Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1901, p. 3

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CEYLON AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR BLACK. A STRONG QUARTET OF VIRTUES PURITY CLEANLINESS ECONOMY WHOLESOMENESS "SALADA" red Cay Ion Green. Ceylon Teas ara sold Uad packets only, never In bulk. Black, Mixed or unco*- Sanipu en application. Address " SALAOA." Toronto. FACTS AND FIGURES. Cm:.'. 1 1 has 10.000 post -of fire*. Only 900 t>-o[)ie in l.OGO.ttX) die of old age. Qu-bee is t!O yean oi, Mdi'rr.U 259; Tc-iJito 100. Quebec provinre is throe times ai large a the United Kingdom m<l Ire- The gold-be-irinif area f the Yu- kon it estijoated to l>- 125,000 Square lilf In r xt en i. t'.n.iu ban over 18000 public chonls, \\iih over a million pupils, laugh 1 , by -J7.UOU Uacbor-s. Canada extends oer 20 degrees of latitude or equal to the latitude of from Conntajuinoplr to the North Pol*-. A white object can bo seen at a dit inoe of 17. USD times its onvn dia- meter in-etrooif AunUght-tb.it is to aiy, a whiu- disk a ftx>t across can be M--n 17,i&.) feet aav.iy. Peck^ work it r-ing pushed in tb* British fiiHnnrl ports. Abcu: ixty million dollars will he spent before tor improvements fXt' ni|>l .t -l at Cardiff, LLiT..|Iy, Briatol. S.vansea and Niv.vpart are completed. 1 IA grvait falling off u* noticed in tor l!u i-h, tin plftta trade. At the end of M'rch -93 mil In w.v J running B.S a(raui-'- 418 aulU a year ago. ami number of workmen w^s 14,630 iti- tead of th," 1M.OOO in. JCarcJu 19CO. STA6E DRIVER STATES HIS CASE Experience of Both His Wife and Himself Each Hat tt.tcd the Power of DoSa'i Kidney Hilli r- v h H*j Achieved :he deal.' Rr- uit UodJ Kidaey Pillo Have CurcJ Them Both. Dremore. Ont., May. 27. Special. Mr. liporjci' S.iekett, drives the stage between Drcmo:v .,ml liolstcin. That be is knoun throughout the country i- ! gue.4 without saying. When he- was in trouble a ?hort time ago be had tlir (sympathy therefore of more than the feiu iovmediate friends and neighbors a man in unotbor \\alk would turc. Mr. Suekett thought at one tim- h* * i>uld have to givn up the stagr. tin/ up on the. driver'* eat day in umt (Uiy out. rain or shine, hot or cold he contracted a serious disorder. His kUlneys beume weakened from the continual exputmre. They gradu- ally gave in in mire and more trou- ble. He felt that be couldn't keep jp much longer. It is nine, iniici from Dromore to II'>lMe:ii. That luc in-i a round trip of t-ightfi'o miles Two t.'.im-i a day ttouM in ike t!..'-t>-ix mi>< f driv- ing, imagijic thin in a wet driving Wtoiv MK-III of M neh or r'l'liru.iry i a man LU a delicate state of health. M Sarkutl il'd not give up driving tb" stage.- Jn.U'<l he sought the help uf U-.ll 1 - K ,:-. l'/N. Did he find li<>lp ' Head his own letter, a let- i. ivhich tells. aNo tnat his wife proved the truth of the sayLng, "Uotiil'a Kidney Tills arr woman's best fr!end." ' II j,ing used other largely adver- tised 'I'ineilws and all tbe medicines recoaiuioiidcd to uie by my friends for kidney (Trouble and excri. 'ic llack-iche without the slightest relief, I was in il*(>air. In the nick f tun- 1 was indui-i- I ti> try IkuM's Kiuiii'y filln an.l i-.in never he too thankful for the advice \v(hich prompt- ed Die to do o. They e imply took hold of my trouble, and lifted it oft me. 1 never neard of anything which gives Mich Instant relief." . " My wife oweM even more to Dodd'a K -loi-y I'll I.i than I do. Her ease was vi .WSJ than mine. Mrs. Sacked would u..! hi' : ly only for Dudd's K diiey I'iHs. tl i h uiy uifo and iny- M-if e in V uiy i of. miuend DoJd's Kid- I'.'.N f> they do wli.it they arc fUtlu.-u to ilu." AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY HOMAGE OF THE PHARAOHS PAID TO THE KING OF ENGLAND. ii:\ Ai li-a-dj inkers tbe Kngliah are at .lie. lieiJ of the tree. A I'arliiinn-ni- n turn recently published sxys that in lliv- I'iiiieJ Kiiiffdotn as muoh I it. pcir he-id it annually consumed lutusrrai tlip fvui.- i< i' tJv- United <n:y 111' i heal On tbe trther lianJ, tLo I'nited .State* f<-n- i<umcd lll'i. vf i-i-ffee p- I"- 1 1 fnch veur as H4up.n'<l iih hardly 8 4lb. per head i Kniianl It i* intere*! ing to li',i:;i tli:i: ^-' I'-'i eenl f the KIIK- lUh lea coiiJi .< fvoui Itritish possea- aia'iiri of the l>l ik. Tr'.b Travel < Nile. |* IV, u..ni.iar i., KUc I ,1 ward > n 1-1 r ,i ih i r , ,r ,i ,., u I or.l I r ..t.ir r", II. . I. Not until gpreiral months after the occurrence of an interesting event. in the Egyptian tioudan baa an account of it been reclined in London. It was an event that h is rn ailed otter eyeats at tli>' kji'l whirii took place in Lm- ruoniori.il tuniM and representations of which mijr ye.t be seen by those who inspect the ruins; of the temples of ancient Egypt. \Vhe-n Lord Crcneir made bin latest riant to Kb u tenon, as the represent- ative of Britiah authority in Egypt, ho held rourt, durbar, at tb huge red pa Lac there, whU-h was. attend- ed by many of the Mohammedan magnate*, who appeared in great pump. There wan a ceremcoy of an unusually unprenaire. character when a body of warlike, and stately sheiks, mouatcd upon their caur! arrived at tbe palace. They hud ridden lor 000 miles from their country f.ir up the White Nile, and their journey had lasted three inuntufl. There weru in the embassy sevwi of the greatest sheijcs and one woman 01 the highest rnnk, all beli>n.iinjr to tbe ancient of Dinkaa. whom ethnologists re- gard as the aboriginal inhabitants of that part of Africa. The n.nka embassy of sheiks, which had obtained permi.vtion to risit Khartoum, receired A CERKMONIOI'S WELCOME f.roin Lord Cromer when they arrived at thi |>.i . i-r, .ifipr i h< y had announc- ed that it was their purpose to |>ay li. .tinge to him. An tb reprewnta- tiv.- of tlritiuh Majesty be offered them welcome in the Arab language, assuring them that ihey would be protected, that their weifare would Mir-ely b promoted under the An#lo- iV>l"iin rule, that they would nev- er again have occasion to frar the slave. dealer or slave driver. and that the Uritiah troops, \\ho had been il-mp up and set in array for the urcaion would |;uaTd their country ar< a part of great K#ypt. The IXok.i aheilu were greatly pleased with their '!c'.me. They rendered obeukiut-e to the poient white, lard, uul tti>-y i-lianti'd i world- old bynxn in hi* p r aiM', ul *r which they performed the rniwi curious p.-irt of the. i eremopy. On<- stately abeik iidv.i;ice>l toward Lord Cromer, bear- ing aloft the. Dinka crown of honor, which cofiBistcd of a black conical. stuped, bximlMS hat, ornamented with plumes of Hack ostrsch feathers. In a majentic manner he placed the crown oo hia Lordahip's head * n ini:k of tiomuge. on the part of the Iknk.i tribe, and aa represent ing the traditional tribal rymbul of ;ovt-r- eigntyv Lard Cromer was so nvii-fc T'leaaed tvith the i erctnuny lb.it he brought out prcnt3 of various kind.". To tbe Itre.it aheaka he gav a fine new r.ii- >ii<:it of the brlfrhte.st Jiuv<. and to tbe feminine grandee in their eom- ptny h<- |r;iTe aundiry gifts, nmong whu-h weo-e a costly parasol and a decorated mirror. In their joy th*y cried out and AGAIN UENDKRED IloM\i;i; to the. "shado^v" of B-itLsh royjlty. Next day tliey began to p-op.ii-- fer the. long jwurney up the White Nilr. and kick to lhe.ir c>wn country. It appewrs that neither the sheiks nor th". other members uf the Dinka clan axe. either uf the Arab raw or the Mohammedan religion. They are an autochthonous people, and it is probable, that the-y are drMrnded from ancestors who live>l in their country limg before Moses |<.J t h<> enslared Hebrvw.t out uf "v>pt. They worship one God and posses.* Mac-red riteA that antedate any history. Their language, religion, and customs are peculiarly their own. The. uulereating fact has bcn brought to not ce. that such care- muoioa aa occurred during Lord Ci o- nif ( r's last durbar of Khartoum \ven- but repetitions of ceremonies that had been witni's-vd in ancient Egypt un- <!'- the ruU of the PharaoW The follonving quotation from a letter d"- scTibiii^ the scene hert- spoken of may be taken a3 direct proof of the fact : " The scenes depicted on tho Tem- ple of Amenophi* III. B C. 14oO. at Suli'b, ml alao those on the temple* ; of Itameaes 11., DA'. 1330. in Nubia.and , liki'\\i;<e those on the temples of l-iiev K^>pi ,:n kings at Niptta, prore that exactly the same k-iid uf ocre- monial homa^n was rendered to suo ocMire rulers of am-i<-nt KVypf, after they had, racji of them in bus time, crushed in the .Srudani tribes In ord-r to extend the frontiers of the great kingdom." And so the, IViik-is of the. earliest ngefl lire again in the Diokas of to- d.iy. The clan of t lie Upper Nile once nuliject to Ihe kintf who was IOKI in the. Red Sea in now under the rule of Edward VII. ol M'/TS OF FISH-SKIN. Hunv would you It- to be dreued ontirely, from your nit to your Ux>t, in Barm-nts marie of fish-sk nsf Tb-rc are many race* in 'ha far N<jrib tha* wear the*e fish-skin clothes, for thr? simple n-ae a thai there is no other miti'rial uvailal/l>. Salman- skin. \vh-n mide into ckmb-s by tbe inl.il.ii inn of th" no.rtbrn shores of .Sib.'ri.i, is. lifc:' kit in app ar.mce and soflaesa; but il is tougher in J ' aluio t as tcugh as pa re h men . It is dv-'l yelk-. and red and indigo, and some .f ih' K'lrm^nts inlo hi<-h it is m.ide are highly ornani<-nteij. The garments arc <v-*-a togpiher with' fine thread, alo midn of fish-skin. The CU-UT adgps are generally bord- ered -with a nfh-'vkin band of dark indigo blue, and abovo thi* is a n, arrow i t rip o( r. -i. The. ir:K-s live (Q'irffly l.y Jibbing an<l hunting. Silm:>n. *hjrh aicend t h" rivi-rs. are ih'-ir i tapl food, and thf skms, after being treated by tta women, wh> oro adepts, provide th- tnatt durable clctb?n anyone could wiab for. FRAGRANT , . p.. .... liquid dntifric for tfe Teeth ^ Mouth Hew Site SOZ0MNT LIQtlD. ZJe SOZOOONT TOOTH POWDER. Zfc Urfe UQUIO ass POWDER. Tie At all dtorat, r by MaJ for th* price. MAUL A RUCKCL. Montreal. A .-L" ;<;K.srj(i\. Younir Mother I really don't know why hp cruM H ,. I' fh-lor Frii'rhl Perhap it is his t-eth e^mioK tbn.ugb. Yoang Mother No. be isn't teeth- Bich-!->r Krind Maybn it's his hair coming Chrough that hurts him. A BOOK FOR MOTHERS. Cwitilnlnt; Mush Information a* to th* tar* of ChUdrfi, nd th* Tr*>tni*iit of III* that Commonly Afflict Uttl* * Clcn Froo. "Baby's Battles; A Message for ; Mothers" ia the title", of a very hand- some little pamphlet just issued by the DC. Williams' Medicine Company. It is devoted entirely to the care of infanta and im.ill children, and tells the molhe.r fco.v to aid her little ones in tbe emergencies of every day life. It deocxibes the ills that commonly afflict children and telli how to treat them. Thia Ult.e book n one that should bo in every home where there ire, infants or small children. All mothers whr> send iliir name and ad- Jtlress on a post card to the Dr. \Vil- 1'iu.i :i- '.. Il-urkvi:i>>, Ont., will receive a copy of this book free of charge. Mention thia paper when writing. o> ROYALTY'S MOST EVENTFUL MONTH. March ia a moat eventful month for Royalty. The K'ag was Jnarrted on Marvh 10th, I)?t3. Princess Louise on MarcU JNt. 1871, and hear birthday fills on M-uxh 18th. The Du,k of L'm bridge was born March i!f>tb, 1819. On Majx-h l^th, 1884. the Duke of Albiny died, and in M.irrh, ISil. Qui>en Vic tor iii's mother died. I,< ndon hospital* treat 78,900 in- patl-nts and 1.I70.00U out-patients in a year. A 0000 INVIkTMKNT SHOULD ALWAYS PLEAS* LUDELLA II KOd jniwlnunt tnd it U mm to giw 70" "" ">" Pt*ct itlfcUo*. LEAD PACKAGES. .*. < GOOD PAINT BAD PAINT. There is a food paint and a bad paint. The choice lies with you. You can and probably will get poor paint if you are Indifferent about it. Why not ask for a good old well established brand ? RAMSAY'S PAINTS have been established in Canada (< sixty years. Everyone who ha. used them wants them again. Droyi u* a card and ask for BOOKLET "K" FREE telling; you all about it and showing some nicely painted hoasem. I ft f I' M II ll l> * A. RAMSAY & SON, PAINT MAKSIM. E.t d 1841 If You Want The Oawson Commission Co rw-!ti SHIP >Jl row SUTTU. (COS, POULTUT APPLI1. >lh*r MITi MM SOOUO IS L.mitd. Our. Wec Mr Col born* St.. Tortwto. By th* way. old Gotrox is not in active buvneaa now. is h-f I ahcuM call it activ*. H"' is dodg- ing taxo* at a more lively rate than any other man in town. A Well. nd how did you leep last night I Did you folio .v my advice and begin count ingt B Yes; I count- ed up to 18,000. And then you fell a!.-epf N< ; tb'-n it. as time to get up. Minimi's Lininifut Cuff* Dipktheria. THE IJMir. Buter-I am having awful luck. I am now duwn lo my last dollar. Uedbrekc r-huw. that's nothing. \V ut till you are do.vn to tbe lut dollar of your Ut fi vn-l. flOO Reward, f !00. Ta* reader* ol thi* purer will bo le*.t4 t*. ra ' hat tkor* l al H a<t one droxltd m*e aat octoaao ha boon nblo to cure In all lu on and 'tat U Catarrh. IU i Catarrh * Is th* only positive euro anw knows to lhmliol 'raiernlty < atarrh lir.i g * COB* titvtlonal dl*.ott, r*qu!ro a coiui.tn'.loaaj i treatment. Hall'* Catarrh i"u e i:k nlntoi nally. arltng directly upon iho hood and nn. <m \irfa<Tii of th* >ji:cm. tkirobjr deo i roving th* foundailo.1 uf tbe d.nea**. and itivios the paii*f -ircog th 1.7 bu Idinf up th* ocDetitntloB and aiu.ttnn nu'ura In doina It* work. Th* proprietor! hav* *o mack faith in l!*cnnlivo powr. that thoy ofter en* Hun- Irod Dollar* for any caM Uut II faiin to our*, "rod for Hoi or MetloMBbU*. F. J. CH KX K Y * CO.. TOLTDO sld ev4rngv*' 74e- Fain, IT FUU are the east Congratulations, Old rbap.' I h Jrd you nwrrkd a lady with an indeprnd- rnt fortun -. Hri>wn >o I though'^ but I find lhat I'm married to a fort. un<- wun an indvpendent ludy. Thi* iiraatur* IB on every box Laxative Brorno-Quinine Til- 1 world'* record In fires is not of London, but th^ Mom-o-.v fir* at 1570. 10 ,.v-.h.' h ^OO.UOO DK-oiile p-r- W. P. C. 1*7* Sozodont forth *Teeth --^ Mouth 25 Stratford. 4th Aug.. 1893. Messrs. C. C. RICHAKDt> A Co. Gentlemen, My neighbor's boy. 4 yc-irs old. fell into a tub of boiling water and (rot scalded fearfully. A fenv days later his legs swelled to three, times their natural lise and broke out in running norea. His p-r- ents could get nothing to help hint till I recommended MINARD'-i LINI- MENT, *vh:ch, after using two bot- tles, completely cured him. and I know of several vases aroand here almost an remarkable, cured by the same Liniment and I can truly say I never handled a medicine which has bad as good a sale or given such universal satisfaction. M. HIBERT, General Merchant. CAUGHT HIS TRAIN. The- following anecdote i.i sent by an officer nerving in the Transvaal, where it had gjne the rounds of the .-an p.". It naturally l.iekt official confirmation, but happily this does not iff. el its merits as a sti-rv "They tell a stivy of Botha and. Kitchen-r'a meeting about t."-in< of peaee n-cent- ly. At tho end Bi.th-i Midi "\\e.|. I must be. going.' Kitchener replied, 'No htirry. you haven't got to catch a train <- But (hit's just what I've got to do,' said Botha, and two lays afterwards n train was he!. I ii;i and Inoli'd on the IVIagoo, line, not very from th-5 p!aco] of The deepest colliery in the world Is at Lambert, in Belgium 3,900ft. The United Kingdom h > but hu p. il.-. Krane- has nearly l.ti'O. Minard's Liniaent Ceres Di.il? mpt-r. CALVERTS CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all hm ilmnt. J. 0. CHart A Co., HanoftMter, Ena;tan HEKT MCTAL OOUOLA* enoe.. ___...___ ).'( Adr.iJr -.1 CUKNiCca. : OUT. ARK YOU IDLE BUT >IU1,IM TO do pleMn- .nd nrottlabl* worn I \V r:.. k'.onra (oUABJJHALL Jt JO.. Tea lmpart*n. London. Onu OuliU furnnh i PHOTo LNCRAVIMC JONES [NCC? DIIAIOt^rW IOROHTU coil wighs 3.054 l!x p~-r cubic yard. A cubic yard of oak wvigba 1,100 Ibw MMTtltt MTtL IMCTBT. AYEMUi MOUSE -"$' ' Tbe Church of Kngtand has ~>K clergy in .Scotland. 8-0 in Ireland, 2,700 ubr.-a d. Minard's 1 ioimeDt t'irfs Colds, et. Of tlv l.J6< R mm Caiholic bishops in tbr- \\-: rid, 13!) hold sc at in tbe Bri- tUh tin | -I:.'. Hir\trd'i Unlnwnt Curt* Cargst !r\ Cow*. Dutch cbvev r ot lin.s 41 per ren 1 . of wit?r againut only 3D pur ovnt. in Chrthire cheese. For Over Fitly Year* million* of molhn for lli r , hi'.rimi whil* IMtkinc. Il NX.IIIO th. child, .often- !hf ,.. mfc li>.pi. <nuo> wind colk-. rUMlalK lh um.-h n.l bowrto, nd l> iho bul rrmfij for Dirrh.. Twotr '-'nu DotU Bol.i If tlr.iMiM ihrru|lluiil lh worid. rto Mire uij k for Man. WIKI.LOW SOOTHIKO s> L r BARGAIN DAY. Why i ui I n.t shown common cour- f demanded th? woman warmly, fhij .'i!:-8 person lost her temper at nee. You didn't ask to bo shown any-. thioiK r.ut two-cent prints retorted th- latter. Moreover. It was bargain day, when tb>- amount of common courtesy to a was neetssarily limited. FEATHER DYEING CteMaioM 4M4 Coriiac kod Kid Qlw cleoe*l ThM* -tn b*j UBI by ( .t, lo pr 01. ihc tMfti pl*.- It BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL. Dominion Lino Stoamshlpt MonLrcci M UvOTfOoL BoMoo to Lif* pool. PonlMMl to Uiorvooi. Tl* (frorao. lam* Lue* aa4 FM SU**HBi*m Suorlot tax lot U iliMii ol potoBf. Salooa* aad Up*. Spent. muo ka< OMO flro* lo on tut Tkir4-OlM* *oooai*wlauo. OlUMCoBpav.*! aUoUl<U.Millaao. n nut. si,- & Torrmr*. Co.. Moolracl ud rortow* ..THE.. Canada Permanent And WESTERN CANADA Mortgage Corporation. SAVING DSPARTMSNT, *; I and apwrd> roc*lTd on dopoolt. 9> Interext paid or compound Jl<V *d hulf yoarlT at Ql/9 Clfin **>& nwrd r*coiT*d for wlUU which debenture lM*d w.ih hi(yorlj couponn 4lched A/ tor later*** at ** o Toronto Stoat, - TOKONTO ' *

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