Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1901, p. 4

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\ THE FALUNGOF TEARS. Showers of Trouble Somewhere All the Time. A defpalch from Washington says; Hev. Or. Talmage preached from I he following >od shall v. ; awny all tears from tbi-ir eyes." Rev. vii. 17. Whit is the use of tearsf Why not uhntilute 1,-iUghtert Why not make this a world where all I he peopl- ure well, anl eternal strangers to p^iins nd aches! \Vhat i-- tb-i use. of an Eastern storm wh.-u we might have a )*r|tual nor'wcsterf AVh< n a family in put together why not have them all slay, or if they be truns- pUotod to uuko o!h-r ho:ii'->, thi-n bave th^m all live, the family record telling a story of marriages and Wrth", but of no deaths! Why not have the harvests chaso each other *i;huut fatiguing toil, and all our homes afflicted* Why the hard pillow, 1 1. - hard cruitt, the bard It it o:isy enough to cx- pride. We never feel our dependncc upon Rod until we get trouble. Cm you not tell when you hear a man pray whether he has ever had any trouble? I can. The cadence, the phraseology Indicate it. Why do wo- men pray better than men? BTHUBC they nave nun m<e trouble. Before a inftn has had any trouble his pray- ers are poetic, and he begins away up among the sun, moon and stars, and gives the Lord a great deal of astron- omical information, thnt must be high- ly gratifying. He then ccmes down (rradually over beautiful table-lands of "forever and ever amen." But after i man has had trouble, prayer is with him a taking bold of the arm of God and crying out for help. It is trou- ble, my friends, that maken us feel our dependence upon God. Wi* do not know our weakness or God's strength until the last plant break*. It Is contempt- ible in vn, when there in nothing else to take hold of, that we oatcb hold of God only. Why. you do not know who the Lord is. He in not an auto- crat, grated far up in a palace, from bidding aa in/rare* rated wretch hush up bin bowling. It will ba a Kathea wno will t.ik you tin his left arui, bis fac* gleaming into your face, while with i h noft tipsj i.f I li fifi^'.-i i of th right hand, he alkali wipe away all tears tuna your i-yc-s. Have you any appreciation' this rma.-ning uf thu good, and glorious times your iiu-ruls are having in hcavctnl llow diffcrcat it is when they get nK:wa the.rc of a Christian's death from, whit is here. It is the <liff<-ren>-<. between i-mbark ition and coming into port. Kvery thing de- I>.TI.|- upon which .*>ide of the river you land when you hear of a Christian's l-utb. If you 1and on this sid if th.- liver you mourn that they go. If yea aland on tho other side of the river yea. rejoice that they come. O! the difference between a funeral on earth and a jubilee in heaven be- tween requiem, here and triumphal inarch t here parting- here and, re- union there. Together! Have you thought of it. They arc together. Not iii' of your deixirted friends in but together io different rooms of th- same house tho house of many man- Tiitfettu-.r! I never appreciat- tbat thought BO much as heir cd when we laid away last ?-luin.b-,r my vstcr Sarah. Stund- iajr there in the village cemetery 1 looked father, around there and paid there is mother, there grandfather, there is grandmother, here are whole circles of kindred, and I thought "together in the a *mile or a surc-iss, or grave together in glory.' I arm so ho emerge., ncc a year, pro- impressed with the thought that I do THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 26. The !? Kplill." arl> *. 111. CuMcu TrC. Job a I*. 13. PRACTICAL NOTK3. Verse 1. When the day of Pente- cost was fully come. Itettcr, "When the day of Punteco.it was being ful- filled." ' Pentecost" is Greek for "fiftieth," and r. f. M to tho fiftieth day, counting from the "morrow after thu p.is*over .Sabbath," during which d.iy JOBUS lay In thJ grave; so that the ili-e:jli'i had had forty days of as- sociation with their Ma itcr and ton days uf waiting for the outpouring of tho Holy Ghost. The feast of Pen- tec:st U callid io the Old Testament the "feast of weeks" anl the "feast of harvest." Unliko th two other great Hebrew fegiivaK "passover" and "tabernacle*," It lasted but a day; like Ih/'jn.. it was the. tcca*iwi of the influx into Jerutil -m of an "in- numerable tuuli nude" if worshipers, as Josephus says, from all parts ft the world. Peotecc'U was a sort of niti-nal Thanksgiving Day. It was now tho month of May. Thcy\ we re all with on" accord in oao place. \.lneli ho emerges ncc a year, pro- lougiu mai iao, - a con- ceded by berald.s swinging swords to I not think it is fanaticism when MOM I A betides tha twelve apo.-nl--i and one is guing ironx this world to the,! thu one hundred and twenty di ciples next if you make them tho bearer of ' who wt in tne r ,. com af(| , r (hc i h<?s to your friends who are aratulation: but cony, now, and bring clear the way. No ; but a father, will- n ,,,r &!! at our call, to stand by us b) every all your dictionaries. ud r ( ^ ^ J^J^^S of life. When and all your religions, j you gel ; financial perplexity, you nd hilp iu<- this morning to explain call on the broker, you call on your A chy-uist will till you thut creditors, you call on your lawyer, for icgal counsel, 5-011 call upon every- and when you cannot get any then D -i>u go to God, You say : "On! Lord, I come to thee. Help nn- a tear. it is salt and liuv-, and otb/-r poncnt parts; but h: misses the chief ingredients thi' acid of a soured life, the viper an sting of a hitter memory, l ho fragment* of a broken heart. I uouf jj will tt-ll you what a tear is. U ' , grnd for ' h.s gaae, saying your "give my love to my nuw out of my perplexity," and the pajrents give ray love to my children givo mjr love to my old comrades : who are in glory, and tell them I am trying to figfit th*- guxl fight of f.iith and I w.ll join them after awhile." I belip\v the me.wago will be deliv- ' rod, and 1 boKeve it will increase the ascenM,!i, there w^ere present many foilowxT* of Jesus from remote nl.i (., who hid l--n called to J'iuvii*ui by the feast. Where tho "place" was HI> do Dm know, but that it was in "With one accord" is omitted from th Revised Version. The general Lord comes ; though it ia the eleventh glodnrad of thu-ie who arc before the says: "Why did you not lue before I As one whom his mother comforteth HO will I rom- fort you." It is to throw us back M thro iy. My frirndd \u*e iuis WQ ru-. i In. ilk.' wUh you. Tbusu lea-rs of be- j .;' r.-aveuwnt that courso your cheek, ' -r^j. anJ of pttTBecuUon and of tiial, :ire not always to bo tho-re. 'Ih^ mother- ly baud of Gad w.ll wii>.- them All uw.iy. What U II. -i thv way p.ithy. The priests, under he old din- i tn T* a consununilion-what is pensation, were net apa. by having > ^ ** ' frelUag' about anything w.it.-r sprinkled on their hands, feet j ' ' ! "''"' "> exhlaxation it ought to and heads; aad by the sprinkling of "* w Ch^htiau work. See yua the pi'unaclcd against the i- as people aro now set apart to thu office of vympathy. Wheai we are m prosperity, we like to hare a great iiiiiij- young people around us, and we laugh tvhea they laugh, and w 1 1 tup when they romp, nnd we King whe.ii they b ng ; but wh.'ii . li.ivr trouble we like plenty of old folks n'. u> ,11 M>liition. Hear ni" ih.-n. this morning, while I discourse to you of the ministry of tears, and of U* ending of lhat min- j Ag ^ . u ^ { ^ Bljnj rf tear . , Istry, when God nhull wipe them all J to capaciUte us for the office of sym- | away. First, it is the ministry of tears to k '|i this world from b/mg too -live. S ia< i hing must b* done to mik-- us willing to quiu this rxil< nre. If it wore not for trou- ble this world woulj be a good enough IK- n en for mo. You and I would !> willing to lake a lease of this life for .1 hundred million years if th-re wi-r.-> no trouble. The earth i u-'hioni-d nnd upholstered and pil- l.iint Mi<I i h in ! Ii i i-d with such an . M n*', iv. story of other worlds i u ! I i it, i: i-it U'-. \Vc would ray: "l.<l w-'ll i ni uh :ilr>n:-. If you want ( ilie and hive your Ixidy di.-iii'e- gratcd in th'. dust, and your ouk go out en a celestial adventure, thn you can o; but this world is good t o write his comforting Revelation T j should cni.ugh for m." No man wants to They got it out of their own teen* ' ,'. of this world, or out of ;iny When a man has gone through t lie until b- hu a letter hou s . . To tho caleuljtions of lhO(f! scholars who ' place th.: day of P-ntecott on a take this good cheer ' .-.>' It . - it:- cuy of our God; and came a cound. re i,l e.u,'!"*sly, ;i- ,f Luke had said. "Suddenly there came a iu hing mighty wind." but bn docs not. It was a marvelous announce- ment rf tho coming of the Spirit of God, and it beyond all natural ex- pl-iii.iticn. The wind is a symbol of God's Spirit, and in many languages "spirit" and "wind" are interchange- able tcrm j . Prayer brings speedy and abundant answer, l-'rom heaven. sound cam- downward. It filled AS wcat out to battle. .- i \ ai w^ffe all uruur.-.-!. Th Ilritons had n-. wvaponn at all, and yet b around. Why f They km how io t-IU u* the H: itimf* got the victory, talk. Ol it takes tho.se IL-II^.I' who 1 .i" had trouble in eomfurt oihers in tn.ulile. \Vj-re di 1 Piul got the ink with win. Ii in writi* his com- forting epistlcf Where did David I Bu arc approach*. nrr it. U! let u* be - bj^y thu few! days that shall re- | ,,] the^usc'^h-'Ve th"y"u"ere"*it"ting: ma.-a fr us. 'Ihu Saxons and the , Not oaly ,.. foom wb ^ re thfy werc 1 1 but th" who'jj hjus.-. nrjl apparently the n--it;hlH>rhuo I around. See verse 6. 8. There appeared. "Aftor the aud- ible si^rn immediately comes the visible ." Meyer. Cloven tongues like as \\hyf Th.'y wmit x in i battle shmit- ,-ny tbave lioL-s "halk'lujah! ' And ,,f ~ fir ,. N ..t of fire, but'rosembling ,!t th-. third .bout of -hallelujah" j u . '(,. ,uiy mean "disparted" tia.-m*M flwl panic struck, and ( or -f i klike." but more probably it ( And li lh.; ink to write hi-i oomfrontiug 1 1 Where did John got thr ink I that a run' Una inordinil? with tu stay lii-re, liol mu it -(.in -how create a disgust for on. MM iounding". Hir.v .sh ill he do il T He c.iiniol afford to iN-f.n liit horizon, or to tear olf a fi.'ry panel In MI ih" ."uii*'t. or to nulrtrart an f r< in the water-liiy, or to the pum: ni arciua frum tho or 10 ilr.i the roUM of Ih' 1 ir.'-'rning in th' inin-. How then an- u,- : I. in i |,> willing to leave? Heie ... w I: -re the trouble comes in. After u i-i.-iii hat b.id a K<MII| dral of trc.ublc ho s.i>-: "Well, I am ready to go. If thrrc in a house MOIIIC-U bcre whore n, of doC5m't leik. I would like ti live lh'-rc. If there is an almos- |rher.' :ouu' where I hat doesn't diln-~H i ..- lungs, I wi.uld lik 1 to brrutbe it. If ili'rr is i sx^i.--!) 1 sum-where where Ih" ic i.-i n> tillli--t it lie, I would hi.' to live there. If tht-ro is a homo cirtlr go.ii'-whci o wbcTe I cm find I would lika to go then-." He to n .id thu first part of tho Hiblr chiefly; u>w li re id i lh- last curriculum, and 11.11 taken a course of iluiiK' i'iii and imprisonments and nhipwreekx, he is qualified for tilt- work uf ynip.ithy. God make me the on of i mi n .ii i-ii to the people. I would rather be the moans ot sooth- ing ono perturbed spirit to-day, than to |>i:iy u tune that would set all the (tons of mirth reeling in tho il.ui. . I am an herb doctor. I put in the r. i M inn, HI,, root out nf dry ground u i bout form or comeliness. Then I put in the Kose of Sharon and the Lily of the valley. The 1 put into t he ealdrtn friiii" of the leaves from the tree of life, ;md the branch that w;i> thrown into tin- v, ilc!erne>s Mar- ii h. Then 1 jiour in the tears of Ue- Iliany und Glgnll:a. Tuen I stir tin iu up. Then 1 k. n, lie under the eililio-i a fin- i.i i-!r i 1.1 of tho wood of the MOSS, aud one drop of th.it potiou will t-ure the w.nst sickness that ever afflicted a human soul. Mary and Martha shall receive their l.i/.i.u- from ill.' tninli. The Damsel slKill rise. And on (be darkness shall Ah! be used to be anxiius chiofly to know how I hit world was made, imd all alx>ul its geological construc- tion. Now he ia chiefly nnxiuiM to kn<vw how the next world w is made hont how it looks, and w hu lives there, ; n I haw they dress. He rrads II'-- velstltQ ten times naw where he reads tt*ne,:is one. 1 . Tho old story, "In, the Wginniag (!od created ih> In :ivons nivl th- ftarth," do?* not thrill him AO mm h as tbo other story, "I a new h/'avrn an.l a new earth," Ih- i '. I p. n's hand tn-inl.l- > as he linns over thi< apor.alypli.: l'.if, ,-m<l he has to taka out his handkerchief to wipe his M>'C' <el,-<. It v. is not until Job hid be<in worn out, with be- le.ivements nnd carl uncles and a pest i.f u wife, thn 1 . ho wanted to- HBO God. Jl was not until th' prodigal trot tii i-d of living among th< lions th.it hr wanted Io go to his. father's bouse. Jl 14 tli-- uuni-tiy of trouble to maku this wotl'l worth less nnd heaven worth more. Again: It i the minlsfty of trou- ble to inaki us. feet our complete de- pendence upon God. King Alphonso iwiid that if ho had lieen present at Ike creation, he could have mad<? a better world thin this. What a pity be was not present! I do not know what Cod willdowlirn some men dip. Men think the) ran do anything, until Had shows them that they can do nothing at all. We lay out our grral plnns and wo like to execute them. It looks ble;. God comes and takes us down. As Prometheus was assaulted by bis riiciny. when the Innce utriiek him it <4*nrd a great (rwellinf that )i.i<l threatened hin death, and be irol . , v to It. is the nrruw of tinul.lr liU oat our great 'i;UMlgs of all team from their eyes. You know on a well ppicad table, the food be- comes more ilelieiie to the last. J have, fed you thus, morning with the bread of con.soi.il ion. Let the table be cle.ired and let us sot on the chnl- ie.es of he.ivon. "O I" gays some wise critic In the nudirncv "the Dildcoon- trndicts itself. Jt intimates again and ngain thnl there ure to bo no tears in heaven, and if there f>e no to.ir.s ui heaven, liovv is it pusible that G<n| will wipe any away f" I answer, have you never P.een a child rryinif one mo- ment and laughing the next, and while -.In- WM.H laughing you saw thn team still on her facet And perhaps you stopped fiei in the very midst of her ir.-uineil glee nnd Ijied off those delayed tears. So, 1 think after the heavenly ruptures bun- ruine ti|inn us, there ui.iy b the inuk of some o.iitbly grief, am! while t l-ove t. u me glittering ,11 tho light of the us pel fe.i, God will wiji.- t hem ,i\\ ,iy. lion- well he ran <lo th.it I ,1,'Mis bad euough trial Io ruiku 1 an NJ nij) it hotle with all trial. Tho nhorU-i vrrsu in tbc Hililc \elh I ho Mory : "J. .sin wept.' 1 II. ' n th U;ek 01 e.ili-r hand, ami Ibc fc.-ar <-n i >i,> tircli if( either fil, the vow of scars aloog Ibid line of th h i . \i ill ki i'i> all In n\rn think- ii I !, iii.i kn< \, hat eiiui/' day ("h.rio)t iiuiy ilnnv off his robe and lay 4t <v-': ih, ,ilc uf the thn.no, and point to tin- lacerations on hi, ,f wheroi the ploiig < I.H plMued upi-i* h:-, lia>-k Ar.d mnde i\ . O! that fi,:,t ws.ep:ir is jit tl: ( :i to silence all earthly trouble vtA \\.\~- nut nil M.iia, of earlhty grief. (JeDtU-l Why, his step is tuiftor than (he sdi uf tliv de\v It will not b\! a tyrant k K-.tuni got tbo victory. AM ! means that the flamelike appearanooj ,t w.ctuW only apprcci- distributed themselvf s among the the glunes that are to come, we W(r .., n ;., rri , lt gat upca> ^^ ot ba >o filled with enthusiasm them The app , arami . power on earth or hell could ; r ,. Nted UDi>n each ono stand l> f.-re ui, u n. I a I our first shout 1 1. c i'1'n-.'ing force-i would begin to l>le, oAd at ojr second ehout, they weald brgia to fall bark, and at our third shout thy would b ruut.J foicx.T. Tiiere .-< no jiowcr on r<i: ui or ia bell ili.it could stand be- fore thrw such v\>l!eys of halK lu>ih I put thU balsain> on ths m-. ut wound 4 in my ri.njr.VK ition. Death has frwuTi o sharp keen, swotrd 1 1' < church since I have . I won ni-t here to com- furi yiu then. Hi joicv at the thought of what yuur d*P-uii.l f- ndi have got rid of, nnd that you havo a iiriv-pect of MJ soon making your own r.-cupa. Ik-nr cheerfully tho in iiLttry of tears, and exult at the thought that soon, it U to li ended. ALL HIi WAMfft . ... _.nt evident of a Gorman penl- lent.,i.:y In <-.u i-l. TOU terui of im- p: ihoniiuc/it expire i to-day. Oonx-JL-t: I am gUid to hear it. I hope that fu'iii, n, iw on you will K i-l un I...M" :. upright life Yau may be sure I w.ll. Are yuu sure thut you will not re- t-utrn to your ev-IJ wuysf Njve.r uK-i.n will 1 bo up to any- thin;: crooked. 'i i can go now. Tho rcU-ubed convict hesitates. Saperin'.ewlonl; Why don't yon got What n.ve you waiting for? Ain't you jjoin^ to give me back my dark Liiitern, and my jemmy, and I h lest of my prof v . n >! implements? 'Ill AT SETTLED IT. Th? ni/im who divl odd jot** ia A certain country *cb\.xil Kiivc up his plac.a the oth<'V d.iy. When asked what wan hi< ^'easun, be said; I'm li.K-st, and 1 won't .st.nul being %us- !**( I'd. If I fitvl a |H'in il u:' hiiml- k'.'fl-ch'ief about the school w hi n I'm , 'i'i>vg, I givv it p. Kvi\ry now and a'aa:.n, hcmievr, t h- te.-ul.er, c. i .IK- whii io too towa.rdly to face mu, will irjjt a slu/r upon me. Why. n lilt Id while agti 1 saw wrote on the board. Find tlui leant common uiAilt. ; l>le. Well, I liH>k. <l from cellar to garret for that multiple, and 1 wouldn't km-w tshj ih.nx if I nu-t it I, .ist nijrh<. in big writing on the blnckbonrd, it savd, Kind the great- est com m on divisor. Well, I says both of tin 'in th n;.rn aro lunt now, .nul I'll \>i ucouecd of Bteulin^ 'con. So I'm off. 1.0V E PA IS. Mrs. Grv.ran Thoy /<ny she bates in.ri. .m.l iiTiiliLy! Mrs. HI.IMU-- Thiy ex.iggrrnU 1 . Mrs. Groigu4)! He's Always iibln to be at Iw* work ii day or two afterward. i.f t he flame The sound the power of tho Spirit. The flaming tongues typified (he evangelical zeal which was now to lie kindle! in the disciples' heart, a iel to Breach the Guspel to every area lure 4. All. Women as well as men ; "lay- men" as well as apaatles. Killed- wilto the Holy Ghost. "Killed means tilled, so that rvefythinf else was exclud- ed ; their whole nature w.i.s controlled. i: in to rpe.ik. I'nder tho divuie pre-jpaeo. With ol her tongues. l)th- :>guages. As the Spirit gave them utterance. " On tlu< orcaion their ut- ii Tieon were not at all under (heir i -i control, but under the control of the Holy Sfirii ." tiloag. 6. I>wolling at Jerusalem. However distant a Jew night find it et,nven- ii .it to live, he always desired to die in the holy city, and tihft nirmber of foreign-born Jews resident in the city was groat. Devout men. Devoted men; men who with earnest souls kept the whole Mosaic law. Out of every nation u.ider htuvrn. Jews, all of them, by birth or proselyting. At this lime the Hebrew race was. upread oviy- where, nnd there, were far more He- brews born and bred in foreign coun- tries than native.-i of Palestine. 6. When this w-is noi.sed abroad. Hathrr, " When thus bound took place. 1 ' The Round which filled the whole lioune w.i.s echoed along tin- narrow streets In all directions, and 8 an earthquake brings everybody prrjnptly to the nt reels, o did this .-.t range sound. The multitude came together, and were confounded. Men and women pouring forth into the streets met each olher, all askiag qjestAtfn, and none, able to answer. i:\.iy man heard them si -,ik in hU own linirmKe. Here was the great- est marvel of nil. \\heu they came to tho place from, which tne sound em.in- at^d tti--y wiliiea,*ed the mii'.A'li! of ifjH naf'.'rnj^ to wli-h. ra on* these foreign Jewu beloMgod. The first three nainea, Parthiaiiu. Medef, and KLimites, reipreaen* purtUra* oi the IVr.. a -n 'ii.i-iri-. Mf!optfjaia is the d'i-rif'< b-*r*-m *-a KvphrtM and the Tfirrie. Here N4>u-h,idnta- zar'a cap-tjvel were tukem. Oappa- dccJn wtis a prwiinca under Kcumn rule. Pontu-t lay ok, mar th nhore ot the lilark St-o. By Ata n to be UJB- dorstcjj not As'a.' Minor nor thacon- t'rr'n'. of Asia, bint a rannU pmvice. Phrygia ar*l Panyphylii \vre both ia Asia Minor. Kjtypt awarmfd with Jem. Oyren" ^at a largo cily in Libra, n North African or.'in'ry 'jt of Kgypt. Crfte.i. Thi- inJiabuUivta erf tho a-tl.ir.'t < 1 Crete, whore tha Jew* w*re very nuonr-roua. Arabiana, anu>n ; whom, an tbxsir country bord- ii-i.l i.i .lu-I i. (I. -r<; miUiSt huve been nnnj-rous Jrs. Kach of those land* doubttass had its' own dkicct, though in most Greek wa.^ spirken, and, saja (ilonjr. "it w especially of dialect* t hit 1-uke epe.iki." We do hear then sp'ak in our tonmie.i the wonderful worki of God. However varied (he wbx'le, th.' ra.*a^ wa<i cine tb Clod oawa o? tho GonpeL 7. 8 They were all amazed nnd marveled. They were iintonisbi-d, and b,>gan at once in ask iiui'^tion*. Are nut all these which ap>ak Galileans? Aa wo paw i-n our last lesson, (iili- l-'.un we-o di-tin^uishivl liy a dialect of tlvi. in\n-, b.i! thin probably w. u'.l not bj observed wiu*n they epojcc in othi-r tontjtoes. Th-re may have been know v probably were marked by some ^culiarity of <lr<-.-n, but there 1*1 still unuther |>lauadblo ronjocture Iha uppeur room in which they met uu-iy well havo- bo<"n recognized as one <kf th.? Galilcnn ^yaog'ogU'es. O-.ir own toague, wherein wo were born. Ni.t Hi.- HebrcM. lot either thevari- ou Itv'iai le tongue i with, which f'rfm babyh/.Kid nut of th-'.^e foreign-born .! hxid been OKiit fljm Uir. i>i else th- half-fortMgn Uilotts of their hr>miea. Ilere cornea a i-at of ii : . v..i i IN CAMP AB1) HARBOUE, NAVAL AND MILITARY NEWS OP THE BRITISH EMPIrfB. onrtm-cd Paragraph' ' lalcrr*! i Ball Military mi.. I Ivlllan - H*w T,umi Alkla* rarra ! l*tnt i ouxrl. .. Tbr? War Office boa Intimated tha' direct appointments to commissions it thn regular army of members of vol- unteer corpi aad other*, have catted to be made. The Lards of the. Admiralty -Wire awarded to Capt. H. J. May the Good Hrv;ce pc-nnio-v o! 150 a yrar vacant by the promotion to Rear-Admiral of Capt. P. II. M. lluvies. Captain John Barlow, of Bury, who on au many previous occasions has generously endowed the Uisley prize List, will again give a poriie of !50 for the encouragement of young shots. Lady SLaden, who* -h*j ben vjy anxioas about h-r son. Lieutenant. Sladen, ith Keds, whu was reported missing two muntha ago, has received the good news that he hu been, re- leased by the Boers at Wolnuranstad. Mr. K. A. do Riddcr, D.-nup>rt Dockyard, has been confirmed in the appointment cu naval store officer. Tho appu-uiiiwut carries with it a sahry of 550. rising by JO a year u> IT'.U, aad official residence in th* dockyard. It has bdeo decided that the pen- sioned carpenters in the Steam. Hc- eu-re at PortAimoutbi are to be placed on the same footing in respect to pay as thaw 00141 luyed in the Fleet Be- exve. By thiii an increusc of Is. per day will accrue. Ou.i British roginvent has been in moanuug for mure than a century. I 47th the Li vat North LancuAhtrv Regiment. The officer* wvar bUick blended with, the gold braid in m>>(nory of General W.Jfe, who was killed ut Quebec. By a royal warrant dated March 1 tie pay of the Comma nxk-r-in-Chief i* rai*d fn.ua 1,&00 to 5.000 per vntium, wh l,i from L>ccmb?r 1 of l.isc }:.!: a 1' id Marshal un \.u.iting th' Ci.7ii.m uul.-.r-'iji-Chijfsbip i< to r- ceive hulf-puy at the rate of 2.000 a year. The firm uf Carl Zeiss, of Jena, ht alkippcd a large numb-r of field glasses fcT tic army in India and in South Africa. Further HliiruucDtn are on the way. The field glasses aro of exactly the same type as those sup- by th Hume firm to the Grrmaa a.noy urvl imvy. Lord Knedorick Blackwooa'* wound is suid to b_> cveu more vriotis tkan it was at first lupposrd. He was wounded in an engagement in Cap* Oniony about s<x weeks ofo. Ho lisd ! 'ft the flhHtar of a rock to attend to ot; <f hi* voiioded iii'.-n. who had M a few yard* off. ui'l m; re- turning he was struck a little above th.' \\.i.st by a bullet, which passed : I MI.-II his budy betwee.it thu inne and th. 1 othnr v.tal orpan,s. but. un- fortunately, perforated I ho biisu of tho lung-. General Ian Hanvlton, who was re- cently reported to have iu a .-|-'n h recommended thut our Bwr i>ri* vner .should b> .set ui work an thv Cana- dian Pacific Railway, \vriu-* fht the remarks m ,<K- by him at the Authors* Club were 11 'V-i mtundcd to travel t .M .-.J itn wuLU, ,ind that tliey liav h-nn unMit<'n: ionajly miTc-pri -i nlcd. \\ hat he did fay win, that if our Uocr pinisicoers ^ld b>vn vut ID Cinaila and ".'|> ( .l al. :i ' th I'.u li.' K.i.lway, cf th -in would have b.-rn inly too glad to accept parole an<l employ i hi'n.icl\ M at suitable wa^i-s t>n the a<l>icvnt farnu*. Thu following are th- names of the old way.^d IK suld out. of th? li.-itish navy List yen', with il, .uii< -ant* re- ceived fur u'h; Acrtra, sloop. 4.MJO; Alf-tiv gulb.xit, I,IKKI; A/..V. hi ig, jL'-J ; C.u., f -:l. corvette. 7. ; I.' ; C.'n- qil-Pt JL'H :ir>; (% :i ! .: i- \Vtte, i'C.IKT.; (Tu ,'tl . I in < f !.. tllc- hip, 5.tKK); Gi'.ni'i ini. ,;'r;-x kiMtlr- 8hi|>, i,!)5U; Mini, gi:: i M<rrh,'n, |r'.inbvut. l,r.-'. i- : r: Al- beJt, turret (h.|>. 7,UJ ; I' \uliit, br\g, 15.S Shaiuv-ui arm .i.:>-l '-i .. i, 10,105; T.-': s xlo h<it No. S'. N:-.u cla<; KM; lui-i-.'.i. bout .S ' . . . >.- 30. 'SOME POPULAR BELIEFS, WHY CROSSED KNIVES ARE SAID TO BE UNLUCKY. 1 What Spilling the SaU MaanJ Tho UI- Lack of Breaking a Looking Clan- Tue Superstition of No. 13. (Why is it bad luck to cross the Itnire* at table T Wall, the original cnife used at the table w.n nothmj le-sa than the dagger which all men woro la their belts, ready either fix- . .ng the tnutton, or for cutting throats. ' "I i>ery sailor wears the Icnife to thia 4 MINISTER OF RICHMOND HILL. L) - ; &;.. F Elliott Frankly and Strongly Endorses Dodda Kidney Pills. Sozodont A Perfect Liquid Dntifrice for th Teeth nd Breath 25 Stllloll Tooth Powder Both forma of Sozodoat at the Stores or b7 Mail; pMce. 25c. each; LarfeSizoA, tugethor, MALL Jk HUCKC'., Montreal. TLrGrtat Kidney Remedy Inspire* Qratitude Wbirevrr It (Iocs Nn Mc*Uin highly Endortd What ninlittr nt the c'oiptl has to tay about Dodd't Kidney Pill*. Richmond, Hill, May Jt). Speci.il. 'A. sensntion was caused in thia town- mhip when it was reported that the RPV. F. Elliott had published u scrocg ltieir in the paperj, enlorsinga pat- .-nediciae. This h.ippened some lit- tle tone ago, but' the matter has not ^een forgotten. The mHxine in ques- ti(V^"^Wa the, famous Dodii's Kidney PilU and thn Re*r Mr. Klliott id still In the- receipt of frequent enquiries about hia experience with- thorn. Ti> a recent questioner who bim about Dodd'a Kidney Pills Mr. ElUtt was quite. outKpukan. . ' I believe Dodd's Kidney Pill* to be an excellent remedy," aaid he. lee no xeasoo whatcrer why I should not recommend them ; they nave help- ed m and I believe ibey will help oihr-rs. If they were not a strictly honest, meritorious, re :ih> t ure for everything they are claimed to b, nothing would be more objectionable or further from my thoughts than for me to endorse them to anyone, much leas lend my n.ime to a printed statement. But as the facts stand I hold by my formru- coura,* and shall always bo happy to recommend Dodd's Kidney I'ills by any meaaj in my pow- The. letter referred t<i in which Mr. Elliott endorse* Dodd's Kidney Pills, w i-t published in this paper some time ago. It reads as follow*: ' " I feel it my duty to inform you of th,- great benefit I have derived from ui:n* I>xld'i Kidney IV.Is. 1. nt spring in pirtii-ular when suff^rm* from La mo Back, pain and weakness was so great I could bardlr turn or get out of bed. Knowing it all came from disordered Kidneys, I began to use Dodd'a Kidney Pills and mf pain tnd limpness <x>n disappeared. I e.on- Bidi-r Uodd'a Kidney PilU a good re- liable medicine tar the diseases for .which tln>y axe reccmmondej. When I hear people complain of Lam- Back or Rheumit -MI. 1 ihvays lay, " Why don't you tak- Dodd'l Kid- ney Pills.' I wish to add that this testimonial is entirely unsolicited and only ' good will to men' would induct me- to allow my bam* to be published in this, connection. Kev. V. Elliott." day which tor res nun constantly both at work and at meal-times, and the belt-knife of the British mariner is a thing very justly dreaded in for- Mgn msiports. In days when private quim-la WKKK ALWAYS FOUGHT out with dagger or sword and that U not fco vivry Ion* ago the very be- ginning of a dispute, made the wom- enfolk narvoua for their husbands, brothers or sons concerned in the ar- funifnt. Tho crossing of blades was the sure |in of a fight and it's no wonder the women found crossed knives sug- misfortune. But there U no why crossed knives on the family dinner-table- should suggest th idea of duelling nowadays. They have, ceased to moan bud luck. ; filling the Bait meant once the .worst of bad luck. Salt was, until quite lately very expensive, a dear ne- cessity, as it U to-day among the na- tives! of India. to important w.is ' tint the. finding of -i.' -i>:mgs in Cheshire. England, first brought merchants from (Europe into savage Bfit.iin. opened up the eai Ibh tr-.ido, and led to the civil..- of the. island. Tb-e very phrase "worth his salt," means "worth hi- wages," and " (rue to their salt," is a ( worJ to express the, loyalty of sol- 'duWH to their Service. The woi njy int-ana salt-mon-ey. Because it so import mt, old English usage plac- ed the Halt-box in the middle of the table, that all handis might bc> within i li. The family and the guests sat " iliovn I he salt," the servants "below the silt," and s<> th diffiM-ence of rink was treated between CKNTLK" AM) " . In the. regalia at the Tower of Lon- don the salt-bos ia ona of the most goa g-ous ornaments, built like a caa- tlo of I Iver, heavily gilded. Such be- ing tli3 importance of the salt-box, the upsetting of it was something morru thin an accident. It was an vent. But buppose that the guest of the house, or the ambassador from toroigu parts, upset the salt, it was takoa as a sign that hc betrayal th>- " bread-and-9^lt" of faospltality, turn- ed against the hand that fed him, m.l waa only in the. house ana spy to v its master. The cpUiing of salt was taken as a providential warning of coming at- tack, of danger drawing netr the hou^e. That id wjiy it became JL of bid luck. Now, as to the ill-luck of breaking a looking-glass. Before there was such a thing as a worlchouse there .-! plenty of poor old women left friendless, and long past doing auy work to win their bread Tri'-y knew the world, they knew the herba in the field, and garden li <-h sv.-re useful in caae of sickness, and they did no barm by SKLUMi GOOD ADVICE, or a little medicine, so they manag- ed to beep body and aoul together. They were called "wise wouvn." They were supposed to [Assess powers. It w-is, wh.spe.-ed that they had sold themselves to the Evil One. M my a poor old woman, pretend- ing to be " wise," for the sake of at- tracting customers, was haled up be- fore the magistrates, charged with witchcraft, and burned to death as a punishment. Suppose one wanted to get rid of any enemy, th<- usuil thing was to consult the lor.il witch, and she would prov:d> i lutle im.ig- of clay, or a rag doll, aupposed to rep- resent the person wtu was hated. Stick pins ini o th'- ! >!l, ml i li enemr would suffer th p.nn.i of " pins .ind needles;" hang the doll in yourchim- ney, and the enemy would "burn for ever ;" break or destroy the doll, and thn enemy would be overtaken with sudden and awful death. The charges of the witch were real- ly very moderate, coaiidering. and it v. m good to know that you could kill your femy by merely destroying 1 hLs .m ig. Even hii image in a looking - was unite, sufficie-ni, if you :ii>lly broke the glass. That ia why .1 bci-aine unlucky to break any look- -tflaas which had the honour of reflecting your face. It ia certainly a fact that. A LOOKLXH-CI.V-S FELL, ami broke in the .State upartm-nis at Wuidbor just before the late Queen died. The. witcbea used ti sell "cha.rm," which wero Hupptwed to ward off all sorts of dancer, and that U the ori- gin of the chi/'in-* w.rn on wurh .i.iid. Most fajmous of all talismans is, the norsealioe, as hung over door- :i.-.r.'.l thirteen. Tlir aa.ucky In-ilroom ii numbered aa a rule, " 12 bis," r ' 12a," which U supposed to mak it perfactly aafe to sleep in. At >Eng- -:ih hotels one can gem-rally get room thirteen when the reat of the house is crowded. Before the " Drummond Cutle" sailed on heT last voyage, a passenger turned up Late, and found that there, was only one vacant berth the cabin niunber thirteen. II chanced it, and, so far from meeting with bad luck when the ship foun- dered off L r ,ih.int, he was the only passcngsT saved. The idea, that forty days of bad weather follows rain on St. S-.vi'.hin's Day come from a fine old Saxon leg- end. S, . Swithin was Lord Chancel- lor in the reign of King Ethelbert, and when he died in the .year 86C, be left directions. That his body should be buried in Winchester Cathedral, but in si.tni 1 . sp>t whare the rain might fall on hu grave. Aftcrwardj the mcnks. thinking that it was beneath the taint's dig- nity and theirs that he should be ex- posed to the weather like a common man, attempted to dig him up for removal to the shelter of the church. The attempt was a total failure being prevented by a deluge of rain day af- to>r day for six weeks. According to trad.tion, they afterwards succeed- ed in moving the saint, despite all protests from (he weather, and for a thousand 5 us a tomb was point- ed out in the cathedral as that of Swithin. At last, in 1797, the is put to the tent, it being a known fact that St. Swithin's head WM buried in Canterbury Cathedral. The sculptured Ktone was raised, and underneath it \\.it found a skeleton of some other personage, with skull complete, bo it seems that the old aim triumphed over the monks, and still lies out under the rain, which kcepi him BO kindly in memory. LUJDEJLLA I. made for a:i c!nt. It U tie bt produc: of Crlon gardeiu and Canadian ikUL 5S, M, 40. * an* N PAINTS I IFOR -A- ,-iViV*'-iV*.^sa^iVSV-*iV%, There ii Juki ne kind of paint all should have ; lhat is (he best paint. Poor paint never pay*. Don't u cheap paint if you want your work to last if you want your bouse to look well. Buy only a good old standard brand. .. "RAMSAY'S PAINTS are the recognized standard brands in Canada, and have been for sixty years. Don't take some other just because a dealer wants to ell you. Send to us and ask for BOOKLET "K." FREE. It will tell you all about paint and show you how some beautiful homes are painted with Ramsay'* I'amt. A. RAMSAY & SON, 1 PAINT MAKERS, Cat'4 If You Want '-".TrVi.".^ The Dawson Commission Co iw reaiTS IM usiusa, u n. Cir. \V-.t Market u Calkorn* St., Toromto. A CORNER IN CARDS. Franc* Makes Profit Out of Their filaanfactur*. Of all the ways of protecting an in- dustry, that adopted by the Govern- ment of France, for making a profit out of tbe manufacture of cards mut certainly take rank as being among the strangest. In. the first place, there i< no half- h ir'n-dness about dealing with for- eign competition, for the importation of c.irds '. simply prohilnted; while the manufacture u so hedged in by severe lj.\v* that it is in 1 comparative- ly few hinds. On-* of th.-se hand*, at least, is Gov- ernmental, for Lhj paper n which the suits are prui 1 it nuaufacturad by ' Lh" l!overnm"nt, which intun-s is 'exclusive u7 by prohibiting the card mikers from employing any oihar. Furthermore, the Government doM not allow auyon 10 niak; tha court 1 oard% or th-' ace of clubs, tils pi i''-s ' for bbse belonging to the - which merely selU the slip! of print- ed paper to the maker*, who havo only to colour t.h?m and print the common card* on the npeci.il puprr which they hive to buy from, '.ha pro- perly constituted autbon These French cards are small T than our own. but ihoy i r" sr.irrely* so ex- pensive, for an exc?llen pi'te < in b^ bough; for twenty-five centv m.l there U scarcely any demind (or cards which are dearer ttua forty cents a pack. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR BLACK. A GREAT NAflE has been made for machine-rolled Ceylon and India Tea. The purity, Cleanliness and economy of this tea are responsible tor its popularity. Ever decreasing consumption shows that it is only a matter of time when JAPAN teas will be a thing of tlie past. "SALADA Finland turns the tables on Entf- Umd : .n lunacy statistics. Out of a niillUn Finn*. 1,700 only ire fit sub- jects for tha hmativ. n^rlum. No pirt ot Knlind drop* below 2,500. London Ih-.ul-i the liat with J.610 mad people in e 'ch of hnr5 mill-oat. U-ird- er-heidcd Scotland ha* ^,510 . m.1- Hon. ' Stratford, th Au.. 1893. M-HJSTS. C. C. RICHARDS i Co. Oitlemen, My neighbor's boy. 1 yim o'd. fM into a tub of boiling water aad ot scl<*.l f- irfully. A few days !*tr hit legs swelled to tii'-* tunes their natural s.z' and broke out in running rorl. Ilia par- eot could pet nothirir io h-:p h*a till I reccmiceaded MIN ARC'S I.iN'I- MENT, *vh ch, afi^r utunif two bot- tlea, completely cured him. and I know of aereral eases around aero almost aa remarkable, cured by the same L-oim-nt ind t ran truly way I nerar handled a medicine which baa bad as good a aalo or girw-n such universal aatiafactiju. M. HIBERT. : General Merchant. Im HolUnd'a swampy provincos 9 per cint. of r^ruit* to the Army are rejected an bfuig undor height. Th proportion in oilier pruv.ncei i , on'.jr Ail a, . Ol The land-tax Ln l^gypt arman^ o 5 million sterling a year, hvin* i-O'i,- 000 more thm thi e-stimated land- tax for all Cbcni. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR* MM inS.SI.OW8 SOOTHlXr. 8TRUP k-t Weo iiM4 bf aa htnfar tknr ckildrtn t*tkmx. It >oi " th. h 14. MtUtu lk rim. .llftRilll.cllrM"!*!^^ for 'Si ,oi. Aoaiaint Sjmp. ' In th_- yiir 1901 th-ro wore but Bl hopi- ils in th-- United Km- lorn. Thia nuin!>?r hi grown to 49* in :bo present Italy and Spain have fewr hou in proportion to tbrir population than any other counirio* in the world; ths Argentine Republic and Vru*UAV hive ' re tcitK 4 ceL i* Lntlr> Bnmo (Jnmio. TblM (uJ ihp m,,nr if u lai,< '. our*, r* Ll on oacb boL 25c Minard's Liniifut Cur Diphtheria, In the past 40 years Greit Brital* has produc- d W nvllian Ions ot .Ml, or about ono-th.rd of thj iri.ld' to- tal produc:. $100 Reward. f!07. .W Tkm rtmturt at thli par*r *<U b* Uaa*4LM &ra ihat lkr* U ;' i 4rtal)l a.i4N bat n-leniia hut bvoa .>! to l)J la .! ItJ fa|M nd 'hat ti Catarrh. Hairi Catarrh '- a :h o./ poltiv r> a*w know* 'jt :km*lic: 'rIral'T ' atarrh krlu yoak tltntlvnal di. rmi re n q*niUttit{mal -rim'. Hail'iCaUrrb Gait .1 i :aur< naiir. actloc 4lnotlr upvi lk klbwt miirom iurft ( iS . r>i>n. ibM*>r . irTi th* ranndkttva <f * ditta**. af f.r.vt the pa '..'in'. . rrath by knt!4itc up tta LI '. I'lon aad ^UtlMK aatur? a tflnc It4 work. Th* rpr:,*> hi> to mob <**Jf ' 4rd D41ar fir n/ e Mitt if fall! t* cur*, ' for llct of MttiBoai&l*. r J. CHKS KY Jt CO.. TOLJtDO kj druirtop. Tic- 'TMaurPulim the kan He I point out your tiul' >>r-auM I ijve you. t<be Noavs'm* : I* you really loved me you w-juM ih nfc u.r faults WIT excellenoei. Lirimvnt i!urt< Cirjet in Cowt. Don't you ma th.t sign, Nn on 'h-v ground*' I'm not (ish n' nn tha grounds; I'm fishin in th A W. P. C. 10*7 CALVERFS CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin ailment,. i. 0. Calrart 4 > '., ManeliMtar, Ceylon Green. Ceylon Teas arc sold In scaled i*d packat* only, never In bulk. Black, Mixod or uncol- Smpl on apullcatlun. AQdrMS " SALAOA." Toronto. Jlinard's liniraeut I'nrM Colds, ftt. FRENCH CLEANING. F >r mid. p foot*. Su . I* ' - lo a. Vtitmt, fttlk o or Fun and m 1 'ft ul . bu l It if Join / lh 222 ont ol TI niillioa Kngli^hmMi at- I iLn to a forluno of i'JOO.OOO. and no f-wor th n 1. 000 to th" comrorlaMo sum of iJ. ways, worn as a breast-pin in minia- ture. Originally the sign was a cres- cent moon ; but any crescent was good, and horBeahoea were easily hid, and serTed Juat as well. Two thou>m 1 ago the tlreoks and Hem in* wuro tho charm ai the symbol of the- godde.vi Diana, the charm which san-d one from tha evil eye. That the. origin protection from the r of tho ev:l eye ; and if any- \' -isels of 4.000 tons csn ascend tho St. Lj-r.'n<v to Mom real, a distance of 1,000 iuiK--* from th' M. Only onu c: h T river in th? worKI. the Aniix, rigablo Vo such a distanc? for 14 large. KAWAKTMA I.AKKS. One of the finost of the many r-jcel- lent summer outings open to the tourist on a holid-'iy n i trip through bo.Iy looka crossways at you. squints, the Kaw.irth.i I ikt . I r|., t.- lj.)- at you, or makca you nervous by star img, you can only -uve, yourself from f blighted with evil by pccsenliug I ho puinta of a crescent in self-de- fnieo. A horseshoe does; but if lhat la too cumbersome, point the first ui.l ittle. fingers, tucking in thi? ser- cnd and third finit'-i . \\ )>:<-h makes a Tory passable creseont f jjure, be- Ji'- being cheap. The Italians, a moat economical people, defend thnu- oouk, or i. ik'.'field, are the be--! points to start in from, and tho acpnury is well worth tbo time, to say nothing of tho fresh air tho ti ivrller r in im- bibe. The steamers which are run- ning in the route, are all fast, *![ , craft and are well appointed. The K A it'll- i I. .ikes are the summer I pleasure grounds of the continent. s.'lve* thus, whe.;i they meet an iMhiiiin, a snap-shot camera, or any- thing doubtful. The- superstition about thirteen at table haa the. memory of tho id the- beginning of Die i l-i thu th number thirteen i.* unlucky in all aorta of ways. On th^ I'uui.nent you may Sll.VRCU ALL TUB HOTKIS wilhout ever finding a bedroom num- UM'AHAl.I.Kl.K.D UENKROStTY. Town Councillor HIV- you h?ard. Mr. Skinflint, thit our goa-'rous ' lown^m in, Mr. MuM.-r, is defraying ri>Ht uf .1 rr.- .v p OKI 'iiauo all * m '' round th' tovvnf W- think i k- you.-H'K might also do for u. Skinflint, \V?I1. whit do yr-u <.iy to njy giving you i pi-k of o.ik ' Town Ccuncilloi Oh. you nobk-- h^arlod philan'li-" \\ by. do you r.villy mean to >kin'iint Yes. yes; I'll milt? the of an o:ik fore ;t. You SOZODONT Teeth loan i (J |j v .. , ,,'.% ' ! ':! i. in, I 1 will you wi:h as miny acoiua as ui>y win', (or seed. MITIIH AMKIOAN OVUNO 89 , Montreal. Brass Band Instruments, Drum*, UnifBrm*. Ktc. EVERY T8WN CAN NAVE A BAND LiWMt prlco iTr quote*. Fin* -a:*l wi*. VOO!UDilratt->ni, mtll ?r<*. W,lio for any- thing In Mualr r little il ln>irmrni . WHaley EOJCB & Co., The viluo of hoan's Ln Scotlanilt has ii 9i> inilhond in 1861 to , 'JU> 1:1 ut a re- cord for th' ' Kingdom. Miaard's Liniment ( nrcs Distemper. 1 \K \WK KIICHKN IX TH.: \VORLD Tliis > in ih- grpit Piriii.n < th- I'.-'ji '.ti.-i-h.'. .vhi.'h hi* i.'HHI i-in- ployvs. 'J'h' snulli'*; kottl'i > n- I , M HVI ;)!! ITU 4!>1 tb ' 500. Kich ci fifty ro,i iln*-i>"n :* ' m -n ii,'h f : ;<^> ' i ry <li^ii fcr i.at.Ttix-* - ."> IK \\ | ., im mi :li ' I II of ' 7.<l>-i i-p.T'. -iro u % d :i n !'." i 10.1 a^si-ii in i i!i- range* 4 RB YOf IDI.B. OR B13Y. ANT> WANT \ to better yoarMlf f writ*. IB 7011 r own bad. to O. Manhall & t'n.. t* importer!, Couiion. OQL OntlU (urnlihoj. IciaUie SKYL1BHTS Dominion Lino Steamships i to Iol. rortluil Ml . l:Moa <a Ur- La>nxxL Vl (Jan**- l+r-f u4 Fut StnMkif*. SuiwiOT uoMmadMlM for >U cUMn al MiMnim SmiooM u4 *ttni w* MUtekl**. SfKik utrauao hu b*i fira t iB Sarond Siioon ud TO,I,I flu* c^T,m..,oo. Tat rat >f p*Mf a4 k.l oanicuian, ftpplf . uj ( Ui I 'oiup&af , r D. Tormnot a Ca. ilUaCa, oi> A PHOTO IE UCR.WINC. I L.JONE6 f NT, .0.' O ADll AIDE V* TORONTO

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