f tf "*> Jt 1- MARCH 28, 1901 THE FLESHETON A D VANCE F.T, HILL & CO - F. T. HILL&CO. I * * * Markdale's Bargain Bouse BUY GOOD SHOES We've repeatedly emphasised the importance and economy of Inlying eool 8hoo- the kind that wear well not nec**rily ripenaii-e one*. By doing so you .re not merely guarding your health, which i is of hrst importance, >Hit practicing economy as well A few cents difference betwmMi tha pnce of a I S and a POOI 8HOE will not (jo far toward, repairing which i* often ninde neceiwary afUr a few week. wear. Our entire Shoe Stock (over five thousand dollars' worth) is aelected with the knowledge that they possess the wearinie .1'i.litie., and ari. the acme of perfection in fit We're practical .hoe men and every pair that is not o the standard is returned to the factory where it waa made. That's oue of the many ruaaon. why our .hoes beat up to re ... *o uniformly Mtisfactory. and if wo apply the aame rule W other de|i*rnieiiU ..f our store you have the key to the lemaikable leaps Mid bound our bu.ine** ha* made in the pawl fw years, an increase not nearly approach- ed hereabout* nor excelled anywhere. GENTS' PAT. LEATHKK OXFORDS. Dvcidfldly nobby and up-to-date goo<la the ( JKNTS' FINK DOMJOLA LACKDANI>GAITER SHOES Made of fine donirola kid, size* C to 10, plain to*, MWCK) *ole*--a ihoe we can with confidence recom- mend. Two line* at $1. HO and 1.75 I.MMKS' FlNKSf DONCOLA BlTTON AND I.M KI> SlloKS. Dozens of line, of the*e goods have I o-ii pUc-ed in toc-k duriiiK th l Ht few days *" J em trace .lmo*t Milling th-'i' i -mid povsibly be required. All KIZUH at per pair $1.35, 1 45, 2.00, 2.2K, and 2.75 (IKNTS' llKST Ql AI.ITY 1'AT.C AI.K LACED Snots. FinoHt Patent Leather Shoes, nizes 6 to 10, kid top, A/cKuy si-w.-d .olei, i.ewest style. absolutely the moat fashionable .hoe in the market per pa r 4.25 T. HI T^L & Co IMPOl^TI 1.50 correct tiling for fashionable dressers. Regular f 2. 25 goods, cUaring at per pair LADIES'FINE BUTTONED ANDLAtK 100 pair Ladies' Fine Shots, odd linos but comprising almost all sizes. These are what are left of lines that old at $1.50, 2.00, 2.5O. and 3.00, and you can take your pick now at pir pair 1.13 MASKS' FINE DONI;OI..\ HCTTONED SHOES till pair. com prising from 11 to 2 in IIIIMUM tine don/tdft kid fchofs. These are of excellent quality the I'est you'll find at the price. lUuiil.tr 01 L'""U clearing at H7 LADIES' FINE DONGOI.A OXKOKDK Some of the (inent and iiolibist go 'ids we've ever hail on our shelves. We would like the o|'p4irtunity of show inn you our values at per [>air, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 !.... and 2 00 T 3 ,1V WWRM^^ WMH.Y ATTDt OFflfl, OOt- ll STBBIT, FI.ISHBRTON, (1ST., t- , H. THfESTOH. I prr aniiiiiii Ntrlrlly In advanrr Advertising Kates: i> Column. 1 year, M : ball col , 1 fr, '* quarter ool ,on year, tit. Transient advortlMincnt char*d at the rat* r.-iil |inr I ma for Aril In.ertlon an 1 1 cnt Mcb >uba*uaDl lunertlon. *re tht Hursts . f Mr*, last wu-'k. J. R. Fawcett Mi. Lnundwo's liqnor bill m tin- I.enislaturr Ires been withdrawn. Sorry for Hill died before he orn. who are clamoring for a change own newspapers vbose price fluctuates . flic Misses Sparrow of \\illiscroft are aud wl.o can reimbuiso theroielvee , ,, n txU ,, ldH Visit with friends in the for Ions, and as a matter of fact have i vicinny. doue *o by raiding their subscription . "j 1 " 1 M ;' r> Km> " f"** ."'""" (>n ,' r , Sunday after a visit with friends at Epp- t and llocklyn. Mr. W. Lawrence has returned to hu tit, -tit d h'.ini-, having Hpenl the winter ilackHiiiithniK in Eugenia. Mr II. I). Carruthers wai iu Toronto price. The country paper cannot do this, and must bear every cent of the extra cost. When Uncle Samuel fought aud bled to free the Inland of Cuba from the tyrrany of Hpam he swore by all the stars in his spaugled banner that it was from a totally disinterested motive that he did so, and that his only desire waa to inako Cuba a free and independent republican like him Negotiations were on foot last week between Kitchener and Botha with a view to ending the war in South Africa and remarkably magnanimous toinm were offered the latter, but the IWr leaders apparently cannot lose sight of that ignis fatuous, independ- ence, which will nevermore be held within thtir grasp. They have prob ably now thrown away their last oppor- tunity to secure terms, and England can only go forward pounding Rub- mission into their stubborn heads aud <>xipun;,' a just retribution for wanton destruotiou of life and property. Grim Neimi'is willjnow go forward to briug tbe murderer, DetWet, and Inn con- freres to l!<e block nf justice. Burelv the old Greek proverb never more Appropriately applied : " Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad." elf. The war progressed and Spain wasi was ousted, but apparently the hard out task WM yet to follow, namely to allow Cuba to aseume the independ dm IIM make the simply ence which Samuel had won for her . When it CAUIO to the pinch he could not do it To the horror of the Cubans and the satisfaction of I-told you son, there have been set fortli eight conditions upon which Cuba can assume her liberty, and these con name of liberty a roaring farce and prove Uncle Sam's intentions not to have boon quite so disinterested as he tried to make himself believe they were In fact he retains a simple protec toratc over the island. Of course no one is surprised, unless it be tlie poor Cubans themselves. We all long ago predicted this ending to the affair . We know our Uncle Samuel aud just how much he does from humane disinterested motives. and The Canadian Fret* Association, \.'..c'i mil last week in Toronto, ] is.'d a revolution praying that a un- i j.-in rate of postage be charged CD a'l newspapers circulating in the . l> iininion. We do not know liuw many members compose this associa- tion or how the >as and nays stood on these mattcrti we ore kept iu the dark but we do know that it is run hy a few men who publish mctropoh- i in journals for which :hcy claim tin Pommion is a field, and that the {rt>at ruiik aid lilc of country news- paper! an scarcely represented in the HMooiation. To say that tin r9olu- iion represents the desires of publish- on as a whole would be absurd, ami hjfaro Mr. Malock raakas any chaogn ii the existiu^ law we would advise liim to take a plebiiiU of the news l>i;>-r men of tliu Dominion, which \v, ul.l be an easy and inexpensive mat ter. We luld tha' th present law !d >|tifac'.orv 11 it it jda, Tlie men Ulnibrrlry From Our O\m Corrnpuitdent This week gives us a foretaste of spring. Everyone is AniahinK hi* winter's irork at rapidly as |Miaible and aome are even laying their plan* foi gardening. Mr. C. Wickens has moved down to the village and it now getting wnllsattled .t Int now premises, the Traveller's Home. 1'r .N|p,.cls aiH good fi r the eiteniion of the suburtiH of the village this summer. Mr. K. I). Carruthers has had consider- able bulding material brought to the :io\i< ailjoining heru. We look fora new house vro loiiit. Tln> null is running at full spaed late and early. We* understand that Mr. Mr tiowan wdl h ive it some time longer. A social evening waa held in the Meth- odist churoh last fe'riday evening under the simpicus of the Epworth LCUL-II-I A very plessHiit time wai spent partaking of fond lint'i fur body and mind. Tli.- I.MI gram cmm-sted of tpeAohea, ainging, read- ingt and reciUtiont. The piMceutU amounted to nineteen dollar*. It. C. Howell o( Proton HUtiou visited this vicinity lately. He has told his farm hern to a Mr. Hulchiiuon, who !i taken poaseasliin. Little txiys cam* to the IIOIIIAS of J. Lawrence ami W, 11 HIM ru<|)otively, but t h une at th* lattor place only lived a f*w days. Mr. 8, C. Rowe tud wife of Heathoote aht week on butineMs pertaining to the irk of taiiiiK the census. Tbe ice on th mill pond IMS Wen (ought nft-r by intny far aud near. The result is that many hnlea have been mnde and <reat procaution is necessary. Several boys slipped through stepping on a weak or loose piece of ico though no accident was ser'.i^. Only yesterday (Monday) a cow of Mr. R D. Carruthen' got in and but fur the timely arrival of some men, might hvve gune under the ice. . S. Bishop has a good stock of logs in his null yard this season. Some i>f tlicrnari* very line samples of timber. Tlii* will likely give constant work to hit ususl gang for aome time. Ceylon. from OUT Hint l'<irre$pondfnt. Mrs. J.Hemphill, at time of writing. i-> very low with congmti >n of the lungs. We hope she will soon recover. Mr. A M. Th in. -i of Owen Sound is spending a few days with friends hi-re Archie's many friends are pleaavd to see him. Mr K. Hlackstock of Cleveland spent last week with friends here Miss J.Hemphill of Toronto canix homo on Thursday last to attend her mother who is ill. Mr*. W. Lawrence is viriting friendt ui t '..i belt, in. Mr. Jas. Ashdown has been ill for the past week with neuralgia of the heart. Mr. WalUir Hemphit! it vary low with inflammation. Mr. sud M r Burrow* of Dromorc spent Sunday with Mr. HIM! Mrs. H. Tucker. Mr. I. Sargent it spending a few days with his parent* here. Mr. UDO. l ' urns has heon ill for the past week. SEASONABLE Groceries Snaps for Present Buyers. Baking I'owder and Mustard chinaware presents with it. Good Unking Powder is cents a pound can. Mixed Picklw in bottles only 10 cents. CATSUP PER BOTTLE locts. Putted Meats, two for 15 cents. 7 barn Cameo aoap %5 rent* FRESH OR COOKED OYSTERS ALL SEASON. F, 1, BDIT - - TBE OWE mriflht'$ Old Stand. M. Richardson & Co, u EASTER MILLINERY We IIHAV the j)lf.i.-,iii-c of invit- ing th<- Ladies ot thin vicin- ity to he present at uur SPRING HILLINERY OPENING Wednesday, Thursday April :inl, 4th When we sliall place on cxlnbiiioti llir; Trimmed Hats au'l U.inn<-t. In ailihtii)ii to onr toil. rt"vi i'f Kty we fliall ilisplsy the u.-wi-i tlii--." in s Icvtiiect F.owcis !! ti :r"' - bon* and Milliuci y N.IV, i *- 'K-nM Mil's OsUirno uf Gnvi,,i;. -> ;-i ; ik to us very !ii;;li!v eoMn mi .1 :M a vt iinliinei and w.-'ntii:iptt.- t.'i ery t and Saturday and <>th. Season's laiest uovelties iu and traws aiul sbapcs and the HJtl -' Luces, Uiuids.Kib- 1 ' f.'oiu tlie best sources. n .:lmr^e this season, come* :-.ipnbU> aii'l expetienced for our Millin- SPRING DRESS GOODS Our importations and |n::fl..i Spiiii^ I 1 - 1 - 3 arn larger than ever tln.-i w.-it<jn. u'iJ t.m c > u t i!c'.--ii - : o'lr i wariants ua in -xpn s.-ing the ideu llmt i . >.%!:, ) r'..-i- in UiisdiMiict will be found giieh an cxci-lli :i'. variety "f 8easo:mbU g<j>U. Whether yon intcud to piucli is, iim!c or i It bonne . iu Dlack or Colored wcaven, you will liud in our stock a suffiok-ut, assortment to give yon a wulo choice in all gi.J.-^ of l'i 4s UHtial we have inad> n Bp^'cial feature of costume lengtl aud oar selections coirijiriHt' some most hands jme and st)li-)'.i Hues all at reaBOtiablc ti^i-is no two drf-sses alike. Ordered Clothing Our selections of Nuw Spring bnitiui?s afford you a wide choice in the most desirable and fashionable fabrics in tli<> market we guarantee .he quality of our trimmings throughout. First class workmanship and perfect til. Suits to order from $'J.75 $20.00 Extra Special in Ordered ClOtbinfl. Pauls made to order, perfest titling, iiniahwl iu first class style iu a selected range of m at dark, -ti iped Dultenis iu Luhiouablc pure wool tiotisetmg Usual price *4.0<> $3.25. Ready Itladc eio.binq for Caster. Men's Suits Youth's Suits Hoy's Suits $4.75 to $lf..OO. |B.75tO$10ltft $1.50 to $6.7:). No w Etistoi NooR wenr \Vr sh<li lio* AH elegant raiij-e of > ni.rrlv in * >',-ckwer for Easter trade tin- neet pnttenis nnd color* in silks and wins -the moat cor- rect iliniic* in IMIWI, four-in lisnds, puff~, flowing cnd, knots, etc., etc. Two Pricett, Quarter and Half Dollar. Our New Spring Wall Papers Over 4000 ROllS tO $kCt from. Handsome combinations in matched walls, borders and ceilings in gUta^gtitaUnen and ingrain effects -all this season's new colorings and designs. Prices from 10 cents to 35 CCIltS double roll. Easter Novelties in Fancy Opal Ware. A large purchase of Fancy Easter Opal Wan- on exhibition this week. Tlie patterns are very pretty and each piece is handsonir-ly embossed in gold and hand paint t-d in a variety of floral designs. Fancy Opal I'ht-s, From UK:, to :!"> cts. e:vsh. 1 incy Cutl and Collar lloxes. From :5." cts. Fancy Toilet Tirys. From 'JOc. to :{."> w.rt +. Fancy Jewel Boxes, From lOc. to _';"> cents. Faster Kggs, From 15 cents. H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY / j THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MARCH 2ft, 190 Vicinity Chips Carefully nn..:is of )! Past < ull-J for thr Choice set^l hi-at - - Fur fa'c utthe mill. I'. I.nucle*. Fre-h lime alwjni on tand. J. H. JhickutiV. E"gi-n . Hayf.TiwvIc -D. Thompson M<-af rd Jl..d,FlrtlerU.n P. O. "(l.-rtd frm hand wanted at. once. Ap- Vljrtolie". Walt-r, KiinH-rley. Neiio'iult *ill hav>- a chnir factory with * opiUl -if $30,000- Kwp your fet dry by ratlin.; at CUy- t '* fr>r a pair of rubber*. (lirl wanted to do general housework. Ap^ly t'i Ernest Wurta, Proton S'ation. If you want real goo-l Vic yo-i can ;jet them at Clayton'* auitali'e fur the Moil and cheap. Tail'irentf wnntxd at <r\r - raiuit Wzood i eontu i>r need nut apply. H. Aleian- d-r, Flelieito-i. For S.lc Four yun? Durham hull*, two gnnle hull*, and ot.e 3-year "Id mar-, .lames Boll. Uluntlg, Markdalo P O. Pm.ite or company fund* to loan at Iri'iii-U to 5 pr cent. Expunw l". Apply In Geo. Kutlierfi'td. SUelburne. Parti mi'iii-iitt : ' rJlers thw vpriug (ittiiT wou'l' i -' . . ) nliuuU leave ,|^ r . r .:. ,. ... |y 1, i' F*ate&Co. .Ifnp -\ . ,t Sproule, {I-,*- . .-, . JJ y N 'ute and \\ | ' -.1 .:: \ ! .;. . ! --o'lita. .\,.v,lri! in I ..t. r l!..r 'w.-rr, neck- ' 4r -ind :i-tw i HI M. II ri.;i;-ii-.on <k IV tin* wcrk ;it p..jrtl.ir |i Curj)orl L.a.i<i:li.ui "f Strallicona H.. -He riviM at lin hom in Durham |..f week and WHK jivi-n a rwuaine reopt- i"ii. M Kic!iardm A Co. Kleshartoii announce their iprinK millinery opening f,.r W.-.I., us lay. Thursday and Saturday n-xr *ri-k. Read their advt. MT. F. Niculoon occupied the pulpit nf tlie Mwthcxlmt church on SuiuUy morn- ing and gave an interesting di.'omv from th 2Ut chapter of John. T. J. Sheppard & Co. we b-y .lock- ing thvir new tor at Eugenia this week, and e i poet to tmv it open for customer* by Saturday next. Dou't he in a hurry buying your gprin* footwear until you have een Clayton's tttock. They have just what you nted miit at right pricvx. No mails came through from Epping ur Fev*rhon on Tuesday, conm-iuently none of the points on tln-n- ruuiea are re- fireaented in our correspondence coluuint. Auction Sale Mr. Jam** H. Pearson, lot 186, lt range, Toronto and Syden ham road, will nell farm Htock and ini- |4eujeo! on Monday, April 1st. Geo. Notle, aucti"iief. The census of Canad* will lie taken on the night of Sunday March 31st, and every iterton in the Dominion at that hour will lie C"Uiued by the enumerator*, who "ill strt out on their rounds on April Ut. Dftnor fail to attend th-j rnteitainment to be given bv the 3/isM.'ii Bund u Kn day evening, 29tli int., in the Afethodmt church. Come ami upend " a evening with China, " Silver collect in. The latest word from Mr. Charley Mun- ha>w, who is in the hospital at Turin to, is that he is progressing nici-ly ami is con- Miderod about out of danger. Charley'* many friends will bo delighted to hear his newi. A grand I.O. F. concert will ba he'd in Wation's Hall, Priceville, on Friday. March 29. An excellent programme has been provided ; Soua' Band in attend- ance. Don't nuns it .ir you'll misa a treat. Se bills. Durham had a U>ugh time with the KDOW blockade last week. From Mon- day until Friday night they had no mail connection with tlie ouUide world The hint train after tha blookade arrived on Friday at 11 p. m. For sale ch' up and on iNWy term*. 2 rugar kettles, 1 rooking stove, 1 sewiiii; inachi:iv iu g"od co.idition, 1 glas* t..p cupboard, 1 folding leaf table, good an new, 3 bedsteads, 6 |>erforalod chairs, new. -Apply to R J. auctioneer, Klenherton. MO.ITBIAU Dec. 1900. To the public : Y"ur druggist i hereby uthori/.-d to refuml tha purc'iase price on a twenty-five <T fif;y c-nt liottle of Oreene'a Warranted Syrup nf Tar, if it fails to cure your cough or cold. (Signed) The Lester U Greene Co. A bad accident bef<>l the infant cl.iM nf Mr. Andrew Iteatlie. gravel road, on Sun- day. Tli.- child had l>rt;n plnced hy an in- mate of the txniHt) on top <if a copper tnkinwln.il W:M lc ilnitf water, whi-n ilm cover gave way,|)reci|iittiii^ the liitlo f.'l'o* ii.t" the ncalding liijind. Fortun. atxly there WHS not a gret depth of water, but a it was the child'* leqs were very badly scald ad The tirt genuine thaw since Christmas arrived on Sunday and by Monday afrcr- uoon the ruadx were converted into some- thing that difl iint much resemble roada, and over which it was almost impoasible fur t.'anis to ttmvcl Two gentlemen who attempted to drive in from Maxwell on M"iid.iy evening were three bourn doing tlie nine miles and one of the horses suf- fered a severe cut on one fo..t which it received while floundering in the sea of wei snuw and slush. Mr. Geo. Bannon had a r attar peculiar eipervnce laxt w<**k with :\ runaway. While driving a load f liy to town, aii'l when at Breen'i* >ideiid 1} unliM from the village, l.i- had <>ccai(<n to irct oif the luad to aiv-i.-t .iiic.tln-r tr.iv. II. r to piuw. N\ lule off the l:td hi" hrsus t"k fnuht and ran away with the load which w.-uli. .1 Ibs. The li.ir-cH mad<- n'-l lime un- til uppunite the ix-metcry when homes and load putted oompany. thu U:am coming on t" the village where they were stopped. N. 'thing wax in any way damaged neither *.i!t the load upset, and Mr. Hannon took IMS team back, huclied it on und deliver- i'l Ins hay without any delay. It was a fi'itunate tui.away. Mr. Win. Carsun of the east luic'k line rx.epri n to an item appealing in i-orri sjn i.d ncu from ihat section laHl ii. \Ve learn frmu tin- writer that no rrti -I'luui was intended to be east on Mr. I '.irs mS financial s'and- in,:, which iti well upanxing the bent farm ers ui i lie townahip. Tliu it. in was one of tin M' things that appears innocent on its face but cnta op account of its U'ltru'h- fulneH and we revr* having I.e. n the innocent cause of giving the sum.- pub- licity. As a jokn, for which it seems it WM intended, it.s beauty was so obsciira that we did not recognize it IIM such and thought it a genuine item of nuwn. This thing of getting oif "jokes" and "gtijs" ou neighbors should be kept within prop- er bounds. There are genuine jokes i" which everybody ciii share and spurious jokes in which only a select two or three have any interest. We want the genuine kind or none. The differences between the local share- holders und the promoters of the Durham cement work* appeal to havH been amic- ably settled. The Chronicle says . "Tli. President nd board of Directors met uur local men hero la.it week, and in pub- In' conference discussed the matter from every possible standpoint. The question of a site and tax exci.iption being satisfac- torily arranged for the differences hutwe.cn the promoters and our local men were amicably settled, and to-day thu public nun. I is possesed of a stronger feeling than ever to sen the work in progress. With this issue we are more than delight- ed to announce that the agreement* have been signed, and we are again in the swim to erect in Durham, during the coming summer, the most complete, the most gigantic and best, equipped cement mill on thu continent of America, and further that the ground will be broken juio as soon M the front leaves us. Every- one is dol.ghted with the prospect, and everyone is congratulating himself with the fact that the industry, about, to be started, is not of mushroom growth and ephemeral existence." Oibson-Rankin. Mr. Archie Gibson, manager ( f thu Dundulk branch of M. Richardson & <'..., and Miss Sadie Rankin of Itarrie, were united in marriage last week. MISH Rankin was known to everybody heru as the popular head milliner for the firm here for three years past. The Bar- ri' 1 \dvance reports the plutsant alfiir as follows : A very pretty but quiet house wedding was celebrated at. thu residence of Mr. A. Kink in, Baylield street, on Thursday, March 21st, when In* second daughter, MissSailie Kankin, wat mar riud to Mr. Archibald Gibson, merchant, of D'ltidalk The Rev. T. E. Bartley, of the Kirst Methodist church, perform- ed the cermony in the pres- tica of the immediato fnrnds of the family. The bride locked lovely in a benutiful g"Wn of grev beniralin* trimmed with applique, and carried a boqne! of white carnations. She w,i* alien led by her sister, Mis- Lena RanUin, who wore a pretty dress of blue foulard, and carried pink carnations. The groomsman was Mr. J. M. Gibson. brother ! thv gronm. The house was tastefully decorated with pulms and flow- Or*. After the ceremony a dainty wedd- ing snpppr was served. The presents, b. t.h nuinemuH and handsome, testify to the esteem in which the bride is held. Th happy couple left on the evening train fr Hatni ton ami other places, carrying with them the best wishes lit their many friends. On their return they will reside in Dundalk. Personals Mr and Mrs. R. N. Henderson spent the past week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Rol>t. McNicnl. who has been visit- ing the home friends here for the past month or so.reiurned to inn I,,, me in Car- man, Man on M,>i<day. .\fiss Zilla Trinihlu returunl tin* week f:iint a visit with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. W. J. Bowes, Markdale, agent for the Hydenhani .tfntual Insurance Com- ; my, wii.s a caller on Wednesday. 3fissea Ethel Hewitt and Eva Hender- son of Toronto are truest* of their sister, .Vr*. Fred Tucker. The official returns from North Bruce ^m> Htlliday (Conservative 1 ! a majority of eleven. A number of paper* in Ontario arc attacking tha methods of the promoter* of binder twine factories. The Walker- ton factory is tajcen as an example, which cost 961,000 and these journal* maintain that the came factory could be duplicated for half ihat sum. The difference is sup- poHl to have lietm put in the pocket* of tin- promoters. We ar looking for some ktnrtli-14 disclosures regarding this 'A'alk ert -II Uinder Twine Factory. Chetiluy Knti-T prio. A go< d story I* going the rounds at present, *.o the effwl that a family in the Northwest, by '.he name of Day, consist- ed of the parents and seven daughters. On thu adjoining section lived a farmer nainua Sunday and he had *even wins. The oldest son fell in lovo with a Mi** Day and wedded her; and son after an- other of thu Day girls was married to Mr. Sunday. Then mother objected strongly tothm, Imt her husband said, "Oh don't worry, eery Day'll be Sunday bye and bye." Bock Line Last Items From 'Air Otm OwrrMpoWetU. Mr. B. Fern* is preparing for a big summer, having taken the ci n tract for two milk routes, heinit the back line Kaot .mil the Menford Riwd routes to the Markdale factory und we understand he IntM taken Mr. John D*vi' farm tin shares. Mr. G. Clark i* preparing to riae his barn next summer tnd build a stone wall underneath it. Mr. and Urn. Hewitt are still very low, MISH Mary Thompson IMS been visit- ing fnonds ni-ai Knnboriry and was great- ly missed. .Mr. \V. Hollcy hus rented the farm of Mr. J. IV'ir.vni who intends going wcht. We wish you strjcev, Junes. We are glad to Hud that our aide road, which \>:u> lii-,,n l.l.ii-k-il for so long, wns ipencd again by Messrs. W. Carson and A. Stewart., which will be a xreat advan- tage to Mr. W. Lever in getting out his 'I'l.in- timber. fhis aigmtnrr i M 'i.-i-rv 'x>x of tbe (tnu Laxative Brr.rno Quinine Tablet. tha remody that t MC.-H ooM ! am* tj fox* Sn,I A farm for sal* in llieTownnhiii 3t Arteniia .oiLtaiuiiiK Wl '-. nii.rn or IH. 70 acren oluarort with fiftiiiv d".i litiil'iliiR. cuiupriitud of lulu f>l, OA, 00, 07. IV<, on the Kerond conciw-ion, North of llnil'aiii U.m.i Thrills Hay. Apply to UK CHJtUTOfi, Kl.-slim t.-n Mar. 1:) ui Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service. Cord minto, 1 s ( > undernigned lias a flno agad Durham Hull for neiviop on lot I'l. T. A S. H. Trmn tt for Rm,1i) i-'>w<, $:i for tlioroui<h- hredn. l'edire on apiillcaii "u JACliB LKVKR, Kloatiertnn P.O. Vood'8 Fhoiptodlne, m Ortat Kwi/iuA Remedy. Sold and reconinind*d by all In Canada. Only rail hlM tiK-iilcI'M- discoverea. A'ut ^ _ aekagtn <i*arttnletd to earn all tonnadTSxnaT Waaknets, all effect* of aluaa* r esoa. Mental Worry. RxoMMlTc n*r of To- t)i*oo. Opiam or Stlmnlanta. Mailed on roelpi o(prto*,oapMkari.*lx.li. OwviUpiMHa, litwiBovn. rainpUu frm> to cnr addn Ttu> W*d CuuipMj. Wlodwr, Woo ' PllOSphoJlDS is olt ill T'l <|irrt,>n W 8. Cbristo* and W. B. Hi,-har.l*,n Dr (1M*. Or ^ * * Mr Oir v iiv 4V * I* u/ Or Oil m ti 0* Or Oi> itV * * * * * V" STILL CONTINUES The last two wouk* we ha* heen cutting the prtcns of m-.ny lines of s;oods nearly in two, and atill we are continuing to sell at recklexs prices The tirat shipmont of our new spring stock haa arrived and nnw on everyday still more in arriving. On miking room thm week for our lionvy spring stock, wu found we hxi still many lines of u""ds in every department we niuit get rid of, regardleiw of cogt and as spnce will not permit ua to quote every bargain, we shall only quote you a few of the many. ____ Co the Cadics t- AM we said two week* ago in our Drem 'lorid Depurt.ment, the New Century knife cut deeply. You will ttill be able to find better bar- gain* than ever. to ti> Gentlemen In oar Gents Famishing Department you will find unhenrdof bar- gains in every line. We ill juat quote you a few specials in uinl.-rw.ir and oven-oat*. Men'* Heavy Ribbed wool Shirt* and Drawers, Reg. 40 eta. now. ... 30 Men's Heavy Ribbed pure wool Shirts and Drawers, liny. 55c. nrw ,TTJ Men'i Heavy plain Scotch knit pure wool Shirt* and Drawer*, Rejj. 85n. now 60 Men'i Henry plain pur* Canadian w.iol Shirts and Drawers, Reg. 80c. now 60 Men'* Heavy plain Red Canadian wool Shirts and Drawers R<*g HOc. now 60 Mom.s Heavy wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, R.-</. HO,-, now 00 Men'i Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drnwers, Reg. 55c. now . . 40 These are a few of the miny Snaps. Row for Overcoats Our |7 r >0 men'* heavy Frieze, w<Kil-lined overcoat, now Our $i.f>0 men's heavy Frieze, wool-lined overcoat, now Our $. r >.fiO men's heavy Frieze, extra well lined overcoat, now Our f. r > IHI men's heavy Frieze, extra well lined ,.vercnat, now Our $6.50 boy's heavy Frieze, wool-liniil overcoat, now Our $5.00 boys heavy l'>io/.u, extra W'-ll lined overcoat, "ow Our $4 00 boy's hesvy Frieze, extra well lined overcoat, now n Snap in Tullclotbs. 'J pn-ivH i.-.'ul.ir price on cents, mi tah> now. 2 pieces regular pi ice 60 cents, n sale now 1 piece regular prico 50 cents, on sale now Tlii-M; aru pure goodM, strong and extra heavy. Bargains in Rubbers Men s lni!i laced Rubbers, guarantrud -tmig proof, reg. ?'.''*>, now.. Men's 2-liD<:kIe rubbers, guaranteed -11:11: proof, reg. $2.40, now. . .. Men's 1- buckle rubber*, guaranteed n;i^ proof, rog. $1.7 ( >. now... . Men's 1-buckle rubbera, rcular $1 ., now Men 1-hucklo rubhers, regular $!..'{'). now 5.75 fi.OO 4.00 .-i.OO :i.75 ::oo 40 45 2.4<( J <><) 1 ,">4) 1.20 1.00 Grocery Dep't. 20 Ibs. best granulated sugar Sl.OO 22 Ibs. best golden yellow sugar 91 .HO 3 cans Tomatoes 25 ctt. 3 can* [iea 25 cts. 3 cans corn L' 3 Ibs. finest selected raimn 25 ct. 2 Iha. finest cleaned currant* .'."> ,-t s. 4 pkg*. corn starch 'J5 ctJ<. In every department you will timl such Tjtlosf y*rica arm hr Cask or Tjrada Onty. HIGHEST PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE C. 3. Sbeppard Tlesberton. J). Jflcfamsli & FLESHEKTON eofjs On JVand ^^sVlfJS For M.isy H.irn-<, Noimi. Klcury nd Wilkinson farm implements, Floury >" Vority plows ui hand nil thu t inn;, also all kind* "f repairs fur the ame. Wu iiiiiiiuf>i<:tiiri- U H^ <n.s, liu^KieN, Cutter*, Sleighs, etc. panafhoviag pr niptiy .ifi-nili-ii to. Special attention to tun, lor ciiii'ractuti fuct. Lo0im and Plow Clmin* constantly on hand. F<R First Class Buggies Pleasure and Farm (UaggOIIS : Snring to and Iron RatTOWS ; Fl'-ury. Dick. McGrill, ; tooth an, Dymerit, Kuttertield Conipany PIOWS 'nrl .ill kinds of shares- Also Spramotors, <>r Brass and other kinds of mak" reaiii Separators of ditfen-nt kimis : fiors* Shoeing, Painting and Crimming < 'arnap-s and all kinds oi Black= Smithing : iil w>rc for fences ; (JO TO J. H. HEARD, FLESHERTON. an you spare H few months * Tlrs nintiM- iii which i ' improve yimr udti'atinn Tlinse fw moiiilii spout at the BO YEARS EXPERIENCE . OWEN SOUND ONT. Would enable you to do buninww in a <wt.ifaot"ry manner. The ltm>wllgH you wniilil gin f imtra. chequea and all kindn of Cdinmercinl popor w 'ulH, por- Uiipn. wve you hundmh f dollnr* in the fn'nre. Wright fur catalogue, which con- tain fnll infornmlKin, to C. A. Fie-- ngr Principal OWEN SOINP, ONT. I WjnUr tonu logins nn Jan. 2. 1901. MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone ipnillnir a krh mid dmrrlndon mr fnlrklT lurortnln our ni>MiM>ii fr wlinllier ao liiv.iiilli'i) is p:,ihnl,lf I*Htentht I mnintnr*. UnnnMrtctlyoiinDdwiual, naotfbookon i*i\it-nui Milt frt. Olili'ftl uftn,-y for <ninii|{ imu-nir.. rulentji Utken tnmuHh Munu A Co. r<-oelT lp-lnl notice, without chru, Iu tli Scientific Hmerkam A hiui,1"mlT llltMtrmtxl wekl oulAlion <>f Any MlBtlflo Journal. TMU-; four month*, fL Sold bj all .KKMl clr- ,-r,n. 8 % Office A 9 8l_ WaWitat,.n. ti. i .