THE WHITE ROSE. i VL w * all onw now, Dolores told there waM an end at hfr Somu one eke had taken her aft the pinno, and a beautiful *wloe wan filling the room with melo- dy. JIM* then MM waa hardly cap- a*W of a clear thought. Sb* did not know that Sir Karl ntood watching her with wistful ryrs, eyes full of pain and womdeir. that last "good-by" ringing in h oars and stirring bis repealed thxit to hrraelf again and SbK ought to haT bad more vtru*n tit m to give even one thought to a uuu who did not oar for her. All thu'tlihe Muffi-re<l was theijust re- wauvl olf hur own follv; no one could p.ty her; hhe could ouly feel unluuwvl for heraelf. she knelt down and H<- rou.1.1 not help we- n that Hhe held nun? iit with a purpose; and > purpose was to bid farewell to "Too laltto I" too Uitel But irf i* U wvs. In- would be for her happJnosA he must be con- bsnt. "Sbs does not look a girl who would nrll hco-.s-lf for money." be thought. "Sh has tbe face of one whu could gw U.- lonxl." life for the man Lola was quirk -nouirh to se that, there,.th;ng amias; and ahe ' prayed an hn had newr prayed in hr life before; amd whtn ahe laid her bnikJ on thu pillow, it waj with the fewling of weairied relief which one ha, who haa fought a good fight and conquegrod. . Early the next morning ahe went to the Squire, He wan in his study, hia favorite, room, with a cup of cof- fo bufure hjm. He looked up quick- ly an r,lK entered, and shef read in bis er"S the lunrinty, the hofte. the fsar tbjait hsdid not exprtas in frords. She went and knelt down by hin aide. 1 wae a oewwrd yestevday, Dolor.s The idea sf powrty frightened mo I oould have uvied like a child then but, now that I look at you. Dolorea the Itgat of another day, I fee braver a-od f nature I oannot In t'h* course w many year* What doe, it outtex. if onjv you are a faint quiver on her i'hexe *; and thun ohu said am quite hunn. papa . In the years to coww. when you think about tb!4, and about my marriage, always rem.,mU..r that I waa quite happy Oha-t I had no regreU. and that I was "I naive cornw to a deoiaion. papa." ah* auiid. "I thought I would <-ase inind by bHlling you at ,onoe. I . , _ dsoided to marry Lord Rhya- not far wrong in her mir raise. Dolores nnwr knew how the rest of Wfc wvwainB t>i<iaed. It must have b"0 a wry pleoaant one. for there plenty of liught<ir. dancing and c. sind tb cbixadca were high- ly a'pplaM.led; but Dolors sat in s long panful Ureumi as though she ,' ^ Put her arnvi round hLs nock WWTB Udt.ujf her part in a play, while * <!" the wh.te hoa-1 upon her her tbuugbU iuad heart were Ue- bM m - It had beau a proper tent, i Ow,t Uttle incident of the rod nnd ' ?1: " t- hit roses. It aetnaed to Dolores as *"" '*"** U to The Squiane puobed hiia coffee-cup aeu-ie, lookud at hi.1 daughtt-r earnest- ly. down bia paper, and oat for uinw mom,tB in silnt delight. "b tt ieu.lly trui, Dolores i" ha ask- ed at last. bottom. "Yen. papa; you most grateful to tbe generous man who rewruad us." He listened a-ttentirely. "Tboe aore pleasant words. Dolores; bud they ha v\, not the right ring." "You nwy believe me," he said. Yoru muat ul^y, tem , mtier that l am porfcctly happy. a( cloud on iny face, if yau find my opiri may believe that I Kias me,|wpa. and tell me me," ^He kU*>d the *weet face and laid chvuaged (placed with her. Lola wuilad when ahe heard th* nwa. what I thought." she "and I am ure that th- day on which I went conor to White Cliffe waa tbe day on which the offer waa made OoloMa had Komethiiig on her mmd I know, end it was thia. It will be Strange i _ Lady Rhys worth and I am Lady Allanmor,-. u> ^u ^ greater rwvah than ever then." No .loubt cajne to b-r mind that she '"uld not one day b = U.dy Allan- Sir fancy for Dolores; but it now. und 8b , wou|d you tiee .ll me about dj; n you ho_t happy. on the golden 1 at Whitr lie. You nhnll nev- , mong^t ntrangcrs: a* though Lola had said. "Which ""^ r U " lw " h "* a11 y ur comfort s* un towo do you pnvfor. Dolorra Clief- d ** T ' You XV ' U ^ rirn '8-*in. and *n or mylf r amd Sir Karl had n_ ** l " "WVJ to do with ,-M you Ik... You will b. v>-ry happy. m y deanvst bippier tbau you haw ever tx-.-n." Something in b>ir v-ulc aregte I to disturb tho iSquire, fur be nited his braii, and. in bin furn, drw lb<- b.-.m- tiful f.w-4.. .(own tn h:. H look.-.l at tt l(, nt f 4 n.| aiiJtwm,Iy; v to Iii, lm eye* tht-ro wui t wwnderfu change tn U. fb* rurightn-yts wa _ _. . 011UU1U Jrooe; tbH t ttm hoo,. there no hv>, b*, n Ivr friend un m deil(h but w " ' hav rat,h,. r than of earth htm IA. hwn so unimportant th* r*i r , e he had choeo ftill y upun th /loor. m.tflit h,iw (slid goo<l-by quiet- 17. h thought, "atod not haw B ung t in WOT.U tha.t must h.unt in.- un- ht I J A ij* QJ. ^*- miinj tbfrn rcpruich- '"7 to.. M though it wr iny f.,nlt I am h-u- l,,, t fri.-svd. I should hi.l hand head. "I btliwre you, my daj-ljng, and I tm qu.U. happy too in the belief." 1'hu ahe rose from her knees and I hvrx-lf i n arranging h will writr to I^.rd J'.ny, worth to- aid; "and pivrhapn he will Ppu, grunt m- thi.i fav- Ctf; if h conv* see him for me this x- I will ,*, h^ to-morrow." hi.l the old Squire proiuUod to do. ,_., Khyarworth." Uolor.-a que a t.on you ; ,.,kod me. *nd come to a dec^n. I thank tor your generous offer, and. ,n '"> it. aaaurv you tiiat it one < n fervor of mv life to Ping - Miw Clierfden's pl :U ;e. -4. 8en . nvurrige." Lola c alle,l it; and she kne.w wi-11 that the manner ^ wh.^h he used the word "sensible- con reyd mor e than a volume could Moat peopl who heard it thus em- phasized smiled, and went away with thu word "mercenary" in ,Vir minds. Sir Karl waa one of th* first to hear the rumor confirmed. He had rid- den into Deeping to attend aome m. -. -ting held on county business, and there found erry one discussing the coming alliance, A be was riding iw.iy, he met Lord Ilhyaworth. and. aft,-r a few worda of greeting, he aid thecandlesunher room, she looked them for a uiom-n.t, thn tvrf^d te the attendant and ordered her to "take off their petticoata." Sh. waa also amused by the un- courtir-like comment of a .-x>tcb woman who found her knitting stock- a>g. a form of needlework unfami- liar to U Qi ' boldly- "I wonder if 'Eh!" Haid t'be old "but I'm aorry for your oor it he gt no bvtt,-.r ^tockinga than that." the crabbed Carlyle lost bi, abbdnc in speaking to the Queen an-1 he gar at leaat one particular!, t'ppy description of brr. wh.-n b wn.t- "H,-r whole manner i* lu ,!oli. "sly perfect." He added later: ">he nuke., you fuel too. if you ha v* any sense un you, that Hbe is Queen." The world ha* felt that she waa Queen. If ny have not. it i, quit .. certain that- h--y have no enae , , nrnL AH anecdote typical of the d,ci,ion ' k ndmns of tb-Que*n fatoidron- *ro:ng one of h^r f >., t royal acts, fill. much l.-voted to her riding . Mr. Kozard, and asked if therf >ny offxe opeo which he could The jvply was in the negative. r, 1" - It * then I w ,u one . I may congratulate y.u. Lord Khyawonhr There was a curiouj look on che young man's ' of ih- l.p^ anadeepen- ies about his mouth, strike Lord HbyJ fac . iug of which worth. )<>u a n,| faahful -if... fsw , 3 low, night cm,. to . n en<J ~_j __ . ""} 1*1*1, *i Dolomi wa driv-n hom in ma d- J,!?'/ w* rri .** e- Th " girl wa " thank - ' I to b loo, to be whpre , he wag >t comp.-ll...| to .mile and talk, wl, |,- r h,y,rt felt ready to break. The t*ra wan- Mhining, an d tbe air was ^n hw.-t odors. She was ' yung; but M h.. said to hers-lf M all wt- ,,n.t-d u <iw ,-i,-^,,t ( | ut y i wimui t^p Hound o/ a *MOB or Bh" U\l of a fooUtep nukn he-Tt thr,-l,, n,-wr ,.-. w ,, u ]d Oft puU, thr.ll at ||, . !,.,.(, of MM. Hhi- w,,,u.| lire b,-r l.f... do her duty. ,nd at th ad would . we.-tt rest. si,,- iud nothinK to do now Imt (^ wra.i to tb.- X'-u.-ruu who lud lu;d I, , fortun- .,( I, , it wah the calm of cont"nt bar.ll. acquir.-..!; it w.i-t ;tn , xi.r.-^iuj, qu i t .liff.-r.nt fr.Hm i.mylhing bad s,- t - on h s .laughter's /ace lfore, H.iloi,,," h- cried in a sharp voice you b-ippyr lti i>py." bc u. ' I IK r.- uj n., oin you r.iire more fo Lord Hbynworth. ia theref ,vi TIU- th- truth. D,.lorr A f I would not l.l yim ivu -r.fux- yourself for nu-; y.n mitsl not n,, ihii. Is thea-,. my on, yu like b-tt.-rf I-I would nooner -I.^.J, my ,.1^1,1, ttal , n (hal tar my ),i , In. ii I I marry a man w-hmn on whom Wh.-n isl-, .t Wl, I.- C|i/f,. ,[, n.r.l thai th- s,,,,.r,. bad ,, tq Hhe was Tliev,| I,, knuw thnt rth.- would not h-un, , bim l)nt IKght; l,y nw.rnuig ohu would hww r<- ga/;n.l h.-r Mixp.^ure. and would be Me. to n-.-t him with n miliiig face, t waH hr O-WTI fault <-.nt ,i,.|y, i- i II yoAi do not lov>0, and I". -i lu|M yiAido lovtr." II- iwwr r,rot tho ntraoge smile I hit c.inv.- ,>\r.-,r her f,-.- . t , .,h- la .1 h.-r h>Ki.U Upun hut shoulders in, I lookf.l at h in. "iu nt-iy -li,-iv.. m,., dear." h N.I. -I. ' 'ihMV. i no one wlio cares v'or "ou hlioul.U 1 do nol sue miny l-<>l'le. I .mi loo yoiuitc to ihniirfht of ,,u,-li in i u .. Nu on. , for me; U-liev.- in- |>ipi." If bt- bu,.l >>-en mure Mhn->v.| md worldly, le. mutt luv,- n,)t:rr.| that. he, r.-p,-at,| hor atati I aon, dmx Lord RJyworth. yours DOLOKKSCLIKFDEN." It was not a v.-ry ,-nt huaiastio love- t-r, but true and honest. Sh<. "Unt ju*t she wrote, that he W endearor lo be a true an.l good the did not "You haw i , lr ..I off the pr.zi- in the country." said Karl, "if it bv. trux- that you are \f , * * ' <, ttr- Fozaid tecaou: "her Majesty' 6t JTUp- holder." On Wn-n's tombstone ia the best known of epitaph*: "Si monum- ntum requria. circunwpic*." If anyone seeks for a monument for th Qu.-en. we thfl aame comman,!, '( .r- may -." Only IK- look roun I to maxry Clie/don." rife to him as Ion* aj sbo h-r own h,, ir( th ,. r( . Uo was profoundly touch-d when Ix/rl lihysworth ra<:aed his hat as Ifco-ugh be would uo all honor to th name. "1 hope." naid hia lordship, "with tht- killing of Heivon. tlm 1 am go- ing to juij-rjr Ali^ i ,i,, "... n . I speak to you more frankly, S.r Karl, i hould to any one eUe. 1 au, the hap- piot iman in the world, and I hope 10 Bake my uear wile the happiest of not a iagie buil ling, but th> hol circle of the world. ada, AXrica uch nvents. \u.-tralia, Can- are her that Ur |,f, might not b*. She waa not QU< t wry long on .ivre of it lx>rd llhy>worth reo- :v<l II,,. and waa transported with .1. -1 K -hl .if i.jr reeling it . ,,,. ,.,,, ^ ^^ ^ \\ B te fliff,.. wttero ceivMxl h;m with ,. :)J , ' dud not . Dolore.i. tb " <iuire said, with her ng i-n-ning at II,- , U |;.,,. if h , wul.l .,,!,- oin . r on tb,- morrow, n,,| would H-,. h m th.-n. Without ha.ringgainc,i a gllmpv ,,f fail face he lovud so dearly. Lord Ihy.worth w,.,,t ,. W1) , lhl , , "H /r,.,n !)..,.,,. HurM ..,,,1. , n.'ig.nfu-4-nt b,, uqu , t f or |,,,i,, r ,.,. an<| "ver ., .l.,y ^^^ f t ,-rard Wiln . of fru.t an.l flow.-r., f ,,,|. ut pr^M-n to While >| H.-4-mod to grow hit no one c.irM for IJ.T. M hu i, once. aid that xlm t -ai.- I for nu on. . , hl . .,,! again under th neiv influ- nce. l worth. "'J f^ ' >" nun . vol. on of ny whole "I unt every desire of your leart nwy bu rcnliZBd," re.-, ^ Kirl; aud hi in-ant it. ".-.hall I pre- aumo it I aak whn the weddrng U to bu f be added. lo lie Continued. YOUR BODY As A TIMEPIECE. DOCTOBS BAFFLED. CASE OF SCIATICA WHICH RE- FUSED TO YIELD TO THEIB TREATMENT. Tea *r rr r Wll||. m ,- ri.k rill. Hr.i.rMl !!,' r>iih 4 Mrmcib For upward* of a quarter of a cen- tury. Mr. (;,.. McLean has been a resJent of the town at Thorold. He fon-man in the lumber yards of i I, iry 4 M.-Ix-an. and is known not only to thf citixens of the town, but by most of the mhabitanta ie adjoining region aa well. M my of Mr. McLean's friends know that he was affl.cted with a severe type of *'*''. nd know also that he has W I.,. >)j . , ., j.^ Im- ii K.., r .. vii|,. B , can measure tim.-, in the ab- . - ... ue uaa -nc,. of a walr.h. J,y the beating of bee rele isej ^om, tbe pangs of that viir h.-art. In most a.lults the | xcruc 'tWK trouMe. J{.-living that heart b.-au about 70 times p,-r mln- ' 8t rjr woul<l ** of P"*>lio interest. If you are bo limg an egg, nwk- I * " porUr C "<1 upon ban, and ak- ng U-a or watching a 100-yard race. ' d him to what ency he attributed 1 y.-u hire to do U on your o do U to put (your ' wtuna t release from paim. Mr. pul*., ,, n d you hare a ^ cLpan ' unhesitating reply was: - > l/. k D... "l)r. WillLinm' Pint r>:n. ir-,t-rate stop ivate.h. But th,- pulse not thn sain- in all peopl- ' t Ur. Williams' Pink Pills, and I ,. n " rer nea-tats to say soelther." Mr. slowly as BJ to th- minute m i MrU ' Hn continued; "I wat afflicted "il n fut as 75 in oth-r*. !WUb tciatica ^"* a number of years. uouLl th.'rtvfore be necessary to !' Ttte mo " t """r. attack ocourre,! sev- now .it whit rate your puUe l,, r I,,., gallantry. 111.1. 1,- ,u,- Ih.- hai.p.,.,,1 - y bratM. \noth.r way of nvasuring t m- with tolor:ib|.> accuracy in by t he IT, nhng. Moat p-ople breathe 15 p-r minute, or onc ewry I you." repiy Grippe Deadlier Than Smallpox." Bay. Dr. Di!lln K ham of th Nw York H.alth Board The Dreadful After-Effoct. Most to Be Dread- -.!! ,| my bi-st to m,k. th.- nn.sweri^l. you waa all the woo.n that confiu ral years ago. hon 1 was confined to my btxl for sevvral months. 1 suf- fered horribly with the trouble, aud ' only relief I could get was from morphme. either in tablets or hypo- derm.cally toj,cte,l. I could not put my left foot on the ground wUhout undergoing intense agony. I wai treated by physicians, and at the bos. once . . ,..i being ' U1 " st - c tharinw. to which insti. roil minx for i.hre,. .Iny-, '"'"'J 1 ' liad to be tatoen on a stretch- the uenrlj x> Unt in lK>ainK an f"f .'I niinubos you would i-inini bn^i tjj.s Mi ii.. .n Alienee of an explnvun 01,11, ' l was Ul tha h<..- rliiK while h.. wa.t atl.-u.lin K ' a i Ml || y lnr<!e nn*itha, but without be : ll I II r i- t M . 1 1 L- in . 1 1 i i- . ' 1 . 'FliMrtl*.. * " l Fv.r, raad.r of this pp.-r ,n mall ,1 k,. i, ,- ,,. , ..., witll ,., m-io, caa in whi, h the after ,.ff w t "'! with aU ,) U 1 la u , , n -r Ihut th. f U grippe have proven fatal. How j!*** *'" ' 4> "iunkilv bcnef.eml many pm.ple , e now oompUunn* ,,f "," J''";. 1 ""' '-" "'t-'ld Ly . he.' .^-1,1 .,!.,..,. or ,, D ger,n suffer- gSWSlS? t"SS ." inua o WMkn<-Mea .ir- . >.-irl> Dr. Chase's N. Tie Food th* - n-Hult* .,f tin. dsbililating rffrets nrve l -stora live ,n.| " of I i n l|lpe. Th.- lirst plan in to prevent la i i ( )<"i .-lf diligemly in obtaining what . and pPTitcnt us* of it rontain, in nondensd u " '"- wr pi^.s.1 bx-tvveon thoin. It wug tio.ini, p ,)i,|M / nr rea.son an.l ,-om- ' b uion-v-n-; Init, ,il,.s, f,,r thi- g.i l.,| -Ir.'im of lovH! au,l r,,m in.-e. 1 How U i>nd I < H MM Hit VII. In I., ih ,11 !. ,iaj, 1 1,. n ,. Wl| ^ '" 1 "" ' 'nfMgeni.-nt h i.l n,., ,,| a i| 'h- .-..untry. 1 1 , ,, ., ,, . ., , M, f,,r vw-ry on.. |i k ,,| ,,, , Hhy W orlh; ,,n<l of II,,- wl,,,l, ,,,, rv I' n in n m e fa> mnrr. It th. roughly , ur '-s , I a* well, and em to take the O;* ad painH out ,,f il,,. bone*. No r <-<.<nfh rnittur,. ,-ould **fer "M,n ll,r eno-mnus lc which ihis wa. KOI old and young and n *y Nsrv. * and vitality ill .lil<rs. or wtee lk>lor, w " I' ' ;l '- '' WM "on., of ll, .,,' I"MK. I to a that h.i.1 nn,-,. ' r^t in Ih.- rountry; .sh., WTS ' -"l.fnl , 1 |,,l, l.,,,|. , <),.,,,,,,, IV J ' "' '<! KO...I fortun- ll, 1 1 | U< fill.-n hT. iru,.. ,, fl . n ... ,,,!. -.irl.vl -!,. who hul m.,rri...l for I"W UL-IUM-IVIVI and Ix-Leved there wnsnothi.|| K |ikelov. llM.iiKbi tin-, if- r.-ne,. of ago too Kr.Mt, a..l muoiiKst tint IViliirrs was to b- Ix>rd !U>ywor(li\ i aod that it wan a p i > i,,. wn no old, an ,i wondered an th-y kiwnvl tih rosy faoea of th,\ir rhiMren wh..thT iKilorwj I,,VMV| [,<,,.,( ,. ny ,,. worth. I h.-y w.-re onjy .-i f, >v | llp |>n.v minivl wonv-n who I,,, ; , |,, 1'h" nirU nrivl h..|-; , li,-r,- vv , , ),,,,, ly ono in lh oounlrjr who wuul I not v -" mj "v ...K ,111- :"j,ii. ! w.irkm-in. When h* w.tri. ' d ' Then ' ri-turned home very uinch 'Pl""l h- bul no ui-an^ of tellnjf ?T WI * t ^ l "t tried electricity iow th- ; u. wi.s pivH,n. Itfmriu- but u ''-'' n<> iw-ptible efi, I hit h^ hi.l .1, th,.,, ^^ tri ' 111 ' uumbe, of a,lv,rti.s,. ( | ine- ""' Hi hm. h" W-I.H. binviMvr dli:ilw . but with w better i.-snu, able i,, count Ih.- .Uiy*. and ,'V>-n to Kin -'' l r. I - u^.-d to try l) r \V,l- i.h - b,,ur of day o, ,.|,, % , :ll , tol- liauis> P '"k Pill,, and as I was will, ;icrur:u-y : th- tollnwln^ ay: ' U l tr V '.>-tli,u K tint *ee m ,d to Mi,- av,-n,. teuip,-raiure ,,r thu ^ r l "' 1 "' ' f ' ' " '' '"' several >- ly .SH.l.irr,.,. It,,- , ,. _,nd , * *"' l ha<l b ' en u "^ the pi|| s nf ir . fills at e,-rta,u hour^ of tin- ,i ay witb "" 1 >"' befote I fuund much re- Ih, in.- .lay , iuna much re- ''>. At ab.,ut il ; but f " JI " t!l " "n ruy recovery was .M . * U.. I .1 1) I il i n . I . .. . t, _ tin- teniik-i ifme is only degree,. !hi,-,. months, I fi-w ln.UM uftiT l.r,-akfast il touoh-s , I,,. U '" n ' * the course of "s well ! ever I had .strung, hi-ilthj hl ,ve no II-.IU.M ,ivvra.. p,, , lt . All.' ,, it is ' ""> a d llh,., lt fh I up t w ,u- B r.,M or a little owr. All (lur " d 'u> <liiy U rumiiiues toii,,-, and u n ,,t r<>lurl1 ' iU n-r, at .ibnut a o'olo.-k in " >T Ur " ta Ui. f rom ,,, nl t<>7 _ na|ll ,.. : IN ,e,ta,,,|, proTe( , 4 blessi|li ly. 9H4-3 ,le K r,-,-s. H,,.,, ;, Kradual . ' ">J , an ,| l ^ n ^^ t ly falls throu K lu.ut th.- n.ght. K'oing ' ' '''l K>rtl "'iIy offers." wry low about Sa.m.. wh.-n , beuinatiam. sciatica. neuraUi. deaths occur from tU. C . IU *.. ami P * rtUl P""^''*. Ivcomot r ataxi lit'! Lull* K^.,.l . _L ^ th,< low.^i il U<1 1 1 bptw.-en 6 QUEEN'S SENSE OF HUMOUR. . , !.. or Ibr inn. Ml, .... H .|,| , I ii" yu-.-n for all h.-r .l; K n-ty. had i k.s.,, ..,,.. uf |,, II1H>I . ,,,,,1',^ )o "S .-h two an.-rdotiw '" "'. nervoua pro.tra nd diseases depending umn in the Wood, such a. scrofu- " "ry.mpelis. etc., all disap. fair treatment with Dr V.nk Pill,. They give , U* to P-l. and sallow com- PMId b, .u d,,.,^, &ut fo , MARKETS OFTHE WORLD 131 LUES LOST IN A WRECK. ^"~ Struck on a Rock Entering Golden Gate at San Francisco. Chine A despatch from San Francis >. caUn says-A pilot's attempt to bring in annse. S during a thick fog the big Pacific and J'P- The fo lo in,; h.v.- t.-n arcoun I'd : Rei- .nail steamer City of Rio de Jam-ir,, cu-d. 77. bodies at the morgue. 10; to- early Friday morning, led to the t.l. W; Missing. 121. wreck of the vessel on Fort Point i THE PILOT'S STORY, lodge, outside the Golden Gate, and thick fog settled down on th wi'er. the loss of 131 persons out) of a total , Th e. r s of -.bed answer vc e -e y of 208 on board. ' conflic ing. Pi!o Jordan declare* that The erplanntirm of the terrrble loss the} were < mmg in slowly when a of life is that the vessel sank in fif- Ti "y 're going at about six mi.ea an teen minutes after ahe struck, thus ^"or. atn the tide was racing, out at Carrying down moat of the small i ur "i'es an hour. It was dangerous boats which still hung on the dons. The officers showed great coolness. o go any slower, and the only thing to be done was to ke> p on and ,w , snd the passengers tx haved well un- 'r.fuily. He could see th,' ligL til the bow began to sink suddenly. loe e f n u* <1 t Fort Point, and Then when it was seen that the ves- 8-nre-.l they were well in the set was on the point of sinking there streim when th.- v s , *. was a wild panic. Men and women struck. Captain Ward asked what ran screaming to the boats only to : hould " doue, and Jordin. judging find them not lowered. trom tne * 'lamase that would Over one hundred Chinese were hud- ^ done b ? lh * j"g-d rocks, said "Get died together U-low. simply dazed oul ' r ur . boats ai one with terror. Many jumped overboard Ward 'Paris' to tbe iail,,ar< and were carried d>wn by the sue- 1 and WM Kettinc ih* beats out when tion of the steamer. All ah it wa- Lc * "' Ironi"! .: -.- i. thfck darkness, which probably pre- ' dmn rash '> from the brulge down to Tested many from escaping. tb< derk ' r '''ng tha. the ,hip was The m s p omiosni piasenger on wad sinking He helped Mrs Wildmau in- the steamer waa Roonaaville'wild- j to * boat mnd " d " B ' he Wild- nan, f S. i.' naul it Bong-Kong, whol* 11 enilln grasp him around the was accompanied by hU wife ami two! ' l ' hl ' n tbe Teasel sank. He children It U 'h uht all are drown . | he went down fully fifty ed, Ths ship was i:i c mm in 1 ef Pilot fe '' ; Fr.!t:i ^ J r ; 10 heu <-h.- .-<TU U He was r* ue!. Captain W ri w.'i d wn with hu vesaeL \s ne-tr- ly as can be learned, there were 2O6 pci p on board tin- U o de Janeiro, as When he came up the cbi Ue ci'ulj see nothing of tbe steamer nor of any of the joati. 10 he struck out, and was soon tbl ( climb on a part of the deck-house on hirb one Cbioer was floating. Af- fcllo :-C,lin s 2;s.ond'' three hours they were p.cked Ul - Oie9 Grill *c IB UM Lealiaf MA.- :rj. I BREADSTUFFS, ETC Toronto, Feb. 126. Wheat Export- ers now bid 66 l-2c for red, white, and goose) wheat, low freights to New York, and holders ask 67c. Red and white, north and west, ia quoted at 6k bid and 65c asked. Man.tobas firm on scarcity. No. 1 hard, old, g.i.t., 981-^; No. 2. 94 l-2c; No. 1 hard. North Bay, 97 l-2e; No. 2 hard. 931-Jc. Mi llfeed Scarce and firm. Ton lots at the mill door, sell as follows", Itr.iji. 913 to 913.50; and shorts. flS. west. Corn Firm. American, No. i yel- low, on track here. 47c; and No. 8, Me. Peas Firm. No. E, mixldle freights, at 63 1-Jc; and east at 64c. Rirley-Firm. No. J. east. 42 1-2 to 43c; and middle freights. U to 42 l-2c; No. 3 extra. 40 1-Jc, east; sad 40c. middle freights. Rye Steady. Cax lots, 48c, west ; and 49c >( east. Bur kwhat Quiet. Car lots, west, are quoted at 49c; and east at GOc. On . Firm, but dvmand is rather quieter. No. 1 white, east, :.1J-4c; No. \i white, north and west. 2SV4e. ur Qttiet. Export agents bid 2.60 for straight roller, in t-uyers' i bags, middle freights ; and 91 65 is 'asked by the mills, w%Yh do not do own exporting. Choice bnnds are 1 from 10 to 15c above, the** figures. O.umoal Car lots of rolled oats, ia bags, on track here, are quoted at $3 25 per bbl; and in wood, at 93 *5 per bbl. Huffilo. Feb. 20.-F10UT Steady; light trade. Wheat coring. No. 1 Northern, old. (9 S-4c for am ill lots; no offerings. c.Lf. Winter wheat- Nothing doing ; millers would prob- Smoked meats Hams, heavy, 12c ; mediam. 12 1-2 to 13c; light. 13c ; break- f .-ist bacon, lie ; picnic hams, lOc ; roll I bacon, lOe. Toronto. Fb. 28. We had at the western cattle yards to-day fifty car- loads of live stock, including 1,500 hogs, 700 cattle, 250 sheep and lamb*. 30 calves, ajid s few m.lch oowa. Trade was fair: good stuff sold readily enough, bat we had an un- due proportion of unfinished cattle, and for this kind ube market was s slow one. Stepping cattle sold at from 4 to 43-4r. .un.< /or the best offerings 5c per Ib. Good to choice batcher cattle sold Steadily at from 1-4 to 4 l-4e per It* and for a few extra choice lots a shade more was repotted paid, ec- THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Items Abot't Our Own Country, Great Britain. th I aited States, and All Parts of the OtatM, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA London, On... has four smallpox- The Canadian Northern B rill use Norm Hcctia ooal. Port Arthnr will have ten regular steamers ttia year. oxblary and inferior cattle ranged at I about the rates quoted below, a weak tendency. There was no quotable change in storkexs. feeder*, and bulls. There is choice milch Good to choice Teal cslveji ars steady request. Good gr linfed lambs are unchanged steady and wanted. Sheep are a fair sale at unchanged price*. Hoys are firm at the advance of last Tuesday. "Singers" are fetching 83-4c per Ib. and lig-nt and fax hugs, 6 l-4c. Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime qu ij.ty. and scale not below 16D nor above 200 IDS. Following is the range of quota- . ; I 400 350 275 400 SCHEEPER'S COMMANDO. HER CONDITION WORSE Exact Whereabouts of His Force Is Unknown. A d* -patch fro:.. Cape Town. say; Th (iovvrnment reports tU.' axaet whereabouts of Comma:, firbtt'per'a force, which is a smal Is unknown. He hi* certainly sound- ouuxl ha originil inuntion of cross- ing i be railway between i'riuce Al- brrt and Beaufort Wet. and is break- ing Kick easterly. followed by < Parsons an 1 IJr.-nMl. During th* last fe*v .lays part.-- of Horr- h^ve bwn reported iii the neighborhood o f Wit low mere and Un.ondale. They proUibly belong to Soheeper'a com- I Quiet ; No. 2 yellow. 43 J-4 to 44c; No. Live, 3 do., 43 1-2 to 43 3-4c; No. 2 corn. 13 Empress Frederick Cannot Many Days. .- to 43 3-4c; No. 3 do.. 43 l-4c. A d . p ,-,-h fr^m Lorvlon. says :-A through billed. Oits Steady ; No. 2 r eat rnwd assembled at Charing ' wnite, 31 l-2c; No. 3 do.. Sic; No. 2 Cr<*s stiti^n.on Suturiliy night ||BiM4b -"*' ^- 3 do.. Jx !--<, through *> o a< th. . ,,f ^ia^ Rlwar.l billed. .irl*v I'm-hangedt Rye No. ' or Port Victoria, on his way to Uer- 2 os track, 56c ask* to ricit his sister. Empr a U ^<Al, Feb. 26. Closed : Whs it- k Th.- tr.ia left the stui n N-.. 1 white, cash. 79 l-2<-. No. 2 red, min > 1 r.l Parties of invaders continu to mt>w about in the M t - XIU ' Atrynsburg districts, looting on a mnll seal--. Th<- principal, esti- matnl to number *Hl mvn, appear to b.-,l at Zurbcrg. north-* Bteynsburg. Troops are as.sembl ng at var ou points au th- M U u.l line, witb tbe objft of "ut thv wnt> pu>libly ion*. MI of small bo.lirs of I'.oi-rs. who hav* crossed thi- Or.ui^e riv-wr at various tiiues during the past knout bw In tb.- Albert district thi- l!-r bxi v- brn reinforce. 1 by a number ol young colonists, who were reoru.te.l ia the districts invaded. t 10,,Vi k \vu-n the t Port Vi.-torii he will and A h,-re h w II <|..e t , f., r the nigh' 8 "Vlork Sunl.-ir nio^n n.- -h, R.,-. ,| h u 1 1 v- Pin Vl-orii f,, r r'laahiag. escorta.1 bv the ,-rui-, -r , Au " I . . x lh Kl '^~ : l'-t ten .!,-. but and February, 79 l-2c; Mir-b, tb. * Duluth. Feb. 26. Wheat r - s . 1 hard. 75 l-4c; \... 1 S. rth.'rn. 73 l-.c. N J. Northern. 67 3-8 to 703-cc; \Liy 781-4c; July, 7t!Vk. Corn-May. K 7-8c. ttits .'6 1-4 to 28c. Minneapolis. Feb. 20.-W O eat Cash, May. 7S 6- to 75 3-4c; July. 75 1-2 ' * :iltt^tether on the condi- to 75 5 - fc ; tr;>rk. No. 1 hard. 76c; i ' 1 Nurtnrn. 7U-; No. 2 Northern. to a n r in de,*teh. the 67 S-4c. duil ' 1 < from which the Kmpress is! * ' * >a<Je rapid progress in ' v" me ii, umn ia affected. thtl PRODUCE. Toronto, Feb. 26. -Eggs- Eggs P'n Tbe , r i n l ol. KITCHENER'S NEW ORDER. Thought to Indicate a Bl? Move Eastward. London. Friday. Feb 22. IVsp:ti-h- s to the Daily Mail report tbt l.nrd Kitchener has issued uisirurit<n no goods of any description are to go forward by the Uelagua Bay line until fuit her notice, with the exception of urgent military and h<|>ital supplies. Thi order ID suppos-.'d to indi-atea trie more eastward. COLD WEATHE 1 : IN EUROPE. .. U.-.I lu I. mi n< In l i. K-l IT rir. A ileii:(ch from Berlin, says: In some parts of the country the wr.ither is the i-oldo-t known iu twenty-five year*. At l\>l.>u<-, ytning lady reveller was froien to death in th- str-et. :iud a ciKirhoian fell frotn his rarn.iir* with both l(s trxuen. Near Remn^eD a bu'vclist was fiHiii<l dead In the Uu'f f IXintsic a fishing cutter WAS frirn In. and three of the crew pvrished. The M l - at Cublenti ut froxen solid. At llit> te>mi-i <- ture is twenty-nine degree* belnw lero centigrade, l ml in the 1'pin-r Harts, thirty. From ail the moun^ tjiin.w.ix regions comp reports- df groat snow falls. DE WET_ROUTfcD. Two of His Cannon Captured. With says: \\ , r Much Ammunition. A de.*|Kitch trom London, l^ i-honer t- . , Office from M id d-i burgh, under Sun- day s date, as follows; "I'oJ. I'lumer reiv>ns that on K,.b. 3 CoL Owen captured Ue Wet's 15- pouadar. a pom>puin. sotnr carts full of amnuniii>n. and .MI ; \\ >;ne4 no casualur.x. [he enemy are iti full retreat, aad nre dispersing. They are bcinK pursued vigor. IV- Wefj. atteaupt to inTade the Cape CVloni- has completely f.:l.-,l. DESTROYED A CULVERT. arc easy, owin^r to increasing supplies of new laid. Prices are as follows; ly new-laid. 20c; fresh gathered, loo. cold stored, 14 to 15c; limed. 14 to 15c. Poultry Prici^i for bright stock ar as follows; Tui kevs. 10 to lie; geese, ut 8 to > l-2c; chickens, at 40 to 5Uc; aud ducks, at 80 to 80c. Cold stored turkeys and geese are quoted 1 to 2c Ib under bright stock. Pot i ..,-* Steady at 28c for car lots, uo track here ; and 3oo out of store. Fro Id prwluce, etc. Turnips out of store. 30c per bag; onions. 70c per bag; carrots, 3oc per bag, upple.i. per bbl. fl to f.': sweet potatoes, per bbl. $2.5D. Dried apples Dried apples sell at t 1-2 to 4c( and evaporated st 3 to 5 1-Sc. B in- Ordin.iry white Ivans bring $1.40; choice hand-picki-d I.MIIS are ' at $1.61) to $1.75. . H.fu-y Firm ; .1. i|.-r-< quote from 1C The Boers Captui-ed a Trainload of ! to : * w or ^ ( ''1 ng to ihe <n of the or- Cattle- Shippers, per cwt. Butchers, cluaca do. Butcher, cum. to good. Hutcher. inferior. . . <ers. per cwt. Export bulls, per cwt. Sheep and f ! Export ewes, per rwt. 300 Hircher sheep, isch. Lambs. -n f- d per cwt. 4 25 Do., barnyds per cwt. 375 Bucks 250 Milkers and Calves. Cow*, each 20 00 Calves, each . ... 200 Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt. 650 Light hogs, per cwt. 6 00 Huvy hogs, per cwt. 600 Sows 850 Sta-s 200 $501) 373 300 Brautford City Council has decided favor of union printing. Br.intford may . rect a South Af- war memorial, to cost $5.004. > enquiry for a few ^^ re.porte.1 ne^r Dorthesuer. N. B. cnws up to about fjO . Novu Vo-ii's gold yield last year I was 30.000 ounces, valued st fSTO.OOO. Ch*f Powell w&nts fifteen addj- tJonal men for tbe Ottawa polic force. Slufly Ottawa prople will take their ehiktreji frooxs<-naol to prewnt them frotn being vaccinated. Fernie, B C.. is rejoicing in tb. prospect of a big smelting industry. Ths conditions are Uvuurahls. (air W lfri.1 Laurier has declined th. invitation of the Canadian Club of | New York to attend their annual ban. quet. V P Love, of the geological staff of the Dominion has resigned to tak. a position in the Dominion -t.--l Works at Sydney, B. C., at a u y of 6.0UU yearly. Tbe Great Northt-rn Ra.lway ha. 450 ** cur * > i cuoiTol of tov Montreal Ter- minal Railway, which givy it a val*. abl- franchise and a good enQ-anc* to Montreal. | ^ Tbe esublishment of an iron and ' steI inthistry at St. John and the de- velopment ol New's coal area are among tha important mat- ten that will br considered by th. Nrw Bronswick LerisUtcr. A bbi~h--p FiUonio. Apostolic i.l#- gats at Ottawa, i* to leave Canado, acooriiing to a B <uie despatch succeed Mfr M r r. i. tha i'.ipil .delegate it Wash:nt!-ua, who is to ^ m i Is a cardinal. The Jinuary statement of the Posu Office Sav nirs Bink sbow-< thit th total deposits on hand at the end of th- m<nth were 3S.S6V.irTS. deposits during the mi. nth ' >t illed . vl. and) withdrawals A violent snu - r:n u-c. r a heavy gale \ n Sunday, doing- great damag* Ths f the grand stand it tL t > ' M | 100 625 62S SWEEPING THfc COUNTRY. The Boers Are Scattering In Dis- organized Parties. A despatch from London says : Gen. Kitchener, iara despatch dated Mid- dleburg. Feb. 24. report, to the W ir - as follows: " l5en. French, who was St Retief. Feb. !. rep, rts that the re- u<inground:| w , Milt of h:- n.lunin xwpu the coun- of tanbef w , ^ , , try to tbe east is that the Boers are retreating and scattering in .iiwrir i*ed parties, tutalling .tti>- J.UOO men. in front of him. Amte-d.m ! : I' ' ReUef have been orcut >>ops are protecting- the Swa. frontier. in r'rt-ivch .li t'Utfh on. but he nioch hampered 17 cvtinuous heavy r . H " I rxtrret to vay that Major Howard a Tery gallan' officer of the i Seouts, was killed on b'eb. 17.' Foodstuffs. >!. -pitch from Johannesburg, ly says: The Boers destroy- ed a culvert between N.-ital spruit and Klip river, on the- railroad just south of here, Hit dawja to-day. They cap- tured a traiaU'a.t of foodstuffs, and after taking all they could conven- iently carry, sot fir.- tn tne n-^t and over the veldt. OFFICIALLY DENIED. rprl That rianui- II.., Br.kri. i Trur. OBI A despatch from C.ipo Town says : AH the pluftue ixitients here, fif- ti-i'ii in number, are doing v Eighty-two Kaffirs are cnuu ,| m th der. Comb honey sells at $2.50 to $2.75 lr ill in .-ixt ions. tilled hay Steady. Choice timothy, on tn<-k here. 110.25; two-ton lots, de- livered. 911. to 911.25. Str.i-v -t'it l.-ti of straw, on track here, f .'. >' to 9i!. DKiissi-ii) iu>i;s \\n rito\'K~ioN-;. Toronto, Ft>b. 26. Dressed hogs con- tinue ^-un.-. 1 . There are practically no offerings of c-ir lots ou tr.u-k here. Packers bid 9^-SO, nnd holders outside 9. for car lota, on track here. On the street prices are firm at $s.j<i to 9P.75. Provisions are firm, and in good demand. Quotations for provisions are as fol- lows: Dry salted shoulder*. ,V; emit act camp. ,!. ,r bacon, looae, in car lots, lOc ; and Th report that the plague ban in case Into, 10 1-4 to 10 l-2c ; short broken out among the ilritUh troops cut pork. 919.50 to I20 ; beavv mt TRAITORUOi* LANGUAGE. Sentenced to Twelve Months' Hard Labour. A -'r.m KiiiilT-rl'v avs: A o a: o ekf p r ha- b- en c. nv c - ed by th- ui..ujry ,uurt be; and language ut the Nte Q-: ' th. Bri- tish v the Q,i. - i> u- II was M ficed to ti\e monihs' hard i ..I to t " .ir undergo an ad- ilitionai - - nment. Anothe man uas eiit-n el to pay fine i'i *"."' o- un.lergo three mo. imprisonment lor leaving Kim! w hi e on tbe suspect list is officiilly denied. pork* .918 to 919 BOTHA SUING FOR PEACE. All the Boers Proper Anxious to surrender V ' -; u-h from C.ipe Town says: It ia rumeured in Johanncburg that r il Louis Both i U suing for peace. It i* onderntood tbtt. in addition to the scarcity of food and ammunition, oontinu-U hardships coupled with the worrying tactics of tbe British bava told heavily on the burgher'. Ttl Bosrs proper it i said, are an\ "u to surrender. Tt is only the mercen- ir;i'* in 1 t hi- r.-N-ls. win h iv.- i',.r!._ rng to lose, who desire the continun- 'JOB of hnt)liti yards. <TR -A: : : \ N Th* price of Pirish steei is d---- ing. This spring Ki:.^ K.lwird will H I The new navai princrim of En?I t ID :u ' fn.- i. ^.ats. The estate of Lori Armstrong in- ventor of the guu of thit nu: worth* 1.339.946. The Lun.loo liiiiy Mill i 1 ..- j:e a I for revenue vu:-, ><ees, not as s 'ive mM- Ur r. Auder^i'n uf E-i nbur^rhe * the discovery .'f i -. > jtar. whu-h is now one of the brightest Ui the sky The Prison Reform Cumomtee of I..TI Ion. ask for 4be rvleas.' of Mrs. V .-k tbe convicted pnoner. .UVelbcrt .->. U ' i.-s Con- sul at Pretoria was toauquet tivl st -e re- iry .'f U i !' irkk was p:es>>n iri - fupher Kurne \ i^ -'.1-5 pe ,-ent . h A rioan ha v im-e I I5t> per cent , The Bi ii iih t. iui-r (>; ' uki- .in. I 1'u h-,- i< i\i York ill sail lor AU*MI!M fine, I out with i \\irel- Thomas O'lXnir.e 1. M IV < h In-h luitfuiife in ih>> British H.-U-- Ci'tiunons. .iy h.- i '. speak it unti! be >- ki k ' md dragged foom h>* place. i \tiKn n \ rt:s Oo of tbe HUV '* n i lu- Ou.lih* Uteappirnr casv a.1 Otiuiha ii undei arrest. i'hv K i < i<ass- w l a I'ill i I IOOIK i> ^>u^ lie nv At ShiiTon, P:i in K.r.' A r freight ir 1-1 ran int.- Oif UWMI on tti'-n ..i) lo wurk. Fir were kill.-.l ,iu: rv>{h'.