Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1901, p. 1

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kAY 2, 1901 H E KLESHKRTON ADVANCE -- . Caul* YOUNO Uai.kura, Markdala Do a K.iaral backing buaioaaa. Money lisslil M a lunou.blo rat. Call on ui A H VANU^iKN. J P " vm k Sib Ui Coarl, Co Orsy oar of Maitiaxa Ueenass, Conveyance! ta jr. i'ublio Aiictlooesr. Moaav to loan sJporcout Charges nodaraU. F1.HMIKKTON r O V \fJBHT8 COLLKCTEb TliH <iu'leral|(nd U ptprad to nn.U-rtakv thaoolleotiou ol all kind* of dabti. one* jjjgtu. acc.iuota eollastad ate. H X HB.NDKBaON. Fi.ahartou Rj si-it. >i 1,1: i'otuiait< r. Klaabartou Ooiuinlailoner In R. C. J., Aaellooaer COB vr:io..r, 4ppraUr an. I Money I.oudir leal Katata aril Iniuraoce Afant. Umxli orttfagaa, leaia* an I wild carefully drawn p an I raluatioai made ou vhorteet notice. M>>ny to i" in at luweal ralea of Interest. Col eon.KM .t: it-ii l,1 to with pro,upti;r.t OhacfSS low. Acanl for Ocean Douiiuioa !,. Couipauy. A call aolloited. The Markets. < .trrlull > < orri r r <\ Each * rrlt Early Spraying. Data Peaa Barley Butler Bugs freeb. Pork Wheat. white ....... Wheat, r.d ......... Potatoes bag ........ Hide-.. 1: 'o 01 -jo 30 lo 13 to 10 -- 7 00 to 10 00 to 12 00 06 to 66 Cft to AC 30 -o 30 6 00 to 5 00 * 61 | 36 14 10 7 M Sodrtir* AO U W raaotaavcry ftil and tlilni Monday ri i i.-n HI .Mtli. in .nilr loitRo room. Uhrlitoa't block. Klxuherton. at dp tu T. HI.'K. . V ,| \M Oibnon. Hoc-order ;W Vimtlng brethren Invited PHIN'-K AKTHTB I.OIKJK. No. MS. A. \ 'I < .'.. In the Uaaonlc hall. Ktrmiu'i look, Fleshertoa, evury Friday on or buforv a rail in. >.,:,. J A Boyd W M; W J ellauiy, Secretary. COURT M,KM<i i.T'is'. I. o. F. meata In I'liriM M. < Illn.-k the lat.tr-ri.lat availing a a.-li in. .ui Ii \ i.iimu Kore.tmi heartily I -,. -,;.-. C U.K. Waller i H.8..W. A. Arm. ti i J. B. Sloan & son ^ Frnprirtnr E3T OKT VOUR -^J Suh, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Paste, Baluster*, H.iml I^iilin^, Comer Blocks tin: liest ol spriico Ixith,N.l and '2 shin^U-s \'-ran<la and Kitting. Torolflj of all HD.S Done to Order run of StonuM far Chopping. Sa(ili4ciioii ii, all , mr liuca guarant- i-l f\H. R C. MIIKHAV, L, D. 8.. dental ' ' ' '>r..uto fnlvwilty and Ro>-al ' .... !ii.-iti.l s.irifuons ot Outaritr Olfl. i. ' ] ii.-it" AnnotrooR'a Jewellery Kt<nn ."' tlin la*t Wxlnii-lay el earli in.ii.ti . ami Uuudalk 1 and 3 Tkura.lay lu ratli uioutu -T. Ij U B. IUrrntr SolloiKr Cuufeyaacer. eta 5aeNt to fmtofflee, Hproule'i black '! - f.ia aul court day* N >< cn.l utnoe. rroat'* block lei i . mi T ; > .. ,....ni .v M.-AHDI.;: " ' ~ .'ora ConTayancrra, et U-t). ,,.n,.| Ont audUarkilalt. (nit W H Vk in. ,11 r. UiAuKUl 1 II I.i A. I* " " otlice, Mltebell'i IVawk etery . A I'M'TKKSOM lUimu-r*. eulicttora, ate VoUon a Hank, Ownn Houud . AKItY (1 TITKKIt UKO W PATTKll.SON UAKiV * AAMPSON. Barrlttar*. *c OKKKT.S <>nu Heund. Marclianfa Bank III . <it. N .( r.tl^r.ou Houia. Loudalk. MaiMHtr.,1 i-viiry Sktnniay. MAI:KAV.M.A, H.K. SAMPSON. L.J...D.. Crown Attoruev for Urwy. I Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery | j are do in first-class style and at | | l.iweat rates. Special attention W Suivo., t<i c.ip/iiifi. Balnea' photos. & a specialty. Picture-, framed. I AIRS. BULHER roprietor Having tMirjIiam-d (he ti mortal bum. netfioiii Mr Le(Jnl I wish A queation of <iul importance to every one posaesaod of an orchard or garden i that of spiaymg. Insect ptmiH, para-itcs, >eetablr or otherwise are likely to be with us (or all time to cmue. Because of this fact, however, it is ixit nceanaryf..r the the fruu nr-.wer O r gardener to give up in dcs|ir. He muat rnrot theae em-inns to his uniwutK cropa by the only feunble wuapon in power, that of spraying. The question to be considered i.ow is nt whether k ia ad visable to spray or not. This has been decided long ago, ami the conclunioD is that thu fruit grower and the inrileBir must spray if he dtii<a a cinp. Sn raying i no Innuer an expeii- inr-nt. It ia an accepted prariice, just as cultivatiou ia, and the farmer ahould prepare himself to do a certain amount of i-piaying every ytnr. A spray pump w.th praying apparatus should prove a profit- able tnvtinei-t for every farmer. Spraying, to be effective, should be done at the proper time and in the proper way. The applecrop will, perhaps, oemaud more altrntion in this regard il.an tnyiliinx else. The apple scab is a serious deiniiicut to .pialtity iu the fruit To prrvei.t the trrowtu of ac.l, the r.rrea should lj sprayed ilh a copper aulpl...t roliitioiid ll> Hulpliato of copper t-. 16 gallons of water) before the huds l.reak When the leaf buds arc open and I afore the Mower l-uda expand, the treea ahould l>e sprayed with the Bordeaux mature the noinial con.si.tHof copper sulphate li i-s .quicklime 4 II*.. aud water 50gal!ons.) Kor the codlinx motli apply iwris ree,i IKtns given 111,., water 100-300 gallons) innieo'faurry after the hlowwtm have aJlou, repeat 1 and ev. n to 10 days a'ter. l'e barlap liands on thu tiimks >l the tiers and kill all insects under liom every 10 days from July lit to \nuHt Ifith and once latter More winter. Paris ttruen maybe add. he Bordeaux mixture, and the two ,. <l together with good t-ffecf. For he San Jo*e Scale apply whale oil s-np, ! Ilia, to a tiallon of water, when treea are 1 >iniv>f. Apply tlie hoap before the *t-i i> art. For the i -urrint worm UNO ar.ei.i e of lime or Kids wl.t n the first larvae appears. If any woi ins apptai after the fruit is hslf grown lit,. h.Hebore (1 <. fresh "hite h. lu-bore to ; g it ||..iu of water.) r-.r the | KM a to scab soak uncut seed IMitHtotc fur 1J hours in a solution of Milphati- of topper as above. The potato bevtle is always a K-OUIKB of ai n-.yai-re lo thu farmer. Tlie old-time r. inr.lv -t pana grtfii applied when nwssarv t" the beat. These are a few instances that need the tpecinl attention of the fanner JUKI i...*. \V will note others from tiinu to time as the acattui advtncts. Far uiiug \\urid. ^ar tMild a quant ty of hay to 8. Fifther. The latter paid f..r the hy all but 91 75 and rufuaed to pay the rest owing to the fact that he found ilaiee* in the hay Evidence was |iroduced show ing tl.trt he knew what the hay was when ke bought it. Ni.f.iUiatanJing this the ju lye uou mjiitxl |. Unit iff A yming lad named lUilgrrow nf T. Hawkins for a balance of mages of |'J 75. Hawk iua nw.Te that Badgon.w hwd hirrtl for m Hsouthi and left l-f<e ttie limu ^aa up, and the jutlxe believed him Non-suit. Bteiltjr v . .-si n, ., was a horse tnulimj case in which llie p ainti.f xot worsted Hifl ini to court to g-t t-vwn. Th judgf ofilvrml i he p. r, if a lo trade back, e*.-l, in ui pnying h s own coaU. The iet ctiu.l will \M hld iu Dundalk on June '-'<> Bronchitis >s now Epidemic. Mr. lie-hit la i, IM coning vivy |-ruvaleiit, but is not now mcuiulilu f, r Catairho/.. uo cures even the w,,rst c .a- .s Catarrh- oz 'lie Inhaler ven.li ih.- ln-alin^ in.-dicut- cd air into every ir |,;v..sitge m h,.,l, bronchial iul>t a;nl lungs ; it n.tchea ilia g.-itns and destroys tin in. l'aurrl.*oiie H, othe* and C4J..U thr- mlhi I m. m- 1'ianen, quickly cur. H th d> v c. ugh aiul fevuiisln.ew. and the Ufior nils breathing and uomess in ihe wiud pipe are relieved f Wl ui Caiairlio/iuiu i< inhaled, Hroni hit s is r-.iri il :n on.- tu five i!a>s. Ii liixi lu.-ii uxte, .-Mvely i;..- I. ami IMS..T oii'ffntl, d E\. n <-.,, of fi, 1ft a.n<( W) yrara .f.uiduig that have i. ft), il the fckill i f tins be,t |ili\scaii<. dan. l>-en mreil l.y (.'a:Hrrlio/.o:i^. ; our doctor Con it'll jou tl.al Cn'iirrho/.. ne is one uf th- grf..tesL diMVi-|-i f |I K . ,-.-!, -in-y, .11,1 that he iTesi-nb.-:, it for |{ ,, .cliitis] A<I|I ma and Ca'aiih. t!ei it t,, ,);iy, ami be eurr,l. I'li.-e SI. CO; small .-,-.':, cunts, at dru>;gista or I'ol-oii ,t ( \> . km^i ,,, Oi.t Tlie Al'iston Uera:d Mays that tlw public nchool l, *rd fheio is:n a ilileuuua. By Kta-i,t tlie .H.in.,,. ,,f the nc.ouolii irf thv niwrd are mi i ucteil to pr pare annually an alwtract s'tement of rc, ip> aivl (.-vpvii'lirurva and have the imi | 1L .b li-lu-'i in a newapape, ,, r i.tlieiwise. For mMiir years the bouid i., sleeted topubl.sh a.:y Irnancia! amtemen'. which is nuit sr Hli.-fetvr> to Home of the member* of the boaid, nor to the town coun.-il. Tho KC-II.H.I I^,.IK| li.iiidl.., l,iK>st oie half the n.i,tro!lai'ls-tx H rimed by the coun if aiul the proplu have a ri*ht to km.* h.,w it ia spent The l.anl is n. tv getting in- ti I rc.nl. I,: IMMMIIRK of the nuV-'t to uli- Ijalj the abatrar'. n,i s i the other school boaida. Lien Notes on Horses. T\K u Muuli>w CAUTMl M C f A S Oat, I'll , .l.:ian. HiirRaan. at ..... MI. ., Htrain'a block. KaalJanc* r JOHN A HCDTT, M K '' II. .m. .-i i .net., Pliyala. A Hnrumina Ontario (Iral.iat.- i,, ksdlssM o Toronto Ualvariitv. K.-li.iwalil|> Diploma, Poat Uradu- alo M.I.,.: s,-li,N,|aii.| llo.i.ital ('lilrauo Dlaaawn at eve. ear. noun ami throat ipartaTli ,ta'.,l. K."i-..-i..-, Maxwell, TtsltsFsvarahaai Tburailyai 1 tf ot-r that the l.u-m,-<i will |, ( , continued ni the oM premiaes. We have had a laige city experience and In-lieve we can give per'* rt satntfaction in <mr line. Have taken oter thu agency for I<oltou Laundry - ANL> - And all orders Irfl with us will receive prompt and careful attention. Flesherlon A. XVilssoii Prop. T P OITKWKI.r, Veterinary Hurgeon jra.1 it. ,,| o,,Urlo Veterinary Oollece .l.,,0. - ecoiicl door .oat a w..ton ij VV M V ' v- K n.aM s.irc.on and Dantlm. Max * '"" " ""''" Vetorlnar C. Tnnradar from a to s p.m. HOAR for SERVICE Tamworth Boar ."(>. THOMPBt'K BOAR : OR SERVICE ..Vr;,' !/, i r i ;;:; r ;" 1 i ;^:. h fti'uir.r^ W. UKAUB. 1'ioprlator Clubbinir List A. u. lm -i. and lull and K-npire f\ *) vVe-k|y liluliu, . 1 1 i Vt a....i wy J'aii) News. . kl i/:">- .'.'.':::. ::::.1: P*eek^ Sun..... i_jj No ing the tail ., o.er the lines in fly MM,, ,i i 8m. it, A full line of sweat pds, dusters, whips collars, ail,, K ro,,se, l,,K>f mm,, t . curry ronilm, trunks, valiarn, etc NeetlieHamtarjuJJrao* for B'litlom, n'-, "car only 40o per pair. IrV. MOORE O, % ONTARIO Win. HcCa.mon, Imi'.-rtrr ol and Dealer In mm, SCOTCH s cmmm fonite and larbli lork OF ALL KIND Monuments AMI) I n>, i ipi i.., IN Cu on Shortest Notice. %dneham st A deem n of (j.neral interest tofartm-n tien rec.-r.tly by Jadvv Boyes at lUnie In 188 Ilichard Motii.ith, ,.f V.spru, b--ui{ht a horse from Maxwell M'f ti Co , and gnie notes, each f.-r (., m payment. These notes were in t In- form illpil h. n notca or conditional aalr I."'--, in whi.'h it is provided that in s, of default trf payment the articU may be rrtaken poMras'oti of by the reador. and al.o protided that until payment in full the ownership of iho goods shoiil.l reinm in the vendor. On* of there notes WIIB |wid at maturity IWfore thesee. n.l not, waa paid Monteith iiiortg^ged the horse to one Ca-i her to st-cure a loan. The li.-n notes had not been reviatrrvd anl Catcher had n knowledge of (heir 1 1- istei.ce when the aivrtgage was mail,-. Afu rwatds Catcher Un)k poasesi<m of the horse unJer the chattel mortgage and advertised it for (ale Previous to the sale the Maxwell ('., obttined jinl K e- inenl a-.-ainst Monteith on (be note, and |h-ir agent, Mslt-y, with th unpaid note in his |oae!W,imi, and accompanied by .1 Wraymouth, bailiff ,,f the division court, who held an execution tgainit the h--ise. and dnnanded iKiasession from Drury, who was in p.ssotwion of the horse for Catcher. A Htelyatrugirleenaued, but Drury rumsitied in possession i.f the. horse for Catcher. A lively i*rut-gle ensued, but l>iary remarned tn position of the ei|inm . Msley return, d ,, n the following dsy and f-ui.d tlk- stahl locked and afterwards found that the horse had liven spnite.1 away. The Mawxt-'.l Co , thrn br n^l t action avainil CnU-ht-r lor the value . f thd Imi-w, Cafelu-r drfend.-d i-n tli. KIOIIII.IS l.t. tlut tho lien notes had nt IM-I n rt-uisterBil.and, 2nd, that the plat i tiffs after obtainin j. d^.nienl nn the note eonld not retake the hoi f On March th Judge Boys j;ave judge iu. -i.t h.-ldiiu- that a lien note on a h..,-,,. ilo. s not need to be registered but is s Talid lieu against the claim of any pur < li*cr, but liv also held that after obtain ing judgement on the note the light t- lake | osies-i ui under the note was loat. Judgement waa given in favor of the de fondant, Catcher, and ousts. - Uarne Examiner. Division Court Judgo Mnrri*n held Division Court in thu Town 1| K II on Wednesday of last et-k when a laigu amount i.f I.UMHUBS W.IH tiansactotl, among which were the following ca-tea : T. yiiggsoe.l John 'Brown f.> $10. Th facts mo theM : Quigi; purchasetl a eowat Brown's sale on the uudei stand ing. as he alleges, Ihst she was in calf, afierwarua finding outthatahe was not. Brwwi, denied ever ha. m* atid the cow j was In calf, but judgement was plaintiff fur hu ten Tho tn ubli-s of North Knuv are not ver, for the rini ^ i-< to hnv,. a further flc." ion tnal (In Sittndav s l-eiitii n igaint thu i.lum of Mr H.tl liday.wl.owas elected l.ya i-mall majority at ihf l.-eelt liyeele-ti.il, W..S tiled St Oa^oode Hall, the petiti,.m-i I'e.ng Jan. McAlphie, n r<?idei't f \Viarton. The petition follows the usual tunnr of such documents, and Isjs thu custoiuery i-hstues i.f bribery, payment of trs\el!- iii'.' expenses, totinir by prnioiui i-i.tit'. .1 in V..U-, etc. Air Haln.Uy hime!f is in- cluded in there charges, as well as his agents, anil h: <liipjnlitk-itioi., *> well an iinseatmg. ia demanded. The date of the triii) ha* not hen fixed, and the particular! have not yet been file). John Boyd of Creemore, II.-.M a fl'*:k of henn that w.-t out 'o make a record for th'-mseltrs lecfiitly in the ina't. r of lay- ing In 31 .I.)- the 23 IU.M.H laid 41 d. /. ami seven rv'u When the Baby Cries it Mjjht Tin re i< a cause for it. I', rhapa it haa '/as on (he stomach, may be cramps ..r diarihoea. I>in't lov ile.-p, anticipate such . oiiti' yi IH i. s liy nlways ke. piny 1 .in.ly a Ix.ttle of I'olaon'H Neivilino -lust a few dp, ps i^i-. n inwnrdly, then rub the little one's stomach with a (1111111 quantity of Nervilinr. and i rfect rt"-t ia xtKtirpd for the night for K. i|i mother and baby. You may not n*. d Nurtiline iften, but when you rto nerd it yi.u need it badly. Get a '.'6clx.it 1 to day. f : cfiool- fiirl is uid to be lazy and shiftless when she doesn't deseYve ^ the least bit of ir. She can't study,ea5.''v fails csleep, is nervous end tirsd all the time. And what can you e.v- pect? Her brcin is hcJ-g fed *irti impure b.'<x>J and her whole sytten is suffering from poisoning. Such girls arc wonder- ful. 'y t!:.!ped and than:cd, by tikinj T T ,--*-. j * J Many of i.'i-.-L ;r!s /,-* [. j h-jvc homes of their owr. ; They reir.smbcr \vii:.t ! cured ti-er.i, end iliey give ;h. sin.c - . .- t - < BULL-SERVICE NO. 35HJ 4 General 0ordon ' I he undersiuUMl liar a fVrat clous ihr- oii-jhl.r. .1 Slu.rhorn bull for s.-r\i,-c on lot l.io. T. and S. R , Artemenia. This ia one of tho lx*at animals in the country. Ped'urne on app'ii-Btioii. TERMS--$i, ThorouKhbreds, $3. Wm. Davis, - - Prop. You c.a affor J to , Sarsaparilla that has b . . tested for hair a centi;: /. It your howels -c t pted take Ayer's rMJ$. Y-vj can t have pood htnitb t-ni-v you have daily actioi c.' uu- bovcls. IS a*, a tn. " One box of A>nr I'QU cured BIJ dytpopiia." L.l>. (. AUUWILI.. Jaa.12.lW9. _ Batfc,N. V. If yea hat' uj -vi .- IA .m v^xtrrtr aejd deaire th iw*t ni4.i-.^ ...f-H,* Tr 4 cao poeifbly rac-iv.j, wi' .1 i L,.!,,, freely. Toj will r,-,-i a i.romut i> plf. wHkeeieea*. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tak I.l|jo Hroiiin guMiliio Tableta. JJi IruuKi,!. rt,fuu.l the IIM.I,. > ir It fail. to V -iiTe c R. W. Orove'a alMnatiir. i 011 each b.%. FIESHEBTU FI1IITI1! W AKEROOMS I \V,> ;ire carrying newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS FURNITURE Oook'i Cottoa Soot Compound In RiicoesAfulty aiwHi mnnthlv bv ovr MXMLadlM 8af,i-tfctual La.liWaak ~*.J" u f 'If 'IKK! t for Caat'i CaMsa Isil Cas>- Maa^ Take no oftw, an all Mistarm. pilHanJ nltaUoos are dawifarons. Prlrr. No. i. i per No. ^ ,k c..mpn, Windsor. Oak i* 1 and sold and rm-tnumeudsd if aU lble Uruuts lu Canada, ' aii.l No.|, ,,,|,| in KII,. OB I. toharasoo sari W. n. Christ,.,-, n. of ff*arior and fffedroom Stufrj \.ounaas Side-, *ion and Centre Window <5Aadoj and Curtain Which we offer ul- Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and Geiwral Rapairing I'nderfakin-.' irr all its Branches Satifacti/n UuaranteiJ W H. BUNT, PROCKICTOR FLFSHh-ITTON Don't make a Serious mistake TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb MOT MEN. 1 VOL. H, NO 1031 Flesiiertoii, Ont., TlmrsTiay, May O, 19O1 W. H THURSTON, "" n KK>k '* Lt>ni S r A Pt f '," ' f ^'V, 10 SH -\ 8 U rhe *** V"'!' ul " r trv puhlial,^," .i I Mr Arthur : i W e,lhe (Juetm's Pr lVB te S, , r,- , . II,,,,. .), ',.,.1, Cha , ,. be lam l,,r,. NB , w ,, lry Slr ,,, iu , r M()WH , ^ ?; ^ ^ H 'p i ii T' S|rnilw - Tup,w, Sir W,,, . \ H.i,,,. W I Ste mil r L ^'Tf "" I>>llU> "' Y< ' rl( - U " J "" h ' li * ll- "i in aiiuilnr ram. Is L.r^r, contains i,H>r>- w.-nl.. l.ttier ,1 ulfatcd aper, he.,,,- .,,,,,, , ,, $1 _,._ A^,,,^,,,.,,^ ^T Ti, e n n a , in ; >rio , r ""* :!"" y<iu c - > ^ ^ " *"* *" . n Uitter terms. Humlmls of sge,.*s throwiuu awav If you promise , csnv J w o ,, se-' d y," ' THE BRADLEY.UARRETSON CO., Limited flARKDALE, OIST. 6rcy County's Biggest Store tod Save Honey at tli Same Tin A lU'ichty important i|Ui anon just now when s-. many of you are think- itil' of fresh- nin and hritfhtening up your hoiiiu*. A woman's home it her kiiin<lo.n her ni'unil pridi* To improve its appearance is con- stant an biti..n. Her- we. an? Oif.riiig you all that's new, fresh, bright and -I- sirnble in Imported and Domestic Cai [lets. Curtain*, Draporiea, O.ICI.nli.., Lii-.o'eiiiiK, Art ^iu 1 Miulras Munliis, Window Shados, Cur- tain Poles, Wall Paper, aim i verythmu els you need in the way uf sen- ill, 'c decoratio is at Prices in iimny in^t*i-ces 10 to '.JO per aent. less than you havu ever been offered the aan.u ,|>ialitii at bvfoie. arpts, foreign and Canadian 36 inch 1'ure ;ill-w. ol Carpvt in hsn.liMiiie patterns, reg. value 85c., 3r!-inch Tmon carpet, nice rich c. l-.nns slid patternti, usually sold at 30c. yard, our price 22^ Thne pieces Ispei-try carpvc, in small neat design, nniular pnee w is :toc. yard, special this week at Tlnte hundsouie patterns in Urusar'.a citrpet, ritra -jualiiy and good value at 50c. a yard, our price Floor oil Cloth, 1 yard wide 25c., \\ yards wide 38c., 2 yards wide heavy Engl-sh linoleum, 2 yanN wide, in two handsome de- s, regular f 1 a yard, to clear 25 :t9 50 89 Curtains and Draperies 11)0 pair lace curtaina. 4\ yunl.s to pair, taped ed^ea, tuually sold at 8Bo. a pair, apvcial thia week at ........ ........ ..... 30 [<oir lace curtaina, 42 inchea wide, 3| yarda l< ng, taped edg^mt, haniUome patten,, the kind luually mild at $1 per pair our price ........................................... 12 pniia Bobinvt curtains, 3| yard* long, lovely line Bruaaela nelt with I. ice edge frill, very faahmoaUe) aud extra values at pr pair ...................................... St-vi'tal hml-.,,.it puucrn.s in revomljlu crxtnne*, 48 inehea wide* at 20, -J2 and ........................................ A I IK r.iiiu''' of Art Muslin*. 40 to 50 inchra wide, special valuea at H, 10, 12 and ..................................... liEI) SPREADS 50 A-lu't- honey comb quilts, tite 72x90 incliu, extra heavy weight and KIM*! quality, reg. 1.60, our prict- ................... 50 pair 10x4 HaniicleUu hlankeli, either white <>rgry. with fancy C'llcircxl borders, o.sl vnlue at ..... ................... WAI. I. PAPER \Vt- havp Ibe Urgent stock of wall paper ever opened nut in this st TV and the beat values ever olfered here. H> Wiilll 5O.OOO Ibs. wool I'or m.iiiula iiirniu purpusrs in our : ., onto wHrfhunM'. Vt> wnnt nil thr lluin r. K::K* and farm Prolu*e von hav<* to ril om<- anl *rr UM. "1 our IIIOIH-V will be rilniKl. <| if not sali^Hed. ' 75 .% 25 15 811 75 o, liiinbrrley From "ui Oii-n I 'nrreipimdfiit Tri farinoi are busy sctjdmg it pre- sent, the villagers are prepanni! tlu-ir wardens and l>oya are upending their pare tini" titrut nshiii^;. Mi. lV)y.ij'an, a native of Armenia, iv, a very nit -mting li!cturu in the Hal' last '1'lnirsilay evenniL'. H- \nriud tlm luut.ure by giving song" in different 'i ur^u'ino.s, outliniuit HUIIK- M,i- ii-minud-in forms of prayer aud represent- 1114 noni oriauUl man itjjf c<rcnioiiifs. Hf n very clever \ouni; man when wo ...usidor the short time Tie haa K-eu in (.'a na> I a . Last c-vuniug (Monday) the Rev. Mr. Th'>in f l''li.-alierluii preached in the It, ion i-hurch to a fair oized iuvu!iiil>ly. Mr. O. 1'iii'ckshank of Ueatht:otu m painting the interior and extener of jthe Methodiat church. In the uu-Hiitime the regular meetings are held in the 1'iiioii church. Mr. Alburt Ellis has tiiii.-hud liurniiu his lime kiln and ia ready tu meet the ! inaii'ls uf builders. Mr .1. Plewes and part of hm f.-innly hav* come up from Kirkville to look after his beea, fruit aud garden. Mr. L). Wallace ia having hm liousa bricked this week. Mr. O. Proctor has the contract. S|iur Stuart lu-s ongaxed Mr. S. 8. Vurritt to paint his new house on the inside and outside. Mr. Irwin Stafford has been spending a couple ol weeks at hi* parent*! homo. For a number of years he has been iu the ret ion of Parry Sound. Mr. W. Fawcett of Detroit ban rifitud his parental home, having corns to ac fcis father. a very amusing and inatrucuve lecture in Victoria Mulhixiiat church recently Miua Ada Grahain of Beaverdale ia clerking* 1 in Mr. M. L. Curry'a general atore al pnsnt. Tninple Hill Sunday School opened laat Prirr>ill- from (Hr Own (Jt A very iutreuins{ acciilunt befel i>m> \4 our Pricenlle loys, Mr John t'umeron of thn DinliHin I ui mi urn factory, laot Monday aftvmi'on. lie was running a machine for cutting grooves m l.i ,l|.o.-is, *lifii in stiiim way h iy left Imnd came in cnntiict with the saw or knives which MI nnn^led the hist three linuers thnt they llatl to In- amputated. John has only lic.-n wirkui|{ in the factory about 4 we.-ka hut in that tune he had proved hiinnuif lo b a good workman and was on the w.-iy tu proin-.tion. In fact we believe that hit w:,g; bad been tained on the day that the accident occurred. It is needless ti- nny thut hu hiu) the Hincuru sympathy of ill" ci'iiiiiiu ,ly in his wtJ in Ht'or: olio. I'liu Leant n ul weather during the past week him been a grtMit boon to farinui-K, w lo are rushing ill their crops at a 2.40 rife If the grntw continues growing for ths next 8 woeks as it maoii.g at piusent, hsy will be plentiful noxt winter Aniou^ thij agricultural iinplenu-nU the disc h.ir- row is evidently Kndmu' the im.t favor,as I|IL-IB have U-en vury nuny sale* on that line ihm spring. It in in tact an i-x.-e- d- mgly utu.ful article if the work it doos is any criterion. Speaking of harrows^ it riiiin.ln UH that implement agvnts are as ubujuiious (not unt|uitoua of wuren) as evur. In fiu.1 they arr so numerous that veiy man who mops at a farmei'a gatu is tak<.n for an agent of soms kind. The tiahnimen are on deck agaiu but .the finuy nilws are eviHuiitly very nry tins soaeno a.i the aitgi.-ri are nieting ' i'b poor succu&s. However our veteran !tlicipl of, Isaac Walton in the perweo of /Mi. Itougal McLen laiidrd a apeck'oj beauty on Ibe first morning of the season which he informs UH, upped the scales at 2 ItiH. 4 oa. Artxir day waa duly ol>erved at our P. S. A goodly number of b-.ys und girls were out and MKNI made a (jreat clntm>u in the appearance nf the yard and sur- r .iindiiuts. Our 3 acre plsy i;routid m Vandeleur. From Our Own CorrupoiM/n<(. Settling is beiny rushl forward rapid- Mrs. Car.ii and son Alex .from Pncc- villu, apent Sunday with friends here. . -if ^' r -lolm Allen of Oloneli{ wheeled to now a Hcrnre of neatness and freshness. Mr. Oo. Warling's Sunday week and re- When the work was. completed Uie U.ya | , unie ,i ,he following day. and uirls were trld to taffy. Mr. Henry Somern, who has been ill Mr J,,eph AtMam h puiwhaaed Mr. f or ,. tm , K| m , l() i Io ^ ,.,, uil a .,,. . WVsou'shouMandlotouKincar.lme Mr. .lnmeK Wailing has IHWII on thu stret ' t - ' sick liht for a couple of wruks but is im- Mr. M. .Scott IMH rented Ins farm on proving ui.-ety. th T.L. to Mr. J. McKinnon and in- I Kvanselist (;.,ff took charR of the u-nds m-iving inl our liurg in the future. ervica.here laat sabbath. Mr. Scott haa inrestud in coiuiderable real esrat" en the west side of this village. Euuruiu Mr. Oeorge Watson of Wallers FnlU spent a day or so uf thia week with friends in the villat(u. We are glad lo learn that huameas is husk with Ceo. at the Falls. Messrs. Hugh McRae and Percy Law For the Ladies In Jewellery We hav3 just raceivud a r-ouk ( new designs , n chain bracult, 'adiiw 1 g-iards tml hair barettes something especially chic. KriemUlnp hearta, photographic uriiaclieH and rings, full and Be" HUM beautiful selection while stock is full. renco of Domouh apent part of Satur- day and Sunday with W. J. Blakeaton. The Methodiat choir felt grateful on Sunday. Miaaes L. Copeland and L. Campbell >f Hnpeville waff tne nuesU of Mrs.W. J. Blakeston laat Saturday and Sunday Mian Polly Melutyre of Toronto is viaiting her pamnis .it present. Rockiyu. From Our Own Corretpomlmt Mr. H. yajUu, a native Anvmian, gave Sunday far the summer. Quite a number of our cititena have > thia summer. frvm Our Cw Corretpondtnl . Mr. Bw of Orillia ban taken the poai non of principal in the Eugenia nchool. He seems to be a you'iit man devoted to his work and has created a very favorable impression on his scholars and the people here, who all hope hm work will le pleasant and that he will long be alile to wield the birch at Eugenia. The old Bearer ia doing mure than turnitiK factory whcela at presents by all account*i. She ii turning out the speckled beauties by the hundred. Mr. Muuahaw IN adding a numhitr of rooms more to his already eitenaive hotel, as he finds it inipotwible to accom- modate such large numbers of viaitors an patronise his place every summer. The Kugenia falls at pnment is some- thing grand. Niagara has im more )>eautiful scenery than can be aeen here at present. All we want is a railioad to make thin one of the moat famous sum- mer resorts in Ontario. Kannem are pretty well on with their by the 24lli they will be finish ed and ready for a food picnic at Eugenia. rvated m tujw huggMH th Mis*. KmNeelyha* gone to Tonnto for a few inonth-, Mine EVinb Hiryd spent a week ago Sunday In Mnafurd* the guest of Misa Lyde ManhsU Mr. and Mrs. W. Cnrrj of Walters FalU -pW %iday at R'T. Mr. Mo- <Jjarly l>i'd and only cliild of Mr. and Laceii' " rWa, Joseph Fenwick. The many rriueMta The tnt- caterpillar seems to be pre- paring for another c*iu|mign thin su. inner. Tlie maples suffer moat from '.heir dep- redation as they cannot bu sprayed. Dier* May 2, at 51 Went Ave.. To .unto, Melvin Henry, a^l nine months, Mr. William Neely of Tofnito i re- newing old~a<.quaiiitaiices hert. Mr. Jas. Trickey had moved into the house occupied by Mr Brown. Mr. Jas. Berchill of Markdale, former- ly of i Ins place, was united in matrimony to Mias Sophia Reid of St. Vincent, last Wednesday. Congratulations .Inn. late From (>r "ICH Thu fine weather we have had of haa been n great help f o the farmers with their seeding. Rrucw of Foversham > -.sited Mi 1 . and .Vis. F. \Vhewel! on Fri.lay Uat We are glixl to see our neighbor* tk ing an interest in 'he old Ivn-k Hill church a-.';n. This time it will Ira used for a Sunday school. The lirst meeting was held on Sun lay af'ernoon last ami wan BiiperiiiN'iiiled hy Mr F. Whewi-ll, Sr There wan a good at tendance. Mms K. Onborne haa left for Fleaher ton, where she will spend the su tuner. W. thought ho wnultl stay IMIIIU and a: tend Ins seeding instead of going to Owen Sound on that nn at day. There is nothing like studying economy. Mr. T (Vhiiriio him purchased a new of the parents at Eugenia tender ilium t'leir sincere sympathy iu the Had be- rearrmem. Wareham. r'Vum Owr (Jmu Cut ntpundent. No viaitiiiK this week, an the ladies are busy house cleaning and have not tune to laik. The jood farmiTiaii- wouinu the old earth and supticaling a beautiful harvest. Mr. John Little has bought Mr. Wat son's farm. Mr. H. Mi-Milieu has purcliasrd one of Mr Mct.'lur's fiiriuii. It is hard work farming .-ilone, boy* ; better get HOMIK help. Mr. William Taylor in making pro- paiatioiiH for n new houHe tliiM snmuier. Mist I ...me Robinson, who ia now in the himp-.tal, Toronto, is recovertnx and will vion i,e h> m again. I/is. James Johm-tou who hao been very seriously ill, is now recovering Her recovery is asciiUs! to a skillful ope;al i n |M!rfiiime.d by L>r Seetiimn of St. .\lieliael' hospital, Toronto, aasmted liv Dis. Sc-iii ana Softley. The sknlfu. iuiliciouH way I Ir. Scott played his pui t .1 1. .. t ._ I...- .. 1....1 In watcben we hav*. jut received a line lot of the i HIM i HIM " Hum 1 1 '..it " watch, nil high tirade ami warrant e I . Tins fiiin inakeH nothing <da (>>ir stock i if all make* ui watches was ii^vnr better Now is your timu u> buy. W. A. Armstrong, IEWELER AND OPTiClAN, FLESHERtON. contiibate to thmi anccru. \Ve fwl aatiMtiud that tin- hixh itatua tt> winch our chuir liaa attained and the untnit or- vioo they have rttndored ui ia in n ''nail il.'Kree due tu you an organta*. In a word we prim you very hiiehly and t -INI you may lonu occupy the |M*it.ion you flav* HO ably tailed. Will you therefore pleiso accept thia Bible and hvmn h-Mik, not K ail advxuate coin penejtt ion for ihf or- icen you hare renilurud, hut ntt a tii^lit exiircmion "f <>ur itpprrcint-u* anj ealeem. WiabiiiR you a happy ni'l IIP uerafut future, we auhecribe ourM4-lv<^ u behalf f the congretration. TIIOMAR SHBHIDAM KIHMAN IRISH II on or Rolls Raport of 8. S. No. 0, \l-totlleil.i. '.T the niontliH uf April. I'l INI V Frank Harrow, lliufeu; Ston- Class IV Katie Fletcher. s v li Kl.-u-her. Ethel Harrow. Class III sr-K.1.1 ii- -VhitUk <r. Wlili* Kleiehur, Hunter Harrow. Class III jr. -John C.irns. Ii.il .hie Spiwr. Class II .Ian.it Fletcher Ruby St<u:e. Spunjtron Whittaker. Clatu pt. II A -Moirgin Boyce, A^gi Hnrniw. Tommy MoArthur. Claaspt. II B-Brt W!iitUker. Willi. Me Arthur. Class I A Tommy Spice'. Wi.lm Spiei-r, Pearl Cairns. Claw I B Edna K'-t, Ii.-r .\\iirage altemlaiHT 20 I. G. BKATIE. IHM-.U r Reuort of Pricnville P. S. V a \Vaton, N Dale roller from Mr. S OsU.nie, auent, in llim du hits won f-ir him a very high sn.l ia doing tin* work. | P'^ "' " wtnuuti. n. \\eitrsKladtoseeourneighborH K ett ' lursdny evuning a btre number .-t ing along so well and proipec-U appr to u" ""^ Ki'tlei">'" '-....I for them. i eii^nitod for Toronto (inhibition Ceylon. tlur thru l'iirrffjmti:li-i\t. Dr> A- Lit 1 In of O-*-n Sound was in our vllsge OTI Snlunlay. .Wrs. M.-lloiial.l of Corhe.ttun spent Siin.biy *ith 4Ir. W. Lawiencn Mi :md Mm. t!."'rv'e Mifchc-ll of !' li,-Mt-r who Imvo l-eeii v.hiLtng st Mr. K.Cnirn's for tho pi.st w;t y returned h.mio on Monday. Misses Milliu and OUtna-iQMl spent. Sunday at Zion. .icini'v u. ei ,i.- i social suipnsu at thu resi.iciit-t- I Mi S^.niu.-l Ainott an.l piv ..n-e.l Mis< .1,- m with :t very ex(-en.ivu teacher's Hiiile and hymn bunk anil th,- .tfi ,7'Mf Anuitt : I'BAK KKIKMH, - We, ili>- uicinlieni of the viignwition 'f ''ID Mmlioilist church, VViir- ham, dusire tn exprew to you me great elci-iii *o uutortain toward you pii--<iiajl) .ui-l -mi' hourly ap| lion of your v .i.ua''le H.-IVIC--S 111 tile muHical and other depart .,, nU of the ac.tivi.iuM of thu church. For tho niiin- I't-r of ve.>iswi! li.nc known you until thu present tinm wo Ini-'o ei-j-)ye.l the M'ltlT lit' Ull'l** _ . , - . i , a Mr Uiac Sargeant :cfc furtVlmgwrnnl , plwwu.e of obs rvmg the kindly, cheer- : tul .111,1 gun.-roUH spirit you huvn ever AH zeal uiitl de shown toward il, us woll voliou to your iiiui<ic.iil n:.d . tnur Htudies, result ing, as they havo, in the high -ti iannii.-iii-, y-'U ha\e already reached Whilo. we vi-.it. fully Hcknowled)(u whut yu ha\u o,,i,e m tlie Kpworth Leayu uiid in other sphert-a of urtutulm-H^, yui n on Sunday. t>.-veral y.nrij: men from Msrkduii- on ti-i-,-l the (jiie.cn 'a hotel on Sunday niHht itl iclioveii t.he tal.len of taeir coi-lenta. Olnrk, Nicholson & Con of Wig. ma and M. K. Hent,>n --f Fle<*rirton nlii|-.'ud thu lust of thoir pules amllttuiwop liial A little dauulitairarrivt-d tltb libmeof j is * orxanmt of t.he chureh that y--u havo Mr auJ Mrs. A. (iilchfwt- "ii -Suuany pluccd uu under khu greaieal nl-lit; .lions. morning. I Yom f tiihtuln. as ill thnt po8it.ion.it. n. A wbe!on.a freight trrn'oinn- mrlh d-.uU, ihe coat of many sacntic- H, and ou Sunday sUecnoon bn-ke in t*>a'j..ut tbq man.fl *>iUt> you bftvasteuwii ,i. half a mile itnu the dcpotand sttei rnnn- the dih..igu uf \o..r .lutiua, havt MM a inu about two miles three, car* ut offlhe source of gr.at. uiatiHca-ioii to the entire tr^.k We understand! coosiddrajjli) connrtvalion. Not only in the luuulni danwms 1 - was d.Mie. Au . auxiliary " work ol the church, but in concerts and sent lor, wlii.-'i arrived atout nka .-\!.kk.. utb^r i-ntertaunnenuyou Jiae been m--t ,nd r vc-1 tU^ diwW*t.k it -. reedy and willing to d what y./u c-uld to (Jrn-r, M. IV sr. -T-in M.D.iuald, Stanley n, Lillie Uurnet IV jr Mszy Tryon, \\ Sin ul, Jiinie Mul^can. Clsin III r R. H. Conkcy, Luanda \Vits..n, Millie Can-pbell. Clans III jr. B ,li-i<i McrCeclin . I'li-irliitte McDonu'il. F) 'ii Campbell. .-.Ill jr A-Wil'ie Tryon. .John Md.eiin, Litzie Mathers. Claai II r A \l !>..imM,\I lloighaa, -l.-iii: Mclx-an. Kditii Muir. Clans II jr--.lolm Muir. A'ma Blakes- toll. Pt. II sr. -Ko'.ibi- MjL.an. >N illwrt. MoLsan, I't. II jr Qlailyi WiUs n, T u Me- I. -in. Sr. 1 Uorilon MeKinnon. The Ueif Hade to Hear. St. Thonian M. y 2nd \ m.wtorit mi i aoto waa made known to-day ..lion vtr Ki.liile. of this city, announce I tint! hi- lia.l recover ->l 1-H Injuring. II" '.. een itiinimt eittiiu'j (l*f, and it lordei o kli,- inii-aculoii9 to nnd linn alile, t.i s-i :ui)th-im wit. i /r-nt diktinet.n,!<-<. \ h' .ase is proving of s-ic.ll ui,iv.:r--,l in. *il. .ve KIV Mr. Ui.lilli'.'n own st. t- -in 'My lieariiu was always po r. i n t lo.ig ao I Ihvatne nlin.w eif It ,is tho rcHiilt of Catarrh. I I. in, nu tin-., lint n-ithirg Uid me -.- u ' used Cntarrlio/.one. Itouin'lm. i I- .inil I ktionglv r-'Oiimtnuud it : Kuliy nine tenth' of the deaf. ivsuli <>f Catitnh. and can ' I l'> . ai.irrhor.one. Tne cuf - wrought hy tl'ii ii'i,-dy in . . -ve . : tenly yuirs staiKiing are r-a.l in ' ii.K Among rainy others, in t'to gospel iwstify to tbwW'-ni. ; >wa of Catarrhiavme, n:l your d: ^ . - can lull of some astoni inntt &" '" '" exprrianco. Bettor f. ive it > '. 'I y.-ur hvaritig ij luijinrwl I i tit' xmull siiw S.> cent* drug-.-i' Poison * Co., Haitford, C, i

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