ENGR AVI J, L JONES ENCC? ffe 8 IO ADLLAIDt SJ Of cours, to ihosu who r-'i'-in/e rbeum-itisui aa what it r. illy is. a symptom of kidney disease, the in. n ii' wonderful about Mr Turner's thow.ind volumes while other Ixj.vr 'epei ii-nce. Uidd's K .Ine, I at th.- neighborhood wanted their ' ways cure Kidney Troubl..-. ari.i er>n.nrf-. Mike it. a- lievrge Steph- enoin ma<K- bis when h -It be rul<.vt uf in 1 1 h-'in 1 1 K-- with a bit chilk un the nl..l' .f th- 1 i-o.il of in tb- tnanxM. Make it, as Douglass null h s .v h n h. li-aiue.) frc-in .-< i .ii> of i>n-rs in I i' Make ii. as NipmU'on ma-ili 1 b'.s in a hundr"il iui- pcuiaul ;iu.iti"n-. \I ili' it aa th deaf and 1>1 M 1 H I- n K II- i i- u\.<'<- faltf hj-TH. Mike It, , <y y -Utlg i 1 ! -h any- it Kheutu ii iitui. Siaiii'a, L in Vemralgia. Heart Irmii.l Diabelea, Bright's Diwase niul nny of ih.' oi her ui.in.\ forui' in v\bich it may ind often due -i i i- STEAMtRS OF THE UPPER CONGO. Tk* Larae Twenty years H.IMI.I nil.* H-nry M Stanley, who hail ivaehed Stanley to murit h - w ul I worth eff.-ri. titildi-n op- bia five years' work pl.iuiiiiK stittious pjriu.n.tt.'M are n i lu.irf to lizmess, un the nv.-r. hunch.il tin- f r-.t - an < tb gn'-ite-it advantage will er ou the wa'er of tbe IVol. I y.xu ri-lk-ul.Ki* if you are not Ihe littli- Kn Av mi of f-ve ions !>ur- p - 1 -I for it. de n In the twi-n i ha i have ^ since elipsrd Kurope ha not fmlod in SHTSDKVD NO'.V ' S sintrl- year to sen.l inoie ^e.un.-rs (to ply on th' great \frican riv- -i i i* not uncommon for t IM- first wife Th ; M . if . (o . (1 . ly ]OJ , . to hear of "my mothers , cooking,' 1 Bor tr ., v ,.,,; I1({ up all<1 down tlu . U pi,er mil us tributaries or pr. paring nle., I'oo 1 for launching. Tbe flotilla has taken a prominent part in the parifie eonquest anl t h- <t-i. no in r fxpansiou of the for the sond wifo to learn that her predecessor had all the exrellent traits jo , bt . ,,,,,,, .,, of Sol.'mon'a virtuous womin The lee- tu.vi inqui'rtKl drumalKMllv. "Can any- on- m i!n.s io.n> tcl/ me oB a perfect m.ior There was a dead silence. Has ** l( m*t-2iIl;xSI!JSIS5i~^^. Th." Balmoral," Fr* Bus m M .':; AVEHUE HOUSE -^.VJ ^l^JlTi This wireless tel.-irriphy reminds me of a gioundU-Ms ijuirrel. \Vh.ii pon- silde eiiini'Ti ion ,.> !'"re heuvo.-'n the Ii'a practically having wonl.- ag. $100 Reward. $100. The raiMlcnt of tbln uaper will he pleased to liu"> ' bat Ibara IM M !< ona .in-ml d -I . mat KleiKM but bee i bla to nura In n 1 ijii.** itnd >l-ai U Calurrh. BalTl v'al*rri i a." i the (Mil; |H)inv cur- nnw known to ihMiii<iiCft. fraternity. Citiarrh brinflt * ' u.- - titntional dt-an-"' r i|a:r- k cun ..tu umul ni nfli.'. UR r .i-irrh fu.e In ink muter- iiiillT. antinir ihrirtiy IIIMID th* b ood ni mueuus ,uKa>>' - i Ihe >iem. thurebi da trortng th foiindaiioi of Ui* dinea-e. nc! Ktvlng tteril*Bt niraiiKth by buiiiliBK up the , OIK'IIH i^n mil m u'i.i* nniurx ui -HI.IIW I'* WUTK. I'h* vr priato h* m muuh faith la !' i unttive puwomhat they ulKsr vtia ll'iu- drd liullan ftranj at tlmi II fall* to our*. bend (or lni ut teptimnnlaU. K. J. I'll h. N sTi' * CO.. Tuiud.i O Sold brdraxKlH ., Tic. H&ll's r%Bilr Pllbr th* b*t I'm thinking rilxiut tbnl lo<lger of ours, the landlord rcm'.rkvd 'o h-s wife. Alx>ut what f He |uiys bis rent so pune'uilly I tbink I'd better r it on him. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- EPPS'S OrATErut. OOMFORTINa COCOA BREAKFAST U>!. Debentures. Debentures tor $100 and upwards are issued for terms if oi.o, tuo. three, four or five years. Coupons are attached Tor interest Irom the date on which 'he money is received at four per cent, p.r annum, pay- able half--) early. INVESTIGATION SOLICITED. The Canada Perit\anent & We.iB.-n Canada Mortgage Corporation. oil! ce : Toronto St., Toronto. Congo c ..uutiy. It ha.s been very anyone, ho continued, heard of a per- promin4 . n , , n ,h,- work of exploration '. nminf Th^n a patient-looking ian< , of OCCU p ;1 ,,,,n Without these little v.otnnn in H black dress rose up ,,,,., it would not have been pos- it th<- back of the ro >m and answered; gih|f , , .,., rt M m ,, nv trading and There was one. 1 vc often heard of othe| . atat ions. They i-ould not . vsitbout b. i. l.ul abo's dead now. She ws my (h ., , ,. am ,. r8 . have prm-uiwl uf llel xupplu'S. Thv Hteii.meis at.Hit inn ile it possible ta (k-vejop I Uc iwory and rub- r \ ENT- ANN lK vi'II\ |... ii i.li-s. winch have uow reaeh'-d .; subjects solely by the ' irosn the pHrnet Venue has been |I ; "K'' proportions. sut-i-4>sfu:iy accomplUhed. I Belgian enterprise, ban placed near- Ceylon and India Tea GREEN OR BLACK. t Because of their Purity and Cleanliness British grown teas are becoming more popular every day. Don't drink impure and doctored Japan or hina tea any longer. Insist that your grocer furnish you with the delicious, palate-pleasing teas of

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