1'HE FATHER MET HIM. The Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks of the Prodigal Son. A d<-spitrh from Washington says: R"v. Dr. Talmage | r. a. lic-l from the following trxt : "When he wan \.i i great way off his father eaw him and has cmmpaiiii>n. and ran and fell on l.is neck ami kissc.l him. 'St. I.uk \v. M. I hive eften described to you the go- ing away of this prodigal on from his father's h'U-e and I hive showed >i u "hat a hard tini" h- had down in th- wilderness, and what a very great mi'takc it was for him to. leave T beautiful n liomc for su'-h a mis- n.-.Me dcrt. Hut he did not al- ways tay in tho wilderness; be camo back after n while. Wt- <lon't read that hi* mttht-r <-ame to greet him. I U| p se she was dead. Sh? would have bceni the first lo come out.. The father would have given the second kiu to the M" iirning prodigal; the mother the first. It miy have lieen for th" lack of her example ami pi .' \ - cm that he became a prodigal. Suine- tiiri'* the. fiither dues not know how- to manage the children of the house- hold ; the chief work comes U] on the mother. Indeed , no one ever gets over the calamity of losing a mother In early life. Still, this young man wa n^t urujrrcted when he came back. Htweve-f well mpirelel we miy be m th<- morning, whew we start cnf onajou-nev, U'.for.- night, what with the du-:t and the. j' si ling, we have l.sr all . 1 iverness of. appcaian'C. Marled HKTTKIl n n'n n p- liiile 1 he father knew Hut this prodigal, when he fi'in hi-'l swine trough, was and wretched, und his appearance after he, bad gone through days of jtuincying and -xpoure, you can mi ie ca-ily imagine than describe. As the i-eoplc are the piodigal coining on In me ward, they wonder who he is. They Bay: "1 wonder what pn-on be h IN broken out of. I wonder what lazaretto he haw escape,! from. I Wonder wi'h whit plague !.' will mile tho ,-iii." 'H- l.xiks as though h we ie in'rn' up'in MIMIC lung MTV important. Th" |Mopl<> s-op; they I' ok at him; they won |.- : where he <ani" from: Iht'v won ler where he is g "nf I think ill |, op!,- ill i.iound wire .HIM/,, -I Tin", .said: "It is .only ' ((,. f,.|| f<>t-j,ad ; il is only an old tiamp of On- 10, M; don't go out lo meet him." THK KATHKa K.VKW Tli < h ing,- in the P' ' ' an < i- ii ' I nu! mirk, by w ho h lh'- the In y. You know thai prison- of a great dial of independence of cli.ir- an- npt tu iinlicali- H in their walk. I'.n Hi a l rruson the sailor al- iini ali\iiy-i has a p-<-ul..:i i-tep, mot naily liec.iii!.r he stands much on ship- board, amid the rkmg uf the .sea, Ulid lie has lo |,i|.n. ,- h luself, but he his foi ihe mursl part an indepciid- erit <h under, which would slmw il- elf even if he never went un the t*. i. and weknuiv w I, 1 1 tiansplied if teiw.ud and frum what iian i i .1 before thai this prodigal son wa- of an independent ami frank nil are, -.rid I suppose tb.lt the rha i ad eris- tics of his mind ,-ind he.iii wete lie ill. u .11 I. ! isl n s if Ins walk And bo Ihe father km w h in. He puts out . it he i ed arms tow a t ,1 him. He bring* hi.s wrinkled f-ic against the pale cheek I'f Ills s, , ||.- |. ..es I he wall 1 p . He Iliaiiks i; id that the long agony is over. "When he was yet a gn-.-il way i.ff his father saw tiuu, and J. i I 1'i.ni]. .1- -i, m. nd ran and fell 1,11 li in-, k and kis-.-.| him. say : "Oh, I had so many evil sur- roundings when t started life." Your Father hers it. You say, "I have BO many bad surroundings now, and it is very difficult for me to break a way from evil BMOciatloM." Your Father sees it, a.nt if this IIKIIII-III v-Hl should start heavenward, us I pray you may, your K.-i I her would not sit illy down .-ml allow yooi to struggle on up to- ward b'rn. Oh. 11-1 ! Seeing you a (Treat M-ay off. he wouM fly to the resru;'. How Lon? ,-1o 's it take a fa- ther to le.ip jilo the middle of the highway if his chil-l b' (hero and o v.-li < I,- is coming a n I may destroy him. Five hundred times longer th i n il takes our heavvnly father to .spr ng to the deliver ance oif a lost chill. ' Whvn h- was a great way off his fa tlier siw him." Anil this brings in", to no. ire th* father's haste. Tb" Rtle says he ran. No wonder. He didn't know >mt th.lt the young man would < hinge his mind :ind go buck. He lidn't know but th.it ho would drop down from exhaustion. He didn't kno-w bait somcthinK fatal might ovei- t ike him be.for.' tie got up to the door- sill, am/d so th father ran. The Hible for the mout pirt speaks of God as walking. Oh. how much help n man. does want when he trie* to I become n Christian. Indeed the pro- digal can't find his way home to bis father's house alow. Unless some urn- coiors to meet h : m he bad letter l.-ive s'ail by the swine- trough chew- ing tb-:' cirofos of th^ desert. When tho sea CI.IIM'S in at full tile you might more easily with your broom sweep 'sick lh" surges III. in you eoul I drive back Hi' ocean of your unforgiven t i.i risgi ,-ss <-i>., \Vhil are we t(!of Alre we to fight th*' bittle alorae and trudge on, with no one to aid us and no rock to sh'lter us and no word of cnconir.igemcnl to cheer us. Glory betoCod we hnve in the text the an- nouncement: "When he wns yet great way t'ff his father ran." When thi s. nu i ! ills f.u t;,,|, lio-l starts fur t d s. iiner. t. .1 do s nut come out with a U>w and hesitating pi,', ih' infinite sp,e-s slip Wnealh his feet ami h- takes worlds at a bound. "Th ' fa t her ran !" I renuirk upon t h" f.itli-r'.s ' 0..1 h! neck." my text Ujr*. 'and lie kissed him." The fat her chnrgel l;'m with mm-' of bis wan-!- rings: h" just receive I hia. HF- .M'Sl' KISSKI) HIM. His wfetchciliiei.il was a n c -iiiimen- lai! -i to thai fath-t's luve. Oh. thai father's kiss! How shall I <!- .1 I 'the l-iv i.' Ho I ' (Hi. this love. I ' i'l y -Hi lielii ve if Mlt- lie not don" everything to make r.-uu think so ,' HP has given you life, health, friends, home, the ii..e of j'our hands, the fulfill of your eye, Ihe hearintr "f >'nur eir; He fi.is strewn your path w.th ineleieN, lie ha s fed you. i-lnlhed you, sheltered yon, defended you. lov- ed you, i.m|H,rt lined you, all your life lung. Don't y.ui lielii-ve he line- >,m' Oh, this father's 'kiss I There is so much meaning and love und coiupas- s 'ii in it -so n,n h pardon in it so niii'h hr-iven in it. I proclaim him the I.-ird (iod merciful and in icious, long- suffering and ,il, mutant ill gnodm-ss nnd frith. Lest yon would nut Ie li>'T'- Illlll, he trie- lip loillf'il h I, and \\hile the rocks are rending and the graves .ire opening .nil the mobs ne bowling and tin- Mill is hiding he dies for you Si-e him See him on the iii'iunt uf Crucifixion, the Kwe.il on bis blow tinged with the blood rx- uding frum his Ince rated temples S-i THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTEHNATIONALTESSON. MAR. 24. . I .11. < r in-Ill,-. I nml llnrlnl." Inkr *3. 4< M. l.ulil.-ii Tr\l, I i ui . |j. 3. TRuVCriCAL NOTKs. Verse 44. It was about the sixth tour. Mark Bays it was tbo third hour wbftu, they began to crucify him, that is, nine- o'clack by our reckoning; the tiino of the mourning sacrifice. Matthew, Mark, ajid Luke agree in the hours (hat they mejit:: m for the different events of the crucifixion. John sec-ms to differ, but it is 1 now genera Hy understood that John adopts the Roman method of reckoning, and not the Jewish, which harmonizes hisj hours with that of th? other evange- liMs. The Jews ei.iuite.l from sun- rise, so that tlK- third hiur was about' aine in the, morning, th- sixth ubrjut twehe. the ninth about three, and the twelfth about six. Th<j Romans cc-unted frui midnight to noon, and fro/m noon to midnight, as we do, or lather as they taught us to do. Our Lord then wag crucified at nineo'clock and remained six hours on the cross. There was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. A pre- ternatural darkness, not an eclipse "Inch could not take plan.- at the full . -Whether or not this dark- was confined to Judra we can only conjecture. <5. The gun wa.s darkened. "The sun's light failing." n,,. Vl .n O f , ht . temple was rent in the midst. "From he twj> to tho bottom," says Mark. The curtain of th? sanctuary. It hung U'twcen tho hcJy place and the ' J.V s ': lioli.'S. It was n symbol of the inability ( ,f humanity t j approach In t li f IM jil ic", I nut ice in t hix tl'Xt , 1 lie f.il In . ' i \ - i' til ; III the .sec- ond place, I nol>.' I lie father's hasir; n t li l hud place, I notice the f:il lie | Vs k 'I , I", '.>: The father's eye-'ight. "WlitMi lie v.as y< I ,i jfie.il ay off t f.:iji,-r ^.lu him." 1 dmi'l knuw h - eyes S\\ Illllllilur i'l death. III'. II llie loud breathing of the sufferer a- In- pinis with a world on his heiii link In the fall of lilnod from Inow nn'l hand and foot on (lie rex k l>e- in it h ,1 1 up drop, ill up! Look at tin ii'ils! llnw wide the \voiinds are wider di) lliiyt'ape :'shis body comes i i unoi ,sa\\ nun. i nun i KIIUW | whet lot he could M" well that winch llmvn u l lon ll " >m ' Oh, this crucifixion ii liy, Im. I iln know that he i, ul I SIT a jfrent way off. " His falli.'l -aw him." I'erliaps li.- had heell |m>U HIT fni llie i.iinn .if that liny i -|,,<vi|ly that day. I don't know hut l li 1 1 I, i.a'l li.-i-n in player ami that liud had I I ! 1. 1 in t hat I hat day th" i e I IP lilt In y VMilll'l l.i|||, Illillle. I \Miinleiiflliiir.i cye.sijflit can <les- <iy us \\ lii'ji u e are < Hilling I..H k to lii 111 .' 'I'll I >'\t i . t 111 e^ nm r. null I inn an a irie.il Hy nff. That ..' man \. a iint fiiiihiT nff from ins f.ilhi'i's liuii-e, cin is nut farther . ff ft mil In I'.nes t, lii-ll is mi fni li, i from lir.iv, a , li i PI ue have l> < n l>v nur hin.i uway frnin lliul ; aye, sn f.u off that w i ml I -lot hear his l I :-'li vi ] cmeiii ly li" ha- rail c'l iih y.'M i ftftai ye.n . I di n't knew v,liil l)>i I li ih'. I.- ^ u may h.ive f.,im. i I iir in wliit evil places you hue be.n in \\IMI filse nm ions you may have , but ynu nre n n| y know I '(life if (yum heart lias nut , < h lllgr I liy t he HI are uf Cm!, 1h.it y..ii an- n jrrral way off, aye. <i fa i tl.ai y ill f-animt ire I back of yfjitrsrlvs. V.ni wuiilil like In come back \i-, Hi . inniiient you would Marl if it eie mil fur this sin ami Hi .I liai I an, I t hi- ilisadv. intake. Hut I am t" (el 1 ynu i.f Till: I-'ATlllvlf- l.li li SKiHT. 'II - . hill n Kreat way nff." lie Ins Ke"n all J 'i I i;'lies. all ynnr I ril.Uifl-s all y tit il : - advantages. He I nu ng f \ . nming. H.< lids li. it linn I ,i U n r 1 1 \.iii uilh a c.ril ic's eye nr a li.iihff'd eye, but with a I ' . J i.l if a |i i l cut , v |i't tO a chilil, tln.l piliei ynu. Vc.u oy Tears melting in to tears; f|o" UK into blond : d 1 1 kn-'ss dropping tu darkness; hands of men joined with Ihe hands of di v>ls tn tear apart the nuivering heart (if the Son of t!ml! Ml, will ho never speak again f Will that dims, ,n foe ever light up again? UK WILL HI'KAK ACAIN. while the blood is suffusing his brow nl reddening his elu-ek and gather- ing un nusiiil and lip, and you think be is exhausted and cannot speak; he i, lit inn I all tbe am-s hear him " I .1 1 he i forgive. I hem, lln-y know noi w hat they do I" Now will you accept that Fathei's kiss f The Holy Spirit a.sks you to. The Holy Spirit comes to you this morning, with his arousing, melting, alarming, inviting vivifying influ- ence -li.ni'i you think 'he is here? I see il in these snlemll looks; I see it in I hem tearful eyes ; I see il in I liese blanched checks; I see il in (he, up- I in tied face of childhood and I he earn- esi t',1 of old age. I know it from tin- s I.IMI- like i I,,. |;rave. The Holy lilmsl is here, and while I speak I lie chains uf captives ,ue falling, and I he diititteii'is of sin aie opening, ahdlhe piodig-ils coming and t hi' fat hern run- '| v -Hid .ui^'-ls are shouting am) de- vils are trembling. Oh, it is a innmen- 10111 hour. It is charged with eternal deslillli s. The -hadl.ws of the del nil world flit over this assemblage. Hark I I hear llie .vugs nf the saved I hear the howling, of llie damned II, -iv> i and lo II i., -em in minule and eternity poises on I hit pivot i,f this bc.r. Thy destiny is hcing decided, thy uciom ia being fixed. 1 except by luj-auii, of the priests. Only <nc- a year did th' high priest* v.-nlure to |,f t lta corner and enter n.i boli.-.st pi .,.-. N ,,,.. else had lawfully seen its interior. The veil in its Handily waa nu re pr<hibiii\v thaji cases n." 11 M Iminf on doorjiosts f M .n? ;md bolted with brass; und Heel. Its being supernatural, v torn "a.s a sign that every human soul ouuld i:,J.v com- into close relation with CJod the Father. 46. J--.s;is h.i;| died with a 1 ll,| Vt ' ' *'l\\< vvorxts" or "M-I-I. i. Kli. i ui:a sal achth-ini;" Mall.-'?. 16, and "|i is finished." .l.ilm 19. \V>. 1 be u ,i.|.s in the .SVIIK ti.njiue, lluiugh lunl givx-n in our lesson, mx' i-f --p. ci.il mi. rest 1 ,is f,,r two rca- SOJM. Xh-y are th- lijst w i Is ul |- -'-'. lh ;e in an old .! w ish c J tom vvhich ha.s turn-, I this [Malm into a death song of th- orthodox He! ie,\s All over tin- w .ill .lews ill dying --I t ive (o rep,- it i his docs not imeelude llw si ileiiient that - was ., s],-, ;al apphe.lt I m ,,] ilu. word.s iii uur Ixud's cise; l.ut n slmul make rev.-ient .students e ,, s ];, v j n their dtMWaioM of th- s-ns- ,,, w hn I it could ! sail | hit i:,l had lotaak- en h.m. Th <ith.. r reas-m which is of special interest i* that the w;>n|. aiv Syrian. l'h.it was the languagi m which <,ur l./rd'.s earliest thoiight. were uttered m hi.s laiyh iud's hum, lie gave up t 1, ^'hist. ' He dismissed II S^sj H ,|. ||, . I |,| 4 f v ., H1 || 47. When the centurion naw what wa.s di.iie. he i.'lor.fied Cod. saying, ' i:nly iln.s w. ls ,, righteous man II- i i the Hiuna-i officer w bu Mlpcr- v -ed I he ct ucifixic :i should Ie -o m, I . ss,-.| l,y I he su| ernilluia I env'rofl- meiiis would deeply impt ess all who ie.nl the gospel The loud cry imme- diately followed l,y death, ami l li !.,! i I -n sp 1.- n l.your Lord struck ill,- eiiiuiion ;i s JH-, n I ia i ! \ maivel- IIIK, interpreting the other awful ,-ir- ciiiii.siaiices of HIM ciucifixicm. He --aw 111 our Lord's suffei int's and I In- wi.jideis altendiiiir them, proofs of a iiiv;rif and supei human piwer. f All the |icople. that ,-ame togeth- er tn t I, at i K |,| The crowds ihat were evei ready to watch i ip:l al pun ishiiient. .lust .such crowds would as- semble to-day, but our laws compel capital punishment to be administer- ed in private. Smote their breasts. In accordance with oriental demnnst , ,. 1 1. n. Smiting the breast wan the pen- itent ad of the publican in the par- able. " This beg niiing nf fear and si.now," wiites Di Junes, " may h., V i. become with many of them a rep nl ati,-e unto life after the day uf I'ciile- cusl." Heturned T,, the city. I:' All his acmiamiaiice. llis friends and assi ciales. The women that fol- lowed him from Galilee. Not only the ceiiain women of wealth and social eminence contributed to hii prospci- ily, but there are many indications that women followed .n hi.s train an kind of disciples. . r ><i. A man named Joseph, a coun- .-elur lie was at un -e a member of the SuDhcdrin and a diM iple of Ji>s- n-. M. The same had i<rt consented to the counsel un, | deed II' and N.o ilemiis may not have been notified of the meeting of thH S-uihediin, but as we have already Holed there Ul initi- ations in the gospel narrative that there was a very vigorous defense for .lesus, and one might suppose Ihat .In- 'ph and X codctinis weie this ,|,.. leiise. Waited for Ihe kingdom of <!'-d I'liining their HVIM wilh regard to the coming of I li Messiah. I.- This man went unto IMate, and d the body of Jesus. A bold ,1 Ml, thus lo defy publ.c opinion, and e-p, ,-ialiy (he (pinion of his fe.llow- cnunselui s. '' ; l T.iok il down Armed with the guvei inn's warrant, he drew out the mils, and reverently lowered hi* M as- .ei'.s body in his own scpulcher. IM- nte only fare the permit after a froiu the centurion that Je*us was dead. Fine, linen nu/ch is the Lord's body was now wrupjied) in wa i luxury. He took him down from the cross with the assist amce of Nicode mus, and probably of other disciples His loniu was in a garden near the place of the trucifixion. and had boeu intended by Joseph for hi* own fam- <ly> Thus was he with the rich death. siee Isa. 53. <J. in- 1 THE GREAT NILE DAM. Importance ,.r il,r wr!t Tli.il Ha- !:-, n riBUkril ..i ..,., From the ages of the dynnsties of shepherd kings and Pharaohs a "low Nil,-- or a "high Nile" has meant dearth or plenty in Egypt. In pro portion as the river spread its fertiliz- ing waters in flooj tim? along its Ixink.s Ihe crop of th season was as- sured. If for one or more years in succession its volume* fell short fam- ine stared the people in the face. Imperial Rome dep-nded largely o.i the granaries of Egypt for the daily bread of her popular.*, but in her great constructive days she failed tn insure the constancy of supplier in grain and other products of Egypt's soil which ia confidently anticipated by the approaching 1 regulation of the rise and fall of tbe. ancient river. Just two years have passed since Ihe foundation stone of the great Nile dam at Assouan was laid. It was he Ided on a high portion of solid rook and was placed by the Duke of Amnaught. Across th river, a mile broad there, the massive wall has been steadily built up uf ashlar gran- ite, welding- together the rucks which from the dangerous First Cataract. The length of the, dam is about 6,000 feet. Its strength had to be designed to hidd in reserve for urposes ul irrigation a great muss of water. When the river i in flood its wa- ters will gush through the massive sluue gates. lo the uutuuin uiui,:!.-. he sluice gates will be closed until the reservoir thus -formed is full and re uly to ! distributed by clxiii' iv.-r the agricultural land on each side. \Vlirn the wain is in ist wanted m August and April for th.- crops u com, sugar, cotton a -id let the -uppl> in the lower river will be inct deui the reservoir, .iud thu^ i fi i \ KVK.V Sri'i'l.Y OK \\AIIU will Ie afforded throughout the >,;,r A c. in 1 1 with numerous lockt i . m i. ructej to give passage to ih Nile steamers und othej tiaffic. d Iliiuercially the value of the dan tu l^ypt m the futuie can hndl> he e.sl.mite.l Its iiiitncdi.il,- cffe- t according to th,' Kgyptian limeiri nielli's enjjlderr. will he to tiling under cultivation li hl.dOU add - tion.ii ter*l . . 1 IM,|. I his is m addi- tion in putting certain dis ricis anc levels hey mil the oidinary risks o| fliHid and diuuglit. An area of 6,- 000,000 acres. no\Mn fair cultivation will he converted mtu land of l In first efficiency in crop-pro Im i'nr qualities. Over 111- whole area - i William llarston, the Se<Trlary ol State for public w ,rks, b-lirvesthe value of summer im;is will I.e in- creased by .is much as $?) an acre. Kg.vi'l s ies;iurcrs for growing corn und cotton will (has Iw imm"ti-.,-'\ eiih:in,-ed and are likely to bring her forward a- a ru'i'jnjlilur in the world's markets. Kiom the eriginn rinj; print nf v : c w Ihe siupen.li<ii iMture ,,: th,. uudei- REFOfiM IN BRITISH ARMY THERE ARE TWO MAS* UCH NON- PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS. lakin.r w IT be. red z I I r ,111 Hi effe il will have of , -ri u in.- ;-i actically lake 111 mil's lung impounding more l han UiOO.OOfiono mils o w ,!,-!.' A > 'in pel i . N <if the yi-ir, i' is s.,,|, v-i'.i.itn tuns a minute will gush through the sluices. The dam will raise the river ai, -ui lilt] - \ feet alMive it* usual previicis level. \> is broad enough for a rarriigr Had In i un alung its top. Xnwhere els,- m : h.- Nile Valley, gays Sir [fcnjniuin Uiker. wh-i has carrie 1 out the work, \vere. to he found -.11 li nlvintngps of site, .-oiind rock, liuiiii-rous i-l-inds in, I -hallows m wh.ih In wn k Ihe npeiiiii^s of tli,. sluiies are tu ?ie lit|,-l( with cast iro'i one mil a half im hw thick, sn a.s ef- fe -tuilly ti> guard agmini III-' de<- l ruction from the mist ant impact of large v ,liilnes u' wiler all high velo- -ll \ I'll w nil li o r t h base n' I lie Inn h;s ber-n made such tint the ;>res"<urc on Ihe solid gianite iiiaH,>ni> will he les><; thin ih-it on any of Ihe )thet- great damn of the world m:\n MII.I.IONAIIIK-. or 190.'. Ne-irly twenty millions <f poun its repiesent tho total sum left by eight '.tiiish iiiilliiin.iircs w h<i have died lu'i'ig th? pist jvar. an I u"im whi-h Ie 1 1 n duties, amount intr t:i millions i.i ve U'Pn iviiil. The richest of these millionaires was Mr. C.-i>rge .-mith, 'Chicago Smith.' who <li'<l at thenge o( 1)1, w.rtn al>.iut five mi I lions shi- iiirf. Til 1 others were.: Mi s. ,l.ime.-< L-. J.', of DuvrUte A Cot, dUtiltori i'l .H3.'.44S; I! iron A h>lph Oharl-s de Hith-eliild, Linker, .',". r i7,7l.i , Mr. William Oi me rVsteor. ironmaster, J, r >87,(i.''i gross; Mr. J^hn Cr,-i tun. ! re e.r, J.714,(MS ner ; Mr. TI:. Henry lsm.iv. slupuwner, jEl,O<!(l.955 n'l ; Mr. S.-iinuel (ieorge SMIM;\ IMP kc'-. ilL.ViS.Vli.'i net; and >ir Heniy Tate, v-U(far refuwr, 1. .'i!-*,!*.)? net." Brf.ria In DlrrclKin f WeetlUg O.I Men Who l HI,, ,,,;., Aocu) Kr , Military London is fretly inter- ested in a new book by Mr. R. Caton WcoJville, on, '.-o;-iil Life in the Bri- tish Army." The book suml up ia excellent manner the ideas of the mil- itary crili-.s who ., !->,.:,- a compre- hnsiv;' reform in tbe H.itish mili- tary systom, Hvents In Siulh Afrira have proved that the British officer is brave, and tb-y have shown also that gallantry alome U not suffu-i-nt equipment for those who aspire to lead mea in war. Sc'entifi^ kno.vl -Age. 'n nlsone. e sary, and th? war has cleurly demonstrated; that ilk- proifcssional attainments of tb> leadeira, both regimental and oth-. er, l^avo a goo I deal to be desired. This is not a s,j.r..-. of surpris- to those whrj know the army thoroughly. Ths womder would bo were it olher- wne, for th.J whole, tone of regimen- tal life is opposi-t to the pursuit of technical excellence. "Sh<;.|." as it is called, is absolutely tabu wit hint he, cts of the iues5, audit maycon- filently bv> stated that three- fourths of the regimejital offL-ers go through theia- military career equippe.l only wilh a mere acquaintance, with the drill of the arm they bvlaog to and (.no wing nothing whatfvtpr of mili- tary art outsJlc th" pages of thedrill- :xx>k. It in tru- there are p-rofess'ionr. al exam. nations by which the fitness; of the offi/'cr for promotion n tested up to th'.- rank of Lj'Utenunt-CoiIon- el. But these occur at imtervals of many yearrs, ani they can K 1 "cram- nici" fo<r a moat h or so before t hi- of- ficer presents himself lo Y- tested, which ho caa iln at a tiuu" selected by f. \ distinguish -.1 authority Ui sail to h.irj reruirk- 1 up-:i Hritish iff. ers i hit they were most excel-, ent men; Lut rhey were too rich ami dtd not lack upon the- service as a profession requiring study, so that if hey mnde m -taltes they were only cgir.lcl a* j.kes. whT- If th-y I lun- lerl al sp rt it was looked upon a4 uaifoirgLwable. hXI'l-A-lVi: LIVING. l:is b.'ea some expviat: -n ihat the War Offi-e w.ll take slept ti>- wr:ls diminishing th- exp-nsc cf Ufa in the army *p"ci.illy in cavalry re*- gini-nts. At i>r"'nt the only de- tLiule i ru|K>H:il put forwarl is to in- crease the cavalry officer's po,y. This) i- i.l cour.se. futil-. for, uri ler the ex- isting system, no sul ilt.-rn >t horse can ! HI pul as n-oi to re<iui,re. a coiisi ),-! 1 1,1- piivaie income, audit is i <..Teult malt r I i s'-ttl- lv regu- l-itiuii the ami nut an officer may sp n I on his various pursuits. (li-neially s|'aking, ths-re can 1 e no doubt the army is iiKi|re <-X|>eiisiv0 thi.ii it was thrty jrears agvi. t>n Te.ioii fur this, no doubt, i the fact that th- wealth and luxury o-f the .. u M rv h iv.. gtur.vn considerably and, 1-1 -isequently the standard i; living inllii' seivi-e l.isls-eome high'r. The I- 1 * -f the < -ffieer has. h<iwe\er, re- munel t he same, and there is greafe m el lint extravagance bu kept down ,tnd ex|'ns<.s in m<-s.sins r at.. I enter- t iiini'.ni pin on a prtip:T foutini?, to- geihi-t w.th a lair in'-r<'.isc in pay in 111- upper ranks. Ih.s wvul i. JMT- ha[n. Ii" suff eient to gel what III w. lined men who entel I hi' army for I h" sake uf sol li-'i ing. |i ,, ui,|-o- Sible not to rer'O^lli^e. Ihlt 111" -il- rlM must U' in idv inn re. prc-fe^s o ia 1. Olfirers will hiv,- to vvurk liar N-r. the of nil will ha vet t Is- cm .'.own to the .1111, .,1111 allowed .stiff officers. M/ .; s,\ uis, ks, in I t h eo ml i I loin of army life will Ih-u U'-oin' su h that tb' man whi enters it merely |< i >o- ciil i:-as<uM will fin I he a no long- er wauled. GOOD ROADS AT EATON HALL. In I n.ll. Il l.lat,- IR,,r.l. n Mi.ilrl nil)' I 'in. t ruction. The ro.uls of Katon Hall arc the fin- est in I'jiglanl and pr<.lbly the best in the worll of thu-ir kind, says a, l.ori'loin correspondent. They were ! i I out by noted engineers, and ma- c.i.lim, grtivvl ami < lay weire use<l in lh<ir const ruction. lh'y range from 50tt> llKlfwt ia width an, I an- so well il.raimsl that water cannot stttnd up- m the surface, as the top is. coiiiposud. if IM.,, .'lam n.ll.-.l into u compact nvisa by In,' presnure of litkUm ma- luiies opeiai,.,) l, v steam power. One an go for miles without seeing a l08e Mono the .size of a liorse chest- nut. KVCJI in nuts of th.- estate il up to the game pipserves the highways areas gm,.l as those direct- ly .in.uiid the hall itself. After th' system of im.ls was 'om- leied invitations were .sent to pub- ic officials in all ixirls ..f the king- loiu to visit th" estite v\ith .-, view if eilucatiiig them in road I mi, ling. Tlw MSIIOIS cun.' by the hiinlie<ls) in.1 were entertained at the owm-i's pciLse. Annu.ll.y |''<i|l inteiesled n MM. I making visit Katon Hall from various portions of Kurojic. AMPLY KOIU'IKIKI). Blobbe If you H'ould keep well ent plenty of onions. Slohba 1 guest that's right. No- vlf-r'p<' ting microbe wc.iUl iarc o stack up agaiust an oqioa DOCTORS FAILED. :N A SEVERE CASE o? KID- NEV DISH ASF, AND LAMB BACK. Dodd Kidney PiU Core Mr Andersen, of Waterside. N.B., Attcr Flvo Medical Mn Have Pronounced HI* Case Abso liitely Incurable. AVuer.side, N.H., March IH. Special. "I haye been n.i often induced to try patent medicines by the reading of the wonderful cures said to have been effected in nimilar cases, ihat now when I feel it my duty to write the .story of my own cure by the use of Dodd's Kidney E'ills, I am carefully avoiding any comment of my own or any complimentary words. I simply tate the absolute facts of my case ad follows : " I have been treated by five differ- ent doctors, and have taken a large amount uf patent medicine during thti 1 a.si four years for Kidney Trouble and Lamo Back, from vvhich I IIUYC been suffering. I w ai very bad. My life at times seemed a burden. 1 got no relief until I w is persuaded tntry Dudd'.i Kidney Pills. 1 cheerfully give th.ii unsolicited testimonial, that I have received mere benefit from nix boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, than from any and all other uourcoi." Mr. Anderson is in earnest. His at might-forward .siateuicut. of facts carries conviction. Lauie Hack and Kidney iJisea.-e do not Heem able to exist where this wonderful remedy is used. Il hai been made very popular in thus community by the hearty en- dors-itiiin of Mr. Anderson, who is , well known and very highly rasped ed cnucn. The Bui-cess of Uodd's Kidney 1'ilLs in cases like those of Mr. An lei - 'eon, has created a demand which the Jocil druggists have report. 'd as un> iprecedented. MUSKOKA COTTAGE SANITORIUM i ,,rr. s|,.,i, i,-,,i I.IK of ill.- Foclllllr* prmltlril fur Hie fuclrn . This institution is devoted to I he treatment of iT.s,>ns in the early ,< of consumption of the lungs. | 'W. J. H.," in n re;-. -ni M-,I,- of a 'Toronto daily, utter .speaking of the liful scenery and li.md-ome tuildinff.i he fuu'id on t h Lake iluskoka, .--ays : "iu all case-f the patients occupy ep;iraU; room*. 'I h-- u-d is excellent, and e very i Inns' ,-e,'m A to lv conj'icivc to their happiness 1 . K.u-i li- lies are provided for al! kind* of H in- !! UK I .iiimm-'r outdoor sports. I I 'ins .spend from eight to ti-n tours el I'M ,|ay i;i i|i.< open air. In zero u.-att: -r I saw men readmit. n-i|v- I' i nr 'ml playing Kame.sun i he PI.I//I. ami l.niies doing fancy \\ork .and writ- ing letters in p.-rfect content mi-in . Tli 1 sunlight, op;'ii air, rest and medi- cal t r. -at in. -lit .s.-eiu In ' \ riding won. i. -if.il I,.*!!.!?. One patient told Hie he lll.l g.-iill'd J.' 1-J p..i|nds III four weelcs. Dr. l)e\Vili, of \Volf- Tillc. Nov;i Scotia, who came with a puticnl to the Sanitonu.ni. .said he felt ,s,afc h-re, at h sa A u.i |HI.-.S,|.I- lity of contagion where only ca.<- n t ht' .-ailier ,!t.i<e-i if , hi- disease are a. I mil ted. He rlaiiu'-d thai tho.se fifty or more patient <. gathered from all over the Dominion of t'.ani li. and BO me from across the sea. won' not only .satmg l heir oi\n lives for fur- I I ei us. -I illness. Inn -,n ing thousands of previous lives from infect ion. Mo.si of them will return to their home.s c':t.-.|. in.l nill l>.-t"nue missionaries of health to their families and fm-n I .' The doctors tell us that from one- sixth to one sc\ 'nth of all deaths are frum I iil.erciilini.s. One oul of ev- ery fmir of those between fifteen and fifty-five years of age result fnuii (his cause. It is astonishing how many diseases spring from it It an- nually claims more \ictiiii< than Mna,:po\. diphtheria, typhoid fever, yellow fever, .Ysialie fever, leprosy, measles and whooping cough eom- bLne.l. In K'irope I he State miinici. pa lilies, manufactures, in.sui.inc.' I'D in panics and private agencies nr unite! in buttling wilh t h i I\,I K -.-S of thi.s disease. All prais- is due to Lord St rat hcona and Mount Hoyal. Sir William Meredith and t lvi.se associated with t be in, whi hn .1 ir|M<| thif movement in (.'ana. la, and hav" pm- vided sii.-h exci'llent facilities for the Uccessful coilducl of the work. BRITISH AMERICA. ASSURANCE COMPANY. The Sixty-seventh: Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of thus company wan held at its office*, Toronto, on Thursday, 28th February, 1S01. The President, Bon. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied tbo chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims, who w.ia appointed to act as Secre- tary, read the annual report, of which the following in a summary Your directors have the honor to present the annual report and finan- cial statement of the company's sixty- seventh year, duly vouched for by its an lUors. It will be noted that there has been a considerable increase in the premium am' for the year, this being 1 mainly duo to the business derived from the new field* in which the Company has established bu-invss connections, and also to the improved conditions that bare prevailed ia the. marine business. Two half-yearly dividends have been declared at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, amounting to 960.323.C6, and the reserve fund has been increased to la view of tha abnormal fire losses on this continent during the year 1900, Including tha disastrous conflagra- tion in April last in thn riti..- O f Hull and Ottawa, which involved a loss of property to the value of about ten million dollars, your directors feel that the statements herewith sub- mitted must be regarded aa satisfac- tory by the shareholders. The capital stock of the company has been increased to one- million dol- lars, in accordance with the by-law passed at the last annual meeting the 3^50,000.00 new stock authored to be issued at a premium of 15 per cent, having been all taken up. Summary or Financial Statement. Total cash Income f 1,1)01, .143. 31 Total expenditure, includ- ing appropriation for loa- aes. under adjustment. . 1,890,347.57 A COMPLIMENT. The Old Man Your love for my daughter seems to have grown very l" i.si smce. you found out I \v,is worth MI much money. The Young Man, admiringly, No faster, sir, lhan the subject warrant- ed. n Minard'.s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. KEY TO Till': SITUATIOV. Kir.st Detect ivp How did you man- age to discover the scandal in their family closet ,' Second Detect ire Well, you see, I I. a. I a skeleton key. T* < TUK A <OLD IN 0> R BAT r.k. LuMIr* Bran* QuInlM TabMa. All ln, fl i, ratuW l** la.mir If It (mil* MI*. B. W, Urora* DRESSED TO KILL. She certainly waa dressed to kill w lien she went out sleighing*. In what way? Her wraps were (hat thin if pneu- monia didn't kill nor it wouldn't know ita business. , * P08 OVER FIFTY YEAR* Dividend declared. Total assets:. ' . Cash capital. . Ileservo fund. 60.885.77 i ' ai'.i . . 1.776.MI6.43 1,000,000.1)0 581.-IJ7 11 Security to policyholders $1,581,457.^ 1 he Presinient, who moved the adop- i tion of the report, which was second- | c<l by the Vice-President, referred to j the exceptionally hi-avy loaned by ' firo om thU continent during the year under review, and said that, although the report ju.st re.i.l did not present ; so favral>l a showing, ua far as the i Ixi lance between income and ezpendi- ' tuj-u for the year was comcerne.L, as the preceding annual statementa whoch ho had. had the honor during the p.ist eight years of submittiag to tho harehol.lx!T3, hu felt that there was p ruaps a^ much matter for con- gratulation in th figures embraced in tho account* for the yar 1900 as in thoso of some preceding statements which have shown a more favorable bulancu sheet. It was gratifying to observe the continued increase in the volume of business; transacted While there had been a satisfactory growth of income from fieliU in which tho company ha<l for years past been car- rying on operations, he was gla I to be able to say, that, from the agen- cies recently established beyond the limits of this continent, very en- ouraging returns have been re- ceived, i'he. predictions that the di- rectors ventured to nuke a year ago as to a probable improvement in con- ' ditiona of marine business had, bo was pleased to say, been realized, and, as a j ,-e.sult of the better rates which, speaking generally, bnd prevailed both upon inland lake and ocean risks there had been a fair margin of profit upon the business written in that branch during the year. But '"ha' in his estimation was more a matter of congratulation than any of the figures to whichl ho had referred was the fact that at the close of a year in which the fire losses in Canada and | the United States have been very largely ia excess of those of average years they were able to present a ba|- ' ance sheet which showed a loss of less j than onn per cent, upon t,he premium ' income as tho result of the yenr's un- j derwriting transactions that is, ' ignoring the income derived from in- terest and rent. The report was, on motion, adoptV;!, and the following gentlemen were i.-- elected o servo as directors during th" ensuing year; Uou. Geo. A. Cox, J. J. Kenny. Hon. S. C. Wood, TluM. Long, John llo^Uin ' K.C.. LL.U.. 11. M. fellatt, H. Jaffrav, A. Myers and E. W. Cox. bj (U truff.mit tnrouibixl U vorld. B* n Md Mt tar "Mo. Wlulaw i tkwlhlni H/nm. SIGN'S OF UK AY MATTER. 'Am I as intelligent as your other young man, Dolly ? Well, you quote more poetry thnn he does, but I think he beats you on neckties. Minard's LiniraiMit Cures Burns, etc, TRE-MKNDOUa. The physician was making the nec- essary medical examiuaiijn for life ni- xS'hat is your chcs.! expansion' In- i he applicant. If ymi mean trunks, answered the f.lino'l> arlresH lh"V III vv expanded from onu LII ISefi lu forty-wven in I'JKl, -n. STATE OF OHIO. TITV f.K TOLEDO, I I.riiH CoUNTT. (** FRANK J. CIIENKY m.kcs oath that ha ! -cnior pHriuer of i IIP tlnn of K. J. CIIKNKV St 'o.. liuinn buiue> in 1 1 n rity uf Tn.riio. '' ji niy ami sutu .tfurph.ilii. :uul tlimt <n:il tit in will pT theium of OMC HL'NHIiKI) Plil.- LAIl^ for e,idi ami <-Tery CUMI of CATUIUII tliiii. rannul to cured bj tha usu of II t'ATAIlllll C'l'RF. RRANlv J. CHKNKY. Swurn to hfo.- me ana miKucritieil in my yrf fence. IhisStli <\*j of li umliei A I). 3~j. A. v> 1:1 KA.soS. si:-,i.. \oturu I'Mlilie. Hali'xC.tt<irrh Cnrnli taken Intornnlly. and aot dirnrtly on thflblooi .iint niooettimfMei if iho-jtain S*B4 for tMUraonutla 'i" F. .1. CIIKSSY A: C\).. ToicUo, O Hold by I)rugil. 7.H-. llnil'iV.uuilj l'i!l"ir ttm bosu A POSSIIil.K SKCOXL.. Oh I don't be foolinh, exclaimed the yunng bridi', he's merely an old flame "f mine. Indeed, cried her aged and wealthy lllKsband. I'll wairan' y.iu die.im of hi.s tender advances irt N.I. she replied with a f;ir-n\v.iy look not yet. >V I> IOCS Dear Sirs, I have >een a groat suf- ferer from rbennial im, and lately have been confined to mv bed See- ing your MIN VHlr-s LINIMENT ad- vertised, I tried it and igut immediate relief. I ascribe my restoration to health to the wonderful power of your medicine. LEWIS S. BUTLER. . Burin, Mid. JUST CALLED. I called to see pour father this after- noon, remarked Charlie, as he took a eat in the parlor. Dora fluttered visibly. Recovering herself with an apparent effort, she aid, .simply : Did iyou f MQHIMAL HOIf ,;imCTO _ 9* CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin allmants. 4. 0. Clvrt A Co., Mano.is.tor, Englend JUBILEE OF 1901. *,'?,-;-,' AN INKOit.MAl, INVITE. Mrs. CoiMlart -1'our man: Come to my IK.U.S,.. I-IIM.S iji,' way th.-ro, Ihia . \.-iiiiii' ,in<l you nhull li.iv a good dinner. Harvard Ha.slivii - -Sanjc of your K'icM.< disappoint you? That's ralh- '' ihorl iioti,-e; I'm afraid I can't ^cl my full dress sii out o' tho laundry in time. flinard'sl.iuiiiieiit fur sa'o cvcr>\vlier NOT II Kit W \ i . I suppose that worn in orator spoke her mind freely on the mill , (Not much. Sln> demanded half of her J51) in advance hefme .ihe u ent on the platform. Mnurti'.-, Liiiiment Cures ii,ui iruif. SHK HI 'IM'OSED. Mrs. Wiggles What are these "spheres of influence" that the dip- lomat iflts in I'hina keep lalking about? Mrs. Waggles Well. I don't ikuow, for ure. Do you suppose the/ ouO mean cannoa balls t Music Teachers Wanted It Will Pay You to 00011(11 all rout Produo* Lo ih. Dawsoa Comxniaslon Co. Limited Co. UollKi-nu nj \TI M >rkrl Nt , Toronl*. Ttim Te snd for aw Comolsta Oata- loxua of thM KU ic and IM with Saaclil ratM ef dlaeaunt WHALEY, ROYCE&Oo. tM Von|( St. Toronto, Oat. A PronnSse To Pay A Dclionture of Tlio Canada Permannnt and Wcstorri Canada Moi tgngo Corporation is i PI.MIUSC to p.iv the sum n. IP >: ,1 Ih, -i em, which piav he any sum IH<! less than $100, on the dale specilicd, hi, h in.iv he in one. or nioif >rars, ns tho Investor may prefer. Tin: C'oupoiis alt. u lied are promises to pav intcrost on (he amount halt j-earl) at four por cent. per annum. The entire assets ol' the I'umrany, amounting; to $.'.-,- 696,885 are security for hillllincnl of the promises. CORRE8PONDINCE INVITED. Off o?, Toronto St., Toronto LUDELLA Ha* achieved celebrity unequalled bralliurs. Tha rennon in apptreat to thOM wbohare tried it. If you have never tried it give it your next irll and we arc ratufled that jrou will be wore than pleased wllta tU fln <iualit y. Liad Paokia-m , 30, 40, 60 and 9a. W|etallic Ceilings Beuslai Iroe. IM Aitoiii>ai f orooio. OnW ROOFING and 8hMt Mot ' Herka - " KOOriNd Hl.ATB. In Hlick, RJorr.rin 8LATK BLArKIl. l ARUM i We .upplr iTiMte ui<H ligh Schools, Toronto!. Rornnt ("!! I'll.fi OMlTw.Mo. RIIOFI.SUTII.K (Se M Clt; llulid- lao, Toronto, clone by out Urmi Metl , 'niimji. Oor- l"'. * btlmttM fumiihxi for work Domii ! ur fat "IliutWilppMl u> any prt ol thtcouotrr. pi.on* 19A1 O. tUTHIl i om.Ad.l.ld. A Wldmertu., Torwit* Dominion Line Steamships Montipfcl to LiTniool. Biuton to Liftr pool. Portland lo l.iverpoul. VIA Quvt DI- town. Lwouiii 1'utMlrkuuliipt .Superiur >cooinniod>tioD tra uniJihipt Sici>i .f.-i.u-,n hu t.n iin w th* MOOttd Hkloon and Thirtl-rUA fccttomuotlttiun F i imu* of p4ftf iid 11 pwticulftn, *pi>lr to toy *<ei4 of tb i:oaii>uir . or i, Milli * i ' j. D. Tomue* Co.. . Bo: Ion. Munlrrtl uil 1'olUu i YOUR OVERCOATS tut fhlnl SiilU tniul.l look better i/.-l If no >fmt of oon in j-u'.ir town, wnt> ducet Munlrral, Box Lii BRITISH AMERICAN DYLINQ CO. MONTE K A U J L -JOMES ENC.CO *6 K H) 4UI I AIDE MVV^TOjlO THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA IOLL WRAP- PING PAPER PRINTED In one or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Sam* pies furnished on request. Special quotations for oar loada or large lots. Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPINO PAPER COMPANY 75 Adelatde-st. West. I Paint Your House And have it done with good paint. Money -pent on cheap paint i* lout and the labor is lost. Uuy the best paint you can get. Don't pay exorbitant piae*. but pay reasonable prices lor the best and purest paints made. Ramsay's Paints Are the purest and best for bea'i- tityint; and pieserving the TUMISC. i want to learn all .ihnut ^.->id paints and see how some beautiful homes are painted .' Send is a pust ,-aid jnd ask lor out Iti'i'klet " K " tree. A. RAMSAY & SON PAINT MAKERS MONTREAL. It'd 1843 ^^ I The Federal Life Assurance Company OF CANADA. Thn nineteenth nnal moetlng of the hnroholileror liiin company wi< li-lil at III l.e4 oil! in Hamilton, on Thursday, tho 7th inr,tant. la the .ilnnee oi ilin I'r. -i4 11; hroatih lllDM", Mr. William Herns, Viee Prmldunl, witaappamtod Chairman anil .Mr. David Llixior. ScreUiry. l>lltK( TORS' KKIMMtT. Thedlrnclori presentsd their annual rerort, rollowi : - Your ilin . 'or< liavo the honor tu pren: tbe report and fllmnciiU >tleinont ol tlia cani|<kO7 forlhn)'i-ar which cloned on tho. Hit Decirnbor. IIKXI. duly v.aichfd for hy ihe auditor*. The new bunlnuw of Iho yeir omiHuitod of fourteen Imn dred and forty ! wo implication* fof Inmrnncs. nuirsgntinit $j.n.i| : :v nf which tliirt'i.-n hnntlred ami nm.'-y upplicaMum for f l.'.rij...l>j. wer.i .iccoplod ; application* for $M.7.>J wro rjrct I or held fur further informa- tion. Ai In previous yearn the income if the ojmpsnf -hows u r.it fjiiik' ne ea-o. and lha adX'.Buf the eoupiD)' have been ln,-roud by J-.'ll.IJttl.'. und lia\ , IDW rouohcd f 1.J71 310.9-i. x<- u- ve of in ir.mli e tpital. Thenecurlly for puiicynoldcni. InrlullnR nuiranloe oni.'lal. nniounl.'il at tho eln-e of tho je.o- ie -. -. M i. 'i . -i.'. ii-.,l he jabditiN for ns,'r\,-- am! ail o itsiandlnK 1 1 HUM. Sl.l'.t, 7.18.07 r shiiwinna -iir|illi of f I."':'. II7.SA. KxcltlMVn of lineal. il KUiiralilco ,a|ill I, the -iiiplun to pollo/holdm* win'ii;. Pollcii' on itxi) I'.v- iive htenino claims thr UK!I death, to Ihe amount o' il il. T '.H of wliirh ||s. ,ij i wa- re,n- ureil in other eniii|i in n--. hu ittiii K , L hi , i, n, Is ,in< i , ti v,duniln appdod to Iho r ilu I ion cf prriniuni, . IJi.i 1 ?:' .'S. with .inmntl, i. $: !Ua..'ili. the lolal piiyinul> to |i iliryh . I lei- re,uni dm $ITO Si:<.. <t. Careful aueiu ion h;m ho^n uu.-n to the In vestment of th.. eon p my fund-, largely on inorlgnK" ^ec ui-ile mi I in.iiu on ihe compao} s palii-icn. amply s<-eund by niMiires. 'I'hme invetnienrs li ive yiehtoil re&ulti bottur ilmn tlio average reuit - of .n-iiranco companiee dolnn ini-iii.---. In l miiida. i have bet 1 ., cunllnod to a rca-onab.o Iln It, coiniuli nl witb due , :Voit frr new I'hi! llrld olll.orHand azont* of the company nr InUlllRi n' and loyal, and nre cnilllcd to much crrxllt for their able r^presenlaliun of the comp-uij s inter.-^is. 'I tie mi iniier- i,f ihe ulllce -lair have al-,. r.n e,l n i hful ill tl a ,- 'iiii.Kiiy s service. Haying docideil m i evi'iii..' it n tiiianinlen or subcrlbl . npitiil to 11,000.000, the an. mint airhuri/e.i by our act nf incur purallon, your dii ncturn UMUIK! on 121 li Novemlrer last tho I<a'anc0 of l, in li in s. nt atirennuin of 40 per cent, on the amount calluil. Tlic o -bars* wcie allottorl to unit taken Dy thn exi-t inn nharohoidors. Thong li tho call of *i:i per hnr was required uy In bi-monihly inMtalmnntM. i lie a e itei portion of it wan paid hofm -f Iho >ear. Thea-ur^n.-e Oirrii-.l by tho . ompany now amoinil to$l.' ITH.-'s-'.-ii. unnn which tha company hoi. Is resm ve. ID l - e lull am, u I.L required by law, and, in addition thereto, a consid- orahle fturplna, a- -it>ov<i shown, JA3. II. MKA1TV. DAVID DKXTKll, I'l e.iih nl, ManaifiuK Director. A1DITOKS' KEPOItT. To thn President ar.l Diroi'tors oi thn Kmlontl Life Aniir nice ("nmpany: i. nut :, ii, en \\ e li.iv.. nindo .. i i\rcfnl audit of tho im~k of your company for the j-oat ending illst D -o nti -r. I'.i > '. an t li i\ MI in I lo their c* nir'.ne*-. Tlii neuuriticH havu liecn iniipectod anil compared with thn lodger ai c -mil. and ire found to aiiree Ihcrnwiih. Tho tin n -i.il u sition ot your companr, ason31t December, Is lodica'ed by tho accom- pun) IKK ,-lnioiii, nl. Roflpootfully abiult'eil, M. s. >ti:i'iii-:N3. J. J. MA>i'N. Hamilton, Ut March, HIM Amhlori. l'l> 1\IAL STiTEMKM 1 , 1900 Premlnm lurome Inlore.t and IteiitH Capital stock 1 'ruin lu m on stock Pah! to Pollcj- HolilerH for DOA' h Claimi K n,iow nieni -. surremler values an t protlt* KxpeniM, taxed, ilividundi -mil rein -in in,-, i promijma balance ASSKTS, I)BC. 31, 100ft Uohnninr.s ami n, -inls Moilyime- I..IHIH eciireil In policy ro6PYe* Canh In hank and other mU .11.11 1 -II I. 's:, IM IA.HM '.) Sll.ttS 07 1 1 :.:.-,* s i,.'.. nil s:l -.14 < .'sv SOS M| ia,ss'i *.% I.i ill : IIS i :..-. s.-, 3 l,'!*l.:in s::.:i . -MI Hiisin ve Fund > Clailiiiniii:\il.illtoil I'rnitent value of cluiiiia paid tiy In. talme as not dm. I'reient value of dividend-' applied on toinpor iry rmlui'liniH of ptemluni I..... MrplUl Uaarantoe Capital... Surplim necuritjr : -' I.IW.OM " I'oilrlex ware i -tiod a-siirlnR l."tn."..'is , .v To'al Anuranco In force I .' i:u > .' .'i On motion of Mr, Kerns, soconiled hy Mr. T II Maopkemon, Hie r. JOT' ns nl, p.ed, The Medical Director, lr. A. Woo verion, preeenlclaa lUmUL| ..al :H il r. in.n i,f the morlali'yof Iho company for the pint anil provinua yi'arn. Therntirlnu directors woio r.iolcit.-il. iel it mii-i -quent nicol UK of the t o.ir.l, Mr Jan. II. Heatl) WOM m-ulootvd I'rcsiUont, Lioul Col. Iveioi and Mr. T. U. M icimcrson. Vice*