THE FLESHETON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MAY ,2 8 1901 JM^ ******* F. T. HILL & CO MHMHMMHNHMt AND Low Prices. The strongest arguments we can use with which to solicit your patronage may be summed up in two word* ASSORTMENT and VALUES We believe (and we speak advisedly) that nowhere elie in Grey County will bo found, under one roof, another sue . ("hW'tioii of hinh claw xoods at Hucti mo K-rate price* a* we are allowing during tin preavnt season. We liki. to have sufficient space in this paper u> enumerate the many line* on which we effect you a Substantial Saving. br.t not having the desired apace we oau mention just a few. Our shelves and counter* are overflowing with hun- dred* of just such values a* these : Ladies' $1.25 Black Sateen Mouses at 87 cents. 10 dozen Ladle*' fine black aaleen bloatvs, sized 32 to 42, niadu of rich nloany sateen, tucked ynko, and othorwiue the very newest obtain- able. The 1.25 quality for b" 8 cent a yard Prints for 4 Nearly 1,000 yard* of this season's uewct and best pattern Prints, in stripe*, dot*, fancies, et ;. Every yaru of these goods i* absolutely dependable in colir and are not told here- about* for lea* than tic. Your choice- per yd.. 4A l.-Jf) to 2.50 Oxfords at per pair 95 cts. Nearly 180 pair ladies' lineal Vici Ki<l and dongo- la Oxford*, si/, s -'*. \ 3*. 4, 4J. .%J. 6, 7. These are taken fn.iu, broken line* of our very beat K.N..U wttfre only a few <>f each re- mained, and prcst-uiii to you a ilior buying oi>prtunity that will not soon be repealed. First comers faru bent. Your choice 96 $1.50 and $2 Children's and Misses' Dresses 95 cents each 3tt childrun'H and mihiW dremuo, made of Kne Kii.kllianiH and supliyr luatcriaU, beautifully trimmed and srrvicoahlc wearer. If you want a pretty, ready-to-wear drsjw, buy one of those as noon a* y. >u can at each 96 Men's 50 cent shirts at 38 cents each 20 dozen Men's Oxford ami Loch L-.niond flannel- elte Shirts, medium and dark color-, MUCH 14 to 17, fast colon and most satufactry wear- ers. A regular 60-u. hue at only 38 Men's and l>oys' finest all-wool sweaters All colois. all ize hundreds f them, each tluc.Ui 96 Thousand* of yards of while sn.l f-in. v muslins, /..'I'liyi *. yi'eii.idiiiei tlie cancel fabrics for warm summer Aeathor at per yard, 6 cU. to. . 40 Your interests will be best served if you do yourisr\oppin3 T\ere. 3HHHNNW* F. T. HILL&CO, Harkdale. wwwwwmw^^ Ad vance ri KI.l-IIKl' WHKLT AT TUE OfFlO*, i "L- UNOWOOD HTKIBT, PLENlKKToK, ONt., ~ . B. THl R.STON. tl per .i... in in itrk-ll) In advance Advertising Rates: Os* Column, 1 7*ar, sso ; halt col , 1 VMI. quarter eol., oo year, tI9. Traoilvat adTortllBnV obsrpd th raU 1 1 e*ut prllMfr 4r*t l aoh >ubMqu*ut lnitlun. Full sheet p<>stor hatu bven issued Victoria Day. wiili many lacmbi-ri one thousand dollars for fire year* only goes a short way towards paving their election el auv-rtisii.K the ra,,d culebraU. n to be . I. 1. 1 in Markdalr cm Victoria Day, May peiibc-s. It weald that elections m|.> 4lh The pr. K rtn is |trticularly allrac tlu provinces down by the sea are es- , live and ihoul.l tin- wuarher be favorable pt-cially costly, one gentleman down j ^l' lo '' dld d v' 'P"rt will b. the mult. It takes the U. B. Americans to ettle strikes. Tbe militia IB called out and a few volleys are fired into the mob aud the thin- is douc. It i simple and effective The receipt borrowed from Hnasia. wat The transmission of I'lcctric current over long distance is an accomplished fact. In California it ha* been done successfully over a distatnc of 190 mil*m with a loss of about 5 per cent. There are water powers in this vicinity that should, aud will, be harnessed some day, bat probably not until tin- owners corno to thoir SCIIHCB and cease to hold them at fabulous prices. One of the most interesting things this acssioo was bujorc tliu House last <veck, the resolution to ^rant f7t OUO a yc-ar to o*tab:in'., a brunch of tho Hoyiil Mint in Cainido. ObHorvc that it is a branch of the Kcynl Mint Tim reason for thix is that we shall be ..1/1' to make IIP o Inipi-iiul an well as Canadian coin, thai is, ( r "H coins out ( . .'liii'i gold. Til-- [ilitiiB arc all jin -]i!ired; the buildings, whic'ii will In on Oovernmon' iu'>i'i-itj in Oliuwn, will cult |20(I,OIM) ; a hi^h fence en clohiii;,', $14,01)0 ; vaiilu aii'l Hliong foo'.iiH, 1 16, <>00 ; cost of luainlainiiuce --..'.,00(1. Tlif roason why tin- tlov- . i utueni took a $|i;) vnie was that it wiia de-iirable to have a n u-j-m. I'aliing the equip nont $'{00,000, oqual ; ) ('i.nOi) a \eai, total auniul outlay, -Tl.'MMi. r..u i hi' profit it th! pi, ciil time in I.' 1 , i J a> your, HO that i. will be more timn wlf uii-tnining. Mi Dordea anl all the op[>;>i lion ].- 1 nf tliu step. An MMHV (iflTn-e la also to be tistabliihud nonie -lure in ish Cnltiinbia. there volunteering the information that a sessional indemnity of $^000 for five yean* would not reiwbuiac him. another candidate speut flo.O'JO on the last election but got defeated be* oaute the other fellow upent $JI),000. Of course this was corruption pure aud simple ; but the poor fellow who gc-ta elected feula that he must have a raise m salary in order to itave ofl baukruptoy, aud so the country has to pay the piper. But shouldn't the country have something to say about what its sorvanU are p*id? it should. Wo think ll.-uiy (Jilus, the well known cockney news axeut aud rax and li -no collector of Oeii S und went on Ix-uul the Athabasca Tlio ttnt ion will IH> % UcroSM) match IK tociii the Uuffcrnm nf Onngeville, *emor champion* in 19UU, and thu Aberdeen*. Thih will without il,, ul, t ho a nplcndiU vain,-. The Aberdeen* III will alao try their motile with the Duiulalk Thutlen. A fnit lull match between team* fn-iu H .ll.u, il Centre, Cbatawurth, Bogiior and WalU-rn Falls will bu played. A thrt-e- mile bicycle ran- and a bromhu race alo n the bill. The broncho race will be in musing affitir ami will be hotly contested. f o.'t race*, jumping, etc., arualao includ ed. An attraction worthy of note will|t> hu Gouilay I'.ioi. of Toronto, acrolwto n.l iraprzi. artiHta They will include in In ir pingi-am their fa.>iout trick cottage itct ami avveial aniuain^ tki'tchea. The 'iti/un ll.uiil will render IIIUMC during he iirournin. In the eveqing a play en- tiled "What ha|i|>uued to Joneo" which 1111 K'cn under cuurw) of |ire|*ration for Mtvural Wcekn, will be xiven. Thtre e attendance and a uumi Full pmticulan on billi Our IrgiflUlora at Ottawa lia\e liu- r.Hy plucked np thnir ooura n -n i ntly to giant themselves t'le 8*38ioual indotnnity. \Ve will and wo Wdn't have IMJIIII woik' i ; nt oro iMirposeH for some tiiue but wo will ltat finallj ttininphed. In this oou- neotion it is will kuonu fact that afternoon nliortly bt-forn th boil wait roaiy to nail, lo H.ll pniH-ni to the |>,i*Ri.|i|(uia who Inul tin' .11 L. .1 from thu 1 .L-'i traiu. Before he know where he w i at the iii'.nn.'i wan tifieull feet from thu dock, aud the 'orrifi -d ' Enury wa e.i routu tn Foit Willum. On the up t, 4, lie .lil> ,vd of all Ins |i;.-n, ami tin n U> UMU hi* owu wonlii, "Hi 'i'l|>rJ'um t" pi'. 1 Hpuda. ' Al lllr Sio tin y in.l thu Alln'ita bound d.iwn anil mi.inii.'in II(N wine in. i if for hia return to'lm u Sound. Meury buught a Inn. ill,' of |.JI|IN ut tin- S,.,., and t*o dollar* and ten n m- on ilm il.iwu tii|> "'111 SH-," WiiJ Ili-iiry to I'liu Timti, "j- Miy MinUr 'Kn.-ry <ii .- ,ih j .s rctuiin.l from tlio S.,h';if'ri ii fi'iv mu'i'ivsHl'nl IIII.IIH".^ \ai'.iil|.iii." A in. i. In, t wh.i h.ul tw.i iloruH in II vilUg.'a tnud an cXjionuu'iit . Hi (iii* n liargHin i-.m .'fi in uncli utoro con taiaiug the Ham,< artic!en *t exactly th, HIM. ju. r> III tliu HUWS|M|i.T .' old vllUx K !'t .idvjiti<uil In* s|>, v;>il i-oiin.', I.i ili |i/i|i.'i of iln. otlin- villain he diii Ivurtimi Mill i >1.| g.iodi in. iin: III K In tlia.itor.- tin- laiiiv uionth in ;i. wliuru In. il..l aiUirtisf tin 1.1 i;i'ila uiiiuiiuliii^ to fl,7'.'4. Ii .MIH n .11; ,,ii tl.r irMiil. uf din inprii in .it tiiitt in. 'ii !.^,i ,-,' "I'f.iiilf who K l tlif ml url nun ni w.iulil |ntm by one of my storm iln\,. u i!<> to the o'.he lor what thi-y ixiiil.l li.i. toti.n at tin prii-o at my (, , at tlnu .1 .,01 ' All . ! :i .11 will I... In. !d mi l!,,; 14 li .. June to hil tho Taoam-y uau.. .1 in tli C'Hin'y ci'ini'-il In th.- ili-.-ith ..f Mr Tlio- U nli 1 1, ft, tho l.iir r- |.i.'Keiitati.n in No. H HIMSI. n. The din, lull c .inpriiuH the to*iiHlii|, of Syilcnlium iin.l Hollnnil,anil aKon'v onn aeM^ion o' tli.' two yearn t.-iin ii over tin in will |n.i, .il.U In- a Urjje number of OMHlulttrM for thu jvoai- timi. Tho rapieaeiitatire will be elected jut in time to take hit ai-at at the June o* : i.n which will be held ihonlil In a i.j .jalili- day. uni |iingrnn. Reasonable Qood^ At Bunt'5 Urocery Thin week - Potato Onions Dutch 5eU Sugar Beet SEED GARDEN SEEDS BANANA5, OKANUG5 AND LCnON3. aii line, ,-knd hiHiksare now in season ^el them lieie. Ice Cream this week. (Tl.uiHl.iy and S.tniidiiy.) A. BUN FLESIILKTON. Old Stand. Second Band Farm Implements Hits on htini N .xoii snd M ..-.M j 1 1 urn.-, Htvond Imn.i Ijindi-tH, home rak.'H, sn-ii drills and lullora for sale at a bargain. I HIU nUo SHCIII fur ;MiO<iiniack, Ooulthard ami S-oit, and Covkshutt ('oiii)i.iny of r.niiitt.i.d ; hnnd :ind |H.|at.. n.ower sectiuiis Drive links foch 5c M. Richardson & Co. sati.stiu-t ion The latest development in Corset perfection most stylish appearance most comfortable and hraltht'ul. Our Special- straight Front Corset -sizes IKto'Jf. well ind strongly made specially ;rengthi-in'd in all wearing part- Ix-'autifully finished wai ranted to 75 cents. Straight Front Summer Corset* ?i/ e * 10 to _'.">, -trembly nun If with best quality mesh i,,!. SjK-dal 5Ce. A Summer Corset For Twenty-Five Cts. Ladies' Smuiu-r Corset.- -i/e.> 1'.' to L':-, niee- lv made got d tittt is u ol Ri:d conili. italic for hot weather wear Special 25c * millinery Dept .. Sailor Hats at Twenty-Five Cents. We offer several dozen Ladies' Fancy Straw Sailors quite new perfect goods -correct shapes white and colored ribbon bands wett tin- islu-.l Your Choice 25c New Shirt Waists from New Ready-to- Wear Skirts from pOc M EN>S FURNISHINGS ' Shirts soft front* new pat- tern* fast color* all sizes BOc. Men's New K< rchief Ties new shapes- new coluni pure silk 26c. Mfn's Linen Collar* all sue* -all the new shapes 2 for 2&c. Men's Cotton HOM cloee knit well baped Kd wearvrs -Si* cial I'pr 25c SumintT underwear all silo* well made cool aud comfortable The Suit 60c. RDERED C LOTMIN G We have a wide choice in dependable including the neweat and nmst popular we itveH and cv!orini{ii we guarantee tit. cut and woiknmnxhip to bi.- first class-- ai'd We cau sue yu ) mi every ->rder. Suits 10 order from $0,50 to $20.00 I>EF>AFtT. Jl Floor Paint to be walked on Many so-called floor p;ii;U. \\i-nt stand the walking. THE SHERWIU- WIL t MMS INSIDE FLOOR PA/NT is made for floors and nothing <',-.. It is made for durability. It is made to walk on. Color cards for the asking. .,-;j> . milk Pans Factory ans Creamers Churns Strainer Pails Butter Butter Moulds Barb Wire Fence Wire Poultry o .'inn- .- ~. I'll t inMwkd.1*. U. riadill, Ceylon. Netting & COMPANY Vicinity Chips of the Wrrk Carrrully Culled for the Cariois Fleshertcn Cemetery Trust All floih-'lueis are l.r. l.y requa8t<] t turn out ou May 24, to improve and Ijenutify tho nru mises. By order of the Truatee B -ir.l. Cabbage, c.tu!ifl.>wer, tomato sod cvivry plantn for s tit at bainLuuse's. Frevh Inn always on hand. J. H. I'Uckvli's, Eugt-n ... Route b<>. La for horseman 25 ceuU ! r copy a! this office A fuw bu*hcls of &evd buckwheat for a*J*> at the MedicHliUli Spring pi a* f.>r stl.-. Apply to Jamex Uenoe, lot 24, cutioeasiun 7. Mr>. I. I', n^o of Keveraham is the Kuest f her ilaughtcr. Mrs. A. Stewart. WanceJ Good tailoreni, also girl t-> to tailoring. F. Bak.-r, Hesliert- D. Wo.-l wanted, also butter and egg*. rughr-t! price puid in ra*ii. K ' Karsledt L) iiv; OtbuiQ 'f Btt*BU WHX i.^ hr .U'r Mm. W. J. Builauij on Saiiday. Mr \V. Sinclair ocvupwd the pulpit if ih- Mclli<xlm>. church Sunduy mofiiiu^ afi'l Ucv. S. D ('.tuciiii in the evening. Pnv.ite or c )iii>i iy funds to loan at fr .in -4j to 5 p.-r cent. K\|>-*w> l.isr. Aj-pl) t..Geo. Rutherford, Shelburne. 1-^4* f.>r i.-ttin^ Black Mioorcat and Plymouth tWk Apply t-. J U. Heard, Dr. Murray has Ixiea somewhat nnder tli* weather f..r thu past couple of weeks, but is still able to crack a joke. M. Richard*"!, M. P.. arrived home n the non train M.mday. returning to his duties at Ottawa the same evening. Mrs. Wiami-r, who has been a guest of her uncle snd mother at the manse for some months, returns to her home m Ksitss thu week. Dr and Mrs. Carter of were in Meaford ou Sunday, Mrs. Carter remained over to visit friends here. Mi ror. Mr. J. PI Otttfll had a delivery of Massuy Harris b'ndnrson Munday when aiiUxiu uiacliiiK-s were taken p usesion of by the happy purchaser*. The Coon* "f Revision f-.r the town- shipa of Arteiuustu and <>*;.roy will be held on Saturday, .lunt 1, the former at Flrahcrton and the latter at Maxwell. Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. and AM., will probably visit Dundalk in a body on Fruity evening, Slay 24, to attend the ojHjniujj of a new lodgti iu that town. The Some-re lot, advertised in tlm papur for some weeks wns -wild at auction on Thursday nst. Tic 1(10 .icie.s brought $1'J<>'. and it WM knocked down to Mr. John C'.trr. Inspt'Ctor Can.pbvll him presented jur public iK-liiiil with a .li; l..nia for neatly kept school grunt Is and Ki-neral pruticirn cy. Thi> do- imiiMt will be framed and mado to decorate the sch <til w%l|. Riv, S I). Gaudin and family are guvs .-. t.f Mr. and Mt. \V. H. Thurston. They are now on their way home to Nel- s .a House, aftn furlough viaiting frienos in Ne Bru.Uiwuk. Mnntrcal, til!eville, Twroiitn and oth-T points. Dr. Scott of Maxwell h.< a .-hauge of card ill this issue. The Dr. has Utvly "iikrn into partu.r-hip Mr. H. Softly, a clever and e-. i you.n; doctor, who will look iifti-r the- Fevtrshaim end of Dr Svott's pru. The police trustees have made a lot of new side-walk thi.t 1,11111^, but the bet>t thiiiLl tht-y h:iv.- was to tear dowu the brek u(n.t>.(iu-,-tiirv st the brid^.- .\cr 'lu Riyne an-1 plciii a ti ft. M.U' walk across it with suitaMc- handrailing. This til's a " lung felt want." List ).-.iraft,T tin- l>. minion Diy cel- ebrati 'ii in K !i r.' n-in\i:ied over t*\' hundrc i .l-.i!ars in the tn-anury .in I t!.is in ii.-y v>iU be u^eil to rep. at this \.-ni tli. 1 success . f i is' . It Iweii de- cided ti. ({ ) into i he cclc'.xKti. .u buxiiiOHS with H Mill on .Inly 1, and a uteetiliil of ei i/.c s will li- no'd ii< the T-.wu Hail oa Tue-d.iy ev -ni'.g nrxt 'o -ippoint ctuu- init c.s Mnl K.--. tlm.^s m vnv Make your priience kn.iwn at t)u- in eting and help niaf.ers along. Lf' year's celebra- tion WIM one of the ni.-al sucvvntful ever held anywhere iu this county Slid sur- prised thoto wno saw it. This year it it proposed to outdo the record if such % thiug is possible. Mr. Jacob Sloau of Kugvnia died oa Wednesday morning. An obituary nutiee will appear next week. One day laat week Mrs Sam Hawkins, who was driviDK the Epping mail that day, met with an ac.ident which was quite 11:11. .us in its results. When out near Lrgard'* corner the horse not f lightened ai. a nonet the buggy, throwing Mm Hawkins nut. The lady was consider- a bly shaken up and had two teeth knock ed out. The shafts of the bugxy were also broken. The boys in Eugenia will pUy foot bitll i hut .uiumer. At a routing meetiiur li.-iU ftr their lacond practice on ftuir day iiiiiht, May Itfih.the club t bu knowu a* Engoiua'it "Myaterious 12"was or- Kaaizeti, and the following officers elitcteil: Hou. president, P. Muushaw ; Hon. vice [T- iiK-iit D. Clarke ; Hon. 2ud vice president, J. Niuh<<!sou ; Preaidei)t,Jke NV illiaum ; Vice premdeut L. Babcock - HHC treas, W. B. Bow ; Cantin, W.' Lawrence. Comm:ttee -Fred Pedlar, E. Smith. Ed. Graham, John Willutma, A. MeAjalluiu. Eugenia played foot ball in tlie pnlmy day-i . f old : "nutf said." Clu'ni wishing a gauif pl.asu coirenpond. TUia town hat boe.i well supplied U'e'y w.-libi>k >ii.l (iu-fuie frame agen's, tra>el.>-i,|<..r<:ii..,o. isUs and philoaophun. i A i -,.i i -.1 :ii.-c of iii . b t r cls>-M upent half ^n u-.ur on Sa ur.iav du.i.o.istratin.; to u r lii> iht-.-ry of the .tin's heat and advancing proof that the world WJL actu all) cm.* 1 uc'1 d in six days. He also -sayt <ht> scient mts arr entirely wrong in their tlnur) Mibc s n-wtii of ourd>al betls. As for hit lisiief 1.1 li imaiveliarity and sym- [ it haa b en completely slisAtxred. He can prove t- a d .t that theru is no such thing A .'tor brro*iu^ a "iue full o: tobacco the old Kenilem >n wended hi* way nnw.rd in nearch ..f, the charity which he claiois is not to befi.und. Tho World, lie tlnnks.dne* not recoguuM a true phi. .i..pher when it sees one. A^ain the orde.s call the nail in t 31t Hegiiuent to our frontier, not to destroy life but to practice aud drill in prv[wra- u n to defend our homes snd country from any foe, or at l.-ait impresit them that we aro not t.. be found entirely un- prij.ared >'... 6 Co., we trust, will this timers in the p<st be worthy of its plsce SB awcund to none in the Regiment. Al a number have m vt-d to distant parts we understand there are vacancies for a fw recruits, but they uiuat b* good men, steady, wide awake and ready to Uke the roui{h with the smooth. Such should apply at once to Lt. Chas. Richardson, Fleslierton. New L-t- Lnfield rides, new Oliver equipment, and new active aorvic* caps are to bu used, and will give a decid- edly now appearance to our soldiers. There is Corn in Flesherton Juat received at \V. E. Richardson's druit store, a Urgt- s; of field com Longfellow, Conipton's Early, etc.. Call and gt-t your supply. DUtrict .Meeting. The annual district uieetiug -f the Oweu Sound district of the Methodutt church was held in thu First Afethoditt church, O*en S'und, on Thursday -in Fiiday of week. Mr. R. J. Sin. ul. watt lay delegate from Fle*heitu circuit and from that gentleman we leni u ilia 1 the Hi. aucial showing of the dUlrict was fully up lo, and slightly in advance of former years. To bv exact, the advan. i- auiounteu to eigh; dollars. Fleshcrt. n stands at... lit third in the list from a tin [Miint of view. There still remain- ed fl<>."> l" Ins made uji ..n the mill salary. The number of dulegatea pi- .-ent WHS ^7. including 12 Uy delegates. < feroi.oe meets ,n Toronto on Junu 0. Story of a Lost Cheque. TUe following iru,- story of a lost cheque may cuiiy with it a ICKSOU that will L. ..f value to some nadcr. l>iiiiiix the pa- 1 wiuttr Mr. Mi.coliii Ikaton purchasid square titular fr.iu Hugh Hod^iiu, a gentleman ri-siding at 1'roiou St. m.. li'. i; the purchase f..i M. A. Pone of yuibeo ana Strait, rd. Mr. Hodgins elaiiuod JIU'J ati the price i.f the tim . , but when ti.e au.outit .\as in.-idu up at tl.e head . ttico it w.ts found thai 9113 WHS ccin.nx to Uodgins atij a cheque wa-. l r I ii-ii. in! l.iiu f.-t that am lUnl. Uod^i' s j gol lu- leiter contain n^ the documeiil | but did no'. Lin . t:.<- ciif(Ue that should ha\e accouipa..iud it A.Cordingly when th. 1 time came, l" (hip lir tnu'ier tl d^n.n interviewed souie lawyers who advtM-d him lo hold the timber until h* got his money and this he pruct'vd.-d to do.retam- ' Ing thrwe cars at IV'ton Stari..n foi a I irrek. In the nieautime loading was p o- oeedmg at Sheiburne and Mr. Poire came up himself to MM bow matters were go- ing. John Hndgins, s brother of Mark, had contracted for timber to be deliver- ed at Shelburue and Mr. Poire told hia broth-r he had better go up to Proton and make a search for the cheque sent bis brother Hugh, and Mr. Beaton suggested that Hugh had tetter look again iu the envelope. John jumped on hia wheel forthwith and came up to Pro ton where thu CATS were atill being held, rfud a search was instituted for the raias- ing cheque. Eventually after a long search the envelope was disoovered, snd lo ! the cheque was there '. Then, to get out of thu mesa, John rushed to the sta- tion and asked thu a^eut to let the tim- ber go, but found InaucJ up agiinat a charxe of $19 for demurrage which be had to cancel forthwith. He was also obliged to pay two lawyers for advice and spent considerable time going to Dun- dalk and MarkdaJe, and altogether the costs would amount up to nearly thirty dollars for holding those cars a week, and all becauae he carelesuly failed to exammu his envelope thoroughly Sup;>oiing the envelope and cheque had been destroyed and thu limber had been held for two or throe weeks until Mr Poire could have produced proof of paymen: the matter w. u:d have b_-en ery serious indeed f.<r John Hodgnon. As it wan Mr. Poire wan penuadcd not to take pr>ct;e4iUKS againat him tor faUe itatemeula. Hugh will no doubt eramiue his envelopes properly hereafter. Clearing sale of the following property : 24 thirty dozen egx case* with racks, chesp ; l' dern >crat wagons, cheap . 1 lumlwr wagons, cheap ; 1 top buggy, cheap ; 1 set ligUt double haruew, cheap, 1 set light bobsleighs with 3 m<>vable seats ; 1 set single harness ; 1 well bred mare with colt. Jaa. Strachan, Maxwell, Proprietor. On Thursday laat, Messrs VauDuien, Fawcett, McDowell and McDonald spent the day lulling on thu Mad River. The catch was respectively 40in, 3Om, 2<)iii. and lOiu of trout: weight of catch respect - ively 16os, doc, 4<iz, and Jot A'hat wa left, after supplying all iheir friends in the town, was sent t.i their fiieuds in the surrounding country. Dundalk Herald. A petition has been sent to th* Post- u. oter General, signed by IH.UIW penoua resident in the rural districts of Ontario. requcsdng the minister to increase the reruuneiatioii now paid to rural post- masters. The petition was got up by the Toronto 'News,' in raspon** to appeals from a large number . f postma**jn of the Province. It is un it repreasattalive in IT character, and the name* c< \er every district from the Ottawa river to the St. CUrr. It is not likely that any thing will be done in the matter until the return of the Hon. Mr. MuLi-k from Au- rialia. Recently m a diii. n couitcase the i.s.iiiiiuter of a village up wes'. snoie that as por.tinauti.-i he received the sum of 10V a d.iy. MurrU-d GOFF-AUMSTKONG-At -lie r.i.l*c<- o ol t!, - mother, by tb Kv. Jowipli War<l, ou Kri.Uy, May 17. frank U. Ooff, vaiig liat, U> Louisa. v< uu. t daugblor u(ilr. J. W. AruutroDg, Hi-hoituu. Court of Revision. Township ol Artsi* !! Th- flr.t .iiiinij ..( tli.. Court o BvvliioD of t...-toTi,. V th AWMIIIII, Tit K..1I of 19U1 wl I I... h. M th-. town ball, Kl.;- i.du Sa;unla> . tnu a. si dav nf Jinn-, ;: 1 all awnan* lutoiwtod Will pluua take uu- Maii-il thin-Juth J.ij;..( May, 1901. " \VJ.11ELLAMY, _ _ _ ' i 'otirt of 1\V vision Mil-lit- |r;i! il> ul'O.>|ir*y. -*>t -itf IML.' "f '- -^i.-Hinorit Hull of ! t.i.i Towii>lil)i .'t OI|M r I'.k.l nil! IM. h. '!.!,>., >.it.n-lt . . I-IIIP lit. IWl : li> A M in tliH. (lrii s -,. h.ili, Miixwvl.. - hi Mav, 'J . H iatertfttlu.1 wi.l . '.'.IU1. THOS. SCOTT. Cl.ik. Blacksmith r-ln-p to Kent or Sell K"r Ra!e >-r rent, in FleHlii>rtu, very ,-lie.i|> SIM! ii -f.V 'er:U-. "ii h i.-,hi:'li stio|i wi h H..,.,! s'.iip an I ri iliin r.^>m I I lll.'ii I I'U-il in-.. , -i, t 'if vi! >. id well tiiiiibed dw-J ; \,.|. y k. J BPROUIX ' .t Aueiit C-iir-ev. nicer and aueli n i . , Kleshertou. Wood's Fhoiphodint, V.V iiV * iiV I.V I.V Or * IsV ttv I.V * iiv Or IiV * w V.V r^^^f^ef-*****f-e-f^c^ t. J. Sbeppard | Way flonth Activity At T. J. Sheppard's store, Flesherton and Eugenia every day adds to the readiness for ."Spring and Summer business and the enthusiasm of new goods. At every point of comparison this business is bigger and better than it was and our attitude to- wards the new May month of 1901 is that .f con- stant improvement. Every department has a hearty welcome fur all comers and prices such as we ask won t be apt to frighten you away. This beautiful May month will be deM>ti-d t' special departments, .suggesting many things that you will want to purchase. day |onth |lLLINERf Every store gets something new and some thing- that are really stylish but there's every possible dif ference in the range of novelties that find favor h< r< Every reader should come and enjoy the magnificent, display in our millinery department Just now every one is figuring on a new spring outfit and naturally enough look to thi.- store to got it. At n-i time have we been so well pn-fmred to satisfy v<>ur demand.- .Men - Suiu range from $4.00 to $l6o. Wonderful selection in l>>\- and youths' suits from $1.50 up to $<i. 50. \Vi-i>- we so inclined we might write columns about our clothing and our nnifurnly low prices, but we [ to have you come and make investigation torymr Men a stiff and soft felt haU, brace*, collars, lies, socks, will bo found iu this department. We are making a special ruu :n tailor made saitg just now and oar stock is choice. BOOTS j Men's, women s, boy*', girls' and chilJitu i ahou AND SHOES ( in great rarietjr. Oar shoe department ii complete Carpets curtain*, oil cloths, linoleums, Cbiua mattings Ac., are very useful things jnat now. Don t fail to see oar stock befci" baling. We Liav some spocial sailing in oar dress goods dcpartraeut whutu we are selling at a big barx-iiu GROCERIES Oar grocery department is fall of choice fiesu groceries aud our prices the lowest. and EUGEIJI;^ jg Depart- ment s For M u>aey Harris, Nuzon. Fleury snd . iiii|'l-nK-iits. Kleury ami Verity plows .n hand all the tun-, aJsnafl RIIMH "f rfMtn fur thu name. We muntifactiirv Wavin. HHL.-H-S. Cutifn. Si,.| K h-*. eU-. IIorMjsh.viiiK ]ir inptly attend. Spetfial attention to Uitnler contracted foot. Logging sM 1'low Chains coii-taii'ly .>n ImiiU. V^<#>&&^^ ^ First Class Buggies and .11 in Ulag^OnS Sfirini: ti.i ii!' and Iron BMVMM : l-'I'-nry. J )k-k. M (Jill, ,-uni Dyiiient. I'nfterlicld ( 'oiii|Kii;v PlOWS -'md all kinds of stMftS- Al>.. SpramOtOfS, ofl'.msr, ami other i* O f make : ream Separators of different kinds; ROTS? ShOCittfl, Pf*-* 4 and Crimtning Carriages and all kinds of f.-r t'rtict-s ; <;< !' t J. H. HEARD, FLE3HERTON. Can you spare H few months * I'ln* winter in which to your edu'ntii.n Thou* Ml M ' || I'll,' few 60 YEARS EXPERit.SCE . 9oJ.1 and room mended by all I" Canada Unlr rtll- abie mvdielna dlscvrerrd. Ms all forms to cur. rMaJaliVaeeM of abw rexeeM, Mralal Worry. RxeMMv. owofTo- tax>. Optom or SUmoiaiiM. MatlM oa rwwlp* prto*,OMpw> . Oiwonptaw. of p ^ Wuu '.'a Vboupbodin* la >o|j n Klmharlon by ' W . Cb-v*tu aud W. K. KicbanUou. Diug (iatt. OWBM SOUND ONT. mid unable jn,i to do bui*iiii-*s in a rv iiiniiii.'i The kiu>*iedgn you would giu of uoti-s. chequt-x and all kindn of commercial p|>cr w ulj, pr- H'H. wvi- you hundreds of dollar* in th- future. Wright for cataln<(u, which con- tains foil information, to C. A. Ftorr ng, Principal OWKN SOUND, OHT. W.aur term bauson Jaa. t, 1901. . Mtit fr. old^ai MrM4..<y for **onr>ntf u .. Pli.L tkra tb-'Ui<b Munu .t . r .T IfKtml ttattc*. wltkout oltam*, inuia , Scknnric American. l. T* A )n>oilaurT mull*'*.! uUttlnn ul Miy * H'U' (L Sold b fnw ini>. (L br i. $1 a