I MARCH 21, 1001 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MARCH 21, F. T, HILL & CO - F. T. HILL & CO. Ularkdale's Bargain Rouse * * * BUY GOOD SHOES We've repatdly emphasiied the importance and economy of buying iruol Shoos the kin J that wear well- not necewarily ripensive ono. By doing so you are not merely guarding your health, which in of first importance, but practicing economy a well A few cents difference between the price of a G(K>D SlloK and a 1'OOK SHOE will not go far towardi repairing which is often mads n*c*wury after a few weeks' wear. Our entire Shoe Stock (over five thousand dolUrs' worth) is aelected with the knowledge that they posses* the bent wearing qualities, an 1 are the acme of perfection in lit We're practical shoe men and mry piir that is nut up to the standard is returned to the factory where it wa made. That's oue of th many reasons why our nhoes are so uniformly salirfaotory, and if we apply the same rule Co other departments of our store you have the key to the lemaikable leaps Mid bounds our hiiHines* bus made in the past few years, an increase not n.-.irly approach- ed hereabouts nor eicelled anywhere. GENTS' FINK 1 >ON<;OLA LACKD AXD(A ITER SlIoKS .Vatle of fine doiik'ola kid, sizes 6 to 10, plain toe, sewed sules a shoe we can with coiitidoiice recom- mend. Two lines at |1. 00 and 1.75 LADIES' FINEST DONIMLA BITTON AMI LACKD SHOKS. Dozens of lou-i of them 1 goods have i i- n placed in atock during the past few day* and I'lnb-ace almost I'ViTtthint! thai could poasibly be required. All sizes at per pair 91.35, 14:., 2.00, 2.2ft, and SJ.73 (iKXTs' BKST QUALITY I'AT.CALH LACED SlloKS. Finest Patent Leather Sln.es, sizes 6 to 10, kid tup, .VfeKay sewi solus, i.vweht styles- absolutely the most fashionable shoe in the market pt r pi r 4.25 F. T. HILL &, Co (iKNTs 1 I'AT. LKATHKR OXHORDS. Decidedly uobby and up-to-date gmxla- -the correct thing_ for fashionable dressers. Regular f 2.25 jiml-. clearing at prr pair 1.50 100 pair Ladies' Fine Shots, odd lines but comprising almost all nixes. These are what are left of lines that old at 91.50, 2.00, 2 50. and 3.00, and you can take your pick now at (XT pair 1.13 MISSES' KINK Do\t;t)L.v BVTTOKXD 8HOM 60 pair.eieu prising from 11 lo 2 in mivs tine don^ola kid sin 1. 1. These are of excellent quality tlie I i st you II find at the price. Ite.'iilar 91 uouds clearing at 87 LADIKS' FINK DOMKH.A OXHURDS Sonic of the finest and nobbiest go >ds we've ever had on our shelve*. We would like the op|>ortunity of showing you our values at per pair, 1.00, 1.26, 1.50 l.tk'i, and 2 00 IMPORTING I^KTAILERS Ad vance PfBLIHIIKI) WEIKLT AT Till omct, COL- UNllWouKHTUBBT, PLKHHCKTON, OUT., I i>- r an. in in Mtrirtly In advaurr AdvertisiDK Kates: 111" ''ol'iinn. 1 tr. a.SO , halt col., 1 vnr.a* quarter ool., on* jrer. !(. Truiotit adrrtlnmot c)irge<1 atth* rat* ent* par line for flrsl ln*rtlon at: 1 1 cut aob iub*qu*Dt Imnrtlon. THE CHINESE QUESTION A few years ago "Abdul ihe damn- ed," an he waa termed, killed mission- I falls and liravy roads fall flat under | Credit Fork*, who have been st..ppi. g present conditions. We liave heard '" r 8 " mo t "" e at tH * Eugenia House buy .1 story of a gentlennn wliose hones '" K fur "' hHVM " no to M nlr l d ,1 j , ... poHa of their stiK k. were floundering through the drifts u , I Mrs. Joawph \\ illiams of Lakeviow I,..- rtgaraltM of loada, or n hero lli ijti . been spending a few (lays with her should be.whcu he saw sc-vcral leaves. ,,, Mrs r *nwvsk, , K^eni*. as !iu supposed, itickiug out of the Mr. D. McMullon, who has been work- snow, and deciding that it was not no ing for some time past at Montreal, was deep there guided hia team for the home "" visit the paat w e k. shoal, when to hi. horror he he.rd F lr Evldeit toTEvtr^body. noises and discovered thu leaves to bo N() one ^ doubt ^ ^ merit of tin- ears of a span of mules that had Poison'* Nerviline. fur it has been placed become stallfd. This story is not "' th nwwket in 10 cent MtUa, juat u> , . s give the uppor'unity of testing its wonder- sworn to before a justice of the peace, ful po ^,, r (lfl , M kit|d . of ^ Thl , is but then neither are some of the other thu bai evidence of iu efficiency, for Btoiiea we hear of boy hood days. i* ?*"*. i "' - try f< ; r ll >eiu.olves ' rolson a Nerviline la a poatice (ik cannot fail) cure for crauipa, headache, cUU, neuralgia, and a host nf pains that flesh is heir to. (iiHid tu take good to rub on. to any drug store anil buy a 10 cent Lar^e buttles 26 ceuti. aru.'g and rouverU by wholesale in Ai IIII-MIII and the nationu of the earth merely protrdted bat did not eni] an army or demand the death of dig ad- risers and those who abetted the Not they. Oreai Britain impotent and no other nation dared to more than hold tip it* in horror. Conditions were c in the matter of China. There wan a onnnbination of forcei and the held of avenger* swooped down upon the poor I >.' nl. like vnltnres on a carrion carcase, with the result that hours are being picked and InaeionB chunks of lle-li are plucked from Chinese rib*. iiufwia snfi to posatss the iiK^l destructive beak and her rapno iotmnettf and gluttony are giving rise to piotealii among the other birds of prey which may end in a war of greater inag.utiidc than ever before known 'I IIH Hiluatiun is said lo he critical. We do not pretend to lay down a coilj of morals for ihe powers t i f'lllow ill the tnalter of China, but to the casual observer a comparison of tin ii imp. iieiice iii regard to Tin key and lightrous (or is it imielj hypo- critical) indignation nnd avenging activity when it cotucs to a matter of punishing China, do not appear to iidil may laiirrlti to our boasted mill/. Hlion. In our hii'nble opinion the sooner the powerH get out >f ('Inim now the better it will he for civihza< lion and the growth and spread of Christianity. Vengeunce ohould he satisfied wilh wlmt has been accomp lislixl. Mr. LumadeuB bill in the L.gibla ' turo regarding habitual drunkards is a step in tho right direction. This bill ;f'nph) boitle. provider that the habitual diunkard .v<- Charlea McKay and Eliialivtb Farke. . tnav be placed un the same plane as a , .. .. . , .. . ' of Seubr,-|(, a little place bvr uuK-s from minor or an idiot, and be declared un ; W(K)dtUM . kt WBlteJ :w wkl , (or thc ,,, able to do any bosiuess or tnatmge , ent 1(f , helr ^..j.^j parent., or dispose of any real or personal Mrs. John Cuinii.ing, to their .state, by applicatiau to the proper Neaily fifty <eaia ax<>, John Mr. and authorities of atir blood relation et public offiVi r. This bill places the diseaHe where it ought to be placed and by ptiiting it on a pr wilh idiocy will tend to make it more odious in tlie i-)es uf nil. Lit Mr. LiniM li-n . hill bccoinu law: Hut we would stig of Sweaburg, who bad no children, adopt- ed Charles McKay and Eliiabeth Parke As ihe children grew up, ihuy learned tu love each other, but m r her Mr. nor Mrs. ''uuiiniiigs would hear of their mtrriHge. They deuided to wait, in the hope that their adopted parents wuuld ieli-iit, hut they found their hair growing grey HH added. gent that au anti- treating clause be [they waited Last OctoUr Mr. Cum I'uiiiniiu^s himself died a The farn. was left lo the Thero was no further to the marriage, so the l.i WuodsUH-k on Friday mingi ihotl. month ago. . .|..p-e.l children. Mr. IMNUMMI name conniats Mi, three syllables, but those who are ,, vcri driiV fond of nicknames will leave off the I'M Ml and ilit) last ; or probably if the lust two syllables were dropped it 'and his bride as 57. would leave him in the clusa where he properly belongs. in.ht and wvre intrnod by tho Rev. Mr. Miller. Mr. McKay gave hi age a* 60, Ml to Ue have heard old men remark that rii wmtdrs ai-o not nearly HO revere now as was the case in their boyhood days, and that not nearly BO tuucu snow falls, but the present win- ter will put a damper on that class of From Our OICH CWlttp Jlorn *>n M.u.'h 4th, at Salein, Mr slid Mrs. Hen Madill, a daughlor I in, I At Salrin, on Friday morning | Mmch loth, Mr. John Maudoiiald, ged j si xty eight yeais. % Ducenaed was a very ipiit-t, ipoffdiisivu in.iii Hint a oo 1 neigh- Uir. Hu leaves a widow and grownup family, who have the sincere sympathy '(j^jj ufal.trge circle of friends in their hour Mr. ll.i|'ps, Sr., h is i-eturneil from To- ronto wiih Ins I, luh- A hearty welcome is eilenili'd to Mrs. lloppt, and C. n- i .inl ,i i us ir in lliuir uutny fneniU at Kugi'iua Thu numerous frienda at Eugani.t of Mr. Adam llialop of Valley Home Farm, eitendud to l,iiu and hia bride thuir huaily congrai illation*, wishing tlivm long Ire. prosperity and happiueaa, and a ronlul wnl,. Hue is extended tu Mrs. SEASONABLE Groceries Snaps for Present Buyers. Unking Powder and Muslim! chitmwnro present* wi<h it I 5 Cents a Powder pound can. in bottles only 10 CATSUP PER BOTTLE locts. Potted Meats, two for 15 cents. 1 bar* CniiM'o ;ii -'." rcutn FRESH OR C(H)KEl) OYSTERS ALL SEASON. jVWSlrl'!* Tlieil of lii Hislop to this community by the many wain, ti i ii.U of li.-i bust in. I i h - aiKiw M.-SIIS Lyon and Thoiun of M. Richardson & Co. ^tesherton - 'Dundalfc Spring millinery We arc jilcascd to announce to the ladies of this vicinity that \vi- hu\v secure* I the services of IHiSS OsbOm ot'Guclph, a very capalile and experienced milliner, tor the coining; season. New goods an* daily arrivinjj for this dejwrtment and advance onlers will receive prompt atten- tion. i Handsome Lace Curtains Wi- ;irr makint; a special sht\v- ing of Nottin^haiu I/n-i- Ciirtains this season anil can ci-rtainly in' :-.--: \.>u the tlesi-iu.-i arc more than u-uially baudsoHM th } i^iiu^' in all suitaMe lonijth-* our l.ir^.' asstirtini-iit incliult's all popular prit-fs ainl our values art' tin- host. t Prices frOm 25c. to $5 per pair. t j New House Furnishings New Carpets Hemp Carpets from 1.') cents per yard. I'nion Carpets from :>."> i-cnts per yard. Tapestry Carpets from :>."> cts. per yard New Smyorna and Axminster luigs Prices from $1.25* New Japanese Mattings New Floor Oilcloths. The Erect Form" Corset Newest Neatest Host Comfort- able Most Stylish \VYaivrs of the "Erect Form ' 'Corset with the new straight trout are always assured ot'pert'ert satisfac- tion. All sixes in stock Prices from $|. HARDWARE DEPART. new Paints new Curtain Poles New Wall Paper New Window Shades Sap Buckets and Spiles EVERY ONE TO HIS TRADE, our but. ness is selling Paine. SOLI) BY We know what to look for and what to look out for. It's like- ly you don't. That's where we'll help you. We've experi- mented ; our experience will save you trouble and annoyance. When we tell you THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS Are the best paints for anything paintable you may depend upon U. Let us show you color cards. :\.RICHARDSON & COMPANYj Vicinity Chips .- of th<* Pnst 4'nlled for th<- Oliiiice seed hrnt - For a' t the mill. F. Lnuckit. Fru-li : im ; :i'ys on hand. J. H. Din-ken's, Eugenia. Hay for gle- -D Tlmmpvui, Me.-tford Uid. Kl.-ilierton P. O. Civi'l f:trm hand wmtod ,M nnr, Ap- \>ly 'o lleorgo Wltei, K inherli-y. All 1a,Ren of Inuim-ss in Flwihuiton were oli cd un St I'aTi.-k'a Day. B-irn In Flesnerl >n. nn Friday, 15th iiiHt. t.i Mr. and Mis. \V. Tn-nUle, a mm. Uifl wxnti'ii tit do goner.il BMMWfk, Ap,-lv t' Ernest 'A'urii, Prnton S-.-ition. TiilornsH wunt.nl t onc - must beyond m cottx or ni>fl not apply. H. Alrxan For Sule Piiir yniini!: Durhnm \n\\ 1 *, two grvle hull-", nnd m.e .'5-year "I 1 uinri-. Jam.m Bsll. Okii'-lg. Msrli.la'e I' U. HuracH for al - OHO lay hnHu risin.- fivi- yi'..r-i, u ,< Idacl; Ii irao sovn \'-u. >n<! a -eil .-.nre ruli f al. \V.\V Trimble. Private or company funds to limn nl frna> 4A to 5 \T cei.t. E|ii!iiHe lo*. Afply ti. (ieo. Rutherfnril. Sln-l'i irtf. H Teciuirin-i Imiil rulli r-. t'liih - (either wood ur Mtfel)aliotilJ li-avo lU-r -Td "i eaily. H. I'. Legate it C'o. We understand tlmt "S u 's IVitnl" haa li.-en er^iii'eil t lake pit in :\ eon- cert ti bt- K' 1 '' 1 ' 1 i 1'fK-i'vrle in tin- ii-nr future. Mr ThoinM SiiKupwil. Sr. and family nrrived in town on Saturday ami Ii IM- taken n|> their rcmdenre in'he |iruinn<ei reci ii ly purcUined fn-ui SV llei.iler>-nii. fc.i. K.nn.t^i* iif i In- Durli.uu Review KM got Ilia anpointraent ,w ceusim fi<in- niWMi IMV fur South (Jn-y iind U. U. Camuliers of KiniU-rley for K.ast Urev. lli Mull.- Ayiua of l*i iul Kii s ir-i nhn a lieuutiful sulo at tliu HCI-VICV in iliv MetliHtliHt church SSuniliiy evening. Mian Ayren hax a aweet voice .ind ihe audit- nee Bppreciati-d her favor very lii)(ldy. Wu iin'n:eil ProinnttT Mi-\VilliainB of 'wen Sound in town on Moudny. tie drove ovor to Kiweiutt. lint lint viail tuul thiiiK to do tlim tnno with the devulop- men 1 nf Eugenia wdter !"-.. The lugal rate of inii-i.-M in Canada i.-i'iiiiiieiiciin< on January laitt, is nw 5 per cfiit. inxtad of ft, aucurdiiig lo the Act In*' iicMiiim nt Ottawa. The change dofH n it eff.vt any liaUilily exisiing at the rime of the |w<sint; of tho Act. Typewriter "ViniVilu" for mlu cheap.- - Alnii'Ht new. cost fio, will del! for jf." if taken before 1-t I April. Wnuld lie \ery uwful to either a minister or sclinol leach, r. Apply to It. J. Snr mle, Klesli VltUII. Mr VV. Trimble has necurud tho con- tract of carrying the nuiil IteimM-n thia t illume and the st.-it. mi foi the nexr fmn yam. We uudertttnntl t.hat. M. anra. Crofulpy and W. Smith will foul their iliterextH in the lurry and 'mi- ine-s and will ooiitiiiue tlie |>ahcii({er ciirrj ini< ser- vice (o aitd frxmi the -t-iir n. A/r I'h ivli-j- .t/nnsli IH *HH tnkun to the i;i iit-ral hospital, Toront >, lii.sf week, had nn ii|ieratiini pel formed, whun it WON fiiiinJ that he was sufferint; fnun an .il> nceaa on the bruin. Sincoilie oppiatmn wna pri formed he lin!i )M>UII linliim^ IIIN own ami h.-pe* re eiitert<imed i hat he will recover, aMiouKn (lie caxu is n critic.d i M.-. .Ui W. A. Aiiii-tnn ^ IIIIH jusl |iut ina valuable I'linrnviii^ ma. limu hy wliich the finest I-'IISM if eiiyra\ in: call 1)0 -li'iie. Thc pu'ilio run not? h . v. the r iiioiio^raniN plnceil i-ii gilverwnre Mithmii lui\ ii.i> to sL-nd II out "I -lie i-i'iii.t.i v. Thi.4 niaeh me m n delicn'ii and wondurful piocu of inneli 'in-ill iind Mr. Arinlri.n;;'s enter piiaoiii securing it is to lie highly coin- inululcd. M'. A will lie |> e.i-e.l t i |IIIH it to cuHtiiiniMa mid exhilut sain(i|>M ! thc w.irlt. The beneKt concert given l.mt wcuk UM a wiitulerful SUCCCMH HiiHueinlly, the (jrtiMH ii-i-> iptK aiiio'iliting lo 91,'U) 10, ai il net nceipts fll'r rxpi ll.-e-i Hele $I'JI -.1. On Salurdiiy rtcnini; the i ommi: lee, Mriuri. It N. II. 'i,l. i-...,,. \). McTavmli .1 Kmif.1. oilier. prrHciilt-d Mr. I'ulch with (he nh.i\ o amnmi'. To Mr. K. N. lien diTion, wli.- instiKatud the atfiiir, anil 'he nlher two m. mil'. M of the O'mmlllee.who worked mi eiu'rgutictliy to in kc the iiff .ir H aurc ss hy Hellmu' tickets H d in other 'y, much credit mdue, nnd the general I u> Iii- who pi)LlmMMticHy siijiji. r r. il i heir i If,., is. the ll. snUs of Mr. I'etch and i 'ir mi tier are tendon d. The MiHHion Band of the Methodist church will ^ive a Mm-ionary Knt.-i-r.im ment in the churoh on Kri.,^'ar 29, om- nium-ing at 8 ..'clock. \n intereatinvr pro- ^i.-ini is in prepnnt'inn, the church will h* i'.ecuraixl and a g'HMl time m fzpected. i 'OIIIR, and hy ao doint; encourtigH the younv p>o|>le. Collection. 'trs. A' gun Wi-'iillnr.iy ol thit village ilied mi Sumlay mi-nnng at the aye "I G3 yearn, nfter an illness cxtemiing over several months. The funeral tonk (ilact- tn FU-Hliprton cenietoiy on Tuesday af- fi-rniMin, Uet-s. Dnrroch and I.imio.t, Baptia' uiinisi-r-. . Itieial in 1 /, dect'HHed ht\ing Until nn arden' memlier of that church. Slio ao the ye.iniyest member of a family of uluven and her dmth was the tirnt break in tliu family. Shu was twice inariietl, tin- Brsi Im-luiml'ii iiHina b,'iii'4 .S null, and 1 y whom she left iwveraj uf a family. MONTREAL, Dec. 1901). Tn the public V- ur drup^il '* hereby authorised to refund the purchase price on a twnty-Hvu nr fifty cent Ixittl* uf (iruttn's \VarranUnl Syni|i of Tar, if it to cure V"iir cou^h or cold. (Signed) The Lifter H (Iret-ni- Co. Personals X i^4 LIWI nr Toronto w the Mra. Dr. Murray. MIRH May Stanley of T.no'ito m the KUi-Ht of I.er unul, M. A Wdwnn. Miss Itrown of Durham was tho gui'Ht of her friend, Mins Hnirn 1 UH-!I,UI|H"II, diirini; ihe past week. Mis.< K.'onioac- t-.iniMMiutt her hum* mi Mi.ml.iy and will rein. urn in Durham for smn,- lime ilr. Henry Haonii..ii imi (langhter. MisH Ada, -jx-nl Sunday with rulatimm i.i town. Mr. Colin MeMdlnn of the Strethcona Home ia paying it VIMI to reUtimia in tlur- iinvnsiiiji. Fur i comple'e aci-niint ti lim reception on Fiiday IKHI IMM Price- ilia ourrrapondriMMt. MiHH INInillle of Guulph .n-nvei on Saturday to taku charge uf the millinery detriment { M. Richardson ,v Co. Mr. Everett Hoy nnd 1/is.x-* Jennie Ailnim and VV ilda Croasley vnutud friends al Orchard over Snml iy Miiw Bellu i '1. in i m is riniting hersiHtor, M ra Oamry, ueor Maxwell. M n. Thumton in apendinu it couple uf weeks with her *ou, ye Kditor, previous to takinx up her ruaidenco m Toronto, Snow Bound Whittier'n "Siiow-hnuntl " m a L.-OH! [Mifin to rni.l ihu*e dayit, while wailing for our mails. The morning train from Toronto on Tuewlay em >tuck in a tin hank alvout three inilra U-lnw Shellninie An engine and HIIOW pli.a from the north went to itH ruHcuu hut nlo got sialk-il. Up to time uf writing, 1C .'W a.m. on Wudnesdny, there in no si_n of a raising of the blockade. Traveller^ by Turwlny'n trains are having t haixl time <if u. Some were housed in Mmngvvil'c and oiheiH in Sln-lliuriii'. It IH the w.irst l.lovknile we have suffered for yearn, and U IH only in ace of this kind that wu ran fully ap- preciate, the importance of rognlar railway service in our modern iiidiivtrial iiit'ihod*. Auction Sales. An auciion aaleof a Urge tjuunt ty of farm nt"ik a:.d implement* will bu held mi Tueoday, April 2nd, the piopeity of Mr. Andrew- ItentliHtn in tin- Mihuili*. Mr. Ueiitham hiu* rented IIIH fai in to Ins brother Richard. Sale .it 1 p. in. It. .1 Sproule, auctioneer. Mr. Hugh Spntford, lot 10, con. S, (V prey, will sell fiiriii s'oek and implement* on Tnewlity, Maich M, at. 1 p. m. J. J. KaJttinu auctioneer. Killa were intmed Inal WUCK for an auc- tion Nl hy Mr. N. iMeKeduiiu of 1'ricc- ville, but tin- naif has been wiilnliiwn Please rcmeinlu-r the fact. Hi.'iiiuinher A. McLeod'a nuclimi sale on Friday. March --ml. A 1'iei.ii auciion nale of farm stoek and implements wll he. held on lot -".'. cnii.5. Art i nu'siH.nii Tueaday, March -'i. it 1 p. in. sharp. Sue hilla Anthony Kenny propielor, K. J. Sproulo auetionrur. A hone, tho property of Mr. UichHrd Kwi n.s, during the Htorm of th H weuk, a.s blown from iht Imrn, over thu im.ir- ent fence into thu next lot, a dmUnna . f tifty yards, and an a runult .snlfured to the extent of four frncturoJ log< and other injiirifK, ant! . t.'iniigh ihe liorse h.n witll ^t.Mnl every storm for the pa.it ten ye.u-s or more, it i ipieati'inablu if it will ngmn be of any Hun-ice. Thu horse thus badly dnniAKed is one uf the lin unmiiU thit have bt'on in service at the highent |minU of the Larn. t'liatMWoith Manner. A gentleman living quite near this vil- lage purchaHed a new pair of boot* a week or no ago. After three days enjoyment of ih- new bunyon protectors he awoke one luornini; to Iind one of them utterly dost royed, and chewed into annnrecogniz alilo mans of leather. Uata. Tale of a Narrow Gauge Train The following story of an actual occur- rence on the pioauer lailroad in this sec- tion appeared in a 'I'm. into paper sotnu yuar* a^o and speak.s for itself: Before lha gauge of thu old Toronto (irey and Bruce railway WHH broadened a tup '>n that line from Toronto to Owen Sound w.mlikoa voyage on the Atlantic i- .-in. The beuiniiini; was known, but the end KIIM lieymid hu limitH of human know ,eii;e. To put il mildly, ihe trains were slow. Suipn a i-i i- fre<|uent, and Ihe iiaii of the fas y-ii express wan little im- pi.it enmit .ID ihe speed of a pood horse. Conduc;nr Lewm. who m still on the line, w bich it now aocond to nonu in the Do. m n mi, n.i.s in eoininaud of a train that pulled out of Dundalk station away back 111 the se\eiiiies. Si niiel lilllH wt-ni wrnng that day, .tnd c-auned a top slmrtlv after leaving the station. Thin WUH a pmiract- .-il delay, mid when the conductor come .11. mini In* keen rye lit on the stalwart figure, uf a boy whose mother wan trying 1. 1 run him through at half fare. The lady waa indii'iiant that her aaHt-rtion that the lad was under twelve itho nil be question ed. 'I am Ins mother, and I surely mull, to know the Hge of my own son." "You ought to luvugot that boy shaved before you pawns! hi in otf asunder twelve." said the conductor. Sun,d up mvuin Mid let inn see how Ing rmi .ire " Tho INIV rowerod two or three im-liei above thu head of tin- full gr<iwn conduc- tor and his sUtue s.'ttli-d ihe > is,- "Ilia all light, Mr. LI-WIN. ' lep.n .-.I the moi her an she pAid ovur (he full fair, "but my Ixiy has gionn ,i lot nne wu left Dundalk. Thu Dominion Purlimnrnt ha paned an act making it unlawful for money lund- orn to take more than UO per cent, for loan* under 9600. And luu*, again, is thu [Ni..r peraenutod Shylock nn mud down under the wheela of the great JngKerntut that pn ventM bin taking more tlian a miserly one tiftli of the principal for thu year's interuet. How is the p ior note shaver to keep body and s..nl logmher if tied down to _'H (HIT cent / Of couniv we muHl nut look over thu one re. u .-mini; feature of tint act tli.it allows >tny rite.. even a hundred per cent., to ! taken on l.-.ins ovur 9MN). That shown that the {.oat yiupathrttc heart* of our legislators siill gn out in tiiiiilerm SH towards the limn money lender, at lexat tlnme who ai-H able, to lend more than J.'iOK at a time -Totiuiihain Suntinel. A in nihtur going alo u: the mreet the oi her .l.iy waa surpr ed to se( n crowd of small l>.-ys sUnuiiiK in a circle nniund * hungry lobkmg do/. Hu atikml what they ri do.ng and wait told that, the boy whi. i. Id the bingent lie wax to ..ei the dog. The preacher wa nhocked .ml ..ii.: : "Why tins is lembTe. Do you know t'.iftt when I WHB a I oy I miver told a In-. ' There was siletico for a brief in tfi-Ml when olio of the ymunsn-is spoke up. "Hand tlin preacher the dot;, \Vi- .- m t Iif u him. '' <?/. itiia signature IN * n < * >' >< . .it lhi gi"it. Laxative Eroro ^:.ininc Tabieu thu r*jim<<ly l v j. t *-i..- .1 oolil im MM day for Sale A tarin tor nalo in th Tow null in it \iiim, -m nuiitiimni: I: 1 -.* in 1 ., un. i ' . ir* 'iereil with fall Jy flood bttlldtafl ii . .1 <>r inif* i>i. '... "*. 'Ml til II SIH-lUlll 1-1 Ilirl'l" lull. Sill 111 "t Dilllinni Hem I. Ti 1'inii i nut. V|i|il UK. i-Miii.siiu:. Mar. 11 in. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service. Cord IHinto, 2906$. Tli MiiiliirBinneil Imn a line K^nl I'uilm ii Mull IIH -I.IMI-I- mi lot Ml. T. iV S. n. i inn. II for gnut* oow*, ' tor thurouxb- breclii. I'H'.IKII-K on A|i|iin-H'i n lACtill I.I.VIIH, Klenluirton P.O. . .{flrr. "Wood's Fhosphodine, Th* Orml Hntfutt Knwtfy. Hold and recommended by all nlsu In Canada. Only reli- able tnrdlolnp dlnoorerad. 8tx __ to <mre all forma (if 8axnal Wrkiwa, all offpom l ahue r !, Menial Worry. KxocaalTe nae o( To- baoou. Upiam or SUmalanta. Mailed on receipt of iirice.iHin [MM>kae II. nil K. Out *4U .'!. PamphlaM free toiinir addreta. Wooi'i Phoppho Mile 1*1 nol W H. (I.M.I,),. ft||i| \V k flaw n t lii'.lii-tlni hv hni.lhiiu. Urllg V* * * * * * * * * * * On * * * * * * * * STILL CONTINUES The laat two weoka we havn been cutting the price* of iirmy line* of goods nearly in two, and xtill we are cominuini; to aril at rrcklrsa pricea The Umt nhipinent of our new spring slock tin* arnved and now on every day anil mnre is arriving. On making room thia werk for our heavy spring ntook, we found we had still many linea of goods in >>v<-ry de|rtment we inuit get rid of, rrgardleaa of cost and a p*ce will not permit us to ^uote every bargain, we .shall only ()uoto you a few of tho II1AIIV. Co the Cadits : AH we Miiil two weeks ago in our Dren* Good Department, the New Century knife cut deeply. You will still be able 'o rind better Iwr- gnins than ever. Co the flentkmen t- In our (>enr* Furnuhinu Department you will timl unheaidnf har- H in every line. We will juM juote you a few HpectalK in umlerwoar mi 1 overonatA. Mcn'n Heavy HiliKe.1 wool Shirta and Drawern, Ilfg 45 ot. now. MO Merits Heavy liihbitl pun- wool Shirtd and Drawon, Ren. 55c. n< w .T7J Men's Hoary plxin Switch knit pure wool Slurtt and Urawcni.He K . 85o. now ........................................... QQ Men's Heavy plain pure Canadian w.l Shirts nnd Drawer*. Ri-g. 80c. nw ....................................... ..... go Men's Huavy plain Red Canadian woij Shirta and Drawer*, Reg HOo. "" ........................................ ......... (50 Men.n Heavy wool Fleeced Sliirtu and Drawera, R^. 80o. now ..... 60 Men's Heavy Floocwl Shirt and Drawer*, Re. 56o. now ........... 40 These are a few of [ho ninny Snap*. Row for Overcoats Our $7 "x) men < heavy Our W.50 men'* heavy Our 8.J...U men's heavy Our $6. (HI men liea^y Our ltt.50 boy's heavy Our 16.00 boy s !:eavy Our 94 00 lxiy'< heavy ,' n Snap in Tullclotbs. "^ . ... ...i Frieze, wool-lined overcoat, now ...... Frieze, wool-lined overcoat, now ...... Frieze, uxrrn well lined overcoat, now. Frioze, extra well lined overcoat, now. Krirze. woiil-litHul .ivurcoat, now Frieze, extra well lined overcoat, "ow Frieze, extra well lined overcoat, now J pieces rc^tilnr price ."" '-ents, on sale now - im-cea regular puce iM cents, un sale now 1 piece r-i{ular pricn 50 cents, on sale now These are pure goiitiM, strong and extra heavy. Bargains in Kubbers Me-i's his;li lactsl KubbeiN, ^iiarantvivl siiHg-prfxif, rg. $2 !K), now M. n s -2 bu.-kle riiblieis, guaianteNl snag pio..f, rpg. |i'.40. now. . Men's 1- buckle rubbers, guaranice<l >nag priKif, rcg. |1.70. now... Men's 1 buckle rulibvrs, regular II M, now Men's 1 buckle ruhhurs, regular II. .'Ml, now. . 5.75 :..oo 4.00 J.7J 5.00 :<oo 40 45 -'.4(1 -'.I'll i.ao l.JO 1.00 Grocery Dep't. 'M lb. best granulated sugar 22 Ibs. l-t golden yellow sugar 3 cans Tomatoes. . J in-- corn J llw. lineal selectitl raiHin . 9l.(io Sl.UO J5S cts. 25ct. -:. et.. 2 llw. finest ' liMiieil currants _.-, . (K 4 pktfs. coin starch _>;, , ts In every department yon will find snt-h liju-^ains. Uttrsf ZPricea ar for CaoA or trade Oniy. MIOMEST PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE C. 3. Sbtppard . . Tltsberton. WL ( 2 ^J^if |r " r Muctfy HarriH, N..XOII, Floury nnd Wilkinson tat in implements. Floury and Verity plows in hnd nil the tune, alsoall kind* "f repairs for the name. Wo manufacture Wagons, Kug'.Mini, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. llorsesliof ing pr -nippy ntteudeo i..! S|i,:,-ial aMmitmn to tun.ler cou raoiod feet. Logging and Plow ('h.iina m-t uiily on hand. I >VS^?-S LC2CC safTisasBSBSBiV^ Kiill First Class Buggies 1'lcasinv and Kai'in (UaggOHS : Spring tonth ,C W and Iron BarrOWS : Kli-ury. flick, McCill. ami ^* Dyiiicnt, MnttiTfifld Company PlOVUS and nil kinds or scares- \ |s " Spramotors, or Mmss and other kinds of make : (rcatn Separators rr of.iitrnvnt kinds ; Rorsc Shoeing, Painting & and Crimming cama^'samijiiikin.i.s i BIach= Smithing : aiid \\iiv tor fi'iicfs ; (JO TO J. H. HEARD, FLESMERTON. you spare H few months ~ 'I'll s winter in which t." impiovn your i-dn -rition. Those few mi. lulu spent at the BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE OWEN SOUND ONT. Wnulil enable ynu to do husim'sn in a sjttinfuet' ry manner. Tho knowiislgx yull wiellil VI'HI "I Hi't''H, i lie- (lies mill nil kimlHof coinmerciiil |n|ier w nM, |r- U n.i. save yon hunrlri d of dollaro in the fn'tiru. Wriyhi fur cntalnxne, which con- '.I'liM fnll mini unit -i in. to C. A. Fl* IK, Principal >\VKN SOUND, ON'T. Wiiitvr term iMtkinmrn Jan. 2. 1U01. THADI DESIGNS COPYRIOMTS AC. ifKu 1KM, w ou Scientific \ hn1omlr IlloirtnUoil wwklT. I *rrM nr- lulmiini if nnr wlenllBo jnurnnl. T'rn,, | > r ; fonr nmiitbt, |L llrancto < iltlc*. Ok T m, W.