FEBRUARY 28, THE FLESHETON ADVANCE iffflmfflffmf^^ F. T, HILL & CO. - F. T. HILL & CO. Ularkdale's Bargain Douse dent's 50-cent Flowing End Ties 1!> cents apiece. ( 'pwards of twenty dozen of them- new and desirable guilds, ttiiest all-silk, in light and dark colors. Not one of these has been in slock three m-ni'bs, hut as the assortment is broken we take this muaiia as the quickest "f clearing out thu balance. Buy as in my its you want now nt i-acb 10 6-cent a yard Flannelette at 4 cents a yard. -'."> piece* or over fifteen hundred yards heavy Hmno-leUo fully 30 inches wide, in light and dark colorn. This is the same that lias been wold furo.or a year at cents per yd. On sle until theentiie lot is sold at per yard 4fc or 1875 9-cent a yard Flannelette at 7 cents per yard. >7'i \ trds of dark, he.-> tUnm-lt-Hi-, colors shuolulely fast and pattems the newest and best ob- No limit to quantity. Until all is gone 'bene 9-cent gO"d will be sold foJ lli^-cent a yard Ceylon Flannel at 10 cents a yard. 7. 10 15 56 Nearly two thousand yard of bright, new CVylun Flannels, full .'Mi indies wide, in color* that are abmilutely litbi and reliable We've never known Ceylon flannels <( equal ({uality to be wild previously at lew than I'-'i cell's, but tin-, came our way at a good deal lew, than ren prices, hence a griiu'itc 1-k line nt per yd., Only 20-cent a yard ( 'ottonadr at lucent* a yard. An exceptionally heavy and ood we.tring cottoiiitdi*, made oi hard twisted, rui.d yarn in the most desirable, colon iinl (Bitterns. We think this lino i not Nurpnnifd any where at ^<) centn a yard. Let us have yi>ur i|Ni-iion about it, and remember the price, |-r yard '.."> cent a do/fii Srmi Pnn riaiii Cups and .Saucers at 55 cents a dozen. 48 dozen blue and white semi-porclnin cups nnd saucers, extra fine ware in medium MM. If you require anything in thce goods, we say buy now. This opportunity it> not likely to be repeated. Semi-porcelain cups and s-iuc.-rs, per dozen $1.75 5 pirc-e Toilet Setts at $1.-J.V .'.'. .-H-IS only, fine.it stone china, new .-h.pe pitcher, and new |..i'-ern ware These 1.75 good* to be cleared out at 1.25 >l'l;l N< i i ;< i| .in- now arriving and are being placed in stock daily. This we nay about them never before hanit I n our JJ.MN! fortuii" to provide such thoroughly dependable goods at price* so low an they tire now. We've spent m -if TIMK and KXKIUSY preparing for thu Sl'KINi; SKASiN that most people are aware of and we think you'll appreciate our efforts when the resuLi of careful buying ate pUoetl be'ore you. Pleaw recall what we aaid last week about our Ordered Clothing- There's no quicker or more honest way of making money. We'll cheerfully give quo'ationi on your next new suit. F. T. HILL, &, Co - - M A FfKO ALE. IMPORTING I^ETAILKRS ................... .................... Pl'ULISIIKII WEEKLY ATTRI OFFICB, COL- LIMllWOol) STHKBT, ri.ESIir.RToM, OUT., E U. |l IH r annum Mlrlrlly In ad>anrr AdvertiBine Rates: On. Column. 1 yuar. .V) ; halt col.. 1 vnsr, t quaiter ci-1 , on year, !&. Transient a<lTortlnient il.arKi"! at th. raU c.nts per liu. (or 9rt Innurtlon ai: 1 3 cent uai.li subsequunt Innerttun. the speculators arc bound to sell | and tlic govei nor especially, in a most unsavory liglii. Loug may Mrs. Nation continue to work consterna- tion among the lawbreakers. Sin- fully answers Solomon B description when lie eaitl, "A continual dropping in a veiy rainy day aud a contentious wuman are alike " she oppresses the spirits, yon know. some, because the company will re- quire electric cncrgv, and will thus reaps ceitain profit ou their small investment. The horse is out of Un- stable now and there is little use shutt- ing the door, but still <ve btlu vi Eugenia cau protect itself to a cer- tain extent if a geimiue sale is made, and the people should, aa they no doubt will, ki-ep their ey?a a little widet open to their own interests. A ( 111.A1' SI'KCULATIO.N In coiuipcton with tlie above it might not bo outofplacu to icfer to the cii'irnuiurt profits secured by the The Scientific Americau describes a new insect which has arnvid I'min l-'.miipr, and has cunie to the rescue of our fanners froir the hosts of rav- aging iusecta th it ihuy now lm\ tight. This insect is known to lists as the Mantis BtlsgsOt* or pray promoters of the W.lkortol binder twine factory, whicli is principally The promoters of Quito an amount of interest was aion.sed recently ovir tin- fart thai owm .\'i. McWilliauiH, a promoter of Owen ,1. in company will. Dr. Jamie- i> co ' WOO out of the deal, and son of Durham, were out at Eugenia lllt ' ^^ uot ll 1 lo b * a buying upuulitJiM on all the water- i' iwt-ra there. Rumors of electric f nil nt works, summer re factorl08 of ft like uatm ' e art P"n S ing up ttiroux'nnnt the eonutrt. of all. bcheme , .. . etc.. Hilled through the minds j TI ' e Fore8t *' l>rc83 ' in 8ouudiD * We R.i.l ,,,thiu g about the "> *>T tbe benefit of those who at the time as there was' aro bc<i " canvassed m that district. Ol " lhttt 1,,'l.mg definite and wo pic.umcd it a mere small .peculation on the part of , tivo f " clori !9 liave Unplaced uuder aMpU ofenterptmingmeu. This ^ in " tariu wilh a capacity of to 1.000 tons annually, or nearly double o 1 Mu,,,,i clun^e. ll,,.,, we have l.a.l no reason Fur about fifteen do | lar8 ,l"e actual consumption. The wero able to puichaw op- , of lhU ^ * dl8a8U U8 ' mull ii>K mantis. It has In i n found in thr vicinity of Hocliester in considerable numbers and is being carefully pic- >i i\td. Un'tke most jf our European iinportatious in the insect woild, not- ably the cabbage butterfly and M.-M.UI fly, this most no HI addition to our fauna is a valuable acquisition, says one who has studied tin-in. It is insectivorous and kills large nui'ibers of grasshoppers, catrr- pillais, mosquitos and Hies. Thu little beast cannot disseminate itself ttio quickly over tins district. It would pay our municipal corporation to import a few thousand egg cases this winter. ,.. , .'holders, while certainly thu public at .mtl.resoftl.obestwaterpowerH.j^^ _ ;ii ^ D _, th ytar will dunve are benefit, similar Pork piano. option* to hold good for one In the meantime Durham is, ..... i There are BO many of them that man- U HiiL' aliead With DM cement works, , . lagers cannot secure stock to kt'Ci and it may be poasibh- for tlieao gen-. ., , i them running. It is rather u fortiur tli i.i 'ii, wlu are intimately connected 1 .. , . ate thing for the prospective share the works, to sell the powe' in lioldunt in tins district that the. Mark nil in did not materialise. All ol the at t company inside the year ! iniind advance, and if they UMM lumgf go (0 prove that funnm sell it IH not inuoh to lose. I risk was worth taking. Provid- ill!' should bo extivnifly can lions before roiiMiiittini; tlicniaelvpa to sale ho inafie, Kngcnia . , anv seht'iue iiropoHcd by clover pro-; we a power house i rooted at a cost Of . motors whoso only dosire H to line, n fi-w thousand and all Una inagni- , .... . their own pookwU, build their entiT- ficeut piiwi-i cniivt'Vi .1 lo Purlmm ami .. .i . prints and then got safely out from MO to di'Vidop tlm marl bo(lnof tbal r . under before tlio structure falU. locality, instead of DM| WOCIM in i'his signature :* on i-vvrv ** of the genu... Laxative Bronio Quinine TI.I.- ( S tho remedy thut -nn-s . ni.l iu out- !> SEASONABLE Groceries Snaps for Present Buyers. The l! i.'lf. areal!ix'l opti-iii, on evt'iy Nation aiid her hatchet is more interem iu thin country II. r till- III!' II Kt Of H:llll'SpCultivr K 'i to have it-run <l watcrpiiwer I om Minlul.tlr to Dnr tluin did Washington hi.nsi It. ham on tin; S.uiii'i'ii. They boast ,-.iui|i.ii^n iinniii.-u illegal liquor that t 'i.-y havi! tied up n dozi-ii water- crrnied lirst uimiHt'ini-nt, tlifii u.tton |, >\\. M 111 tiin Mri'tiun. Of IMIII-HI> il nUmi'iit at her ei>iira<>, and i.ow that \a only In on,, yi nr, Int. it would luvi- th,- rlimdit'H nnd men liavo entitled beun j'ul us wull, and bcttt-r, for (he- in h>>i- caiixn. good fruit, will likely be ! Uiesft powrM to n t, tin tin- the rusult. Kansas is * prohibition |.n |"'ily in then own IniinN aud not Rtalo, but the authorities have) winked Ii unlit over to speculators to make at liquor selling. If Mn. Nation lias what they uaa otit of iln-m and pocket done nothing moif (he has at least lliu pniiiu. Oului all these pnwcrasliowii up tho oflicaU uf that stati ( I'nwiler Mini M wi'h it. chinawnr Good Baking Powder 15 cents pound can. Mixed Pickles in bottles only tO cents CATSUP PER BOTTLE iccts. Potted Meats, two for 15 cents '. hnr* .inn-" hoiip :.". t M. Richardson & Co. - 'DundaUc A Final Clearance in Men's and Boys' Overcoats 10 only MIIIM IKavy A1I-W..I Twed )vt-rcontB CheRte D.-W stylu -wool twctxl lining izo< 35, H7, !W "<! 42. Houl.ir pric.ii fniin $7 'i'i < $H.".'> ... Selling to ck-arat $2.50 Oonlylioy'* Heavy All- Wo I T<tH Ovc-fctmta -I)oill>ie ami inuli* liri-ate i- -wo ! iwo>-l liniiy.'^ -w*-* 2H, '23, 30 in. I :fl. K -.;uhr pric-us from $3.50 t Si-Ming to cli-;u at . $2.00 Special in Children's All-Wool Hosiery Pei feet j!fln heavy a'l-wool 'at black s- smless feet coni- foiiiil> and ilurnblr- * die spliced heels and toes. - i :>. ;.l, ii. 7. aii.l 71 ICrgnlai iL'i-ei-nt flo-e fur 10 ccnlt. I:, n .-ir 1~. i-i.t MOM- f..r 12 cents. M t !! so f'-r 14 cenU. K.gi. m 2"i i.unt Hoe for 1W cent*. FORETHOUGi ITS of Spring Tin- >tfady arri\al of shipment after shipment of new goods for every department turns every thought in the diirc-tiun of the new season and we're glad to direct attention to a few special lines for the cc-ming sfu>4>ii \\hirh indii-ate the .satisfying values we have secured for you. Cotton Goods. Prints. Canadian Prints, a gnod range nf light and dark colorings in spots, stripes and fancy etlects, fast colors. *J7 inches wide at $ C. Jl Special Pritlt. Hnglish make -an elegant nuii^e of light, medium and dark coloring in spots. stripes and fancy d.-si^ns; fast colors; close. even cloth, five from dressing ; ;!' inches wide, at 1C C. J1 Special Ginabam. colors in IK at small checks extra heavy and dnraltle 1.") ; nt goods for A ran^r of JJIMM! dark ami plaids ; fast colors ; cloth ; 'M inches \vi.hv IOC* H Special flannelette. A special purchase ,f a jol> line. >uitaiilc for shirting, in dark colors, neat small checks and stripes, nice soft tiuUh, i >y > inches wido. si'Ki'iAL 7 A cents. New Black Dress Goods Our new selections make tiur assortment of new weaves and fabrics the most compre- hensive we have ever shown in this popular and fashionahle shade. Prices from 25 cts. to $1.75 I I (I 1 % -sj Hew Dinner Setts. From $6.95 Hew Coilet Setts. From $1.25 Hew Cea Setts. From $3.95 New Wall Paper New Window Shades Sap Buckets and Spiles Don't lose sight of the fact that PRE3H OR C(K)KED OYSTERS ALL SEASON. and We Sell It. F, 1, BUT - - THE HKEI Ulrigbt's Old Stand* H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE FEBRUARY 28, Vicinity Chips ' ' ir irtrrisllrs of the Past e.-U Can-ruily Vnlld for thr Carious I | h lim- >iln fin I'Hntl J. H. HitLi ti's, tugeiiia. (iirl wantrd (ado general hnutework. t.. Em<*!t \Vrf%, I'mton Station. s wrntetl at o ,>. i:iust hc^oml m coat* ,ir need rn^t apply. H. Alexan- der, Fleslieito-i. Private or company funds to loan at fr in 4\ t<> 6 p-r c-i t. KxpeiiNt- low. Apply tn Geo. Huthtrf-,rd. Slielburne. Cl.iyioaN ai rcilinx off OverHhce*, Riil.i*-i. Valiitui Trunks. Mi'ta, (sloven, elo., at very gratly reduced | rice*. Pur Sale Four ynuni^ Durham bulls, - . ni'le In N, nnd oi.e 3-ycar olJ mart*. James 1WI. t;i--iirl^, Mark.taiu I' ' . Bull for i!e th<>rugh!.n;d Durham coiiini^ 2 yt'.ir- i M. Fiti run tn MI. r. Ap ply to I'. Muir, Cey i i. f' ' . \Vc be>{ to apologize In our LaUy Bank o.rr s(.i,udei.r. His items hive gi.t tuix- laid nil we onnn< t Jim-over their where- S.'iith Grey rU-fnnneni w 11 mee' in Diirlia,.i on \V, rim--, lay. RJnr. O'h for ilie purp" of n> ruinating a -n,i li.urcfiT tin.- N w b the lime lo ori>-. '..u-jcKj ie- |wir-> .iiid get y.ur wln-el tii'd up for -.11111;. llt-nnl \ Son arc hva<li|iiii!t- Rev. Mr LasssWtof the Baptwtchnrcl-, assi-'^i by Mr E .1 McKr.-n of M<- M>ni- r Colltge :* In Idin^ npeci-1 serviv* DI. Trie rpccial se. vices in 'he Veil chur. h are being c> nt-nucd this week. Rev Mr. Emory of Shelburne occupied the pu'p t Tueiiay and \Veinday even- n, H If you ant i!""d n.r.-n in B"Oi nd Snt>e. or anything t Ue in tht call .it CUyUm's. They want to make rv in t r s{)riiig goods and are selling che>n Mr Jacob Lever lias recently purchas- ed a tine thoroughbred Durham bull, brtd by \V. Tind.ile .t Son. Fergus, for which he paid a high price. The iniin.-i 1 is a l^ood i-in n this IssMsV I Kent -Th< proper')- t Kimlwrley known an the Temperance house. The prop-rty also comprises rive seres of land, with orchard of grape*, pears.pluiiis nd |-|ilr- in Hue bearing condition. FIT fu'l iiiforni.it ion .ip/ly t.t t!n oft'ice or of A. 1). 1'hurs'on, Kiinb r'ey. Married \ f tl > residence of the I ritle's parents, near Flr>Iierton, i n W'ed- ne-ility. Kt-t> J7, bv the Itov. L. "VThoiu, Miss Itelli, daugh'-r of Mr. and Mr. Alex. Stewart, to Mr. V. Thibadeau, Markdsle. Tin- Advance t -n U-r-. congrat- ulations. Say By: Look H-r..-: I want 500.1)00 ft. * ft elm, rnke'in and )KISWO<K| saw logs Prices, K"-l ai any you know, the right measure and cash as usu.d. Find meat tin: >!d stand, Eu^'iii.i stw mill Yours truly, F. T Curr. An auction sale of valuable fi rw V tk will bo-held on lot 149, con, 1 N. E. T. A. S.R.21 miles south of Flesher- ton. on the Toronto ,111 1 Sydenhani Koad. Friday. March 1 at 1 p in. Se* hi Is for list, i it'ii. Johnson propiotor, R. J. Spr me aucUoDeer Mr. UeorK* Me Master of Warehsm delu-veied at Kle^herton on W t dneday of l.ii<t week a load of seventeen hog* that nrtti-il him $204. He ban nold during the pnsl year 951'J wor-h of pork. Who iwys that pork raising doea not pj ' Mr M-Mntjr prefer* the Fleshertun ro (.'. llingwoikl market. Messrs. Wilscu, Wi!in stul Wright, fox Catcher*, have captured sevt'iiteen foxes duiing the pnst st-ason. The pellr-es t re oKl !a-t reek to Mr UunsUultlef. The rinniliilHtinn of so many foxes ought t i i nhniice insurance value on ducks, turkeys nnd i:eese in this vicinity for the c<im ng summer. \- th" adjourn -l meetint; of the (|'ur- terly ofrUial h. -urd of the Meihislst church thu f -!lowiii'/ rvnolution ss iiii.iniMi --isiy m'riisl : Movt-d liy J"hn I'-i .- .. si-con K-d ly K. lUsf, that the i|u.irt rly b'rl of Fleshvrtoii circuit of tne Me'hiHlist church, tJike this |>JKT- t unity of convf) ing to the pits' or, ll-v. J-.aep'i Wiii-tl, I! \..IM>, its appnvit- ' tinii f bis ell'or's to ettttnt the w<-rk >>f the church, ful'y rctlirjini th.it he bus st .ill tim -s us -.1 his Ix-st eT-i-ti to build up fie church and further the cause if Chii"t, anil it is tin uii.-inniMus re<|U>*st if this Nmrtl, that he remnni on th-s circuit for \hf fourth yetir. TheKujenta postoflice is n-.w a small plum to drop into VsAbisiy's mouth and a nuniher of aiixioaa hands are reaching for it The Advance has heard of six ap |-l'ciii* who are busi-y engaged pulliag the trmi:s. The office i* worth about ninety dnllan per ai.im.it. A sad ease of death occurred at Pprfnii Station '-n SatunUy last, wbeu Mrs. Maloolm McLean, a young woman nnlv '2*2 yean of ,ige, dro(>ped suddenly di ul. Deceased had be^n under thu doctor's carebutnoserii.ua result was anticipat- ed. She leaves a husband and intiut child one in. nth old. The funeral took place to Iniatioge cemetery on Monday. The well drillers out in Oeprey have completed ibeir second hole, which is said to have been put dm over two thousand feet. As is customary, the drill and cable (winch they My is broken) was left in the hole. Tlve' machiiie will now be iu v. .i over near Mclntyre and a third perfora- tion uiadu. If *e were to believe all we bear tbe cui ractora are baying a hard run of luck. It is "100 Sad, ' they say, wl.cn i.-.'ii.i'ii.i.a were so guud. I ntil the tlurd well a do\u peofjU wili be none the nicer. y,r. Brou.h, lit cm y u.aater in the Owe.. Souud t'olU-ji-.t--, read a paper be- e bteiaiy mi-irty on Friday even mi; Ust, tua -I U- --f which was "Poetry :.n.l ti u s'uily 'f p.-try." The paper - HI-.M l i 'M line and much appreciat- id i.) itiu uit-mb.-m, who w .ul I ail like to hate Mr. 1'r ugh r.turn anil give us n eih :_ in T.-. Tl.u me< ting on this occsi> n wi t the residence of Mr. W J -i,y T! e tw . Durl m pa|>er have published b. e |-i nr .-!. I'.'mw.n^-.) of the | ropiwed it woiks to ' c i- t.tnl nt th it place. >'-. J'-u'.f th, w rs will be erected, but where ami bo* i 1 >hey get the beauti- ful Uki- vihi.h -s shown in the picture? An.) the 'h 11- railways that appear to surn.uiMl ih w. rk? !>.. they et pec t to bung al't'iit so-ne catac'.ysm of nature wlncli wiil let in tl.e wvi-rs of Lake Huron ai il aninhilate the towi s of God- erich, Walkerton and Man-.vei? We fear the Durham paper* expect t.>o much. They may get t . the t.-p of the \ ile, and we hope they will, but r mu-st not be al- i.i.'ithvr t tbe expense of their tister t -wns westward. We notice by the Algnma t'st Mr. J'.hn McAl-er du-dat Thesfalon iiiFi'!-. 1'. Mr. McAlevr w*s born in the town-hip ot Toron'o. (.'ouutv of York, in !> - ne whtn young with his f.ither tn (jrty County. He removed t" Tbcssalon in ls'J4. The funeral .-w, conducted by the Orange i-r-ler. Dectas ol lt-<v In-hind a wife, two sons and three daughters, Robert of Thesaaloii, Willuni <.f In.ii in . Mr. R. T. M f Meiford, Mrs. David Berndge and Mrs. Thos. Biooks of Thewalon. The Adiocate pays a high tribu'e to Mr. Mr Aleer'-t character. Its ays : " Deceased was an affable, genial. s.-ciaMe man, whose chief aim and ideal in life seemed to be to lu.tkt) otliert happy slid was wholly reconciled to die. When a>ked the <|Uest!oii. "Wi'uld you like to live longer now, John?" he responded rlieerfully and emphatically : "No 1 I ill never !> better prepared to meet the great Creator 'who doelh all things well'." He tbei asked the family to sing : "Safe in the arms of Jesus ;" while the spiiit t"ok its dight leaving an expression of kiudne-s, comi'ii-sion and love upon his face which ws delightful and s;!lstisfying to hold." An Accident In the George Johnston sale of live stock, which takes plnce to-morrow ( Fri- day) the terms will be nine month.-' credit, not six, as advertised in the bi.l A titiure nine) g"t turr.ed upside down, in iking a six, which is n.Uleadiiik!. H- ini-mbcr.it should bo nine iii"iiths' credit, and some fine stock will b* i-ftVred. Auction 5ale. A credit Auction sale of faun stock, implements, feet', etc., the property ol Mrs. J. M. Tburston, will bo held Friday, Muvh 8. at 1 o'cl-wk. st her residci'Cf, Kimbt-rby, h--n the following articles will bo offered I furrow i-i'W, 1 lu-ifer calf, 9 months old, well bred; Honif C'oinf >rt wrmiu'lit iron range, 3 healing stove* nnd (ii |H;s, 1 tine Hell M, 17 beehives compb ti-.and smoki-r, li-ntti'ig box, a n'lii'tity of hay, strew sn-l (wt, I wht'H>:irro<v, 1 coal oil s'ove, 1 Mileboartl, I Wknlrh>, '.\ i-ii; K.-xnis, S K-.U'ea'K o s-"> b-.l springn, S wish stands, l\ rskir^Hiitl one arm rhsir, '2ii comii.' ii ch.-ir. 1 nnnd ci-i.tre rbl-, 4 lahlei,, 4 -tin 's. 11 ro"or wind- \v shades, 1 tin c >sl od tank, holds 1 barrel, I sugar kettle, 30 sap buckt-ts, 2 pr- serv n{ kit- tles, 1 work bench, 2 crosscut saws, scythe and snaith. scoop, spade, hoes, pitch forks, garden ntkes, manure forks, etc., 2 wanhtubs, clothes wringer, a large f\ lantity of plates, side dishes, cups, | saurent, knives, forks, lamps, glassware, a fine lot of tools including pruning shears, augurs saws, brace and bits, spirit levels, planes, adfi-, and many other a* i idea. The whole will he sold without reserve as the owner* are giving up business. Terms : All sums f $5 and under cash ; over that Amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes, or a discount of 7 per cent, on sums over 96 for cash in lieu of notes. Personals ' Mm Maggie Nesbitt of Cataract is her aunt, Mrs Isaac Sinclair. Burn In Flesherton, on Tuesday, 19th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Beaton, a son. Mr. J. McLean and Mi-w Hawinan of Collingwood spent Sunday with the Mises Croasley. "Prof " Tucker visited Cullingwood for a few days last week' Mrs R. Askin of Markdsle is staying f- r a fortnight with Mrs. M. K. Beaton. Mr Will. Hentham of Silver Creek, N Y., is visiting relations here for a short tne. He purposes returning home next week' Mr. Andre* CulUn and family, west back line, left for X<?w York State on Tuesday, where they will take up their rtwidence. . The following specimens of ci.mmun- ications received by teachers from the parents of their pupils, are not un.**ason- able: "Please excuse my boy being ab- sent on Friday." fan one of these miss- ives, " aa aunt was burird and it will not occur aga.-n," "please inter my two boys in your skull, " was a note received by a schooloiaater. Another teacher had the following from the mother of a child who had been attending physiology C!*SP; "Please do not learn my little girl no nj -re about hr inside because it does her no j. .nd and is rude. DvC. 1 th-; public -Yi'ur druaRUt is hereby authorized to n-fund the purchase n a twenty-five nr tif'y tvnr Ixitiif . r lirirni U'arnuiteii Symji of Tar, if It fails to cure yur cuu^h .-i 3 *d) Tha Lwter H Cirwne Co. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tak- Latatir* Hi -ujo (juin!n Talili-ti. All .triik'BKts rt-fuuH t .i failo to tura ix- K \v . li.-.iva's oiKiaturt) u .'n us>cb bin. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service. Cord minto, 2<)068. Tko undersigned has*H flne scad Durham Huli for Mrvlce ou lot 111. r t Tvrnm tl for grade row*. -) for tborouch- br.ls. fdlgre on applicaii n JACOB LEVKB. Klenhertoo P.O. i:i I.INI ; KI ,) TtMWORTIl BOAR FOR 5ERVICE 1 have a nyixtui e i Tainwnrtb Hoar for "etwe ou lot *. N. D. H . ArtfiniMlt. r<-i nm f 1 W. UK ADS. Proprietor Notice to Creditors In tb- m I'ter nf tl'O &itati> "f William Mnlim, Ut^ <f ih Viila;jf nf Kt-viT- uliaiii in the T>inship "t t Nprey in the County of lrcy. Ocntlenuin, de ceased. NOTIl'K bi-rrbv ivn puru t to 'Thf Rrlri.<"< xtsttllfs of Hlit.i|.', I"'" I'hap 1. that all creilltors anil other* iiavitis; cluuis uoiiiHt tbeentatr of ilil v i U mi MM! iin, w'-o i or ahciut 'In- *' !< 'Uyif Ducvmbdr Vlv, IKW, re niiiilrwl .>n or bafuye the 4th Jav of Marcli A D. 1'JUI. to Mild by p"". pn-pai I. T in H.-nrv Heitman, Kevurnha.u f|O, I>JBS MaUIn, Bob Hoy. P. \ . nr lnhn <v ei F.-vvr>hsin f ')., nil iii tli<> wnl l"wn-nl|' of oi-re 111 tile liTi-MH.l ' Kx .-lit, us of the duoeaeed. their ;liriian 4n I Hiirnni*s a.lilrttHUfK aid) <ie cripli inn mi I full pitrticiiUni of tllnir claiui*. xratuinviitn of thnir Koi-ounts an.) the unture uf tbe securities if au> li.-l I In '.11.1111. AM| further ttke > ctice that sfter tbe lut mentioiifKl <lato lln- >!! Kxwiiu<r i: i -i i ili'ito the amwts of the le- ewf.l ainonu t.h^ parti.-ii Mintl.oi th.-ri'tii huvinii rri{ar<l sr> to the cl*iniof win. h tli-y nlmll tiv AII I ibitt ai I Kx> ciltor* wi 1 nut bo ltabl-> fur tn.' a -et IT purs thei.of to u< p.- - 1 pi- * PS of Wh'ine 1*1111-* nolim vyull not hVB IHH-II rm.-rlVi.nl at tuiio "f -"lich ilUtribution. Uatetl Jtiiuar< lKNk\ H. I I'M VN j \\i -. Ml i I N tea itor* ,1 -ii . rP i K-. Vood's Phoipiodint, TV Ortat Bn^aA KantOy, 9oM and recommended by all drunKt*t tn Canada OnlT rell- shli> medicine diworerrd. *'ii w yiieXiiifSHf to core all forruoT**iaa[ W,.knw. all effect* of abuse rezow*. Mental Worry. Eicwtvt- aw of To- baoeo. Opium or Stimulant*. Malli-d on r*wlv of prtc. ouepekll.sli.. Ont 'nM fitate, vre. Famphleta fn*.' to sny s-idr*'i*s. Th* Ws>d Cvmpska;, WlnUwr, Out. * * Mi * * * * * * i* Oil it * * Oil V4V * * * * ssssU BSSsU I i J * iiv i, -' !/ * Of J^cto (Century STILL CONTINUES Tie last two week* we have been cutting the prcea of miny linen of goods nearly in two, and still we are continuing to aell r reckless prioe* The Hrt sh.pmeiit of .,ur new spring stock ha* arned a:ui nnw oil every day 'ill more in arriving. On making room this week for our heavy ipnng stock, we found we had still many lints of good* in every di-parrnimt WB orust get rid of, rrgtrdle.sft of cost and is *n*ce will not permit us to r ;uote every bargain, we shall only quote you a few of the m*ny. ^^^^^_^__ CotbcCadies: As we aaid two weeks ago in our Drew Good Department, the New Century knife cut deeply. You will atill be able to nud better bur- ftinr, than ever. Co t1) GcntkrtKii : In -iur (touts Funnahinu Department you will find unheardof bar- gains in every line. We *i!l just .(note you a few specials in underwear an I overcoats. Men's Heavy Ribbed wool Shirts and Drawer*. Reg 45 cts. now. . . 30 Men s Heavy Ribbed pure wool Shirs and Drawer*. K.' 56c. n. " Men's Heavy plain Scotch knit pure wool Shirtr and Driwi-r-.K-a. Hoc. now Men's Heavy plain pure Canadian w-iol Shirts and Drawers, Reg. 80c. now K) Men's Heavy plain Red Canadian wool Shirts and Drawers, Reg 4Qc. now Men.s Heavy w i. 1 Fleeced Shirts anil Drawers, R*X. SOv. n-.w 60 Men's Hesvy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, Rei(. 55c. now 40 These are a few ..f thu miny Snaps. How for Overcoats Our 97 50 men's heavy Frieze, wool-lined overcoat, now 5.75 Our 9H.50 men's heavy Fiieie, wi>ol-linetl overcoat, now 5.00 Our fu.'iO men's heavy Frieze, extra well hnel overcoat, now 4.01) Our 96. 'W men's heavy Friexe, extra well lined i.vercnat, now Our 96.50 boy's heavy Friexe, wool-lined overcoat, now 5.00 Our 9o 00 hoy.s heavy Freze, extra well lined overcoat, now .... 3.75 Our 94 00 boy's heavy Frieze, eitra well lined overcoat, now 3 00 H Snap in Tulkloths. 9 pieces regular price 56 oeBta, on sale now '2 pieces regular ptice rtO centt. < n ! n->w 1 piece regular price 50 cents, on sale now Th.-e are puregi-odH, tn)n< and extra heavy. Bargains in Rubbers Mei't high laced Rubbers, guaranteed nag-pr>of. retf. 92 '.), now. Men rubbers, guaranteed -man proof, reg. 92.40. now Men's 1- buckle rubbers, Kuarantevd snag proof, reg. $17". now... Men's 1-bockle rubbers, reuular 91 30, now Men'* 1-buckle rubhrs. reuular tl.:). now 40 ..: Ml i "' Grocery Dep't. l. best ^rnnulitfi -Uirr J-' lb. bent g<ilden yellow sugar. . . 3 cans Tomatoes) 3 cans peas 3 cans corn . . 91.00 11 23 ct. 25 cu. 26 eta. 3 Ihs. finest selected raiins 25 eta. '2 Ibtt. tineot cleaned currants 25 et*. 4 i'k,j. com :.ir--li 25 ct. In every ilepartment ymi will find sueh Rinrains. 9*ric93 art for CaaA or "Grade Onty. MIQHEST PRICE FOR ALL KI.ND5 OF PROOICE C. 3. Shcppard Tlcshcrtcn. . Flcury ind n latin iui| laments, Fluury and Verity p!<nr^ m luml all 'he time, alno all kinds of repairs fur the name. VVe iiinniifxcttire , Cutters, BWgMi, etc. Huraeshifin;; pr-nipt'jr attendi il attention ro bi>iid<-r ..iirraofwl feet. Liltin snd Plow con<Unily un han<l. First Class Bugaies IMea.Mire and Kami UlclggOnS ; Sprinjr-tOOth and Iron parroWS : Klciirv. hick. McGuL, and kinds of $bares- AI>.. $ramotors, .f i'.r.-i>s and other kinds of make : Cream Separators of different kin.u : fiorsc ^hocin^. Painting and Crimmina Can-iap-s and all kinds of Black= wire for fences ; (i() TO J. H. HEARD, 58 FLE5MERTON. an you spare H few months * Th.s winti-r in which : improve \..'ir <tln Those few 111 'M H.< Sprllt t till- BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE W/~ w-'Jn Phopholin I* oM in H"hrt"n bj - ChriU) ul W. i:. Wolii lion. Drnii (Ists. OWEN 5OLND ONT. W 'it'l enable \n i tn il.. huHinesa in a Hlttl-U-'t TV IIUilllKT. I'l'O kill'* you " llil ^-"in "f tli'tf*. clu'i|Hr llil .%ll ki iKi'f ^"iiniifii-'.il |'a|i. r w iil'l. i i" U.|i. -^*'o you hmi'lri'ils nt il..ll.-iiH in tin- future. Wri^hl f..r catali"4ue, which o'li t mi* full information, to C. A. Fleming, Principal OWKX st>l'Nl>. ONT. Wii.trr tono he.,in n .l.m. i. 1<X)1. TnacE MARKS DCWMN CorvRtoMTs Ac. .on ling s ^rl) nd <)MT>MI"n nmT luli'kly a-i.-'Tuin i-n'- ^T n avetill^n m pr.'bubly p*ttHitatilii. i u muinr- dilentlAl. IliunlNxik "ii I'ntrnts Pal.aU taken thr-iuiin Mui n \ i . raoUa lf*Ctftl SJOSSSS, WH h.Mlt chnr, Scientific flmerkan. . rilatlon f "T wientide ]<>urnal. Tvrius. H a> i"r: T-nir muni bs, IL doW brail nowMlesler*. MUHH&Co'-' New York Bnn.-l oilce, tHt r it, W*h'.DKlun D.< ,