or. ;r.:sr -,cnc!--r.-r or -j THE WHITE ROSE. SYNOPSIS 01- i'HKOi.;in\c. cu\i' [piled i-'.in. ;'.uo you thuik. H I TKK.S.-lhe 'ory opcna in the north ..ihin K to him and 1,- mtft of linclead at UTiit. Cliffr, ih- u.i- to m.-, tin we would "** .le-nre of Squire Cli.fden. Hia p.-eu- K ul .. ly wil U each r,l ia-r ? If y<-a kne ..n i i you Utions hav failed and he is a ruin- 1 all that psed bolween u cd mmn. lie U old. and U crushed | evening before he went away by tbe dread of the poor-house. Lord would not ask rj>e why I call RJiyjworth, the wealthy muter of m.,1.-.' 1 Deepiai Hur^t. at tbis point makes a In brr heart of In-,,., I. id.. Rhys nropOMl of marriage lo Oolores Clief- ' worth did not beliovn 1-ola. H-w rould den Tu<! Souirc urges hi* duugh- i she whi-a li remembert ter'to accept the off, r and tlmi pro- Karl had sail lo her ! She made i ' Tide for her aged and penniless falb- r.-ply, bul jcmed ' *">ui*h |iull y nt or. Dolores gives Ix>rd JChyswortli bi-.utiful, agit.-il'-d lace selece her a temporiring answer as hia propos- I - Why are you li-okmx at mo T' usk- al awakens her to the fact that he I , y | Lola. " l>o you not believe ma lon-s Sir Karl AlUnmoro of d* ars- ] ]),,!fjri-s. u will bn u evil day for Halo a lovw of which aho wa* not be- an y ons who cornea betwWn Si' lore fully nware, Lola de l-'orras. a ' n, n d myni-lf >ui evil day und an evil French refugee and playmate of |, our ] Dolores 1 childhood-day*, also lores the U'-boneir Sir Karl, and confesses to Dolores that sho has mud*' up her 1 1. .11,1 to win him. Doloreji and Lola are known aa the while and red roses. ' i ,,,,] Both are tilrikingly bcautifuI-Uol- Mill YI.U an- talkiinu nonsen*?.' Lidy Hbysworth. 1 ln;pi- 1 am." replied Lola. "Bat there is norh.in." of any aueti Ihing. not feii." turned away. She would orea. gentle, modest and lorablc, is bllTe nothing to ay in I ha matter. of the fair typ^; Lola brilliant aud i shn tried to make herself believe that passionate, is of the dark type. He- I w jjj nu t in the Jejat com-eni liar. tween th*- two BpriiL4 up a rivalry 'ri^,, Lois, declared that it * n lime tor the affections of Sir Karl. Dolores 1 , f or ni . r t o Ru . shs would not re- modest and withdrawing constantly maaa when Doloies askrd her; and imagine* that Sir Knr) shows a pre- i | l?r v ;_,[( r iid.l in u struggle between (erenoe for Ix>la. At last, rallied by j^r^if all< j mile Kathleen i'ur a kiss a trivial occurrence into thinkuirf [ .,(.,,. r (rears I^a-dy Hhynworth oflen v/n.te at o:n- and asked her if tin i.-w.-i w.in true. iShn wan compelled t>. uiswer tln-n It wan at thi* time be M-rutn to her more frequently .than it any other. I. I i liad two aims! in life; tbo first was to uiarry Sir Karl the aeooad, kip liiiii upart from l.idy lihyo- -. i.rtli. r>h wrote to hun, lulling him tow inconsolable Dolores was, and i-.w firm was her resolution never to u.ii-ry again bow deeply grieved fthe was at her husliand's dnuth, bow sur- pn.scd people More to discover that, fter ill!, she cared so greatly for him, and that, on her pirt as 1 well as m Ilia, il ii id bi-i-n .1 i"vt-uialcli. .-wi Karl smiled a lit'tl,; when he read his. It certainly hud no very de- ceasing effect upon him, "A he de- stroyed the letter, he murmured, 'Poor Lola 1" and half wondered why Ir- girl vared so much for him, aee- ng that ke had never given her any encouragement . " ' Karl bad decided what his plans nhnul'l be. He would finish his Con- tinental tour; tie iwould not return o England until Lord Hhyswortb had >*n dead at (best fifteen montihs; out. when he did go, he wuul*l do hut best to win the only woman he loved ou earth. Il was the fad of .Sir Kirl's oon- tkiurd absence, ulmost more than any other, .w)i.< Ii i; ivi I.nlti u<-h hope; S>hr knew i.o liltla of bis character that she Kuid to herself, if he- hi-l really loved Doloren, bo would have returned post-haste when ho knew that she was free, he would not have bri|)( , f , mJL . her as she ^ \vould tfcit he ha < finally chosen between i n, (>UKn t how Mrangn it wan thnt, them, and lint h" prefer* Lola, she' inKJ him s pathe-tio faro well which he is at a loss to understand, and ac- cepts Lord KhySworth's offer. It is only when, betrothed to Lord Hbys- worth. she hal received a dower of land which places her father in af- flueace, that she lenrns that Sir Karl loves her. The truth n bitter to both. Dolores, with awret resign*- little Kathleen would have nothing to do w.t Ii Lola. CHAPTKll XIV. Bir Karl was in Italy wh -n he reai tin ni'\\i >f the sudden di-illi f Lore llhys'worth nd understood that the woman ho loved was fret-. MIS fim' tion decides to be a true wife to her f rx .|i nK W as one of tiurrowful re.gret betrothed. -Sir Karl determines to triivel in France in an endeavor to for- get his diitappeintment. Lo'.a goes to Scarsdale to upbraid him for not calling at lieaulieu. her mother's He does He hid olwayi esteemed aad |ii.ed the givw her grounds) for M(>re thul lhjlt be would n)l pursua the nubjact residence, to way good-bye, not wish to |iv her gi thinking that he care.s for her and Is brusque. She asks him to be friends- Sir Karl oinaents snd leaves: l),i|.iri-i is married. Two yearn IMSJ . he baa a daughlnr, aad br husband die*. master of Uaepinx llurst. and i remed sad that be should die so noon ufti-r bin marriage with i girl whom he loved so dearly, tlumght was that ml I have >vrr again, all the battle to f''.t snd that Dolores as u fore- he casie liome. Wurely it >was n sisrn that he was not in love \vilh Lady Rhys-worth. (She determine.! te mik" matters clear to Dolores by dropping hints to -her th:it she con- sidered Sir Krl lielrraged to heriv-lf ThU she had dune frequently, though tho-T were all vaguw. mysterioua hints, unsubstantial as the linp.-.s they rest- ed on. Sin- had gone over to Deep- widow Iniglu be aa dangerous aa nh was before marriage. Tha girl would nut credit that any nuuh misfortune was in h'.ore for her. She looked for- ward to a happy rading for her love- story. Sir Karl would return ; urn- would be tha first whom he would en ; ho would tell her how be bad niuuacd her, bow he v.ilued her friend- Jiip, and tie would ask her to be bin wife, lif would -hear how many lov- ers e-hn had refused, and he would feel, without any words from tier, that it was for his sake. She per- 111 nii-il Li-iM-if ili.il il would uol b decorous for Sir Karl to think of l.idy Rhyswortb. At the name time, sin- determined to b with Dolores as inur.h. aa powniblc. so as to keep watch md guard over her. Sir Karl had not j\rn the date of Ins return, nor vould Lola guess ex- actly when it would be. &be was watching for it impatiently. At last she thought of tun ingenious device. ---i per.suaded one of mudame's ser- um* 1 1) |; i over to Soarsdale on some pretext, and while there to ascertain the precise day that uSir Karl was er- p.-cted home. It was cleverly munag- !> I. Her n'.easenjjor told her that he was to return on the third of July ; and, from the moment Lola beard the news: until hn utood before her, those words nnvor left faer "The third of July." Ocn that day all her KJ rows wt-ro to end. and the Paradise on earth for which nhe had been iag was. to Legin. CHAPTKH XV. The third of Juljr had come at raet; and, \vhi-n L>l.i roie in the morning, .ir.J < p-n-d her window, letting in tin- lialiny aLr, tier lieart beat with bnppitteaa. Well might the birds sing joyously, well might the grean earth look its fairest ; he was coming who would make all thingi bright tuber. She, resolved, lest she should miss The Spring Feeling. NOT EXACTLY SICK -BUT NEITHEB ARE YOU WELL ; '' woman he loved was mourning the loss of her DUHbund. and aho should to execute koain trifling commission j J .. c for her; and he had replied, say.ng that ho Uiould tako quite anolher route ; but hoped to be back in Kng- I in-! in a few weeks. By return of P*t she ivrote to remind him of his , *, -i.l.l not reali^; |, r(>mUe thltt he wou|(l Me her before w " ' " any t.nn elue on Ilia lore that Icttar into His second was free. I have hU respectful sympathy. No let- condolence that Dolores) receiv- t(jr rd expressed Rre-ater than Sir K til's. II'- told her that no one felt CHAPTKll XIII. Continued. more sincerely Burry than himself that a good man had been so riud^enly " If 1 were |rou." continued Lola i ^^^ away. Not a word more did be r head was bent in he would not remind t h'< pint, i aho ware la tli.n/Klii-i must follow tUiuiastically. "I b..uld lake rare. to', sy> IVVhUe b njoy myself. I should RO to London bitter sorrow always for the se-ison ; Iwould be a rl queon in society ; I would rule my lit- D0 ' tic world royally. I wculd acre.pl all i, thi- hoiuagu offe-red lo me, but take. During all these long months he car , that my heart wa, ev.r touched. ! ^ _>-., -^-illy^ f ,, ', ^ lie I would enjoy life to the utu I , y wrotn wU ,. n , )O |ii Bn , M required it. ( would never marry a^ain. Your life |{ R nr.vei' liked 1 1> think about the would be upoilrd by a second mar- j lillle sceua lint h.id lakn place b-- She would not for all the treasures on earth miss the first look into his fact, the first sound of hie voice. She had longed for bis pres- ence all these months, and now ahc * i o r t ICivrl In T **. during that lovely sunlit ^**e * ] j a T_ . J_ . _ l . . l_ .. , if he kept his promise, Lola would not guin any advantage by it. l-ihii had ha^timed to I)e< ping Hurst with the iiit.-liiK'-n* of bis return, wuibing t'i for herself what if In feel it would havn upou Dolores. no other wiy. but by that one ques- tion. "Why do you call him yours t" day, did Madame de. Kerras beg L >1 1 would either drive out or walk out with her; the girl was resolute; he would not nave risked missing Nil' Karl to havs been a queen She 0*1 Id not plead headache, for she look- ed so well an 1 happy. All (hat she could answer was " I am not inclined to go out to- day, mamma. Will yau excuse met" smrwe-r. aud U th* that Lola had found difficult to fthe thought much about it. I and af( ,. rnoon p a ,,, ed Wllhou t ' bringing him. The dressing-bail rang. Through the long hours of the i morning, drensed in the luoat artin- tic fashion, she- waited. Uut mornipg. ,,, tueru biiimetf .-uJ 'Lola ; the glamonr of her rich, dark bnauly, the pasnion . f * 1 kS, tl, -I i ik ** 'it, il 1 That is hardly a fair way of ' in her face and voice, the intense love ing :it it," said Dolores. "I hould cer- f or him f ipressel in her whole de- taUy never live that life." A dark look <a,ne over ,,... beau- tiful face. Hln- was nilent ' i Recalling the lx-en now, 4ier conduct little time, but hy no mean* baffled, appoarod to him bold and until lidenly. news. Dol- He could not bu} rogirt ilso thn sol- I uii-auor had impreiHrd him then, as - -y * -Iluve I told you my , , , ,.,,, .:.. k i emu ple r.-f she asked. I talk " ^ ulck ; b( . M1 ly, I cannot rou.iDibnr ..verytlung I , jpnn >f friendship that had t wruag fr<mi ,,im or i ( .i,,.illy ugaintt It had l'"t- ay." : t'-i judgment, and it was nguinst his I do not remember any part icu- better judgment nx.v thnt the fri.-nd- lar news." answi-red I.adjr Hhysw(rth,; "Hnve you any f" , , hn most guarded. II- il'wl nol wriln tin* flen- " Yes ; that energetic young wan- trace that could mislend .her; he dercr of mine Sir Karl, ii coming merely thanked Sier for the n>ws she homo. II.- -Kill lie here in a few so constantly n -i ks." ing so lar them from dreamed of { .. she donned her prettiest attire, a iu. there bad i*e.n noln- | |ilk ^ , e tm ber richly trimmed with as he knew, to prev.nt , )liclt .^ , 1(%r n( . ck 1D(1 arm| , ,,. marryiog. She never the cross-purpoHes and ing like white mirhla She wore am- her ruee* iu her hair, and the rl of black lace were loopud up by me flowfrs . vSnB lon(l an j inuMinderstan ling that hnd taken When the Hlea occurred toller . v that perhaps all the difficulties an, eitrni ,,,i y Bt herself, in the glass; she Angers she had hadl lo encounter and ; ,, kht of lb( , Je 8WMt face nnd coojhat before Dolores's niarrngi, , d ,. o hM( , of rjoio,,,. Weighing tho might roturn with her w.dowhood r*be mprill , of hl , r9elf , nd hnr riv .|. , hc routed it; it should not be o. She a thp drf>flion in u . r owa faTor: < : o:>tQ-mrnl rial Ik* ii >.i:,. u . i-n .-.!. . prntr.l 11 nd ' Ool r Barl*.** The worda "week and Arpr< expresaes the condition of thou.iandsj a>[ people Ln the nprin^ Urn?. H is one- of nature's signs tbat humanity ivinnat undergo montha of indoor life In badly ventilated building* with impunity. Somttimea you hr.iv a headache; alight excrcitf fatiguts you; ycur appetite is variable; you are easily irritated or depressed; per- bapa there are pimpled or slight eruptions that indicate the blood need* attention. Whatever th- symp- tom. muy it should b^ at tend -d to all once, else ywu will full a a eajy prey, to graver diaeaie. Doi not use a pur- gative In the hopo that it will put you right. Any doctor will tell you ihs>t purgative* weaken, tbat they unpuir the action at thi liver and create chronic constipation. A tonio 1.1 what n needed to help nature fight your battle focr health, and th-re. U only one always reliable, never-fail- ing tonic, and that is Dr. \ViUiiusf Pink Pills. Thjs pills hare no pur- gativu action. They make rich, red bl-jod. atrngt;h-n tb- lire4 and jaded ner\<ai, and make weak, deprraaed. easily tired peopb, \vhcth-r old or young, bright, active, and strong. Among thon who have proved tha health-bringing qualities of Dr. AVil- UmV Pink PilN is Mits Kinini Oba- put, of Lake Talon, Ont., who says "1 cannot thank yxyu enough for tha good I bar.' d>r ved throaifh th i as of Dr. \Vill : .*nvr Pink Pill*. I U>n- eatly belk-re that but for them I would now b< in my gcare. My health wa completely broken down. My face as x\'ht,- a* chalk, and if I made tho I -at effort to d> any bouienxurk 1 would almost faint from, th.- .-xpTtxei. and my h?art i beat \-fc.l-iitly so that I feared I mid iln>;> where 1 stood. I wae a great auffvrrr from headache] and dlxxinea4 as well, and my appetite was so poor that I iwarc-ly nte at all. I tru>d several medk-iae^. but they did not holp me. and then I de- tided to send for some of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink I'illt. 1 tfQt '*- boxes and befurn I uied them all 1 was as w*ll as I had ever bet<n. with a good healthy color, a good appetite and an eiiti.ru freedom frum the ailments that had made, mo miserable. You may b- sure that I will always have warm regard for your invaluable nvdicine." Do not experiment with other so- culled tonics you are apt to find it a waste of money and your health worse than before. You will not be experimenting when you, uo Dr. Wil- liamn' Piuk Pill*. They hive proved their value the world over, and you can rely upon it that what they have done for others they will do for you If you ramnot gat the. genuine pt4U from your dealer send direct to the Dr. Williaini' Medicine CVx. Brock- v-nt Sir Karl's bring wn ores. Kh.- had |;iven fair Mho would not isuffi-r " !!" ia J! 1 . " h e "*"."^ I" th h t0 K? ' h '' re WM *' ora P ar ao between the fair tranquil loveliness of Lady Kays- warning wnr th JJHJ ner ow . n magnificent beau- any one ; , T " There ia no fear," she said to her- self ; "he rould nevar hesitate be- tween Ltdy Hhy.i worth and myself, man col/Id. Setting asidi- the her.ii'lf and h in fully, she consid i -- here in a .. ; format ion aa to hit travuln; or ro- | I Hi-. I any littl-- passing event likely , There was no change in the fair face to amuse her; 1>ut h avoided nil allu- ,,f DidorM. no flu<h. no anxious look. | sion either to friendship or love . H Mi- WHS calm and p.ile. I was not l.ola who told him of Lord Youmf" sin- s.iid quietly "Why Rhynworth's death ulie had naid do you call liun yours T 1 | nothui evt-n of IILS illneis ; but, when " Ho U mine, after a fashion." re- I Sir Karl road of it in the papeti\he, rliat to come between Rightfully or wr rrod him tier own. The love liad grown In her heart until it liad become a part of her life. ,7 c Ttha"t"l "lovThim a'ndThat "my great and would cease wilh it ulone. She | , ovp mu , t wjo Bomn returni h , could hnd many lovers, many offers of mar- . ni%vor pr , fer her lo mf .. rige; and Madam* de frerran won-, Msdam , ,, Kerrns guessed n little ered why hhe had accepted none, why I pf the truth whwn Bh , Mw hnr he sent every one nway. When tert fc suddenly grow death . ad first returned from Germany, bar > , t wn- a , |hp ,, ouiK i ef carriage-wheels m.- idea and aim hud beon to rasrry ! fo || owf .j b y a loud peal at the bail- or money; mil to forego everything Comfort for Poor Sleepers. Th* Mystery of Sleep Insomnia a Warning of Overwork or Approaching Nervous Collapse Which Is Not to be Lightly Disregarded. "Sleep is the vacation of Ilia snnl ; tin inunune practice is th' unn which it is the mind (one into th) play- ground of dreams; it is the relaxa- tion of muscle*, and the selare of the nerves; it Is the bush of activities; it is a calming of the pulse; it is a br-athiog much slower, but much deeper ; it Is a temporary oblivion of all carking cures; it is a doctor re- cogniird by all schools of medicine Lack of r.laep puts patievla on tbt rack of torturo or in the mad house, in in the grave." i rtltepleeeaaat is a warning that tho nrrvoiM forcn of the -body is beinc exhausted wore rapidly than It U be- Lox created ami points to ultimate physical bankruptcy. The mghtu de oot i.-pitr the units of ths day. Sosn* unutual effort must Im mads te over- , i.m this etate of affairs, or collapse U certain, eteirnlist* bave pointed out certain element! of nature as; belsg peculiarly suited to the needs af an eihauete* oerveus system. Through ts* madnim of the blood aed aorveue systftm these restoratives* carry new lif* aad vital eaenCy to every nerve II in th* liumaa anatomy thesx elnm*t nt nature are in t.u ji'-s prnpertlansl It ! new gesMrelly ceneeded bry physfoiansl " to presnriptten urd by Dr .ith awnh max rt-. Uo.ui tuoaeia in giwn mo it gemeral satisfaction- Thi* ireparal.ou M u<r,v k.iown at Dr. Nr-rvo Food and his came to an eoornvout sUle is every part of Lh> cotilment, whftT-.* arrvo'M diSV ordern and al-epUssnesi are so prc- vialfnt. l.i. h and *wry nuffarer from ner- vous and phyvcal eihaustum, thin, watery and iravure bliod, and the .1 inn. i iosomnia, can bvjm t > ue of Dr. i'ti is* 1 * ', -r . I .iv I .v.th piaitiva aMUranc* titmt the refuUr u i n< thin famtsil fowl cur* will gradually aad tihmroufhly build up and recon- struct to* nrv rali and bxl'ly Us- untf and permanently cure slrepless- J and irritability. You mu.il not onfu* Dr. Ohase's t\>d w.l'.- clrep-produuing ml optutejf. It is different Nrra drugs from any medicine you *r*r used, and (nstrd of tearing dolrn the esi4 da*\*av;nf IV norrei, it r urea] by fillisjg *>**ry oill w.tlj new lif*. vigor ead vtltality. A. 4 a ayrlng tonic tn<J it U m>vllo4 in Its ac- twn initilllg it'" weak, wore, tlrnd thi. irHength. elasticity and buoyancy of i>-rf*rt health. "> oenU a bM, I boxes] fer $2.50. at al dealers, <n Meat, poiK paid, un rnccip of prioA, \rj K.tunn>i)n, Dates] A Cu vill*. Ont., and they will ba mailed post paid at 60 cents a bji or six boie* for $2.50. 1 ; she did not rememhi-t now that h.- had rver Imd *uch a thought. The assionato nature, so long repressed, .- now thoroughly aroused. -She "iiM have i/ivt-u up everything for lir KarJ, even to tha last drop of loud in ln-r vc-ins, and would have i'i-n happy in tio doing. Madame de Keii.-s would nay to her t times " For whom are you wa.ting, Lola? ou send away sorue. of thr In- .si men n the county. Do you mean never o marry T" " \Vln-n tho right one comes, mini ni, you will see," she always repli- d. Sh>- had rcfu'cd Litril Marley, a rich -fM nobleman who hnd p-iit thn list iv f years of his life in looking for be most beautiful wife In- could find, vnd who finally deoidnd that Lola \> i < .he handaotmvsl woman ha had ever aeon. But lihe sent hlni away with he knowledge quite new to him. hat his money rould not buy cvery- liuig. Bhe refuse-J Sir Aleo Forbes, a handsome talented (young Hcotcb- who adorod the* very ground she walked on. She .even caid, "No" to Mr. Newton, n niil'ionairn, who would " Who can that be I" cried m.i- ame. 1. ! i bad said lomrthrng in a vagun way about Sir Karl's; return, but had <it told her the date. " Surely," said 1 ntadame, "it cannot o Sir Karir (>n<- sjlanco at Lola wa0 a revula- in to h- Now Bh could see why ber daughter had refused onn love fter another, why, in the very pnuglimr of lier loveliness, she had i-.'-l apparently for no one; it was U because sfce loved Sir Karl. Ma- .uiii- fell a Ihrill of lerror. What f Sir Karl di-l not return that lovn t Jli-fon- she had tuna to say more, beforo she had recovered from lu-r - or l.|a from her emotion the have made tier of the wealthiest in i-lngl in.l Ono after unnth- i-r sna dlsinissad them, to the won dor and annoynnco of Madame de. l'--i i .IH and the eurprisa of the whole neighbourhood. No one rould divine \\itiy he liad dismissed all her admir i-r.i. People Utook their hradii as oni lover after another wai m-iit -iw.iv l.uly Kic-ldrn said the girl must In waiting for a Itoyal Huk No onn nc quauiti-<i with hr, would have belii-v d thnt Lola do Ferras, proud, beau tiful, in.pi-rinus as nhe was, had giv i-'i her whole hnart an! pis.sion ii love unsolioitnd ; no on* vr set-mc* to associate the word "love" with In- proud dark beauty and imperion grace. Lola would not Int. o to the hat* ful suggestions that porbaps ah oung Baronet was announced. He mi.- in, looking handsomer than evr The warm suns of Franco and It ily i i,l bronzed hia face, and he was al- ogether greatly ia-proved. Madame to Fcrras, as she looked at him, own- '.t that It was no wonder her dauirh- nr was iofatuated with him ; but Sir \ LI I and niikilMiiii- hersalf were both startled when Lola went forward to ircet him. They had never ncen my ibing like her face then, and prob- ably never would again thn mingled and pain, the happiness, the expectation, the fear She rmilil not Hpoak to him; bul sin- went forward with outstretchec handa. Madame watched the wholo scene with tremuloo* anxiety. She saw (hit her daughter loved Sir K irl. but slhe was by no moans so Hure of the stale, of his feeling*. She saw nolh lag but liaipla pleasure in his face them WHS nu I ght of love iu the frank blua eyes. ' [ am very pleased," he said. " to SRC. you one* more, madam*." mi j you Mine De I'erras." There >vns no rapture in his roic i>r manner. Ho looked, as be s<tid, pleas- ed, and nothing more. To tin Continued. flER ANSWKU. Oh. I wanl iyou to uiarry me. don't you know, aid tha exquisite to the plain giil Oh, y-s I no, nhe responded, and had to ivrite it out for him so he could get the full force of her reply. RKMK1)IK> WANTED Little Freddie-Please. Mr. Drug- list, papa wants a bottl* of liniment, nd mamma wants a bottle of china em*nt right away. Druggist. All right. What's rong I Kroddie Muinma hit papa with the uga,r bov '.. A GOOD HKA.SON Papa You know, James, bow much ; disapprove of fight ing still it J* gratifying to know that you hav* eaten a bigger hoy than yourself. Why did you fight him f James 'K *aid I looked like you, dad. TOOK UP nOOM Willie, to his stout aunt, Aunt Su- san, I didn't know trou could talk. Aunt Susan oa the mother's aide- Why, \\illii-. nii ii you mean f Willii- I'.ipii -said that all fi*u did was: to takn up room. RKWABUKD AMBITION Well, the Rockligh,s have succeeded in getting into the nwell sat at last. Indeed I They've had a hard timn at it in spite of nil their money. How did they manage it. I wonder f The whola family's, duwa with the uiuuipi. HOW IT LOOKED Msggie Did Ml! Cbimmi* get any t'ing elso fer his birthday 'sides dat candy cane | Katie <.hic%s he did I 1 hain't aeen him ail dourn since ho'* bin ohawin* on it. rIPI.OMACT M mini. i. I wish "you'd let cnok put up my lunch insto.idi of doin' it your- tejf. It's no trouble, mj deaf. I know. Well why f *Cauan she's got e heltivr appetite than you un' ehi* puts mace in. MARKETS OFJTHE WORLD Prices of CatUa, Cha2>3. Gin. &s in the Leading Market?. Cheese Full cream, July nnJ Aug- ust make, sells at 101-2c. 1JVK STOCK SLVHKKTS. Toronto, April 10. At th/> western cattle yairds tihjn morning we had a, fair market. All told 56 carloads o*f llvu stock were received, LncludinK 1.100 oattl-e, 800 'hoga, 80 sbeep and lainljn, and 75 calves; Therw wna a irood demand for ex- n> TW. Toronto. April lfl.-Wheat.-Thc weakucsa in wheat in Chicago causes weakness here. Ontario* are hard to ell. Manitoba* are dull, but dealers Prt oat tU; good to ohoUsa aold from are still asking *7 Me. g.,,, for No. j m ^ clearance of The cattln recasts were composed of export eattl,-. ,_ . , . M IJutehur cattlrt was .n rmall supply, freights to New \ork; Manitoba. No. I, the detnan<1 WM I hard. Quotations are as follow*: Red wheat, OB 1-2; white wheat, 6U hetr l-2c; and No. 1 goose wheat. 06c. low a fair 11 hard, old, g.i.t.. 97 l-3c aaked ; No.! brisk, aad the salt's quick. ISood to 2, 93 l-2c asked ; No. 1 hard. North Day, 96 l-2o asked ; and No. 2 bard, 92 l-2c aiked. Millfeed Scarce. Ton lot* at the mill door. Western Ontario points, sell A and .horU, cbucu cuttle sold at from 37-S to 4 S-8c par pound; iriith other grades quotably unchaTiged but f -rmc.r. Shipping bulls were in fair demand at from 33-4 to 4 l-4c p-r pound. ron of utocki ri sold fairly to 3 l-4o pur a. follows :-B.-an. 13; 18 Milch cowi were poor in quality, and Corn America, No. B yellow, on ; proportionately poor in price. track here, 47c No. I, 46c Calve* are a little off in consequence ^-Steady. No. 2 middle freights ] *** ^J*% 1-Zc ; and east, at 65o. A round | will fetch goo(1 pr j ccg . Good veals are lot, high freights. Bold at 63c to-day, j worth from to o l-2c per pound. Barley Holders asking more money, j " Small stuff" was about steady No. 2, low freights to New York, was ' nd nnchangsd. the supply being quoted at 45c asked ; No. a extra. same , short. freights, 44c asked. Grain-fed lambs are worth frum 4 Bye Steady. Cr lots 48c west, and 1-2 _to * I-te per pound. 50c east. Buckwheat Quiet. Car lots west.are " Barnyards" sell at from 89-4 to 4 1-Jc par pound. What the People's Eepresentatlve Are Do.ng: at Toronto MUNICIPAL SANITARIA: A claua waa inserted in the Muni- cipal Act with a view td enabling any municipality or two or mare aninicipalilies in Ontario to enter In- to an agxenuueutl. with the National Sanitarium Association for the os- tabll&hment and maintenance by the association of sanitaria, for the treat- mem of consumptives, gl. :if this HS- sociation the same powers and privi- leges afforded by the Municipal Sanitaria Act of last session. SUBUHHAN RAILWAY BILL. The Toronto Suburban Rail-.vay Company's bill was concideJ-ed by the Railway Committee, and the right of extension tu Hamilton agreed to. The company was granted the right to connect with electric railway*, but the rlauaea to permit cocwectum with steam roods were thrown out. i TOLL ROADS ACT. The House went iota committee on the Premier's Toll Roudj Expropria- tion Aut. Tnc principal amendment quoted at 61c; and east at 58c. Export ewes are worth from 3 to Oats Firm. No. 1 white, C.P.R. east, i ' 1-Zc P*r pound. 80c ; No. S white, north and west, 28 Bucks are worth frum 91-2 to 31-4e l-fc. Ten thousand bushels. No. 1, Pr pound, middle freights, sold at 29 l-2c. Hogs are unchanged and sjteady, Flxir Holders of 00 p. r cent. p.it- w 'tn an upward tendency, nts, buyers' bag*, middle freights. I ' Singers " sell at 67-8c per pound; ask |J.1u per bbl. .Exporter* were bid- I thi<:k * at l 8 He; nd light at 8 S-8c ding 92.55 to-day. P r pound. Uuluth. April 16. Wheat Cash. No.', Ho *T to ' et d> "> tcp price must 1 hard, 72 l-2o; No. t Northern, 70 I " * prime Quality, and seal* not be- l-2c; No. 2 Northern, 65 to, 69c; May, ! lww luu ?or above 00 pounds. 71 3-4c; July. 72 7-8c. OuU-27 l-4c Oorn-40 1-ik; May, 41c. Minneapolis. April 10. Wheat) 0eh, 70 3-4c; May. 3-4c; July. 71 1-^. , un track. No. 1 hard. 72 3-tc; No. I Northern, 7U 3-4c; No. 2 Northern, 07 3-4 to (58 3-4c. Floor 1 and bran- Unchanged. Milwaukee, April 18. Wheat - Steadier; No. 1 Northern, 72 to 72 l-2c; No. S Northern, 60 Steady; No. 1, 53c. to 71c. Rye Uarley Strong; No. ^ 57 to 58c; sample 40 to 55 l-2c. Huffalo, April 10. Flour Quiet. Wheat Spring; stronger tune, but prices unchanged; No. 1 Northern, old, carloads, 8Jc; do., c.i.f.. in store, 80 3-8c. Winter Several cars, mix- ed and State, offered at 7Bc, but the beat bid was 2c under that figure. Corn-K.isy; No. 12 yellow. 4(k-; No. 3 do., 4i 3-4c; No. 2 corn. 45 1-4 to 45 l-2c; No. 3. do.. 45c through billed. Outa Weak; No. 2 white. 31 1-^ to 31 3-4o; No. 3 do.. 30 l-:i to 30 3-4; No. 2 mixed nominally. 29c. No. 3 do.. 28 1--V. through billed. UurK-y Feel- ing stronger; small lot spot nold at OOc. Kyc .No. 1 quoted at Me, No. 2, on track. 08c. Chicago. April 10. While the grain markets were fairly steady to-day trade generally was tame* in the absence of new factors. May wheat closed 1-8 to 1-lc higher. May corn l-4c lower; May oats 1-8 to l-4c down. and provision.* .> 1-2 f> 7 1-Jc higher. PRODUCE. Toronto, April 10. Kggs There was a large supply of fresh eggs on the market to-day, and prices were easy Sales were made at Uc. Demand was active. Poultry Receipts light. Demand Bright gtock is quoted us follows; Turkeys, 11 to 12c; geese at 8 to 8 l-2c, chick- ens at 40 to 5I)c, and ducks at 60 to We; choice cold stored turkeys and geese are quoted at 1 to 2c per Ib. under bright stock. Potatoes Easy, At 27c for car lot*, ou track here. Sales, out of store. are made at 35c. field Produce, etc. Turnips, out of store, 3Uc per bag; onions, 70o per bag; carrots. Sac per bag; apples, per bbl., |1 to |"J; sweet potatoes, per bbl.. r-'.50. Dried apples Dried apples sell at 4 l-'Jc. evaporated, at 5 l-.'c. Honey Firm , with stocks light. Dealers (fuote from 10 to 10 l-2c for 5, 10, or 60-lb tins, according to size of order. Comb honey sells at 92 to t2.2S for dark; and at $J 5 to 2.75 for choice clover, per dosen section*. Maple syrup New run maple syrup is In good demand. Five gallon tins are quoted at 85 to 90c per Imperial gallon; and gallon tins at 95c to 91. Hops Quiet. Choice 1900 growth are quoted at 14 to 16c; and yearlings at 8 to 9c. Beans Steady. Ordinary white beans bring 91 55 to 91.W; choice hand- picked beans are quoted at $165 to 11.70. Baled hay Firm. Choice timothy, on track here, 911.25; two-ton lots, de- Svared, |r2. Straw Firm. Car lots of straw, on track here. 98 to 98.50. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Dressed hogs on the street are firm t 98 to 98.50. Car lots are scarce, and quoted nominally at 97.60 to |7.80, on track here Provisions are firm, and demand c=slinues active. Quota- tions are: Dry salted shoulders, 8c; long clear bacon, loose, in car lots, lOc; and In case lots, 101-4 to 10 l-2c; short clear pork. f-JO to 920.50; heavy mess pork, 919 to 919.50. Smoked meats Hanis, heavy. ISc; me.huin. 121-2 to ISr; light. 13c. Lard-Palls, 101-2c; tubs. lOc; In tie roes, Wo. DAIRY MARKETS. Butter Supplies are large, and the market to quite weak. Pricee re as follows; Dairy, tabs end palls, good to choice, IS to 18c; medium. 14 to 16e; poor. 11 to 12c; dairy prints. choice, 17c; large roll*, good to choice. 16 to 16c; creameries, boxes, 19o, and founds. 20 to tin, Following is the range of quota- tions : Cattle. 9425 9025 375 4371-2 330 275 275 875 Shippers, per cwt. Butcher, choice do. Butcher, ordi. to good. Butcher, inferior. . . Slockexs, per cwt. Export balls, per ct. Sheep and Lambs. Export ewes, per cwt. S 00 Butcher sbeep, each. 2 50 Lambs, go-fed, perct. 450 Do., bn , yard, pr ct. 375 Do., spring, each. . 3 00 Bucks, per cwt. . . 250 Milkers end Calves. Cows, each . Calves, each. . 375 3 12 1-2 325 425 350 350 525 450 600 325 20 00 45 00 2 00 7 00 Choke hogs, per cwt. Light bogs, prr cwt. Hemvy hogs, per cwt. Sows. . ... Stags 6 CO 15 000 375 000 G 87 1-2 G 37 1-i 4 00 200 THE PLAN THAT FAILED, De Wet Is Mot Much of a Hero to His Own Men. A despatch from Steynaburg says; An educated burgher. who was wounded and r iptur.-.l by llenuik-r'0 column on Friday, ha-> b<- ( -n brought hre. He states that it is an utter fiiiu-y to suppose that the Boers en- ! I'.ipe Colony in reaponse to an invitation from the local Dutch. Their real object was to draw the IliiiLsh mobile ruluinu-i fr..m the Transvaal, and tbu* enable Uoiha to collect tho scatteri-d reuin.inlt uf Ins force, and organize a BlronKer de- fence. In tins his 11 ' the prisoner ad- mits that tht-y were bitterly disn|>- pointed, their IHVU.-I.TI uf tin* Colony having failed to diminish in th<- ilightcot degree the vigour <-f our if feneiive operations in the Trantva.il. lie also iiffirme that th*- liovrs had no reason to suppose that they would br juined by any large m.oib-r ->f rebel.s. and that they were not urprued at the small number of n-cruits they ob- timed. The whole feeling- of thi Tramsvaalers and free Staters on comma ndo towards the colonial Dutch he says, is one of profound contempt and distrust. Ue Wet's n-put.ition is greater among the I'.ntish than anx>Dg his own mi-n. 90 BOERS KILLED. Cape Invaders Receive Crushing Blow at Jansenvllle. A despatch from I'api- Town says: Midland f-nuirrs JSS.-M (hit n n- I v i-re kill'-il in the rec;ul en- g3genu-nl at Jaosi-nvilli-. U is said that this is thi- in ist crushing blow i hi- Ho-r invad-Ts have yt r<ri-ivi-.l. r-'f.ni' si iriing for Koaiucad to puiH-ip.ite in Hi" I'PVI :iimns now pro- ceeding in the midlands. I'rt-we's col- onial column was address* 1 '! by Dr. Mn.irtt, riiiiiiiiis.-i*iin-r of Pu'ilic Works in lh.- Spi igg Cabinet. l>r. Sinirlt thanked the men on IK- ha If of the Cape Government, for th m.iir- lufii-i-nt services they had rendi-u-d nul \vi-n- aboUl tu rindei to the Kin- pirr. $25,000 CHEOUB, A Hark of Appreciation From Lord Strathcona, A d*ifHiU>h frokn Ottuwa says: Ix>rd Str.-ithcona has wnt Col. Sain Steele a cheque for 9^5,OUO. as a mark of hia appreciation of thi- m. inner in ><h-h hi< h thi- c ilom-l com in nuli-d Stratbcona's Horse iu South Africa. gave the Township or County Councils power to rake the money for the pur- chase of toll roads, without submit- ting tho by-law to the ratepayers. THS UNIVERSITY BILL. The House went into committee oa the University bili. Mr. Whitney en- quired whether thera was to be any understanding ai to bow much land the Government wae to expropriate fur the science buildings. The clause gave them pow&r to take it ail, he pointed out. lion. Mr. Hartcourt said that it wu necessary to prevent th. p.^sibility of the erection of another b-.ilding with- in a few feel ot it. The Government would take nu more land than wasi necenaaiy. The question of how much could not be decided until, the plan*) were completed. Progress was reported on the bill. TUB MANlTOtUN RAILWAY. The House went IDIU ccncmitti-e on Ihe b-11 relating to the alanituuliu and Nona Shoru r.niway. The Premier drew attention to a clao.su providing that the coomctiuu aaouid be completed between Meafurd and Owen ^uund before May Ut. IJ')J. and thai the wbolq line was to be completed oy June 1st. 19U(i. Mr. Uoyd. North Urey, urged tbat proper safeguards of the interests uf Lho towns of Own Sound and ilea- ford bu provided Mr. Hoyie asjted some questions looking lor fuller inform-niun on the line. Ood point he raisud w.is uheihi-r the proposed smelter would not be a mere proliiabie enteipruo for ihe railway company. The Preui:er responded that it wuuid be, lo all inieats and purposes, a public amelter. The member fur Algoina had for years urged the ne- cessity for a bouua toward such an enterprise, ui :i would be a great bourn tu the small minors of the dis- trict. Mr. Whitney point d out that, ac- cording to the bill, the company was entitled to lands other than thuse along the I::ie of route. Tha Premier replied that the reason for this was tbat ths Crowu did not possess enough lands alunu thr line of route to eutircly fill its i-oli- gution. TAXES UPON YOUNG MEN'. Mr. MucDiarmid. \V*at tilg.n. press- ed ;be second reading of bis bill lo exempt from taxation the incomes of all men up to 91.000, and to aboliah the poll lax ;i:iut;elh*r. In speaking lo his bill. Mr. M i I'iirmi-I pointed out (hit tha poll tax was universally detested, and that it was practically * deed letter In most cities. The re- venue therefrom \v 13 sm.i 1, and the coat of collecting it almost equalled It. On the suggestion of the Attorney- General, th hill was referred (o the Assessment Commission, with the nn- derstaudiug th.it the House expressed no opinion on the question. TRADING STAMP DILL. The Houbo again went into com- mitted ou Mr. Uraham's bill to per- mit municipalities to nboljsh trading stamps. The oie-inber from Urockville declared that he bad no intention of abandoning the bill. He cbnrged the trading stamp companies with hold- ing "Red Lelter Days," and giving away stamps on these occasions, in return for signatures to petitions against the bill. Children in many eases wrote down their parent*' sig- natures without tho consent of the latter. Other members also spoke, no one defending the practice. The bill pass- ed committee by a very large majori- ty. LUMP SUM FOll KINGSTON. Hon. Mr. Harcourt moved a grant uf $-'2.300 per annum for f|v years to the School of Mining sud Agriculture, Kingston. Originally the aum of $,- W per year was proponed. TUB MANITOULIN RAILWAY. Tho ManitonUn and North Shore Railway bill wiu given its third read- Ing. Mr. Whitney spoke of the point raised by Meaford aad other towns, which wished to be assured they would not be held up for bonuses by the company- The Premier assured him that the Minister at Public Works had power to de.sign.ite the route, and would not abrogate his function*. Dl TIES HILL, went into committee on the Premier's bul to a me ml tor Suc- cession IJ,i'.i>-t! Act. Sevwral uii-m- bera criticised Uae cluuaeH relating to the rec'tmitiun of tb debLa of deceased a-s calculated, in IIM word- i-ug, to maka heirs pay dues un a valuation in CXCCM uf iJn- reul value of an estate. Ami-ndmvnta were made to meet th".si:, mil ui .uy othi-.r verb.il criticisms, aud me bill passed thi H; i:-ii-. Mr. Whitney bill to amend the Contri>v,-rti-d K!i-< ti>n Act, was d- rl.ir-i| "lost on division.'' Mr. LULLS' bill to amend the Li- quor License Act was also thrown overboard. The lost item on the order paper Mr. Auid'a bill tu amnd the Ontario Ganve Protectn>n Act. which won declared lo*t on division, also. TUli \V1M> I IV The Premier then rose to move ths a.t j.,u-nim nl of the Housu-. In do ng no. h- alludi-d in a comDlimpntary way to the .iiliu r:iljl-- ni.iniit-r in wturu 'he Spi-;ik*-r. Hon. Mr. Kvantun-1. had discharged hia dunes, .liluiling < s- peviully to his pti-inou as a French- Canadian, presiding over an as- semblage of Ijiglish-speaking t'm- adians. Mr. Whitney secondn-d the Pre- mier's remarks, and spoke feelingly of the harmony that should always exist between the two rares. The Sprik-r warmly thanki-d both sides of the Ilousr, and indiiiK-d in a l.i tli f.-licitous flatUrry ;.ll round, al- luding incidentally to the fact that he would serve bat one more session. Then th<- whole House rose and sang "liod Save the K.nr." and the liouse was declared BOER LAAGEHS CAPTURED. 300 Horses, Besides Arms and Equip- ment Taken. A dvspatcb <i-otu J<-haune*l>urg says: The aanoum-ement in the Johannes- burg Gazette tbat the n-gular serv- ice of pa.-i**ugcr trains between the T] umvu.il and Natal U> sunpended tUl further notice comes aa no surprise .it the present juncture. At th.s oio- uient are are expeMencing guerilla -varfarc to the fullest cxK-ut. Num- erous inst.ini-ea of the roallreatmi-ul and shouting of black women ind chil- dren are continually reported with confirmatory details. The enemy for the most part are n-iw cun-1'n't n<( v. ufare in a spiru totally .ilien in the d;ci.iti-s. uf rivii.^.it inn, ml iuii->t in- evitably forfeit Hue ruDaidri wb.ih has I'll. i. . '-I'.i-! our eunduct of thr canipugn hitherto. Umdon Itloiiil iii-." I'Diuiii md of bis dLitrict next Wednesday. n'-l Crabbo Mirprised a B< r U.ii-'Lr at SanU-i di.-ft i ^undny ainrnio^. The enemy fled to the hills. ib indi.ii.uir -<UU hiHTM-s. beauli'.-t armo and etfuipaKAt. Tin- - aiiniailu .- pn-b.ibljr that which w:i. r<-port- b- mak<A{ north- -M'-I i>f C'ule^- bi-r^ i<>\. uds .Siximy si'ine days ago. Ui neral D'Hiti-'ll ( nul a fm- I! ' under Kind-it, Hi olo-U.ir. iinl I ; i. : : - u hubling a tiLrong position .n.ildt-i-l, :iiul ifu-r forced them li> retire ~at. ItMtin,/ fi\i- dr.i I ind several \i :i th- fit-Id. Ten |ui-ii<-rs <-i>- i.ik'n. in, I all tiii- enemy's nafrgiitis and earlu. and several t.. ttle md -h--i'|- '. The Hi it i^h lo^a w 13 c-n man </uji.l .i * WHAT THE POWEBS ASK. Claims on China Filed Amounting: to More Than $300.000.000. A despatch from Waslumfou. D.I', says: Mr. Buckbill. the United .-si ii-'.s special c'.>i:.mi5ii>ner lo t'binn, has sont to the State Depart ment a ri-vised statement of the i l.uni.t ttiu* fi: filed by the powers .i^iinst tbo I'hiii' nun 11' I'll.- aK' ' of the claims i* lower than th" first ri'port, i-i-.im un ,-! 3Ksi.iHKj.um. but tin- nuiliorii.e.s ic^.ird this at* <-xor- liitant, an-l \ill i inleitvimr to cut it in half. Mr Itixkhili's mfm m.irjun shows that the claims of '.he po->M- to date aro about the figures given below : RJU.-SM. ..... 9 !0.i;'i:i.OtlO i '" i many ..... 70.OOll.uUO I - 'l :IM-'I'. . . t. . . 4(1.0011. tlUO . Tnit.-.l Slates. . . .'.'-. HI'II.IHHI lire. II Mt.'lin. . . . .'I IIIHI (Mill inn ...... 5.7W HIKI Italy. Austria and Spam 30.IHJ0.04JO Gnind t.Jal f314.7Wi.iUMI ^ "i f lh<- |x\M-rs h.ivi- HIM ititni^- .1 choir claims, and Mr. Rookluir.s figuree are only in tin- 111- lure of rougb esn'm ili-s. It would ii"t be .snrprisia?, Ihere- i'f, should the claims niiiuin to iun- than stated above. Th<- KUNSI.III C'lnilll n as larfi' is tfiv, n IMTI ; thi- IMV.ISI in of Kussrm territory by Chinese troo;> and I hi- di-truci inn of -r. in h.'iin-s .md th.- murder of Ru-->i in sulij-i-is. (hi- di-v[ r.:-t inn f r-iliu.nl pn-p.Tty in Manfhun.k. anA I th'- despatch of so many troops int,>| Chini. Kianr.-'.-i rlaiui is IIIK' IK--' oausr under a treaty with Chin.i hi-r protection of n.itivi- Chri.nniis is es- l:ibli.hi-d. There an- thirty I hou- tnd CaUlolic.s who suffered ile.-ith as a result of the operations of t he 1V\- DOMINION The three gfll bars siolen from the speoi* room of the Kaiser Wilhi-lm der (Jrodsp during t hilt vessel's Inst tii|> ffoiui Nt-w York i-re dinc<ivvn > tl by a steward during the cli- iniiig of ths iv ear the ttecuod cabio. Notes of the Proceeding? m th* fsvadian House of Commons. CANADIAN STEEL RAILS. Hun. Mr. Blair stated tbat be has contracted with tho ault tile. Marie Company for 5,000 tons of steel rails fox the Intercolonial. "We had," he explained, "a proposition f; .m them to put in a tteel rail plant to m ID-I- facluro these rails in Csnada. They satisfied as of their ability to do this work, and that they would b* cipable of establishing a very effi- cient rail manufacturing plant. They had oree, of a superior quality, ana tha steel made frum them would con- tain a percentage of nickel, whict would be found in tnc raiU thia com- pany proposed to mao for us. Thi* while it did not fori'i an element in the price, would add materially U the durability of the rail. The es- tablisbmeat of this industry was con- ticgent upon their securing from thi Government a fair order, and an or- der for a sufficient quantity lo guar- antee them that they would have em, ployment for their plant as a basil from which lo invite and encourage the introduction of capita; for that purpose." The price is 932.80, the prie* paid for the laat order to an Ameri- can firm. POULTRY FATTENING. Mr. Hackatt was told by Mr. Fishei that there are tour stations for poul- try fattening on Prince Edward Is- land. They are giving satisfactory re- aults, and will be continued. NEW POST OFFICES. Mr. Bruneau was also told by Jl Sutherland that since 1886, up to the first of March last. 1.O71 new post- offices wure established in Canada, di- vided aa follows: Ontario, ilti , Que- bec, 227 ; Nova Scotia. 167 , New Bruns- wick, 85; Priace Edward Island, 24); Manitoba and the North-West Terri- tories, 215: British Columbia, 123. FHUIT PACKAGES. The bill to provide for the mark- ing and inspection of packages con- taining fruit far sale was read a third time, aad is posses. TO AMtLND GRALN ACT. 'Mr. B*L-rxr.r, Minister of Inland Be- venue, gave not.ce of two Govern- ment muumres. One *s to amend line Maur.toba Gj-am Act and ihe oth- *r .s to amend the Gem-rat Inspvc- t.on Aot. The first 11 intend* d to carry ou: the recommends L.UOS of tbv Gru.n tomm teuton ubich visited M-in tuba and the Territories a lu- tla uvur m year ago. and whch also inadu uuquTU-s respecting the grain trade n oChar puru of Canada. The b II will nttablisb fixed grades for wbtut from MaJK/tobu and the Terrb- tores as dist.Agui.-hvri rrotn the Eeatarn prownoes. rbc.tf grades will Im pract.oally the same as now pre- vnil in .M.iinpoota and Uuxota. The bill will uLso establ.sh oitrtain regu- lat.ona \viith respect to scales and elevmtOTS. Th<' meoaure to 3 mead the General Lnapi-chon Act prov-defl that the Ceca now ps_d to ;u->i'<-c..or*i ball be um -*l into the Domm.on treasury, tind the irutpcclon sbsll be paid a re- gular si'ai y. THK FRANCHISE ACT. The House went into committee oa the bill to amend the Franchise Act, 1898, and m lung diocussion took place un the first clause, which provides that tbo voters' lists to be med in en HI shall be those which were in f nee on the day .in 1 data of the writ for such Dominion election. In other word.**, the sixty day' limitation in the act of 1898 is abolished. Many) members of the House contended that the change proposed b~ the So- :.citnr-G-aiT:il, was a retrogrsde one; that by striking out the provision that the lists may be sixty days' old, it would not be possible, to print the list at tho Government Printing Bureau; tbat thu list wou!.1 then have tr> be secured from the provincial authorities) and candidates put to un- necessary expense therefor. The mea- sure was reported from the commit- tee with the understanding that all its clauses would be subject to fur- ther revision should the Government on consideration decide to accept any of the amendments uggested. ULCIIK!.; SA I.Alt IKS Mr. Kiizpatnck. .-x-lintor-tti-n- gave ii"i i > <>f i i .1 in- crease tin- i..i!,uv i.f the Chief Ji; - of the Ni>rt :i-\Vii-i Supreme Tourl tl.UHl f MII_- ii- -:iiary of the addi- tional juilg*.- uf the \iikiin .1: II.IKIII making the sui.irie..-< of tin- 17 puisne. judK'"* i'f Quebec, wliosi- rvsid'-nces fixed :t MimiM'al nr (Jin-hi-f. $.-. OUO each, and increusinir the salary of the senior judge of tue DM i u-l Court at Montn-itl lOtm. CM'IT. VI. IM'KKA^KIV Thi- Seli-ct Standard C'orottiilleo a\ Miscellaneous I'nv.ili* Bills reported f<ur measures. Mi Osier's lull, to in- irate 'In- It. .-.hup *f Krewatin; Mr. HymanX n-.p.--iinn i he M. Clary Manufacturing Co.; Mr. Brit tun's, re- ng the ll.iihl-un Co.; and Mr. l>yiiu-nt's to incoipurate tho Clergue Iron and > i-ki-l-Sitel Co.. of Canada. Thi- name of the latter v, at changed to the Algoin-i. etc.. Co. In Ihe ori- ginal bill the promoters asked a capital of f 'O.Omi.ilOU. with pnwer to increase to $'JO,I)*'0,000. At the- request of the promotem thi.1 \vna changed to i npitat of fa.H,o.M. ,%,th power lo increase to MO.OUU.OOO. Directors of a \nrg<- St. IVtcrsburg Insurance i\'inp.iny arc \n:nn JM,I- si-cuted for misapplying 975U.OUU. ac- coidmg to a despatch from Mo cow.