Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1901, p. 2

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IHE QllEEOFJHE SOUTH. Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on a Christian Life fr ..... WahinKtonHay,: Rev. Ik. Tulinnge preached fn.iu I rollowlM taxt : "BfcU tka half win , ,,,Ld u,e."-l. K,.,K x. 7. *_. had r,,o,v,,, lha, J.rusa- lemshould be thoreiilie of a : l -"'red, and comm-re.al magnificent-. ((u>| . , )V d"i". ' - i IHMM into letters nml then nvo spell it nut in rot" and lily -mil tuniirani Ii. And yet It'.'' |)l.i<->- is K<-inK I" ' i sutpris.- I" tb most intelligent <liri.tli.in. Like Hit- IJureri .f Sh.-l-.-i : 1, 14 . (.in.- I" us from I he f u ci.untry all.! ninny uf u* have slarl- I li i.s -i desert march, Ian "<' ,,-! Ihr camel-.. \Vl " "I" T ''"t I,. l,li- (,:,} \\.lh I hi- way, we are has- I..-I.IIK to tin- pslMI We lake- i.llour and mi Christian ambi- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 14. (> ,. ri .,i IMI ; ,van, showing Inat Ul ,. v havl . ,-- fr.-in far : . a.W. up roth. |..l:i,,. he '.'-< M*.M~ > 4:l|lJ co|n( , (1U , , m ,, Uace corridors. I ' .-solomon II Mt hi....elf to work and uionopul.*- , UIU .s,|f com , l ihe Syri/in dei.-rt as a highway ptl for hia caravans. II- built the city of ^ I'.ilinyra around one of the principal f, ., ' 1111/M I*. > ''in >'- - .. - . ire th- yue.-n has alignt- ,,,i! t h e.nnainon and the is fiankirtcense and myrrh and Y . it kinvf. \\'o mu.st must not halt. The to the rest. W i . . n ing .n and it is not nafe re iii the de.-ert. I ' i *' <-n the Is. I see the domes against I he -ky, and tin- iiou'-.es of I.Rbunon, and ' the ti and i h BI trat, - ' iff ron, I I,- i u. imii .. and the and pass il into the Take up the dia- s-un xv.-lU of the Kiiat. BO that all the long iroa.sure-hou m ,, ,,,,.,',handise from th. East -ff*^fiSSJ?SS. ^" L were obliged lo Htop there, pay toll, ^.j^ ,, . ,,,[..,. si,, w.nh-* at the and leave a part of their wealth in ,,.,,' h- sh ,. Mli d(i.vn at ths banquet, the hands of Lsolomon's 'merchants. He '1 h cu|i-l /-arer.s btrw. * . v... Ami1n> Tr ' Hill i'i' i .in.,1 the fortress Thapsacus at the ilu.-f ford of the Euphrates, and pul (i! . ( . A 1U t ,. . (1 , .1, , ih- water ' under guard everylhing that passed f ro!ll the molic.i t-. IS. I'hen -sh;- r.ses there. The three great products of from the banquet and .-h- wine, pressed from the rich- clusters and celebrated all the . rv-atories, .in. I , __a architecture, and Sjljiuon many t.trang quest iona . . . . -Id over, oil, which in that hot |Mi , sl . , IM1 , :i i,.ui I b religion butter and lard, and was pressed from t be H--IM-.-W i, U I sh- Mien and t*.W ........ n, ire substitute fo, jtrf tt^lgjflj fountains dance in the hun, and the gates flash as they t,p-n lo let in the pilgrim*. S'-nd ihe word up lo tin- pi lace that we are coming and hit we arc weary <if I h-- inarch of hi di-crt. ''he l.in(( will ci.me out an-1 say, "Welcome to the pilac.-; hnl he ill these fountains; recline on hanks. Take this . -1:11111111011 n I frank. n- n I am. myrrh and put it upon a < -n-x-r an I swing it before the altar. And yet, my friends, when heaven bursts upon us, it will be a gn- itcrg surprise than that. Oh, v. hat a thrilling rapture. Jesus in the throne, and we made like him All our Christ i in friends surrounding us in glory; all sorrows and tears nnd sins gone by forever. The thou- sands of thousands, t h one hundred and forty four thousand, the great multitudes that i". man can number, will cry world -.vithout end. "The half, the half was not told me." Jr. in l|>pn,rt In Mary." J..lin '.'J. ll-l. lilrn TV\l. Hrv. I. I*. iMt.u i u'Ai. NOTI-X Vcr 11. Mary atood w.th.ut at tbe M-pul h -r. Th- tcnie of th- ori- i.s imp-rfcd ' Mary wa* stand- ing." Sh- K mained after th- t w <> '.i-ij-1'l bid gom. ^h .s o ,d wecp- Lng, for add.'4 ta thi Ijji of h.^r best ,| and moU truit -d I'ricnd was l:-r .-uppiuition that indignity had been done to his bjdy. The only al- l-'.vialion to her HOrrcr.v was to be lo the dinoiple, > rind nnnr>u\ee that he is about to ascend." Dwight. I an- iiri'omy Father, and your Fath- , ;. lljt fi.Ul-l I. I i 'es I.i all hu- inanity. The ini tin.i t ."ii is that the resurre-r >:i is r of thu the tj ra had Ust ssen h:m. She Ihe olive branches until every rock in ',,,:,. |hal .,11 ,'.. ,,,;, ., ..h I -t ought the country became an oil well, nnd .,,,,1 ;l ;, i| y> lalmu.? to*--, whi.-h were 1,..,, y. which was the entire aubsti- intended to * turned into harp.* ami tut- for sugar.-these three great pro- l;^'" *** t**ufi*?**a!5* "nd tbe aucts of the country Solomon export- j, ,| ,,.,. : ,' n | ih one hundred and eigh- ed and received in return fruits, pre- ty-thoataad ! Ian i" m"i".x. clous woods and the metals and th l-.:ins M> U ink that aU animals of every <!,-. IH went "<_ *'^ '. .^J l^"?, ,,,,'',; ",, , ha't down to Ezion-geber, ordered a fl -ei J ( jj is j,,.,,, n; i|,. :Il . and sh says of ships constructed, oversaw the ',.. lilim I "1 heird agre.it d.-.il workmen, watched the launching of about 1 1 -. s j. ..- an I .-.looped do.vn, and looked. K. thing that had to do with her Lord was ('.ear t:> her. Pcrhapi sh; too coul 1 B w Ih,; Ijien clothJl and the napkin tljat wa.s about his head- But a womanly timidity kept her from entering alone. The fcepulcher was probably a room he.wn out of th? side of a solid rock. Its entrance may hare been of masonry and architec- lurully beautiful. 1J. Seeth two angt-K In our la<t l.-sson we note that, although Mary'a a giwa a oa: of th; group who earliest v, i < ! ' h:- sopuieh-r, and who afterward d- in-rotl to the th- angels' me->sig', a corn- I ' the flotilla w,',h to go out on . llUKJll.na.itt tr j "i j more than a year's voyage to I I ,-ipation.s. It (-.-.-. H everything the wealth of the then known world. t i.. lt \ ,. | |, n >;> l--d. lh- hilf, He heard that Ihe Kgvptian h. i -hi!f wasnot tol I nu-." I > i in first from I Ui 4 SUM 'i-t \' t. il MT, Urge, and .wlft, an' long-man- | ** t ," wn J ,. n ed and round-limbed, an-l ho resolv- (- (ii;l uli) ,.,,, h uiren.l'i' t hom- ed to purchase thnui, giving eighty- ..,, ( . when ciigion con - -s five ,1, liars a p'.et-o for them, putting to a n UM I .irh ,o I. th- first xx b i [I,,, l., .1 i.f tl. e-- l.'.t -es in his own * U >:' EXPLNSIVE LAUGHTER. Cot the I'romotrr of Trnt Good Hlcrd Fortonp. "Oil. yes. I tist-il to mipfti-inti- the liumor of the situation when a pedes- trian f.-ll .lown on an l.-y , orner." s:ii,l the promoter of trusts, with a wrnry smili'. "Imt that wn.s yi-:us aco, Ix-fon- I ha. I com*' to reallzi- that liutiior and GIRL FRIEND. Oh, I suppose George solved his wild oats before I married him, *nd mada a fool of himself, generally, -ike other cu'n, but 1 rust him! What a d*-Uh* fully new eensa- tion it must >> to him! UK K\K\V. Teacher Bcbby, can you tell me the. meaning of the word respect? Bobby Yea'm. It a tb feelin' one kid baa for another what kin lick him. niNGBD ON THE CXMV.-. The Txjndon Outlook sp-vakS of a lover with an agricultural cast in hi* eye -which boded ill for hi* lass. He was a dairyman who owned 3D or 4'> c'-,\-s. arrangiag with ,. the minister abjut his wedding, and wa.s bidden to nam-; the hour. Well, ir, la? replied. I canna ray just > an hour or *o. There's the cows, y.- s>-, bat I'll bi there as soon a.s mvr I can. SKI7.KD THK~Ol'iORTT NITY. Askii I wonder wlij Grumpeigh'a wif ..- deserted him T purivjn of th- four ac.-ouaU makes it probable that before the nngel-i ap- peared th- hid I. .i-l Iy cancluded that the Lord's body hid l>---i -'.. -n, and sh". had luUeii'd for IV-ter and John; so that sh" had not ewn heard of. tbe ;ing< N' :ipp .u HI "c. \\l-ite. The livery of God's servant s. Tho one at the head, and th- oth -r at rbe feel, uh'-re th- bidy of Je.sui had lain. On .r slab where ttuic who T -Hit S!i' had a new 4; -wn and wanted an excuse to wear it. KM'LAIXED. Dirber Why is it that you and business di.lii't mix \i-i\v well. I was anon Jed him had left th- r<-m ' Stalls, and "'i:n the surplus to f ,"i [, it.ntales at a great profit. Mount .it a bundle .viml men Id hew down i he f.. drug the lum'e-r tliiniigh I he tm un- i MII gorges, construct it into rafis l., I..- floated in Jupp'i. and friim , l I. .-nee di .vn l.y i. \-lcam- tw.-niy I . 01 <iss Ihe land to J.-ru- .,,. H,. liei-d thai there wen- .1 iful flow, i in ot her I in Is II.- for t b.-iii, pi inied t h -m in his H,. i,- .ire ll'.v. 1 1 f" "id in the ruins of thai :!>' <' h a^ in e to In- found in no other pirt of I'alo- 1 me, I he 1 ui il di-^-oiid.inl"- f the very flow- ers that .-soloinon p "' I H" heard there THK WOMKN. An .t"i-- me i iy it i-i !' ins- th-y ' e lllse a. and for i ui l.iner emilion. Alter Ihi- I.IK-II have received th !< II.- n a 1 ! th .ii.ir.-sH -.1 ind th p or of. l.<il h - . \.-- i IIDS-- w h ) have in . : u-e.'pt .1.' ii Last of a ! i c.iiii' I he l.lip'e of affluence and l.i:h |.,,,ii',n. A 1 ( : t hit i: is .so! If tin-re , i i ! . < Ii T-- to-night w h i hi re I < ti g my way aloni: an Icy Btn-.-t i:, 1 . in r.osi,,n one <iay when a very stiff >* ' :u..| ,1,-nltl.M inuu Just ahead of me '' '" ' ,i , >, til. e<l cau to wue rame .own -. th a crash. 1 JJ-J ,. , Wo num. why .-i.-.st thou.'lf, i-upposj. ah.- had not aa yet IT agony of i nniirma i . i |,,.,.|s t!.-w up. hi.-, hat 11,-w off. Mi I ,, 1Ilc)llloIUS , u . h ., ill( p :lri .i, n , ls this had Kiicli a look of surprise In hU eyes , vuu] , that I l.-aned up nicalust a lampl>st ; ,.,, ,, aud lauj;lio(l till 1 t-rUKl. Whru the vk-tltn liually pivkril himself up and They bave taken a I L .rd, aid 1 kno.v not xv:-..-rL- th-y l.ii-- liil him. That Irs I > ly should found that all bis tt-ftli v.-re yot In ba atslaa w'i a n-w gri.-f. II -r one bo stood before ui.- and ^' ' I" ' ' .- r thu body. : y uca I I.' UI I . . 14. .- L turned herself back. She . turning away from you Room to be amusc-d their ! sin. I: Sir. 1 about " 'V"-<. I nm. 1 I said. "'Is It alioiit i:.y fall?' ; , IV , ,, v ,-r lielm ! h-r u h yi>ur brothers are so bald Victim I'll tell you if you oroai- ise to say nothing about it. Birber Sure. V . i.u. whisp -ring-It 1 * Ns hair has fallen out. II iring a faint rustle in the dark hallway below, the elder sister, nup- P n -ig the man had gone.lean- ,'-.rk l.l uh -h Hi- ..ne I. I'.'i I. u>t h-r You were goluR along, you | iiow Vgiiininir. know, iiii.l all nt om .- lia, ha. ha" "'And all nt mice ulint happemslV "\Vliy. you slipped nml clawed nnd yelled out. anil tht-u your Iocs (hot up. ,, f or a< I it\tt!\.t and you played circus, and lia, Ua, Ind r \as J n - -i Hid- ing, an I k.i \ n I I it n w .. , .' ; in 11 ma i v. i . ii. .11 i i ,i,|d:---s her. l/u; w.i< ?ji grief-stricken in .it i- : i i . In lo. Woman, w l.y w e|->t ih. u. 1 , pin ii . i i-, ,ui-.: of il id. j-ur- I , i, ,le| :i you I I ..-. and all >oll c \ - i i t- l.i l h" Lord who I. ,-.s.-d Shel-i IVn ii-i'.v >.-u ., i . i M I in >>. round m t hi- JH <.|i '.- i ,: i- iny. I anl t-'l.id that PUriol h i i hud his iiup-rili fii-n.U in all gc.-. Im!' i l h ill 1 .1 --it* i ' ; the (|i:e i m of th- angi-U. 'These "'Sir.' said he as lie turned nwny. ' am tu- frtt of ih- reeordd words: It in.iv biive lieen x.M'V funny, but ( - l 'h Je-u t-pike .1:' i li - r.-sur- (ball inc.-t imain nml .see about It.' " ; ' '--'V '.-ll interprel v.-ars Inter, when I had tho 1 |'"' " mean - omelh:^ mi.re t han ln^n.'st kiud of a Ural on Imuil nnd ti.-edeil only oiu> inon- factory to coin- t he . h --li > t . i M 1 1 > t h -y inline li it. y Henceforth '. -I no I.. I <. ::ik' .-v>ul -irniw for t lie dead, .is tint in for. iirri giuvc-i there were f iichest roiOl aii'l m.'-l *' , '"Again?'"'my Milj-ct teach.-< me plcte It. I called at the proprietor'* otij-rs wttah '"'> ' >' > ' for - ' ui in' win,' II' -'"' <"" P' ( ..auie, met* m th- seireh of ollice to put till the lltlisliiii ton, I , s i vioui 'w ll di -.1 i < l i-'-fi agai.i. 'I""' "'id ro '| "I'd he ' wa! It \\ a in Al>ys,ina. <ir some I'l 1' TllliM INM> I'l-- CAOW. ; j,, v i,, i).- -.nih-rn pin of AraN.a .,,[ |,.,el; n..w ml '-this lmi;r Ki-lii. In <-il her case, it was a great truth. l)o you kn<i.v where Sh'i-i n,. was a slriiusi-p to me, but I hud , m |y ()is | lau ,| ,[ s .,|,|- vv ||l do mv story when he held up ' evr.n m> Hem .il-.i h -h ll .lesui will (r.nl b-rln/ with him.' - n :.- him i.i l>- I h the eedara, .-n-l ' h' 1 kormmMI mn. nuire al.iiut Iii* n<- reliKi.ni. an-i un 1 Ihe < -lia: iois wli.-.-l. link In ih- I ne Hi- del-Kites n-pii. I t'l.urlon. You wore going ; ^r.M'er. lor whorls- w.,,:d lv at that hmt .n that unhuihin (.-ar- r, if tl.-ou li-i\ I irtv hm N'llce. ll-e e nre ^^ i|-,|s if i .- i.itljer i bun tif <le..pair. It it is the . tier whi has ii-.nel ill- i cm in-. Ih-n it was at Ie i it a friendly, re- ed over the baustrade and called out : \V. I it.---i.-. linvciyou landed him t There was a deep. s(pul'hral s.!ece for some momenta. It v,-;is broken by th- hesitating, ccnsf.aii"^ 1 voice ol ung .man: has I SYMPATHY. II cks-I dreiiiue I of my mother-in- law last night. Wicks Is that sot I haven't had th- nightmare now for a long time. Till'. AWKl'l. SliiMr-R'AXCE. \Veiry Willie I dreamt last night di; I di.-d and went ter heaven ! W'ot d" yer -V i-<e d it in- Prayed Kafta I'd you're Roing ter lire a'n I K>-t married! Dreams alter- goes be contraries I FOUt'K OK H.VDIT. C'ustomer What's this? ;soTfnty- fivece us for a two-oen; -' i . p Why, - i utrageous ! Druggist-- li -it pinion, sir I thouijhl you hal a p-, cr.ption for it. clrcus, and - Im. lia. ha!' i-ontllllirtl tbo "That wns promoter. "1 rein. also realized that he would never for- i- \.- me. I took up my hilt and walked .'lit. nml when I had liirnrod up 1 >l. Tell III- w li T-- t h IU I- i .' I l--l li:n. and I w II t ak hi-n a-.v.iy. Her And what do you. think of t h 'iu- v -miiered him. and I \vn|v.H:y .u!i,, 1 woman eoul | carry a dead mm aw -r. Hut she ha< a li-i!'' fen I h 1 1 h - . i in ii )) . ly's w-a> . and t |-'-re i ' _-iii <i re i: ' i.i. r if h.s i .,u of liuillinsi. on which the king ten i |j u anl kingdoms 'ike Bhebe, fniiiul that my lausbtcr lind cost me|i;f- u u wiuld nit l>- i it-M-ur.- to l-iviHlied Ihe w.-alili ..f many rm- a-id ,-ih \\.inled a rube ri-h-r l ban about SIO.OtKi." plraa. Th- genius (f ll.rum, (lie .11- any uo,.n I y Oiientil .s' nM I -. and i , and . f Hi. i u-t . xi. waul e | icriwn .! w.l !i i h jew - In the long line of corridors, al of eternity. H.mr.iui thai ,,l ,1,,. -ii-p n '- i and Hi.- <' . I'll! 'in Hi- .- Oath '. i ;' n>rch and the thi. i. I "' JWlj <>f tin 1 brine and put i. .11- . inn. ile f ii'i-rie I window; I. n.n/.- tl .-in on t h c.ir.nan. Slnrt now. window; broai- int.i lotus and , , ,, ;'.' pile: .mi round od l.y IK i w.il; if Icm-s in i, imitation fruit* md vu- .,. . i.n - , , I, - 1 .,t . , lo , , ,, , I.e ,,, m- A liii-i- ol Srlllrmrnt. "lid Morgan ^ive you the lie':" "Yes. ami l.Ls second has just been trying to adjust matters peaceably." the white feather, eh? I : , 1 ,v coin; n i . Hi. Jesus nailh unto her. M i : \ Anl 1:1 -I it.-ly he rei-i rni<e< him. Of- ten ear.* are more alert thin e\.-.. l.. p|-,.N'-ii i,.' a loved one is mi.le n in I' l>\ i ^1 ;'!! rusi I .'i I ii or e\en breath nr. where tie ' \\ I n I as thai . 'ii avail. .Ins V lint did be propose':" ". '. I. ,M- u v. nil.) . \ ' auile I, Irud .'- "That Morgan should withdraw the "i' OH, up ii del epithet if 1 would admit the fiu-t." .ippriMch was mi! 11 h! 1 u 1! I'*' .1 Y. lir.ii.ch'-s > J I ; I I , I I 1 1 r i i ii _ pr. as in banging bisk.-t, . t among u bandjti oatll .. rcaohcu ].,. slit .- H \ v ,- ( .kh. l,.|;., u in-.- .l"iu ' 11. I s'ay: '' ft '-re, the-,-.- n\ an iriith." in branches aculpturrd cu the marble ao earnaal icjker after ,,, ,,,,,| ni tii 1 1, at even the laan - A^mn: my . u' j al .i..|>ie .,,. l to quivar ; a laver capable ol with th taattbui wligio'i U a u. - lillngfiM- hundred barrels of wa- I" '*'' : ' mjhodj thai fats It. I h i ,T resting in v..v bundr 1 In ,/-n ..-: M ot \ of i i > n ^ i ei, ii in HI JariM in-ids winch ,711, b.-d w.:h watar mid -.n-i "f ih- glory of King Solon filed Ihe whllln ph.- With coolne- - > u W i !>,> o fh,,,. nil crvslalhne Imnlilness and inusi- , "tnry rolU on nil i o' I . .,. i, ,,,( i, lold T,'ii taMes ehused with 3 mrj trar. ai baoli trom eil plash. , ' ,, ,,,! win el and lion and clu-i Bblm h I iiiion sat .in a I hidiie of no; y \t III- sitting pine'- 'f the Iht. ne, nm i ,1 ,,.n of hand- cam'' oui I" re. eiv- I Ii-- >;!ng. Tin-re wore MX ntc| I hut inoiinled to the tb Mine, on each end l>f ciicb of the slep. ,l lira/. -II 1 "H Why, my friends, in that pilne.-, I hey li.inmed th-'ir i- indies wiih i-nuffeis (.f gold, and tln-y ''lit their fruit wilh knives of gold, .Ml I they washed I hen I i of gold. and they .coop ,.,( out the it-die, uilh shovels of gold, ; i I,. < itln .1 i I"' .!' T fires w it h tongS Of gold. ti.lld llfleeted in I lie uii.-r; gold flashing from tin- up pirel ; gold I'h/Mig m ihe crown ; gold gold I Of 'oin.e the news of Ih.' affluence if I hat place u.-ni oul > where. i\ . v.-'.v earai n i l,y tbe wing of every ship, until W on Hi, streets of Jeru.sil.-lll ate . I'owd.'d Mill cut iunily x-ekets. What is lhat [i an procession approaching .l.-iii-ii V-m 1 I think fr in the pomp of it there must be KdVALTV IN Till: II!\IS bo breat li of the p .' \.hich Jel usali m. TI e .1 (in I 11 vtini; of -l.-ry ;ihi. anl '\ii'i <-\e.', (i:i\,in. an.t y HI I, ,MA i ... iry en- large; at it is re :nl I. anl I y I '.'. i itin- I I ii -.toi y r-k, <l \ :i i:il i i li -soul h i n r.' ... A i a!-i l l-'cli* a. i I 1 1. till -en oft: , . Il mm! I'.' A 'I liliUKNI).)!! i S.'OIIY. And v-l, this tjii--:i l-i ' ire i ill re- gnd In it, ,-(li- hid heard .so iini.-l-, .ml hid IIM ant ie.pnt ;<! i ! liiKli. l h li i 1 ', Ih half \\ i . nut tol.l li T. i i eli ,',oii is . I i iy i .1 III |>l ise lu .my..- I" I lilt K' 1 ' < it Well, there i- coming ii greater Bur- p- ise t u every I'lu isl i in ,1 gt -.lipri.se th. in ali> tiling I In. .'epicl- e I. HI- IM-.I i^ 1111 i I I itOl y. Ii. body I ilks al'., ut it. Tin-re is haidh a h;,lun in I li- hy inn >boi '.. l h il dor r.-fer lu ii. Children I ,i l 'un: It III their Slliballl sellU'd h;in'<. \. Iii ii pul on their -pee' ii'l'S Iii sllld) ii \\ , . iy il is ii Inn hour f HIM I h storm. \Ve e ill il le.ir home. \\ I it is the bouse (f many mansions. \Ve w e ive ti gelher all sv. Il fu' d I cite, cxhila-iiMl words w- w ,iw Th* U i. rm 'I nrnrd. "I notice," oomplaiucd Mr. Henpock, "that you never i-all me 'dear' any more." "No." confessed Mr. Ilenpeck; "1 couldn't consistently." "Indeed! And why nut'.'" "Well, talk Is cheap, yon know." t'atbollc Slanihirtl anil Times. hy -ii. Th It -vis- i unto I.IM: in j ( M ii,, : ,. ' e . . f.i- loot, siJly ,u.w.r.-d the intelligent, though hea- then, Chinese. Mtiilir K INCLUDED. II if llusb'in 1 Dcn't you tlhl* M-s l!r,.wn is in the neighborhood ol ih rty f Sh~Oh, perhaps! It is a thifkly- inhabited neighborhood. snurn.i iu-siNK-3 Doctor Why h-ive you deducted I H'i irter frc.m my bill 1 I'aiient That is for the aix cigart you broke when you thumped my chest. I up i : liiliul.lr. Mr. Omh-Ko (maklii); a call! ! nra soi iy tu bear you nro having trouble with your conk. Mis. I'pJoltu-Ycg, I shall hnvc t.> l.-t SeiciKi >;" 1 didn't mind her prat-llc- Ing on the plnno now nnd thou, l>ut she wiintH to Join our golf club! Chicago Tflbuuc. Gave Him ATT They bad boon nt the tvliort- she hud rcco^nlxed him at "\Vaa It tho Kind bcatlntrof my bcarl. my <liir!lin;. that tol.l \ on I was ht-r.-/" ini-.riniirod lie. "Ob. no." sho roplKsI. "f ileti'-i-w. Habbi'-r'." that i i. in the llalet . " II -lirew \\ hic!i was Qal \\ 'ii -b i . to say, or. And t h -n-f u- prcsuie. return lo tin- i.-nlition of the old life a tr.c -t-iken l resump. -i, - . ur 1 . I | i -nil h.- -i her. 17. T ; -h in- n i'l'nr m.i to mo. i -IM .' I I.; if i n t h ird -in, but our 1/ird'. xplinition o .t w i. hi lit diffi -lilt y. I ) l i ! I i .- u K it her He- \ "t be l-'al her," i chani;e which i"i:.-li.i ...-. i h" b-iiily of tbe (Var 1 -in I : .. I'M ( iditioni hav- passed iwiy. Yo*i ar r. (( to look buckw-ird my life nm forward to ilsronlin- I earth, but r.ilbei npwuril if- i I i \ i n ." IV- fore our I d's d, ,ifh ihe center of the .1 - I 1 ' b ;i and e\p:-e! it i. m was tin . .111 lily roii.uion at .lorusale-u, 1 1 ,- ; ;' .lestn a < km if Israel ; :h" n- MIIC":I:I the center of tbe:. and priil weild nilurnlly be i his mir.icl.' itself a triumph IIMI wonderful than any earthly honour, i '.ii.-s I I; it I be t t o ,'cn- j-dii hy tho slso o* your feet." Town Tunica. It 1 not nn liii!icrt!on tli.it man hi? iiin^ie in Ills soul |ic>aii> be blows Li> ow n h.-i u. IlOTT It \\mrn Done. l-'n-shleii;li Tray, how did you essitii'd'.' Oxxiii,-,! Man In my youth I wns nice iiiid soft like joii- When 1 ir.ow up and] le.ili'.ed what a cruel world this is, 1 ba- caiiie liaideuei'- *i,.,.lv rortlflrd. BI,.hh-If you would keep well, cal plenty of onions. Sldblis 1 cuess that's right. No sell respecting microbe w.mld care to stack up iiL-aiust un onion cater. Wrll Mrnnlnc. lint Latidlaily-r.-i | nrdnu, sir. but did 1 t.iuleistutul as you were ll doctor of mu- sic? Musician I nnt. i in'aui. Why? Landlady Well, sir, my Hilly 'avejnst b*en nnd l>rokL- 'is concertina, utid I thought ns 'n\v I sluid be pliul to put a hodd job in yer way - r of tlii'ir hope M i.i h- lofliei c\ei i Muriel? HI. Only Objection. Mrs. Hrii-abrai. And what \t your ob- jection. Kdwai'd, to luiying a pinnj for Iran t li resin - ll, '. , t u IM- the l hr, -. - oT to. I, to u h -h h i * tOI e -a I Moved by n:na 'em II! and de- a i I li;ll < t' ailoi a: ion. M - - . i it |\ nt ti i :;>( < ti> emhi ice i-ur ! .1. | ' haps fl;-.. If al h s f, ! nil I cl'ispi hi ( knee-i ; but "ill- -.1e.ul f <-liii'!in r l" H:n n.-v. i. i! all were aocur.-. -h ..; told U> hisu-a I'.ric.ahn-.c I'm afraid she might want I play it. v > s Tliut Travel* alcwly. "1 see thit t!'e rgg fnmiro is at aa end." "It v id tiiKo 'e'-i n iv.onth to End tlutt out at utir boardins house." t THE WHITE ROSE. CHAPTER Xn. Two years had gone and few changes had come with them. The old .Squire a rich man nw, through the gener- osity of Lori Khysworth. declared i that he was growing younger ; he was so thoroughly happy that Dolores felt every time she sa.v him, she cou! I have made a sacrifice twice as j. for him. lie thoroughly enjoyed his ; If'-, and beg-in to take his favorite j rides and walks. Uis was indeed a n?w ' existence. Sir Karl had not returned to En<r- Un3. Scarsdale was 'it-ill in the hands of the servants, Lola, whose letters ' interested him because they were al- ' ways full of news about Deeping Hurst, heard from him often; but in none of his letters was there ever the faintest allusion to his coming home. At Deeping Hun-', itself 'here had been one event. Dolores had presented her husband with a little daughter, a tiny beautiful child whom she idolized ; and Lord Rhysworth had been nearly be- side himself with joy. After bis long loveless life to have a sweet w.fe and infant daughter it seemed a marvel to him that Heaven had blessed him eo. II is lov.ng fondness for his daugh- ter was beyond conception ; that there had beeu, wis, or rouli b;>, such IS baby, he refused to believe. Little Kathleen was not like Dolores; ehc hid the Rhysworth face, dark eyes and hair, and a mouth like n : bud. It wus touching to bee the old ('quire with his 4ittle granddaughter to him she was Dolores in her sweet helpless infancy over again. The child thrived, and everything at Deeping Hurst seemed to promise uninterrupted prosperity and happi- ness. Lird Khysworth, in his devot- rd live and nffe" ;\ ti his little daughter, settle! Decrhur ' M u .t h a handsome v early income, upon her. Dveping llur u i- ent.ul 1 and u> nil go to iiii son, or, if h no son, to the next of kin ; hurst Manor and Burbag his own. ;m'l he i.-t.>ul-l 1- ti> whom he pleaded. Miuy a descrip- tion of thi- v. uii I -I'ful sent over t;- s-i to S.r Karl; Lut when the littlr > n- u . year i-ll, able to tall Ljr.l Ilhyt.:,vortli by name, and to hr.trt of i tcr- an 1 unf lent m-.-i. One Xoveuibe ;:.'iy won .^ght iu 11 thick an<l. I' n- r at i -lonie he was cou.p l^el to remain in his wet clothes; th-- i n-rni:--nce w ,i.. he u a I.i i i Like .th/ men, he lau^h-d when H I . ' . I him to give up out- doo tpjrts fo . f l.il: '-.f. I 1 .1" .1 ' ' ! -.' ' . I"' lf- f rm <i . i < M WM i;- .. ng It would art him. The result was that one i iy h-- inil'l- t" ri-- fn> M !-i-i b*d ; inflain- 11 of the lu:; ; 1 he u M SIHJ i .iiir.ii' to the very vertte of death. Then t of IKilores shun<- foril'.. From t he hour of her huslian-l's .I'n'-ss until the last she never left 1i in Wh >< sh.- HIS cuinp-llel to take she took in his room, csh is th .- lii'us 'tnd can ful, ''. nile in I If v ing of l>u: " You make evfi de.i; !i vr. in sweet. H li I lo her. while : .-: e.l 'I li - ( "W- \iive i->t In- -ti lng totfetlvr. I'ut . you li.iv.- uia-le me very hn>py." IIj littl? diii:?hter was brought to him, and he pi-s. 1 iway with his head on tiie brea-i. of tue wife whom he had loved so dearly and su well. Hi.s d.-ith, so sudden and uneipect- ming iu the lui.l^t of his great happiness, and so soon after his mar- riage, created a profound sensation in '.unty. I'e-.ple couid hardly be- 1 ve il at fir-'- Itseff.-.-t ( .:i Dolores was terrible. It Deemed to her that she could never bear the common rou- tine cf life again. It was a mystery to her, fir above, her eomprehen-ion, this sudden coining of death into the > midst of life, thi- aufui wrenching of | a t.' ri a,t liuman tie. She stood with Kg eyes by her huslnni's body, 1 his indeed the man 'who had l-.v- od her with etch ' ivi.sh love f \\ w .11 the light thnt had shone in his f ir her where thekudly ten i-r smile I Tbe grim terrible myat-ry filled her with a.ve anl wcnder. - hud never seen death before; it had been- but an empty word to her. '.She bent donvfc to k:ss the silent 1 : "I have, been true to you, my <lear, in thought, word and deed," she said " May we meet u<?ain in heaven i" The funer ;1 ui i.ord Rhysworth was an event lonir rememUr d Ln the county. There was not one pre-. nt whose heart did not go out in warm- est syu.pilb; to the beautiful young widow. The yquire was deeply affected by his eld friend's death. " Who would have believed that I *ln/uld outlive li.m ;" be said : and in art be knew that, but f .r tbe ! it -i. i- -ity and kindness, h" would not have been alive. .ri, d hn.i in the . Id family vault, wh'-re all I ha n - f-.r many generations had slept. When his will wis r-al, i: u i- f..;i.i I that he left all that he could to his wife. Burbagt* l'iriin/e. w.ih an income of w hieh at ber doai h. w is t . rev. i >iffh- K : 1 -en. tcK>-rhor with a large .'.ura of re idy niuii- -n i -. . .-ral valu- iiKd itivestments, which m.i.le her i i hurst Manor, v. .th t w.. to accumiU He u:i- lil sh attained the ag ' >.n'y- one. I' p:g H . - nues. t t> the noit ' kin \Vi|rer Ir- \Vi!tei Lard It..-, \orth. . h id h -Id an . ft i- un I . - Hur-t until i. . I ID great or pa*si. her hu-l. .11 I. and k . fur iiis ^ aeaa anl kindti- .* ,^n t ^ i- death kcenlr. fslie km a 1 1 .it sh- lost the true-- fr.--nl thu - -. ; f i . It wa- ' -'cmfort anl i tu be' ih r .n-.' llursi just then. It -,\ i* a I t fill i h 'pp. there. IM v t h . t s b ' i w t h t be pi.n of h--r 1-iss ,<i rciiir upon h--r i ed that I i . K -n should w .t h her, w li.-n si: i.-m- l h-r f it h -r' I... months if her w du\\ ho i ! '. in toi il i elusion with her. . and the - .- showed for 'lU-'n.tnd's ri.i-n ; for her general aj pr. 1 dc-i'h . .hit HUI-". for the very thought of death was horrible to her ' ning 1 i-i d. s.'i-- >\ rot " !. idy HI .. ' -u'g ai . . ' fill tu n-- ' !i h ! ju<t h".i: d fio.-i -s r K but she mad.- no attempt to . Only when th, De.-ping liar t ran . near the fdacc. li ior.-- .-. - o gee her ;. oung, and the lung isolation had I.egun to tell upon ber. U wm cheer- ' u .see a hi :;-;r a^.ir tbe sound of 3 laugh. ng voice. Al- most her ' :s i .. i..,; i were an nvitati'm to the nursery to see Kathleen; and MLSS de t'err.i'-t firi ic w a a great pity. Lady Hhy3- worth, it wn not a boy " i a great pity,"' i-k-d the young uoih.-r reproachfully. "Could anything - i r ^weei.-r thin my little Kathleen *" ac a toy v ould have succeed- ed to his father's tstat.s; and you need never ha. ;i Ji? II . I wr,u!l rath, r have my daugh- ter" ruH. D> ! _ child to her brea.it , and Loll laughed. " SentLnieni M delightful, but a large income is better. iMores, do you! t-ver thU.k about the future ! It i seems a strange fat:; lo have mar- ri -d aa well, and to have lost your, md so scon. Do you ever th.uk' of the future f You have tho best, pirt of your lift- before you." " I have not thought of it. 1 ' answer-! ed Dclores Ln a clear low voice ; but . her lovely face flushed and her lips trembled. "My only thoughts have been of my lo.is and sorrow and my beautiful baby. I have had neither tun nor inclination for " Dolores." sb<- slid. " why not mar ry him .. You would nothing ti. ; raised her beau- liful eye j in -. . nder. ' I '" she saLd "My dear Lola, noth n tbe wi.rM would ever uiak me marry him." "Hut hewn Li'.:.. ,, your md nothing u.ore than second or . 11- -\as hardly a third cou-. is the next of Iji," replied Lady worth. "To ,-tl be h-id hee/.i iny : brother. Such a marriage would be an utter impossibility to m " I. i i .s g*id St.- that "la . . ->f i!i-: question, ar. once decided upon ch.nging her tac- "I was merely jestaig. cf course you m.iiry iiiin. It w jui.i not h- at .iii fi.r of you t monopolize two Lords cf IH-I-P ng Uurst. a woull ner-r allow tl. not \j fr. I can >' say that I saail never be guil- f thut iuj'jsticL laughed ores. % L 1 i v. is busily engaged in pulling the petals from a roe. A fa.nt : came to Iier face. She d.d not look at Dolores as she was speaking, but went on hast ly l-'or iny own part, I do not f. f SPRING WEATHER. IS YOUB SYSTEM IW SHAPE TO CARBY YOU SAFELY THROUGH? at Bat Lola, Jookiag steadfastly her, repeated "The best part cf your life liea before you. You are still very young; you arc beautiful and wa!thy, you !- iv- all the preat!gs without the burden of your hust-ind'" rank ; and you have only one cnna. I *ay that your future, will b--' more brilliant, if you choose lo make it to, than even has been." A Common Form of Indigestion Which cannot be cured by ordina.-y stomach medicines The kidneys liver and bowels be- come deranged Dr Chase-s Kidney-Liver Pills. l!y far the most import. in: part uf 'ion take< pi i ri ih- i.it.-stines. as has b <-:i ie;- -a ie,|i y sht.-.n n . w h. r.- th i h i - 1. 'ii t -i uii.l the patient has lived , 1M d d^-,.,1- ed food without th- aid of the storu-nh. It frequently lappen.s that p who continually ('c-.-e th- slom-u-h for iiidiiic.si ion a-id u-- p-p-i.-i i.ii i .as kinds of ili_" ind piwders can otM.iiu no relief from uch trc.ituu-nt. U-c-iu-c the real troull- is in ths inteitines, ih ind it: k (In y.'. Then- Is fullno< and pains , nv.ul , coated tonjiir-, h-ada -he, lo<s oC appetite, pain.s in the liu>b< and iti th Uu-k and .sluultU'i'-i. fl.uu nnd cjn.stipation. frequently altt-r- >! with diarrhoea. In c.is-i of intestinal indigost'in the liver and kidneys usuallv U-.-oni.-cl n,-- . e,| and sluggish- m a.-ti in. .ind p s onous nni n: i: i s .ir I -ft in t h- blool. which sh.iul.l btv removed by th.-sc ring organs. Mr. Joseph lil-u-kw ci!, II. lairsvillf , Ont . > iy t . 'I dc>'i\ ! from the use of Dr. i'h.'^.-'s K -In -\ Liver Pill* thuii from iny other ine- tiir ; jie I c.-ar toik, d can highly i,m-n.l them for Momvh trou- i ' - and i t-.ir.fly uork I -. 1 t ri .! y (-..ad if in,- ti.-.n and dot-- tors, until I w^; t.v.-.l (U' dccKirin;. ! .n ho\ of Dr. '- K .!: (hit they M--e .':.''p -tf '!-' ml af- ter takir.,; .1 h..\ an I a half, fuuu-l that I was tu 1 . t I a \f a remedy di covered that i^ so prnip >nd ihor- ounh in curing inie-.tir.il in lit- i- I'r Chase's K iev-l.iver I'uis. An! ii- ihis i.H the t- t eommnn ,11' ere fiirin of in | . a d that Pr. fh:ise'< Kidney-l.iv -r PJ1> i i i .- i >- MM mtmt* n-.ent rxt.-.nt fjr indige-' n n n p--p<ia. It Ls Bot unusual for persons wi-.- have l.tog been j-ufferinK from chron- ic indisresticn. bil n n -ml con- Mi.ii to be thoroughly cared In l)r. Chas-'s Kidney-l.iver I'.lls ,, l> far the largest sale of sirail iv remedy. You Btuy be sk.-n l>'i! - s I. ivi- he hef,--e you but. a sln t I trial <-f I>" fh Ml 's Ix ney-l.iver Tills \\i!l ci-nvu-ce you o, their unusuil t:.e iicinal valun t>n a dose, _'. i , l-.,x. at .ill dealer.!, or Kdunnsi-n, Bates A. Co, Toronlo XIII. Fourteen months had elapsed s'nce ih- n, aster of Deeping Hur- In his grV" ; an I .>a- ' sainy morning Lady Rhys-worth took her book and called to tho nurse- to bring Kathleen to her nook un ;-.- a noble cedar. 'I very l came over to see lis da ighter njid to srnok his -.-Lgi under ti. dir-bougb-, v : the , ' tohim an 1 his I.M !e irrand- morning it not well, she said, anl fir. ir uf Uerpmt; Huri'. would do ber gcod. iy Rhysworth : During few ci I'ccome I m 1 i-.v ible that L 1 1 could n>. m 1 b-r . - : . :->n up. n aim sup- any n tho-ii Rhyr-iu-o . so- wn i limited n: could n i be of .1 li.i thou- i". NO .1 i \ - ;. of MiSS , i L.l.iy i' r! I'l the .11 f-.-l^njr of rivilry hi I !> a re- move I. Oa this : l.xik- houghifu' nl v. itcbenl Dol- -s th m usu il II . f this . I 1 c I u- - i > m -nt .1 t autiful \ ie e -rry to Ie ive it f 1 Tea,** a "Anl from al! i . n Lord RI ilium- a I the . -1 1 of thi ' -i\v you cm menlit'n the m-.n'< name! \V"TVJ I in 1 . i u'd not." soiil- S.l 'A I I . " ThmL . f from "It never wis ,< |, v right his own U rv --h^ai i n.-y : " I know it r ,._ 1 --ho -ilit i]o on - - mm." I I', i'-res. -.ntpl .-none!,. ; .n . n ir ; 1 1 1 1 I iN fac.- fiu-hid criuis .n i^ wtni'i I. Sii rii.ing ed the . " You aru -'.II ery young I 1 , ores." ' [ un but too cogiiixant of thi ; why d.> you r-:nin.| m of it ' " M -o iu - ' I Hhy u should r.'.r'v. you will b- g.r Liuly lU-.y -worth. leal'. m-th'ng short of uiilamity." "I: \.oul.l not ii, sturh me. bea " return.' I P. i 1 K -ly up.>n :: th.it hi- w ill. I ll I.i ly 1'icl ion in' for h-r cl. It-it d niglitor -h p-iks of hiui in su.-b tones of ap i.ition." " It wc-ulil b.' i;-i ( xceli-nt r l.a ly 1!! j --Aorlh. "I si in m.irry -., - ^.i\ fro ^ - ne igl.l--rhood. It would be ' ; iir^ he ( -old (!<." " Would you not f el ,-',>:< of a P. 1 idy Rl'.ysv. o;ih .' I sb.v.j|.| !" " No. I "houl I f '1 '- i. . ;- n one tiio. f nine from mv b.iby : hat of 1' ; llu: -' I . i r, '\ -r lie en> i I. U looke. 1 thoughtfully at her. man or a woman who marries again shows but little nffection or resp-ct for the memory of tbe one he or she hi -i lost." not igree with you, Lol," said Lady Rhysworth. "Of ...i:-- f one loses the first love of youth, an ! all that Is brightest and best in life ue tim-, a second mar- - is merely contracted for con- venience, lake a man who marr.ei some girl whom he loves with the only Ioe worth having. Suppose she dies, leaving him many little --hil 1-en ; be Tbr Prnrllrr f Tikln: a T**lr l 'pr1- I* l ,-fii Inl from Our \Tff t'orrfallirr*. *(( Il.o. .o...l Uniira! t.m4or*rmrt A Tu practice of taking a tonic dur- g the inclement weather <f :. it has been b->qut- i b- ed. ua by our forefathers, who lived in wben a sturdy conatitution and vigorous h n' even more than they <it> to-day. Tbe custom has lha bigueal tuedicai endorsement, and in* hiest pecpie are those who fol- low it. Thousands, not really ill, need a tonic at tbU reason. Close confinement in badly ventiiaicd houses, offices, shops and school rooms during ibe winter months, makes people feel depressed and "out- of-soris." Natur- must be assisted -n throwing cff the poison that h*a accumulated in the system, else peo- pl- fail an easy prey to diseas- and are subject to many discomforts from eruptions. m*l similar troubles. Dr. W-lliama' Pink Pills for Pile Peo- ple are the best tonic medicine known to medical ecience. These pills make rich, red blood and strong nervea. Through their use in springtime, jaded. I. -t loss, easily tired men. wo- men and children, are made bright, ac- tive and strong. Evidence of tbe won- derful health reMor.ng virtue of these p lis is given by Mrs. J Ling- lois, 831) i-if-.n in stn-er. Montreal, who says: "Before I began using Dr. W. Hums' Pink Piils I was under the , naturally, he would not love the v f is h* d.d tii- firsr it seems to me there are miny in which penult; ire compelled to mar- ry ag'i.n." " I: may be o. But I would not be a second wif- I w >ulJ net marry a I. i i - I- -poke with some little vehemence and the rose- p -t il- f . a i - rai "Ver the j; " You you ' '---s *' Sae continued ' md to love would you ever marry can I ay f I havo never even thought of it You forget, I wben ycu -peak to me in that f Tly my husband died " If I :vf-e in ;. for which ; f Is the" n the " a--k.- I I!< I. rev ' \ -: love." rp -d 1. 1- in.1 aecT . .- . ; he- yoti carnor do thi L . ly I' . made no reply. TJ 11- Cent in i: -d. developing very pale aa ml could, hardly it and I was very much discour- aged and thcugbr death wis staring mo in the face. I had often read of Dr. \V.l!i.iniV Pink l'i N in I f.nally decided t.> try them. After I had used three boxes mv ippet.te was u. better, and I fflt a little et :..' 1 cont.na'-l the use of the pills for three month-i w hen I f.-lt fully cured. V I beg-in using tbe pills I only weigh- med them my weight had increased to 119 p -irn !>. I jlso gave th my baby, mho was polo and s.. i i i-- t. m a i right. r.>- I think ther-- - n-i .-. ik or ickly person who will not find l:ne- ..ii Dr V- It ui a ment with other so-called : are all .-hej;- Dr. 't Pills. Insist uqoo if they _ . nn- . in I ' ii pills' will be mailed -,iiid. at Me a box, or six hoxea for |_ 30. WORTH K- p ' .n!d ' a hotbed Thi" is e.isior than mostp-upl- think. The A f w f .- f ' i .: , or two. ?ome horse m inure, i dry goods l<ox ttak in the pr un 1 ui i f ,-d \\ith in inure, ., DI mu- \ . . n i .avc a hi t ' I I-i i :.,r I ,- i you -tart cnougb . to pliats far jruur gard -n. an I eed put into eubvs of turf four . -.[Hire can 1 pi ne | n i hoiked. They will start to grow as soon u the weather U warm; t n>- . remove I to the op>n ground ; they ,:row right ilong. n -ver will know they have leon mow 1 an I have cu- cumbers a njon' !i earlier than A- - Ls out of the I ,.-ii i - .- .-i - ).-: out. .-x'Ht-.T some strawy manure over . w .11 _-oon have bunch Pat barri'l* with both he.ifls out . : 1 h 11s of p, p' in; ia i \.-u will | l.er than in an. I her wax \ i : | i -..- . u Id bo on the i of a buildit: . iiht | .red w ith niu: o ii t h>- w inter, xx hi'-h .-1 as tho frost - . u; i.-. ng. I'.- i - . > .-i i ' the frost is out of ill.- g-ound A l xv i ' not hurt them after ' 9 oniom should te >o\xn :|y alsn turn p i in I mu^'ud All :--i hu - boon xxritten applies to I...J1 ' ' b'tir th f. 1-1 iiii-1 for th mii'ket girdens ecoi:iri--nd id.ffer--nt s- N xiem of U nig in : . se ef p! >w a p.aee of d dr. Us an. I rollers in place of so xx .ng. t nei>nelod llanmr "Ton mustn't f.i.1 to come to chu-'-h next Sunday." said tbe Hev. Ur. T: :- ly. "I bnve arranzed to have tbe Kov. Dr. Marktliirst del ver an addreM on bis observations In tb? slums." "Aren't y . prvacb at all 7* "Ob. ye*. I'll preach my regular acr- mon. after which I'r. MjrUthirst W 'U tell you setae tfcinss that will opca your eyes," \ Rrmrdr. "I want to pet exipi.-s .'f your parr for s ; the visitor to tho newspaper . :' "TT.'ulihrt It l>e bettor to try a pop- ous plas;.-r7" stizcustrj the foceiious ii.a Becord. Tb Mlnlurr Won. A minister xxas one day walking along a roaJ. and. to bis astonishtncnr, be saw a crowd of boys sitting In front of a rlns with a (mall oVg in tbe cvn- tcr. Wben be came up to them, be put tbe fo!loxTit:ji question: "What are you doing to Hit- One little boy saitl. "Wboever tolU -s It." d the mlnlstpr, "1 am sur- prised at you little boys, for wbeu I was like you I never tol.l a lie. There was silence for atvblle until one of tbe boys sboutoO. "Hand blm up tho dog!" London Leader. cr In Snr<lea. "Over In Sweden ti.f suburban rrt!t way lines have to provide a freight car for Intoxicated persons." "1 don't suppose they label It that wn.T. do tliey?" "1 don't know. Probably they brand It either 'Spirits In packages' or els* lln-dwnrc.' " "Hardware?" "Yes. Skates." M> .-i I;I;KSTIMN- 1 muU say i.-niarktvl the pi :i your iiu->'oun.i is in a b id xx IT. \-iy arT-anenients you may xvaiu :e .ke- "i ti.c.ur, she died. I could nev- - think of marrying again. A ru(-.i'K.-.-io\ run HIM K-i:id M.-ther. of del'cute dude, I 'li ik it is ti-iie fltrince soieci, - o.i What xvoul I vou advi*" 1 Ol I (.tout, refleclively. II, mij; ,n a typewriter girl. ' sairnic> "So this, then. Is your busband's now library. .Mrs. Murbros? Ab. I get? be has UUtens and Thackeray side by side. U'btcb do you consider the great- er of tbt two?" "Ob. my. LUckeos! Joshua paid $'J.40 more for tbeui Dickenscw than u* had to glre for Tb.ickeray'a books rl^b: at the i-auio shop." The pa!n produced .-iy a hornoft sting Is caused UT u poison Injected in- tj tbe wound, ami so insFaniaoeous la Its effect as to cause tbe attack of tbl* Insect to rcwmblc a tll*Dt blcf .'- tn* face.

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