Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1901, p. 1

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fks Afctranrr. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XX, NO 1<P6 Fleshertori, Ont., Thursday, Marc*i21, 19O1 W. fl THURSTON, EDITOR * PJU'PHIETOK bangt in Business NEW FIRT F M. Siaifor I !iivhi)( he -n admitted a a partner, ami \V .1 McK.ir- lan.l i'l ilniwin^ 'rn\ n liv,. luinineoo in Markdalc, the olil ami lung OH talilm' i-d tinn of M.- Kai:. mil A- Co will ii the future l>e ntyloil nl kn wn as M :F.-ir and. Siitf'nl A THe new firm solicits o, continuance of tnxe pa.tron a^e a,n<i fjood will extended to IVJcssr-s I^c Falkland & CO. for upwards of forty years. Tn nukinif our how tn the Public a< a " firm wo hope hv *|nn-c d-nlin-'. ei'rrvy, anipl<? iiipitnl n<l a th..iouli knowlorlge >>f VIUHMH-KH, to not milv retain hut incrwuie and extend the vlnni.- of hnnincas tliat ha Ii. en etijovi-1 hy til" "'UI firm. Thar our effor'n will rn> aeooude'l liy tlm buying puhlic we will. en leavor to I'ondiii-' ^ur l>nsin"sn on tlio lim-a .if THE BEST VALfS FOR THKI.KttfT MoNBY. nd with t'ViTV |tllri'h-|H ma^le III our e-talilihlnnent will una iruiiran'eo that V"<ir money will he rpfiniHed if vou are nnt Miiuiti -<1. All go,.ds marked in plain figure* ai.d one pri-e tu all, will be our motto. C.'mmen.-inif with a xiw, CLKAX STOCK boii-.-ht for SIK>T <*< in th best market^ in the world, wu fe.-l ure we ar in a |niti..n in null .ill line* of ni.Tc-hnndiee at prices that csnnol- be bvat liy any firm dniiiK businaaa iu Caaaila. and Thin week we will put in stock some 30 odd raws of British Foreign y. M <A imported dirwt f" )m Mifnsrs. Ry'amN ,t Sonn, M.mrlu-st- T, Enitl nd. Thix firm is the largest wholesale manufacturing dry Bonds firm in tho w. rid T^t week wo marked . .ff and pur in sWk over 40 cam>n consisting of C,i adian SiapleK. Clothinir. fienU 1 Felt Hats. Bnnts and Shnes. and Millinerr. ai'd h^te now rea.ly far your innpection fh largest and' Iw-nt HtM ^'"ck if dependable morchandito ever opened out in Markdali- We extend a court eouainvitataion to the citizens nf Markila'e and 'ii'ioundnin country to viit our tore and prv our olaiina fo your jnt- lonntfe by nn unpre)iiilicl and critical niap.-r>i..n ,.f , M ir stfH-k. >Vc ex- pect no o.ie to (five UN a dollar's w.irth nf trada un)eHihev <,.,. tlmi t!n-ir ii.tereBla are advnc<><l by doinn HO. Aakinv for vour rtr.>natf.- ,m the promise thatynu will certainly lie bmiifiied tluT.'hy, w remain YOI'RS TRULY Co. N. B In retiring from sctive buainesa in MarUdaln. where 1 have heen for upwards of fort v yoars. I return to my very numerous patnum ami thosts fi lends who have. stixxlT>y me for this time, mv wnrtnest thanks and 1,'ood WIS'.IM for their continued prmperity, and I cordially invite them r extei.d their ixtrnnagn and go.Kl wisbcH to my succeKwirn, Mc- Far'and, Stalf.rd & Co , who I feel certain will do their u:nisl to re- tain th c uilidence I have so long enjoved. I will lake another n|i|H<r- tunity at an early date to send you my farewell greetings. Yours fajtli- fully. \V J. McFARLAND. Frum Cur H\rn (Intended for !at wiek ) Moung aud selling out has been the order of the day for Home time. After Mr. Win. Siu.irt moved down to thu vill- age hu set the people in motion. His furni was then taken by Mr. John l>riiikju who 1 ft the way i pen for Mr. J. L yllaw to move to the farm iven up by Mr. Drinkle. Mr. Laidlaw'x move then pi-ned the wuy for Mr. Ceu. Walter, who haa moved over from the villnge. Mr-. .1. M. Thursion had her sale of household to M!S last Friday. It was well attended an<l articles sold well, own bv- yond exi'ii-tati n. Mrs. TlmiMon an<l family iotei'd uiovinv to Toronto in the nuur future but atpreftcnt they are spend ing a while at Eugenia and Flcxhurtx>n. On the excning of Thurxday of last l.mt week some of the members of the Methodixt church met at the h"ire of Mrs. Thurston whore a pleant uveuing was spent, up) oitnniiy wastalien ..f | resent ing Miss M. A. Thuraton with a hana- MIIII pure in token of their euteem of bor cervices among them in church and miciety circles. Our bust wishes go with M<-. Thurston and family and wo can only hope that our IO-IK may be othem' giin, as (hey have always been active in helping in every good work. MUM Bishop h.-n returned t > lior homo near Sherbro. ke, (Juebtc, after spending the winter at her brother')* Mr. W.S. Bis- hop. Mr. Hugh Walton 'a family had an un- expected visit from Mr. II. A. Walton n- cently. He has been in British ('olnm- bia doing canisi'ii duty fur suuie time. 'iy a change of work lie enlisted in Powell' i c. iisliiluil.iry and on his way to Hahf.n paid a, visit to his parents. We wish him every success in bin now liel I of duty. We understand that " The Traveller's llome" haa been rente 1 to Mr.C.\Vi<:kens who will take p. tmes-sinii shortly. Messrs \\ II. ami ('<. Stuart are down from Fairy Sound. The former in C"iii|any with Mr.' W. T Klis. is prepar- ing to U'ike a cirloul of live ntn.'k up ninth Messrs. Goo. Bath anil Unlit. Lonoheed ha\e gone to Uritiah Columliin. The lat ter lias given up the farm lie had ba-<l slid taken Horace (iroely's advice, "(Jo West." Mr. and Mrs C. Knot hnvv i< turned from an extended visit to Punnxylvania. They are highly pleiwmd with the, plt-itttaiit time tl-.ey rvcrsham you a few linen tu let you know that *%r town IN not altogether a tdiani. On Wednesday last Mr. Arthur Brown- ridge and Miss Lucy Haw ton were 1111 itod in holj- Ixiiuis of matrimony by the the Rev Douglas of Maxwell. Quite an enjo-nble time waa spent. Never forget, thu license, boys. Mrs. Huh Davison is slowly recover ing from injuries received sumo time ago from a runaway team. Mr. Jno. Sample is laid up with tjrippe. Mr. and Mm. A. Stewart of Fleshcrton celebrated the second anniversary of their wedding 'lay on Friday niyht last. A number of young folks weru present and report good time. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. A Mclntyre, a daughter. Will reports bad roads to Paradise. Woddmg bells are ringing, Tom. We arc sorry to lose front our midst Lew Sanderson, who mis been staving for a number of years nithhia sinter. Mrs. K. C BI-ICH. During his stay among*: us he has gained a number of warm friend* ami we wish Inn) every success at hm uew home in Toron'o. Mr I'ctir S'outenbur/ IM engaged in putting in a now Hume in c inflection with tho saw mill, for the purpose of giv ng more power to the mill, (Ira nays he won't have any excuse now.) I ia. k Line last Items fi-iim ihur Oira Corn i>niuicnt. Mr. Jacob Holly is putting in unlock of icu for tlie summer. We are ulad to know Mr. and Mrs.Hew- ettof the Mtaford Road aro improving nicely. Mrs. (.ialhraith has returned tr her home in Michigan after a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs. T. Clark. A number nl our y ung folks spent a very pleanant evening at Mr. and Mm Albert Stuart's on Friday last, it In ing the s.-r. ii<i anniversary nf their wedding day. M ss Ida Thompson has ruturned homo. We are gltid to have her back again. Prospect* ar good. Liston for wedd in- bells. Mr. Jacob Thompson is doing a bigbusi- UCKN with the wood this winter. Mr. W Canton appears tit I HI thinning out hia st-ick. Don't get discouraged. Will. Light appears to bo burning very late i>t Mis. K. rn s. Wo w i ne'er if any one |N Sick. We are glad to know Mrs. Aaron Teeter is around again. Thing* are very quiet since the wood- 1 rut'ors left. These O'e jolly fellows. C c again, l.uys. Mr. J. U. Lever's sale on Monday last wait a Ruccesh, ai,d we wish linn gotsl luck where he goes. selves and haEardmu their lives in defend- ing the integrity of the Britioh Empira tind in upholding the liberties of the British sulijocta iu that ftr-olf land. 'I he this war with other BriOah ti-'.o|, hasvnuMie itwelf a name in history, which vies in it* own way with that of 'ther fain ui bodies in Hiiti.h history, suck a i ri.mwell's Ironsides i but what For the Ladies In Jewellery Wehavjjust received a rock of new raiw* in ..ur estimation the body of winch ' 'li'"'K '"> '>ain bracelet*. Indies 1 guards nut liuir bamltes something tnuocitlly you nre a worthy representative, IH the ,-. chic. Frieiidtthip hearts, photographic Uei dial I lie BifMlMMM Horse h up- hroachen and* rings Call aid se thin 9 In Frum Our Own (.'m As some tima Il.tH [Kissed since you have from iii" I thought I would drop Pr IcolHe t'fmn "'if Oint <'iirrr*iMi<lmt There was ciin-iiliT:il>l tAi-itcmeiit ill our town la.sl Kinlity owing to a viit of .1 member of Strnthcona H horse in the pi-rnou of Mr. Colin McMillnu of Mani tol>.i. Mr. McMillan hns. host of i friends i" tin-* vifiuiiy, and. whoii It wim l";irt'od that he intended d^yping off to h:-m :l IIUIIllliT weilt out to Kli-'l.-l ton station I" me.et him, *hero the fol- low mi: address was road to him by \V .). Blak .-ton utmost a soon as he readied I lie plat I- I III . To Mr. Colin McMillan o.'the S-r.-ieih- C"im Hone on lii.s vHil to I'nc, ville lifter his return from South Aim-* : Wo. i ho citizens of rricwille and vicini'v, h.iv nival pl> ii-iiire in wu'eoin- in.; you on lliis, the lira! "iva-sion of your a;ipeui mice among u* aim.v yui return fr mi South Africa. The cstcc.ii in which we hold l-oi.l Sfntlicona ai.d M< nut Royal for tho patriot inin with which Im espoused his country'* interests in ex pending a million dollar* tu c<|ui|> that iirave li.nly. which bears tint nainu of St at IK-OIM'H Home, i* only excelled liy thu e*l coin in which wu Wd. the gallant men who unlisted i heri-iii, giving them- C rings lie >l ie naSue of C.in "la and baa helped beautiful selection while stock is full. o nc.isin o,y Ui eiall our own )>eli veil l.unl in cue eyes of Uu.aiii and the world. Von have uol tuny SUM lined .lie best 1 1. nil. ions of :\8 Bn;isii soldier, but you i li.ive helped to ent.thhkh for the Canadian lonliers. a reputation which we tqyat will I ever be sustained by ail who may sucunwd you. We have watched the pngresa of your arms ind the arduous struggles in which you have been unga^ed in South Africa with the intoiont of parents in their otfspring. We liave been, proud to hear the encomiums which have been pro nouneed up.ui you by the British com- manders and your own gaUsnt leader. Col. Stecle. We have been gratified ex- tu learn that the valor and social ipjalilies of the Sirathconas caused atchoft we have just received a rin.' lot of the faniouH " H.tunlioii watch, all Inuh grade an I warnnre I Thin tin makes nothmt; !> Our -t .ric of all luatai irf waichiH* wai never better. No^ in your tun- to W. A. Armstrong. 'EWCLER AN3 OPT, C AM FLESHERTON. - hearts l>ea with (tride when we think f what our Canadians have accompliaheti and of all the honors nhnweretl ujwm them "I by those most ouMetetit to judge and them to be regarded as a favorite by the wh(> ^ ^ f j thtlr Blpw-ioll rank and tile of "To inny Atkins " When I ... ... ..... . To-limy you left Canadian shores we read the ac- count of your departure with aflectiouute- ly nad. yet exultant ferlitiKt. and when your work wan ouoiph U-d, we watched w ih pumd joy and exulutiun the pro- | HI of your journey hoinewarl. Our In- n < e>pee.. illy ware touched with joy and |n .'e HH we leirned I he enlhuNiat.il wi.li winch you were recnxed in the o'd laud, and pti Licul.irly in Loiid-'ii. the I'.i ,-,U mud op ilia We congratu- late you on receiving the dialiiiuuiihe I honor of being the first r-nmietit to re 'ei\v the war medal at the hands of Edward VII, and aliwi of )>eiiig IN- f appreciation of you work. We proud ly rfOogiiiM'the gallant manner in which you hav discharged your du'iea, tbe valualile scrViv^J J *,i*".._^*^,.iirt(t(". your King and country, and as a token in nudfeory of such, we beg of you to accept this gift Coruvnl McMillan gracefully Uianked hia mend* for their generous present. Mr. C. McMillan m a tine 'ype <>f the Canadian soidier. He n of splendid physique and weighs I'.trt lb%. He ii an excellent horseman and a crack shot He waidrcMaed in his "khaki" uni- form. The many friends of Mr. Alex. McLean, who used to reside on the South lire. lirst regiment t-u bo presented wuh a, , he sorry to learn of the de.th of his King's colors in recount ion of seryice* | wlfe w h,ch Had event ,K.-curr,Hl nnTliunt- Jay of last week. Wn sympathize with rcndurei! in I he field of battle. At the ..line lime you rtgrct with us that tilt-He honors c 'uld not bo conferred by our lute belovid yueeii, under whone reign you our old fiiend in his great xorruw. ln.-d -On Saturday, March Itt. >,i>* Bella M.' Arthur, younxest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McArthur of this enliHted. And now that you havo reach- ed your native hind once more, after your V ,u 14({ei ^^ 19 jn 2 moe. The deoeaii- varusl experiences of toil and hard.hip | ^ UIM [wen ; for m , me ,;, ,,,, (j,,, .In- uii-tl milady iMiiHumpn -u. She wi n the field of buttle and on the veldt. and after you have been the recipient of .i" it honors from a grateful people in the old Ian I, we congratulate you and welcome you aiming us, desiring you to accept the addruwin tuken of the exteein you u:id the noble Miy you bo Innu in which we regard body you represent, spaicd to serve your country aud your Kiuu Mr. McMillhii kindly thanked every one for t''o sddres. At the close of the foregoing Mr. McMillan s photo wan lak'-is by W. H. Thurston, editor of tho Advance, and then the honored guest i.- driven to I'riceville, where he was 111 ! liy the vtmltMitH of our I". S.. Who sang "The Biilish Lion. ' and of a gentle and Unnig ilispoaition ami in ing her illness was neter h aril to ,- n, plain. The funeral t-iok pi ice on Mon- day afternoon to the Priceville com >'ery. The service as ctniducted in tho I'- - hyteri.in church, when the Rev. J.Mnthe- n*n preached a very impressive, serui<'ii. Thu bereaved family have tho heartfelt sympathy of all in their sad ufHicllou. Wide Awak* Horsemen. Mr. Richard Hoy, of Fleshertou, paid rim; slid vicinity a visit last week for e pui pose of purchasing a tirst M* ->' K O stal.ioti to take to the mughborhoo I of f the Queen," after which Flusliuiton for tho iinprovemeiit of the three rousing cheers weic given for Mr. | ,,-!, j,, tlmtdintrict. Mr. Hoysucc McMillan. in tilling Ins bdl beyond In-, inosi HIII- ()u Friday evening a number of fri. .,.! " "^ x.'ectations hy l.uyin,' from Mi. met at Mr. Donald McMillans, where ^ \ Mm ray. of Kiiphrama. IHH famous Mr. C. McMillan in ata.Miu' at pMMit, 1| "-'- "^'"i-- 1 " Imperial," at. a fancy an.l presented the latU-rwitll a well tilled I'""'- 'I'"'" '" Without ^ues'ion ,,u of pins,', ,voinp.inied by thu folh.wini- ad- t.h.' beM i-ntire horses in Onlar ,. H% IH dre-s, which was read by Mr. John Me shown by the many pii/.es he IMS ..,. Art hur. Co. Coin.iiifwiun. i. throiinlioiil tile province. KorMi. I'.. '' rp.i.il Colin McMillan, Sttathcona Hoi-si-, S.iinli Africa . ' I am deputed by the citi/.tins of 1'm-e ty. In 'in' and MIICW he in unHurpai>Hed. and a-t a aura slocK-gettur it is nerdie> to com I lit lit tllt-li on. "Ill', me I in |. el Uil ' " ' really iniijniMc.-nt hoi>e t.f the , u ville an I vicinity to extend to you our n"~'' cl.'si, and he wi I no donlit I.e a,i- sinci-e and heailfclt wolcoin- on your precut. d in the neighborhood to * Inch In- i-eiurn from Soiuh Africa, and to assure '" '"'" Mr - H"y m to be In. lily V'H and (hu b -nv and loyal men who mend.-l o.i ln ent< -rpiiMi, an.l t icie is 1,0 aci-ompanie,l you, that the pr.iyers of your doubl but the many breeders of lirst c awt country were with you during that long hor.ie.i in (irey Cuunty will take d\anla and pei ilons time on the veldt. Wecan-j"'' tin ervio of "George Impt-iia.. ' 'not r,-n!i<;,. tho dreadful hardships and The nmny breeders of Laningrt hor s [dills that you have undergone, but we i throuu'mul ihis ne t,-lilarh.Kl wid regret | fully rot>lixe h* you and thoao d voied ' the h K of this in.blt) (tire, but will bw : sol liers of lh Kina, who even with you pleaaed U. know thai lie baa fiilU-n ii.lo have done lowaidn str-jiigi hulling 'he go.nl h in Js and will bt- a beueht to their bunds of love and unity hetwreii this inilib...i amoim whom he ha (jon. Canada of ours and the mother land. Our . Markdale Staud>rd. J

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