Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1901, p. 4

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so, mi THE FLESHE TON ADVANCI THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MAY 30, 1901 vM^Y.YiM, ,,,;,..,,. ,r.^ F. T, HILL & CO 25, 35, 5oc. IQI HATS AT 60 Boy*' Fine Felt Hats in blanks, frvjit. fawns, &c Tin-He are what are left of lii.mi that hare been selling at ftO cents oacli only one or two of each line but all nizus arc. rcprosentd. Your choice each 10 26 and 80 cent Tellings at 10 cents a yard. 260 yards finest sr?k veilings the qualities that are sold everywhere at 25 and 30 cents a yard clearing at. ... 10 8 cent aud 10 cent Prints at i cents. 30 piece* (1200 yards) bright new print*, good w id tin in dots, stripes, figures, floral designs, etc., colors guaranteed perfectly fast and values unequalled. On tale this weuk at .... 6 86 cent Shirt Waists at 66 cents. 10 il"Z4-n Toadies' fancy white striped shirt waist* nuvly in.-ulr aud trimmed, in sue* 32 to 40. Having bought those elegant irods from a manufacturer at a very low price, we ahall sell thu regular Ho ccut quality at ea< h M Black Batcen and Mercerized Bateen Shirt Waists We hare twenty dozen of thefte very dean nt>K< and faihionalilo ginida, ranging in price from 60 cts. to f'J 25, aizes 32 to 42 inchea. Tu know what's fashionable it U necessary to nee these. French Fonlard (33 inches wide) at 14 eents Ilandsoiue new French foulards in*colors of blue (3 shades), purple (2 shades), ceriee, green, etc., very correct for summer wear, per yard 14 FIFTY BOYS' SUITS, sizes 22 to 30, at 1.76 to L'.'-'.Y These are the boat you'll find. NEW STOCK PARASOLS, 26o. to $2. From scores of liuea we select one a* an indication of value*. An excellent silk and wool cov- ered parasol, paragon frame, very pretty handle*, (assorted styles and gold mounted.) No better than these are being sold else- where at 91.76. Our price 1.26 26 dozen Window Shades each 26 cents. TheHe are equal to any 35 ct. ahade you'll find. Tln-y are oil finished, most durable colon, (assorted) complete with fixtures, nails and pulla, only 26 We have the Capital, the Energy, the Stock and the Value", with which to do the largest reUil business in Grey County, and we'ro doing it. From now ontil the end of June we will give the closest kind of prices on all Blankets. Yarns, Heavy Tweeds, Flannels. ^ Please remember we are paying the higheHt price in a$b or 000d$ tor all kinds of produce. F. T. HILL & CO., Harkdale. **#**## Ad vance rTTBLISHBD WBKKLY AT THI off IC, COL- UilOWOOll 8TRBBT, ri rsHKUT'iN, ON'T , n , H. THVRSTOH. 1 per HO. HI in vtrlrtly In advance Advertising Rates: On* Column, 1 yar. (JO , hall col . 1 f*ar, qnartor col , on* year, *16. Tranilacl ad*rtla*in*nt eliar(d at th rat* oanta r*' line fur flril Inacrttoo aa 1 1 cent aob aubaoiiuBiit iDtsrtlon. A Letter from Mawkeshury. Ilawkesbury, Out. May, 2fi, IflOl O EIHTOK: A I hit at my wind-iw ihe |Hitn, pom, |*im, JHUII of the- oii|(ines, the hum of many mai-hmcN and slash, lash of croaa cut circular aiwi come lo i ni arroaa the niL'ht air. Thi-so things, >.ili thu gleam of i-lerinc liithta, the oc- casional lint of sulphurous acid, and the isci-nding column- from smoke alucks and it-am escape* toll me that hundreds of nils (if pulp arc bi-ing made ready for markets at home and nl>rond. Atone lima I hold Ihe idea that pulp i t-ly fur market was nothing more nor lew than finely urmind wood, bleacheil, in.. I, ninl ahippc-l in hulk. Now I know that in appeaianco it is much liko coarsn I 001) to 1000 and 100 horsee are kept at work in the yards. Ittft let cs leave the iwiifti, swish of machinery, and direct oar attention to the natural boundary hrtween the two Canadas, Upper and Lower. Parkman's story of Adam Doultc haa madn the Long Sault (rapids) fatimua for all time. Juat opl-t.it. tb town of Ilawkvabury Ihe peaceful Ottawa falls into "Th Cellars," then riifthos out in f-iam-crosUxl ware*; and roaring, seething, and plunging down a bouldi>r Hlrewii alope of aeven miloa. Oft miHlly thn lng Sault ha* apaason- (er. Two week* ngo a sailing yacht be- .Mm., iiiunaiuttieahle and was itliandoiir.l at Ihe ln<ad of tho rapids. A 'am, luit wri-k, Movrral rafts of square timber wt-r.- piliitt-d down tint incline. The Ottawa is spumed, a ahr' distunre In-low thii ht-ad of the- Suull.liy lli.- (ireat Northern l.ri.lt- hii-h was Imilt la*t year. Thit structure i nvi-r half a mill- long and in one of the lines! in Ontaii". Aeroaa thu ri\er from Hawkenburj M tin- town of (Irenville, nnd nkirting Ihe Th Riordun Mill, nitimtfd here, U un. ing the lar>;st of |iulp milla, and whmi thr propotod plan nf pUcin^ lulditi.initl digesters haa lien curried out, it will In, Id iianwn with any. Perhaps if I wore to tell you uf tho ainnnni ,.f fuel us.-d yon might form onu- iib-a of the |K>wcr ntil- izd. f'uring thu day hours ahxiut seventy luadN f sawdust, each wcighim; with Ihe wagon nearly fivi- loin, are taken rrom thu llawkeshur> l.iMiJi.i i '... '* -, nvmill i.. In- Kim Irm rnl| Wuili. I>iinn(; the , hiium alao, the wiiKona tru < Ijr running, luit pr.ilmlily fewer londi are ii. As a mild i-stiMiati- l, -t us say In- t. >ua pi-r load an-l I 111 loads ,i day, v'lvinga total nf ;i:ll) t.ius every twenty- .Hir liimra. Hut that is m-t all. Two iiniiuinioaoowa bring sawdust from Calu- ii- t. Thi'ii, roo, IMJJI ,i u . |.,.,n:lit fi.jm the foreat for fuel and all (he refuse 'priK-Agnea lo tho furn-ki-i-s. Uusi.lcH this, f->r ayvfrul miles on that side U the .- CMIIS|. Aim gnide the canal is H mi.<t In-autiful rtrivo. Krom On-nvillu u> Carillion on tho <jul'iic sidu is aourio in tho form nf an old wide guav? railway -Mid to bo the mi I lif cunlinoiit. Tha mad is t'ii inch* wider than the standard The i-n.-ini-i uaed on this road .in- 1. 1. .n Hiirii-nt ly|>e uaing wiKKl for fuel. This ro.vl lias Hi-\i>rnl mviuos, the mm! pupiilnr l-t-in.,' " The u'r'. -nut an inl'ili Inn- P.t.iMy i|i aii-ither letter a denrripli-ni of the RMUnifacturu nf pulp m MO-II here uny mil In- uiimloresting hut enough for thin time. Sincerly Tours, K. I.. SINK Toothache cured In One Minute. N"i .inly to.ilharlie but any ni-rve |in isciiid instantly liy Pulaun s Ncrvilinr. ThoimandM tmtf icNfih.-d that itK |H.WIT- Till, peni'lr iiiin:, fiitiu HiilirluinK pi-.| t-r il mi liii-liit i nro (<-t n<-iirnl(,'i i. theinnati.s-n. loothai !n>. riampi, rolinshd all other iiains and acln- that btmel niaii- kin. I Tn worl.l ia i-haDenged lo njiisl Narviliun s s hoiishol.T lini nent Large botil* 2R cxntn. much coal la tuiin-d, tin fnur or live III.>IH|M .lining winch irtinill 11 n.. i riinnin,'. ll.yiirdiim Ilio HMHinilla fi- may not h ...... i ,,i j,|,. ... |i v , lu,n every l-lv,- |,.,i,,,, i'" 1 *"'""- '''I iluiini; . P(pirM you mil MM that il mint n. I,..- ih,. ,|,y K t ,,,,r,, ^,,w,liHt f,ir i. roally u , .,,,l,|. nation of f,, U r, oa.-h ,,, ,,. Ai nearly all y..ur ,,,!,.,., | uve vi.it.-d tha mills at C,,llii, <w ,,,,,i, , id, or iilnni (Ifor^ian Hay towns, JI weed not spi-ik of thn l.nn.l. ,-HITK i>nd HH ln-u ndl.im, Inth millg, 4 tfl. The following article Is taken from tin- Waiurh-! Chroiiiole Telegraph : "A Irikini: (-\mn,i!,. of ^ unkrc ii^enuity K.-v llryon II Si-imfer, a iniuistnr pruaoliing in -<ne of the lsr>iMt rhun-ln-s in iH K1Vl . M ltutl.ll,, ,iiy, tiays a hanni-. Mr. St/iunVr, |,y th * i - ' ' ..... lian, und wan ln.ni in W,!!!!,!! Township, within lifti-en inil> i.f Mtiitf.ii-d, almni thii'ty livti > . ;u ( ag.i. II ' Ml .|iinitly woll kit i wn u, (hi, -IL;|I|I -il ..... d. I;. .\|, StuulTt-riawlwt ii calli>il a gr. ||,. ' | ""l!l I ..-> H t ||||,.,| ; |, ul |,y | Jtt . . m.vi-1 w -> -.1 ki-uping hi. 11. 1 1, i,,. , ,|,.-r. Ilu linn cnnlM pnii'i-d with iiuinUirt, likt. oil a niilkiinn -, 11, k. I Mi- hendi ihiuto "" '" I ..... l'l- ni Ih,, district in whii-h this 'Inn Ii it Mituali-il. with ilm-i-liun-, |,,, w I,. u*. uto. The ticket hold, r |.r..-i,u ijm oanl ut th,, d.,. r ,.f Ido i-luirch at Sund-.v aervi<-ort Ther* i* a man with a ti -kt punch. He punches the ticket! once for every service. At tha end of tha year if the ticket holder haa forty punches in his ticket he U entitled to go on the pastor's annual excursion free. Rev. Mr. Stauffer was a reporter on the St. Louis Chronicle for years. Ha made a big success of it He was called the best railway reporter in the country. He became an alderman of Ihe city. Then he got what he desig- nates a call to preach the gospel. The Chronicle |>ople offered him a raise of $600 a year to stay but he couldn't. Ho went to Holland, N. V . There he made the divvkeepers and saloon men know he was around by the way he went for \ i.v in all its f .rnis. Ilia fame spread and he got a call to Ituffalo. Now he is said to bo in the boat paid pulpit in tho place. Ho has often been heard of. He is call- ed Buff-tin's Parkhurst. Mi affrnfttura U or. every tox nf tb* (nuii. Laxative Brc. n .ic*Qiiiniae Tablets tbe renwdy that rnrt- n cold tat our >ly Reasonable Qood^J At Bunt's Qrocsry (J This week- Potato Onions Dutch Set* Sugar Beet SEED GARDEN SEEDS BM NAS. ORANQB3 AND FUh lines and hooka are now in aeaaon get them here. Tee r*am this week. (Thursday and Saturday.) C A. BUN T h'LBSHERTON. Ulriabt's Old Stand. Second Rand Farm Implements on Imn] Namm snd Mamc-y HHITM H.voiid-haad liindorx, Imrse raken, (tt-i-d drill* and lullers for aalo at a l>irgaiu. lam alao a^tMit fur ^Mct'.-mi^ck, ('oultlianl and S,-olt, and l'o>-kilii.tt Cnii,|iiiciy nf Itrnntfo d ; liHiul sprayer nnd jxitato HiiidiT m-iwrr Mi-oti MIS Be l>i-ive links t-iwh I D. riadill, Ceylon. VW>SV;VJVkJ*^'^F**' > ^^^w*'^ --- -..--- M. Richardson & Co. Satisfaction Tlie latest development in Corset perfection most stylish appearancemost comfortable and healthful. Our Special-straight Front t'orst-t - si/i-s 1) to :M \\vll i.md strongly mam- prially Vitrenpthened in all \\i-ariii: parts litviutifully finished warranti-d to 75 cents. Straight Front Summer Corsets -?'** is to !'-">, strongly made with l>est quality mesh net. Special 5Oo. A Summer Corset For Twrenty-Fiv %^ Cts. Indies' Summer Corsets sizes 1ft to 2:1, nice- j ly made good fitters cool and coinfortaW* ' J for )n>t weather wear -; *?lie .. millinery Dept .* Sailor Hats at Twenty-Five Cents. We offer several dozen Ladies' Fancy Straw Sailrs quite new perfect goods correct shapes- white and colored ribbon bands -well fin- ished You i' CHoicc 25c New Shirt Waists from New Ready-to- Wear Skirts from pOc FURNISHINGS 8hirts--soft fronts new pat- t*-rna -fast rolon all ize BOc. Mfn' New Kt-ri-hi'l Tti-H nvw nhanea- ni-w i--il TK |iur> *ilk 25c. Men's Linen CoMara all si/-- all the new shapon 2 for 25e. Mi-n's Ci'ttnn HIWO- -clomi knit wrll Ht<a|N-d -.-. ->-l wi'.-iri r>. SincaKipr --V Men's Siniinu-r underwear all SIM* \vi-ll m:\iU- ct>ol and conifortaUc-- Tlie Suit 50c. ORDERED C l - OTHIN G We have a wide choice in dependable including the newest si-d nu-at popular weavcH and colorinns nr i;nn.Miti-i- fit, cut and workmanship to be first class-- and we can RIVP you inom-y <n every i-rder. Suits to order from $9.50 to $20.00 i We are Pushing Paint The painting season is at hand and we are ready to supply your needs with THE SHERWIN-WILLUMS PAINTS Let us figure on the paint for your house. S. W. P. will prove the best and most economical paint you can buy. Full color cards for the asking, SOLD BY- milk Pans Factory Cans Creamers Churns Strainer Pails Butter Bowls Butter Moulds Barb Wire Fence Wire Poultry Netting H. RICHARDSOI* & COMPANY . . . > . > * Vicinity Chips !' i ip.ir.'cristir.* of the Past U t'r.refiilly <'u!!rd fr N\ h < Mid Wt- lire l-d more tain ' rA.ili l>ir:i<.-d lime for sal.-. Itobart few*, ' ; waiitt-d, t" Jo general hounu woik. A; (!) t<. Mr-. W. A. Armiron. I. 'JU' h jk<! for horseman- 2u cents pr copy at th's oSoe. Fn-*'u liiu-; ',ys on rmr.J. J. H. Lhielii;tt's, Eu-j P. :i..inh.-r tli 1:1 vin-j pictures in the Moll.!.,, An interesting iti-in fr. 'in Cuv1"ii *as reo-in-d ti*> late > appear thin wwuk. J-|.rm^ pi.'s for .stlo. Ai.ply to J Amos (Joiio '-, \i>t '24, conci-ssion 7. Ono hayrake mud u:ie ladies Q lickstep bicycle, Kood as new, f,,r ml* chdhp. W. A. Armstrong. jfcll:r. I'riv.ite or company funds to loan at fn-iii 4J to 5 |er cert. Elpotiso In*. Ap:i!y (.. Quo. Rurl: rf .r.i. Sh-IVirr.f. Our t*-n tailors lime f r-.uud mi aumlg- guii.ii 11 ami ai : in-w running a uiawuoth o '!: *' in -nt in i! \ i ,-'y \ \cted by Mr. Tucker. The annual coMveiitinn nf the \V. M of thu Owen SoBUtl iliitrict in t iu Scnip Si. M -thiMlitt church O-n S.'UiidyaaVr Vl) A report will b fc'iven neit we-k. Tlie s-.-n.i-annu.il meeting of L. O. Ditn:t Lodge of Artrrarsia wll he held at the Indge room of L O I. N.I. n:t_> (known as JtfcKiV* lod.,'e) at 2 u'olock, p. in . ..ii tin- llth day of Jun.-, 1%1. Thou. n c. Wool wanted, riso butter and egg, highest mark*' pricu p.-ud in cash. F. U ICtMl Mr. D. tUvi' :i, atu.ieat oi KnoS oollege, a ci-lebiat H{ yoiini; foreign mi.i- y ai!vocu!e, will c .'."'.net * SW vice in the Prualiyturuui church on $ih liarh evening next at 7 o'clock p. m. Subject : Mission*. Mr. D.tviai. n will \m*k at. i'ncwville in the furetioon and Swiutou Park in the Public Notice. N <ice is hereby given that all bulls, pig, horsH and other |>ru!i!bited n:njaln ut large in the village of Kleidf r will be iiiimtj'liately placed iu p.nin.1 and owners aru hereby w inu"! t.i kc.ji such (inunali lit h . nu By ordrr of 1h Personals Mr. \V. Smith is spending a few week's with frk'uJs in Tlie Durham paper* are ru-in'mx content by the barrel the.e days. Even the proprietors of the two new*,. <|TI hare had th-Mr frieiidiihi.) cemented in these Utter daya. May it pr-ire a suhst mtial wort of sticker. Asaeasor Thomas Oilniy of Euphrs,sia was in t iwn on Suturd.-iy conferring with ArttMiimia's aa*jor on tliw niattt-r ..f i Vi.ilizmg asBpusment on union school Hv.-ti.in Arteiuvsia and Euphrania. A puMic tnuftiiiK wan held in the to.n iiall Tuesday evening to make arninyf- meiit.s for cel<-l>rtin:< l>-iiiiiiii<ui Day. c iiiniitti'tM WITO in. I ihi' celeb:. -it ion ill U- puslu-d to its uti.v Eddi-- Fisher, aged 15, of Ku^niia. lot* Ih i-iid of ill first tw. lin.'i-r.-i of Iiis h.ind in t'ie hoop clipp.-r ;il the voiiivr mill ou Moirl.iy in inii^. Tlie laU was brought to Dr. l'rler,wli i dresa- ed the On Saturday evening live Floaherton boys h-id arousing meeting and organized a junior fo--t ball team. The following officers were elected : I'apt. P. Ri-l ! auiv Chas, Sullivan, tec. II. D.l'edlar. The clul) it to l>e kn-iwn as the "12 K \ -n^es." Clubs wishini; a ifuino please correspond. The team will play its 6rt gmue Kith Miiikdile a week from KirJay, Ki-v. S. D. Oaudin and family will sail f i oin Owi-u Sound oa Sa'urd-iy ricx' in i"Uteto Wiuniptx .ml N.-lcoii H..US.', when- 'hi-ir minion lies. They wi 1 ! at- tend the Manitoba conference at U'MIT, peg in June and will arrivo .it N,l.-,.n Huuto about July 1U Tho trip fi-.'in \Viinii|>eg north u one of eitrwic lianl- ship ami eataiU a trip of 400 mile* by boat acroM Lake Winnipeg o Nor:i.v H..IISI-, and 300 miles by cauo down tlio Ni-U n and up the Burntwool rivi-r t.. N - M House. The whole iri]i .>f 7<)tt will occupy about fifteen days. The Cox Br-'. innTiii^ picture and r.i|.ti.-pli,..R. cin|>any ill give an ex- li-Lr H;II in tile (.LTD ha'l. Flewherton, i-n ^l nd.iy evening noil, Juno 3i-d under undi-r theauspioea of the Kpwoith League. The iinivmx picture f iho queen s I'm. .-ml priict-siii-n is siid to l<e alone worth the pi K-I- of J:nissioii and tho I'.ihiliitiou aa a whole is spoken very highly of wherever shown The Meafm-J Mirr-.r says : "The i-n?uitainmnt gicn by OoX liroa. in tlu ti-wn In!! on Friday ni.'ht, uihler ihe uspice of the Knox church La-lio Aid, :wigrea aweovea. nut's King at H pu-in HIM. A 1 in^thy progmm of life iit.iti.in picturoH, whii-h thrillo-l and ile- li^hti-d the audience, wi ^ivon. Tim. u the s -c-'iid tiniw- ihi-y h-ive shown h. si.ie of i.\ week M.I.NTRAL, Dec., lt>m) To the pulilio : Your druggist ia here- by Hiithon/.t-d to refund iho purcbaoo pii.-v ini a twi-iitjr-hvo or lifty cunt N-tfle uf Ciroune's Warranted Sjrup jf Tar, if it f.iiN to euro your cough or cold. (Signed) The Lester H. Qrocuc C->. Ni-s Clara Spttncu returneil from To- ront< !a,t week. Mr. J. D. Cl.uk. secretary to the HOD. Mr. Mills, called on relations here on Tuefl.iv, returning to Ottawa the same e'. ,.niii_.. Mr. Clark w ill 'accompany Mr. Afills to Kn^'nud. sailing next week. M '! '. >fr-< R. N Henderson return eci fr.ni Tor-drto on TuraJay, where the Utter has been undergoing hospital treat inent. Mr. Johu Siuith of Caledon was the |Wt of frieud* in ton lost week. Mr. Ail.uu Christie of Uwen Sound s;ent -uin.-diys tho gueat of hia cuin Mr<. John Cliii Mr 1* II IMI.UI, who bax been seriously Jl for tha pt thr*o w^-eka, had so fcr re- c -.ivered Mt to walk down town oa Mun day. The Nor-hai.d Centre Grey Farmers' In- . iKe will h .Id a ui.niiin .ill excursion to Guulph on Monday, June 11. S*e aUenueiuent elsuwhere f.>r full partic- uUn. Crthbage, caulid i'er, t-unato and celery pltn's for sale at Btimhouw'ii Mrs. Jos. LuCiard. Toronto, spent a few days of the past week with friends here. Mr*. H. V. Caudiii and family l..-ft las' week t.. j.iin Mr. Gaudin, who in 1'icated at Niagara F.ilh S.iuth. Mr. Thou. Leitch, wh.> is visit. ng his Mr. Myrick, ;it Spiingford, is ufleri:ig fn.in a .stroke of panhsie, with sliglit signs of improvement. Mr. (.'lux. Muushaw returned home fi-mii (lie T i: ni. to KI netal hospii.il ,.: unlay apparently as Well as ever. He was accompanied b^ his M>U>I, Mum... fh.- ii-..-rt>iiiTi which Chacluy under wi-i.t -' I ' '> N-eii one of tho must il "p-rati.Mis ovc-r performed in tho hopit il and his entire recovery U a gttsit tril-ute to the skill of the phyaician in 'ti'ii'lnnce. I where they lited for eight years and then moved to Eugenia, where they have been 1 1 f. i r red residents since 1864. Mr. Slnan was the owner of a sah, (1o..r and lath factory, and in recant years added a saw- mill to the burtiiiuMti which is at present oprrtted by hi >on Wa.ker Three yeHra ago lant Man- 1 ! Mr. Sloan met with a severe accident iu his factory which was thought at tho time would result fatally, but he recovered to a certain extent, al- though he has been an invalid ever .i:ii.-c. This last winter grippe weakened an al- ready weak constitution and in Wi-iln.-. day morning of butt week the spirit left iu c'ay fur a higher flight. Deceased was f..r forty yean connected witli thu Meth- odist church, having acted as local preacher, clasi leader and an en'husiaa- tic worker in the Sabbat'i ich HI). The writer haa known Mr M .n for 3o yours and haa always heard his name UHrd as a synonym for liquor and integrity, f r many years he has held the post of tax collector for the toivimhip and hil last duties in this connection were perforuiiiti thin past soaaon. His famly coin>inted of wvun children five sons and two d;iugh- tera of wlimi, two suns and one daugh- ter aru living, and four are dead. Tho living children are William f K:mberley, Mia. H. Meldrum of Montana, and Walker, Eugenia. The funeral l<>k cawMry on 31*7 and a special memorial service will bo held in the Mcthodut church, Eu^enii, on Sunday evening next, when an ap proprtaie sermon will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. T. Win U/ Or V.V Markdale Planing Mill ust received tint ear i-f 250,000 feet pine lumber by boat an 1 a 11 in a po- sition to give uiy customer* uo.-d v-iluit. Pinu HtMiring an4 Hiding supplied at dm pricea. a%MM Suoring and billing alw on hand Screen do >r* on hand am made tu urlt-r. S.ish doors and mould IM- .>f all kimU alwarn in stock. C.-il and at-e ui- before purchasing. S. Hill proprietor. How to Cure a Corn. It ia une uf the eauietit tiling's in the world lo cure a corn. Du a>it imo acids or other caustic prt-parai ions md d- n't cut a hoK- in ynur lM>or. It is simply t. apply rutimm'sC.iin and \Vrt Ex'rnclot and in three ilnys the corn can bo remov- ed without pnin. SSure, safe. |uiinl, s. Take only Putnam'* Corn Kitru The Heavens Wept. Contrary to all pn-c.vl.-ut the 24:li .1 fir wiis on.- .if i|i-pres.ion )n - Htead of j..y It w:utl:.- lir>*t nn,:ivei-sary of the birtli of our lute he.lnve.1 .(.IIVM nfter Irr demise, and ;n Midi the elements con sjurr 1 to nuke it a day of mourning inth er than one of pleasure. IVrluipn this was toulM titling, but it proved a great lis,-i[i niitiiieiit lo many thousands of ;i'ii|lo through. tut the breadth of this doiiiinii.il wliodckired to III.IKJ il a d iv f recreation. Many siirroundin.; towns id go -10 to Ur>;n e\primc in otder i ugly celebrate the day an. I all are up agiut a lie ivy limincial definit. Among theao porhips Markdale came out better than the iH.ntt. Although the town had ti-nd ii.t > licavy financial obligations, a d 1.1 ma put ou iu Marsh's ha'l iu the L-\eni:ig proved a renuik*ble unanciul success ai:d thus very much relieved tho corainittee. We un IrrsMti.l tho receip's of this entijrt liiiin -lit i n.iu^i led to alxmt $125. \u Kleohfrt.'ii t'i citixuns put in the day <pjiotly al ilieir ova hmn >s, with 11 of tw i nr thrvo cnthusiailic disripleii of Isaac Wslt^.n, who braved the elu-uentii with their Hs 1 !^', tho tisli bit well. Tliny cer:,iin!y t.Mn >! all tho tin!) thoy caught la it ruined un- oeaaingly all day from '.i a. m. tu U p. m. The I ate Jacob Sloan The lat-< -I i 1: M mn. wh <lth we announced last week, was born in New Y.-rk stnte 74 yearn ago, and re- I ui"\.-<l when (i young in. in to Cornwall ' Out. In 1H47 he married a Mis-s Mar- garet Heath t-f Ycrk township, who sur. vives him In ISM Mr. and Mr*. Slmn ' cam to Arternosia township and tok up ! their roaldence OB lo f 37 on the J"th COD North and Centre Grey Farnwrs'Instiute Will run a cheap excursion from th" following Ma'i.'iis to the nodcl Karm, Onlph. vlaC. P R TfKSDAY. JCNK llth, 1901. Kicurilon Trains will !oa a follow* : Fari for Chiid- Tlmoof Owon Souuil i:,K-k<- i - . -11:1 I. rllH.'-!Dtl.);- Mii.i. l.tln KlwrtiSl ItMl Dun.Ulk A lull! 1 no Ljy i , 149 I. Ml - . I SH-. 8Uv. 80o. 7V. TOO. ArrivlLg at Unu'|>!i l> -it Nooo. TheKxcun-i.niTriuii rt)tiiniii:ii will l.-avo (Uii'ljili at T. |-. iu. Tlckrta good tu return on Any train next dayi Anan, >> hfli inn.! , . iu of Bsourvluulala At M.nlt 1 Kar-n. Come and m-<- t'u- Model F;irm ind the bovit'ful scenery of the L'rodit Ja* --in in v K. I. J I. Urakarn. SocC. Croy F I. W J. *anJ. r. I 1 .. . > K. I. Juhn B,ilnJ i > r. i. FOR Service. Thorough brad B.rluUr Boar tor aervice oil lot S, eon. 4. fopr*). Akk for |'eh(,Tuo. t i V M -- I $. TON. l-i. jp. Maxwell. May . 01 1 > r. Court of Revision. Township uf \rifintt, s\ i-n Ttio II ..vu-ihi|i ( Artplnt ^i -".I .\sh.-ii-*iin-iit i ! l>o Ii I J , .,')li 8alunl- l'i I All |>. i .. tllMI 1'ate.l thia Wth dayjoj May, 1901. ' TV.J.HK1 1 \>n i c'ourt of I Or (.V * * vfc * * * 01 * * * * * * u. \t, U; . 3> Sbeppard May flonth Activity At T. J. Sheppard's store, Flesherton and Eugenia every <lay ;uM.s to the readiness for Spring ami Summer Imsim's.-, ami the enthusiasm of new ^nnils. At every point of comparison this husin* 1 i- Bigger and better tksW at WM ami mir attitude tu- wan Is tin- iii-w May month of 19<)1 is that uf i-on- stant improvement. E\ery depjirtm- nt has u hearty welcome for all comers ami prices -u-h .t- \\c a.sk won't be apt to frighten you away. This beautiful May month will he -devoted to special departments, suggesting many things that you will want to purch |onth |lLLINERf Every store gets something new and >mni- things ire really stylish but there's i\>i\ pMssilili.- dif- ference in the raiiL.'' 1 nt novelties that find favor here. ,, .... r.very rrtinvr mnoinn come and enjoy tho ma griff display in our millinery department. n ' nv everv 01K ' f< n V PI inn^ on a '"'" ^"'"'^outfitan^ naturally enough - look ti. this store to L. r '-t iL At no merit tin "' Il;ivt ' we been sn wel1 pn'jir.-d i" s;iti>ty your drinand< Mm > Suits ran-e from *4.0O to ij<!()0. \V..nd.-rfuI >.-leL-ti..n in boy-; and youths' suits from $1.50 up to.T<).:>0. Were we so im'lin.'d \\< mi-hf write columns about our clothing and our unifornly low |)ricf>. bur \\<> jin-frr to have you com.' and make investigation foryourseH; M n < stiff and soft felt haU, b races, coiUrs, ties, socks, will bo found in Uiis dcpurtmeut. We are makmg a special ruu m uilor- ma It 1 suits just now aud oar stock ia eLotce. I Meu'u, women's, boyt'. girls aud cliildreu s <iLoc8 AND SHOES J ni great variety. Our sboc department is complete Carpets, curtains, oil cloths, linoleams, Cliiaa tiattiiigs ie., are very useful tlnugs just now. Don't fail to see our stock before buying. We hav sooie special suiting iu our dress goods department which we are selling at a big bargain. GROCERIES -- Our grocer v department is full of oh<.ice fiesh groceries and our prices tu ; lowus:. and PLES] IKK'TON On Jfand K.-r Mwsry H.-trri-i, N-,x,,n. K| t .,ir v and Wilkinaon'farwiinpl ,,, lr v an.l V, ni .,, , Il1h( , :l ', ; ,, t.'.Mini f..r the auuif. W SMMU/aotttrg \\ 'a K . im : ' " M-.rs,..l,.H..iii S pr mi-;. 1 ft-.-r. I ; .,,, , [,.,,, IS 0&aCbXKCK8XN5<O<e5000<S5l 59 KUK ** First Class Buggies IMrasuiv an.l arm UtaggOHS : Spriiii: t..nth ud Iron BatTHM : Klfiiry. Dirk. M,-(u']|. ;IIH i DyiiH-ni. Butterfiekl ('oinjwnv PlOWS an.l -ill kinds ..r shares \'<> Spramotors, of Brass ^\ and other kinds of make ; tEftMII $ei "is Porse Shoeing. ^ and Crimming < 'am'.i-f-; and all kiml> *-^^> .AAA^IAI^IAA / : and wire tor .fences ; <)<> T( > . HEARD, fe^a?-D;^p^^^ ^^^^^^ J ^i\s^^.v^(w Muniripality oi OKpro. M tnli-lvliv yivxn Iliat 111,- Hrt -it'llix f'l i'M : ' 'it- 'MII. MI, All ; . Hav, Juin VM. TH08. SCOTT, I. lork. blacksmith Shop to Rent o r Sll V.-r v,i!o .-r n-M, in Fk-i.hort.in. \,i i-lu-rtp mid M saaj i,-i in. i, . l.lticksontli N|IO|> i h WHM! sli.ip and finiahing room a'l loh.'.l, in \i-r> i.--ii!rr ;in 1 iii.-un t,Uf(i liess p;irt of village : .'ilsn j>,.,.d coinfnrt iiblu and wi-11 tiuinbud dwcliiiiu \ to K. J sl'lH Estate Agent Convoy.ineer and autt i.-n oer, Flmhartun Zan you spare H few months 1 Ins \\itili-i Ml whii'll ti iin;.i,,v.- >--nr olii'Hli i, Thus- f,- in irin sp, i, |. t th - 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE OWEN SOUND ONT. Would <-ll.-i'.l.- you t,. d.. l.u-.r, wtiafsctory niauner. The kn - you would K*m <-fa.it PS. cl:,-.)!!,^ sn kindn ,.f i-oiii'm-u-i.il |n|,,-i M i . j v r- lui a, -WVM- you hundreds ,.f ,1,, fu'iir,-. Wright rurcatelngu*), which cua- t^iiiM full itif,iiiiiatio:i. t,, C. A. Ften-'ng. Prituipai'' (HVKN sin M>. ovp. WjiUr tumi hoRiuauo Jail ','. TRAT; r-'Aans cis OervmoMT* 4o. 0." . - *- ic flmricam A lliui ':? U*tk r.iv.1

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