Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1901, p. 6

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XX, NO 1030 Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, May 2, 19O1 W. H THDRoTO", PBOPBUITOB HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest Store INTERESTING PRICES FOR SHREWD BUYERS vnit to the \Vh"l' slit- (Viitn- this \vci>k enables us to ofrT tl. -( cMiiiiinliiiary Rir^ains. If inter- ested in savin-.: money read run-hilly : .1 . 111 ili zen children's pure, all wool ca-diuu-iu |KNM>, assorted, cream, red and black.itood valin- it 125 ctH. a pair, on t>altf this we*k nt 10 ."Wl Door .Vats, Ba*orted farcy | :ifterns (if Jute BrussoU erpt, deep ro.il friiiK H around, the regular 'Jo cent rug*, < \\ M! thin we.kat .......................................... 1H .">) hit.' and colored IV.I S|,rad, extra large siw '.r"d weight :tnd han'!*-. -mi- caiierns. ewry one good value nt (I '.'.">. nil sale Ihisweekat .......... ' .............................. 80 J'l hand* 'iiws Repp T.ilde Coven, extra large ise, in assorted pat- tens 'ma idudus.'f rtdi. Uues, greens, etc. Every cloth worth in t,!i.- regular way 9'.' IX) each, on wlo thin week at ....... 1 :!' 00 puir Lnditm' <'.iiM-t. ^iirantmd nteel rilled. quality, on Male thi week at per pair. . . 25 pi".v. K! IIIIU-IHIU>. full :!.! iiio'iiM wide, in light and dark - nu'.ir 7 ai.d 8 wut iiiinli'ios on wile this week at ....... 6 .ili, ' pure all. wool, ribbed Cummer* Hose.sir.cn J*4, '.>,!U, r .">ii cent <juliiic!< uii wile this week at per pir ........ 26 Tho regular o ct. 3 pieces Tapealry Caipt-t, neat pattern, .'if) cts. yard, on this week at 3 handsome paterns in Ju!o Uru^Hels carpet, Wst quality and giod value in regular way at M cents a yard, on Hale this week at BOO HoIU Wall Pa|M-r, cithrr while or brown ground--nice floral de- < eilingn m. ' uiiUch, mi nil.' this week at per roll.. '25 :w 3} have received many riMiiplinients this season our Prints, Sateens and Muslins, ami feel justified in s-iyin^ we have l>y far the most handsome t it patter:i> ever openetl out in thi.s store. tlit r sliipinent of Imported Merrerized Sateens just to hand. They comprise a most handsome lot nt' jKitterns in a heavy, rich, glossy finished elntli. Ask to see them. No need to buy unless vou wish. Dundalk Prom Our Own Corrnpvndent. We have been dormant but the warm wuathrr has brought us to life again. Dundalk .is booming with building operations. Tne buiding of the grist mill was started yeterdy. Thi* mill ' when finished will be a great boon to the ' fanners of thia vicinity. Several dwell- : | ing houses are being built, and business generally l-ioks prosperous. Mr. Frank Calhoun left for the Soo Monday inornini;. Mias Moore-bend has gonu to Mtukoka ' to take charge, of a school. Mrs. D. Keid, the wife of our popular holclkoepur, died tins, Tuesday morning, after a brief illness. The sympathy "f the community i extenUd to Mr. Reid ' and family. The nyropathy of tlio people H also extended to Mr. Ja*. Tcdford whose painful duty it wan to bury Ins mother ou ' Monday. Ceylon. if rum O'r " u .n ('..rrri/xWrnt. Miss Dyc of Toronto is the guest of \ ; her brother, M. J Dyce. Mw* Joiiean4 Mir* M. Warliiig spent Sunday at Vandelt-nr. Mis* M.inian of Dun lalk is visiting her sister, Mr*. J. H. Egan. Mr. and Mm. Marshall and little daughter are ipen-lifg few .lays ii. the city Mr. :..rd.tii M.-Mull.n ..f Dundalk spent Sunday with Ins parents, Mr. slid Mrs. J. McMullen. Mr. .Ino. Meha hat. been ill for tho past week. Mr. Jit*. Cardiner is spending a few daya in Mount Forast. Mr. Jno. Wilson, proprietor 'if the 'Colden Sprny creamery, wa* in our vil- 1 lage on Friday. W.- believo he intends t he creamery about tlie 13th of from the chimtKiy and was burned to the ground. Only for the immediate assist- ance of hi* neighbor* the barn would have been lost also. Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Palliater spent Sunday last with their daughter, Mrs. W. Saigeon, of Fevenham. Mr. Ab. Long and H. McCallum at- tended a taffy pull in Fevoraham ou Fri- day evening and report having a good MM.- and lots of tatty. Capt. Bemrose is husy splitting wood broachea and rings. Call and see this boae daya. Hard work is not easy ; Eh beautiful selection while stock i* full. ..I" Dr. Mackie Hclntyre rVomi'u/' i ia here once mure and the Canadian band is dincoursing sweet muaie from the p. ndn and marshes. Our saw millmn-'W running full time and our cental proprietor, Mr. John Clirk, says the pr.ntpecU are good in hi* line of Sn-iness this year. We aie sorry to have to report several the coiner all to himself now and ex- pect*, nn doubt, to do a large huaineaa, that is if Kate don't run the oppposition Kadjero* Frtm Our Own Cut re*f>andmt. Seeding is the order of the day. Donth haa (gain visited our neighbor- I hood and taken two of our well known invalids through sickness and accident. Mrs. John SilK-y has been very ill c it zn, Mrs. Dodford. Sr , and Solomon Latest rport say * he in improving. ; Wood. The former has burn ailing for a Mr. Will Hayes who has been laid up i on g tj luB w ith tho iiir>rinitiu of old age. f<ir some time with grippe and neuralgia. She died on Friday luat at the age / ia also improving. I ninety-six year*, and wm buried on M.m- Mis Afninie CUrk had the misfortune | j H y Afternoon. The funeral was very to fall off trn soiffold in her father's barn largely attended. The family has the en- one day last week, breaking her arm am! tiro community'* svin.'.vhy in their hour gettnu * ueneral shaking up. She fell o f bereavement. Tiielatter, a young inn>i il.ciit Hi feet an the bare bain floor. wni) was iiieiiiionod two weeks ayo as Dr Scott was culled in. He set the having congestion of the liver, died i-n br o kon iirnnid attended to other in- Tuesday last and wa^ buri<-<l on Wedne*- juries. She is now doing well. J*y at Badjoro* cemetery. The fall wheat in this section is looking t ( },. ori{0 \Vo,.d, brother of the deceased, exceptionally wull. j , a | BO yery i, )W wt 1>re iw)nt with comjes- Mr. and MM. A. Mclntyre have moved to their new home nn the old homestead of *ho late Archibald Mclntyre. We welcome them to our neighborhood. Our enterprising merchant. Mr. A. G; May. (From |>e>:ial w rrfspomlent . ) It is May, it i> May. AH the earth is gay, for at last old winter is quite away He lingered a while in his cloak ol snow to see the delicate primrose b'.ow. Ht saw it and madu no longer hia stay, aifi now it is -Way. it is Mar. it i* May. A letter from Will Carr reports a de hi-h'fiil trip to the West, and he finds lots of room on a wide, picturesque prairie farm. Wild g-ese, ducks and turkeys flying ovethead daily. Seeding operations in full swing. Mr. Boyajein spoke in the pulpit of the Methodist church here on Sabbath evening lt, and gave a very interesting discourse for over half an hour, besting on the conflict .if Christianity versus Mail iinedninsin in Armenia. Mr Carr has been doing Rentr-out" penance the pst week nuraiiii! fiien.ls, Job's comforter*: but in making up for I.H.I time now, wmkniK in some sixteen hotliH to a day. Mr.-). B. Sloan hssn-.t i .'gained lu.heiilth Hurliciont lo allow him to be out around. The Riiueitin KIV, the -water fall, in a ii(lit. worth seeing tln-st; days' For the Ladies In Jevwellery We have just received a (took of new designs on chain bracoleta, ladle* guards ! and hair barottoa something especially ! ohic. Fneadahip heart*, photographic ays 'Billy" is no farm Port Law Frvm uur ooi4 Seediuu, gardening and house cleaning are now all .m together, aud men, women n. I children are almost too busy to nrfwer any questions. Fall wheat of this section has come through remarkably well and is looking |uii- green and vigorous, and the excep- tion* to thif rule are few. It i* of course too early in the season to predict what the larvest will be, but the present prospects are very encouraging. The acreage is above the average: clover also ha* stood he critical periou well, and promises a good crop. Mimers. Robert and Thomas Haney eavt- for the Sault, where they expect to remain for tho summer. Mr. R. T. While met with a misfor- tune last week by his well caving in. Mi White had the well dug last harvest tit . ..nsideralile expense. The Missus < 'at In-run- and Maggie I.. h union have returned and taken up heir old lion..- Mr. Ira Fike m looked upon as an early nan. lint this tune he haa distanced his ghbor* completely, being well on with us seeding and having pu*s aud wheat nicely up and looking quite .jreeii. Mr. .lames M. l.ittlo has purchased for me of hia Minn, Mr. John Watson's farm. Tliis ia a it".xt far.n of 132 acres with one if the largest and best equipped barns in the township, and Mr. Little haa secured it at a decided tiargain, Mr. John Waison expects to remove to T, <.ii. lit. Out HID sons, Lome and I'h.-sj.. leavi fur New Westminster, B.C. PrlrevlUe from "ur OII-H Cormpondenl Wo learned a novel and an inexpensive Tn watcheH we have just received a line lot of the famous *' Hamilton watch, all high grade and wurrantud This Hrrn makes nothing >-U UuC stock of all makes of walchea WM never better. Now m your tnuu to buy. W. A. Armstrong, ICWCLCR AND OPTICIAN. FLESHERTON. Mr. R. T. Greer of Dundalk spent .1 day or no at home last week. Mr. Angu Mol'hail left for the uld aettlementa laat week to look for woik. Aa Angus is a hauler we presuiiiu be will have no trouble in netting a good job. Mr. C 0. James spent a few days of laat week in the Queen City. Quito a number of our young inen have invested in bicycles, among them hemif Mewn. W. G. Wats.ni. H. Patton, l>. McRae and D. Cameron. Our town muat be musical tu twoorgaa tuuera and a piano adjuster have atuck town inside of a week. The many friends of Mr. Donald t'ur- rie will be pleased to learn that he is im- proving in health and strength. Hr. Curriu has, however, decidexl to give up teachinu. At the uniual meeting of the Method- ist Sunday school, which was held Utat Monday, the following officer* aud teach era were appointed for 1 901-2 : Supt., W J. Blakastoo; Sec.-Treaa., W. U. Wat wm; Librarian, Mim Anna Jaiuo*; Teacher of Bible alas*. W. J. Blakemou; liilormediate claw, Mim B. James; I'rnn- ary claM, Mine M. O. Wataon. Next Sunday the quarterly meeting services for the PrioeviUe Methodist church. The .|uai trrly board will meet on Saturday at 2 p. in. The annual meeting of the B. L. for the i-'n-ction .>f otficers fur the ensuing way to teat tho dupth of marl beds. An ' year will be held next Friday(to wo are in doubt an to our right to give tin; secret away we would tlmreforo re- srjoctfully refer our roadeM to 'A'. W. or O. T. for further particulars. ( Durham paper* please Oi.py.) Again our burg is assuming a some- what. de/Hertod appraraiice. Our young nen r leaving for other i.arta as they during the Wo trust evening. A good attendance is solicited. Dr. Little Dead. Our UM-I The ladies of <-ur burg are taking ad- v.tnlago of the tino woHthr to .In their house duaiiing. c<iusi'.|iieutly :lu're iie : happy and plmwmii faoea. Mian Emma rd4stord, who Ins been ' *i;k f<r ihH lht wu^U i U pleuiiny, we are plunti ! to h.iy in rroveiin. Mr. <ieo. Long left loot wci-k for Collimiwood, where lie will fill a position 1 a* wh.ilKinivn on the S. S. Gertnaiiic for lion. Slight houti are enter* amud of Ins Campbidl, is nriving into the lately occupied by D. A. McLean, he hav- ing purchased Mr Me Lea us tors,aud has recovery. We are lod to see Mrs. Douald Kinnon, who ban been ailiiu for time, is able to b around again. John Jamieson of Hatherton Sunday at Badjero*). coming TH auction sale nt tbe hotel on Fri- isii.illy liini- lone in past n^ and Huminur monihs. Dr. T. H. Little of Toronto, and thud son of Mr. Wm. Little of Owen .Sound, died f smallpox at the isolation hospiUl <m Thursday, h having contract- ed the disease while waiting upon aHinall- IK.I patie.it. I. i.itltillM III Ducvased has a number this township and was 'if hey will return in the full with we.ll-lin.-d i, r ,, t | 1Br O f Dr. A. K. Little, U. t). S.. pocket". Save your money, boys. M( j Mr Jnhnston Little, lnt of Prot.ni Mr. J.din Nii-hol, Jr. lost a 6ne 3- , Suilolli The Owen Sound Advertiser rear old colt lust week. Inrlaniiiiation at" he lungs wan the cause of death. Mr. Donalil McMillan of the S L. aim. lost valu-tblo nurse about the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lawrence of Uoriioch visited at Mr. W. J.Biakeston's last. wcok. !r. ('has. Tryon has *ecuied a situa- Mr. John Haw of Swiuton Mc- day l*t was well attended oonstdcriun the busy Heao"it, but c.Miie ap|Miar*d to h,' very talkative lonardu cvopi>g. W are sorry tu ri'< that Mr. Neil with Park. Mr Donald Cameron left last week for Kgn-mont, wlier* ho has obtained work for the spring nnuUlih. Mr. John Mctim-an of Kimberley apent Sunday in this burg. Mossrs. D. F McRjie, Frank Rally and Jumt'n Burnett have gone to Dnliitli for the NiinniuT. Wn witdi the boys suc- cess. Mr. John Cameron is engaitod in tho Durham furniture factory. W hope h* w U have u successful career in "Cement City." Mis* Jeuny Robcrtsou of Initial. > is says : IV. Little contiacted a very malig- nant typu of smallp^ix while attending a patient, named i.nHin. and after being I;. i.i up lor about a week uccuml)ed to the torrible diauaoe at Toronto Isolation Hospital. Deceased was well known in town.wnere the family are among tlis most respected, and public sympathy g<M out to theai in this and bereavement. Decoaned was bom in the township of Arlem.'M.i in 1861, being 40 years of age In his youth he attended the publtu and high school* here, and afterward* taught school in Artemema and StreeUville for Home years. Ho subsequently graduated from Toronto Medical College, and for his ths p*t twelve yeais bad practised I profession iu Toronto. He was a prom- inent member of the Independent Order of Forestry and ot tbe Freemasons. p%mt Hlack, 4th line, had his 4oo Saturday last. house bumed It wk fire i spending a wejek or so with her methsr, MK. Roberteon, of thia village. fkia licwatai* Is <m wary hoi ol Uiative Bromo-Quinioe

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