Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1901, p. 4

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ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, What the People's Feprosontatlva Are Doing at Toronto. GOOD UOAI'S llir..,. The lluu.se went into committee on the Premier'* I'ublia Highway bill. In Ha amended form it provided thut the whole appropriation of 91-'""'." u " iiM h ,i\ M.Uble at oni e instead of bein^r Bpn-ad ver 10 years. If one- third of the town-ships disapprove of the roads designated ">' the County Council for improvement the selec- tion will bo made by an arbitrator. If uire than one-tliiid of the town- ships object Ille rateptiyiTH uf county will Ir- :i.sked to vote on the question i~ In whether tb-iy arc in favour of a couni . . of roads. If the answer is favourable to a county *y.-iteru the ili-.-i^-n.it inn nf the riKids iu the objecting towi. shall be made by an arbitrator. The Government grant is tu be apportion- ed aeeording to the assessed area of Ibu townships and counties. FH ATI-: UNA I. MH I K1IKS. The Attorney General presented a 3 II to a tut 1 ml tli Ontario Insurance A'-(. lie rxplaintxl tliat it bad not been intended when dealing with the lit.sui.in-e Act in previous years that the regulating of fraternal fiocietica ander the Aet implied in any sense tbe guarantee) n uf their solvency, or in indication to Lb-- public that these different societies carrying on frater- nal and benevolent work had what might be balled an insurance basis. The rates and assessments of these societies did not pretend to bo based upun life exited anc>. A man becom- ing a member paid a dollar assess- ment, whether iie was 40 or 18 years of age. Tbe bill would make i' that benevolent or fraternal hocietie.s were not to be treated as ordinary life insurance companies in that respect. It would further be made clear that in the case uf the winding up uf any of these societies those who had p.u.l their assessments should not rank upon the assets as for tbe valu uf an unmalurcd straight insurance pol- icy. Other clausi s if tl.e bill \.<-:i- intended tocleir the way of difficul- ties wliieh hul licoa encountered in i lie \\.jid:ng up of those hoeielie bill ,.l-.o p -ivi'lcs for the protection of I i I'ui-tr.u a^iinst ac- tioti.t biuii.rlil .-triiiii'-l him .is an in- ilui'luil fur mistakes which might arise in bis reports. -Ul M' II'A!. 1MI.I - I'ASSKli. I'm. V I, .11 to authorize munici- I<il (fi.mis f,,r th- i.ri-|ii,in of the Uuke ami l)u< tn--> of iu-k went II. r. unli ciimiini in- without amend- Mr. II >liii.-^' hill to p-miit Inlf- yearly p.-iymcnl of liijiKu I:, ,-n in all municipals ies went lliri.u^-l. with a rh.itijfi'. This is n r. -form I he hotel lui-ii line 1,1-i-n .1 k ng for years. FAVoniTH.viuv; >iA.\ir 1' '.liuiis film, v.iniiu-i cilie.s and towns in Jn.iu: 1 of Ihi- eoiilin . of trading ilainp. si^U'-il in .ill |,y 2H 7(HI p- i SHIM, u .: p by dif- f ut members. surri.KMiiMAHY IOSII.M.VI i:s. I I. Ml!>pl -Illi- I! ity <! in il,-s were laid on HI- t il>l by I h Premier. lol.il ihs y-ir M much larger It. Ill 11-11 'I. .lli.l i. . ' i|i. sum Of 1 I largi .-' i. -in on MI pip:-r i<t 9Ml.i>(l.i. .is .. r.n laniviilary jtrant In- ward t^ eon-Htru I ,1:1 <>,' ViililuiK ui loiim-clion with Toronto University. I > I t. I'an-Aiin I : an Kx|kis $lr.,o:Hj is set .is,, | -, ,in I fur s|ri i.il lil.c tt-rvie <ni III- N. i^vii! fron- ' i i .iteli th- cr.iok. w h > will at- li-nd :l 9J.lMi:i ui s-t apul. liu-ident- ully 1 1. v.i, low of Hi I lie Clu.-f Young, of NLinai.i I'. ill., u granted on. y IT*1 .- ii ity. 9I.UJV . I .''iiis.mil ilollars . s -t apart Tor BUrveyt for thj Teui s.-aiiungue. railway, which th- < ; -.n .-iii:ii>-nt pro- ! i" 1-u Id. Tor culuiiiial on m.i.N * :il,7;ill is K> anted; for bridges, -te , 9JI fit! i U to b- Vit,-,l. I II l.tni-i < \|>1oi.itiim< on Mi- .u/a riv.-r 9-.'X' (1 i-t '-i a|u : ; 91,- (MMI I'or pi iitiiig ;m aee.:in-it of la.st Mirnim-rS rxpl'irat <ins. v.ilh maps. Th- lam li'-.< of Survi ;, ,i , Iliwlson and Tut nan. win il:-d .11 a re.nl: .f rtLs.-.i .. MII i ii-t.'d ,n |ii<)eut:ii ; I In- work. rece v $I;M i-jich. Tin 1 .-<-lia.il of Minnie .md Agri- culture, \\hc.h i.s in nffiliaii in with (Jn <-ii'> Uniwraily. receives a prant of 9 >.""" -'tut for \.irioiM impiovi- ni< nt., .mil tepa.r-i to publh iiinMlu- li .;> 9I>,"-'U i4 placed on t Ii eati- iiui t ea. The anvillpox outbreak ha< occa- .1 Hi- nee.r-i.nity of np<'cial grant of $7,(KXI for .l.t t>uppreasion, nnd in aililition asvistanc^ 1.1 -. towns in th^ following HUIU-; l,,it \V lluiin. 91,7(Mi; I'ort Arthur, 91.IOU; and Sudbuiy. 9"iO,l. Ml In, r hp-ei.il uranl-i are 9J.OOO for ie|.i.r.-t tu th- (iovei nnienl Ii nne and g-txiuiuU in v-i .v of (! r ...... |lion of thx- Uuke an. I Uii'liM< uf York; 92IMI to th IJn led Kmpire l/iy.il.sls; 91,- 4HKI fur ntoek .ng inland waler-4 will) fish, .-in. I 9l. r>< i7 for ilrainago in North iinl \\.-i Tlliiny. Kss-x county. I1A1LWAY CHANT-!. The railway aid resolution w.n placed on the order paper of the, fig- ure. The details cf the resolu- tion are : Thai ll.eie i.liall \.f frUttd out of thi- conftoliilnled jovenm- fund for the Own-! i urt inn of portiuii^ of rail.vayr In -ti inofter mentioned tht sums fol- lowing, that is to ray : ]. To tho Uraeebridgi! and Trading I.aki railway, fiom the town of Brnce- bridg.- to n point in the township nf .Mi I \!i ut or near the incorporated village of Il.iyxville, in th District of Muskok.-i, a distance nor exceeding sixteen miles, a cash subsidy of 93.UM) a mile 918,000. B. To the II Mice Mines and Algoiua railway, from a point ul 01 near the village of Bruce Mines, to a point nt or near Uock I.uke copper niiin-s, in the District of AlfT'uiia, a ilistann- not excee.liiiK thirteen miles, a cash sub- sidy of C-3.UOO u milc-93!>,OUO. 8. To a railway at or near B'lltoa creek, in the township of Oso, to the Iron mines in tbe township of l.m- ark, a distance out cxcee.iiiiy --> miles, a cash cubaidy of $3,000 a mile 975,000. . To the Norwood and Apsley rail- way, from the v.liago of Norwood, on the Canadian 1'ucifio railway, to a pouit at or near the villago of Aps- ley, in the township of Apsiey, in, the County of 1'eterliorough, distance not exceeding 5 miles, a cash Hub- sidj ut cx;cceding 83,000' a mile 975,000 ft. T.> the; Port Arthur and St. Joe railway, from the town of Port Ar- thur in a north-easterly direction to- ' wards Lake, Nepigou, in the District of Algoma, a distance not exceeding 3) miles, a cash subsidy of 82.0OU H mile, and a land grant, subject to tbe coriii.iinin hereinafter mentioned, of ii.OOO acres per mile. MANIT01 l.IN RAILWAY. Premier Ross introduced a bill to 1 grant a sub Uly of J, 50(1, 000 a.-res of ' land toMaoiloulin nnd North Shore railroad. Succinctly stated, the rail- way U lob- 300 miles Inlenxth. and will connect Sudhury with Meaford, ' Ontario, cutting across M.initoulin Is- land. The 1 in;! grant will he 10,000 ucras per mile for 120 miles nf the I road, and 7,400 n.-rc.s prr m.le for 180 | in.l.-.-. All the land BO allotted v. ill ; bo in Algoma. There in a water (lap , of 15 miles, b.-tweeii l-'il z\Villiam Is- land, a fragment of Manituulin I - land, and Tuberinory. liruee county, ; and Ihe.sK pcrints will be coiinecte.l hy ,a steel car ferry. The rout" of the railway U defined in the bill ns fol- IDWS: j I^itlle Current, northward, 1^0 niilcx, ! and a branch line fi'o:n a point on railway to Sudbury; aUo from l.il'le furrent to a pi,.nt .snuih-. <-rly tu a point oil the Miutl. .-!,(iro of Kilz\\ illi.uu blind. ai.J from a point near Tob-.-iiuory, I hea.-e .south and easterly to Me if. nl | i ~ n K ' through or near \Viartuu nail Uvven Si>uud. The l-inil grant ia npportioned --' ihi-.se aecliuns ns follows: \Vi i; ir, n tu \V liu I'ish river. 1U3 ii: I'-s. in.lKIO .icrps per mile From 'I i-li'-r mi.ty to K.I z\\ 'iii i"i '-- l-iri'l. l.'t rn'l".s. IH.IHlll ,-|.-re * pe, mile. White l-'i.sli liver to Oa.iping. 45 mJlen. 7,1110 ;i"IP. per mile. Trill tnwii.xliip in Sudbury, "0 milus, 7.400 ae: | ( .-I in Ir Krorn Ti ill luuiLsiiip llTimil' w.-s'.- erly or nurt h-we.tterly, 7,!'>U acres DOMINION T03 MUCH FOR BUEP.S, The Canadians Capture a Boer Position. A . fniiii l>.ul in. N.n:i;, l> i LI n.i-h ar>- nrriiiiK of Urn. I'l-.-n.-li -i- i-r,>fiil oi>- <-r.-iiions in th" Ki-tcrn Tr.m.sx .1 -i I -IIIA I h I t II l.II l-IIH.II.'1-ll!' Ill til,- t ui. 1. 1 .ui r; .u K' '! .1 l!-i-i PI-.II. >n in 1 ' I'iii i.l \ I , firing at II. -y n : 'l- i alniri. I i Boersj u -ri' in a - ii -.. . i Ihej , -.ulil no. lut\.- llnikeil, and \\lr r<- ii .1 . ul- I .mini .H hi 1,1 disliulx' i ii 'Mi ''Ui I y . I..- f r > i r.l . h u .,!' i I- c IIIM- i ! > v\ r.- fiiTi- -il I -i > i-iil. :\ .! h t It -ir f.l -i I i \ .- .-u:r. ndiTi-d .1' Mi-Ln-,: h /iiln I -I. I. -'I I . . I I <.!!.- foil i : ..;! .u iliff.-r-iit |i! -ir ;. i ii-' ,, o- I'l | i ;i !.- i .in, in;- in r, iy I '. .jn.n i- I 1 ii ! 'ii I Ii Mr' I i .h |M r i :i! i- , t h ..-< \\ .n slit r.-n- <;<-r. and, furthoriii ire, ihil In y hivr I -n in >l.'i| in ii-^.ird In 1 1- I'.i'-i I- .'. SUHRENDEB TO FRENCH Small Detached Partlei of Boors Only Too Glad to Yield. A d.'spilch from I'.rl fi m it il zlmrg says: A man \\lmt.iuu- I|.I\MI fiom (Jen. Kii-nrliVs roliiinn, slalc.s tli.it tbe I! ..-is when in small del ai-h.-il [uilicg in- only too frlad In .-.iirn-n-l-i . (l.-n Kr.-ru-li i> Mei p -,itf -uliiniH-i'>iM daily. Tin- Hiii-i wiiiiicii iiii.l children .1 1 niTi-ssanly uff<-riii(( gr-at liar'KliipM owinjr In tin- r.iin iiti'l uain of food, allhoiiKli i-verj I hmn |i.i---ili;i' isli.'ini? iloii" fur tln-ir i-oinfiitl. Our pi.-n .:i.. .<! -i. Laving a I rj.ntf linn- Tin- > --. '/is an- cln-rly wali-liinR I In- nio\. nil-ill-, of 111, ll,ii-i .. On, MI,. ill pirly of fifteen of Hit- i-nrinv liavilid K't ovi-t Hi.' bnnlei, Ih. 1 Sw.izis kill- ed Bi-veri an I I Ii.' H"i.,uii,|ri fi' I, 1 1> .MI: ri-nili-i to t l:i- Iliiiish. PRICE UPON DE WET'S HEAD, Liverpool Merchant Will Give $500 lor His Capture. London, April 3.-A Liverpool mer- chant li.i.i Ttnijuiied to p.iy n reward of 10') Bti'rl'.njr to the. offirfor com- mnndini; the rximpony whieh Hhall rupture l!fji. I)e Wet. Notes of the Proceedings in the Canadian House of Commons. TO f.l, \-Sll V FHUIT. Two U...IMI T.i regards tho mark- ing and inspecting of appl < for ex- port wej-e put through by Sir Louut iJ.u :ca. After a loog discussion it woa dei-idt-d that tha jiuvUuin of marking tr>- barrel* should b,- left to tho discretion of (ho exj,.)rlcr, the bill aonfinini! itself to fixing wl.it should b:-. 'No. 1" apples. A clause wa.s add 'I niiL n ; ill- ui u ui.- apply In Hi-, iiittni.il :n well at I h export trad*-. Ih- l 11 u.i.s th-n reported a:id now stand* fur a Ui r.l reading. HKAIJ \ XllliU) mil-;. The bill off.-r".| by Sir Louis Davu-3 to .um-iiii the In! Mnl \VaU-ra .-Vain'-n's Act \\-as read a third tim.-. Sj also wus tho bill respecting thj safety of hipi. TliJ bill reau.'ctLuy cnquni"8 and iiiviviliguliju* iuto slipping caauallix'ii was reported and stands for its third reading. COUNTS IS YUKON. Sir Hibbert i upper wanted to know wlut urrungeiiu-i. id, u" ;my, had been made for app.-aU from the Appellate Court const. tut.'.l in the Yukon. Mr. Sifton replied th.it the ordin- uu-c constituted th-.' two judges of the Territorial (Juurt and tin liold Com- m'.iaioner the App.-lUte Court. With referecci) tu the di-c-mon* of the Gold I 'jiuuiL'.b.on. i , hit U -no th' app.:il from the C'omm artjont-r had b-en to tho M IIL-I'-I <ti th; hii.-r.o:, but uow Hi. .i,'p-.ii w'juid !>- to Hi- AppvKuu- Ouurt wbxiHu ill c- ^ >,i would bj final. OU)aliU ON SUNUAY. llr. liroder wa/ told by Mr. t'uber iLii th" taiiml an i-vh.l>.Ui at the I'an-Aiu.-i .i.iu Kxh.Uli.in will be .1 on t;. Sn>batb. Th'.a course will bv. adhered tj without regard lo Hiieihor the Aim-rk-uoi portion b OJM-XI 01 not. Kxl'oiMATioN OK THOUT. S.r l/ouis IJavi.'i told Mr. 1'rrfon- taino thai th 1 oji.ti.o:i of t ii several pruviin-i'.-j- uuuld l> a-Ji'd .1 H to the adoption of Ic-^-i l.i i.e r. a ur.-sto I'.M-II' ', IX] ii.il.uii of vprcklcd truui. iiii.i.s i.Y.i'i:oi)i,Ti;ii. t'ol. l'i or piv^ntcj : .a of j|>r-rne (.rand I.od,?.- ot UK- B <>f IJiclauil (hat May Jith bo uiacie a i- IP I u 1 1 r.-.l.il.-iy. Mr. lli-riiiir nur.5du.-cj a bill to ;.iin in! t U- Cem-i.il Inspection Act, No a b.ll r<'iivtin3 :h- eulli:ig ot luti.l>T anil th- 11 pMtion "f plcj. Thv.ii' two ia-Ms ii TIM tak< -n gether tr:i:L'fiT 1 1\ n-i' " "i 'f C'an- i k-i.nn and tinnb-.r ami .si i|>l i to Ih I > vr '..nenl ot Trad.! anu i . u .1 i.ijr iv\ .UK them from ill-- : iiiivjit of Inland Iterenu . .Mi. I'.irn.'-r iil<:i i'lti.ilu ej .1 bill i".-lctuig tho parkin," or sale ofcer- '!> ooium-Jitni^s. Th^ <> U ifi ie.lr.ift tho \Vc-i n 'hts and Mea- sured Act, j ai to put it in icienlifio .vl.i|x- \\-.tb\iu'. altering us meaning. UHI>1 CK IIKI'KIJSKSTAUONS. Mr. Murray, Liberal. Ponliac, lias given nolic-e of motion, ixhich. how- i ,iiin.,i In- ii-ached thin ncsiion: "That tin- t in- In^ :iiriveil for con- iJc-riii<r tin- aih i ..ibility of nduptinK wuch measure) as in iv l,i- deemed MM i-y \M1|, a \;.'w ti, ani.-nding (h.- llril.Nh North America Act ia the direction of rpduring' and liu.itini; tho n-|iii -. . ii; i 1 .:i in tli" I'arlinment i-f Can i'l.i, runl ifc >-\,-i.il A>seiublies of llr |nm 'i - VI. u the abolition of tli !' t iii:ul i and I.r live tV/uii' ILi in (h .several pruvineeH where they now exist, so tint the \\linje ii.arhin-ry i>f .nernment ill bo lass coinbi-i - ,. md expensive." KILLED AND EATEN. A Ghastly Story of Cannibalism From .Singapore. A di-sp..teh f i inn London, Monday, says: A uruppap'-r here tells, under ' . v ngapora date, a ghastly story of iiui liil:Hm. It says it was brought ii> S.nt:.i|ioi : by two survivors of the Nova S-otian barque Angola, which left Cavite, I'tnlippino Islands, on O-tiber 17. Tbe vesacl was wrecked on a reef on October 23. as has al- ii -i.lv b-i.i replied. The story is that 17 of the ivcw built two rafts, i-.i of whii-h, c.irryiujf five persons, il 'i-i ii.-'i tin- lir.st night. The otliei. carry.'.-i^ 12 [htrsons, includiiiK t'apt. Ci'4-ker. ilrill'-il fi r -Ti il.ij.s. The n n v<.- without ftxxl or wat.T, and tli.-.r agony was terrible. They ate it tln-.r In :>. On (X-ioli"i- ""> two of then: v.,;.t mad and plunged into the .-MM. The next day a I'M n -I. man killed the mate ,\ .t h an a.x anil dr.uik his lili nd. lletried i lii- In nn-, but bis comrades threw th- < i.rp.e oveibiard lo pre- vent it. ()n').-t.b-r 27 I he Frenchman lreid to kill the captain with an ix>-. but anothel in in wrested the weapon ' .n II.M arid killed him. When night fell the olhe.r.s ate [urt.s I I'-. iM-hinan's body. On October 28 Captain l'r-kei ili .1 ui<| hii body was inn bali.viu was r> , ed until th" two men wh,i tell the story, Jobunnscn, a Swede, and Marlioernu, a Spaniard, were the only survivors. l-'in.illy the r.ifi lirift- --hore on Soub l-lan-.l. Th- nat- ivca th'-re were friendly, an.! |.ul the twi> men i r; board a junk Ojund for -ingapor*. EXPENDITUBE AND REVENUE Returns for Past Nine Months Show urpius of f 9.290,405. A '!.- pil<-!i from Ottuwn says: Tbe < ti-iilid.ilril revenue for the nine , monthi ended March 31st lust ' iKiiounii-'l tu C37,l)^,017, whilst the or- il.niry eipi n.liture f-.r the .vime IIT- ta.1 W.IH i;L'-'.iLi7,iilJ, giving a surplus | of 8'J,:iy<M<)."> nf revenue ovr eipendi- i lure. An incren>e of 81.0<r7,B45 is ' -iiowii in llji- 1 1 ii^nli-l.iicil funil re- I I' ' pll.'il illl tllO -.1111" |HT|O.I if i In- |r i , ii>u-< year. I ::<" i e i f revi-nui* it r-iUKi I I'. \> .< - f ' c < ;m I miscellaneous re i'! i '! .. j> > i- ffic r> -cipis -h \\ sn uilv.inri- ot 93)UUJ for the month of M.m-.'i, anil of ?lj:i,li*l fur th.- n in- iinutli-. i In- III : M-I llnu.'iiiis revenue wiis iu JJil-V:. 1 i- .SI.'.K.II in .lilv.inri- if iho ^l::.i- III'ililll I i I Jf.ir. KOI I In- ii n i. in. i ru--e of over |3JO - (Xl N . .unt luiilhs \v.i f7.3)l,2js. as ;-_K.i'ii mi. ill h^. 'lii'- i-xpi-u lilut ' ii|i MI rmliiii ,n fjr tli ,j n no i'ii ntli-. MRS. NATION IN ST, LOUIS PromUes to Smash Every One of the Kell Holes. A ili -c i (<-li from .-i l.ouis. Mo . says: ( Mil- V.i'ion. of Kuno.iH.sp -tit anot In -i Iniiir and a half in SI. Louis on Tui-s.l.iy. Kin- vi.siti-il t\\u Market -tni-l siloinis. i'nj;.rfi- I in heated rir- Kiiini'nt.s u.ili Hi-- i' 1 1 ti'n.li i <, nnd nl i In- point of ri'volver was forced from ;i s.i loon nun ! after her, and A lull H)M- vi.,| t .(| o'l her previous luxsiijj.' tliriu^'li M. Louis. "I'll--.- iliin^i will In- ihlti'triit some day," *ln' il-'.iu-l '1 .ok out forme ,-ifli-r I jri-t < nl from under I'.m-l in Ki.i-as, I'll "lysn these hell-holes if I li;iv>- li.iniin- li.u k and MU.ish rv.'ty one of 1 In-.. i." A MONSTER PULP MILL New York Syndicate to Erect Cno on Upper Saugenay. A clc'iputrh from M. '>s: Ni-(Tol . it . :i -. 1 in.' j : coin- 'n th- Cov.Tniu.-nt of .iii-l a l^iriy of N.-A York c.il>.' ti i.-r -ni ur- i)U ,,|i li ;i I y t i In ,." of 111 iin- \.iti-r-i> .-w.-r <' I i. I |'|''i >.m Let kii'i-A n .is i h tir.uid l> n. I. .k bU, .Inliii. .11 1<- ulihz -.1 I -i oi-i.i ,n. ;h- larB>'>' I"ili' mill in th w.trld. i i -i - ;i ;> ii".i. il in the proj'ct, who w.ll cnmnii-nr.- up.-r.i- I In i ii i' il,- pi' d to i five rnilliin. of tli II irs in 1 1 i n k:ntr. "I'll- mi .1. ih t( I h.'y | urp i-.- n . -i i !i - (it.m'l l>i<ih irir.- arc to b- iiiu-li nion- h.n il.iulil t l:i- i- i|> tt-ily nf I h M" .1! Ill mil MI-II-. I'll- litt'-r hiv- Jt r nili-i*. I h . t Ii -i u.ll h-iv.- li, and II uirn out GU tom <u iv.-i pulp, or th.riy c.ii 1 i.nl.i, da !y. THE RIMBF.RLEY COLUMN. They Have Swept the Country as Far as BoshoF. A divp .loli fiom i' UN- Town ftiyrs: Till' cohiiiin wliieh Iff, K>inl'ei ley l,i-i \\.-.-li d. liwecp the count -y as f.n- as it.nhof Ins re turned after ac- i-onipli.ihiiiK K<'ml work. Si-veral lioers - m- killed .mil u number of prisoners lak'-n Tin- lli.ii-li casualties were, one I. ill'-. I nnd ih 1 .'" wounded. Small par- f Horr.s linassed the British fl iiik-t. anil Huipiug was almost con- linutui. A Danish hullor HIM k-- ^ laid to hav, ili .roverod a new pre.ri va' ivc \\lii Ii iriiil.-r.s rold-.Hl(ir;ig.\ fnr butter nnil meat nniipre.vary. ABANDON THEIR LAST GUN, South-Eastern Commaniloc-, Now Without Cannon. A di-.tpatrh f-i>m London, sayt; A I i itch from Ueu. Kitchener to the War Offii-r. dated 1'rrlori.i. lo.li\. .says that (A>1. 1'lumer occupied I'n-t 1'otgii-ter's rant. 110 miles from I'rc- A ithout opposition. tien. French ha.i captured anoilirr |M.m-p.'iti an. I < ..ill inin-.s lo pi.-.-s the P,i>- i.< at Vi>!i'-..l. 'llns aecounta for all tho enemy'H KUIK known tu ) n th<> mxilh-eiistern diittriot. Ho has also taken a considerable number of I i -..ncr.i, wa|rKn, and cattle. A portion of the Hoer ban.N cro>!it>il the Orange river, moving to the north. TWINS BURNED TO DEATH, Mother Fainted, and Father Too Far Off to Help. A despatch from St. Thomas, Ont., say;;; \\lnle Alex. McGinnis, farm labourer for C' R. Stevruson, of Southwold townnhip, near Kingal village, was cutting wood to-day, hi< shauty, .soane 40 rods distnnr, took fire. His wife, wilh tw.. lnl.lien was A short distance away, her two twins. 7-month-old babie.s b,-inK in I he I, The rr.other fainted, i-n.| I. f .IP the children could get help the yhanty was consumed nnd Ihe Iwu I burned to MAEKETS OF_THE WORLD Prices of Caitle. Chesia. Qpaln, &c la ilia Loading Market). Wheat Manitoba bards reir.a'ne* nominally unchanged, but there was 00 business in them. Quotation* ara as follows: Ked wheat, 8fc; white wheat, fflc ; and No. 1 gtiomt -wheat, OP l-2c, lo\v freights, to .New York, M u. itoba, So. 1 hard, old, g.i.t.. 98 1-Jo; No 2, 94 l-2c ; No. 1 hard, North 13iy. 07 l-2c ; and Ko. 2 bard, 93 1-Jc. Millfee.l Scarce. Ton lots, at the mill door, Western Ontario points, sell as follows : Ilran 915 ; and shorts, $1C, Corn Weak, owing to the ulump in Chicago. American, No. 2 yellow, on track here, 47c ; No. 3, 4Gc. . Kasy, No. 2, middle freight*, at C4c; and ea.it, at 61 l-2c. Barli ) i.'a.sy in tone. No. 2, lo.f freight.! 10 SCAT York, wa< quoted at 44c, No. 3 extra, same freights, 43c Hye-.-;e.ai!y. Car lota, 49j, weal, and oOc ea.->t. Euckkvbeat Quiet. Car lots, we it, ara quoted, at 51c; and east at 53c. Outa Dull. No. 1 white, C P.R, eaat, SOo, bid. and 30 l-2c a<k -rf. No. L' whte. north and weat, 28 1-2 . Klour-W-ak. Uoldexa ot 9> pel cent, patents, buyer*' bags, middll freights, a^k $J.(ii per bbl .; and ex- porters arc not bidding jait at pres- ent. Chicago, April 9. May wheat elo*- ed 17-8 to 2c lo.vcx. May corn 1 7-8 dawn, and May oau 3-t to 7- 1 *.- de pressed. 1'roti.nons closed 17 !--'( higher to 15c lower. Minn. apjiU, Api-il 9. Close Wheat Cash. 71 3-4c; May, 71 l-2c; July. 731-Sc; on track, No. 1 hard, 733-4c; No. 1 Northern, 71 S-4c; Ni>. 2 dj.. 0-. to 69c. Klcur Easiej-; first pjteats. $.i.<Jj to |l; necond ao.. 9J.S5 to ?:i 9o firt cl -nn. (J.9J tu $3.05; second I u*. 81.9 > to $J. Hi .111- in bulk. 91J..5 to 913.00. 1-uluth. M nn.. April 9. Whe.it- Cash, Ni>. 1 hard. 73 3-lc; No. 1 North- ern. 7! ''-(, Ni>. J Northern, C'.i 1-1 to 70 l-4c; May, 73 l-4c. Corn-33 1 ... May, 4Uc. O.iU-27 l-4c. liuffala, Apr. I U.Kl^ur Quiet and easy. \Vhi-ai-Siuiug : No. 1 Nurtb'TU, did, carload*. 83 l-2c; do., c.i.f., 8Jr. Winter Nothing doing; No. 1 white. "('.; N, J red. 77e b d, on iia-k. ll.ilf.il > '.'.irn Unsettled and weak; No . i. :i-4c; No. 3 do., 45 1-i-; N\- J | I.'. l-4c; Nn. 3 do.. Or, through b n.-.l. Oats Steady; while. 31 to 31 i-lc; Nu. 3 do.. :W 1-J Ic. 311 3-T-, No. 2 mixi-d. 2J l-4c, Mot 3 do.. JS 3-4c. through billed. H:u li-y -Spot. 55 to Clr, askfd; lo ar- rive opening naviK.ition, 54 to COc. Ky. Nv. 1. on track. liJc a.k-d; No. 2 do.. 5J to VJ 1-2:: No. 1, ia store. OU 1-2 -. I'KODUCE. Toronto, April P. Kgg* Supplli-t large to-d.iy. an I price, iv.s-u off. wire large to-day, and prices eased off. fresh sold at 13 to 13 1-Jo. All orders were easily filled. Demand was very act ire. I'oultry llright stock ia quoted a* followa : Turkeys, 11 to 12c; geese, at H to K l-.V. chickens, at 4O to OOc; and iiu,-k-, at ii) i. HOc ; choice cold stored turkeys and t;cese are quoted -U' 1 to 2c |>T Ib. under bright stock. l'..t:itoes Kasy, at 27c for car lots, on Hack l-r\ Salea out of store, axe made at 35c. Field produci.*, etc. Turnip i, c.ut it sture, SJc p-r b.g, onion*. 7Jc per b.-g ; carrots, 6"ic p^-r bag; u|>ple* per bbl., 91 to92;sxvctl potatoes, per bbl, Dried apples Dried apples sell at 4 to 41-2*; evaporated at d to 51-2. Honey I ,< l> ili-r.s quote from 10 to 1U 1-2 for 5, 10, or 60-lb, tins, according to sizo ot order. Comb honey nell4 at 92 to 92.25 for dark; and at 9J.V) d. 9J.75 for choice clover per dozen .- : M - M iple s>. jp New run maple syruj) U in good fieiii.ind. Kivi-g.illnn tun are sold at 8">c per Imp--i.il , ;llon. in I r.-jn-l I bj of .sm.ill tins ;it 90c. llopM-Steady. Choice 1900 gruwib are quoted nt 14 to 16c; and yearlings at 8 to 'Jo. II-IIM - Stividy. Ordinary whiti li-ini hrins 91.55 to 91.00; ehoic luinil-l -ki I II-:IB are quoted at $10' to 9I.7U. l:.l-.l liiy-r.rm. Supplies still |: >-'ht. mini l.y. on i , .-i,. k )i,. ri ., 9M.25; two-ton l'ti. delivered. 12. SI raw Firm, far lots of straw, HE track hero, 90 to 9C.50. IUIHY MAKKKTS. Duller Supplies are large and - are ( a^y. Demand is /.in. Triee.s .ir- .n follows; Dairy, tubs ami p.i Is, good to phoicc, 16 1-2 to 17 l-2e; nu-il.'iin. f. to If,.-, poor, 13 to 14o; diiiry iruits. choic \ 17 to !!>; l.i re roll;, gorxi to choc-. Hi 1-2 to 17 l-2e, e:i.uiu-rles. boxes, 20 to 'Jlr. nd pju-uN, 2.' to 2k-. i e.sr Kull cream, July an-1 Au- gust make, selU at 101-2 to 11-. imi:-si:n uojs AND higsaro firm on th- stie.-t at 98 to 9ti.V. lit lotas-care.-, l.-ght hogs are quoted nominally at |7.75, on track b.-re. I'I\.IM,.,H are tirm. and d'.-nmml actiw. yu:ial.o:n are; Dry Halted aUjuld'-rs 'c; l.i'ijr clear bacon, Imwi, in i-.ir l,it <, i:> , and ir oaso lots, 101-4 to 101-2c, sl'.r.^l elia iwrk, 92i> to 923.50; hoavy m>. , ;. . k 919 to 919.50. Sni'ki-'l in Mt.s ilann, l.^avy, Uo medium 12 1-2 to 14-; light, 13t-. Kiril-ra'.U, 101-2*-; tubu, 10i-; ii lOo. park, 9JJ> to 92J.50; h-avy mesi poxk T:> V^V_i* * I :* LUDE Th' flnt t 'om 'Dm Orion, we'uto tho fla: of Ibnr and that 1 whj I.udclln Oyicc T.-J !ead< la qualitr. L*aU f aokigis II, M, 49, 58 and M Cits FRIED I'ORK When possible soak pork over night in cold water. When ready to us<: cut slices one-fourth of an inch remove the rind, have frying pan h >t put i.i liiin.-r eize of a butternut, roll pork in flour and fry crisp. l'r,ur off nearly ali tbe grease and while bot stir smooth 1 tablespoon flour, one pint bowl of sw. I ctv;:m :-. 1 I | r.me to a bolt; salt. I . -.shea the pork and fry .-lightly chen pour off th> fit and put iv.o tablc^poooA milk m tho spider. Let it couk until tbe rr.iik U all gone then l_ike up, pour a l.ltlu iu .1 in .L in i iic sp:>ler an.l !--i i; beat up for .. Tui< U ui'.-j wii-D ihe purk a little lean. an slicei of pork cooked until len- der, abjdt two huur-t. Than Have parsnips cleaned and sliced, and a very litik- water wnen par. nip. are adil.-d. so that when tender they w II fry a rich brow L. at. i frequently to pre- vent burning. I'refar,' the pork as fi.r plain fried pork and just before puit.n^ .1 in the brawn ilip each pi.-ce in a dish of fluur. Let it cook very alow- ly so it won't burn. .: ; .n: uf buttermilk, a little salt ana fl ur enough to maka a batter that will drop from tho spoon. I'ut in 1 1 -oes u? nicely fried pork, fry ,iud tin n lura. fry some i,f iho bailer with t t th- purk. ' a.s many thin, even slices as de- 1 and freshen. To freshen pork pul the slices into the spider, cover i cold water in I beat to the baling | int. Do not boil, as that curls and touirhen.1 tbe slices. Re- move from tbe stove and drain the slices froan the hot liquid, which can b thrown .iway or poured into a dish and fat allowed to r-se. Roll the -ti'ly in flour and pin-- in heated spider. Turn often and fry rexy dry and a rich brown nn side'. Drain from the tut and butter th' .-I i--s. For tbe batter, to each i ll-b aten egg allow two tabK-.ip.oni ' in. llr. i pinch of salt, on- spoon baking powder and flour stiffer than for griddle*. Drop into bot fat from tbe spoon and serve bot witb 'h Buttered pork. FOR \s i VKI.Y fHII.IJREX. Mo'h.-rhood jrivex the fclloivicg ad- vice to the mother cJ a child suffering fi-i/ui marasmus, or wst;n -.i.-kni-s lir .I h and soups arc much : 'I by children auff^rin/ frum thin di-i'use. Veal acd chiritens are host, as nvutton '< consllpnting and beef broth i* not so nutritious. Chick- 'n i-llv- im<lc 33 follows, is very nutritiinn nn<l t -ll h ,rno. even by wrakly ch.ildri'ii Clean a frawl that ia (.L^ut a year old, and remove the skin and fat. Chop it, bone and flesb. and put it in a pan with two quarts cf water. 11- II &ls\l/. und skim often and care- fjlly. Let it aimmcr for five or sis -, thi-n add .salt tu taste and strain. Set away to cool. \Vh^n i I. skim off th- fat. Thi-i miy be 1 '.-:. rm or cold in email quanti- ties. often. It i-> very essential that your eliild should have an abundance of fr,-sh n ir. K<"-p her out cf door- all the tine. o> MANUFACTURERS LIFE. A Mairm. nl Fxktlhlirai Prosrraa, ll.ibll- lit. .toil "urrrft*. It t< alwava a plraure to i o blq U> rerlew if n- ot nun mi-iliac la*)! iftlly whrn triiiL M .iten>*n ezluaitii p o<:,'r. il,iiiiy. and Mie<-aaa. Th anm.al r<poit of tin Mm - I. rV t u '.-; fl in : ii^y' i-- .e. m OHM vt htch howi aurli un i-u.ab o >iiu o( cmieful miinBr. m^nr . cuDib.n. .1 w, in a -r-.nl cf prcgr. - u*:lc> : n .In- i i n an - i tM congr.U'i *td. an i o,n- nt 10 in tiro in It nend no add. ticaal iraarAftoo lhai ilitir intcrou wi.l bi woil pmttc't'l. In a yc.tr la wl.ich competition was vary keen tho company re-nvrd . ppiirannna foi Insurance* amounilnit to over S2.000.0iie. an I Lulu il poin-ien fur fj.iiT 1 * : i., Ih" appuraLirm itV KNOIT.H. ^^r.^ Siibbub-; You don't gat much pleasure out of your walk, did you, cli-nrf Mr. Sabbubs, hc-nmingly Indeed, I did. Mrs. Sunbuh* But, that shower of rain. S-n how wet you are. Mr. Siibbulis Oh. that dossn't mmt- ter. \Vi. . i liink I I found a bill I lost last surr.ni -r. liniment it t:sad by Physic:a- H? who Ls Crowned by his conscience cares not if fae is condemned by tbe crowd. IN BED THREE YEARS The Happy Ending of r; Very Serious and Painful Cr.3e - 1.-. llnsbr* a very I I- B!oa r.l anil la <ou.li.il lll.rrr !' 4nnvrr>l fur lnr tr.ir-, bi-r.r- >h- >.- I I>.U. UI.Iii.-r I' .1 .-i U i... Vfrll n .1 ll:t;<-,. Morley, Ont., Apr. 8. .-p . -ill Xel- lon Lvflar Justice of the Peare, of this place, vouches for the truth of the following interesting siary, tolj by Mrs. Thus. Hughe*. Vcr'fi.vitiim, however, will not be to those who know Mrs. Hughe.t, as thst lad.v U one of the ' highly re-pee 1 ! 1 ! ri'.iii!<*nts of CYunty, Mi- ll>: .;'.- * s.tys: " f w.is a great nuffemr fi>r four fears. I was treat el by f.ur doctors, in 1 :i -ji-cialss! fi.Vil th" I nited - 1 nearly every kind of moil. . . I , ul.l heir of, but none seemed to do tn- .-my good* "I w is in bed for nearly thri.* yr-srs. I h "I p iins up my spin.il column, in my < ver my eyes, across my bark, ii?h my left side, and oceasi<-nnl- If in my right uide. K.ir three night.-? at a tir-.-.e, I I never -|O-H i:iy eyes in sleep, f was terribly bloated, su that I could not sit up or walk. My ag.- \v.s for- !>-:]; when f was taken sick. 'I have taken in all fourteen l"ixi>s of IVti.P.s Kidney 1MU nl uow Ism strung, nn I ,il>le to do as good a rt,i\ , work, as f havi> tver bee>n. The ml I h.-nl Hln'Utnatism. They' MI! mulling could I'f .Ion.; for ntr.' " I \V-IH not able to eat anything, only ci'in stirch or soup of some kind. My 'Might h:ul incn-a-e I from H'J ' I .* p uods. I am now .town to my iinrni il weijj'-i! inn I c.m never say enough fur Ho. l.i'- K PilN for t am gntisfie.t tbst thpy sav- ixl my life." There are many I.i.lios Buffi-ring as Mrs. Hughes did, although but fr\v i iv lie as lo-w as sho was. I' ::i,; I Kiiinoyi :tr.' resp >naiblc for almost ali the troubles that come to women in middle life, and no wo- man em afford to ti e irela-K. when her kidneys are in any way threat- ened. What cured Mrs. Hughes of this very I ul i-.n.-, will eure any case. DotH's Kidney Pills -ire the only remedy that ever cured l!i iyht's Disease. Diabetes, or Dropjy, anj they have never failed. . . by lha < onipm y 4* r.o: eon.nnK up <0 : t. ma<iic.l pi and inl wm thi mrz* proportion of ovrr It prrocct. of th^applicallon- rei o.1. Tr.a -o'ii %'u.ume or i u'.n i tW 01 tha . a> book in ovr |t. \UOO.OrO. while th in-' m- from t rmni I-IM anil interr^t. ln-f J--.Hi.liii in IKH. la KMTI7 It - >o<rtlta comnony .linburtnl to po icj holdcn*. for cnituwu ,*n: ,. i.M-ti-n'l 1 *. so. ai va . U *-jin of S ^T.Aii. aitde.l to tre ir.-uruy or io.ii-yhn <tr. noil Ini-reucrf ai U.O aaa.0 lime it.- ur'lu. by *, A rirrla! rovlow o' Iho < aniDn\'-i baln'M ' T j put >ix roan waa mad'- hy I'rof 1 r J ime< llllli la whi.-h ho -bowed il.n 1 . - n .- -', cf iho c. np%nr urn 'tint-d lo 1- .1 thi'y now hiTB len-hed ih Urga !in ea of U .:;. .<n an iml;rn p ion o( their n. eil' n 1 onaractrr. on y -m |Ji D of ovardao :n oro-l IIKIOU i n ihr li.t I>rccmhoi lan-aprct .r I he whalo or them Tbo expect** fur -avetnl y.ir. pt buva nhown n, (raJi:ai c. .tail In 1900 tha chairman >ta'ea Uit Ii -.i i of ex^oniKM waa about II per icnt e .U'.in it WK two yiwra aicn. I., ever* i.e. ro C nt p*rtl.-u!r. u [uintc.l out by Mr. K. I.. I'll i. r-i n. u 1, atouwniht m I lio put yaar in irk'il ailtrnnirit \v-e mu.<o In all too.o . -urn i liii n tend toward t ho buildirg up or a -cum! atd benlthy in-i u:n n. Tbe iah nn- ma nT.'aaed by ov -r 1-1 eta bf n\rr |li:ui)ii; ilia poii.y r-rvo by oter tJ S win : -'.rp u< on po lerhoMrr-' ao ouni hy OTI r 111 v.i ii il. ami the Imoranro In fon-o by )l <rti,i4v. Thrae are bandnme Ini-r a-. ind apeak abiicd.tmlr of Ihe) mitniiye <K! rou'luc: of he <-on pnr'< ffaJr by Mr. J. T Junkm. it* manatf IBK oirsslsr. TI.e iniporiaat -i.-|> Uken by tho M.ir-.ifarl- an.l the 1 1 iiipcrini-a n.i llonera'. in iloi-iiinff to anito i h- ir inttre-r^i. 1* on.-, t* !,i ii .ijti-.l.y t>-nd 'oii-iii re oven irnater 'imy In admUibtrsl'on. aad r. r.-a.u<-n-:y in. r?nacd benefit* loth.* ^o.n-yhol.ier. an.!, in virwof the tliorotiKh Invwligallrn made by tha ini!' p n.l.'nt uthoritT inio :l.o .-%:'.i:r- of IMKII .-' ii..' rii---. -.L < i rfd.-ntly balload thaj rvtn gna-.r i ronrc-a will !.< made by iho n A> in th.- fu'ur.- than h u been made by cltlicr 1 tu icn in ibo puk Mr. DykcrhelgbU, on returning from business, hopefully. You arc so cheerful, I tike it you have got a new rook, Harriot. Mr.-*. l>yk.'rli.-..chts, gayly No; no such luek. Ua; 1 j':-i htard that our hbor, Mra. I!.- asonhursl . has just '. IQNORE8THB DOf.t.All-; Won. in. uuliki- man. doesn't wor- ship the alnviighty dullu. .-4iiii the KCOlIlflll ' N adiuiil-d 111^ rynii-il individual her divinity U the almighty 99 cents. MR' TIT GKT OVKR IT. .r-u< Youn4fp->p *-'.vs hi little girl U unly three years old and j lays the pianj. tiicu.^ Oh, well, cuybj she'll out-grow it. i: ntlemea \Vhi!o ilrivinj down a vrry 'ti-ep hill l.nt August ny horse stumbled an 1 fell, '-jlt:n-j hini<i-!f fully ahiut I !' he vl at used MINAUli'-; J.IMMKNT f . - him and in a few days he w is :: a< rvcr. J. D. A. DL'AUt'UL'.Ml.V. 0?K AGAIN, ON AGAIN. V.-ry well. ai<l she. in a huff, nil 'r between tu. I'll thank you to ret urn my letters. All right, said ho. I'll send them to yi>u. tho first thirty in the morning. Oh. there's no k i..ui{ hurry. Sup- you er bring them wilh yi>u \vlu-n you call to-morrow evening. IMi stfaataxw U oo. ovsry bot el tho Ltxative Bromo^Quinioe It is often impossible to both ap- P-ISK the conscience and to please the crowd. FOB OVER FIFTY YI!AR, SOS WrLOW SOOTHIWO 8THCF b noikmfar Uxir cbildrra tothii,. I ' Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Th* rilnctora conervuata iho polic< holders and iliarahold.-r* on tbe .ul< pro;re a uudedurlntt the jcir. which ban bea tba moat *atl(o otj \m the Compiar's bUtoij. There wr received during the year 17TS upp icatlon for a--iirancf anicnnl.nz W> |3.0 8,:<S'J. Tho bu<lnaw actually i-ikon up and pai.l for in r.iih .l-arlng lii) roar amuimtad to 1-M8S.703, and, leaving out tinslo payment pn ici>. the flrol rum- < cash prenuuma rollcctad thcroon nran JUS.TJJ.OI. .ig.i nt II '7 17J.SJ fur tbo provi jui year, and fl*.')!!- 83 for IH-S. The Ai-Kurancei In Force amount to 815.IO. G"0. an inrrea: of >1.011.rSI over the pra- vlona year. The rremlum Income wa U90.E7J.OI, thowlng tbe hanJaomc ,ncrca>i ot ifi'CJJ-'X Thcie wire rrired for imcretl.1 and Kenta 187. 161.11. a ik.nc Uio toui Ir.eome SdT6 ..Jili, an iDcrnueof If I 137 !12. After pajlrg the policy holders foi tlainn, dividenili and turrc3ilor SIZT (ML73, and provtd.nf for all o'her uxpendituren, tbe Avcu wore increawd by ccarijr hlf a nilUlon lol- Ur. uf which |V.'S IOi.00 was added to Policy liescrve* naJ |-::.2J.'.3 3 tu jurplu.an tnmtnt- ly aatUfactorr vinit for on* j ear operation i. Tba A-ateta now amount to f". -79. 17.V4, ami Iho Policy Reitcrvea to|l 9JO.Jo7.'X>on tho CompKny'a atandnrd. After makii g prr.TlnIrn for n.11 other ib litio the turp IIH on roller- boldm' account ia f301.o'2 38, wblch wou'.d ba conaldorably incrosacd by adoptiim -bo Cov- einmect -i .niard of r attrition for Policy K^ervao, QEORQ GOODERHAM. J. V. JI'NKIV. Proaldcnt. .\Uaginz Director The man who places the highest things first will be tbe first to get the highest place. Ask for Jlinard's and take no otlnr. The spendthrift who is always spending upon himself is as selfi-ih and mean as the raiser MONTMAl NOT!'. BISJSCTSHV. Every man bean hid own burden but not every one has the blessing of bearing another's. k i cp MinarJ's liniment in the Rouse Ton cannot do r ght unless you are willing to Buffer wrong. BTATS or OHIO. CITY '.r TOLXOO. I l.LCiB Tot-NTT. /* fmitfM J. i H^MT oiakea oath that ho Is i-nior rtner of trie flnn of r. I. CH>NXT Jt 1 o.. 'K .n/ bulnea n tt.o ''ur of T i *da. Cocnlj un.l ~-iat afor>-a:.l, nnd lha- d firm wi. pay Ue.umufO.fC It C.M>1!K:> DOL- LAR* for oacti and every caso of CATAKHH that raonol ie curtd by tbo nee of HALLS i ATAIIKH CfBa\ mAVK J. CHENEY. Sworn to tafo-o > '-nil nkrnbd lit my prrMnce, tbiatta day of Ueivmber. \.U ,|au. : A. W i;l.KASos. : SCAL. : .Notary I'ublic. lUII'a Catarrh euro U 'akao Internally, ui-dlro. tly os) thbiool in I uui-uua mifi f b--;toiD i"enii for :atim Jniaia free. F. J. CIIENe-V & CJ, To.od SUMMARY OF STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR END'NG DEC. jist, 1900. INCOME. Received tor New Premiums .................................... $ 1 15.781 01 Received for Single and Renewal Premiums ...................... 47.S.O93 3 From all other sources ....................... .................. -oj.7-19 " 3704.621 15 DISBURSEMENTS. To Policyholderi for i-laims hy <!cai:i C 87.f.jo 04 To Policvholdt-rs for Kudo wmenls, Dividend*, clc ."') 834 69 To Co mmisstons. ^nd cjcpensen of management 1^^.048 7^ . ne-i. l\.'in,uraiH-e I'r.- in:iin-s ;.ud Di\ id.-:tJ< to Stoi ). holders . . *7.o;.; o^ Surplus of Income over Expenditure 457,256 62 $754.624 15 ASSETS. Municipal Bonds, Stocks and debentures Loans on Bonds and other Securities Mortgages on Real Kit.-ite Real Kitatf Loans on I'o icies Accrued Interest, Xet Deferred Premiums, etc Cash on hand and in Banks. . LIABILITIES. Liability for Policy Reserve*. Government Standard Special Rcit-rve Fund o-.r r ,;i:J ubo\e I'.overnmcnt Standard All other Liabilii-ci Surplus on PolicybolcSerV Account 5 854.788 ^7 ">4.:>i' 5J 9 1 3 , 1 40 11 147. ii 09 i 4.5,448 01 "0 37 52.279.263 04 $1,914,174 oo ;]j oo 301,117 06 . . .^o J by Drujit. Tin, HalTi Family i'l.U ara tbo bait. . To.odo. O It is easy to recover from anoth- er man's adversity. Mintro'i Linirt\ent Lumbermtn'i Friend $2.273,268 64 Dr. JamtaMilK i f Ou-'ph. moved the adoption (f Iho repcrt in an excellent ixUnas. from which iho follow i r i a -bnr' - r ,, At a :n:rt Da of thin nature It U A: war' > p!*-uri- 'o ia a pu-itbn.to ro?s~ 'tuUto tbo*e ln:ereled. nnd ou ihlaoceion lean Jt ao moat liomly \Vo hare r.*.-il jr a SSoataaltafsjtsSjiy tiitfTn^nt 'oprem nl lo the nhariiholder* -inJ pnlicv- holders of tbe Company, ailattaicnt b.>-b will bear the c.u -t inpcd un. %Vo canipeas: w th moredeflnitencM 'ban erir In tb< pant in rejfird inour inv^-tucnu and our Ktand- in( . for we bnva more in'ormalinn t ntir di'p^iut.. furni>h' d ua in tbe p i-int d report o( our i-on-iil Inn actuary. There boo boen profrars aji atoiiji Inu lino. A comparison of 1900 and IM m in the reprrt, o I need not rofrrtolbat g > n. I wcul.l. hcwever. refer lo cne othrr point: Tbe quo. t. on of our progreu dur.oi; it .onsar period. 1831 to ISKt), being that of the present manftgoment. After alup of -is rtari WG flud minjr ptlnta wh.tli are i..ku crrdlt:.b'o to Ihe man- ag~rient and gnktlfjlnx to ihe perona moil in'.crcttod in '.he -u -COM of Ike (.'omp&nr, U.O aharehnldcronnd the [ nli.-j- hoi'l- r-. Tbe (o loise a^-irua will illus rite tbe rtgoro:a growth uf tho rommny : Income is n >t in being lifted up bat in growing up. >V P C 1071 ->!tS. S 821 .5:1 -:: ist ^'ear's IV.-iiiiums. 9 6i,(8.s 115,78] ASSJBJ from ,-mi-ii .v Int. in Ion:?. ^Ui Jt <;.;;j,^oO 000.717 i ;. ; CARBOLIC OINTMENT. Far ail skin ailmantt. i. 0. C.ivert A Co., Manchittor, GENTS WANTED. Y.r 1900 . . Tr.e wtaaro prneMi-alljr tkreo limfii what they wrr<< x yer nn. Amount of In- om from new tn-ini--- sluiw 1-Ki p-r !;'. Im-faHf. Nn -n mnx from Pnnnianc n,| In t>n-t hi incrcn.-e t over 1UI) per cent, Tbo ua u.aaceln force ha Krmii frjm '.'; to l.H aVUoas, I want a'ioto refer to thechara.-ti-r of our a* nt ->ml the expen e i . hrinu Imporixn'. itcnii In concern of thi< mud. n . wernm e i Uofon .1 condition they art* to-. lay Idenh: if .my CaoipAny run souw nui Ii a rtcurd of invu-icd -* cf i>t or f-.i uo.ueo and only $ < 1 .;n urerdtie iut>- I,i or .r com;) lines Iho ciprnse ri In i. i ire Inrz". ThoM rxpnee -liou'.u crailua \j iM". ""d onrr^conl ia* it >hotiM be inlhi" re>.| Tho ratl-)i)Mjut Hpcreanf. N-ax thi\n it wa two yfan t.- < .' it one of the mo if sati<fi-U)ry fa ituraa in otir hus nn*. 'I he rmtio I Ui >nK our mngr. bin tir and tin- flelil I ' r - . - -v i*r* nh> to report to-day, and I iln *o nio-t Nincrt-!]r. r^nd 1 must cungraluKt s thj po.u-} l.o > er ..nd uirelio'.der* on the p < t."n w bnvo allained. M. J. F. Jun-iu Ifca IhsiMlsJI Dnocur in aeconding Ihi adopticn of 'be reprrt. If WP 'ook fcck nvvr two Tenr. we HT-I! th^t. the prtmiam Im-irro for in".' > 'mrt f llo.ixJOmnr* than for 1SW. or -.n in.- e.i-e nf 31 ;>< , ,.-,1 w th 1SJS. rnly rmw n .noroiuieof nbo'i- t Tli ' rp n .t la that i hare now. not on'y th* lowo.it eipeniie uioo.'uny net iv mf ,,m '.t . "r ,ma O'ft-lniilarageon ihe on'.lnent. hut wccoirtmrc vary favorablv la Umiori-cct MlBSfSBj tlie uiu^-.-i and larieal Canadian and An eu.au Ctn.B^aiut. You Want The Dawson Commission Co. ""'UTTER, tea's, POULTRY. Appier other rnuiTs n-j rnoBuee, t , i-'. r. W. i ^!.roii\a4 Coibarna St . TorOB '. N ;-,-- -r ' '' "' i'>na<1.- - , , ' . - "--- makf t l:arllt. i:.i-' v THE CROWTHER-CUMMING CO., TOROMTO Dominion Lino Steamships Monii*Hl tt I.iTpoL CoMon to Ufr l**'i. l'or-..vl u* Uter.>ooL ViQjroj- lown. Lar t '1 K*'i fcaftuwhip* Superior iccora-nixlRtlna for wl ^ .** "' ' * '1 *tt jr ntni Vfron^l *S. ..).. * M.AwremoilMiim. Foi rmtr.ir pa tff* .-i *.l i'Af 1 1. j n, *?i*lj 19 ftaf " " f i.i (. ampftar. or ,r1. M.1U* Co. D.Torroe*C.. Music Teachers Wanted T aand for aw Oamniata Oauw loxu* of MOW THIS PAINT w.ir. la*oalrala WHALEY, ROYCE&Oo. ISS Vono It T..nt. 9al. N made lor yotir lii'ii-*.-. m.uli' just K ,.<:' |-r prr .'il- fi op.-t i . i:,t -. M iuo to ^ivc a liouse a hatul-o.nr, st\ i.-n .it-]'.-. .,-,:- !, -. ;' ,- ili.it way, .il*.ns li-fili and . , .. l--t ,-ht und cle.iii. To gel a las inj;, pun; paint, buy Ramsay's Paints th ldest and be-.t in C.irnda, . r j;ll' \p.-iu iu.-. Sold I- . utit a' i Me price it, i-hr.ip |-.nnls wl.icli will lail you, but at . i pr >i' tor t!'' ' ' ii" i '' ii-.iiii-. 'or BOOKLKT " K " Ii.-.- f-ho\\in\; how some 1 i-n fc t.-s arc raiiiled, and teliing a!l about it. A. RAMSAY & PAINT MAKCR3 MONTREAL. C-fd 1143 $ * 'ic - ,/yi SHEETIRON TEA ! STREET MTAU CHESTC CORNICES Suitable for Fircaroof Covoring; for Brna nnd Stabla* '. 'nr M.--N< i "- po^* si.--- h, i i'- I 61 I 21 inch.'*. Knr ^..r t *ji ii v h ;. i. > i ' A I tre^. in uoce The Glue Ribbo.i Tea Co., Toronto, Ont, CHENILLE OURTAINS 4\oJ %Ji hin.lt of bOilM MuruiBf*, -aiMi LACE CURTAINS OV *?,K*. WrUttotif About jtur*, UTIfiH AMERICAN DYCINC 00., BJI 163, Montreal ftf 1QA1 A PoimV M-ninl Of 19Wlf>|MM .<..mi*..*n.l fof-n kit ttf* to w:ii : he :i-y tn r<-r>i. ti rh l*ntlti ol ihr Jiibilea Rubmiintlal, complfir ';'. IT-. ' *, 1 l'hof> Par>f-r !)- - -n, *7 M) pr| oU J. HADLUR k Co . MIIL->-I. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S ORATEFUl. OOMFORT1NO. COCOA tJff CR.

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