Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1901, p. 1

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MAY 63,1901 T ti E FLESHKRTON ADVANCE tfusmros Cards fCULOAJUOH * TOUM0 !" Hunker*. Martdale ee eu..rl banking t.ualnese. Hooey loaned a* a reasonable rate Call on . Am VASQUBBN. j v fWtt Mb Dlr Court. Co Orev "f Marriage Lleeneee, Conv^veocar Public Auctioneer. Money to loan U i) per coot. Chargei moderate. FLBbHERTOH P T\KHT* COLLECTED u The unilerdnned li prepared to andertake theeollootlnn ot all kind* of debtr bouitut, account! collected ete. K M 1I1.NDHKBON, Flesherton RJ SPROIJLB PontniMtar. Pleeherton JsmmlMlouor ID H.C'.J., Auctioneer Con reran -r, A|>i>tai-ur and Money Leniler Real K*taie anl Iniuranee Agent. Ueedi ort.:*. :<. littco aii'l wllli earefnll}- drawn op a I valuations made on ihorteat nctlce. Want- v to loau at lowex rate* of Interim. Col ctio i utteu l I to with |iroinptnvni Cbarifn* low. Aleut '"' Ocean Dominion p Couifnuy. A call eolleited. AO U W meet* ou the lat Monday la each month. In their lodge room. Obrlut ' iiloi.'k. Kleiiiorton. at 8pm. T. Blakely, W. U. . AM Olbfon, Recorder; W. Bellamy. Kloaaclor. Visiting brethren Invited PHINCl? AUTHTH L.ODOE. No. SM, A. A M. iueat lu Hi" Maonlc ball Strain's lock, Fleiberton, every Friday on or before e full moon. J A lioyd W M ; W J llainy, Heorelary. noiT.T KLEHHKRTON. I. 0. F. meet* In V ; hrutoo'. Ulook Ibe laet Frlrtaj evening ea Viiltlna Foreitor* heartily vsleo-.iu. C U . K. Wallr ; B, S., W. A. Arm. aweaw. f\R. li C. MURRAY. L. D. R.. dental surgeon U h 'ir uracliiate of Toronto University and Koval ' livutal KurKM>n> of UnUnn oajn ill' krui't nine's Jewollory Store. Wil -. i r erur^liani tliu lut We<lniM.day Of each iiiniitl.. aud Duudalk 1 and it TLuinday Is ea> . luontb. J W. PH08T. L U H. IlarrlnUir. Ht/liclfir Conveyancer, ete offlco- N'l.'Xt tu i "^toillce, Hpronle's bloek Flesh." ".ii. ever; Thurxla and oaurt daya H H uwi.ii s.Miii'l oitice, ProSi* bloek Ponlett nlreet eael. LUCAS. WUI<illT A McAltDLB Ititrrletcri Hollvitore Confeyaneers, et Offlc < (>wn Houn.l. Ont anilUarkdaleOnt W R WHICIHT, Uf \HIII.R I B LOCAS M B -Klmherton office. Mitchell's Daak every tiatur.tay. TUfJKKK ft 1'ATTRHRON IlarrUtum, Holicltore, ete tlnluia Hank, Owen Bonn* HAKUY a TUOKKU (EO w PATTKHIION IfAKAV * 5MI>SON. HarrUtere. *o '! (IKKICKS ! -Owi'ii Round. Mxrehant'ii Rank III. >. k, N if PaMeree*) Bovse, Dnu.lalk ValuHi i . ..-. v -.ntiinlay. MVKAY,M\. II R.8AUP8ON.ULD. Cro.vn Attn'iK . (or lirey. Wnliral f\B CM1TKU I/ vi c ! .t H Out. I'll,. Irian, RnrReM, ete riethertoii odloo-Stralu'e bloek. Hoeldeaoe Munihaw e Hotel KCOTT. AND BOrTI.Y M. inl...i ( cilleno Phyilfl. A Hnrgoonn Ontario Qradoat* hi Me'lleln* of Toronto OolvKi : Kellowiblp Diploma, Post Urad*- Me M. i.,tal Hcln.nl ami Hoiultal, Cliluuo Dlea<vi of f vo, ear, noxi and throat peciallv kaaasd H. KoFTI.V. JOHN A 9COTT, rVverebam. Maxwell JP OTTKWF.1,1, Veterinary Surneon .radiiatn of Ontario Veterinary College. eaMei - eoond rlonr loulh weet on Mary Htiuct. This >treet runs eovlh teMrteriaa rimroh. A \V M A C K Veterinary tnfflae*. M4 n<intl*t, Mai- Well ern.luau u Ontano Veterinary Oellene. oflllatv I witli ror.into Unlvenlty. Vllta Mala Mredaesdsrfrani It a. m. to 1 p. i aud retiMnliam Tlnuday from 4 to S p. m. BOAR for SERVICE The Ucgistered Tamworth Boar PORT IAW DAN tor eervloe at Port I.ai Certlftcato ran l>u lenu liy applylni tu owner. U^O. rihiM i-Mi.s E<:IHTKREI I \MMOK I II BOAR I OR 5RRVICE I havii* i..|.'li.l..r...lTin worth Hoar (or Hervioi eluti. N.li U , \,',., ,,.., 'iVmiKfi W. MKADS. I'roprletor Clubbing List Aiinmrtt am) .lail mi. I Kinpire fl.HO vVenkly <ilnl* ............... 1 HU Daily News ................. a. Daily Star .................... Z. Weekly Sun .................. 1.80 OPhe Markets. Caretallr Crrer UI. Pea* Harlev ,.. I. lit I. T Kegs fresh Fork Hay Wheat, white Wheat, red Potatoes bag Bidet Wool.. rd Earh Wreli 30 >o 30 61 4b 61 no 10 ao 13 to 13 10 -.o 10 7 00 to 7 60 10 00 to 12 00 66 to 66 66 to 30 :o 6 00 to 13 to 66 6 00 ,U3 J. B. Sloan & son Prnprlrtnr GET YOUR Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks the best of spruce Lath, No. 1 and 2 shingles Veranda and Fitting, Sidings, etc. Turning of all Kinds Done to Order Vw run of Stone* for Chopping. Satisfaction In all our lines gunrant? ed Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest rate*. Special attention Rivc-n to copying. Babies' photo*, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULHER ew Having purchased the tonsorial busl- neiui from Mr. LeOard I wish to announce that the businods will Iw rontinued in tho old premises. We have had a largo city t>x|M>rience and believe we can give pt-rfiTt satisfaction in nur linr. Have taken over the agency for l^olston. Lavinclry - AND - ff*ark*r't - Dy* - Work* And all orders left with us will receive prompt and careful attention. Flesktoi Slia,iDjj Parlors A. \Vilson . . Prop. J^lew AT THI Flesherton Protector/ No more net ing the tail o,er the line* in tl v teiuon. See it, A full line of awoat pads, dusters, whipn, collars, axle nrease, hoof ointmciiit, curry conilis, trunks, valiaeit, etc. 8e the Snnilnry Brace for L-entU men's wear only 40c per pair. IrV. M OOR E ll\HNK.'..^M<KKK FLK.SHKKT.IN ONTARIO Win. ricCalmon, Imp.irtrr ot and Ocalcrln mim. SCOTCH i mum Criiiti anil Maitli Work OF ALL KIND r Holla Report of Flesherton public school for May and May, 1!)1. roBM I. Part II. *r. Total marks 360. Clarence DaFoe 321, Kendal Mitchell 290, Harold Ktrstedt 258, Willie Crow ley 263,OUdys Blakeley 263, Bella Loucks 226, Tena Me Lend 21!t, Albert Ferris 212, l.iie Bt-lUmy 206, Reggie Ranton 210, Alonzo Wardrobe 903. Part II. jr.- Blanche Sproate 270, Robert Bellamy 264, Olonn Davia 259, Harold Mitchell 217, Joe Legard 186. Class I. OT Elsie Bamhnuse 332. Ad- da Wr.jht 326, Laura Armstrong 306, Willie Wilatm 246, Lilian KuMedge 230. Class I. jr. Eddie Lnucks, Ahram Fly i in. Pearl Ranton, Hvrbie Sullivan, Mary Burnett. No. of pupils on register, 59. A. E. MIKE i. IT . FORM II. Sr. III. Total marks, 880. C. Bellamy 522. A. Thunton 490, F. Karotedt 436, M. Boyd 432. L. Noriis 426, W. Wright 416. Sr II. Total mark*, 680. L. Davia 443, K. Legard 431, R. Trim- ble 405, I. Lever 403, O. Whitten 386,0. Fetch 383, F. Bellamy 377, L. Mitchell 350, M. Blakeley 349, Q. McTavish 343. Total on roll, 50. F. I. IBWIX. FORM Ml Jr. 4th Percentage. Louis Teeter 43, Chas. McTavish 40.8. Sr. 4th Jennie Wilson 69, May Hales 68, Nellie Hopps 66, Willie Hales 04. Harry Steeley 03, E. Sheppard 61, Ethel Whitten 60, Chas. Hales 57, Chas. Thomp- son 56, Chiw.0iti-wi.il 55, Ids Sullivan 54. Class 5, Part I. Jr. Leaving Floasie Thurston 70, Ella Barnhouse 68, Myrtle ThurKton 66. Percy Bellamy 61.8, Fred Lever 63, Bell Ranton 62. Millie Crossley 58, John Teeter 48. Part II. Junior Leaving Gladys Ware 80, Emerhon Bellamy 86. No. on register, 30. O. W. Sr ,i .iHTf.R. Principal *> . 5ore Thront and Hoarseness with their attrndancs danger* may be peedily averted and remedied by tbe use f Poison's Nerviline. KxceuVnt to wrgte with ten times belter than a mustard plaster, and more convenient for outaiJe. Nerviline penetrate* te t is- use instantly, aoothr* the pain, llays iiiflswmati'.n, and . uresw>re tnruat nd hoarxeneas Minply because that's hat it is made for. The largo 26 cent x>ttle of Nerviline ia unexcelled as a tUMhold liniment. It cures everything. Our young 6sheimen who went in searuh of suck-era butt week returned to leir homea in a very escitud frame of mind over the discovery of thousands of new spemaft of fih which they des- tx-d a* rolling around in the shallow water of the flooded land like a lot of ogs. The fish proved to he the German 'arp, and were of no-si size, weighing r. mi eight to twenty pounds. - Edenvsltt )or., Stayner Sun. Mr. J. W. Brown, principal of Han- ver public school, recently obtained A I A. from Queen's university and did it liy private rtudy. The Chenley Enter- >ria* hays there are scorn of B. A.'s in Canada, bat not many who obtained that lonor by priwe study. Nor did Mr. rowti neglect his school while pursuing lis ' wu academic course, for the result of every depHrtinental examination (bow- ed that Hanover school had jw*ed the usual hixh percentage. Mr Brown U 'iii- of the best teachers in Ontario, and we have much pleasure in coiii;ratu!ating lim on his latest literary achievement. A rare case of canine sagacity and affection occured in Mount Forest the past week. Mr. Jss. Eddington is the jwner of an Irish Setter, alaw a hound. The hound waa tied up on the day in question, hut hu comrade, the setter, was allowed to run. and being a favorite in the neighborhood, the setter was given a dishful nf dinner by s lady residing next door to Mr. Eddington. When the lady went to get the dish it had disappeared, and investigation showed that th* setter had taken the diah in hm teeth and curri .-I if to the confined hound with h'.n h* shared the food. heathens and Believers. To the question often asked, "Ar there mure heathens in the world than believers in recognised religions?" a poai tive answer can be given in the aftlrma tive. Statistic* ahow that there are 143, 000,000 Protestants, 98.000,000 Ureel Catholics, 230.000,000 Koman Catholic* and 176,000,000 Mohammedan*. As i* estimated that (here are 1,600,000.00( persons on the *rth and that the numer ..us sect* outside the four great religion do not contain more than riS.mni > member*, it will be seen that there ar 800,000,000 persons who may be claaaed as luMthenv Most of three, it is claime. are unqurstinnahly believers in some fom of religion. Nevertheless they are idola (era, and to convert them to Christianity has for centuries been the aim of mission arivs throughout the world. A faint con ception of tbe trratnea* nf the task they have undertaken may bo obtained fron the faet, nliown by he statistics, (hut th so called h.iatheni still outnumber th Christ.aim and Mchamniedans combine* by 100,000,000. New York Herald. Inacriptinns Cut on Shortest N<>tio*. 8jdnaaa *i - Ifl "Jerry" is the name of a pet dog ii town. Of late he rmi been going fron had to wone. One day lait week hi crawled underneath the barn Mr. Pro. Wilton's. That was alright. But in tin l.-irn wa* kept a pig, and in the pig pel was a lio'e through the floor. The piy h ippened to slip its foot through anci .lerry, who is fond of mch things as pigs feet, immediately took advantage of thi opportunity of a feed, an.) grabbed it Imagine the wpjeals of that pig, but ol of course Jerry's appetite had to be satis 6ed ninl the result was he did not let t; until ho hud the fool badly eaten. Thorn bury Herald. Sheldon's Oploioa. Leamington, Out. May III, Mr. Sd.-l Ion M it.-s that fur four years he un auuce8fully miught a. remedy to cure his on of ( 'atari h, but porirmntmt results wero not attHinr.l until i'atarrbo7.<me was used It i-uieil Ins little boy like HI i^ic, Hti.l hu has been ipi'tii frow frun Catari h ever since. C'atarrhorono euros all forms of CitUrrh, I'.ronclutis, ThroHt Irritation, OragM and (.'old*. N iueil> I kr it <juick to relieve, pirn* BUI to use, guaranteed to cure. Clears t iro\t Hinl no.se nt une breath. Try v'ntarrhi-Konc, :.';'> rents and 9 1.00 Drug ginta or 1'olsoii \ l'i>.. Kingst.'ii, Out. Thin i-ek Mr. Hamilton Kerns, of Beading, delivered st Orton, to Mr. W. siHTiy, of Kerguii, |l,175 worth of fnt cattle. Mr. rVrns H an enterprising Uutlerin fanner who makes large profitH annually nut of live stock. Orangeville Poet. Farm for- Sale A farm for *ale in theTownabip at Artemoela ronlajninx 133 c . inore or l*a. TUacre* clearml with f*nlv KM.I buildnm, eomprtl of tot* 64. 6fi. fl6. AT, tin. on the aeoood eonctu-ioi>. North of Durliftiu Ka<l. TVrirja av. Apply to UK. CRWsTroi, Kloburtoo. Mar I-*BL THOKOUOMBBRD [H.RMA.1 BULL For Service Count JLustxHaS 27510 The undersigned has a tine Durham Bui for service (color red) on lot 147. T.S.R. TKSMS 91.00 for the seaa.>n. Pedigree on application. AI.RIKT STIWABT May 81 yr. Flwherfaui. <B fble el(Balnn> M < v r tbe genai-. Laxative Bix > Quinine tae remedy tbut rtir n cole) sat Thoroughbred Durham Hull for Sevice . Cord mint*. 2906$. The undertuined haa a Bno age.! Durham Hull f< r service <>n lot 141. T. ft H. H. Term* *1 for grade cowa, f .1 for thorough- breds. Pedigree on a|>|ilicati <n JACOH LKVKH. Fleeherton P.O. Cam worth Boar for Service ^ ' Alvln ( No. 718 l The anileraigned has a thon>u^hbril Tn>wnrth B-wr for ervic i>n l..t 14'>. T. A 8. K., A nemesis. Term* f 1 (X). THIW. LIVER, Prop. TMOUOt'OftBREO SHORTHORN BULL-SERVICE NO. J5 n 'General Gordon* The und.rsin.-d bar a fin>t clan^ th(.r- ou|i{hbrl Sh(irh..rn bull for s-r ico "n lot l.'Jo. T. and S R., Artemesia. This is one of the beat atiimals in flu- country. IVdittri't. mi application. TERMS $i, Thorouxhbreds, $3. Wm Davis. - - Prop. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Hromo Qnlulne Tablt*. All Jtiu'UintM r.'futi I the ni.>m v if it fails to cure Be. R W. Urovo'i iMiualure U on rach hoi, Cotton Boot Compotmi la u<xv>*ifnUy used monthly by over ,000 Ladles. Sale, effectual. Ladleaaek >ur druiKUit fur Ceek't CeMea loei Ceev _ J* no other, as all Uliture*. \>il\l and Initiations are danneroos. Pvlee. No. 1. II per bux-.No.*, lOdrKrveeilroDKer.Uper buz. No, I or t, mailed on receipt of prlr* and two s-etul stamps. The Cook Oompur Wlndaur Ont. tV~No*. l and t aold and recommended by all responsible Druggists l Canada. N... 1 and v.. i I* oM In Klwheron by W K Richardson 1 1 \v s. chriptoe. OrngKUtfc. BlUIl Ever have them? Then we can't tell you any- thing about them. You Lnow how da.i everything looks and how you are about ready to give up. Some- how, you can't throw off the terrible depression. Are things really so blue? Isn't it your nerves, after all? That's where the trouble is. Your nerves are belngpolsoned from the impurities In your blood. * * i; purifies the b!ood and elves power and sub'!i:y to the nerves. It makes health and strength, activ- ity and cheerfulness. This is what 4 ' Ayer's" will do for you. It's th? eldest Sarcaparilla in the land, th; kind thsr old before other S parillas v/cre known. This also accourrs for the saying, "One bo:ilc of Ayer's is worth three bo:t!es of the ordinary kind." SI.N kettb. All Mfette f*e Coctor* It von hare an<r oooipH*n; whastrer an4 aeilr* th* b^ii aM*MeJ .l?t-- jo en poeklbly rucerv*. write the dccu>r freely. You will r*< :> a proeapt rt- ply, wllt.out cot A Mr*'**. DR. J. C. AYKll. L... 11, Kxi. FlESKEnTIS flRllllME WAFtEROOMS t We are carrying rawest style "f SEASONABLE GOODS Tn all linen of FURNITURE Parlor and Siadroom <Suit \.oungas iSido-Sjoai ds, xtfi tion and Centre "Ca6lt. Cflai't, Window <SAadts and Cttrimt'm Potos, Pictures, ayta. to Which offer at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing Undertaking in all its Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, PROPRIETOR Fl Don't Itlakt a Serious mistake and l>u) :\ I'niteil Sintea Mist, ry "f " l^uei'ii Victoria: Her Lifo and Ueign \\',' li.ve the only Canailian Knik t.y l..>nl Puirefin and C'nstell Hopkins. M iripiis i.f Lome says " 'hu Vx-st pupultr history puhl^hed,' 1 iind Sir Arthur Higj;e,lhe (Queen's Privi.1,- , Hon. .I...sepli Cliam- lii-il-iin. I., rd S.ilislmry, Sir Oliver M,it. l.ord Tennyv.n, MT\ of ,l t .r- s.-v, 1'r r ..r.u;,ii. Siri'ha>s. Tii|i|-er, Sir Win. Vim Hi-rne. \V. T. > 'I K"\a. Mi^liMi .--, < i .. Duke of York, mil all leading ppc>t write in Miiiil.ii sti-.-iiiM. Is hrvor, contains more w..rd, better illustrated. Sorter |>n|H-r, lietter ninding, and only $1.75. Agents don't wast,, time Imnd- ; \ni.-iionn snd inferior books when you e:ui uet the authentic, Hritinh- Kilimi In. k i n hetter terms. Mundredw of agen's throwing awuv op. position pIWpMtOMaVi If you promise to cannus we will send you MM outfit fr.-e. THE BRADLEY-UARRETSON CO., Limited Mention t)il pnper. ICK,NIIOKI. O>T TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. IX, NO 1034 Flesh-erton, Ont., Thursday, May 3O, IQOi W. H. THURSTON, HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest Store TewaLlne i. and E. NI> mutter how high in the ky 4 bird may fly it haa to cunie back to the earth for a drink, and no matter how much ttorea may tulveitiae they've got to deal with the eiperieuce of hop- pur* aud the judgement of trade critics. The mi re you know about gutHla and price* and value* the better we art *uinud. A store with such a , a policy appeal* to the intelligent, and in time will reach the unintelli gent, too. The positive and unqualified protection thniwn around customers here makea it puewible fr a child to buy as safely an a man or woman, and if at any time you gt quods thit are nut entirely satufac- tory we insist that you biin H them back. Tliat very thing U th ea- phaais of this tore Your Money Back if You Want it \\ .- iniei.d <: *id to the enthu-iamii thia weak with soacial value* in all the stocks. Well known manufacturers rr uning u to i.-i.!i you, and we're abU to distribute new ar.d worthy gooiU at exceptionally low pricus. Tin* is part of the sti'ry, but the quick*:*' way lo t*;ll of special thiOK* is lo ask you to come aud sen for yourself. 10 I'IKt :KS Di:ES8OX)D8. aawrted shad.-s and pattern*, in plain, fancies, and plaid*. 40. . aud 44 inches wide, reg- ular values were 25. 30, 35 and 40 cents per yard. You can take jour choice this woek al i!0 pieces DIIES.S GOODS, aasorted ginghams and fancy tartans, 26 in. wide, very suitable for children's school iiresses,and special value at per yard 10 piece* CANADIAN TWEED, '28 inches wide, good heavy weight, in assorted stripe and check patterns, junt the thing for boya'aohool cloihen.reRular 36 cent arid :58 cent qualities, i'ot this wtek you can buy them at One Bale. 336 Ibe., Giey COTTON UK MM ANTS, or mill ends, not the short lengths) but ends ranging from 15 to 30 yards each, bought direct from the mill at a low price per pound. We have them marked au you can buy thess at a saving of 30 to 36 per ceut. Lengths rane from 1ft to 30 yds. each, prices run at per yard from 3 to One Bale 296 Ibe,. White COTTON UK MM A NTS lengths ran from 2 to 10 yards each, values 30 to 40 per ceut leas than regular good*. 10 DOZEN PAIR Mens all- wool Cashmere 8os, siMa.10, 10^, and 11. assorted, plain or ribbed oaahmere, every pair worth 5 to 30 cent*. For thm week you can buy 3 pairs fur 10 DOZEN Ladies Hy^eian Ribbed Cotton Vests, full faahloned. fancy embroidered neck, half sleeves and gnd weight, re- nl:ir value 16 eta. ech. This week the unco mill be From Our Own Ones more we are called upon to notice the death of one of our early pioneer*. Af tor au illnea of a few days, borne with Christian resignation, Mr. John Blum paYMed away to hie eternal reward. He contracted a cold which brought on iu- dai'< illation of the lung) and notwitlistand. inn medical aid and kind care he succumb- ed to tha diseaao last Thursday morninn. Mr. Blum waa born in Cheshire, Eui{- Lund, and wa* in his 72nd year at the tune of his death. He leaves behind biui to mourn his death, a wife and three dauqbten. On Saturday, followed by a large number of friends and neixhbors, hisi mortal remains were laid away to await ths resurrection morn iu Ebenezer church yard. Thus one by one the brown leaves fall. Mr. Gulf, the evangelist, has pitched hiit gospal teut in Mr. J. M. Davis' KTOVO and is holding a series of revival meetings. i<ii - s, HI, ,ii.-iif. plains and 'jc mod rather obstinate at times, heading : r . ', .uta of the oom paao :i ^uneral but no ;>intin itrticular. Never mind. U., me bhoy, every fall is a fall upward*, keep a level bead and a firm grip of the rudder aud you will soon be able to boaa the old uraft and steer clear ot neks aud shoals. Miss Lazzio McArthur, who is at ser- vice iu Toronto, lately eacaped from what might have been a serious accident. It appesn that on the premises where she is engaged in an old well which had been covered with board* and earth which had become a smooth sod and concealing all trace* of the welL A* Lozsie was cross- ing the spot, the ground under her sud- denly nave way and she was precipitated to the bottom. We are glad to state, however, that she wa* rescued without other injuries than a few slight bruise*, a teinpomry frii(bt, and a cold Juck. None of the meiDbvra of the family knew uf the existence of the well. 15 26 80 10 Our s'ora is full ..f good values, many linos that you cannot poeaibly |ual ekv- where. We get as near it* we can to tbe actual cot of pro- duvti.'n, and in buyini; here you save auythinK like fancy profit** ^^^' gtkffoM SL Co, From Ow O\rn Cvrraputultnt Victoria Dsy was nenerally kei>t M a holiday bttre. Quite a few were disap- pointed of expected sports. Our foot ballot earn wore very down hearted that thi'y could not piny the Meaford boy* a Kitmo, but never mind, there we better day* a'coming, toy*. Mr. Bautvuheimur of Toronto Junc- tion it rusticating in tbi* vicinity. Mr. Albert Knott, also of Toronto, is visiting hi* brother Abe and other friends ' around here. It is an old adage that misfortune* never coma singly (and very nfivn more than doubly) and it waa so in the COM of oar enterprising neighbor, F. J. Eaton, on Saturday last. He was returning hcme with a grist oi flour, among which was two 50- weight paper bags of Me Qowan'a very beat manufacture. Whn bs was diiving over the river l>ridg*_ which i* in a somewhat shaky ooudition, one of the bags fell off the load. Mr. K. tried to reaouo it but all to no avail- Down U wut to feed tho liho. We tbink they would be worth catching thin >er. When within a mile of home the uthei b*x fell to the ground and bunt, and very little of that was saved either. Poo* John thought hi* cup of bitterness WM surely full. The fishts may tell th* rest, bat tbe loave* and tiahes U not peptilar Sunday school lesson with Johu. The bridge over the Bvaver river os. the Epping sidernad went down Satur- day evening with on* team and a large load of lumber and another team attach- ed to a democrat. The former, belong- ing to Joaiah Owen* of Heathcote, was driven by hi* son Albert, whom tha shock ha* completely uned up. On* of tho hone* was with great difficulty rescued in a very bad condition. The other team, belonging to Charles Hill, was landed safely without much damage. Altogether it was an uxolting time, Mrs. Hawkins wishes me to say that although nomewhat shaken up, she wa* not quite so badly injured as ye editor reported la*t week She ha* all bet teeth yet that she had before nod i* now almost thoroughly well. FrwmOnr Owi C'orre<]NmJeti>. Nearly all the farmers are done cod- ing now. Krv Mr. Serley in holding special services in the Methodist church here, this week. He will administer the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper next Sabbath. Owing to the rain on the 24th the folks wore disappointed a* they purposed hold- ing a picnic to Lavender Fall*. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Finley spent the 84th visiting frid si Qrud Valley, r'ros* Onr Own Cormdonpent. Sunday nrzt will b the thirty tifth an- uiversnty of the Fenian Raid aud the >at tie of Uidgeway. Since then many of he) reterins have passed away to the Poster at the hand* urea* u.ikn..n, others are scattered far Mr J " lm McArthur recently closed a wido m various parts of the world. b ' de l m w<K)d h Tin( C I'U^haw"! " lna the nlahs at the sawmill. We were much surprised to learn that there is a largo bed of excellent marl on the farm uf Mr. Henry Patterson, north PrtcevlUe Our "i CorrrtfxniJent r item* this week i-ituud over a period of t wo weeks. Several .if the rooms iu the Commer- cial Hotel are receiving i fresh coat of of Mr. H. Watson. various parts of u..l most uf them who were then in hey-day uf youth or tbe pride ot mauhoou, now begin Do ruajiae that tho hill of life ateup* down, while those who fought snd died on that memorable second of June " f lhu bur - Wt trMt H - P - ^ In k8 in defence of th IT beloved Canada wiU . '"'*" "* <>' '* for many generation* ooDtmue in ihemem- ( Mr J D - B* OM improved the oey o( tbe natiou a* heroes whain.uir.cl , ?"*'' ^ **> store-room by a ooat o/ the rising Keneralioa with a patriotic ar- , Io "''^ast. ^ An tincaiupmeut of gypaie* pitobed their tent* ou th* weetern subrub* of our city l**t week. The/ left early on Satur- day morning and no one regretted their departure. Our villager* ar* getting vaccinated by the wholesale. No lea* than ten were inoculated with vaccine one evening late- ly. Smallpox gonna will find very little rmmg generations will ooatiuue to pay a ( UJ>1* "1 *<* development around thi* a fitting tribute to their honored rlead j l ""' and the world at largi will know that I <*" number of our your Canada's ton* will bo ever r/ly to *h*d | J oilwd *" 6 o-mpany of the the noarlet stream of life to uphold the , '> w " *"> ""> the boy* will Hag that hat braved a thousand years, the ffeaeant and prodtable time -h.U in camp dor which baa been the result of ting the bond* between us and the Moth- er laud. Mooument. of brone on pU- lan of granite have been erected to those her- >e* ; their n*>ose* are engnvei on tab- let* of marble ; pious love will renew thosw names when the hand o* time and never failing elements have effaced them; not a single name will be forgotten. The are shovinx watches DOW, m daim to have the LARCEST STOCK west of Toronto, th* BUST STUCK to select from, and the CHEAPEST STOCK, taking quality aud everything nto consideration. We are getting ui new stock every few day* and selling watcbea every day. Prospective buyer* should remember the old mii; : "Mk lay while the sun shinea. '" The son shining now fl>r (.urchasers ; all you hav to do i* to oonie in and buy and your hay s made. Come in and look at the stock. whether you wiah to buy or not. W. A. Armstrong. ICWCLER AND OPTIOIAM FLESHERTON. m Jlat batUl- >f Mrs. Gilliland, whuu her large ?i.m rilled to oviTtlowniii with friemlawho came to be present at the marriage of hei foMageat daughur, Mi in Minnie, to Mr. John Stuart of Kimburley. Rev Mr. Dwruck, formrrly of Flesherton, tied th bridal k.iot. The bride'* aisur, M . , GilhUnd, and Miss McMullen acted a^ brideamaidH, while tho Rev. Whito and Mr. (>eorge Stuart supported the KIOUH-. through the trying urdeal. The utately bride looked lovely gowned in white. The bridesmaids ware alao dressed ui white. After the ceremony about ouu hundred aad afty quests sat down to a sumptuous repast to which they did ample justice. The large number of handsome presents received by the r >aa g coupio show* *he high oateera in which they are held. They expect to leare in a few dMyn to depart for Powaaeen, where they in- tend to saake their home. The bn>t wishes of their many friends follow them, hopius] they may enjoy lone; life, prosper- ity and hspplnees in their new home. Mr. Will Paul left on Tuesday f. i Yellow Grass, A sea., where he ha* taken up a section of land. battle and the breeze. Our Sabbath school re-opened for the umnier month* laM Sunday week, but t aevuis that the dilapidated old log schuulhuime will, for an indefinite period, lave to lerte a* a meeting huuau fur Sab- bath schoul and League, and the pmject- od now building remain iu abeyance.owing to the uDittwfactory choice uf me foe U erection. A marked improvement haa recently taken place <>n the premise* in front of Ir. Henry Stone'* dwelling house by the disappearance, of some of those old settlers who very probably found a reeling place ,bere abuut the tinio of the ghvcier period. L few more yet remain, but Uuory wil| u<t likely in tho near future, blast the atouos. The inclemency of the weather prevent- od our young folks from enjoying their anticipated holiday uu Victoria Day. We tope they will enjoy a double share of jleusure on Dominion Dsy. The fall wheat which was sown in this neighlxirhuud does not siuount to much in aoreugv, but in appearance much bittr could not be desir*d, and a very (ood crop is expected should, tho season prcro favorable, Mra.John McLeod.accompauiud by h.-r son, visited her daughtw Mra.J.Flotchor, of Mitrkdnlc, last week. Mia* Jane Lyiieea has returned from Albion wherohoth>wt hoeu fiiutiug friends for the past two wevks. Mr- HonrjF Spinur is engaged for the summer with Mr. James Dyce uf Ceylon, building stouo work. One of our young aspirants recently be- came the proud poxmssor of a bike. The bike, however, appears to have the procliviten of a. bronohu frcsth from the. at Niagara next month. *.Vrt are glad to learn that Mr. John McLean of the S. L., who luw been very ill, is DOW rucovenng. Messrs. James McCrae uf Truwbridge ,uul Bugh HcCraeof D rii.K.-h ire in town at present looking after their lumber. Miss M. A. Brown uf Toronto spent Victoria D*y with her sister, Mr*. N. McKinnon. e Vandeleur. Aople i this From Owr Cwu Cvrreapondnt . Mr. Jacob Sloan, on* of Eugenia's most highly respected resident*, died at hi* home her* on the morning of the 22nd, aged 74 yuars aud 10 -uontlm. Dvoeaaed wa* for many year* >ne of tl.e moot etti- leut and ttctiv<* worker* iu the Eugenia Mothisiist church, tie was of a kind and genial disposition, renpected by all who knew i>iiu. An aged widow and two sons are left t.< mourn, the loss ot a loving husband and a kind f*,thur. i irw:i sym- pathy is oitenlvd to !ii family in their soro beroavainent. The many fricnda of Mr. Frvd Mun shaw are plcaeed to welcome him home after but proloiigvd etay m th* O,uevn { The 84th passed off very quietly ' Eu- genia. The clouds soemod to wut'p all day for the doar old Queen, who w.is loved by all and and i* now oujoymg her rest. Mr. Gorley still remains in a very crit- ical condition. The plensitnt rains wo are having ar* giving prumisu of w abundant hay crop. Vagctatiun in well advanced foe so early in tho season. On Wednesday oveniug lat a very in- teresting ovonl took place at th* reajd*noe From Our (Hw Corrtpmuie>\t. Ile bluasoma are not very plentiful sec-lion, while the outlook for plumbs, cherries, elc.,are very promising Mr. Ed. WarlinK who ha* been >rk ing in MiteheU's Mill it Berkeley, in homo for a short time. The Beaver river fishing club unter- tiiiind a iiuuilx r uf friend* at their clu'i house on Mr. Wvuer's fnrm recently. The Sunday services have been with- drawn from the Methodist church here for a few weeks and will be held in con- nection with Mr UoCs service* each Sabbath at his tent in Mr. Davis' grow. Mr. and Mrs. Timmins, from Glonelg, spent Sunday week at th* latter's parents, Mr. John Warlio<'s. Mr. Wm. Holley waa laid up a abort time with inflamation of the lungs but .m able to be around again, Edward Lee, William Duncan and Dennis Skelly.sons of respectable parents, sppeared In-fore 1'olice Magistrate Net- tluton on Thursday morning last, charg- ed with burglnrizuiic the residence of Mr, Clackadder, Mapld street, last April. Al) three pleaded guilty, and were sentenced to tbe Central Prison for the following terms : Edward Lee. 2 years ; Wm. Dun- can, 6 month* and Dennis Ske'.ly, 8 IIKS. It will he remembered that Mr. Blackai'- der's houae was ebtorod on the evening ot ' 24th of April, and three watches stole i , : une < f which was a preavntatie*) watch, (waring an inscription. This timepioie, led to their capture. Skelly pledged >i with Mr. i iriev.-s, thu tailor, a* security for a autt of olotheH, and on thu lultei n. an -ing that :iu inscription on the cam had lieon soratohed ..rf, at ouca noiiri. i i Mr. lUaokadder, and t.bo police wero n< t long in gathering tho gang in sno, reco\ ering the stolon property. Leu wn*. the only one who entered tha house, the others remained outside and aft*;rwar. ^ sharing the bjooly.-

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